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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1906)
The Omaha Daily Bee 'I, Advert! In THE OMAHA DE E Best ?. West mm sectiqi Parjss 1 to 0. VOL. XXXVI-NO. 113. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOIJXINO, OCTOBER 127, UHKi-SIXTEKX PA(ES. SINTiLK COPY THREE CEXTS. ( ( v V V UTES READY TO TALK Genaral Greolj Eaparta Them Willing: to Listen t tba Army CEoert. i CAPTAINS JOHNSON AND PAXTON SEE THEM la Interior Department Aiktd U Send In- ipicter cd Soma Sioix Indian. THOUGHT THESE CAN INFLUENCE UTES Troopa Hare Eeen Heat from Tiffereat Fosta to Head Them Off. ORDERS TO AVOID FIGHT IF POSSIBLE ( 1 lea Must Be Taken to Fort Meade, However, Peaceably If Possible, bat Forcibly if that U Only way. fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. (Special Tele gram.) Official information from Omaha was received today from Mnjor General A. TV. Grecly. commanding tho northtrn divi sion, elating that the Uto Indians now off their reservation arid surrounded by troops are In a mood to listen to argument. Gen ral Greely lias asked the socretnry of war to request the secretary of the Interior to order an Inspector to accompany Woman's Terres from Pine IUle und American Horse of the Cheyenne river reservation to Gillette, Wyo accompanied by the. very best Interpreter who can be had, In order that there may be a full and free confer ence between tho Indians and soldiers pending their return to the Unltah reserva tion. These two Indians are looked upon as the i-leverest of their people and Chief Appnh desires to have them present at the council with the. white men. Yesterday General Greely, wiring to the military secretary from Omaha relative to the Wyo ming situation and runaway Utes, old: "Captains Johnson and rax tun. Tenth cavMlry, striking Vte trail on X2d, reached their camp on Spring creek and Little Powder river forty miles from Gillette, where a council u held with Chief Appuh's band on the morning of the 23d. It would uppear that the band camped with Appah contested of about DUO, with few Women and children in sight, and about UO ilghtinK men. They are fully armed, have, their belts full of ammunition, and bave from 300 to 4T0 good ponies, 10,000 pounds of flour, purchased In Gillette, and a large amount of venison. Their trans portation Is mostly travols, with a few old wagons. Indians to He Takes to Meade. "Willi sullen and uncommunicative with reference to the subject of their return to the Uintah reservation, yet they ex- ,h l, tl.le rlv-.n. . ii. tu, ,,,- hB. and expressed un Intention of conducting themselves peacefully und lawfully. In this connection I have Iwcn unable to ascertain uny illegul acts by them, except the killing Of game. They- delayed moving to hold a council with Johnson and Pnjttou. but declined to remain where they were pending further councils. At noon on the 22d the entire bund moved down the Little Powder with the announced Inten tion of proceeding to Cherry creek. In the Blutk Hills, .but in Captain Johnson's opinion they are heuded for Montana. Johnson states that thoy will certainly not return to the reservation unless compelled by a decidedly superior force, and is fur thelr of the opinion that they will resist any small force, In which opinion Major Grlerson Joins. Under these conditions, In order to avoid bloodshed. I have ordered Colonel Rogers and six troops of the Sixth cavalry to take the field with Belle Kourche as a baen. He has been instructed to In tercept Appah's band and compel them to return with him to Tort Meade, where the entire band of Indians will be held as prisoners awaiting Instructions from the j War department as to tneir disposition. Rogers has been instructed to deal tact fully with them and avoid recourse to force save In the last extremity, but his orders are positive to bring the entire band into Fort Meade. Major Grlerson has been ordered to follow the Utes with two troops, his only force, two other troops being snowbound near Crawford. Major Grlerson Is directed to avoid any resort to arms, as his force Is inferior to the reported light ing strength of the Vte, but he will keep In contact with thorn and keep these head quarters advised of their movements. Store Troops May Be Seeded. "Should they proceed toward the thcy eune reservation it will become necessary to put the remainder of the Fort Robinson gurrlion In tho tlelu, operating from some suitable point 011 the Burlington railroad near tehtrtdan as a base. In this contin gency the Keogli command, which has been kept ready lor the field, may be calKd Into play. The character of the country, the great distances agd the unusually early advent of winter storms will necessarily entail hardships, and of course the ex peuisea of operations must be considerable. Although the original orders to cause the return of the Utes to their reservations were btiaed on a formal call of the gove rnor of Wyoming, yet it Is assumed that the rnlllt at y operations are to continue even thoufih the Indians enter South Da kota or Montana, and even though they carry out their announced Intention of lawful and peaceful procedure. TVIat May be ta Cuba. Brigadier General Theodore Wlnl is re lleved from lummand of the base of 0r.i- tlons. Newport News, Vn., and will pro ceed to this ilty for consultation with the seen tiiry of war. It Is predicted litre that Gtneral Wlnt wis! succeed General UU, chief of staff. In Cuba who Is very much needed in Washington. Minor Matters at Capital. Postmasters appointed : In South Da kota llanaoit, Yankton county, Hans K. Hanson, vie Engcbret Hanson, resigned; Plana. Brown eyunty. toward C. Tague. vice M. H Joiici, recigned. Wyoming VTVuid River, Fremont county. Arthur H. Martel, vice William II. Dickinson, ic t, Rural routes ordered established January 2: Iowa -Malcolm, Poweshiek county, route S, population 4V. families jo. Syith Dakota Artesian. Sanborn county, route 3, population tto, tumlllen Woonsocket, (Sanborn county, route 4, population 415, faoniiies U; Foivstburg. Banhom county, route L. popul.itmn t7u. familio w. , Helmvr I". NVhken ha been uppointed j l.gnlar aud John A. Paulson substitute n V, ural caiTier for route "i at E.-teiline. 8. D. " The application of T. Klrandness, Frank Isievijia. G. A. l-nnelt. E. Larson, N. C. 'ilg, . W. HaiidkH and R. B. tiigdrstad I to otgani" liiw First Nallonal bar.k of I Prtsu.l. D., ih f-'SWO capital, has hern j at prxvtd by Uue bompirulier of the cur- 1 r rule on french churches i Tew Cabinet Take nadlcal Stand 1 . a flaforcrmfiil of I Laws. PARI9, Oct. 26. The cabinet has reached decision regarding the application of tv w providing for the separation of rhi' and state, by which the revenues c ,f churches, in the event of the c 'tv .y . -slstlng In their present rebellious "'-'.de, will be seqUesterated December .1 the churches themselves will remai. en for public worship under the law of assembly of 1W1, during the ensuing year before the law goes finally Into effect. In the meantime, should the clergy refuse to yield, a ministerial declaration will be Issued. Indicating very clearly th" Inten tion of the csblnet to ask Parliament for special legislation to meet the situation. The nture of the measures contemplated, however, will not be disclosed, although if is announced that they have -Teen agreed upon. Some of the newspapers declare that the council of state, after consideration of the question of what constitutes a legal association under the law. Is prepnred to render a decision that only associations formed with the consent of the forme church wardens and parish priests are legally entitled to take over church prop erty, those formed by outsiders having no previous connection with the church mar dens or parish priests, being Irregular. If this proves to be correct, the decision will give an Impetus to schls'n. as of all the associations thus far constituted but two have the concurrence of both the parish priest and church wardens, and these have been formally Interdicted by the bishops. BORDEAUX. France, Oct. ?. Cardinal Lecot, archbishop of Bordeaux, has Issued an appeal to the faithful not to Join "false Catholics and bad priests" In the forma tion of associations to take over church property, and warns the parishioners who disobey his Injunction that they will lose the right to confess and receive the sacra ment and. notified the priests that they will be prohibited from preaching and udminis- 1 lerlng the sacraments, adding that "those who wrongfully acquire church property j will not only die In a state of sin, but the . obligation will rent upon their rysterity ! ao long as the memory of the robbery 1 endure" POPE SEES GERMAN OFFICIAL Secretary Tan Tnrhlrakjr Talks Affairs with Head of Cathollo burcli. f HO .ME, Oct. Iti.-The pope today recelve.d the German foreign secretary, Hrr von Tschlrsky, and Frau von Tschlrsky, who were accompunied by the Prussian minis ter to the Vatican, Baron von Rotenhan. In the papal ante-chamber Herr von chancellor of the Holy Roman church, j who formerly was papal nuncio at Munich, , and therelore Is thoroughly conversant "-"" S'lHire, BO nell V 1 reived by the pope previous to the artval I of the German foreign secretary.. . Cardinal Agllardl hud a brief converse- ' tlon with Herr von Tschlrsky. after which ! tiie latter was admitted to the papal library, the pope meeting hint, his wife and I Baron von Rotenhan at the door and bid- j ding them to liae when they knelt to kl:' his hand. The pontiff then asked his visi tors to take seats and entered into a cor dial conversation with them, which lasted half ait hour. Herr von Tschlrsky con veyed to the pope Emperor William's best wishes, and the pontiff In return sent his majesty his warmest greetings. It was observed that Herr von Tschlrsky followed the precedent of Emperor William of going to the Vatican. He first went to the Prussian legation to the Holy 8ee. where he left the carriage belonging to the Gcruiau embassy to the Italian govern ment, und took the carriage of Baron von 1 Rotenhan, In which he drove to the Vatl- can ' SHOEMAKER IS A ROBBER German Posed as Army Officer t anned Soldiers to Help a ad Him. - - BERLIN. Oct. 'J -The pretended captain of grenadiers of the guard who on October is on u rorgeo oroer iook command or a on the streets in this city and proceeded , . . , ' ,.r n - 4 A -,,,. , .. J A. r, . , , " . the treasurer and took possession of the . .. 4 . ' , . cash, amounting to about tl.OOu. turns out to have been a shoemaker of Tilsit named William Volgt. He was arrested by four commissaries of police at his lodging place in a qalet, respectable quarter of Berlin. Volgt, although working at the trade of I a shoemaker, has committed a long series ! of felonies, principally robberies by means of forged documents. He has served live terms In nriM,ii. Ilnlshlns a fifteen v.,.- sentenc In years old. February, and Is nearly 60 SUBSIDY FOR MAIL SHIPS !few Zealand Renews Contracts I adei Conditions with I.laes to America and Cannda. WELLINGTON. N. .. Oct. Se.-The house ot representatives today approved the renewal ot the San. Francisco subsidy for three years with the proviso that new steamships shall be provided within two bur. and declared ft. at he wished to pro years, In default of which the postmaster. eed with an examination Into tho qualifies general is empowered to give six months' tlons of certain grand Jurymen. Heney notice of the withdrawal of the subsidy. ! interrupted, saying lha( the first thing he The house also authorized the mukiug of intended to present to the grand jury was a contract with the Vancouver service, ! evidence supporting chargr of felony and giving I3,0ti0 to steamers making the trip j misdemeanor ari'nsl Ruef. At this June, in eighteon days, the maximum ubUly to ! ture another objection came from IT. 8. be JluO.Ouo. . Webb, attorney general for the state, who j declured that the court should not permit Regalatlon for Students In Germany i auch statements to be made before the BERLIN'. Oct. M.-The authorities of the ! grand Jury, which was present, us It might University of Berlin Inform the Associated j disqualify theui. end he averred that there Press that the statements published abroad I was a possibility that they had already to the fffect that the stringent regulations ' been disqualified. conocrning the admission of studeats srs ' Webb then asserted that he intended to designed to exclude many AmerUsns lt j assume charge of the matters now before gether, sre untrue. Any graduate of an he court. Judge Graham ordered the Jury American college who presents a passport dismissed until Monday morning and Heney and the diploma of a bachelor of arts, of strongly protested against this order, say any other equivalent degree, will be ad- i lug tlist Mr. Ruef knew what matters mltted without any questions. H Is true '. would b presented to the Jury In Its first that the diplomas of some of the smallest I hour and that time would be given to bribe lnstllifionf, bearing the name of col- witnesses and get them out of the leges, are omitted from the list of those ' country. Henry Ache, acting as attorney recognls'd. The new regulations are dl- ; for Ruef, offered to meet the attorney gen rected against Russians, not having ufft. , eral and Heney ko that the matter might dent means of support or who are aca- j be prepared for submlsilun to the supreme demically unqualified. j court, but Heney refuted, saying that It . j was his rule never to confer with men t hung In French Dlnlaaaals. I about to be accused, or their attorneys. PARIS. Oct. Mj-There has been quite a j Court then udjourned until Monday, change in the personnel of the Foreign of-' Cirent framd la street flee a. a result of the appointment of M. Llariu , lhe, r.r0c.dtns and for in Pinchou to he foreign minister.- M. The. . .rlier . crowd of fcbolJl , b.ult. formerly first secretary of th. j , H.-mbled. liefor court opened the rre.i.n i-s.l-.u ""'"iii ami re- cently chief of the cabin, t of the ministry ef foreign effains retir.s from that po-l- tion und becomes minister ot France at Butnes Ayr. Nei,rasi(a Democrats in Lcaouc wilh Hie Railroads - Democratic Editors reak Oat. T. S. JILLS X, etMlrtaMi. agaooDMsrsss 4V rVltri'T ...... o .. . ( hg . . r ... v.ri DEK3CRAT1C STATE A n w , . UNCOLN MOTEL. LINCOLN. NFS. A lWtM ' . , . . tlU R'Utr . ,. axactnva coMMrrrss t. a am n 1 1 . Hwum wmmm 1 a ne t ncloes you hsraslth a oopy of an adltorlal ahlch appaarai In ths Blair Pilot, a rapublloan paper. I think this 1 good stuff and If you oan find spaoe for It or frane up an editorial in your own language conveying the saae idea It "ill be effective. The rtpublloan platfona has a "Terminal Taxation plan that, will give to Omaha the benefit of all the terminal taxes instead of . distributing the same out over tr entire etate as is now done. If the republloan platform Is enaoted Into law it will mean that every town in the etate will loee their proportionate share of the railroad taxes and that Omaha will be the beneficiary. The Omaha Bee has alrsady pledged ninety republloan oandldatee in the legislature on thie proposition. The other republican candidates refused to give their assent to the soheme. I think this is important. Tours truly. - THAT TELL-TALK LETTEK. This letter has been mailed out from democratic state headquarters to all ed itors of democratic and populist news papers In Nebraska in an envelope bearing the inscription. "Talbot and Allen, attor-ncys-at-lcw, Fratendty building, Lincoln. Nebraska." EXCITING DAY IN 'FRISCO Coitett for District Attornejihip ii Taken Before the Supreme Court. LANGD0N ; IS GIVEN TEMPORARY ORDER 1 ) Judge Graham Refuses to Recognise Either Party and Adjourns Conrt Attorney : General . Takes -Charge of Case. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. Jl -Aftert $. day- ot tremendous axcltenwnt, Dtstrtct A.ttornoy Langdon, ' who was last night suspended from office by Acting Mayor Gallagher, was spparently In a victorious position tonight and had gained a temporary advantage over the city officials and politicians whom he had announced he Intended to have In dicted for felonies and misdemeanors. Almost 'at daybreak this morning an at torney representing Langdon appeared at the residence of Superior Judge Sim well and obtained an order temporarily restraining Political Leader Abraham Ruef, whom the acting mayor appointed to succeed Lang don, from Interfering with the officials or ' nBlrfl 01 ln 0'nTOl attorney a omce. j Judge Seawell set the case for hearing one week from today. The restraining or- der was served on Ruef and the Board of Supervisors at an early hour, and Langdon and Ms assistant, Francis J. Hte.y, were not disturbed hi their official capacity. Court Refuses to Act. The excitement of the day eaine with the i proceeding this afternoon In the court of 1 8unerlor jud8 Thomas F. Graham, where j the nlnete,mtn and nnH, member of the new , r,nrt ,. w hcn ,, ,h. ,. ... pected that the court would settle the quee- tlon of recognition of either Langdon or Ruef as district attorney. W hen the de- I . . ... . , . , sired Juror had been accepted Heney arose , , .. . , in maun 1.1U nji iu Lor ut iiunn 01 a deputy sheriff who had several times at tempted to search him. Ruef said the dep- ! uty was acting under his Instructions, it being Ruefs belief that Heney was armed. The court warned the deputy to cease an- , . inc u... suon pf "cognition. Ruef attempted to a.ldress Juua court, nut Heney objected to Ruef assuming such right. The silence of the court room intensified, for here It was expected that the fate of Heney or Ruef was to be. decided, but Judge Graham declined to paa upon the Issue, saying that he wonld not at that time settle the dispdte nor recogn'xe any one as an officer of the court. He refused to hear any further argument on the sub ject. Attorney General Takes ( hart.. Ruef, however, succeeded In obtaining permission to speak as n attorney at the j , row d had iu ked t he court room and con I j ool, ,lld a big Muad e,f polite was sum- nionod to eject them. The rs-lire did not ' - i 4Cvnttnu4 oa XUiii Page.) ft.. OftNIBLft, tMrUtrr, CENTRAL COYMITTEE ( Hittov K f At 0 L C MragLl . 1 i v. -.(r m i 1 H. Ism Lincoln, Ncbr., Cot. 19, 1906. Chairman. BRYAN TOURS BUCKEYE STATE ebraakan Reiterates His Claim that President Roosevelt is Islns; the Democratic Platform. CANTON, O., Oct. Aft.r a whirl of hulf a day over n section of northeastern Ohio WlUium J. Bryan spoke here at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon for an hour to a large audience In the Auditorium. He had plonned a visit to the McKlnley tomb, but a belated train disarranged the schedule and be ,was forced to omit the trip. In opening his, address Mr. Bryan referred to McKlnley as follows: In former canvasses of this state I have nrtt had the oonortnnltv to speak st Canton as some ether people, have. This was u to the fact that my opponent's home was here. We always recognise local pride. That I was defeated in two former cam paigns by a man whose spirit-of private life and public character were , so high and po universally admitted will always give me a sense of comfortable pleasure. A complimentary reference was made to the work of President Roosevelt. "Why Is It that the president stands out In popularity?" asked Mr. Bryan, "It Is 1 because he 'is the one man who has had courage enough to abandon a republican platform and follow a democratic platform. But don't blame the president for adopting democratic Ideas. He could not go In the j right direction Hnd do anything else. We have had our fight for years, and now we are going In the re me direction, repub- llcane, democrats and populists, with 'demo crats away ahead." IHMSEN SPRINGS ROORBACK Charge Brought by Independence League Manager Promptly Denied by Chairman Woodruff. NEW YORK. Oct. 2U.-.'u"ax V. Ihmeeti. chairman of the executive committee of tho Independence league, and manager of the campaign of William R. Hearst for gov ernor, today made a statement, in which he charged that the- republicans are endeavor ing "to raise an enormous corruption fund for electing Mr. Hughes. He also declared that Postmaster General Cortelyou hud come to New York to show Chairman Woodruff of the republican state commit- tee how to raise such a fund. Chairman .Woodruff of tho state repub lican committee today issued Ibe following statement In reply to Mr. IhmseiVs charge that George B, Cortelyou had been in this city to show Mr. Woodruff how to raise a big fund from the corporations: The statement is absolutely false from be ginning to end. The fact ia that not one dollar has been received from any corpora tion or corporation intermits. What little money w have received, a sum up to the present lime Insufficient for the absolute necessity of the state committee, without our having been able to officially assist a single county organisation, has come from our appeal for a popular subscription, re sulting In many subscriptions, the aggre gate of wlhch Is very snuiil. ILLINOIS DEDICATES TEMPLE Memorial to Men Who Foaght at Vlrksbnrg Is Opened tn Public. 1 VICKSBURO, Miss., Oct. 36-Ttie Illinois Memorial temple, the tribute of that state to its soldiers who fought In the siege of Vicksburg. was dedicated at the Vlcksburg National Military park today with elab orate ceremonies. The temple Is a magnificent structure, consisting cf a marble dome sixty-two feet high and fifty-four feet in diameter, with flights of marble stairs leading to it. It cost JJAOoO. On the Interior are Inscribed in bronze the names of every one of the M.000 Illinois soldiers who were engaged In the operations which the Vlcksburg Na tional park Is Intended to commemorate. MURDER SUSPECT ARRESTED an Believed ta Be Implicated la Killing Actress Taken from Train at Fnirbnry. CHICAGO. Oct. Word was received y tne Chicago ponce tonight trom ran- business done by controlling elevators: bury, Neb., that a man believed to be lo- ,iat prices of "regular" elevators are gov K,ld. implicated by Howard E. Nicholas in ; ,.Mic,i mre or less by a card Issued here the murder of Mrs. Maigaret I-eslle. wan by Ward G. Case; that this card foimerly taktn from a railroad train at that point . was lb result of weekly discussion and and is being J 'd for Identification. The frequent vote of the nu mbers of the Id s suspect had a mrougn ticket to Kan riun ci. o. which bad been pin chased at ftv ea rn ore, 111., Thursday night. Special Plspatcli to the World-Herald. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Feb. S, liX'S.-At tho . meeting of the Democratic ; Editorial association this evening resolutions were unanimously adopted endorsing House Itoll 171 and rlfo the revenue measure, now be fore the Nebraska lcgMature. A spoclal committee, of which C. J. Bowlby, editor of the Crete Democrat was chairman and C D. Caspar, editor of the David City Press1, was secretary, reported the fol lowing: Wi deaounoe the attempt of tke railway lobby to deceive the pnbUo with respect to House oll 171, mow peadlnf before the Nebraska legislature, the same being a bill designed to require railroad companies to bear their Jnst proportion of taxation In cities of the metropolitan class. The attempt on tbe part of the railroad lobby to make it appear through editorial, admittedly written by the lobby and paid for by the railroads, that this measure. If enacted Into law, wonld affect taxes to be paid by the railroads for state, county and school purposes la Indefensible and deserves prompt and vigorous rebuke at the hands of all who believe that the truth should be know with respect to every public measure and who object to the escape of taxation by tbe railroads for state, county, olty or school purposes. We believe it to be the (duty of every democratlo member- of the legislature to vote for Mouse atoll 171 and register his protest in an effective way against the at tempt of the railroads to deceive the peo ple, and through such deception escape their proportion of taxation. This resolution was thoroughly discussed and was adopted by a unaulmous vote of the association. Action of Democratic F.JHors. The World-Herald congratulates the Dem ocratic Editorial Association of Nebraska upon the adoption of a resolution endorsing House Roll 171 (providing for municipal taxation of railway terminals). Although I the railroad lobby l exerting Its best ef- j forts to hoodwink the people with respect J to this bill, It hus failed to pull the wool over the optics of the democratic editors of this state. The democratic editors have taken the correct position. It Is to be hoped that tho suggestion they mnke to the members of the legislature will be adopted by nt least every democratic and populist member. Omaha World-Herald, February 6, 1903. CEREAL CLUB FIXES PRICES Iaveitieition of Qriin Trade ia Iowa Begini in Des Moines. DAY'S TESTIMONY IS SENSATIONAL Dealers' Association Discriminates Against Farmers' Elevators and Pooling ' Arrangement Dis tributes Business. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. , Oct. ;. (8cc1h1 Tele gram. -Two niembT3 of the Interstate Commerce commission arrived from Omaha this morning and at once began Investiga tion of the buying and shipping of grain In lowu. The testimony was e-rtaiional in the extreme. It being shown that tilt Iowa Grain Dealers' association dlscrlmlnat. d systematically against the farmers' el- vators, lhat the, prices are governed larg?ly I by a card Hent out by the Des Moines cereal club and Ward G. Cate. and that a i rural carriers. If determined upon, will have pooling arrangement distributes the bui-1- to lie submitted to congress by the post n ess among the members of the associa- ' muster general. tion. , There are now In the rural delivery sorv- After several members of the Des Moines j Ice 3fi,437 carriers, employed In all parts Cereal club had testified that they could not I of the country, remember that the orgaiiixaton had ever j -- voted to flx prlceirVor grain. R. TV. Harper I PROFESSOR IS REVOLUTIONARY took the ntand und teatifled that as a guest of tho club he had often attended Its ban- j Michigan Educator Maya Children Are quets and, meetings, which were held at th ; ow Sent to Hchool Too , Grant eblK weelrlv a nA that aftai Hlan- slon of prices the vote of the meeting was taken on motion by the presiding officer, i George A. Wells, secretary of the Grain Dealers' association, and exprened by lifted hands, as a basis for quotations for the ensuing week, furnished to members I of the association by Ward G. Case of this cltv. Commissioner Tn. rf th.. lnier-.t Commerce commission gave the members of i the Cereal club, who had testified that prices were not fixed at meetlngn of the or- ganlxatlon. an opportunity to amend their , testimony, after which Mr. Harper left the i tat a rA ' l.aue Miarply ttuestlnaa Wells. Secretary Well took the stand and saht that he had Intended to testify that he not put motions of this character at every meeting of the club, and was about to pro ceed with further amendments when Com missioner Lane, leaning quickly over his dee toward Mr. Wells,' created a sensa tion by the inquiry: "Did not you try to mislead the commis sion on that point?" Mr. Wells said that he had not. "Why did you testify as you did?'' con tinued Commissioner Lane. "Did you not try to create the Impression in the commissioners' minds that there was no fixing of prices and that nothing was j done to fix prices at then meetings? Did ' not you do that?" ( Mr. Wells Insisted that he had not done so. "Wss not that your distinct effort In answer to the questions?" persisted Mr. Lane. "No." sir," replied Mr. Wells. "Didn't you In every way try to evade nd avoid answering the questions of Mr. ( Marble (the commission's lawyer) put to I you at the time, when asked In regard to fixing prices?" Mr. Wells started to make some explana tion when he was dismissed from the stand. Case la I ncertala. Ward G. Case, who was said to furnish the price card to the members of the state association of grain dealers, was called to the stand and interrogated In detail with respect to the cards. He was not certain about much of the information he disclosed, and denied any arrangement with the Cereal club. The testimony In the hearing today was to U: effect that the Grsin Dealers' us- I aocuttlon is makina a ri-ht- umimi ik. farmers' elevator, which Is not a member I of the association, by restricting Its tesml- I mil market m-h,.n n,ulhla h.. I pooling arrangements have existed and now 1 exist In Iowa, which control the amount of - 1 Moines Cereal club lhat Secretary Wlls . ' 'Conrlnued a Itx'.ii page THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for ebraaka Fair and Mark ( older Katarday. aaday Fair. Paae. 1 Indians Show Mitaa of TVeakealam. 'Frlscn Pnlltlea tiettlnm Warm. real Association Flses Prlrea. Horse hovr Proilnm an F.dacatar. orrls Brown Talka la. Home Town. 4 Women rtlscnsa Forrtun Mlsslona . r. . . .... . ' nrain .ncn Are TMtrrcsl 1 n Affairs at Soath Omaha. News from All Parts of Nebraska. It Deaths from Fire Are Increnslaa. T Review ef Latest Literature. Moorish itaalon Orowlna; Worse. 10 Editorial 11 Coal Trast Falls tn Keeare Delay. a Commercial Review of the Week. "porting Rventa of tbe Day. 1" Financial and Commercial lcws. IS Council Blnffs and Iowa ews. Temperature at Omaha Testerdayi Ho. De. . . tn , . 44 . . 44 . . 44 . . 4H . . fia . . Kft llnnr. I n. a P. i. 4 n. ft p. rt p. T p. H p, t p. Dea. . . M . . T . . T . . t . . T . . tt . . f.T . . r.4 . . 4S ft a. a. 7 a. et a. I a. in a. 11 a. ISi in. DAWSON IS COMING HOME American Minister to fan to Domingo is on Way toConncil Bluffs. NEW YORK. Oct. SB. T. C. Dawson. American minister to Santo Domingo, re turned from that country on' the steamer Seminole. He will leivo at one? for his liiM-ie In Council Bluffs. Ia. In rpenking of thn Island, Mr. Dawson said that Sa-nto Domingo Is now enjoying an era of great prosperity; that Its crops are excellent and that Its exports have been greatly Increased. CAPE HAYT1EN, Oct. "K.-After the re cent complete defeat of the Dominican rev olutionists near Monte .Crlstl by the troops of President Caceres, the greater rart of the former surrendered and were pardoned. But n number, including Generals Onel'lto and Rlvan and other leaders of the revo lution, lied across tho frontier Into Haytl, where they Joined General Navarro and started for Cape Haytien. They will em bark for some foreign country, as the gov ernment of Haytl will not allow the revo lutionists to remain within this republic. The district of Monte Cristl is quiet, all signs of the recent revolutionary disturb ances having disappeared. 1 PAY OF RURAL MAIL CARRIERS Fourth Assistant Postmaster Will Recommend that Their Salaries Be lnrreased. WASHINGTON, Oct. V. Fourth Assist ant rostmtister General DeGraw will recommend to Postmaster General Cortet you a substantial increase in the maximum salary allowed letter carriers In the rural free delivery service. Estimates recently submitted by the postmasW general to the secretary of the treasury for the postal service for the coming flt-cal year, includ ing an Increase of $1.47a,00u for the rural delivery service, did not Include an ap propriation necessary to provide for (in Increase In the salaries of rural carriers. j Tho lusm referred to Is merely to cover thn ; not mul addition to the cost of existing i for the establishment of additional sen-ice Kstlmates for tho appropriation necessary j to I)rovlde for an Increase In salaries of ' ' Young. LATTLE CREEK, Mich., Oct. K Ad- dressing T.5a0 school teachers today at th annual convention oi me Micnigan mate Teachers' awoclatlon, Prof. Ellsworth Gate Lancaster of Olivet college. Olivet, Mich., made a number of radical suggestions fot . cliangea In the present educational systems He declared that children are started In I " ho01 to young: that '"" Bnauld 1)0 lest elBht year" old b"fore ,akln u wiiiKii worn aiiu couicnuea wu inert should lie but four years instead of eiglu ! L" fore tiie pupil entered tho school. Hy glene, he mid. is a more important subject 1 Ing was a special eventt in which the Stoig than either geography or arithmetic for the j Brewln company und Swift and Cou chlldren to master, and arithmetic should ' pany entered alxhorse teams hitched to not be studied until children have reached I iieavy wage. nr. and equipped wltir mounted their thirteenth year. He said that the stato superintendent of public Instruction spends too much time In politics and too little at work and recom mended the engagement of a capable edu cator for the office at a salary' of at least 16,000 per year. NEW YORK POLICE SHAKEUP All Plain Clothes Men Must Appear la I'nlform at 6 O'clock Tonight. NEW YORK. Oct. 26. A police order al most. If not quite, as sweeping as that of Wednesday, which directed the transfer of every captain In the greater city with one exception, was Issued by Police Com missioner Bingham today. Under tho order every plain clothes msn In the clt will don a uniform at C o'clock tomorrow night and In the future the power of captains In assigning any man to plain clothes duty will be limited. The order threatens to do away with plain clothes men, otherwise known 'wsrd men." Such appointments as are made must be made through in spectors. Reports, too, must be made of arrests snd of the dispositions of the cases by the magistrates. Many retirement from the force are looked for on account of the Older. Many j men have been on plain clothes duty for ' six or more years. CUMMINS i CANCELS DATES ill l , h win -. ... ' t Nebraska. I LINCOLN, NVb.. Oct. 2b The republuaa ' state central committee received notlhcu- ! tlon that Governor Cummins, on account of ! illneM. had been obliged to ranix'l his I sa-aking dates In Nebrasks. i Kasiaa ttWcer Nenlenevd. KIEV. Oct. 26. Lieutenant Koiiovalxff. an 1 n uer omcor' n 9 ten senienrea to nve years' Imprisonment at hard labor for hav- lug bvnds ia Lis fcgssvpslou. SHOW AN EDUCATOR Beralti Hate Demonstrated Seme Idea, ef Hone (bow Vint Be Modified. MORE THAN MERELY A PASSING FANCY Eat Accompliihsd Woudert in Baisiat t'.ie Standard of Cmaha Earing. CITY RANKS UP WITH ANY OF ITS SIZE General Fublio Not Slow to Benoenira Merita of the Entries. SPECTATORS IMPARTIAL WITH APPLAUSE In aplte of Disagreeable Weather th Andltorlnm W as Well Filled on Fifth Mght of the !bow. Awiisi ron it. jobxpk wiqkt. Carriage fair (local) rirst 'W. X. McCord Second Ward M. Karaens Third Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyan Speedway Horse First Don Riley . .Davis t)mily W. 3. Ciowlse W. X. IKcOnrA . .Lawrence Jones . tirow Murray B. K. Weatherbee . ...beotge fepper . . .Crow Murrey . . . W. H. MoOord . . -Lawrenoe Jones Hecond a hird Big a Ktepper 1 iret Second 'Ihlid Hnnt Club Team Tlrst hecond Third Victoria lalr rust Second Third Ward M. Burgess Boad Horse Flret Lawrence Jones . Second Crow Murray' Third W. X. McQord Park Tour ( Tirss tawrenoe yoaes Meoond W. K. MtfOora Third Crow e Murray Best Woman Kider first Miss Helen Cudahy hecond miss rranues Ktia TtOrU rs. U. VI Urotoot Woman's Talr (local) First Mrs. JosepV Barket bocond 'ward aluigees Third A. D. I aaueis High Jump ' l ust B. X. Wsetherbee beoond E. X. Wesvinerbee 1 bird Ueorge epps Omahuns are taking to their Hore Show Just like a certain web-footei blid takes to water. And It ia said sue, i con duct Is doing Omaha much good in more ways than one. It places the iltj tu u class that Is looked up to by moil and women of affairs throughout tho country and stimulates among the cltlsenshlp a deal re for the better and ennobling thing' of life. Whatever speculative opinions may have been entertained previously regarding the Omaha Horse Show have since com pletely vanished to make way for a per manent place In the hearts of Omaha peo ple. Many who merely regarded the hoise as a four-footed animal and as an object of labor or speed, or even show, now re gard the horse as something worthy of a . higher place In the list of man's posea- .. slons. The educational results of the show ars manifest not only In the mnnner In which the good animals are recognised the mo ment they enter the ring, but in the In creasing number of really good horses owned and driven In the city. At the time the first Horse Show was talked of tho number of really fine animals In the city were few and the number of stylish equipages still leea. Todoy few If any cities of Omaha's slse can boast of so many hlgli clussj hojrses or .stylish turnouts. This bet torment is not noti'd slone among those who exhibit at the show, but the example of these has been emulated as far as means would permit by hundreds of others. Fifth Mgbt Ip to Standard Last evening the fifth of the 19o Hors Show week, did not suffer any by conipai l son with the other evenings of the week. In spite of the bad weather. The horses were as animated as ever, tho Judgos as alert, the spectators us keen to discern the various Teatures offered for their delecta tion and the beautifully gowned women u lUuctlve M on ,ny other evening of the present season. The boxes and arena seats were wtll filled, while the balcony seats were fairly well taken. In all, the crowd was of goodly proportions and highly appreciative and uttentlve, even If the en thusiasm was not as noticeable as on pre vious occasions. But It Is remembered that Horse Show votaries do not show thtlr feelings after the manner of the base bull fan or foot ball crank. One of the inspiring features of the even- harness of the best patterns. These noble animals, evidently conscious of their ex cluelvenees. were sent around the tunbank and put through trials that sroueed the crowd to a high point of enthusiasm. J. M. Kuykendall, one ot the Judges, took the lines of the Swift team and took a whirl around on his own account, but evidently the Swift driver had been doing eon driv ing before Friday evening, for he could turn the outfit in its own space and them do some more surprising stunts with tbe big wagon and its six noble horses. Impartial with Applanae. While tne slx-horsc team event was go ing on the crowd filed In and was well seated when the tlrst regular event, class V). harness horses was announced. The exhibitors tn that event were all local owners and as the equipages passed trie- ' boxes chejrs were generously offered by I thoee who wanted to see their fuvorltu ' win a prise, but when the winners wer 1 determined those who. had cheered for other burses were not stingy In giving due honor to the winners. The upoearano' of the hunters lust evening elicited a gen- erous ro-ind of applause. The element .f exhilaration which enters Into that, sport seems Infectious. Interest In the Jumpers, saddle ponies and four-ln-hands was unabated. The four-ln-hands always appeal to the spectators and are In high favor when on the tanbark. I Last evening was Bt. Joseph night, which ! designation of the evening served to bring a number of horsemen and women from the Missouri city. This afternoon a special priced matinee will be given and this even ing the curtain will be rung down on the l'.-d Horse Show. I ' . PKAHI ) SHOW a HUE CA JI MP kOME Champion Clears tbe Bare at lx Feet , Koar. Pei:rl. the champion high Jumper of the world, Jumped six feet end four Inches last night Just tu "how what sho will do tonight when she oes against the world record. The crowd waa kept away hf fall of ram Just at opening time last night, but I he special attractions this afternoon, anJ tonight will more than make up for th duJldeiHV Laid kad Ifetlv TbXa it