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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1906)
Sw ft vw; v. No. u '- -' ' ,--'tit ' t -fr, WV MMMMaMMMHH m :fcH"- r J vJ be SDajiiflRc toeftan : ' .,.,, . . i. r- . " v w w t ,n. "U -'-''" UNIVMK51 . . -", '. ,'" A.V ', v f . . w Wi "fcr : ". m v- "i-i '' W . ? JKJ."' - x4- .van l r ' s rt ,.- A SPo 1 . OV 4. y. ip . m a a .. ET ' V BARRETT PRIZES c6lombian .minister offers r "prizIes-for EifAYt. ' ' ' Competition Open to .All American College tSjyutfswteThe Llet of Stib)etVt Aj t xi - Three prizes-- prl;ce4of $100, asec- 'Otid prize oi $76rand.:a .third prize of $60 have been established by Jhe Hob. John Barrett, UnltecLStates min ister to Colombia, to be awarded to '' the authors of the beet papers on any one of the guWicts named belotkif: .BalTeeth object ofMf history, peoples, politics, .reKarces and'poMibiUUes o't'our" iisterv repub iiqsWideveVop4 thrghl Unlted Statee "a wider interest in our "frUtical ad commercial relations witn Latin America,' aad. to foster k more' ;v ; Fraternity Hall ' r, ? -liJi 9 -1 TanuaryTwcltth. -ij I HALT'S ORCHESTRA. FRIDAY, JAN. 12 !! general ..'gUdy of Latin-American "his- IUIJ, lUBUinilUUS, pVllVlAJ, DUV1W AUU edubatioaai" ccindltkMM, 'mateflal and. iolblliti4 caDoclaMv axihev affect thV' growthof closer ties'- ofinterna- O rplv InflnAMAA e9 Ia Danoma f dik JtUU lUltUCKbV IA IU 1 RWUM iJcaftal on the commercial and political Hdevelropment of Latin-America. 1 '$ .'Preeentcowlrticms and' future pos4bllltie of the trade of the United .SiratiW'wIfti, Sinnf'fC. 'AmSrfpa. t v-t r ? T, -. ? a .-, -, 'w I f 4 -f Be-"present material and eoo-' nomic. progress of SkuthvAmer.iqa. ,' 5. ' The .practicability aad utility of 'thV propose'd' Paa-American.ra'llway', H ni p x uniu au v tlorial comity and conldence." i jTJie prizes'afe offered subject to the foltowlag rifles of competition: - vV-Tiirippetitieivcytoaa ? lurlag Jtlie aodelVar lMBCia y American -college, university or i.jwaooij usaergraauaie,- pro- and graduate students . are r vo. ",ipri bie; - ; UiM..VllW., exoied-'iip words -hi atfesspajiiody: the fall im eCrVrit- kihI Ueinjnthreliss and jcoilege, uai ' ,vefs4ty orebhnlcal scfcoel'towhlck JW8 wrweF'wags, mvV.Deaiie or delivered te an express voompany not '.iairtlBpieiibr'Jfili itiIsV. 'dressed ip the" president. cOoluaaWa jt' i ".- . :."" 'j r -. .'I uiversuyrWiixorKr. x:,narxt VBU.n.Jvvv.i,!.;, , - -B iby a the n; soimAftei . -ble. - --' " (-"--. '"hsh.4. 45;.fcTkev paper awarded, .the;inrst (lrl Iwill be transmitted; by the un ' tlersigW: t6V"t ,dffietor vottfie' Yn- reau.df AmerieaallepttWicg, who will 'oause l'to be published and ettoti ' iail M ! dC tho iHilnwUloA'f that buneaa. v " J, "" , T:rf;,ftJUel Uf .oompe, tition other than the 6ne o which the flr'st'prlze is awarded, will be de- . ',,lee awaiilMA unless, at theVtWttoa '; ;.-; .. v twiwng.a.qompfuwr ksks mt UMre- fturtTeC pw1 Wnuaeiiptaad furaisiies . JhJlly stamped a4 proper! ai- dresned Mtewpe. T ,. " ft ..,' ' ' JlfiS??1'' a aajMtaitecl Ua: Any oa4 of mj following ubect may t cajoten: . '" ,' , . POUT1CAL ANb W56foMJC. ; YM JUaroe betriae and its in- . flueaoa oa tkw pomioal aad eeeaosnle . 1. iThe, influence. fine, -conditioas that;workedfor the indenendeaca and Establishment oftn'eSoulh merljan ' republics. ' ' ' ' - " ' - ,2. - Tho J n, flue ace "and conditions that worked for the lndenendenceand establishment 6f,tbe (Jentrkl American .M i .."" . :3; ftecharacterUad achieremehts of, Belivar ashewa fn .the struggle lor the independence of "northern South' XWertea v " " v '$. TkaTRmdltions surroundina and eiieatances Influencfng the. over." hatiWtbf the'einDlre'aiid tKs ttaWish' aaentof the republlc-in Brazil: " x '-'Tito oMrsalttWl&ingtWiltstriW Uo'of ihW ln,iTucxn. iPoi. .of ifrAlri flthaw and Tir Trvhti W IPfnlovX ..,,, - ., wvuu ... ...,. v , ' - - , r -; X . -v , . ' J. .. v. .. r ' ' v Sundav Men1 UUkina. ' J " X. "" Kr'Xrt rWffw V ,3' Zi- $ ...V ., ... n f. -. . ' I-,.... v ' Ji "tl wBsHiiv.'ata ihni rmri r itiiir -r ' T--"ij. - '""'ii.'.A' i . ,j. i gomw-aMraoo ww m ;ejWi of t-Ginfcait il-tJ-i.-Wkft i-'tWWM k. ..! v4r!.; : h "o ' . .ii7. . 4' . . as ..cne staging ,vaaensui. - Teee yotiaW'Iadies sine the old home' sonri. w 'short;, stirriag talks jn betweenr JNwh-ind .hvehJii eithWsCionieet- ?s Hi'sOTw. m'wpb iau. , ine. ooonivwii open-at.JMHC past,. three-aeJocV. y - ?r V i- t " srrrrTi ?s? m Burean moved siTJf rtfesasf 101, 1M MWywhip a4koeettpjaxlr TiTl it w tl ul V.' 1..1 jwo puiv iwu ui irwT jvnrir jipwto;e, found at the' wost endof 'CHARTER DAY PROGRAM. .. .1 A deed tList.,er Evknts. Haa KeenAr- rriftiSif. ferFoliruary 1h. The 'celebradon of the University Charter day for im hasabeen planned for and should be more ejaborate than ever, 'This day has Increased in im portance for the past few years until It; is now considered one of the days- of the college .year. This year thi regular program which has occupied,' xtheAforenoonahfkreioforfi' will .hold J J1 , rSi m m guou-aRum vr e program, ior me ai- ternoon isjn the hands of Dr. Clapp, andrwill consist of an athletic contest in' the Armory. Interest is already hjgh among the f"fOia farJous eVntSi The'edals glyea by ,the Charter day committee are of such a kind that the athletes have found it well, worth their efforts, to win them. This year the prises will be the same, ftrst and soeoad places only bofng , awarded. The iaer-fra-ttrnUyurelaraorisVeanoing rnuoh4 1 terwt among -the dlf erent fratorntUos, and a larger representation than "oyer Isxpocted ''Ufa yef. n ;ifjiwrwth Awaoryare; Twentyrtve yard dash, ropelimV;pole. vault,1 shot put, 'run sjtag Mgk Jump, running hlgh kick, and lesoavault.. Dr. Clapp Is ready ajojhwjUllas; to, meet aaoHt, who dor afosY toworlc. f6rlhe different events, ml .n a few days' nt'wfll havjra scKeduleout for the practising of the different events. In this way each individual is given plenty of op- of-conAkLon-tho summer session, this year of SUMMER SESSION PROpdtE'dRApUATElCHO'OL lk GERMAN. v. 4V .The. Celfsfes n4 UhlVefaltles .oVW Vraska HavV JnM In Unlerf .;;' ' slefl -U -bt-Hshr In -Lkteoia?. -,. The management of the Uaiverslty'of Nebraska Summer Session, for the com Ing summer has ned wtt'tf thither tmlversltlea and colleges of the'ut 1n a anion wimwer session, to bo held InLfncoinv This imfon 6t the tnoHu tionshaa,made poioible aun(e and k muchL more jBomprehonsl. profTa. The high sohooTaad ooHege ooarses wjll be gjven-ln this Unlveraityr The grade and, normal courses will be given ' ; at Weeieyaa. Thls.union session "of thlTMMllofes ahf 'Universities of Webraika aadec the direction of. an exeoatlve ooaaoil conalsting of tho heads of the Institu tions interested. The facUHy consists- '' of the strongest and-most 'available men in the" participating Institutions. For high .school teachers and stu- dents seeking entrance credit vtkere are nearly .thirtymvlew' and jnethod. coiirsea in Latla, German, , FreneH.s. Spanish, niathemaics,;ehonUstry,.sool ,Xs ogy.JroUny, geography, physietl goog . raphy, nature sUdy, Physioal ediwa tlon for betk men MAooW, AW-, lean hlotory-Namropean history, Bag- , lioh, Bogllen literature, peyohotogy Ptdagogy, art, drawing, ohlna Hiatlag, ' .For oollfte. studootsad leaohon. ieWag college credits there are twon-' ty(a4vaaoad.eoursos In the xsttbjoott mentioned above. The eonrses is, those two section are carried, in the bttUd iiigathoUnivritcNebraa4w. This union 'has' made possisls 'two. ckvolopmoiits long desired by the fa-. nlty here. THo Urstof those two U that, it jswkos nossjble a greatly la ereaaed number " of collete omtrsea wMosi.wiil moke it 'iHHsrfMo ,gtr eei loso studMitsi to make ebtieg and, Koparatory credits wttoh ootdft not be offered ojherwJee. -- The second dvoionaaont is along tke lfno..of gradate work. Thaarssenoa" N- tion. vAll men who Intend to enter-any .ofHkhojevonts re; rotiested to .Joaye inwr;namowun uv. plan, as oarjy'ns possible. t v. i t ) -Until; arregnlar Mbrariaa is aejootod jto suooeoa rroioator-wyor, whaoe reo ignatio took effect7 the first of this tooaih, Miss Compton will- net aa librarian. The committee having this aDDOintmont to malota mnmr ak. th. npper.lloor-af BraoeHallr--: ' ' tag for a suitable mab foe the place. Mty)k1WM YMH4'Sffl85Wa . ( t " i i -f r , , rrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrtftwi - - .,.- m i- j i -i a ""r. --' ns; 'pfr - Bjg"BBsa (! 4 r 1 yi i' . .r. -T' , jOpiw ThmmrSifodkrt Jmmr 7 v V Professors osler, -ammaaaa and Kunse haesugs4oI to tho dsypstil and diraetor ptens which nugr rrnuH to organ toatlon of a gtaslts ohooi wkJdujriM be Tissojsjmgi. A plan for a rotating gjradswio ooMosd m been proposed to the state undvisVatUes of Kna Wsioiri, Iowa sjaj Mtgns sota. Chancellor Andrews has hoartfty sndofoed the pJan and pistfjid the, sapport of the University of ffobrastka ehofdd tho ptea be nthtod by tho other unltaraiUos which have been at kod to join. . ; Should the plan go through, Uarver attr stadoata win have available to 1 thorn in the coming summer session the moat attraetlve graduate ooorsca oyer before osTerod to the traas-ef isais stppl ragoop. .Tho axaaajeatent plans to bring to the asatataaoo of tho pro fessors already engaged two or three I of tao swat sale opodalists la the oar- Iltkipatiac laotitntipno who wiU ceVer eoavatf tg taaur apeetaKlsax Jftottasor Faaaier seat aajt foil taflaVadaeadayof the nmpaaai afloil X ,$ 'v.'WbI " WiFJTMWiWfcp PPW !.aSSSBBaBBBBn f v..