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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1915)
j SEPTEMBER 101.". 10 TTTK BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Want ads received at any lliw, but to Insure proper classification must be pre sented bef. re 11 c clwli noon for evening edition and 74A r. m. for morning end Punaay edition. Want arts reelved afier sueb hour will be ur.dcr th heading. To Lata to Classify." CAPH HATES. Ferwn cneecuiis tniee. 1 cent a word sch liertlon. To or more consecutive time. 1H tou word. On tlm. I cent a. word. CIIAR1R RATES Seven consecutive times, 8 centg una rarh Insertion. Three consecutive times, 10 croU nn each Insertion. On time. 1! csnts Una. fount all average words to a line. Minimum charge. cents An sdvertlsenient Inserted to K until discontinued muat ba ttopied by written order. . . All claims for errors most bo man within fifteen daya after tha last Inser tion of the advertisement Too ean rl(ra your want d tn Tha Baa bv telephone . TELEPHONE TYLKR 1000. BIRTH! AND DEATHS. Births-Henry and Ivillle Edwards. 1408 North Thirty-fifth, South HM. fr1; Himon and Amanda Johnaon. Fifty-fourth and Grand avenue, boy; John and Mar garet Sullivan, W Harney glr ; Francis end Oeorra C, Merkla. W 1 nd.rwood avenue, girl; August andAngellna Prion. 1'iM South Twenty-second. toy; Rolla and l.ula lU'h. 719 Washington, rlrl; Hoy and Teresa Hhlvclcy, 1"S Center, girl; Karl and Harriet Shoemaker . I-suat. girl Anton and Anna Wshlby. 141 North Tr&&Wl!rum A. Bell. TJ. ho.p.t.l: Beasla Ixirlna. 61. 1016 Lincoln vanua; William C. Petereon. St. hnsp't"-' Hagedorn. 41. Gibson; Pr 1 Par. K hospital; touts John Warrln. 72, 797 Dorcas: Will H. Kopald. 84. Mil Kt Mary a vanua; Lonnie Reese. 35, 903 Jackaon. Today's Movie Programs LANTERN elides for movie. Band your copy to us. Wa ean reproduce photos or will prepare your copy. We will oolor u dlreotad. Be Photo Dept. lot Be Bid. EMrEESa 15th and Douglaa. HIOH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. Five reels of good pictures. The Masked Dancer. Kalem -r. feature. Joelioko In Baved by Uaeollne, Eeaanay. Their Night Out, Vttacraph. Hearst -H;llg. No. 70. PRINCESS. 13 17-19 DOUGLAS. "HKR Oath of Vengeance," two reel. dr,L.v,vl"n H,rh ,n "Trust." two reel .dra. ray Flnoher In "Over and Uaok," oomed. Nerra. GRAND. 1TH AND BINNEY. Mutual Wekly. Charley Chaplm In Jood eomedy. Revenge of the ' Hteeple aok. Over Secret W Irea, t-r. drama. LOTHUOP, 24th and Lothrop, "SALAMRO." tn six reals; this compares with "Cleopatra." Quo Vadla," "Last Paya of Pompeii.' . oath. APOLLO. 1824 LEAVENWORTH. My Official Wife, Vltagraph. reel West, , MONROE. 2555 PIRN AM. ivTM. FARNUM In "A Oilded Fool:" Fox feature In five reels. Dally matinee. t 10 to 6 p. m t South Vile. BE3SE. I4TH AND N. "A IVtiMe Identify," J-ree Kalem; ' Bhe Took a Chance," Vltagraph; "The Quitter," liaaanay. ORPMKUM. 24TH AND N. "Th Oame." Than, dra.: "The Eglls of Bar K Ranch, Am. dra.; "Hearts and Flowers" MsJ. dr.; Massive Movie Mermaid," Fa. Comedy, . MOVIES FEATURES TODAY LOTHROP. J 4TII AND LOTHROP. "SALAMBO," tn sis reels; thla compares with Cleopatra." "Quo Vadla," ' Laat Iaya of pompe't." ' MONROE, 1555 FARNAM WM. FARNUM In "A Glided Fool;" a Fog feature in five reels. Dally matin, 1 SO to t p. m. APQLLOl 2l24 LEAVEN WORTlT "MT Official Wlf.- I'ltagraph; reels. ANNOUNCE.ArENTtt The Cut Price State Dry Cleaning company M ' Will call for, clean, press and deliver your suit QQ Phone Doug. 5072 Ladles and men'e suits rtleana and Preased better than tver before and at iuwr nce. We also clean portieres, laoa ourtalns. crpet and ruga He member, all our wore m guaranteea against, fixe, water ..nj inisvea Men's List Mens buIU sponged and Pressed fgVSo Pants cleaned and pressed.... hi aleu's two or three-piec suit cleaned ana pressed on r7 vesie cieanea ana pressed... Overcoats cleaned and pressed...... Ilalnouats cleaned Cravenettes cleaned and pressed ... Men's bats cleaned and Muoked Cut Price Ladies' List M l as I. to l.oo .to Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed 00 Ladies' salrts oieaned and preasud.. : ml Bnj Tjj0 Ladies' plush coats cleaned and attains -....l o0 and 11.8 Ladiee- ostrich pluiuas cleaned and our led so fevr Inch Ladles' glove, full sis lia Satisfed Customers Is, Our Motto State Dry Cleanina: Co. HL'SiNEsa COLLEGE BTLDENT8 SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. Fjr sale, with good reasons for selling. varV-ty of courses In a rellabla Hu.i r.esa fck hool. ons of the L ading business colietrc of Omaha. Will be sold very r.,iibi eay below regular prl.e. If oj aie eoitildering taking a course liivrtlrie this at Oiu a. tim. Fall tans jli. jioon. ' of 'i. . iiii alu l,. litsiale Y. iS. C.A. uut g paik. kUUiiurT ATT1IACTION8 Whenever you are considering selling or column of The Hee. 1'hone Tyler 1. A I'TOMO III LTO FOR HAI.K My uaed Oldomoblle touiinc car. In awl condition, X. Car can ba awn at 8 I Karnam Bt MNIKSKLLK At'TO CO., Z14 H. ltJ W. Fxtrt repalrlnn; harealtka In ueed rare, Riiaranteed aa represented T1KI0 KXf'EN8B CUT IS TWO. We take two old tlrea and return ore food one. Prlr, I1.7S and ul KF?H. nnlTBI.K.TRKAl) 1 CO. n Fwmam Ht Tel. 1 oua;laa KJ. Overton e for leaky radiator. 60o. Jealera indiiatrtalaraiieCo.. Oth Harney Hta. KO RKWARI) for any mineto we can't repair. Colla rend. Faynlorrer. Z1" P. i. NKIUtAKKA Hulck Nervine Station. 1314 Fumam Ht. Phone DnitKlaa 7ZI. UIHIXE8S CHANCES If your Hualneaa Chance wfll stand fluid InieatlKation and Is uat what It la advertised, or If you are looklnf to atart In business for youreelf you will he per fectly satisfied If you use the Rualnesa hance column of The Hee. When buy Inn or eellltn a bualneae Vlione Tyler l'). TRUHTBE H BALE. ' Ptork cf general merchandise, 110,000. An Ideal location for a general store. Btock In excellent oondltlon. Will be soW at very attractive figures. Partlea de aliing a location for general merchandise store will find thla worthy of prompt In veatlratlon. A 1 drees E. W, Andrlck, Trus tee, Vheaton. Kan. CANDY kitchen, eicellent location, good fixtures and all utensils for making Ice cream and candy. Reasonable. Tel. Pen.4f.1 OWNFRS-Mst your property with W. W. Williams, kh Kevin ma. bv sine as, call on a . r nr.iiij fir iu r k ui aiiirrv, Bosch A Porahnff. K reenter Ink. T. MIS. TO HKT In or out of business call on OANOEKfAU, 423 Pee Hldg. Doug. S477. HWAI, Estate luminous places supplied or handled; all stales. F. V. Knlost. Omaha. 8EE Omaha Theater flupply Cp. for bar- galns In established shows. l THF.ATER8 Huy, Icaae or sell your the ater, macnine anl e-uppiiea inrousn Theater lTxch. Co., I' Fainam. T). 1W. A PMALl. good-wiylng buelness! Bar gain. Address. H 1M. Dee. FOR RAt.m or rente-Dry cleaning shop. 11 to I4K a week bualness; very good location; reasonable rent. Write for prop, oaltlon to City Pantorlum, Bohuyler, Neb. MT saloon Is for sal. Dotng fins hual neaa In good location, tmiy goon reaaons compel me to sell. I&xeellent opportunity for right man. Chris Lund, lfc4 ft. th. RKHTAUIIANT and rooming house with a small Una of groceries; doing good business: living roome In rear; bargain if taken at once; other business, wnite .uneh Restaurant, 4104 N. 24th, Omaha. Tel. Web. 470. - PAY1NH general store. $ stock: ta.Ooa balance land. JIM WRAI, SIOUX CITY. PA ltd A IN Pest cafe, live Iowa town: Set quick. JIM WRAT. PIOUX t ITT.' RonmlnsT lloaaea for gale. KT7PT Bell at Once Rooming house of 10 rooms, all run. two mocks rrom r. u. Furniture and everything modem; rent. Including heat, water and Janitor aerv Ice. Will sacrifice. Call I. 247. EDUCATIOXAIj FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first claaa Omaha Pustneas college: One unlimited combination business and rhorthend courae. One unlimited stenographlo course. )ne three-months' business or steno- eraiihtn course. Will be sold at a discount at th office of Th Omaha Pee BXPBHT lady stenographer WIll tak ixn'lla; shorthand, touch typewriting, analllna and ounotuatlon taught Individ ual Instruction. i6U louglaa Bt Tsl. Walnut VUI. Fall Term Boyles College nv school. September Tth. Night school, September 8th, Complete nuainees course. complete shorthand and stenotyp course, complete ' telegraphy course, olvll aervlce brandies i ml Knglisn. wnu, pnon or can iur lli catalogue. Boyles College n TirawT Vfl naaaiaar II, li. ' vaJ. k itxii"ii, Tt. Pou. HoyU-i Bid., Omaha, Nob. rllie VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL BTENOGRA PHY BOOKKEEPING. Pay School for Toung Women. Evening Bchool for Young Men and Women, Saturday morning class in typewriting'. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager. M So. 18th St Omaha. FOR. SALE FOR SALE) Here la a classification that la of the utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers some excep tional opportunities every aay ana a rruui waul aa will seii your article ai lis ull value. Phone Tyler MOO. Karnltare, Ileaarhold (iooaa, tCte. PtaolrB bought and sold. J. C. Reed. L'cCJR.B lairj at, Douglaa 140. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE! 1MB N. S4TH. WKH. FOR BAIJS-Crieap, 1 Oak baaeburner. til weoster w.i. LUAVINO city. Sacrifice furnltur of t room Apt la, California -opta llorara aad Vehicles. FOR 8 A I.E. Two work and one addle horse, fTX, tbd. I id: oall BoXilh 3tUM. Harrison Pt, South t)maha. TEAMING gears, on or a carload, All alses, two to six-ton capacities. We sell th Studebaker, th Pain, th Fetar B-huttlsr, 1-akln snd Bueikens. Must sell 100 this month. Pig reduction n rrlos. JOIINBOH-UAMIVBTM VJail-I. Must. -i initrsmesta Slightly uaed high grand piano. D. 1T. IVKltA A PoND piano, good oondltlon. cost c: will sell lor auH other furniture. Hat, Mai'le. IStaltry. tCggs aas Saaipllea. MXD grain. 140 lbs. H A. Wsgner. m N. 11 BTEHEOTTPU niatrioea make the beat aad cheapest lining for poultry houses. Thar are 17x21 Inches, stronger and suore durable than tfcrred ,n Utrrea rrit ana riactionliy ftTepr.of. so a nunama at i ne isae orri TY PKWR1TER8, 110 and up. tM Be Bldg Central Typewriter Fxe. t M ler llaaeeaa. (TQ OnOli1( PO.SwUj.'JJf.1 en West Whisky. 4 full is ooii.ea in buna, pre- Cackley Proa, Omaha. Coal Direct to You. The Very Lowest Prices. Get a Trial Car. I. M. COX. North riatte, Neb. XI tsreond-hand moto 1PVV magnetos, etc.. tors dynamos, inicruinli-Hl rou Eleclrlu works. 31S-20 8. lSth St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleya and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments The Brunswick- rame- ouonner Co 4.T- p. 10th St. 12 GALLONS best outside house paint Diierwin a v luiama .will Uike fee per ailon . for quick sal. ' 41) hi. 4Mb. bu Vebater etntt. FOR BALK CHFAP Bualness College Courae. Full and con.iilsta echelarsldp tn on Cf tb tat Oinat a business s. ho. ,1a. Good raaaon for se.linf. peifectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be u very ras.iiily. If Interested Investigate at once. uajs rail, irrin nealna suon. Tt.sra are a variety of courses for sale. For Parta-ulars inquire at tna otflos of The Omaha live. F'R KALl-H.nh school (-au.-t s 'lts. K All si.. John F-!iiioan, sl N. l?th. Cor. Capitol Ave. l'hoiis touglas .-. buying a used car and you want full Jjyir PALE-lFO-foot up-to-date quarter value for your money or you want .people . ,nwM ,m)f anJ,UAry ,tyu lunch counter, who are wllll..g to pay for what thev ar wlh nvtKHry nif kle-plated top revolr rettina you will have no regrat If yo.i , Thw t t- Betm t0 liuv or advert .e thronah the need car I w .-.. aJT.... FOR ftAt.K 4 leer I la areas. b aooreriatert. Add v fOUKTNf.r COMMNI. 17th and LHjuglaa 8ts Omaha. HELP WANTKD FKMALB llerlral aa4 Office. Kip. Typlat. Pmlth Premier til wk. Hp. Kteno (Oliver), oountry buik....p) K.. f tenoirraphnr, speak Polish. I fcjcp. Corfiiitometer Operator. ........ Ill wH. ltnOKItA IlKK. CO.. b Paiton JUk. u-norapher and Dictaphone Opr....! noarapher and Dictaphone Opr.... Ptnnnerapher 14 WAITS It KF. CO., Hrandela Th. JiTKNo, HT; bookkeeper, M-'.: clerk, 5. UL'ULNKiS MK.N'H RHKUKN.1: A8aN.. 1.110-30 Woodmen of World When In need of a poettlon, call on ue. I)ojlaa 12m.. Hemlna-ton Typewriter Co. PTKNO., A-l OnLt". W0 8TrNO., AlMO COMPTOMETER E.0 COMPTOMUillSK xp. ...V. F I.KHLADT, EXP, ONT,Y ..'0 UNO., OUT OF TOWN M 8 A I. 8TK BTENO.. RAPID .....H5 HKTAIIj CLERK. BOM FJ EXP. ciyxririNa IIOOK KEEPER, BTENO.. aARAOE.liO C:I.FRK. HTKNO, HIlKtllT, NEAT.JsO WEHTERN RKF. A HONIJ ASS N.. INC. Omaha Natl Bunk Hide. Factory mmm Trade. OIRL to learn halrdreMlna. Oppenhelm, A COMPETENT girl for general house work. No washing, good wages. 116 B. Ml h. II. S2l. TUB Hervant Girl Problem Bolved. The Hee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FIiEPJ until vou set the desired resulta. Thla applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Pluffs. Prlnr ad to Je The Pee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Olrl for -eneral housework. Wal. 25t. WH Cass Bt. WANT HI Girl for family of t. must be a good cook. C all ft Fine Pt; OOOU girl for general houaework. W. C. Lyle. B34 Park Ave. Mra. WANTED Girl for general housework. Wal. Ul, , KITCHEN help wanted at 1701 Dodge St O. W02. 6"iRL for general housework. liar. 6443. EXPERIENCED white girt with good references; general housework; family of three: no washing! good wages. Apt. Ptratford Terrace, -ark ati, ana jaon son. Phone 7 A MAID for general houawwora. UZ9 Bouth ua t. Aiarney test. WA NTIC.D Experienced girl for general ... . A. .. - . . . . housework, bmall lamuy. can iwf- las . WHITE girl for general houaework. 8304 Iiavenport ut. liarney CKOI girl for general housework In small fi.mtiy, no washing, stia cuming. ii. ias. WANTEri A white rlrl for general house work: two In family; no cooking; gooa reference. Cell Walnut T7. WA NTEI Experienced white maid for second girl: three 1" family, ueierence required. Mt 8. Sttth Pt. H. 3000. WANTED A oometent and reliable girl for general housework. Tel. Walnut a. WANTED I ady to do washing and Iron ing for a family of three. Call 1 1. g'Qti. riVAhl.K while oook 1 in family. Ref erencea required. Vn 8. 38th. Harney SWM, WANTEO A girl to assist with house- worg. 110 bo. mn t. WANTED at Onoe Oood girl for general houaework. 4 (Hi LKxIar HU WANTED A white girl for general houaework : no washing. Apply li'JW Wsbater. D. 8070. WANTED Good white girl for general housework, four la family; good wagea Phone Har. Address BI24 Dodge Kt WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral houaework; muat re gooa cook; place where second girl la also kept. II, 8nl8. m . 8f,th Pt. WANT ED A n experienced nurse maid reference required. Mrs. N. B. New man, V.20 Howard. H. I31S. QIRI, to work for board, room and car far whll attending school. Tel U. "4MQ. . W A NT E D O ood white girl for general housework, small family. Walnut 831. 1 WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages. References required. Apply to Mrs. Leonard A. hps-IuW. 4 Harney bt Phon Harney J,, COOK Experienced, colored, good home. 211 B. ?4th WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages; small family. Apply gt onoe, 101 So. 3rtth WANTED A rood girl housework. Mrs. F. U. Lincoln Blvd. Wal. 2581. : for general Coahran, 3623 WANTED A good girl for general housework, n. m, io u Dewey Ave. MAID wanted. Mra, Walter Chamberlln, isa 8. 8-d ht. Tclepnono tiarney ws. COMPETENT girl 1 girl for general nouae .ashlng or Ironing; good work; no washing wages. Kli Burt Ht. M tvelta.rat. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit me luung Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., whsre they will be directed to sultablo Doarding nlacea or otherwise assisted. Ixok for our travelers' guide at Union ststion. HELP WANTKD MALE Clerieal aad Office. Kip. Grain and Implement Sd man ...145 ...M Kkii t'lmi'kee and Leiltfcr Clark.. Kii. Cai-hler, Country Bank, Inv tile) ROG E US KEF. CO., 640 Paxton Bin. Collector M Cashier (elderly man) ana ooaxa THW CANO AObiNCY, 600 Be Pldg. POOKKEKPIJU for general mds. store In WoniiiiB'. Give age. salary, etc. Ad dress B X. He. BTKNOGItArit.ll Alright, rapid young man. Give ags, xptrlenc, to. Ad dress L . Bo. CITY SALESMAN Fajnlllar with retail trade in tflimha and vicinity. M vs. uee. When In need of a position call on us. Douglas 14. Remington Typewriter Co. Young man, study law; downtown even ing sessions, Law dept. UNlVkiRSlTV OF OMAHA. Nominal tuition. Pee A. C. Thomavn, 406 Omaha National Bank. HIGH-GRADE commercial position. WEST. REFERENCE ft BOND ASSN., 762 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Areata, Kaleamea aa Selleltora, 860 TO $liO made weekly selling Flexible Riders and starters for Ford oars. Call r write Phillips ft Beta 1616 Davenport JEWELRY BALEHMAN Ws have an opening for an xpcrtnoed retail salea man. on who Is a produoer. This Is an exceptional opportunity tor the rugut man. our application will tie treated In strictest coutidvno. Addresa O Ul, Be. HOW much do you earn? We offer you in onportuurv to earn 1 uoo to i.m monthly. Ws teach y-u how: no capital reoulreu. Sell groceries, paints, oils and stock foods at wholesale, prices. Get your share of the profits of th Mg crops, w rue ror partioulars. JOHN SKAivji utixmni, WHOLES AUS GROCERA Lake and Franklin Streets. Chicago COAL agsnts wanted In every town; get a trial car. I, M. Cox, No. ITatta, NJ. THE first payment earrlas Insurance to January 1. 1!; great inducement: oall or writ Mutual Benefit Health ft Acci dent association. City Is at Ion al Bang Pldg , Omah.v Neb. AGENTS and auto owners. The greatest "spark gaps" on earth. Addreas lUrka Supply House, Wpt C, 6214 Lake Park Ave.. Chicago. Ill ey. WANTED Sevtral bright boys with bicy cles for mesMiiger service. Postal Telegraph Cgole ii Factory aad Trade. WANTED Men to learn th barber trade We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and thoroughly. Wages paid while learning. Tools Included. Write for Illustrated ratal.mua. MOLEH BAFtKr R COU-EGK. 110 S. 14th M. Drug t-t..rti tiiMpa, loba Knelst, Bee Bldg. 1 .11 A H N IlAKUKtt "TllADK Wagea paid. Tools given. Positions goain'.el 'all .'r write for Information Trl-cuy College. u:t Douk-.a Oj.iJ.a. lira r in nvui. IIKLP WAXTKIe MALK Factory mm Trades.' WF1 need mrnj had to t'irn down two Jobe per w.k lately. Oet in. Learn hy our method. Get one of these jobe. Catalogue l. P. free. Nebraska Auto mobile FU-hool. 2 leavenworth Pt. KA1IWAT mall clerka wanted. 7 month, Omaha. exarninHtlons ' comlnaT. hmple question free. Write Immediately. Frnnk lln Institutre, Tejjt. 221'1. Rlehester. N. Y. WANTBI)-6 esperleneed hay men; also man and wife for ranch. H. C. Bllas, VA Echanae Hldg., South Otnaa. WANT KD-Nunei of men, H or over, wishing government lobe, f month No pull neresry Addret T "1, Ilee.. RTt'liT f.AW AT HOMQ A large university to directly advertise Its entenslon law department, will place a limited number of complimentary law scholarship In this state. Applicant muat be of age and furnish references. Applv to Mr. Ives. Kontenelle Hotel, WANTBH Four good having hands; must know the business. rail on F . U. Pllse, r-4 Enchange pldg.. Wouth Omaha. Miscellaneous. JKWFLER Blngle man preferred, with experience In handling Jewelry depert mentMn drug store and able to wait on drug trade when necessary. Position open at once. Write, with references and salary expected to W. It. Raleigh A Co., Uarden Urave, la. SITUATION'S WANTED AFTER some veara on Pacific coast, I return to Nebraska, a poorer, but wiser man: age 88, Oerman (naturalised); have family; experienced farmer, engineer; cov ering all modern details, including ice maaing ana coiu. storage, eiecirio ugnt Ing and power; good mechanic and have good recommendations; need work; make offer, Addresa Y CW, Pee. WANTEJ l)y atrong healthy young man attending business college, work mornings and evenings after 4 o clock, and riaturdays, to hep pay hla way; beet of referencea Phone Harney EX I ERT vuloanlser and tire repair man wants steady position. Address bain Plerman, tlen. lel., Omaha,' Neb. CHEF, experienced, wanta position in hotel or club, can furnish good refer ences. WW N. lh ft. LA" DT, middle aged, without Incumbrance, desires position ss companion or aa housekeeper; would like position as care taker cf rooming house. K 142, Pee. QIRL. aged 17, wishes position In office, expert penman, can operate typewriter. Call Webator 820. A MIDDLE-AGED lady, competent and reliable, desires position aa housekeeper In a small private famlty or as child's Tel. Web. AM. HEALTHT, refined lady would like to secure a position as housekeeper. Ad dress O 140, Pee. LADY without encumbrance would like tn take a position aa nurse or com panion; could travel. Addresa J 141, Bee. A CH1LD8 nurse or companion wishes position. Best references. Tyler l.nw. CAPABLE. refined woman, wishes posi tion aa housekeeper. References ex changed. Address B Bee. POSITION wanted by experienced butoher, good cutter, reliable In every reapeot. Box 9K4, Lincoln, Neb. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, clerk; 3 years experience, grand trairing and education; would attend night school in law; fesorlbe your vacancy. Address M 144, Bee. WORK In cleaning and pressing estab lishment by student, oulsld of school houra Experienced. . Address M. IV C. 18 Bo. JOth. WANTED Position as bookkeeper while attending college; four to five hours a day to work. A.idress A. L. 618 So. 20th. 1VOHT AND FOUND Lost or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, th Lost and Found paper. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up tha offios of the Omaha 4k Counoll piurra street itallway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the -Ightrul owner. Call Doug, en LOST Between Council Bluffs and Omaha, traveling bag marked "V. 8. Finder return to lUnaliaw hotel. Liberal reward. LOST Black and tan female hunting dog. Phone Bouth 2W6. John Novg. IST Solid gold wish-bone pin, set with green atones, lira IN. Wth. LOST Two ladles' overcoats, pockethook ana contents. iJberal reward, uroa key. Red WL PERSON Aii GORDON, th Msgaatn Man. Tel. Doug. 71S. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will b directed to suitabla boarding places or othorwlfce asalsted. Ixiok for our travelera' guide at the ITnloq station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. Ws distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon wilt call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. i F"WOUliD like to meet lady SG to 46 years or age wno understands BUGGI93 TION and MHNTAL WHENCE. AxUlreas C. 10. W.. r. O. Box 365. Atlantic, Iowa. SWAPPERS rOLOIN Wanted ,to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you reall need? It costs you nothing to Join tho 1 Swappers' flub and you will find it lota of fun swapping things. Wrl'e Room 104, Pee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1009 AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see tb "Automobile" classifi cation. BONE CUTTER No. 1 A-Mann., small power, or It can be changed to A No. 8 handpower; cost $-; used a few times; will trade for a shotgun or anything 1 can use. Address 8. ( 1165. Bee. CASPEltJVVYO., U)T IN OIL FIELDS. WILL TRADEi OR SELL ADDRESS ft. C. Ul. Pee. , CHICKENS 3uo chickens to exchange (or lot worth not over )). AdJrvaa S. C SPA. -CHAIR barber shop and confectionery and clear store to exchange, for pool hall Address John Howard. Albion. Neb. 1 r II A ' L u-,w.,l V, .-.s I. . - and wagon, for violin or anything y.iu have to offer. Address 8. C. Ilf4 Bee. DUMB BELLS 43 lH-lb dumb bells, all new. What am I offered T Address 8. C. lsn. Be FURNITURE of 64-rooin hotel for trade; prefer land. Addresa S C. 193, Bee. GOOD old-fashioned walnut cupboard, makes good bookcase; students desk. Will trade on or both for small tent or tavieulln or what have you? 8. C. liH. tte. HAYS a beauurui rur cap. fur-llneiL vaive X3UO. to exenang Jor or diamond ring Harney 4468. (Tt, and S-room apt no lunk. to ex rkztm for equity in 4 or 6-room Cot- tage. Addresa A 111, nee. PAINTING Will exchange Painting for horse. Addr c. l2. Bee GUITAR and case to exchange for a library table, or. what have you? Ad dresa 8. C. Ul. Bea IRON bed. uiattrees and springs; Hound Oak heater, nearly new; gus range, student gas lamp, cistern cleaner, rug, kxli; aeveral auita of clothing, practically new; S-room steam heated modern apart ment, 1 month paid; will exchange for anything of equal value. Address 8. C. 17. Bee. I WANT a Harley-lavldson motorcycle, nearly new. must oe in rim ciaas con- dltkin. Will trade pure white diamond. setl in platinum, Tlftany mounting, worth lloO. i 8. C. 1. Bee. KODAK J1x44 folding pocket kodak: coat tl.60, together with new ii de veloping tank, trays, print frames, chem icals, etc. Will trade complete outfit for good typewriter; Underwood preferred. Artdresa 8. C. 179 Bee. MUJ.IFRY store, doing good buslnesa. to trade for land or rity proeri.) bKk n4 m j.mi y. Address tf. C. Ail. Bt-e. HWAPPEKS COLVMX ORPINUTONB Thoroughbred Huff or innntunn, In all; well marked; latge bone; make me offer. Address 8. C. lal. Pee. I'KHCtflAToR Will swap brand new 7 cu; copper percolator, alcohol, for baby's bed or hf-h chair. Adnt-ss S. C. 11. Hee. 1'HV.SIi IaN ti set of four 'DeVllbls" atotiux'-ra and atand, like new, cost about : will traf:' for anything use ful Address S r. V. Pee. PIANO Cost 4frt. to swsp for a good au tomobile. I want a good machine and will pay any dlf'erence there Is between the two. H. C. 'M, Hee. PINO Hrand. new Iuter piano; cost tjTTS. Will exchange for diamonds and give Mg discount, S. C. 1W. care pee. TO PKT.I. ortrade your shotnun or rtf!o. Pee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Dousias. Pf:CONI mortgage. f.'iOO. on good Omha ( property for a goon: touring car, Har rington Realty Co., Florence, Neh. BKWINU MACHINE Pinger, cost K"; looks like new; In good condition. Might trade for chickens, or what have you? Address P. C. lWi. Pee. PPANIHH and civil war relics 2 swords and l?th century revolver. Ten Indian relics. What have you got Address 8. C. IM )M. TYPEWRITER I'ndcrwood, No. 4. In use only 18 mo. Will trade for uraphleg camera without lena. Address t). C. 19i, pee RIFI.B New 46-callber; will trade for a good revolver any standard make, or what have youT Address B. C. 115, Pee. Tool. CHEST One fancy tool chest; made of hardwoods; -value What have you rot. Address P. C. 1W. Pee. WHAT have you to erchnnue for Cec'Man Dlsver nlnno with SO rolls of first-class music, and music cabinet will fit any ; piano; wnum land tew good cni sciia or cook range.Addrese 8.C. 199, lice. WATCH,"ETC.-One high-grade 17ewe watch; one steel and fiber-bound trunk; on leather handbag. Trade. What have you 7 Addresa 8. C. 190, Pee. FOR RETT Apartments and Flats. THB BOSWORTH, TWO ROOMS AND BATH, 2217-W HOWARD BTRHKT. Fumlalied and unfurnished apartments. Big living room with disappearing bed, food-elxed kitchen and fins bath room, lest apartments at the money In the city. Call us at onoe "for reservations. Heat, hot and cold 'water and Janitor service the vhole year; $27.60 summer rate. ttiV) winter rat. ARMRTHON(l-WAljm (YIMPAMT Tyler 1M6. Stat Bank Bldg. The For Rent advertisement aDDearlns In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for varloty that will please and fill the needs of any on desiring to rent, r-none Tyler wo. mgelus Apt., t snd 4-room spt. H. 2074. - ANQELUS Apts., 26th Ave. snd Douglas, , , , s-room apts. rnon Doug, vtrc.- 4 ROOMS. i 207 8. 26TH AVTH The Hudson semi-basement, nloa rooms. stnetty up-io-oate, close In. 136 yr. round. HASTINGS A- HEY DEN, 1614 Harney bt. 10-r. mod, flat, suitable for roomers. R.6608 PREPARE for winter. Secure fine Es La- brook apt.; close In. O. P. Btebblns. MODERN Steam heated: close In; low rent. O. P. 8tebblns.1l0 Chicago. I-ROOM, ROYAL 818 8. T7th, NEW, semi-basement, very choice, year round, 127.60, vacant Oct. L HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. 8-ROOM apartment, St. Clara. Call Har ney t4(. PEAUT1FUL, atrlctly mod. apta. 16th and xatea Mis.; janitor service; (ine lawn, playgrounds, tennis courts and summer comforts. Tel. Web. 678 or 4828. VICTORIA. S-ROOM. 27th and Harney, choice location, has built-in bed, choice location, yr. round, 827.M. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Pt. VERY choice, 4 or 6-room. ateajn-heatod apartment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. KORH1NS, 1803 FARNAM. I ROOMS, AVALON, 78th and Dewey, Id floor, walking dlst.i nice, clean, large rooms, 122 50 and $27.50. HASTI NG8 ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. Angelug Apts, Ave. ft Doug. 2, 8, 4, 6-room acta.; fireproof, sound proof, au tomatlo elevatora; modern. Harney 2074. 6 ROOMS. 218 8. 26TH AVU. In the Douglaa, vacant Oct 1. has sun rooms, very choice; separate porch; walk ing distance, OA. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 5 ROOMS, BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. HUDSON. Within walking distance; close In. no car fare; oak finish. Individual porch! nice light rooms: beautifully decorated; built-in buffet 846 sum.; IT) winter. See this at once. Located at 207 8. 26th Ave. HASTINGS, ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt Board aad Rooms. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rflom column, of The Bee. Phone Tyler HjOO. 701 PARK AVE. Beautiful south room, steam heat, private lavatory, goad tioard. Tel. II. 70W. BOARD AND ROOM AT 601 8. 33D ST. PHONE HARNEY 84TA Desirable room and board. 618 8. 19th St Famished Rooms. If you do not see anything that suits you In the way of Fumlahed Rooms you ran call at Room 104, Bee Bldg., and ask for the Free Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house In any part of the city. ONE or two furnished rooms; good looa- tlon and neighborhood. Fir gentleman, lady or students. Address M LO, Bee. THE Chatham hotel for gentlemen Rates to permanent guests, no S. UUi. D, MX SPECIAL LOW RATES ' TO PERMANENT QUESTS. HOTKL PAN FORD, 19th an l FarnanV HiVTl'L HARLEY. 2th and Farnam. SU Si WTH Modern rooms liy day or week; Cue and up; Just off Farnam car line. Katea by the week. I FURNISHED south rooms, private isiniiy: naming aistanc; board op tional; for refined people only, teachers preierrva. iei. tiarney S413. PUCA8ANT, airy room In private Dundee home. Prefer X young men. Wal. 2478. LADIES only, front room and alcove white enameled, beautifully decorated; prlv. family, In Wal. Hill. Tel. Wal. 2yo2. Farnam St., 2107 Nloely furnished rooms, ateani heated; close In. Douglaa 8712. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, reasonable, walking distance, 21&2 Pt. Mary s Ave. WELLINGTON INN. Farnam at ISth. 100 mil., tl; 60 rms., 11.60 ft up; weekly A monthly rstas; cool, quiet, homelike. o FURN1SHED ROOMS for rent, modern, close in, permanent or transient; also housekeeping rooms. M North 17th St Fvralsaed Hoaaekeeplasr Reams FOR BALB GOOD TWIN OOOART; Ileasr B-eplag Raoma. 2f9 St Mary's Ave., S and S-room suites. mod., walk, distance; also sleeping rms. S0l WEBSTER Two nicely furnlahed rooma iieateo. FARNAM, SMI-Two nice housekeeping rooma; eiecincuy, sTeam. DAVENPORT. 2oi-TVO OR THREH NICELY FURXTSHED FRONT Fara'aheel lloaave. SOT N. fl&-4 rooma mod., 40 Doug. 4714. liaaeea t.lti vtiagea. North. S614 OUMINO BT., S-r.. mod. Tel. D. T680. -R. COTTAGE. Tel Walnut its. - hoOM house, mod., cloae-ln. Tel. D. 46 : . . SEVEN-ROOM moderu, Ave. Good condition. Webster 8748. bhemian Phon Young, lit MIS PARK 84 Hawthorne. rooma. atrictly iivodem. large lawn, beautiful location. 4U. ouster ycm. BUNGALOW. StvJ8 Hamilton. 7 rooms and gurage, 1-7 60 Carey. Hartley TJt7. (Continued on Col. 7. This Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and exjert service that will please the niost critical:, ABSTIIACTS ' OF TITLE. HEED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract o. ilec In Nebraska. 1'' prmidels Tn-. Tr Title Guarantee and Abf tract r T Co., a modern abstract jfllre. XVV-A- l6 fl. 17th Pt. Phot. i. AUVEHTIJI.Mi VoVEI.TlEi. M. F. Phafer Co.. 12th, Farnam. t. 7471 ATI Air. i ii ri.ii.iiu.iu, FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Phop, 416 Pee Hldg. Dept. P. Al'lUl'NTA NTS, E. A. DWORAK ACCttUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Cost system Installed. Let me call on you to explain the advantage of my audit aervlce syetem. Address, 433 4T7 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 74"6. ARCHITECT. Rx-erett S. Dodds. lt Paxton Blk. D. !"! ARTIFICIAL. LIMBS. ARTIFICIAL IJmbs. Braces and Trus-ea; export fitter Fit well Artificial Limb Co.. 822 8. l&th Gt. . ATTOR.N K Y S. C. T. Dickinson, rU Paxton Blk. D. 184. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W.O.W. R. 3285. AUTO INSI IIAXE. A1TCMOBIIJ! MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglaa 281. A I TO RADIATOH REPAIRS, Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. ?0 Far. D. 2W. IIAKI'.RIE". Z. II. FEEDER, VM N. 18th. Web. 3297. UATIIS. WOMEN only; vapor and electric baths. 2121 Iike St. Phone Wehstr 1111. BEDDING. o MAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming, Douglas 2467. Renovates leatners and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down overs. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTORS, STEVENSON, 823 8. 52d. Douglaa 6620. Lesaard ft Ron, 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1S32. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. 1. C, Lawrence, 1 Baird Bldg. D. 846L Dr. C. D. Briggs. 1411 N. 82d St. Bed T791. Dr. Hayes, 358 Brand. Theft, Bldg. P. 6426. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4f7. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1871, Bummer rates now at Mackle's: private lessons dally. 1S18 Harney. Doug. 6446. DRESSMAKING. Terrv Pre asm ak'g coll ege, Sot h ft Fa.rn DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Ke1sters Dre-smaklng Col., 1628 City Na. , DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATB Dry CTng. flo.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6072. ' "detectives. JAMES AIJAN. 812 Neville Block. Evi dence seoureo. in aii cmw. ir jjq. DANCING. QENRVIEVR hAwFIAIRE. Rome hofA DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W.O. W. Bids. Pyorrhea, Dr. Fickle. 734 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. M17 Douglas. P. 21S6. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freTcht paid on 10 orders; cataloguea free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING, CAHILL ELECTRIC X.. Bee Bid. D.8879. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Be Bldg. Red 30K. EVERYTHING , FOR WOMEN., ACCORDION, aide, knife,, sunburst, box Pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, point edging. Em hrolderv. beading, braiding, cording. eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennant. Ideal Pleating LO., -"w uoueiu uioua, Douglas lKWj , FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 1M4 Douglag. D. 114 Member Florist leiegraipn uei. .ass n. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAOHUE. 162S Hamev. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WB replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. U'JU Harney bi. ttsi. iwi. INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 305 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICQ TELEPHONE) WEBSTER 6919. General Office, 13th and Manderaon Sts. JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, bli Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary puouc, deposition steno. C. W. BR ITT. 8cl Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX.SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for bust. ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax.Bk. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BRQ8. ft CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING.' DTntfvTN Th0"1. Douglas Sfilt. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVTDBON MOTORCTCLEB, Bargain In uaed machines Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." r703 Leavenworth. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE taught by telephone and uu.ll t ree trial Kason. Webeler 6564. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new cigars, candy. WS Park. OCULISTS. . Bye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you ran. lira srtni. in tt . v.. . mug PATENTS. . D. Ol BamelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red TUT. H. A. Bt urges,' 4.16 Branaels Theater Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSiOPHINB ARMSTRONG. 1S Bee Bldg. PAIJITIO A.'D PArERIXO. m'O II M'MANTS, 417 N. 40th. M. I7. PI.IME9 I LKt X KD. Ied, made over. D. Elsele. I'M City Nat. 1VATERS-PARNHART Ptg Co., quality printing. Tel. lug. 21H0. 624 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PHINTINO CO., DOL'O. S754. WITOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 44 8TOVK AU F I HXAIK REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS-Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. yul'k service, Omaha Ptove Repair Wk, Douglaa St. Tyler 20. IAFB AD TIME LUCK IwIPKHTI SAFES Opened, repaired, comb. changed. F. E. Daven- port, 14 I lodge. D. C. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., E13 8. 12th. D.29U SHOE HE PAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. SU S. 14. Ilsrley Shoe Rep'r. Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.S440 SEWING MACHINES. We! rent, repair, sell needle and parts for all sewing ma china. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO Uith and Harney. Dourlaa 16K2. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. STORK AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, t07 8. 11th. D. 628. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 16th St. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREL1NO ft STEINLK, 1808 Farnam Bt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo, for 84. Oliver Tjrpewrlter Agenoy, 1Mb Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. 18th St. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer. Iw rent. Call Douglas 12S. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING -STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug, ptg. Co. WINES AND LDtUORS. ALEX JETES, 2ol-S S. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinners 11 to 1, 10c. HENTIY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM treated suc;essf uily, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowaer. 814 Bee Bldg. P1LE.-4, FISTULA CURED. Dr. I . R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no mone-v paid until cured. Write for bok on rectal diseases with testimonials. DIl. m. xt. iium, ziu bco riiag, j RUPTURL cured in lew days without pain. iMIl or write Dr. Wrnv. 906 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894. -o FOR KENT !oak. 7-r. 'house, bath, close in, $25. H. MSI." 6-ROOM cottage. 1U S. 28th St, J16. Water paid. U 47 PARK Ave., 7-r.. strictly mod. H. IsiT SIX large rooms', first floor, mod. ex. furnace. 813 B. 33d. Phone Doug, 6-ROOM cot take, nil modern except fur nace Inquire 2010 Poppleton Ave. NEW 6-room house, atrictly modern. 918 8. 25th Ave. Inquire 916. . 6-ROOM house with bath, excellent con dition. S. 21st ft.. Harney 270o. 6 ROOMS first floor. i:25 South 82d St. Hanscom Park district. Writ. MODERN 10-room, furnished or unfurn ished, 21 Capitol Ave., owner. Tel. Harney 65M. V. FARNAM dlftrlct. 132 N. 42d St.. 6-r. mod, house, near S carjlne. Walnut 317L ROOMING HOUSE FOR BENT. Ten-room house at 2418 Cass St., at 840. Have party who will furnish two rooms and pay half rent. BENSON ft MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. T46. Miscellaneous. 418 N. 18th St.. 8-r., all mod flat 84"i 650 B. 26th Ave., -r., all mod. flat 8.M 1110 N. 22d St., 4-r. and bath $17 RASP BUOS..106 McCagueBldg. 6-ROO Mhousa for rent Inquire 609 8. bid tit Tel. Walnut 2775. 6 TO 7-r. housee near H. S. Benson 583-J. T T") ,1 EP- Co., moving. I I, KPPfl P"vklng ft storage. J y-m 4VVU iM Farnam. D. 6146. DON'T MISS THIS. S-room modern houae, excellent lawn; rents for Uu per month. Don't fall to see this bargain. 2407 Jones. Phone Doug, las 987. J. I. KHMP. 7-ROOM modern house. 3614 Leavenworth ft., $J5. Webster 2KM. Vacant Bept 20. 6-ROOM. modern, 220 north 2-.d St., walk- Inir distance: near t car Unea tall Harney 1811. or 444 Brandel Thea. Bldg. FIDELITY lvTicfe RLE minnA It,,,' B I H 9&B fnp COinDlet list Of vacant . houses and apartmaists; also for storage, moving, l'.th and jacaeon i-is. SEE the Central Furniture 6 to re's FREE RENTAL LIST. TTmiJO Crelgh Sons ft Co.. Be Bldg. ilOUSOSrn aU parts of the city. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, pscks, ships; S-horse van and S men, $125 per hr.; storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 48 ft Ty. 230. Gordon Van Co.S!J 219 N. 11th St. Tel D 394 or Har. 19.(7. T-ROOM molern house. Mli Laaveuwurl'i 8t.. $-ti. Webster 2.). Maggard's Ing, packing, shipping. DougltlS 14Wi. Van and Storage Co. Call ua for es timates for mov .1713 Webstar St Stores aad Offices. GOOD auto aales room on Farnam 8t Very reasonable refit. Tel. Doug. 4oS9. Ware new sea. WAREHOUSE-TRACKAGE. Part or all of on floor in large five story brick building large freight ele vator. Address J 18S. Be. WANTED TO BCl HIGHEST pncea for old clothing. D 4714. OF F1CE furniture bought and sold. J. C. K. ed. lvl Farnam. Dour. 8146. Yale buys verytt'-irjf tad band. Web. tart.'