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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
TITE OMAHA PATTA BfcE: : TITITSnAY, OCTOTU'J? ' :2T. 1W. .8 QYOMH. How to Gavo It? Who. Will Clvo Dcst Gtovc Values for It? We have been in th gtotrw business ovar 0 ypars and can help you decide thpue question. We ask yon to gee ' onr rood and. get oor prices before, yon boy. It will ray you. Col'i Hot Blurt The original from Chleaeo, up from 810.00 Radiant Homo Air ttlals With 20th orntury flrepot, - up from -812.95 Radiant Home Bane- Runtrra The world's standard heater: , up from 820.00 Ruhr Onks , Nickol trlmmod soft coal heaters: up from ... $5.05 2! WAR OX HIE BILLBOARDS i Ciffc ' iutciation tj Peiia Tirfit o Efspoilert of Natural f cenrrj. MOVEMENT FtR CLEANER ; CITIES t ii. - . nl I srcm CF A BAT. il iMttivn fi n re tn THK J , Fadiant Heme Sfesl Ranges ' Special Price ThU VVaaH STOVES AM U.-WKES SOM OX PAYMENTS. r.iiLTOil ROGERS Fourteenth and Farnam Streets rsons co. Acllie tinpilitn In l'rorr for Ihe (irMlrr Anikrnim of Ihf t Irle ( on.l'liininriiii of American I'eople. MlLWAlKKE. Ot. Jl "Tux the .1.111- . boards out o existence" will be-the bin Me rry of the American Civic association for : tho mut yiar as a. result of plans decid-el upon at its annual convention, which opened In Milwaukee today. Sentiment In , favor of aggressive step against the 1)111- J board charatc rlxd all the addresses be- ; faro tho convention today and the organ-1 Izntlun will bring to lcHr upon this prob lem the an nip powerful Influence which Coailn of t Un -Aaialarainallon ( Tn Oraaalaat Ion. Speaking f the plan to "inerge the West ern I-hro" end Die Western association wlh Pt. ,ln--ii as one "( the tonn? it the circuit Prime up sirme thinas not so I pleasant to contemplate. St. Jn-wpl). for I oonic mystei ion ft'iwin. has proved Itself a money loser as n bull town, not only a I to if own management, but to th 1 manager of the other leaies In the lenc"'. : t-:vcry one fHiiillhii' with Hie htotory of thu . M'estem ' Iei4guc Hie lnt"con trmt Pt. Jowpli Wn lit irw drnutf known what the ves-n!" wan: known tlmt lw fore tho ee;ion I v.n Irilr over tho 1enm limmp a 11 lond ll i.t hnd 0 lie cniried by the rent of the inaKn.iteu. who cut ud the loeees between them nd Rhared thrri on n pro mt bei' ' Thnt Is not ktnxkloK. not cnmniry; that ir a fact of record. The attendance drooped ' off Blmont to nothlnic. For some renBon j oplp elniply in't iroinr to th" twtll pork. A chicken riftht or a cliVns any tiny Was anmclcnt to'd'vet-t the funs from the diM I niond. At nn' rate. lh Iwll liark was de- nruKc una crratlon of Xlr.g.ira falia. Pe.retr' Clinton i ' - i .crloit llie iiuinnKerfirnt went t Hot t'.iia wf not the first nor the last Rogers uoill .Iff Of - ..,.. T.. .. -,.Hn its fran- Phlhidclphlu- rend an lntere!ti!iK pair at ( hie waa ttnnnferrcl to tl.e Western bo the nftemoon sesflon on. "National Impulse 1 elation and- before the soason was over It . .. t, , 1,1 i.. ...( was tratixfetred from Sf. Joe to Hutchln of Civic. Improvement. Ho iald in pnit: ,I1 a tOTrn not ,mlf , pf ,,r "M hen President Roosevelt, on Juno li, Sli.sonil cltv, and since tb"n the o:iiet eld W. attached his signature 'to 'A if act fur ; place thnt spurned Jay Oould'a offer to . , . , ,f'rlione ii ahead of Kansns dty for Ins the control mid regulation of the wut. ti. of , ,.nt,.rtri, tucked Itself In bed. drew MaifH.m river for the preseratio or i Up the covers srjfl went brr.k to sleep. COMMISSION MEN UNDER FIRE Tirmeri at Tepeka.' Would" Eliminate Brokers in Meat tad Fruit. DECIDE TO CURE MEATS ON THE FARM itimti Mir ) Estatltshed at Kick Packlna; Center t Wepreaent ' rirmtri la flair to ': 1'atkera. - ., TOPEKA, Oct. 24 Plans for opposinK the fiacklng companies and the fruit commla arton dealer wrre'dlsjusned at the meeting ef the Farniorrf National Co-Operative con rr last 'night. - Two schemes trf be used to break the force of the . packing trust were. dcciUod ujiotj and. probably, will b put into exetmtlon. ' One- Is that the iiieui. bera of the congress will try to ' cure the naJorty ( the meat which they use tbein aJve and will also -frure meats for Ihf markets. The other plan will lie to have un. gent in ach county to handle all the stock of the members, and ship to another agent aU the market, who will scjl direct Jo the packing- houses. There Intention 4o build a co-operative paklnfe house. Another grievance which, the farmers have Is against, the fruit commiaeion deal ers, and an effort will be tnado to . organize the union in fruit growing aeotlona. Todajr'a session wa dv'oted to a geneial dlscuwlon .of ,-co-ope rath e- plana and -much entiment .was manifested In favor -Of aov rnnient' ownership of ruilroafjs." , A resolution urgi ig congress . to take atcps to have the staU-s, us well as th natlon, adopt, tyore jHrlngcht 1ure food lawa wa,s p-'isypd.r.A committee jOn'thJa s'uj) Ject was appointed. Including O.J.N. DaMs, Georgia; W. A. Morrlo, AIabnnVa;f R. II. McCullough, 'Ark'Hnsaa'. J, , Bel), Iowa; O. P. Pyle." Texas; J. M. Sevier. IxiulPiana; C. p. Hadrey, Mississippi; "and-J. H. Bear rup, Now Mexico. ... ' '.' V of cavalry and two light ' batteries from "ort Mycr. Mr. Munor's body will rest temporarily in tho receiving vault at Oa Hill cemMery, but will be taken In h aliort time to his native conn'ry, the Oaatemalati government having directed that the mln. Ister'a body be sent to his home as sooti aa arrangement can be completed. The honorary pallbearers were the French and German ambnssndors and the Delglnn, FCuadoreai llaltlen and Swedish minis ters. , . ., . . . MARINE 1 COMMiANDER REPORTS Brigadier l.enrral Rlllntt Calls Atten tion to Coras and What ' It Kreris. WASHINOTOX. Oct, i'l.-In hla ajinuul report Brigadier GeneraV B. F. Elliott, comhiandant of the "mnrtne corps, calls at tention to the necessity' for an Increase in the conimlaslunr-d ami enlisted personnel of the -corps, and cayr- 'the - demands for both officers and men are jdatly on the' irt-creai-e. lfe states tiiat, unless pronjpt art ion ia taken in this -matter by i-oiiij.-ess during Its earning, nasinn he will lie un able to carry out the directions cf tho sec retary of Ihe navy with regnrd to detail, both ashore Htid afloat, apd the eftlclrncy of tho corps wlP suffer msterliilly. General Elliott tays that the pixivlslofts of . the-Kcneral order of, the War depart ment by which "the enlisted-men of tho army are entitled to campaign badges (or service ashore In Cuba, Porto Rico aod the Phlllppplnc Islands during certain" periods and for service ashore with the rvklng re lief expedition during the 'Boxer rebellion be made applicable to the men of the ma rine corps-who were at that time serving wftlr th army." .- ' Ho says the barracks at . Mary Island, Cal., ar -unsafe,' Inadequate and obsolete n design and construction.,- The fcanltary condition Is bad and be recommends "aft ap propriation of, kifl,ti;; fo'f,,jip.w., bVravU and SGO.Otfl for'officers' quartej. The" report 4also ftn:' haf tli;( a'ceoTnuKuiatlon for tno marines at. the naval station ar qavitc.' P. I., are not only unsanitary ant -inade quate, but conduce to discontent and dis satisfaction, as the ordinary 7 comforts ore not granted ' tn tlj men. He HUbmiu an eStlniHt irf JT5."00 for the Improvement of the grounds and building of barracks. An esthntite. of JKO.0U0 i- submitted for the construction of bnrracks and offic'rs qaat ters at the navy yard at Charleston. ' 8. C. General Elliott urges the necessity for the Immediate conxtruction of proper marine barracks on - the Isthmus of Panama, to facilitate contentment, and especially neces sary for sanitary reasons. ' , ... Gepojal Elliott says that all the puolle buildings of the marine corps. Including thoee recently constructed, can lie replaced by ni w buildtnii? at a cost of not more than $1.S,M. ..- . ..- . .. Oeneral Klllott suys he ' apprvclatea aho akQling dan of th diplomatic corps. Barcn Justice of the recommendation made by tho Heugelmuller, the ranking member pf the secretary of the navy last year that t"n diplomatic 'body, , being detained 'in' Vcew eomMiandant of th innrlne corpt be .given Tork. Baron Speck- von Sternburg-, thn THnit f major general, waa the mly other; anibuswador $t I Tne report aj:a that- under the present tho aervlees, all the other foreign niethodg and rHte of recruiting It is le- repraenttl-a of that rank being away ( from their posts. '" Senor Calvo, the Costa, Rloin ndnixier, who is tiie , ranking Latln-AnierkMur djplmnatlift . in Washing ton, and the representatives Of practically all, the South and Central American ' re publics waa nresent. . Rev. Thonin a Le. pastor of St. - Matthew's church, I ' lc " w num,K'r recommended- by the read the niass, aoHlMcd. by aeveuU other Bm,orJ V01-1 of ,n? nvy and approv. d by e4igymn. The body was escorted from "'W'"- There are thirty-clglit St. MattheWa church to Oak Hill temoterv I . . ?(' enlisted nen now In 11m by the Thirteenth Cavalry band, a squadron Nlagaru. falls and for other purposes' he signed the magna clmrta of the civic liu provement movement. It was the first dis tinct national recognition of the lights of i the American people to free and unob-j strutted view of the beauties bestowed on j us by a beneficent tiod." Ileaerratlon of l,nmlci-. Mr. AVoodruff referred to, th despolia tion by billboards of various ttcenery throughout the country and sold thrtt the next great work which the American ieo ple niuft wage Is that ugalnst thu desecfa ticin or our landscape and of our surround ings by billboards- and unsightly posters. , "A good Suggestion has been made," he said, "that they should lie taxed out ef ex istence. . , ,(, "Next In Importance to freeing our land scape of objectionable billboards," said the speaker, "is the movement for cleanliness in our American .communities. The na tional impulpc for . civic improvement Is manifesting Itself not only in the movement for the preservation of Niagara, 'not only for the movement for the removal of the objectionable billboards, but in a real desire to clean up the various localities. Prac tically no" city of Importance but has its 'cleaning up- days or periods of some kind." . ". Awake-blag; of Civic Coaaeloasness. In conclusion he said that the national Impulse for civic Improvement -is the bc- J ginning of an awakening of a greater civic consclousn-ss, which means the redemption of our American communities) from the Fordid, the selfish and the base." Secretary Woodruff presented his annual report, as did ulso William B. Howland, the treasurer. The membership and finan cial report waa Increased more than 50 per cent over last year." Other departmental reports were also hea-rd. .- ; j f X t, v fV. . -: -"i FUNERAL - ' OF Body A , MINISTER of Lata Reitreavutatlre (iaitfmils Laid to nest. ' at Washington. WASHINGTON, Oct. U. With full dlplo tuatlo honors the funeral services of Senor Jorge Munoi, late minister from Guate mala to the tTnltd Stntes, who died in thla city last Saturday, was hrld in St. Matthew's . Catholic church today. Presi dent Roosevelt, Secretary , Root and rcv oral member of the. cabinet, and many Other prominent army and navy ofTWrs, aa wen as aeveral members of the supreme Court, were In attendance. Mr. Juswerand. tho French ambassador ' attended as NEW CATHEDRAL DEDICATED : - Hlwh nlBultarles of Catholic Chorch Assemble for Imposing Ccre- tnonr at Pittsbarg. , " PITTSBURG, Oct 24.-The new St.. Paul Roman Catholic- cathedral, said to be the mot beautiful erfince In the rtate, represent ing a cost of $3,M)0,000 and overthi;ee yeas work of artisan, skilled craftsmen and laborers, waa dedicated tody , by, Mgr. Dlomede Falconk), papal delegate to America, assisted by Cardinal Jameg Gib bona of BaJtimote, Archbishops Fa1"1 or New York and Ryan of Philadelphia and a 'score of other' high dlgnatarles of the church who Tlved here for the occasion during yesterday and . bust . night. Ideal weather conditions served to bring to the ceremonies a crowd which even the big cathedral would not bold. .MavtH. Pt. Joseph wouldn't do that whv- agan: maybe, jf given another base ball franchise, it would turn' out to be a paytnt; town. Tis. and myb it wouldn't. You have experience -that It wouldn't and hope that It would . Which end do you want? And Norrls O'Nell says Ire will rign at th next irieetlr.g. Ah. well, buse ball has survived some heavy blows; It may yet prove equal to.lhls one. This Is the person who said, "Give me thf ball player with a red flame! tied around nis tongue," or worda to. that effect. The proposition' of merging the Western league and Wee-tern. association has "one cnmlnendnhln feature,' and that Is that the Western leattur -niUKt undergo some S'-rf of reorganisation to siistnln It. Whether this plan Is the -best can be determined later. And another thing that looks good la the exclusion of the Colorado towns, where money has been lost in large gobs. Billy White, the - hortstop ' Fa Rourke nas slgneo: trom M eon city. Is n ntnrdv i little athlete. He has for three years been touted aa the best shortstop In the West- t em association and Is a fair batter, while ' his base running Is above par. White ia another college man on the diamond. though he left eollen shortly before crad- nation. He attended Pnrk eolleee, Park i vllle. Mo., where hin mother was for years I one of the matrons. He and his brother. Frank (now dead),' developed the love for ' base ball early and also developed Id-us as to when It should lie played that did not. coincide with those entertained hv the col- j lege faculty. Sabbath desecration there ' was frowned on with a decidedly low brow I and Sunday ball playlna was regarded n the worst sort of Sabbiilh desecration But for this combination of facta and ulrcuni- stances Billy might have remained nnttl graduation. But Billy was there fullv seven years at that, taking four In the academy and three oi more In the colletre. , Having gone there with bis widowed mother ' and the other members of the family when I quite a little chap, Blllv was never, able to outgrow me Irtea of His friends that he was Just a little boy. He alwaya was th pet of the Institution.,,. . .,. After leaving- the college ne soon took up ball playing aa a business. He spent some time at the l"nlverlty of Kansas after emitting park and thero, developed his baM playing prowet. Ire tl winter he works In a Kansas City bank. " I1!C liaifCOl I Ul rlU&IIV,0 -a.uvdoere.l (like row the richest barler crop in Ihe world. aBdbBrlev. ffn7-'''7" waeavana uaia ana ryo. n i m i""""""' ;, ,. . .Gund's. Peerless Beer .; Fure. natural Juices ef the barley and bops are eomblned trf the famoua "Ooad Nator.l Ll'wr Wiw.udTOT whose line fragranee aod rich strengthening food qimlitiea woo tor it the gold medal of highest eacetlcoce at fans. iwiw. uu w oomtuaDdlng superiority w, Su Louis Expoiitioa, IW. ( ' , n A "fWr Is liquid brnd." Thl la an anelent German saying and ia true In the ment literal aenae of vf, , whoil rtwlll quench your thirst, give you atrenrth. promote d e(,iioo. satisfy your palate and enrich your b loud . ;tarK Bop,e. sn.ppy aod deiidous Bottle at brewery only. Sold everywhere. A favorite home beer. Send ma trial order for a ra delivered atyourdoor. Telephone, write or call. Ask for It at places of public resort if jou want eoaBctning hettar tana coamoabreaa. jouN GUND PREWING CO, La Crosse, Wis. W. C. HITDIS, Mgr., 1330-32-84 leavenworth trat, C.i.aua -l""fIB 8,344 BAAJTHaVt KiEIK, WHoleaale Blatrtbutei-;, 108 Broadway, Council Binffa, lor a. i 4eam H JMMmMJm,l Am'' JO 'Vt h- "Jfcarrv.. i).' WitT- IOWA I'BEI'AREI ..! fOR TWO GAM K1 Will Meet Mlaaotirt Saturday, bat lias Er en ,Wfaeanala, IOWA CITYi la., Oel U -(Special.)-For four days now Coach -Chalmers, assisted by Assistant Conch-Catlln, haa been drill ing the team to -meet Missouri tn.the open ing game wnicn win ( ' plaj-ed here on af Saturday of thiA - Wt-efc 'bile Missouri ofTielals have eeeu tbe Jfa-wlteves take, their work-out, tho StrengtW of the: Missouri teara.'I.s. a matter J ofapeculatlon here, though the high scope Which have been registered are taken-tcr indicate consider able strength. r wpaart. Jtot-'only are the . nieit being '.trained f or : the Mlasom-I gam, but to meet turWincoaln attack aa well. For the. V time before the' opening of the seano: Hie eligibility rem mitter of the lacultyi has canvassed -the aituatlon, giving out the following list men who are eligible, t-o play on Saturday; Allen, Baker. -Boteman. BrugKenian. Brown, Carberry. Collins, Elliott. Freeso, Forey, Frl'jiell, - GoeJoWn. . Glas-i. Haatlngs, I)Hrrlen. Hazard. K'tTfiwH'nn K" n f wirtt Following the aoleinn ceremonlea of- last I MaeFadden, Miller NVit.e, 'Peck. Plggoll todav'a rites were nienaros. nocawpoo., i nompeon. White and llevtd that the marine l-orpa wilt be re cruited to Ita full Mrnitit before the end of the present calendar ,ear. . General Elliott ptatcs tliut as kooii as the condition of the corps will permit It is the intention to Increase the marine contingent in trie rmnppines. to a total of l.wa) men, Islands. ' ; fnicktest. eleneeit. best J most reononil-l. f "very r-"CI- f BIRMINGHAM GIRL MISSING Police Look rr Man Me Bv llrr la . N West. Mow tin Maya night's ritualistic vigil lieguu shortly after daybreak, when the etneourse of prelates, priests and acolytes assembled at S:X to prepare for the service which began at 6 o'clock. Promptly at this hour Mgr. Falcono, , with; a number, ot asslHtents, took up the mnrch about the building, consecrating the outer walls. Following this the entry Into the build ing waa made. Here the vartoue altar were consecrated by the various bishops and their assistants, te consecration ceremony of the main altar eing tsonducted by the apostolic delegate. These ceremonies con cluded, the clerjy assembled in a ngh liorlng building for the nuirch to the cithe dral where bis cmlneiire. Cardinal Gibbons, celebrated the muse at 10:30 o'clock. Tlila pnx-easlon was spectacular, with the im posing train of church prelates and digni taries arrayed In all the rich vestments and lmprcf ive, pemp of . the Catholic church. Tho choir waa compesWI of Holy Ghost 'fathers; PasMonlst fathers. Redemptorlst fathers. Capuchin fathers, Franciscan fathers, ( Carmelite tuners, Benedictine fathers, -diocesan clergy, cathedral and permanent reetora, doctors of divinity, vicars, nionsfgnors. bishopf. arehblahops, tlie apontollc delegate and the cardinal. The feature of the music was als a boy Wawhburn All of these men are. now working on the squad with the exception of Captain Allen, who is still suffering from an injury tj one of hla feet. . In the practice the team la being lined up with Hastings at Center, Peck and MaeFfcdden at guards, Washburn and Bock-wood at tackles. Thompson and White at end. Kent at quarter. Kirk at full and Colons and Knowlton' at' halves.' Many materlul changes .may - possibly be made ' in this lineup, but it ia believed now that that ia the way the lucn will go into the gane with Missouri. . The situation ha bei.u 'o unsettled here that it haa been impossible for Coach Chalmers to teuch the regulars anything more than a few ordinary plays, and in the game with Missouri the Hawkeyea will have to depend for victory on only a few simple formations. .Kent baa begun work lug at drop kicking regularly now. and Iowa will probably depend ' on that this ye:ir. ; Reoorls from Ames' indicate that Coach Rlstlne and the agricultural .Mtudents r confident of " defeating Minnesota in ti e coming game on feattirdiiy. The victory over Nebraska, heretofore one of the in vincible teams In the' west. , hue filled the farmers with, the bMief that' they are the coming nil-western champions. Ames will take a big .aquad up to , Mltmeaioli, and it is reported that a heavy delegation of rooters will accompanv the team. , , WITT! THli Mti'lVHI. The IJte Malt lor three games to the Falstaffs on the siet ropolltan alleys. ien ; a Idle the choir of loual priests chanted the BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Oct. It. Mrs. J. H. j movable parts of the mass. SMehottoin reported to the police today the nolo at the conf eerution my.-terl.-iu disa ppnarance of her 18-yrar- Monnignor Neke' maaa In honor of St. j choir of sixty voices, which sung the pro- ! man of the Life Malta had high single , , , , ,t I game with La. Vtgne and Hr-er of ecsaional. reeessionals and the responses. fh r3iaffs were high on totals with i'l nesrs cnaqtea tne jpp.. 'J'hia takes a ternnie ran out or is The feature of Philips chances for the covoiwd piaea which i .....i . h ia looking for. Stapenhorst had very al services w i hard U(ii in not getting ptna. Score: never before presented in this 4, i. rii.MMi ai: f at ai o I Ml.i; HAMl'Mi A.1.h4M Pept.1 tamqnt 1 ',tI'. .t I ' n. . H n SI . . V V Every Ucn.25 wioverm(u ann nrHji4 in w M4RVIL whirunq Spray ' nvaaa I . ..... l1M-Ar Sj V?T-m i Ol.fniect, .-"'. I"" .t.tiiB fur -x l.-.i.4l...l-,U. Itrret ' f t.-il tMn-wii.nd ."r-irt. Cs, f m a t.. o.kT fi4 sa) lit HlXKMAfV' jt atotONNk J.L, up.u'U CtA lttih ana L.uciit ,- Is iKB-Dlt.l.lN CO . " at U- Vur. iua ud Kart.n ata ol-J daughter. Miss Fannie I-Vnell. fro.n I Nicholas. the family home . on North Ttveiit) -int j couuir: . j street. 'Mrs. Siiiebottom believe rir Following the tnasa a banquet waa served I daughter was cMorofm un-d and kliln iiid iu the Duqueaia. garden opposite the cathe- between midnight and S o'clock this mom- ! dral. . j lug. The examination, uf .Misa Feftn li s I Tonight another impressive pro-easion j room ...iday ai,wei1 lhtit fht, rU.p, ,n , WHg lw.M wU(,n Art.nmhop Moelh r of- her bed and I-ft her i-lutheg vudinurra d . fieiated at vespers, which close the con em a The iitollwr ifaya an odor ol j secratlon servlres. (i hloroforni perva.hd the room. Mrs. oide- : Moneignor Folcono returned to Wash- biitti-ni ami daughter visit,. -d Ix-nver. Colo., j Ington tonight and Cardinal Gibbons will ; last August and afier their return M It a I leave for Baltimore tomorrow night, jj-ennell, it I. claimed, began receiving 1. 1-1 iters from lr.lngr man. who said he had t CAST OF CARING FOR I FPFRi -en Ik,- first out we,t .and,h.d followed ' ? ' UAniTIIU TUI1 Ltr-tKi uer i tiumingtiariv Tha writer profe.-ped' his love and said he would kill het If h. Jdld not -get h-r. The letters have U-en I lurncu ov r to tie i-lii-.-,sw h are workinu Maaaaehaat-tta l-tads C ulnar flat j I'.coaouileal, bat First Coat Is . Comparatively Large. ...v ,..r. ii is saiu mat a mysterious, , nuiii m a uaiE visiied the house lir, " Vat VllUMXIZWK. u.. 1 r I'ia i forraiBmrt a i aitea. 1 d bi KM.iuaAaiLUAii.'h., iim,mi4 1 irrilmioit or a imh i. utto-mr. vf Mtio.ll lueL.tei.Qe. - .-.u iii I iiii. aaa aut aMria- ' Luis-.untff' i ' ii, or .. auud., al4 by Uruvalata, t t. a. r mat ia pi.m wr..a.rt , ' hf iipih.. rr q. fat L. i iK i r i -iil-s . ii. v Ci, NEW HKITOKK, Mas."., Oil. Tfie j live lepers cated for by the. mate of i Massachusetts at the lnolateil colony on Klanck- ..... Jay La, Vtglie.... fleselln Berger Total ... Walclia ..... Nelr-.'!1 Put (on S'apenhorst Lelimann ., Totals .. FALSTAFF8. . . .' 1t. !d .,.,174 17H 171 153 1S2 Sd. l.Vt 1MJ lRi Tot. oil 4S-1 ' ST1 571 S&o 851 UFE MALTS. . 1st. ...,1K1 ....ITS d.' 14 J 17K 1-6 Ui 2 m M. Ivi 14i IS.) 1.14 as em Tot. SOS 4". ' 454 1 .-v 6.4 2S13 Auiorleaa Jorkey Vlaa. - LONDON. Oct. 4. At Nefwniarket today the Cunibrtdseehlrc stakes for 3-yvar-oh1b fSjfy1' -'-MS. i n n n MIS FAST TIME re ciiiOAo via; f""v n ; D "k r lb.lsUG.IiBydUlI ;;;uiSJUUU..l!lJJliy n Leave Omaha 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7;50 A. M. .... .'' ' , - Connecting with all early east bound trains. ; Union Depot connections. : . ; Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic .points Cafe Car Service. , ' ' ; i. ; Reservation1 and Information 1402 'hnfam 'Mreet:-Om M . j - ia am'.-M, .i, mmm,rm-m, .,. - , -- - , and upward, one milt- 1ind a furlong, were won bv . PolyniehiH. ridden by "Dunny Ma her, the American Jockey. tosnil Defeata Eaette. El'STIS. Neb., Oct. 24. The. final game of base ball between the Cosad nnd Eubtis High schools was played Saturday at Coz-td. which rr-ultcd in favor of the for mer bv a. acor.- - ' ' l-irge number of Euslls people drove over to Coiad to witness the a,...i. tf to inclement weather were compelled to remain there until Monday. SUIT AGAINST 0NE0MPANY Policyholders of Hartford Life Want Oae Knod nlatrlbated to later ested Parties. HARTFORD, Conn , Oct. ;'4 The suit of the, committee of policyholders against the Hartford IJfe Insurance company and tho Security. Trust company, to secure an ac counting of the so-culled "safety fund," Is bOBCd entirely upon the alleged failure of tho officera of these corporatloiia, who are named Jn the wr't, to make a distribution ef this fund. . , The Hartford Life 'Insurance company wasr originally incorporated In lSH7.-and. al though it A name waa changed from that under which it waa first incorporated, it is still doing an active business m many forms of insurance.' The writ In the suit doe not make reference to the present busi neas of the company except as relating to the "safety fund" plan. It sets forth only that the defendant Insurance tympany rcam.d to do business tinder the "aafety fund" plan and ceased to admit members to it after March. IM. JUL I, y v : A.- ., - V ' When your 4iealth 'Is concerned don't ex periment -wito "Free Treat men t" schemes.' or the many misleading deceptive and un businesslike propositions which are alluring and rulctiiHted to lead you to believe .that you are going to gel something for nothing, or for less than it Is worth. When your health and your future happiness are ut stake, consult competent and reputable physicians. , I : READ . the announcement in next Sun day's Bee of the STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE o in s for ; il s . or Call and Oe Examined Free. 1308 Farnam St., Betweea 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. lVrniuucntlj- KaUblUhtl in Omaha. Nebruska. m 'B. If you want to sell real estate quickly j j ..... i rv T i X". ' . . : . . , ' BUVCrilbB III J L. 117V UUIIl i-iMuuiiia. tiameae Woni.-i 1les. WAS1 flNQTON, Oct. ...-Announcement has Just been made of -ht death of Mra Luang Ratanayapli, wife ot the Siuineje charge d'altaiiri., which occurred here Oc tober iS. The removal of the body to r.-ceivlng vault was the ftret that bi-caine known publicly of the death. She had ben !i for a week. In accordance with the Siamese custom the body wnl be cremated and the ashes sent to Slam. Island In Buaard a l-ay. - have durirg lai-t night. MEXICAN GOVERNOR ACTIVF I rmike, - i cost the Bay stale for the first fourteen hibualtua Kimtlie q,uara Arrest j months of the experiment 49.04.i, ace-ordlng ir Prr.oiii TboaKlit l if. ' 10 ngurva hibuk puunu uw). ine greater jpoilloti ul -. tuts -aunt, However, was ex ! penied for nei-essary initial expenses, f u-hl, h Included the nurehnse of the l!n4 EL P.vau, Tex , Oct. ii.-Uuvi rrnr Cieel i the building of four cottages for the ot I,. yesterday aurf u, t ight t patients ami other equipment. l"r. Johua caused the arreM throughout that site of I F. Lewis, aupertntendeut f the board of more than tifty person, J.-ttci fror.i wham. ' v!uUii,a r the .tale adult poor, vati- nirchM-a to r.. jrioiv. .Mit.M.n Os mm vrimnh In Plot. head of the St. I.. Li s'.r 4i.i a rt J I J ,U-et a a uf li'.- Tbosa Miir-nif from wak. 1 til. !l sup the pleftni.'S uriiiet i4e juti-r . wi. ti'ie t- 'i a ul i!l a nr ef ai.u, i.Au.tH. J't,ui Oi,:u-tiHi La taa-ia r-Juviia(iLg I'tahiiMtf fwr-a tttsn liac rer ei-.ra l. o uftrrt. ..nt p.&t i;d in pla.a p.. uiJy &n ir.n Ipl uf t:,tp ft-iv. ar d $1. i.l ty -.m en j n,i.,r I'. L Ituvd ei.. pro-Wj-,w Jiv4 a liuviU.a, LvweiL i-a former Jl M kitail lint i h., fuund !n' p-wi m of ain-gesi revolutl,n bts who recently v-ere aneKt-Hi here. . It now 'dYr!o thnt Cuptnin Juainei Castro of tho M xieau army, who ws ar retted t a pi .KUi.g uf to. El Ps j,mUl a as a Mexican ip . Mexican f'o;ist.l Malieu j iha 1 iu' h K-ceiving scur of Iftteis, tigot.i -Tii.-J.inta." threuu-nii.g him wUrt dedth for 1.1? activity j.aal the leveitXtoiuata, . pej.jr, mates that, now that the culouy Is e-jith-llelied. an annual appropriation of I5.i will be adequate. , - In Ku4 the Hale lg alalure apprvpi iated C.Out) for the etab)ihnient uf a h-pvr colony. lr said the first year of the ixpeiiirert had bet-u a nuoei.s and jilaimed thttl th plan piert-d more ioiw nilcat than the old yt-m of curing for il,;,iis in ui-iUterrtl jMrtioua of tUe .ulu I uiuuwe-alih. llil.hertu ilia ' httms i the 1 d.Bai bad cuM tli slat a $li.Ju auiiaiUiy. The real cause Sot Eczema is the presence of humors and sour acids in the blood. These impurities get into the circulation because of imperfect action of those Bierubers of the system whose duty it is to collect and carry off the refuse and waste pf the body. As this effete matter lies in the system it ferments and generates acrid humors which are abi-orbed into the blood, overcharging- this vital fluid with acid. In its effort to keep the system healthy the blood throws off the humors through the pores and glanda d the skin, causing this tormenting skin disease. The escape of acids and 'lumors) through the pores and glands irritates and burns the skin, producing juituks filled with a clear, sticky fluid, which dries in crusts and patelir ;ausing the most intense itchhi;?, and often pain. Ihe trouble is in the blood. wd S. S. S is the remedy for Eczema, because it is a real blood purifier, 1' ,'oeg down into the circulation, removes all acids and humors and makes t':e Mood rich, pure atid healthy. When S. S. S. Las doue this the symptom pass away, the blood ia cooled and the disease cured permanently. Nothing tu ts so promptly or pleasantly in all s'.in diseases as H. S. S., ar.d it is j the Mine time a fine tonic to the eutire system. Boole ca Skin Diseases i. it'lKM aavicc xxe SWIFT CPLCir.Z CO ATLAXTA, CA Do not waste any time or money on fixke Dandruff cures You can eomplately rid yotireelf of Dandrutf by usinfc' ',. , ' ,: , TOILET SALUBRIN . Try it and be convinced. . , SCH AEFER'S Cut Price Dm! Stor If Cor. ISth and CblcaEO Streets, OMAHA h tv. i or. ,'4tb and ft rt South Oiuglta. Cor. Stn and Main Bta.. tjuncl Bluff., ia. ORE PEW Fr2 ra f1"1 "'- a fa talT!tsTl?aT'aTaf By the Old.Eeliabla Dr. Eearles & Senile. Established in Omaia for li yeara The n.any tliJiiaatds of easaa cured by us make us the most exi i ,euci.d it-" - - i&llsta In tne West, In all aisaasaa and ailments of man. We know Jual what will oue you-nd cure ' V.K Cl'RK VOL". TUKN YCV PAY l& OLK F'B We make no mlalaadipg or falae atatameata, or offer yju chaap, worthieka treatuusnt. Our reputat-u an4 naia are tuo favorably kr.own, avary eaa ira.t, our reputa" ' ' tlua la at ataka. Your healin. lira and hapalnesa Is t v arrtnus a matter o alaca in Lha haada'of a "NAM i Kr-i? ' lHM'leiR. H r.t eioHwrs of nb'ilty ,u S en OWN VAilK IN THICK ft dlNtbl, cun afftci f veryorva a Ufa-long CURE f(,r V.'eag, Nrvo-js M.a, Varlci.cel trout if . t.'ervoua rbliltv ' t,iicd Fuiae a, I'roatatlc troublva. Kidney, l ladder. w'aST1NI M'KAKa T KKhS, Hydrnceir. hroiile Lnaeasea. Contraotad T'lsaaaaa) - ; tl'iiiicli m fKIn Iiavae. ... . , .1 if ii 1 ixaintiii.o. and fonmiltation. "WHu fat ' "' a av a a- fcvmotjrn Blank for huma LMinuiiL DO. Bh.ll,t.l,iB at LlLLTrlX. 14U. aaad liOM-m bUa4dt Ouulaa, bvLrtiL,