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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
TTIF, OMATIA DAILY BKE: THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1P06. v ( 1 1 m in r No FOR and I J V" klw-w vast " ' " jUiin Wya Mud 4U tf: BRIDGES BOOSTS OLD LAW Ordinasoe Dtfiaine Gas Tank tim t . Etrenarthsns. Preitnt Cue. OPJECT TO GET BEYOND RESIDENCE UN Canvaae of Cnnncllineu Indicate Xevt BUI Will Kot Meet Sorton , Opposition (roia Any . ," Member. " Councilman Bridges' Ordinance, introduce at the council meeting- Tuesday evening, fle line certain limit within which tanks or other receptacle for the storage or manu- fae:tutng of fuel or Illuminating gae may lm erected, prohibits the alteration of nuc.i places already established In the city ana precludes the conversion of other plucks within the proscribed llmlti for put pores referred to. The object of tho ordinance eventually is to remove all gas planta and tanks to points well removed from tho resi dence district. A csnvaj s of the counellineti Indicated the ordinance would not meet vth much If any remittance when p:aead on lt wnv tir- rtn'.l .. ..... r.J m vwi itii it BEST I i NX .ii;.i;iuitg irrrimry is emiogea uy a boundary-line' tai tln(r' from the northwest corner of the city limits to Bhciman nvr nue. south to Belt line, routheust to Thlr teenth and Nlchola. ijoulh on Thirteenth I to Capitol avenue, east to Ninth, snutli to j-aciiic. cam io Histn. routh to Pierc, cist to Second aoutOJo ,Jbo ,wr Hf.l'ttOi ft BuV-J litigton right-of-way, routhwect to souther lioundarr line' of city linlts, then arounl the city limit to the first iwlnt referred In This territory Includes nearly all the city. CoBsrat of Property (hv-ir. Tho ordinance which this one If passed wuuld tllfplK-ii provides that the content ot all property owtnrs within a radius of l.tfB ftet shall first be obtained befors the city building inspector s-hall grant a permit for th wwllon of any building for gas manu facturing or storage purposes. Two month ago Ilullrting IiiKpoctor Wlthnell was citc", to appear before Judge Day to'chow cause why he should not grant the Omaha Qat . company a pemilt to erect a large tank a A Twentieth and Center streets. Tho build f j lug Inspector stood upon ho ordinance, and Vi showed that the gas company failed tc Xv present tho required signatures of property owners. The gas company held tha ordi nance would not hold Inasmuch as the coni-p-iny merely wanted to add another tank to 'a battery of throe already established t .the same -location. - -Judge Day ruled In favor of the city and me case was taken to the supreme court and argued four weks ago. A declhlon will ba rendered at the neSct sitting of theourt. Bridges' ordinance, now pending, wll '.''.'.';' .... m Creates: Sensation in New Orleans ! H a 4s H H m M ' M . L. T. Cooper, the young philanthro pist, who, with his strsnge new clnes has been exciting much atten tion from newspapers all over the country, now has New Orleans In a storm of enthusiasm over Ills rcmark sble work. The sales of )ils prepar ations' has reached enormous figures and the wonderful cures of stomach trouble and rheumatism accredited to bis medicines, which wero at first the 'ihjct of much conjecture, hive be. come so common that their genuine ness can no longer be doubted. ,Hls theory that fifty per cent, of the so-called stomach trouble Is due to Immense parasttles, or tape worms, la verified in newly every raae reported. Wherever he goa people bring to him glass Jsrs and dishes containing these - psraaltss which liv ben cxpelh-d their eystenis by his medicines. Neatly three hundred of these rans sre reported from New Orleans and In almost avery Instance the patient had been unaware that bis suffering was caused by anything more than ordin ary loiMaoh trouble. Mr. A. R- Halle, a prominent busi ness man of Ills Caroodelet ureal. New Orleans, is aMthorlty for the re-p.-u-t of one of the most remarkable of theae cases.' According to his state meut, Mr. Hail had been a sufferer from a severe affection of tha stomach for tk fut sis yui anJ i,4 ta treaited by physicians wlio diagnosed .' his fuse one of-tape worm, hut whose -' treat nieiil f"led to relieve him. hpeaklng of hla experience ,th Coop e u M n u U M ka M M U n M :::$ 2SSS2i.BS . v. ur Grocer " AS! . ' . need for clhcr cereals now- . Cereal, Vito The white heart of the wheat. A 2 lb. retailing at 1 5 c, wher. cooked makes of dainty creamy white food. Made by the man who makes BREAKFAST - Sbr Jowly one half cup one bait cupt oi boiling water, salt to taste minute. If too thick add bourns water. not with cream andsugr.f. When cold it make a debdom luncheon dish, hied and erred with syrup. Nurneroua dainty dinner deserts can be pre- . parea wun mill - s "NssN ana jcuy. strengthen Vbe old ordinance and which- ever way the supreme court may decide In the case now before It the city will have an other and stronger ordinance regulating 'ho establishment of gas plants. ASSI0N FOR DESTRUCTIOf Tlania tor WreeUlag? Household Iiead Joe McDerniot Into Conrt Whore He Is Fined. ' The penchant of Joe McDermott, who sonrtts wlUi Mrs. McQreel at 1710 South lgrhth street, for destroying the furniture elunainr to nls landlady has been thr neann of his appearing before the peoP'' ar twice within the last week, although 'ie must be credited with having varlod 'ils usual performance considerably. TueS tav night he returned home after work and Utenipled to complete, the undertaking of Sreaktng up housekeeping for Mrs. Mc Oreel, which he started last Friday night, when he piled all the furniture in the mld i! of the room and threatened to set fire to It, for which offense he was fined S3 ami ?osU by Judge Crawford In police court ast Saturday. 1 Tuesday night he completely wrecked the furniture In the bouse, causing damasre to ho extent of $100, and as a fitting finale tote down the stove, which had a biasing fire In it. filling the house with smoke so thoroughly that the officers could not see him within when they tame to take him Into custody. Officer Frank Murphy tes tified that he never saw: a house so com. Plctnlv and thoroughly wrecked and that v,.i-iAi-nirttt was an wni " mv Dermott was not Intoxicated, as. ha svas- wv.c'ii he trlod to burn the laneuacrr ou oi house and home last Friday. As a result of the last escapade McDermotfs Incen diary Inclination will be curtailed for the next ten days while he. enjoys the hospi tality dispensed at the county Jail. V Quick nnd Sale UmrOr tor Bowel Comnlalnts. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock dla covered that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Plarrhcea Remedy was a o.ulck ani rafe cure for bowel complaints. "During all of these years." he says, '1 have used it and recommended It many limes and tin results have never yet disappointed ntt.'' Mr. Brock Is publisher of the Aberdeen t.Md.) Enterprise. Mirths nnd tlentbs. ti, following births and death were .ported to the tif. twenty-four Hoard of Health rturins hours ending Wednesday (rth-Johrt Pobb, Twenty-eighth strc;t nd Crown Point avenue, boy; OH-r Shall erg 4124 Nicholas, boy; Luther Cher, lift .oris Twenty-seventh. hoy: Krancls lixidall. 441't North Twenty-fifth avenuo. ..v K. J. Hamlin. '914 t'arnam. girl; lii.- ett Mollvalne. 41' ward, girl; Frank "ek. VM Routh Fifteenth, boy; Andrew tixenoulst, 3-'17 California, boy. , , . l.avh-Slmon Williams, 8M North Forty- th avenue, K. v er's preparation he said: "Jly case has been a stubborn one and nothing I eould do seemed to alter my condition. Several physicians treated me w.thcut result sixl when Cooper's medicines began to create so' much attention I determined to give them a trial. The worm which they excelled from my system measured nearly fifty feet In length and sa soon as I was rid Of the horrlhle thing I to improve." I'pon being asked about the attendant symptoms he declared that they ar much similar to those of any stomach disorder, a variable appetite, dtaxy spells, headaches. Constipation, 'ner vousness, and a continual languid, tired worn out feeling being the most common, while one of the surest slgiis Is dark spots that appear to float be fore the vision after stooping over. It .Is estimated ' that one hundred thousand bottles of Cooper's Medi cines have been sold during his visit In New Orleans and Judging from tha apace devoted to hla work by tho newspapers of the city Cooper is the talk of the town. L. T. Cooper, It will be remembered, la tha man who created such turmoil In 8i. Louis a short time ago, where he Is said to have sold nearly a quar ter million bottlea of his preparations. At the Beaton Drug Co.'s drug store.-, the local agency for Cooper'a medi cines, it la said that the sales of his two remedies, Cooper's New Discovery and Cooper's Quick Ilrllef, have be come enormous and that the most gratifying reports have been roi-eived from ibnae who have used them. . has it now Tlio Story of Oxtlie White W Hoart 11 package 1 2 lbs. into two . and bod Serve Tender little home grown green onions und fresh, crlp lettuce are difficult to reconcile with blcKk fate October, but they are In the market and have been all week, although the wet weather has prevented the gardenera bringing them In regularly Of course, they are hot bed and hot house products, but they are as tempting or mere so than they were last spring. The onions sll for 5 cents a bunch and the head let tuce at 10 centa a head. Another week or so will bring most of the garden truck from the south. The first of the Turkish fig came In Wednesday, and sell for 13V4 cents a pound. The first carload of New lork apples arrived Wednesday morning and will sell from 3 SO to It. 50 a barrel, accord ing to variety. Quinces are scarce and high priced In proportion, selling for 10 cents a pound. The scarcity In oysters and the corre sponding advance in price has not mate rially effected the retufl market . as yet. Bulk oysters sell for 10 cents a quart and "solid" for 45 centa a quart! selects, W cents a quart. Ttto Luncheon lleelpes. - SWEET RICE BALLS Wash thoroughly one scant cupful of rice In cold water, put In a double boiler, with one point of milk, cover and cook until soft. Afld one tea spoonful of butter, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, salt to taste, and the well beaten volk of an egg. When cold mold Into small balls, pretning Into the -center of each a raisin, d candied cherry, or a little stiff Jelly. Dip In egg. roll lit crumbs and fry smoking hot fat. Drain and roll to paw. dered sugar before serving. JELLIKD CHICKEX-3elect for thin a fowl rather than a chicken, . the long cooking will make It tender. Singe, clean and cut It up as for a frteasee, put In a kettle with one-half of a small onion, stuck with a clove, and one stalk of celery, cover with boiling water and simmer until the meat falls from the bones, adding one teaspoonful of suit when half done. Take out the chicken and cook down the liquor to three-quarters of a cupful, then strain It and skim off fat. Lightly butter a mold and decorate the bottom and side with slices of hard boiled eggs and atoned olive. Free the meat from the skin, bone and fat, and pack In mold, sprinkling wlih salt, add the liquor and set aside to cool. NIGHT SCHOOL SEASON HERE fieaslon Opeua Monrfny Mght at Kellom nnd t'omenloa, Maine Buildings t'sed I.nst Year. The regular night school season In the public schools will begin ' next Monday evculi'g M Kellom and Comenlus schools. The sessions will be from T:So to 9:30 each Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs day evenings. ' The season will Inst five months. No tuition fee Is charged and nil persons 15. years or over are permitted ta attend. For several years the public, ntgft schools have proved a valuable adjunct to the public school sstem of Omaha. Annanneenientn of the Theaters. (recrge V. Honart haa written some of the best sluft that ever went Into print, and part of this Is for the newest of musi cal comedies, "Coming Thro' the Hye." I With a book by HcLurt and music by A. J Puldwin (ileiane, the brilliancy of the pieew i is assured. Then with a company made . np of competent pe-ople. tho general suc cess Is certain. Will J. Block Is direcilng tb (our, ami has provided an organisation s "lk Flour" fully reiual to any that ever went out for nrusn a. id eif, and himki- your the purpose of d-Ilghtlng the world alth' breath pure, f.rsli and saeeL, ' juai afitr mu'le and fun. The migigemeni begins i 'uu ve ea-.n. imn nj'oiie iii turn in at the Hod this at lerimon, end continues ' away ou hn you breathe or the rest eif the week, with u matinee on ! alk; your breutu will be paie una tresu. Satui'lay allernoon. land bes.Uea your (oud will Uslo so muci f ! b iter u you at your next jusi try The regular shoppers' matlnes wilt be j given at the Hurwocd th!s afternoon, "Mr.'' being the Mil. This offers a fine rhaui-s for the women. esp.clally those from out of the city, to spend a ileum nt hour 4t the theater after making (he roundb of the itores and shops. i A flue treat Is promised tl.e clientele of women who attend the midweek popular price matinee at the Orpheuni on Hiurj-' days at tho performance this afiernoOn. I Kdtth Helena, the distinguished aor.ran.i Is especially In favor, iiclena, who haa the greatest tang of any ringer on the stage will shortly join the Metropolitan Grand Opera company. New York, and 11 msy be a long time before the eminent singer will be bcoked here again. Mile, merer nena, wuu ner two famous at!- Hone, an appropriate horse show meek at traction, ate (coring heavily. i Williams and Walke r, in their all new production Abytsiiim ' v. ill be t.,tt' t. traction at the Krug theater for the re mainder of the week starting tonight. The I piece is brimful of muio and la staged more elaborately than any piece in whl.-h these popular comedians have heretofore been seen. The management wishes to Hate trial there la atill plenty of good seals unit that they will b ante to n . rare of njosl of their patrons, 't he ingage ment e-losea Saturday nighl. Tlieti will he a uikUiks on ta i uiu. COAL DEALEKS GIVE BOND Vtrobtn tf 11! seed TrniJ TJader Iadict meet Tn', Up Thomihd lach. BILL CONTAINS NINE USTINCT (CUNTS Cirand Jarr is Iaveatlnatlnsi AN leged (einent Trait, eerf tary t hleh Con not Be Reached Jnst Sow. Coal dealers against whom trust Indict ments were returned Tuesday afternoon by the county grand Jury have been going Into court and giving bond for their ap pearance In court when wanted. Judge Button has fixed the amount of bond at tl.Ono for each .defendant and In order to expedite rratters the coal men have been ordered to appear at t o'clock In the morn- lrg or 1 o'clock In the afternoon In order not to Interfere with the regular session of the court. A special session was held Tuesday night In order to enable those who wanted to to furnish bond. The deal era named In tho Indictment sre: Joeeph T. Beatty, Jeff W Eedfcrd. Carl Brandeis, Leon W. Bunnell, George . Hadlock. Charles K. Coutant, George c. Squires, Samuel' fi. Caldwell. Randall K. Prown. Arthtir II. Ooodoll, Harry Chrlr topherson. Alfred Hald. George D. Rice, Luther A. Harmon. Joseph C. Weeth. Har well T. t.emlst. Oeorge P. Cmnk, Edward E. Howell, Charles S. Johnson. John P. Kehoe, Isnao Levi, Leroy E. Lucas. Tav ner R,, Morris Rosenblatt. Pamucl E. Howell, Taylor J. Wells, William C. lard. John E. Tetard, Edward E. Ie Beau, Q. Frederick Elsasser, Alfred A. Tardun, Alva B. Cook. Robert J. Altchlson, Samuel A. Comeer. William T. Shackelford, Hlraro H. Dickey, John J. Thomson, Arthur V. Partridge, Patrick C. Heafey. James S. Moneghan, Erneet'A. Blum. Edward Mc Eachron, Robert A. McEachron. Fred P. Loomls, Woodworth Allen, Oeorge F. Howell, Joseph B. Kosiel, Edmund B. Cor rlgfin, Charles W. Hull, Talbot D. Dakln, Jnmefl A. Sunderland, Lester T. Sunder land, Tom Colllne Haven, George W. Me geath and William R. Wood. Klne Reparole Connta. The indictment Is a bulky document and consists of nine separate counts, each nam ing a specific violation of the Mate ant! trust laws. Count one charges In general terms a combination to fix prices and re strain competition. Count two relates specifically to an alleged combination through the Omaha Coal exchange to pre. vent competition. Counts three and four cite two sections of the constitution and by-laws forbidding soliciting by clerks, agenta or otherwise or by letter except by printed postal card, and count five charges violation of the law In enforcing the re strictions referred to In counts three and four. Count six charges the defendants, through the exchange, about September 14, raised the price of anthmctte coal from 110.26 to $10.50 by conspiracy and In viola tion of law. Count seven charges In general terms a conspiracy to rafre the price of coal, and count tight charges a violation of law In fixing the price tf anthracite ot $10.60. In count nine the schedule of retail prices on coal, printed by the authority of the exchange and circulated, Is set forth In full and tlje members are charged with violating tlie law In agreeing to It and ad hering to It. . ,,,.v.,. . . Cement Trust Inqalrr. Considerable difficulty has been encoun tered In the alleged cement trust Investiga tion owing to the absence from Omaha cf H. A. Doud,-secretary "Of Ihe ' alleged com bine. ' A' subpoena'pwas Issued for him Tuesday afternoon, nnd, Inquiries at his house brought out tftefact be,, was away on his vacation. The officers were unable to find out where he 1. lie Is one of the prtnoipal witnesses in the inquiry relating to the Investigation of the building ma terial dealers. The argument on the motions In the Coal trust civil ult before Judge Troup which were to have come up Wednesday morning were put over until Thursday morning, as some ot the attorneys Interested could not be present Wednesday. Mr. Doud Is deputy collector of the CHARCOAL KILLS BAD BREATH Bad Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking or Kating Cuu 1 Instantly Htcppvd. lAMrU FACXAQB KAIZ.Z9 X2. Other people your uau ureaih whtre you would not notice it at all. Ii Is nauseating to other people to stand be fore the n while you are talking, gtvu them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comas from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have 11 In the morning that awful sour, bil ious, bad breath. You can aiop mat at once by swallowing one or two Biuait Charcoal Losenges, - the most poweiful gas and odor ausorbers ever pi'cpatod. your mels will iweal them selves In your breath to those who M!a with you. "You've, had onions," or "You've been eating cabbage," and all of I a sudden yu belch .0 th face of your I filend. Charcoal is a wonderful absorber ! of odori, 1,1 evory on knows. That is I w ?y btunrt'e Charcoal Loxengra are . gu l QLick to s.op an - and oju.s or oJoi- ut foous, ur gas from indigestion. Don't use breath (,ei: wines, 'ihey never conceal the ouor, u4 ne-ver absorb tat gas eau.ifs the odor, liealiics, the Very fact of iiilng II. em reveals l:ie reason i'r their use. StU4rt' t-'!idcoaI Loaengca ui the tirst pi ua for fcoud all sou. , t-hafcoal doas other wonderful ihings, u'- il cariies away from your itcmacl. ,nl ai.nea, all the Impin itles tiier9 '"asei logLiher and wnkh causes the d breath, as en absorber. ; Charcoal Is now by Tar the best, most easy sua mua laxutive known. A whola boxful will da no harir. ; i in fiit, the tno.-e Siuiit Charcoal I you take the betUir. 1 Losenges sre made of pure willow char coal and mixed with Jusi a faint flavor of honey to uie niem piliiuo, tor you. nut not too sweet. You lust chew tnem l:ke candy. They are absolutely harm less. j Ofa hew, njre. sweet breath, frtshen ; your stomach, for your next mesl, nj j keep the Intestines In good working order. These two thtnas are the secret of t sre rne secret of good lift. You can get all ' tho ry to do .haseVonder health and long charcoal necessary to no those wonderful but 'imply things by getticg Stuarts Charer.el Losengea. We want you tu test ihesa little wonder workers yoursejii: before you buy thum. Bo send us your full nume and address for a fret sample of Bturafs Charcoal Lotengta. Then after )t,u have tha sample, and been con vinced, go to your druggist and gtt a He box of i hem. You'll feel better all over, more comf irtable, and "elcaner" Inside. Bend us your name and address today and we will at once aend you by n.all a sample parhsge, free. Address F. A. , Stuart Co., Stuart fcldg. Marh; lll) r L! I f v) McKibbin FUR LINED COATS sm all hand tailor, ed by the best workmen in the land. Atk your dealer to ihow you Amer ica's Stsnditd Fuf Coat. If he cannot do so write us and we will direct you to oae who can. McKibbln. Drlacoll 6. Dors-ay Pur Manufacture ii St. Paul. Minn. mrf 'SJ I'nlted States Internal revenue department In Omaha, holding a federal office and at the same time being secretary to the al Ifged local Cement trust. FINK PREDICTS THREE MILLS Treasurer gays , Flnnnees Are . Sneh that Levy Will Not Exceed that Flaore. That Douglas county and Omaha city finances are In mtlch better condition than they have been for years was shown by County and City Treasurer Fink in a talk before the Real Estate exchange Wednes day. This good financial condition Is due, he said, to the scavenger tax law and eco nomical administration. The county had $215,000 warrants outstanding In ltt)4. $177,600 In I and to date In 1908 It has warrants out only to the smount of $,tR,0n0. The gen eral fund warrants are held by Douglas county, so that today not $1 Interest on the general fund Is paid to anyone other than the count)'. He said $730, 31$. SI had been real lied from the operation of the seavenger law from 1903 and previous taxes. Of this (S,oA5.fS had gone to the city, $21S,13t.78 to the county and $42,646.74 to South Omaha. For 1904 about 98 per cent of the local taxes had been collected, he said, a showing never made before. . Due to its Income from the sale of prop erty under the scavenger tax law the city has redeemed and retired long-time bonds tu the amount of $10,flu0, special Improve ment bonds to the amount of $151,010 and has transferred $181,000 to various funds, besides paying Judgments to the amount of $10,000 and interest to the amount of $11,000. "I believe Douglas county can In another year," said Mr. Fink, "reduce the tax levy by 3 mills If you have a body, of business men as county commissioners." Commissioner Ure was called On. He said that when the new levy la made next August the county will have the entire levy for the year before It and no- back debts to pay. He predicted a reduction of S to 4 mills In the levy. City Engineer Rosewater, another guest of t!.e exchange, arraigned the Omaha Electric LIcht and Power company for its so fur successful efforts to maintain a monopoly on electric power. Its recent public statements that It la furnishing elec tricity cheaper than power could be fur hlBhcVT by water Mr. Rosewater denounced as untrue.' He made a long enumeration of UtatlBtlcs to show that water power Is cheaper and expressed himself in favor of a canal o break the present monopoly. EVEN EIGHTY-SIX THOUSAND Amount Sow In Hand of Y. W. C. A. Home at Close ot Second Cam pals a. The second campaign to complete the Toung Women' Christian association building fund of IliS.OjO closed Wednesday noon with approximately $80,000 available. Fourteen thousand dollars more will be necessary before the building can be be gun and the women 'will continue their soliciting until this has been accomplished. Regarding their failure to raise the de sired amount, Mrs. Emma F. Byeis, gen eral secretary of the association, said: ' 'We are not a bit discouraged, hut feel confident the recessary money will be forthcoming. We are disappointed that the people of Omaha have not responded more liberally to out- great need, but It Is a great deol to have rnlsed $100,000 In the lust eighteen months, snd that Is what we have done, Including the $15,000 we paid for our lot at Seventeenth and St. Mnry's avenue. This Is more thun msny associa tions have done Unit have raised their money In small amounts as we have. We have not yet heard from all the business men, so cannot state definitely the rerult of the last two weeks' canvass." f- 1 i 1 At n nie"nng oi ene axsnciaiiem noara or i J. p. -immeriron. iwemy-nintn ann cen dlrectora Wednesday Mrs. - Byers .,! trsl boulevard, Jl.nno dwelling; O. Hansen, elected delegate lo the meeting to be heid In New York City December h and S fori the organization of the new united national society to be known ss the Young Women's Christian Association of the United Ptstea of America, that will include the former international beard and American commit- I te of Young Women's Christian aasocla- ! tlons. ! MesOamcs J. V. Bal'ey, O. W. Wicker- j sham, J. H. Diimont, P. M. OiiTett and R. Q. pchseffer were elected delcgites from j the association lo the stat" meeting ! to bo he-Id at Cotner college, Lincoln, No vember 9 to 11 Mrs. Oeorce Tllden, Mrs. W. P. Kirfnrd und Mrs. Kmmi F. Byers will attend hh members of ttis state com mittee. TAFT DATE IN OMAHA GOES Aerretary of War Will Snenk Mttht of Last Day In October. Here Despite all contrary and varying reports, it, Is composed, in plain F.nqHtK oa every word was received Wednesday morning bottle-wrepper. that Scrieurr Taft would spesk In Omaha 4, if WedriesC.f-.y evening. Octolier SI. Washing-j The formal a of Dr. rierce's Favorite Pra toiV hull hss been selected for the occasion. ! scrlptlon will ber the Biostcrltlrsl eiairilna When It was announced thu Secretary tlon of medical eincrt for It contains no Tnft would speak here Wednesday after- noon rffi'i ts a ere at once made to change the time to Ihe evening. Congressman Kennedy aired J. B. Fhernian, chairman of the republican congressional committee, ravins; the secretary ot war could make train connections1 that would permit of L. . . h ' ,rr1V"' lJnV7 l"" !lm i0 'P"W 0,:, sdiy evening In rado metropolis is arranged. Later a telegram was received sajlng tr Deuver meeting been dropped for the present, so that Omaha Is rure of Mr. Taft 1 whether Denver gets Mm or not. 1 ' 1 Macgum at Co., LETTER SPECIALIST. .,, . . Milkmen Fall to tppear. Charged with wiling milk that had been! adulterated by tho nigral use of tlie rump. 8 Hoeenthal. John Johrs' n and John H "1. ! ftihera of milk aaijims, a ho i arrested j To. s.iay b 8ieul om.-er Jf,e Bcuiiy. ,-ro , before the police mag strate W "luesd y I lbs iiiusttattng offlcer md livl put iu a Nobby CloIIies for Boys A Very Special Offering Tomorrow Doys' Snits Tomorrow 2.65 Quality and price are our frtrougf&t attrac tionsbut tomorrow wc have something very attractive to offer exacting parents and'full blooded. romping boj?. ThebojV clothing season is just about half over and naturally doing the largest boys' clothes business in Omaha has left us with lots of odds nnd ends of fine suits. To make short work of these troken lota we have 4i cut the prices on several hundred new, stylish, this season's suits, and tomorrow your choice y C . of $4 nnd $3.50 Suits at. .. a4.UJ' BOYS OVERCOATS Q AC lhat arc wcrlh $6 ' Omuu An immense selection tomorrow of boys' fiuo Overcoats that are 'worth $6 at the exceptionally low prico of $3.93. Made of strictly all wool materials, in fancy and plain colors. Made to fit boys 7 to 16 years of age. Nice new long styles to protect them from the cold. This is a' big value and should require ? (IP prompt action tomorrow.. a-' -r , all A -Jws Cor. Farnam HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable aunng the summer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports ar most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS and CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bate after violent exercise. ALL GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS appearance Ontll after the coses had bren called and disposed of, much to the satis faction of the three dispensers of Infantile diet. NEW LINE HELP TO THE FORT i Bellevne Car Benefits Resident Army station as Well as College Town. The liellcvuc line of the Oma'nu & South ern Interurban' company Is proving to bo a great benefit to the residents of Foil Crook and Is being well pstronlxed by peo ple wishing to go to the fort and by the, soldiers and , officers and their families coming to Omaha. The students at BeJJe vue also are using the line extensively and the oars have been well filled most of the time. Funday, although a bfid day overhead, the cars had all the buslne Ihey could handle, or. rather, the car, fov the switch wire is not yet In place and but one car Is run. As soon as this is fin ished two cars will be put on en crowded occasions. Qnlnay. Kprnins and 9ne;ils(a Cored. "in November. 1901. I caught cold and had the quinsy. My throat wns swollen - I could hardly breathe. I applied cairn berlaln's Pain Balm and It gave me relief 1 In a short time. In two days I wss ail ' t.1,1 ' - v . Mrrn T. f nil!,,.. fl...k,. I Mich. Chamberlain's Pain Palm is a Un.. n-.ent snd Is especially valuable for sprains and swelllnga CIna Gordon aad Hallowe'en. Next Wednesday evening, October SI, being Hallowe'en night. Clan Gordon brings Gavin Ppence and Miss Nannie Gtrachiin, Bcotland's greatest tenor and soprano. Lyric theater -hss been taken. Tickets are priced: Boxes, TSc; area and balcony, inc; gallery, 26c.' Tickets exohnnged at box office day of and day before concert. Well a" be there! DIAMONDS Kellioim. mth and Harney. Building Permits. Building permits issued: E. W. Sinndt, North Tklrty-elshth. dnelMnir: 2UX l.nrcniore, tl.HO dwelling. Do You Thfnlt Fer Yourself 7 Or, da yon epea your mouth like a ymirg tlrd aV gnlp down whatever food or aaea a ins ma a se offered you $ L 1 V V tKmvian Intelligent thinking woman. la need ofrif from reeknesa.nervonanesa. pain and auxVrir. then It aarana much to you that IherXmisJvlej nd tne br.res r"tr'" f"r the c"r rt ""V$Ljit The makers of Dr. P'.t:ree"a Favorite Pre scription, fur tha cure ot wetk. nervous, run down, over-wrrked. debilitated, pain-racked women. Unonlng this malic Lne to be made up ot ingredients. eery one of which has the Strongest possible Indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of tbe several schools of praetl-B, are iierfertl j willing, and In tact, are ouly boglsil to print, as they do, tbe formula. Or Hit of lorrr llcots, of which 1 alcohol, narcence, narmrui, or aatiit-torailog drura and no agent enters Into It that 1 not highly recoaimeod.-d by tbe most advanced and loading medical teacLera and author ti lea ot their several schools ot practice Thee aa'ortttes reorrtnerel the Inrreillerfs rite Tr C'J re of t '! 1 n-r.M f r TTTT p tirl)f No other uedtclne hit womtii'i HU hu mr ucb pnfriong.lrniijicti''nl s It. rit n Vb wrtr-ii. PfrrlnlAn K a si iw gal sv'i ika sseu QIllUSod recommendation cf .'i:h of lu awveral IngroelleoU by scores of leading Biedl- cal men ot all tbe schools of practice. Is .urn an endorsement not worthy of you coOkldersUoa t . . . oooklot nf Inrrtdienta with numerous autboratlTe prufoljnal eniorseruenta by the leading Bie lli al authoriilos tf tills country. .1U ra4illKj fnt to ,nT on sending nan a , . . . . - ilUlMI Ir. IL 1 . I ten JtaSaia, N. Y. 7 b cf A y o o ,,J and 15th Sts. f DAD WEAVElT) Champion hunter of "gd" copy aqd of durks, . . , . General hustler for Ak-Sar-Ben and . any old , orgnaJzation that needs a boost. AV'e are the champion hunters of flne cloth, and latent stylea, and general givers of eatUfactlon. - We carry the largeet line of woolens ever displayed In Omaha. They are all new good and right up to the minute in style. We carry H"of the new shades In brown as well as the staple sreys and blues. Suits and Overcoats to Order. $25.00 to f.ftO.OO Juut received a flne new tan top coating- to malte up for $25.00. MacCARTIIV.WILSON TAILORING CO. 'Phone Doug. iste SO4-J06 8. lth 8t. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. 6 ." ... V J . aW o m COMPRISED Of the best malted bar ley, the choicest Bo hemian hops, sparkling Artesian water, and brewed In one of the most modern and scien tifically managed plants In Uie Unltod States, Stora Beer la pre-oml-nently the beat. It hag won honors whervver exhibited because of Ita high quality and purity, and Is today recognized as the leading beer of the west. Insist on hav ing fctorx lieer. It meant health, good cheer, and true temperance In your home. Order a case to day. Eitora Brewing Co. j Omaha. , Dl f i"C0)'iKiiysiji i.iiintuiMDn.ini! spriiQ 'MiMsas It eaully and comfortably reached bf leaving Nebraska and Iowa points la (be forenoon, arriving Kansas City la time to tonnect with the Southeaster Limited ot tbe LeiTlng Kaxsaa City dally :!d p. m., tarrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper through without change. Any ticket agent ia Nebraska or lowg will cheerfully reserve berths ia thl sleeper snd tell through round trip tickets at (ready reduced rates. Dr-T'JTY IT ATK VF.TKrUN AkIAn" H. L fiAMACCIOTTl. C. V. S. t.irv VETKHiartiA!. Office and Infirmary, 'JMh and Mason Sta, , OMAHA, UlUt. Velea-nvne Uwnajr, i 1 Mot i