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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1906)
" -. i ,-! tLK " '-1 E5. '. ; P. n -. Sty-: rV,".ra;.:.- O Vfc 'V ) . fc-v 'V. i. 7; I "v 11 . "N.. s.i f-- ' hT 'j V ! f v V r-,s a j" . i . j Cc Daily Utbraskan A eoneltiilon of The HcBperlan, Vol. i, The Nbraakart, Vol. 10, Bcarlet and Cream. Vol. 4. Published dally, except'. Bunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, -Llnceln, Neb., by the Hesperian PUbllsh ! Ins Co. .; ioard of Directors.. . O, V. P. StoUt. -r " Xaurenoe Fowler. , . H. P. Leaviu. uenviiv. - A. 6. Bchrolben (Dvlght Cramor. .y Edltor-ln-Chlef .-.John D. Clark Manager, Fred Naughton " " Assistants. 'News..... '- J- Bcdnar Athletic..,,.... ..B. A? Van,Oradel "Circulation K , . ."W. ;B. Standeyen Editorial Roomc, TJ 04. Buslnesa'Offlce,, ce, Station A,. Lm N : . U 211. Post u 'coin, Neb. Office hours of business Manager and 'Editor, 11:00 to 11:89 dalTy. Telephone Automatic 152t Night tTle.R.hon Automatic 23S5 f3' Subscription Price, 12 per year In advance Entered at the postofrico at Lincoln,. Neb., as second-class mall mattor under tho act of congress of March !J. 1879. Individual notices will be charged, for at the rate of 10 cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental arid university bul letins Will gladly bo published free, as heretofore. FRI-8HMAN CAP8, The F.reshmon seem determined to assert their rights and wear dlstlnc - tivo class head-gear, and the Sopho mores are equally determined that they shall do nqthlng of the sort if 4t is8 in the power of the second-year moh to prevent it. Unless one .or the other changes its present a.ttltudo, tho classes-will inevlt&oty clash this spring, andttie good resolutions of tho past fall will be forgotten, and tho dc- ?Vploraule loss ih private and Univer sity property wllr recur. , - W"Hyn5t look at tho questioning an other light-? 'The assertion that o nllow the Freshmen to Wear caps will poibuQii uu jo upvoaq ou. Tiuuod q oq college-tradition is untrue vfor wo doubt if anyjjbtty. will admit that two years is long enough So perfect a col lege tradition, oven in tho newer co legos 'of tho West. Other than this t there can bo no objection to the wear ' ln of caps by tho -Freshmen, aside u from the .desire to promote a. class fight. On thorother hand, thero is one ., .reason why this should be permitted Oghlcti has peculiar force at Nebraska Owing to the great latitude in the se lection of courses in tho academic college, it. frequently happens thai there, will be representatives of all four classes in "a single course, and the new man will require a full year before. he can find out who are his classmates, Only at class meetingo dp the. Freshmen. got together so as to knowv each, other, and even then we have known more upper-classmen to be at a Freshman mooting than flrst- year men themsolves. There is really no way in which freshmen can gel' acquainted with each other and thr wearing of class caps will nil this re quirement as nothing' else can. It is surejya good, thing for the University. to have, the men of, the .different classes know their -classmates well enough to Join with them itfjthjg'pro" 6Mpjntpf legitimate olass1 spirit, ami any'thllig jfiAtik will PoUpte tkiiivend kottld not' oijr ibe VWrml bt ahottld be ejwemrae4: Let tho FreeiJ- man wtr their cape, then. THEDAy NEBRAflRAN. Rules for Lewer-CUtemen. Ihe Seniors and Juniors of the TJnl- versity,. of WlMohsjn hay prescribed a Bet of iMen and regulations ror ixun PreshmonNand Sophomores. "As yet there have been'iio reports of the sue cessful operation, of these rules, but it Is safe to say that the Sophomores reglsterod an komphaUc objection to them. The rules are as 'follows: "1. No Freshman shall smoke a plpo or bo seen to carry a pipe when on tho -street or, outdoors in tho city of Madison. , "2. No Freshman shall wear any derby or stiff hat whatever during tho year Until May 1, save onlyupon prom night. ' "3. No Freshman or Sophomoro shall under any circumstances what ever sit upon tho fence In front of the gym. This shall apply to all Fresh mon and Sophomoroa without excep tion. "4. No Freshman or ."Sophomore shall under any. circumstances be seen to woar while in tho city of Madison any corduroy clothing of any descrip tion." Prize Essay." For tho best essay on "Moral 'Train ing In Public Schools" a prlzo of flvo hundred dollars is offered, and the the second best, Jthroe hundred dollars. CONDITIONS. FirstLength of oSsay to be not loss than 6,000 nor more than' 12,000' wordsr" ' . Second Each' essay must bo sub mitted typewritten. Third All essays must heln thdj hands of -tho commltteo not laterHhan Juno 1st, 19d0.-. Theso prizes are offered byji citi zen of California who desires his ;namc Withhold. Ho has apppirited.. Rev;. Chas. II; Brown of Oakland, California, President DaMd "Starr Jordan of Stan ford University, and Prof. F. B. Dress lar of tho University of California, Berkeloy, "trustees .of thofund.and sole judges of the merits of tho essays, submitted." Tho two prlzo essays shall becomo tho property of the trustoes to bo; by them published and circulated as widely as possible" from tlw fund at their disposal "within tho limits of tho Unltoif States" , Tho prize will bo pa,id immediately; upon, thej, award; of tho committee. v Any essay not awarded a in-Izo.wiil, bo returned, to the writer upon request, accompanied by postage, ' I . Miss Dora Joy Grimm, '04, is n teacher in the primary department ol TaylorvUle. Utah, nubile schools She spoKcsof, enjoying hor worlc qnd suf, rounUIngs All candidates for the University, Teachers Certificate at tho mid-winter commencement should notify tho Head of tho department of education at once, ,i With, the return of many students tram ine npuuay vacation, comes a chanb in, the boarding place of many. The University School of Music O'aity has added, a number of new regular boarders' to its Uatana the number of; students who patronize the Cafe for. noonday lunch Is constantly increas ing.. Quick service, quality cleanli ness, and l3w prices are the rule at the,Schookpf Music Cafe, and they are merltlngtne, they have brought tho Cafe, Better drop. In for lunchtbday. ' ' 1 ' . T .The students pf "Npi'thweeHw.n hare peUtloneil the Board bfjrusteea to. do iwaywitli all forms 'of athletic meets! I This sounds like a refcwrm-eohd. - " r T1 L; t fc;SiA "-- - - mC T ITSSSBBT . 1 v1 lEBBflk T BBBBSSW I J 4vLBBflRKgEaeBPeVVeHL, AS L B m kCtek PJr' eilW The thrilling chariot race scene In "Ben Hur," the most stupeticUous and realistic stage picture in the .his tory of the amusement world. Dight horses harnessed to two chariots are driven as fast as ever marked a race over a dirt course in the turf world. "Ben Httr" is to be presented at the Oliver .Theatre, Lincoln, -Nebraska, on January, 15, 16 and 17. . THROUGH Train Service to California And all principal points West, via Union Pacific v Electric Llihted Trains Dally " Inquire "of E. B. SL05SON, Bakery $ty.,t - - 1 QualltyUnaurpasd. 1307 O Street v - - -....,. .... i - m ir is ihb unpen pmi gHn y nun. oy iw oHimion ot trie ute devm lluf e we hve been tvble to reUyrfoca thecocl ol prtxluctioa wid't the mbm tew have keptlhe eunup to Jw fmou high (tbpft'r lBlrJ of rea&, ulfty ftf hnbUii'ri Ne&e tK? cUa MpUety ofr jJu sua, The WMknutttKip and ficUi ate parfect.-j.Tbe wawht h only 7 pejA'. The'fullchale I.-. IJI.- .1... .a a. , .,---,, - " "t :- -.'- TfrHaMe m mm wetmna on W exakflce ftod ba thebUnc h get lW Ktah grade repeatkg ruve yew dMtet ortiec A lor yott; Send far tUMar&l Catalogue en J f)(ctt tbeM may .bowed, several unpteveaeAH 4 7fc'2tcMuiLtirpwtett FRATS- Wfin in wpA nf TV -we ewwv e WHITEBREAST CQKPANY S Ir V -Wc -will Office 1106 6. ' ' . - - DRV JOHN J. DA VII . AJTD OPTIOTAK 1 9 O St., VlWOOL N. JUM. rMeli HM Mil! KM. ltil I BfT!BC? j ".-r. .General , Agent ft Confectjohery ... rt .1 . . ... . r.t . t I v . nptevesMAto in Hie opetaUng parU make it the eatiert. mott; , We are gta'd to make it, peu&le. for evy hytt ei gam eatffig thbt ipw at to ayf a pnee, -" r' -' - ' -. . . .'. : ' r- Exptilthoe Bok lMu FrteerJ TO AT. raft anA 'jj 53fci'.iW a amt mw mm mjtew imrm - "'i "B" tfwff-' i f ..V, r trctt ycxj.Htht ''fv . PUdnei, Belij Autol610; j COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK v OF UCOUIf WtiJUWICA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 Ml 'V9 tl 'K 'id ' 4s . "N" 't ' 'i 1 JM .! it m V A '. .L'