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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA. . DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1003. IfARRIMAN FLITS ON EAST Bailrotd gnat, Aooompgnied by Frtii dent'i Dfttgtter, Tmriti Briefly Eire. TRAIN TEARS RECORDS INTO PIECES 1 immense Caravan from( Saa Frunelscn to Omaha Like a rhaatom la Little Otff Thirty-Mae Hoars. ' From &rn Francisco to Omaha, 1,;S7 miles. In thlrty-nin hours and fifty-four minutes . as the time of the E. II. Harrlman-Alic a.ooeevelt special over the Southern and . nton Pacltlo railroads. .xiveral records were broken by the Har i .man special, which Is bearing l'resldent ..urrlman of the Union Pacific and South t.n Pacific on his return trip across the jntlnent accompanied by his family, Miss .llce Roosevelt,' Congressman Nicholas i.ongworth, J. C. Stubus, Julius Krul Unnltt, Kobert Ooelet, Congressman Hpll t ith. Miss McMillan and Miss Bordman. ne record broken was that from Grand Inland to Omaha', the run 'being mado In minutes for the 154 miles. Another wa the change of engines at the Union station at Omaha, which was made in on minute and fifteen seconds. The Associated i'ie carried the news all over the country that a change was made at Ogden In two ulnutes, but the Omaha record cut that i. me nearly In half. Many people were disappointed at not Laving the pleasure of seeing Miss Roose velt,. but she had not put in her appearance vhen the train arrived at the Omaha Union maflon at J:15 and was not seen before the train pulled out fifteen minutes later. General Manager Mohler of the Union I'.iclflc Joined the.Harrlman party at Raw lins and his par was pulled with two others as a pilot train, keeping Just ten minutes ahead of the special, although Mr. Mohler rode on the Harriman train. Statement by Mohler. When the train arrived the first person to appear was Mr. Mohler, who gave out this statement to the press: "The Harriman special made the run from Tan Ftanclsco to Omaha In thirty-nine I ours and fifty-four minutes. Including all tops for water, coal and changing of en .Iks, the distance covered was l,7b7 miles There Is nothing special about this run. except that we were simply expected to leach Omaha In order to adjust ourselves to the conditions east. "The statement made to the effect that l'resldent Roosevelt requested the special I p run at a slower rate of speed is abso lutely Incorrect, as no such communlca t on was received from the president, and I lirthermore, there was no necessity for Kiich . a communication, as the president y lode over the Union Pacific lines last sum mer from Denver to Omaha, where the peed was still greater, and he expressed himself as being delighted with the trip. Had there been a necessity for a faster inn It could have been made, but we ac complished all that was necessary in mak ing suitable connections east. Harriman Dresses Rapidly. Mr. Harriman was still In his berth when the train pulled In the' station and he had sent, out word he' would see no one, but after Mr. Krutschnitt had been on the plat form a minute and discovered that Mr. MrKeen had motor car No. 3 ready for Mr. Jtarrlman's Inspection Mr. Krutschnitt went In to advise Mr. Harriman of that fact nnd then another record was broken. It. look 'Mr. Harriman Just one minute and n half to dress, and when he started from the car minus a very essential part of his clothes Mr. Krutschnitt had to call his at tention to the fact that it was chilly In Omaha and he had better finish dressing. An inspection of the car was made and Mr. Harriman was delighted with the prog ress which had been made by Mr. McKeen. He tried the new hygienic seats with no upholstering, with springs concealed, and remarked to President Felton of the Chi cago & Alton, who had come to Omaha to Journey to . Chicago on the special that "Those seats are Just the thing." A confer ence was -held with Mr. McKeen, who said nfterward: "Motor car No. 3 will be sent right away for service between Oalveston and Houston and motor car No. i will be completed next week. We have motor cars No. 5, 6 and 7 under construction and will continue with V the work Of making these new all steel motor cars, which are hobbles with Mr. Harriman. In fact he Is more enthused over them than I am, and I am spending , most of my time at them. Special Agents Canada and Vlzsard were at Mr. Harrlman's elbow all the time and kept Intruders away. Mr, Harriman had given it out through Mr. Mohler's office that he did not wished to be Interviewed before reaching New Tork. but as he was To the Coal Trade Selling manufacturers, power plants t and those interested in supplying high gTade coals for steam and domestic purposes We Desire to Announce that we have purchased the fol lowing: coal mines located on the Southern Railway between East St. Louis and Centralia, 111. Avery (1) Muren(6) Harmony (2) Little Oak (7) Oakland (3) Shiloh (8) Oak Hill (4) New Baden (9) rClendale (5) Cermantown (10) t This means that we are able to offer you the very finest coal for your purpose with an assur ance of prompt shipment and riht prices. Write us your requirements and let us show you how well we can fill them and at what figures. If you can't wait for corre pindence call us up over the longdistance Bell Phone, Main 5115 or Kinloch, D 1107 we pay charges at this end on all tele phone orders. Southern Coal &. Mining Co., 91A Security Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. V. L IAVIIUU6II. rieeiteal. I. M. BOOGHUIN, 6esT Skin steal jtfcsiibbity Sbeep Lined Coats The weep oi this Mckibbla tiecp lined ulttef (either corduroy of duck shell) is the tame at that of the famous Mck'ibbla rut lined cost for men-m lct k it cut from the tame pattern. -WTV ulater hu style well at qualrty-Mckibbln guarantee at to both goes with every gar ment. These coats come in all tizet, and the length it 52 inches. At representative dealer. stepping on the train he turned to the newspaper men and said: "We had a good trip. Japan Is all right, but the Orient Is a little slow." Mr. Harriman preferred to . give out his statement to the easterners Instead of westerners, who live along the lines of his fortune making railroads. Julius Krutschnitt, director of mainten ance and operation of the Harriman lines, said: "Mr. Harriman may have made a record across the Pacific, but he broke all records wh-.'n he dressed this morning to see Mo Keen's motor. We are not trying for any record across the continent and are not running on any schedule. The first we heard of a schedule was when we heard It on the outside. There Is nothing In the report of one of your morning papers that President Roosevelt had asked to have the speed slackened. We- lost thlrty-ftve min utes with a hot box on a baggage car and still made the 616 miles from Cheyenne to Omaha In about nine hours." A bottle of champagne had been secured for Miss Roosevelt to christen the new motor car, but she evidently1 had not been informed, as she did not appear. Stnbba Asks for The Bee. J. C. Stubbs, traffic director of the Har riman lines, was In an exceptionally good mood when the train arrived at the station and asked for The Bee, which he said he wished to read while crossing Iowa. He said: ' "I arose early this morning to enjoy the beautiful and bountiful fields of Nebraska. The whole west Is certainly prosperous and the railroads must branch out to keep pace with the rapid growth which Is appar ent on. all sides. There Is nothing what ever In that report of an agreement with the Illinois Central similar to that now In use with the Milwaukee and North western. It has been conceived In some outsider's brain, but not by the operating officials of this road. Miss Roosevelt Is not up, but she is a lovely girl and just as you would expect to meet when you know her strenuous father. We have enjoyed every minute of our trip across the continent and nothing whatever has happened to mar the pleasure or tne trip. Tne train will go right through to New York, although some of the party will branch off at CJhlcago." omethina; of av Record. George- C. Smith, traveling engineer of the Union Pacific accompanied the train from North Platte to Omaha and was pleased with the record run from Grand Island to Omaha. He said: That 154 miles In 159 minutes Is pretty good when you consider that we made eight slowdowns and a stop at Schuyler for water." The engineers on this train were: Con Ryan, from Green River to Rawlins; H. Ketlet, .from Rawlins to Cheyenne; Billy McGulre, from Cheyenne to Sidney; Charles Ell, from Sidney to North Platte; George Austin, from North Platte to Grand Island, and Bill Hnllenback. from Grand Island to Omaha. Thomas Campbell was conductor on the last division. The seventy-eight-inch high speed compounds were used on the western dlvlsloh and the Atlantic and Pa cific types In Nebraska. The trip from Ogden to Omaha was made In two hours less time than the fast trip made two years ago by the officials who were returning from the opening of the Lucln cut-off. ' That train was run under the direction of Mr. Burt, and ran from Ogden to Omaha In just twenty-four hours. Immediately after Mr. Harriman had completed the Inspection of the motor car the train pulled for the east over the Chi cago & Northwestern, In charge of W. B. Parkins, conductor, and D. Adams, engl neer. Beats tbi Pilot Train. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Oct. 2S.-(8pecial Telegram.) The Harriman special arrived here from North Platte at 6:35 this morn ning. having covered the distance of 137 miles In two hours and twenty-one minutes. which was. It Is alleged, the schedule time. though faster time has been made on this division. The train was pulled In by Engl neer Austin and taken on to Omaha, leaving here at 6:40, by Engineer Hollenbeck; Con ductor Campbell being In charge from North Platte to Omaha. OnlJ the usual number of railroad employes were about the depot at the time. General Manager Mohler and Superintendent Parks were on the train with Mr. Harriman. The pilot train, bearing Master- Me. chanlc Thompson and District Foreman Wilklns, was sidetracked at Wood River on account of a hot driver box and came In behind the special, the latter pulling out of Grand Island without the pilot train, i Nearly Eleven Honrs to Chicago. CHICAGO. Oct. K, The special train of E. H. Harriman, upon which Miss Alice Roosevelt is a passenger, arrived In Chi cago tonight at 8:06 o'clock, fifty hours and forty-four minutes' actual running time since starting from Oakland, Cal. The train pulled Into the Northwestern yards some thing over an hour earlier than expected. It was at once transferred to the Belt line and switched around the city to the tracks of the I.ake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad at Forty-third street, and from this point was started on Us Journey east at 8:07 o'clock, having been within the city limits of Chicago one hour and two min utes. The crew of the train and the pas senger oftVial of both the Northwestern and the Ltke Shore railroads asserted that no effort whatever was being made to es tablish a record, but that the train was bring pushed through with a swift and steady gait, with the Idea or having as little delay us possible en route. Despite this the train made the distance from Oakland to Chicago In just eighteen hours U-aa than that required for the Over land Limited, which is the fastest train of the Chicago eV Northwestern and t'nion Pai-Me between Chicago and 8a n Franclso. The run from Omaha to Chicago. 1324 miles, was made In ten hours and fifty minutes. The time scheduled for the Over land Limited between Omaha and Chicago is twelve hours and a half. lllld Hor4. Dr. King's New Life Pills have made splendid record by curing headache, bilious ness, constipation etc.; 24 cants. Try. For sale by Sherman as McCoanell Drug Co. 1 AM Is WOMAN FINDS EASY PREY IdTtBtnreti Iqnseses Sight Hundred Dl lsrs Ott tf Uiiophiitiosttd Victim, eaemammmsMs USES LOVE AS HER VEIL OF PRETENSE Captivates Young- lanoeeaee. Who Lets Go of Money for Finery tit Then His Fair Phantom Fades Away. And the girt with the auburn lialr hath fled. Wedding dress. .. .$ 55 Debts paid $ f Gold set ring 1'lOOave Marv in sold SO Diamond pin... Set dishes Pair vases Silk skirt Hat Silk underwear. Hilk hose 155 Upci- and meals... 50 f Winter coat 46 2 Miscellaneous 10 cash on hand 15 (Halm) 4.S2 Total 1800 Dressmaker 39 This Is not the Inventory of a depart ment store; It represents the cash expendi ture made by Mr. Theodore Hahn of Le Roy, Minn., for Miss "Mary Anderson" of Omaha. Pusale: Find Mary. Theodore Hahn of LeRoy. Minn., is one of the few men who can relate with graphto fidelity just how It feels to spend 1800 on a strange womaa In two days, under the pre tense of marriage, and then wake up to And the woman gone Into the wide, wide world. Hahn Is now stopping at the Oxford hotel on East Farnam street and making his last few dollars go as far as possible. He Is reading the brochure of a Chicago profej sor, telling how any man can keep his food budget down to 15 cents per day and yet have all the sustenance that Mother Nature Intended a man should have. ' Hahn called at the police station Wednes day morning and told his sad story of mis placed confidence to Chief of Detectives Dunn. Hahn Story Is True. An Investigation showed Hann's. story to be true,' which leads Chief Dunn of the de tective force to believe that after all truth Is stranger than fiction, and there Is quite a number on the waiting list of those who have not seen the hole In the lake nor the wreck- In the tunnel. Hahn, who Is 28 years of age. worked six years In the railroad yards at Sidney, Neb., as switch tender and yard man, saving dur ing that time 1800, which amount he brought in cash to Omaha last Saturday evening, with the Intention of staying here a day and then proceeding to his dear old home on the farm at LeRoy and taking the old folks some presents. While eating bis supper In a restaurant Saturday evening Hahn sat across from a young woman who started the man's heart going like a trip hammer. An acquaintance was made, rooms were engaged at a cheap lodging house, Hahn confided to the woman the amount of his cash balance on hand and before the hour when graveyards are supposed to yawn Hahn made a proposal of marriage to the woman, who gave her name as Mary Anderson and promised to be the wife of the only man she ever loved. Sunday morning the couple went to church and Monday the twain did a little shopping for the Intended nuptials. And Then the Altnr. It was arranged that Hahn should take his bride-to-be to LeRoy and be married at the home of the groom's parents. The Itinerary to LeRoy Included a stop at Red Oak. Ia., where Miss Anderson wished to visit her friends and former school mates before settling down with the only man she ever loved. Hahn agreed to every detail as proposed by the only girl he ever loved. After spending the two In detail as listed ab6ve Hahn and 'Mis Anderson left Omaha for Red Oak Monday afternoon and took apartments at (he Parks hotel. At the sta rlon they were met by a man with an um brella, as it was raining at the time. The man showered congratulations on the couple. At t o'clock Tuesday morning Miss An derson told the only man she ever loved she would go and visit a "dear friend" of hers and would not be gone over half an hour. Hahn waited half an hour, an hour, two hours, three hours, four hours, and then began to think It over. He spent the rest of the day trying to find the only girl he ever loved with the only 900 he ever had, and then took a train for Omaha, arriving here with a little loose change which stared him In the face like a horrible nightmare. Old Love Ahldetb. At the police station Hahn said: "I see it all now and yet. If I could And the girl I would marry her. She did not rob me, but Just got the money under false pre tenses. She Is yet dear to me." "You mean expensive," Interposed Chief Dunn. "I mean both," replied Hahn, as he looked toward that dear old LeRoy, Minn. "But it is hard to think of saving for six years and accumulating $800 and then to lose both money and the only ' girl I ever loved. Do you think she will come back? She might, don't you think?" ques tioned Hahn, like a drowning man grasp ing for a straw. Detectives are. of course, making an In vestigation of the case, but It Is doubted whether a case could be made against the woman if she would be caught. The woman Is described by Hahn as being about five feet two inches In height and having auburn hair. Hahn says she Is a pretty girl and has lovely eyes sort of dreamy- like, speaking eyes; also, a pretty neck and lips. WITH THE BO'LEH?. The Black Kats wanted to be In good shape to meet the Armour team Friday night, so they took the Krtig lJarks on for a practice match lust night an 1 they paid. The Kats won the second same and rolled a nice total In the third, but the Brtwers were too strong and carried off two games and the total pins. Zimmerman was top man with a &n total. Score: BLACK KAT8. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Snyder 1M lri 21H Sol Waber 14 Is 177 5SI Chatelaln IXt 1x8 ihl 4,s2 Sheldon 1 170 ;'li Wo Anderson 224 l'S );J 569 Totals 847 S77 ?4 KRl'Q PARK8. 1st. m iw 170 224 1MI 3d. 177 17 loll 2w ItiJ Sd. Total French Hull Johnson .... Zimmerman Bengcle 664 55s 202 i'M i75 2W 51 u 7 s62 Totals 958 873 WO 2.791 The P. c Q. Kamos took two out of three games from the Jetter Uold Tops on the jueuupoiuan alleys, score: JETTER OOLD TOPS. 1st. 2.1 Sd. Total Mahouey lis US Itf7 4.13 Urotte 133 liW li7 42 Wbll 11 lw 141 41)8 Butler 15 140 152 44 Foley 160 18o ti. Totals 758 772 7 76 Z.3U6 P. A Q. KAMOS. 1st ....15. ....ISi ,...lw ....1 ....201- ....880 2d. 160 1M 3d. Total. Rnunuwtu Crooks O'Connor .. Weimer Lincoln .... Totals .. :i 466 144 alt 16H 64 140 48 J . 474 -52 J.427 Ihnnajes in lo Eleven. IOWA CITY. Ia., Oct. 25 (Special Tele gram) 8iUl returned lo the game luday SPORTS OF A DAY. 'I m S !' " I it - " ; . 4.'.': ' .MILWAUKEE The Quality of the Matt decides the body of a beer. BlatT Matt Is produced in the brewery's own malt house by trained Malsters (years in Blatz service). "Not only hoW much malt but hoW good" is here the inviolable rule. This method is expensive, but the desired result is always achieved the Vital ingredients of the malt are thereby brought out and retained. To the Blatz malt is due the prevailing full-bodied State of TtlatX "Deer. The Hops used in the brewing of Blatz Beer are rich in aromatic properties and tonics (hop bitters), which lend to the beer that fragrance which captivates lovers of the beverage. The tonics act as a mild Stimulant to the digestion. Blatz Beer is perfectly fermented and ripened in the coldest and cleanest cellars extant. The most skilled masters zealously guard "Blatz" individuality. The paramount object being to maintain with absolute uniformity every characteristic that has these many years meant "BlatZ Quality. VAL BLATZ BREWING CO., Milwaukee Omaha Branch 1412 Douglas St 'Phone 1081 YD completely recovered from the sickness that kept him .out of the Minnesota con test. In the Rcrlmmage with the freshmen. Davis. Green. Tupper and Frlttel, the sub stitute barkileWfl of the Hawkeyes, showed In great form.. , White has been moved to right end.' RldM Is being played at right tackle and Moi-e has moved to center. Yonnw Churchmen's Field nay. On Saturday; afternoon at the Sprague Street Driving 'park the second annual field day sports and games of the Young Churchman's club will be held. This is an organization of the younger members cf the Episcopal churches of Omaha and has been making quite an advance In outdoor athletics. The games on Saturday will be gin at 2 o'clock. Brain Case Settled. CINCINNATI. Oct. IS.-The case of Player David L. Brain against the Buffalo club, involving a claim, for tl.2ft), has been compromised, the nlaver receiving tS(10 In full settlement of the ease, of which J.iO was paid to his attorney by the Buffalo club. Boyles Team Beaten. I.OOAN. Ia.. Oct. 25. (Snerlal Telesram .1 LogHii today defeated Boyles Omaha Hualness college foot ball team, 22 to 2. Keferee: B. J. Wood. Tlmekeeners: A. W. Blackburn and Charles Robinson. There was a large attendance. Glenwood, Oj Tabor, O. GLEN WOOD. Ia.. Oct. 2R. Rnnrli1 Tabor High school and Glenwood played luoi mm nere yemeraay on wei grounos. Neither side scored. The advantage In the first half was with Tabor and In the sec. ond with Glenwood. Frank Erne Beats Yonns; Corhett. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 25 Erne of this city had slightly the beter of the six- round ngnt with Young corbett at the National Sporting club here tonight Mlchla-nn Defeats Albion. ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Oct. 26.-In -S9U minutes of actual nlav the University of Michigan defeated Albion college today at foot ball by a score of 70 to 0. Cadets Bent Maryland Farmers. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Oct. 26. The Naval academy foot ball team won by a score of 17 to 0 against Maryland Agricultural col lege here this afternoon. No News of Lnke Steamer. CLEVELAND. Oct. 26. Officials of the Cleveland Cliffs Iron company, owners of the steamer Kullyuga, cauKiit In the gale on Lake Huron Friday, are still without any news regarding lis fale. Many well Informed marine men are inclined to think that li is lost with Its crew or seventeen men, but J. H. Shotle of the company has not entirely given up hope. EJpon Every E ott So snd wrapper of the reiiulne Dr. Bell's Plue-Tar-Honev Is printed the above design. It U bottt Uncle-mar"! and guarantee a war rant that the meuictae contained in the Dot tie will cure cougbt, oolds sud all lung, liiruut aud client troubles more quukiy and enecuially than auj other remedy. Dr. Bcli'o POPJE-TAK- ESONEV la sold by all druggiata, 26a, 80c. and tl 00 per boliis. Muuutcturwl by THE E. E. SUTHERLAND MEDICINE CO. fasdcak. xzirroczY. uieire9s to Health and. a Good Dfidestion rzr n iL Q I I " , ' I , n ... ' "mi ' - ' ' " Vol AfctiB... J J- M.lwAuK Quality Bndividuality A. hasias Soap n thoroughly and leaves it smooth, soft and healthful. Odor of natural flowers. James S. Kirk 1 cz3 csa n tra 1 l3OKK SUCH I I IN 2-PIE IOC PACKAGES. MtRRf LL-SouLtCo,SYRACU3.N.Y. IN ZPIE; IUC HALflAULS. WHRtLL-JOUHt.O,aYWACU3t.N.T.jn 'tint mmsiitu The Men's True Specialists. Hydrocele, Varicocele, Stricture, i Euiisslous, I luiitoteucr. Ha Gonorrhoea, Illood l'olsou (9)11111111, Rupture, Nervous Debility. KIDNEY ana URINARY diseases and all Diseases and Weakness of WEN dim to evil habit of youth, abuaes, ennmatia or the results of ri k lected, unskilled or Improper treat ment Of specinc or private diaeae. CUE. 3 toilet or bath. Cleanses the skin aj I & Company MINCE MS Avoid Dangerous or Uncertain Treatment To men who are weak mentally, mor ally and physically, whose systems have at some time been polluted with poisonous private diseases. those whose depicted manhood forbids any advances toward matrimony and who have made the mistake of marrying while there lurked In their system some frightful weakness or poisonous taint of private diseases, and who now find themselves on the verge of social ruin. To all such men a conscientious and experienced doctor would advise you to conault without delay the best specialiHi. one who has made a life long atudy of just aach cases. One who can quickly and fully understand your troubles. One wiio will not de ceive you with fale promises or un buHlnexalike proportions. One who can and will cure you In the shortest pos sible time and at the least expense to you. Any man In need of such medical advice or treatment should come at once to the ELECTRO MEDICAL. IN STITUTE. CONSULTATION FREE ??.cm.Y.ou.rS: 111. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. If you can nut cull, write for Symptom Blank. Electro Medical Institute 1308 Fariium Ht., Betwwn 18th and lltlt til., Omaha, Neb. feiJ Mnnaasji I 1 -.T Purity- ,r . e af g "V'..4 Makes Warm Floors because it warms bv Circulation (takes In coolerair from floor, passes it around the heated part of stove and discharg es it at top of stove.) Keeps the air moving constantly. Warm floors means healthy, happy children. Moore's 1 905 Base Burner has tht But perfect sir drrjiladnn syitrm of any huhac tove tad will warm all the living rooms comfortably. floore's Three-Story System for Bus Eurnarm, entirely new, pa ten lad and nsed on Moors' Stoves only, lai Warroa u(..iaira rsoru. md Hull downturn. Ird Oropi ths Ishea down csllar into clot ad aih can tf dctired. Great tannfof annoyance. Abaolutelyno dual, noore's Is ths moat Imprevsd of all bum xJumera. Moare's Revolving plrepot prerat buna. In out and increate It a lit five-fold. Air tight door and drain ((round to 1-IM of aa loclij keep fir and save luei. Appearance. Moore'a haas Burner It ad. mined by all the hsndtoanett and most ele gantly proportioned. Artialic decoraliont and mirror-like n-nectore iadirate the eupenor wotkmanahip throughout. You get every thing good wbea you buy Moon's. MOOTCTS Are you planning to buy either a heatine- ar eouknt StOVCS aiovef Be auie to tee Moore i Always Please complete line tne lateat the moat improved the beat for all purpoata. Nebraska Furniturt and Carpet Co, 418-415 North 24th Street, OUTli OMAHA. FOR 30 YEARS DR. McGREW has made a SPE CIALTY of all forma of diseae and dis order of MEN ONLY Ills facilities for treating till class of (iisaases are unlim ited. His remark able cures have sel dom bettn equaled. Over 30,000 laaea Have Been Cured. SO Years la Omaha. Ills FREE BOOK tells the nature and causes of every disease witli which men may be afflicted. Out of reapact for society and the city In which he live, the doctor refrain from naming In the family nws- fiaper the various disease of men that he caJltd upon to treat. This information can ail be found in his book. ' Ilia Home Treatment has permanently cured thousands of cases and every day Is proving what a great good can be done for men at small cost. Modiclne sent ill plain package. ea Light. Consultation Fre. Office Hours ( a. tn. to 1:30 p. m. Sun day. a. ni. lo 6 p. m. Call or write. Ilox 76. Office 215 South 14th Street. Omaha. Neb. !""., Mil! JaHU WUMllfe JV I Dm Bit i try aaalr .. 1lacaeiae,iaaciallaa, i U irfllalloaa Bloialaua I wi." of Btuceae Mteubrenae. a. aa aaa m ai a . SSa at t aaa CD J l 1 et, myr s B aa. aMw ralaleaa, as sol seirlaa . M. l at anwaaai. V " mmi hr Praga-ttu, M v 1 er seat is sials wraype. 1 fcr eaareea. yreaaid. (aa) I J SI or t aottlae Tl. I Ueaelar teat en liiia l7aTl ntt brass Ciii tn - HeiaAIl,f J"" 1 A i