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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1006. 0 CRAW AND PRODUCE 11ARI.ET Ureorth Bans ThTonth of tbs Lilt All Article STORM A TELLING FACTOR IN WHEAT rrlee Rn Halt Cent Higher, Clestaa; t Fall Adar-rra Stronger en f oatlnaed Wet Weatner and Firm Cables. northern. 75c: No. 2 northern. 74V; Oc Ju'w'Siof tCf!n,br' M"' c: OATS To arrlv and Ortober. 31o. KKW YORK CiFKERAL MARKET ttaotatlwn ntth flay Varlona OMAJIA, Oct. 2t, 1906. Finn cables and smalh north wralrrn re- :eipts, rauaad Jit the Hurra, were the f sc ots which made higher prlcea In wheat "ndny. There waa good buying early, which orotignt prices up Uc, where they stayed. Receipts In the southwest were fairly large. Exporters suld they were restricted by car shortage, In the eat. Argentina Crop ntws was favorable. ; Strength in wheat and continued wet weather Imparted strength to corn and prices advanced Ke. closing at- the high point. Receipt Continue moderate and the .hipping demand Is light. Cash prices wera ITlniHry when! receipts wera 887,000 bu. and shipments WA.HQ bu., against receipt Irt veer of 1.M5.000 bu. and shipments of tire'OOO bu. Corn receipts wera 671,000 bu. and shipments 5W.000 bu., against receipt last yen of ?,j0 bu and shipment of ZiS.noo Ixf. - Clearances wera 3K0,6fW bu. of wheat, '1.817 bu. of corn and flour and wheat tiil to 6,fL773 bu. , i lHverpool. eloped l higher on wheat snd VsVl l.tgher an corn. ' Local range of options; Artlclea.l Open. High ) Ixw. Cloae.l Teay Wheat-,. I Dec. ' Vi 4 W4 Mfc K May... 71 711 71 71W 71 Corn . ' Dec.,., ; 3V 37 .6 37 ! May ...I' I7fc, 87 37V $74 7V Oats . i I I I ix-c.l.r mv. j. May..). ,...... i I 82V.I 324 Minneapolis wired: "Wheat situation here itiet, but large mlllera and elevator men against the market. Claim light re ceipts fine to shortage of cara and that this wiil work asitiiist the market later on when .wheat railroads get In bettei shape, i Also, flour demand Is very poor. In meantime oar stock of whest Is very light end cash wheat at. a good premium." A New-Ynrk--p4ta say he-never baa seen the aotual or prospective demand for old corn so poor at this time of the yea;-, and .especially In view of the fact that cash corn la less than 1 cent over May In Chicago. Omaha Cash Sales. j OATS-No. white. 1 car at 2yc. Cnrlnt PJecelata. i , Wheat. Corn. Oats. "Chicago ..... 6S 16 254 Kansas City 1M 31 28 Minneapolis 226 Unwlia IS 20 31 lMilittn , 23? St. Louis 68 129 123 CHICAGO GRAIN AND - PROVISIONS Feat area at tn Trading? and Closing ' Prises on Dosrd of Trad. .CnricAOO. Oct 24. Report of beneficial rains In Arsrentlno. wera chiefly responsible for-a modt-rata docllno today In the local wheat market. At the close wheat for Ieonber delivery was off H94c Com was unchanaed. Oats were a shade higher. Provisions were unchanged to 7Hc higher. The weakness In the wheat marlcet de veloped about the middle of the aesslon. Prior to that time the tone of the market wan. ftiiUe firm on fairly good demand by nit tradnrs and local shorts. The early bullish sentiment waa Inspired by firm -ca blen and by the small receipts In the mirth west.' Several private dispatches wera re ceived from Argentina claiming that.tha -fnwlna' wht rrnn ihnr wna arreattv ban oflted by recent rains. The newa caused considerable selling by commission houses. hi..; an the aelilnir became mora cenera! the tharket became weak. A decline In the nrire of najih wheat In the local market to ihe amount of lc also depressed the rtf nnllnnl The close WAA Weak Decopjber opened H'SO to c,'ar nfttt sold orr to TZa ana ciosea at the lowest point. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to M1.7W busneis. Prtmnrv recetDts were 8S7.0OO bushels, against 1.206,000 . bushels for the same day last ear. Minneapolis, uuiutn ana . ni r reoorted receipts of 632 cirs, against TKi cars last weik and W cars orje year ago. t- -f ;,' r rh cr market showed some strengtn earlv in' the day because of good buying of the December option by a prominent ooiranlaalon house. Later, however, the market eased off on profit-taking and the ava eaav. December ocened un chanaed to MiO higher, at 42n2c. aold un in 2Vifi42"c and reacted to 4itc. Final quotations were at 42c. Local receipts were W9 cara. with 108 care of contract .rail. - f - ; 1 - .- . t ' , t. a.i markrt waa Arm : all day: -Pit traders and cash houses were fair buyers and the selling waa cnieny or anian nui r,olnta were smaller than ex n.-ctf'rt finri this caused 1 an advance of S ' 11'" in the price of cash, oats and also ater.gthened the price of ontlona. December opened -He higher, at 83,o, sold between Mii..H3Vc and closed at 334i613e. Local v,, htpr tha market -becam moderately Hrm. Hhorts In October and November i.a nnvsrAul freely and this caused a re- enverv of all the early loss. At the close January wia " " - "'' . - " - 1 : was un 7HC. at U SO. Rlbg were unchanged Estimated receipts for tomorrow; Wheat, 56 cara; crn, 173 cara; oata, 13 cars; nogs, lP.ouo head. . ,, . Tbe leadlkK future ranged as follows: NEW TORK, Oet. 24 -nUR Recettita, 1R.IW8 bbls.i exports. W.747 bhls.; sales, 7, pkgs.; market steady but dull; Minnoa patents, f4.lbfr4.ftu; bakers. W it('4.ii; win ter patents, f.Uiti4 OOv winter straights, f.150 ; winter extra. t3.fci3.10; winter low graces, fi7R-S1. ftye ft.ur, flrin; fair to good. f!.t'y 40; choice tp fum y, n.K-ai.U. buckwhest Swf, steady, f2..Ktfl40 for spot an.l to arrive. BUCKWHEAT Market firm, fl .26 per 109 pounds o. I. ., New Tork. t ORNMEAL Market steady; fine white nd yellow, f1.2"t 1.26. coarse. ... f 1.10y,1.12; kiln dried. r.7&i&2.l6. RYtMarket firm; Jersey and stte. W e7Hc delivered. . . , BARLKY Market steady; feeding, 43c, c. 1, f.. nuffahs. WHEAT Receipts. 87,1510 bu. exports, 1.12. Hu bu.: sales, l,4oO.Ono bu. Spot market steady; No. 1 red, 7Vtc elevator and ftlc f. o. b., afloat; No, i northern Dututh. ft-e f. o. b., afloat; No. 8 bard winter. R2o f. o. b., afloat, For some time after the opening wheat waa firm and higher on the ulllsh northwest recJnts and small Inter- or movemeuf. but eventually weakened un ler bearish Argentina cron ne'ws' and closed a to 4c net lower. Salos included No. 2 red May at KlifcM4,e, cloaihg at IWVtc; De cember, Sleaze, closed at hl4c. CORN Recelnt. 4.S1M bu.: exDOrts. 9&.4X bu. Spot market- steady:. No. 3. &5c ele- ator and 66c f. o. b., afloat: No. 8 yellow. 66'c; No. 2 white, 5-M4C. Option market was without transaction, closing He to Ho net higher. May cloned at 60c; December losei at KHc; January closed at 60e. OATS Receints.- . bu. Snot market steady; mixed,- M to 32 lbs., 4c; natural white, SO to 33 lbs., SSH; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs., .ItfgfSo. r n,h.u irm; spring bran, J21.7WJ1.R6 for prompt shinment: mlddlinas. 8J1.76S3 21.85 tor prompt shipment. AI Market firm; shipping, 80Wc; good to choice, fl.OOig'1.06. , HOPS Market quiet; slate, common to choice, 190, Jotf?2Sc; lSrt, v(tlie; Pacinc coast, 1906, lBfj IRo : 1905. l14c. HIDKH Mnrli.t itMHv- llalvAAInn 80 to pounds, 20c; Cslifornla, 21 to 25 pounda, lUc; Texas dry, 4 to 30 pounds, lc. LEATH ER Market steady; acid, ' 2H3 27e. PROVlfUrtN-Market for beef ateady: family, 112.601)18.00; mess, 8S.iVfi9.C0: beef hams, 821.00 ii.fA; packet, fm.oofi 11.09; city extra India mesa. tlS.&im 30.00. Cut meats. market steady; pickled bellies, f 10.2.Vo 12.!u; pickled bams, 112.00.. lArd.. market firm; western prime, f 7.70fj'.9n; refined, firm; continent. 810.10; B. A.. fl0.75; compound, &OfT7.7S. Pork, market ateadv: famllv. f18.00ffl9.50: short clear. 818.7fMtTlH.nO: men. 118.00(018. 75. ' TALLOW Market strong: city. (82 per rcKage), oc: country (packages Tree). &H V68ic. . R1CE-Market firm: domestic, fair to extra. 8'.-fiTiC; Japan, nominal. BUTTEH Firm. street price, extra creamery, 27c; official price, creamery, com mon to extra. JWr-iBHc: held, common to seconds. ll'p'JtsHc; state dairy, common to fancy, iwtziHc; renovated, common to ex tra, IVQllr; western factory, common to nrsi, iwm c; western imitation creamery, firsts, 20Hfi21Uc. CHEE3K Steady: state full cream. Sen. te tuber, small fancy, ISHc; state fair to good, iZHtg'U'ftc-, state , t)ctober best, 13c; large Depiemoer iancy, jao: lair to good. 12-W12-ic; state Inferior, lotllc. .JQ3 8teady ; state, Pennsylvania and neatby fancy selected white, 3ztoJ3c; slate choice, 304jjfio; state mixed extras, 2S'a2Vc; wesiern nrsis, ioc; omciai price, H'U-ac seconds, 2:&24c. Article. Open. High. I Low. Cloa. Taafy, Wheat - ! Do.;.. 73Hfl V May... 4Vv Oct.... Dao...JmtS . M-ay...HW Oitta tkeo...'. May... July... Pork Jan.... May... Lard- t ct. .. MS1 84TiJt & 13 R7Hl 18 8THJ May.. Rib- Oct... Jan... May.. 8 75 8 2L-V41 8 26 8 80 t 40 7 67V4! , 7SH t . i. - 44-41 4iiV 83H :. 83Vt! 13 TO 13 76 so: 8 80 I 80 8 80 7 4'AJ 7 67V.; 72l '.77W ' 44 4S ' S3 . 4 38 13 52H if ;v ;ts 8 20 8 22U 180 . 7 40 1 6iV 724' 77!, 42V.I St. Lonla General Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 24. WHEAT- Futures 1 . AnU Amm. . . .. 1. V . d 1 1 74t4ar76Hc; No. 2 hard, 70Vfe7374c; Decem ber, 71 He. CORN Weak: No. 3 cash. 44c: No. i 1 white, 44Hc; December, vtc; May. 41H'S41Ho. oats Bteaay; track. No. 3 cash, 33a; No. 8 white, 84ftHc; December, 33Hc; May. 84Hc; No. 2 white, 84fjr.14Hc. FLOUR Steady : red winter Datents. 3S R0 ftfl.80; extra fancy and straight, 83.80ig3.60; Clenr, flOiff2.90. Oh.KLe Viuiet; timotny, 3.a)Sa3.74, CORNMEAL Steady, 82.60. B RAN Steady : sacked, east track, f HAY-HteAdy-. timothy. 812.60S18.00: oral. rie, I10.00fjn2.60. IRON COTTON TIES-1.02. BAOOINO SHe. HKMP TWINE 90. PROVISIONS Pork. hlcher: lohblno-. 318.60. Lard, steady; prime at earned, 39.35. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts. 89. 26: clear ribs. -S9.S2H: short eluars. 88.87H.1 Bacon, steady; ,lxej, extra shorts, i'riv, ciear . rms,- , ii.b" snort clem s. $10.85 H. . . ..... ..- POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 8c; springs, 8c; turkeys, Willie; , ducka, 8 10c; geese, 7dc. BUTTKR Steady; creamery, 2127Vic; dairy, 184i22c. . ' ' , . - EGGS Steady at 20c. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were; Kecelnts. (Shipments. INEWfORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market if Dull 8nd oynsent of Frioef is flurtcish. . BANKERS AGAINST ACTIVE SPECULATION Sasaller Professional Traders Hare the Market Praelleally Tbcaa aelvea Oreat Interest Taken In London ftltantloa. NKW TORK. Oct. 24, There was a marked cantractlon In the volume .if transactions at the Stock exchange and a corresponding sluggishness In the move ment of prices today. There was a gen eral assumption that bankers and strong financiers felt opposed to active specula tion at this time and stood prepared to offer measures to obstruct any efforts to stimulate It. This understanding In Itself went a long way towards discouraging any aggressive market operations, so that active measures to obstruct tnem were not called .for, to a largo exlent. The smaller proCf-sslohal traders hftu the market entirely to themselves and their moderate transactlona had little effect on prices. . The beginning or the London settlement waa watched with keen attention owing to the fears that have beett felt that an overextended account In American securi ties would be disclosed there end would be forced out by last week's rise In tha Bank of England rate. The rates for carrying over holdings Into the next account were stiffened, ac cording to London reports, rising to '8&'3 per cent on Americans. There was also a very active demand for cable transfers In - the New Tork exchange market m connection with the settlement. Which made It evident that the account . In Americans was being ' largely reduced. Ixndon settlements continue until Fri day, which la pay day, and the Waiting attitude of the New York market Is partly based on the desire to see the outcome. There was some selling of stocks here again for London account. Development. In the money and exchange markets were rather mixed. Money on call waa easier here again. There was more confidence In the effectiveness of the treasury measure for stimulating , the i bank note Issues In relieving the money market. The subtreasury account shows a considerable withdrawal from the banks since the last bank statement, but this Is on account of -the return of gold, re cefved from abroad, which Had been ad- vanced to the banks while In transit. Transfer, was made to New Orleans J through the subtreasury of 3600,000, an.l New York, exchange fell to 85 cents dis count at Chicago again. On the other hand. 815,000,000 In gold : was recelvc-i from Canada, probably the return of part of the amount sent- o mi the banking emergency in Toronto and thus marking, the subsiding of the -crista there. The Bank of England raised Its bid for gold In order to secure $4 40,000 In the open market, and with the withdrawal of Il.i00.000 for shipment to Constantinople secured the continuance of a net outgo of) bullion from the bank's reserve In spite, of Its low level and the drastic measure! of last week to atop the drain. Discounts: hardened In London and there... was sharp drop in sterling exchange at Parlsj aside from a subsidence of pressure - for remittance to London. Foreign e-xchanii here continued to work higher. Occasional upward movements of special stocks met with selling ana me unaenone oi me "" market was heavy. The westrn storm and reports of demands on the railroads by switchmen were of some effect on tn depression. The announcement of the inj crease In the Norfolk A Western dividend was taken advantage of to sell the gen-j eral list and the closing waa weak, but, still dulK 1 Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,684,000. United States bond were unchanged on call. I Quotations on the New Tork Stock exj change today were as ioiiow; rtv were veaVew, Russian en rvmera of rremtcr Stolvpln's resignation and rentes on th possibility of toe Hank of France raising Its discount., rate tomerrrrw. Rus sian Imperial 4a rhaied at 73 and Russian bonds cf 14 clod at fiM. RF.RLIN. Ort ?4. On the Tfours today btislnesa wsa limited owing to 4he money el Hint Ion and to the fears of a strike In the coal regions. ' New Tork Maaey market. NEW TORK. Oct. 84.--MONET On call, firm at 8"a per cent: ruling rate, 44j per cent; closing bid, t per cent; offered at 4 per cent. Time loans, dull and steady; sixty and ninety days, Mi&H per cent; six months, t per cent. I'RIMIC MERCANTILE. PAPER fJH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business in bankers' hills at 34 8f9o 4.RSW6 for demand and at 84.n684 176 for slxty-dsr bills; posted rates. $4.ftW!f4 M snd ft.8fl4.86H; commercial bills, $4.0? 4Y eiLVER Bar, - TOHc; Mexican dollars, 64c. , BONDS Government, steady, railroad. Irregular. oonas today war as OMAHA LIVE STOCK. MARKET 111 Eeiirabl Ibdg of Cattle torn trail rth. fnti Quotations on lows: 0. 8. rot. 4a roe... 4o rsmea . ... t). 8. U. rag do coupon ., 17. a. oi 4. reg. .. do e.nupon IV 8. nw 4s, r.. do eoupoa Am. Tobacco 4t.... do 4 Atrhlaoa gen. 4a.... Mo ilj 4s Atlantic C. U 4s... B. I. A Oblo 4a.... do S4s Brk. R. T. c 4s... Contral of Om. it... do 1st too do M Ino........ do Id Inc., Chen. A Ohio 4 Ha. . Chicago A. H. C. B. A J. s. 4a.. C. R. 1. A P. it. do (tol. Aa. fol. 1H IS Mtl tort ten ! '4 ... 4s. sH ... v ...HI ...l(4 ... n ... t HSiiPmn. son. IV4 lot 11 Reading gen. 4a 1"4 lH U A I, M. - S..l!?ti t .st. is. ft s. r. rs a ""H ,.1M ..14 ..ieHV4 ,.101 ..101 ..ISO ..MI .. 7SH ..UMl .. 91 .. M ..101 .. M .. W ..1U Jatan ta. 3d sorts. do 4a rtfl do 4H rtto do M rloa I.. A S. snl. 4a Man. e. g. 4i Mf. Central 4a do lot tno Minn, ft St. U 4... M , K A T. 4s do ta - R. of M. o 5.--g. IH.. N. 1 C. s. No. P setae 4a... do 8 N. A W. e. 4 O. 8. L. rfdf. 4a.. ft?: roc.. A St. U g 4S..10JH rnio. lad. is. aer. A. 7t V8t. L. 8. W. 0."rd A. t. l So. Pud 8c 4. Colorado Mid. 4t... Colo. A Bo. 4a Cube 6 r. r. a. 4a Distillers' Im. I.. Kris p. I. 4a do sen. 4a........ Hocking Val. 44. Japan 4a Offered. .. nt ..104 .. M .. Ill .. . .10 "4 .. 87 do lit 4a rtfs So. Rallwiy la.. Taa A I. T., St. L. A W. 4a VqIoq Paclflc 4s.... V. 8. Steal M Wabatb Is ... do dh. R. ... Western M4. 4t W. A L. H. 4 Win. Central 4 10 a lis im an 1 leMi ....114 .... ttl .... M .... .... : Boatnn Stocks and Hoada. BOSTON, Oct. 24. Call loans, mm per cent; tlma loans, 686V per cent. Ufflclat quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atcblaoa ad). 4a... do 4a Moi. Central 4a... Atcblaoa .......... do prd Rortoo A Albany. Rnaton A Maine... Boston Elevated yitchburs Ptd .. Mexican Canlral ... 14 . . . 1110 ... TTU, ...100 ...ltXH, ...141 ...IM. ...m . ...m N. T.,- ti. If. A M...IW Pep Marquatt .... M Union PaolAo ,...m Amer.'Pnaa. Tub.... 14 Amer. Sugar oo pro Amir. T. A T. ..... Amer. Wooloo do pfd Eil i. on lEIer.. Illu... Mass. Eloetrlo do pfd ; ', Maaa. pas United Fro! t United Shoe Mack.. do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd AdTontur Alloues Amalgamated Atlantle Blnaham Bid. "Asked. ...ii .'.117H .. 14 ..fa .. it .. .. ..1on 7 .. i1 ., 4H ..V 4 ..11 ' 01. A Heel.. Centennial Copper Rango . Daly West ...... Kranklln Oranhv tile Royalo .... Mas. Mining .. Mlchlsan Mohawk Mont. C. A C. . Old Dominion , Oecoola Parrot Qulncy Bbannon Tamarack Trinity Itntted Copper. , V. 8. Mining... 11. 8. OIL Utah Victoria ..I Wlnon Wolrerln North Butt .... Butt Coalition Nevada ICal; A Art Tecumneh . .850 ... ! ... 80 ... 1V ... it ... 134 ... H ... 144 ... 17, ... M ... I ... 44H ... 17 ...101 ... 1( ...IM : ... 10 ... Vi ... 4n ... lH ... M ... ... 114 ...155 , ...II ... It -A ... Mt4 NO GREAT - CHANGE IN HOG VALUES Receipts at Sheep a4 Lama Con. tlnn Vary Llckt, Wktl rrlees Rhnar Flrmceas aa4 tha Trad Activity. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. J4. i!0a. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheoo. Official Monday 8.8f4 M lit Ofllcinl Tueadav 4, $.w8 Olhilal Wednesday f 8.uu a. 1.74 84.1HI V.7t4 7u.8IO 3,f44 ferent from yesterday. Fverythlng In sight changed hands la good Season In t!X) m, n Ing- Reprearnttlve aeJee Mo. A. 8. Tr., No At. . rr. im o in: it. .i'i 4 i im m t n is a ...;i ... li' 44 11 1H 8 "7, 7t J 4 4 I'1 7 r let 8 Tt, T I 11 M ... 8tVl It fl If M 4 r4 It tn ... 8 11 i i ... ftt4 n hi r fiii H 1"0 80 tra a II 11 14 IM 8 18 41 XI Ik) l 14 lut ... Ill at. .m 1n 8 1 41 tH IJ 1 71. .......IM l fit ,..t 14 8)1 II.,, M 1 III . 1 III M SM ... 4 ITWJ 4.140 11248 10.740 18.211 ll.UbS Three days this week. .18.141 Pa in days laat week... .84. I Same days I weeks ago. .8,ai on me oays i week 6go..?4.4j' Same days 4 weeks ago. Bama days laat yeax....24.Wf 1 lie louowina tahla ataowa th receipts oi cattle, hogs and sheep at South umaiia for lh year to data, compared aim last year; ). 1V. Inc. Cattle aI7.Di 8ll.2w Hogs !,t)5.aiJ l...i4 U Bhcep 1.7do,o8 1.6M.4W KU.a'.t . CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Oood to cnolca corn-ted ateera $.7Hlt8a Fair to good orn-ta sieers 8.8v.i Common to fair corn-fed steer.... Uooq to choice range steer 4.V4ia.1' t air to good range steers 4.i"w4 u Common to fair range steers f.buta4.W Uood graaa cows ana heifers f.v. Fair to good cows and betters a.4v8 Common to fair cows and belters.. Oood-cboice siockers ana feeders.. 4.Uuo4.frtl Fair lo good Blockers and feettera., .Ai4.tJ common to (air Blockers 1.7 :( J.lii tJuua, stags, lo 4.44."U Tne following table shows tha avaiage price of nogs at Houtn oir-ai a for th laat several days, with compartsona: Data. 1808 l.lu4.19td.llsJl.UOl.180O. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.- Oct. Oct. Oct. oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct, .. 8 UH 4 W 4V 80 1I-I 4 81 ,.l yi U. fci $ ill I oil JJ . I i IVi Ui i I '"t f? 8 321 .1 it .1 8 18 18.. .1 8 18 11... I 8 M a lil V 4 I 4MI . II 11 18 41 I W) 18 181 88 I Hi , -i kii i ft 101 t 02 7 tJ 6 i $ 8 4 84 I 10) 4 sal 7 W 8 87 4 fi 6 121 I U2I I 111 I 8 M 8 e8 ii4i o ji li a oa, e ;i iti o iil.... k an k H4i A IM: II hil B JSI Ti. . . 8 18 111 111 IM 8 U l $ 14 1 10 t Ei W I " . 8 18 701 $ US' 4 81 $ 14, 4 78 ft W 4 81 ft 14 74 $ 01 4 M ehinilay. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. ..1WI44, Artaona Corn .. 14 Green Coa .. Kxia. .n'i "4 ra 4ir i Ktf Flour, bWa.;'., Wheat- bu...-.; Corn, bu.,.,,.. Oats, bu A U. ie.( 5j.oi po .... 128.01 0 ...123.000 I3.0i0 8i.(Ki0 70.0' 0 59,000 - Minneapolis flraln Market. . MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 24.-FLOUR-Flrst patents, $4.204.80; second patttuts, M.u'-f 4.15: first clears, $3.2friS.36; second clears. 2.4A'iC.00. BRAN In bulk, flS.SOiglS.To. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Th range of prices, aa reported by F. D. Day 4k Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. j Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. 78Vi4JH 78478V4 42S4j Wheat Dec.... May.., Julr... fFlax net.... Nov.... Dec... May... 73 W. 7H4JI i iW 1 1SH! 1 11 1 lt 7884 77 784 1 14 1 14 1 124 78 -! l 13 i iih 1 16 72'4 78 1 13 1 14 1 12t 1 ns'aS It 70 IS 7ft 75 8 80 SO 8 80 T42t4j T 67HI S.14 84H 834 11 8?V4 IS 72 I 7ft : 8 Ei'i 8 8 80 ' 7 4i 7 40 Cash quotations were as follows; - . KLOtK Steady; winter patents, fg.fO't) 1.4'.; straights, $a.80ar8-': spring patent tl w 'uS.SO. atralghts, Jj.u!3 tu; bakers, fi-) 'wilEAT-No. ? spring. 74t57c; No. $, Tr-f 78c; No. 3 red, 71V,'Ur:So. (MRNNo, t Af-1; No. 1 yellow, 4fHc OATS No. 2, S-'V'! No. t white, 84i34VcJ No. 3 white. 814ti:i4iic RTF No. 1, 6l2c. BARl.F'.T Fair to choice malting. 4C.iy51c. BtvlvDS No. 1 flag. 81. 'SH; No. 1 notth v.etcm, $1.13; prime IlinotUy. $4.i6; clover, CJintr&ct gradea flS.ttO. Hlli iVISlONtf tlhort rlba, sides (loose), 1H 7i. Mesa poi-k, per bbl.. tlti.50. Laird, t 1 O lbs.. 8D.7S. Short c ear sides (bcxedl. fB i).Mi.6iV- and shlpmetvts of flour and Heeeiote. Shipments, 1 lt receipts -"tin were: Flour bbls t.rnt. bu -. Corn, bu Oat", bu Wye. bu... Larlav. tu 1,7J ...,14K.! ....4.ot ...,aio .... fo.oto ....801,100 42.44 lO0 4MMV) 7.D the but- iaawc 12U y On the rrtuluce exchange today fr marfet waa steady ; ei-reamery. dairy. 1V?S"- Es. firm; at. mark, esses Include). ivut"tc; nifta 2sc; prime first. 4c; extras. iic. Chfawe, steady; lZsil to-. - - .- Grain Market. MILWAl'KEli Oct. 14 WHBAT-Steady: No. 1 trurtliern. Tl ; No. $ northern, 74 iT7U.--: December, 'ia bid. RVB-'eaily; No. 1, 4'u'i67c. HAhLH-Meaay; jmo. i. twoow; sample, CoaN Htghac; No. $ caah. 46c; Decern- br, 4-jO bid. . . . , llverpaot flrata Market, l.lVfRFtWU Oct. 14. V, H BAT Spot, firm; N.. 8 red western winter, ta. Fu t;irs, dull; DwcereU-r, 4a i'U ; March, o t4 ' t ORN-Hpot, ejulet; American ailxed, 4s 4d. k'utiircs, steady; 4"otober, uomluai; De cember, 44d; January, 4s Hd. , mi, Tsleelo Seed Market. TtiLKDO.' O.. 0.-1. I4-KICErt-Clnver, h and i ioinber. $X?Vi; l-c it-inljei , a a0; p 1 1 thy, f:i.i5; alalke. fT.ial. . I -' - lialuiit , DI'I.l'TH. fcl. ,i"C, Vj. tu i.ji, t,rU Hurkri, l -WMEAT-No. 1 rtard. arrive. No. 1 northern, tac; ta tiack. No. 1 4 - ' ' ' -. - . ' ' Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 76o; No. 1 northern, 7M,c: to arrive, 7f4c; No. t northern, Tao; to arrive. 73W1; No. 8. 72H$73Hc; No. 1 durum, &c; to arrive. 6-V'. No. 2 durum, 60c; to arrive 6Sre. Corn: No. ' 8 yellow, C4c;-No. 8. 42c. Oats: No. $ whlta. 31140; No 8. 2914 1114,0, Barley, S6U47c. Rye, 604 7c 1 1 Kaaaaa City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 14-WHEAT De cember, 87Kc; May. 7144c; caah, No. I hard, aw7uv; No. i, oowwc; No. 2 red. tWn Iw. ; Wo. J. te&c. CORN December, J7Hc; May, Xc; cash, No. 8 mixed, 4Kft4014c; No. 8. S9Viftf40c; No, S white. 42ttj42c. . OATS No. 2 white, 334i833Hc; No. 1 mixed. S1V032C' HAY Btrong and active; choice prairie, $ll.aall.D(i; (-lM)lce timothy, $12.6otil3.00. ' R V K Steady, 67c. EOOrV Steady ; extras. IRc per doxen; firsts. 23c per dosen; seconds. 15c per doxen. BUTTER Creamery. Stk-; packing. 16e, Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu m.ono lia.ono Corn, bu lf.iaiO 2,i) Oata. bu 2,000 14,000 I'hlladelphta Pradare Market PHIIADELPHIA. Oct. 24. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, official price. ?7e; street price, 18c; extra nearby prints. 80c. BOUS Firm;, nearby and western fresh, 27c. CHEIvSE Unchanged: New York full cream fancy, lSVj'M 13-c; choice, Uc; fair to good, l-'fcl3c. Perla arke.' PEORIA. Oct. I4.-CORN Steady; No 2 yellow ar.d No. 8, 44c; No. 4, 43c; new, S8c; no grade 41c- new no grade, yc. OA J f3 oieaay; rtn. m wnite, jkic; t0. 3 white. J3e; No. 4 white, llgs?c. RYB-8teady; No. 2, S4c. WHlBKY-tl.28. 1 EvanarateA Atpla and Dried Frntta. NKW YORK. Oct. 14 EVAPORATKD APPLES Market ahowa no . quotabla change, but supplies for Octooer delivery art very Arm. High choice are quoted at kac; choice at tilc and prime at trf CALIFORNIA DRIED FRITITS-Prunea were In fair demand, with offerlnra llgiit. Quotations ranged from IVulV according to grade. Apricots are more or less nomi nal. W4th choice quoted at loc. extra choice at 17c and fancy at Imo !.-. peachea are firm on spot, with old crip suppliea quoted as follows: Choice, He; extra choice, l!jf Ue; fancy to extra fancy at Mml 4c. Raisina wera ttrm at recent price. Loose muscatel are quoted t V!l7o; stwded ralstna at lyt,iC and London layera, $1.46 Adam Kipree Amalxamated Copper Am. C. A r Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton nil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Am. Express Am. 11. A L pfd American Ic Am. Unseed Oil Am. Unaeed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. Bugar Refining Am, Tobaoeo pfd clfa.". . Anxonua Miniag, C....v. Atohtaon Ateblaon pfd .' Atlantle C. L Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadlaa Pa.lBo Central of New Jersy.... Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago A H.--W Chicago, Mil.- A 8t. P Chicago T. A TV...' Chicago T. A T. pfd....... C. C C. A St. L Colorado P. A I Colorado A So Colo. A 80. let pfd Colo. A Bo. id pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Producte Corn Producte pfd Delawar A Hudron Delaware. L. A W Denver A Kla Grande D. A R. O. ptd Dlatlilera' Securities Erla Erie 1st pfd Erie Jd pfd..... General Kleetiie Hocking Valley llllno Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfo. Kansas City 80 -.. K. C. 80. ptd LculnTlllo A Naabvllla... Meilcan Central Minneapolis A St. L , M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M ... M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd. Missouri Pacific Missouri. K. A T M.. K. A T. pfd National Load National R. R. of M. pfd. N. Y. Central N. .. O. A W Norfolk A Norfolk A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall penneylvonia People'a Oaa P . C. C. A 8t L Preeeed steel Car Preened 8. C. ptd. ........ . Pullman Palace Car....... Reeding heeding 1st Reoillng 4 pfd Repuhlln Bteal Republic Steel pfd Hock laland Co kock lalaad Co. ptd St. L. A 8. P. Id pfd St. Louie S W St. L. S. W. pfd Southern Pacific So. Pacific pfd Southern Rallwar Bo. Rallwar p'd Teoneaaoe C. A I... ., Teiaa A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W T , 81. L. A W. pfd Vnioa Pat-tnc Colon Pacific pfd I'. 8. Riprera V. 8. Rubber I'. 8. Ru b pfd V. 8. Htael II. 8. Steel pfd Va.-carolina Chemical ... Va. -Carolina Cham. pfd... Wibuk Wabaah ptd Wolle-Fargo Kxpreea Weattughouaa Eleclric .... W'tat-ra Colon W heeling A U g Wia. Cenlrel Wta. Contra! pfd Northrra Pacific Central leather Central Leather pfd....... Sloea-Hhcfheld gteel ...... Or, at Northern pfd Interhorough Metropolitan. IM. Met. pfd Total aalra tor th day. (Mice. High. L. Clnaat f I 40.KM) 114H 11SH H"t J.HIO 44 43 400 8444 4H If 1.(04) . WV4 74 434. lOOVi 4'.i '4 3 1 -1 Si 11 i 1M4 1.7 Vi 8.400 ; 74 100 IIS lit l.rno 1J4 lMtt to M ieri tajoax-, S7S t " IMJ ,ooMOI4'-innS4 i 1004 , lOO'leMi 1S W"1 13 . 6.004 111 14. 00 1,404 t.noo 400 to 174 54 1744 111 114 11 17 28,400 TSi l.too 7no loo t,700 '"ioo too tOO tOO .l.tOS 1I0 100 it nti tn M44 "io" Tit4 iltV4 444 764 800 17.H 111, 10 10 ," ' 10 100 tot "'ioo 1,100 ti oo 404 8.404 1.400 100 '"iii t.404 to It. too pi 700 too too 17t It '4444 8 it" to 14KV4 ti 44 1314 ioii lto4 44 t44 14144 ti". 171 S714 1714 in no4 iA ; 11 1 tl us 48 '4 H Ittv, to 144 ins us 4014 U'4 41 434 17H lit 17144 13 - II 4444 ti , n tt 1431, London Cloaliigc Stocks. LONDON, Oct. J4. Closing; quotations oo the Stock exchange were:' Coneola, man er .. H lt-tt M. K. A T t44 doe-count ..... 86 lf-lt H ' T. Central.. 131 Anaconda 14 Norfolk A W ........ fM Atchlaoa ...1041 da ptd II do pfd .,.144; Ontario A W... 44 14 Baltimore A Ohlo...,12Sa Ptnnarlvanla 73 "4 Canadian Pacinc 10 iRand Mine ;4 . WV4 Jtedlng ; Tt' . UVilBoutkera Rallwar ... It .lT"t -do pfd ! . JO , ISoatlier Paclflo ...., ii.Sk .' 41i 'Union Paclflo 1944 . 87 F do pfd M . 4ttU. 8. Steel.'. 44, . TTtii-ato pfd ....lnavt . U,.jiraMi .............. I0S4 .tft.X. d pfd 4T .14 ;':Snanlh.4a 44 aulet. tier ounce. " . 4(Bai4 per cent, The rate of.dlscouhi, jfj the open market for short bills Is StyC. per cent; for three months' bills, ft$i8 pen cent. '' ni- ir-"1 '. Boston t-oBsver Market. Closing quotations ofl Boston copper mar ket, repooted- by Logan A Bryan. 1 Board or -xraae uuuamg. umans: Chea. A Ohio.. Chicago Ot. W C, M. A St. p.... Da Been . D. A R. 0 .da P'4 L- En ,..!..., do 1st pfd... do Id pfd... Illlnola Central Loulavllla A Nun.. SILVER Bar, 62 1 t W (7 io" 74 I1IS4 14 n 4i'i '64 ITt W '444 tt ' 2844 'si" 61 144 n-4 . t lt4 44 1344 tevi tt U I4044 1,40 67 Vi 66 Mwatstr sad Molaaari. NEW YORK. Oet. 21 Sl'QAR-Raw, quiet; fair relinltir. 3lt-: cvnlrirugtU m1 test, 4; molaseiea sugar, Se; reflntd, s'sa-iy; No. 4, 4ec; No. 7. t.Xjf. No. 8, 4.3-; No. 8. 4 Sic: No. 10, 4l(vc; No 1L 4 V; No U. 4c; No. 14. 4e; No. 14. 3jc: oonferiiunrra' A, 4 70r; irusuld A, 6 fo-; .. cut . Inaf. 6Sc; powdered, ftr; granulated. 4. !!; ejubett, ft-1 4. MfiLAfiaKdstesuiy; Nea- uri'.-aij. oen kettle, guoi lo c Hen ire, 10 11,60 ioo too UK) 700 100 la 400 in lt, 1.60 t,S4 . luO ""jni 104 tl4 M.l'io loo ioo 41 too .out 100 10 Kit tf4 146 'ik- U4 17 4 Vt 46 4"t U 6t MT4 lit m 'ii'4 . 6644 144 ti'4 tm 474 l"4-4 IT lo'4 lt4 41 ISt 141 '6 at J? 46 47 13 10 lit tJa 1614 'in 14 1S44 61.14 124 IS 107 4a 1U6I4 17 1014 i4 41 tot 81 It 104 I'D 4. too IIM "'iii I. II t.7s) I0 64 lit 'ii" 124 Ti 440.60 share. 62 311 44 ..... tit IT 77 H its 44 31 4K 76 64 ' it 44 M as 14044 w 14 64 tt IM US to 16 64 17 J7 U 44 14 67 41 lit SS to 16 tt V 64 U2 1W 4R4 107 4 106 t44 109 11 44 t0 164 M It 844 tu tt l' in 17 .1.,. Advontvro Allouea Atlantis ' Bingham Black MouduIk ... Boiton" Consolidated. Butte Coalition .... Cat. A Plttaburg... Calumet A Hecla... Centeaalal Copper Rang Eaat Butt Franklin Greene Copper ..... Granny Helvetia lale Royal L. A A Plttaburg.. Maeaachuaatu Michigan 4 Mohawk .'. tt Nevada Consolidated.! M 1 North Bait lit tt I4 Dominion - rs 10 Oecoola 1 . 371 pu. Service ....... 1444 .140 pnew;- Service, ,p'd... II .460 Qulncy 101 . Hhannon 1644 . to Tamarack 101 . It Tenn. Copper 47 . 11 Trinity 10 . Ii t'elted Prnlt lot . ! t olled States, com... tt . Ulnlted gtatee, pfd... 444 . 4 . t ub C.onoolldated ., 44 . 14 Victoria 4 . it Winona II . 4 Wolverine -164 . 11 . New Tork Mining; fttocka. NEW YORK, Oct. 24. Closing quotations on mining stocus were: Alloa Breec Brunswick Con ... Comet ork Tunnel Cos. Cel. A Va.. Horn Bllvor iron Silver Locdvlli Coo ... .. 16 .. tt .. It .. 10 ,.1W ..460 .. I Little Chlat Ontario Opalr . . rotoal . lie tag sierra Nevada Bmall Hope ., Bundard ...... ... 8 ...ti ... IV ... M ..( I ... to ...It Kerrlga Floaaelal. IXINDON, Oct 24 -Money waa In In. creaaed demand In Che market today owing 00 the settlement requirements. lHaeountt were firm. The market quotation of gold was raleed owing to the Rank of England Increasing the buying prlcea of gold. Trad ine bu toe stock exchange was quiet, but in aiilte of stiff carryover rates the tuna remained cheerful, with an Improvement tu home rails and con sola, though the lat ter rnseil at the close of tbe day. The buslneiia In American was practically con, tlned to arranging the carryover, for which as bitjh as 8 and 3 per cent was charged. Borne uervoueness existed regarding a satlrifactr-i y conclusion of the larga ac count Ofaaator. Prlcea opened Irrexularlv mrt harrtetie'1 fractionally ill the afternorn, with ulet business. Later the trad'ng waa also ot'lt, th New York sdvirea not being cheerful. Prlcea fluctuated narrowlv and cloaod lrrular. wera firmer on good rainii-t. Jn pun, . imuenul 61 ef 14 cli.sed at 1i'. PARlti, Oct. 34. Prlcs on th Bourse, to- ' Treasary gtateuaent. WABHINOTON, Oct. 24 Today s state, ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive Of the $160,0U0,0tX gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance $-"i,31.f96; gold coin and bullion, $108,142, 843; gold certificates, $39,302,130. . . Gold Movement at London. LONDON, Oct. 24. Bullion amounting to 88.000 waa taken Into the Bank of Eng land today and 300,000 waa withdrawn for slilpmont to China. - Bank rienrtava. . OMAHA, Oct. 24. Bank Clearings for to day were 81,421.064.16, and for tha corre sponding date laat year, $i,42.4fioJil. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. -M ETAAL8 The London tin market was lower, with spot and futures both closing at l8. Locally the market was lower in sympathy with the 1 break abroad, spot being quoted st 343.30 bid. $43.25 asked. Copper had a aharp break In the London market, with spot and fu tures selling on even terms at 9N 2s 6d. Locally copper remained firm, with lake quoted at $21.7.Vtr.2.oO; electrolytic at iZl.blp !.uu and casting at Lead was Be Sd lower at 18 10s In London, lxically the market waa quiet at to.7fct6.'J5. Spelter, was Is 6(1 lower at 'M be In London. The local market was quiet 'at $n.20nt.30. Iron waa Id lower In London, with standard foundry quoted at 67s tkt and Cleve.and warrants quoted at &8s. Locally the market continues Ann. with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at $1.0uMi.fj0; No. 2 foundry north ern at 82! Ua A.'tb; No. 1 foundry southern at $:2 ntrv23.u0; No. 1 foundry southern, $i2.0uu.60. . Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2t,-COTTON-8pot closed dull 10 polnt advance; middling; up lands, 11.25c; middling - gulf, 11.60c; sales, none. " LIVERPOOL. Oct. 24. -COTTON Bpot moderate business done; prices, 8ql2 points higher; American middling fair, 6 Sid; good middling, 4.61d; -middling. -.T7d; low mid dling, 8 15d; good ordinary, Mlsl; ordinary, l&.M. Tha sales of the' day . were 7,a) bulea of which boo were for ejaculation and export and Included $,4U American. Re ceipts, I.KiO bales, all American. NEW ORLilANU, Oct. 21.-COTTON-. Bpot market steady; sales, 1226 bales. Low ordinary, 7c nominal; ordinary, 8c nominal; guud ordinary, 8 8-loc; low mid dling, KHSc; middling, 11c; good middling. HSc; mld'Hlng fa-lr, llc nominal; fair Use nominal. Receipts 18,368 bales; stock m.. HT. IX)fI8. Mo., Oct. 24 COTTON Firm. Middling, UHc; sales, 38 bales; receipts. 5-.0 bales; siiipmenta, 6B8 bales; stock. 8.4.1 bales. HogA Omaha $.(Mue.iiVi tjniuaao ,1... 1.01.-0 a. Kanaua City .uwua.7' bl. Louis g.uuiwi.uo autrtiu.ou bioux City I.&xu-1) Tha orticial number of cat a oi .lock brought in today by each road waa; Cattle. Hog;. Hheep.Hs'es. C, M. 8t. P 1 Wabaah 1 8 Mlsaourl faciflo lo .. 1 4 Lnlon tacmo 2ti 7 I C. t N. W, (eaat).... 1 1 .. 1 (..'. c N. W. (west.... 47 t 86 U C, tit. P., M. dk O C, U. k Q. (east)..,. 1 C, B. Ac (J. (west).... 46 C, R. 1. 4k P. (east).. 1 C, R. 1. c P. (weal).. 7 illlnola Central Chi. Oreat Western.. .. Total receipts ...'..14? U 86 20 Tne oisposiuon of the day a rece.pu was as toilowa. eacn Duyer purcnasing tu num uer of head indicated-' tiuytrs. Cattle. Hugs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company... cuuahy Packin- Co... Armour 4t Co Cuduny Co., from K. V amain t & Co Carey. A Renton ...... ljobman Ik Co Mccreary- 4k Carey.., W. I. Htephen ,. Hilt A. Hun ............ P. P. Lewi Huston 48c Co Hamilton A Rothachll Wolf J. H. Bulla ........... Mike Haggerty J. B. Hoot at Co Z.- H, flarlt T. B. Ingraham ..... V.- A. brltton ....... Lehmer Bros Jacob Other buyers Total .............. CA'I'I'IjE Receipts of cattle continue very light, the arrivals for Inree days this week being leaa than half of what they were during the corresponding daya ot levet week. It is hardiy neceesary to state tnat the big storm in the west are responsible lor tna decreased receipts, under tne in fluence of tha. good demand and tha light receipts there haa been a general improve ment in market prices. Beef steers this morning were In very good demand and- sold freely at strongai' price. The offerings wera picked up about as fat as they arrived, but late train proluruied tha trade through tbe greater part of the morning. Th best corn-fed sold un to $8.00 aud better, with good range steers at Packer were hungry for cows and helferg and anything desirable of that description aold very readily at prices a little higher than yesterday. Th fact 1 the cow market haa been better every day this week and prlcea are now right at too higher than the low point last week. While comparatively few country buyers have been in thla week there la still a good demand for tha better grades of cattl and the market waa active and strong on anything coming under that head. The common and medium grades move a little slowly every day, but at HI the total run Is so small that tne receipt have been kept very well cleaned up. Representative sales: HLEK BIKERS. .44 148 Usj . b4S 4Ko Ijfli . u4 boO . M . kit el :. Ia4 ' .... tut . 42 . 80 , 8bl . 4 .. . 43 ,. MS . 71 . 12 . 88 .... ..... 1 1 71 ,. 29 .... .. 81 ,. 100 .... ' ,. 1 W .... '..... .. 17 ,. 1. . 68 .... . 888 .... 7.1j0 .4.861 2.008 1U4 SHEEP Receipts were small Again this morning and for th three, days there has been an enormous falling of as compared with the corresponding periods- ni previous weeks. It la very evident that th storm has bstl a very disastrous effect as regards tne sninnna- on ar receipts, ah tola, only thlrty-nln cars were reported In this morn ing as saslnst tgtilv-f1v n Wednesday of last week. ' . Light receipts havs mad packers very hungry for supplies and they did not hesl. late st ail this morning in snapping up everything that would do lo kill. Th prices paid were strong as compared with yesterday. Taking Into account ihe quality cf th arrival, the market Is higher on sheep at thla point than It I farther east. Old welhers with a verr few yearlings mona them sold tin to tt 60. There wr ni good lambs on sals to mnk n top, but decent killers sold tip to $7.00. Th feeder market, which was julet yes terday and dsy before, owtng In large part to tha very light offerings, showed more life this morning and was both active and strosg. A good deal ot in buying waa for the ptirpoee of tilling orders tn th hands of commission men. As haa been th case very dsy thla week, the receipts came In thoroughly soaked from th heavy rains, but even that fact did not seem to deter nuvera. uuotatlons cn killers: itood tr) choice lambs, 800477.80: fair to aTond lambs, 4.Tr.$ 7.00; good to choice yearlings, $6.04i..Oo; fair to good yearlings, o.axerS.&fi; good to choice wethers, $6.ruve.60; good to eholcs ewes. $-1 fiOfJ& JO. . Quotations on feeder! Lamb. 80 54T8.!w: yrllngs, $5.26(a.80; wethers, $l.rjia5.16; 4ws, 8.I.&OW4.6V; breeding ewes, 84.7t' . 4st 840 .lit K. Av. fr. No. A. Pr. Ta ens a a an . i ta a va ia iti4 t 74 14 ....il4J4 at COW 8. IS I 88 f Ill 1 44 74 I M t 140 I 1 HI I 10 4 Itlt 8 44 - tn 1 tt tit ot tt 1 it t ut in HEIFERS. I 4 11 0t 8 44 I t ' BULLS. 1 71 BTtKKKhS AND FEEDERS. lit I 44 It 431 I 14 7S0 8 st 1 104 4 18 101 I 49 WESTERNS. IDAHO. 8 steers.. ..1074 8 00 86 steers. ..?inft7 $80 183 feeders. 108 1 70 10 feeders. .1088 1 0i SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 steers.. ..1442 4 70 4 steers. ..ASM i 4 20 1 48 steers.. ..1048 4 00 4 10 22 steers,... 878 8 80 4 10 4 steers )...13o7 4 20 4 0 NEBRASKA. I. .. II. .. a... It... 17... 11... 4... I 11 It aeTc-e .Market. - NEW YORK. Oct, 4-COrrEE-Markft for futures opened steady at unchanged prlcea to a d.'cllna of I print under Euro pean selling and offerings against purrhaav in Hraai!. I here waa not mu- 11 (e nure 10 ihe nems, but the pressure aaainst ths market Increased during the aeavtlon aa a result nf Will street siielng and the mirket cl d Steady at a net decline of oy 10 points. Hilej for the dev were rportel of r.0 baas, Inchxling t keciriler at 8 LVuM.Sar; - MaM'ti, 4 Sut. 6nc: May. fi 8.41H H0r; . J uly. 4"iu47?e: August, 8. Ti wio 75c. aril rjTl'vnber, 8'i'yi.f4.e iU'Oi. quiet; No. 1 iuo, liae.. 8 steers.. ..IUO 67 eteera.. ..lix 1 steers. ...I'm 11 steers.. ..1146 .. 296 ... 897 ...1018 ... Se-a ... 61 ..1018 P8 16 calves. 8 cows. . 11 cows.. S cows.. 24 cows.. 11 cows.. 5 cows... 24 cows !il 8 feeders., tot) Lee 10 feeders.. VA8 J. A. cows 1067 6 cows 778 8 calves... 8u8 11. W 81 feeders.. 867 1 60 20 cows 870 1 80 44 feeders.. 842 2 60 16 cows 1016 1 00 16 cows .l $ 20 82 feeders.. 7) $60 16 cows 1016 1 00 16 cows I4J 1 20 82 feeders.. 70 2 86 18 hfrs A cs 7ol Riley, Colorado. 1 10 8 feedeis.,1048 Wood. Colorado. 2 78 1 cow 8M 2 26 8 feeders.. 6d7 $ 76 . Moore. Colorado. 1 4ti 12 feeders. . 864 $ 80 1 60 $ 20 $ 20 $ 80 $ 20 $ 20 $ 80 1 86 1 80 I 05 $ 28 1 00 John Freeburg. Colorado. 10 heifers... 710 2 78 14 cows 8J8 3 7i 27 feeders.. 7 $ 16 Western Ranches. South Dskota. 86 steers.. ..lZ'S 4 16 11 heifers. ..1123 1 60 A. W. Damson 8 steers.. ..1124 4 00 It steers.. 24 steers. , 6 steers.. 48 steers.. t cows... 2 bulls... 4 20 4 20 4 B 4 20 4 4 20 No. 148 Colorado ewes, feeders 2S4 Colorado ewes, feeders 189 Colorado ewea, feeders...... 125 Colorado ewes, feeders 2&1 Nebraska ewea, feeders 154 Nebraska ewes, feeders 446 Wyoming wethers 114 Wyoming lambs 8f.1 Wyoming lambs, feeders son Wyoming iambs, feeders...,. 6S3 Wyoming lambs, feeders 4ei Wyoming lamna, teedors Av. 74 78 78 7 78 88 M 81 87 68 $7 69 Pr. 4 76 4 78 4 76 4 75 $00 $ 25 $ 60 $ 23 6 25 $ 16 80 6 30 pise, r- 8; 8nn else, t. 50; $ else, $4 5". othr brands. 81. t less. ' i URATE FRl IT-Sls TO lo 80. 800 B N ANA 9 per meilltteri-sixed Bunchy 1.7rJT R; jomrwis, $" "m4.O0, - - DATEB-P"'' R-, 8ve. BEEF C1T PRICKS. No. 1 ribs, l?c: No. 2 rlba, fH-; Nrt. 1 rlhe SHc; No. 1 round. cV; No. 2 rouH'l, 7c; No. I round, 8c; No. 1 loin, lc; No. 1 loin, UVr No 8 loin. Hc; No. 1 piste. 34c, No. $ flat. 8c; No, 8 plte. lcj No. 1 rhuck. ; No, 1 chtieks, 4vc; No. $ chucks. 8c. , M!riCrC!.l.A'Eora PI'OAR Grsnulsted csne. In sacks, $621; grrm-ilated beet. In sscks, $.121. CHEEP W Swiss, new, 1Ao; Wisconsin) brick, 14t; Wisconsin llmhenrer, Uc twins. 14He; Young Americans, 1M4C. COFFKE-Roosted, No. 88. V lr Ih ; No. 80, 210 per lb.: N4. 28, le tor lb.; No. SO, lc per lb. 1 No. 21. lc per It STRl'P In bbls.. 2,c per gal.: In cas. $ 10-lb. cans, $1.70; enses. 11 S-lh. cans. $l.; esses, 24 8V,-lb. cans, $1.88, HONEY Per 24 frstne. $8 80, CANNED 004)D8-Com tsndsrl west en., 6.MiWj Msine. $1.16. Tomatoes, l-'t. cans, $1.10; 1-lb. ran, p7Hi$1.(A Pln applea, grated. 1-lb.. 82 OKTll ."; sliced II M fi3 20; gallon apples, fancy, $2 ft.' California, apricots, ll.KotJil.Se; pears, $;.7Sii2 60; peschea. fsncy. 81.7o32.40; II. C. peaches. ? Alaska Shl'tion. red, $1.28; fancy Chinook. F.. $2 10; fancy sockeye, F.. $1.88; sardines, quarter oil, 82.7r: three-cjusrler muaterd, g.4r. Sweet potatoes. $1 IOtI.IS; sst-erkrnut, $1 on; pumpkins, SOcfill 00; wax beans, 1-lb., iTifiiSOc; lima beans. 1-lb.. 7n-!1.8t; spinach, $1.86; chesn res, 1-lb., 80c; extras, V-tgll.l0; fancy. $1.864?1.75. CI RED FIPH-Fatnlly whKefish, per ouarter bbl., 1W lbs.. $4ti0: Norway msek. eral, No. I. $28.00; No. t, !00; No. I. $.'0 Irlsb. No., 2. $16 00; herring. In bbls.. joa lbs. each. Norwnv, 4k, $.0uj Norway. 8k, $800; Holland herring. In Kegs, nttlkera, froc: kegs, mixed. 70c, FISH Buffalo, larg dressed, 8c; tr.Mit, medium or lanr. dressed. 11c; pike, dressed, lie; halibut, fine stock, Uc; catfish, dressed. 15c; bullhesds, dressed and - skinned lcj white perch, dressed. 6c; crspples larce. lc: sunflsh. pan alxe, white boss, ertra, choice, 12c; pickerel. fc: salmon. Chinook. 11c; whllefieh (froten), 12c; mackerel (Span ish.!, lc; native, per fish. is.ffc; codrish, fresn. f roseii, 12c: flounders, fresh, frosen, 11c: blueflsh. fresh, frosen, 15c; haddock, fresh, froten, 10c: Tedsnnpper, dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1, per ID., lac; lobsters tooneoi, per lb.. 40c; green, S7c; eel, per lb., 1Rc frog legs, per dox., 26c; roe sbnd, $1 eathj ghd roe, pair. tr. t HIDES AND TAT-TTW Green sailer! No. 1, 11c; No. 2. 128c: bU hld. WW JOHc; green hides. No. 1, 124c: No. 1, ll'.cl horse, $1.80(8 3 76; sheep pelts. oOcJ$l.25. ThI low. No. 1, 4Hc; No. 5, SVic. WOOL Per lb,. 18irif25c. CHICAGO - LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Cattle Steady t Lower Hoga Fifteen Tents Lower Sheep Iteady. CHtCAOO. Oct. 24-CATTLF-Re4-elta. 26.000 head; market steady for choice, others 10c lower; common to prime steer. $4.oog 7.80; cows, $2.t6W.7S; heifers, $2.8041.:i5; bulls. $2.404i4.60: calves. $8.0(X7.o0: Blocker ami feeders. $2.40tij4.6O. Mtniu Keceipts, .otx neao; marget itc lower; choice to prime heavy. $6. So 40; medium to good heavy, $6.20&6.8A; butcher weights, $6.8tfr6.40; medium to good heavy. $6.2U.80; butcher weights. Id siV 40; good to cnoice mixeo, so.iouio.ev; pattaing, n.auu $.10; pf(9, A.yHJ.4x). S1IEEP AND L Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 24. WOOL Tha wool mar ket is steady, wltK moderate transactlona ' under way. The wool selling Included Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana and New Mexico, California and some unwashed fleeces. Territories are In fair demand. Montana In original bags 's moving freely at Jeaif.'Ac for half-bloods and st ftn-jityi for medium grades. In pulled wools A supers havs sold to th extent of a few thousand pounds at 67ritiOc. Foreign gradeti are steady. leading domestic quotations Include: Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri Combing, three-eighths blood, 3Stfc; comb ing, one-quarter blood. 30f&1lo. Texas (scoured basis) Fine twelve months, iL"(8 T3e; fine six to eight months. 67.aWe; fall clean, 6ftfl0c. California (scoured basis), vi..ih.,n .hnin. fi?rwa northern amid. ' 8Miio: middle county, 46oi southern, 61 head; market steady; lambs, itkOtkgT&O. LAMBS Receipts, 28.(100 J sKac: "fall free, 6tVo67c. Oregon (scoured sheep, $4.0Wi.7i; Sow York Llvs Sttek Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. REEVES Rs celpta. 1.86 head; top grades, lOo lower; others, uVftZjc lower; bulls, steady to Ine.r' mulliiM a r. A arAm nAMia IMMbi lower! bologna cows, steady ! steers. xa.wKi ! 6w 6.30; one car at $8.00; bulls, li.SiXfia 60; cows, 11.10ro3.46: few extra fat western, 83. HO. IJverpool snd London cattle markets slow at yesterday's quotations. Kxports, 8S1 cattle, 188 sheep and 7.6CO quarters ot beef. CALVES Receipts, 16.644 head; veals, avij ROc lower I grassers and westerns eaieler; veals. $4.00&8.GO; new choice, $jl.2fv?8 60; grassers, 8160$ 1.00; western. 82.2Sfi3.fJ2H. Dressed calves slow; city dressed veals, l2Vio per pound; country dressed, 8llVxo; few cnolce, 12c. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 8,071 head; sheep, steady; lambs, 'easier, lfitg'Xoo lower than Monday; sheep, $3.26trS.26; bulls, $2.0O3.0fl; lambs, $6.5007.00; culls, $4.0O4 $.00; Canadian lambs, $6.86. Hogs Receipts. 7,240 head; market lower) state and Pennsylvania hogs, ., $6.60'i.6t pigs, $6.75. , St. Lools Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 24-!ATTLB-ReoelpU, 6.000 head. Including 2,000 Teases; market strong; native shipping and export seers, 84.907.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.56Jd.25; steers under 1.O00 pounds, $3.0f 4.80; stockers and feeders, t2.0Oth4.50; cows and heifers, UivWft.a; runners, ll.OOfOl.l); bulls, $2004.00; calves, 13. 007.60; Texa and Indian steers, $2.40&u.60; cows and heifers, $2.258.50. HOOS Reoelpts, 8.600 head: market,' So lower; pigs and lights, $6.0tKut.S0; packers, $6.00&e.80: butclatrs and best heavy, $1.80 t3.& . SHEEP AND ' LAMBS Receipts, 1.800 head: marHet steavdy; native muttons $2.75J 6 00; lambs, $4.26-60; culls and bucks, $3.00 fS.10; stockers, t2.7&4.00. Kansas City Live Stook Market. "KANSAS CITY, Oct. 24. CATTLE Re celpla, 14,000 head. Including 1.600 southerns; market steady lo strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.60434.76: fair to good, $4-0Oti?5.26 western steers, $3.wY(t6.26; stock ers and feeders, $2.7&tf4.6o; southern steers, $2.8fVa4.7D; southern cows, $2.l083.60; calves. as. nMUTj.w. ' . HOOS Receipts, 7,600 head; market steady; ton $6.27: bulk of sales. $6 2fKri6 25; heavy, $8.3ti4.7H; packers, $.303A.27V; pigs and lights. T,.76&) 27. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, T,000 head; market weak to 10c lower: lambs. $5.757.S0; ewea and yearlings, 84.60oj6.20; western yearlings, $6.0T)j6. 86: western sheep, 34.2ofj6.25; stockers and feeders, $J.75.. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct. $4.-CATTLI5-R-ceipts, 8.0U0 head; market steady; native, $6.00l(6.T5; cows and heifers. $1. 26.84.76; stockers and feeders. $2.60tg4.80. HOOS Receipts. 6.191 head; market. li$ 70 lowar. .Top, $6-&; bulk; ot sales, $6104 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. I.IE7 heud; market steady. k..i.irt-i-n K'n 1 at a rile 7irif72o: east ern No. 1 clothing, 6Tlit8i; valifty No. 1, -804P63C; territory staple (scoured basts), fine, 7276e; fine medium, 6ti"70c; medium,, ifVftrVlc. Tarrltory, ordinary (scoured basis) Fine, 68-li70c; fine- medium, 667c; me-' dlum, 6tlioc. uoioraao ma j-ew orlns (arnured basis). 6flfrr70c: No. 1, 64 pulled wools (scoured basis,, extra. 694371c; line A, 63(fisc; A supers, ivua; it suiers, 4!a,Fc. . - -j 8T. LOUIS, Oct. 24. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, ll 7Hc; light fine, m 21c: heavy fine, HOLc;' tub washod. e237VC Ions City Llvs Steele Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia Oct. 24. (Special Tele, gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1,100 head; market steady; stockers, 10c lower; beeves. $4,603160; cows, bulls and mixed, I2.2UJ4.60; stockers and feaders, $3.u0$4.16; calves and yearlings, tlofui.fi6. HOUS Receipts, !, head; market Jo lower, selling at $8.uuj4.16; bulk of sales, S.M.10. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at th six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cuttle Hogs 8heep Houtrt Kmatia , Sioux City Kansas City , BL Joreph , , St. Louis Chicago 5,1441 -iM 8.4.J . J.lOO l.ftlO .14,01)0 7.600 7,0fv , 3,00 ,11 1,057 . 6,tXX) 6..V0 ' 1.600 ,2d,000 26.001.1 26.QJIO Total ..53,100 48,491 42.157 8 steers.. ..)(K43 4 20 4 steers.. ..1247 14 steers.. ,.llo4 4 10 84 steers. ...1 156 Nelson Fish S. D. .1039 $ 88 8 steers. ...11S0 .100 4 Oo 8 steers.. ..inn Xtij 4 30 28 ster....l"7 ,lu4 4 20 18 teeit....10u0 E. A. Currey Neb. . 8M 1 78 cows 80J S V R. Lucas Neb. t 117 feed or. StK) 4 08 John Ma honey Wyo, ' 8 bulls 1& 1 10 $ cows 1030 1 II UtHl Tliva or.M not .unnih h.... being reported In. 1'h almost ontlnu .ua fail of rain fvr the laat several daya haa put tha country roads In an almost Im passable condition which makes It prac tically Impossible for farmers to naul their hogs to market. The tendency cf values Is still lower st practically all selling points. I Tli early reports from Chicago this morn ing Indicated a still further break at that i point of frgiOc. Receipts at this p Int. how- I ever, being so light prices were pretty well maintstned. and although th fa hnt waa J etak. th hogs actually sold very littla sif- j OMAHA WHOLESALE MAKKICT. Condition at Trad and 4otatlona Stnpl snd Pansy I'rodau. EQGS-Per do., 20c. LlVa) POULiRY Hens. ie: roosters. Ic; tuiaey. lot; uucks. v; spring chicaens. So. BUTTER Packing slock, ITc; choice fancy dairy, iaiujJlc; creamery, x-'uJ4c. HAT Pricea quoted by htiihe j eU com pany : Choic uplauid, 4&&0; niaaiun., 4a.0u; coar. $a.tAsi8-uo. My straw, BKAN Pti ton, llo.OU. VtAiETABLES. ' SWEET POTAlOEib-Par bbl, $1.16. TOMATOEii Horn grown, per basset of 20 lbs., U.uu. WAX bKANS-Per market bsket of ab.iut 16 Iti., 76c. TURNIPS. BtETS AND CARROTS Pf bu., iOC. LEAF LETTUCE-ilothous. par do3., hsaaa, S6c. Cfc.l.ERY-Per dox.. iujX. CUCl MBER8 Hot luiiia. per dox , $160. ON lONb himt grown, tiic per bu.; Spanlah, II. '.6 per ciate. UKHEN OMONS-Per dog. bunches. 16c. ItUhoE RA DIPH Can of : do., Ji,. RADIBHt:- -r dot., bunches, I&qMc, NAVV BEAN Per by.. 41 66; No. 1. 31.75. LIMA BE A NS iVr lb.. v.e. tiRa-EN PEPPEJtS-Per market basket. I toe. PARSLEY Hothous.. per dog. bunches. 10c. CABBAGE-Honi grown, per lb.. Hc. EOO PLANT-Per dos . 7ic. POTATOES Prr bu., aU3. FRIIT8. PEACH Etf- -Colorado. W.4jtl.(iO: MIotii1. per 6-bak:t eiale 81 Ooi.ift. California Sal wsv per box. 31 utV PLUMS Oregon Itai:an aruna, $1.1. PEARS Winter varieties, per box. $2.atJ 8.00. GRAPES H'lm grown, per 6-lb. taskt, 25o: Tokay. $170. APPLrS-per bbl.. $15051.08 CRANBERRIES Per bt.l, 17.76. TRf.'PlCAL FhUITS, ORANGES -Vale-.r!s. 84-112 site. U 6ft; Ploriria cranxe, fi T6. LEMONS Llmonin. etra fanc, : Oils and Roaln. ' NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 14. OILS Cot tonseed, firm; prime cruae, i. . u. m...-, 28V10c; prime yellow, nominal. 1'f troleum. steady: refined New York, $t.89 Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7 46; Pni t. delphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $4.o. TT- ..... I n . Srm mt SttAftAftc. ROSIN Firm; strained, .common .to),, a-ood, $4.20?4.25. ' SAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct. 24.OIL Tdlr pentlne. firm; 6Me. -' .i. ROSIN Firm. Quota: A. B. C. U-$l D. $4.064.10; E. $4.10e4.18; F. $4-07H. 4 20; O. $4.174.26: H. $4.254.27'ii; I, $4.264. 10; K. 14.66: M, $4.76; N, $i-$0 a- $: w- w- New-Battleship on Trial. ' ROCKLAND, Ms.. Oct. 24. -The. battle ship Minnesota, a mater ship of the I Louisi ana, began Its accents nee trials today. Ths first was the standardisation oi us propel lers In fourteen runs over tho mile course off Owl's Head. Ths red required by" contract Is eighteen knot. The Minnesota exceeded ' Us contract SDeed, her average for five runs being 18.7T knots. On the best run a speed of 18.41S knots was attained. In all twelve runs over the course were made at varylno; speeda for the purpose of ascertaining tha number of revolutions of the - propeller neoessarv to maintain certain speeds. Tbe Louisiana on Its acceptance trial last ie. eember averaged 18.61 knots an hour on Its best fiv runs. Illinois Mererer Prevented. SPRINOFIELD. III., Oct. 24. By a de cision cf the supreme court todav th sa' of the Kellogs Switchboard and Surrplr rnmrenv lo the American Telegrarh A Telenhon company is forhMden on th grni-nd that such sale would be sge-'n t ruibllc rollcy. th latter company already belnr anaseed tn ths, manufiwture of switchboards. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alice M. Brown and husband to Albert A. Olbson, e86.64 feet of lot 8, and wll.14 feet of lot $. Troup's sub $ Luther Kounta and wife to school district of Omaha, lot 18, block 8. Druid Hill Martha Sorenson to Anton Soren son, lot 6, block . Clifton Hill. . Boston Investment company to Anna Bannatt, lot 16, block 1. KtndaU's , . U C. Oibton snd wife to Charles E. Bruin, lot 1, block I, Sundl cats Hill John W. McDonald to L. C. Gib son, same Arthur P. Wood to John W. Grif. nth, lots 11, 11 and 13, block 8: lota 4, 6, 11 and 11. block 6, and lots 16 and 17, block 2, Bowling uieen. Joseph Batt and wife to Schulen Newman, lot 4, block 1, Horbaoh'a Second Catherine R. Nash .to Lodewlck.F. . Crofoot, one-half of lots 8, II and 12, block i. Uetrils. Park.;.",- ' Ouy C. Barton, and wlfa to C U..' N ash, same ....... .. i ........ . Arthur ti. Woodford and wife to" Vaclav Bouka, lot 1, . block S. Park Forest Untied Realty and Trut company " to Adolph Newman, , lot 8, sub-' of Joha I. Redlck's. s Hasting A Hnyden to Elisabeth K, Ferguson, lot 11, block 4, fvil phur springs Joaeph Camensing to Josapn A. Cnmenxlng, lot t,.llock 4k Hpr bacli's Second Wilson T. (Irs hum and wife to Jew sepli and Mary Psrta, 161 fwl of lot 28, H. K. Rotfcra Okahotna., Boulevard Park Improvement com pany to Hhlmer A Chase company, lot I and n30 feet of lot 2, block I, Boulevard Park. Shlmer A I'hsse company to Car rie 8. (Jtilvey, same Peter Graven and wife to- Mary Lyck. lota 11 and 11,' block 24. Benson . Ella E. Oration et al. to Parkway Real Estate rompany, lots- 2 and $. Dennett's sub; j. ......... 1.468 100 1 no 7.00S 1.106 1,306 10.00$ t.$0 1.20S Tctsl .$16,844 BONDS Vv' have for sale Taw-free Mu nicirsl Bands of largs cities. A. B. LEACH & CO. NEW VORK T CHICAGO BOSTON l'HILADIXPUlA