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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1915)
TJ1K IlKK: t'.5.IL. TI KM. M-'.ITKM Hl.U 7. l!H.. 11 REAL E8T.IT1 lOWM. 10 ACRES $2,250 Five miles from Council Blu ffs, one and one-half mile from a good station; has a good hbuxe of about 4 rooms, well, barn, some fruit; all of tbe land ran be tilled and is ex rollent for fruit. A R-Smith Co. Phono 329. IOWA BARGAIN Want to move to Omaha. Have house In Bast Den Moines, new In 19UP. good barn, two good aheds. brick chicken houee (will leave thu chickens In It), all three os facing east, good location, two blocan from car, not too clone to town, soma Improvements, will sell cheap tor cash, will malt arrangement (or pay Inents. Address O Ha, ilea. 80 Acres Bat SO In Pottawattamie county. All level land. All In cultivation. Uesant Improvements. Fifteen minutes' walk to car Una. In fine shape, with elegant crop to show what the farm will pro duce. Fine orchard. Corn makee 75 bu. per acre. Within S mllea of Council Bluffe pop tof floe. Must be seen to be appreciated. Please lot ua ahow you. 818,0(0. 8.50O caah, balance long time. A. F. SMITH CO.. Phone B9. 2S Pearl 8t. Council niuffa, la. Arkansas. 1,160 acre unimproved, rich, level, bot tom land in Northeast Arkansas; no rooks; no waste land; never overflows: surrounded by farms rentlmj at J6 to $7 ler acre; for file atAoarnnin. is per acre; can subdivide; no trades. Write owner, R. W. Uese. 801 N. 7th St. 8t Joule. Mo. . I all (oral. XJva Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 818-14 City Nat. Hk. D. Sl. Colorado, WAN TKD Good car for 80 acres Colo rado land, clear. Address 1 Bee. Idaho, FOR BALK 240 A.. 100 A. level bottom, balance smooth, rolling and pasture land; 8 miles from a good railroad, town, P( rods from school; no improvement, J JO acres broke. Price t. $1,0X1 down, balancn long time. & B. MoKentr, Ans ley. Neb. o axiaaieaota. ACRES, 45 miles from Minneapolis. one mile from town; 160 acres under cultivation; balance used for pasture: can practically all be cultivated; heavy poll. Good set hulldlnga, consls'tng of k room house, large barn, granary, corn cribs, windmills, etc.; the lana will pro luce 60 bushels of corn per acre; tele phone in bouse: country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; il head of stock, eonaistlng of U cows, balance 1 and I-year-olds; six good horses, 26 hogs, rhlokena, one-half of this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at 160 an ere, half caeh. Schwab Hros., 10C8 Fly mouth Bid., Minneapolis, allnn. MONTANA irrigated lands beat In the world tor wheat, oats, altalfa and stock: close to town, railroad, schools and churches; Hl.uO to too per acre on fifteen years' time; annual payments less than rentals on middle west farms; write to. lay for particulars; Illustrated pamphlet and map free. Valler Farm Sales com pany, Boa 100J, Valler. Mont Mlssowrl. FOH SALE 730 acres, 40 miles from St. Louie on Iron Mountain railroad; depot; well fenced; ( dwellings, 2 barns, granary, Kilo, encine house and other outbuildings, orchard, seversi never-failing spring. Make a good dairy or stock farm. E. Hoffmann, Vlneland. Mo. j6 ACRE. 84 acre cash, balance twenty years. Corn. 90 bushels; wheat. 40 hushels acre. Rare opportunity. Secure liorae. Easy payments. O. P. Btebhln, Mtfapulca. ov il. 1 mm vr - ...... - . - - I and grain farm; might consider good stork of hardware up to 86,00. Write owner for descriptions. Route No. 4, Box VU Cambridge, Neb. 50 I'.USUELS WHEAT TO THE ACRE Buy land In Cbeyenna county. Nebraska, where one crop pays for the land. Prices, 140 to 846 per a-re. Good terms. Write or actual crop statistics. BENTLKV lAND CO.. . SIDNEY. NEB,-o. FOR SALK Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; vers little money required. C. Bradley. WJ. bach. Neb. 80 ACRilS Improved fruit and pasture . .. . i n II t . . KI..I, lana, Sliuaieu a nines i tuiu oi Will accept large relinquishment right and 11,600 In cash. John J. Leahy. Peru, Neb. Miscellaneous. JtlCD LAKE county, Minn.. 330 acres level prairie land; 80 acres cultivated; bal ance tlllab.e; two miles from two cheeaa factories; well Improved district; price for quick sale $30 iter acre; lands In this locality worth l to $75 per acre. 800 acres Vargent county. No. Dak., 360 acres cul tivated; 600 aorea tillable: balance flue tarture land, fenced; spring water; heavy back soil; fair buildings; this is a bar igaln at M0 per acre. Reasonable terms; per cent interest. D. J. McMahon, Com merce Blda . St. Paul, Minn. HAVU YOU A FARM FOR bAi-UY Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, 'Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium.'' Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ada on twelve different days for $2; or 60 words, 84, or 78 words, 86. largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 250,000 readers daily in four great spates. 1 can meet the requirements of home seekers and Investors In small or large tracts of lands and farms In Nebraska, Minn., Dak., Montana. Attractive prloea and terms. City Income taken In ex change. W. Q. Tcmpletop. 80 Bee Bldg. j REAL. ESTATE LOAN'S - ' FARM UiANS, ( PER CKNT. T01AND A TRUMBULL.. 44 Bee Bldg 100 TO tl.tMJ made promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. llith at Karnam Sta. 1'ITY and farm loejia, 6, &'. t per cent J. H. Dumunt A Co., 416 StaUi Bank. A "For Kale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into rah. WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest ratrs. PKTKRS TRUST CO . 1M Famam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. X3 State Bunk Bldg. MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Blndr. CUV National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. Kast Nebraska farms. O'KEEFB REAL EbTATK CO., 101( Omaha Natlo-ial. Phone Douglas I71S. BEU us first for farm loans in eastern Neb. Utited Mate Trust Co., Omaha. tiC'CTTr I-OANS C a. Carlberg. 818- It Brandels Theater Bldg. RKAIi KSTATE I-X3K EICMAXfiK VCR BALK OR TRADfcJ fJo to Si21 NaT 84U Bt. tf you're looking for a home. 8-room house, barn. 1 or 5 lots, bearing fruit treea. Tide house was built by owner for a home; terms. Phone Web 8752. N1CH, k-room, modern cottage, fine barn; rental at tU per month. Mortgage only f. runs long time. Paved afreet. Want grocery or late auto. 4140 N. 4tb alL Webster 40a . ' IXJTS and new 8-room bungalow, clear, for clear, modern or 7 -room house. 140 N. 6t h st. Webster 4081. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN lleusea. , Mi n i of 13M) In 1H acres of land worth 1 82. US); will trade for team of horses; fiajrmsBts mad a for 1 year. Berson 7m W. I)is4r. DUNDEE ; OSM vwry fine 7 -room house, among the hast ia the village. j One 8-eoom house, with barn and fruit; staar car; a barsain 1 trRKO C KHIrJMB. WAI-Vl'T 8317. 1 SUB ISethatway foe that farm. Flor. 2tl MSA I, ESTATE lew. 23 Pearl Street. HEAL f ST ATP ACRKAGK Five Acres in Dundee l"n platted and unimproved on Dodce road Just south of Happy Hollow ed dluon and west or the new tract now being developed cast of &-'d avenue. ouglas X. H. H. Harper & Co., 1019-14 City National Bank Building. TWO acres In Benson. Well Improved, Must sell. Address K-11S. Bee. RKAU ESTATE INVESTMENTS A Choice Investment Double brick terrace. It rooms and hall on each side, oak finish In the first story except kitchen, white enamel with tnahoK&ny doors upstairs, oak floors throughout, tUod bath rooms; oemented basement and cemented porch floors; fifty-foot east front lot, paved street, cement driveway; all pnbllo Improve ments In and paid for. This house Is only t years old; It Is modem and right up-to-date in every respect: was built to suit the taste of the most fastidious tenants; It Is located In the beat part of the West Famam dis trict, where such houses are always In demand, and the character of const ruc tion Insures m!nlmiim cost of upkeep. In come tl,)0. Price, tU.MO. J. H. Dumont & Co. 416-U State Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. & REAL ESTATK WEST SIDE Near Turner Park A very desirable brick and frame, mod ern home with hot water heat, oak finish and oak floors: full east front lot; three blocks north of Farnam car line. Prioa, ;,ji. This house wss built by the owner by day labor and Is almost new. It cost ts,)00 without the lot. If you want a house that la GOOD and CHEAP let us show It to you. J. H. Dumont & Co. 418-18 mate Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. X A Beautiful West Side Home $5,500 $500 Cash Ualanco in Payments to Suit Thla house Is located blook from car line In one of the moat beautifully located home building sections of .the city. There sre 7 rooms, with living room, dining room and sun room finished in oak, and the balance In edge sawed hard pine. There Is a full cemented basement, furnace heat and every modern con venience Is installed. The living- room has a beautiful brick fireplace. Thla home la only a Hale over a year oia. I will be pleased to show you through any time. Telephone Owner at Doug. '2026 Today. Call Wsl. 2 after fi:30 p. in. Happy Hollow Lot at Sacrifice Price For business reasons on account of owner having moved from the city, we are authorised to offer lor Immediate sale his Happy Hollow lot, which is about vzxiw reel, located between Davenport and Dodge streets, at a price leas than original coat. An exceptional opportunity to secure a fine lot In this desirable ad dition for only $2,200 on easy terms. In vestigate at once. George & Company Phone D. 7dS. 902 City Nat. Bank Bid. REAL KSTATK MISCKLLANKOUS A Lot TeL Doug. 2926 To day and Well Send an Auto After You If you would like to owa a home in a nice, new nome-ouulng section, don t fail to anawur this ad today. . Tel. Doug. 2926 and We'll Send an Auto for You After 6:30 P. M. Call Wal. 682 And we will brinsr you out and show you over our highly Oevelcped addition and toil you all about how we furnish financial assistance to people whns only way of securing a homo Is to pay as they earn. Water, Gas, Trees, Walks Cement Curbs nil in au-1 pnid for. Streot car lLue right by this tract, and-the streets are all boulevarded. Don't miss this opportunity to a art a home. Telephone now. RE.U ESTATE NORTH B1DR A Jandv New Bungalow Ail modern and V block front car line. In ueautltul new residence dis trict. Sf300 Ca-li and Balance to Suit Tclephuns today, and if description sounds good, wa alii send an auto mobile to bring you to awe u. TWv Phone rkaig. 14106 Phone Wai. Sal after t" p. m. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET CattU Steady to Lower and Feeder Lambi Active and Steady Fat Lambs Slow. HOGS OPEN FTVX CUNTS HIGHER OMAHA, Aug. . tfl.V Receipts were: Cattte. Hogs. Bheop. r silmate Monday U.COO 3.4.0 .-amo day laat week lu 111 Same day 2 weeks ago Kti Same day 1 weeks ago .1 Same day 4 weeks aso 7. fvtnie day Inst .r . a .. SAM 4.1 447 I MM i.o; ine following table shows the receipts of cattle hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year o date as compared with laat year; lfli, 1S1. Inc. r,tu ri.fciw r-3u 144.46-) I.S l0Ri,4S 1.T24.0C7 iW,4Hl tneej 1.7W.MI 1.712.464 l.Ni7 The following table snows tlxj average prices for hogs st the Omaha live stock market for the last few days with com parisons: Date. ! ian. lli4.Hsii.iitii.iini.'llo.mins Aug. IS. K (Hi s o8i ; i9i Aug. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Kept. rPt. Sept, Hept. slept. 4Vt IK osi 8 371 7 M I 7 4 8 641 8 tl 7 13 8 84, 7 11 41 I04i t r I 041 7 Ml, U. 6 4S i& M MH s 7SH 7 Ml UN 7 lii 1 7 OHl I 7 io! 8 31' I a to Jft; 8 70 I 71 7 7 63 ; 7 !) a is 74 I S4 i & 7! 71 T 2I Z7 ilk S K 8 811 831 H 8k! IK T I 8 81 8 01 7 73 I 7 77 ! 81 0M 8 &I 7 m 8 mi v a s 7 Hi 7 07 8 19 7 88 63 1 S IM T S7 I 82 . I 84 7 Ui 76Cl 4 k4 I Wi I Kl 7 9M 8 83 7 87 81, 1 7ii 7 hi Si 7 71 T Wi 02 4.1 8 T 17 ' 87 Sunday. CATTISH) Receipts of cattle were vr large this morning, in fact the largest since the opening of the range season. 4,'i7 cars being reported In, At the same time other market points were reporting lllwral receipts, and there was a good prospect on the opening that there woulii be a lower range of prloea all along the line. HtUl there was a good lo,-l de mand, which helped to maintain values st this point. BUI1 the trade opened slow and the morning was well auvanoed De tore enough cattle had changed hands Koceipta and disposition of live stick st the Union Mock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-foisr hours ending at 3 o'clock, p. m.. yesterday: KKCfifPTS CARUOADS. Cattle. lionaBhesD. H's' a. I .. M. HI. r J Vnlon Paclflo 71 C. AN. W east.... 11 C. A N. W., west.. .104 fi 1 8 TO ia 3 8 2S 4 i .'. i 11 .11 j 37 182 18 &. 8L P., M. A O.. 3 C, B. Q.. west... 878 C. K. I. A P., east. 8 .Illinois Central 13 Chicago at West.. 8 Total receipts.... 481 Udspoamo N-J I KA D. Cattle. Hogs. heep. Morris ft Co. ( ill Bwlft ft Oo 1,477 42 Cudahy Packing Co.... ft th Armour ft Co l.S&i J. W. Murphy 1.737 Unooln Packing- Co.... 30 Cudahy, country W. B. Vansant Co l' Benton, Vausant ft L.. 1M Hill ft Pon H .... P .B. Lewis 37 a I us ton ft Co 63 5.M8 a.27 1.428 2,348 1.304 J. B. Root ft Co 1st J. it. Bulla K V. Hues KB Kosenstock Bros IX! MoCreary ft Kellogg.... 2X1 Werthelmer ft Degen.... 92H H. V. Hamilton 3M Hullivan Bros. 8 Rothachlld 17 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.... V, Christie 8 Huffman 11 Roth 11 Meyers 11 Baker, Jones ft Smith.. 8 Tanner Bros HO John Harvey 102 Cllne 120 Other buyers 77;i .... 18,ous Totals 8,318 l.oSO Stu4 to really make a maraet. Taking the trade as a whole. It might be described as steady to 10c lower. In the end the great hulk of all the cattle changed hands by midday or soon after, the best grades selling from steady to possibly a little easier and the less de sirable kinds all the way from weak to to lOo lower than last week. Quutauorut on came: l,jod to choice fed yearlings, 8V 0wo.7b; fair to good fed yearlings, 8J.'!Mi.; common to fair fed yearlings, Sb.76n7.7b; good to choloe heavy beeves, 88.00V. 60; fair to good cornfed benvea, 88.2Mr8.80; common to fair corn fed beeves, Sti.764f.t6; prime grass beeves, 8. 100.160; good to choice grass beeves, t7.M8.00; fair to good grass beeves, 17. I (W.S0; common to fair grass beevea, K(J 67.26; good to choloe grass heifers, fed 7.00; good to rnoloe greas oowi, tfi.OOQi 6.60; fair to good oows. 8&.C00; com mon to fair oow, 84.flO&Q.i&; good to choloa feeders,; fair to good feeders, 8C.70y7.SO; good to choice stock era,; fair to good stock era, 88.73 97.86: commm to fair stackers, t5.V(ji 4.60; stock heifers, tS.76$t.76; stock cows. t6.SXfH.60; stock calves, t(04t.; veal calves. S7.OWtlO.00;, bulls, stags, etc, 40.00 OS. 26. Bepreaentatlve sales: WESTERN'S. NWBRA8KA tt steers... .1204 7 86 t steers. ...U04 60 28 steers.... 4VW 7 00 41 steers.... 7uS 86 88 steers... MS 7 00 St steers.... C38 7 80 11 feeders.. 818 80 20 heifers... 846 i 86 IT feeders.. 911 7 00 H(AW-Reoelpts were very light, beli the smallest for any day since the sec ond Monday tn March. A total of thirty seven oars, or about 2.400 head, arrived, Whloh Is tK smaller than last week, L700 lighter than two weeks ago, but L0U0 largwr than the Labor day run last year. Good, right hogs were very soaroa, but only one shipper buyer was In tbe field and as there waa no competition he did not have to pay mora than steady prices for any of the llgM stuff. Best price paid for a full load was 87.60. although a pie- of a load reached 87.86. Nome of the mixed kinds also went to a ship per at prloea that were possibly a nickel higher than last week's olose. Representative sales: He. At. 8a. Tt. Ni At. h. Pr. 4,....t ... 66ft M srx w . J6 so a aa n is bd 1 (mj 84. U m 6 ls 40 V U6 , MO 4 M a 1 .. TU 41 SV2 40 7 0 Wt U 1 la 4 a MS 6 19 7 St 13V 7 4S b1 Jul 481 74 4T 773 ... 1 4u St ttb tu t Su I el ... II. tt Sjt H In S. Ib4 ... T Ml IC4 tk3 40 tS 48 17 ... T K ji tt MV Sat 44 SJS ... T fi SUhJiF-Aocordlng to tiie estimate, re oelpts did aol break any records today. The run of 10 cars, or 36.0.0 head, was about tbe sama as a week ago, larger than two weeks ago and 7, WO heavier than for the ourree ponding Mon day laat year. 80 far thla utontn al most luO.uuO hnad huve buen eculed here, aa against a little over fiuw for the first six days of ths month a year ago. At this rate, ths September run will be another record breaker. As has been the case nearly every day 0 lato supplies) here were larger than at any other point, and on tha baals of early eatlmatee were heavier than at thu other five western markets eornoined. rackera followed up laat week's bear ish close by talking lower again thla morning snd, aa moat eellsre were ssk- IlKAI. FSTATI', VORTI1 ISIDK VIa7' TWCL STO KTHOU4K Por sale bv owner, lust completed. For snore Information phone Webster &r4. t-r. boueu i block friru N. 84th St. car. Mn. A bargain. 4108 N. Nth Hi. IULili KSTATK SOUTH HH)K Get Into Your Own Home This Fall Hare Is Yoor Opportunity On tbe Kasy Pity meat Plan. I have a pretty t-room, all modem house 8 blocks from car Has and 24 blocks to school, that I will sell for a small first pwytnent uaah aad the baiaooe like rent. 1 his house la finished In oak and pine, furnaica) hat, full eeineet haeiamsiiit. The lot ia a large one. Telephone about this. Call Douglas tKM today. Call Waiuu sU after ffv m. tn h'iKher prli"e. the trade In fM to-k m al standKtill for the host prt of the forenoon. KNtlUig lambs were In Cod d.uitand, however, anil In spite of the fact that supplies were broad, a rl hare of the offerings had been naehetl hv the middle of the forenoon at prices that were shout the asm as thi'se paid cn last week's close, quite a number of SHles bring reported as hlnh as tfttl), with others T to guotatlons on sheep snd lambs: Lambs, good to chol.e, n.hrt.a, lambe, fair to good. I V: lambs, feeilere ; yearllnga, fair tn ehelce, fs 7MK7B; vearllngs. feeders, K Vrf7 Oft; wether, fair to choice. 86; ewes, good to cholie, MKIO; ewes, fslr to good. M.&OtrtOO. ewes, feeders. 4.6W..'R. (UK AIIO L1VF! KTOfK M R K F.T Cattle lrre-nlar Ho Lower Sheep Stroma. CHIt'AOO. 8p. . C.TTtj Receipts, 1ti.i0 head; nwrket. Irregular: beeves. $:Mfll0: wetern steers. 86.90ifHt.90; and heirers, tA104iS(!f; i-Hlvtn. 8N Oi Hi 12. (XV HtHi!4 Receipts. K.ow hyid; niarKot, wesk to 5 lower: bulk. !W.4MrT4i; HsTht. IT r: mixed. tii.ll.Vti 8 ; heavy, h . Iivu 7 .V.; rotiRh- heavy. KI01i.: !!!. 87 ifr7.!A S1IKKP AVI) I .A MR Receipt a. 10 0W head; market, s4eatv to strong; wethers; tt.;0it.(rt; rirre, t3.S7rvM; laml, t&tlO.00. l.nnU Live Stork Market. ST. TOriFt, Mn.. Sept. . CATTUV Revielpta, 8, head; mirket. weak; na tive beef steers. t7.NrlVtt: yearling, eti-ers and heifers, 3Mi1VV; wwn 8'iOO ii': stockcra and feeders. ttiOVti; snuthcrn steers, $f'.'.Mi.NS: cows snd heif er Jl mH;.6i: native calves t6.0iwn.rA irx;S Ui'lpt, S.0O0 head; market, ateadv; rHgs and lights. 87.6WI 30; mixed an1 butchers, t8.0ftftH.S0; grod heavy. f7 :U.ttK0t. SMl;yp ANT UAMIt.-Receln. 7.WH head; market, lower- lambs. t8.0O1T8.Bn: sheep snd ewes. lVfi0er7.M. Kansas C Itv Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. KnU. 8 -OATTI.B -Receipts, hoan-j market, strong. prime red srteers, ! 4WW 10; oresseo neet n leer a 7.1m.30; western steers, ft ! 8 and feeders, 8A.06fI.W bill's. 8.Vwfi r ' n , n .v. ' ' ' ' - " ' . caJv", ti'.ooiino.oii. HlXSS-HeiVlpta, B.OM hesa; msrtter. hlirher: bulk, t? Ml 80; heavyL t7.2fY7.; t'sckers and butchers. t7.STJir7.8S; light. I7.4vfi':.r.: plus, ti.1(4f7.W. SUfcjyV ANI I. A MHS Receipts, 17.O10 head; market, lower; feeders, wtronir: lnml. 88.aHifS.; ytHirlliuJ", 8 WnfT.OO; wethers, 86.dWU'V60; ewea tT JTidibiO. aloai t'ltr Lire Stock Market. W OITC CITT, la.. PeiX. t-OATT!,F-Hc.-e.lpta, 6.500 head; market. invito lower; native steers, tS.nW7.80; Mttchers, 8!.;WnT..T.; western steers, W.7W7.m cows and heifers, tH.Mv37.OO; cannera, $S.0iUi 47: culvee, t7.OiW.00; bulls, stags, etc, tTi.rtW6.KS. Ili'Mi.t Receipts. head: market, steadv and sliiihtlv higher: heavy, 7.2V If.; llKht. tiai4ji7.1i; bulk of sales, tfi.4r( SlIKhM AN7 7.AMT3S Raoeipta, !. head; market, steady. St .Joseph Live Btoelc Market. ST. JORICPH. Kept. 8. CATTXJO Re ceipts, 1.600 head; market steadv; steers, t: 0VcJt.M: cows and heirers. $4.00nj.O9; calves. tilflOtflOliO. HOas Receipts, 4 000 head; market W 10c Me-her; ton, $7.75; bulk, 8!oir7.70. HHKBP ANT) UAM BR Receipt. 8,000 heart; market slow; lambs, t8.0Wtr8.8K. Mve Stork In Slaht. Reoelnts of live, stork at tha ftve prtt" ciiml western markets; (Tattle. Hrxrs. Sheen. Potitli Omah .... Chlciigo t. txmls ........ .Kansas City Houx City .I2.r 2.4"10 l,flOI) ,lrt,iiOi Es.OnO lrt.OOU . R,lM ,t9.l b.oio Bono tRtio 7,om 1.4O0 43,200 71,900 Totals OMAHA .00,600 t.KHKRAl, MARKET. FRUTTS-Oranges. per box. California Valencies, 100a, 126s. as. :Qa. kst, 86.00; 160s. 17fis, 20o. 21s, 250s, 85.60. Lemons, per box. extra francy Golden Bowl. auoa. 6 00; SHos, 84.60; extra fancy Hunklst, 8"0s, 8w, 84.50; Red Ball. 84.01 Peaches, per crate, California Klbertae, 70c: Colorado Klber- tss, 65c; Washington rnoertas, swiriw; Iduho, per bu 81 60. Blums, per crate, Ita Ian prunes, H0rS6o; Diamonds, Hun garians. rUoss Grand Pukes. 81.18. Pears, per crate, California Bartletts. tl.86hrw; Washlnprton Bartletts, fanoy. 11.75; Klem IhIi Beauties. 81.76. Oraie, e-hasket crate. $1.40; 4 basket crate. 81 36. Bananas, per bunch, medium fruit, tl.WQ'lSb; Jiimno fruit. Chsnglnols and Port t.lmon. per lb., 4c. t'aptaloupea, per crate, California Mis sion brand standard, 82.76; ponies, 8-2:": flats. 0'4i81.0 Watermelons, per lb., IV1O. Apples, per bbl., wesitniea, i.ou; maiaen Blush S 00. VKJETABIKS-t abhnge. home grown, per lb., lHu. Ix-ttuce, per do., had,81.00; leaf, 50c. Peppera. per bsk., fcOo: Tomatoes, market price timona, waaiungton, per lb.. lHc; Boanlsh. per crate, 80.60. Pars- 1"", Per dos., 35c. Green pea a. per bas ket, fric. Beana, wax and green, per bas ket. 600. New beets, carrots, turnips, per basket 40c. Potatoes, new Chios, bep bu.. &. Sweet potatoes, per hamper, 8L6O; Virginias, per bbl.. 84.00. MIHCEIXANKOrS Nuts, per lb. No. 1 walnuts 18c; filberts, 15c; Braxlls. 12Hc; pecans. U'H'l almonds, 80c. Crackerjack, per caae, 83.50; half case. 81.75. Compops, i-er case. 63 16: half case, 81.65. Peanuts, per lh.. No. 1 raw, 6a; roasted, 8c; Jumbo, raw. "c; roasted,. c. Honey, per case, 13.75. Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United Btatna for the week ending: Reptembr t, as re ported to Bradaireet's Journal, New York, aggregate K,4i4.147,. against 83 166.4fiaOo laat week and 8,268,Slt,M) In this week lat year. Canadian olearlnge ear. lYllowlng are the returns for this week, wiin percentages 01 cjuuura enosrn this week aa compared with this week last year Cities. Amount. I Inc. Dao, New Tork... hlrg ...183,131,871.000. 101.....M 2Hl.lsi,lJIM lo 411.0001 Philadeiphla Boston Bt. lxut Kansas City Pittsburgh 8a n l'niwiisoo B<lmoro MlnnetiPolls lit 747 , Oil fiO.d'je.OlO r,Mii.oin 4t.7,flJ0 W. 174.0(10 9.14UW. I8.W..1OOI. 28 TA . m &LSlCtf j Detroit tincinnaii Cleveland fxs AiiK"les New Orleans OMAHA Mllwmlkee Atlanta Lau4sI1Ii Seattle Buffalo Ht. Paul Portland. Ore Pnver Houston Blchmond IndianepoHa Provldenr'e Fort Worth Washington, D. O.. Memph's Ft. Joseph Columhiia Nashville Albany Halt laku City Toledo lea Moines Hartford Dul'ith ..- 18,1,0".4 i4;i.oii K 2 8.8 i'i 17.;(.v'.oi0i 6.c i 1 44 1.00 sr7.oi I4.i:r7,. 10.f7.tX !,Wl '' 9,in7.'vi 8,I,OHO! S.SSS.'M)! 8 lTO.OiO 7.7f orw! 5 4M nr)l Ancm! 6 9S1.')0I 3.1'S.Mrt 7,flfr,.(Ki)l loKU.fMH 4 (tin.'")! 4.;;.w 6.476 oroi V.6.. K.2 . n 2:i.6l. 1 H-.t 7 11. 14 M. 6.S. . . . . 1 10 4 J.o C3 6 SJ.8! 12 4 U.i '".i 8.8 "i.i 6,8l!.'i.t. 4 4-3 nnni 22.11 t.fSll.onM. ; Rochester I Havannah ... j Nr rfolk ' RnikfTie I Wichita .. Ma on ! faklsni I Kcn nton I Peoria i Now Haven Bloux Cltv 4.4Jrr.ici 4.1T.foii 2."3)t.a ft Si 60 81 8 8 II lD.t u.i 'io'.i 17.0 10.8 3 (Kami,. 8 410 0i i'.n I,r7,10l 4 8 2. .7I4.10H 19.7 1.44.1 .' 8.0 8 a 2.T8 '!... Orand Kaplds. ttyrsxxise Jacksonville, Kla.. Binlngtiaia Autln SVrtncfleld, Visas.. Worter Chaitanooga Ok'shima Ia-ton Ittln Rmk Tacoma TJn'-oln frsmorit .17.onii 2 81 2 478 '... 2,fM,'H... l.WH.l iw. ';... 2 fo'rt.i 2 ?47 0 i.m !. 8.44 OOI 2.4f.") 1 fl (atf.l 1 W.2 '' . t"4K."j 844.001. 17.6 12.8 18.2 8 4 11 8 2.t .:l"io-. I-ast week'a PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS A ulne-pound baby boy was presented t Mart la U, tougarman. 211 South Thirty firth street, by airs, iiugarman. Key to the Fltuarton-Bee Want Ada 7. 12.1 a il...... 14.01 14 i, 8.81 B.&l . 27.5 j SO. J ...... 8..-. 28.8- GUN OH HESPERIAN A QUALIFYING FACT Newt of Torpedoing of Allan Liner Comet m Surprise to United State! Officials. GRAVE ANXIETY IS LACKING WAPnTNQTON, SepL 6. Official Wash In on recelvod nwg of th tor podniog of the Allan Hnor llosporlan by a Qerinan submarlno with uncon roalol gtirprlso, thoagh thore was none of th grave anxiety that fol lowed the sinking of the Arabic. While comment was withhold at both the White House and the State department, ponding detailed reports on the attack. It was learned that high oflclals regarded tt as Incon ceivable that, after the assurances given by the German government last week, a Gorman submarine com mander had without warning launched a torpedo at a peaceful pas senger Tessel. President Wilson and Seerotary Lanstog heard of the Incident first early today through Associated Press dlspatrhes. Later cabled reports from Ambassador Page at Ixndon .n( Consul Frost at Oiirnnatnwn an. ' - - . nounred the torpodolnK of the lies- . lr'i iau. Two Americans are said to have been among the members of the crew. The reports as made publln by the Ptato de partment made no mention of whether the ivosnel was warned or sttermMcl 10 escaipe, but It la known that other advice Indkmted that while the British adit.lraltv believed there had been no warning, II would not announce It as a fact. inn VII Make lXffrreare. Some significance was attacdied to Con sul KYost'a statement thnt the Ilosuntian carried mounlod and visible on Us stern a .i-inrn niie. While International lswjbullt wU votwJ for hj th pp tmen to have guns for'of Pouth rvmsha, ths complaint so- permits merchantmen defensive, purposes, particularly when they are of small caliber and mounted eft. It wss pointed out that If the Allen liner aoted at all auspiciously after be ing approached tha presence of this Rim probably would figure prominently in tlio submarine commander's explanation the torpedoing. of Claims Right to Call Strike of Austrians LETNOT, Maes.. Sept. 6; The right to 7fi,nioaii a nrait 01 Austro-iiunganan work- era In the big steel mills of tha country j engaged In filling war ordure for tha allies was claimed by Dr. Constantln 1 Theodor Dumbs, ambassador from Aua- I trta-Huturarv to tha United Rials, tn a tatament Issued tonight at tha summer embassy here. Dr. Dumb mid ha In tended to leave tomorrow for Washing ton to explain hla position to Beoretary of State Lansing. Thla statement waa called forth by dispatches from London published In the New Tork World yes terday, making- public axxrrpts from let ters and memoranda forwarded by Dr. Dumha to foreign Minister Burl an of Auntria-Hungary, which were seised by tha British naval authorities from James I' J. Archibald, aa American correspon dent who waa apprehended when tha steamer Rotterdam arrived at Falmouth tha latter part of August. War Bomb Throwers Called Anarchists fCVwrespondsnco of The Associated Press.) IsONDON, Aug. 23. Tha varloua kinds of bombs now being used tn Pranoa and Flanders are deaaiibed by an English of ficer tn a letter from the front. There are, ha says, four main types: the "hair brash," the Vriaket ball." the "police man's club" and tha "Jam tin." Bomb throwers are alluded to In trench slang aa "anarchists." " 1 he hair brash,' explains tha writer, 'Is very Ilka the ordinary hair brush, ex cept that tha bristles are replaced by a solid block of high explosive. Tba po liceman's truncheon has gay streamers of tape tied to Its tall, to ensure that It I alia to the ground nose downward. Both these bombs explode on Impact, and It Is thing aay tha back of tha trench when throwing thatn. "Tha cricket ball wwrks by time fuse. The removal of a certain pin releasee a spring, which lights an Internal fuse timed to explode tha bomb In five seconds. Tou take the bomb In your light hand, remove tha pin, and cast ths thing madly from you. The Jam tin variety appeals mora particularly to the sportsman, aa tba element of chanoe enters largely Into Its sucoessful use. It Is timed to explode about ten seconds after the lighting of tha fuse. It Is therefore unwise to throw it too soon, as there would be ample time for your opponent to pick it up and throw It back. On 'tha other hand. It la unwise to hold on too long, aa tha fuse Is uncer tain. In Ita action and ia given to short outs." Apartments, flats, houses and oottagss eaa be ranted quickly and cnea(ir by a Bee "Kor Bant" aaeerloataaj tha staid. "Are yon thinking of getting marrW" "No." "Have you a grandmother who ia In poisr health and needs your "No." "Or a married slater tluU w&nta yoa to take care or her cniiorenT "No. I "Are your parents wealthy, so that you don t hajvs to work V "Indeed, not." "Are tou liaaiv to be offered a noal- 1 tlon In the chorus and decide to go on the stager' Nothing like that." "Is there be offered a possibility that yeai will a position In a downtown store 7" "I think not." "Then I shall be glad to have you come to work for me as a maid. Von ought to stav the week out, at least " Detroit Free Press. London Stock Stark. LONIlON. 8eDt. 8. American anourltles were aut owing to the holiday the holiday, tout prices advanced following tha fall la ex ohangw rates. United Mates fit eel, Erie and t'heaapeake Ohio were occasion ally marked. Honda were nagleotad. The closing- waa dull, but firm. HIl.VP-K-lier. 28 IUS.I per ounce. MONH7Y 304 per cent. UiflCOl-'NT RATfcrt ohort blUa, 44 Per eent; three months, tt Per Cent. l4vrpool Oral a Majrtset. I,IVEKPOGI Sept. &-WHblAT-oput. ateady; No. 1 north era. Us td: No. 1 Manitoba, lis 10V1; No. 1. lis leVd, No. i. Ua 7d. CORN rpot. steady; American mixed, new. as Md KUOl'R Winter patents, 48a H'rVS In fjondon iHacifls roaa'i. 4 Ttsstl'It Km. 1 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA ! South Sidert Protest Stench from Sr-wer in Complaint to Council. DAHLMAN STEAKS TO SOK0L3 At a meeting; of the South fud Im provement rlub Friday evening action ass taken by members present to pre sent a complaint to the city commis sioners over the well known "Htlnk Creek" sewer. A committee of three, with Eddie frraose as chairman, was appointed by President Mahoney to oon irr with the city fathers In sn effort to abate the ntilsancn. Several residents of the Maple Avenue district have complained from time to time durltiM the old Routh Omaha ad ministration oe.r the Ineffectiveness of the expensive ll, sewerage system '"alled at the city1 expense several years ago. in an crtorx to atop me steady and continual rise of the stench from packing house refuse, which Is carried almost exclusively through tha sewer, .goose neck manholes wore In stalled In the plnce of the ones first In stalled by Contractors Offermsn Broth ers, who completed the Job for the city. These Installations proved of little avail and today the sewer Is practically ns bad as It was before the expensive un derground system wss installed and some ronidents say that It ia even worse. Makes Bhara Tars, The sewer Is snail t under Maple avenue from T street to Monroe street to a depth of from twenty-five to thirty feel. At Monroe) atreet It makes a sharp turn and from Thirteenth street and Monroe it la one solid hole driven di rectly tn the side of a great hill almost to the edge of tha Missouri river. At places ths connection Is more than 150 feet under ground and la on of the most expensive propositions ever under taken by the city of South Omaha. That the sewer Is practically of no value to residents of the Maple avsnue dlatrlct besides being a detriment la tha main argument of the oomplalnanta. Little else but refuse from the packing plants snd the stock yards Is carried . through tha system, Aa tha sewer was preaches a very Justifiable basis. What actions Die city oonuntasion or 1 legal department will take in tha matter Is being' eagerly awaited by both resi dents of the South district and ot the entire nlty. If ths system Is to be ra- moneiea entirely, 11 wouia mean an enormous expense, Tha gas that would develop In. case the manhole openings were filled tip would make It almost Impossible to adopt such a plan. Mayor Speaks to SHtkels. Amid a continued serenade of a Bo hemian orchestra, led by Director F. R. Kail a, and the a act ted clapping of 100 Bohemian resident of Greater Omaha, Mayor James C. Dahlmen made a few complimentary remarks at tha close of the tournament of athletes of Bokol unions of tha wast at tha Bout Bide hall at Twenty-first and U streets. The mayor, accompanied by several of hla colleague commissioners, rods In aa automobile tn tha grand Tel Jed Bokol parade before tha final exhibitions of tha tournsy were atag-ed at tba field and In ths hall. In hla remarks, tha mayor compli mented tha Sokole of Omaha and other plaoes represented at tha four-day mast on their prow-ess In athlstlos. The parade prassntad a beautiful ap pearanoa on Twenty-fourtk street. Cap tain Brlgga led, riding a horse, closely followed by a detail nf eight polloemen captained by Rergwant Carey. The mayors automobile followed closely on the heels of tha polloemen. A hundred or more lit tle boy and girl tralnera, oarrylng small wooden hoopa represented the first da tall of tha marcher a. All ware dressed In whtts. Members of tha Tsl Jsd Sokol unions followed tn double flla with ban ners flying and the music of a band guiding tbetr steps. Klttnlnatea Flash. Captain Anton Vanous eliminated what aeemed an Inevitable clash ot two pa rades. Roumanians of tha Wast Blda were also holding a parade and the two parados met at Twanty-fourth and N streets. Ths captain held the corner di recting tha aafa and orderly passsgs of the two Unas of marchers. Tha only con flict was tha muaio from two bands. Joa Btaeker did not appear ai tha roast as had been planned. His brother, Anton, was present., Tha final meeting waa ad Journey lata laat evening with a grand ball. In sntta of the many difficulties encountered by Chairman of the Arrange ment Oommfttea B. R. Tutsch. tha tourney waa called one of the best held here in years. Lavkwr Day aaa loath Side. Ibor dsy on ths South Sids means a day's rest to soma 8,000 laborers of tha four great pocking houses of Omaha. Hundreds of employes) of other large bust, neas houses will also be off fo the day. Tha big doings at tha East Oma,ha Auto speedway, where ranee and a real bead-on engine eoinsion will be staged for amusoroent will probably draw a majority of the working men from the limits of tha South ads. Labor organi sations will parade, extracting tha usual number of local union man front the role of Industry. The parade will be held through South Bide streets. Fire la fertiliser Plaat. lira of unknown origin broke out in ths flue of tha fertiliser at tbe Oudahy Co. packing plant at Thirty-third and P. streets lats Saturday night st U:U o'clock and lasted for several mtnutsa Fertiliser plied In heaps nearby Ignited and a great flame rose to tba sky present ing an appearance of a big firs 80 watoh men of tha plant. A general alarm was sent In and tha entire apparatus of ths South Side bat talion was dispatched with heate to the plant grounds. A few minutes work sufficed to extinguish the flames. Magle lty Gossip. Ijoat Mare, sorrel color, blind light n kind lea: reward 1018 North Twentv- aVenth street, tkiuth Omaha, 1 0ff. n,., tor In Bea office. Ml 8 i N street. Terms reasonable. Well known locallou. Tel. Mouth SI. We can Inatail an oil burner ia your heating plant. Call ua. Robert Parks Heating and Plumbing Co.. U N. Mlh fct Tel. Bo. 61. Want ade for The Bee may be left at v. .. ' , nk -Ml-. 4ftiA XT u, U - . - ' 2c; a word for one time, lfco a word each day for three days and lo a word each day for a week, frumpt and courteous service. Sleaaaer Bseete Aaeldeatt. NHW TORK. Japt. 8. The steamer Mavahoe of the Clyde line, bound from New York for Wilmington. N. C. and aeurgetwn, S. C, with passengers and freight, has met with an accident nearly lutl mUa souta of Sandy liuok, acoord ing to wlreiMS messaaes received hare tonight. The steaiaer Comanche Is tow ing the disabled boat t Oils port. ortoa Harket. JJTERPOOU Hept. 8. OOTTOM fipot in fair deraaiul; Pri.M easier; good nud (II Ins. t.OM. liuddiing. 8.71: low middling, La d; good ordinary. 4 sud. Halse lia. RUSSIANS RETIRE ACROSS W, DY1NA Petrograd Announces Crotaing by SI art to Right Bank of River Before Enemy. GERMANS SET BRIDGES AFIRE PKTROQUAD (Via London), Sept. Tha Germans, having set fire to tha bridges over thej Dvlna In the slog of FTledrlrhstadt and with re inforcement started a movement tn forrsi a crossing, the Russians, ac cording to anofflclal communloa'.lon Issued today, have crossed to the right bank of the stream. The communication says In part: "On the left hank of the Dvlna tlir Germans brought np reinforcement and directed their main tffort.4 tn forcing; a passage of the river tn the region of Frtedrlrhatadt. Owiug to the Inequality of the respective forcea our troops who had crossed to the left bank near Linden, were obliged on the 3d, after a stubborn fight to recross to the right bank. "According to detailed reports ot tha fighting near Frtedrlrhatadt on the same date the withdrawal of our troops was due to the setting aftro of the bridges over the Drlna by the enemyg artillery." Council Bluffs Arrested on Charge Of Deserting Wife tTpoii si Information filed by County Attorney Bwanson, Henry Hart and riwl D. George were arrested yesterday by the potloa. They will appear In police court this morning to answer the charges pre ferred by Mr. Hart. Her husband Is ftiarged with wife desertion and Oeorge la accused ot aiding and abetting the desertion. Oeorge owns a send snd grain store st Blateanth avenue and Third street and Hart la employed there. The Harts live near by. Mrs. Hart alleges that her hua hand has not only deserted her, but has refused to oontrlbute anything toward tha support of herself and their baby, less than t months old. Bho alleges that George haa enoouraged her huaband In his refusal to oare for hla family. Bonds of $31 were required In each case. George uooeedod In getting security yesterday afternoon through, his attorney, A. S. Haselton, but Hart was not so fortunstf . Oeorge denies) tha charge. Oar BurSs from Overheated Gear A UU 'Waaeott automobile, belonging to Jamas Breea of this city was burned yesterday afternoon on the Whlto Pole road three miles east of Council Bluffs. Tha fire waa started by overheated trans missiora gear. Mr, Breen had hla wife and family with htm and bad been taking a ride thrnuKh tha oountry. Ke was not aware that the oil supply In the transmission machinery had become exhausted until the metal beoame red hot and set fire to ths car. Tha first Intimation was a shset of flame from beneath the rear of the car. A quick stop wss made and the ocuupants hastily left their seats. No water was available and the owner and member of the party were compelled to alt by and watch ths flames consume the car. Rfforts to extinguish tha firs with dust were unavailing. All of tha members of the party had to walk to town. Wa stand upon quality. Our reputation haa been built upon this basis. Wa give tha best value for your money. Iefferfa, Jswslsrs, Optldana, 808 Broadway. Onawa Team Loses To the K. C. Red Sox ONAWA, la., Sept. 8. f Apodal Tele gram.) Ths Kansas City Had rKox con tinued their winning streak by defeating tha fast Onawa team today by a score af T tt t Tha Red Bos hit Northrop, the ex-Western league pitcher, hard. The Kansas City team has woo seventy-one out of ninety-four games played this sesaon against the strongest semi-professional orube of Missouri. Iowa. Minna aota and North and South Dakota. The Red Box will tour Nebraska during Sep tember and ohallenge any team tn the state for games. Battertaa today: Onawa, Northrop and Tallman; Kansas City Red Box, Fletcher and IMtk. The element of 00s I dlont enter Into the designing and construction of the Victor Vlotrola. Tha only object was to produce a musical Instrument of perfec tion. Tou will find a complete stock at A. Hospe Co., 407 Wsat Broad eras-. CHARLES RIMa FOR YEARS RESIOENT OF OMAHA. DEAD Charles A Ring, aged 71 years, died yesterday at his home, g0 Avenue B, Council Bhaffs, after suffering for three years from malignant cancer of the face. For thirty-two years Mr. Ring waa an employe of the Unseed States National bank In Omaha and resided there except for tha laat fourteen years, when he lived la the BlufCa. He was born in Sweden, but had Uved tn thla country slnua early childhood. He Is survived by Ma widow, four daughter a and two sons. Tha daughters are Mrs. Ida Thomas, M settle; Mrs. Anna Larsen and Mrs. Hannah Edwards, Omaha, and Mrs. Bather Over, Council laltaffa The sons are David Ring, Kansas City, and rtiartea Ring, Omaha. Mr. Ring was a ; member of the Omaha lodge of Unite.! I Workmen. Ha waa a member of the Flivt Chsarck. Scientist, of Omaha, but fur a nasabar of years had been a mem ber of the Council Bluffs Christiau Soientiats. Ths funeral will be held at a data not yet decided, with Christian Sotenoe services. Burial will be in Wal nut Hill cemetery. Council Bluffs. bar la OAS tote aa a seal Sown. Hua v aesanalais foed storks eapia!nd la ths sar rat laaoa of THB OIU UT i KVIL. Pu llaM bt Jobs BWtr A C 41 Ur4ajr. N.w Tar Ot;. It a rear Srad t r ism aamsie