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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1918)
EAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. KEW HOMES IN THE NEW ADDITION CLOSE TO CAR LINE AND SCHOOL. totl S. JJd St., I roomi Kelaatone etue e cottage on corner lot one-half block from ear" line, larga living room aeroas front of house, built-in bookcases, mirror door In coat room. large dining room with built-in buffet, kitchen, pin try and lea bos room on first floor; two bed roomi, aun parlor and bath on second floor, plenty of cloieti. Frlca 14,500. HOI 8. 84th St., atucco bungalow, I rooms oa ona floor, nicely decorated, large . living and dining room, ftnlihed In oak, built-in cupboard. Price ,M. 1001 8. Hth St.. l-roora cottage, living room and ona bedroom oa ftrat floor, two larga bedrooma and bath oa aecond floor, .plenty of cloaeta. Frlca 1.00. All of theaa new homea war built by day labor. They ara entirely modern with Mk floor throughout, full alia baiement. Lot will be aodded and aeeded aa aooa a the weather will permit. An extra lot for gardening purpoaea may be bad for the coming aeaaoa without charge. Tarma: Small payment down and bal ance tha aame aa rent. Open for lnspec Uoa Sunday at 10 a. ra. C. O. CARLBEHQ. til Brandela Theater Bldg. ' FOB SALE. 4!T Seward St, I rma.. $1,100 4(11 Orant St., t rma.. all modern.. t.tiO 4311 Farnam St., rma 0 000 lilt Fort St, I rma., acre of ground 1.IS0 IMS Fort St, I rmi., a era of ground 1.100 113 Fort St, I rma , 1,100 an Fort St., 1 rma., VA acre ground 1,(00 Theaa ara alt big bargalna. Sea them tad then aea me. H. FISCHER, 1411 Ftrat Nat'l Bank Bidg., Omaha. W. FARNAM SMITH 4k CO.. ; Baal Batata and Insurance. llta Farnam St Doug. 1004. SOUSE. 1 rooma, double garage, paved atraet, on car Una, hot water beat; $1,700; bargain. G. F. Btebbinl, 1(10 Chicago St. i,ET ma ahow you my brand new atucco bungalow; rsneiy rinisnea, eiceuem ioc tlon. A real bargain at IJ.MO. Ke ' aonabla terma. Call Owner, Douglaa 1781, ft. 8, TRUMBULL. 101 Flrat Nat. Bk. Bldg. Du. 1114, HOUSE for aale, 2707 South 0th. Price $:,60. Call Harney 1170. HEAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'pty 1."A. XVCA.f CO. REAL ESTATE. IN VESTMENTS. INSURANCE. ELECTRIC BLDG., TELEPHONE TYLER 1. BUSINESS propertlea and Investments. A. P. TUUBT and SON. (30 Flrat Nat Bank Bldg. M'CAOUB INVESTMENT CO Income, Sualneaa and Trackage Epaelaltat llth and Dodge Bis, oougiaa . TOUNO DOHERTT. City Real Eetate. Cauglaa 1IT1. Ill Brandela Theater. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DOUBLE BRICK CLOSE IN WEST $10,500 rooma. tiled bath and aleeplng porch n either ilde. Oak woodwork downitalra and oak floora In every room In tha bouae. Taoeatrr brick walla and aibeatoa roof. On of tha beat built and beat located rental propertlea In Omaha. Lot 10x140. Garage on rear of tot Rental 11,100 per year. One-balf cash.: A eat and aura In vest meat. , ARMSTRONG-WALSH 1 I CO., Realtors Tyler lilt. Ill Securities Bldg, FINE INCOME Located at i:d and Pierce Sta.: eontiata f nine buildings; ! (-room house and tore rooma. Lot 1131 30, all tn flrat. claaa shape. All ranted for $2,124 per Fear. Prlco $17,000! take 16,000 caih, balance terma. ABLON REAL ESTATE CO., Phone Red 1143.- CI Neville Blk TWO l.r. flats, near 17th and Huward; will be excellent rentera when fixed up and well arranged for apartments. I3,oo, if. D. Weed. 810 B. Uth Bt, REAL ESTATE To Exchange ' FOR SALS OR EXCHANGE. $31,000 new brick rental property, paying 11 per cent; want well improved farm, ranch merchandise. Box Tl, Custer City, Okl. CLEAR 1S0-A. unimproved Jones Co., & D. ' for clear modern bouie. Seward Bros., (71 Brandela Bid. Pauglaa 4, UAVH 0 acres,. Wheeler eounty, value 1M00J will trade for equity la tti prop- orty, wiiaoa, in s. lotn. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. DESIRABLE DUNDEE . CORNER LOT Located on southeast corner (lit ard California Sta. Lot 10x131 ft Beautiful ohada trees. Lies high and sightly. Only n block from car line. Never before of fered for aale. Frlca $3,110. Easy term. ..- ! GEORGE & CO. Doug. 7S6. North. , VACANT NORTH ' Iliva full lots oa Plnkney atraet outs front, at Ktb Ave., among beautiful aew homea. Priced to aeli, cat. give tarma. TRAVER BROS. CO- Douglaa . til Flrat Nat. Bk. Bldg i Miscellaneous. LARGE garde lota near car line, peved street. iiss to list. 11 down. ooug. sum REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. . 10-ACRE TRACT Thla la located 10 blocks north of Ben on car line on Orphanage road within 4 miles of Omaha postofftce, having about '4 acres la alfalfa, 1 acre tn grapes, :4 'apple treea and 14 cherry trees, all bear- ing. Price $50 per acre. No bulldlncs. .Reasonable terma. . GEORGE & CO. Phone Doug. T5t. FOR SALE By owner, number of garden tract lots equal to Jt acres between Ben eon and Happy Hollow, with summer bouee; orchard and alfalfa. Walnut l(tt-l. Dundee. DUNDEE HOMES. - $(.0001 rooms and large billiard room, All oak finish. Hot water beat. Houaa lane worth the. money and lot worth 11.00. . 110,100 Beautiful brick boue. overlook ing Happy Hollow circle. S fine rooms and sua room downstairs, 4 bedrooms up aira. . - 110,(00 Vary fine t-room stucco home la Happy Hollow Circle. Largs south front lot Attic finished and hot water beat - . BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO. ill Keellno Bldg. Doug. 11(0. DUNDEE. ' Fine new I-reom house; finely finished ad decorated;, sun room, sleeping room, S bath rooms, mald'a room, id floor. Very complete. Oarage, cement drive. Price, M.7M. Tarma. Call owner, Walaat 1124. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW (-room atucco bungalow, larga living room, fireplace, beamed celling, south front, half block to ear; paved street; nice garage; cement drive. Fries $4,(09. Terms can be arranged. Thla la a real bargain. Benson & Carmichael Douglas 1728. (43 Psxton Blk, Acreage. CHICKEN RANCH WEST DODGE ST. Lorsted 10 miles west of Omaha -on the Lincoln Highway (road paved in front of property): 0 acres; high and algbtly loca tion; excellent eet of Improvemente: prac tically new, comprlalng a-room bouse, fin iehed throughout tn hardwood: good barn and garage; chicken house 14x10; aoll ia rich, black loam; practically the only upland in Douglaa county that haa no clay surfers soli: land adjoining on the weet priced at 1500 per acre; land adjoining on the east sold for $600 per acre last fall. Special reaaoa for selling. Price $7,000; no tradea. THE BYRON REED CO. REALTORS. 7. 211 S. 17th St, Douglas 20 ACRES WELL IMPROVED Dodge St. Road ' All fenced and eroas fenced, "Tina T room house, barn, chicken house and other out buildings. Two acres in alfalfa, balance under cultivation, also fins variety of fruit and fine ahade around buildings. Ona of the alghtllest places on paved road anywhere around Omaha. Muat be aold. The price la right Armstrong-Walsh Co. Realtors Tyler 1114. 131 Securltlea Bldg. 1-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD ACRE 3 BLOCKS TO CAR LINE. PRICE 13,600. Thla houaa ia on a fine corner. Aera all fenced. Has nice young ahado trees. 11 fruit trees, curranta, raapberrlea, gooaeber. rles, strawberries and grapea. Also small chicken houaa. Tha home Is wall built, having full cemented basement, floor drain, city water, cistern, ceaapool and aleotrto lights. Alt rooms and bath on lat floor, newly papered, Screens and etorm aash for entire bouse, Thla can be bought on terms. Call Tyler 1110 to day or Tyler to during week and ask for Mr. Clark, - 4 ACRES NEAR BENSON Located within one mile of West Ben son auto bua line and paved road, flood level valley land. Price $2,000. Will sell oa vary easy terms, FIVE AND 44.100 ACRES. Nearly all good level valley land, bal. ance pasture. Has running water. About tha same location aa abovt 4-acre piece. Price 12,110, . HASTINGS A HETDEN, ' 1(14 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 10. BENSON ACRE FARM t-r. mod. bungalow, olose to ear and good achool, with asparagus, raapberrlea, gooaeberrlea, blackberrtea, curranta, grapea and atrawberrlea. Poultry house. Owner leaving city and price, la cut to $1,400 for action, F. D. WEAD, 110 S. llth St. BUNGALOW ACRE FARM. Owner muat aell hie l-r. mod. bungalow oloae to car and school, bearing raapberrlea, curranta, blackberries, atrawberrlea and grapes. . Fenced in with poultry house. Pries cut to $3,400 for quick aala, F. D. WEAD, 110 8. 1ITH ST. D. 171. A-l ACRE TRACT 3 -room houaa, garage, chloken house, hog bouse, etc. Some fruit. All level and well located, $1,1(0, $100 cash, balance e.v. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 113-14 City Nat'l Bank. Doug. Jill. A LARGE suburban tract of ground outalde city limits, near carllne. Ideal place to ralae poultry or garden. This la a l&w-rt. frontage for 1610: will aell oo oaay tarma. Telephone Walnut !4(s. CHOICE ACREAGE. Three acrea on Poplar avenue In Key. atone park; high, alghtly location. Con venient to paved road. Price, $1,(00, Terms, Call owner, Walnut 1680. ACREAGE Imp. 1 to 40 a wall located reaaonably priced; terma or caah; eome for trade. Ill Brandela Thea. Bldg. Sir. Pease. rum I II III WW WB REAL ESTATE WANTED LISTINGS WANTED For quick sale list your 4 to (-roomed cottagea with us. Phone locations and wa win Inspect. We have a number of buyera on our waiting list, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. ' U.) Farnam St Tel, Douglaa 10(4. Evenings, Colfax 1071. For Sale or Exchange FOR FARM OR RANCH. 1(0,090 Press brick, elosa-lu bualneas block: income $3,000 year, on leaaa; also ( first mortgsges, store buildings and rtsldeaco properties. Waal land. S.S. & R. E. Montgomery, zn city Rational Bank Biag. Omaha. Neb. WANT TO BUY A HOUuE? Wa have a cash buyer for a (-room cot tage or bungalow, $2.(00 to $3,000, in a good neighborhood. Price muat be right. It you want quirk action, ae ua at once. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 743 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 117. IF YOU .want cash and will aell cheap. I will buy your cottage, bungalow, house, flat or stores that you do not want; tired of holding or about to loae for want or quick money. Olve full particulate in first letter and best prices. P. O. Box 4S(. I WANT TO BUY a five or alx room house, North Side dis trict, for about $3,000 or $1,(00. Will give aa first payment, two good lota in re atrlcted district, balance caah. 1331 Omaha Bee. i WANT more houses and apartmenta to rent, aell or exchange. Needed repalra made and cost deducted from rent W. G, Templeton. 114 Bee. Tyler S020. WB HAVE aeverai good reliable buyera for i and (-room houaea and bungalows with 1300 to 1(00 down. Call Osborne Realty Co Tyler 4(. T01 Orn. Nat Bank Bldg. HAVE calls fir Dundee homea and would like exclusive listings on a few bungalowa and housea from $3.(00 to $13,000. C. A. Grlmmei, (40 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WANT good residence; about ((.000. Will pay one-half cash, balatfce In good real denceJots. Box 1712, Omaha Bee. Alabama Lands. FOR QUICK SALE llO-acre farm, aouthern Alabama, near Mobile Bay, finest all-year climate In United Statea, excellent for atock, plenty good water, ferttla aoll, growa anything, two cropa a year, pecans and oranges planted, $(.000 cash, balance to ault. Address Sid. Blankeobaker, Owner, Foley, Ala. Arkansas Lands. UAKCH 4. Our next axuurelon to MtGehee. Ark. W. S. FRANK. !01 NEVILLE BLK. Canadian Lands. BUY one-quarter or one-half section best Canadian wheat land on one-half crop payment plan at $3.31 per buahel govern ment guaranteed price. Owner of aeverai sections of best wheat land In Saakatche wan, Canada no brush or sloughs near town, alx elevators, will sell above, terms. C. E. Thomas, I N. Michigan Ave., Chi cago, III. FOR SALE. 1(0 or 410 acrea. same section, oa Col orado Interstate Highway, fenced, from It to 10 ft, to water, deep black aoll, no better land in Elbert county. Colorado. Payment down and 11 yeara on tha bal ance, TBia inna produces the crocs, corn. wheat, oats, potatoes and Mexican beana. A good reason for eel ling. Now If you want a bargain and something number one, answer to Box 101, Omaha, Neb., and I win convince you that It la a fact. Colorado Lands. WHEAT landa. Kit Carson county, Colorado: 111.10 to 111 per aero. Wo control !( eheloo qvartera. Sand for booklet Kioto .b vestment Co omaaa FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. COLORADO OFFERS to you many opportunities to obtain excellent lands aultable , for agriculture, etockralslng. dairying, etc., at reeaonable prices. Rich, productive solt, and ideal climatic conditions, Denver ia a strong "market town." When looking for a change of location remember Colorado, especially. Ask me for authentic infor mation, which will be sent to you absolutely FREE. Tou are cordially Invited to call at room 113, Union Pacific building, to eee our excellent and extensive exhibit of products grown in the Union Paclfio coun- R: A. SMITH, Colonization and Industrial Agent, Union Pacific aystem, Room 1319, Union Pacific Headquartein, Omilii, Neb. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeieekera' excursion to Colorado points every first snd third Tues daya. Write for free farm booklet and apeclal land-aeekere ratea for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at per cent, THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY, 131 First Nat'l Bldg., Omaha. Bt,ST BCTS IN COLORADO. Five sections near Hugo, Lincoln coun ty, (0 per ctt best farm land. $10 pei acre. (40 acrea near Denver 400 acrea tn wheat $20 per acre. Ona to four sections, Cheyenne county, some near railroad. $7 to $1 per acre. Borne good bargains In ranches and colonisation tracta. Agent 1111 W. O. W. Building, Omaha 320 ACRES, Kiowa Valley, Colorado, near Denver. ZOO acrea in fine atana winter wheat; H crop delivered at elevator goea with land; fenced; well located. $36 per acre on terms. Reynolds, Covey Rey. nolds, (24 Exchange Bldg., Denver, Colo., Ownera of Kiowa Valley lands. COLORADO RANCHES! COLORADO RANCHES! Ranchea from 1(0 to 20,000 acrea. Let ua know your requlrementa. Colorado Springe housea for rent or aale. D, V. Donaldaon, 10 and 11, Oaxette Bldg,, Colorado Springs, Colo. FOR SALE Good farming land, all tillable, dark loam aoll, eaatern Colorado, three miles to, county seat, fine achoola churches, ato. One-tenth cash, balance 10 yeara, $20 per acre. C. A. Lucas, 1461 Fairfax St., Denver, Colo. Florida Lands. Quick ' For This Big Land Buy Southern cattle ranch or subdivision, near Pensacola, Fla. 1,000 acrea fine ranch or general farming land. On railroad. 1 have (0 days' option at price one-third eurroundl.ig. $5.(0 per acre. About $20,000 caah to handle. I want selling contract and portion of profit If wa cut up and sell In farms. You can double your money In few' months. Get particulars. R. E. Kroh, J02 Jean-tilt Bldg., K. C Mo. ATTENTION STOCKMEN Fine stock prop, osttlona in northern Florida. Choica cut over and wall located landa, $( to $7.10 per aera, oaay terma; proflta enormoua and aura. Also rich truck and farming landa. Free literature. L. W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, la. FLORIDA Wa will build your home on rich farm Dear Jacksonville at only $( per month. Write Jax. Helghta Co., Jackson ville, Fla. Idaho Lands. IDAHO For Sale 40-acre Irrigated farm, all In alfalfa and winter applea; paying hand aomely, near R. R. city 1,000; no agenta or trade. Price, $1,(00. Write H. D. Bowker, Nampa, Idaho. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 234 acrea land. Joining tha town of Owego. wood bury County.v Iowa. Easy terma to party that wiehea to move onto this land and make a home. THE EASTERN INVESTMENT CO., Clear Lake. B. D. FOR SALE. Bargain In Iowa farm; 10 aores 4 mtlei north of Glenwood, Ia. ; good Improve ments; price $7,000; $1,(00 cash; balano on easy terms; possession given at once J. P. HE83 CO.. Council Bluffs. Ia. Michigan Lands. "FOR SALE 36,000 acres of Cut-over Hardwood Lands. LOCATED IN Charlevoix, Antrim, Otaego and Moat, morenoy, counties, Mich, i RAILROAD FACILITIES Boyne City. Gaylord & Alpena, Grand Raplda Indiana, and the Michigan Cen tral railroads. - Thla land la as altuated that It can bo grouped or arranged to ault any pur. chaaer from a gardener to a cattle ranch Haa good roads, achoola, churchea and Is accessible to splendid markets both north. south, east and west ONE CATTLE RANCH OF (.130 ACRES. (00 acres Improved with splendid build tngs, well watered. Several hundred bead of cattle. All necessary farm Implements. All the above must ba sold soon. No real estate man connected with this deal or haa handling of any of this property. Address all correspondence to the Michigan Trust Company, Receiver, for W. H. White company, Boyne City, Mich. LANDS FOR SALE 3,(00 acrea cutover land near Mackinaw City, Mich. Black loam, clay subsoil, well watered, level; ideal for atock or , sheep retain. Price. $3.71 per acre If 'entire tract ia taken. Paul Leake, Michi gan Trust Co., Grand Raplda, Mich. Minnesota Lands. CLOVERLAND BARGAIN. 110 acrea rich clay loam, 10 under culti vation, balance open paature, oaally cleared, all tillable, fenced, good T-room house, good hip-roofed barn 36x40, gran ary, poultry houss, hog house, corn crib, machine ahed, alio, orchard, fine well with gasoline engine; 4 horses, 11 cowa. 1 young atock, 1 hog, 1 wagons, buggy, mower, rake, drill, disk, corn planter, corn binder, potato digger, litter spreader, 1 plows, I harrow, 1 cultivator, t oats harness, 1 gasoline engines, ensilage cut. ter, bono cutter, wood aaw, cream sepa rator, water tank, small tools, hay, feed etc Everything included for quick eale at HO an acre, 11,(00 cash, balance long time. Beautifully located on boulevarded atat highway. 114 mllea from Shell Lake. Wis. No tradea. Farm alone would bo cheap at 1100 an acre. Equity Realty Exchange, 105 oioba Bldg., St. Paul, Minn MINNESOTA BARGAIN. 140 acrea. level cli .' loam, partly fenced on mail, road, I mllea from town, 10 mllea from St. Paul; 40 acrea field and tame hay, 100 acre meadow, balance contalna 1,00,000 feet of commercial tlm ber; river through land; good t-room house, welt and outbuildings. An Ideal atock farm: timber alonj will pay for the land. Price 120.00 an acre, easy terma, For further particulars and pictures writo Dairy Farm Land Co., Flnlayson, Minn. BETTER yourself! Land ideal for farm homea. Greatest opportunities anywhere. Investigate our lands In Saint Louts county, along our lines. Low prices, good markets, easy terms. Maps, folders, in teresting literature mailed on requeat, ARNOLD, Com'r., from Range Railroad, (07 Wolvln Bldg.. Duluth, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. . 12.(0 caah and 12.(0 monthly; no In terest or taxes. Alao an Interest tn our great development project which within the next few months ahould pay you on hundred dollars for every dollar you In vest Hlchly productive land, cloao to three big markets: photographs and full Information free. MUNOER. H. 317. w. T. Life Bldg.. Kensaa City Mo. GREAT BARGAINS. IS down. !( monthly buy 40 acrea good fruit and poultry land, near town, aouth ern Missouri. Price only (230. Address, Box MS. Springfield, Mo. Nebraska Lands. NEBRASKA RANCH 1.130 acrea,' 1( mile from Burwoll; 110 acre broken -out; 1(0 acre cut for bay, balanca well grassed bill pasture land; small aet of buildings; I wells; I grore, 1 section fenced. . Prlco 111.(0 per aero. caay terms,.. . ,x, , J. H. DUMONT & CO., 111-11 Xeellne B'.dg. Phoa Doug. III. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. FARM FOR SALE. 320 acres, "00 acre In cultivation, 40 acrea alfalfa, (0 acrea paature. 40 acrea in fall rye, Fatm fenced and cross-fenced, extra good hedge post. IS acre fenced hog tight. Good well, windmill and cis tern, (-room bouse, good cement and brick cellar; nearly new barn, 13x24, with haymow, room for 12 horses. Granary, good chicken house, hog house; pit silo, 14x30. Oarage, 10x24, with cement floor. i't mllea from Amherst, 4 from Water town, -mlle to achool. Telephone and rural route. Prlco 350 per acre, one-third cash, balance I yeara at 8 per cent C. K. DA VIES, , Kearney, Nebraska.' A REAL RANCH BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA. (,111 acrea Sheridan county, Nebraska, only one mile from Ellsworth, railroad town, has three five-room housea and sta bles for from 200 to 100 cattle, S wells, fenced and cross fenced, haa S Potash lakea, wll cut 1,000 ton of bay. Poaaesalon May 1st. Price 14 per acre. Owner to retain ownership to 10 per cent off all minerals, any other Information, write or call 8. O. Nordquist 123 Neville Bldk., Omaha, Neb. ) ACRES, Morrill Co., Neb... I mllea north Bayard; 10 acrea alfalfa, balanc under the plow; 4-room house, barn, wall, fenced, all under government ditch. Prlco 111,000; only I mile beet dump. Land paid the owner hi share rent HIT over $1,300. Will take $(,000 caah, balanco trade. 8. O. Nordquist 123 Neville Blk., Omaha, Neb. lil ACRE8 Irrigated land, Lincoln county. iVk mllea Herahey; tlch Platto valley land, all under the ditch; t-room houas, barn and other outbuildings; I acre of alfalfa. A bargain at (75 per acre; bait cash. Possession in March. WHITE & HOOVER 4(4 Omaha National Bank. CHOICE half section eastern Nebraska. Big Improvements, worth $10,000, Ideal atock and grain farm, desirable location. A fin place to live, Buch a farm I aeldom of fered for sale- For full Information ad dress Paul Peterson, 3(4 Brandela The ater Bldg., Oroaha. Tel. D. 1805. Wal nut 3106. Jii ACRES NEAR BIO SPRINGS Just across the lino In Keith county, Ne braska. Irrigated best water right, fully paid. About (0 acrea alfalfa, 130 acrea grain, 10 acrea fin hay. Good improve menta Forced to sell Only $75 per acre. Terma to ault Box 3334, Omaha Be. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 320-acr Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.; $(0 par aero. C. K. DAVIES. KEARNEY.. WB HAVE client who Will pay caah for bargalna in western land. White St Hoover, Omaha National Bank Bldg. RANCHES of all alsea and kinda, eaay terma. A. A. Patsman. 101 Karbach Blk. New York Lands. 120 ACRES GIVEN AWAY 3 mllea from village, 'A from achool, lVj from store and cheese factory. Lay well, rich soli, 10 acres valuable timber, aplendldiy watered, fine 11 room house, water In side, aplendld barns 30 by (3 and 24 by 30. concrete floor, hip roofs, galvsnlied siding, nlrj hog house, large hennery, buildings practically new, abundance fruit Including hay, grain, IT cowa, bull, 1 yearlings, good team, aow, 10 hena, aprlngtooth harrow,' grain drill, cultivator, plow, horse rake, mowing machine, wagons, buggy, cutter, sleighs, harnesses, all small toot. Price $6,300. Reason poor health. Free list EI1I Broa., Sprlngvllle, N. Y. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the rang. Get on tbi ground floor with 10 aero Irrigated land In connection wltb open range. You o-n grow atock (usees fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excuralon ovary tw. weak. Band for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker. 140 lat National Bank Bldg. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming tarma, 1(0 per a.. Including paid-up water right. Henry Levi 4 C M. Rylander. 114 Omaha Nat'l. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY Business Corners We are authorized to sell at once the following scattered business corners in different parts of town. Several of the build ings are practically new, while one or two of them are very old and need some repair. They are, however, all of them' snaps, as the present owners have no further use for the locations. They were picked out with a great deal of care and each one is in a neighborhood where there is considerable business. They are not rented to an advantage at the present time, as we do not care to make long leases on them, which would interfere with the sale. Several of them are vacant. We can make very easy terms on these and advise you to look them up today and see us at once. Northwest corner of 16th and Leavenworth, 24x93, 3-story brick. Southwest corner 13th and Dorcas, 66x132, three stores and three flats. Will rent for fully $100 a month. Northeast corner 20th and Grace, 20x73, the south part of the frame Btore building. . Southeast corner of 10th and Capitol Ave., 60x66, 2-story frame building. Trackage. 1314 N. 24th, 22x120, a new 2-story brick building. 105 South 12th, 22x66, 2-story brick. Southwest corner 24th and Burdette, 2-story brick, 21x83. 801 to 11 Hickory St., 40x142, 1-story brick and 2-story frame. , 2632 N. 16th St., 22x80, old 2-story brick. 2506 to 10 Walnut St., the old Wedge Block, frame building with hall and 2-story house in rear. f 1816 Military Ave., 150x152 and 1-story brick. Plenty of ground for garage, repair shop, etc. Southwest corner 20th and Dorcas, 22x90, 2-story frame. 1202-4 South 20th, 60x66, 1-story brick. Southeast corner 16th and Vinton, 66x108, 1-story brick, two stores. Northeast corner 16th and Williams, 28x64, 2-story frame. Northwest corner 24th and Sprague, 30x132, 1-story brick. A. P. TUKEY & SON Realtors 620 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 502. Why Be a Tail Light? Come to the front and shine for all yoii are worth. . Light'up the road ahead of you so that you can avoid the ruts. Office in THE BEE BUILDING, where the gasoline of service is the most powerful. There you need only to step on the accel erator of your business. .Drive to win and office in THE BEE BUILDING. Office of Bldg., Room 623; Tyler 131 KEYSTONE INVESTMENT CO. V. LESSEE, THE BEE BUILDING ' M. E. RANDELL, Manager. FARM AND RANCH LANDS South Dakota Lands. FOR good improved farms, ranch proposi tion and choice unimproved land for in vestment. In Blue Blanket Valley. 8. D-. write N. H. Kingman, Jr.. Belby. S. D. 440 ACRES, Permiugton county. Owuer gon to war. Tour own price for cash or will exchange for clear South Dakota or Nebraska land. Wright & Lasbury, (06 So. lth St., Omaha. Neb. Wisconsin Lands. ALMOST A GIFT. 120 productive acrea, practically level, 70 under plow, balance eaay clearing, no atone, part woven-wir fencing; fine new T-room bouae, big acreened porch, good cellar; good warm barn for 13 head, good alio and fair outbuildings; fine well; ap ple treea and amall fruit S mllea from town. Forced to aell within the next tew daya and 133 an acre buy It; $1,(00 caah. balanca to suit. Stock and machinery cheap If desired. Tou will bo eorry If you let aomo other fellow pick thla anap up while you aro hesitating. Tako the next train and wire mo when to meet you. Immediate poaaeaslon. Albert Ful ler, Shell Lake, Wla. Miscellaneous. 345-Acre Farm, $7,500 With Stock, Tools, Crops , ' Wire-fenced, (0-cow paature: tillage cut ting 10 to 100 tona bay, bealdea potatoes, corn and grain; aella cream at door, aktm milk fed hoga; valuable woodlot estimated (,000 corda and 100,000 saw timber; (00 sugar maplee and apple orchard; t-room realdence, tenant bouse; basement cattle barn, 40-ft. horse barn, hog houaa and poultry houae. Owner retiring to amall farm, include 4 horses, 11 cow, 11 belt er, 6 calves, bull, hogs, poultry, wagons, sleigh, mowerf rake, plows, harrow, culti vator, gaa engine, grain drill, bay, straw and grain. 17,(00 takea everything, lesa Xhan half down; details page 16, Strout'a catalogue; copy mailed free. E. A. Strout , .Farm Agency, Dept. 3073. SOB South 18th St., Omaha, Neb. Ranch Lands for Sale Five section In one body, well fenced, and Improved for cattle raising and farm ing. Inland atore, poatotflce, express, tele phone station one mile. Cathollo church, public school, both on the home section. Potatoes, rye, millet, oats, wheat and like cropa do well. Four-fifth can be culti vated. Excellent cattle country. Sioux county, Nebraska. Fart cash, balance I per cent $30,000. Llvo atock at local price. Also three-section ranch at $17,(00. i MRS GRACE FLAHERTY, Curly, Nebraska. CHOICE FARM. Nlllason. 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND FOR RENT 960-ACRE RANCH FOR RENT. It Is very seldom that I can offer you an opportunity of this kinm This 1 a dandy fine grassed proposition, with plenty of up land hay and about (0 or 60 acrea under cultivation. Small aet of Improvements. Just a good, cheap ranch proposition. I can rent you thla for only 40o per acre. You to keep up buildings snd fences. Don't bother me unless you really want to rent a ranch. If you are a legitimate proposi tion, it will not take ua IB minutes to get together on this. ARAH L. HUNGERFORD, . Crawford, Dawea County, Nebraska. P. S. : I can sell this place at only $12 per acre. FOR RENT 234 acrea of land Joining the town of Owego, Woodbury County, Iowa. Possession given March 1. 160 acres under cultivation, balanc hay and pasture land. Answer, THE EASTERN INVESTMENT CO., Clear Lake, S. P. 1(0 ACRES In Nance county, pine miles esst of Wolbach, Neb. The owner will build new building at once tor a good tenant Caah rent preferred. M'CAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1508 Dodge Street FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT 320-A. improved farm. Cash or grain rent. Good location. Reference required. Paul Petersen, Mi Brandela Theater Bid?. TARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your farm with ua U you want to keep it. B. P. SNOWDEN SON, 4:3 S. 15th. Douirlae 1371. WANT cheap farm land in Neb., So. Da kota or Colorado, have 6-pasaenger Velte auto in (lret-clasa condition (only been ueed one eeaaon), as flrat payment. E. T. Heyden. Phone Walnut 263 or Tyler 50. WANTED To bear from owner of good busineaa for aala. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loana and Mortgages. &Vi and 6 per cent mortgagee aecured by Omaha realdence or Nebraaka tarma. E. H. LQUGEE, INC.. 63S Keellna Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF S PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar atarta an account. OMAHA LOAN BLDO. ASSOCIATION. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loana. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. CKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO, 111 Bran dela Theater Bldg. D. 686. 5i2 HARRISON MORTON, 5y2 1 Omaha Nat Bk. Bids CITT AND FARM LOANS 6, and Per Cent J. H. DUMONT C. Keeline Bldg. LOANS ON CITT PROPERTT, W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. tlOO to 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta. MONET to loan on Improved farma and ranchea. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money SHOPEN 4 COMPANY. Douglaa 4331 Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Harness, Saddles and Trunks Wo make them ourselves; sell them direct to consumer. Why pay two proflta for Inferior goods, when you can get high grade goods at first 'cost? ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1219 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. HORSES for sale. 1713 Webster Street POULTRY AND PET STOCK "OLD THUSTT" incubatora and brooder, ahlppsd promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson Co.. Mfrs.. Clay Center. Neb. THOROUGHBRED cockerels and choice laying hens tor sale. Call Webster 1037. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 308 Bee Bldg. OXYGEN Sample treatment free to the afflicted. 113 S. 26th. Tel. Harney 5677. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. BUY A HOME We are building twenty-five fine, new homes in beautiful Minne Lusa and you had better investigate AT ONCE. On account of the difficulty in obtaining materials, we may not be able to build any more. We have 5 and 6-room California Bungalows and 6 and 8-room houses under construction. WE ARE Minne Lusa lots and homes every day - lots are selling from $550 to $900 with sewer, water, walks, lighting system and shade trees all paid for. Minne Lusa will be more beauti ful than ever this year. ACT NOW. Call E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 2202 on Sundays. Charles W. Martin & Co. Realtors 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187 Own Your $ 2,500 5-room modern cottage, good condition, floored attic; large lot. Paved street, handy to car. Easy terms. , $ 3,100 5-room bungalow on Pinkney St, strictly all modern, oak finish. $ 3,250 2554 Spencer St., 7 rooms, all modern. Easy terms. $ 3,850 Bemis park. 8 rooms, modern, with oak finish; full corner lot, one block from Harney car line. $500 cash. $ 4,250 Lincoln boulevard, near California; an excellent 8-room," thor oughly modern home. $750 cash. $ 4,500 131 N. 31st Ave., 7 rooms, modern, well built. Terms easy. $ 6,000 125 N. 33d St New house, 7 rooms, modern; 4 bedrooms, large living room arrangement with fireplace. Paving all paid. Easy terms. $ 5,000 DUNDEE. 7-room bungalow near 52d and Webster. Has living room, dining room, sun room and kitchen, first floor; three bed rooms and bath second floor. Full lot, shrubbery and flowers. Paved alley. , $ 6,150 DUNDEE. New modern stucco home, very attractive; finished in oak and white enamel; tile bath; laundry tubs; two fireplaces, book . leases; excellent plumbing. $ 6,500 West Farnam, 35th and Dodge. An excellent, well built, 8-room modern home, beamed ceilings, oak floors throughout; tile bath. i East front driveway and garage. . $ 6,500 Bemis park. Exceptionally well built home, 9 rooms, quarter sawed oak finish and every room in the house decorated over can vas. Exceptional value. $11,000 DUNDEE. High class stucco home, 8 rooms, built for a home; every modem convenience. Corner lot, 100x135; garage for two cars. Glover Douglai 3962. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so liclta your old clothing, furniture, maga slnea. We collect We distribute. Pbuiie Doug. 4135 and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-11 It Dodge St. MEN desirous of retaining youthful vitality until advanced age correspond with ex pert concerning private course to be given Omaha soon. Communlcatlona confiden tial. Address O. F. C, Box 663, Denver, Colo. CANDY Send II for box old fashioned chocolate creams. Prepaid. Tou can't forget the taste. It's awfully good. Bar bee's Pure Candles, 130 S. Michigan. Chi cago. (JET physical form and pep. "The Loomii Svctem" tells how. Sent for one dollar bill by H. S. Loomls, 603 Mutual Life Building, Buffalo. N. T. WRITE A BONO. Patriotlo or poular aubject and aend words to me today for mueic. THOS. MERLIN, 200 Reaper Blk., Chicago. OMAHA Bath Inat. Electric, eteam or tuU batha. massages of alt klnda. 338 Neville Blk. Doug. 7381. 16th and Harney Sta. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment For appointment call Ty. 1038. 703 8. 3th, MISS FISHER, aulpbur. eteam batha and massage. 37 Bran. Thea. Bldg. P. 1660. MECHANO-Tberapy Massage, ran, 233 Neville Blk. Misa Hal- MAE BRUOMAN. acienttflo masseuse and batha. 203 JCsrbach Blk. Red 2737. VAPOR and tub baths. Maasages of all kinds. Bm. 8. 1606 Harney. Doug. 7018. PRIVATE licensed maternity home. 4416 N. 88th St Phono Colfax 2042. MINNIE NAGLE at LaBelle Batb Inatttute, , 1508 Harney. Douglaa 7046. BATH and massage, 1802 Farnam St Room 8. Phone Douglaa (761, LOLA A. ROSS, please write to your aiater, Ruth, Wausa, Neb. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19, MISS WEST, manicure, message, 210 N. 17th. E. BROTT. massage. 702 S. 18th. D. 626. SCIENTIFIC mass. 618 laiton Blk. D. 6373. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by tha Bualneaa Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, planoa and notea as security, (40, S mo., H. goods, total, S3.6C. Smaller, larger am's proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 438 Securities Bldg. 16th, Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 Cf SMALLER LOANS O V1 IO W. C FLATAU. EST. 1892. & "1 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO.. TT. (60. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS Lowest ratea. Private loan booths. Harry Malaahock. 1514 Dodge. D. 661(. Est. 1891. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE O STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given tbat too regular annual meeting of tha stockhrldera of thi South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company, room 701. First National bank building, Lincoln. Neb. at 11 o'clock a. tn. on tha 6th day of March, A. D. 1918. C. H. MORRILL. President. W. W. TUHNER. Secretary and Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tbe annual meeting of -the stockholders of. The Bee Publishing company will be held at trie company's office at 4 p. tn.. Monday, March 4, 1918, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting.. By order of the president. N. P. FEIL, Secretary. NOW SELLING Home Now & Spam 819-20 City NationiL