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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
c FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE OMAIIA SUNT) AY BEE: OCTOBER 23, A V. D. V. SHOLES M-2J N. Y. Life Itldg. 600 BOlO Topplrlon avf, 4-room cottage, with lot 91x128 ft. Elg bargain. fl.Or.O 2716 So. Jlst St., 5-room cot- tape, 4 5 ft lot, good sbap". $1,350 2S10 Ohio 3t., B-room cot tage, with sewer, water and gas, lot 50x130 ft. $2,000 5-room cottage on 16th, be tween William and Hickory, lot 60x140 ft.,- paving all paid; ternu easy. $2,650 N. E. cor. 27th and Wool i worth, 6 rooms", all modern, L nearly new, Just an nice as they f make them. $3,500 6 roomn, all modern and nearly new, etnt froat on 3 5th ave., near Howard; natural wood finish, nicklc plumbing, porcelain lath, Carton furnace. A splendid home in a good neighborhood. $3,7!0 Bemls Faik, 8 rooms, all modern, natural wood finlnh, oak mantel, porcelain bath, flno furnace, full lot. $4,5002104 So. 34th St, all mod ern, 8-room renidence In first class condition; corner lot 60a 136 ft, 3 blocks to the car; first clasa and improving neigh borhood. Make u an offer. WEST FARNAM A beautiful West Farnam residence ot 14 rodms, thoroughly modern and built regardless of cost; hot water heat, three bath rooms, hardwood fin- INVESTMENTS $4,500 1616 Sherman Ave. and 1517 N. 17th St., with a lot 60x210 ft. fronting on both streets; present rental, $40 per month, and room for three more houses on the lot; paving all paid. $5,000 Corner lot la the best part of South Omaha, with four 5-room cottages In good condition; $176 $25 down and $5 per' month. 60x130 ft, south front on Lake, 250 ft west pf 34th St $250- Choice of five good lots in Omaha View at this very low figure. Party wants to clean up his holdings here and has cut the price to do It Come in and we will show you where these lots are. 6,000 47x145 ft. east front on 36th, 93 ft. south of Marcy. Big snap. SHOLES' SUB $600 Choice of lots 40x120 ft. each ! on 16th, just south of Vinton; beautiful east view. Look at them and you will want one. See the new houses going up. These are bargains and are go ing fast OMAIIA FIELD CCUB Just at the gate of the Field Club we have five beautiful lota fronting jrmth on Woolworth Boulevard, be--ieen 35th Ave. and 36th St. Free from paving taxes, have sewer, water, gas, electric lights and permanent Southeast of Depots Wa hava several good lota that we will build on to' null purchasers, and sell on coy payment plan. . ; . BEMIS, Paxton Block. BE A $2,2?0 Investment This Is a rare chance for somebody to set a good thing. 7-room house in a rood neighborhood, rented for fciOo a year to a flrat-claaa tenant. Can be bought for the above prloe If sold within the next few days. Kverythlng In good slmpe, perma nent walks, pavement all paid fur. Close to street car. r- J. H. DUMONT & SON 906-6 N. Y. Life Bid. 'Phone Douglas 690. RE For Sale 2870 Dodge St., ( rooms, oak finish, bricked cellar, furnace, cemented driveway, built for a home. Prloe, 6.600; part cash, balanoo tun. J. H. SHERWOOD 37 N. T. Lira Bidg. 'Phone Doug. S& RE 1IS00 ! OWN A CITY FARM. Keep a cow and a lot of chickens. Kalae a fine garden and all kinds of fruit. Let your vutldrun have good freah air and Don't delav, but let us show you the finest 612 V EN-ACRE tract In Oir.aha; 6-room cut tare; gcod well: large shade trees. Just acrons the street eaat of Lake James Park. Bouth front. Inside the city luuit; taxea jul -.. Beat bargain In Uinaha. i lk re duced to $A7u0. CuaU. II. R. STR1. 227 Nevllla Block. 'Phon Doug. 74. RE-74;-a Bargain In Bran New nouse (-room thoroughly modern houne, Jutt Cn Ixlied aud teudy to move Into; sou'.h ftvtit on bnulf vard; walking dlBtance; In good neigtihorhood; on easy tertrs and cheap at .. $.',7.00 -National Investment Co. W Pouglasi Block, ltth an Tdire. Phone Doug. iStUL Ri-MMj0 !9 SPECIAL BARGAIN 1 Sl.-iant new, 10-room realilencie. all mod V e,n convt'inences. In Weal liriium dls-fv;.'ii-t; sjleiKlld nelghborluMid; can nive im 'mrdioto is" khiixi only li.'.wti. Fir pajr tU uiars m0 liloka Real Kslvte Co. RE lis Six Business Property Investment 1T-11 Howard. $-tory and tMimeut, brick, modern. Good iiicoiue. C. R. GLOVER & SON", 6ole Ageou. RE M47S OWNBFSB Realty Co.. s'reraoot. Neb- buy, ir I and lanse land, city prop swur aiii iuwUauuum; try u fur u-L COMPANY Telephone Douglas 4 J. $5,500 256 Douglas, corner, with modern 9-room house in A I con dition and comparatively new. As a clone-in residence bargain this is the teat we know of. Make is an offer. $5,800 Nearly new 8-rooni modern dwelling with hot water heat, good barn, beautiful shado and all street improvements roadra; near the corner of 32d and l'o pleton ave. This is a splendid home and this price will surely sell it this week, location on request. $8,000 616 N. 40th St. A splendid new 8-room modern residence with the finest of oak finish and floors downstairs. The best of nine above. Foil cemented cel lar, underfeed furnace, best of plumbing throughout; combina tion gas and electric fixtures. Lot 47x126 ft. As a homo this cannot be beat and could not be built for anything like what we - are asking for It. IS.000 815 Worthlneton St., 10- room, steam heated residence. with two full lots. 106x137 ft; paving all paid; beautiful shade trees; location un eaualled. With a little repair ing the property will bo worth nearly double tho money. iuh on first and second floors; all walls canvased and handsomely decorated; corner lot 135 ft square. We have orders to sell this. Make us an offer. street paved and paid for; rent, $50 per month. . Make us an offer. 17.000 Two 6-room houses, thor- oughly modern, oak finish and now rented for $70 per month; lot 50x140 ft. These are on Park Ave., Just north of Leav enworth. Half cash will buy this. VACANT , $S50 N. W. cor. 36th and Mason, 47x125 ft; lies beautiful and verjr cheap. $500 S. W. cor. 44th and Harney, 60x128 ft; sewer, water and gas. Easy terms. $750 60x130 ft., south front on Charles. 150 ft. east of 41st. New cement sidewalks, sewer, water and -Rhs. Lies beautiful. $2,760 66 ft. east fronton 26th Avcv 95 ft. north of St. Mary's Ave., the only vacant lot on this street. Just inquire how flats along there pay. v - DIVISION $1,500 S. E. cor. 16th and Vinton, 44x80 ft, paving paid; one of the best business lots in the south part oftown. Splendid business location or good in vestment . f walks; 52 and 63 ft. frontage. Price, $1,000 for the inside lots. $1,100 for the corner of 36th and $1,200 for the corner of 35th Ave.. These are abso lutely the choicest residence lots in the market at anything like the price. The Money Maker 17-room house, all modern, only . built two years o; no better location for room ing: and boarding: it's now paying the owner 1160 to t-26 per month net, clear of ail expenses of every nature, trice is only t7,ow. Now making the owner better than 30 per cent net. Surely no one could ever dream of anything better. "Poor health the only reaeon for selling. Let us show you this property the first thing- Monday morn ing, ror it win ne gone Detore evening. Residence property considered In trade. BEMIS, Paz ton Block. RE LOTS . Vacant lots for sale In all part cf the city. Choice, sightly, cheap. Payments to suit. C. G. Carlberg, ' 911 New York Life Bid. Thone Red 7497. RE W. G. SHR1VER Real Estata, Loans, Insurance, Rentals. U3 N. Y. Life Bidg. $-r-Jom bouse, barn, fruit, two lota, corner. Central Park $l,R0O. t-room cottage, Hoaet, sewer, water, cor- Jfcth and Parker Sta; can sll this week for IUU0. Double tenement house, strictly modern; runts i or .u, fara Ave norm or taV' enworth $7,OuO. 4-rooin, cottage. 4Td and J Sta., South Omaha, full lot 1700. T-rooin brick house, tt2-foot lot, rpom for anotner ooune, water, east front, Indiana Ave, near Uth Il,6u0. 7-room bouse, modnrn except furnace, 23d, rear Leavenworth $3.0uO. t-rom cottage, corner, on Uth St. boula vard $j,oi. ( homes in Bamls ' Park, 4 In Counts flav and 0 ia uautcom flare. . RE 79! 2S $1,600 SNAP House and two full lots. Must bo sold. Investigate. Ask .to see the property. S31S Maple St., 7 rooms, city ' water, gas, lots 100x130; perma nent walk, near- car and school; will sU on very easy terua. VERY CHEAP LOT. 2bth and Mandersoo Sta., next lot east of 8. E. corner Sath St.. KxlX. sewer, water, gas; $775. R. n. LANDERYOU, Tel. Doug. an. Board of Trade. RE 777 a MELCIIIOR LEIS & SOX Two Bi Bargains $2.1(--rooin house, modern exceDt fur nace, nice bsrn, full lot; iint St., near the park. Suuth Omaha. $ 8-room hotua on 18th St near Vlntou t-t. Phone Douglas Kofi. 1943 20th St. RE Si J 1 CHEAPEST IN OMAIIA 7-room houiie, with two full lots, fruit and Khade. farn and otrr outbuli Jttm, w'.l t within one block of street car line next tyring; on caay ttrni4 at ijoO National Investment Co. U Dnup las Block, Phone Doug. ouin. loth nd f)oiH. R&-Mx4 9 40TII ST. RESIDENCE. 10 rooms, thoroughly modern, hot water het, two good east front lot, large trees, near cur line. No. Si N. h M. I-rlou, HOAv. Ol-UitOa; & to, loul WRNAM ST. an ao a KOUNTZE HMAUA'Q I A RflPQT W"fWl' J Ltvwi j - RPQinPNfP tvbuiuLiivu Wliore you can buy BETTER in any othor part of the city, where you have Good Neighbors, Good Permanent Sidewalks, Large Trees, Sewer. Water, Electric Light and Gas And Good Street Car Service. , PRICES Pinkney Street, between 16th and 24th St., from $R50 tip. Emmet Street, between 16th and 24th St, from $700 up. Lathrop Street, between 16th and 24th St., from $650 up. Spencer Street, between 16th and 24th St., from $850 up. Wirt Street between 16th and 21th St., from $1,150 up. Binney Street, between 16th and 24th St., from $1,050 up. Locust Street, between 16th and 24th St., from $950 up. Select Your Lot Now and Plan Your Houso This Winter. We Build TJou&es to Order. Open Monday Evenings Until 9 P. M. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam Street. N. P. DODGE & CO. WE BELIEVE THAT 1907 WILL EXCEED ALL PREVIOUS YEARS IN REAL ESTATE ACTIVITY AND IM PROVEMENT. MANY BUILDINGS ARE ANNOUNCED AND MUCH MORE NOT YET DISCLOSED. NOW IS THE TIME TO I)UY FOR PROFIT OR PERMANENT INVESTMENT. INVESTMENTS. Two-story brick, covering entire lot. ni 122, half block from court house, good In come, splendid place for lodre, fraternity or club. See ue for price and terms. S 8,00044 foet, south front, on Farnam, at t 4,600 38 feet, south front, on Farnam, with -two rrame buildings, renting for $3o; ground alone worth nearly the price. 814,000 Seven stores, 22 rooms aboVe, and large, barn, all rents ror si 83 pee month, corner, 23) feet of paved frontage; room for. more buildings. TRACKAGE. . 5,000-NeArly two full lota at th and Douglas, opposite M. IS. Smith Co.'s new building; fronts on 9th Bt. and on Douctlas. 110,000 Full trackage lot at 10th and Doug las, opposite Sunderland s new building; Vii feet of trackage. ACRES" IN BENSON. f 5,B0-Twenty magnificent acres in Ben son, on Military Ave; granite pave : ment In frnt; fine east slope; ideal place for fruit ana country home; high and sightly building site. This land will be available to cut up Into lots in a few years. We know of no better - rnvestment In acreage. Owner must sell this week and has cut price. ACRES NEAR BENSON, Wit have only One house left out of those we built north of Benson, or. Krug'a Park. Sold two since September l. House has 4 rooms below and room for two above, cis tern and pump In kitchen. House and two ii. aoo. or with Ave acres at 12.000. We also nave b, 10 ana m acres or nign. sightly land. Just one mile. from oar and aorta of country oiud. SOUTH OMAHA ACRES. Acre lots, 40th and Madison, or Monroe, $300. $060 and only I) down and Dai ance on easy terms: . 10 and JO acres on county line, only 3 blocks from Lincoln A Beatrice electric line, azzo per acre. J nis will be worth deublo when cars are run ning. Buy now, on easy terms. N. P. DODGE & CO. BEE BLDG. . 1714 FARNAM REJ Price Cut $25 More This Is the last eaat-front, inside lot left on - 35th Ave. between Woolwoith and Poppleton Ave., near the Field club and In a fin neighborhood; good location for a borne or to build a house that would always rent. Prloe now $075. "This will not last long at this prloe. J. H. Dumont & Son 06- N. Y. 'Phon Douglas 690. Ufa Bidg. RE NEAR POST OFFICE 66 ft., south front, ona block from P. O. Large residence renting ror v- uuiy J,'JW. Mmiv mom for more Improvements. Bound to be worth $00 per front foot In a few year U s coming property C. G. Carlbers, 11 New York Life Bidg. 'phone Red i7. RE South Side Bargain The northwest . corner of 17th and Martca ior ou. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 212 Bo. 14th Bt. RE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE Mono buva the uir of two-story 7-reotn Irame awoiiibtis at loitf uu b. jam feu; all model n exoest furnace; now renting at l-ito ifr annum. ti.ov kuys t-room frame dwelling at 30d Popclion Ave.; fuLy modeio; new vacant: was rented at 4i4 ptr annum. $7,v lor M np bit K. it'.h bt., two t-room fully modern frame dwellings, wlto 4 room cottage in the rear; louts for isut per annum. $l.iuO fur 'i-Mi Charles Bt.; k-room cottage; full lot, or. coriier. Apply to W. B. MEIKLE. $06 Ramgt Building. KK-M WANTED AVe have a great demand for Investment nrooeny, K"od rentals all over the city, no matter where It i. If you have such for sale aend us dewrtpuon and price and we wiU sell It. ROBINSON & WOLF, 4.1 I'axion Clock. RB-77- Don't Wnit on This. t-ronin Tr'ly modern cotttire in the beau- tltul On hard Hill dlstru t; laige I iwn nici shade trees. Thi property ltas been limed ''r Immediate sale and owner says take $2.2e. H. R. STRINGER, 227 Nevllla Elk. . . l'houe Imirlus 7"&4. ... aili-iio 'ii PLACE ANn MflXI I INI FORM n - ia - r i.iwv- . w.x. niTRlP.T i..iv.v.. LOTS for LI':SS MONEY than Schools, Paved Streets,; "S RE- Real Homes M.nno for 4-room house, new. strictly mod ern, oak Oman, large km, on smo paved street, easy walking distance; bargain. I4.7JO for e rooms; all modern, full lot naved street, z diocks to car; near 40th and Charles 8ts. $4,260 for lo-room house, walking distance, ffnnd r(n or. 13.01)0 for ftixluii feet: 8-room house, all modern, a years om, itw ijei irotu car line; it's a bargain on North 24th Bt. ' V $2,000 for corner lot,- nearly new, 6-room nouse. moacrn excepi iurnuv; m block to oar; will trade for garden farm. at.UUU IOr O rooms, mouoru ri;ci; lui , In good condition, half lot. near 22d and Laird Srs.; $iu cash, balance HRmA aj rent. . $1,000 for 6 rooms on N. 26th St.; $100 cash, an A nr month. $1,000 for 4 rooms near Joth and Pratt St.; lion rush, f 15 ner month. $1,000 for E rooms, lot 60x157, two blocks to . car, $100 cash, $15 per month. If you want to buy see BRMIS. If vou want to sell sea BEMIS. If you want to loan or borrow money see BEMIS. ' If vou want aft abstract see BBMIS. If ynu want Fire or Tornado Insurance see BEMIS, Paston Block. -. R12 ; CLOSE IN 7-ROOM house, modern except furnace, paved street, all paid for; easy walking distance. CAN SELL FOR $1,760, lif TAKEN AT ONCE. ERNEST 6WEET, 613 N. Y. I Douglas 1472. RE 769 28 FINE LOT fUUAH Am ana jnapie, cuojcv jui vmliiw. three feet above grade, new houses all around-CAN SFX.L FOR $f75 IF TAKEN you have been looking ror. ERNEST SWEET, 613 N..Y. 1 IOtigias 147Z. , . f HluIM is BIG SNAP nNH HOME on Templeton Bt, 7-room strictly modern house, brn. lawn, ce ment walks. This is a regular nd at :,b"i. Just listed yesterday. fctKJ J.1 at ERNEST SWEET. 613 N. Y. U Douglas 1472. RIS 771 2B 5 ACRES WITH new 7-room house, considerable fruit, about 1 mile from car; price, $3,iu0. j-iere is your ODDonuniiv. ERNJ2ST SW1SET, 613 N. JT. U Pougla 1473. . RK 772 28 TWO BIG BARGAINS $4,000 . . 63x183. with an old house in fair eondl. tlon. renting; for 125 per month. The nroo- erty has an east frontage of 9 feet on tit Bt.. between Webster and Burt, and It In a tine location for brick flats. $3,750 69 feet on JBth Ave. by 130 feet on Dewey Ave., with a good cottage renting at U per month. This is a fine corner. In a aood location, ana can oe made to pay a big In come If Improved with brick apartments. liotn ol these prnpertiee will surely be sold this week, so if you are interested you una oeuer see me at once. . ... J. W. ROBBINS 1S0C FAKNAM ST. TBI D. R. KB $3,000 5 CHOICE LOTS 42D AND DODGE We think we can deliver the five lots for $3,000 three front north on Dodge and east on 4 2d two front south on Douglas and east on 42d. If you are familiar with the location you will agree with us that the property is a bargain and an ideal spot for houses or flats. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam RE- tsargains m 5-Iioom Cottages. 1,400 a b-room cottage and barn, city wa ter und gas, full lot and ail in beat of miape $!.4- A 5-room cottage and barn. Derma. nent sidealk. very bebt of condition, city wflii r anu bus. ; $1.6oo A i.-room cottage near Military Ave. A prlty borne. ll.AM A b-r.ioin cottage, small lot, city water, pas and IriMile clone. Will rent ror iid; H block rrom Illli t. car linn. $2.(ioo A biand new S-room cottage, moinrn exetpt furnace, built for home. Uuat anii. un car line. II. A. STEAVENSON, 330 Board of Trade, ltb and Kuram. Cheap Home On account of ah, rice from city, will of fer my house, all modern. In the urf'r farnam ronidence district, at a anemic Addrt W ioo, HtK. RK Mi 2,x KOR eAJLH-Brlck block In South piiihn rental, l,A per aunum; price, ' fc,uuu; haif caah, balance ten earn, S iter cent. V. C Caldwell, i,lT X Bt., BitV Oniaha. R. C. PETERS & CO. tl.lOOThls buys a W 5 room . fNlnt blork from the car line: modest payment down balance monthly. Real bargain for a i uer SI. GOO This buys a S-roora cottage with summer kitchen, located on Grant street, west of 24th; ha city water. ewer. Eas, newly sninpiM ou gut tered in excellent condition. 12.100 An 8-room modern nouBe, two blocks from "Walnut Hill line; veil located. 12.600 8-room modern, except fur nace. In fine condition. In Clltton Hill, two blocks from car line; lot 60x130. This is a good home and a good neigh borhood. 13,250 An l-room all modern house, all In food condition, witn large lot. located In KountB Place, I close to ICth street car Hue. ?oou down balance monthly payment. 12.100 This Is an 8-room all mod ern bouse; but 6 years old and In a perfact condition; of repair: lot 6x 185; fine shade, plenty or iruu; per manent walks. Reasonable payment down, balance to suit purchaser. $3,600 The party owning this heuBe desires to leare the city to en gage In business elsewhere. The house la practically new, of 7 rooms and re ception hall, thoroughly modern, with hot water heat It will pay to let us show you this property if you really desire a good home. $3,650 This is a large, well con structed 8-room house,' finished In hardwood downstairs and In fine con ditlon. It Is entirely modern, with splendid hot air furnace. A neat sta' ble and has two large lots. The neigh borhood Is as fine as can be found in Omaha $4,000 -On Izard street, lust west of 40th,' we offer a 9-room modern house with good barn, full lot. This location Is good and we believe the house Is a bargain. $5,000 We offer fot a short time 2006 Maple street. This Is an 8-room modern house about two years old. With good permanent walks and barn In the rear. Let us ehow you this nronprtv. 1 SPECIAL BARGAIN The owner of a 9-room modern house Is about to leave the city and offers his rr-sldence, which is entirely mod' em, with gas and electric light; barn with two box stalls and carriage room, also lighted with electric lights and fitted with coachman's room. This property has been held at $0,000. but to close out quickly we are instructed to make a price of $4,500. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR SALE Desiring to leave for California in a short time, the owner of a 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, lo cated on a large lot, two blocks from the Leavenworth car lin, wishes to dispose of both house and furniture. Furniture is first class in every re spect, far above the ordinary furnish ings in quality and style; We are au thorized to offer this cottage, furni ture included, for $3,000. BOULEVARD TERRACE In order to dispose ot a few lots re maining unsold in this addition on payments of $200 down, balance monthly at 6 R. C. PETERS & CO. 220 So. 17th St. Beo Bidg. REJ- SOME, JOHNNY On-the-Spot will snap up this bargain and double his money lu one year. 100 acre In Hitchcock county, . Nebraska, all good, smooth, level land, 100 acres ready for planting In spring; on a good road, in a slendld wheat country, where values aiu go- la up rapidly. 12,500. 1,5'j0 caaii, balance long time. One crop of wheat will pay for the land, aud it needn't be a bumper crop at that. CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO 1201 Far nam fit. V. 8. Nafr liauk Bidg. INVESTMENT Half block In rood business 1rw:itv with M niuae8 ana "or: Kood ranler -- PAXTON BLOCK. RE IN HANSCOM PLACE I rma, all modern, new. good barn, large lot,' south front, nice shrubbery. ,X, w hich ia il.M leas than it a.a be duplicated for today.- . PAYNE INVESTMENT Co Ut Floor N. Y. U Hldg., TcL Douglaa 1S1. BOULEVARD PARK i Attracts such as are looking for a modern residence district, vlicro all jmblio improvement ore made axid paid for. Tho lota are slightly above grade, near car, sightly, overlookingly a lakeith fishing, boating and hunting. A ingsold to parties who will occupy them. The lots aro reasona blo iu price and can be sold on good terms. Price, $o50 up. Get a plat at this office. ... LOOK OVER T1IIS LIST OF DWELLINGS $6,005 -8-roora, new, modern, oak finish, West Farnam dwelling, on pay ments, lendy to move into Monday. See us before noon. Jseed no be all cash. . . ' x $4, BOO S-room, mohern, in Bemls Park. $3.200 8-room, nunlern, except furnace, large lot. walking distance, barn. $2,800 7-room, all modern, south front, paved street. $2,350 -6-room, bath, closet lavatory, good street, Hanscom Park district. $1,800 5-room cottage, two blocks from 24th. St. car, cement street walk;' immediate possession can bo' given. Get an almost now home for little money. . VACANT LOTS $350 Fnll corner lot. two blocks from new So. 24th St. car lino. $900 Corner lot, Bemls Park. Owner anxious to sell. $350 Good lot, south oMIanscom Park. ACRES IN AND ABOUT OMAIIA 6A About six or seven blocks from car. $1,300. 5A Only one block from Florence car. $2,000. J0A Near Klmwood Park, house.. $2,000. 25A Two sets buildings, fruit In bearing. $6,000. 10A Near main traveled road, set to fruit. $2,000. Many other tracts in suburbs. " See us about a half block on tract, an A No. 1 piece; esuy terms. Open Monday evenings till 9 o'clock. ' SH1MER & CHASE CO. 1609 Farnam St., Cround Fioor. Douglas 3867. .Country Home Two acres, wrll located, with a irnod 8 rnnm house, . itrlrtly modern; beautiful Hlmde mu1 fruil tree; near or line;' Im provements and two irren. $5,0U0; Improve ments and one aore, J 1.000. AIo near talk and above pronerty, w have 9 ant'", laying- Just rifiht for a coun try hme site, right on boulevard; only tif.oOU. Sea It. . . BEMIS, 1 ' . "'. ' raxton Block. 1 . . - . , V RE J. H. Dumont& Son An 8-room modern houne, elo in, rented $40 per month' to a g-ood tenant. This la an exceptionally well built house und cheap. 14,700. .. ' Another In the same' neighborhood which will rent for 8v. Modern In every respect, pr&rLioully newj pavement and permanent walks; oan give immediate possession. Price, $5,to0. Your choice ' of two 10-roonj houses on Harney. St, prtctlcaily new, for 7,7nO: 'One Jut reduced from 8-S.COO.- Owner will soil only one. A iod Investment Or a flue loca tion for a home. . - . , - k , . A double hoosa on Farnam St. hill, east of 8Cth til., 'i blocks from car line; rental pay 10 per cent net. Property could not be repjaci for the price. Owner anxious to sell. Price, 17,000. A trooa house on Lafayette Ave. . west of 40th Bt. for Hfoo- Particulars on request 2 fine homes on Farnam Bt. hill, both eaat fronts: rood sized lots: finely flnlahetl. - One $9,QW1, tba other $3,600. . , -. : J. H. DUMONT & SON" ' M5-6 N. Y.-Life Bid.. 'Phone Douglas W. . KB A. P. TUKEY &: SON Inside Homes 2426 S: 18th' St., '3 rooms $800. 2424 S.' IStli St., '4 rooms, $000. 24.22 S. 18th St., 5 rooms, $1000 2515 N. 2(ith St., 5 rooms, $1,250 2517 N. 26th StM 5 rooms, $1,250 2537,Biirdette St., 5 r'ms, $1300 2539 Burdette St:, 6 r'ms.; $1500 A. P. Tukey & Son. 444-445 Board of ' Trade Bidg. Phone Doug. 2181 re- INVESTMENTS Four houpes renting for $58 per month, on corner lot; paving and per manent sidewalk. One block to 24th St. car. Close in. Price, 5.600. Five houses, modern, on corner lot. Always rented for $1,126 per year. Price, 7.760. Four houses, close In; would rent for $38 per month. Price, $3,100. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 212 Bo. 14th St. THE VERY BEST Lot an 83th 8U, juat off Farnam. only $3,7. C. G. Carlberg, ., 111 New York Life lllda'. phoce Red 7i97. Another Reduction in Price 4-room house, practically new, all modern except furnaiu; bunt for h homo, one bliKk from Harney car; immsu.ati rjs aeafloii. WIU rent for JJ4. price, jh. dumont & son W6-4. N. Y. Life Bidg. . 'Phone UouKlas G9o. RE ' INSIDE. PROPERTY 7.0uO-Two briok housss at &15-17 N. 17lh Bl., rented fur tMO per year. 4,5oi-liH-ll-ls N. ;itt, t;t. iill lot on 2IU tit. 3 stures und one Hat ntxivd . Ktuial VKlue, JMii.ou ht yenr. . t3,5u om iiiua rn house at IRth aiul I Hurt Km Oner lias Juat 1 Ul iiIacb in - repair and muitl leave the city. . ROBINSON & WOLF 423 Paxton Block. RB--779-2S CHniCK IIOMK. rxmis, nictern: raved atrfci: wortu f.Otui; win rii f.r $4S on ae.-ount owner leatir.g city. Hutcliiusnn-Itjll.'-iu Co., Ij'JS irnuru. fino claa of dwellings now maid $2,000. RE Building Lots $5,500 for I00x1(i4, corner West Farnam. 42,(io0 for 12ixlS7, ' corner on West llttj-nej., nar th St. J2.500 for 132x00, cast front on North Bou levard. ... for 132x132, east front, near 2tiih and St. Mary's Ave. Hal site. )l,80O for 114x1241, oor. east XroLt. North tioulevaia. $1,250 for 4f xl3i, east front, walklnir diatanea ror 60X10U, just, north of iiumls park. Jfi for full lot on car line; easy terma. .'T5 for f0xl32 south front near 30th and Spalding; fit) down and 6 per cent per month. $100 to $j60 for 50x132 toot lota near Mil ler park; $5 down and $i per month. Many bthors. Bee . BEMLS, PAXTON BLOCK. RJ3 GOOD INVESTMENTS - ; . Double brick, on Park Ara, opposite liimBcom i'ark, g rooms on eauh elde strlotly modern, beat of oak ttnlah; lot 60xJ50, all apeciala paid; rents for $70 per oioutU. Price, $I.oux Rastern owner must sell and baa made price that will sell this week; 7 rooms, -full two story ( 4 rooms on tlrst floor, I on second; city water, cis tern, gns and in excellent re pair throughout; eaat front, on t?tli Bt near Parker; lot 40a 85. Prion reduced for lnune dlate Ktle to 1,625. Bee ua ftulck. This won t last tons. South front, on Camden Ave., near 27th, very large rooms, in first-class repair; lot 47x130. This Is only ona block from car and a bi bar sain at 11.75a VACANT Bee our new addition Smith's Sub., 25th Ave. and Bpencer 8t aldewclk. sewer, oity water all in and paid for; corner Iota iM). inalde lots ' H00 to Kuo. NoihJna nicer In the north end for the money; very easy terms. Sen our south-front lots on Fowler Avo., Just wt of Florence Blvd., oualaa-ViU) to 075. : Eaatern owner wants offer on trie northeast corner of 4fth and Hamilton Sta, tkixl-m, Just right for grade. Also northwest corner 4"th and Cbarlcs Sta,, Hxl4i; high and sightly; plenty of room for four cottages. Any reasonable offer submitted. . W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Tel. Douglas 1064. 1230 Farnam Bt. BARGAINS 7-room house, full Orchard Uill n.200. lot. In New house of 6 rooms, ready to move into, near Ames Ave.; city water in house. A bargalit fl.GOO. l-rwin house, modern ex cept heat, corner lot, beat of repair 2,4o0. 8-room houae, all modern; paved street and paved side walk, block to car. A line place and a bargain 13,250. I. IS. HAMMOND. &a Board of Trade. "Phone Douglas 7VJ. R&- Home and Investment r'18 N. 30th Ft., ten room, mcMj-rn, and two ncrox Kiouini tU lota), on car line, for I7,5vu. You can't beut ihi. C. R. CLOVER & SON,' , Bole Agents. Room I. N, Y. Life. . Pou. 13V FOR SALE. West Farnam chance, third houMt from Far nam Bt., on 85th Ave., all incdern. Hva me and I will show you over tho houae with pleuMire. ROBERT CUSL'ADEN, 131J St.. (imilm. itK 7J7-3I J-0 ACKK3 Hoyd county. Nelirnaka. land; MO a'-rea Texas county, fjl.-n.nirl. Im. proved and fenced and crr.-fnred, also lJU acres of Polk county, N"brn.itu, luinl, ' Inir-jvid, any one uf I he alxve we will exchana-u for aod general iiiHrchandiiui, griod town iHvome property, or western land, or hardware moik: live fiotk Im t imxidireil. AuUika iijetlnirs i. on , i ut. ' (wU. kW iiU-Vlula