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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
i i THE OtAIIA' SUNDAY BEE: OUTOBElt 2?, 1P00. i v ( Y BUSINESS CHANCES $7,000 STOCK OF I LAI ID WARE ron RALE-For cash only, clean, up-to-date stock. In good central Kanse town of K0, In fine farmlnf country; wealthy community; good business; will stand strict Investigation; nearly new stona tot building, xl30; will give lens on building; low rtnt; Wo on dollar take thl Hock. TIIE ABBOTT-OOWAN CO. Neville Block, Cxnaha, Neb. y-i a Do You Wish to Make a Change If you hare a arm, home, business or (Mperty tnat you want to sen or ex- writs us. HAa) LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Umaha, f.eD., or bioux uiy, is. No chars for treatment at Crelghtoal Dontal oolleaa, "WANTEU patient, at Dental colies. Treatment fie. X Mo41Novll HXNE8 and mining and industrial stocks bought snd sold. ftobt. C. lrudow. 8 too Broker, ku N. . LOXe Bln. FOR BALK At a bargain, good stock of dry goods and millinery, with well eetao llshed trade, in good county seat town, (or particulars, address Seward Dry Good and Millinery Co., Beward. Y M4C2 N3x "WE OWN property surrounded by mine In the famous Bullfrog district In southern Nevada. For nartlculara address the Me- vsda Standard Gold Mining and Milling to. suy mw xork ui mag., umn Neb. am til FOR BALK Drug stock will sell or rent building. Abbott, Fllger, Neb. and fixtures; Address I). E. Y M41I S FOU BALK Half Interest In well estab lished real estate business to oompetent party, U-4B, Bee. i-tia rn. UNPRECEDKNTED business chance for a wine man with a little cash; can clear Iti.OuO yearly. Herxfeldt, Windsor Hotel. INVEST $10 In land improvement stock I worth linn. Yearly Income tlx). Postal card brlnss explanations. No scheme; conservative business proposition. West Farm Co., Beardsley Bt, lilkJmrt, Ind. T-620 2SX WRITE) for our market letter; gent free upon request; complete resume or No Tad mining operatlone. Patrick, Elliott A Camp, Bankers and Brokers, Goldneld. Nevada. T-J k7x y JTOR BALE A fine- meat market In a good western Iowa town; doing gooa Business; new fixtures or Bert duality: owner sell ing on account of 111 health. Address U 47, ear Bee. Y MM Novix 600 WILL purchase the btat alr-oooled two-cylinder automobile made and se cure agency tbat will earn from $JO0 to I 'O per month at 20 per cent commission. we manuiactur anu runranine im car. Make check to the Barnea Mfg. Co.. San dusky. Ohio. Reference, the American Banking Co., th Third National bank. Y 037 28 IF rou want to make money or are seek ing Information regarding Nevada mining stocks, write us for our market letter. Bent free on request. Patrick F.lUott & Camp. Banker and Broker, Goidtltld, Nev Y-6J1 ax FORTUNES are being made in Idaho and British Columbia mines; we have an at tractive rroposlton. Write for particu lar. C. M. Oliver A Co., Spokane, Wash. I Oil XBX WP1 nwaiRU to finance an enterprise. Mining or guaranteed etock or bond Issue not wanted. Principals only need answer. Orave Municipal Agency, Chicago, in. . . Y-625 2&X GUARANTEED Patenta Beeured or Fee Returned. Bend model or akctoh for free opinion as to patentability. Send for illustrated Guide Book. Contains 100 mechanical move ment and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particular NEW TRADE MARK. LAW, COPYRIGHTS, tc Pat. uU advertised free In World's Prograaa, K V ANN. 4k t-U., - KK. Attorneva. ' " ISS F Et Washington, X, C Y WANTED Large, well entablished manu facturing company making staple Una of goeda, widely known, wanta aatisfaotory man with 13.000 cash to establish and carry on branch business; t'M per month eaiary and all expenses, with share of Drollts extra: ununually safe investment: permanent engagement and high class business; rood for S.OOO per year or bet- ler, wun oik imure increase. en- par ticulars furnleh references and address. a. Kastburn, Pres., 07 Wabaeo Ave., Chi- oago. T-fi22 ax 3no YEARLY Income from 10; atock worth $100; no scheme; conservative bualneae rropositlon. Card will bring full pr iculara West Farm Co., Beardsley St, Klkuart. ind. I i ax FOR SALE. CASH-Hotel, funrnlture and fixtures, with forty rooms; doing a good fcualnefes; three years' lease; In town of I.Uio; southeastern Ntbraska; only II. '4 day houu In the town; good proposition. Address x fti. car uinana use. T YOU can never profit by business chance unless you have some money; small sav ings are the Inundation of large fortunes: start a savtnu account with J. L. Bran dt! A Sons, Banknra, 14th and Uoucla eta. Assets over ou,uuu. x WHEAT $12.50 buys Ave ups and five downs: rood for one weekt -cnt advanc or dsallne from price; give $100 protU. Write for particulara. Commerc tirain Lv.. Conutivrca J..KJX.. Chicago. Y-&H 2$x BEND r-)F "huccessrui Methoa ' of trading In grain with small capital; booklet and market letter sent free; references. Cora- Block at Cu.. Cwmmeio Bid.. Chicago. Y-l MM. XVANTKD-Active, reliable man aa paid re crenentaiive in every county anrj city; aplendld opportunity. Address, with ref erences, C'arlsen-Kihen Co., bankers snd brokers, Searchlight, Nav. Y w 28x MILL FOR SALE. On of th be-t 15-barreI mill In north western Nebraska, or will trade ltr good laud or Incoru property or equm value, f. la. Caaady. ownar. Kansaa City, Mo. Y-HJ 23s NICELY fumintied, steaxn heated flat for aula LE17 LtavuvoiUL flat 4. Y-M-74-0x $60 WKEKLY and Indepeodence; H of our oparuuug mauliinss for vending salted fvaouts pay an averase dally profit of j, write for particulars; new proposi tion. Hilo Guru Co., LhpU A. & Utilua bt., Chicago. , Y 4 tux COftFORATlON controlling old astab li.lied baalufnS deaire cnertMllc, ex prritnoed buoinc.s inan to handle branch ofiice; salary and cuinmlxaions; lo- veeluienl o( tl.uuu and upwaitla and uu- Ot'.tiimable ref.'reuci.-s required. Addles ixuuistsr .Drug Co., jaadiaon. WIm. T vi3 2Sx BAIwiRT for sale, baking J, 2-. to 1K) luAvea of bread a week and all the cake and coukles yeu can make; it& if uken by Noveiuoer a, Addruoa Lock Box $4, Vails, Aiuin. Vix FOR BALE A $I0,W0 stock of general mer- cuaiullsa, strictly first-class, hue locnuon aid la gtod ruHtlinr town: tills Is a Bar gain. Address ica i5ox H14, hinith ten ter, Kan. y-M.'oi Nov$ WANTED Knergetlc, capable man with f oud bus) nru expel lence. ta reprvarnt re lable eon-oialloii, ealablished 24 years, aa bruncti ciut'e maiiaser: immediata or Jan uary I contract; lry $jto and connnis iuk; lnvetin-nt $1 WO and hlsh-ciiuis r.feience reyuir-u. tsupu Aa"ent.i, ho ftoj, a uk.e, vtia. X-tx lf FAULTED BOM'S. InaoMv eecuriu.s; unquotable railroad Mki bout! ht and aold. it. M. Buivihe, room 4fi produij liichajiga, New ioik. LilU.iJ Ji I.VX FC'R SALK or eiclianae, whottsole cutlery, clean sloe, invoice about fb.OoO, Oe.lmui. luurlion. AdiUtU t ' cji Oinali bee. X $)TAHT a mail order buatneas; w furnleh roiulieJ; liw plan, succ-us certain; coa'sl I i-.ii.ii to I ate. Skli-Luj ii-li Vs .$ I J VvaLwia kL, t i-4Hi JX j DEATH NOTICES MCR TUT Michael J., ered yr, at the inmuy reeoience, US North Twewy-esmn s'reet, af!er n lllnem of three rnrnihs. Wa an emoiove of I nlon rsclflo railway fr t went y-Mre vears. Funeral notice later. FLORISTS HF.K8 at SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam, M L. HENDTCRSON. 111! Far nana. Tel. Doug, litl. MONUMENTS Greet Western Granite Co. Douglas 2L Wbl NotU BUSINESS CHANCES GRAND ISLAND INVESTMENTS $3,Wd Buy fully equipped bakery on main buisnes St. Thl include building and lot. and la one of th finest retail business location In th olty. 230 acre of land within I mile of city of Grand Island, about 70 acre In cultivation, IS acres of which I in alfalfa I year old, Balance In pac tum. 0.00 per acre It taken soon. $4.000 Buy a 17-room room ing house and lot, furnished. This ha been netting th owner over $100.00 par month for awveral year. HENRY ALLEN, Agent, Grand Island, Nab. Y-63a-2Sx HOTELS. One of the very beet paying hotels In north. em Nebraska, only rz.w notice in tna town. Clear from IZ.&00 to 13.0 a year: 25 rooms, modern. Price of Inside, only 12 2S0. It sold at onoa. Rent. 175.00. A big paying howl In central Nebraska, 40 rooms, modem, ttcnt, ii. uuoa oonui- tlon. Price of tnsldes, $4,000. Term. RESTAURANT, The beat caving restaurant in South Omaha on Investment. Furniture or rooma over restaurant go. Price of all $1,100. FEED STORES. Two good feed stores In city, both clearing over HQ a month. Now is in lime io buy law to tioo. H. A. STEAVENSON, 130 Board Of Trade, 10th and Farnam. i (w a TEACHERS WA NT EID L4t ent for 50 rents hv rejrlniered mall: salaries from $:ibO to $720. M. E. OoweM, T44 Harvra St., Waalilngton, D. C. Y-6i 2&x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A loan on furniture.' pianos, livestock r other chattels, left in your (Undisturbed Possession) IF YOU NEED ... . ' MONEY to bt your rroeer. landlord, or any watt bills which may be bothering you, . Our plan 'ho best as we give you writ ten copy of the contrset with a GUARANTEED REBATE it paid before th contract expire. SALARY LOANS Bade to people etecdllj employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO iSatablUhed lmi Tel. Doug. 12. lit Board of Iraaa Bid. ftj Bo. Utu KUU t $$$$$$$$$$ MONEY TO LEND ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, iluHbu-a ANU WAGONS. Thl la your opportunity to get money and pay those lltiia annoying debt. Ar range your affair now so mat when th cold weather come you will only bave on company to ow. you can, repay u in amsu weeaiy or monthly payment, best suited to your In come: amounts paid before due, full rebate la ALWAYS avowed. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms $ui-30b Paxcon Block. Corner Faruam and Sixteenth, Sta ,,,,,,,,, mtn SATiARTED PEOPLE and other furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay ment; othces in m principal clue, bav yourself money by getting my twin uraU D. il. TOLilAN, 714 Mw York UI Bids. X-T4 The Union Loan Co. have increased their cat) Hoi and during the month ol octooer win make a special rale on collateral loaus, personal prop erly, morigages and individual nute. without security. Terms to suit your convenience. 'Pbona Douglas ttw4 or call at alw ate Uldg. Jt DR. PRIBBENOW'a MONEY. loaned ou furniture, salary, pianos, horses. sic In any amount; tss man nan rates; perfect privacy: immediate attention; any term wanted. Payuieula suspended when sick or out of work. H4 Karbacn uik. M South lulb SU X. 441 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg Advance private money on chattel or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get money saiue oay asaea lor at suoau cost. Open everuugs uu t. eu KAQLB LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accora modalingi au ausluea coundeHtfU. lu Loului. X M4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, uors.s, cows, ic lu. jr. itaea, iu a. 13 ill. A.-. FURN1TUR1S, live stock, sulary loans. Duff uresa i-oaa blo.k. Co.. room a, Barker CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loan. iVoley Loan Co., IikH i arnam ai. X hi CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit CO., xn rax ton block. X-17 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE ONE team of mares. Uyars, 171$ Jekeon. p MMi mx CV)R Bale Hlxh-clasa (custom made) sta tion wacoii: nas Dean uaeo oniy a tew time. It can be e-n at A. J. tsimpson at bou s, lwt Douglas ail. P-Ml Kuv 1 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS IKMA SPRINGER, Piano leason $ ceula, U.g N. 4il ML. Walnut Hill car. -Mima Nov. 1$ CHATBLAIN tHhool of Laniages Day and evening claaeea. Frem h. Uerniau, bpnlh; fencing. Davldge JMdg. 1.4-Not. 14 DETECTIVE SERVICE WKTMOHB de'ectlve aervlce. 'Phone Red Ucl. Rooma U and 14 Union UK, l ift and Fitrnasn, MJ N..4 UW AND COLLECTIONS . M. Usrfartandj M K. T. U Pldg. Tel. Dvi.-. 4w4. el Kf 4 Pays 100 and SafcrThanDanks We can rrov tht thl state ment Is conservative when applied to Hhelton's snap in cheap land. Pnap 1 1,120 acres of adjoining lnd II miles south Of Kimball, N'eb. This Is Ideal farm and ranch land, being good soil and all smooth or gently rolling. Hay draw on aouih edge. Spring on thia farm capable of watering thousands of had of stock. Price dntil Nov 10th, 190$, 14 SO per acre. $2,000 down, balance t yeara at $ per oent Interest. Snap 1 320 acres of fine farm land south of Ogallala, Neb., on the divide. Smooth land, rich soil. Adjoining land on tho mar ket at $12.40 and $11.00. This la certainly a anap at 110.60 per acre. Excursion every Tuesday. W.-F. Shelton, LUD AdZirCT. DEPT. B. 313 So. 15tH St. Safer Than a Bank tTnlon Facia m. m, Company Contract Xianda Kate Al ways Been Money Max- trs. For merly Oenl Agent V. P. land Sept. Bays and " TTaloa reel Bo X.aad Bong-ht Voder Centra. Office 222 South 13th Street LEGAL NOTICE. SCHOOL. DISTRICT ELECTION. Proclamation and notice to the qualified electors and legal voter of the Bchool Dis trict of Omaha. In the county of IKMigla. in tha .Late of Nebraska, of a general election to be held In said school district on Tuesday, th th day of November, 1, for th purpose of electing five member nf tha R, MLrd of Education of said school district, to serv on said board from and including tha first Monday in January. 1007, until th first Monday In January, lUl'i To tha nuailfled electcr and legal voter of tha School District of Omaha, In th ennntv of Dnurlu. In the state of N braska: I, John L. McCague, president of the Board of Education of tha School District nf Omaha. In the county of Doug' las, in the state of Nebraska, do issue this, my proclamation, and by virtue of the u-ihnt-ltv v..t.i1 In mm mjk auch oreaident. do hereby give public notice to the qualified elector na legal voter 01 me ccnwi ui- tvlnt nf flmahl In th rMintV Of DOUrlCS, In th tte of Nebraska, that a general election will be held In said scnool district on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, MOfl. for the purpose of electing; five mem kera nf the Board of Education of said school district to serv on said board from and including the first Monoay in January, i-.t nr.iii tha flrat Monday in January, mo. Th polls hall be open on the day of aid election at eight (8) o'clock In the morning, and shall continue open until ix (g) o'clock In th evening- ol tilt ame oay, at to respective voiinp; piace as uwe FIRST WARD. First District U18 South Sixth street. Second District 801 Paclnc etreet. Third District 17(8 South Tenth street. Fourth District 9l Pancroft street. BEHIND WARD. First DUtrlct-2S23 South Twnty-nlnth trt , pecona msinct ziej vmion strroi. Third District 1W1 Vinton etreet. r,...rth lii.frlo 1710 Vinton atreet. Fifth District rm South Sixteenth street. A 111 XL HJIIIU. First District 151 Webster street g.mnl Til.tHct Sl Routh Tenth street. ThrA Ditr1ctSli North Fifteenth street. Fourth District 410 South Thirteenth reet. . . Fifth District hit jarition hito, JX5URTH WARD. TMrtct 1704 Canltol avenue. Second District 42J South Eighteenth Street. . . . , A. A . ThiM m uTript tis nouin oixieenin nrwi. Fourth District 4 Bouth Twentieth Street. . . Filth Dlitricf v avennon street. . FIFTH WARD. First District 8S" Sherman arena, flernnd District- ?25 Sherman avenue. Third District 26(4 (barn) Sherman ave- iiiia. Fourth WStricl 1MB irenrj sowmia aye- hue. . , . ...a t .t. ei., SIXTH WARD. First Dlstrict-2307 North Twenty-fourth treet. .. . . ... Second District 17W worm xweniy-iourcu trt- ... . . u.w Third District zuw rnonn i wtntj-wgnin Street Fourth. UlRTnn li 1 miiunrT Krenue. BEVFNTH WArtu. First District 2711 Ijeavenworth street. Second District ICS Georgia avenu orn-.rrV,.. .... wmirth District aofl South Thirty-third treet ioarn. mA First District 1417 North Twenty-fourth treet. . . , . . Heconn IJIRinci 1U. viiminn .irwv. Third District B20 North Sixteenth street. Fourth Distrlct-2423 Coming street r U NINTH WARD. First Dletrlct-2fiJ Cumins: treet. Second I netrlct SC'ES Hamilton street Third District 3io4 Davenport etreet Fourth TMstrlot ai South Thlrty-stxt treet (barn). Flltn JJISITICI tMiiam mtT7wi nun v TENTH WARD. First District 1018 South Tenth afreet. Second District 1S3 Iavenworth street. Third District 2121 Ieavenworth street. Fourth Distrlot 1424 Bouth Sixteenth St re. t . ... .-m tt'i . it -. - - Fifth lieifici -I.1-! 1 ELEVENTH WARD First District 4tVl Hamilton street. Hecond Dlatrlct-3926 Farnam street. Third DiHtrict $4?l Leavenworth street. Fourth District 7t South Twi.-nty-seventh "lrt TWELFTH WARD. First District 4430 North Twenty-foorth "'Second District M24 Ames avenue. Third District 291$ North Thirtieth street fourth District 8014 North Twenty-fourth street. JOHN L. MCAQ17T5, President Board of Elucstion. Attest: J- F. BUHUKSiJ, Secretary Board of Kducation. OZS-dllt , RAILWAY TIME CARD llUOS TATIOr4-TEHTU ASD at ARC Y ralaa Palo Lear. Arrive. Overland limited a ;40 am $.ls pm The China nd Japan last Mall a 4 14 pm a $:10 pm Colo. A Calif. E a 415 pm a M am a 6 10 pra California 4k Or. t pm Los Angele Limited.. all :j0 am Fast Mall J M P" Colorado Special .......a 7:4 am North Plait Local ... a $:1 am Beatrice Local b $:U pm Caleac Mortnvtr aiO.46 pm a $:M pm a 7 .44 am a 4. to pin b l.uO pin Cedar Rapids Paaa a 7:00am Twin City Exprese attain a 1:06 pm al0:oo pm Chicago Dayuaht a:wain sii.ispin mi..,., T J all 30 am a $ 6 pin Bloux City Local D I wim a i. u am Carroll Local a 4.a$ pm 1:60 am 6ioux City Local O $ pm t hicago Kxpreas a i:60 pm al .su am rant Malt a$:ipm tlNm i .... uuil a t 00 pin Twin City Limited a$:25pm a 7:06 am Overland Limited a I pm at:lint ChlcuKo Limited all:00 pin all:liam Norfoia-bouesteel a 7:40 am am i in..,i.i-l Pine bl wiro bw.iaam I wad wood-Lincoln a $ wO pm a pm a $. pm a $.i pu Itaelings-fiuperior b $ UO pm b t t pm tTemoal-Aluion bt.uipm bli:4tfpm Cktcaga, MUwaaka St. Pasl Chi. and Colo. Special.. .a 7 :S am a 7 90 am ( allforuia and Or, tx a 4 to pm a $ lu pin OvM i.iiil Limited a $ 6 piu It iDiui Marlon 4s C4r R. Loc b t sl ana bU:u pin Ckleaao Ureat Wers St Paul 4c Mlnneapoll. $ $0 pm 7:10 pm fee Paul Miuueapvlte. 7 em U tpui ( tituaaa I.lmued topin uO am Ciiloaao iiUL.a. 7 4a aitt ll:b0pm Ctlva tir. .$0jytu U au put A X ROOSEVELT PROFESSOR BUSY nftmctot !i American Ilifctorj and Insti tution Eecioi Wtri at Eerlii. CKPCROR, EKTRESS AND OTHLRS PRtSLNT Lctte froaa Presideat Rsevelt Read, Greetlaat Gri People aad . Referrlas Go Will Between th Katlon. BERLIN, Oct r7.-Prof. John W. Bur. re", dean of Columbia university, New York, th nrat Incumbent of Theodor Roosevelt professorship of American his tory and Institutions at tb University of Berlin, bean bis lecture today. Emperor William, the empress, Princ August Wll- helm. United State Ambassador Tower and Mrs. Tower, Dr. Studt, th minister of education, and about fifty professor and eom resident American occupied chair near tb reading; desk In the lecture hall, while behind them were 400 students, who energetically cheered Prof. Burgee when he entered and applauded every referenc to Prsident Rooeevlt. Letter from President. At th opening of th proceeding Prof. Burgee read a letter from President Roo- valt, of which th following 1 a transla tion i WHITE HOtTSE. WAmiTNOTON. Dot. ft. My lear Prof. Burgeaa: Allow ma, through you, to greet th University of Iterliu Willi the heartiest good Will. The historical frlnndnhlp between Prussia and the United States, and then, after Prussia naa ounaea tne uerman empire, between thia mighty empire and the United Statea, ha never been broken nor even shaken in the leaat. Thl friendship began in the mutual esteem and mutual good will that existed between Washington and Frederick the ureat and was confirmed by the fact that Prussia alone among all the European power showed Itself willing to have trade relatione with the United State during th perioa of uncertainty and weakness In loose trying years between 17K3 and 1789 and to make a trade treaty with us. Al ready during tha colonial period of our hia- lory mere was a large uerman element among our people. Men of German birth and wet-man blood gave ua great and glori- oua service aurlnB the period as leaders In war and In peace. General Steuben trained the continental arm v and Ruhlen berg was the first speaker of tb house of representatives. Hlnce the revolution a continuous uer man Immigration has taken place that has Proved most Imnortan far the nnnu- Utlou of the northwestern territories. i ne men of German birth and rac were nearly all devoted in body and soul to tha union ana were extremely hnit to aiav ery. Through their powerful help the north' went territories were made into the free States thAt form tha heart nf tha rcnuhlln. We have to thank men of German birth or origin that, at the outbreak of the civil war Maryland. Missouri and Kentucky held nrmiy to tn union and during that fearful Period thev rendered us services hv word nu ueea wnicn win never be rors-otten. Since the civil war the large emlnratlon of student from the United States to Ger man universities Is one of th most remark able and Important features of our Intel lectual lire, ana It is on of th most slg nincant fact In our American education that those sons of our republic who have been educated In German universities guide aim control our nigner eaucaiion. All tnia DRd nnwiTlIll In hfn.. ins about an exchanae of culture which In a certain sense culminate in th founding of the professorship that you. my dear professor, are charged with Inaugurating. Again, expressing my heartiest greeting for the university, and with best wishes for your success and that of your students, l remain, eio. J. liCUUtJUHi KOUBKVELi Prof. Burgess, In a short address in German, alluded to hi own studies at Ber lin university, to It great teachers of th past, to Incident In history of modern Germany, to th founding; of the corre sponding professorship at Columbia unl slty and to the president' and th em peror' interest In th exchange of pro- lessora. Th rector of th university, Prof. Kaf tan, thanked Prof. Burgess and referred appropriately to President Roosevelt' message to th university and tha em peror' presence and proposed three cheers for th emperor. While tha cheering waa UU In progTeas tha emperor rose and said: stuaents: iet us express our thanks for what ha been expressed so eloquently by accepting th offered hand which ha been extended to ua from America and by giving a cheer for the man who Is th Incarnation of th good qualities of his people, President Roose velt Hurrah!' Th member of th emperor ulte, th officer and th students responded vigor ously. Th emperor then conversed with Prof. Burgee, congratulating him on the successful beginning of hi work and also had a talk with Ambassador and Mr. iuwer. Ana emperor requested th am bassador to cable to President Roosevelt his thanks for the president co-opera tlon. Prof. Burgess will begin th development of hi subject, "Th Constitution and Con stitutional History of tha United Statea on another day. A permanent American Institute ha been opened In on of th university building, RAILWAY TIME CARD CMea-so, Roc It lxlaad Faclfl KAST. Chicago Limited a 1.2$ am a 7:10 am Iowa LooiU a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a :lo am a :4e pm Iowa Ixical hi : 16 pin b l.oi m Chloaao (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:Uo cm a 1:46 pin Chicago (Iowa Limited). a :36 pm aliUUpm w a.a i . , Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7:20 am 'a l:lt am Colo, and Cal. Expreas.a 1. 01 pin a 1:66 Din Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm pm Lincoln. Falrbury ana Belleville a :ou pm aiu:w am a Dally, b Dally except BunUay. Mlssoart Pacltto St. Louis Express a :00 am a 6:10 Dm K. C. and bU Ju. t-x.....aii:w pin a:upm Wait St Louis Express a $ :10 pm a 1:40 am St. Louis Local (from Council bluffs) a 14$ am al0:$O pm Stanuerry Local (from Council blurts) Ds:wpm DU:Mam Illinois Central- Chicago Express) ....... .a 1:00 am a $ 66 pm a 7:Jam Chicago' JUuiited. ..a $:00 pm BtRLINGTOH TATIOS-lOtk t MASON BarllBgtaa Iav. ...a 4 10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...all:10 pm ...a t:10 am ...a i.uO am Arrlv. Denver California black Hill Northwest Special . Northwest Express . t I D pm a s oo pm a :o$ am a $:30 pm a 7:40 pm Nebraska r-xpres . Nebraska Local Lincoln Local 1 .in.. .in Mall.. a $ 06 am am (j1 pm bl0 L'6 am a $ 30 am a 7:10 am a $ 30 am a 1:M pm a 7:26 am a 3:M pm a 7:.6 am alO f S pm ail:Su am a 4:46 am a 6:10 pin ..b 1 00 pm Ft Crook at piaitsm in.o i:mi pm Bellevue Plattsm'lh..a 7:60 am Denver Limited bellevu A Pao. June. ..a $:30 am bellevue A Pao. Juno.. .a t:10am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Kpre a $15 pm Chicago 'lyr :u pm Iowa Local ,-. a :1 am bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe....al0:4a pm Kansas City-St. Joe. ...a 9:1a am Kansas Clty-bL Jo.... a 4:41 pm WEBSTER BTATIOk lBta A WEBSTER Chlornro. Oasaka St. ri, Mlaaaavoll Ieave. ,.b Ju am ..a too pm ..b $ 21) pm .. $:46 am Arrive, b t 10 pm all SO am b I 10 am t $0 pm Twin City Passenirer, Sioux City Passenger hwnerson Local - Emerson Local Btissoart PaelSe Nebraska Local, vU Wecpiug Water b lit pm bl2:$0 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sundy. d Dally except Saturday. bunday only. Laily except OCEA.t STEAMERS. 0F.IEHT Clark's ih Annual Cruise. Feb, 7. 'u7. 70 days, by cbsrtered 8. S. 'Arable." U.OuO ton. Ihre Tour Round the World. i UAiSlt C CLARK. H B'way, N. T. KEVYS CF CAHA SUS'JRSS Flore ee. Josh Watklns of Tahor. la., spent sev eral daya here thia week visiting relatives. W. R. Wall and Frank T. Parker were business visitor In Blair Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Johanna Franklin haa been very sick during the week and at present I no palter. Frank P. Brown hn started th erection of a dwelling bous on his lot south of th livery Htro. Miss Jennie Kverson of Omaha apent Sunday afternoon in Florence, the guest of Mrs. w. K. Wall. Miss May Oaks, who la leaching school at irvlngton, spent Haturday ana ounaay at home vislllns her pa rente. Mra. T. K. Price spent aeveYal daya ol me past ween visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alien, who Uvea near Benson, MJps Shoemaker of Calhoun, accompanied py Atlas f'pinn. were vlHitlng irienas in Florence Wednesday afternoon. Bert Crouch and wife, accompanied by Miss Hasel Nelson, went to Tekamah. last Friday evening, where Mr. Crouch will soon locate. Tha banns of marria- of Mr. John Thlrtl and Mixs Loltl Hrandt have been pub lished two times during ma In St. Phil lips' Nerl church. Another week will finish the building of th permanent sidewalk. John Grant of Omaha has the contract. Cross walks are also being put In. A delegation of the local lodge Of Red Men was visiting South Omaha lodge t$ Saturday night and spent th greater part oi a sieep loer. John Warner of ITanoook. la., acoom. panted by some friends, spent a couple o( day here the past week visiting; bi ! ler, airs, muen jrurceu. Henry Buller and Miss Sedde. who both live west of town, attended a Greek wed- ill.. I. . .. V. 1.... ..... .... ..... Ui.H.1.. It taking twenty-four hour to get married la uresa. Mrs. R. P. Preeden had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs and break hsr arm Monday. Bh la the only support of several children and the accident is very unfortunate for her. The city council held a special session Monday night tor tha purpose of hearing protests and assessing amounts due from property owners lor tha grading lor tna aidewalk on Main atreet. Henry Wilson, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, was married to Miss nana Mau ser Tuesday afternoon at ths Hotel Brown. both the young folks are well and favor- ably known, Mr. Wilson being born and raised here. rived here from Scotland, have rented the nne residence oi jasper bmun on Btaie etreet and have settled down to housekeep- ng lust as though America bad always been their borne. Bert & Crouch left Wednesday after noon tor Bt. Paul, Minn., where ne goes in the Interests of the Order of Teleg raphers, whose committee meets with the officials of the Omaha road Thursday morning. Mr. Crouch 1 secretary of th Nebraska division of telegraphers. West Ambler. R. M. Henderson la addlna; a new porch and cement walk to hi home. Allen and Albert Favertv entered the commercial bookkeeping class on Monday at an Omaha business college. 8. T. Campbell I closing- out his business at Forty-third and Center and preparing to remove to tn western pan or mo state. Miss Edith Darllne- I still with Mrs. Clark at tha Park Terrace. Mr. Clark, who has been dangerously 111, I slowly recov ering. Rev. R. M. Hlnchtson went over to Bprlng- fleld Saturday, where he suppuea tns Metn- odlst Episcopal pulpit there, returning horn Monday noon. Milton, tha little son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cants, has ao Improved of hla savers spinal trouble as to only requir to aoo- tor services twice a week now. Mr. J. Halplne has been entertaining her mother, Mrs. Faulkner, thl week. She also entertained Miss V. 'White and her eo- os of teachers from th Baal school at dinner Tuesday. Owins- to tha rain Sunday there war no services at Southwest church, but the new pastor. Rev. Mr. Hiller, will preach Bun day, October 2S, at tha usual time, 1:30. Bunaay scnool at i:st. J. E. Aush and wife returned horn on Saturday afternoon from their 100-mll drive to Wiener, where they had been th guests of th latter' brother, Arthur Ziebell, on the horn farm. Mr. Spoerrl had the misfortune to hav two wheels of his new rubber-tired burgy torn off late Saturday night by a reckless horseback rider running into his rig on Forty-fourth and Center street. Th Ladle Aid society will meet Thurs day afternoon, November 1, at tha home of Mrs. J. Halplne, Forty-sixth and Center, on the Morten homestead, to knot a com fort for the hostess, who wui serve cake and coffee at 6 o ciock. Tha home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake was resplendent with smllax. evergreens and flowers on Thursday evening, when their eecona youngest daughter. Miss Iva. was united in marriage to Mr. J. L. Urover by Rev. K. M. Henderson. Miss Myrtle, sister of th bride, was bridesmaid and I Mr. Wilson best man. Refreshments were served. The happy couple left at onoe for Oregon on their wedding trip to their sister, Air, uiseu. Dendee. Mrs. J. E. Dodds is at horn after her viwt in Ohio. The Misses Marshell entertained at cards Thursday evening. Mr. P. J. Barr has been in Wyoming for tne last two wee km. Mr. and Mr. H. C. Bulrd were In Plain- view and aio at th boiitea agency but week. Mr. 8. R- Rush, who ha been very 111 with threatened pneumonia, I improving lowly now. Mr. Hitchcock spoke in the Dundee hall Monday evening. Prof. Petersen' quartet furnished musia. Mr. Richard D. Wlnshlp of Chicago, witn her baby, ia tha guest of her aisier, Mr. R. C Peiera. Mr. Laurie J. gulmby la building a new residence on Douge street, Jum west oi roriy-ninth street Mrs. Wilt Hoagland and children re turned on Thursday ironi a visit of several week lu Colorado. Th members of th Dundee Presbyterian church met Tuesday evening at the onurcn to uiscuss making lurlher improvements lu th building. Tha Round Uoien luncheon which waa to have been given on Weuneaday by Mui- aames Hum and Lignton was mdeilmieiy pomponed on account oi tn nines oi All.. Rusu. Tne DunoV Woman' club, which waa to hav met on Wednesday, aa postponed because of the Metuuuisl and fre.uyieiiau miwionary meetings being neia in unioi.a, and will meet next on xoveiiiler 14 tttUl Mrs. John O. xeiser. At high noon on Wednesday Mia Nora Edith iMalmuulat waa united tn to John Martin betliune, Kev. iiuberl llei rirnr iMsrturmiiiC tha ceremony. After .No vember Is Mr. and Mra. bethuna will be ai iiom at 4M7 Capllul avenue. Mrs. I. 8. Leavitt Is entertaining th fol io wu.g women who are uMnnuina th Metiiudlsl missionary convention: Mes damea fc- D. Hunlly of Washington. V. C; . ...... ... L". ... .m M.t ,Vl . I U.U ..U.. fe la. Ibtfc-in ol i-.incoin auu aiis. imuiuu. wife of bishop bauiora. r Hallevre'ea Might Cssesrl. Wednesday evening next, being Hallo- we en, Clau Gordon has arranged tor grand coucert in tne Lyrlo tueuer, Mne teenth and i'arnam strweta. Uayin ripeuoe, the Booltian Dims we.r., uu 4i.a .i. uirhan. acotland'a prima dunna so- will entertain. WIm btrachan is re- i r,l-d mjt a musical prodigy, blie Is young woman ,w.v ' -" n . tl.ree ociaveo, reavning o naiurai n.h alnaeis appear in costume, one of rh l,a wears In ' i-aiier iierrin . in " A K... -it I ink S.K. ,,.. aue Hiiwi. " - .... w . .. ..... 1 ... T'i krta can be exchanged at bo .-rti,J, day of and day before concert Chief W llilain Jienneoy hi nn , w" chairniaa and the pipers will be there. be Jess Howard In Chicago Jail. A telegram has been received from tha Chicago police requesting that Frank How. ard a painter who formerly llvad on bur dette atreet, be notified that hla sou Jesse is in custody at Chicago. The police have not been auie to find Mr. Howard. ho has moved recently from bis former pUo of resldenc. Motker ieeke Mer Daughter. Th postofnc department la in receipt of a la.lheUC letter irum i" m superior, i maklns Inuulrle of her daughter. Mulile Colder, who waa last heard fi-om in U'liaha, July 4, It is thong M she may have aaSUUieu iu. bMiie wvtu. iw wood. B Want Ad Froduo P.saulva DOC BOLD AND GUARANTEED BY ANT OF THE FOLLOW1NO BTORESi SCHACT EIUS tXT TUICK Ditto STOUES, Cor. lth and ChlcAgo 6ta., Omaha; N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts., South Omaha; Cor. 6th and Main BU., Council Bluffs, la. IX 0. KIXG, 24th and Famam Sts. . BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam St DR. ETTS DRUG CO. Associated Therapeutic Specialists and Manufacturer! AsthmaetU. BArberetts (for the blood). Catarrhetts. Coltcetta. Croupetta. Dlarrhaetta. EptlopsotU. Esculetts (for piles). Femaletta. Feveretts. Kldneyetta. Llveretta. All pleasant to take and warranted to cure or rnonejr refunded without question at any of the abore store. A Word to tho Wise Dr. Etta' Remedies have been sold for many years on this basis and are making new friends every day for ETTS DO CURE z: Only a Few . to p oriilss,ini(dl One-way tickets will be on sale at the above rate October 28. 29, 30 and 31. 1906 .to- Portland. Tacoma, Seattle tvnd many other points in Oregon and Washington VIA Union Pacific The Short Line to Portland Enquire at City Ticket Office Phone Douglas 334. . 1324 Farnam St. ECHOES OF THE ARTE ROOM Order th Eastern Star. .ti .nK n tha rtrrter of the Eastern Star the Masonic fraternity and the generally have been invited to attend the barar to be glvn at Masonlo Tample. No vember 1-J. It U the Intention to offor for sale at popular price misceueneou. hold article, the proceed to be devoted to the treasury of tne oraer. mimu V'" -rve.1 from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. each day and the children will find a nh pond and toy booth titer for tueir aiversmii. WMdnn of th World. Alpha camp No. 1. at It last meeting, re ceived sixteen new applications lor mem bership and put on ins imnnuu. The next meeting, Tuesday evening, v. 11 v.. an ooen meeting, at which JuUKe A. L. for several dances to be given in th re ir future. The first will be the annual char, lty ball on the evening, of November 27. The second will bo given by the drill team soma time in December. Ladles of tk Grand Army. Th. nnen meeting given by Garfield cir cle No. 11 last Mondsy evotilng was largely attended, notwithstanding the bad weatner. A short business sewlon was held before th open meeting anu inrre. iirw uieuiuei. were Initiated and several applications for membersnip reao auu . tainment following conalted of tefiehh- ments Of sandwlcliea caae, picaies anu cue foe, after which th evening waa given The next meeting or uarneiu circle win be November 12. when the department in spector will be present to Inspect the circle. All memoers ar aeked to keep th date in mind and be sure and be present Itoyal Arcanum, fraternal Vnloa ( America. Th meeting of Mondamln lodge No. 111 Monday night wa well attended ana run of lnteret. Several Important matters were dtauunsed and disposed of. The lodge has elected two captain .. ana tn mem bership Is divided Into two sides, which will enter Into lively competition fur new members. The captain of the degree team requests a full attendance of th team next Monday "'?hl- .... ... V, ... ..!.. lanner looage win uu,u . v .. nieetlng next Thursday evening ana win give it first dancing party of the seaaon Members of ths order aud their fi lends are Invited. Ladiea ( the Maeoabeae. Laurel hive No. 1 will be entertained by Mra Nettle Hoper, Bull aouth Iwi-Mii street, at a Hallowe'en party WedejCy evening. Royal neighbor of Amerlea. Ivy camu No. t will meet tn It old ball. Barlgtit aVoclety ball, Nineteenth and Wr.m .trMi. fur the flrat time since JtLe ar and wlU cel. brat by giving a Sutton will oeuver an aume.e vu v.. of th juvenile court. The usual munlta! program will also be given by members of lh. ,.,Ar Tha camD has made provision TOR LlquoretU. Maosetts (for tha heart). Nerretta. Neuraletta. Pepaetts. Rheumetta. Bangutnetta (for hay rarer). Subllmetts. Tobaccoetta. Tonsetts (for colds). Vltaletta. Vermaletta (for worms). Days" More V Hallowe'en party and entertainment th evening of October 31, to which all mem bers and friend are must cordially in vited. The camp will hold a short busi ness session before the party. At tha regular meeting of Union Paoiflo council No. lOtit. Mcnday evening. It wul decided to change the meeting nlgbt from th econ and fourth Mondays of each month to tb second and fourth Thursdays. Plan for the large open meeting to be held next Monday night wer also disousaed and elaborate arrangements made for th entertainment of the many gueata who ar expected to be preaant. An enjoyable smoker will be a feature of th evening. The council contemplate th initiation of a class of 100 or more on the evening of November 12. Committee were appointed to arrange the details for this big class In itiation. Trlb of Ben Har. Mecca court No. II met at It old hall. Nineteenth and Farnam atreets, Thursday evening. A new membership campaign wa announced by the deputies and prlxea will b. given for all new members se cured. A strong euort will be made to Increase the memlierehlp of this court to 6u0 by January 1. Fifteen applications were received and a good class initiated. At next Thursday's meeting refreshments will be served. Omaha court No. 110 has changed Its meeting nlgiil to Monday and now meets in liariglit hall, Ninetnentn and Farnam streets. An entertainment will be giver Monday evening to tha member and friends. Grand Army ss$ Relief Coras. Custer post and Corps gave a very en Joyeiile open meeting at Ked Men a hull. Continental block, Tuesday evening. Th gathering was largely, attended and re freshments and social diversions were the Inter? "ling features of the evening. Custer post and Corps intend giving a number of these open meetings during In winter. Royal Highlanders. Ferncllffe castle No. 4x8 will give a ball at Fraternity hall, Seventeenth and Far nam atreets, Wednesday evening. Leoacavallo ta Appear at Aadltorlaaa. The great orclxestra from Milan. Italy, led by Leoncavallo, tha compoeer, 1 to be heard ai the Auditorium ou Monday even ing. November 11 u.ider the local man agement of MrSsrs. Chase arid Kogera. 'Ilia piograut is entirely Irum tha oilers and other works of Leoncavallo, and will ep- pea lovi al to a wide range of patronage. Muxlo vera will delight In seeing a great ooiu- poswr conducting his own works; Italian citizens will revel in tn songs in their native tongue, especially the septet fruiu "Medici," by Meadauies hlultil and Far rablul and Msatteurs. baibaim, Perya, lei latl, I hi Ferran and Maculil; German wi.l be Interested In the overture to "Kolarid de Berlin," written by Ioncavallo at th request of Emperor William; Human Catho lic are expressing themanlve as aiiilou to hear th new "Ave Maria," dedicated to Pope Plus XA which brought th anoatollo benediction tr Leoncavulio, and all vuod Americans will delight In the soul -Stirling march, "Viva America," dedicated by Leoncavallo to Preldefit Rouaevell. Tl.e ticket eale for Looncavallo is now SU at th Lxelaior office, telsiibou tA