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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1919)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. WRIGLEY WOLVES OF THE SEA The Greatest Name In Goody-Land By RANDALL PARRISH Copyright, by A. e. MuClurg & Co. thing. Estndu lay In' his bunk, with one leg dangling outside, und Ills hcml crooked against the side wull. Ills very posture was that of sudden death, oven had It not been pictured by the ghastly fuce. and the dnrk pool of blood underneath. I heard an excla mation from Lc Vcro und stood for an lnstunt utterly unable to move. I knew nlready what I should And, yet finally forced myself forward ho was CHAPTER XVII Continued. 12 The hilt of the knife In my holt at tracted my attention, and I drew It forth, curious to learn If it bore any mark of ownership. My eyes wero In stantly attracted to a dnrk stain on both hilt and blade. I held It to the light It was the stain of blood, and my hands wero also reddened by It. In that first Instant of horror I hurled the weapon out through the open port stone dead, pierced with three knife Into the sen. Mood 1 There had been murder committed on board, and the fellow I had struck down was seeking refuge, endeavoring to find conceal ment following Ills crime. Ay, hut what about the light In the cabin? It had been extinguished after the flee ing fugitive had entered Dorothy's stateroom. Did this mean that the slayer had nn accomplice? If so, then the killing was not the result of n mcro personal quarrel amidships, or In the forecastle, but the result of some conspiracy. I thought of Son choz, and of Estnda's plun to obtain control of the ship. Could this bo Its culmination? And wns the Spaniard wlrcndy lying dead In his cabin? Nothing enme of my thought only confusion; nor did I duro Investigate for fear of becoming mere deeply In volved In the tragedy. No, there wns nothing to be done; my safety, and the safety of the girl depended on our apparent Ignoranco of what had oc curred. Convincing myself of this, I washed tho blood stains from my hands and lay down In tho bunk fully dressed to await my call. When called I exchanged but few words with LoVcvc. Ho went quickly to his room. Nothing of Importance occurred during my watch. The dawn camo cold and gray but with clearing skies. I climbed Into tho main crosstrces and swept the horizon with a glass. Not so much us a speck rewarded my efforts, and I descended tho ratlines, shouting to the boatswain to call tho port watch. Wntklns camo aft to tho wheel and I sent the fellow thus relieved down Into tho cabin to rout out LoVerc. Tho two returned to deck together, tho negro glnnclng about curiously without mounting the luddcr. "You call Scnor Estnda yet?" ho questioned. "No; I had no orders to do so." "He tol' mo coll him at daylight, Hero you, Ainadu; go wake up the sonor." Tho seaman disappeared, while Lc Vcro crossed tho pcop deck and stood bcsldo mo looking out across tho ex panse of senj Amuda emerged from tho companion and stared up at us, shading his mouth with ono hand as ho spoke, "Ho unswor nothing, Sonor LoVcre." "Wns tho door locked?' "I know not, scnor; I not try to open It" "The Bwlno," said LoVcre, "I sup pose I'll have to go myself." "We'll go down together, scnor," 1 said qlilctly. "Kstada must be sick; I could hear tho rumpus Amada kicked up oven on deck here. No mnn could sleep through that racket." ; . ,.T CHAPTER XVIII. - .i A New Conspiracy. Tho Interior of the cabin appeared desolate In tho gray light of dawn. I led tho way directly to Kstndu's tt Was the Stain of Blood. stateroom. My heart pounded like n hammer ns I rapped on the wooden panels and waited somo response from within. There was no unswer, no Bound of movement, und 1 rapped ugnln more loudly, my questioning eyes necklnir LoVcro's face, llu was listen ing as Intently as myself. "Thcro la something wrong, wnor," he whispered, "for ho was ever u light sleeper." The door was unlocked, tho hitch yielding Instantly to the hand, and I itepped within A glance told every thrusts. I stood up and faced the mulutto, whoso countenance waft fairly green with horror. What do you know about this, Sc nor LcVcro?" I asked stonily. "The mnn has been murdered, knifed. Who did it nnd why?" Ho could scarcely answer, gripping at the table for support, and never re moving his gazo from the fuco of the dend man. Yet I believed his words; was convinced this was not tho terror of guilt. "My Godl I cannot tell; I have never dreamed of this." "Had the man enemies. Anyone you would suspect?" "Enemies? Ay, plenty of them; wo nil have. Wo expect that In our trade. This ship is full of devils ready enough to do such a Job; but I could not nnino tho one who did do It. I know of no cause. I have heard noth ing." "I believe you, LoVerc," I said. "What can we do, senor?" "Do! Wc must talk Hint over first. We cannot meet this thing until we arc prepared. There Is more danger In hasty action than anything else." I shut the door behind us and turned the key. It wns a relief to get out side, even Into that dismal cabin, be yond view of Estnda's dead face. Lc Vere, who had evidently lost his nerve, sank Into a chair. "You fear an uprising, n mutiny?" I questioned, "when this Is reported?" "What will prevent?" ho asked. Tho cnptaln cannot stir; the mate Is dead ; the men already crazed because wo tako no prizes. They will murder us also und take control. Those devils amidships." "And who lends them? Who would be cnptnln?" "Manuel Estevnn," ho whispered "I thought ns much. Then It Is Manuel Estovun wo must secure first beforo they know. Whatever his men may know of what has occurred they will muko no move until they get his orders. Wc must stop the possl hlllty of his issuing any. Without u leader the udvantago Is ours." "You mean to kill him?" "Only ns a Inst resort. Thcro Is no good feeling between those qunrtercd amidships and the crew?" "No, senor; It Is hate generally, al thongh they arc not all alike. Tho real sailors are mostly captured men; thoy servo to savo their lives, und only for those others on board could not bo held long. Your plan, scnor, Is to set the one oguliHtt the other?" "Yes, If possible. These sailor men are of ull races. Can they bo trusted?" "Somo might be, sir; It Is hard to tell how many. It Is not tho raco which counts so much, scnor. Thcro arc those among them who would not care to return to honesty, "And you, LeVero?" He spread his hands nnd shrugged his shoulders. "There Is no hope of mo; I was born to the free life." "What then Is It with you?" "Hnte, senor- revenge," and his teeth gloomed savagely. "I would spit on this Manuel who seeks to be chief. I cuu never be no; I am of black skin, with negro blood In my veins, and whlto men would never have it so. But I can hate, senor. That Is why I nin with you now, If the devil so will. Your plan might work tell me more of It.' "What are tho odds, say you thirty to n hundred? Ay, but sut-prlso will overcome that. My plan Is this : Klrot to secure Manuel as quietly as pos slblo but ut whatever cost. With him In our hands, or dead, tho hucenncers have no leader. What then? Thcro are men In the crew on deck and In the forecastle to bo trusted Wutklns Is one, and he will know others, a dozen no doubt. They will be enough. Wo will whisper the truth to these, and have them ready for a signal. The forward door from amidships Is closed by Iron bars Is It not?" "SI, senor," his eyes again sparkling with Interest. "The men quarreled, nnd there was fighting 'Then there Is no escape In tliat ill roctlou und It can be no groat tusk to close any passage leading lift. Lower the deck hatch nnd wo have tlioso devils below caged like eo many nits. There need be no fighting; star vatlon will bring them to tonus." "Hut, senor, your dozen men cannot guard the buccuneers below nnd also manage the bark. Tho crew uro not ull lumbs many will sympathize with those thus locked beneath deck. Co dozen men we enn trust. The others have nothing but their sheath knives. The buccaneers can be secured below, before these other lnds over realize what is huppenlng. As soon as we have control of the ship we'll round them up forwnrd. They won't dare face the guns. I'll give them their choice." "And what will you tell them, te nor?" I cnught my breath, conscious of his meaning. My secret hope could not be revealed to this fellow. The answer cume quickly to my Hps. "The whole truth, Senor LeVere that Manuel conspired to seize the bnrk through a mutiny of the bucca neers; that tlicso were to bo turned loose with license to kill anyone on board who opposed them; that their real purpose was to divide among themselves nil tho trcusure below. REMOVE MALES FROM FLOCK Infertile Eggs Are Best to Keep and Cost Less to Produce Send the Roosters to Market. (Prepared by the United Rtates Depart ment of Agriculture.) Produce Infertile eggs. They are worth more, as they keep better and they cost less to produce since there are no roosters to feed. No expense, ducntIon, ability, or labor other than catching and killing or selling the roosters are necessary. Remove the nnles nt once. While eggs are plentiful some should be preserved for tho winter months, ns they will bo scarce nnd high priced. It costs but little In time, money nnd labor, nnd Is so easily done that It la only common sense to do It. Use fresh, Infertile eS33 and let custom- eri' know that they can get such eggs for preserving. Those who have never preserved eggs should get In touch with tho eounty or home demonstra tion agent, the stnte extension direct or, or the United States department of agriculture. Now Is the time to begin culling (locks. Send tho roosters to the chop ping block or the mnrket. Eliminate all weaklings and defonned chicks. Got rid of the chick that stands along the side of the coop with Its wings down, Its feathers, rufiled, eye shut, and heud down. Do not keep a single chick thnt you are not sure It will pay l.o raise. Shade, clean fresh water, clean coops, nnd colony houses, and good ventilation and plenty of room during "Who Did It and Why?" then wreck the vessel and escape with It. That to this end Estuda had al ready been murdered. I shall explain that we discovered this conspiracy just in time to save them from butch ery, and thoy must stand by us or else submit to those hell-hounds." "And after that, senor?" "Why, Porto Grande, of course," l admitted heartily. "The men will un derstand what that means a handful of gold for ench of them und u run ashore. Why, LeVere, they will make more apiece than by looting n half dozen ships, nnd with no fighting. It will be a fortune for you and me." Ills somber eyes lighted up, startled by this new Idea, und he sprung to his feet. "You mean thnt, senor I We dlvldo what Is below und snll for Porto Grande? I henr you right? You not mean surrender? You stay pirate?" I laughed, my nerves tingling to the success of my ruse he had tnken tho tempting bait like a hungry fish. "Why, of course. I am not such a fool ns to throw away this chance. This Is our chance, LeVere, If wo put tho Nnniur Into Porto Grande, with Sanchez on board and alive, und those hellhounds locked below, we'll get any thing we ask for. We'll be the cocks of the walk. If ha shouldn't live through, why then we'll have u ship, nnd can run the game alone. Either way, if wo win, the prlzo is ours nnd If we stick together we win." My nppurent enthusiasm caught tho fellow. I could read the working of his mind In his face. This new view of tho situation promised wealth. power, the total defeat of Estevan; everything ho most desired. "You think Seuor Sanchez 11 vq?" "What dllTerenco? If he lives he owes his life to us. If he dies the bnrk Is In our hands, and the treasure. Once wo have won wo enre nothing If he live or die. Aro wo together In this?" lie thrust out a lean yellow hand. nnd I gripped It. "SI, senor; I am with you." "You pledge your word, Francois?" "I piedge It. senor." "Good I And you have mine. Now to work first Manuel Estevan, and then the men on deck." (TO BE CONTINUED.) The First "White Way." When Wllllum Nlblo opened his new theater at Broadway and Prlnco street, bnck on Independence day. 1828, ho celebrated tho doublo occa sion b a patriotic display of gas lights which Haunted tho name of "Nlblo" far nnd wldo nnd Immortal- Ized It In stage ns well us gas history. An admiring public gasped from a re spectful illstnnce, winching tho red, Sri. i.'r?K Shade and Clean Coops Furnished Young Chicks on Government Farm at Beltsville, Md. the night ure of the greatest impor tance in growing healthy, strong, vig orous birds, whether they ure for meat, sggs, or breeding. Growing chicks should have plenty if good, nourishing food. Hone meal should be fed liberally to those Intend ed for luyers or breeders. Do not forget to continue the fight on mites and lice. They must be fought til the time in nil sections and in all icasons. MONEY MADE WITH CHICKENS whlto and blue shadows cast hv thn chose is bad, and a friend of Manuel, rows of gas Jets spelllug tho proprl He will fight, nnd there are others etor's name. to buck him." "I kr.ov thnt, LeVere. The whole plan Is desperate, but thcro Is no othur possible. Here Is my scheme. There Gas had been used for tho first tlroo In New York city five years beforo, but to the owner of Nlblo's garden goes tho credit of first uslug gos fo: Is a gun ruck In the cabin to urui the Illuminating a thcuter. Qua Logic. RiGLEYSJ PERFECT nsfM III III 111 111 I HI Milium m wwww IM JL ii1 m in in1 in in iinn-Tff 111 111 I1UJU1U! 'LEYS CHEWIWG GUM IN ti Sealed Tight Kept Right 27 1 TOO MUCH FOR THE OCULIST DELICATE HINT FOR AUNTIES That Kind of Shortsightedness Was Something for Which He Had No Cure. A woman consulted an oculist about her husbund's eyesight, saying she wanted nvery strong pnlr of glasses for him. "I fear I canuot recommend glasses I without first seeing your husband," the oculist said. "He won't come at any price," was the reply. "Then tell me something about him. Con he see objects at u distance, or does he experience dlillculty when rending? For Instunce, could he see that pigeon flying above us?" "Rather," the woman said. "He'd spot a pigeon on the wing quicker than he'd see iin airplane, especially if he d got a bet on It. What I want yer to cure Is his short-sightedness when he's looking for a Job. He's been lookln' for work for the Inst ten, years and never got nny to suit his fastidious eyesight yet." Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. Tennessee Woman Cleared $379 in Five Years With Two Settings of Wyandotte Eggs. 'Prepared by tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Two settings of White Wyandotte eggs, costing $2, In five years' time net ted $371) profit for a womnn poultry lull member In Madison county. Tenn. The first two settings of eggs were bought In 1014. In 1015, nine hens and six cockerels were sold for $4; In 1010 43 hens und two cockerels brought JilO; In 1017 $100 worth of eggs nnd birds were sold ; In 1018 the value of he fiock, both fowls kept and sold, was $315: n total of $420. Much of tho feed was witste products of the 'arm und cost nothing. The total cost of production was: Original settings, $2; two breeding pens, $.'10; feed, $10; advertising, throe yenrs, $8 n total of $50. The profit of $379 was made possible because oi the minllness of the enterprise mid the fact that most of the food fur the bird- had no 'money value. When we look tit some children we begin wondering how they ever toler nte their parents. A blunt man frequently makes the most cutting remarks. "If" Is a Httle word that spoils some big plans. Little Marian's Cleverly Oonveyed Reproof to Her Altogether Too Fastidious Relative. The t vo spinster aunties really did have a very beautiful house, but they were too particular about It to suit their small niece nnd nephew, who hnd become tired of being told to "be care ful" In this room, and "don't touch any thing" in that one. And Marian decided very tactfully to let them know nbout It, too. So one day when she and her brother Billy were In the presence of their auntlea she begun n conversation on the sub ject of their future careers. After John had named his as that of a lawyer, Marian announced that she wns going to he a school teacher like her aunties. "And Billy, since I'm going to be un old maid, I don't 'spect you'd better get married, either,' she told him. "It would be nwful hard on your children when they came to my house to ba told to be enreful so much." A Memento. ' Grogon 01 hate to mlntlon It, Mrs. Casey, but your husband owed me tin dollars whin he died. The Widow Indndel Shure It's nlca for ye to have something to rnymlm ber him by. The check that knows the kiss of a little child needs no other perfume to make it beautiful. FOWLS YIELD $1.14 AN HOUR Indiana Woman Has Demonstrated That This Amount Can Be Made by Keeping Chickens. IPrepiired by tho United StnlPH Depart ment or AKi'K'Uiuirn.) A side lino for the farmer's wife which yields $1.14 for every hour she puts Into It Is worth the consideration if every farm woman. A Wubush 'ounty (Indiana) woman bns demon strated that this amount can he iiiado by keeping chickens. Lust year the ocal county agent Interested thle votiinn In keeping n farm poultry llock, and as a result she produced a net profit of $172.24. She kept an uc- curato account of her work und found nt the end of thu season that she had rocolved $1.14 an hour for tho time she actunlly devoted to curing for her tlock. Every Year Sees An Increased Demand for Postum, from coffee drinkers who realize a change in habit will bring better health. The Original Postum Cereal is rich and satisfying as a table drink for both young and old. D At Grocers. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c. 2S2S55E5ESE5H5HS2SHSH5H5H5H5E525SSH5E5H5HSHSi