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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1919)
Summer is the time for jewelry repairs During Hie lint months, mIioii joii lime but few (iccualnns t Ytfiir your ex pensive JMU'lry, Is Hit best time In t linve Jt gone over carefully at Clin ton's to sec if fastenings hare become worn, prongs bent, or oilier injury been done to it. We arc splendidly equipped to repair jewelry, and will be glad to innke nn examination of yours.. II ring Jt to us before you start on your summer trip. It will be safe t licit from loss or tbeft, and when you return will bo in the best of condition. If the examination shows no repairs are needed, tho Jew elry will be cleaned without charge. C. S. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. At the Sign of the nig King. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Earl Smith returned Saturday from a two weeks' trip to points in Colo rado. Miss Anna Valorlus camo up from Graud Island Friday for a visit with Mrs. Clydo Cook. For a real auctioneer, phono or wire at my expense. 11. I. Shappcll, Suth erland, Nob. C2tf Thoro Is platinum wedding ring In Dixon's window that will match that platinum engagement ring. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Splccr re turned this morning from a month's auto trip to tho mountains. Tho Fhllos Ouna club will mcot Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Her bert Baker, 914 west Sixth street. Tho II. & S. Agency roport tho salo of tho Ralph North property on cast Third street to an Elm Creek man. See our window. Diamonds $10.00 ! to ?700. H. Dixon. 1 Mr,, and Mrs. Win, Gollor returned yesterday to their homo at St. Joo, after a short visit at tho II. I. Block homo. v MrB. O'Ncll, of Green River, is spend ing a fow days In town visiting with friends and looking aftor proporty in terests. Mr. and Mrs. Galthor Fisher ro turngd Sunday from a two wooks motor trip to tho castorn part of tho Btato. Tho Roxall handles tho goods. tt Mlssos Edith Wcndoborn and Hafcol LIbrk loft Saturday for Donvor whoro they will spend sovoral weeks with friends. Mrs. J. W. Fottor roturned Saturday from a visit of sovoral wooks with frlonda and rolntlvos in Omaha and Farragut, Iowa. Always stop nt tho Iloxall. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. E, Buckloy nnd! Mrs. John Brntt arrived homo last ovonlng from nn auto trip to tho Yol-1 lowstono Park. Rowland Lock and Arthur Howard returned tho latter part of last wcok from KeyMono, whoro thoy had boon1 working for somo tltno. , Seo tho beautiful diamond ring in tho bluo box In Dixon's window, $285. It will suroly plenso you. One of tho moot original mountings, Always try Tho Iloxall first, It pays. tf Mrs. Sam Van Doran and grand daughter. Floronco Van Doran, wont to Grover, Colo., Sunday for n visit with the former s son Irving. Fred Leu has sold to Julius Plzor for I'lzcr fc Ilalllgan, C40 acros of land In Hayes county. Tho tract Is all level farm and and Is well Improved. Mrs. II. I. Block and children nnd Miss Jeannotto Froodstndt roturned the last of tho wook from Idaho Springs, Col., where thoy had spent tho past month. "Mickey Is coming." Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugone Sculptor, of Klirmirnnv. In., nra runHtf of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Scoborger whilo onrouto homo from a vacation spent In Col orado. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stnrr an (laugh tor returned Sunday ovonlng from a two weeks' visit in tho oast pnrt of tho stato, making tho Journey in tholr Llborty six. Sight Specialists, If. Dixon & Son. Miss Margaret Coynor returned ypS torday to her homo nt Koystono after spondlng tho week end with her sister who Is taking treatment at tho Twin cm hospital. Tho ladles' aid society of tho Pros- bytorlan church will meet In tho church parlors Thursday afternoon, ontortalncd by Mosdames Crosby and Clara Nowton. Somo tlmo you will havo a Cor dovla pocket book, why not now Dixon, tho Jeweler. Gcorgo W. Rauo and Mrs. Adelaide Ratio, after having boon divorced from each other for 31 months, again wero united In marrlago Saturday by Coun ty Judge Woodhurst. Shu Fly and spray at tho Roxall. Tho E. W. Mann property on south Locust, consisting of a two story houso and two lots has been sold to Mrs. J. G. Bcelor for a consideration of $7,000. Tho salo was mado by tho II. & S. Agency. Tho snlo of lots in tho now II. & S. addition Friday camo up- to tho ex pectation of tho owners, and was thcro foro very satisfactory. Now homes will bo built In this addition In tho near future. Capt. Bruco Canrlght left Sunday night for his homo in St Paul, Minn., Aftor a short visit hero with relatives. Ho was accompanied by his sister, Miss Irono, who will spend a month in St. Paul as his guest. For Salo Iloosler ono row stalk drill good ns now. Will bo sold at right price. B. J. Gulnan, Phono 788F2. MatiaMBrnHWKi Thos. H. Ince presents CHARLES RAY IN 'Hay Foot, Straw Foot' Ho bad a name like n cbeitp cig arette and a lino of tricks that carried the smoke of ngcg. Rut Betty wis witching him who cares a darnTbj' cracky, when bis Betty is watching him? Crystal Theatre Thursday and Friday. GOITRE REDUCED BY ADJUSTMENTS Health Talk No. 18 ly DRS. STATES THE CHIROPRACTORS There are many forms of tlis- I figuring and abnormal growths, but none more terrifying and un sightly than goitre. Goitre is caused by over activity of tho qlands. It is a form of weakness caused by upinal nerve pressure. Among women it is usually accom panied by sexual disorder notice able at tho periods. Adjustments of the joints of tho backbono to remove tho weakening nerve pressure reduced tho goitrp. Ad justments simply co-oporato with nature. FREE Call for a free consul tation today. DRS. STATES & STATES The P. S. C. Chlroprnctors. Building nnd Loan Building North lMiittc, Nebraska. HUB GOITRE IS REDUCED "Boforo I bogan taking chiropractlo adjustments I had n, goltro which mado my nock 10 inch es. Now my nock Is 13 inches. I am bov ontoon. I am hoav ior now, fool hotter, Jnnd do not Buffor during niy monthly porlods as I usod to do." Sworn Statement Ask About Cnso No. 83. Sale of Government Supplier Salo of tho following listed nrtloles will start at tho North Platto postof floo on'Monday. August I8th. These goods will bo shipped by parcel post from Omaha after tho ordor for same is mado. They can bo purchase. :in cans or by pounds, or In caso;Uot?or by sacks, but In order to facilitnlo the salo of those articles and save delay and confusion In tho orders, tho De partment recommends that tho people cither form clubs or have sovoral families Join In their nrder, so that they can buy In caso lots or by the sack. Tho goods will be delivered In North Platto nt the following price--listed, with 6 cents war tax for onch 50 pounds: No. Article Price Cane por can 007 12 lb. cans Bacon por can $4.60 1578 1 lb. cans beef, corned 3i 1890 2 lb. cans beef, sornod 01 204 0 lb. cans beef, corned $1.90 1242 1 lb. bcof, roast 31 1380 2 lb. cans boef, roast 09 120 C lb. cans beef, roast -2.0". 924 1 lb. cans hash, corned beef . 23 912 2 lb can hash, corned boef 44 1092 1 lb. cans beans, baked 07 12 2 lb. cans beans, baked 12 1072 3 lb. cans beans, baked 15 240 2 lb. cans beans, strlnglcss .-14 2208 2 lb. cans corn, sweet 14 1700 lbs., beans, dry 9c lb. 84 2V6 lb. cherries, canned 27 1152 sacks Hour 100 lb. sackB 8.0.r 96 cans pepper, black 200 lbs rlco 9c lb. 2844 2 lb. cans peas, green 14 144 pt. cans soup- vegetable 10 150 10 lb. can tomatoos 50 540 2 lb. cans Jam, assorted. 18G small cans pineapple 300 cakes toilet soap. (Note No brand or firm namo or articles given by tho government.) On account of tho heavy amount of work In tho postofflco in tho morning and not being nlowed to hire addi tional holp, tho hours for accepting orders for tho government goods will bo from 1 p. m. to 0:30 p. m. Each Individual will make out his own ordor, or If clubs aro formed or sovoral families join, then they should designate ono person to mnlco tho or der and in each Instance a copy should be retained by tho party making the ordor. Thoso orders should Uo brought or mailed to tho Postmaster at North Platto at an early, date, and payment for tho goods enclosed. Have namo and address plainly written on order blank. P. II. McBVOY, Postmaster. I Air. and Mrs. B. W. Plummor havp returned from n visit with Mr. nnfl I Mrs. Will Esholman, who live on the formor Jack Palmer ranch fcVty mllos 'north of Sutherland, Mr! Plummor 'had great sport catching bullheads In tho lake, pulling them out as fast as ho could bait his hook. -::a:: Joo Sohwartz, of. Lexington, who ro cently added G45 acres to his hold ings southwost of town by tho pur chase of tho Fowlor .section, has now enough land to mnke a worth-while ranch, and ho wHl movo up from Lexington noxt Bpring' to supervise the work which tho boyB will do. -:5o":: Estrnycd. j Money to Lonn Two light bay mares, ono two nnd On improved farm land, 3 to 5 ono throo years old, Notify It. J. t years, at 7 per cent. No commission Sowle, Maxwell, Neb. C3-2 Address Pox 117, North Platto, Nob. Crystal Theatre, Tonight and Tomorrow. CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN "Sauce for the Goose" The story of how a neglected wife defeats a designing widow. : :o: :- ATTENTION Hit. CAIt OWNER! Wo linvo lust received n Shipment of Firestone" Tires which gives ns the largest nnd most complete lino of Tires In the city. A fi,00 milo Guar- nnteo bneked by us on these tires. THE PBICE IS THE LOWEST A SOxil Tiro for $11.00 A ftOxtM Tiro for $15.10 A 2x3 Tiro for $17.50 . Other Sizes in Proportion. BEMlttniER AUGUST 23 IS THE DAY Two expert tiro men sent hero by tho Firestone Tiro & Rubber Co.. of Akron, Ohio, will spend August 23d with us. These tires go on sale that day nnd wo nsk you to como in and meet those men. Thoy enn cxplnln nny llro trouble Hint yon may be linvlng. S. & It. SEltTICE STATION. Tolephono 820. North Platte, Neb. Bell Buys Liberty Inn Tho Llborty Inn, conducted for a number of yearH past by C. C. Hup for, has boon sold to A E. Boll, lato with tho Union Pacific company, and for several years a member of tho city council. Tho salo was mado Satur day and Mr. Bell took formal posses sion yosterday morning. This rest aurant has been for many years a pay ing proposition, and Mr. Ilupfor mado tho salo sololy for tho reason that ho hns engaged In business In California and ho finds that country more pleas ing than this Mr. Hell is ono of tho best known men In town, especially In railroad circles, and whilo tho restaurant bus iness is now to him, ho Is nn apt stu dont and can readily ncqulro tho In ner workings of tho business. Ho will aim to maintain tho excellent reputa tion of tho Liberty Inn and mako such improvements as aro necessary to moot tho requirements ot tho trade. ::o:: THE H. & S. AOENCr their Farm and Bunch Dept. on September 1st with nn exclusive manager in that department. If you want to sell or buy a farm or ranch seo us. 11. & S. AGENCY, Brodbcck Bldg., North PIntte, Neb. G. F. STOUT, aranager, Farm Dept. Gl-G : ;o: : Win. J. Owons loft Saturday evening for a two days' business visit In Oma ha. Jack Tnyor loft last ovonlng for Omaha whoro ho will visit frlonds for sovoral days. For Salo Throo yoar old ned grade bull and somo milch cows coming frosh. Call Bed 311. Harry Bogall, who for tho past thrco years was In tho Nyal drug store, left Sunday for his homo In Grand Island, whoro ho will locato pormanontly. Mr. nnd Mrs. GlbortJ of California, vroro Kuesis i Mr. ana MrB. D. C. Congdon, whilo onrouto homo from a viBlt in tho Now England states. They wont by train from California to De troit, whoro thoy purchased a car and thon drovo to Connecticut ami wero molting tho return trip to California in tho car. Mrs. Gllbort ia a nleco ot Mr. Condon. Tho Wholan grading outfit on tho North Platto-Suthorlnnd state aid road ,hns roached a point between Horshey and Nichols and tho camp was moved iu mo latter piaco yosterday. 'Clinton & Son' win tako caro of your Eyo Glass troublo; wo guar antee to glvo you satis faction. Rlin nt ttin 111 Blng. Son is with Undo Sam In Ger many, will bo homo soon. Long Distance Telephone Rates Are Standarized Long distance service is often conducted over the wires of more than one company and fre quently acress state lines. Heretofore there have been several differen ces in the methods of quoting long distance rates by various companies. This resulted in much confusion because of the nmny different conditions involved. This was not only expensive but caused' many diffi culties in operating the long distance lines, t Under the rates now established long dis tance service fc .on the same basis throughout the country, whether it is inter-community, inter-company or interstate. It is available ev erywhere on the same standard terms. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. Estate Auction. In order to devote more time to improving and colon izing our extensive holdings, we will sell the following lands AT AUCTION. Sale to be held at Wild Horse, Cheyenne Co., Colo., AUGUST 26th-27th. 14,000 ACRES DIVIDED INTO SMALLER FARMS. Our July sale was a success and we plan to hold a still better one on this date. LOCATION 135 miles east of Denver, U. P. R. R. Lands one-half to seven miles distant. No better land in Colorado. SOILi Chocolate sandy loam, level, free from adobe and blow sand, with an abundance of water at from 15 to 35 feet. CROPS Corn, cane, wheat, milo maize, feterita, Su dan, etc IMPROVEMENTS Fenced and cross-fenced and well watered. Several sets improvements. ARRANGEMENTS Address owner or auctioneer for pamphlets and plat of land. Special Pullmans will bo chartered from Omaha, Lincoln and Hastings. These Pullmans will arrive before the sale and will be parked on sidings, giving ample time to inspect the land. Individual plats of land will bo furnished. If you are looking for a form improved or unimproved, where first wheat crop will pay for tho land and a profit besides, come to this sale. If you would buy land where you can double your money in short time, bo at Wild Horse, Colorado, on August 26-27-Wild Horse is on main lino of Union Pacific from Kansas City to Denver. Take Union Pacific out of Lincoln and points south to Manhattan, Kansas, and catch main line trains to Wild Horse. HA3fD CONCERTS AND PUBLIC SPEAKING DAILY. TERMS 25 per cent cash day of sale; 10 per cent November 1, 1919; 15 per cent March 1, 1920; remainder 3 years at G per cent first mortgage; title guaranteed; ab stract to date. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Railroad fares refunded to purchasers. States Realty Investment Co., Owners, 311 Fratornity RulMing, LINCOLN, NEB. FRED L. PERDUE, Auctioneer, 320 Denhnni Building, Denver, Colorado. AT THE SUN THEATRE. TUESDAY "Tongues of Flames" STARRING MARIE WOLCAMP 'A Famous Bret Harte' Novel WEDNESDAY Hitting the High Spots STARRING BERT LYTELL Comedy Drama with lots of fun. THURSDAY "False Evidence" STARRING VIOLA DANA MUTT & JEFF COMEDY. When in need of good things to eat Call 212. We receive daily Butter nut and Kream Krust Bread in sanitary parch ment wrapping. Blue Ribbon Coffee is our leader. WE DELIVER. Dick Stegeman, PHONE 212. 815 NO. LOCUST. T. S. BLANKENBURG, Bonded Abstracter. Public Stenographer. Office with B. M. Reynolds, Architect, Apt. l ueynolds Terrace. Phone Black 1105. IF YOU WANT REAL DRUG SERVICE, COME TO HE DELIVERS THE GOODS AND DOESN'T ROB YOU. Corner Front and Dewey. Phone 221. ATTENTION FARMERS Call 555 for your Poultry and Egg Mar ket; A real market at all times. BOGGS POULTRY CO. 511 TINE STREET. DR. HAROLD A. FENNEE Announces his discharge from milit ary service and tho establishment of his office over Hirschfeld's Clothing store. Phones: Office 333. Res. Red 850. Mr. Cream Seller Yoa will never know whnt wn mn pay for cream or tho quick service wo can givo you until you havo sont us n can of cream. So boforn vmt nnii timt noxt can of cream ask your neighbor wnat ii. ic sons at Worth Platto aro paying for Buttorfat. Ho will know; or better Btlll como in and bco us. Not tho Biggest but tho Lost. Best in the "West.. Kirschbaum & Son. VERN MACE, Mgr. Phono 360. 818 No. Locust. IIEItB HAMILTON ITaxl and Liycry DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I'liono 008. Black 808