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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1919)
THE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. TO KFV WELL A Tea.onful of PERUNA Three Times a Day Has Never "Rften Down Sick Since Taking PERUNA Read this ltter from Mr. Robt. Minnlck, Grate Range, Montana. "In 1900 I was out In Kansas annlnir a tbreablnir rnclnr and the. threshlntr crow had to nleeD int nf Hnnr. flna nf ihA nraitf Wonaht a Peruna Almanac to the engine one day and I won reeling very 111 from aleeplus out. I decided to tve I'cninn n (rial and sent for a bottle of Po runa and a box of Peruna Tab lets, which straightened me out in a hurry. "I have never been dorrn Ich Ince thnt time. I do not take any other medlctnea oxcept Pe runa. I always keep It on hand. If I get my feet wot, get a cold. ieei enmy, or a uttis Dad, I nl- n vruyo tnko Peruna. People should I not watt until tney are down sick and then take ft. but should keep it on hand like I do and when they feel bad, tlicy should use It." Recommended for Catarrhal Inflammation of every description. 1 BEST BUYERS5ELLERS cattix! l hogshshecp STOCKYARDS! nation K. Onlarnnn, l'atent Lawyer, Washington, I). O. AdTlpn and bonk f rnM. lutes reasonable. IIlEbot references, llcatsorrlcca. Not for Man's Wear, A new sweater, we see by the fashion page, Is of pale pink silk, knitted In lllet design, with tlowers, and lined with nmuve chiffon ; 1ml we can hardly linage a man wear ing one home from a HsIiIiib Jaunt with a week's growth of whiskers on his face. Grand Rapids Tress. A Lady of Distinction. In recognized by the delicate fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses. A hnth with Cntlcnrn Sonp and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Talcum Powder usually means a clear, wcet, healthy skin. Adv. I A married man says the easiest way to maiiHge a wife Is to let her have her own way. Every department of housekeeping needs Red Cross Ball Blue. Equally t6od for kitchen towels, table linen, sheets and pillowcases, etc. If a man Is your friend he doesn't have to tell you so. IF THIN AND NERVOUS, TRY PHOSPHATE Nothing Like Plain Ultro-rhoapliate I'ut on Firm, Healthy I"Ieh and to Inrrrune HtrciiKtb, Vigor and Ne I'orce. U When one stops to consider the host ot thin people who are searching continually for some method by which they may In crease their flesh to normal proportions by the filling out of ugly hollows, the rounding nff of protruding angles with the attend ant bloom of hi'alth and attractiveness, It Is no wonder that many and varied sug gestions along this line appear from time to time In public print. While excessive thinness might be at tributed to various and subtle causes In different Individuals It Is a well-known fact that the lack of sufficient phosphorous In the human system la very largely respon sible for this condition. Experiments on humans and animals by many scientists have demonstrated beyond question of doubt that a body deficient In phosphorous becomes nervous, sickly and thin A noted author and professor In his book, "Chem istry and Food Nutrition," published In 1918, ays: " that the amount of phos phorous required for the. normal nutrition ot man Is seriously underestimated In many of our standard text books," It seems to be well established that this deficiency In phosphorous may now be met by the use of an organic phosphate known throughout English speaking countries as Illtro-I'hosphate. Through the assimilation of this phosphate by the nerve tissue Urn phosphoric content when absorbed In tin amount normally required by nature soon produces a welcome change In our body and mind. Nerve tension disappears, vigor and strength replace weakness and lack of ener gy, and the whole body soon lones Its ugly hollows and abrupt angles, iecomlng envel oped In a glow of perfect health and beauty and the will and strength to be up and doing. CAUTION: While Dltro-Phosphate Is un surpassed for the relief of nervousness, gen eral debility, etc., those taking It who do not desire to put on flnsh should use extra rare In avoiding fat -produplng foods A Woman's Place. Discussing the mooted question "woman'' place Is In the home." Rep resentative Foster of Ohio said on the floor of the house the other day : "Out In my country a fellow's wife was taken to a hospital for the insane and her husunnd called to discuss her case with a physician. 'I can't for tlio life of me undestand what made that woman crazy, the husband said ; 'she hasn't been out of her own kitchen In seven years.' " His Views. "What Is this domestic science, any how?" "A college course In housework thnt's all." Rests, Relrcsbes, Siotbei , 'UJwlm Deals Keep your Eye Strong and lleaitnyMl they 1 ire, bmart, Itch, or lUUR C.IL Inflamed or Granulated. Use Murine of tea. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Mark! EjcR6Jy Cny,CfcIci,U.S.iL OMAHA 61 S m THE KITCHEN CABINET Each day In a fresh beginning Wise Ik he who ttviccs today and lives It nnd tomorrow when It comes but not before It cornea, The past Is of value only by way "f the lessons It has brought us. FOOD FOR THE SICK. A tempting tray with a change- of hlna using the prettiest In the bouse will interest the patient, and he will know ami ap- predate that the prepar ation of his food and tray Is a pleasure, In the measure In which it Is demonstrated. When no invalid tray Is provided use a large tray and sup port It over the patient's lap with books on each side. This will take away the weight and dread of spilling food. Oruels are such Important foods for the HI that It Is fitting that thought should be put upon their prep aration. For n liquid diet all cereals are prepared la the same way, using two to three tablespoonfuls to u quart of water. Cook for several hours In n double boiler and strain before serv ing. A thick cereal Is cooked as for breakfast food, but cooked a long time Chicken Broth, A good broth may be prepnred from the neck, wing tips nnd feet of a chicken. Scald the feet, removing the skin and nails. Cover with cold water adding celery and let It simmer gently for two hours. Sen sou and strain. Mnitnri Offttti iihn nnnnrl nf ' the neck of mutton In small pieces. Cover with cold water and simmer gently for severnl hours. Season and strain through a cheesecloth. Add a tablespoonful of boiled rice or barley at serving time. This adds to tho nourishment. All fat should bo re moved before serving. Chill, then re heat after taking off the fat. Creamed Sweetbreads. Sonk a pair of sweetbreads in cold water an hour, changing the water several times. Simmer In hot water until tender. Add salt and a few celery leaves for flavor. When done dip In cold water and separate into small pieces, remov ing the membrane. Save the broth In whlcl they were cooked as It makes delicate soup, adding a little milk and seasoning. Put the sweetbreads Into a cream sauce and servo on toast or in ramekins. Lemon Jelly. Soak a tablespoonful of gelatin in three tnhlespoonfuls of cold water; add three-fourths of a cupful of boiling water and four ta blespoonfuls of lemon Juice nnd five tablespoonfuls of sugnr. Stir until dis solved. I'our Into a wet mold and put on Ice to harden. This makes two servings. Plain Sponge Cake. Bent two eggs, separating whites -and yolks; add one half cupful of sugar, and n Ilavorlug of lemon Juice nnd rind to the beaten yolks; then add the whites and fold In one-half cupful of Hour. Bake In a moderate oven until the cake shrinks from the pan. A sunny, bright, and buoyant, chronically buoyant disposition Is one of the most desirable nnd en vlablo qualities of character that anyone, man, woman or child, can possess. SERVING THE SUMMER MEAL. In the homes where It is necessary to use economy (nnd that means 80 to 00 per cent of our people) the using of left overs wisely nnd accept ably Is usually a dally problem. Becauso the male m e m b o r s of the family shy at anything reheated, made over or hashed, the problem be comes one which takes finesse on the part of the menu plnnner. The prep aration of n leftover Into an appetiz ing dish takes vastly more thought than the ordinary one, which Is often the reason why such dishes are not acceptable; they ure prepared with too little thought. The reason so many men balk at salads Is because they are used as the clearing house for leftovers. There Is something out of balance with a per son who hns not learned to enjoy crisp, vell-blended salads, or well-cooked and seasoned vegetables, but no one can be hlnmed for refusing unattriK" live food. In meeting people and making friends we try to be as agreeable as It Is possible to be. Why not ufte the same method in combining foods, by putting a little originality Into the seasonings, and mnke a new dish wel come? We have favorite foods as we have favorite friends, yet It Is not possible nor wise for us to nlways he served with the foods we like best or asso ciate with people always agreeable. Daintiness should be the keynote In the serving of the summer meal, as at tractive dishes sharpen the appetite. By following the advice of Horace Fletcher and chawing the food ihree times as long as usual, the appetito Is satisfied with a smaller amount of food and the body hns less waste to throw off, thus saving wear on tho human machinery. "Eat less, work more, worry less, walk more." Is a good motto for the whole year as well a for hot weather. i HHafataHK VE salad, a sandwich, a cooling drlnl with a dish of fruit and a simple cak will make a noon meal sulllclentty sat Isfylng during the hot weather. Suet a meal may be varied with a change or dessert and different kinds of sal ads and sandwich fillings, so that then will be no monotony. Milk and eggs custards and frozen dishes are most satisfactory at this time. Heart dishes of meats with heavy dessert? are best left entirely alone If one would be well. If l could write as I can cook. How Joyfully you'd rend my book. I'd pepper faults and snlt down facts. Pick and preserve Important acta; I'd roast tho critics to a turn (So nothtiu; but their ears would burn); I'd have free verso and Timings true Served up In one Krand Irish atew. You'd lmvo your 1111 of solid moat. And tlnlsh off with aoinutlilnK SWPHt, I repeat If I could write ns I con cook How Joyfully j""'d rend my book. Uy Iris. EMERGENCY DISHES. One of the earmarks of a good housekeeper Is to bo ready for any occnslon. if her emergency shelf Is a comer grocery, even a car full of friends arriving within nn hour of meal time will not disturb her seren ity. The hostess who urges her guests to remain to a meal which she Is wildly planning In tho buck of her head, will lack the ring of true sincerity, no matter how carefully worded. With a well-stocked emergency shelf which is constantly replenished, If she lives In the country or too far from a grocery store an Impromptu guest will bring no panic, but on the con trary will be welcomed and enjoyed. The list of stnples to he kept for such occasions will vary with tho taste of the householder. There are somo things which are necessities, such ns crackers, cheese, pickles, olives, Jel lies and preserves. With canned fruit which is found In every well-regulnted home, desserts nnd salads of various kinds may be quickly prepared. A few frills like a bos of marshmallows, a bottle , (small one) of marlschlno cherries iind coconut will dress up an otlrcrwlse plain dish. If the woman who lives In the coun try would serve her friends with the farm food eggs, butter, cream, chirk en, vegetables and berries, and not try to prepare something fancy, both she and her guests would he far happier. Crisp, fresh vegetables with cream or butter are a treat to tho city dweller. An omelet Is a most satisfying dish to serve In a hurry, ft may have a variety of fillings or sauces, making It a main dish or a dessert. The wisest and most Interesting man talk llttlo, think much, com plain never, but travel on. How far hnvn you come today, brother? HOT WEATHER MENUS. The appetite Hags during the lint weather, making it necessary to give attention to foods that are cooling as well ns nourishing. This Is a good time to cut down meats, serving an o in e let or mi qu ottos with n L'ood simci' A small amount of meat may be used In preparing the croquettes or they may lie made entirely of vegetables. Cold fruit soups, fruit salads and fruit cocktails are especially satisfy fylng on a hot day. Iced drinks of various kinds are always welcome. For a luncheon or supper, sandwiches with any desired filling, sliced cold roast beef, olives and radishes or small onions well chilled, a dlsli of Ice cream or a sherbet and a cake will nmko a satisfying meal for anyone. Vegetnblo soup, crackers, omelet creamed pota toes with peas, tomato salad, spongo cake with a custard and a small cup of coffee Is a good menu for dinner. Rhubarb Pudding. Spread bread with butter and cover with a layer nf cut rhubarb; sprinkle with sugar and repeat until there Is enough fur each to he served. Add a little water and bake until the rhubarb Is well cooked. Cherries or other acid fruit may he used In place of the rhubarb. Sponge cake with sweet berries may he treat ed In the same way, making a most wholesome dessert that you need not fear to give to tb children. Rich desserts and sauces, fnt and highly seasoned meats, should be left out of the menus during hot weather. A supper dish that Is iconoinleal and wholesome can be prepared from a cupful of cooked rice with ihree or four eggs. Put the rice with a llttlo milk Into a wiucepnn. ndd the eggs, stirring them into the mixture. Cook slowly, add a hit of butter, suit and pepper and Horve hot In place of scram bled eggs. This will save three or four eggs, which, without tho rice, would be needed to make the dish "go round" in a family of five. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezono costs only a few cents. With your Oncers I Xou can lift off iny hard com, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle of "Frezone" costs little at any druc store; apply a few drops upon tho corn or callus. In stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus richt off, root nnd nil, without on bit of pain or soreness. Truly I No hum bug! Hopes for a Change. Tho weary and pallid little man entered tho drug store. "Do you keep 'Rlxlo's Reviver'?" ho asked. "Yes," said the druggist. "Qlmmo nix bottles for my wlfol" "Tried all other remedies without success, eh?" said the druggist, con versationally. "No; sho ain't ill ut all. But I turn In the advertisement where a woman wrote, after taking six bottles, 'I am a different woman !' " Most of us uover miss the target when we begin throwing bouquets ut ourselves. A lot of people get to like each other hecnuse they hnvo the sumo bad habits. IffiiB IH ' ? no eerTecenco aad rich creamy foam; Hi JEw ym(H combining perfect briiliiacy with rare keeping quili- KiV C k1""' a m0' cxce"en' taite BD( tr0D" ffilin AMERICA'S HEALTH AND FOOD DRINK I ,. ffiffi'M jf IBS B i proven a benediction aliieto budding youth aad gM WkmlmMJSWEWmi jflj declining aire a revelation to every critical lade. flj I -il-J'iajl-i-r"mJ Si To thouiandi oi familie it hi become a houtthold iH) iMiIhiISII- oeceuI7' BSCJb55?3l8MQI Order from your deattr, at &ratrlf. drug jHj Imt tort$, fountains, rtitmuranU, tie., or from I RICHARDSON 1 DRUG CO. HI Distributors - Omaha, Neb. 9 "Y"OU know how much toasting im proves bread. Makes it taste good. Of course more flavor. Same with tobacco especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself a pack age of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great ! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette. O fi Guaranteed by Paradoxical. "I'm afraid young Dlbbu Is a bad egg." "Yes, and Iio'h a fresh one, too." San Francisco Chronicle. Foregone Conclusion. "A cat show la always a success." "Naturally; a cat show ought to come up to the scratch." Don't Poison Baby. FORTY YEARS AGO almost ovory mother thought her child must hav PAREGORIC- or Inudnnum to tuako It sloep. Thoso drugs will produce Bleep, and a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce- tho SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many oro tho children who havo boon killed or whoso health has boon ruinod for life by paregoric, lauda num and raorphino, oaoh of whioh Is a narootio produot of opium. Druggist aro prohibited from soiling either of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelllug thorn " poison." Tho definition of "narcotio" is : "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poison ous doses produces stupor, ooma, convulsions and death." Tho taste and smoll of modiolnes containing opium nro disguised, and sold undor tho namos of " Drops," "Cordials," " Soothing Syrups,'' oto. You should not pormit any modicino to bo given to your children without you or your physician know oi wnns it is composed, uaoiuiua CONTAIN NARCOTICS, If it bears tho oi unas, u, uiotcnor. Genuine Castorla always bears the signature Do not wait to on what will lum pen ; take hold of things nnd make them happen. Staying power Is commendable In every calling except calling. Car toons Magazine. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY BRINGSoSURE RELIEF Tor 200 years COLD MEDATj Haar lem Oil has enabled suffering human ity to withstand attacks of kidney, liver, bladder and stomach troubles and nil diseases connected with tho urinary orjrans, nud to build up and restoro to health oreans weakened by diBoasc. These most important orenns must bo watched, becauso they filter nnd purify tho blood: unless they do their work you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervous ness, despondenoy, backache, stomach trouble, pains in the loins and lower abdomen, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica nnd lumbago nil warn you of troublo wlt- your kidneys. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules aro tho remedy Arrange Enamel Cover. If you use an enamel cover for your tires, bo sure you put It on right sld up. Sometimes wo find ona put on up sldo down, which will cnuso It to hold tho rntu Instead of shedding It. It is nioro Important to bo going In tho right direction than to be going rapidly. uuiirt snui' slguaturo Brazilian Rice. Formerly ono of tho big Imports of Brazil was rice. Now she exports live times as much rice as sho ever Impor ted. Spinsters are not partial to ad-tea. you need. Take threo or four CTOry dayt Tho healing oil soaks into tho cells ana lining of the kidneys and drives out tho poisons. New Ufa and health will surely follow. When your normal vigor has been restored continue treatment for a while to keep yourself In condl tlon and prevent a return of tho dis ease. Don't wait until you are Incapnble o fighting. Start taking GOLD MBDAJj Haarlem Oil Capsules today. Your druggist will chcorfully refund your money If you aro not satisfied with results. But bo sure to get tho original imported GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. In three sizes, v Scaled packages. At all drug stores. Kodak FinisMng Expert work. Prompt return. Special mail order department. Wc pay return postage. Write for price list. Tho Robert Dempster Co., Box 1138, Omaha, Keb. Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies; En Cases and Chicken Coops KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1309 Jones St. 1901 E. 4th St OMAHA SIOUX CITY VAN ARNAM DRESS PLEATING St BUTTON CO. 412-17 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb, Arcordlan, knife, aide, Bpuco, box, sunburnt and combination ulent. Inn. hemstltchtna;, plcot edging, pluklnc,nichlnK,covcrlnK buttons, all styles and siics. Price List free. HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation ot merit,' Helpe to eradicate dandruff. For Reetorlni Color nd Bceut? toGray or Faded Hair. SOs. and (Loo at Dranrlita. COMH TO COI.OHADO AND I1UY A HUMS ON I.ONO TIME, KA8Y TKHMB. I I'HJH cunt. rnANic men, habwklL, colo. "a.