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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1919)
Vft. Ifrtfaroe. ' THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 15, 1919. 'V No. 62 "WHKAT AVERAGES ABOUT FIFTEEN BUSHELS l'EIl ACRE Cy Itussoll, who has been opcrntliiR his threshing outfit for tho past threo weeks and Is now working in tho Mlg ncll section, said yesterday afternoon that tho host yield so far was from a ten aero field near Blgnoll, this field averaging thltry-ono bushels to the ncro. "So far as I have worked with tho machine," said Mr. Russoll, "tho .average for tho territory covorcd will not exceed fifteen bushels, and tho wheat Is not only light in weight, gen orally speaking, but much of it Is Binutty. Tho straw in many flolds is very heavy, and had tho head filled and tho berry not havo shriveled tho yield iu many instances would havo reached forty bushols to tho aero." Tho yield of wheat pe'r aero in Lin coln county howover, seems to be a ittlo abovo tho stato average, which is placed at fourteen bushels. This stato yield means that in tho eastern part, whoro land has been selling for $175 to $225 per acre, tho crop is not ns good as in tho western part, whoro good land averages In prlco just about half as much. In Keith, Douol and Choycnno coun ties, and especially around Big Springs and Chappoll, tho wheat yield is said to bo around twonty-flvo bus hels to tho aero. They look well nnd they wenr well and only cost $1.75 per pair nt Tho Stylo Shop. Iloslcry, nil colors. Owing to a delayed shipment of films tho Crystal thcatro is showing Dorothy Dalton in "Tho Lady of Red Butto" tonight instead of Nugett Nell as formerly advertised. This photo play, is a gripping story of tho west that was and will Interest you mlght- itly. With this will bo shown tho Sun shino comedy "Roaring Lions and Wedding Bolls." Harry W. Ekborg, of- Holdroge, was in town "yesterday looking after mat tors pertaining to tho estate of Nels Kronquest, of which ho is tho admin istrator. Tho estate" owns sections 3 and 4, town 11, range 30, and this land .will be offered for salo at tho court house in this city on September 22d at two o'clock in tho afternoon. AT THE SDN THEATRE. FRIDAY 'The Turin in the Road9 AND All Star Caste INCLUDING "Little Ben Alexander" ALSO Fatty Arbuckle Comedy. SATURDAY "Two Gun Betty" STARRING Bessie Barricale ALSO "Toto" Comedy, MATINEE AT 1:45 MONDAY "The Cambric Mask" WITH Alice Joyce AND Lightning Raider. A JJood Place For Crop Money Certificates of Deposit provide a safe, con venient and profitable place for the proceeds of crop and livestock sales. We issue them for any desired amount. They, are negotiable by endorsement, and can be cashed anywhere. Left with us for 12 months, or lODger, the money earns 4 per cent. The regularity with which farmers take out theso certificates is their best recommedation, Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. BOARD JLIY SECURE OTHER SITES FOR BUILDINGS Tho purchaso of a slto for a school building In tho southwest part of tho city by tho board of education last Monday ovcnlng, Is tho first of soveral purchases that will likely bo mado in tho near future. As tho board vlows tho matter, it is only a quostion of a few years until a building will bo needed In tho east end of tho First ward. In tho wostorn part of tho Fourth ward, and in tho oxtremo west part of tho Third ward. At tho pres ent tlmo thoro aro vacant blocks in all theso sections, nnd an entlro block Is essential for each of tho schools. If u purchaso of sites Is delayed it means that tho blocks most deslrablo and best located for school purposes will bo 1...I1J- tmnn Hint In rttvlni in lntrlf obtain them It will bo nccssary to imirnhnsft tho imnrovoments. which means a largely added cost. In there- foro looking Into tho future needs along tho educational building lino tho board' is acting wisely In the pro- nosal to nurchaso sites whllo they ore obtainable at a reasonable price. Veterans Pass Through i LrOOn 1X11111 Ul qjaiuuu vciin -"Vi I tnlnlnc mon of tho Second Division passed through yesterday afternoon I enrouto to Fort Russell for demob- lllzatlon.. Tho Second Division went ovorsoas in December, 1917, and par- ticlpated in all tho heavy fighting in which tho Amoricans wero engageu, and following tho armistice was part of tho army or occupation m uurmuuj. Tho men ran thcreforo bo called the veterans of tho war. They landed In Now York August aa. rnoso -wno " : Kill iuuii. iriiu n s AfrawfiV " "r . . Opaiw their Farm and Jtanch lept. on September 1st with nn exclusive munnpAr In flint ilpnnrtnipnt- Tif von wnnt to soli or nur n rnrm or rancn see us. n. & S. AGENCY, Rrodbcck Bids., North Plntto, Neb. 0. P. STOUT, Manager, J-nnu Dent, Cl-6 0; ; I ' ' Band Concert Program Tho program to bo given by the North Platto Municipal Band, Earl Stamp, director, Friday, August 15th, at 8 p m., in court houso park, is as follows: March Snow King Powell. Overture Lustspell Pelor-Bela. Serenade Badino Gabriel-1 t'arie. Song by Jas. Shaffer with the band accompanlent Kentucky Dteam- Henry. ' " ' ,. X. Modlcy Rcmlcks HitsSOA Lampo. Valse Lento Charmo d'Amour Kcu- dall. Up" Hirsch. March Funston's Fighting 20th - Wheeler. ::o:: Aniioiiiiccincnt. Miss Minnie Sleman Is now estab- Ulshpd at her new Ibcatlon at 312 east Dixui Bircm, vviui uu niuuuru uquin- ment for steam baths and massage. Treatments for rheumatism, neuritis, onw tor rnoumausni, neurius, severe colds ana general disabilities of tho body. G2-2 Strawberries Tho proper time for setting out strawberry plants. Choice - "Pro gressive Everbearing" plants for sale nt $1.00 per hundred. Phono 343 ::o:: A social dance will be hold at the K. C. hull this evening. On all tho little follows' rompers to fit from 1 to G year old boy or girl, 20 por cont discount, at Tho Leader Mer- cantllo Co.'s. Tho Nebraska crop report issued for tho week ending last Tuesday says: "Tho corn crop has been permanently damaged very generally in Webster anu Adams counties anu in tno coun- ties eastward south of tho Platte riv- er. 1110 oamago is greatest in wou- tsor, iNUCi.una, ximycr, riiiiuuio """ jouerson counties wuero tuo prosiJuui is for loss than half a crop." FORMER NORTH PLATTE 3IEN IN TROUBLE IN COLORADO Tho Denvor Post of a recent Issuo tolls a story in which two former North Platte mon figure In fraudulent transactions which resulted In their arrest. Tho two mon aro Soth Sher wood and "Rod" McNoll, nnd following an arraignment in court at Brighton, both woro committed to jail to await a preliminary hearing, but McNoll was released from custody on a ono thous and dollar bond. Tho story as told i by tho Post is that Sherwood, McNeil and throo others wore oporntlng to gether in selling stock in reputable manufacturing concerns at about twolvo times their market value. ' Interest in tho navy and to secure ro Shcrwood is charged with selling three! crults. All entertainment glvon by tho shares of stock In tho Baldwin Mfg. Co. band Is free. Mlfil-nponn 1?n n trr $1 ftflrt nnrl I when tho market vaiuo ot tno stocK is The sale waTmado ! but $75 Dor share. on the assurance that tho stock would , soon double In value. Part cash was paid In tho deal and notes taken for the deferred payments. Those notes woro taken to a bank to bo discounted IU 11 Lftllll uu uiawuu.uu and It was then that tho transactions wero looked Into and tho flvo men ar- rested In the case of Sherwood, how- uvt'ii illn uu tuuu uu uuutiiiuviuii acainst liim. Tho Post describes Sherwood as a man of Ony-five witn tho air of a banker, ::o: WINTER'S COAL SAVE IT s,art lll0 fu,Hl j0 my n today by stlviI)(jr 5 on that new II. & S. Add! jj0t providing you buy before n.11 . ,, tlilH evening. TIK H & s AGENCY. . Rrodbcck Building. Will Enforco Rules . .n-ll JMsewnerc vjmoi oi i-ouuu mramu- uiouniisn, "i-- ..w 1 er nubllshcs a notice to unvcrs 01 j . ! 1 tA aumouuB uuu ' ors of bicycles, and the chief inB . us that the rules as pumisncu win uo i sincuy umuiu . , , to who tho personage is who violates, them. Practically every, driver or an fiuto win aumit inai no una ut n- lined himself to the rules anu regu a- ons as puuiin, uuu i uiu - stances uiu uniws no uv... u . inaa timi u la ronllv a wonder that wo liaye not lm(1 many serious accidents. The enforcement of tho rules laid u0vn is certain to mean the arrest of violators for wo have become so accustomed to driving our cars at such a Bpecd and In such a manner that we are llablo to forget tho ln Rtructlons of Chief Mecomber, and when wo do wo can expect to bo haul- ed up before Judge Mlltonbergor Tn ereUinc a halt on tho manner in vriHoii v.-n hnvn been driving cars and rldlntr motorcycles and ulcycies tno mnvor nnd his chief are performing n irood act. and for one wo trust that tho rules will be rigidly enforced, oven limn eh The Tribune man, In an nn- forgetful moment, may prove n viola tor and bo arrested. ::o:: a n nt now fall stvlo suits and coat8 arrivlng every, day at The Lead- TviprrRiitlle Co .Store. Thurston Woodhurst returned Knnrnnv whoro ho had J 1 ".'uV. ' si,npwnnH. uuu" ,ini""fa " ; . , You enn match any color shoes with hosiery nt The Stylo Shop. Mrs. H. N. Getty and children left Wednesday for Denvor, whore they will spent several weeks visiting with friends. FaU stylo dresses are coming In by every express at Tho Leader Morcan tllo Co.'s Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Small and chll dron of Omaha, are tho guests Mrs. Small's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor VonGootz Mrs. Frank Hoy and daughter, of Garfield, wero in town Wednesday en- route homo from a visit with friends hn Twin Falls, Idaho, fnii mnrinis nf trimllnttn trlcotlno georgettes, satin and serge dregges nro now belng shown at BLOCK'S Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vernon, of Jules bung,"woro visitors In town yesterday. They left North Platto ten years ago, hnd havo since been living on a farm near Julesburg. Tho most wonderful waists mado In America to sell at $1.50, $2 and $2.50 to fit women in sizes 3G to 4G now on salo by Tho Loader Mercantile Co. NEB Our First Bi Re-unio VICTORYASfATE FAIR lU3Wy 5U VETERANS LINCOLN NEBRASKA August 31 to Sept. s UNQUESTIONABLY BIGGEST ATO BEST FAIR EVER ATTEMPTED LIVE STOCK SHOW OF BCeP AND OXlRY CATTLE" COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL D1PLAVJ OI AGRICULTURE POULTRY 6HOWAPPLE SHOW. MANtlCACTURtRS' EXHIBIT MACHINERY' TRACTORS SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL, DISPLAYS 'NC.UDINO BOYS' AND GIRIS OARDCN CANNING CLUBS V-. UCST AND CIBANL3I flTTRACTIONS i'JzSOOO PRODUCTION tn T'lRewOUKS OP BATTLE Of" OAINT MIMICL n THREE RING CIRCgs AUTO HAiRNKSS'AND RUNNING B RACES ri FAMILY OUTING RELAXATION DIVERSION IDEAS 3 A' AVAL RECRUITING RANI) SCHEDULED HERE AUGUST 2.". Tlu ft'rlbuno Is informed that the naval recruiting band of forty pieces is scheduled to nrrlvo in North Plntto on the morning of August 25th and Dpcnd tho day. Tho band Is spondtng this weok In Donvor and othor Colo rado points, and tho Denvor pnpors speak vory highly of It as a musical organization. A ball team is also car ried ami it Is probable that a game with a local team will be played whllo hero. Tho motion plcturos of llfo In tho navy aro also glvon. The object of tho trip of tho band is to awaken among young mon wn :o: : CAL AND PERSONAL Th n . t nirhers Co has 'j' fJJ " J'co 0ln 'b & l buiK J'?"?? llh., ,.V r'.i"..t"."ua Ul rtrt f .I.a ...... ,.. "v Sheriff Salisbury wont to Julosburg Inst night to sco If a couplo ot Moxlcana uuiw ;uuit tuuiu uu luuuiiiii'u uo uii'ou who held up tho lnmatos of tho Jap rooming houso last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Smith, who moved several months ago to tholr ranrh In Arthur county, expecting to mnko that thnlr futuro homo, havo re turned to town Neither of them on- joy0(l tll0 BOHtudo of ranch llfo. Tho Catholic and Presbyterian ball teams of tho church league played a soven liming game last evening with a flvo to flvo scoro. A late start was made and tho game was called on ac , count of darkness. COU111 OI U.U IUIUSH. . .,,, r t "lie iiuuuiuu iniu luunLuu i'b- ntor cars In transit woro Iced in ono lumdre(J nnd fourtoen minutes at tho , ,.0a .nr.inV fm. noon. This comes closo to breaking , , the record Sb heavy has been tho icing buslnoss this year that tho supply of lco at tho company's houses may, provo insuf ficient to last through tho season. Al ready thlrty-flvo or forty cars of Ice have been shipped from other points, Tho young follow named Drow, who was arrested the eary part of tho week on the chnrgo oDsconity nau 111s hearing in tho county court yesterday and was fined $50 and costs. Tho father of tho young man liquidated" tho amount and took him back to Grand Island. , Houso aprons, bungalow style, in good Quality percales, cut good and full? op sale at' 95c and" $1.19 by The Leader Mcrcantno co. The program of last ovenlng's Chau- tnunua consisted of a musical prelude by tho JJoy Scout SIngors and Playors, and a lecture delivered by Dr. Lin coln Wirt on Palestine and Turkey, where during tho war ho was sta tioned ns a captain of an American Red Cross relief expedition. By lllustra ted camera slides and moving plcturo film ho described tho terrlblo condi tion of those countries caused by the uprising of tho Turks against the Christians and Armenians and showed and related how tho $30,000,000 raised for ,the Armenian relief fund in this country had been oxponded to allovlato tho sufferings of thoso persecuted peo ple. T. S. BLANKENBURG, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Office with B. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. 1 Reynolds Terrace. Phono Black 1105. IF YOU WANT, REAL DRUG SERVICE, COME TO FRATER. HE DELIVERS THE GOODS AND DOSEN'T ROB YOU. Corner Front and Dewey. Phone 221. 9 CT,?WW'? Of World Wah i ill WrtrZMTSr I I II ATTENTION Auto Driers, Rlcyclo nnd otor- cyclo Riders. 1. You must not oxeced a sn'yxLof 12 miles an hour. ',' ' 2. You must not use nn auto With tho muffler ouon. 3. You must not pass another car at night without dimming your Uoad- Hgbts. 4. You must not to around an other car at tho Intersections. B. Minors undor 1G years must not drlvo motor cars. G. Blowing horns continuously and for fun day or night must bo stopped. 7. Always keep to tho right, S. You must not obstruct traffic by stopping cars. on Dowcy street when another car is nearer tho curb. 9. Blcyclo riders must keep off tho sidewalk except In very muddy weath er. 10. PcdoBtrlans must not Jay- hawk across tho streets. Violators of tho Vohlclo and Motor Laws will bo stringently dealt with. S. C. MECOMBER, Chief of Police. ::o:: Chas. Johnston has purchased ot II. N. Smith tho former Fnrrlngton va cant lot on cast Sixth streot for a con sideration of ono thousand dollars. Clydo Trottor returned Wednesday from Omaha, driving homo a now Paige car. Mr. Trotter nas oruoroa a carioaa of Paiges shipped by express from tho factory to Omaha, and will tako mon to Omaha tho early part ot next.' week to drlvo thom homo. Noted Sunday morning. The congregation In its go-to-meeting best filed Into the pews of tho village church and sat rig idly at attention as was tho custom among Godfearing Americans of that day. All was serenity nnd stllfness. Then tho pastor arose. "Let us pray," ho snld. The government Inspector In tho last pew reached hurriedly for lils notebook. "Ah, hat" he muttered. "Establish ing secret communication with tho Almighty without a federal permit Burleson shall hear of this." Oily Customer. Robert Henri, tho eminent New York painter, was talking nbout the mon who buy, merely to show .off, doubtful 'old masters' nt fubulous prices. "Their knowledge of art," Mr. nenrl said, "Is nbout equal to that of the Chicago sausage' manufacturer who said to Whistler: '- '"What would you charge to do me In oil?' " 'Ten tllousnnd dollnrs,' snld Whist ler promptly. "'But suppose I furnished the oil?' said the millionaire." Success, Crystal Theatre, Saturday and Monday. PAULINE FREDERICK in "One Week of Life" A story daring, romantic and unusual. Into one week of life were crowded the thrills of a life time. , Saturday special, Sunshine comedy Roaring Lions and Wedding Bells. Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. WILLIAM S. HART IN "Breed of Men" A powerful story of Arizona, It's n man's yarn ahput a man's man-but we have a vivid hunch that that's a woman's yarn, too. Special Monday "Rowdy Ann" Fay Tincher's latest Comedy. CATTLE FOR SALE We will offer for sale beginning Tuesday, August 19th, at, the old North Platte Stockyards a lot of WHITE FACE COWS, YEARLINGS AND ' TWO-YEAR-OLD STEERS. These cattle will be sold at prices that will make money for the buyer. Ranch & Son, Phone Black 1008. Ask Legal Separation. Two petitions woro filed in thoidifl- trict court this week asking for legal ' separations. On tho grounds of non support. Mrs. J. A. Banta asks for a dlvorco from her husband, and on tho grounds of desortlon Arthur Lcard asks for a legal separation from his wlfo. Plrst Lutheran Church. Thcro will bo no sorvlcos on Sunday, August 17. Rov. Koch was called to Mt, Vornon, Washington on account ,. of tho death ot his father. Sunday school as usual at ono o'clock. Sight Specialists IL Dixon & Son. Lila Lee IN "Rustling a Bride" The cowboy goes to school tho cor respondence school of romnnco con siderable romance, too! Don't yon want to bo In nt tho ilnlsli. Two part ChristJo comedy "Rowdy Ann" with Fay Tincher n comedy showing tho "slnnibor punch." Something new sco It. Keith Theatre Saturday COMEDY NIGHT Keith Theatre Tonight. The Sennett Comedy. "The Village Smithy" In wh'lch tho Sonnctt Comedian doubJo crosses fato when sho double G's lils eyes. Madl&ine Traverse IN "When Fate Decides" n now nnd wliolesomo phase ojf tho eternal triangle. North Platte, Neb.