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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1918)
PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 10 The Oma Daily Be THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer Jl.V HA VOL. XLVII-NO. 221. t - o r - : -p ; ':..!;". ALLIED ENVOYS LEAVE PETROGRAD AS GERMAN ARMY NEARS CAPITAL Ambassador Francis and Staff arid Red Cross Representa tives Flee to Vologda, According to Announcement of Committee on Public Information at - ... - . . Washington; Germans Advance. Washington, March 1. Ambassador Francis and his staff, the American consulate, the military mission and the Red Cross representatives all left Petrograd for Vologda by railroad on the night of February 27, the committee on public information today announced.. , . . ' GERMANS RESUME ADVANCE.P London, March 1,-Dispatches re. A M L D I P A Ml? l ceived by the Exchange Telegraph f U M llllO I company, nica m -rewograu at o i o'clock Thursday. night, indicate that tha rtortnan advance into Russia has been resumed. A forward movement by the invad- way between Dvinsk and Vitebsk, is reported. The Germans are pushing on despite the fact that the railway has been blown up and the store of provisions in their way destroyed. 11 . - ... 1 be moving slowly towards Luga from Pskov, at which place they are said to have concentrated a division of in fantry, supported by cavalry and heavy and light artillery. The Germans likewise are declared to be moving on Sebezh, 80 miles northeast of Dvinste The American, British and French embassies have left Petrograd, ac cording to a telegram from the Rus sian official news agency in Petro grad and which bears no date. The American consul , remained after the embassy's departure, accord ing to information teaching the Amer- - by the Norwegian consul; - , - - Tt A I l. t7...' . L. loft if , vrnuas'bduur A-.di.iia nao " Petrdgrad,-the departure of the Brit ish and French embassies, takes from the bolshevik' capital .the, representa tives of the three most important en tente countries. , 1 Situation Now Serious. .Sir George W.. Buchanan, the Brit ish: ambassador ' to Russia, some weeks ago. left Petrograd on a leave of absence. - E. O., Lindley, the coun cillor of th embassy, has been charge d'affaires. -The French ambassador to Russia is Maurice Paleologue. This bare report appears to indi cate that the situation in Petrograd has taken an unexpected turn for the worse, In view of the fact that the lat est previous messages from the Rus sain capital said that the American consul, would remain there after the departure of the ambassador and his staff in-order to keep. in touch with the American legation at Stockholm and with the State department. News tgencies, the press and diplo mats are without any but the most meager dispatches from Petrograd in the last 24 hours. Placards in Patriotic ,f "Colors to Be Displayed "Merhber 6f Omaha Chamber of Commerce Assisting in War Work for Omaha" is the. wording in patriotic colors ona big placard to be dis played in the windows of business houses in Omaha, whose proprietors are members of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. -This display of pla cards is a part of. the .membership campaign now being waged by the chamber. The placards have been sent to every member of the chamber and are to be displayed beginning oMnday. The Weather ' For Nebraska Fair: warmer. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. - , Hours. Deg. warmer j i a 8 a. m..... 28 ( a. m 28 10 a. m.... 31 11 a. m... 35 12 m 30 1 p. m 42 n n - AA its:: Si 6 p. m 46 p. m 43 7 p. m..... 40 . t p. m. ........... 38 Comparative local Becord. . 118 1917 1916 1915 Highest yesterday..... 48 Si , 31 33 Highest yesterday.... 22 14 ' 20 Mean temperature.... 35 23 20 26 Precipitation .; .00 - .00 .03 . .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: , Normal temperature..'..,.,.........,,... 28 Kxcesa lor the day 7 Total excess since March 1, 1118 7 Normal precipitation...... , .03 Inch Deficiency for the day .......... . .03 Inch Total rainfall alnce March 1.... .00 Inch Deficiency alnce March li .03 inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1317. . .08 inch Deficiency for cor. period, UK. .00 Inch Ke porta From Station at 7 P. M. Station and State : Temp. High- Kaln - of Weather. . I p. m. est fall. Cheyenne, .clear ........40 ' 43 - .00 Davenport clear ......36 40 .00 Denver, clear 40 64 .00 Dea Moines, clear 38 42 .00 Dodge City, clear 48 52 .00 Lander, clear 38 40 .00 North Platte, clear...... 40 64 .00 Omaha, clear 40 4S .00 Pueblo, clear 38 42 .00 Sloua City, clear 60 66 .00 Valentine, clear ........64 62 .00 Rapid City, clear 4 63 70 .00 Salt Lake City, clear.... 38 40 .00 "T" trace of precipitation. I A. WELSH. Meteorologist L ) sZM-J KEYNOTE 0FG.0.P. GOTHAM DINNER All Factions Declared United by New Republican Chairman; Hughes and Willcox Make Short Speeches. New York? March 1. Prominent republicans were told today by Will H. Hays, new chairman of the repub lican national committee, at a lunch eon tendered by William R. Willcox, former chairman, that all efforts must be centered upon the prosecution of the war. . . . " i , Chairman Hays further declared that his efforts would be jo harmon ize all republican groups in support of the ' 1918 congressional' elections and the' 1920 presidential election. He said he did not know the meaning of factions known as "Bull Moose," "old guard republicans,"' "progressives" or "reactionaries " , t. ... Willcoie Praises Hays. - Mr. Willcox,. in complimenting the new chairman, said: "He stands for the coufitry first, for national unity, and for the vigor ous prosecution of the war, before he seeks partisan., advantage. I am highly gratified that my successor in office-is a -man of the type of Will Hays," Mr. Hays was quoted as saying that it was the function of the na tional committee to obtain the elec tion, not the. nomination of a candi date. He expressed confidence that all the old lines of division in the party had been wiped out, and contro versies forgotten by a "united repub licanism." ; . Hughes Makes Talk. Charles ( E. Hughes discussed the war. ' ' George W. Perkins said there wa9 no discussion of plans for 1920 and that everyone seemed to be agreeably impressed with Mr. Hays' "person ality, energy and boundless enthusi asm." ' - There were 31 present at the lunch eon1, including three democrats, four who have been progressives and one described as an independent. The list included Gocvernor James A. Good rich of Indiana, Senator William H. Calder of New York, T. Coleman Du pont, Frank H. Silchock, Frank A. Munsey, Jacob Schiff, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler and A. T. Hert and R. K. Hynicka of the national com mittee. Further conferences with promi nent republican leaders were held by Hays upon his arrival from Washington. Omaha Lawyer Now Assistant Adjutant at Fort Harrison, Ind. Lieutenant George Sugarman of Omaha, stationed at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., has been named assist ant adjutant in, the court-martial de partment. Before-winning his com mission at Fort Snelling Lieutenant Sugarman practiced law in this city. He is "a brother of Martin Sugarman. Lieutenant Sugarmanf passed afew days in Omaha this week enroute back to his post from Camp Funston, where he went on official business.' He is a graduate of Creighton law school, having previously attended the Uni versity of Michigan and Leland Stan ford university. i . : : -O Wattles Seeks Lower Price 7 For Second Grade Potatoes Second grade, or ' No. 2, potatoes still are too higfi in price, declares Food Administrator .Wattles. , The price fixed for, potatoes in Omaha is 2zi cents per pound retail. . j. ' , Mr. Wattles has directed A. C. Lau of Lincoln, field ajgent of the' food ad ministration, to vhvestigate-the price of potatoes with a view to having po tatoes graded officially as No. 1 and No. 2, .with the prospect of setting a lower price on the second grade. OMAHA, SATURDAY IOWA BOY KILLED IN ACTIDi: WAS AN OMAHA RECRUIT Private Reylet ;' of Harlan, Named in Casualty Lists, Enlisted in This City ;;i,v,-vLast-:Aprll.v'v.i 4 iPrivate jlelnier E,.Reyleft reported killed in action in. the American sec tor in France February 26, was , one of the first to enlist' 'after "the entrance of the United States into war. ( He enlisted at the Omaha recruiting sta tion April 19, 1917. ' Reylet is a' son -of .Mr., and- Mrs. Adolph Reylet of. Harlan, la. He was 20 years , old. .Before entering the military service he was employed as a clerk, iiu Harlan. He, served in the 'infantry.1 - . ! Private Casper Schwab of Harlan, la.,, reported : wounded; in action a short time ago, and Reylet were "bunkies." They enlisted in Omaha the same day and. were assigned to the same infantry regiment with the expeditionary forces. This is the second man from the Omaha district to be killed in action. Private Hays was the first man killed. Filley Newspaper Burned ' Following Threats Beatrice, Neb.,' March 1. (Special Telegram.) Fire supposed to be of incendiary-oi igin," wiped out the plant of the Filley Spotlight at Filley, 12 miles east of Beatrice, today. W. C. Cissna, the editor, -who recently leased the plant from George Edson, lost all his personal belongings. Re cently he received , a letter stating that if he did not cease his attacks on the kaiser his blant would be burned. The sheriff i. investigating the case. The loss on the building and plant is placed at $2,000, partially covered by insurance. Assistant to President of Burlington Visits Omaha Lee Spratlen of Chicago, assistant to President Holden of the Burling ton railroad, is in Omaha on business. . MORNING, MARCH 2, They're Off! M00MY MUST BE HANGED, SUPREME COURT DECLARES San Francisco, Cal., March 1. Thomas J. Mooney must hang as a result of conviction on a murder charge growing out of a bomb ex plosion which killed 10 persons, here in 1916, unless executive clemency in tervenes, the state supreme corrt de cided here' today in ..denying his! ap plication for a - new- vtrial ' -' 1 WATTLES POTS O K. ON FlNdlKGS OF BREAD INQUIRY Omaha Bakers Are Officially Ordered to Sell Products at: Seven arid' a Half Cents Per Pound. The finding of Referee Amos Hene ly in the investigation made by the food administration as to the cost of making bread in Omaha has been of ficially approved by State Foed Ad ministrator' Wattles, and is now an order. . It requires ; that Omaha bakers wholesale bread at 7 cents per pound loaf.' The finding of Referee Henely was that the bakers can pro duce one-pound loaves of bread at a cost of 6.3557 cents each; ' The bakers at the hearing in the office of Attorney . John W. Parish last week contended that they must have 8 cents. Salaries Too High. The hearing brought out' the fact that in their overhead charges they had included salaries for the propri etors, in some cases $13,000 each per' year. Referee Henely ordered these sal aries slashed to $5,000.- Wattles ap proved. Joseph Fradenburg, attorney rep resenting the bakers in the hearing, was asked if he is considering an ap peal or whether he considers an ap peal possible. ' "I wouldn't care to discuss the mat ter," he said. "In view of the facts," the referee's finding read in part, "it seems that during the country's present crisis the bakers should be willing to co-operate to the extent of selling bread at wholesale at 7l cents a pound loaf, and be satisfied with smaller profits than they are now receiving." Wattles Approves Cut. In regacd to the salary of $250 a week which Mr. Peterson and Mr. Pegau each allow themselves as ex ecutives in the Petson & Pcgau bakery which salaries are charged against'overhead expense and the cost of pfoducing bread, the referee rec ommended that these salaries be re duced to $5,000 a year each, and again Food Administrator Wattles ap proved. ' It was also found that the expense of sate and. delivery at the plant of the Jay 'Burns Baking company should be reduced by more than $4,000 a month, and that wrapping and pack ing expenses could be cut down about $700. - - Florida to Make Castor Oil for Airplanes Fremont, Neb., March 1. (Special.) Thousands of acres of .land in Florida will, be planted to castor beans this year under government contract. The beans are to be used to make oil for airplanes, according to Dr. J. M. Perrigo, who returned from a six weeks' trip in . the "south. Dr. Per rigo said the south shows much war activity. " 4 ' 1918 TWENTY PAGES CAMP DODGE HEAD ON FAVORED LIST OF MEAT PACKERS Pork Barorv's Letter , Tells of Sending "Particular Old Cod ger" Packages of Toilet ;.V's6ap in Mails. -vV'-' .' ,'.; .' Chicago, March .tAter running the gamut from retail 'butcher , regu lations to -huge orderg for beef fof the- allic'sthe' federal' trade commis sion investigation ofs the packing house industry i today adverted to a package of soap and, tpilet. articles, the product of Armour & Co., and their presentation to the commanding officer at the Camp Dodge .canton ment, Dcs Moines, la. The soap incident entered the hear ing when Francis J. Heney, counsel for the commission, read into the rec ord copies of letters which he ex plained were taken from the files of Armour Si Co. The first, under date of October 18, 1917, bore the signa ture of R. A. Rightmire of the Ar mour Des Moines office. It said: Granted Exclusive Right. "We have been granted the exclu sive right to build a sub-branch-close to Camp Dodge1. I imagine a little package of toilet articles and a few bars of soap will be highly pleasing to General Plummer. He is a par ticular old codger and I imagine to be very fussy about such things." Other letters told of the sending of the soap and toilet articles to the general. There was delay in the ar rival of the package and in reply to a letter tracing it another letter was read signed E. H. Plummer. It was short and read: ' "Package not arrived. You know my loyalty to Armour & Co. Noth ing else will do. E. H. Plummer." Receive Every Courtesy. Another letter from the branch manager told of the arrival and de livery of the package. This letter also included a sentence saying: "We are doing a world business every day at Camp Dodge and are receiving every courtesy." Examiner ' Manly, who presided, said after the letters had been read by Mr. Heney: "I thought there was some- rule against the establishment of branch houses at camps with exclusive rights." "I think there is such a rule," re (Contlnued on Page Two, Column Two.) BARBED WIRE FENCE AROUND And Hoboken is Deserted, the "Cologne Gazette" Seriously Tells Its Readers NEW YORK, SAYS GERMAN PAPER New "York, March 1. German newspapers have informed their read ers that New York City for its pro tection has girded itself with a barbed wire fence 625 miles in length. The Germans also have been told that 50,000 soldiers are guarding the port of New York, that rigorous meas ures have been taken in Chicago and elsewhere and that Hoboken is de serted. linder the caption, "American War Fever' the Cologne Gazette of Jan uary 16, a copy of which has been re ceived in this city, publishes the fol lowing dispatch under an Amsterdam date: - "It is reported from New York that a barbed wire fence 1,000 kilometers in length has been drawn around the docks -and piers of New York. This gigantic fence encircles the whole of New York and also the adjoining cities of Brooklyn, Hoboken and Jer sey City. No one is allowed to pass 0 Trslss. it M.ttU. Nn Stasis, It., u. PRESIDENT MAY SEND U. S. TROOPS TO VLADIVOSTOK Washington Government ' Considers International ;Ar-'. rangement to Protect Trans-Siberian Railroad and. ., " Vast Stores Threatened by German Invas- ion; London Favors Jap Move. ' . 7 , Washington,' March 1. Japan's proposal for action in Siberia has crowded German Chancellor von Hertling's speech into second place in the consideration of officials here. - Indications today are that decisions were being formed which soon would show themselves in Some arrangement of an international character to prevent the vast stores at Vladivos1 tok and control of the Transsiberian railway from falling into ' the hands of the advancing Germans. : ; y ; '; SAMMIES WRECK ENEMY TRENCHES WITH BIG SHELLS American Gunners Destroy. German Position in Retalia tion for Gas Attack; Six Deaths Avenged. . ; .... " (Or Associated PrMS.) , With the American Army in France, Thursday Feb., 28. Swift retribution has fallen, upon the German batteries -which thi week bqmbarded the Amer ieaa trenches northwest of Toul with gas shells, . . ' 'J ;,--' i American heavy artillery concen trated its fire on the German mitien werfer batteries for half an hour to day and 'obliterated the position. . Many direct hits with high explo sive shells were made by the Ameri can gunners. Timbers were thrown high; in the air and explosions of enemy ammunition and gas resulted. The ground about the German bat teries was churned upside down-and if there were any German soldiers there they suffered death. Tims' far six men have died' from the effects of the German gas shells. More than 80 arc in hospitals recov ering from gas poisoning. Most' of these cases, however, are slight and only one man is reported to bt in a grave condition. Gunners Get' Range. ' ' Airplane photographs aided the American gunners in their destructive fire against the German batteries. The photographs, taken yesterday, dis closed the exact location of the min enwerfers, with the result that it did not take the gunners long to even up the score with the enemy. f The number of enemy shells falling within the American lines has de creased slightly in the last 24 hours, but the artillery fighting .lias been lively. ''While-art empty American ammuni tion train was' halted at a place called Dead Mail's point, a stray enemy shell drooned hear bv and killed two men, two horses that had run away and wounded four men. In a certain town behind the front a German shell exploded near the door leading to a telephone dugout, blockliig" tht'irassageway. The opera tors in the dugout, although in con siderable danger, continued to work the important lines, at the same time calling for help. Soldiers were sent to the dugout -and - the passageway re opened. THe American artillery has kept up a constant harassing and destructive fire on enemy 'vital points such as (Continued on Pas; Two, Column Two.) through, this fence without permission especially no enemy alien. - . "Fifty thousand soldiers have been detailed' to Buartl the port terminals Any person found loitering in the vi cinity of the barbed wire fence is shot. All Germans who either reside or work within the barbed' wire rone must vacate the district immediately. "In Chicago-alone 21.000 Germans have been forced to move out of the harbor district.. These rigorous regu lations have caused great excitement among the business men of the entire country because they are compelled to do without their German employes if their, places of business are near the docks. A delegation of master butchers has vainly pleaded to an aleviation of these regulations. "The Germans who in .Hoboken had built up a colony resembling a little piece of Germany have all been forced to -leave arni that port, which already had suffered heavily from the war, is now absolutely deserted." single copy two cents. t i, VJ ". MAV TftTM lAPAM . ' . Outward Indications' are that the . president is studying. the question of' American participation with the Jap- -aneie in Siberia to the exclusion of, other subjects. .' ' ' ' " ; i The expectation that President Wil son was planning to address 'con-' gress very soon in reply to Von Her ' thng i speech was dissipated by evi dences that the president is making no such plana at this time and prob ably does not consider it necessary to! reply to the uerraan cnanceiior tor the present at least. '.'. ' - LONDON FAVORS JAP MOVE. London, March 1. Japan propos als with regard to Siberia and their reception in Washington hat brought the question of Japan's active partici-. pation in -military operations to the forefront here, : The , .developments dominate the news columns of the papers. ' "".',', :' ,. -.v,. : A Rfnlrf catilcprarn niivWncr 'HiAiJ' 'sociated Press dispatch from. -Wash- ton,'., is , civen . great - prominence in type ;and position byV the1 morning newspapers and is commented on ex tensively, Some' papers display con tributed ; articles setting, forth the Japanese view of the situation.. s , . The bulk of the opinion favors Japan's proposed action without qual ification, and the plea, is made, in, some quarters that it ought implicitly to be trusted and given a free hand.- , The Morning Post; says i , . , ; "Just as the United States was fnrrpH trt a nnticv f( ihfrvnttrn iv the German mence in the west, so Japan is roused to Activity 'by the German menace in the east. "Japan is entirely -justified by the danger, which, threatens jt in taking steps to protect its interests in Man churia and Siberia. If it is wise, it will seek to be the deliverer of Rus sia and to aim at freeing Russia from the German yoke. "It is to, be hoped the allies will treat Japan with confidence and. the hearty spirit of co-operation which it has the right to expect as an ally. There should be no niggling and grudging assent" . t ' Support Japan's Attitude., The Daily News1 is not surprised by the widespread cry raised for Jap anese action, but htpes the allies very carefully will consider, all that is in volved in its proposal. It contends that the intervention of Japan on terms of conquest would be a crime and that whatever is done must be with the intention of conserving Rus sia's interests., "Japan's message to Washington shows it takes the correct view," adds the Daily News. "American feeling is understood to be opposed to a Japanese landing, but this view .a Dvuitnnoi muuiiicu vy me Humid- tion that joint action only is contem plated. That condition ought to gov ern any consideration of the idea." An article by a diplomatic corre spondent in " the Daily Chronicle strongly supports Japanese action.' It says the logic of events is so forcible that it is difficult to conceive of the allies failing to give the requisite in vitation. In regard to American par ticipation the article says: "America has its hands full on the western front, and any attempt to divert men, munitions or tonnage from that great objective is -to be condemned. Moreover, any linking of America with Japan in this vast enterprise would be resented by Japan as a mark of distrust in its ability and disinterestedness." . v-, .' The Daily Mail in the course of a statement purporting to present the Japanese view says: - - . "Every intelligent Japanese thinks the mandate for action, should ;be based on the broad principles of trusting Japan and that it should not be handicapped by any entangling advance conditions. ' "It is believed that Japan's allies will realize the impracticability of their co-operation in an , enterprise of incalculable possibilities. One needs only to suggest the pressing shipping needs whjch America is now trying to satisfy in respect to the European situation,. There is also the. question of food. ' ' " " ; Only Japan Can Act;-; ' "In respect to both shipping and food, to 'say nothing of military man power, it does not seem to the Jap anese mind that .there is serious pos sibility of any allied power doing any. (Continued Pf Two, Column Tn) '