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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 19ll il C WeekljrC A representative list of the best of any article refer td the list . Abstracts pf Title. - MIDLAND TITLE OUASANfEE AB STRACT CO.. 1714 Farnam St. Douglaa 2664. Adding Machines. DAI.TON AUDINO AND CALCULATING M ACH INKS, 424 Ramge Bllg Dong 1448 Attorneys. UlCKl.NSON, CH.IS. T. 611 Ptiston Blk. Douglas 1804 KlNIIKK. H . 1418 Ptrst Nut. liana Hldg O. 1156 Atlorftpy and counsellor it lew Kl'TVUSKRALU JAM-ES M.. lOU-JO City NaL HinU Ultlg Pouglas 4506 liirw MKUMM'At'il!J. K13-H innana Nbi. Itmik HIilR Rod 8157 fleneral practice In suite and fpiterBl court . .' IJiM.DER. , E, (.'.. 644 Omaba Natl. Bunk .,mlg . Douglas 2244. CI.AlDonNB. H H . 51! Paxton Blk Phone Rfl 74"!. WATTEnsTTHOMAsTt; UnwytfTlit Om. Nat. Bsrjfc Bldg Douglas 4827. Automobiles. - OOERNE, FRED. SON, E0J8-5028 8. 84th. 'Soutn 198. Agents Id Mack, Auto trucks, M'CAFFPEY' M'TiIl t'i., !"lh n JT'-w- ard.' Doug. 3500. Ford esrs and repairs. - Authorised agen,l for Ford -cars. U1TYRE.ATWAR " MOTOR CO., 2427 Farnam. Douglas 1406. , Stearna-Knlght snd Rfgal cars. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18tn and Burt Tyler 513. 100 per cent ForU serv Ics to Ford owners. Auto Livery. SHERMAN. A. W.. 2311 N. 24th St Webster 2883. Auto livery and storage. S.UTH TAXI CO.. Doug. 880. 1417 Farnam. JPuneral cars furnished. A! Smith, Mgr. Auto Painting.1 BOESSIG.. -TV. F. 144 8.r 40th. Har, 1448. We make old autos look like new ones. Auto Repairs. GREENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ? INO. 2026 farnam, Douglas 2001. HIATTvL. 0 466 !J 84th Bt, South 1811 : Automobile repaln, anf garage. . AMERICAN MACHINE AVORKS, 110 8. 11th n . ... V. I? WApIr n V I Hnrttl JOUa- .P ' AUiVJUUUttv num. -w' .pistons tttted, auto parts made to nrdtfr. BERTSCHT MFO. ; ENGINEERING CO.. 8. E. CorC 20th and Harney Bt. old parts made new, new parts made, too." D, 2662. Auto Tires. TWON-ONB VULCANIZING CO.. 161$ Davenport St Douglas 2914. Auto Tops atd Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS. F.. 2318 Harney. Doug las 3786. Satisfaction guaranteed. The beat Is none too good. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA EXPRESS CO.. 1417 Chicago. Douglas 3364. Moving vans furniture and piano moving. Careful men. , . OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY, . "THE! ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglas 295. 14th and Jackson. iWB MOVE. Pack, store,' ship pianos and household goods. MAGOARD STORAGE CO. D. 1496. NEBRASKA TRANSFER CO., 1108 Nicholas. Tyler 460. Publlo " warehouse. Storing; automobiles a specialty. FORD TRANSFER CO., 817 Douglas St. Tyler S. . J'Alwaya. atyour service.? , FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007K Howard. T. 41. Let us contract to do hauling for YOU. Banks. COMMERCIAL STATE BANK OF OMAHA. THE, 1613 Alain. Florence. Flor. 303. 4 pet. on time certificate and savings deposits. Protected under Neb. stete guarantee law. OMAHA NATL BANK. Tyler 100; 17th and Karnam Sts. - AMERICAN STATE BANK. 18th and Far. nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Benevolent Institutions. CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE, 619 8. 42d. Harney 6611. Supported by donations. Biscuit Manufacturers. 1TEN BISCUIT CO.. Capitol Ave,, 12th to 13tb 8t. Douglas 2123, Snow White bait ery. Mfrs. of cracaera. takes and cookies. .Bottling Works. NATIONAL BOTTLINO WORKS. Simon B. Epstein. Pres.. 2666-68 Cun)ing. Douglas 2680. Distributors of : NON-TPXO.'' Blue Prints. FENGER, N., 305 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 2761. "Blue prints tbst satisfy. " Books, Stationery. MATHEWS' BOOK STORE. 1120 Harney St. Phone Douglas 8144. Books, Stationery and Engraving. Bottles. RIEKE8. 8. & SON, 1513-15 Webster St. Tyler 2083-W. Jobbers and dealers in bot tles of all kinds. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND. BUILDING ASSOCIA TION, N. W. Cor. 15th .nd Dodgs. Doug las 870'. 6 per cent real estate loans. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 44 end Hickory. D. 1048. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks and oxy-acteylens welding. Billiard Parlors. SUBWAY BILLIARD PARLORS, 204 H 8. 14th. Swanson St Aylesworth. Proprietors. Cigars, tobacco and barber shop. D. 46(8. Butter (Wholesale),. ALFALFA BUTTER CO., 120-24 N. lltb St. Douglas 8903. W. W. Richardson. Pres. Cash Registers. HORR1L CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER CO.. 219-222 City Nan Bank Bldg Douglas 4408 fi ' AV. Haft. Pres. . ; Chiropractors. 30TH. YEAR IN OMAHA: fired out of Con tinentat Blk; new location, 494-496 Bran dels Th. Bldr. Dr. I.. N. Carpenter. D. CSSI. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STON I! COMPANY. 28th Ave and Sshlcr Kt. Colfax tst. Coal. NORTH i:ND COAL ft EXPRESS CO., 8627 Lake. Web 5036. Transferring trunks and furniture our specialty. High-grade coal. Contractors (Building).. EUREKA BUILDINO AND REPAIRS. 2416 : "Vetsrwr torn Workmanship ,snd"rvlcf Pfl'-pj rwmnnaMe. - Confectioners. .t . ROGERS' CONFECTIONERY. 14tb Mi! PerrVam SIS. Phone Douglas 127- WII.SUN. U L. 14U1 Main St., Florence, Nab Soft drinks, cigars, candy, Flor 181. A. B SWEET SHOP. THE. D. 3920. 16tb Jackson. D'slnty lunches and Ice cream. Fancy and staple arrocerles. Delicatessen. ALVORD'S DELICATESSEN. 2667 F&rnjJn! P. 1454 Plcnlo lunches m specialty. ommercia business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. Desks. MCIIUAHKA pEtK KKKIN1SH1NG CO., 4316 N. 24lh. Colfas 1424. If It'a about rteaka let us know.- Dentists. W.STEK. Uii W. U. I'honn, Office, Doug. 136; Rtis., Col. 2"f8. New location, in;;. 14 First tint. Bk, Bldg. hJADM, 1JU. O. F !01 Psxton Blovk. D. r72. Not the cheapest, but tht bst. Drug Stores. 1'OPE DHUU CO.. IM Farnam. D. Wi. Oon Ast. NVAIH FAMILY REMEDIES. Drugs (Wholesale & Mfrs.). UKKINH. "JENRY R CO. (THE) 701 S. 13th St. Douglas 1290. Pharma rutlcnl rhemlets snU drug Mfra Dry Goods (Wholesale). BVRNK HAMMERS DRY OOODS CO. 9th snd Howard Sts. Doujlas 206. Cloaks, sultH, ladles and mens furnishing, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle - worn KiiFrnir(i.. niiga Alienrcer. owe Engineers, Consulting ft Supervising. HENNIN4TsON ENGINEERING CO.. 1122 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal Im provement engineers; sewer, paving, elec, light, water works, appraisals, reports, ANDERSON & BENNETT. 424' Ee bids, Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and arsnsmen Florists. BRANDEIS FLOWER DEPARTMENT. DOUGLAS 2020. Pish (Wholesale). HOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1308 Leavenworth St. Douglas 626. Electrical Goods. I.E URON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 & 12th. Douglas 1178. Largest elec irical repair wnrka and contracting com pany In the middle west. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 2614 Martha bt. Harney '1662. Machine, gray Iron, brass, bronze and aluminum castings. OL8BN A SCHLINGER. 1407 Jackson. D. 7491.! Brass, bronse, and aluminum cast. Ings. Grocers Wholesale. HUGHES, H. J CO., 1201-8-5 Jones St. Douglas lust. NEBRASKA A, IOWA MERCANTILE CO.. 1811 Howard. Douglas 1066. High-grade staple god fsxc groceries. Hotels MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1608 Farnam. Douglas 648. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL, 25th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 840. In charge of Dr. Michael J, .Ford, surgeon-ln-chief. Ths most com plete hospital In the weit. Groceries and Meats. GROSS. M.. 419 S. 26th Ave. Douglas 4286. First-class meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 2793. Wholesalers and retailers of everything In eatables. Watch for date Of opening In First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WELSH'S GROCERY STORK, 4706 S. 24th South 130-139. "Everything good to eat." SCHNACBER & HOFFMA -. 408 N. 16th Douglas 1420. Staple grooertes and meats. WISLER. JOHN, 48:h and Leavenworth. Walnut 3343. Free delivery. Hardware. PETER80N A-MICKELSON HARDWARE CO.. THE. 4916-18 8. 24th St-.. South Side. Phone South 171, Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO, McCague Blk., 16th and Dodge. Douglas 654. Wholesale and retail Ice. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.. 19th and Nicholas. J. L. Baker, Pre. F. J. Yette, Sec'y and Trees. Insurance, Fire. D. M. M'GAHEY, General Agent HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. 219-20 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Doug. 4162. "1 want you to feel at bom In THE HOME." Jewelers. J. HENRICKSEN. THE. LOYAL JEWELER. Douglas 1674. 201 N. 16th St. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., . 1108-12. Nicholas St. Douglas 1912. .; "Everything for schools." Institutions. NEAL INSTITUTE,- 1608 South 10th Bt. . Douglas 7656. .. Junk Dealers. AMERICAN JUNK-CO;. N. B. corner 12th and Chicago Sts. Doufl!a4oa. Live Stock Commission. R08ENSTOCK BROS.. 12J Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Blockers am1 feeders our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenwoitb. Harney 624. "Just ' Lumbering Along." Magnjtos. ANDERSON, CARL A., 1417 Jackson, , Donglas 2418. Specialists In Bosch Igni tion systems and Hetnze eltctrlo starters. Mirrors and' Eesilviring. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Douglas 6626. 1614 Cuming Bt. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha. S IV I FT CO., South Omaha, Neb., So. 2280. 8wlfr "Premium Hams and Bacons" thoso four words mean "purity." Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter . national Patent Co.. 683 Brandels. D. 6691. Pipe Repairing. PTPF.S We "Pair all kinds. Special A xx XJij attention to mall orders. " OMAHA TOBACCO CO.. OMAHA. NEB. Paints. Oils and Glass. BAKKKH BROS.' PAINT CO. Douglas 4760 1609 Farnsm Bt Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS. DR. WILLIAM ! WINDLE. Physician snd Surgeon 1120-21-22 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 788. CAMPBELL. DR. 8. M . Physician and Sur geon, 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1220 .'": Printers'' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. & 6PINDLER, 1114 Howard St Douglas 1076 Printers' supplies. Printer's. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 18th and Farnam. Douglas 146. Printing, stationery and of fice furniture, DOUGLAS PUNTING CO., 109-11 N. 18th Bt Douglas 1667. Fins commerolal printing. EDDY PRINTING CO.j THE. 822 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1647. Fins commercial printing. Osteopaths. ANDERSON,' DR. MARY &, 60s Bag Bldg. Douglas 196. r Guide Serum Manufacturers. HAWKKYE 4EHU.M CO.. South Omsha. . Neb. bouth 2T17. We can't make all the serum, hut we try to make the beat. 'Signs CLARK, E.-M. & St. N. 118-115 8. 16th. 2d floor. Douglas 1378. Signs, show cards and offlca letterlnws. Soft Drinks. STEVE COLOMBO TEMPERANCE BAR 1001 Douglas. D. 839J. Meiflbunis lunch. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THE 207-309 So. 17th. Douglss 805. Office, type, writer, srcbltects' and ttnglneers' sup. piles. Loose leaf devices. Stocks and Bonds. ROBT C. DRUESEDOW CO.Dealers In Local Securities, Stocks and Bonds for Investment, 860 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 216 8. 20th St. Phone Douglas 7681. We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO,. 1614 FarDsm. Douglas 870. Outing and camping supplies . and outing clothing. Store and Office Fixtures. OMAHA FIXTURE AND j SUPPLY CO. Douglas 278. 8. W. "orner 11th snd Doug las Sts. Largest new and used store and office" fixture house In America. JOSEPH FtXTURE CO., 4,30 Dodge, Walnut 666. We specialize In stors fronts, slrs. screens and f)xtur.a. Odd mlllwork. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA A IOWA STEEL TANK CO.. 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO.. 108-10-13 8, 10th St, ' Douglas 603. ' Skylights, stssl ceilings and galvanized sheets. HABERSTROH. W. 4028 Hamilton. WaJ. nut 2972. Specially of repairing old fur. naces. Nineteen years' experience.' Tents and Awnings. NEBRASKA TENT A AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam. D. 8329." When you think of tents or awnings think of Douglas 8321. Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING, HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. Doug. 1108. Rooms 336-87 Paxton Blk., Id floor. Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1906 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes. Wall Paper and Paint, YETTER-WALL PAPER CO., 1414 Harney. Phone Douglas 930. Wall paper and in terior decorations. Wholesale and retail. WIEMER, O. L., 2302 Cuming. Doug, 8758 Wholesale and retail wail paper and paints. Also painting aid decorating. Undertakers. HULSB A RIEPEN. 701 3. 18th. D. 1226, Undertakers and embalmera.. Personal at tentlon given to all calls and funerals; GENTLEMAN, JOHN A., 2624 Leavenworth St Douglas 1659. LI -ensed embalmer. Funeral director. Lady attendant HOFFMAN, LEO A., Cor. 24th and Dodge. Douglas 3901. Experts in embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel. HEAFEY A HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam Har ney 266. , . Undertakers and embalmera. ' CROSBY, WILLIS C, 25U-14 N. lltb St. Phone Webster 47. Council Bluffs Directory Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK.' Broadway and Scott St Phone 41. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER 8H0P, 629 W. B'dway. Red 1307. Baths In connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Boots and Shoes. FIERCE SHOE CO.. 419 West Broadway. Phone 669. Strong A Garfield's men's shoes. Wright & Peters' and E. P. Reed's ladles' shoes. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. Coal and Ice.. DROOB ELEVATOR CO., 620 Pearl St Phone 2860. Caterers to beat and cold: STEIN. J., A SON COAL CO., yards 12tn and Ave. B. Phone 1163. " Coal Dealers. O'NEILL BROS., 123 W. Broadway. . Phone 629. Coal, wood and feed. NEW COPNCIL BLUFFS COAL A ICE CO., 909-11 W. Broadway. Phone 72, Department Stores. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE, 218 W. Broadway. Phone 274... Everything to eat and wear. , Employment Bureaus. BLUFF CITY. 916 ft West Broadway. Phone 431. "We can always place men." Florists. GARDINER FLORAL CO, 10 Pearl 8t Phone 623. Glass Manufacturers. COUNCIL BLUFFS GLASS WORKS. 107 8. Main St Phone 1220. Plate, art and win dow glass. ; Windshields and mirrors. Garages. BOLTON. (L. H.) TOURIST GARAGE. 160 161 W. B'dway. Phone 620. Taxi service, storage and repair work. Agent tor Reo and Chevrolet cara. Groceries and Meats. WINN A FLOWER. 212 16th Ave. Phone 237. When you want prompt service and quality of goods. CALL ON US. Lumber. QUINN (II. A.) LUMBER CO., 2d and Vine Sts. Phoi.e 137. "Qulnn for duality and Quick Service." HOAGLAND A CO., GEO. A.v 724 S. Main St Phone 245. Lumber, lin. and cement. Piano Teachers. BELL, MAUDE GRAHAM,. Studio 14 Stuts man St. Phone 2r:3 Piano and Harmony. Sweeping Compounds. KONTINENTAL KOMPOUND CO,. 1102 a Main St. Phone 168.. Sweeping compound tDust up) Mr Soloff. Mgr Theaters. NICHOLAS TH EATER7T47-fi49 W. B'way. High class pboto plays. Vaudeville." in season. Wall Paper and Paint. BORWICK, H . 211 8. Main St. Phone 682. We handle the best In wall psper and paints. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following licenses to wed have been Issued : Name and Residence. Age. Paul A. Dale, Omaha 21 Eleanor L Saunders, -Kearney, Neb.. ..20 Andrew M., Omaha ...over 21 Ellen Rose, Omaha. over 18 Max F. Bassett, Omaha ..26 Pearl Rlshel, JmAha. ..... '. ........ ..: ."..'22 BUILDING PERMITS. H. A. Wolf Realty company. 1608 to 1612 Earner street, alteration, 25,00. - AUTOMOBILES 1 HAVE THE CAR YOU WANT. 1917 Ford Touring. A-l condition. . .1573 1917 Ford Uoadater, overhauled, and repainted , 840 1917 Ford Chassis, used two wesks., 229 1916 Ford Coupe, demountsble rims, rana good ,. 8t5 1916 Ford Touring, fine shape 275 1916 Ford Rolm. In good shape,... 260 1915 Ford Roadster, a real buy at.,.. 185 ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED - . cars 1917 Bulck Six. fine shape. ........ .1766 1917 Maxwell, brand new 620 1917 slightly used.. 460 1917 Maxwell, good running order. . 400 1917 Chevrolet Roadster, like new... 216 1916 Maxwell, looks and runs good, 290 1916 Maxwell, ' runs gqod .... 276 1917 Sphinx, good order 185 19t6 Mets, rood running order 198 ' 1916 Studebaker Six, 7-pasu. ........ 400 1914 Krlt Roadster, good shape.... 125 1913 Studobaker Touring, runs good. 66 All above cars demonstrated to your entire satisfaction. Terma to responsible parties. MEEKS AUTO CO. . OMAHA OARAGE, Tyler 666. 20th A Harney. FORD COUPELET. as good as new, complete in every detail, in fine mechanical condition, a big bargain, $475. STUDEBAKER-WILSON Farnam at 25th Ave. Har. 871. auto parts company. - used Car bargains, Ifllt Paige "6" speedster .......2600 1917 Maxwell Cloverleaf roadster.... 400 1917 Chevrolet 360 1917 Overland "90" ..; 550 1914 Oakland "43" 300 Now 1918 Ford .' 478 1917 Ford. A, B. C. electric starter.. 476 1917 Ford; a good one 366 1917 Ford ..;.v 876 1917 Ford 850 1914 Ford .ourtng 250 1914 Ford touring 223 1916 Smith Furm-a-Truck 475 All above cars are In firat class condi tion and will be sold with a money back guarantee, AUTO PARTS COMPANY. 2108 Farnam St Douglas 4560 ALL kinds uf cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. . Fords, lOr per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. Standard Motor Co. Used Allen tourli g car, good condition, Bargain. 1020 Farnam St Carl Chang- strom. QUALITY USED CARS. StuJebaker-Wllson, Ins. We have the best bargains, Sse us a once. Hnrne 871. Farnam and 6th ' BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th - -d HowaK Ford Agents. Doug. 8508. WILL trade 1916 car, electric lights and starter; In good repair; for equity or first payment on 6 to, 7-room house. Har. 6379. BARGAINS In used cars. . ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED OARS; q ,ck action; no delay. Auto Ex. change Co.. 2107 Farnam St. Doug. 6085. FOR BALE New Stearns-Knlght Clover Leaf roadster; must sell. Phone Harney 8898. OAKLAND Sensible Six. - MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2300 Farnam St, A FEW 1018 Ford touring cars. Ona used 1917 Ford touring. 4001 S. 24th Bt So. 4860. WE BUY. SELL, REPAIR FORDS. Tell Blnkly. Doug. 1640. 8318 Harney Bt. BATTERIES OHARGEL AND REPAIRED Ever Resdy Battery Station, 1206 Farnam. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFE1FFER AUTO A CAR RIAGE WK8.. C52S Leavenworth. Ty. 701. Auto Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE SOOO Miles Guaranteed ' 30x3 27.76; 80x3ft 68.75; 82x8ft 210.25; 82x4 112.35;, 84x4 213.26: 25x4ft 815.60 , ' Write us today for particulars AGENTS WANTED ' Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO. 1618 Davenport St.- Omaha. D. 2914 TIRES AT HALF PRICE. ALL SIZES. NEW 20x8 Firestone, -68.00; Ford tubes. 82: NEW 30x8ft Non-81 id Firestone. 118. KAIMAN'S TIRW JOBBERS. 1721 CUMING. SAVE 80 PER CENT .ON YOUR TIRE8. G. A O. Tire and Vulcanizing Co., 2411 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. FORD TIRES. 30x8 1 9.45 30x3ft 11.90 3.000-Mlle Guarantee, THE TIRE SHOP, 2518 Farnam St. Douglas 4878. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2-ln-l tirs. COMBINATION TIRE FACTOR X , 422 S. 13th. '. Affts wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatto tires and eliminate your tire troubiea. rowan euppiy Co,, 2061 Farnam St . Special Uked Gar Show Having created a new standard . of used-car values, we are L. pleased to show you a complete line of used tars at prices within the reach of all. ' :' " ..' i - . ' ' Hudson Super Sixes : . 7 H - f .... - .'. A few Hudson Super Six touring, cars, thoroughly, rebuilt, ",t refinished and equipped with new tires on which we will 'give our ..." regular guarantee and service exactly the same as if you purchased a new Hudson Super Six, are offered at prices that, leave no doubt ' , in your mind that here is a real bargain. Other cars that we offer at remarkably low prices: Hudson Super Six Cabriolet, 8-passenger, enclosed, .$1600 Hudson Limousine, 7-passenger, enclosed.,. 1250 Hudson Touring car, 7-passenger. . . . . . ......... 750 Apperson Touring car, 7-passenger. . . . . , 850 Paige Fairfield Touring car, 7-passenger...... ,. 800 Enger Touring car, 12-cylinder ;.....;..' 500 Studebaker Touring car, 7-passenger........... 500 Drummond Touring car, 5-passenger. ... ..... 500 Practice thrift by purchasing one of our used cars and all of " the many savings possible to the owner of a car may be realized in owning one of these cars the amount of cash invested is' small the benefits many. ' ' , , . Our guarantee is that if you are not satisfied with, the used- -car that you purchase after seven days' trial, and. the car is. not all that we represent it to be, your money will be cheerfully re-; funded to you. -, ; i .'. CALL AND SEE THESE CARS AND GUY. L. "Service 2563-65-67 Farnam St POULTRY RAISING MADE PROFITABLE Strict Attention" to t Little Things Will Save Big Wor ries Later in Raising Chicks. By GEO. H. LEE. Probable in no other business is forethought and foresight So im portant' as in the chicken business. When things go wrong; when the hens quit laying or the eggs don't hatch well, one is too apt to attribute the trouble to "luck" or to some present circumstance when really it may be the result of something you did or did not do months before. Success in poultry work depends, not on what you do at certain times of the year but upon what you do at all times. The poultry year starts in mid-winter. ' Upon your care af the breeding stock at that time depends the productiveness of the flock, the fertility of the eggs, the yitality o( the chickens. If, during winter, the hens are al lowed to lay around roupy and lousy, storing up fat instead ofvlaying eggs, then the season's work is handicaped right from the start. . ,, Must Be Kept Clean. In poultry work one must be right up ' to the minute and preferably a few laps ahead. -Hens must be kepi clean and healthy, active and pro ductive all the time. A productive ness of at least 40 per cent should he expected1 and demanded in 'winter. That is, IPO hens should average AO eggs a day. In spring and summer it should be much better. .- v Eggs should run 90 per cent fertile and hatches 90 per cent or better. Pullets should be brought, to laying at four and one-half to five months with not over 10 per cent loss. ' They can and must be kept growing every minute of the time. Most poultry failures are the re sult either of carlessness, inexper ience or ill-advised economy. The same methods would produce failure in any business. No profit can be expected in feeding high priced grain to a lot of slacker hens; a productive ness of 10 per cent or maybe 15 per cent; a fertility of 50 per cent and a hatching of 00 per cent; with a 50 per cent loss in the raising. The above may seem ridiculous but 'it' is by no means as uncommon. V ; ; AUTOMOBILES Auto Repairing and Painting, j ' PHONE HARNEY 2807"!orutd repairing. DELAY A BEAU W. Farnam Garage, 8627 Farnam, Now open. Give' us a trial. EDWARDS, E. 8., 2616 N. 19th St Web ster 1102. For best resulta with repair work consult us. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORf -DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10a a mile, 25o per hour minimum charge. (Excspt Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO., -Douglss 3622. 1214 Howard St. Starters and Generators Repaired.' RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand. Mashed fenders and lamps re paired like new. Highest prices paid for junk radiators. , OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE A AUTO' WORKS, .-- i .: 1816 Cumin Bt. Omaha. Neh. GILL PISTON RINGS OVERCOME GA8 AND OIL TROUBLE. GARAGE AND AUTO REPAIR MEN ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR RINGS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS. ' "SEAL JOINT THAT SEALS." OILL PISTON RING CO., 3026 FARNAM T OMAHA, NEB. AUTO ELECTRIC - BERVTCB CO. Anything electrical about' your auto. 816 8. 19th SL Douglas 6483. We repair any atorags battery, guaran teeing same for six months. . OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO.. 2212 Harney St. Tyler 2294. T Tire's and Supplies, BOWSER 6-gallon gasoline pump and 280 gallon tank, 8360 If taken before March TV Motor Shop, Bennet, Neb. ". Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L B Y - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains- in used machines. Victor H. Boos, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leav enworth 1 Looking for -work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will fijid' hundreds of positions listed there. :- .'.... ARRANGE FOR DEMONSTRATION SMITH First" Douglas 1970. . . .... . x., . - - -- Classified Poultry -, v 1 ' ' . , . ' Ws&- II BUSH BBBS Sailll s v The rich buttermilk strength, ens and tones upt lie d ipestive orKatw nw Bravest Dials H trrnee. The clean balanced grains start and keep chicks fTo iritis. Builds strong, stdrdy chirks that grow to heavy layers. Get th Original Costs only ta to feed a chick eight weeks. Buy a b rh ),.. OONKEY'8 POULTRY TONIC keeps aaaa laying. JOo snd 60a. STEWART SEED CO.; 119 North 16th NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1612 Howarn St. St. Egg Machines That's What the Tom Barron S.C.W. Leghorns Are , t AH atock on my farm are direct decendants of t h o e imported direct frorn England. ' ( .' ij These have certified' records of from 252 to 278 eggs each in one year. ' Stock and Hatching Eggs '' 'For Sale. J. J. WELSH Cherryprof t," Omaha. Neb. BY FEEDING TH ; FRESH GREEN BONE Deliveries made on orders of , 25 pounds and over. - Prompt shipments guaranteed to points outside, pf Omha. ... ... Price-i-60 Ibi. or over, 4e. '. ' Under 50 iba 5c. Joe Vomacka Casing Co. 2710 M St., Dept. B, So. Omaha , . Phone- South 2534. . ... J) 3 Make) Hens 1 1 i -; Lay ' and' " I LittU Chicks 1 , Grow; . i- ' J " f''r-fftl ...... .s...,.i;a..i.s,..;,s.i',iShSiiaiiBiiS!:S'iB!ta,iSis,iS-iS!'S!i! isttssiieiHSiiii.sjia isfinctive REDS WIN;'Wkerever : SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS. . .. -; EGGS FOR HATCHING. i'-'-'-pCfpHp'' J. ARTHUR L. EDSON, Breeder, 4312 Erks1hi ;Street, I Omaha, Neb. : flSII8lll8uail608lllll9lt6liaiini6ll8ll8gilsiliail6ll6iW :: Wm Hatching - ' jm At our store mmiMm Buckeve Disolav Week MiVICH: to o Several Buckeye.Incubators are now hatching the ggsV The chicks will come out during that week. They will be big bouncing fellows, full of life and strength, for the Buckeye always hatches that kind I " And the brooder will show you how to raise them, too; It's - all mighty, interesting; Everybody likes; to: see little -; chicks. Come and see them hatch dutl ' . ', ;' . 'V . OVERCOME MEAT SHORTAGE ' Over 6,000 Buckeye dealers are uniting in this: Display Week. We want to show the people how the meat .shortage may be overcome, and how the living, expenses-may be -. reduced.'. . ;'. MLa'si::-ill J, Built - up - to a standard1 Apt ' dovrn to a price. , , , Anybody Can hatch, chickens,. With" ttie 'Buckeye." It operates avrtomatleallv and can't ?o wiron. . Tea :ret .. a chicle , from - every hatchabl eg-g. -r.; ;. . Black Minorcas. BLACK MINORCAS. Buff Orpingtona, Frank A. Agnnw, South Side, Omaha. ' Orpingtons. STATE show winners : White Orpington eggs 86 hundred; 31-50 setting;' Best pen 35 setting, Toulouse . Geeee egps S-5 setting. Champion Gander In . show.; Pekln Duck, 81.60 Setting. Otto Hampp, Beaver Crossing, Neb. -'' V HATCHTN'O- eVgsTlhoroughbTed ' Bu7ft3iv pington; 8. C. White Leghorn;'. English Penciled Runner Ducks. Prices reasonable. Send for free mating Hat. , B. G. -JUtps, university nace. iseo. A FEW Buff Orpington Cockerels for sale. Call Coirax 334. Plymouth Rocks M.INNK LUSA Barred Plymouth Rocksj eggs for hatching, 87.00 per hundred: catalogue free, Ahlqulut Broa., Florence, Neb. Rhode Island Reds. ROSE CO.MR RED Eggs for hatching. Wlnut3 n Sc 4 38 4 Fra rjklln, ,St, ft Rhodelalainji cockerels, e tra good. 3915 North 17th. Colfax 8172. Wyapdottes WYANDOTTES-rWhlte and . .Columbian. Woft first five States; cockerels, $2.50 up. Eggs. Catalogue. Tcmplelktte, ' Farm Lexington, Neb. . . ; : WHITE WYANDOTTE8- Winners Iowa State Fair, Nebraska State, Show,-American Royal Stock Show, Omaha , Show, C. tJ. Frame, Vlllisca, Iowa. " . Miscellaneous. BIO PROFITS IN POULTRY assured by ualng PRATTS' POULTRY. REGULATOR. It strengthens brood in g stock. Increases fertility, resulting In bigger . hatches and Inaures strong healthy chicks." ROUP profit deatroylng, contagious, trouhlo makor. Positively prevented and cured by Pratta' Roup Kamedy.. . (Tablets nr. powder.) Sold on money back guarantee b?. towrt Seed -Co. ' ,'iM I'EpARE for the1 breeding seaaon; 'PraLts Poultry Regulator given, to alf your birds .will strengthen the parent stock, lncreas- Jnr fertility and resuit in bipger Jtaft-ljes Of .healthy chicks. That .old "ounce ; of prevention" ' saying 'applies to t roup. Pratt's Roup-Remedy' ftublwts er powder) Is a sure prevention antt cure. ' 'Sold1 'on money bck guarantee by STEWART SEED CO., ..- : '.1'.' ' ". . ; "i'llODUCK -MORkT ijaOsJiAT MORE , EGOS," la the -government's- apteal. Keep B small-(flock of hens In-ylur klla back-, ystd. Have i plenty ef eugs and meat for.v home uasj SeH the-surplus at.big price. . For results use-. varied ration-and Pratts',PfiuHr3(. Regulator, Ouarn,teed tis "make jrpir . SeH leiv'.or ojtr jMUer 'Jict.- . Stewart- fi.eet) Co. ' v . . ' . : . ' VV'ANTEDr6,0oO thoroughbred-, fowls ( sjl 'loadtnt varttlW- ;-" trnitudtng - Rimrrert Ducks, HamBUrp Ani1auslan. Csmplnea, . Spanish, Blsck arl)lngians,.'ali Utlgiau 'Hares.- Itearrlhe what, yoa have, ltanid-" lowest wholesale price, - I buy entire 8INGLB-,COMB Ancona eggs for hatihinB i from blue .ribbon winners; settings, f' and 8,2, E. .Pallas, 6136. Wirt, Oman. .' TIIOHOUGHBRED HOMER and Cainaujt, pigeons; mm sacrifice,' . Benson S66.J, . r How to. Make. Money The thicken business 'is no place' for the untrained or unread roan.dr ' woman. It's simple, but there's lots to know and a wrong path lead3 sure ly to disaster. Little use to set a hun dred eggs, hatch fifty, raise twenty, have these grow up unthrifty and the hens lay perhaps fifty, eggs a year. The Lee Library of five booklets was written by an expert of thirty years txperiehcfc fn poultry Work; It tells about Lee's foods, inse'eticidos and remedies true; but it is more than an "ad.'Mt points out the stumb ling blocks, the little pitfallahat cause so many failures with poultmy. We show how eggs can be made" D 0 per cent fertile; 90 per cent or better hatched; 90 t)er cent of those-raised ; every normal hen; made to lay f ifteen eggs per month every month in the yeaf, and summer eggs preserved ab solutely fresh for winter sale or use; , then there's. big money in chickens. The Lee Library' (sent free for 5 cents' stamps to cover postage) -and Lee Correspondence Bureau, .all, .ad vice free by experts, is, a liberal (edu cation in poultry work.' Send today to Geo. H. Lee, 1115 Harney 'St., Omaha, Neb.- Advertisement.- .. .. , , : t .''. '.V ,'. I r'.'V i. .' It's a wonderful -slgli "' tolookat ahuhdred lilr.;, tie chicks bursting through.' their shells, taking their first look at this old world, and set- - Raising tling down to life with-a right - Btart.;. , .";.'. ; ;.;,!'..,: '. sAbw you that jight W -oiir; store' and interesting a sight as you ever saw, too.-. So accept our invitation to Coma . and :, see,t and ormg .your, . iamny ; ana. . a friends, all the week of March' ; a 't IAJ e ' . f - -i TllE NEBRASKA 'SEED" COV TWO: STORES' -v" I'r. TllE NEW : PUBLIC MARKEJ.. '. - ' 1ST NAT, BK.'.BUG., , . 4 - i;. v AND . -''--: 1S13 HOWARD STREET ,