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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1906)
M JDAIjlY I Ji VOL. XXXVI -Nt). 1 1 J. OMAHA, Fill DAY MORNING, OCTOBKR 2f, IDOo-TA'ELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIIltKK CENTS. HE f ( .1. 'li WORRALL ON STAND ix:nied from Ftmiue lura Ht Got from Grain' Fallen' Amocitlioo. SAYS HF WOULD TELL If URGED TO DO SO Cwinr to Hit Prnmiio Hot to Eiuli-e Cere mief ion loot Hot Iurit - LANE AND CLARK GO TO DES MOINES Clots Ioreiticttion in Cicaha After Gtticr ' Great E&1 of Ifidescs. LEARN THAT BIG fELLOWS RULE MARKET F.een w omen Are ot Imminf from I mbinr't Power ' Wbm They ' Vnilr to Compete, gay ' Mr. K. A. Keonab. At the final eemr yesterday afternoon of th Interstate Commerce commission Ii ,l.s Investigation of .rain condition ' Omnhi, Thomas r. Worrall. "trust bust . .niiv.n. r,r...rfm.. hv ' thla laoon. nawar to Attorney Marble, who aaked i.inr.i.v VTdrYilA. m-hn aaked t htm how much money h ot from th Ne- brak Grain llra' aeorlHtlon for drop- rA 'v, .. s. The French Parliament Inn hla flitht aa-alnat It: j re(,w,n, o'clock thla afternoon. The ' "Now, r. Mariile, If you Inaiat, fll tall j aesstons . yv "d (f nil Interest, owlu you tha exaet truth alx'Ut that matter, btit ( t ,le fact .nrw ralilnot wa.a nr- I promised those fallow 1 wouldn't tell j able to prewiK f. Premier Clemencenu and' I want to tote fair." thriving- nrevlou?. officially iuHlned 'he "All riRht; ou needn' anawer It then," j prexidents of the chambers that tlie m!r. replled Mr.' Marble. , ' ' laterial declaration would not be ready for And then Mr Marble asked Mr. Worrall I several daj . Consequently the sessions of onia nietlon which briRht otit the fact i the- Sonnte and Chamler of Deputies were In answers by Mr. Worra1.! that he need I brief and perfunctory and both chambers tn In i irvemhxt? of tha Nebraaka Grain j TJealera' awo.-iatlon and wa a member of i the aoreriilna; board, Ihe body that fixes , tha prices and does a few other Important , tliinr. Asked If he Old not think thla a j vicious policy. Mr. Wom-iiU replied he did. "How com. .you to vt out of th aso- ! elation? asked Mr. Marme. t 'I thluk the best time to close the door I f th penitentiary i" when you are on the , outslte," rejvlnd Jlr. Worrall. "I had j been reading and thinking a whole lot j about iiiat secretary of the Kansas Grain association who had to go to prison for I ix months and pay fine of $1,000." E. P. re. k and other Nebraska Grain Dealer' association men had tcstlflert pre viously they had no knowledge that a set tlement had been made with Mr. Worrall. Commissioners o le Moines. Commissioner Franklin Lane and E. E. Clark, with Attorney John II. Marble and their stenographers, left last night for Das Moines, where they will resume the Investigation. . Among the more Important fact biought out at the Thursday tesslon waa that Senator Millard owns Ho.wo WortJi of toe, in the Tpdlka Grtiin company, which a a tmeiclal contract . with the Sou'h Omaha Stock Tarda company by which I received In cash as high as K.0t") nt one time n4 re'mbui'senient for the abolition of the "elevator ullowances;' an admi- hv Vf.than tli:lt. claitn-1 were jtsid to him for switching by the Wabash, T.orthwetern. Milwaukee,, kock isiuiin, vVett .Aretern;-; UnrMugron'. .nJ Mlerrutl , Pactf.o rrtllrondK; ' 1'pdtkes tbrenleiied Uf ttart a .store at. .Little fciioux. la. to Storekeeper Murrav If the latter did not cense buying gtnin on his tiwa hook, which u in comnetuion to the fpdike firm; f. M. Terry at Little Bloux waa boycotted by millers at Logan, la , . at", tli Instigation of 1'p.likes and therm be-uu he Insisted, on running a "shovrl Im-uhc." Mrs. I A. Keough of Platte Cer,ter told of having dared venture In th e!evtor business agninst the wishes of the combine and how the big organiza tion harrtssrd tnd oppressed lirr. Sot "I.raltlrnnte" fonef rn. D. J. Gates of Alblv-ti, a moving spirit m the Albion Elevator conipany, a farmer' organization, whfn ) laced on tUe t-tand produced letters from customers In Denver and Colorado &prttig asking lilm to write Inatea-I of wiring when tie had grain to pell theuu a aomeone, evidently the rail- Toad agent at Albion, "gave awuy his busi- nea" to tlio Nebiaska (iraln lcalers' a. tmiatic.n. One letter from A. 8. Ingeraoll .f t'olorado Sprtngn showtd that Mr. In - gert-oll had received a communication froln Jlora-etJ. Aimer, secretary ot tne errusKa Gtaiu Dialers association, advising hhn thai "the Albion Elevator romjiany is not recogiiiited n a legitimate concern, having an elevator away' from the track." and that the regulsr elevatora at Albli.n "are the Omaha Klevalc.r company, the Nye-B-'lineliler-Fowb-r -mipany onil the West-biook-.l!hbons Uralu cominy." J A ietier waa jroduced from the Gearg A. Adams Grain company of Omaha, eiened by J. B. Von lot n, telling the Albion Elevator compsoy hhtg could not be offerei It l iise Its name did not appear 'on the list of lTS'ilars. One was shown from the FuiiHun Brot. company asking the Albion concern to bill Its cars to Itself al St. : Iouls. ta It would not become known that "Fnnton Bros handled the grain. The Albion company waa boycotted not alone In the matter of grain. A letter froraf the Consolidated Fuel company of Fre mont aald ' we cannot make you any j'io tatlnns on pof-ts. as It la against Ihe rules ef tiie Nebiaska Lumber Dealers' anocia tlon." On another occasion the same coin- refined ,o quote any pne on coal. .n lei.eT-n sm.nn ny .nr. .aies were dated bv ,hs government in Its r,U"ter suit pr - hl announced that Henev and in 11. .cp. ll,.-,- from the Aaams Grain j crw-ings against the Terminal Jt .ilroad I gt Service Agent Burns have been ln mp..,.v -,.! the .-onsolldai-d Fuel .n-j . ssm-iatlon. vc: tlg:iting matters with which Mayor jm., whl. Ii vnv wntten In 15 1 Issuins; the order on Fraer to tum acrimtg. Acting Msvor Gallagher. Abraham More TUau -Hegalara" l-nld. ' j oer Ms raie books. Jii-l.- Finkelnburg ', Rlirf and tiie Bo.nd of Suix-rvisors w- re Mr Gates sal. I farmer ,, IH j.,iri,.. ; comnienied on the fact that the I. -rim"!)! J connected. Langdon I at present a candl- hix-e been ge-.ting 4 cenu a bushel moi-j f,,r grata than lies $ui ula regulars had ihe who', Held. ' H testified liia co;..rany l,a l iroui.le tn g-'.tlng. a s,.e, that Charles Lane v t(u. IVitcn l'a. llle wouldn't give him a -.Ii "l-ecauan he was not leiptlnia'e and was lljmg to injure legitimate busines;" that Giiige t deeil of tne Xor'hn estern In formed h;m he Led po i.iht lo a site. He hoilt err tl' ( nion Pj-irto right-of-way. IContlnued on Fifth I.--.) liccistcr Today Iu nivi.T to il t (lit voiliilic t-lcc MINNF.AIHH.13, Oct. ;j. The federal ,io ,,,.rl at subuc.,1 l,imJrtM,"rd '"V""'4 T'"""1 "" , .v , , I nlatmg b.x iKi.jomih c.-ute-rn.g in Si. 'I" " " 0,"a,1 "0i ! n.,,1 and Mia uMpol., l., alter,....,,, I w,i Oiuali t J!i'-.i l'I"'!r personally before t!u r'!s"", la'4 for Ins voting ttittri.t li '' inini'' prc.wriy mrollcJ. N ivi.u rcSi-,raiitoii J uki g J l!.' Jr. KriJ.jr, Ihto- lcr Hfl, 1 ll.1 M con.l it'Klslral i-m' i y. Id tudcr to ink' i''anEARMS " be destroyed Arrtmnlnfloa irf 4;uni In I'tabnit Fnrtrraift Pr Thrown lata th HAVANA. 0t. '.TV Currying out fiitthrri the policy urrt.r whl. h Kin. surmnd -nd by the Insurgent have l"-n d stroy 0. or- . rr have U rn given that a great quantity j ot arm, me rt orumt. icnon ci iu.iy . , how stored In tin. camates f Mi):i'f castle, he thrown Intu 111" se. This wcrk l twins done Iiy tlir garrison under the j supervision of Airierlcnn officer. Most of the gins ar" of olmoltc pattern. About loona stands of arms are to b" rc-n- ' dered useless. It la Intended to do aw.iy with similar accumulation of arm In other fortrensca. This dent ruction ot weapon la a, precautionary measure Ooyerrvr Ma goon has accepted the resig nation of Gaston Mora.' under secretary of government, and has appointed Manuel Si. brailo to the place. Benin- Sobrado It" a former member of congress and an Inde pendent. No action has yet been taken re garding the tendered resignation of Oenernl Rafae Montalvo. warden of the peniten tiary. FRENCH PARLIAMENT MEETS - . ' AdJo.rn.ncnt Take- 'y , ' ,. Permit Cabinet to rrepure . v. Pronnun, adjourned until November 6. The early business transnrted wn the ap- polntment by the senate of a commission t'i consider the propoaitkm to trinsfer the I ashea of Einll Zola to the Pantheon. POPE'S CONDITION IS BETTER British Hrlnta ReeeVred In Throne Room to NaTe Walking T PontllT. P.O.MK. Oct. 2P. Dr. IyipponI thla morning said the pope's .condition was Improved. The swelling of his foot had almost dis appeared, the paina had ceased and his temperature was normal. - He was, there fore, allowed to see the Prltish pllgrimaRe, but instead of the audience occurring In the hall of the cons'storj, aa prearranged, and which would have made It necessary for the pontiff to walk, it was held In the throne room. The pope was carried to tha throne and the pilnrlma tiled before him and kissed hla hand. Althousb. tiie pontiff waa languid and pals, his general condition teemed aatisfactoiy. , Ralaoull May nestnre order. TANGIEK. Morocco, Oct. 3 Ralsoull, the bandit chier, ' today replied to the mes sage of Mohammed el Torres, the rer-ra- emitatlve of the. sultan, asking him to re- j store order in th district of Arzllla, say- ! In. tl, . v.u.i nt, -t ui. v .i. I the task of restoring order. Mohammed el Torrcn, )n .reply to the preec-niationa ot niviiiia-fa ef the. tUploma-Jo i:n-, continues SVABHLNGTON, D.-t Oct. ;I6.rSpeclilT making promises, hut does. nothing. j Teleegram.) Rural carriers appointed: Nc- braska Cmig, route 2, Walter W. Plum- Von llnelnnr nisi Ikes t'-immrni, J pier, carrier; Thomas T. Plummer, ' ubsli ("01X)GNB, Germany, Oct. 26. The . Ga- j xnxt. Rlverton, route J, ; George II. Biol, teite today . aeml-offlciolly affirmed that carrier; Bpencer Myers, aubstitute. Iowa "hancellor von Buelow dooe not approve of the attacks made by the German press on the hew French . premier, M. Clemenceau, ,ond that the chancellor sees no reason why ' the friendly relations existing between Ger many and, Frstice should not continue un der the premiership of M. Clemencenu. ' lords Hare Kdnentlon Rill. LONDON, Oct: 25. Tho crucial test or the educational bill waa reached today when the measure came before the House of I.orrls for detailed dehate. The bill briRtiea with contentious points, hut the main Issue cen- ters on the claueea relating to religious Imf ruction. i Change la Spanish Conan!s. MADRID. Oct. SBV Senator Arturo Pal. I , darano y Topete. the Spanish eonsu! general 1 j at New York, hts been transfrred to M.-I j rlla. Senor Dlaa Mlrando of the Foreign j j office will succeed Benor Baldarano'at New' oi .. Dreyfus line Independent Command. PARIS. Oct, V Major Dreyfus, who waa detailed for duty with one of the ar tillery regiments at VlQceunea, has been given an Independent artillery command at ?t. Socialist Went Celebration i PARIS, Oct. 15. The independent social ists demand that the ministry Include In its program the compulsory arbitration' of strikes. BOOKS MUST BE PRODUCED Frneecnttnn of St. I.onis Merger Helped hy Order of Federal 1 Jadge. elrcuit court today Juilge I Inkelnnurg . - elded that Rolx-rt M. Frazer, chairman of ( appointment of Frami J. Heney aa assist the east bound freight committee, mii-d pro- ; at district attorney for the purpose of doce befure Srw.iiil l'mnmlu.iin.- Tt,-,.,,- ' ... , ....u... . M..ini. ..oA.j . A records of ihe committee, wanted I " ,llal"r mteresr inrougn ou' ' P,'J t-''''. j Frazer was recently const rncliv-lv pUce-1 j ""''"r arre-t for refu-lng to produce his J reirua lit the hennng. After the c.mrt'a decl-non tooay i-Tiii-r nanoe.l over his rec Ionia in order to give the government time , to Inspect tlicm. The a Us ad- iourned until pent Tuesday morning. I REBATE INQUIRY PROCEEDS - ... Federal Gra t:anliri a Number of Halt- rond TrnOle Oitlt-iala. - ... i. ..m..i . i . Mi. i. w-. , , . .; ', ' Louis r..l'1-..l.t toe !,i.r-.-e.-) W-e J.iImi M ticik ot .M.-i"'aley ol .Miiii.cj.v.h?. chief the lain) il. .art i,ciit ; Paul ji. i Heveis, general ( U-mi aijeir. ;, C.a-.- 1 1 , -e.r. ta,y un.l ais ant tt er, and K O. Eckharf, I.k .1 frelci.t eg.-.u; 'I'!..- jury t-ni'iit' w ill l.:.i l'ie I tig.-li.,!. ::'A .litra-'-i 1 .1. .i -,.c. iv'l :' aie.l tii- r -ailte csr-. r !l i Iw- I .ken up i as ti'i ur.:ll tVi--se li.vo be -1 d -"p of. ' SIXTH CAVALKY . IN FIELD fix Troopi of Btcraiot Go wjgmitir. to Keinforco Tenth. UTE INDIANS SAID TO BE SURROUNDED - , bI, , ?,OTe IndlBB. Bnd i"hfr of Redskins' ftald Be l,arpr 'I'hnn at STt-RGIS. S. D., Oct. 3. (Special Tele gram. )Six troops of the Sixth cavalry from Fort Meade, with Colonel Hodgera In command, left today for the scene of the I'te Indian trouble near Olllelte. Wyo. Teamsters and packers accompany them. Two troops of the Tenth cavalry from Fort rtoblnsou are said to have the Indians surrounded, but are uhahle to move them. Reports vary as to the number-of Indians, but the hand la reported to be increasing Five cowboys are said to have been killed. The Sixth cavalry troops passed through this city this morning at 9 o'clock, golpg overland to the Indian band near Gillette. WIIITKWOOD, S. D Oct. 2i.-(Spf clal Telegram.) BIx troops of the Sixth cav alry, under command of Colonel Hughes, have pajssed through Whitewood en route for Powder river to take , charge of tha Utea who are In camp on ' that stream. The troops left Fort Meade thla morning at an early hour and expect to reach the Powder by tomorrow afternoon. They took a pack train and a few wagons with them and a section of a mountain battery. It Is not expfctnd that any trouble- will ensue, as the Indiana will be surrounded by troops from other posts by the time the Sixth reachtm them. ' Keport of Rattle Not Credlte-a. CHKTKNNE. Wyq., Oct. 26 -Ooremor Urooks today received a report from Gil lette, Wyo., near which Is located tho camp of the Fto Indians, saying that all there it quiet and the Indiana are Inoffensive. No credence Is given to the report that the Indians have engaged a number of cowboys in battle. A similar report. It Is said, was circulated a few days ago. The band of Ute Indians are now on Little Powder river, about forty miles north of Gillette, Wyo., and are teaiporarlly camped there on account of the storm. Major C. H. Grierson, In coni.muid of Troop M, Tenth cavalry, which was sent to escort the Indians back to their reser vation, decided, after they refused to sur render, to await reinforcements, before rounding them up, and ordi ra have been Is sued by Major General A. W. Gret-ly for the dispatching of two more troops of the Tenth cavalry from Fort Robinson, Neb. Aa Boon a these troops arrive at the mili tary camp north of Gillette the entire bat talion will move forward and surround the Indian, camp on Powder river and demand the aurrender of the V'tes, who are 300 stronf. If they still refuse to accompany the troops an attack will be the only alternative. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Rami Carriers Appointed for e- braska. , Iowa. and Sooth , Dakota Routes. , .. .. J (Fretn a Staff COrrcspindept-i Ulencoe, route 1, Mark R. Vrodenburgh, carrier; O. D. . V'redenburgh, . substitute. Cambridge, route 2, Edwin A. Kirk, car rier; Kathryne Kirk. aubHtitute." Corning, route 2, William H. Grlftin, caj-rlcr; Joa-ph 11. Grlfllu, substitute. I'lerson, route i, George W. Smith, carrlor; Mae-Smith, sub stitute. South Dakota Dulph, route 1, Henry Urevlg, carrier; Thomaa irrev!, substitute. Effington, route 1, Roy A. Woods, carrier; O. J. "lnge, substitute; route 2, Adolph M. Hendrlckson, carrier; Samuel Iverson, substitute. Eetelllne, route j, B Gaylord. carrier; Harvey ft. . t.i a d huiii,.-uiii r-ui-f-l tiui- 1 I l,iu, lUUL-r I r'w j F. Morris, carrier; Rufus B. Morris, ub- I sinute. wtute kock, route t, Kaymona I Nadeau, .carrier; Robert f. Brown, substi tute. ' A. F. Clopper of York, Neb., ha been Ppolnted skilled laborer in the Fort 0rMBha pfmal serv (. Lapp,,,- t, Ice. 1 C. Lapper of Aberdeen, B. D., has brn awarded the contract for Interior painting and repairs to the Aberdeen poetomce at 13.910. 'FRISCO OFFICIAL SUSPENDED Attorney Who Waa BeclnnlnA Crnft laTeatlarntiwa Stopped by Acting Mnyor. BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. a6. Acting Mayor Gallagher this afternoon suspended District Attrtmev Ijinirrioii fmni offh-e. and the ! BoHrd l'f Supersisors approved his action. Langdon was notllled to appear before the board one week from today and show why he should not be removed from office. Mayor Gallagher announced that he had asked hla friend, Abraham Ruef. to accept the office of district attorney, and that 1 i The suspension of Iaingdon follow his b guii,v of grafting and malfesance. It date for governor on the Independence I lea cue ticket. ciitllnghci- gave twelve reasons for si-s- r.iuing l-ing.lo:i. the chief of nhich waa ' n,s,ctltig his duty In absenting himself for more than thirty rlavs from tiie county to B on a campaign' tour, while the city 1 . ...fferina from an invasion and denrc dutiona of criminal. LOCATION OF REGISTRATION BOOTH Sjf FIRST WARD. I'lret District 111'.) to. Hith J. s.rnhd tUfctrlrt- W'l laciflc r-t. I Thii d Dlstrlct-ITUS So. Tenth SI. V""UU "wnxu TrV' ' ! THstrlet-'a-.! So l-f-tli f. ; 'li.Vtri.-t-Vn Vinton 'l. '.hna Dl-'trici loi.l In ton ft. ' K -i.rth D.sin. t- t"lO Mr,, on St. 1 I ,!p, .,,1.. R0. i, I, S. THir,r ward First District V -t. f.. . olKl i)l:-lrlet ill Ko. i.'IU St. l ii.ird 1 istriet S13 No. l .ih tit. Fourth District to Mo IS'li St. ' Fn'iU I'isttic'- Ml? jHi-kxiu Bt.. FOCKTIl WAIlli. li'iist Dl"trict J,"l4 C;l lloi Ave Se. cud District--4'-"' .Si l-f it t?t. ll ll 'l i'!-in.'.- ro. m' n c. Fourth Tiisimt 31 1 Ho. a., h Si i'if.h Lustri. i- ui Da.euvuit tt. MEW YORK CAMPAIGNERS BUSY llnnee areata In ninghnnstnn end lihara an Hearst In Sew Tork City. NEW TOItTC Oct. IS. WHrl Mr. Hughes In Ithaca tonight and Mr. Hearst at Madi son Square garden in this city the guber natorial rampagn wan curric.f on at widely separate points with utubuted vigor. At Madison Square garden th-e was a great Bothering of union labor to re.tify.the nom ination rf Mr. He;irt ny the democratic and Independence '.cnguo partiew and three, speei-bes by the randldatea, . one In the garden and two outsid nt either end of the big building. The crow-Is were enthut astic and demonstrating, cheering Mr. Hearst whenever opportunity offered. Tre eeedlng the meeting at the garden was a long parade of labor nnlonlsfs. Mr. Hughes, the republican candidate, be gan hi speech making today st Plnganiton, he delivered two talks to large crowds, and traveled thence to Ithaca, where he spoke twice more tmlght. Besides the Mndisoo Square garden rati fication In this rW. thre was a. Tammany mass meeting In Harlem and meetings by the, Judicial nominators and by the West End rtepubllcsn club at uther places At the Democratic club tonight the Tam many nominees for the supreme bench, ten In number, were formally notllled. Chairman Cotmers of the democratic state committee tonight said he thought that there will he a "landslide for Mr. Hearst." The tide had turned towards the Independence leaatie and democratic candi date during ,lho Inst forty-eight hour, he declared, and In his opinion Hearst will have a plurality of from 15O.U0O to '.Tjrj.Ooo. JAIL BREAKERS. IN NEW YORK Daring Attempt la Foiled After Keepers Are Beaten by the Prisoners. NF.W TORK. Oct. IS. A daring attempt to liberate fifteen prisoners from the Harlem Jail was frustrated today, but not until one keeper bad been so severely beaten thai he may die and Another sus tained a broken arm and serious bruises. Henry Curt in, a prisoner who bad gained the confidence of the prison officials and had been permitted unusiiul liberties nboct the prison. Is charged with being the leader of the outbreak and with Inflicting the Injuries upon the prison guards. Curtin had been detailed as a watchman on one, of the upper tiers. As Edward M. Cufkley. one. of the regular keepers, reached the th:-i I tier on one of his half-hour rounds Curttu sprang from a dark corner and struck him over the head with a wrench.1 Cuskley fell to the floor and Curtin ran 1o the cell of Albert Linger, another prisoner, and at tempted to open the door, While he was struggling with the lock, the keeper re covered consciousness and attacked Curtin from behind. A fierce light for possession of the wrench followed. The keeper called for help, while the prisoners Jeered at him and cheered Curtin on, Cuskley gradually was getting the upper hand, when suddenly curtin arew oar ana wn.ppmg oui a long , t RBSUrn th pV,wer granted In the knife drove It twice Into the keeper's side . f,.,ieral constitution of regulating commerce and then pounded' him on the heed with between the states." This resolution Senn .. k v... .v.i. t..k m.wi . tor "Allison presented In the senate hi .... , - . . . nil- Hi--". ' -, other keeper, had appeared In response to i CuakJey'a cries nnd he cloyed with Curtin. Ford; waa the 'vIiMe"-" his arm mi broken In the'srf ngglj.'' Ck'lrs ewndlttim to critical. FIVE DAYS ADRIFT CN RAFT Survivors at Florida Storm Picked It tt Sen by British Steamer. NORFOLK. Va., Oct. 2o.Countlng the minutea which seemed few between them and death, five men adrift on a bit. of wreckage off the Florida coast saw one of their companions, whose sufferings . had driven him mad, throw himself into the aea, to death, and nut long afterward ayihlp which was coming eaved their lives. The five. survivors of ono of the greatest tragedies which has ever occurred on this const wero landed here today by the Brit ish steamer Hetherponl. which arrived to day for conl. The aurvlvors are Frank Revely, foreman of Marlanna. Fla.; Gus Johnson of Itrooklyn. N. Y Ben Clarke of Somerville, Mhkp. ; Abner Bell of Klssl Mee. Fla., and John Csmplell of Florida. They, with about 145 otbera, were con structing a concrete laduct tor the Florida Eaot Coast railway through the Florida keya and were aboard hounboat No. 4, which lay anchored oft the coast. The great hurricane struck the houseboat about I o'clock on the morning of October 14 and dashed It to pieces. Six men lushed together two timbers, one 10x30 Inches and the other prolwbly Hxl4 and both twenty feet long. They lived on this raft until rescued Ootober 19. The men are being cared for at the Norfolk City mlpelon. MINNESOTA STANDS THE TEST Speed of kev miser enrly One Knot Above the t'ontrart Standard. BOSTON. Oct. S. The new battleship Minnesota, built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock company, ha-4 a successful four hours' endurance trial off the New England coa-it today, maintaining an average speed of IS.xil knots an hour. Its contract ttpeed Is 1H knots. The trial, which followed yesterday's screw Htandardiz.itl.n ist ln ' Petiobsf.t lty, waa madi under adverse conditions, the big battl.'Hiiip pliinnlng Into a heavy sea all the way lrom Monli"gau Island, u.l will, ii the siart was made, to the finish off Cnre Ann. The engines worked smoothly, developing Jt.tmt hoix-pow.-r, and the prt prllcr maUi talnrd an average of 12.2K revolution ini-.ute. The Mliin.-sota. afit-r lr ping the tri:i board un a tug In MaHsu.hutfctis bay passed out by tiie Highland lighthouse Ju-t bt fore dark. It will probably urrlve In Newport News Saturdny. FIFTH WARD. 'irt District Sherman Ave. Second la nrii I i r-i.t rrnan Ave. ''lurd Di-i rid I t!!-erniii Ave. (barnV K.ierih iMMri -i-he F.i'1111.111 Ave. trea:)-l- ittli District-Jlix. No. 1Mb Ht. H'XTH WAi'.D. First 1 )js, ri.-t No. i."4 1 i St. F-He.inrt I ilrl I 171 No. i,ii St. 'third Disirxt -4 No. ZMh Kt. l oiuih Inetrict 11 -J Miiilary Ave. SEVENTH WARD. First District SN'.i Ix-acennonh 8t. S' nd District- l'. Ho. 2. h Ht. iliaru). Third D.sii-i. 1 1:A 1'ary Ave. IVuiMi Dl.--tii. t - l"o 80 :iki tjt. (Lurn). EIGHTH WARD. F rsl District - 1417 No riili bt. H'.-eii.l lil-tii.i- IT 1 Cum .ng St. 'I i-irici-o :0 No rft. t'ounh riuict-H.y C'um.iitf bL SHAW REPLIES TO BRYAN Cltim of Demoorg't to Credit for Etilrotd Leeiilttion it Annijted. ALL PLATFORMS S1ENT UNTIL !896 ( nllnm nnd Rlklna Aeta Ruth Passed Before Tarty Made Any Official t Iterance an Subject. CHICAGO. Oct. :.-Lelie M. Shaw, sec retary of the treasury, was the chief speaker at a republican rally tonight in the suburb of Oak Park. He devoted the greater part of his sjieech to denials of the statements attributed lo William J. Bryan particularly thoce In which claim Is made that much that hna been done by the re publican party Is In line wlt.i policies pre viously outlined by the democrats. The secretary claitred that the democratic party had no share In any of the measures parsed recently for the public good, except the rate bill, and he accorded them only small credit In that. . Secretary Shaw said In part: Colonel Bryan lias been most eloquent this seawn In clslnWng that the popularity of the present congre.oi and administration Is dun to the adoption bv tliem of d-mo-i-ratle policies. Ho said that if the demo cratic party could have secured patents upon its recommendations, the present ad ministration wotilo long since have been compelled to go Into llqiildctlon. As umisl, the eloquent orator contents hlmaelf with rhetoric and waives proof. Among the many achievements of the last conirreas are the pure food bill, t he meat Inspection bill, the denatured alcohol bill, the retires nlsntlon of the consular service, quarantine against yellow fever, the hill to safeguard naturalization of Im migrants more rild steamboat Inspection, the employers' liability act and the limita tion of Immunity to witnesses In criminal case. None, of these Is of democratic origin tnd none were ever suggested In a democratic platform. What Densorrntle Plntforras Ray. The only legislation for which ths demo cratic party can possibly claim approval even Is the rate bill. Three times In Its history the demoerstic platform has re ferred to transportation and in substan tially the same langusge. It has never promised anything definite. I quote Its first utterance from Its platform of lSSfi; "We demand the enlargement of the powers of the Interstate Commerce com mission and such restrictions and guaxan teee In the control of railroads aa will pro tect the people from robbery and op pression." Colonel Bryan cannot be. charged with undue modesty in seeking to trade the iia rent age of the rate bill, which gives the nterstate Commerce .commission specldu utnortty to ultimately determine rates, subject to review by the courts, to the loose and Indefinite platform suggestion of hla party. The history of transportation, legislation. state and national. clearly ilisprovca Colonel Hryan a boast that the democratic party is In the remotest degree responsible therefor. The first bill on the snbleet ever Intro duced in congress was entitld "A bill to regulate commerce by rnilroada among the several states." It passed the house with only five democratic votes In Its favor. No democrat 'spoke In favor of the bill. History of First law The next step towards national control was a Joint resolution passed by tne legi inrtire or lowa hhkmik i r imvi-iiai t.u- ,. . ,v. i.'il.,. I .1,1. hia -nllAu.iriII Benator Wilson, offered a resolution fle. Migtit-d to cotiimit the senate on the ques Uon of It authosijy . to legiaiate or. we Mble. . -'- " -----s - - v 1 The republican national convention in Tw4 i adopted Ita first committment on the uh- Ject bv resolution. William McKlnley was Chairman of the committee flint reported tin resolution. It won In obellenre to this I committment that the Cullom Interstate law waa passed by a republican senate and a republican hmwo, thouah approved by President Cleveland in The democratio platforms of lftSI, 1S88 and of iKith before and after the pnae of the Cullom bill, were silent on national control of transportation companies. Its first reference to the subject wsa in IK. The last democratic natlonel convention g.M'S one step further and camps nearer republican grounds, for it mentions rebates and illaciiminuttons and demands "prompt and arteouate relief from these abuses." It Is doubtful whether the party would have ventured so far from Jeffersonian principle had not the Elklns bill been enacted, under which the present sdmlnistration line brought more than half of Its successful prosecutions . against combined capital. The democratic party can usually be re lied upon to arrive In port In a decade or so from the time of unloading of repub lican cargoes. Fairbanks at Topeka. TO'PEKA, Kan.. Oct. 25 Vice President Charle W. Fairbanks addressed an audi ence of more than 5.i persons at the Audi torium tonight in the Interests of the state and congressional republican candidates. The meeting at the Auditorium followed a big torchlight parade and fireworks display through tho principal street of thvclty. Vice President Fairbanks also addressed an overflow meeting 1n the street, where more tluan 1.UC0 jieoplo. who could not get Into the Auditorium, heard him." The. vice president states that the Im portance of the congressional elections could not le overestimated and declared that a change of party control ln con gress would be highly dangerous at this time, when, he sild, the republican party was In the midst of many great reforms that were being worked out. BABIES STARVED TO DEATH Mnnngrr of Home for latum at Arbelea. Colo., Charged with Manslaughter, i PAGOSA SPRINGS. Colo., Oct. H.-G. C. Rose and Mrs. Winnie Wheeler, leader of J the executive committee of the system mi the Brotherhood of Light, who conduct a ; that he can keep his hand at the helm, home for poor children on a farm ner j Toe yeson fop retiring fmiti the preai Arbelea, Colo., were arraigned before cl ncy Is said to be a desire to devote more County Judge K. K. Caldwell hie tod-iy t,f his lime to aecuiiug a line from Nw on charges of niannlaughier In conned km York to Ihe pacitic .-oast and from tin with the deaths of six hahl. of the place. I Great 1-ak- ii to ihe Gulf of Mexico. They waived examination afld were e. manded to Jail until they can furnish bail. 1 The charges were mad" by nn sgent of ; the State Humane s.M-iety, who allege ihnt ! the children were fed almost exclusive!" on a vegetable diet and were practically ' atarved to death. Seven children now at ' the home were made waidi of the county j court until the couf. shall award them to. the stale home for dependent children or -some other institution. C NINTH WARD. First District Un.l Cuming st. Hcond Drrrict-S".8 llamilion Bt. Third District - In 4 Davenport Hi. tbarn) Fourth District -il So. i;th St. (barn) I-ilir. Dietriet- "mp: Farnam hi. TENTH WARD. First District-" I" ro. H th (St. Kecot.d Diet rlct-ir.'J l.i avmw.irtli Bt. Third Die, rl.-i li:i Ieavenwrth Bt. Fourth lisnic!-H;4 ro. St. Finh D!ftriei-l.;:l WilliRiti St. " ELEVENTH WARP. First District w Hamilton a-Fe.-oi.d Dim rid :t"jM Karnuni t. Third lirl t 2tl'2 Leavenwoi th St. Fourth 1 is' riri ",in t-u. lii hi. TWELFTH WARD. Firs; Invrl 't-4-.n. No. 14th rr. Kecond District " ?4 Ames A. Third Disti l. t-:r No. a Ii Br (bira. I'uiuu eU '. Xiia NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Partly (land Friday and gntnrday. Temperature at Omaha lentrrssyt Noir. nr. . . JIT . . UK . . f . . . . 41 . . 4 . . nt , . tut Hour, I p. m . II p. si. a p. an. 4 p. m . 5 p. m . n p. m . T p. tn . M p. m. n p. m . e ft u. wi . H n. m. T a. m. N a. H a. m. I a. m. II a. at. III M . . . ia em Ml 4 Ufl a an f MINE TROUBLE IS SETTLED ! Illinois Operntora Deride Not to Insist na Fine for Stoppage of Work. CHICAGO, Oct. af.-AII differences exitt- tng between the coal operators tnd the I union miners of Illinois were amlckbly set- I tied alt Joint meeting here tonight between the executive committees of the operators and the workmen. The chief contention was the fine of $500,000 which the operators wanted the workmen to pay because they refused to I work on "Vlrden day." October 12. the an niversary of the rlotn at that place In 1R9S. The agreement under which the miners and operators are working stipu lates that all mines shall be operated every day except regular holidays of the United J States. . Failure to live up to the agree ment calls for a tine of 110 upon each miner refusing to work. The operntora figured that the shutdown of October 12 was a io- lation of the agreement and that the total j fines amounted to $fJ').ooo. . After a lengthy dlcuaslon the operators un ijn iiui. iu iinptiev ine line anu mis decision ended the controversy. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS Order of Equity Agrees aa Scale at Which Mtahrra May tell Grain and Stock. EAST BT. LoriS, 111.. Oct. as.-The fol lowing minimum price scale waa -adopted at today's session of the American Boclety of Equity: Wheat, tl; corn, 45 cents until January 1; So cents January 1 to April 1, &5 centa April 1 until the next meeting of the society; oats, 40 cents; cotton, 12 rents, baaed at New York; hogs, cattle, IS; hay, til. With the exception of cotton, all pticea er based on delivery at Chicago. The following officers were elected: President, J. II. Kveritt of Indianapolis; vice president. J. B. Whiting of interlaken. N. Y.; secretary. M. Weaa Tubbs of In dianapolis; treasurer. J. N. Btelle of In dianapolis; national organiser, H. B. Sher man of Greensburg. Ind. The convention will adjourn tomorrow. SWITCHMEN REFUSE OFFER Hnllraad Offelnls Propose Increaee of Tera Lenta aa Hoar aa Compronslae. CHICAGO. Oct. A compromise of 2 centa an hour Increase In wages offered by the railroads was rejected, today by c.of. mltteea represent ing the Bwltchmcn't union of tho entire country. The men are hold ln, oui.for.lhje Arlaioal dmand submitted a month ago, calling for a minimum scale of 42 cent- an- hoar ftne-foremen, JW cents for helpers and an eight-hour day. Despite the failure of negotiation both sides expressed the belief tonight that there would be no strike. The railroad manager are In a conciliatory mood and are willing to make reaeonahle conoeaslone, they say. In the way of Increased wage, but they will not consider the question of reducing working hour at this time. MORMON CHURCH TO RETIRE Orgaalsatlon Is DUpoaiaa; af .Interests' In Cora an reel a I Enterprise. It SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 25.-Repot is that the church as an organization la to retire front commercial business were verified1 to day, when It was officially announced that ,I,m T ,. I, k'.llnndl h.nk hu1 lu.n ,.,M In W. B. McCornick. of the priv.te banking firm of McCornick A Co. The mice nald firm of McCornick Co. The price paid by Mr. McCorv.lvk for majority of the bank's stock waa not stated. The bank' atock wa largely owned by the church, ln the pant four month the Mormon church has dlopoped of Its big holdings tn the I' tali Light and Railway company, which con trols the prlnuipol public uillltlea In this city; Its Los Angeles and Bait Lake rail- road ock. with it. great' pavilion at Bait Ah, and Its big retail department store at Ogden, CHANGE ON UNION PACIFIC K. H. Harrlmaa Will Retire mm Pres ident and Re succeeded by Truffle Director gtnhb. CHICAGO. Oct. 28. There was a etory In circulation here tonight that E. H. Har rliuan la to retire from the presidency of the Union and Southern Pacific railroad. According to the rumor the plan Is to mak J. C. Btubbj, now traffic director of the Harrlman lines, president in addition to his present position. "Mr. Harrlman will remain ihalrman of INTEREST ON MONTANA FUNDS i rlblxiu. aa she did Wednesday night. Those Attorney Uenrrnl Ulc Snlt Agnlnat j wh() mU,.,,4 this evening will have th ple . Treaaurer and Predecessor j ure of -lng Mr. and Mrs. Cudahy rid to for M4S.n:i. HKl.E.N'A. Mont.. Oct. IS. Attorney Gen eral Albert C,a.!--n today began suit In the district court against the present state treasurer. J. H. Rice, and his bondsmen nnd the two predec-ssors. A. H. Barrett T EColllns, and bondsmen, to rec.-r, aileaed to have l.,n received those officials as Inier.-st on iiuhlic ni.Miey tlepoeUed in banks. Pollard Sftenk at Teema-h. TtXTMSKH. Neb.. Oct. -J.t.-t Special T le- grain 1 Congr essiiian E. M. Pollard ad- ilr-se.1 a Tecuineeh uudhiii. ln the court house tins r.eiiing. Ills a.idreiui wa looat lutei estlng mid elicit .-d the closest utleii tion of his amlltors. A review of -the wotk of tliu Agricultural department at Wash ington was given. sh..(u- what the de partment Is nw doing and planning for tin luiure f .r the fitnut-ra. The t.irllf. maxi mum irei,.l,t I. ill uui other leading ques tion v.cie delt upon. Crmnty Attorne J. j C., who Is 11' for ie--let-- tlen. was present, and waa 1 ailed upon and 't sp..k briefly b. fori- Mr. 1'ollaid addit j SHOW IS HIGH CLASS Freiidist: Jades Oiret TJottivted Frtitt tt the En trim tt Omtb. AVERAGE ABOVE MADISCN SQUARE GARDEN No Foer tr lfgdiocr Eorttt Art t ii the Tiir.4 litre. j ATTENDANCE INCREASES EACH NIGHT Entrtcct to tht fcine. of the Tttorltet Occetitn for Applante. WOMEN RIDERS AND DRIVERS POPULAR Joseph Cadnhy Again Ueta the Rlae Ribbon la the Jnmplng Event with Rd Mare Ualety lrl. AWiBCt TOR X.IHCOZ. STIOXT Park Fair (local)- First. . , . .W. H. MeCord Ward M. Hargs S. V. reek Ball urea. . ..George IPeppct , X-a-urrenee Joa gecood Third SarMle Korea first Becond. lr High Stepper J'l'l V , .Crow Marray Third ureerge J-eper flatted If are- ? "j Third .' .' .' .' .' .' .' . Mru. 6. . Mooera Unicorn first Second Third Combination Xorat First Beoond Third ,. pair SYoadatera First Veoond Third Far Horse First ftecond Third Fotato aae First Beoond Third Woman's Hunter First Beoond Third Crow It Murray W. X. MeOord .... X.awT0Boe Jones . I.. Crawford X.awrenoe' Jonea Oeorge Fepper Con Klley T. O. Byrne .W. J. Cowlea tawrence Joaea W. K. McOord Oeorge Pepper Ira Jacob J. O'Rourke W. X. Bethaia Arbor X-odga Crow ll Murrsy Crow t Marray Omaha, people ought to be proud of their Horse Show. Next to Ak-Kar-Ren tt ' perhaps one of the greatest advertiser; the city has. No that It calls attention to any Industry the city may possess, but it heralds Orauiia to the world as a live, up-to-date town, avhlch hat the best there Is and give the pr-opie of the surrounding territory, aa well at Its own citlrens, th chance to enjoy It. By doing thla It brings before the state and the (dates to the west 4he fact that there It 'an Omaha, which Is preliminary to the Investigation of the city't commercial advantages. The Horse dhow la surely on factor In the vtpbulldin' of ft greater Omtlia. It Is barely possible that those who have not. seen the shows of the eastern rltlee do not hold a Just appreciation of the exhlM- tun ln their. wa town." If the? rould but hear the- compliments of. the fudges u,,) othtr how . oftV-ial who heve Wine with many, many year of horse experience ,t. hetp out the thow at Omaha, they would know llvat their city" ranks up with the heat. Though the number of entrie 1 not so large, the. show, taken all In all,. com pares very favorably with that fflven each year at Madison Square garden in New. Ycrk. It la said to be even better In nmr reapecte. Many poor horse are shown there, for the reason that many Insist lii making entrie who have no really good animals. At the Auditorium thl I Indeed very difficult to find an animal which cannot b classed a good, for entries aro here from tome of the most noted, stable of America, and the local horses are fine beasts. , f omnlltnent front Judare. "I' never saw a show," said Bpencer Bor den, the presiding Judge, "where there was i such a large proportion of good hort. I have Judged In Madison Square garden, und I I can truthfully say Omaha, has better I J0 ln ,h'8 r"pCct lhM th bl m"r,,p' J I 1 - . This front . Mr. Bordoii, the millionaire manufacturer of Fall River, Ma., who has Judged at many a thow and who do s It for the love he bear to horse, in a compliment which will not peat unheeded. ' By the way, the show goers will be eon j to hkr that Mr. Borden cannot he licie 1 "T "'" ' 7 .,YV Z T X ur- ,,la -J1'"4 bt tak bvy Cr' Saturday night, a he must leave tor home come exporlencod In horee flesh In America and other quarters of the globe. Itst night another evidence. was given of the popularity of King Home. The houe-i wa filled, with the exception of few seats far back In the balcony, and an en thusiastic crowd gave due applause wher ever It wa detverve.l. It wa Lincoln nlghi, j and not a few giieeta from that city were teen in tne uoxes. in watg around the promenade lie become a regular feature, without which no worvan who ha a fine gown to display I ,'' fled. Of course a gown show off well In a box, but than II is observed only by a limited number of people, and oue ba to walk around to be I seen by all. An air of ease and sociability reigned. Any tendency to conaoh-u for mality in social Intercourse which might liavc obtained on the opening night bad completely vanished. l.oral Victory la Popular. j Thai Jos-ph Cinlahy took snoth'r first prise In the hunt clans with his Gaiety Girl, i from Arbor lodge. Is a n-as-m for rongrstu. 1 Union for all patriotic. Nebrasknns. 81m j competed against home which are hard t ' beat anywhere and came out with the hu ' gether In the hunt clas. Women wen- few oo the lanberk, and for that reason, erliap. they were cheered nioie heartily when they tppired. Mlea Helen Cudahy of Omaha and Mrs. Smith of Hi. Joseph appeared on saddle horses and Mrs. Milion of Bt. I'aul shoved a horn lu ! wio InvtriSftivt ,.f whettter or rtot fiiir ww. .ltiM wlnt.e.w th wwn-n hv.,,,, . ... v,fcMt n. ,Ulll . i .- 7"7 " ' J Recistcr Today. In tinier t tiI ml the rouilng elec tion etibhcquciif primaries every - tltor In Oinali and boulh Oinxbi mutt oppeor p rnonally before Ihe rtgisfratlon IxmrU for hi voting dlsliicl and liavt" hi uanic iirojx-rl inr.lleJ. No i',u r-j;lstratltB liolJ giHJil ti.l year. Friday, October 2C, t tho liett rt-nlsf ration day. la rdcr to iitr You Must neHstcfp