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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 23, 100G. SPECIAL NOTICES XurtlMmrili for thfi rnlstnss will bs tikra mill 13 m. Isr ths nine edltta-a aad natll l. w. lor ths Mnralai assder rdltloa. nates 1 8-H a word flrat Insertion, la a word thereafter. Sstalasj taken for less thaa 8O0 for ths flrat Isser tloa. Taea advertlsenaeats laaat bs raa eonaeeat Ively. Advertisers, by requesting red check, eaa hare answers ad draaaed to a aaatbered letter In earo f Th Bee. Anawera ao addressed will ha delivered oa preoeatatloa of check. MISCELLANEOUS WHEHB TRUNKS ARE M ADR. Trunk, ault cases and shopping bita. Ola trunk In eirhanff. Repairing. FRLINC 4k UTEINLk. , 410 N. 18th St. 'Phone Douglas 4?95. R--WS OU8 OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., til B. 16th St. Tel. Douglas SSL H M3M Grading Contracts Bids will be received for Immediate removal of 80.000 cublo yards. All machine work. GEORGE CO., 1601 FARNAM. R 44 31 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a ape. clalty of fire escapes, ahuttera, doors and safes, a. Andreen, I'rup., M 8. 10th St. SIGN FAINTING-8. II. Cole. 1303 Douglas. H-e. TRT Kally'g Towel Supply. TeL Doug. 8630. 1 Wl IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. WIS Farnsra. R HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs; en trance, UM arnum. TeL Doug, jg "WATCHMA K INO. engraving, optlos tou&ht free. Oldest school in twin cities. IWid without cost. Best Instructors. Write for oatalogue. Minneapolis Engravlng Watchmaklng RchooL Seventh and Heu nepln, Minneapolis. ; R ti.16 2x WANTED MALE HELP First Winter Teim OF THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 19th and Farnam Begins Monday Nov. 4 Day and Night Sessions New class3 in both. Good time to begin. Call or write for full particulars. Courses Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Civil Service, Telegraphy and Penmanship. Gneral Information Fine Quarters; large enrollment; literary society Friday nights, new typewriters; best system of Shorthand; plenty of posi tions; big night school; splen did facilities. Catalogue free. Rohrbough Bros. 19th and Farnam B AUTOMOBILE drivers, mechanics, chaX- feurs. reuulrmen. demousiiniois. uue men, garage managers wanted all over the country, iwi win oner great oppor tunltics and high salaries for competent men. Our practical auto-educution can be acquired by night study at small monthly coat. Positions secured through our em ployment bureau. Wo have the only prac tical series of test books in exialenoe and our Instructors are experts, btudy now and be ready for the spring opportunities. For full particulars, inciuaing one rr lesaon and Dictionary of Motoring torma, add re M The Correepoudeuce rk;hooi oi Automobile Engineering, suite 1777 Ameri can Oarage, J W. eoth St., New York City. B-0-8X MANAGER to appoint agents 7or new great sctentltlo gume; lawful everywhere; aubstltute foruldden slot machines! flayed with nickels, pennies or quarters ur drinks or ciku; fiuiali beuullrul, like cash realstur: rented or sold on eaay pay- rnents; 6H.0UO now in use) sample aent free; propoaiuon wui plena it an open ing in your section. United Sporting Uooas Mig. co., imiii. , I'mcqgo, in. B-'M 2Sx WANTED First-class moulders on dry and green saiul, heavy and light work; also a few Itrat-cluas core makers and hundy men, who ueaire to work In an open shop; our plant Is about (ora meted: It la Dew Slid UD-lu-ddte In every particular; higheat wges to flrt-cliLas men; good climate ana healthful loca tion; in a western c 'y of about 2oo,wJ Bonulation, Aedrene U 42, care Be. b soi n WANTED, for the V. 8 marine corps, men between sges VI and 36, sn opn.n tunlty to see the world. For full information ee poster In poslofflce of any county seat In Nebiaska fur the address of recruiting oRlcer thereon. B-MUS H WANTED Reliable watchmaker, in on of Omaha s leading Jewelry siores; gooa sal ary to the right mau. Aduresa U-iU, Bee, WANTED A few reliable workmen for larloiy positions; steady employment during the winter. Address f. O. bos Kg. H MtZl JlX WANTED Three artists who can do first class aork in crayon, pastel, etc. Per manent positions. Klther salary or piece tork. United Art Co., rourtft Hour, febkea Blk., MmneapoUs, Minn. B M4S0 n WANTED Competent Job printer; steady work. Nebraska Newspaper Union, York, rseo. v Mi l ST WANTED Good team drivers; wages U Mr day after 0 days' service; steady Job. bunderland Brulhers Company, ivtU sua riicaory bis. d si a WANTED Floor man, horseshoer; mut be a mechanic. Apply i'ror. nteaart J, blocker, 4i Urand Ave., lr Moinna, la. a aijoi xsuv WANTED Men everywhere; good pay! t dinlrlbute circulars, adv. matter, tacl tiynaj Dietribiitlng bureau, 10 CMkUnd nana ciug.. vuiumr, 411. j o. t-m. WANTCD One firm -class retnil cand niakttf, W. 8. Bttlduff. li r"arnr.i Si, B ftKJl St WANTED Compe'ent all round book Under, who tin make good. 1'mai Print tig Co.. ruveralde, Calltornla. B MtUfl M MEN WANTED to hardle lumber. Gulou & Ladwluh. 16( n ana ets. B M.'ki Nov BOY WANTED-. gX)d opening for an en ergstie boy and a chance to hum but4nes methods; Wiort rsfurs ana goou pay; need not Interfere with school duties; steady work all winter. Apply after school at liAi Capitol Ave. jj-Uj zi WAML-D-A sMwail ftrt. ii Bsrk Ave. KMif at WANTED MALE HELP Delay Means Decay Frosrrsstl nation leads to stagnation nurtures laslnes kills ambition Invites failure. You hare probably been considering the advisability of taking- up a course In Teleg raphy In Boyles College for months and months. Why not make up your mind today to enter Boyles Collea. tomorrow and when tomorrow comes actually enter our Teleg raphy department and start with the work of transferrins; yourself with our aid Into a crack Telegrapher. Don't be a "tomorrow-man" or an "after a-whiler." There Isn't the slightest doubt about 11 our Tel graphy department Is the most thor oughly equippeu with the most mouern Tel egraphic Instruments of any Telegraphy de partment west of New York. Our Tela graphlo Chief Is a man who has had yeai and years of experience doing actual Tele graphic work, lie can initiate you and will Initial you and thoroughly train you In each and every detail of Railroad Teleg raphy aa well as Business Telegraphy, lie can make a successful Telegrapher out of you. It won't do you any good to doubt this. It will do yon some good to Investigate It. That Is all we ask. That Investigation will be enoua-h to enroll you If you are sincere In your desire to be a SUCCESSFUL. Teleg rapher. Write us today about It Or pay us a call tomorrow. BOYLES COLLEGE, ' . Day and Night. II. B. BOYLES, PRES. BOYLES BLDO. OMAHA, NEB. B WA NT EL Lumberman, one who Is fast and accurate In tallying; also two Doys, Omaha Bos Co., East Omaha. B Wo WANTED Chicken pickers; plenty of work; hens and springs, to. Apply evwiu and Company, 217 B. Union St., uttumwa. la. Li jdou u CHICKEN pickers wanted at Bwlft aid company, airoury. Meo,; nne new pics- ing room; lots or poultry; nens, c; sprlngr, 2Hc Write or come at once. E. Bylleeby, Mgr. B M254 27 WANTED Five boys: good wages; perma- nnt joo. a. L. t. Co., 213 . i3tn m. B-C37 DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knetst, 6:4 N. Y. L. U-uSB CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to pre pare, eee unaernui, saw in. nun. B M774 02 WANTED. BOUND YOUNG MEN, IS to 35. to prepare for fireman and brakemen on new roads and for fall rush; experience unnecessary; firemen 1100. promoted to engineeia $200; brakemen $78, promoted to conductors 1150; positions now open. Na tional Training association, 620 X Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. B-M1S8 Nova HUSTLERS out of employment can do well to call on us; pay weekly. C. r . Aaams Co., 1019 Howard. B M139 Nov.! TOOTH A CHE T Free treatment at Crelgh- ton Dental colleae. Crown or bridge work. No charge at creignton Dental college exoepi ior ma. terlal. B mm ptovii WANTED Men to lenrn barber trade. Tho well known Moler System of Colleges, founded 1S91, located In fourteen leading cities, offer splendid advantages. Prac tical experience, qualified instructors, llf 3 scholarship, registered diplomas, positions and locations. Call or write Moler Barber College. 1114 Farnam St., Omaha, Net. . B M40 Novlx STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $50. Bookkeeper and clerk, $70. Grocery clerk, $00. (rents' fnrnlHhlnaa mods clerk. $40. WESTERN REF. A BOND ABS'N. INC., Bulte 840-841-843 N. X. Llf Bldg. B-ai 21 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $21 to $00 mans weekly, dlstnouting circulars, paca ages, overseeing outdoor advertising. Ex perience not needfd. New Plan. No can vassing. Address Merchants Outdoor Ad vertising Co., 7 Dearborn St., Chicago. B M537 ax LOCAL representative wanted; experience unnecessary it nonest, amDitious ana win ing to learn the buslnes thoroughly by mail; splendid income assured. Write at once for full particulars. Address either ofllce. National Co-Operatlve Realty Co., 7t6 B, Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago, or 765 B, Maryland Bldg., Washington, D. C. B-615 8x WANTED Man, each county, to advertise our gooas ana leave samples; salary i weekly; expenses advanced. Northwest ern Co., Dept. 41 B, IM Wabash Ave., Chicago. B 1$ 28x LEARN telegraphy, electrical work or shorthand at home ty man; catalogue free. American Business Institute, Kali. maaoo. Mich. B 609 ihx WANTED Clerk Koehler hotel. Grand Island. B M.43 i WANT TOD Colored boy, 15 or 1 years old. to attend door. Thompson, iieinon tx u-m 2sx WANTED Experienced plledrtver work. men and b rid re camenters. il.ak per flay. and ptledrlver bridge foreman. $5.50 per oay. fTee transportation iu wura, in South Dakota. Board $5 per week. W. M. Hauser, 271 Madison St., Chicago, III. B HJtt 28x IN six week we educate you In salesman ship, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address The Bradstreet tiyatem, Koohextsr. m. x, B-667 2?x MEN WANTED. The Business Men's Association of Wagner, b. V.. will guarantee work to common laborer, either on sewer or school hnuxo now building, or furnish thousands of bushels of torn to pick at 4 cents per bushel thai will go fifty bushels to the acrs. Wages on sewer, $2 M per day; bonrd, $4.0". Can furnish employment tx pood carpenters; work until January, 1, 1S07. Addreos the undereltrned, or come at once and anply In person. W. O. Ho. Donald, fee. Business Mens Association, Wagner, o. V. li Must l WHOLESALE paper house wants bright vounr man. 18 to a. for omce posiuon. ot tering opportunity to learn the business; must be quick at figures; high school or business college graduate preferred. Ad dress in own writing, stating ae, reier enc and experience, P. O. Box 13o0, Omaha. ia ;s MAN WANTED by Philadelphia mill! work In own town, full or spare time; Hilary and board pain; experience not es sential. P. O. Box 13S. Philadelphia. Pa, B SOMETHING NEW In health and accident Insurance; a leading company, witn large fronts, to a good Omaha ae.nt, and aUo or outside asents. Great Western Acci dent, 1 MoIua B MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora, tion manufacturing household necessity desires Nebraska manager; demonstra tion In leading department store; ofllce furnished; three years' contract) salary $'..B' and commissions; good opening for mun of character and l lilty. Addre Manager, -5 Ontario Bldg., Toledo, O. B TWO high-grade men for Nebraska; $ll to $i75 tiuitilhly: no books, cunvasing or In surance; permanent connection to worker; references required. 1514 Manhattan Birtg., Chicago. B 67 lax WANTED Reliable men to sail diamonds and watches to everybody on credit; good commission; salary to proved business getlere. Walker Edmund Co., lo3 Suit St.. Chicago. B 681 2"X WANTED Detectives; shrewd, reliable man for profitable secret service, to act under ordtrrs; no experience necessary. Writs H. C. Webster, Indianapolis. Ind. B-Wl x BAIJ08 manager aanted, every state, by coriHratlon manuf Acturtr.g nw electrloal specialties for physlclsns. dermatologists, br t rs. Worth $5 im).00 yearly. Exclusive territory. Henry Tonjes, la East 2t'd 8t., New York. B 3-2tx WANTED Thousands Good position open for men of ability, all lines bus'.nesa. stai of NVaahlngton; no fee; Information free. Write today. Purely Brtkeine Co., PoLl' Batik BiUg., SralUe, Wuh. WANTED MALE HELP Thorovrghly experienced man wanted to conduct gpoclal sales ot general merchandise gtocks. Onlr men with thorough experience will be consid ered and to such Is offered permanent positions with an established sale pro moting company. Address, with full particulars, 606 Oumbel Bldg., Kan tat City, Mo. D 760 J 8 If your ability Justifies you holding a better position you should register with us. Calls for competent and reliable men ar more numerous than applicants. We need. In part: Office clerk and bookkeeper, 70. Bookkeeper and correspondent, 178. Stenographer and bookKeeper, $fd. Stenographer and bookkeepers, S46. Shipping clerk, experienced, V0. Ana many ethers. Call or write. WESTERN REF. AND BOND ASSN., INC. Dept. B, 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. b sia is WA NTEI-iMn ot good business standing, energy and large aoqualntanoe to regu larly represent a leading brokerage con cern of Facifle coast. In sale of high grade, profit paying mining stocks. Lib eral contract to satlofactory prty; capa ble man can make 1300 per month. Address with references, R. D. Robinson Co., W Grant building, Los Angeles, Cal. B o7S-2Sx WANTED Good man in each county to represent and advertise established bust res house; permanent position; sulaiy t'XIM weekly; expenses advanced. Addrees O. E. Blew, Sec y, Chicago, III. B 67S-B YOUNG man In office of large manufac turing firm; must be neat, careful pen man; experience not neoessary; $ti to start; state age, education; give refer ences. Address P 44V, care Bee. B-827 ' WANTED Tailors at once, one coatmaker and one all around man; good prices and steady work. C. Khlera, 182 S. 12ta St.. Lincoln, Neb. B-802 28x TRY a nerve bracing Cel-Pep-Ko today and see how much belter you feel tomorrow. B-62 28x YOUNG man to sleep In building at nights, centrally located; good bod. Address S 4O0, Bee. B-MS24 WANTED Young mnn of neat appearance to assist photographer. 1H0S Harney. B S33 28x WANTED Young man to help In office. Omaha Stove Repair Works. B 82S 28x WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Fifty girl to work in candy factory; good chance to earn money to buy your Chrlsfnas presents with. Th Voegele A Dlunlr.g Co., 131S Jones St. C-M7M EXPERIENCED chocolats dippers wanted at once. O. J.-O Brien Co., 03 Howard. C-MJe WANTED Experienced saleslady for cloak and suit department; high salary. Fred rick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam St. C M4J6 WANTED A straight matter lady com positor. Anchor Publishing Company, Patterson building, Omaha, Neb. , C M460 WANTED Cook for small family; wage $6 to $S. 2037 Dodge St. C 4i6 WANTED An experienced stenographer; Oliver typewriter; answer in person. B. Fredrick Berger AV Co., 1517 Farnam. U Uit 87 GIRL for general housework. 83S Park Av. c nx COMPETENT experienced stenographer immediately; reference required. Bun derland Brother Company. C 488 $7 GIRLS wanted tor assembling calendar sneeis, tacaing ny nets, turning uuao, also small glrla for clipping threads; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha, Bag Co., 11th and Jonea St. C M613 28 WANTED Machtn operator on pants. shirt and overalls at Klng-uranara Ajrg. Co., Bemls Bag Bldg., UtD and Jackson. Apply at fifth floor. C-M434 28 CASHIER, out o town, $50. WESTERN REF. Ai BOND ASS'N, INC. Suit 840-841-843 P4. I. jJjj WANTED" A lady to travel with dramatic company and play parts; a talented ama teur might fill th place; preference g ven to one who can sing or aselet with piano playing. Inquire of M. H. Curts at ths Thurston hotel, Monday between 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. C M533 24 x WANTED Two women to do scrubbing; permanent position. Enquire Mr. Thomas, J. L. Brandeis & Sons. C Mai4 U8 WANTED A cook. Mr. Marsh, m Pin St. C-W3-Z&X WANTED One or two competent girls at one. 1U4 park are. u 6:-3 WANTED A cook at the Shrinr. , Tel. ... i , n. i . a Af. r. . naruey ooa ur van o-i o. nui ol. CM5B9-2S ACTIVE lady to represent manufacturer, leaving samples, $3 per day to start; permanent. State nationality, religion, Engwull, 483 Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. C OA Sox 500 GIRLS to work In hlrt factory. M. E. Smith A Co., 11th and Douglas. Ca07 28 WANTED, at once, experienced cook; must have rererenoes; no washing, ties Mrs. J. 1 Baum, 8435 Harney St. C-M736 2 LADIES, we will make you a present of $J6. Give you a splendid lady's suit every ninety day and pay you a salary ot $00 per month and expenses to manage our business In your section. Old Unliable nrm. J. K. Mctlrady Co., 310 w. Van liuren Bt., Chicago. C 618 sx SEWERS Gingham aprons; make highest wages; material sent to door free of rharce: atanipcT addressed envelope foi particulars. L. P. Richards, 5Di! Forrest villa Ave., Chicago. C 4T x LADIEB for shadow drawing; natural tal ent unnecesaary; 120 weekly easily earned at home; stamped envelope for particu lars. Address Bureau of Commercial Art, jstl, Indiana Ave., cnicngo. c tnt ORDER QUICK Princes dip pin; every lady crssy for It; gives the new styllnh front to walat; agents' sumnle In cluding catalogue. Halaska Co., 1169 W 12th St., Chicago. C 044 2Sx INTELLIGENT woman wanted by Phlla do'phla Mill; work In own town, full or spare time; salary and board pud; ex perience not essential. 1'. O. fox i.6z, Philadelphia. Pa. C WANTED Young lady desiring good home toasslift witn nousewnrg and care or child. No washing. Gocd wagfs. Mrs, T aim age. 'Phone Harney tAS. C 775-2Sx LADIEB To make sanitary belts: mate rial all rut ready to sew; il k) per dosn; particulars stamped envelop. Lenox Co., lept. i.x, cnicaga. c oiM sx YOUNG lads and ladle wanted as agent for nickel talcum: sell on alaht: K com mission daily easily made; no previous experience required: send 30 cents In stamps ror three sample noxe ann axni Instructions. Address Nickel Talcum Co., 50 Wall St., New York. C & 28x LADIES to do plea work; $3 per dozen materials furnished: no ranvasx'ng steady work: !mted envelope. Beat Mtg. Co., Charapluin Bldg., Chicago. C 00-2 2Rx WANTED Girl for dining room, al3 one for chambermaid; good character n(ci sary: ticket furnlstied. Parkin hotel. Da vid City. Net). C WANTED I-adr who has had experience In demonstrating. Apply A. 1. Mren dels between I and 10 a. m. J. I Bran dels ft Sons. C 817 28 WANTED Ten experienced salesladies In our new rhlnawar department. Call at our ofllce between 10 aud 12 Monday morn ing. J. U Brandeis 4k Hons. C4 28 WANTED Experienced cook. With refer ence. Apply am cass. c m tux $$ to $8 thousand paid for distributes; ctr- ruivra, HiuiitM wu. swiv"n . I'lun. CUuaa B-t4 WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week; other novelties, ladles Supply Co , X '.-J Triune Avs., O., Chicago. J MI5 NovKx SALARY and commission will be paid to an old line life man of experience. Ad dress Box 1165, Lincoln, Neb. J-T71 Novll MAN or woman to distribute samples and e.nploy agents; til a week; expenes ad vanced; permanent. Ziegler Co., 211 Ixi cust St.. Philadelphia. J-MMJ 110 DAILY; article without opposition, 1 In 1, combination scrub bniRh, mop and wringer. Women buy at sight. Exclusive territory. Iept. 121, 1XL Works, 26 White hall St., New York. J-830 Ex SELL TOILET SOAP-Make tlO a day; lSe start you In business: write us; we show you how. Acme Chemical Co., 64 (to Av., Chics go. J-li 2Sx WANTED Representatives everywhere; hustling agents make big money; exclu sive territory; Quick seller. Robertson Bro., Manchester, Conn. Enclose fc stamp for reply. J-10 28x 17 WEEKLY easIVy mads fitting eye glasses. Writ today for fre booklet; It tell how. National Optical College, Bt. Louis, Ms. J-400 2tx AGENTS wanted everywhere to . sell our specialties; quick sellers; easily handled; 124 to $75 per week for hustler. Write for samples and full particulars. General Specialty Manufacturing Co.. Tenth and Susquehanna Av., Room 11, Philadelphia, I'a J-4SZ8 2Sx WE WANT a man In every county In Ne braska to hsndle our beer pipe cleaner; 30 per cent a month on Investment. Marvel Beer Pips Cleaner Co., Detroit, Mich. J-606 28X PATENTED Hitch anywhere; weigh but few ounces; carry In pocket; effective; no competition; horsemen excellent agents. Pocket Hitehpost Co., Muneie, Ind. J-623 28x AGENTS Manufacture nd sell your own goods and make all the profits: particu lars free. Wheaton A Co.. (11), New Bed ford, Mass., publlHher Wheaton' Trade Advocate, devoted to ths "Mixer'" in terest; Sua year; 3 months' trial, 10c; none free. J 618 2Sx AOENTB Something extraordinary; self generating gas burners, fitting kerosene lamps; brilliant white gas llKht; liberal Inducements; exclusive territory; nosltlv monopoly; description free; established; reliable. Efastern Gas Light Co., 280 Broadway, New York, J 617 2Sx AGENTS Opportunity to get In line with best selling article on the market. Call C30 N. 2-lth St., Svuth Omaha. J-782 AGENT8 Write now for free sample of 'work and terms, Btar harness mender; best 25c seller out; we make other quick selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co., St. Louis. J WE PAY $36 a week and expense to men with rigs to introduce poultry compouna. Year' contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Parsons, Kan. J WANTED Agent; women and men who are looking for permanent employment to sell our goods to the family trade; w pay a cash commission: energetic people can earn from $10 to $40 per week; w want Rgents In communities from 1,000 to 15,000. Bodenhelmer Coffe and Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J BELL our reservoir dustles floor and car pet brushes In stores, schools, residences, fmhllc bulldlnrs, hotels, halls; field un linked; reduce dust 7 per cent; actual test; gold medal at St. Louis World Fair; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great seller; opportunity to build great trade; exclusive territory; no competition. Milwaukee Dustles Brush Co., Milwau kee. Wis. J-641 2Sx WANTED Traveler for established house; $12 per week; expenses advanced; refer ences. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alex ander, Omaha, Neb. J 838 28x PORTRAIT AGENTS' Get your work from the artist; tney aeuver; prices ngni; quick service; valuable premium free; writs today. L. O. Butcher, New Era Bldg., Chicago. . J-58S $6 HUSTLERS wanted to sell specialty of re cent years; aggressive worker make 110 per day (no exaggeration); those who mean business write for full particular. Special to those wishing to lose no time we will send sample for 10c W. P. Chase tk Co., Wilcox Bldg., Los Angel, CaL . J 600 28x WANTED SALESMEN WE need one more FIRST CLASS SALESMAN to handle our line of CALENDARS and NOVELTIES for next year. GOOD TERRITORY and LIBERAL PROPOSITION. U. O. COLSON CO.. Paris. 111. Li75 tt WANTED Hustling salesman traveling this locality to sell enameled ware, tin ware, specialties, assortments, etc., a side line; most liberal commission; dead ones save stanps. Criswell Mercantile Company, 108 b. Merldan St., Indianapolis, ind. aa-su si WANTED Experienced salesman for fur. niture trade. January 1st; give reference, experience, etc. Art areas u ii, Be. L-M4U 27x SALESMAN wanted. Two experienced grO' eery specialty or crockery salesmen ior permanent work. Salary, $15t per month and expenses. Write, with expeilence and record. Address U u, care nee. L 633 28x TRAVELING SALESMAN $50 per week and expense to right man; get in una ror irnri oy connecting now wun a targe wall established, hlah rated house aclllni an unusually attractive staple line to retail trade: eXDerlence not essential. Write tor particulars. References. Sale Manager, Box 72, Chicago. zx WE WILL Day you $5,000 If you can Inter est 60 person in one 01 me oest propo sition ever offered. Absolut safety guaranteed. Each one pays but $10 per month and we can demonstrate conclu sively that the returns will be far in excess of any other Investment ever offered. This is an exceptional oner, but it will be made only to gentlemen of strong personality who do business and do it quick, and who can recognise an op uortuntty when It is presented. Sacra mento Valley Improvement Co., 407-412 victoria Biag., sin ana icusi, bt. iuis, Mo. L CM 28x SALESMEN WANTED For the . best ac cident and health Insurance in the world; stock company; ensh capital and Insur ance; deposit of $260,000; $1,000 policy costs $3 a year; liuO emergency benellt, acci dents of any and all kinds; handsome black seal grain pocket cajse given free with nch pulley; good salesmen are making $iui per week; if you want to get on, write today for exclusive renewal contract with liberal commifslon. Grr. man Regletr Co., 211 N. Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo. L M4 Zex TRAVELING salesman to aell our mill production spring dress goods, white goods, to retail country trade on com mission, r'trotig side line. Frank D. La La n ne ft Co., Philadelphia, Pa. L 1 tsx TRAVEI.INO aalesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of soap, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the ti for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; M weekly advance, F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. L- BEPRESENTaTIVES -wanted to aoliclt order from saloon druggist, hotel and cluo fur Woodland Whiy, adopud by U. S. government for hospital purpess; easy seller; commission or salary. Wrlie for territory, prices, samples, eto. Woud. land Dlstllllug Co.. 78 Scott St.. Coving, ton, Ky. L SALESMAN The Economy Advertising Company of Iowa City, Is-, will employ for U7 one 8alosnan for Nebraska; onu competent ran secure our com- Elete trunk line of advertising novsltles. ank books, leather good, etc , etc.; ex clusive territory: must lurnlth best ref- ernce and satisfactory bund; commis sion contract. Address a anove L-J tax WANTED Traveling salesman to repre sert the largret and fastest growing wholesale china and glassware house In America; we wart go. 4 men; a splendid chance far a hustler to make monev; all applications treated In strict confidence: In writing be plain and give full informs, tion regarding your experience, aala. sal ary earned, age, etc, or no attention will be given to your application. Missouri Glass Co, St, Louis, U. L-iwi U WANTED SALESMEN WANTEI Psttnt mcillcine saleemen now working who contemplate a change or ' who are looking for a c:mnce to iwtter their condition; answer thin ad, stilting lino, territory, salfs for the pnt yem, none but high grade men need apply; guaranteed salary and expenses for en suing yeer by an establlstied hotise; re plies strictly confidential. Box K- Chi cago, Li.. L tno 2Sx SALESMAN to handle our line In Ne braska; w have men making over lit") per week: high comrnllona; permanent fosltlon for rapahle aaleMman. McAI-Ister-Coman Co., 3i Dearborn St., Chi cago. L 697 2Sx ' I FIRST-CLASS sslestnen for remainder of this year and lt'7; will guarantee li.400 a year and expenses to the right salesman. Address Wholesale, Boy tirt, St. Louis, Mo. L 6o3 28x SALESMEN wanted, men of ability to fol low up cards and coupons on educational proposition. Must furnish references. C. O. I' muliet, 806 N, Y, Llf Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. L-eoa-ZoX SALESMEN NOnCTJ-I-arge manufac turer of staple well advertised specialty want two high-class traveling salesmen to see dealer; liberal contract with right men; tat age and experience fully, P. O. Box 126, St. Louis, Mo. L WANTED SITUATION WANTED A position short order cookj A-i rererenrcs; no oaa nanus; soner. Ad dress U 84, Bee. A M424 27z WANTED Situation as bookkeeper: fin penman; nest references. Address Hox tto, R. D. 2, Murray, la. A MCOO 31 X WANTED Position by young man a les. man oi jonoing line: outdoor work pre ferred: references given on application. Address K 444, care Bee. A 786 28x WANTED Sit tint Ion, by young man, as . clerk or salesman; best references, call ixmglan 4W Monday. A 820 2SX FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Bcsley letter cabinets, In good condi tion, made ot walnut and have two draw ers each. Call at Bee business office and get a bargain. Q (41x WHAT IS LEFT of my beautiful tarnished home must be old at a sacrifice, so any one desiring choice high grade furniture call at ones at 1231 Park Wild Ave.; goods oan be seen till p. m. dally until sold. Q-M228 27 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In, cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. FrunswicK-waiKe couenaer, 07 8. ltn Bt. Q 79S FOR SALE School warrants. Omaha School Supply CO., 1K3. Howard St. Y-983 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight pais on ii lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 631 MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q M528 FOR SALE As I Intend to give up my stanie, i win sen uie entire contents, con sisting of a pair of the highest class black carriage horsed, one black high stepper, one of the finest galted riding horses in the west, two new. up-to-date gigs, one park trap, one victoria, one family car riage, one Brewster rockaway, one depot wagon, one pnemmatlc tired speed wagon, one new ta-ndem harness. To anyone wishing on of the finest stable In the city this I a splendid opportunity. Can be seen at my residence, comer Dewey I . U CI t T....l . A v , i riu onm Dia. iiLijiia vi a. u. rranaeisv j, xj. xsraaueis es duqi. w 44f 38 SODA FOUNTAIN, any sis. 181 Farnam. Q-Vj6 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint, enerraan Mcconno.ll Drvg Co. Omaha. Q 7$4 HALL'S safes, new. Id-band. 1818 Farnnra. W Si TWO CHOICB cars of hand-picked winter I . f I mt in on., r.... . l Brock; 60-gal. bbl. cider $6. C. B. Par ker, Brock, Neb. Q M458 81 FOR BALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire ot ft. v.auipueii, xua aaati ivoorn. 0-6U DENSMORB typewriter. In splendid oondl- UWIII JU., UU'!1 IHOI U.UI 'J, , 1 AOUW Leavenworth St- 'Phone Red-66','9. Q-648 V FOR SALS Empty packing cases, cheap. Address U 38. Bee office. Q 444 DEN 3M ORE typewriter. In splendid eondl tlon, Just been- overhauled, $18. ltjut Leavenworth St. 'Phone P.ed 65. Q-756 ttx FURNITURE 8 ALE. All kinds of household furniture. In rood condition, range, stove, carpets, etc., at a Dargain. xwa a. enn Bt. 4 mtu )X WHAT is left of my beautiful furnished home: 8-piece leather and mahogany uorary suit; o-piece parlor suit, in ma. . u a . w ' M...r. u n nlilttnnl.H In m. a . . . n m . , miu v ii.ii.Miivi . ,ii mm hogany and quarter-sawed oak; bras beds, hair mattresses and box springs: rockwood and Inlaid center tables; xl3 Axmlnsler rugs; fine sewing machine; lace curtains: pictures and odd parlor chairs, In leather and tapestry, and other rurnisnings too numerous to mention; also mv 5-vear-old chestnut fwrnllv aurr-v horse, io hands high and sound. Cadi at once, iu Ttr wiiaa av. y m i u FOUR passenger 14-hors power double cylinder aulomoDlle, in good condition, for sale at a sacrifice, $rtt.x C. Bay- uorter, inai capuoi Ave., crmana. Ci-787 tSx FREE $10.00 FRETfl. By sending us your name or name and ad' dress of others that will buy a piano be fore Deo, L liv6. we will pay no in cash, Our prices are lower than any other piano nouse, no matter wnere located, riiu lae upright pianos from $118 and up, Terms to stilt. Call or write. J. C. Acton, Fremont, iseh. (J EDISON languags phonograph with com Jilele German and French records: coat ;7s; will sell for $00. Address, D 433. Bee. y two bx 1 MONARCH acetylene gas machine, so ught; oost &; will aell Ior l-i. Addresa, H 4, Bee. tj n ax FOR BALE An onk dining room set; In good condition. Mr. Newman. 1314 Park Ave. l 40 BIX FOR' SALE A No. 3 Smith Premier type writer and desk; has had very nine use. 3330 Maaderson. w VINB unrleht Kimball Dlano. good as new. $115; also fine leather couch, polished oak sideboard and parlor table; owner leaving city. 1 uavenpori. - mm aox c , 1 I- .... I .... llnma Vtaaa hiiirn- VI dAUI-IWJibiii .wm - . atove, medium sise. A uargmu, ni ..u capitoi Ave. -j "! T .A TIT AM. Bradley Bros, and "Rinrlt strains or uarreo i-iymouiu r.wi. oum late hatched birds very cheap. Davis. 4210 Ames Ave. wito-ssx STEINWAY upright piano, used two years. Address tin, nee. Q 798 $8 WILL SELL my Vose ft Son upright Slano cheep, as 1 am leaving town. ju ress N 447, Bee. Q T WANTED To sell, poems, if can get whut tbey ere worth, write Alice K B. Worth, Gen. Del., City. QX 2Sx WANTED TO BUY WANTED -TO BUY, SECOND-HAND furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the best price. Tel Louglua SMALL modern 8 or 8-room cottage, olos In", cash. Address u ti. tee. N US 27x WANTED To buy a 8 or 4-roora cottag to move; south of R. R. tracks. Inquire of Berk ft Co.. Ml ti. 1 l-ire N M4t$ tit WANTED- Ticket to Chicago. Address U-43. Bee fjmct. it Moot ziu WANTED Part lou Is rs of a good farm for ale Wlthltl 100 mile of Omaha. Price and trms. owners only answer, m. il Harsha, 1408 Maaunio 'temple, cmcago. N 4 iasx WANTED A good square piano; will pay WANTED Bmsll .neat, roll top desk. Ad dress W sU, B4W d PERSONAL UFWINO macblnes rented. Any mskei io per wecg or 2.oo per montn. eeoonu band machines for sale. Ynn and up. Neb Cycle Co.. lMh and Harney. )R. ROY. chiropody. Doug. 647. ljrr, PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMB, Mr. -:iig, suis is. zisi si lei. iapuj. PLEATING B4&,wr Dyeing and cleaning, ponglng and hrlnx Ing; only to per. yard. Send for price list and samril. OOLDMAM Pl.riTINfl CO.. 00 Douglas Block. Tl. Dougls 1 Ma li; LAUNDRY CITY STHAM. Tel. Doug. 14. 1U S. llth THE SALVATION ARMY solicit raatoff Mint hi..-.. . . v. i ...... a nnt v.u.i,, up, in net, anyinins . ":,, heed: we coll lot. repair and sell, at in N. Jith St.. for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'phon Doug. 413 ana wagon will ali. U ll FREE medrral and surgloal treatment at -reignton aiotiicai college, litn ana uw enport 8ts.; special attention paid to confinement Cases; all treatment (iiper vised by coli.'ge professors. 'Phen Doug. U7. tali answered dy er THE CITY OARRAQE CO., ofTies 4th. and Lnnawurta el. 11. i-'OUgias SURVEYING, Bllckensdsrfer. 813 Bee Bldg. OHAHA Stammerers' Institute, Rami CIUI. II Ml MAGNFTTn treatment and bath. Mm. xe.jvjxxyj Bmltnf ui N. 14 floor. u-usn MASS!AnR Swedish movemest, 410 N. lUOO.Ui mbm Room i, td floor. u Mioi novi CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 658. U24 iiMvenwonn, u uut tov ANY POOR GIRL In need ot a friend call or write to th matron cf the Balvatloa Army Horn for Women at 8834 N. 24th St, Omaha. Neb. U M100 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas soon U SIR) PRIVATE home during confinement; ba ncs adopted, ini Crooa Damaritan ban Itarium. 728 First Ara, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. TJ3B DR8. VOGEL private hospital for women ana ior iaate neror ana curing connn mnt. 8318 8. 13 lb 6t Omaha. Neb. U-MJIM) oa FOR anything In th sewing machine Una 5o to ". a. iouman CO., lbi4 capuoi .v. U-M188 Nov TYPEWRITERS ranted, $15 per month; an manes; sausraciion guaranteed, ioi Typewriter ft Supply Co., 1822 Farnam St, U 3t Novi A Dollar Free for You. This coupon will b taken a $1 payment on a $10 purchase ot hoes, hat or cloth ing; balanc paid a you earn It, HUM a. ClituUli CLOTHING COMPAJMX, 1520 Dodge St,, Cor. 16th, Omaha. U-118 N18 PENNELL Millinery Co, 12$ North ISth cu u jan RUPTURE! CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention xrom Duainesa. can or writ for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO, ill Woodmen ot World Bldg., Omaha. U 4M Crelghton Dental college. Patients free. ires treatment at Creignton Liental col legs. U M640 Novll IF LUCKY you get your picture enlarged 10 ur is in genuine crayon ire ui our drawing oontest, every day, 10 a. m. to p. in., guaranteed worth $5. Wallace Bristol ft Co., ArUsts, 620 N. 16th Bt, U Mi8 Novi C. J. PALMQUIST Custom shoe maker. 4134 juasiuton Bt, ana 107 B. 15th Bt. ' U-Mo6 Nov. 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax- ton s si vs. o. 4. tscannau, agent, ts war Blk. U M8M Novli CHRISTEN SON, carpet cleaning. TsL UOU. lObS. U Sit INOV. 11. THE ACOKN Press. TeL Doug. 8792. commercial printers. iblQ Howard Bt. U M NovU HALSTED Show card and small signs. 01 UOUgias tilX. Tl. UOUK. UtiOb. U-M100 ALL MAKES of typewriter for rent, $3 to 84 monin. central Typewnir Ex change, 160$ Leavenworth. 'Phone Red-6.'tf. . U MS47 nov26 MR. X. JL Any Infonnation that you can giv me aoout my soy, or tus where abouts will never bs forgotten. Write ms personal U M543 28x 6TRINGES. rubber goods, by mall; cut prices; send for ire oatsJogu. Myers. Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. U 823 RETIRED merchant, middle-aged, lonely, kind and liberal, very wealthy, wishes to correspond with lady; object matrimony. Box 425, St. Joseph, Michigan. U-6W x MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent, horn ours. Mary Baldwin, Box 1213, Chicago. U SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, wart and mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation fre and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mia Allander, 42$ N. Y. Llf. U- "NATURAL FLESH," "brilliant white," pink, brunei, ar tints of Satin akin powder. U OMAHA Steam Past Co. manufactures purs flour past. 40 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 4521. U FRENCH-CANADIAN girl, part Indian, pretty, wealthy, educated, would marry respectable white man. Address Francis Rich, 236 Washington St., Boston, Mass. U-648 2SX PHOTOGRAPHERS, attention! Complete line photo papers called "New York;" half aross cabinet develoDlnc. 60 cents. prepaid; dealer wanted. Mirmont Photo raper co., crienaaie, urooaiyn, . x. U-5W 2?x GENTLEMAN, some means, wishes to oor rexpona wun iaay oi means, wun matn monlal intentions. Lock bog M. Terrs Haute, Ind. U-67S-28X FOR SALE Oak extension table, first- class condition; cheap. 2828 Callfornfa street u-M-il MEDICAL PR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesoe. dlachargea, Irregularltloi, cured painlessly and safely. Wltbnell block. lth and Harney, Room 2. Omaha. BICST nerve tracer for men. "Gray Nerv Food Pllla" II box. postpaid. Sherman ft Mcconnell Drug CO., Oman. DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of womsa and children. Office, lUl Cuming. 'Phon Duuylas 8r7. CLAIRVOYANTS Madame Buddha The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Parlors Hi 16th St., opp. Boston Stor. MME. BUDDHA, Th Scientific Palmist and Clairvoyant Gives th facts of your Past career, Gives the eaxenc of your Present stat Gives th vents of your Future in detail. What you ar adapted for to gain uccss. CONSULTATION DAILY. Satisfaction assured or no fee accepted. Price within th reach of all. Hour from $ m. t 12; from X to t p. m. SUNDAYS INCLUDED. Phon engagement made, Dpugla C9. Olnc JNO. 1W 0. 1IQ SI.. Wfiaii."j FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wlr Fencing is pir tool. u4 N. I7i Bu Ts.. Red-Jit imivi. es FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DKWET European hotel. 13th and Farnam, Doug. 611 O.M.E.IIaul Trunk: JW sv PLEASANT room, modern, private fxm lly. 124 So. !lh Ave. B 849 21 CAPITOL HOTEL, l$th and Capitol Aval American or Kurepean; eteam heat ns modern eonvenlence. E 47$ TWO nJoely furnished light housekeepln rooms, modern, tus B. ism nu hr M4T0 $8 2 OR $ beautiful furnished room for light housekeeping. 1538 No. 10th. E M554 IS TWO large, light, modern room, $8 and $ij phone: board near. Mrs. B. B. Corliss, tot B. 24th Ave. E M560 tSx FOR RENT On or two furnished rooms. 23 Benton St., Council Bluff. I-6G4-$OX ROOM, suitable for one or two, Farnam St , walking distance. Telephone Douglas) 44S9, or address U 441, car Bee. E M738 29x VERT pleasant south room In new, mod ern flat, within walking distance, to lady private family; will give breakfasts. 'Phon Douglas 8CL during th day. J3-M735 Ox MODERN front room with private beUconyl gentleman preferred. Apply 5.3 N. E MT81 SOx FURNISHED room, modern, prlvatt fanv lly. Tel. Doug. 1438. (16 N. SHh. EM-767- FURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. All modern. 2530 Harney. E 7U1-30 LARGE southeast parlors ensulte; hand eomily furnished, housekeeping. 2lu4 Burt E M8O0 Z9x BITTB of two rooms, suitable for three men; also 1ngl room; good location! walking distance; modern. V S. ?rth eu B MS30 SOX I OR 4 ROOMS, modern, light houake. Ing, to adults, $20 and $?; Hansoom Pais district. Tel. Taylor E 813 Z-'nt FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M.E. Haul Trunks r 43 VIENNA hotel) prlvats dining rooms, oafs. F 44 BRIGHT. SOUTH room for two parsonf wishing good horn board, private. t,a 1'B.rK ATS, r 027 18 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE ot unfurnished rooms. 1st floor references. 1406 Cass St. O CxJ. THREE unfurnished room a N. W. eorrvsr 14th and Dodgs. G. Btrtffler. O-C60-29X NEWLY furnished rooms; new bouse; ona block north of Farnam car; gentlemen only: every modern convenience; hi water heat. 107 8. $lt St. E 114 ntrtWsJ Ttttwm modern nouseKeeping rooms, nnst vi and light. suKabla for man and wife. 53 N. 23d. O M7S0 80x SUITE of 4 unfurnished rooms, modern es cept furnaxe. 2618 N. lth Ave. 'Phorut ' Red 6003. O M746 29 BUTTE of four Burg rooms, modern. iM a 26th Are G M-8t-80x . 1 - , ... FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. 8,000 FEET JOBBING ROOM Splendid location for Jobbing or factory purposes, pnvayas acre antranoa, ele vator snrvtca, gas, watar, steam heat, at 1308-10 Harney BL, second and third floors, 88x120 ft. each. Low rent. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK A CO., Bo is Agent, 601 Nw Yonk LUs Bldg. Low Priced Offices One room. No. 614, 18x16, to well lighted ana eesiraoie, at sie-tw. Two rooms, 620 and 607, at $15 each. A good plaos to bs la tho winter or sums mer is in The Bee Building Ask for Mr. Baker, Supt., who will ha pieasea to snow you mes rooms, I 621 YOU NEED IT IN YOUR BUSINESS One of our modern, well located offices, single or ensulte, right In center of ths banking and business district. A good omo 1 an investment, not an exponas. Ci'AS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., TJ. STW'l Bank Bldg. 1201 Farnam Pt. I-7SW 2$ A VERY DEBIItABLB Ofllce, room CO, with soutn ana seat ugnt, i parxiuonoa on room being 6-llxlt-t and th othe l-xtl-7; ha Urge sis fire-proof vaultj Janitor rvlo and electric light fre, This Is en our best suite ef offlces In the building. Ke Mr. Baker, SupL Be Bldg., 17th and Furnaia. I 5j0 FOR RENT Dsk roora In Be ofOcs, city hall bnlUing, 417 N. lith be, Soutk Omaha. Apply t manager. I 114 FOR RENT Largs corner store roam, 14th and Vinton St.. $10. C M. Bach, mano. 486 Paxton Blk. I Mull THE two stor rooms, with basement, st 708-70 S. 16th ueet; $s0 per monta for both. lAQUlr R. C. PETERS 4fe CO.. Cround Floor. Be Bids. X M484 BUILDING 1006 Farnam. will b vacant November 15; $2x100; $ floors and b mtnU Apply $14 first Nafl Bank Bldg. I &u DESK room In on ef th larg offices, rartitloned off, $10 per month. See Mr. laker, Supt. Bee Bldg. 1-521 STORE ROOM. 16th and Harney, 28x100 ft. Can bs vacated about Do. 15, If 6. Ad dress, F 440, Bee. I M6u 1906 N. 24th St., new brick. $26" JOHN N. FKENZER. OPP. i. t J P f I CGI 28 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent by man and wlfs or to take part of (mail furnished flat, close In. West Farnam district; reference re quired; no children. Address, C 4r7, Bee. K vJ8 2X LOST AND FOUND LOST One sorrel-roan mare and one chestnut-roan horse; weight 1,200 pounds. TeL Hiirney-27tb. Reward. Loat Mu30 2 XXiHT Near Connett'a drug stor, $2d and Farnam, veterinary certificate; 15 re ward for return. Address U 28, Bee. Lost U56S 2x LOST Beaver collar, between 10th and Harney and Boyd theater. Reward for roturn to 810 S. 23d St. Ixiet 657 LfST everything In flre but my Kimball piano; will sell cheap, If taken at ones. Address L 446, Bee. Lost 77 26 PATENTS F. J. I-ABBON at CO. oatent lawyensi , patent book tree. Bs Bldg., Omsha, reo. V2 SHARPE MACHINE W ORKS-Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 6- nil i. 10th SL PATENTS procured snd sold t fso. Nfl Investment Co.. Dougla Blk.. loth a.4 Dods. M 413 Nov AUTOMOBILES YOU can afford an automobll If you get ..i mi. K. r-H ins In used caret now la1 the time to buy; end description cf car and let us submit um imia Th Auto mobile Exchange, lt4i AUuhlan Av, )' i 1