Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1906)
. f',"t- .' Oi fe - A'' ' . , . ... .. t 'c '! . :, THE DUL.Y INBBRA8KAN, V V CI i 3- l '," 1? , Tl piiiit'i(ii(jiti(i)ii)t(ii(''it(jt(iiitiit(i(y' BUSINESS DIRECTORY MMiMMMMpMMMMMMIMIliM j vary; l-yl OiiWrUy tdt l rgeS pafcraalM the Wfcr- i kna HftterttMn, aat-te Mcatfoi '' ....... i .. ,. t tli fp while SwUg-te; li t - . WlVPt r4RTP SJl p i r.i WV- Etf-1 A' !wV" ' ' "St. ' Sfth CLASSIFIED COLUMN 1 r SPECIALS NOTICES. Rate one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten .cents. FOUND. A PLACE to get a good $2.60 hat 2.S9 nut oiore, xiu w b. , "S, -V P . :..Xi ; C I &. rv - i. r BARBEIV SHOPS The Arlsto, Green? 'BAKERY Mrs.'etry. 'BOWLING ALLEY Crescent '"'''' BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin- ; coin Book Store,. Unl; Book Store, v Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPxTAL-Gillesple. BANKS-Columbla National, Ylrst N tlonal. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent .' CAFE Sam Westerfldld Don Cam erpn, CARPETS Rudge Y Guenzel. CARPENTER Ceo. A. WHson. CATERER "tommy,," atRJggs' Drug , ' Store. 'CHINA Rudge & Guenzel Co. v CIGARS AND TOBACCO-Ollver CI T garkCo;,"Geb. M. Conway. , CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup ,' . Wp&l. . " CLOTHING Armstrong Unlahd, lite- gee & Deemer, Ludwlg. .,- COAL Grdgory,' Wb,ltebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol: . .som. DINING -HALXi University Dining Room. DISEASES.' OF EYE, EAR AND. THROAT Dr. JSrle B. Woodward. RUGGISTS-rrRlggs, Stolner, Woem- penferBrown, Rector, Harley. DRY GOODS-Mlller & Paine, Herpol- jsheiiner, Rudgefc Guenzel. EXPRESS LlncolnLocal. FLORISTS-Chapin BrosX ' 'M FURNITURE-Rudge & GuenzeUCo., ' Haly . r3 ; GROCERS O. J. King & Son. ; HABlBRDASHBRY-2:50 Hat Store. . ; HARDWARE Rudge & Guenzei;Co., '- HallBros.' . , t7 HOTELS Lindell. ' . ICEJ.CREAM. AND ,ICES Franklin. Ice; ". Cream Co. , ' ' JEWELER Tucker, Hallctt. LAUNDRIES Yule 'jBroai yftOVVUTY MACHINIST-r-Thorp. . ,.;;- OCULISTSrr-Dr; Davis. ,' PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. POOL AND BJLLf ARDS The Heldel- ' burg. . . -PRINTING-rGeorge Bros., New, Cen- .. tury, Ivy Press, Review Pr.essrGreer- Cooper Co. - .v RESTAURANTS-Jon' Cafe, Good ' . j Healthy Phoenix. 7, ROLLER -SKATING Auditorium ' RlnV. ' h 't. -n" FOUND A large, gentleman's signet ring. Owner may secure same by call ing at this office and paying charges. "i ' ' ,Fquhd Wpdnesday, on the campus, brdwn .mottled fountain pen. Owner can have samo by calling at Nebras kan office and paying for this ad. Found Pdcketbook containing sev eral articles of small value. Owner may have same by paylhgTfor this ad. and identifying property. ' MESSENGERS. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel.: Bell 180, Auto. 2233. NOVELTIES, ' 7 KEYS and repairing- of all kinds. T. J. Thorp & Co., 308 So, 11th St. UNDERTAKERS. OASTLt &' ItOPUR,' private ambulance service. 120-4 So. 18th St. SANltORIUM. t SULPHO-SAL1NE -13aUi House, . Uik and M 8ts. lS3 r Friday, Jan. 12. 9 p. m. Freshman Hop. Fraternity Hall. Tuesday, January 1f . , Nobraska State Board of- Agriculture meets in Senate Chamber of State Cap itol, 4 p. m. Nebraska S"tate Horticultural So ciety, SKte Farm, 10 a. m. Art exhibit closes. Wednesday, January 17. Nebraska State Board of Agriculture meets in Agricultural Hall, State Farm, room 305, 10 ja. m. -Nebraska State Horticultural So? clety, Stato Farm, 9 a. m. 8UIT0RIUM. ' IIAVB your, clotlilna: cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultdrium, 11th and O Sts. ' I.. j i BAGGAGE TRANSFER. - FAQER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel. No. 11th Bt Bag-gage and parcels. FOR .RENT ROOMS. Modern, room, suitable for two of" three,. 534 North Twelfth street. .SHOE REPAIRING. THE: only up-to-date repairing factory Jn the. city. Prices the lowest. "Work manship the best. 1220 O St DENTISTS. ' BOSTON Dentists, 1819 O. St. HAIRDRESSERS. . BEST soft water shampoo.. in the -city,, 124 No.J2th St Elizabeth Good- mKDK. . ao-ai Thursday, January 18. . Nebraska State Horticultural So- clety, State Farm, 9 a. m. Nobraska Improved Live Stock Breeders' Association, Stato Farm, 9:30 a.'m. , Nebraska Park and Forestry Ahsch elation, State Farm, 1:30 p, m. j " ' , i Frjday, January "19. , Farmers' Institute Conference, State I Farm, 1 p, m. . January 28. "Officers' Hop. FraternityHall. Shoe Sale i r :- .. -''' i .... 10 to 50 Per Gent tzri ' k '' ' 1 KMTHrc m m sH mM M sew and Perkins Fridays Feb. -16. , . ,-- 9 p. ra. Junior Pom. Lincoln Hotel.. -.."; SHINING v PARLOR Union Shlklag . Parlor, . ,,"- .".-: ' - ,rAILpR-Ulamd,4t Union , 'Collefe TallCM.Ltidg. ' .., . . ,, TYPWRITER8-UgtlenyoW Type- writer Co. J " :' SPlCiAUSTS Dr. BrleB. Wood ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant. , m V ' atfBBSBSBiSBlBSBSBfeaA Wit- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbBBBbbbbbbbbbbbk 1 1,! uSHP-wn: , ' -"'uti'BSSSSSSl ,1" ' V'' '''SpuMWtNatitNt-wkRTaiiSizia'Hi V""r. . " -. PM Is i eiSre iaomi a rw at oamrs 'ik.. " rwtfQU SftT UCUM "" g K'y , a LOST. LOST Beta ThetaPI pin. .Return to Nebraskan offlco. --t ." ' . ' ' . I., i i i . .i .. WANTED Man to. work onadver- tlsing proposition. Apply Nebraska onico, xx io xx;du a. in. . " ' N 1 i i ." i ,Y. M. C. A. Notes. . In response to thou.many .inquiries that are coming In dally concerning the Faculty and Students Directory, Mr'. L. E. Higgins, the chairman 'of the Publishing Committee,, announces that Jt will bo dut for distribution 'the latT ter part' of the week. The book can be secured at the rooms of either of the two Associations wlthoqt charge. The weeklyprayer meeting on Wed nesday evening from 1 to 7; 30 will be ladby Hugh E. Wallace. The subject is "G6alg for 190,5." These meetings are always short, interesting and to' -the point. Evey man. whether or not he has any Interest. Jn. anytklag of this tnatfere; will flndtthee meetings help? ful.. They are heidInUlie Aeeoclatlda rooms. ' ' rf 2 Englnecrini Netee. -- Engineering Sbqlety' meets tonigktf at 7:30 o'clock In the Mechanic Arts. building, roon 211, All members are .requested to attend. v x I i , A new bomb Mahler oalometer is being set up In the' M. ET department. This instrurtentT will be used lri Meas uring .the heating values of oeals and liquid .fuels. ' ' - . f. , , 'jlaroldConklln.'of the &'. departp. ment, returned, to.sefcooj, Ufls," week. He, was .taken sick Jiast after tfee hoti days and spent a week in Um hoenttaL Cy Mama was a.vtaltm on tiae oam pus Monday. Of is transitman on a locating party with the B. If. "-. Friday, April 20. 9 p. m. Sonlof Promi Hotfik. .CONVOCATION. Lincoln a",' v 'Z' 'vffl-' ' '-'St " .y-ci ei. i ijfi . . '- r; '- " Tl V 1129 O. Strt "" -w'V OLIVER THEATRE t i'i . . Wedneday, January 10. Miss Alice Howell will' give a read ing. Friday January 12.' . Music- ' :-' ..v;v Chaplain for the week: - Pro A L. Candy ,' . ' "'-'' .; ". Monday, January 1.5. ' Prof. Jaines T. Lees will klvo an illustrated lecture on "The University; of -Athens." w Wednesday, Janua'ryT17 J Prof. LawrnceJFossler wllltalkpn "Henrik lusen." ,MATINEEV1:S0 TONIGHTSSli Grfhe Bridge at Midnight Mnt. 2S. Eve.JC, 50 anil 2S IfWlfl lfc.1 I - Sat. Mat, anel Night, Jn? 13 HENEY W. RAVAGE OFFERS Woodland Mat. Mc, 75c.lTf.00. Night l1.S0fl1.0O, 76 A 60 Cents. Mwt Tues., Wel. n4 Wee", Mat. Jan. 15, 1, 17. 4 BEN HUR Friday, January 19 ' " ' Music. - . '''' Chaplain for the week Prof' F. A. Stuff. . ' t, Menday, .January 22i"'. , Mr. .A. L. Gale, editor of Llnoo'n Dally Star. ' ' ' ' . , .' . i -''. .Weel'ne lay January .'ffiv v ' ProrrW.M. Patterson,; NlWaska Wesleynri . University, will talk on; "Maeterlinck.". ' FrWay, January M. Mttlc, .'',. t .. Chaplain for the week: Re&. F,' W.' 'sasoni ' i V. .... . .r We4neetoyMkM RfdIngiton.M ThurIay-iMl Ohawkers. Frlday-Mls? Keller. ! ' . QsH-traOe UUtaBk04( who to tAto. Ing at Rndnn.NerakC wsin tks diy to attend te TacWs' Asnoela- Uon and visit with formor friends. f. . ii i 1 1 i drsia Sargent, '05, who teaches at Gretna, Nebraska, attended the olatkm tad vtstted with her parents. Isjpjsjsj pjJsmsansjajBsjsnjMBjpnj BEK lKKBh vslsSBVEHSSsBs IsMbW jfj pySEf syspjESj HV ' VR TC"WP SsaW ssMrV 1 m ! IiMmBbssIM srt jaIU Ifl 9 ' 1VIH1 mSf W9m9m fliew C e n t u i Print ers JftsfMillr s41llli tfi tm4 nt I Umm wtolilM;U,wU-trlMt4 MimHtaMSMSJ ALLIQRKTTI - LQWNKY u 7 AT ,. RECTOR 12th AND O i A young woman's skot, Sorosln. Roenrs ft PerUns Co,. ,1119 O Street i i ir ii i Union BbJntng Parlor Shine, ftre oeats; ohsirs for ladles. ll O 84. 1 "s. . -1. - " i 'A . 7J .-JunfSWiS ..