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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
V " ' WJ. ,i i: 1' J6 . r& riL.. K - !T -- i I .M i ; Lv I x It - ! I V . .i - .. . sa . " a v4i '$ r j.a -y ivj IviHt ?r vr -t'v''-Mtiriv 1 --"- . iin. t. m. mm -Dl U1IS llfdATION- iHOWN Y INVMTIQAJJQKi FSrne r Populist Candidate for Vlfce- I1', Proldency Reviews vlngur- ' ance Abuses. Tin'XKtVfiH , rr"j'-,tT5.'-svv-. - "Mr. TV H. Tibbies) a former kedjCorl oj the- Independent, gave an address at convoca'tlon yesterday on "The In-8tiraiiCrIavetlgaUan,v-rnQW.behir car ried tWlnifarr York., 'Mr. Tibbies ha sjpent the last six months in New fti' ,. 1 . 8.MW WxPttm lbs -- 1 t. X 1 m "- r. r'T'ssrr TnrL iitr V vlttAi BJraaM" lUkiafV far BnSHHsn' .SP WmmmmUmF SUM BBY . anon Une Vnnm USM BanVM nvmVJ snr SSBBni OW .OW Sana nOM nana BSw. Sana nam. .Bnv nana saw Bv BBB1 nana near 1 Ybtk, He has attended, tke- sessions of the court where Insurance oases are , being JtrJed.and Is able, to, glyo direct aadvaluable "information ooftaeraing 1 the 'kiatmer, of dnyssdgakkNi ami tesbi- mpnylof lteekses .. 4?-j ?f . 4irTb.ipent somfjlpnesdcscribi Irtg the personnel or jfrosccuung At torney Hughes .and his. method 6f " M4riT!BK'i' jMbiribatlon :out of thehb tlle-RBv unwilling v witnesses.-he .ex- - amines. -Mr. Hughes,' the speaker v . rsald;'ls -nb4hs."fti ' f actrh-ee- jiles eryjMliljiBWpNeJbraska'f er rHkyso, however,' is por- O ft.:ftliirv of $ ajCinYostIpitw6, ;loe WMew per; no .sMtterh'ow xaspaibtg hlirtaskr May bel Jl , jutvesen s n4f ,-ask. the same witaess .tliesameueftB, Hta. exactly hefseHaniwr,-rthlrten-tlmes be-fOMKfe'stft:-. saUpfaelorv aiwwer.' TklrteiayC bea nkluoky 'number,. .It-MrtilW-was In .tbtii omse fer the Wiwess. , , ITh BlBn.msnllnBMl iher fP.f. that our - olfv. ninik- (! the'Aafeoolated PreesV W IUV ....;.,- v. ... .- - , w,ere' publishing the Jesuits of he in ves'tftatlons 'from time to "timeout ex resa h(s srf rWe .at; lyhelr complete .failure .to glve'lne mok glarfng abuses aW orlates .that .were being unearthed. Je a the investlgajtlon. Ififena tors,' rust magnates, presidents of. in surance companies and other 'influen tial persons, upon vthelr oath, under the.-.ikJlMur-iaveatlgitlon.ttornAir - B'hes, admitted, of belnj guilty of 'asm'any- m 'fix Wfrwlt d d,8,l?ad.t -e&nlnal offeisy.'for anyon-of wJpelj . thircouldenVejiid to'atarm In v "tWiteatlafy,- and- jrbUno. nientlon isade,oLtha-fijMLln,,tlie columns of:the AMoeiaw- Prese. uponia, qfchVarae4 tffathejdfer infar- fSorable.toany ofthe pattiM.'in- yojved, tha Associated Press wotiW . ei publish it., in xmsway me gen eral publtb 1 KaDt IgnoyAt of thfeal , cqnditlon of alfairp.' ... ,. J ,The speakerfpenj v -remainder - of'Jthe time inseusaingftesolety; lofavn. tork- 01jyyfi) VT:JKat?aaais ophe jrtonW qf jrork .Oityh W. "are within thirty days of sUrva- t. They are dependent on the. tW and cprporatlns for their saj-as-to sneh an extent that iftbelr waces wvt te,b 'iUtffa they wrt end of thirty days, tfbf eteetloiMi there' are the biggest 4uuevef con ducted under tbt name On every -jp..wr, f-y JtAwLWm kk, f, " - - . . - i. 1 . . . j. .. 1 . '-, , MjArLi .Li..fiin 'M w-i -5i'i;' BiE9H3 Kansas, City, Cltampion? ofJfy.:Vlf$sf, v& . , ,, lMWfdtTrtf Nebras&a 1 I r n "jur jL a , ' iflt f:tcaV ? 3" -;"rm t JWill Bra ,Great The senior "ar taking holksof-the proposed, couatryparur In great. style an4It; proMliwst ,t Jbf a? stlcteKln everyway. aTs jcosJnti canva4slg M'thc ?ate oftlWi'reiorted th.ut oselH,..lua..yet refused iour- chase one, and ig; taken foranted thaf no1 line who buys one win fall to bo tTieroTheIruTe'tfiatVnb:ydung lady i to kjloV an escortto . accom- pany her is tot ue ngiuiy enioroa, as well ftBjke -provision. tktnlyselors wlHts'bp'allwklor Jbe freeentt, Jn dtSdr Kiirtmlyritk &Mhaly bribe that a reporter of,iThe. Nobras kan was abVto' obtain permission to Stterid the attltTalW 'CMeA bBrjr' onvWe4 rol"imn raiseijo.tofhavo va..gpoi U. c x uw , M iv j r- . w seniors oiilyaail eisjni ,1 dercd fo have.sorMttoh'df'lttaat' Jnbem,Mi4fw0yerfor any one 7 T . - '' . C A1aa The funwilLlast for.three solW lourj arfn the -pl? Trfftch wlll.'hl ' dlHhed out to the .hungry oountr jake-'nre guaranteedto bsv-not'llke liaoth'er uedTtb make--LbuWikoiPwother fused totry to make Aandhlafe for the-position of nigger-baby has bee found, and -he 'Is cutting all "clasues now in order to have .plenty. o'f time ttp practice dodgin'g. livery girl 'boTilts him will have the Drlvllece of eatlne w pMectr ar Ht mtikovtfw. :the, secojrd-Kanatoes; lp,yftyn. eannof'-brihg odUwltl to. brieve this, for it against all' natural law that a, senior should have: to "go outside his own wardrobe i to oWaiaTold elotheiJ ifo-iniuj'e, every one wearlngnoth(ni hut M dud-;, the cMtMlhasJlilt; utfon the deVIeeof ? assessing a Una: .upon each senior who wears a oellar. $r has his, shoes blacked pr is in: any way "drweed up.f Bat at' the TJnl. MusUc Gate. V ' . I r i . ' ' . ' T , . t 1 5 llMff'M W'4 Jil, 'I.1MSS 5BnuuggggB3BBPpugslgWBUuauI I . $A ... New Fraternity Haa ,; ' ' ! -f -j, - -n f - 1 . ilT -If i 1- r 1 1 i"x 4Sk e a , 4mmrlm mm efcesj . W-! '7 ..?, pliMulalsTy A WCUW " n , ': ' ' -. ; 1 BaenHBBannsnunnsBBnsnnnssBnnBnnBBBBBnnuBSsnsnnBSn II inT 1 11 11 I yp" -iiii i'i'Hi i ini iipi BlinniTinriii ipi 1 in 111 w - 2?c-e-f; I r- ,,, "C(V .( r 1 f . Jt- , c fVojf Ml ,. ., 't inr yihhik ClUk Tfato&jZ, 1906- f - Freshman, Hen, Temerrew. , TOie freshmen will glye ..their, annual, liop in Fraternity Ifall .tomorrow .eyen lag and- It is .rumored that already the opjSbmoreif ore laying plans jb, takef ample Vengeance for the mean tiiok the freshmen pfaeed upon them at the Ekiitlrtmtxk rtnn leaf volI lea trtxftlap vllQ-8inelllng chemicals Into the dance" hall." It, lg'juaid that, the chairman f the-hop committee, the master of cere monies and J ho president of the class hrive all been spotledMor ihe iMiit threo. br four days, and thaMt will bit IknpofiflejLfor theni to escape capuire, I f rjuuiey win ,be. oomultad.b' ipeuu in BYVBiaBn upturn uhhimw less' enjoyable than ttfedanoe hall. The ireehmen, on the oherVandhave assorted; that the sophoni6e'aT" not men enough oowrV'ouTlheirtJiroat, and claim that all iheif chief men will be oh hshd wlien the muelc benins. f'Althwft'tArwlllttiWa;hV some ceriteMt over the oapturoiH the leaders' ot the freshmen, .all .other chancers will, bo left-unmolsCed and all should epjoy the evening tfcorjSughly Friday's Leeturer Dr. J llolovtehiiier, wkeIs to .leo lure In MemoriaVlfaU Friday nightLon Pushkin, tjje foider"9frteodrn .liter ature, has hiiU'an' lrtereetlag eareer. A .- pa, OncoumoTiltioaniews 'WWa oomilled oeave uea. Me eomj pleted heduiojl the.ttnlVernrtlee of Germany; ,rtHe,hM;wrlttea for a juid America. He deserves a large hearing at his initial appearance at tbe-TJnlvenilty. ' While this lecture is given, undeV the austeea of the Oradt JaU JWb'th nefrV lqyfpt t& $ ; r A young wonwm's shoe. I Rogers Jb Perkina jOOm Hit ,0 jKtft i ' " v ifh " - - - 'i . zn.t FLAY KANSAS CITY .- w. 4. jTHlv . VA'RtlTvf WILL WJKT, TK ( .,tQUTHfli7KRt iATURDAJ,, I- .t ksnsss CIty"'l the .Basket-ball Cham-1.. ,' . . K . f i l . pion. of the westQame atl:1SP.M. i 1 , V ' The first and greatest game ut basket-bslfthat will be .playeH on the , ' , local 'floor during trje present 'sea'son- will- tako -place Saturday night In the Armory; The, Kansas., City Athletic Club represented by the fastest- team , in the West, will be the.ppposlng team. This Is' thelrst game of 'basket'bair c verv "played In Lincoln with the Kan las City club'and it should .be V great ar'awing' car. AlthoHgh' Nebraska las played1, "the club on" the Kansas 3ity fl(Mr, uut;WJtK 'little success. -. - - The Kansas City Athlftia Club has fc been represented' in the past few years V.U-KabaJI, :eam4.tjia.ys .hard ' to fq.uaUapyw.hye., Latea theirw, success was Indeed signal, fof they dafaaterl TwIk Tnt(Hit Whutn' 4iuhh.e Qefman YrjMTcrA?ofBukaIo, - junaio naaciajmsatne championship' of;, the'woridfor'several years, )jut niet their ilrsdfeisivejlefea",at then t frauds; l,amikKnvUyr)M. In-.i , atU;Ute,ana wneaton ,nave sotn,ien u very nrewbieiit' iu .basket-ball ,elraiSi i' it. Wr 'Li ' V Lr rV ' ' i T- in is rvofK, mK'fMBot ee eonsiaereu in the. aame claas wltnKanuas City. '"'Tfii'viraity will beithVbeet shape fo fast work by' tfalttVflay thatJt l has - beeh for ; soine time. They are Hard at praoiloe this "week, and the eagerness w4di which the men are working for1 the different positions1 is - surelyTgratlfylng'to the oaptain, and '' v ooach. TheAreshmen will be peirmi "' ted to play -in the gameand all other sjantes from now on. While the Hue-" -up' kas net been definitely deeided up- ''; on, ''yet it is alntost. oertaim .that the ' , line-up will" be as follows;, Oentetf':; -Moser; guaVds, Captain Hear. and v"V Bell; -feard,fWalh'ud Haten.1" sioJc; The; subetituiwUl-bexNfrijniers - The.Oekets are on sate, at? Harry ;; Porter's. Dook Store, and aH seats have been'' reserved, .and they, are on sale -J" now. The prion of the seats has been set at M jmdM cents, Fifty ourfe v being 'ohaiaed for tworms ef neeul T i 1 "V on eaoh side of due oonrt. while UM end and fcejcoay sevs sell for II oedta. i T fThe game will' commence at SIH p. m. .sharp', and it is hoped that noth ing will happen to in anyway jnar the pleasure of it. v . 1 , Y .' - . Kf VUKi lf8eWf VpfJjftsVtpfJuuV The echedules fr tke Ana) examlna tioas are now being prepared by the registrar. The mmlnattene will take piaee at the sane time as hen always been the custom, with' the exoeptkm thai th freebjuea ekumes In those courses la which there are a number of divisions will be combined and take the examlnaUon together In one of the wrfcie Mla. dpeciaJ scbedulee will bo laeued for the profeeeioaal colleges. f; ' s; band ,UM rjNr ,a4 iniuwoe money pWlV OOOOOCXXXDOOOOOCXX3000CCOfMOCCOOCOOOOpOOOOOCX50CXaXCO -, .-.iii. - a n 4. t ' s I.V"1.!! iMitfiirttoBMayifetinnusniiia Try the Vni. Dlniag Youwfll