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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1906)
?' ?rh7f'9-i kza rj-.u'' fja 'yjrYn ?fi T 1 R " -.' T t ..' wmm$!BMmMrwmm!8$mmw, mmwn-p " ,;wrry ;jisj'j rTms M . ' . , 1 iUV . i I i.-m, jT- - .'. j ' Hi? , :;?w, gmw5rE"V .'"; , .; ,--, ,rlr '" s v .-'"': -, ? - u -,,;- ; E '-"ePaWjsW'j -. m (,esnT,gew ,. c -r'enn. " r . v i- . .. BOW' - . t '..- -J. M I - ' . A. -IB , A .ftt , ' IHiir J -.k.- 'HA. A. --- " . 3m. . - , j , i. .. .v" r 14 c urr itiFtT iTi -iiii.nrfr:siT Wt.- ' ' j r .. ; i . -i - . . -,,,-... r. - - -.-.---..-. ' - t , j . . , . .j ;( .;Aj7 1. :. - ,f,: . ' ' hi "".' ' '.. - 4-.' " Y-?y UNtWaSI-TY OT WBRAifc UNCb i!JEtSMy, jANUAkV ift Jf V PHtf tfC&fof Pft- , . f ' 1 11 III 'li ' n 4 .. .- ft f t -. vmn r! t' '. i IU ii' ".i rf .a A1. Mk fe? Ma NAIlHt . i r (. illOpi TO HAVE QEKUINE JOL V' LlFICATION 4 ;. Count rjr low-Out Te Be Given at the t .,. -kSt't;Farm Nkt FrNayf-Tiirn i v Down proposed Cap. , , ..." V. s" i?r. c fMii fen'rnr nlaaa n1f. vfn1avr .. ' hflHtraifig' at -eleven o'clock and decided -: ' ,8jtyaM,wpprUHttmatrrjt. rweii. aa re;, jiMrtening;. to many reports ot vanoua ItU (-"dwmltte!ai9nior Book com Us.' i&eeanWin'cclUlit all nictUrca ii' -.;ut bflJmiJilateiy, aa.lha plc K - 'V'tfii jrcaluidTaVe to be sent, to' . r:- f"lWt cdal&Vra'Pled that' the try- v &' . IStht All members ot tho class A; whf. have. bad any, experience, whetlir 'I vj,a:tihe Urilv'erslty-br elsewhere, In dra r . 4iimi,o. nuu uiacu c uuiuu uuv tut P .. ft ' thti trvinit. as 'Hif fMrh'isttmAKwiut "; ,.'VJ' " . '.-', ,V T- i. v( ; i . . ? . ojevs. maue 10 proauso inp -nest piay .6mit tec .also announced that, over a klred. dollars ha'd'been "collected H ;iTQn"tne memDers, or me ciass on tne tkwfl (lollkr ameasmant. but hat' there k 7- V ' ' ' " j 'I r - ...... . - .. .. , XyiaJf .room- f6V'moro4a;tiie' dxcheo.uw5T Y7"r airilt' rifiiaantattiirv- tLanlnr-'nl a air- .Th the' committee Having; the class hat 1 i.-ttwix.?:?;l .Yuyt-i-l.-11 (. -uiUBa wit iHjo,y1.uiuujui. m .lire bsi .i ?yiioJtJw9TpiUwbrn, mad; vwswifMiy oaw.wim te cuum P5fcv'( '- f:nM'merar pn; th..ha'nd.' -It didjnot ap- I- . ' I 1 :.' .1. -i . - - .'. i . I. peai'tp tner memBersoi tne class at, however, .ajsidth "coimniUee was1 and. MlteJMinethinK etter. even ? th'ouKltHaiMbUi ahgutd nbtwarflveubih Tore-jMiJiflmeaLi , F - - -Th?tt-pltivwlsjipWjaently 4. r .ijrTnot"rimportant suuject ms- ..ART HAtt, , .'" - " Special Ratts to Stixtotis---Sww Tick 5oc Smgh'AdmtMwn Soc. V) tjiisatd asraplaiH .party, aa4" .the'unanlmoiisHilts support oC tWjsrdKibii;?; Itwas decided that rtfiMhknwU' tHHtry ollliotion, to "acKtf rFridAir eveaiaw, ArWy gjrl-Jla tbe ilasajsejited to go, andao go t ,; ..-." v-f. ..... -j". '.-. '.'!. .,j r-w..w. -swj, . pwa "iu wlw yetTOitera-manWiaoewyanyr; 'alfipi Ikyeir ttSo has Omj affair in iMtMu. iifiarojl 'a 11 j-Ilia- wmv HHM' fM.B 'K..i fcWi a, v'.j TVV. T .- . ,li iV. - t."i -. . - '! ! taito at bom." and lh hearty "A"n ; irfofcwin her -wda wVI that aJl .-vnmr iri reit uie wjr aucmt w-' oHH W repre to uwre a ok, pie aiont; a4 it is diidvaWo tW there will W a YoUng ooaUat '4 , The men iflH ,hv variotw d- O0 to perform, amottg thm the imee tion om o t4tr Hsucrtan- to be a filter baby," and H te expected that will be ouite eonpatttton for post of honor. Other feaibrW ittlne eoontry fair will be prse- if'., Charter Day Athletic Events. . ' . ' . L The raea, continue to work on thein different events' for the big mid-winter' athletic coatest Charter. Day! From 4. to' 5 o'clocki on Monday, Wedneday, and Friday a large crowd may be seen in the. gym. working out; Tlfe 25-yard ash as usual Is, attracjUng much att tea tloa from the men, and many new" candidates are out tkis year for trial In tbiseventr'It wl)i be necessary, to holdsemi-flhalsin nearly every eveat so tbtjt tho number, may 'bo narrowed' dotf by Charter rJajv " ' In regard to the differenUevents the' ;pole vaUltJs being worked, iifc by Hag-, easicki. Morse, and MacDonald, HaJr- miik;l's expected to break all yarsiftr . . . Ihtloor. records. In. this- event, on. ttti tried "for vby lvalUoe,; Cralgr Welier, Winarg, aad af large number of eif men. Meyer will. be4he Jeeding maaj ;ia te p$n. pump. uae man Who -wuj, be. missed from the Charter Day exer cises will be. Bowman who has beea. very prominent during the past two 'years'n 'all events;' being 'a-'iarge'pdint; wIpBfr.j The jaumtyer of fraternities: that'.will enterthe. relay race oah-nof be51 estimated at this time,' but jtherr T9t sJcikIo the present Imt"!?' ing ieaws, r)- W v4 j ' CerneHue To ' Ailjitant; M"B. Oorn'fliusthe sefgeaat-raajor 01 iae oaoet settayoa, aas ueea ,ap-i pointed -adjutant ' by Comwaant' tmt Ct 1 . C . m '- ; J:' Tvuynwwr, uj .aaooeea iu n. x nosapeon," who has? left,lh(jjiiiversity to aooept a positiqsi ltf'tUb;with-arallrcW Mr Crraellu is anior, aad gave 119 a seaadlieuteaaicy4 in om( the oaviaat Ui tfirtitac of th yrto"oeit taeTian seVaeat we4dr,,r iVhis ep1tkm h is rank-' lag Jtrst UtrtUeoant. HU sooceaeor m1 seneant-major'has not been appointed. . 4 STUDENTS DEBATING CLU,' . : DisoirW Suffrage TaWIII ' Debate' theeae,emy Nit Jatwraiy., '- BAKER COLLEGE .'' V VABSlTY FIVE TP MEET MEN IH" FROM KANSAS,- .- ''' . " .y-;c o. FJrat Qm aft Seaeeh 'With . OutsMe tani Te ie PlayaUry in Feb-, ruaryvyifi, Se-Oeee Setrteet.1 h.M ' ' y- v1 . frft ;i t. The Students1 DebatlHg. Club held'lts first regular 'm'eetlag .slh3e th(e; Christ- mas vaoatibn 'last Saturday riight. Union Hall was Well filled with mem bers" who participated" actively iv;tb iJHruHiueauiry scrap ana aiterwarus nsienau 10 a aeData. on. tne Question, j 'JSeedlVad, Thai the. tWeatyrflve centsf tax'or euJtrage onvthe Athietic;Board should be abolished?' Jilack and Mar-. atlve bat net beings ,presetJterr; lQfLware filled hy J. M.-Paul aad C,, McWaiaiiey. rBHHMHiBwla; Yeder spoe -on "the aegativer" ' ArraMgemeats Have beea n.ii' whersby tk University of NebrasKa.-'; t vy usaer umyersuy la L.iaeoIn -T; . on February Ird or fcta. Baker- hasv .' Ivrava .lvaii fa 'a, ..T t..l ' ' ...,. (ei..w un . Suuu nuru game, ., , ; fc- aad hist drawa.a good crawl to the ' -'.' game. This year .should prova no ea- '' '" ) ., "' eeftiori to the mmm prerlouely played '': - fr Hir Baherwih be , represented by a iTt'HV& nuwBr imun tnaa evert-aaa Webras-"- - kahili have, to piiy the game of thV 4 year to win with a geod margin. ' .'$. Last yea,r there was a dfffefeace of Pr to.M psfett in the ecpr'ebathis, ' ' .... B,tii to, uj uir UWW,-.;,, y '. I nlnaalv ( o; ii. "-. 'jkt. ' s" .v..ywmwiu UI ,RVH OH lfl rlf J Seoretary HMghesrWag instructed soibe Urn ago to oefrespohdwith dif ereeit ooliejfee relative to the airaagt- went of idintdebates, has sneoeeded; in. aaii KiunuK mmnuii Rnawera from -the Alpha Oatega "Debating Club of Deaae College a ctffttjavhieh the club aefeated iti a' debate-last year, wd.from the Crelghton Orato'rleal.So-.J letyr of Omaha. It -Is expeofed that debate wlllbe arranged with both of these eollegee ia the near future. .. : 'Next Saturday, Bight the Studeats Debatlac 01b wm"ebte the iueetioa' of grerameatowTaersWp-ot raroads ivlth repreeenttaiyes, of the Academy Debating Club. Leo'H, Legro,, F. S. (3oeiaM, aad R. R. Satith' wjll repre-srde-Uw aHUia:D ClKb. " i . The-CAoadssay ;teaai will aaholil tho Mraiatire. i ' v TCithArtn VavrMslrV 'Si" .wWk' tal tigUalaf & sltfciaeaWsi. aa "" vMJSJ gagiaeaBVag) Jtaaaatt Main P1;?"1 faai'aftie..,the ed by Ue beet taan ia Its aisieTy ''-' "-- "- - -- ill lA 1 uUk 11 .w1 he taught teat year; dFFieERS 't- ? HOP floor, during the year. Two of 4ast years team arenot In the.. iwif:- tbteI;,;- ' year consequently the; strength, ef fh -;- ;' team will not-be known until' It ajoes . xr up against a nard amme ' : -, It le'hawid tha airie-Trti-TCji- J an-Kn CIty'AtWtetk olabSiwjy he-"' " played 'oiT'iha-Jjoma'iaoc dttHaclfn' "i': 'HPIunt rank 'M--''W'2 j. Vr.-.'i 1 l.wv..b muuw. niMI M.IU1WU MMI lira air hiva .rMuiu'l.?...llt.U. -i very probablt. , The. Kansas City & MV . " letie olub has beea . ooatejnpialinr TTI k trJp up this way for;soinainW,and;Ijr ? fv sdcha, tffntte made, a Tgaaae w(th Ne- ';; ' ?. braskais .almost awsertaintyf jki fcit&u:' " Qthei1 home gamest4here-areii6tay.,C-; ' that are certain jreibHt-,! a. sheet Jj; (j time ItVia hoped tbatr the eowplete . v,, schedule. an be 'announced- ;V t' v- n. o.-fJ . ,. "S:' "sT ',m a: .j r- ExcitlJHI ilMVethall Praoek aooc reriy cawiwates Xor the has-. r ;v 1. -1.1.-11 x i..- .. . "..-t,' , - :tlm Kviimii ieam lurnea ouc muk. evening tor a fast praetlce., Ty wae aiVteV ed iato squads aad each squad given a wncr lor are orr:ten minutes, lev- zt efal'6f-he''waahes, '': t exceiteat zona, and wm he valaaMe additions the ftrst" QO4 Si eefch .of these men will have been in achool an. enllre issiiln hmtmtm u , .atwiwiy. !. w win mm. mapmif tor the tnt, i,, K stev tnfl, NebraseThoald hex ilii Masai ', :. 3fcU' A ."UJ. ifJf T V "1 ienda'lii t Puttl, lalaneeoU, whafeifr Mr. T. H. Tlbbtea, ex-eesuJMate of - I. 1 V --' .1" ' ' ' t- , I ;-:--': -5 rTWttnMCy : - JmmmWmm Hall 1 . ie, 19M a good Hue te ensured to all RsfeV iejae wwwf eflsnssaab'aBTCsiy I IM'fKlaea oasui mtj. 1 ?S?i JBVQCQaSl gUeiHJl Tkta.W-50 .p. the Popnltet jaarty tor vSee-prealeeat, will oecnpy the aosivoeation .parted this morning with a dlscsnates o "The Insnranee InveetigaUo." Mr. Tlbhtee is a speaker of wore than leonl fame and wOl gjve a very lnteTeetlng and instructlTe talk. ' Fletcher Lane, who until reeeotly ten had eharpg of taa nhyeteal depart ment la tbe Irtaetrtal Sdaool at ear- SSMf. MtShlfMin la MM mmmA In 'lal. C. A. vork In Oilenan. (I t mi n . Fiorenoe Doswleaa, who wantU haw fradSasad te tae XfSf, haa asassaed dike noaittem M crtealaal the la- zIlw ff1' Htg.X.-irS7J J 'i "aSBi tX .- k' w. Lji ' : . Htl-wAslii wmijMtfjtiii.., ?yeftii jjrftjt fcTntii;fc"iTlML2(iKl .jfrr y v1 v ' N .-J "i .