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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1918)
IHJS UMAriA SUNDA BEE: MARCH 3, 1918. 90 HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE Salesmen and Solicitors. Stores and Offices. SUCCESSFUL stock itlnratn, proving abil ity, can secure opportunity selling part '" 1400,000.00 legitimate mfg.. showtng STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, small In- net proft 25 per cent Address, Wis. surance office, 365-376; stenographer and Gran Rug Co.. Fond du Lao. Wis. clerk, 375: bookkeeper, auto firm, $76; WANTED Experienced salesman to sell ad- I stenographer and bookkeeper, brokers' of- vertlslng apace; two excellent propositions: 'lc 66: stenographer to manager, $75- call mornings between It and 12:30. Hills stenographer, wholesale house, $66. Advertising; Co.. 640 Brandeli Bldg. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND iLESMAN wanted. ASSOCIATION. COMBINATION TIRE MFG. CO, Originators ot the Reference Business. - 483 8. 13th St 736 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ATTRACTIVE money making proposition for experienced stock remedy salesmen. Box 3287. Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. TRAVELING salesmen wanted to sell tire For Wyoming bank, town ot S.000. patches and fan belts to dealers. Leather beak experience not necessary If good Patch Co.. Kansas City. Mo. stenographer. Salary H.000 per year. PATENT RIGHT MEN SALESMEN Tou n For. Iowa' wUhln " lle Of collect the money and keep It all. WON- Omaha town of 1,000. Salary 160 to $76. DER BURNER, Dept. 7, Columbus, O. J or Nebraska bank In one of Omaha's .,,; - r1 , ' suburban towns. Salary $60 to start -DX?rri?0..Ih0t0 C0UPOn "" s'nl " Potions now open. llcltor. "Scott Studio. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO.. Agents and Canvassers. 1424 First National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. HALT! STARTLING MONET-MAKING "OF STENOGRAPHERS, $100-$85-$SO-$7S; office FER Send for FREE SAMPLE of N. R. ',erk. Bood at figures. 176; office clerks, O. LAUNDRY TABLETS. ONE THOU- 9 to 60; Compt. Opr., $60; Steno. and SAND DOLLAR REWARD If they will Dlct- Pr- Rteno. and Bkkpr.. $65. not wash clothes spotless WITHOUT WATTS REFERENCE CO., RUBBING. Contains no paraffin, wax or 1138 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. injurious chemicals. Positively cannot In- STENOGRAPHERS, ATTENTION I jure clothes or hands. Get ready for the We have six splendid vacancies to be BIO SPRING DRIVE. $25 to $100 per filled at once. Call and we will give week easy, 16o package enough for five particulars. family washings. Sales guaranteed. Re- CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. peat business assured. Secure exclusive 1015-18 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. territory at once. Farquhar Moon Mfg. , 7; . - r..v w kt v.n Ttiiran and !.. siin t-IVII. service examinations in Omaha soon; 2L" nMn.l ' women desiring clerkships, postofflce. gov! ernment departments, stenographers, AGENTS $200 a month. Men or women. wrtte for free particulars to J. C. Leonard New Automatic-Adjustable hat and coat (former government examiner), 624 Kenols rack. Self supporting, fits any wall or Bldg., Washington. corner. No nails or screws. Takes up no 5t RKnnn a pmitw ZZZ hT" floor space. Put up or removed In five STk?RA1PKH!!Rw,,tn?A J seconds. A demonstration means a sale. "Jr k j tCdy JvS Doxen can be carried. Sells In homes. "f V""" f,J.0n W, 0 stores, shops, garages, schools, halls, every w ' us her head. Apply the Tanto- place. Women delighted. Best and eas- I1U1V , lest seller ever offered. Write quick for STENOGRAPHER, private secretsry, $110; sample. Thomas Mfg. Co., 611$ Round two bookkeepers, $90-100; typist and clerk, St., Dayton, Ohio. 6$; ledger olk $65; many more. Co-Opera- MEN and women agents send your name tlve Reference Co.. 1015-18 City Nat Bk. and address. We will send free samples TEN POSITIONS open for stenographers, of Palmer's Workless Laundry Washing typists and bookkeepers. Tablets. Not a cent to try it. Saves 76 CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. per cent on soap. Does eight family 1015-16 City Nat Bank Bldg. washings without rubbing. Guaranteed 5 STENOGRAPHERS $60-$76 not to Injure the finest fabrics. Thous- 3 TYPISTS $40-160 ands cf our agents making big money OFFICE GIRL, 17 or IS yesrs old $30 permanent. Like owning a street car THB CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. System. It's a repeator. H. O. Palmer ., A Co.. Dept. 48 Chicago, III. NEAT appearing, refined young lady for . ,. , , , doctor s and dentist s office; must be AGENTS Big hit: Our 5-pieoe aluminum able t0 uso typowrlter. Box 330o, Omaha set la all tho rage. Cheaper than enamel B ware. Sella tike wildfire. Guaranteed 20 ' . , , . - 7- years. Retail value $5. You sell to house- LADY of Intelligence and energy to assist ii wives for only $1.8. Biggest seller of od conservation work. Whole or pan the age. 9 sure sales out of every 10 time. International Institute. rhlladel- shown. Others cleaning up $10 to $20 a P"la- ! day. Answer this quick to secure your WANTED Good stenographer; one who has territory. Dlv. 1204 American Aluminum had experience preferred. Apply CARFEN- Mfg. Co.. Lemont, III. TER PAPER CO.. 9th and Harney. AGENTS Wake up; we've got It; greatest BRIGHT youny lady as dentist's assistant; patented necessity for automobiles on earth, good salary to right party. Box 329$, endorsed by thousands. Helco No. 2 saves Omaha Bee. ; lives, gas, tires, foils theft makes drlv- STENOGRAPHER at once, beginner will do. lng a pleasure. Fits popular priced cars, Goodrich Drug Co.. 1308 Harney St. owner and garages buying at sight, - ; t-.a.'- money hack guarantee, get protected ter- JrolCSSlons and IraatS. rifcory at once, sample parcel post, $3.75. . Helco Bales Co.. Homestead, Pa. AGENTS Write for samples and self measuring system. Get your own ult . mad to order at wholesale, and make back the price by sending a few orders WANTED from your friends. Experience unneces- , ""1,11J" sary. CONSOLIDATED WOOLEN MILLS, 26 North Wells St.. Chicago. Ill AGENTS. $60 WEEKLY and automobile AT 0NCE furnished men placing samples wonderful new automobile necessity with automobile owners. Reduces operating expense. Makes J5 GIRLS old cars run like new. $30 outfit furnished free. L. Ballwey, 504 Station F, Louls- viiie, Ky. ; jn packfng and labeling departments. AGENTS To meet government require ments for Income tax schedule every farmer should have my Farmers' Manual - . wages. eooA surroundinps and Complete Account Book; hustlers JOOa wages, gOOQ surroundings, elearlng $7 dally; outfit frea. Prof. Nichols, Napervllle, 111. AITVdf0uS!S5o5 LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO. that beat them all. Write for terms and free samples If you mean business. gay"",' O H0B'ery C" 5" B"nd AND DA'VENPORT STS. AGENTS I want 100 agents to take orders for Comer raincoats; spring line ready; dandy coat, $3.98; 66 styles; profit Jn ad vance;, we deliver. Send postcard for samples and proposition. Comer Mfg. 1 Co.; Dept. G-121, Dayton, O. AGENTS Men, women, wonderful op- WANTED! &EZJl8tfF StrS BY BURGESS-NASH CO.. cTngT&O Wt'wVd "reel kJST Yor'k t OR 7 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES Clty- FOR CRICKET ROOM. AGENT wanted to sell our specially pre pared Fiber broom; best known substitute APPLY for corn brooms; big profits, ready sale; writs, for samples and Information. Em- TQ SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. Ch7ca?orU?!l WOr1"' 13U N' WANTED Girls to work on overall. b5t ' . .... 1 p. .' of surroundings; good pay; opportunity AGENTS-330 to $100 a week. Free .am- advancement , Apply Employment pies. -Gold sign letters for stores and of- D . ' fice windows. Liberal offer to general v jj j SMITH & CO agents; Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, loth and Douglas St. entrance. Chlcag0" , ,. STENOGRAPHER for just a few hours per $5,000 A YEAR, agents for grocery specialty, Qne vl , the nelghborhood pre. become exclusive district distributors -of forre(I QUal0 )raid Mnu, 2410 Hamilton fast selling product and salesmanger for Btreet your territory. Reinshagen Company, 906D : ; Webster Bldg., Chicago. WANTED at once, maker In a millinery de- weDster aiag., micas partment, close to Omaha; good wages. WOMEN and men earn $35.00 a week in Mirem Makar 2n Brandeis Theater Bldg. your homo town, taking orders for men s .' . r 3 r n zr tailored neckties on profit sharing plan. EXPERIENCED hand made button hole E It. Kciser & Co., Palmer Bldg., Detroit, worker on etlrts, at Albert Cahn s Shirt M'ich Factory, 219 S. 14th St. LARGE manufacturer wants representative. WANTED A competent laundress. Apply to sell shirts,, underwear, hosiery, dresses, at Clarkson Hospital. waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for WANTED First class repair lady. Apply free, samples. Madison jMills, 603 Broad- Teddy Bear Cleaners. 1908 Harney St. way. New York. LEARN barber trade. 1402 Dodge St AGENTS Get particulars of one of the c , m.. . Ci;;, best paying propositions ever put on the Saleswomen and Solicitors. market;, make $4,000 yearly. Address E. M. Feltman, $36 American Bldg., Cln- jioo a MONTH up, to bright compentent clnnatl, O. , ladies with ability In out-door soliciting, AGENTS New patriotic pictures. "Persh- exceptional opportunity for advancement ing in France," "Duty Calls," "Her Sac- Phone Walnut 2813. rlflce," "Berlin or Bust." Sample free. , Also portrait catalogue. Consolidated FIVE bright, capable ladles to travel, Portrait Co., Station C, Chicago. demonstrate and sell dealers, $76 to $160 AMERICA AND THE GREAT WAR. Sells Per month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich on sight. Every red blooded American Drug Co.. Dept 614. Omaha. Neb. wants it Big profits, sample free, in- Agents and Canvassers. ternatlonal Pres., Philadelphia. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS reward if N. SPECIAL work shoe, low price, wonderful K Q ' Laundry Tablets will not wash seller, exclusive territory, liberal coromis- clothes without rubbing. Contains no slon. Quick action. Naftzger & Hunter, paraffln, wax or injurious chemicals. Can- 628 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago. not posslbly lnj)ur9 dothes or hands. The Boys wonder of the age. Sells like hot cakes; f-Z rr-j u , . 15o package enough for 5 family wash- W ANTED Buy 16 to 18 years old tor helper lngg W(J upp,y freJ ,ampleB- Every end apprentice; Sherman & McConnell Drug housewif9 you glv one to becomes your Co., 2nd floor. 19th and tarnam. steady customer. .We guarantee the sale. i Trade Schools. Secure territory at onco. Write for free 1 i 7 h. K,h.. sample and full particulars. Farquhar BOTH men and women io Iij i the barber Manufacturing Co.. Desk E 67, Van trade. Special rates. Call or write, 1402 Buren anfl La Sa su ; Chlcag0. Dodge. TRI-CITY BAK3ER CLLEGE; Household and Domestic. . AiixnAinRII F srHnriT GOOD wages to a competent white girl for , .yfl. nn ho0k.V. to housemaid; no cooking: laundress kept. Learo in six weeks no books, Mll Mrs. H. V. Burkley. 3177 Davenport St earn: free catalogue. National Auto H ' ,,,, School. 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. Harney 2641. fTee'oT".1 Rhae'.raAn?o l&Si Sherm", , North 88th Ave. Phone H.r- 2130 Oak St.. Kansas City, Mo. ney -. r. r. ' TRUSTWORTHY white girl for general Miscellaneous housework in family of three; no laundry MEN WANTED, AGES 21 TO 60, work; best wages paid. Tel. mornings or for general yard work, steady after p. m. Harney 978. work for the good men. WANTED Housekeeper on farm, young APPLY TO TIME-KEEFER, Christian lady preferred. Box Y 416. Oma- L-NION STOCK YARDS CO.. SO. OMAHA. na Bee. GENTLEMAN past 50 who desires pleasant COMPETENT maid for general housework, home for assisting with yard and garden three , Iamily Kooi wages, no washing, work. Box 3257, Omaha Bee. Phone Harney 6429. WANTED Twenty men for Robert B. Man- WANTED Experienced cook who lives at tell's performances at Boyd s theater. Ap- home to . give part time. Good pay. , ply stage door, today, 6:30 p. m. Apartment 1, 1404 South 10th St. WANTED Married man on small farm neai WANTED A neat young girl to assist with town. Telephone South 2822. housework. Apply Major Poole's quar- WANTED A competent houseman. Apply ters. at Clarkson hospital. MAID for general housework; no laun- FREE JOB No office fee. Apply at 322 Vi dry; good wages; pleasant room on the So. loth St. " second floor. Telephone Harney 3192. Lit? f D WaNTrn WANTED Housekeeper, small family, mld- nttLJr TV Aria U ' die-aged preferred. Good wages to right " Male and Female. party. Box Wl, Omaha Bee. . t, . WANTED A washer woman to take wash- CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS your ,- nome, for tw0 ,dult8. Telephone Col- state soon; unprecedented demand for - " ,.5- government clerks; grasp this opportunity ' ; rr- now. Write for free Information. Geo. W. WANTED Middle aged or elderly lady Robblns. civil service expert. Jordan Bldg., housekeeper for two adults. Walnut Washington, D. C. 1WS-3. MOLER Barber College wants young men WHITE girl for general housework; wages and ladiee to learn the barber trade. Call Per week. Laundress kept 108 North or write for free catalogue, 110 a J4tb 53d Ave.. Dundee. Tel. Wal. 772. Bt. Omaha. Neb. WANTED A girl for general housework, THOUSANDS government war positions $8 Per week. Apply 4160. Cass St Mrs. open. Men and women, wanted. $100 J. P. O'Keefe. Walnut 838. month. Write for list. Franklin Instl- WANTED A girl for general housework; tute, Dept. 232 C, Rochester, N. Y. no laundry work; references required. Tel. Walnut 840. WANTED Competent cook. City refer- HELP WANTED FEMALE nces preferred. Mrs. Ben Gallagher. 513 South 38th St. Stores and Offices. good white girl; must be a good cook. WANTED Limited number of young lady Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. 2510 Farnam St. students to enroll In our course of office Trade Schools. training, to learn to operate comptometers . and Burroughs caculating machines. Two WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade, , three month, training to qualify for . Special rat., .nd Inducement. position. A rare opportunity to receive TRT-CTTY BARBER COl.l.EOB. expert instructions. Cost for the complete You can secure a maid, stcnogra- cdvorak "calculating school. or bookkeeper by usine a Bee 64t Ramce Bldg. Phone Douglas 2169. Want Ad HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. LADIES' $S to $4 a day, for your spare time. Finest line of toilet preparations, soaps and perfumes. Permanent No ex perience required. Outfit furnished free. Write today. American Products Co., 10 Third St.. Cincinnati, O. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We write muslo and guarantee publish er's acceptsnce. Submit poems on war, love or any subject, Chester Muslo Co., 1039 Wilson Ave.. Suite 6!0, Chicago. LADIES: Waterproof kitchen apron. Needs no laundering. Every housewife buys. Dainty, durable, economical. Big money. Sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 816 Round St., Dayton, O. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG. We write muslo and guarantee pub Usher's acceptance. Submit poems on war, love or any subject CHESTER MUSIC CO.. 1039 Wilson Ave., Suite 620, Chicago. HELP meet huge demand for knitted goods. Industrious persons provided with profit able steady home ebployment. No ex perience or canvassing. Good rate, of pay. Wheeler Inc.. 337 Madison, Chicago. EARN $25weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaslnes. Experience un necessary: details free. Press Syndicate, 1S9. St. Louis. Mo. EDUCATIONAL WAR OPPORTUNITIES With hundreds ofthousands of men leaving for the front; with hun dreds of thousands of vacancies; with increased business activities re sulting from the war, it is evident that the same training so essential to individual success is now needed in ail lines of industry. Those who are trained,' who can do more effi cient work, can do good for them selves. Promotion is certain to fol low for those who are prepared. We Can Train You Now is the time to prepare your self to fill these vacancies. We can place you in good paying positions direct from the class room. Try either our day or night school classes. Call, phone or write. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE 18th and Harney. Doug. 1565. Van Sant School ot Business. Day and Evening Schools. $20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THB WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS TO RENT. Remember that the weather condition, for the next few weeks will probably not permit room hunter, making an ex tended hunt for room- They will stay Inside and watch the want-ads. If you wish your room rented, phone na your ad NOW. Tyler 1000. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In private home, near Farnam car line; excellent neighborhood. Telephone Harney 6243. 2579 HARNEY Neatly furnished room, pri vate borne. One or two gentlemen. Red 6978. NICE large room for private family on Pinkney St., second door from 24th St car. Webster 1849. STEAM-HEATED rooms $2 wk., also apls wlth kltchenets. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. MODERN room for gentleman, private fam lly; walking distance. Douglas 6335. CLOSE IN south front room, modern brick flat. Red 8567. 1112 SOUTH 31ST ST. Front room on cai line. Modern home. Harney 1044. WEST FARNAM. walking distance, south room, $8 per month. Harney 1732. LARGE front room suitable for two. 1907 , Wirt. Webster 1172. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO very large rooms, complete for house keeping, private entrance, stove neai, quar ter meter. $14 per month. 19th and Vin ton St. una bill. MODERN, well heated, good location; no children. Tel. Harney 6564 - Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERSI It you fail to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives nomplete description of vacant rooms In 11 part, ot the city. New list. Issued every week. WANTED Board and room in private mod ern home for tubercular young man; able 1 . 1 - Ai?CA to be up; ip per wee, wnnui. ROOM and board for two young men In refined home. Good home cooking, mod ern, on car line. Webster 6040. TO GENTLEMEN Warm room, private home, good cooking. 3612 Jones St. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED BOOMS, CREIGHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co., Douglas i3tt. Bun Theater Bldg. FOUR rooms en suite, in nice modern home; laundry privileges, $16 a month. Webster 2390. . FOR RENT HOUSES West. GENTEEL WEST FARNAM HOUSE-FOR CLUB HOUSE OR SMALL FAMILY HOTEL. 3863 Farnam St. Just remodeled and thoroughly modernized at an expense ot nearly $3,500. Now spick and span, ready for moving Into. Large new porch; ce mented 3 -room basement; parlor, den, large dining room, kitchen, 11 bedrooms and 2 complete bath rooms, all opening on central hallway. Beautifuly decorated throughout. Floors and. other woodwork nicely finished. New electrlo fixtures, window shade, and good heating plant It is the best little family hotel propo sition In all Omaha and cannot be beaten for location. A real bargain at $80 per month. See us about it quick. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat'l 'Bank. D. 1016. 8-HOO.M modern brick and stucco house, In Dundee, $75; possession April 1, J. II. DUMONT & CO., Realtors. 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. FOR RENT Seven-room modern house, dou ble garage. 4116 Farnam St. Now va cant. H. H. Allen, Harney 3467. , . FOR RENT With long lease, very desirable Dundee residence. If Interested write Box 2800, Omaha Bee. MODERN 8-room house, close In,. Phone Har. 1399 at 8 a. m. or 6 p. m. NICE 2-room cottage, city water and elec tric light. Call Harney 6323. , North. THREE ROOMS, with gas, bath, sleeping porch. Stove connected with hot water. , 1823 North 17th street $12.60. BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Doug. 746. 6-ROOM, modern except beat, 1820 Vs N. 16th, $15.00. Benson-Meyers, 424 Omaha National Bank. South. REDUCE YOUR RENT by taking this fine complctley modern, hot water heated house and get one or two families to go In with you. This place is Ideally arranged and suited for this plan. Place Is on car line. Rent Is rea sonable. Also a large barn and a good sized vacant lot for a garden go with It. Address 2319 S. 13th St. This Is what you want In order to reduce the monthly ex penses. For rentsl call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. REALTORS. Douglas 2H0. 608 Bee Bldg. DESIRABLE 6-room flat at 29th and Hickory, on car line; modern, nicely decorated: economical furnace. Phone Douglas 7364. FOR RENT HOUSES South. CLOSE IN 438 S. t4th St $30.00 Six rooms, all modern. In good condition. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, (Realtors.) Ill South 17th St Douglas 297. NEAR Hanson park, i block from car, one block to l'ark school; 6-room modern cottage except furnace; south front; nice large rooms; rent $22.50. Call S51S Hickory St. 3405 and 3407 Jackson St., 7 rooms each, modern. $23.60. Wm. McCune. 1!4 80. 84th St. Telephone Doug. 816J. 6-ROOM HOUSE, modern except heat, $18. 831 S. 21st St. Harney 2705. Miscellaneous. ATTRACTIVE HOME Large living room with fireplace, built in boo!. -cases, dining room with elegant buffet; good sized kitchen and pantry; four large bedrooms, one arranged for sleeping porch. All oak finish, fully dec orated; best ot construction. $1,000 cash, balance easy terms. Trice $6,300. Cali fornia street, near 38th. INVESTMENTS. $16,000; snnusl rental, $1,746. $25,000: annual rental, JJ.830. Two very attractive Investments at a street car junction point; both new and substantial brick buildings, well leased and bringing good returns. FARNAM STREET. $.13,000 for 22-ft. neat 10th St. Improved. $65,000 for corner 30th and Farnam Sis., 130x140 with 100 It, ot parking on boule vard. LINCOLN HIGHWAT. Fine1 business corner and apartment house site near 49tli St. Also three very desirable corner lots 76x132 ft. each, at 60th Avenue, 61st St., and Lincoln High way. SEE OUR LIST OF HIGH. SIGHTLY LOTS IN DUNDEE. WORLD REALTY CO. Realtors. Second Floor Sun Theater Bldg, Theater Entrance. Douglas 6342. Modern Houses. 6-R. 1911 S. 29th, good condition, large yard, chicken shed, $25 . T-R. 1021 N. 33d, hot water heat, yard, $27.50. T-R. 1124 N, 40th, large corner, on car line, $30. 5- R. 2228 Fopploton, close In, $25. 8- R. 4224 Dewey, across from Omaha university, sleeping porch, garage, $37.60. 9- R. 3302 Harney, hot water heat, beau tiful home, $55. 12-R. 1427 S. 8th, beautiful home, will be redecorated inside and out, hot water heat, 1 blk. from Brownell hall, $50. Houses Modern Except Furnace. 3- R. 3819 Taylor, upstairs, wat. pd., $6. 6- R. 2721 Caldwell, good condition, $20. 6-R. 4533 Military, large yard, practically new, $18. 5- R. 2812 Hickory, H blk. to car, $22.60. 6- R. 4727 N. 89th; owner will leave stoves, large yard, fruit, very choice, $25. ' 7- R. 2506 9. 20th Ave., good snap for $14. 8- R. 1610 Madison Ave., large yard, $20. Part Modern Houses. - 2-R. 1813 N. 23d, rear, $6. 4- R. 2109 Arbor, gas, water. $6.2$. 4-R. 2018 N. 35th, water, $7. 4- R. 1344 S. 21st, gas, water, toilet, $10. 7-R. 4411 N. 25th Ave., well, gas, $16. Flats Modern. 6-R. 209 Paxton Court, bet. 26th Ave. and 26th, off of Douglas, NEW, close In, gas range, refrigerator furnished, $32.(0. 9- R. 1717 Park Ave., oak floors, new eleo. fixtures, across from Hanscora Park, $30. Part Modern Flats. 6-R. 607 N. 21st, close in, no car fare, $31.60. SEND FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST. It will help you get located. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. Hastings & Heydcn, 1614 Harney St. Office Clerk, good future $75 HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 5- R. 1716 California Bt $10.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6- R. 616 N. 17th St $15.00 6- R. 3315 Ohio 8t 15.00 7- R. 6016 N. 42d St 36.00 9-R. 2734 Caldwell Bt 22.60 STRICTLY MODERN. 8- R. 1512 N. 40th St $35.00 8-R. 916 S. 26th St 35.00 8-R. 630 S. 17th Ave 40.00 8-R. 621 S. 19th St 40.00 FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 10-R. 705 S. 13th St $20.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-R. Apt. 17, Stoecker, 823 8. 24th. $17. 50 4-R. Apt. 16, Stoecker, 823 8. 24th. 26.00 PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 8. 17th St. Doug. 6013. Offices with Home Builders. FOR KENT. 7 rooms, 2520 Charles St $17.00 4 rooms, 2013 Clark St 10.00 6 rooms, 516 South 13th St 17.60 i rooms, 1110 Farnam St 15.00 6 rooms, 1110 North 23d St. 12.60 6 rooms, 1308 So. 28th St, modern..,. 25.00 8 rooms, 3014 Mason St., modorn .10.00 8 rooms, 939 North 26th St.. modern.. 25.00 9 rooms, 1411 No. 17th St., modern... 25.00 10 rooms, 2412 Cass St., modern 40.00 11 rooms, 1029 So. 30th Ave., modern.. 26.00 BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS, 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bid g. Doug. 746. WEST FARNAM. Beautiful homes, all modorn, In excel lent condition. 3819 Farnam, 9 rooms $60,00 301 S. 38th Ave., 9 rooms 66.00 3640 Harney, 9 rooms 66.00 $612 Harney, S room, and sleeping porch 65.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 212 S. 17th St. ROOMING HOUSE. Can give v.iu 11 In a brick house, com pletely modern and on car lino. Kent Is very reasonable. No reason why a party renting this place cannot make It V'-'i' Address 615 N. 20th St. For rental call CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. REALTORS. Douglas 20(1 508 Bee Bldg 1537 8. 26lh St., 6 rms., all mod.. $2676(1 4516 Bedford Ave., 5 rms., all mod.. 22.60 2212 Mason St., 8 rms., all mod.... 31.00 209 S. 13th St.. 10 rms., mod. ex. ht 30.00 815 S. 26th St., Z rms., part mod.. 8.00 408 N. 26th St., 6 rms., part mod.. 20.00 2602 Chicago St., 6 rms., part mod.. 19.00 BIRXETT & COMPANY. 250 Bee BUg. Doug. 633. $16.00 6-r. cottage, 2107 Ohio. $20.00 7-r. mod. house, 2507 St. Mary's Ave. $22.50 7-r. mod. house, 1807 Lothrop St. $25.00 6-r. mod. bungalow, 4G17 No 39th St. hot water heat $30.00 8-r. mod house, 2122 Wirt St., garage. $25.00 6-r. mod. cottage, furnished. W. H. GATES, P. 1294. 647 Omaha Natank RJdg. $25.00 All modern, 1333"& 28th St, "seven rooms; oak floors. $26.00 1131 Georgia avenue. $36.00 1125 8. 28th street; 10 rooms. $36.003304 Davenport street; 9 rooms WE HAVE OTHERS, CALL US. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. 436 8. 24TH ST. 6r. all modern $30.00 8513 Harney 8-r. all modern G5.00 3819 Farnam 9-r., all modern .... 60.00 3540 Harney 9-r. all modern 65.00 $01 B. $8th Ave. 10-r., all modern 65.00 THE BYRON REED COMPANY, (Realtors) Douglas 297. 212 8. 17th St. 614 No. 17th St, 9-r., modern $30.00 2626 Seward St., 8-r., modern 30.00 3644 Parker St., 5-r., modern 12.00 3322 Dewey Ave., 6-r., c. w 12.60 4334 Maple St., 5-r., welt 12.00 8011 Franklin St., 6-r., e. w., toilet.. 10.00 GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nat Bnk. Bldg. WE WANT more houses and apartment, to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented, see Psyne and Slater Co.. Omaha Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. . FOR RENT. 1738 8. 29th St, 7-r.. mod. house. . .$30.00 2019 Grace St., 6-r., part mod. house. 14-.00 1108 8. 9th St., 6-r, house for colored 20.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, REALTORS, 205 8. 18th St. Douglas 722. FOR COLORED. 7 rooms, $15: 7 rms. modern $25.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 654. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. iOii Locutt St.. 7 rms $18.60 m7 St. Mary's Ave., 2d fl., 6 rms.. 18.00 J0 South 25lh Ave., 7 rms 20.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, REALTORS. First National Bank Bldg. T.729. 1919 Dodge St., 10 rms, modern; fine loca tion for rooming house, 911 So. 20th St.. 9 rms.. modern, linen clos et, extra lavatory and toilet on both floors. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sli. Phono Doug. 789. $30 3S09 Cass i rnval strictly modern, window shades, fine yard. $181560 N. 20th, 6 rms, bath. $13.60 3330 Manderson, 6 rooms, large yd. $10109 S. 2Mb, 4 rms., owner pays water. $35 620 8. 20th, 10 rooms, modern. 21 2 9W l"RTST s"rm 7777... ..$36.00 610 S. 27th, 7 rms 35.00 309 S. 31th. 8 rms 46.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. FOR REN1 Houses, cottages, and apartment. PORTER A SHOTWELL. 101 R 17th St Doug. 601$. Offices with Home Builders. t-ROOM, all modern house, close In, $4$. JOHN J. MULV1HILL (Realtor). 300 Brandeis Thester Bldg. Phone Doug. (6. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO.. BEB BLDG. SHOPEN A CO.. RENTALS. Douglas 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. ATARTTj ENTS FOR RENT WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A few beautiful apartments, with every modern ennvenlence. In a brand new fire proof building, located West Farnam dis trict; close to two car Hues; ranging tu price from $65 and up. Building has storage space, modern laun dry equipment and room for servants; steam heated garage at rear. For families who desire nice surround ings and all modern conveniences, these apartments will prove most attractive. Inspection can be arranged by telephon ing. MR. A. E. BURR. Any work day, at Douglas 2926, between 8 a. mi. and 6 p. m., or on Sundays be tween 10 a. m. and p. m.; call Harney 6927. DEWEY. 8301 Dewey, t rooms, with 6-r. accom modations, NEW. Sub-lease No. I; liv ing room, with built-in bed, and dressing room with built-in chlffonnler; dining room with built-in bed; kitchen and bath; very choice; $36 summer, $43.60 winter. See tenant, or call Janitor, Harney 1946, today. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. MILTON. 3-R., with 3-r. accommodations. 1954 Jones, close In, NEW; large living room, with disappearing bed, built-in chiffonier, gas range, refrigerator. Sub-lease No. 17, $33.60 summer, $37.60 winter. See Janitor. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. HERE is your chance to sublease a email close-in apartment, consisting ot one large room, a dressing room with built-in bed, nice kitchen, tiled bath room and .mall private hall. Rents for $35 per month winter and $30 per month summer. Call Tyler I860. 5-R. 209 PAXTON COURT, NEW. close-in, bet- 25th Ave. and 26th St., right off of Douglas, very choice; gas range, refriger ator, window shades, awnings, curtain rods, everything up to date, $33.50. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. BEAUTIFUL (-room and bath apartment, walking dlstanoe, In tin location. $39.60 winter. Douglas 1140. HAMILTON APTS. Fireproof, 24th A Far nam; 1 te S rms. with kitchen. D. 1473. North. ONE four-room and bath and one five-room and bath, modern, h ated apartment In refined resldei 4 district, 8821 North 30th St. boulevard. Special low prloe to party without children. Phone Webster 6892. LOOK AT THIS! 3433 Sahler, 8-room house, with bath, south front, modern; good garden; garage and chicken house; $20. Tel. Web. 6039. D. C. BUCK, 3202 North 24th. Central Tizard Palace Block. - Nothing better for price, 4-room apart ment; also 4-room flat. Apply office, 220 N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. 4 AND 6-ROOM apts., steam heated. $30 and $31.50. 18th and Maple. Red 682. South. HEATED APARTMENTS. 6 Rooms, "The Hudson," 207 South 26th Ave., summer, $40; winter, $50, 6 Rooms, 210 South 26th Ave., summer, $40; winter, $46. BENSON & MEYERS CO., Realtor., 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 748. LOOK AT THESE. 2966-70 Woolworth Ave., 3 and 4-room flats, 1st and 2d floors, $11 and $13; mod ern except heat In good condition. Tel. Webster 6039. D. C. BUCK, 8203 North 34th. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED Facing main entrance to Hanscom park, 6-room upper, St. Louis Apt.; lsrgs commondlous rooms, yard, laundry, refrigerator room; strictly modern, $30. 1611 8. 29th Ave. WA YN K Two rooms and bath $29.(0 See Janitor, 603 So. 38th Street, GARVIN BROS. 346 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Miscellaneous. 1814 Chicago St., 10-r., modern $60.00 1214 So. 17th St., 6-r., c. w 13.00 GARVIN BROS. 845 Omaha National Bank Bldg. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialist. In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORES FOR RENT The large store rooms In the new Ma sonic building will soon be ready, Doug las and 19th St.. We are receiving appli cation, now. This Is a clean, attractive location, and especially desirable for .hop. catering to ladles' trsde. Room at 212 N. 16th St., good for cloth. Ing, gents' furnishings or lunch room. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. 916 Omaha National Bank Bldg. STORES FOR KENT. $ 25.00 2719 Leavenworth Btreet. 60.00 707 South 16th street. 70.00 617 South 16th street. 160.00 511 South 16th street, lesse to 12-21-1918. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone DoukIhs 766. 1409-11 Harney street, 44 feet frontage In tho heart of Omaha's best business dis trict. 2104-8 Cuming street, modern pressed brick stores, plate glass fronts, basement, etc. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 789. STORE BUILDINGS. 101 S. 12TH ST., 22x44 and basement, mod. . except heat $35.00 616 S. 13th St., 20x44 and 6 rms. mod. except heat 30.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY. 250 Bee Bldr Doug. 633. 311 SOUTH 13tu St., 2d fl. 2,300 sq. ft $85.00 1818 St. Mary's Avo 30.50 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, Realtors. 400 First Net'l Bk. Bldg. T. 729 FINE new store room and basenmnt at 27 lb and Leavenworth Bts. Steam heat For particulars see Coursd Young, 822 Bran dels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. STORE room for rent, 120 N. 16th, suitable for .hop or factory. Fell A Plnkerton Co., 636 Keellne Bldg. MODERN store near postofflce, $60; modem store room on 16th. near postofflce, low rent G. P. 8tebbtns. 1610 Chicago. NEW store for rent at 24th and Farnam. fine location. Call D. 1472. Office and Desk Rooms. OFFICES, $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG., FIRST TRUST CO.. Agta. Tyler 600. Garages and Barns. FOR RENT Barn for garage. 810 8. 27th St. You can secure a maid, stenogra pher or bookkeeper by using a Bee Want Ad. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED to rent or iease, 6 or 7-room house, bungalow preferred, all modern, with garage. Telephone Webster 1863. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. DO YOU WANT TO GET RESULTS ON YOUR RENT PROPERTY? If so. rail OMAHA'S LARGEST REN TAL AGENCY, ss we csnnot supply the demand for vacant property of all kinds. HASTINGS A 1IKYDEN, 1614 Harney St. HOUSE WANTED A six or seven-room house; one with garage preferred; what have you got? With lease for a year and it suitablo will buy. State location and rent. DR. FRANK SIMON, Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAOF CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture Store; office on Howard Bt., between 16th and 16th. Thone Tyler 8400. Have your moving bandied Just as you would an order for now furniture. That' the way we do It Ask to soj our dally .entsl lists. T O, RP.rTin Kxpreas Co., Moving, if. J. lULJU Packing and Storage. ltf1 farnam St Web. $748. Doug. 6146. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and .hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 306 8. 16th. Douglas 4163 FREEskuvich FIDELITY Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson St. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 330 or Douglss 4888 fJi'u"--' """ "'n'"'a.'ia rT,"-"Tn r''i ,mt tp iff ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West SIX PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE AND LEASEHOLD GOLD BONDS Secured by first mortgage on a new building in the heart of Oma ha's retail district. Interest payable February 1 and August 1 by coupon. Tax free to holders in Nebraska. Normal federal income tax paid. $100, $500 and $1,000 denomina tions. Let us tell you more about them. Installment payments if you pre fer. Bankers Mortgage Loan Co. 318 S. 18th St. Omaha, Neb. WEST FARNAM, $22,500 Pressed brick home, located In the very ,hoart ot the West Farnam district, half block from Farnam car. Beautiful ar chitecture, Inside and out, and high-class construction; lot 60x166; garage for two cars; cement driveway; ttne shade trees and shrubbery. Large veranda to the front and south, with open terrace oonnectlng; tile floor. Large tile vestibule entering Into an Im mense big living room, finished' In ma hogany; fireplace. Beautiful muslo room, oak paneled dining room with built-in buffet French door, opening Into sol. srlum, which also open, with French doors onto south veranda. Large kitchen with tile floor; extra lavatory on the first floor. Second floor, four very fine bed. room, finished In white enamel and hard wood; small sleeping porch; complete tils bath room. Third floor, servants' room and bath and storage room. Basement . all plastered; sub-divided Into a laundry, vegetable room, boiler room, coal room and one large room that could be made Into a billiard room. Prloe way below present cost to dupli cate and the location Is high-clais for always. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 3962. 613-30 City National. Evanston (Dundee) Home For Sale New, 8-room modorn, up-to-date, brick veneer and stucco house, with oak wood work In first story, white enamel In sec ond; hardwood floor, upstairs and down, tiled bath room, full cemented basement, hot water heat, Rudd water heater, gar age for 4 cars, and 3 full lots. Price 113,000, subject to paving, not delinquent; easy terms. This property Is on quiet street close to Dodge street and Happy Hollow boule vard, and overlooks Elmwood park. It is protected by building restrictions. Im mediate possession can be given. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS, 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone D. 660. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT $300 DOWN, $35 A MO. Seven-room strictly modern cottage, lo. cated near the Field Club district Five rooms and bath on first floor; two rooms on second floor. Large corner lot, paved street, paving paid; east front. Owner reduced price of this porperty to 33,600 for quick sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, Realtors. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. W. 1781. WEST LEAVENWORTH BARGAIN. 3300 down; price 33,600; 326 per month. Six rooms, strictly modern except water, which will be In this spring. Choice east front lot, good chicken house and fruit trees; only H block to car. Don't fsll to see this., OSBORNE REALTY CO. ' 701 Omaha Nat. Bunk Bldg. Tyler 486. ALMOST NEW BUNGALOW. In Leavenworth Heights; fine 6-room and bath, modern, oak finish throughout; full cemented basement; a bargain at 33,600; 31,360 cash, balance long time. Ownei has moved vest; rented now, but can show, INTERSTATE REALTY CO. 313-14 City National. Douglas 3813. ATTRACTIVE NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW. Six-room modern bungalow, south front, 2434 Brown St., one block from car line; hot water heat, fireplace, beamed celling, built-in buffet, cupboards, bookesse and window seat; oak floors, French windows, sleeping porch; full basement with vege table room. Price 33.200. Tel. Colfax 48. KUUNTZE PLACE Modern 8-room house, full basement, large lot, close to car. Price 38.360. Norrls & Norrls. D. 4270. M1NNE LUSA home, and lot offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. FOR HALK 3 lots N. E. corner 64th and Paclfto Sts. Bargain. Inquire J. Wlsler, 4670 Leavenworth Ht. ONE or two acres and a small house, easy terms. Mkhelson, 3907 Hartman Ave. North. MINNE LUSA BARGAIN Just listed, a 6-room brand new bun galow at Minne Lusa. Oak floors through out; oak finish In living room and dining room; built-in buffet) colonnade opening; built-in bookcases; plate rails, panel walls; bedrooms finished In white enamel; built in linen closets; full basement; furnace heat; south front on paved street; one. halt block from car line. One of the pret tiest spots in Minne Lusa. Priced at 33,800. Before buying. It will pay you to see It. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, Realtors. 637 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. A NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE Have a new house with all the modern conveniences except heat which I will sell for a small payment down and balance like rent This has a built-in bed heslde the living room, dining room and kitchen. Paved street Full lot. Phone Wal. 677. REAL ESTATE IMPROVEP North. NEW 5-RM. BUNGALOW $350 CASH And easy monthly payment will baj ., brand new (-room bungalow at 31st and Parker Sts. Oak finish In living room ' snd dining room, oak floors throughout! - beautiful lighting fixtures; shades, rods, -screens: cement sidewalk, yard sodded. " Price only 33,450. THE BYRON REED CO. REALTORS. t Douglas 237. 313 8. 17th St. $100 Cash $30 Monthly Strictly Moderit ' Just completed, an attractive l-roont . home, all on one floor, which la offered oa these remarkably easy terms; oak floors, cemented basement, full lot Phone Doug, 3628 and I will take you out. GRAND AVENUE NEAR FLORENCE BLVD 6-room. all modern eottsge, large IS ft, lot. Paving paid, garage, fine shade tree. Price 33,000. 3600 cash and 831 per month. J. L. HIATT COMPANT, QAA FIRST NATIONAL TTLER CO fvU BANK BUILDING. OO $300 DOWN, $25 PER MO, J Just listed, a 4-room, strictly modern bungalow, except heat, only 3 year old. In the north part ot town, which can be handled on very easy payments. Th price or this bungalow la 32,100 If sold within the next week or ten days. FAYNE INVESTMENT CO, -Realtors. 637 Omsh Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. Miller Park District 7-room modern home, oak throughout, a nice south front, tt block to car line, on Laurel Ave. Paving all paid. Price 34.600 and must be sold, as owner has left city.. Look this over and make an offer. , - .. - J. L. Hiatt Company nnn FIRST NATIONAL TTLER ; VU RAKK Ruit.ntNa .OO. BEMIS PARK HOME. -$3,750. 3 Urge rooms, ail welt arranged. Liv ing room across entire front t bedroom and bath on 2d floor. Large east front lot. Th house alone could not be built for the money. ' A real bargain and easy terms If desired. i BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 223 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 3143. THREE HOUSES! EASY PAYMENTS! The owner of these three flve-roem houses at 1114-1118-1133 N. 46th St., will sell singly or altogether and will sell these places on easy payments. They are near car line and are worth while buying. . For price call CREIGH. SONS & CO. REALTORS. Douglas m. 60S Bee Bldg. MILLER PARK HOME. At entrance to Miller Parkl S. B. Cor." 34th and Florence Blvd.; living room with fireplace: dining room with French door to large sereened porch; kitchen and gun, room; .eoond floor three bedroom and deeping porch; finished In oak and whit enamel; garage; a charming home. For price and term, call Tyler 644. . H. C. Freeman. OAK BUNGALOW-$150 CASH. Brand new bungalow; 3 room, on on floor; completely modern with furnace heat, attic; built-in cupboards; large lot ' In nice location. Prloe 33,160; only 330 per month. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 332 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 3140.' ' TH R EE VACANT 10T3. ISO ft, deep; street paved; on grade; close to church and school; one block from csr. Only 3660 eaoh. Call Tyler 344. H. C, Freeman. SEE 8803 North 17th for a (2.600 bargain: 31,000 will handle It Har. 6747. South. OFFER WANTED I If you want a bargain on the easy pay ment plan see 2615 8. 6th St., or the house south of this, "3817. Either of these places you ran buy for 350.00 cash and 38 per month They must be old. Both" houaes have four rooms and city water. This Is your thanes to buy a home on th ' easy payment plan. Bee the places today. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. . REALTORS. Pougls. tOO. 80S Bee Bldg FIELD CLUB BUNGALOW. Beautiful seven-room, all brick and stucco modern bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, sun room with French door., etc; three bedrooms and .leaping porch; located la. choice section of Field Club district Price for Immediate .ale, only 36,60. OSBORNE REALTY CO. - ' 701 Omshn Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 433. HANSCOM PARK. $3,200. T-ROOM, ALL MODBRV. " 3300 CASH 310 PER MONTH. T-room all modern house, one block from West Bide car. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., "i Keellne Bldg. Dong. 3140. ' SuNOALbW on"8outh Bide for 1 sal by owner; 6-room, all modern, fine place for small family. One block to public school. 10 minutes' walking distance of business section of South Bide. Near two car lines. Must be seen to be appreciated. Located 4330 South 17th street Call Sunday aft ' ernoon or telephone South 3674. Miscellaneous. .YOUR IDEAL OF A HOME May Be in This List Prices and Terms Right . 5- R. City water, gas. south front. paveS street. Large lot with fruit, On block of 3 car lines. 1,800. Easy terms. i.i 6- R. AH modern, 4 years old, good lot, ons block of car. Oak and maple floors. A real value at 33,700. 3360 cash, .balance 326 monthly. . 5- R. Modorn, hot water beat, south front nice fruit, several poultry house, good garage. Built only few year., 4 large lots 60x150 each. 34,500 buy) the entire tract. Terms. 6- R. Houth front lot. sleeping porcb. alt . modern, oak and maple finish. Fully modern snd Just redecorated Inside. . Owner moved to Chicago and will give good terms. Price 33,160. Special! West Farnam Bungalow 6-R. All modern, oak finish, 46-foot lotr south front, paved street. Located near 42d and Dougla Sts., $3,600 and 3500 own will buy thl property, -House built In 1914. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 60. SOME HOMES IN KOUNTZE PLACE DISTRICT. 6-r. mod. house; 3 room and reception hall on the first floor; 3 room and bath, on the second floor; full basement Price, 13,860. 6- r. house with oak finish; corner lots paving paid for. Price, $3,900. 7- r, house, oak finish, hot water heat. Only $500 cash and balance monthly. 8- r. house, built by owner; up-to-date; oak finish, hot water heat, laundry. Bom as good as new. Prloe, 34,800. W. H. GATES. D. 1294. REALTOR. Web. 2653. 647 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. A CLASSY PLACE. " ; Six room beside, sun parlor and glassed in sleeping porch; fireplace; fine finish, and decorations. Complete with shade, etc Price $5,950. Reasonable term. Benson & Carmlchael (Realtors) , i 643 Paxton Block. Douglas 1732. $300 DISCOUNT ,J W offer 3 full alied lot on grade, corner of 37th and Hartman for $609 cash If taken this week. ' MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames. Phone Colfax 31T FOR SALE Beautiful new t-room modern white stucco residence on Council Bluff . car line. Handy location for anyone working In Omaha. Very easy term. A H. Becker, 3203 Ave, A, Council Blutgg,