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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
kite mxi-WitMis Wribmt"T THIRTY-FIFTII YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 22, 1919. Ik "J1I0KKY" IS COJIINO HACK TUESDAY AND 'WEDNESDAY It is not fnlr to those who Intro not seen tlio picture to tell ivlint It is nil iiuniit, bu (from its genesis until its huppv ending it is one tlint should not lo spoiled by telling In advance. The assurance that there nro thrills nnd !augi:i thnt hold you from tlio begin ning to tlic end should he sufficient to guarantee thnt the theatre will ho packed during the "-Mickey" showing here at Tho Sun Tuesday nnd ned ncsdny, August 20th nnd 27th with u matinee each dny at 2 p. in- . :o:: Auxiliary Water Plant. The growth of North Plntto and the consequent Increase in tho consump tion of wator has resulted lu severely testing tho capacity of the water plant, in fact tho pump is now overtaxed. To lessen this tax on the plant and at tho same tlmo increase tho water supply it is proposed to Install an auxiliary plant having a capacity of ono thous and gallons a minute. The city coun cil has authorized Commissioner Welch to enter Into a contract with tho Kolly "Well Co, for a tost well on HUItGLAltS 11LOW UP SAFE IX THE MAXWELL I'OSTOFFICE LOCAL AND PERSONAL Omaha Mrs. Styles came up. from Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Jilllus Hahlor. Harry Dlxou, A. W. Plumor and T. Li. Greon caino In from Oninha this morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boyd and chil dren leao soon for a throe wcoks Word was tolepnoned to town early yostorday morning that tho postofflco at Maxwell had beon forcibly entered and tho safe blown opon. The amount of money secured could not bo learned, but it was probably a considerable amount. ml.. .... . ! . . iiiu uuibuub iirsi visuuu n Kiiraije vllt i.. Miei.i,jnn and socured an ncotyllno welding i ,,I,,BU , , plant with which they attompted to M- Joseph Baker and Mrs. P. E. burn out tho lock. Failing In this they fnt ,an.d h,U3rcn nro visiting with wont to blacksmith shop and secured! frlonds 1,1 Dcnvcr. drills, and whilo at tho shop discov-1 Robert Goodwin, of Louisville, Ky., ered and took a gold watch which an arrived Wednesday for a visit with omployo had loft in a garment. With Ms daughter, Mrs. Chns. Pass, tho drills thoy made the necessary I Roy Banks returned Wednesday holo lu tho snfo and for explosives night from tho eastern markets whero used tho powder from shot gun shells. Securing such of tho contents of tho safo as they could use, the burglars then went to hto Jens Sommors hard ware store whero tho safo w-ns crack ed and about twenty dollars secured. Tho explosions wore not heard by residents and the first Intimation of the robberies was when tho gtoro and postofflco were opened yostorday morning. Tho burglars left no clew which the ho had beon purchasing stock for Tho Hub store. Important meeting of Central La- LOCAL AM) PERSONAL UNCLE SAM SELLS FLOUR C'iii'hy fall enrmonts on. dlsnlav at Unolo Sam offers Hour at J8.0G por it!!)s Ready to Wear. hundred! That's good. That is, it's a good oke. What kind of Hour is it, Trat!i-s Ready Henry Knhlor has resumed his posi tion at tho Wilcox Department Store. Painters are brightening up tho ox torior wood work of tho Elks' build ing. Sight Specialists, II. Dixon & Son. Walter lloagland has boon trnns act:n;. business tho last few days nt flcottH lul(. Hi tihcwlng of fall coats Tramp's ready io wear. Nicholas McCnbo and Clnudo Woln ganrt loft estorduy for Estos Park, la tho lnttcr'o car LOOK! and who mndo it? Nobody known, i Any grocer In North Platto will soli you Cow Brand, tho Sunllty First Flour, mndo In North Platte from enrefnlly solented Nebraska wheat, overy sack bearing an unqualified guarantee to glvo you porfect satis- i.,,,ni (Jnrmro r . 1 l . ... t 1 i v .. ... .v Firestone Tires are sold nt list plus War Tux AT ALL TIMES at the You cart buy day or your own homo mill, tho North Platto! "'&' 21 ,l0Ur8 service Flour Mills. Do not bo fooled by any special sales Price 25 per cent less than Uncle ndverllscmcnts ns these prices l.nrc her, Union next Tuesday evening. AH,';, , urK lt,wT deleiratcs are nrired to bo nresenf. I H'eKs luylng goods 1 I . m . ... r a u drosses at Tramp s are without a doubt verj classy. a small strip of land owned by tho city at tho corner of Dowcy nnd A streets i officers might follow. and If tho flow of water Is found suf- ::o:: llclent the auxiliary plant will there CITY AN C0UXTY NEWS be located. This auxiliary plant will, 1 1 t . 1 it tl... nave neany one-nau me capacity oi, Frntli. t ,, RrnH n. nnvo Mrs. John Day left last night for Greoloy, Col., whero she wns called by, tho lllnoss of Mr. and Mrs. Cody Boal's baby. Drs. States and Statos havo moved to tholr now homo on east Rnm'n nrlrn. A guaranteed high patont flour for prevailed slnco May J2tli, 1910: ; loss money. Can you bent it? Patron- 30x3 Molded Casing .$11.C0 izo vmir own rinalnrs nnd vnnr own , m . Crab apples for sale. Frank Cook, mill and holp North Plntte. No pro- . uo "76 Route No. 1. G2-5 Mooring horc. Insist on getting Cow, 30x3JfiMoldcd Casing .15.10 Walter Connor has returned from Brand. COxJIJfi Tulio ; 8.25 Nov York City, whore he snout several NORTH PLATTE fixjuu MHjuS. 512x3)6 Molded Casing .... .17.50 Meyer .Ruys Huspel Farm i Theodore Moyor, who recently soldi C. M Vnwtnn nn.l nt, rinnnl,! n.wl lllS illtorqst ill UlO North PlttttO Joe User hnvo returned from a tour cr'- hn? Purchased tho Haspcl farm fthroiu.1i Yellowstone Park. itwo ,",les wcst of town- Tho place I i ... . . . . cnntnlnn 120 aeros with oxcnntionnllv Sixth I W808 bdith Wendoborn nnd Hazel ,, ,mnrovPinta ,i !, nnnnM. street which they recently purchased Work returned yostorday of H. N. Smith. I week's visit with frlonds In from a Denver.. eratlon waB $39,000. This prlco In- tho present plant and will therefore bo a great aid In solving tho water, question. ::o:: The Cucumber Aphis. Editor Tribuno: Soveral Inquiries aro guests at tho HInman home this Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elliott left Tues- day for Columbus, Ohio, whero thoy will attend tho G. A. R. encampment. Misses Daisy and Eva Baker will sOllflrt tvntif ni'Q unrtut ntlwii ntn.ilr lenses, and farm implements. Mr. Meyer took possession today, and will engage In dairying. ::o:: 1 . r ttl -a i.nv,. r., t i, ffin inct fmvi'uavB luuuuay ior rsiagra aus auu days regarding tho control of tho Cu-1 (Col"bU8' Ohio, whero they will at oumber Aphis or the so-called plant, tend tho G' A- R- encampment. green, soft bodied Insect that is easl- onlng for Chicago where he will take 0 Z rermanontly Tnadfe ly overlooked. Tho Aphis has. suck-, a post-graduate course In surgery. fJ I?Tv,fcK nUy matiC tng mouth parts and destroys the Mrs. Slmms and tho children expect to ttaV omo at aik,and'r plant by extracting the juices. When Join him there next week. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Wyman returned tho vines wilt and begin to turn brown Headquarters for diamonds, largest Tu?sday frojn Holly Colo., where they it is pretty good evidence that the stock In western Nebraska. C. M. r,ad becA vlsItIng, tho,r daughter fr Anhls in nrn.innt. Austin, pnrnnr ImvAlrv otnro n45 wl I"181 two weeKH. The most enective metnoa or con- Rov. c. F. Koch returned yesterday trol is to suray, the plants with a so- nftomnnn fmm Art vnmnn wo.i, lution made by mixing a toaspoonrul W,cre iie was called last week by the for Port,an(1 whero thoy will visit rel " muiwayuwu"" .u. Ucain oi jus miner, who nau been In Strayed or- stolen, tan nnd white Dlxons grind tholr own oolllo dog, tag 114, answers name Goo'. ".ulck sorvlco. Ladd, phone B. 11C1, 112 west Second.) The furnlturo nnd flxturos for tho Miss Viola Hanson went to Cheyenne now Un!cm stnto Uanlc arrlvod this yesterday where sho will keep house FM nd are now being placed in po for her brother while his wife -visits .P'MP11' In eastern cities. . Mrs. Agnes Boyor will leavo Mon- Tho base ball gamo last evening ' dli for ort Huron whero sho will at betweon the Lutherans and Christians tl10 national convention of the Knonln1 In thn annfn P. in fl I,, tn LailV MaCCabCCS. or of tho Lutherans. ! Mrs Mose McFarland and daughters ?1VL l. ?S.l?.B7,.5n,r?Vt? hom . from Charles Hupfer left last evening for few c a-d Mabel, eft yesterday for "1, ""nlm market" V'snvs weoKeniMiMtingmonds. 'vested In Lincoln county nnd the Lexington XXXXX Flour, $3.25 at nceds of tho county must bo sh,ppc(i tho Last End Grocery. jn Mr. and Mrs. Robt Nelbert left yes-; . " " ; terday for Oakland. Cnl., whero they DIG DANCE Ilcrshey, Nebraska, Frldny Evening, August 22. Tickets $1.00, pins war tax. ::o:: Len KIdwolI, of Wallace, wa3 in 30x3 Wrapped Trend Casing. ' Smooth 12.90 30x36 Wrapped Tread Casing, Non-Skld . 20.00 82x3$ Wrapped Trend Casing. N'on.Skld 23 32xl6 Cord Casing, Non-Skid.. 5W5 A few U. S. Smooth 30x3$, whlio they Inst ut .15.00 WE NEVER CLOSE White Rose or Standard Ons, per' Gallon .... 27c 'AiMir-co or llorniollno Oil, per Quart . 20c Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. will make tholr home. Mr. Nolbort nr r-i t-v i j . wfi rftrnwir v inntinrtni rvr nf tun i.iti. F. Koch returned yesterday m.ra' muaiii, "ugmur , - - . , . . h . t t i I'll n n n arn inmnci inir irnoinviinir v v .y aiiiii Rrank Cook, a farmer living west of town, !iad his loft forearm broken phato or "Black Leaf 40" In a gallon faiung health for about a year. Kc't!l Theatre, Wednesday nnd Tuesday when kicked by a horse. The of water. This is a contact insecu- F . T ,., ch,,rnu Mnpl,,,, Tiiursdny, August 27th and 2Sth, Wm. ureaic is not only pamtui out migni cide and tho Aphis must be hit by the' , o.o el?,,V Farnum in "The Lone Star Ranger." inconvenient to a fanner nt this sea spray to bo killed. It can be applied ' i""" ,T. ,. "V one of Znne Grey's best novels. ' son of tho year. with any hand sprayer. cnMnT , i av 31i'rnl A n nL.ii Trnrttm,it.,rit , Special music. Sunday school at ono . ..'. o'clock. Rev. C. S. KOCH, Pastor, Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday MARGUERITE CLARK ns Lovey Mary IN To Park Cars on Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mann came down Gingham dresses for school children from Denver Wednesday to pack their - Trump's Ready to Wear. Tho problem of parking cars in the . milk. East End Grocery handles fresh business section is being partially solved by permitting center parking on Dewey street between Fourth and Front a distance of three blocks. Chief Mccombe'r started In yesterday to lay out tho park lines, not only those running north and south but also providing angling cross lines within which wheels of an auto must stand. With this, provision for center parking, cars will not be allowed to park at the curb on either side of tho street. So rapid has been tho Increase of cars that tho parking of them has become a problem, and whllo center parking on Dowoy was inaugurated with reluc tance, It Is believed It will prove more satisfactory than curb parking on that street. : :o:: Babe Cooney returned last night to her homo at Overton after spending thd week here with her sisters, Misses Maytno and Nell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rosenburg. of Loxington, spent the time between household goods and see about got ting them shipped up to tho now home. Dr. Wm. Nealo, of Cliarlestown, W. Va., arrived Wednesday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Keith Novllle. Dr. Diamond solitaire and cluster rings. Nealo has been at Salt Lake City for, Boverai monins past ana is now en- trains with friends In town yesterday P lavalllorB at $25 to $600. C. several months pas and is now en while enrouto hpnlo from Califon?: .8 ' a where "they have been sponding the ArthuivMcCabo returned home yoa- Si3hl Specialists, II Dixon X Sou. summer. terday after having received his dis- Word was received Tuesday that 'Thof annual picnic of the Lutheran charE from u'o navy. Ho was in will Crook had landed at Philadelphia congregation will take place Tuesday tuo service over over two years, sorv- from overseas service. Ho left North afternoon and evening, August 2Gth, in as a rad, operator. , platto with Company E, nnd sailed ov- nt tho city park. Come and bring n ' The Herrod stock of groceries was ersoas in Juno, 1918. Ho is expected full basket. Base ball gamo at 7 p. moved last night to the now building to arrive home within the next week, in., Lutherans vs. Eplscopals. , and business Is being transacted l.adler' blouses at a 20 por cent dls- Judge Woodhurst opened a now thero today. The furnishings of tho count Tramps' Ready to YVear. marriage license book today. The old room are not -Ulto complete but thol M tho meeting 0f the council Tues hobk contained D92 licenses that wore tra(, can uo watted upon. day evening the city board or health Issued between September 30, 191G, ' Harry Brodor. loador of tho Seven was re-organlzed under tho provis nnd August 20th, 1919, an average of States Orchestra, ono of the Chau- lona of tll0 now mw. Tho member-1 about 200-licenses a year. , tauqua attractions, and his brother Bhlp of tho boar(l ls composed of the The Methodist Foreign Missionary hf . ? &alulrunf ovon: , mayor, tho city physician, the chief Keith Theatre, Saturday. VIVIAN MARTIN IN 'The Home Town Girl' and say, she is a regular. She's tho sort every country fellow leaves be hind when ho goes to the Big Town. Sho's the girl more's tho pity that ho doesn't always come back to. Tho two part comedy "AFTER THE BAWL" Society will meet In the church par Irtru li lc nil nrn rrr TMi la m nnHn cr i0a r . ,i many times with tho Brodcr brothors l.nrn nt,u1n,.P l ,1alrn,1 Thorn will and WaS Phased to again niCCt tllCIll followed by refresh- bo a program monts. Ono of the group of ono hundred war brides who recently reached New York passed through tho local can teen yesterday onroute to her now homo. Sho was a pretty llttlo English girl and was bound for San Francisco where sho band. Tho two Mexicans arrested nt i Julfbburg and suspected as the parties who held up the inmates of the Jnp rooming house In this city ten days ago, were arraigned before Judge Woodhurst yesterday afternoon, but tho evidence was not sufficient to hold them under tho charge. To the average man all Mexicans look alike. Bert Dolson, a man past thirty, had a hearing beforo Judge Woodhurst yesterday on tho charge or vagrancy and fined $25 and costs, which he paid. Get our prices on diamonds before buying. Austin,. Jeweler, corner Jew elry store, 04-3 mg at u six o ciock dinner by Mr. antl , of pollc0( tho president of the council mm. niiiui ijetiv. mr. twv. umjiii l rni,ni mnn mnn , . .. Ulll.lUUUIIblllltUU I You remember as though you could over forgot "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab- "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch", Marguerite Clark nt her best as the lovable, comical little lady who is "always trying to do things for other people". GLADYS BROCKWELL- IN "THE DIVORCE TRAP" in which man's inhumanity to man extends to woman as well. The real comedy, a Sunshine - "Merry Jailbirds." Keith Theatre, Tonight. amsm and hear them play. bago Patch," don't you? And Maggie XTnnln rTI , . . , t 1 T 5 T .1 . , . .... .. from Utah and Idaho whore he went uncan of ,th c'r; d m J to look after tho purchaso of cattlo. , n,,,,. ,,;, "f ,,,i ,inv In the section he visited the pastures Morgan, and Billy WS88. a l o havo i i i , ,.. i, I boon Bavlng her for tho last, Loe tion where the meadows are irrigated J1"7 Wo11' t B f," ! ft nnSn, I.nv I. o1Hn.r fnr thfrfv Hnllnra nor ' to tllC Screen for 'OU ami it 0011103 to tlio Keith next Monday and Tuesday. I THE NEW I t. nnAi, mi, nnli1. - ...... will be ot by her '1 LiinnMnrr timt fo,i n1in ,r,M,, ,r ' the role of Lovey Mary dont forget. AT THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY "After is Own Heart" STAUKINCl HALE HAMILTON I'lay of mirth charged atmosphere utth a star of electric vitality,. ALSO Fatty Arbuckle Comedy. SATURDAY "Riders of Vengeance" WITH Harry Carey. i ALSO i 1 -reel Fatty Arbucklo Comedy. Harry i urev. Aon nf tlin Kmlrlln. In nt. tilo linHt. P uni i ... . v.... in uiuers oi vengeance, nis univer il success of tho hour. 31ATINK1; 1:15 I. 31. snarco in tho hills. Cattlemen will be gin to round up September first nnd i , . i . . nnm.. 1. 1 i in Liiuu uphill cuiiiiie, ur anijjiillH their cattle. : :o: : Drives Car Through Window. L. J. Venter, who lives in tho 1300 block on west Ninth street, parked his car at eight o'clock last evening In front of tho Block store. Later In moving out tho car ho lost control, It hopped up on tho sldewnlk and smashed Into a plate glass window, breaking th0 glass Into fragments and denting tho frame. Mr. Vcnlor prom ised Mr. Block that he would make good tho damage. SUITS FALL For Men and Young Men Now ready at our Store. PRICES NO HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR AND QUALITY MUCH BETTER. Edwards-Reynolds Co. For Men and Boys. MONDAY 'The Silver Girl" WITH Frank Kcenan ALSO Lightning Raider WITH Pearl White. S Used Oar Market WHEN you buy a used or rebuilt car from me you buy a car exactly as rep resented. Many people change models each year with the result that wo have really good cars that represent considerable sav ing to the buyer. Some are entirely rebuilt making them practically new. Many people think a good used car will give more service and is better value than a new car of a cheaper class. All cars sold bv us aro guaranteed to be exactly as we represent them. Showing now TWO DODGE TOURINGS ONE MAXWELL ONE STUDEKAKEJt TOUJtING . "Service for Our Owners' North Platte.Nei. Telephone 844 Gth and Locust.