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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1915)
51 1 If ft lKKt OMAHA, TUESDAY, SMTLMIiKi: 7, KM 3. LIUST UNITE FOR PEliSIOJ SYSTEM Letter Carrier! Hold Enthusiastic Jleetingr Preparatory to Open izg Conyention Today. FOB THE AGED EKFL0YE3 That .,l,.t. j - ,u..u a,,r-u t.iiu,j..i. ity.n. aaelstant siiperlnl.-ndent. CClcrminRUCn tO gel IDe pf nsion Hy- tem mAnnte. . ( K - i i i ....... . , . . 1 turns, supervisor physical educe- rlorea la the only thing that will ever' '!n. ccompllsh anything, ond that dl-VJ.";,,.;r)',',IM"nt. ',,,w-rvl'K,r f,, y"' TldM opinion!! t to detail roilHt be;n,,r CW.-er." principal training throws aside, were point hurled at : ri i't V Chittenden, supervisor atnder the BOTcral hundred letter carriers ! Brtehe. 4w . " , r carriers j,rs,1.,t j,.,,,, audaM up.-rvlsor that gathered at the Audltorulra Ban- 1 Mmi. rgnri-n. ilnr nlsht If v.i . m -ii,.ti Ail'i- t;. Hltle. surorior drawing. nay night, it was a mam n,eetlog- of , ,,,, (, ,,, ,rf,(.,nt em-en-isor letter carrier preliminary to thuj drawing. opening of the regular cob rent I on of ; the National Association of Letter l-arriera. which opena today. . A half dosen ipMkn voiced their en- . - "kiit rmiiiojn, ma n c. Hm ftn v. aamntani auifK--iiwr .".- njo,t tha caTlfri to Bland tuKPthrr with 1 .nl Irair.lnf. ,' all othr otvU aervlce employes to work T A "va-. aurwrvlaor writtn. 1 to thla -nd. .Frrdlnnnrl Rt1lnrr. iinlnr Oerrnnn. p,,,,. . , t 'K.mi-e I,r. utrvliK,r eatenalon work. 1'ent m tor John C. Wharton wna rhair-: man of th vn)n an1 In ofx-nlna thai Altene Offlcrra. proirram hinf favored the penalon aya- B- Carvert 1. 8. WoAulay tm. Oatrait Hh eliool. A. W. llcKod of Nw Yo-lt, prfni'tent t O. Mantnra. prln l'l. f.f tha KetionaJ Aaaorlatlon of :ivll Hrrv- J F. W.x.lpiy, tlrt vtra P"1"1'"'-..-. ton r!lK.!rvi-s vimilw r ...1 . 1 1 .... 1 1 . a,cl:j to catebHah an unnuliy ft tha eupnmnntiated at 50 jwr" cent of their forTner aalary aftr thirty veara of ' rt-r1r. "But you rtiuat be united." ha iaatd. H went with aome detail into tha pUr already adopted along thla Una by i"Wy prtvata cfrpfirarlona, and Indicated jt amn extent the amount of money In volved la tha annuities thua paid. Work and Man. ! Enatnr O. M. JIlt.-'hoK-Jt approved cf 'ha peroral p)an, but aaid the detail la I yet to ha worked cut. He Raid there la a ;powltl)ny that tha adoption of tha pen jekai ayatem will atop the advamement lot snJariea In the civil service, whldh had !ben a feature tar some tltna. There la tikellh.-od." he said, "that the people iwlli not look favorably upon the plan of j paying wages to their public servants .jual t too rld In the private enter !j.rtBca, and at the same time lay aside A jfund te pay theoe pwiple a pension when I they are retired." He said while he Is livt on any committee In the eenate that Ifme thee maftei-s In ehaMre he hopes for ;the dy when the letter carriers can re Hire "not as ot-Jects of charity, but as j;.l,l!ers of aocj. ty retired to prtvate lifa." ?.?r. V. JU Cole of Omaha, chairman of tha rtvll serrSre committee of the Ka ItSonnl i Fedr-ratlon of Woman's Clih, jro!od the sintlment of the woroon In ( of the reilre-ment Idea, and d !t! that if the civil aervica Is not in.-5e attrftU-e to the brightest brains tn ttie land the service cannot expect to jhold the beat of the civil engineers and oth'T ma that It r.ee1. J.ohrclK Illaatratra, Conffrewiraaii C. O. Lobeok declared that the aupemnnuated clvtt aervloe rmployea 'should be taken care of by a pension. rul told them ttiey muat quit qultihllng jitwivt dMaii - He told the etory of the Tsrmer who went Into the meadow with a broom to clt-ar out a nent of twrohle Veea. Hg rtumd badly wrecked and UliliU. hat's the metterr1 seVed hi wife. "Why," aUd the hrulwd and sw.riioit furrii'r, "t!iosa blenvrt bumble bece were t t,ito J." The cons?eeman lirsfed tli civil eerv-i,-a mm to be like the bumblo btrea Jn thH r'ft$hf!t. !.'-.i:li V. Bihwiuii, treueurer of the Ni. (tonal AaniM-jutlon of Civil f",r l-e Fill '. ra, d.-.'Ur. tlat the s.-.nntora mul iv'l r, .xenlatives shu!4 feH tm-.'r duty tin. l'Tfcrmed Utttd they hud wvM-d for tin! jciif'l'.n end thus dlnpeUrd the "awlul n.low of jKrnury and want. In the civil e rv!i e." Come on serlrl Trelwe. 1 v!-tft arrived from nil over the V i!!-v i'.atoa feundtij'. The No Xotk i!. t'-j.utSott got in with over fifty In the i'-rty. T rh'!'d.-tr s-.ia d. tejtion came In en a ei.lil truJn. The Uitllaa l-la-ti.'n cwn"e and Ka bund jitnhil the BTeeta la th forenoon. ar.d enilventd tha ci(y wiui Txshm music. Kills Self with Gas; Little Girl is Saved VrifH Kr face resting upon tha gas irisrics In the kitchen, lS-year-old HuUa ,r "i.'vson was found fiend last by 'Cf !tr, Mrs. Henry C'ramm. aij her t n-: 'ami. when they returned to tnrlr I.vr, at C t Fianklli.g avenue. Council I "v'fs, after a short . auloiunl tie Hde. j tha Jets were oieit. I ""a yenr-old his of (he Cramnie was r-- l r.asr,mrr itt at the Edmtndsn . :.a. . 1 i . t.rtinon bad txn n In poor health '..t iU Lut wick, and UU U given as t va uru-tlve fur brr a.ct. Itefors turning j-n the ga ht had clo.-d all the wlti ; ;r.?v?e Si.t-.-i dvL-rs la the kll' in-n ho.1 t tIi"fl !'--d tli tiatii in the &?( Jaws with i - . ytrr Jt Itanily for Ilttfemalliua, i-'ii't ftufrer fcii'l try to wear our your Thet.matlsnt. Moan's 1 Jnltii.-nt (w-n r1ht t-v C e;..t, kills the pklu. 25. All dru?- a - i i -r- A -1 t i u-.' 1 1. v:-f-t rv I i.ti-i f-5 !i C j I J .J i Cirrmrfcro it f LiikitvuiJ ; n, fc-pt. .A Havas dii.t. h ! .. !;rr-rt. f-!fd Fn lay, aays. ,o t;;: i-r ! it bctv ti V.'nuiianl i A '.a lluii-'ury ri.arii'ng H ,i,i- ni ij'"r'. lo Au.ntria ui.J Ilia r, ,,f .-.nn g.HHlo ti li'il- twr .;v... 11 i.k.UlUlHllla. llftV bt.K t vi ki.l C.-1'ni..i.y vtbl provl'.e r at i -c tii Mti fi.-m iloiuoijila. In t..--i i.i irintt I ha transit n 1' ll H I..1 f Kutkii, !',;. ; I l ll li'ifc-ll 1-e nd for y i', ' . ... t. f. ( : nii-cciiers, viith the 1 H ?'':. 1', u':.n.ele ft O'i ilub- . v : r i -r 1 1 --crta ar.d liti In t ' . i . 1 i y Uvr 1 f 5, ' t t i 1 Jii'i' ! l'n unc si.d rrri. I O j tin t I : y t i I .11 t.r.i.l- Public School Teachers of Greater Omaha Are Assigned for the Year Superintendent Greff his announced asaUnmeni of teachers for the tuHlo schools of Greater Omaha, o that hrn school opens this morning the teach- j"" W"' '"""d at the schools detlgnated 1 1? I". flraff, superintendent. i''"""i'i"nL ...iihi.i, mh-iiii euie.-iinirniit-iii. rrTlr. , X....J.t ' ; tin rlc. elementary devat mient rtt.nie Arnold. upirvlor rroslc, Mrh de-art n ent ( Maria ernmmi . t annie Arm-i.l 'Adnl Atkinacn Slarton K y K.I I vn Franklah K.theJ Fullaway lunula KrT Jane T. Fultoa eonr Oreen Irraa Gross frank Oulgard Mnry HanlknC Padlo Harmon ,li Honorlrsson Katharine Hllllnrd Jennie Hultlnan Huluah feaaoaon J.J. Kerriuon Adeila Kwlt Mery A. Iandls Anna Lane I.y.lta 8. McCasiie Jnntte Mr,IonaSd ll - ouleN. Jlexi.-n : 1 'any F. )pII I Iuta H. 1'rl'lxe Kna H. HrlOxe t arrle t, lirowne I.nla Dvrd A. t alma Alphonaine Chata lalxt f lenerlere CWk lll-n . lark Henry Cltuen Hlanche Coffman Mny Pope land Autumn Iavle K.vnlyn Uiirtley Hnrrtette Dtike I'ere I, I'lmont Nellla Mraw Mary H. Maclntneh li. a. "i. .r Kel!e von Manefelde 7ra Bhleids Jo von Menafelde l'enelopa Kmttn ('race Miller M Homers Ferl Mlnti Fred fl'!nnlng Kunl-e Ctebhlns IauIm ftgoer Ferdinand Hteiflnger Caroline Htrinifor Hra Voro Taylor If. n. MnlMiran R H. Orrhurd Kva O'PulMvan 8nan I'aiaon 1 Ma Pheltiu Nello Kenilall Taciore lifa lf..n Rorilnan l eerl T: k fallow Fllrn T'""ney Ina Hackett Kather atherlne I nomas T.HIUin Tln'ma Jxnrie M. Towns . .Tenet M Wallace Varda Williams lllah Behool of Corameree. Karl F. Adams. principal; Tl. It. Pirry f'mil lek Mary K. Ilotirke . tV.)?Ke r. Knlppratn Jnmes A. Knotts ,T W. Lamprtiaii Cheater . I. Inn Anna MrCsetie l.abille Mcftlillait P. A. Miller ,. T. Vorey (Jrare Vfnrrleon iiertha C. I'latoll .Nan It as It. K. 1 rott lliiaeel K. Iturford V. Isbeh Charlton Henry !lauen Fdna F.. Cole Mima (V Jul I . A T tf rlnff ftarah M. flanbome f i rummondI. M. pcrtven JniTies tmimmond Helen forenaon O. U imrand , I'aui J. Vol'mar A 11. filamyer Katherlna White fcrtiih I. Heiht N. J. v ooa Sostk tide High aeUowt. g. W Moore, t IT- JohPaon principal; II. (. JUgby Mary Hookineyer T. K. tloswell Ce'ia M. Chase Joc.'tihlne t'oix)lan Grant A. Kerns Tereaa Kople'S Knthartne lyvwry I'etrt.ila Naugtiton James I'atton V. y. renins V. C. rvke Lillian rturtersdorf l-'dna K rears VUHla f terha F II. Vaaacelt William arli'Ston 1 dl'.h liennelt J lii ne luiras K C. h-nley . fnle Folor Jiill.-lte Oiiffen I Innlifth Hia Helen llendrlo ItsnrroK ebol. toloy. Avla Hoberta M :ii -li-al; Krancea NH'tnan V' ile U Vega Km Fi-ld lav M'hatin Cor.iuia tliveriy I'm Yoonir Culla tiu'l Mnraarct llolwrts Vx I iw ron, 1 n Dir. J'M1,Mt.e it -. 1 . ;'. Asst. Aioaila Anlieoe-r, t German MUia Antia-Jel, M-n. Tr. A'.ii a Owen. Gibson AnneK ffeAls "eJlool. Murtnnt 1 furolllori. Odessa Meadows 'riuc)il ; i,.U.i l,.U J.flile l..i-rts l ainerir.e iji mm Mary Md ah l-iin UuiiKe M'WIred ulK?r AUce York. Kg, Olr. Jrannrtte Jeaeup, Man. Tr. Itrown Pork Rebeol. Fllrabeth Hayes, Kimma Koatal t'iin loel; t.raca T1ionipon Mai- Tcnnvann Ht'ie nt.l.ilncrg Ai.i.r'.te Hhrrry t i.irencs l oiiins l.moia Hititlh l'laric'ie Wallwsber Uiiim s. Mi id el 1'orabrsS Jones v mnirreil l iun Kg. l-ir. Marie I'oHnn, K. t, Anna Mvera. Flan. Tr. I ,1na Fulton, Man. Tr. Uuy Houm-a, Man. Tr. Caaa School. Kee I Uroan, prtriclpel ; ttitua 1 1 it viland N-.nuvie ii'-herd l ura M. Klmworth f- luiib-th Hewitt i.. t irn.tlneky Ross Ilemstein Ijtura Crandalt Neva Clili.lierd Marrha Homeilua I'.mtly Ncwcoiub Kojihla Cleveland Grace Liuui Ivuiiv 1 UltlllllUl I nun Goita. Kg. 1 ur. I'orolhy Al'iKhaol, w. Ait. Mitry Li. Gooclouiii, Jttau. '1 r, , tastellar St'Wool. I,. RcdflOd. Am"! I'!r pilnclpal: V, yioa U l()mvy K!rl J. Houeka Mi uifd I'.. i.iWr ! I. ii nice F. Huetl Giace M Herding Wyriie 1. Pu.slt nilly linurka Alice E. IHm.uoa G. .N.uton Hou.alt H Aoam Anna A. 1 t j. hficld Mia !i. MiKttriy hU M. Croitrll i . j- i i- y k g 1 or. H"!n l' r. Kr. A sat. vbgk l-i.'.i. l-,ini.,i . Mkii. Tr. Kathtutne lltihia. German Central Isabella t'oyle, I o iitil , J fttr Lirnna ir am ( m l Fv J IN-MOSS :f.:! I.lCMO" y .n , i , i y. i a rker Vet inn H- !n. Ky Minnie R, Wl!on l.u.y V. F.vans tiuLn T. t MHe H. fc" H..1..II.111 r 'mabetci l. i-atka u.ei A. I- 'nil triilla l-ir l.ri it '. t r mii mum, Kg. At. lua W, I It ii-i'. ijwrisiwji. t irtrai I'atk Kckuvl. Kifrihc'h l-.oonoy. l.'da M itlash l-i in. Ij I ; Ayiica Milt M.i .;. e Tlltoo .nrrude Gaebler i.iu I miy taitha l-liiner 1 un.i K- ..n. r lvC'KJ Hrtciri Minnie Mnvt-r i -i- y. Yn r?T .- i.i,r-t C'.trey. lr.. if. i b' l.rl .iiy.iia. A'--g ! he Cn li.i t. A line I. I i tedya McAusn a, Aiii-ex. I llll.ia llli S.keal. ( 'rrif N i i t-Mil 1 . J jip h - ii'fff -i l.rt H i- t ! t:-.H -' h :t nrr -i..l 1 in kiT .'!w--?i Mr vi:uit Vunx iiatniAin. uti 1? -. I- V I?r. I t r. i u ; i -', - ',. ; r i ,i,u r-mniHi. . I '.. Am.. i Ol 1 Us .! it Itityii. t ! r r i -' : m ) t f. i il-T r -cArlel .'!: i j it tfl Ail'- (t 't ( f tut v. ir.icf.iryrr kii.i.-iioy J -l.tantlavfl t 'M bii. j. Uii' t .i.Krf. Kg . I'lr. f la I -.. if" Alt- '1 r I o au Irhowlt A -- T f-tr, ? K n,fa,.M i t - ' ) J St M ti tl.J LUI 1 1 t - i li.'.Jl ,V't yt r " i w. - m M t i" ' ; ' I ii ; S i i y ) l i t ... v '- " A c i Y tr fa J a ? --. - Mary McMnhoK, Man. Tr. ( orrtg-oa fleaoof. Julia Cmy, Katharine Pegley principal; lilidn Mtvl-en Marv FJIIott There. KJia larrfn t'hsmpnsy Km Trtunw Mamie Mattel Nnm-y I'flfiwn Metha Miller Nellie I Jl lle Janet V.alaon. Vlndei mri.n llrwtr. Iur nrM, Mml-rgsricri .,(.) unL Ifrmn Koplets. nunll training. Anna Myra. Kmnunt trnlnlna. Juy llix)t, mnntinl trulnlim. Itrnld IIIII Hrhool. Maud M. Pmllli, Marv t TcninlMnn prlriRlpaJ: Carolina llomellua I Ul."e lllllla. klndnrgartf n director. Iade Icknal. All.o rolpraon, Kahryn Mlnlt rlnrli.i; kiI rwiu J'm Hi-own JHi-t Nl. licn Maflrline Marr tvlirl '.ra V""I ''ll,ll Ctcile Camphotl "V.' kindergarten director. " ny. ii'jiii.iri . ' diii irhM. Fmni. ro. ;Ir1vs I.n Fdvrard Hnwtr. C1r1 A,nder9f'n' Martha Stoltnow principal; Alice- MsnailelJ r-.a.lya I'aum Winifred IIhum. -"a JXHisnnane Ida M. (io.dman ' C7,,t"..,;-J'",'k"r I'cle rtrown l.ydla Ul. kairom Mamie M nllaee . Miu Pievena. kindergarten rtrtctor. ilfuih manual training. iBtclla Abraham. Gorman. Farnara flehool. Af?r iM "arrin. Anna Mllroy lirinrioMl Vein t.tvert ifl"y f' ' - ''"'n Hr'tera Khlrley McKlnnle Ktherln I'Mce lea Howard lone Chappel! Xathryn Walah Walker r.i tt aterman fliH.n lit. i. . . . . lii.Vi- Y, m' """""f oirscior. , Marls Gordon, klnderaarten aaeiatant Catherine manual training. Anna llckard, manual training. FleM HeltvHtl, . . (Anneg to f'orrlsran.I uretciien Ho k Holen Wrennan Fort Hekaol. E. r. Oenaon, principal; T. W. iason Robert Oalt W, 8. Crlchton Fraaklla lehooi. Ann Ju Huteiiina, OUvs Cwffman nnlul Wlunifred W tthey Marlela Case Kmma llolierts WlnnVfred Wallace , Mildred iinnhouser Vsronlca Farrell Carrie Niedwrmerer AlKsfi,rrt Fxlith laaksnn Nora Wlgglna h.ltsabath lmnn Fmella l'eeraon Josephine Kalilna Mabel G rali am "Loa Ctomatock, klndnrrartnn director. neien ccgiie. klndarcarten assistant. Mary Itood. manual training. Kadis 6. laysr. Qartnan. Oarfleltl Sohool. rautlns S. Winter, Ellen Mattoney prmi-tnai: Pelome illrandt Fula Weeter Mary Ruac Mn:le Heal Hadla Aah Jnttole 'ontvt Huldah Tleaell Cora barelajr. klnderjarton director. Hawthoiras Cekol. M. Ftnrence Smith, Kstalla Oray ' principal; A gives Wilson Josaphtns Tynea Anna Robortson ' Haei Caroerr Iura LMnaih NiiieV lah MooeOia le Fthal Prooker Helen Watermae. kindergarten assistant. Marie Berry, gtrutanraroan saalatant. ulna Fsiton. manual tralntnar. Ouy tlo&gmm, snanuai training. Hlorklastdi Iksal. Lula B. Mathews, Ada Haiif principal; MaosI Hherwooa Flora Jorgeneen Mna Weppner UailaO'lary Mabel Martin Anna Pttllmonk liklna Durland Marvaset Burke Claire Mason, kindergarten director. Howard Kvawedr !kol. jTrane Faton, principal; tfargaret Mickey Ada H. Pharrar Grace Pltorroc.k )! ln lioaeen Mary M oat yn k.rilU e lu ni- miaabeth Hendryg Huth Tinae Cathsrins Wllcog Allda Bears Mal-sl V. Root Kate Cook Iora Ohurn lairatMrth WlU gardnT ' Mary Vi'yman. 'ndert(iTten director. Norma W b-h. alndi'i nrtcn director.'. f -iim n, i'i.r.ii"J tmluu.g. Leu.e luy, n.Atiual traltilng. JaifMtn li'kool. Mariraret O'Toole. Ceclie Lvon prlncttel; Ita Killog T n o liickev Sulile Tl otnas (.iprtrtnle Holmes Iiertha Join. eon lorrnce Iirooker (,eiti u;'e Sullivan txrv Miller ilorenoe bueise. kindergarten d.rector. . Kellota School. Effle Reed, principal; F.iU ii-d AJ I'M.tleabanrer ona li!niirli iieulah I'rowner Lcnora Wineerd Laura MoConuey Mtldrsd Ranker J Hen Roaen traM fe"-oberg l-iwrn White Paulina Gnle Mary lilllppl Hilda V.'ilka Euna Wilke oi to Hake Straight Hair Curly (Hocrietv Talk To kt at re I g lit hatr nice and early In one ivigbt by mwily apryliuf piam ll.i.ii.l MHu.e.r'knM itl.a.:'a one of Llie ht W-auty seore's that hea leaked out W a long tuna, bomo peeMiier prtitriy or hai miens ruld caiuma In nair lo ury in Just tns pretlltiit, inoai niiun. i-iooMng ,'mrla and rraisea lma-alnablQi It Is valu- at-i aa a diMnmg ti,u, as it puts thew Ufa and tumrs !r,tu 3ead-lokUig hair. 'J'hta itmmmiji imkA Cue ne.i"e. UO'l eiirii'ir iron c.n now b d."-rMed witn forever! A fsw oiuoe of the llii'.ild wr.lch rrvay bo found lit i d-ug aiore, will k'P the heir In wave for U la eti-'ky nor trea.-iy and la really quits ten agreeable thin to ua, It cen be at'Wted itb a ck-mi totttn limnh before retiviiig end Ihe trtcnoform siloti iii afford a nm-t pltiit sur- j.n tn too rmolngr, Auveruaniueiil. Full particulars free about the plan or IOWA HAY FEVER CIAJB Home trtriiUufut or north orn re- eort plan Addrewa Gorr Clart, RestEtrw 2ui Hrft Uld rt. Dodja. i&. THB IOCS WITH TffE PTJWCHL Ci'.ly Sunday's Llfo and Price f l no kitLI IkuiU, loo l Uif?iID, TIMS SiUPPI-Y tnVe. ma Cherry St.. ftila, Pa. m TtsKalVSf "it nawKs, ru V-;w bu:i, 'i wtcttwsf, itiev g" . 1 tit, Hi'xJ MatsV, aVaVwisl 3 lt6 t)iU-Jn I for vr tmlxU ' H:A'j ita a fc'. U?", f : IniOi . A f J j W I I i .iw.i .irtM I J ri.tii Vt. 3i-4 O: en 7-fttlngi - -J It t l I t V v . Anna Myr Ina MrOjMooeh VtUth AVaxnr Ma F!iar'Kn-or Aifrda Traulan Katherlna Bowie -rl Nnrtnn, inrrald. f)ll(B Klrhoy, un(rtfKl. Harriot Walker, hln'l.-riraHen rtlre'tnr. Kruirn Crawford, klidprar1n director. K.H I), hlta, inanunl tralnlna-. Helen Morton, mauual tralnluif. Lake acboot. Mary Fitch, i:mlly Hrldirea rilnclix!: hurxh Ayer Nellie klK-lariy Cluiulli! (inlloway iill"rta lillaina eclle Wnrrl Martha P. :rug ! .Marie ptw-1 i dura HiTtvpr : All' e ( onlt. i h'anny llrt K;itherln 1 'unnlnanl.rdla y.atm Stella ralleot.ach Clara l'.laokburn Mir i- t-c'i.ri :: mo May Zorrey, kindergarten ffl rector. Iiiun heeiork, kinMcrKrtpn aNHiNianC binma I lineman, manual training. Ix-ttle Fby, nmnual training, llubv .'ohneon, GerrtiRn. l'aullne lloeenberg. VWman Llaralw Meboot, reerl McCiirnber, Fl.lzabeth Kiewlt principal; IWeier Ine Joceiyn Cliarde F.rtlth Heine Annn T. iicaley Keatora Nelty Ida Kulakofnky Helvy Olsen ..l.-nkn Klnkule Cuseandra Hchaller Minnie Nenl, kindergarten director. Mnbe) Morrow, kindergarten aaalstanC Tercaa McArdle, manual training. Marnuerette ilurke, -Xlerman. LiOaar Bckeol. Marthm I Powell, Mhy Kelley principal; F.llen Ldndberv Vii' e.llett I Virrle Nelson Mll.lrcd Foster Eolith Klnamaa I ; 1 1 , t j t h HutchlnsorKdiel Iteeaa )v.i!;!i Hahlatrom Alios McMahon ,fnle tlormley lnrw F.ller l.lisa Weatcott Viola Pederaen I nura Jordan Tionna Matthews Myrta HchnHder Florence McAllister (o.eU-to Chock A'M.n FlttUher Elijtalieth Ryan, Kg. Dir. i I'lltn j-lnelilH, Kg. iir. Oureie Koehler. Mtin. Tr. FVrn f vr, 7Yt Joeephlne Hose, German. Johannah Anderson, German. Lnthrop Sehool. Nora It. Lemon, Carrie Fslrcldld prlnclual: Myrtle Ki-oufa Jcaunetio Xcwlcan May Anderaon Mvn Murphy 7IUah Anderson Mary lyHrien France Frohner nienna Peaks " Hianrhs Cot trail Isabella Wliliama Frencea Thomneon Hlanche Woods Verio Williams Mabel Henderson Amelia Magnuseea Ieah Leger Alma Fair-child Alios Root May Horn Jennie Salmon Jennie f'helps Louise Neeee. K. T"Hr. Hops Kt. tnalre. Kg Assist Minna Moore, Man. Tr. Vt Codinron. Man. Tr. Pauline Keckllnger, Oennaa, -"' Lwel lokool. . , June Plociim, y Fern Kads principal; Anna Bnyder Orate .Mliwell Alice Hoibrook Zlta Kavenarh Adele Havis Florence leji Ro FUUa Teresa Koplets, Man. Tr. D. C. Pyke, Man. Tr. Madisaa School. Kllaebeth Kennel I y Marr R- Orleet, prlnclpe.l; Mary Harrc-u Fees v Haoi l-:ilen tv hmldt Maud Hughee Maud H'anka Dora Oleen, kindergarten director. Trea Knnlets, manual tralnlifg. Ouy Hodges, manual training. , Mmob School. , Martha W. ChrisiianLuolle Doddaf principal; Marguerite Kontt I rlha I. Schick Anna C Our.ks Roberta HattenbanerMattle I. Craig Anna Pratton Mahel Hendrickaen Lotus Kraus Mary Miller Ada M. Frits Kmmi O. Kdlini' retina i-araer Jessie Mtwlhwn Kiala Meaklmen Ienhelln rirthim Grace Hungarford, kindergarten dlreoton Leota Holmes, kindergarten assistant. Anna Kelson, manual training. Ma Del iMewit, manual training. ju.iuma r.utworto, uvrnan. Mllle Parse School. Lulu JT. Hunt. principal; Ora M. Rtiaaell Thersea Tracy Stella Fali-chlld Freda Ceyley Kuth Cow g 111 Madeline Xaskalek Minna Mf. OIr Jeannetts Mulr Maoei Craiahead Lola Tlllotson bess W. Field, hlndergartsn dlreoton i- Lli-I- -..-'BJliiggg I i ! M i : i : . ' i ' l Cdirh Fisher, Vii-.lerirarten aNtant. I.llzabelh Long, manual training. Mno mna tk Park Bebool. Ftla Rmlth. prlncli-sl ; Minnie r wplln I.tbel T Idri'lae Vary Munley Catherine t arrlck Grace lxiwe Malvl Anoreen Hctjty K k'na Vera Hiulr.-n Alice Nelaon Francea Mct'omhe Iforena Pi-el-a Fllraltsth Mulr Ruth Tinkler klndnrsarten director. I-ucy Iike, kindergarten altant. ftclia Flanagan, manual training. Kuth KinrhHt-t, Gorman. Pad fie School. Dora Harney, Nelllo Piltchard principal: Maud Jonea F-ittaheih IidenburgNcllle McKonald Ixiretlo Burns Margaret Mrfc.lhany Cisro Tombrink N'eliis O'Connor Alice Hatlmnc Lillian W iltiur Carrie Ltotiteilc, 'kindergarten director. Ne.llo ChiUlenaen, kindergarten aasls tint. Ruth Tompeett, manual training. Park Srkool. Clara' B. Masdn, Margery Deckett urlncinai: Kutherine i-owerg Julia Newcomb tei-trurlo Wataoa Nellie Shults Myrtle ikoiraff F.IIh Thorngats atacy luneen Fvlvla tirioif Msry Marcoll Ruth Cultra Iouiae Mann lean iionoho Kate Hungerford KliitabeUi Wilson, kindergarten director Frances MoCrann, kindergarten as alatant. Anna James, manual training. Anna "i-kard. manual training. Agnes Nlelson. German. naraioga Kcbool. Kmlly J. Robinson, Maude Roys principal: le)la Morriaon Mildred Steele K. fiiisnheth Larsen Mlldrrd Wilcox Margaret J. Latey Julia Haven Anna K raker I-.ulu Gunderson i-'lvera Undstam Ids Melcher Gladya McCon- naughey Alios Cham?ers. Vlndergartnn director. r .eanor tttaiiara. kindergarten assistant. Leona Myers, manual training. laaaam School. Mary A. Rell. j,uU Paco Princliel: si.,. Mildred l Nunemaker Gertrude pfolffer miiic . w. MaryWallaco J3".uK nTfht : Mattle White Hertha Vaughn Helen Hibbard, kindergarten director. Charlotte Williams, kindergarten as sistant . EUsabeth Allan, manual training. Bherraaa School. Mary N. Austin, Grace Cox prlnclpaJ; Mary Ellsworth Marie Foley Jennie M. Gluck. kindergarten assistant. Mabel Kiewlt, manual training. South Co tea I School. Martha Campbell, Jeannette Roggen principal; , Orvna McKltrick . Ptella Holmes Anna Weeth Catherine Howe " Kleanor Idckman. Grace Nelson Lsuretta Rold . Nettle Mann Alice Sheahan Ann Qaughsn (teorglna Pavta, kindergarten assistant. Teresa Koplets. manual training. X, C. Pyke, manual training. , v " Sooth Praaklla School. Jennie Rrnltfi, Jessie Graham principal; Vena Kavanagh Margie McCrann Snath f.lnc-- SchooL Jssale Roberson, Franoea Wlllard Mary Moore Goldle Johnson Rosa Hart la Blanohe Robertson Martha Wlddis prliM:llU; Agnes M alsh Grs.ce Young ' F,lla Huston, Rosa Ma honey Helen MoKee , Helen Heet, klnderjrartsn dlreotor. ' Mona Wolaham. kindergarten assistant Jeanne Anderron, manual training. Trala School. .. FVTrtrlnht White. " Brllne Jaakilek princpai; a-ina Hooart Anne Jensen Hazel Junk Ins - Ruth Wallaoe F.the! Kiewlt Miirlon, Frits . May Crimes Lillian Rake Mary Kreba Emma Kent ' Uraoe Miner Jean Hamilton K atherlne Van Horn, ungraded. Gertrude Lovgren, kindergarten dlreotor. Anna Mullen, kindergarten assistant. K atherlne Bloomer, manual training. Amalia Anhouser, German. Vlatua SehooL Jeennette T Wood- Katharine Case ward, principal; Mary Bauer Orace Grtftlth Belle Hpragne Minnie Wlsner Kdith Crapenhoft Joanna Oramllch Lulu Wilson Pophle Elaeeesr Ruth Patterson Mary Besdle Elisabeth Allen, kindergarten director. w m ' m.l J LjMii Sal iiiiiiilill ... : . . maim am i iiiMaii ,,, , mum TW ii rmTi mr,TmSSS-''-"' ' bw MlimaiKMniwSWnhh rr r fTBiTfimffi r Fr" m To the Young Man Who Has No Home of His Own a . t 'Whether ho bo a young business or professional man hero to build hi9 future, a student going to school or college, or a me chanic away from home and friends each and every one will bo interested inecuring a nice, comfortably quiet room. A famifebed room like that one illustrated, for example; for the yoTrag profes sional or business man so that after a nerve-racking, brain fnsging day he may retire to lounge in peacu ami quiet -while posting himself in th current news of the day For tho student so that ho may" have ample opportunity to "bono" or "cram" without fear of disturbing noise3 or other dis traction ' For tho mechanic so that he may rest his weary muscles in preparation for an ev ening's feocial session or for the work of the morrow. Each and everyone desires such lodgings, and they may find them by referring to tho Classified columns of THL BEE. If nothing exactly suitable is found there, a complete file of desir ablo locations and furnished rooms is accssiblo in tho offices of Saa.--aV j-e- th sjaW i Mary P Flynt, manual training. Me, la Abraham, German. Wslaat IIIU School. . ' Fannie Forayth. Lucy Mack principal; Anna Federeon Ftotna tiroes Ruth Jones Jtoae Cnrr Nettle Mulr IVIna Wlleon lone Beats Helen Hrte - I rnma W inalade, klndersrarten director, Mabel Cnnklin. klndergatten assistant. Hachcl Fuller, manual training. tt'aaklagtaa. (Annes to Brown" Park.) Ida Posaner Webster School. Badle pittman, prlnclr-el; Marie Matthewg .Myrtle liohertg Hattle Ptckard Ivy Miller I.lila Burnett Gel! Charles Rulah Hunter Fthl Iavenport lltnma liavld Hoae F. Coleman Jesslo Carey Hells Hngan, klnlcrgarten director, Catherine Reynold, kindergarten Asst. West Side School. Jcitrde Stltt, Helen Corr principal: Anna tiraram Hr-eairt Rarhee Hia T. Connell C hrlatlne Jensen Grace L. Walker Kfflo Hir Ints Mangan Gettrgla ciine lilanche Harmon Fannie Brown Ablngall Manning luuum, ig. i nr. Amy Johnson. Kg. Aeslsi. Anna Myera, Man. Tr. Terras Koplets, Man. Tr. D. C. Pyke, Man, Tr. Wtadsos School. Harriot a Eddy Principal Cordelia Johnson Matilda Kvans Ldna Pickering Hedvlg biorertson W arda Boott . Jeaaie Flvnt May Cathroo lrma Hook Lleaior Nevln Helen Naaon Marguerite Chapin Afton Howell Aramlnta Cooley Hennlne Biessinsv Kr. Dir. Bernlce Coins'- Kg. Assist. Keillo Craig. Man. Tt. Mildred Cooper, Man. Tr. Lucy BchUdknecftt. German, T ratals; Claaa. Grade trainers: Florence Anderson, Sophia 3 v inton. Mary Brown. Keys, Hhlpherd, Case. luimmw lnmoit, iTauoee UroaS, Du- liunt. Fay Harrow, Cebella Bchaller, Central. Ruth Holqulsl, Hilda W like, Kellom. Grace Howell, Carrie Nledermeyer, Franklin. Elsie MagDuaaen, Fannie Myers, Famam. t siaaetine , Aieu, jeennette Newloan, Lothrop. 4 Veliata P reason, Clara Blackburn, tavke. Iviulee Raabe, Msud Kmith, Druid Hill. Gertrude Smith, Mary Austin, Sherman. Mildred Turk. Eva De Mnas, Central. Margaret Weyerman, May Anderson, Lothrop. Mildred Whlted, . Emma Gross, Warnnt HUl. Kindcrkarten trainers: ' Msbel Van Brunt, Edith Fwera, Dujavnt. Ines Cast berg. Elotas Hlllts. Druid HUL. Elizabeth Cogan, Gertrude Bailey. Cen tra! Park. Marlosie Foote, Alice Tork, Beals. Eltsaboth Robinson, , Alios Chamber, Haratoua. - Margaret Solomon, Mnyme Hutchtnarm. Columtdan. Charlotte Tompkins, Alloa H&yes, dtfton HUl. Gwendolyn XVolfe, Elisabeth Allen, Tin ton. British Steamer Oymbeline Sunk, , SixMen KiUed LOerooN, Bept a. The Brtrliih ateamer Oymbeline has been sunk. ' Six members of the crew were killed and six were In jured. Thirty-one 'others were landed safely. The Cymbeline was a tank t earner, 4. S06 tone gross, 370 feet long, owned by the Bear Creak Oil and Shipping; com pany of Liverpool. ,lt eraa last reported as having sailed from Fort Arthur. Tex., August 13, and Norfolk, Va., Augruat 21. for Dartmouth, England. . Obresron Takes SaltlUa. : VERA CRUZ. Pcrit. S. 8altUlo, eapHal of the state of Coahulla. was occuoled today by General Obregon. Followers et Villa realstecl the Crtrranza forces at Angostura, an outlying point, and are reported to hare suffered heavy losses. - ''vi !; l !!! !!! ii:n :i!!; : T p-tm A. eg safs imp H'A aJgi V L - i jri.i aMSss gbas (sstaw awW tajsl BEE CRASH DISABLES T11REEF YESSELS taited Sttt Eteimft Bappl Smashes Into Flotilla at Honolulu Dock. AIL ITJT OUT OP COJOOSSIOa .JrONOLTJLU, Sept. 6 Tie three submarines of th "F' STonp, re maining; sine tha loss of the Ill-fated F-4, were put out of comlssloa to day when the United Steamer Supply crashed into the flotilla while dock ins; here. The Teasels damaged were the F-l, r-2 and F-S. The F-2 was cot to the water line. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hanc furniture into cash. . Paper Cloth tagr. The Japanese are now making; and I tenslvely wearing underclothing made of paper. Tha material la finely graTnfu and has a number of remarkable quali ties. It Is very strong and at the an me tlSte very flexlbla and after being worn a few hours It offers no more interfer ence to perspiration than ordinary cot ion clothing. After becoming wet the mate rial la so strong that It can be torn only with difficulty. Jn the manufacture of theas garments, after being cut to pat tern, the searos are sewed together and hemmed. Tha buttonholes are reinforced with linen or some other fabric. "" rigaiesigiienMiii I jl (ha-4sVi.-tiMrMiH-''.- - !" ' " ?1i-tllv' One Safe Home Match . will light all four burners. . The stick ia large and . etronsr. The flame "takes hold." We do not exaggerate when we say that you caa gst aa much real service, from three Safe Home Matches as from fire ordinary matches. They are non-poleooons, too. For that reaaoa alone they should v be ia e-rery heme in Amerloa. 8a A H grocers. at tor snmat Tbo Diamond Match Company ('HI' i , - ' - ;.: i t ; ,'!-! a e w i i . t j V a - i. tit Tks k4f or iu c.ri tT PO.VIIL h T. AT Mi'KlT ri.-V.f- t i A.f- C l r. c 6 v-f (fl .' I -0 Cl t ylmrt ei. -.. (I ej J l'n , .. . A .'. , , Ir. a . 1 . l-s.