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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1915)
he Omaha Daily Call Tyler 1000 If To If ant to Talk to Th Dm or to Kojcm Connected with Tbo Dm THE WEATxlEB Cloudy VOL. XLV NO. G8. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTI-MIIER f, 11H5- TKN PAGES. Oa Trains, at -total Hews g'ands, etc. Be SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. r Bee SUNDAY STARTS HIS OMAHA CAMPAIGN OPENING DAY OF REOALSEESTHE STAGE WELL SET Tabernacle Packed to Capacity When Great Preacher Hakes His Appearance on the Platform. USES ALL THICKS OF TRADE Plunpes Into His Work Without Hesitation and Gives Fall Ex hibition of Methods. ON WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Billy Sunday delighted his first tabernacle audience In Omaha yes terday morning by exhibiting nearly all the platform thrills for which he is famous. He mimicked and acted, and beat the pulpit with his fist and stamped upon it with his foot, and perspired so that the drops rolled from his brow, and shouted , and slanged enough to satisfy the most expectant in all the vast audience that filled the tabernacle and crowded In the ten-foot corrider sur rounding the seats. He seemed to bid glad defiance to his critics, by Bailing right into the two strongest objections brought against him, namely the collections and the slang. Explain About Collection. One of the first things he did after making his vigorous way to the platform was to explain about the collection. He mentioned that Omaha is reported to be In the midst of the most prosperous part of the most prosperous country in the world. In regard to the collection he said: "Not one cent is guaranteed me, not one penny. These collections are taken up to pay for the lumber in this building and the work of erect ing it and other expenses in the cam paign. It is taken to pay your debts. All I get is the collections taken on the last day of the campaign. Noth ing more." ' looi Gets Into Blana-. The first tea minutes., of . lilc rmon were aa classic In language r wr tnon of the most "proper" pn- Im aginable. Then, he suddenly .1 to the very midst of slangery. li was in describing; one of the missionary Journeys of Paul. Paul sewed a. native of a city who certain people were whom he saw talking and was told that they were church members. The evangelist con tinued: "Paul says, "No, that's a bum steer, and he went over to where they were chewing the rag." This brought tremendous applause and laughter from the audience. Billy smiled and when he could be heard, said: "I cut out all my slang because I was com ing to Omaha." He had described Paul as "a wrinkle browed, dim-eyed, stoop-shouldered gospel veteran who had been the bullet meat for all the forces of hell and refused to dip his colors to the devil's gang of his day." fireeted with Applause. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday entered the tabernacle together Just as the service started. The big building was packed to the doors and probably a thousand were standing In the corridor looking In to the main part of the building. And the crowd applauded as the evangelist walked furiously up and took his seat on a wooden-seated chair on the green-car-jpptiil platform. Nut a smile did Mr. Sunday give nor imy recognition of the ovation. After the choir under direction of H. C. Brewster l.u.l led in singing several hymns and aftr Mr. Brewster and Mrs. Aaher had Minff -lA-t Jesus Lead," he leaped to his f'-et and took his place at his pulpit. The iiudionce opplauded for probably thirty second. Billy seemed somewhat bored by tho demonstration. Jlli Meddlng Anniversary. He spoke a word of appreciation and then announced that the day was great to him and Mrs. Sunday for another rea son. "Twenty-seven years ago today 'Ma' i and I were married," he said. The audience applauded again. "And I sup pose you would like to sea 'Ma,' " said Billy with a smile, turning to where Mrs. Sunday sat behind the platform. The people's applause gave vociferous evi dence of their desire and Mrs. Sunday came forward smiling and stood beside (Continued on I'age Vhree, Ooloinn Four!) The Weather Te Osaka Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 6 a. m... . 1 a, m... , 7 a. m I a. m a. in 10 a. in.... 11 a. m 12 m 1 p. m J P. m 3 p. m 4 p. tn t p. m p. m V tv m , 64 , 64 . 67 :8 . 78 . S2 . t3 . M . 85 . M . M . hi . W Comparative LMal Reeer- . . ms- m- Highest yesterday..... 86 lw hw si Lowest yesterday........ U 71 74 74 Mean temperature....... 74 m xreiipltalion no .ou Temperature and precipitation uiea irjui the normal: Normal temperature to m .00 M depart- 1 Kicmi for the day j Tot il deficiency since March 1.' iir, Normal precipitation li in' h IJn-flrlency for the dav lotivh Total rainfall since March 1..Z2. 17 indies ;1 x fii iency since slarch 1 ltimc i litficency for cor. period, l'Mt. 6 15 inches Jjt.fu.ieni y lor cor. period. telf Ut ineln-r U A. WtUll, Local Forecaster. nperatnro at Sunday Firsts "I say to the forces of dam nation In Omaha, the God forsaken, weasle-eyed, pus gutted, hog-Jowled spawn of hell, come on, we're ready for you, and you cannot harm us, for we are ambassadors of God." "A lot of people were mighty pious when they had to walk, but now that they can afford a Ford or a Pierce Arrow or a Packard, it's 'good-bye, God; 1 11 see you later.' " "An angel from heaven couldn't come to Omaha and live for a week and asso ciate with some of the people you train with and go back to heaven without being fumi gated, carbollclzed, f ormaide hyded, dry-cleaned and made over altogether." "If a man doesn't settle his salvation before the under taker pumps him full of em balming fluid, he's all ln." "Any time you think you can do this stunt better than I can. butt in, old man." CZAR SAYS ENEMY MUST BEEXPELLED Buss Emperor Declares for War Until Victory Has Been Accomplished. PRESIDES AT SLAV CONGRESS LONDON, Sept. 5. A Petrograd dispatch to Reuter's Telegram com pany, says: "Presiding today at the first meeting of a special congress, hav ing for its subjects measures to be taken for national defense with spe cial reference to the organization of supply and the transport of stores, munitions and fuel, the emperor de clared that Russia would continue the war untij complete victory had been achieved. " 'The Question before the con gress,' he said, 'is of the gravest im portance. It concerns the more speedy equipment of the .army with munitions, which Is the one object for which our valiant troop wait in order to stop foreign invasion and bring success once more to our arms. F-jrli-uient has given ma resolutely and without the least hesitation the only reply worthy of Russia a reply which I expected from it, namely, war until victory is complete. Vole of IVatlosu " 'I doubt not that this is the voice of the whole Russian nation. Nevertheless the great task we have undertaken im plies the greatest effort on our part This thought has become universal, but it Is necessary to put It Into action with out delay. " 'This conference has brought to gether In the common work of solidifying the government's delegates of Parlia ment and the publlo tnsUtutlons and In dustries. In a word, the representatives of all business In Russia have entrusted you with the completest confidence with powers of an exceptional extent. I shall always follow with the most profound attention your labors and will take a personal part In them If necessary. Bat Oa Object. " 'Nothing must distract our thoughts, our" will and our strength from what Is now our single goal, which is to drive the enemy from our borders. " 'With this and in view, we must make certain the complete military equipment of our active array and other troops called to the colors. The task Is now entrusted to you, gentlemen. I know that you will devote all your strength and all your love for the fatherland to its accomplishment. Be( to work with the help of God.' " Bryan Will Address "Friends of Peace", CHICAGO, Sept. S. A ressutlon de-' clarlng against the shipment of war 1 munitions from this country to European ' belligerents and urging congress to buy) up all munition factors so as to make shipments Impossible will be brought be fore the national, convention of the Friends of Peace which will be opened here tomorrow. Hundreds of delegates arrived and more are expected tomorrow. A big majority are German-Americans, Chairman John Brisbin Walker said: "The organization la not pro-German, though," be added, "German naturally want to see the war ended, because of j me rearrui sscrinc it exact from their brothers. German-Americans exceed in number any other portion of our citlsens who are of foreign blood. That is why they predominate in this convention." It was announced tonight that William J. Bryan will address the convention Monday afternoon and probably will speak also at a mass meeting tn the evening. Aldrich Will Eun Against Hitchcock (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Sept. 5. (8pecial.) Chester H. Aldrich, former governor of Nebraska, will be a candidate for the republican nomination for the United States senate to fill the place now occupied by Senator Gilbert M. Hitchcock, democrat. SUNDAY RECRUITS SOLDIERS 1(1 THE ARMY OF JESUS "God's Grenadiers" is the Subject of the Stirring; A-terno ' m at the T' .o 0 "iafiTHOTE aV Aronses -jtism of Audience by Stirring .Pictures of Events During- This Country's Wars. ALL SING THE BATTLE HYMN illy Sunday was a recruiting of ficer for the army of Jesus Christ at the afternoon meeting at the taber nacle yesterday. In a sermon on "God's Grena diers" he pleaded with stirring phrases and gestures and wonderful dramatic ability for recruits to enllBt in the battle . for God against the devil. Militancy was his keynote. "I ask no quarter from the devil and I give him none," he shouted, swinging his arms in sledge-hammer blows as he hurled forth his defi ance to a demon which to his hear ers was almost materialised in living form, by the power which the speaker put Into his sentence. Telia of Victories Won. Sunday told of wars fought "In the brave days of old," when troops charged "over the dead, dying and wounded, over trenches and over horses," t win vic tories. He roused the patriotism of the audi ence by stirring pictures of events during wars conducted by the United States, lie told of the drummer boy who in a famous battle In Europe when told to sound a retreat, said: "I don't know how to beat a retreat; I never learned to do that" "We don't know how to beat a retreat in the army of Jesus Christ." As Sunday shouted these words he gave them the effect of the blare of a trumpet, emphasising in his habitual manner, phrases rather than words, and beating each phrase Into the consciousness of his hearers. , , . The climax of the: meeting had ar rived. . ' Sunday seised : a chair and carried it (Continued on Page -Two, Column- One.) EXCITING SCEHES IN N Y. CONVENTION Constitutional Body Closes Consid eration of All Proposed Amendments. 0. 0. P. TO CHAMPION WORK ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 6. New York's constitutional convention closed consideration of all proposed amendments amid exciting scenes. While friends and foes of the pro posal to permit the legislature to en act a living wage law for women and children clamored for a vote on the measure. President Ellhu Root, on the motion of Majority Leader Wick ersbam, declared the convention ad journed until next Thursday. At that time consideration will be given only to the work of the revision com mittee; and a vote on the wage prop osition before final adjournment probably "riday or Saturday will be impossible. Rrpabllcaas te right for It. Republicans, wbo are In the majority In the convention, US to 62, will immedi ately launch a vigorous campaign in be half of the new constitution. It Is con sidered -extremely doubtful If the demo crats will wage an organised fight against the new Instrument. The chief proposed amendments would provide for: Shortening of the ballot so as to make the governor, lieutenant-governor, attor ney general and comptroller the only elective state officers. An executive budget system whereby the leilature might eliminate Items from the budget of the governor, but make no sddlttuna. Votes for women; the convention merely provided that If the proposed suffrage amendment already passed by two legis latures Is approved at the referendum, .this. fall. It shall become operative A ' broader power for cities In relation to regulating their local affairs and re vising charters. KaUlnn the annual salary of the gov ernor from I10,0u0 to t30 0uu a year and the salaries of legislators from rUSOO te tZ,Su0 and railroad fare from then homes te Albany. Alase at Teaeasemts. 1 Giving the legislature power te prohibit manufacturing in tenements. BrtriKln victims of occupational disease under the jrovmlun of the workmen's compcnuution act. Reapportionment along lines which would prevent Urcster New York from having a majority In the senate for ten yoara at lenat. bubHlltiitiiiK social for sinking fund bonus and otherwise changing the bond ing syntcin from the state and cities along liius wM' h It Is hcllr ved will save mil lion In iiiUresl chargts. (Continued on PagevTwo, Column- bne.) "r'"ffi i .. t , ' . -V V. r r- ....-. ,. ...... . . "BILLY" SMITES THE DEVIL The acrobatic revival 1st began his engagement in Omaha before three house filling audiences with a battering-ram assault on the ram parts of His Satan's Majesty. , if 1 ; POPE SENT WILSON NO WRITTEN WORD Vatican Issues Statement Denying Any Special Message Communi cated by Gibbons. CARDINAL DID NOT NEED IT ROME (Via Paris), 8ept. 6. Car dinal Gibbons' Interview with Presi dent Wilson is oonsidered by the Vati can as the most important event in the campaign for the re-establish-ni en t of peace, but the Vatican wishes to have the attitude of the pope plain ly set forth to avoid misunderstand ing, and therefore has issued a formal statement to the effect that the pope did not send any special message by the cardinal to the president of the United States. The situation' at the present mo ment, it is pointed out, does not seem favorable for the pope to take the Initiative in the matter of peace, but the pontiff is ready to help In all possible ways in any effort in that direction from whatever quarter It comes. The opinion is expressed in Vatican circles here that the United States is in the best position to un dertake such a mission. Page Ordered to Touch English Up WASHINGTON, Bept. S.-Ambassador Page at London has been Instructed to make vigorous representation to the Krltlsh foreign office for the release of American-owned shipments of German goods now held up at Rotterdam under the British ord rs-ln-councll. State de partment officials Indicated today they expected an early reply. i Mother and Son Die As Auto Plunges YANKTON. 8. D., Rept. (.-Mrs. Krio Elde and her son, Kdward, were killed this afternoon when the automobile In which they were returning to their coun try Lome from Weirs dropped off a bridge approach down an embankment Into a creek. The victims were members I of a vluneer family. ALIEN INFLUENCE IN HAITI AGAINST U. S. Martial Law Declared in Cities of Island to Combat Hostile Foreign Propaganda. REAR ADMIRAL CAPERT0N ACTS WASHINGTON, Sept. 5. Foreign influences In Haiti working to block plans or the United States to pacify the republic and rehabilitate its finances under American supervision have made it necessary to declare martial law in Port Au Prince, the capital, and practically all but two of the country's open ports. Rear Admiral Caperton, acting within his general instructions, declared martial law today and explained that his ac tion was talyen because of a situa tion which was beyond the control of the local government. Mill Sot Utaelose lafarmattoa. For reasons of international polloy tha Biate department will not disclose anv of - -the Information it has received bearing ! on the subject. There have recently been ; persUUnt reports of the activity of for eign agents, and so marked has been the effect of their activities upon members of tha Haltlon congress and government that the State department found tt neces sary to hurry Its policy of educating tha I people of Haiti to an appreciation of the 1 benefits of American financial control with ita protection against insistent for eign creditors. Franc la among the largest of Haiti's creditors. Its citlsens being said to have about I30.OCO.000 in Haltlea national bonds besides large mercantile and banking In terests In the republic. France has not only refrained from opposing the develop ment of the American policy, but Am bassador J us so rand yesterday assured the biate department of rYom'h approval of any plans which would result in the establishment of a stable and responsible government In Haiti. TEUTONS SWEEP FOR DYINA R1YER Series of Battles Are Being Fought South of the Fripet Marshes. RUSSIANS CONTINUING RETREAT LONDON, Sept. 6. Although they continue their retirement in some sectors and are being driven back In others, the Russians, on the whole, have stiffened their opposition to the Austro-German advance and the Ger manic allies now have to fight, and flRht hard, for every yard of ground whkih they gain. Away to the north, Just below the Gulf of Riga, a big battle is in prog ress for possession of the river Dvlna, and the Germans now occupy the western bank between Lenne wada, where they captured a bridge head yesterday, and Friedrichstadt, where another bridgehead was taken by storm today. These successes. If they can he carried to a conclusion by forcing a crossing of the Dvlna, must result In the evacuation of the town of Ulna, which already la being threatened from the west and south by Field Marshal von Hlnden burg's army. rlt Series of Balf'es. From Frlednchstsdi south to the Prlpet marshes, the Russlsns and Ger mans are engsged In a series of battles, and while the Russians by a counter of fensive along the Vllna river, and coun ter attacks at other points, are Inflicting heavy losses on their pursuers, they ara being pressed back and the town of Vllna, wl.lch has already been evacu ated by tlx) livlllanx. probably will soon be left behind by the llUKslan army. To the south of Urn I'llp.t uiiiihIks a series of battles nr being foUKht. The Russians ahum ! Slyr nd t'reth riv ers am nuikliig n slulilHiru sl.ind und the Auntro-liunKuriitiiK, In whoxe ranlis there Is a strong leavening of Hi-rinunx, arc finding their wuy eastward burred on niciHt of the fronts. They have, how ever, forced a croHnlug of the Herein river at Its Junction with the Dniester, so that now a very narrow strip of Ca uda remains In Ilunntan hands. Finding It imposs bio to inako head way In their frontal uttacks on the positions covering the fortresses of lubno snd Ruvno, which were bases of the llUKslsn armies for their advance through Oallela, the Austrian are mak ing an attempt to turn these positions from the south and claim that General von Boehm-Ermolll has broken through the Russian lines. There Is no Indication where the new Russian lines are, but from their strong defense It is evident that they Intend If possible to bring the Austro-Germans' offenalve to, a standstill not far east of where they are now offering a most stubborn resistance. Bo far as the Rus sian armies are concerned It is apparent that they are fairly safe from any en circling movement unless tlis Germans can quickly throw a strong force across the Dvlna southeast of Riga. At present the Russians have behind them a large number of roads leading east and northeast, and as they have proved themselves to be masters of retreat, military writers here are con vinced that they will remain nowhur long enough to be caught. The r tu guards, of course, occasionally fad into the hsnds of the pursuers. Tbe French, bntuh and Belgian artil lery continue an Insistent bombardment of tha German trenches and cantonments In tha west, but thus far iue txptclcd offensive has not developed, an the designs of General Joffre, t.ic French commander In chief are not disclosed. The Invasion of Roumania by the Austro-Uermans. with or without, a declaration of war, Is being discussed as a probability In the balks r. capitals. A heavy fall of mow has added to the difficulties of tbe Italians and Austrian In the Alps. But they continue the bom bardment of tha opposing naattlons and both claim guocaesea. ALLEN LINER IS TORPEDOED; 110 AMERICANS DIE Hesperian, Carrying Canadian Sol diers and Mounted and Visible Gun Attacked Off Ire land. EIGHT PERSONS REPORTED LOST 17. S. Consul at Queenstown Says Ship Armed with Heavy Rifle. CRAFT IS SAID TO BE AFLOAT IH'M.ETI!. LONDON, Sept. 5. The Allen steamship Hesperian was torpedoed at 8:20 o'clock last night off the south coast of Ireland, 100 miles southwest of Fastnet. Approximately 850 passengers were on board, one or two of them Americans. ill LI.ETI N. MONTREAL, Sept. 5. Tha Allen management today received tele grams from England informing them that the Hesperian was torpedoed and was proceeding to Queenstown under convoy. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 6. The Allen line Issued the following notice this evening: "All the passengers and rew of the Hesperian were safely landed to day at Queenstown." LONDON. Sept. 5. The Allen liner Hesperian was torpedoed off the south coast of Ireland by a Ger man submarine. The ship was re ported keeping afloat. The passen gers and crew are being taken to Queenstown. The Hesperian carried 600 persons, of whom 350 were passengers. All were saved. The liner was bound from Liverpool to Montreal. It was torpedoed at 8 o'clock last night about 800 miles southeast of Fastnet. Passengers say the liner was tor pedoed without warning. The boats got away quickly, Many wounded Canadian soldiers were aboard. . The Hesperian ts wow proceeding to Queenstown with tha assistant) of ad miralty tugs. The American consul at Queenstown reported to the American embassy that there were one or two Americana aboard the Hesperian, but that none was lost. Didn't Slak. The steamer did not sink and la re ported proceeding, under convoy to Qupenstown, to which port most of tha passengers and crew were taken by rea Mir steamers. Passengers landed at Queenstown as serted that the attack was made without warning. The American consul at Qucenstonn telegraphed the embassy here that there were one or two Ameri cans aboard, adding that none was lost The Ht;rilaii, a vessel of 10.MD tons gross, waa outward bound from Liver pool for Montreal. Many of tha SAO pas sengers aboard were wounded Canadian soldiers on their way home from tha front There were approximately SM in the crew. The attack upon the Hesperian earn just as darkness was falling. Passengers who have reached Queenstown express the belief that she had been chased for some dlstsnce by a submarine, whloh fired as soon as tt was within range. The attsck came so suddenly, It was stated, that frreat alarm waa felt aboard the steamer. Tails for Aid. The torpedo struck the Hesperian for ward of the engine room tearing away (Continued on l ege Two. Column Five.) THE WANT-AD. WAY All Rights Reaerved. Com fine day yoa may need elarka to alp yea raa your store Jaat use a small Bee Want-ad You'll get elerka by t- soJre. for a well-worded Waat-ad Will be seea by seme brlS elark Who It lookls for a 1oS Aad wke really waata te work, o a Blaster what yoa waat H aeed to fret sad worry fust as a anal Bee Waat-a4 Aad fill, tkeaa la a harry. The "Hln Wanted" ro'untns of Th Omaha H" are read dally by all ef the brightest and most efficient mea and m on yen In the various Indus"4! walks rf life. To secure the best hek of an) kind, use a "Hoe Help Wanted Ad." Taunrxosrs mn loot un 1 Vi PUB OMI1TA EXq i .