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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
THE OMAITA- SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 23, 1909. n FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THOMAS Itoal'Estato "West Fnrnam Street District ie, nnd always will be tho bon ton residence portion of Omaha. I have sii modern brick houses there that I ran sell at about half what it cost to build them. They are all separate houses and finished in the best style. If you want an elegant home at a small cost here is your chance. Call up the office and get particulars.' At the southwest corner of 31st and Cass Sts. I have two modern houses with lot J 20 feet front age, which I can sell at a low price, either one or both. 5 per cent money to' loan on Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms. THOMAS Room 1, New York 8414x402 feet Three houses,, fronting on street, rent ing for $.M per month, lot running; buck to tracks. Think of 84'4X2;5 feet ot trackage and Mxl.j7 feet frontage, with Improve ments, renting for $. per month, till for $75. A lot near this one recently sold for $5,000 and wu xinly 00x187 feet, with truckage. Compare the two, and see. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE . HOME OR INVESTMENT 6 rooms; 2115 Grand Ave., built this year, hard pir.e wood w ork, excellently nnlKhed In oil and varnish, double liners, with heavy paper between, elegant nickel plumb. lift, porcelain lined bath tub, narrow elding, large porch, cement side wall, Finished un you would flnibh If building. Would rent for $:'5.0O per month, which would yield about 12 per cent on Investment. Are you looking for a real bargain, then see this. $2,100, no more, no less. C. G. Carlberg, U New York Life Bid. 'Phone Red 7497. - RE West Farnam Lot . 50 ft. adjoining E. V. Lewis' hand some residence on 40th St., Just south fit JJiirney EL ,13,000, , The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 212 So. 14th St. -RE ; HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY ' IN MAKING CERTAIN 8ETTLE . MENTS IT 18 NECESSARY ' THAT THE FOLLOWING PROP ERTY BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY. ; IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN LOOK i THIS UP AND SEE "ME BEFORE 4 NOVEMBER 1: CS4 2S5S Burdette St., 7-iooni, 2-stoiy house, city water. 54051777 S. 8th St., 6-rooni frame cottage; city water. SiM-Ml Cotter St., ncVi neA iw'i I8-15-13, 10 acres; four blocks from west en trance to Hanecom park. 212 Lot 13, block 8, Flm Add. to Sou;h Omaha; near new city hall; vacant. BWti Ixit 1L'. block 77, South Omaha, 427 N. With Ht., (South Omaha; stcru buiidm,j; flat above. M73-3U8 N. 2Sth St., sublot 2, tax lot 17, Beo. 2o-lt-13; 116 feet by 2i feel, tuning eot utrectly down Davenport Ml.; beuuillul lucation for tine home. 8923-131$ Dodse St., wrst 22 feet lot 7, blt ck ;, Oinun.i; located Junt where it ou t to be, IK JUU KNOW A UoUJJ 'UIlIsG WHEN Yot, SEE IF. ion AY ILL JCL' Y TUI3 U)T. SCSO 2T37 N. 18th St., good 7-room houae; city water, nice corner lot. Lota S nnd 0, block 4, Mayne Pluca; Leau tifui lots ou the. boulevard; fit a shaue trees), t'37H3.'19 Franklin St., fine 7-room ccttute; nice location. W-i3-:Wt I-atriek Ave., two good 7-rooia frame bouses; fins location, nice corner loti 10 nor cent net Investment. 6v-Lots 1J and 14. block 6, Ames Place 2th and I4praue His. ir-WMl It lota 12 and 13. Ti,,.,L- ttbillv., northeast corner l;th lind Blaine Sts.; vacant. 606-8.0 N. roth St., South Omaha, good 1 aiory brick cottage. North third south half lota 8 nnd . block 1, Jrtter'a Add., Bouth Omaha; fair lm pruveiueuts. Five brick fiats, southeast corner Ifilh Ave. and Hitrney; Hue location; strlcUy Itrst class luvcatnienl. property Is going to be sold; any party dewiing a baiguiu should not miss opportunity. WM. K. POTTER, Tbla BROWN BLK. It E M8.1 Fine Home at Sacrifice Ten rooms, strictly mod ern, oak linlsh, good repair, lol kixloo, large barn, drive way, paved street, prrmuneut wuIks and stone steps. Former .$;! $.' ix'; now i , jt. Must be old yet this month. U. II. GLOVEU & SON, Sole Agents. Kooui J, N. Y. Ufe. Doug. 133 KE-ui.l i sus KonniNs. , 7-rooni bouse, modern c.i eft furiucc, aliaiW. near .'.til and M.p.a, I..4V -roiii cottage, near nd and Iiird. m id em, except furnace, vacant lol lakeu In 8rt payuitnt, $l.7. bu acis i' inii'-H from Omaha p stotr.oe, on peved tftnet, lilo per acie. SILAS KUDWNS, Frenzer H!k. HE 719-28 ANOTIIEU GOOD ONE -room modnrn cottage. rlKht on I4th St. car line; lota of shade; huua remodeled tut vwuufi usw. A good buy al :,jt. II. K. STKINCJEU, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BRENNAN i I'lione Dougbs 12GI . BRENNAN . Life Building. RE 5-Room Cottage One Mock frr.m West LeRvenworth corner; Full lot, built for a homo lust year. $I.4ti0; J.'Co cash and $18 per month, per cent interest. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE Here is a Good Buy On 26th Ave, near Dewey Ave., we .have a good 8-room all modern cot tage home on paved street; bath, clos et, sewer, gas, two mantels. Rents now ror $360 per year. Price, $3,000, $1,000 cash, balance monthly. The Byron' Reed Co. Phono DouglaB 2 97. 212 So. 14th St. -RE F. D. AVEAD . Three 3-room cottages, with auinmer kitchen and city water; monthly rental, il; with two lot.t, near 3ist anu iuaple. lor all, H.Knj; oOO; balance, inoiuiiiy, or wouiu son separately. 6-room cottage on north 27th, near Grant, has city water and shude; lUUO caah; bal ance monthly payments; Ym). 6-room cottage, 4616 Izard, full lot good repair; 1&0 case; balance monthly; &u. a-room cottage on 21st, near Grace, No. 1 repair, cement walks; owner needs money, says offer at tl.Huo; this Is a snap. 6-room modern cottage, except furnace, near Z;th and Charles; has porcelain bath, marble wanh bowl, gas, in very good re pair"; monthly rental, i8; sale price now, 1,8U0. 6-room houso end alore room, corner 31st and Ames Ave.; city water and sewer and iarn; ior an, tz,(M. 6-rooin cottage, 2357 South 2th. on pad street ana paju ior; monthly rental, U.uO; our price, i,zio; easy terms. -room house and barn, on Decatur, near 40tn; tor quick sale owner would take tl,(M. With fnrtinrA nnrl luirn nntitK frftnt unur 8-room. all modern Iiouhc on Cass, near 4iKt, hus two-story box stall barn, south front; houxe atone cost owner t-i.UK); will heu this week .,iuO. 10 LOTS WITH HOUSE. 11.600. On North ltith, near Fort, lots on paved street and all specials paid; easy terms. F. D. WBAD 1524 Douglas. RE-S30 28 FOR SALEl-Suutheast corner !3d and Far nam; rlnest cornt:r in Cimaha: would i divide It purchaser destres; cheap. Wm, K. I'otter, H01 brown Block. KE MSUi UKAl.'TIFlTl. Wirt St.; modern home; hot water heat; 75 teet front; space to build anoiner house; strictly hrst-class condi tlon; lartte bttrn; must sell; make offer, Bco owner. lJl Wirt Bt. itii MSo3 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st and Cass Bta., with-ground on which to build another house. Paved ttiert. east t:ont, nice shade trees. Maka ma an oner for or.'i or roth. THOMAS HRKNNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Ufa Uldg. RE-M818 FOR SALE. A -room house 82,000. A 6-room bouse Jl'.&oo. A B-roora house 81.500. A S-rooin hjuse- 81.100. Will Fell the above snaps If taken at once. Gl.OKE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO ir'unersun Ulock. HE M.7 C. G. C A HLKKRQ, real estnte and lnsur anct. li N. ,Y. Life. Thoue Red-74i'7. KE-M179 EXPERIENCED western land salesman desiring a chunge. wishes to ensue with umuiia nrm hanaling western, southwest ern or Canadian landi. For intcrviuw iiiktrisi J 44J, care Onuiha Kie. Kl--M7.l3 29x MUST SELL Tho two-story house, with & large rooms on the first Hour, 3 partly tin tlied on B--icond Hour, in the very best of condition, g.od (utbuildlnga, 50 fwt east frontano lot. Owner lives In hj.use, and wiil be glad to allow you through at'.d will comlder offers if sold by the 10th of next month. He ure and see this projx-rty, locatid at 4iU8 N. HjiIi F. 0. J JEST 21 N. Y. LIFE. Ave. Price, $2,000. REV-.7S4-28 C,1IEAP RANCH. consiKtlng of 3,i0 acres Knd nicely located hind; acres in crop, I'i acrctt of flr.o timber; two sets of build lt:s. well watered and rplemlid soil. In duced from ill) to $ an acre for quick ail" or tr.nle. Addrc.1, it. E. Bij;a, Callaway, Nob. RE MtiUi M BARGAINS. 6 brick nau, Jl.44 rental. $lI,0tV). Near lilcn school. 8ej rental, JT.dtO. 3 storm nid Hats. J. reittnl, ti,iio. Near P. o., 7-room Nuse, 5l.5oo. 1I4 S. ath Ave., v-rooni modern houre, east front, ilone in, $.!,.rjo. Sf.O Spring, lo-rooni house, $'.' 2fl. V t'M.( I'.'.rnsm dtitrltt lots. $1.6 0. I'ith. near Caetellar, tKilni, Jl.ijuo l!th, near Clark. 4"xl, Jl.OoO. 6ui!4. m-jir 3od and Webster, $;i0rt 6 sirflitly acres, very choice, $l,iO. pt Keren eaal of Benson, h-u. S?l acres 11 mlea out i!7.. !.'" aires 1 niius northwest liiO John n. fkknzch, oi i oi h p. o. r;OOr PRICK BCILDlNtJ. FIX COMPLETE APARTMENTS. Bhirii.nn Ave. near Oram street, modern ronvonrncts in each tulle, good locslny; splendid liivvstij.ect at $J.",6'jiJ. Dun I boihc-r ltiutnt9, aee trie. W. T. GRAHAM, M BEE BI.DG. RE-i.4 3 , CAMFt.ll.MA. Live lons-er and lia i, r. Belter opjiortunl Itcs. Will exchki: home or ranches l.r your O,oana properly. Euwlu jLld.-rou. 1-ti S. Hiiaii.Viiy, Los Angeles. RE NIN E-room huiise, modem, except heat. -iiieiit bao"t:nr.t hihI p.jriimiient umkH by o-AliuJ-. kU a ,th to. JjU-JIUki FOR SALEREAL ESTATE GEORGE & CO. 11 Farnam ft. Thona Dong. 7ML (K)OL HOMES AT REASON ABLE PJUCES. II.FWiO For WilO fndrwood Av, (Dunder); new 8-room modern hou, complete In every detail; only 81.7.VO cah. balance monthly; house tin ocrtipled; key at our office; non resident owner wnntB offer for Im mediate rnle; lot (Oxlig feet. Inrrstl gate. For new 7-room ?-1ory mod ern B'Hinre house on 25'h St , near 1'orrleton Ave., cast front lot. 83.00 For new 7-room rrmdern hoim on Hawthorne Ave (Peml Farkt. ner Hfith Ht.; hot water rent; Keautlfully located, large lot, paved street. tl.rO-For well built 10-room 2-torr botipe; all modern except heat; .new In east front lot, on paved street ; lurti, lCx.!0 ft.; near Vinton, between 24th and 16th Sts. 83,60i-For well built 10-room 8-story barn, 1H-K20 ft.; near Vinton, between l3.2fio For 7-room hour, nioiern except heat, with bnrn, on N. 17th Bt., within triHy walking distance. J.t.flfiO-For JS09 Ohio St., 8 rooms, modern except heat; In gnod condi tion; owner leaving city; Investigate. K.KtO For 7-room house, modern except heat; nearly new; on Capitol Ave., near ;th fit.; paved street; south front; lot 33x115 It. $2,770 For 8-room house, with bam, 1 on N. 24th St., near -Nicholas; city water, sewer, rhs and new furnace In house; lot 4jxl27 feet; east front; close in. jamo-Por 8124 California Bt.. -room house, modern except hest; piped for furnace; well built, nearly new, corner lot. Investigate thla proposition If you want a good home at a right price. 82..V0 for 8. R corner of l!th and Iako Kts.; 8-room midern house; con veniently located; Interior can b seen only when accompanied by agent. $2,600 For 7-room 8-story modern hous with mantel snd grate; on cor ner lot .r.eur Kountze I'lare; one third cash, balance 6 per cent. Jl.Ot'0-ror good houae at 314 N. 2Sth St.; clow in. $t.850-For 1701 N. 8Sth St.MS-room house, all modern except heat, porce lain bmh, open plumbing, good barn, conveniently located, small cash pay ment, bnlnnco on eany terms, lie- , rtcr from $2.1C0 for quick sale. House now vuctint; key ilrst door oouth. investlnate. $1,WH fyr 6-room 2-ftory house, all modern exce pt heat, nearly new, near 24th nnd Burt Sts.; lot 32x141 feet. Would rent for about 821 per month. $1,700 For f-room cottage, all mod ern except heat, at Zidl Fowler Ave. Rents for $18 per month. $1,675 For new 6-room cottage near 30i h and Spauldlng Sts.; part cash, balance $12.66 per month. INVESTMENTS ' $S,C00 For 2 modern 7-room housea and hart), including 5 lots, well lo cated, near Kouuuo Place; income $iitO per year. $4,700 For 3 cottages, In good rent- . Ing condition, on paved street, close in and always occupied, pnying nearly IS per cent on Investment. $3,0f0 For store building at 14:3 8. lfith St.. with cottage in rear; Income $420 per ysar. REE T'S FOR DESTR ABI.E ACRE TRACTS NEAR OMAHA AND CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, LO CATED IN ALL PORTIONS OF THE CITY RE INVESTMENTS $25,0(0 For the $-atory and base ment brick building- at Nos. 1611. 1613 and 1615 Howard St., and fri'ound loose running until March 1, 1974; net Income from the property now over $2.'j'0 per year and rents on stores can be Increased when present leaaea expire. . $18.600 For 2-story and basement brick building at Nos. 413, 415 and 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha, with lot 80x150 feet; net Income over ft ,700 per year. We Invite Inspection of these . properties. GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam. RE WALKING DISTANCE 625 So. 25th Ave A good 7-room cottage home on paved street and la pood close-in neighborhood. Some day this will be very valuable property. Can sell on easy payments to good party. Price, $2,500. The Byron Reed Co. Thone Douglas 297. 212 So. 14th St. RE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth Floor. New Tork Life' Bid. J DWELLING HOUSES. Brand new 5-room cottane. extra well built. with nice parlor, large dining- room, two fine ped rooms, nice Kitchen nnd pantry, wttn Dam, nicKei-piatea piumnirig, every thins; right up-to-date, i'rice $2.2"iO; reasonable terms. 4107 Izard, house Is vacant, owner will sell for $2.V,M); has 7 rooms, furnace, mantel and mate. kus. bath; lot 5uxl00: one block from car; immediate possession. Here's a uufaln. ftiS 8. 3Sth Ave., strictly modern, 6-room house, nice reception hall, nearly new, 414 N. 39th, large ( or -room house, all modern, 'with tine lot, beautiful shudc; owner very anxious to sell. Frlre ,'Jo0. 19i0 Finney, well built, two-story bouse, with 10 rooms, all modern, onk llnisii. billiard room on third flour, lots ot store room, south front, paved street. per'vi nent walk, cement steps, porch leadlnir around to side entrance; an Ideal home for u retiiin',- fnrmrr; owner will take some vacant lots or smaller house in psrt payment. This Is a prest proposition for some one who wants to got a pioperty that coat. JJ.l'JO lor ji,6W. TAYNH. BOSTWICK Jt CO., Bixth Floor, New York Life Bid:. RE DONE WEST. The owner of a splendid renting property on South loth St. has Just left for the west and Is anxious to sell to Invest there. Property coiuOtls of a 4-room and 6-room cottage, rfntlnif for lii per n;nm, or WJ per annum. Trice, $3,30. It Is en cumbered for $2.tV). so it takes very little to swing )i. ( nil or particulars sua make n.s an oner. C. Q. CARLBERO, U New York Lite. 'Phone Red 7497. FOR INCOME PROPERTY. A fine K-O-m-re turm In Hull Co., Neb., $ mine irom two gooi railroad towns on tho Uurlitifton It. K. ; -o arrts In corn l(u acres In full wheat; tkalaiice pasture: Improvements good. Tills farm never f.itia to produce irom fifty to seventy-five bushels of corn per acre. Price, $; per aero. J. R. ADKINS, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. HE UU) a SO ACRE FARM. 10 nilles to Council Llu(7; good cottape t.uuM ami barn, tine orchard, half aood valley land and some fine timber; i per ttcr, II. ti. MoUce, 14 Paarl St., Council Ullirts. RE Ml 2a PARTY leaving city offers for sale nice home, line yuid ai d trees; price riasuu- atlo. Aud.'ca wl, cue n-e. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COTTAGE CLOSE IN 627 P. Ave., 8 rooma, bath, furnace, etc. only $3,M. VACANT 15fixl74, N. n. Crr. Iioward end I4h Sts.; a fine piece for brick houses tM.nno. Two Vote on iai St., south of Gold $875 each. Elegant lot, 22d and TAlrd-only $roo. Farm Land acree N. K. of Ord. In 2.VJ0-1S, Valley county. Neb. $20 per acre. 330 acres, wH 1V18-S2, Cheyenne county. Neb. only $1,P00. 8W4 section 24-8-38, Dundy county. Neb. only $000. This Is a snap. 160 acres In 15-81-43, Harrison county, Iowa $M per acre. One of the best equipped farms In Wash ington county, Nebraska, at DeSota sta tion; best soil on earth; hnrns, three house and everything complcto for rais ing etock; nhout 1.3X acres. For fall In formation aee L. D. Spalding 'Phone Douglas 230. 210 8. 13th St. RE 837 28 VV. H. GATES 617 New York Life Building. 'Phone Douglas 12)4. $1,800 Four-room cottage and lot, 83x140, on southeast corner 18th and Graces rent $11.60.. $1,8T0 Seven-room bouse ot ?2t7 North 19th (Boulevard), lot 30x140; a nice home. $1.800 -Five-room cottage and lot, 107x146, on corner 37th arid Ames Ave. $2,100 Five-room new cottage at 1R16 North &:d, modern except furnace, lot 33x140, chicken bouse; renting nt $-'0. $2,100-Six-room cottage, bath.' on Franklin 8t.,' fronting south, near 2Sth. , $2,K0 A six-room, new, modern, well built home, on corner lot in West end; cellar under whole house; now vacant. This la located where property Is sure to rise in value. $2,750 ElKht-room modern home In Kountie Place, In good order, with lot. DuxllU; lots of shrubbery. $3,000 Eight-room modern brick house with slate roof, hard wood finish, mantels, laundry, large cellar, on south front lot, 60x114. on Wirt St. $4,100 Eight-room modern house on Slst St.. Just north of Hnnsconi park, paved street, lot 50x150; Miade trees; a nice location. . Three nice lying- lots with a fine view of the city, not far out; 50x110 each, half block to car. w-ater, sewer and ens on the street, south front; If sold quick will take $3C0 each for them. A cheap lot out on Center street, near Slth; must be sold this week. RE- Ilanscom Park Lot Kant front on Georgia' Ave. ; terrace oi 3 feet, auove the etrcet; paving and ail specials paid; lull buxlaO teet. This is the tlrst vacant east front lot south of Hickory street. The , best oner takes it. A bargain . at $1,M0. . ; , Close In Cottage and Large Lot f-room modern cottage, ' in good condition, with tiHoot east front, lot, on Sfith Ave., between Harney street and St. Mary's Ave.; large shade trees v and a great variety of shrub bery In yard; cottage Is back 80 feet" from Street, leaving room for a row of bricks to be built Borne time. It la a good home and a fine Invest ment. Eastern owner will let it go now tor $3,800. No. So. 2Stli Ave.; only 10 blocks from Bennett's store. Modern Cottage North 6 room, vestibule, closets, pantry, large attlo floored and splendid bath room, with modern plumbing; house nearly new and In fine condition; level lot, Go-foot front, cement walks; all for $2,000, on easy term. House ' No. 2119 Grand Ave.; vacant v now. Harrison & Morton, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 314. RI&-S31 28 KERR-PIIALLCROS3 CO.'S ABSTRACTS ut i i ti,k8 are the surest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond agnlnst loss by errors. You don t buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farmm. Tel. Doug. $487. RE FOR SALE FARMS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st we will put on sale the beauti ful Lake James Park Addi tion, lying three blocks east of Country club and three blocks north of Uenson car line. The improvements In this New ' Parked Addition are now being completed. Streets are opened and fine winding drives have been graded following the con tour of hills and valleys, jhe two pretty artesian lake make this the most desirable high class residence addition In the city. Free trees, permanent waiks to car line and every lot on grade. These lots at the low prices they are offered, to gether wtith the very easy terms, makes this the best chance to get a home ever offered In Omaha. Take the car and go out and see those lobs or call at office and get ( large circular. Salesmen will show these lots to you at any lime. Sale starts November L i CIIA8. E. WILLIAMSON CO 1301 Farnam St OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS. If 6u0.0u ACR1JS government land open for settlement in Oklahoma. Iaud laws nnd bow to get lew acies mailed. tstpald. i- vtie( BrrwuiAs7. . laud attorney. 3lt - rt fTI I tmnim. . tev . L tM$ ZuiL FOR SALE FARf.rS 1280 ACRES western Nebraska; soil Is black lom, with cls.y sub-soil. Is easily worked. Chance to spec ulate. If It Is worth anything It Is worth double the money, Iand sdjolnlng bss Immense crop. of all kinds of smell grain. Write us shout this. I PAYNE INVESTMENT Co! 1st Floor N. Y, 1 Hldg., ( Douglas 17S1. H-M7S6 $0 . 1G0 AGUE DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM Four miles south of RenrlnRton. or nhout IS miles northwest of Umahii. This Is ono of the best farms south of RennlnRton. Owner wants to sell this inside of 30 days. Price, $Ti'Ml an acre: has never been offered for leas than $100 an acre before. Hastings & Ileyden, 1704 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. H $13 TO $1$ FARM LANDS. KXCURSION EVERY TUESDAY, ' ROUND TRIP $12.45. TO LYMAN COUNTT.. SOUTH DAKOTA, LANDS. ' WRITR FOR PARTICULARS. THE PUTNAM CO.. 604 N. Y. LIFE BLDG.. OMAHA. " TT 794-28 CHEAP LANDS IN THE PAN-HANDLE, TEXAS. No other section of the United States like It. Mild climate, soil which" produces everything with best of results. A grertt hog, cnttlo nnd fruit country. Land now can be boupht as low as $12.50 to $20 nn acre; 10 to 25 years' time on half of pur chase price, balance nt 8 per cent. Spe cial excursions direct to lnnd the first nnd third Tuesday of each month. Join tis on our next, the Cth of November. We are OWNERS, not agents. For further particulars, address STEAVENSON & CO., 330 Board of Trade, Omaha. H-762 2S WESTERN LAND A Chance to Speculate 10,000 acres In western Ne braska, 10 miles from the main line of the Union Pa ciflo railroad and about 15 tulles from the B. A M.; mostly all good, smooth land; good soli; no sand; will bs used for agricultural pur poses soon, at the rate peo- ' pie are going west. Price, $5 per acre; easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., lt Floor N. T. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. H M496 24 YOUR , OPPORTUNITY : for a safe and profitable Investment Tfce TTnlon Tn elfin R. R. t o. Is fast closing Out Its lands In western- Nebraska. Colorado and Wyoming at $3 to $Jperacre Easy Terms This land consists of fine farm and ranch lands. For descriptions of lands and full information regarding special excursions apply to LAND AGENCY U. P. R. R- Dept. R. 313 So. ISst. OMAHA. NEB. II FURNAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Great chances here. Improved farms, $16 to $00. Let me send my list. Honest treatment always. D. S. DOMER, BEAVER CITY, NEU. H-627 28x THREE farm bargain. Write J. T. Camp. Deli, jitcnneid. xv eD. ri Alum nisx FOR quick and reliable Information on farms, ranches and on ana g:rn lands in southern Kansas and Oklahoma and In dian Territories, write The Kansas Land Co., 110 E. 8th St., Coffeyvllle, Kan. H-744 28X CHEAP western lands near Ktnkald; home- itoads n specialty, THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO., tU N. x . ure liiug., Omaha, Neb, H-M77$ N3 Cheap "Western Lands ernment Homesteads located, printed lists giving letUl descrlptlod and prices, also maps, pictures, etc., free. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., 201 Front St., Sterling, Colo. H MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 104 Karnam. I and its t,cr c.'.t loans on real estate; no delay. V W-067 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Intreatment Co. W iiol WANTED Ctty loans and warrants. W. Farnam 8mlth c Co., XiiO Farnam St. W-601 BUILDING loans on residence property; I ucr t:o I. , W-4779 LOWEST RATES Reals. Paxton Block. W 4,1 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1530 Doug. W 173 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence properly In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, ft. 1, N. Y. Lift. W-7I WANTED City loana. R. C. Peters 4k Co. W-tt74 City 4k farm loans. O. V. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W iia LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. cOe First National Bank Bids- W e,$ LOW rates. Private money. $500 and up. CHA3. K WILLIAMSON CO. W PRINTING t VVfiSTAD Hlfch Grade 1907 Calendars. i f. !,Y, B. E. corner ltl ttu and ic JUlfVb Capitol Ave. ? COMPIETE line of 190? calendars. Snell PiUiving Co.. 3-0 S. 12th St. -157 Nov$ JOll prlallne: and binding. Springer Print ing Co., i No. 17th. Tel. Doug. 207L ' MjcK .soy. l CENTRAL PRINTING CO.: One job work; typewritten Iriters. 110 8. 17th St., block; north Bee Bid. Miit4Novl$ " PLUMBING BUY plumblny aupplles direct. Wholesala prlees. have on every article. Only first clarfs goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Bend for catalogue. B. Karol. it Harruion 8:., Chicago. I1L 77 LYNtTI BROS. Repair work our specialty. U N. ltlU fct Tel. Dtulas 147J. FOR HlNT HOUSES a"4 Wirt Ft., rooms, alt modern, $-'5. St;7 Charles St., 1 rooms, modern except best, .f; furnace for tM. 36. K llatnllton bt-, t looms, modern except Meet, -s. 11 S K. tu Ave., 11 rooms, modern, $1.". 11-tii 8. 20th nt., (I rooms and bnrn, modern except heat. IJa. $217 Cuming St., $ rooms, modern except heat, $'4. 2fb7 Farnam St., rooms. $"R W HASTINGS HIvYDEN, Ho4 Fat nam St. D-628 27 WF5 DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1k'.V Bohmnller oil Vlueller Piano Co., 1311-lili Farnam. D-s IinTTsT-"'S I" Irt of ths city. R. 11UUO.L.O Meters 4k Co., Eee WldK. D M7 tTnTTiVCJ In all psits of the city. The UUUOX"-i3 q r. Davis Co., Bee Bid. D i HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse llM-24 H Hth. Office, liil Farnam. Tel. Dotit?. 15 D 0jO CTflU AflV Household goods '"'rr rl)lKlLi ohandlse, etc., Fred Bush Transfer Line. K.03- Farnam St. XM kS Nov. 10. WE MOVE rlanos. MnBgard Van for age Co. Tel. Doug. 14M1. Office. liV' ster Bt. BEE tie when shirring household oods to larpe clls t. We run stive you money. KXPRESSMKN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 K. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. US5. P M NEW APARTMENTS 26lh and Half-Howard Sta., S and rooms each, modem In every respect. Rent, $37.60 and $40. GEORGE A CO., KW1 FARNAM. Phona Douglas 756. D 460 Nov4 FOR RENT--roora house all modern; for- Blk. . COUNSMAN-VAN PURGH CO. storage snd transfer. Beet storage Wsa in the my. Immediate attention given. l28-Sl-33 N. th Bt. TeL Douglas FOR RENT-Flna fiat, all modern: good furnace; 405 B. 26th Ave. W llto K. I'otter iecelver. IU1 Brown Blk. P-tlP FOR rent, October in. to r uponslbU ten ant. 7-room house, 2S57 Farnam St.; rood excepT lurnace; $:50. Apply at M N. ISthBt. U COLONIAL residence, opposite park; modern; after Nov. L tjone Douglas $23. J-IV FIVE-ROOM house. 1312 Bo. 4th St.; now being put in perfect condition; rent. $10. Bemls. Paxton Blk. D-MS FOR RENT To responsible tenant . 21"$ Locust Bt; modem 7-room house with re ception hall, cement basement, cement warns, good barn; $30. Inqulr gj lse P-M426 $22.60 2620 ManderBoa St., seven rooms, modern. 130.00 4237 Burdette St., eight rooms, modern. R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 So. 17th St. Bee Bids. D IF YOU are unsuccessful In finding a ten ant for your house see us. We have de sirable tenants wanting 5, and 7-room """""'HASTINGS . & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. D MuOs 27 FOR ' Rent Modem 8-room spartment; steam he-t; electrio light; close i in. Ad dress U. U, Dee. -i " D-M487 37x CENTRAL, steam,' modern 7-room house. Tizard. 820 N. 23d. 1 D M51I $32.60, STRICTLY modem $-room brick house, . 1SO,SON 28th,St. ' Telephone Harney 477.,. , , JJ-M6 29 FOR RENT An elegant new seven-room house, all modern Improvements One block from Dundee car line. No. 4.SJU Webster St. 'Phona Harney , 2914. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, city water, lectrlc light, desirable location, 425 Grand Ave. . 'Phone Maple 6406. D-754 28 6-ROOM cottnge, city water, $7.00 Preen & Bloom, 613 Bee Bldg. P-M7t9 1618 CLARK ST., $ rooms, $14 00. 1815 N. 20th St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace. Call ttfter 11 a. m. $2000. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. 47-ROOM modern house; barn. 1515 Mandor- son bi. 5r. cottagre, mod. except heat, near 21th and Ames, $18. 7-r. strictly modern, north, $2. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. L. Doug. 1472. D 763-UI FOR RENT Walking distance. 521 South 25th St. 10-room brick, modern In every respect; thorough repair, $35. 8. A. Prcid well. 601 N. Y. Life. D-7G3-2 HOUSES FOR RENT. , jm ft Chnrles, 12 rooms, bath $n7 Pacific, 7 rooms, bath, barn 3Kii Parker, 6-room cottage, bath.... S3.'i Boyd, new 6-room cottage im S. 16th, 6-room flat 8313 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottage 210 S 28th Ave., 4-room flat GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. $?5.W J.7.50 $ia.oo $H.0V $12 60 lli 6-) $ T oo D PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. 1410H N. 17th, $ rooms, city water, close In $S. . . $508 Burdette, 6 rooms, new, modern $15. 17tr9 Hickory, 6 rooms, new, modern $18. 141 S. 17th, 6 rooms, modern $18. 10J 8. 26th Ave.. 6 rooms, all modern $". 1548 H. 27th, 7 rooms, strictly modern $26. 2819 California, 8 rooms, new, strictly mod ern $-"j0. . , 4107 l7:-rrt, 8 rooms, strictly modern $77.o0. 816 8. 35th Ave., 8 rooms, strictly modern $0. $ia Can. 9 rooms, strictly modern, good barn Ml .80. PAYNE. B08TWICK & CO., 6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D YOU SHOULD LIST YOUR RENTAL PROPERTY WITH HASTINGS & HEYDEN BECAUSE We are on the ground floor of The Bee bunding. center of the real estate district. , ... We have a man In charge of rentals. We rent to desirable tenants only. Our charges sre reasonable. When you want a tenant, seo Hastings Heyden, 17o4 Farnam Ht. D FOR RENT New brick modern dwelling on 40th St., north of Podge, $15.00. Brick store building, 1113 Harney bt., & JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1So2 FAR NAM BT. D LARGE elittit-rom new houae, all mod.-rn. 4914 N. 2f-th Bt. D-W' 3.x Fine West Farnam House 308 8 3Sth St., 8 rooms, strictly modern, Iti ultidJiig oak floors and Anlish, tile bath floor, combination light, mantel and cverythln UP to 4le, all for $a0 per month. H-o us about ; It quick. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. D 829 28 LARGE. MODERN HOUSE, 12 rooms, be side four rooms in cellar: cistern con nected with laundry; go..d barn and car riage house; concrete walks end drive way; paved street; close in. 2519 Chlcngo COTTttlE. 315 N. 2'th St . all modern, hot water IiKiuire 107 F g 8-ROOM houae. and barn. In good condi tion. 2io7 Parker St. Cull at 8.1 Burt P W2 x 8-ROOM house, modern, newly finished, Harrtxon park auaiuon. ei. ""'?"" FOR RENT Modern bouse, nine rooms; half block aoitU frou iaru"'- 2ri B tvtb Bk . -- FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT. 211 So. 2th Ave., 5-rm. bouse, ' gas and city water, $18. I..1S Park Ave., 8 nns., mod ern, $.15. $108 Marry SI., T rms., bath and lns. $. 37-a Burt St.. 9 rms.. strictly modern this Is well-$lO. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 17K1. P758 2J FOUR rooms on Phermnn Ave. cr lln modern except furnace, $15.00. Address li 44Z Hee. FOR RENT After November 1. 8-room house, nil modern except furnace, $,tul0. .. M. Bachman, 4SG 1'axton BioK. IV-MSH Bristol St., 8 rooms, modem, gaa miike, full jot, In good repair, $35, r'srker St., 9 rooms, modern, $18. 2-.'7 Fnrnsm St.. 6 moms, $."H.50. 1M9 8. St., rooms, modern except furnace, Iim S. Swh Ave.. 11 rooms, modern, $t5. 2if8 Hamilton St., 9 rooms.' modern but hear $j5. .1527 Charles St., 8 rooms, modern except hent, $?5: entirely modern. $t0. 3:117 Cuming St., 8 rooms, modern but hent, $'.'(. 2024 Wirt Ft., 8 rooms, modern, $26. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. D 807 a FOR RENT 1621 8. 29th Bt., 7-room modern cottage $25; vacant November 4. Bran new I and (-room modern flats, 131 U 1315 S. S9th St. $.16. . ' 2021 Locust, 7-room modern house $30. 3412 Burt St., 7-room modem houee and barn $30. J. XL SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. Life. "Phone Doug, m D 801 28 FOR RENT QUICK Splendid elprht-room brick house, all mod ern conveniences. Hardwood floor, gaa and electric llcht, water, open plumbing, cement floor porch, south front, cellar on- PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO.. . Sixth Floor, New Tork Life Bldg. 14104 N. 17th, I rooms, city water, close tn, $8. 3riOH Burdette, S rooms, modern, $15. 1709 Hickory, 6 rooms, new. modern, $18. 142 8. 17th, 6 rooms, modern, $18. 102 8. 25th Ave., 6 rooms, all modern. $30. 1546 8. 27th, 7 rooms, strictly modern, $ 2819 California, 8 rooms, new, strictly mod ern, $50. 4107 Ixard, 8 rooms, strictly modern. $27.60. 816 8. 3uth Ave., 8 rooms, strictly modern, J $.10. 3128 Cass. 9 rooms, strictly modern, gooi'. barn, $32.50. PAYNE, POSTWICK CO., Sixth Floor, New York Life Bids'. T D NEW 6room cottage, strictly modern, ex cept furnace, south front, block from Harney car line, 8226 Seward St., rent $22.50. Bemis. Paxton Blk. D M434 FOR RENT-Burn. 2504 Chicago St Tel. Doug 3100. D M4S 27 FOR EXCHANGE EXCHANGE $20,000 Mdse. for Iowa land. $30,000 elevator and mill for ranch. 320 A. 20 M. Bt. Paul, Minn., $60 for Hdwe. $9,000 hotel and turn, leased $50 per mo. for 80 acres. 60S A. (Richardson Co., Neb.. $37.50 for Mdse. 40 A. N E. - Neb., unimproved t-0 ' for Omaha Income. 10,0) A. Box Butte Co., Neb., $10 for Iowa farm. 1,100 A. near Sioux Clty-$66-Enc, $28,000 every foot cultivated. Eo.ulty for Mdse. $8,000 telephone system for farm land. 210 A. Hall Co., Neb.-$4Z50-Enc. $5,000 for Omaha Res. 960 A. N. E. Neb. $20 for Mdse. Also 1,000 other properties for exchange. Why not write "Headquarters" when you wish to trade or sell anything. Our com mission Is the reg-ulur 6 per cent and 24i. per cent on balance.' I ABBOTT-COWAN CO. f Neville Bldg. Omaha. Z 818 28 FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-date drujj stock, ;,tMX. to exchange for bouth Da kota or Iowa land. Globe Lund and In vestment Company, Omaha, Nebraska. 2rM68$ PHAETON or runabout for brick work or menieo; not air lurnace neat, launury, eiw j Walls tinted and btttlaped. Winter cca! In; will sell to pafty who rents. Must d! pose of house, as am leaving the cly. -'J ply 4124 Izard street, or phona Harm;vT? D-7i3-28 x carpenter wora. Met. a-h. Z M62 28x V -v IF YOU do not And what you want tn this k column, put an aa iu wm -get It. r 3J FOR EXCHANGE A number of good Aral mortgage loans ana gooa isiiua . iu change for groceries or a geueral stock of merchandise. Globe Land & Invest ment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha. Neb. it My.ui OMAHA lot on S. 14th St.; sell cheap; will take piano on deal, or what have you? Address Box 26. Colorado CUyla?,2g FOR exchange or sale: Good Illinois buul neas block, city of 30,000 population, rents for $11,000 a year. Will consider mer chanuise, land or other property In ex change. Box 81, Independence, la. Z 7'J1 as FOR EXCHANGE- or sale: Good Illinois business block, city of 20.000 population, rents for $ll,o00 a year; will conaldar merchanidae, land or other property tn exchange. Box 1, Independence, la. SS-4ii4 28 TO SELL OR BUY ANYTHING rail ' on Omaha Com. and Auction Co., 709 8 URU. Tel. Douglus 6i&2. .RrMh4 DANCING rntMRERS Now onen. Adult beglnne M,nd:ivi and Thursdays. Children We.inei.duys and Saturdays. Special clasa strictly for married cuuplea. now formltia. every Tuesday evening. Tele. Doug. 1H7L 4W WORTH considering. Isn't It, when Mo rand's Dsnclr.g School for adults will sell you a ticket good for 1$ lessons s.t tha reduced price of, ladles $4, gentlemen - which will teach you how to d.inoe per fectly? Former puplla one dcllar l's; Three asBlatanls to help beginners. Call or Tel. Douglas 1041. Fall terms 'rins Friday, Nov. 2, 8 p. m. 3 l,x DRESSMAKING MME. W00DRUF11 WUhpi to snnounce that on account v close ouarteis she Is ohligea i move tr, her borne, 616 N. 4lst Ave. for the present. ilJD N3 DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Vilas Sturdy, 14 pavenport Phone Ii ir. lity ' MIX1WELL system of dressmaking and cutting; pattern cut to measure; Tuesday and Thursday evenings. i-lf ' Faruani. . r;'l 'ilJsl'-g.-f OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON Institute, 411 N. Y. L. It Doug. 1464. . DR. BOW8ER, Dvug. W.U, Ovef IPS Farnam. Tt. xs