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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1905. I; i 11 fir GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wktat CoDtiovei Upwird, Ifirob Closiof Half Ccit Hlgbei. CASH SITUATION UNIVERSALLY STRONG Earopeaa Market Adraace Rapidly d Demand Increases Cora I fttronger Alas, bat Close Below Hick Flgnre Oata Are I p. January, t.t7H; February, t 40; March, prima aisme, ss.w; prime uniuuiy. 55. OMAHA, Oct. 25, 1906. Whaat continued the upward march, rkmtng more than Ho above yesteroay a price. Thl wti h result of the strong iaan altuation, both at home and anroad. 'inerets A heavy demand at the big mar ket from miller. Europe Is wanting wheat and American export Dusiness yesterday wae larger than Ir nai been thla fail. All European maiketa are atrontl. Paris options havt auvanced He In thrue days. December closed at HiytC, May at tS;c and July t M'.to. t orn was higher elao, but waa oft at the end or the session from previous high ngure. December cloned at ftc. oia je rember at 4&c, May at 4oc, and July at ia-4o. May torn waa aoia lor umana am livery at lc, while 40c waa bM tor Le cember. December oata advanced V.c. while May and July gained He. December finished at 2S' May at 32K.tto and July at Xle. Hradstreet total wheat Increaae waa 7.812,001 bushels, corn decrease 1,038.000 bush ela and oata Increase 8.7b2.0tJ buahels. . - IJverpool cloned higher on wheat and VHd nig her on corn. iwuramrrs were nvmu uwiicm t vi n, 70,( bushel of oata, 126,000 buahela of wheat and 108,000 barrel of flour. Primary receipt of wheat were 1,206,000 buahel and Blilpmenta 6H0,OHO bushel, against receipt last year of 1.044,000 bushel and shipments ot 122,000 bushels. Corn receipt were 249, ooO bushel and shluments- 297.000 bushel, against receipt last year of 23000 bushel and shipment of 179.000 bushels. It Is said that 20.0u0.000 bushel of new oorn ha already been aold abroad that ha not been bought from the farmer. Miller were good buyers of wheat In all market vesterdav. At Kansas City they bought No, 2 and No. 8 hard at o advance apd good wheat wa scarce. Armour Is said ta be hidrilnv lu- over all Chlraso and Kan sa City houses for No. 2 Nebraska and Kansas wheat for slilnment within sixty day. Sale were good at St. Louis and aiinnea nnlla. Krora the Record-Herald: "Wheat bull have been rlSLlminu that nv cessation of the Mnnltohn nnnrlnm abroad would send European buyer to the southwestern mar ket after the hard winter wheat and them to crabbing for uoh lot a were Immediately available at the Atlantic seii board. Such a condition evidently arose yesterday, the large Canadian exporter havina- found it unsafe to offer any more grain abroad that had to take it chance on getting to the seaboard through the Buffalo route. Local export house con tinue to make atrenuou effort to suppress Information of the Immense sales tney are making to Europe. There wa ucn a e-eneral rrabhlnsr for all klnda of grain, however, that suppresalon proved Impossi ble. Boston furnished the information of large freight room engagement, about 860.000 bushel, and It doveloped that all thla room was for wheat and corn. Omaha Oaitt Balaa. WHEAT No. f hard, 1 car. 82c; 81 He; 1 car, 80Ho; No. 3 hard, 1 car, OATH No. 8 white, I cars, zi"c; mixed, 1 car, 264o. Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 80H4T 82Hc I hard, VH'oSOc; No. 2 pring, WiiWc; snrlne-. 76fi78c. CORN No. 3, 47(&47c; No. 3 yellow, 48 SMSlAc: No. 3 white. 4XHc. OATS No. 8 mixed. 2&H&27c; No. 3 white, ZityQXtc; No. 4 white. Z6Hw2ic. RYE No. 2. 63&G6c; No. 3, 6163o. v Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oat. 1IICAGO GRAM ADD rROVISIOSS Feat a re of tha Tradlas Bad Closlag Prices oa Board of Trade. nilCAOO. Oct. 25 Spread of strike dis order In Russia put up the price of wheat today In Chicago. J ne iecemoer oriivery closed ji6H- up. Corn and oats are up Up. Provisions are radically unchanged. Tha wheat market "was strong irom atari to finish. At the opening the December option was up HS"o to-at lWf leading European grain centers gave Im petus to the market here. The n Jvance foreign market wa reportea mamiy ue to new of Increasing disorder In con ectlon with the railway strike In Rus- la. In the pit here demand for wheat wa active and general throughout the greater part of the session. Offerings were hleny from longs, strength of cash wheat t ail the principal grain center ot tne United State helped to stimulate bullish sentiment. At WS! the December delivery touched the highest polntof the day. Dur ing the last half hour the market reacted lightly on profit-taking. The close, how ever, wa firm with December nt lc. May sold between fMHfftiSHo ami closed with a gain or c at 8S'c. Clearance of wheat and flour were naual to H1R.000 bushels. Primary receipt were l.anS.OOO bushel compared With 1,044.000 Dusnei a year ago. The world visible "Pplv, a shown by Bradstreet', Increased wo.nro bushel agalnnt an Increase of MS.OfiO bushels a vear aro. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of ft"5 ear compared with 6U car last week and T3o car a vear ao. Urgent export demand caused Rtrencth In the corn market. Bullish sentiment ws augmented by small local receipts and by wet weather throughout many sections of the corn belt. New York reported today aixty boatloads taken for export. Late In the ncaslon the prices reacted somewhat on quite liberal realising, but the close wb firm. December opened HWVie higher at oiM5"4e, aoid up to 46c and closed at 4540. Local receipt were 92 car with 87 car or contract grade. A tmng tone prevailed In the oat mar ket. The constantly Increasing demand from exporter wa the principal bullish nnuence. a minor bearish ract.-r wa decreased local receipt. The market closed firm. December opened unchanged to He higher at 2Ni294e, sold up to TOc and closed at 29T4o. Local receipts were 222 cars. Strength of grain had a steadvlna- effect on the provisions market. The volume of trading wa small. At the close Jcnuarv pork wa up a shade at $12 37H Lard and ribs also showed a gnln of a shade, closing at 8w.7fin&77H and $6.47Ho0, respectively. Estimated recelnta tnr tnmrirrnv Wheat 71 cars; corn, 96 car; oat, 218 car; hog 22.or head. The leading future ranged a follow: 1 car, 80C. ; No. No. No. Chicago Kansas' City Minneapolis Omaha ...... Dultnth St. Louis .... 138 1HI 4U0 64 417 78 3 68 'so Mlataeapoll Grata Market. ffltincrtnr mioteLlnns for Minneapolis de llverv I. The ranae of prices, aa leuorted by the Edwarda-Wood Grain company, 110-111 Hoard of Trade building, waa: Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Te'y. ivin-iii,...: - :, , 1 1-,; ; . Dec,...raHJ'i, 8.1H 82H May.-.tMHSHI - 871 boH 83H1 8S4 NEW YORK T i 4aotattoaa GKM&RAL MAHKKT oa Varloa 2 western, 76o, c 1. f NEW YORK. STOCKS AND BONDS Market in Early Eoari ii ActiT, IrragnUr aid UoereD. ABRUPT AND GENERAL f ALL NEAR CLOSE Break la Ik Flaal Dealing Carrlea Price Comprehensively Below Taeaday Klgkt'a Level. NEW YORK1. Oct. 25. Today' active market wa Irregular and uneven up ti .,i UK- hnal hour of trading, and th ccnillctlng t tnt it I In the Market were so striking nt time a to g.vo U a deci.leJIy fevciiah lona. Sp'isu ihi.v.' iiHii'i. ttiiu mi i n mi rrcur of ci a'ier In which there a onv! dgreo of excitement and an advance to record firlce In Important member of the group ncludlng Reading, Delaware A Hudson and Central Railroad of New Jersey, A conspicuous leadership In the operation waa held by operator on the floor of the exchange who have figured prominently In the transaction In Reading for many months paat. No actual new wa forth coming to explain the movement beyond general consideration on the trade. Reports pointed to good activity In the industry but dwelt with some Insistence upon the action ot the companies In accumulating etocks a a safeguard against possible labor troubles. The market parsed over this suggestion with an equanimity not always shown to wards anything bearing on the labor ques tion. Some ' of the specialties received further attention, but there was a marked disposition to discriminate amongst the members of thla group which waa a result of the uneaalnesa caused by the low grade of some of the Btock which have been stirred up Into prominence lately. Some of these were Influenced by special consider ations. The movement In Locomotive took on a new lease of life on grounds of trade activity now well known. The other rull road equipment stocks were rather unrepon slve. A temporary advance in sugar was due to a suggestion of a possible coming distribution of surplus earnings, The rise In Paclfla Mall was explained by the return from an oriental trip of the head of the company. The advance In the coalers had some ym pathrtlo effect In the railroad list, but it did not extend far and did not persist. There were points of weakness amongst minor stock throughout some of the low priced Issues suffering sharply from move eral fund exrluslv of th liRO.noo.Onr) gold reserve show: Available rash balance, 13,n.857; gold coin and bullion, $76,4,.W; gold certificates, t4i.771.Ms. Article. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I Dec. 87H?K 8SH 7H 87 May bSii 88H 88H 88 Corn Oct. 81 63 61 il tDec. 4f. 4CH 46H 46 tDeo. 46HW4 4 4fH 4M May 46V&( 4b 4&H 4&H Oata Oct 39 Dec. 2HIS' 30 29H 2t May 324jii2H 32H 32 - July 81 31H 31 81H Pork I l Oct. 16 10 18 12 IS 00 18 00 . Jan. 12 36 12 40 12 30 12 37 Lard I I I Oct T 06 Nov. 87H 7 02 6 97 7 06 Jan. 77 6 80 6 76 6 77H Ribs Oct. 7 86 7 68 7 47H 7 47H Jan. 47 6 62 6 47 6 50 May 8 66 6 70 6 66 6 70 I f 61 4B4 46 2f 29 3182 18 10 ia 37 7 02 8 87 i 77 7 67 8 47 6.67 New York Meaey Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 26.-MONEY-On call, steady, 8H2HH per -cent, closing bid at 8, offered at 4 Per cent. Time money, steady; 60 and 90 day, I per cent; 6 months, 4 per cent. PRIMB MERCANTILE FAFEIt-R per STERLING EXCHANGE Strong; closing bid steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 tin4i4 . for demand and at 84 8.124. M30 for 0-dsy bills; posted rates, 34 83H'0'44 nd 84.87iff4.87; commercial bills, 84 S.1fJ4.ft3Vk. SILVER Bar, te; Mexican dollar, 4c. BONDS Government, easy; railroad. Irregular. . Closing quotation ot ond were a fol lows: V. S. rrt. U, rg....l Jsptn , M Miin... U o coupoa It I Oo 4H. ctf H 0. g. !. n.'. Ht o id Mrln 11 so cousen lMtiU A N. nt. 4s 104 V. 8. old , rg....l"S Minhstus m. . no eetison V. S. is. so coupon ....... Am. Tobacco 4o. .. do Atctlloa tn. .4a... h adj. ia. ....... Atlantlo C. L. is.. Dal. Ohio 4a.... do aa Brooklyn R. T. o. Central of Oa. lis.. do lat Ine do Id lac da Id Ino Ckea. Ohio 44a. Chlrato at A. JS v., C, do tol. la A"t M. Central ia at ..13H do lat Ine ts ,.l Minn. St. L. XI M . K. 4V T. 4 10)44 ..UH ie at II ..103H N. K. R ot M. s. 4s. 3 .. N. T. C. g. ISaa . .1011 N. J, C. (. (a U4 ..I0i No. Pacific 4a 1H .. Kk do 8 n la. M IN. ft W. r. 4a 10144 ..104 'o. . V Hdg. 4s t7w, .. M'iPnn. eonT. Via W .. 2 Raaillnt ton. a loa'a in ei. J. as I, m. e. aa..iio 6MAHA LIVE STOCH MARKET Eeaf Itttri and Cw Btnff Steady, with Ftedera Lwr. BREAK OF TEN CENTS MADE ON HOGS keep an Until, Both Killer aad Feeders, la Aettra Donaaad, ellh All Desirable Klads gelling; freely at Steady Price. leg from 4 to to 84 98. The bulk of the KS went at 14 fc'ifi.OS. Taken as a whole nd summed up In as few words as po- lle the situation hi this: The market on gs In general Is low and loo lower. Rep resentative sales: Ha. l.. A. .Ill H .5o . l tt , .tOT ..? ,.M M t J5 tl II. . II.. BOtTTH OMAHA, Oct. 26, 1906. riT, pt w're: Cattle. Hogs. Bluej. wiueiiti Aionuay , Omelal Tuesday Official Wednesday .... Three day this week. Three day last week... bam waaIc h.fn is.... j Bam three week ago! .im St. u ft 8. . its m. u a. w. aaboard A. Is. . au So Pad Bo aa... . 2V da lat ia ctra. CCU. ft st. It. ' 4a.. 9ao Railway la.. ioio. ma. as, sarlaa A T4 rail ft p. la B ft Q. a. 4a.. R. I. ft P. 4a.. do B Colorado Mid. 4a.. Colo, ft . 4a Cuba (a D. ft R. O. 4s Ulatlllara' Sec. ia. Erie prior lien 4a.. do fen. 4a. ., Hocklni Val. 4Ha. Japan aa Offered. , 7J T.. St. L. .. TiSa union PaclSc 4i .. do aonr. 4a... ..I0d)a "' 8. Staal M I ..I01H Wabaah la ..... .. do deb. B ..MO Weatern Md. 4a .. 14 W. ft U H. 4a ..llHi Wla. Cantral ia .. M r. It. 4a. w . 19-14 . a . .120,1 .12 a4U .106 .Vtim . at .1114 . T5S . M . II . V4 Same four weeks ago.. oBino uays last your.. 18 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE, ina following table show the receipt of cattle, hog and ahean ml Hnuth riranha for th year to data, comparing with last ye": j-,.... law. iiF". V1''" 8IH 1117 7!M 17 7ti.!Hl0 1.811.947 1,872,W6 U.b&i 8heP 1.6H.1.918 L4.iill lwi.WJ 'oliovlng table snos th average .ho l South Omaha for tha lt varal day, with comparison) Pt. 1906. J8O4.lul.!')0.!lS9. ft W. ia. Para Marquett ., Lnlon Pacini! Amer. Arfa. Chem do Bid Amer. Pneu. Tuba Amer. Buaar ' , do Dfd Amer. T. ft T.... Amer. Woolen ... do Did Dominion I. ft 8... :a Kdlaon Kiev.. lllu...IO ot the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. FLOUR-Recelpls, 28.316 bbls: exDort. 29.191 bbls: market Dim nominally higher: Minnesota, patents, 4.o0'3) 6.10: Minnesota bakers.' S3.KU41.4.U0; winter . patents, 34.25tj4.65; winter straight, 84.000 ' 4.10; winter extra, $2,86'33.S5; winter low grade. 376(53.30, Rye Hour, firm; fair to good, g.WKsf 4.10; choice to fancy, 84.16U4.d0. Kuckwheat flour, quiet: spot and to arrlvu, 31.9012.00. BUCKWHEAT Quiet; delivered In New York. tUVtc. s CORN MBAIr Firm: fine white and yel low, 31 26; coarse, l.Ht1.16; kiln dried. 8.ilK,jH.i6. RVr-Steady; No. New York. HARLKY Quiet: feeding.' 41c. c. 1. New York; mailing, 49'iftilc, c. 1. t, New York. WHEAT Receipts. 48,000 bu: exports, 29,171 bu.; spot market firm; Ne. 2 red. J3Ho elevator and )Hc, I. o. o., anoac; xso. northera Duluth. 97Hc. f. o. b.. afloat; No 1 northern Manitoba. 961aO. f. o. b.. afloat. The wheat market wa strong and actlv todar reflect Ina- Increased outside demand, higher foreign markets, bullish Russian newa and bia clearance. In addition ex tiort and domestic demand waa more active Tha big addition to world' stock prompted 'late selling, however, and the close wa only steady at Ho net advance May 93 l-itKiy 91 13-lbc, closed at 9cl December, 93t I 94fi, closed at 93c. CORN Receipts, 64,782 bu.; export. 163,088 bu.; spot market Arm; No. 3, 4io elevacor and tie. f. o. b., afloat; No. I yellow, ooc; No. 3 white, 84c. Option market wa also favorable again, closing stronger ro net higher. The feature were export demand, light receipt, strong cable and covering. January, 64j64Ho. closed 64c;. May, U SlHc; closed at 61 c. OATH Receipts. 90.000 bu. : export. 8.926 bu.; spot market firm; mixed oats. 2t3J pounds, 83Hft34c; natural white. 80 to 82 pounds. Sou 36c; clipped white, 38 to 41 pounds, Siiaa7c. FEED Quiet; aprlng bran, 116.66; mid dling. 816.40: city, 817.Oik323.00. HAY Steady; spring, 6u(u66c; good to choice. 7&02Hc. HoPft liAiiy ; state common to choice, !i crop, l&tj22c; l04 crop, 16&20Cj olds, kjllc; Pacific coust. 1905 crop, UlTc; ltM crop, 12nltk-: olds, kllc. HIDri Firm; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs,. 20c; California. 21 t a lb...,.19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. lac. LEATHER Firm ; acid. 2(27c. PROV1810N Ueef, steauy; family, 11 50 4S12.00; mess, fD.tMi 10.00; beet hams, 321.0 Zt.bO; packet, HO.jj'u 11.00; city extra India mesa, $17.&otjl8.6i). Cut meat, quiet; pick led belliea, 38.75i810.&0; pk-kled shoulder, 3H.60A7.00; pickled ham, tb.fvia lO.oo, Lard, steady; western steamed. 87.60; reflned. quiet; continent, 37 15; South Ameruu. .30 compound, 38.6oj8.7S. Pork, steady; family. tl76oit 18.00; short clear, H.&; mesa, )10.MiilS i6. TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg.), 4c; country (pkgs. free), 4fto. BUTTER Firm: street price, extra creamery. jpti-S'o; ofllcial prices, creamery common to extra, 16i3c: Western Imitation creamery, extras, li-UlSc; wsstern firsts, lHglci stale dairy, common to extra, KHwlo; renovated, oommon to extra, 2oo; western factory, common to extra, lsanc. CHEESE Unchanged; state full cream, large and small colored and whit fancy, l-'V: stale, fair to choice, 12S12c. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania, state and nsarby. fancy, selected white, 34a&c; Stat choice, y-oile; state mixed, extra, !ttc; j wciiei ii iftitv v, ptisvitu, via , wwtni aver age best, southerns, yZlc. POULTRY Alive, weak; weatern chick ens. He; fowls, 12c; turkey. 14c. Dressed, Irregular; western chicken. MjlJc; turkeys, 14c; fowls, 1101 Jo. No. 2. tOld. INew. Cash quotation were a follows: FLOUR Firm: winter natcnt. n ry 4.20: straights. 33.6Ofi4.00: snrlne: tinti-iua. 34.00rii4.20; straights, 3.6(Ka3.90; bakers', UiU WHEAT NO. Z FDrln. 86(HS7iAc: No. a. T7ir7c; No. 3 red, 87H!&8c. CORN-No. 8, 63(613c: No. 3 yelloV, 640. OAT8-N0. 3. 28'ac: No. 2 white. SiHWia SIHc: No. 8 white. 2930c. RYE No. 2, 7071c BARLEY Good feeding. 38c: fair to cholco malting, 42g47c. BtLtLUO o. i nax, zo: wo. l northwest ern, 98c. Prime timothy, 33.20. Clover, con tract grade, I13.Z5. PROVI8IONB-MeB pork, per bbl 316.00 16.10. Lard, per 100 lb., 37.03. Short rib side (loose). 37.4607.60. . Jihort -clear aloe (boxed), $S.008.25. ' Following were the recelDta and shlrv- menta of (four and grain: Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 46,000 48,000 Wheat, bu 292,800 16,300 Corn, bu 133,0n0 167,100 Oats, bu 682,400 423,3'i0 Rye, bu 28,000 4.900 Barley, bu 270,700 171,800 On the Produce exchange today the butter market wa steady; creameries, 17Vo'2c; dairies, 17ii20c. Eggs, Arm; at mark, case Included, 19c; firsts, 21c; prime first, 23c; extra, 24c. Cheese, Arm; U(al2c. 1 Kansa City drain and Provlsloa. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 26. WHEAT Higher: December, 78o; May, 80c cash, No. 2 hard, 8H&83c; No. 3, f9fi81c; No. 4, 761j.78Hc; rejected, 75o: No. 3 rd, 904191c; No. 3, 81SMc; No. 4, 83ij4c. CORN-rDecember, 40c: May, 40c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 46&47c; No. 3, 46c; No. I white, 4ii,'a&0c. OATS-Hlgher; No. 3 white, 3031o; No. 2 mixed. 28iti'.9c. EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kan, new No. 3 white wood case included, 19c; cas count, 17c; cases returned, o less. HAY Strong; timothy, fl0.(HX$10.&0; choice prairie, 38.60. RYE Strong; 644c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 21o; packing, 15c. , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 94,000 808,000 Corn, bu ...24,000 61,000 Oats, bu 6,000 14,000 Tha ranga ot prices raid In Kansas City as reported by tha Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-1U Board ot Trad building, wast meats to take profits. The pressure upon I Mf,ic,u i:,i,tr.i ,'JJIV J9IHII11 WIM VBpUIKIl ,11 tVIItlin UUU was prompted by the disclosure of an amount of earning In the annual r port which wa Insufficient to meet the preferred dlvldent requirement. Money continued relatively easy, but a a result of this condition, foreign exchange made a further advance to within the im mediate neighbourhood of the gold export point. A decline In sterling exchange at Paris and a further rise In the discount rate at Berlin were additional factors mak ing toward gold export. New York ex change at Chicago also fell to a discount. The special weakness of the local traction stock was attributed to opinion on the local political outlook, although the special weakness of the Metropolitan stocks was commented upon. The fall In those stccks and the heavy selling of Rock Island wore the principal factor In breaking the market and In causing the abrupt decline of the last hour which carried prices comprehen sively below last night's level. Hasty covering of short by the bears Inducted a sharp rally and the Irregular closing tone left price changes very Irregular and not Important except in a lesser number of stocks. Bond were Irregular. Total sates par value 33.170,000. United States 2s declined H per cent on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: sales. High. Low. Close. 230 Boston Stocks and Boads. BOSTON, Oct. 25.-Call loans, 6 per cent; time loan, 6&6 per cent. Oinclal quotation on stocks and bond were a follows: Atchison adj. 4a. do 4a , Mfx. Central 4a... Atchison do pfd Boatoo ft Albany Uoiton ft Maine Boalun Klereled . r ltchbure, pld Ouieral Blectrlo 114 Tamarack Maaa. Electric 11 Tr.nltr do Dfd Li llnltMl CnnnAP Maaa. Gaa 48V4 U. 8. Mining.. tinltcd Fruit 1071 U. 8. Oil United Shoe Mach.... 73 t'tah do pfd 11VL Victoria U 8. Bteel 3('. Winona do Dfd 10i IWolvrrlne Vt'eitin. common ... at North Butte ... ilia. Asked. 6oO 3,700 700 Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close,. Yes'y. Wheat "1 i Dec... 7T 78 77 78 77 May... 79', 80 79 to 79 Corn i Dec.... 40 41 40 40 40i May... 40; 40 40 40 40 Oata Dec... 38 28 tf 28 28 May... 29 21 29 29 , 2u OotT... 16 00 16 02 18 90 16 90 Jan.... 12 28 12 80 12 17 13 27 13 22 Lard Jan.... 6 70 ( 75 ( 70 ( 75 ( 70 Oct.... TOO 7 00 6 97 Rlba- Jan.... ( 42 6 46 8 42 ( 46 ( 40 Oct.... 7 70 7 JO 7 43 7 43 7 60 14,200 600 9,000 22.400 400 60,000 7,00 2,900 7,600 ft. Loals tiestral Market. BT. LOUI6. Oct. 26. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, on track, 92a94e; December, 84c; May, 87iji 87c; No. 2 hard.,t(87c. CORN-Hlgher; No. 2, cash, 62c; on track, 61c; December, 46&4c; May, 48c. OATS Higher; No. 3 cash, 29c; on track, 30c; No. 2. white, 31c FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 34.20 64.36; extra fancy and straight, 33.704 16; clear. 33 6nf3.70. . SEED Timothy, steady; 32603.00. COHNMEAL Steady, 80. BRAN Easy; sacked east track, 65$r47o. HAY-Steady; timothy, o.0O4i 14.00 ; prairie, 609.00. IRON COTTON TIE8-99C. BAGGING 6c. HEMP TWINE-c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing. 315.00. Lard, ateady; prime steam, fti.&j. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, 17.75; clear ribs, 3D.0O: short clears, 38 2i. Ba con, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.60; clear libs. 33.75: short clear, 39. u). POULTRY-Dull; chickens. 8c; springs, 9HQlc; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 9c; geese, 8c. BUTTER firm ; creamery, lba23c; dai ries 17j'C- . KGGd Firm, higher; 18c, case count. Receipts. Ehlpments. Flour, bbls lO.Oou 10. OX) Wheat, bu 78,000 3,0o0 i Westlnghouse Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111., Oct. 28 CORN-Hlgher; No. 3 yellow, 63c; No. 3. 63c; No. 4, 62c; new. No. 4, 47c; no grade, 6O4⁣ new no grade, 46c. C5ATS Higher; No. I white, 2929c; No. 4 white. )29o. WHlbKY-On the basts of 1 SO for fin ished goods. Liverpool Grata Market, LIVERPOOL Oct. 36. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 2 red. western, winter, 6m ad Futures, strung; December. 7s; March, (a lld. CORN Spot, Arm; American mixed, 6s ld. Kutuna. strong; December, 68d; January, 46d: March. 4 6d, . Toledo ereal TOLEDO, .. Oct. Octbr. VUsaaW Market. ffi.-8EU:r '"iv.-r. Adams Ex.... Amal. Copper Am. Car At F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil...' do pfd Am. Kx. Am. H. & L. pfd Am. Ice Securities..., Am. Linseed OH ...... do pfd Am. Locomotive do pfd , Am. Smelt. St Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng.... Am, Toh. pfd etf Anaconda M. Co,.-... Atchison . do Dfd Atlantic Coast Line. Bait, ft Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T , Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chi. A Alton da pfd Chi. Gt. Western ... Chi. & N. W C, M. & St. P Chi. Term. A T do pfd C. C, C. & St. L Colo. Fuel & Iron ... Colo. & Southern ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson D., L. A W Den, A Rio Q do tfd Distillers' Securities Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric .... Hocking Valley ..... Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd , Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do Dfd .- Louis. A Nashville... 19,200 Manhattan L ... Met. Securities . Met. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Minn. A St. L... M.. St. P. A 8. S do pfd Missouri Pacific .... M., K. A T do pfd National .Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd.. N. Y. Central N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Western do pfd North American ... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C C. A St. L.... Pressed Steel Car... do Dfd Pullman Palace Car., iteaaing .... do 1st rid do 2d pfd RepulOlo Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A S. F. Id pfd. St. Louis 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway ... do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron.... Texas A Pacific T.. 8t. L. A W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd U. S. Ex V. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Va.-Carollna Chem... do pfd Wabash do ptd Wells-Fargo Ex fcaee... 84 41 '82 Conaola, money ao account ...... Anaconda AHLIeon do pfd Baltimore Ohio Canadian Pacific . Chaa ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. ft St. P DrBiere Denrer ft R. O do pfd Erie do lat ptd.i...... do Id pfd Illlnola Central .... LouleTllla ft Naah.. at.. K. ft T. 200 40 40 43,700 71 X 1,600 116 116 28,400 181 129 KlOO 144 142 ...300 102 vk: V"V itAW 3101 89 105 1H5 113 98 78 172 234 68 8 600 45 44 300 4!) 48 500 81 81 700 73 72 200 189 188 100 92 92 , 800 181 10 200 23 23 100 82 82 166 '84 '84 81 72 188 91 180 23 81 1,600 1,000 19.900 29iO 2.200 80 126 24 77 122 24 1 M. 98 4 144 104 F0 61 101 ..226.900 127 200 4l 1.900 54,400 11.200 800 1.200 l'O 22.6K) 00 8,700 2TO 1,710 40 4IO loO GS.MO 100 '"ioo . I.700 800 53.2(10 1H.100 1.200 l 1.&0 4o0 98 2 97 31 74 68 23 m 7' 12o 87 9H 89 33 39 M JSR 96 m" 64 110 89 10f. 34 107 22 42 .. II Adventure ..I0(4 Alloues .. W !malamated .. Um American Zino .... ..1044 Atlantic . .; IBin(bam ..174 Cal. ft Hacla ..163 Centennial ..141 JCopir Hang .. U'ta Dalr Weat ..101 ,lMmlr.ion Coal ... ..114 (Praaklln ,. M llale Royala .. W Haa Mining .. It, Mlthltan ..141ft Mohawk ..131 Mont. C. ft C ..137 Old Dominion .. 42 Oaceola ..104 Parrot uuincy Hhanr.oa . H . 85 . . 37 . 11 .Iftt . . 14 . 7S . 11 , 4 . 10V . 14 . 41 . . 31 i .111 . 26 .104 .1 . 13 . . 10 . 4tt . 4 . II .US . e London Closing: Stock. LONDON. Oct. 26. Closlnir Quotation on ine DtocK exenange were as follows: M -ll N. Y. Central. .. IhH Norfolk ft W ..6 do pfd .. 1'4 Ontario ft W ..107 pennirlvanla ..104 fcand Mire ....... ..177 Reading .,....,.. . . a do lat pfd .. II do Id pfd ..117 Southern Hallway .. 17 . do pfd .. 34 Southern Pacific ., ')'., union Facino . 10 . M . 74 .ISIS .1(7 Jl do pfd . . V. 8. meal... do pfd .... Wflbaah ...... a pfd .... Spanish 4i ...117 ... av ... ... U ... 74 ... I ... , ,. 4S ... m ... la ,..101 ... 7J ...137 ... n ... 31 ...10s ... 12 ... 43 3 SILVER Bar, steady; Ubd per ounce, luurst, r JMiUH per cent. The rate ot discount In the onen market for ahort bill I 4 per cunt; for thres month Dllla, 4 per cent, For el n Flnetnclal. LONDON. Oct. 28. Rote for money and discounts were firm In. the, market today. i ne blocK exenange - requirements were rainy heavy. Trading n the Stock ex' change was quiet and mostly uninterest ing. Continental were stiff, owing to th dear money, consols were a shade off. Home rails were in fair demand, helped by the latest traffic returns. Americana were irregular and quiet. The movements were slight on either side of parity and mostly iractionauy tower on pront-laklng. 1 ne local operations were .merely 111 even ing up of accounts. Prices dropped later on New York selling end closed lull with a few exceptions, notably Reading. Grand lrunK waa tower on tne traffic returns. Mexican rail benefitted bv tha traffic in. croase. Russian and Japanese securities were easier on realizations. Japanese lm perlal 9 of 19N4 were quoted at 102. BERLIN, Oct. 25. Prices on the Bourse today wero weak on account of high rates cnargeo ior money. pakih, uct. . prices on the Bourse to day were heavy, but became stronger on eml-offlclal reports that the conr-luslon of he negotiations for the new Russian loan wa imminent. Russian Imperial 4s were ouoted at 93.26 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 620. 8.046 8,040 6.300 16.888 13.780 li.HH U.D60 13.JT4 16,9tt6 23.m 20,ol9 13.709 67T31I 60.8.1 84.(180 63.013 60..9 87. a tl. 4t. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oot. Oct. Oct. Oct Oou Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. J:::: ... 10... il ia... 13... 14... IS... IS... 17... 18... 19... 80... 21... 22... 2J... 24... 26... . I 6 i4' KJ I 141 ti TSt t 131 ' ) I I 81 7 20 68 t 18) 09f I 711 861 I 691 I 111 4 42 4 8 i 08 6 08 I 03 106 8 08 104 4 99 I 07 6 OA I 09 6 11 6 10 ! 10 8 14 6 16 64 6 09 I 711 861 I 691 I 19 6 74 I 7 32 I 67 I 78 I 66 62 6 89 t 64 7 42 668( 41 73949 ( 64 ( 19 7 28 8 83 6 19 7 14 6 12 ( 62 ( 21 7 04 ( 141 ( 46 6 96 3 15 ( 31 ( 30 (20 8 16 S 87 7 07 6 11 ( 43 7 16 ( 28 ( 11 ( 49 7 00 ( 18 6 S ( tl ( 22 (07(22 7 16(29 4 97 7 02 6 27 ( 02 ( 11 8 23 6 07 6 03 8 92 6 13 607 682 628 6 17 6 111 8 70 6 OS ( 14 8 7 6 99 8 22 6 74 8 01 ( 20 ( 71 6 06 301 .13 ( 08 6 t'i 4 93 4 - 4 93 4' 93 a 4 82 4 72 4 (4 4 52 4 61 4 68 a 4 62 4 61 4 51 4 48 4 37 4 81 4 34 4 Sf 4 4 33 4 81 4 23 4 20 4 24 4 20 4 16 4 10 4 16 4 II 4 13 4 16 4 14 4 13 Indicate Sunday. The ftfnHfkl nnmh, nr r. , mt nr Lr orougnt in today by each road wa: Palll, 1 1 , , i Qk'n U',aa v.., ju. b 01. f. My I 2 waDash 1 Missouri Pacific .... union Pacific aystei C. A N. W. Ry F.. E. A M. V. R. J C.. St P., M. AO.. B. A M. Ry C. R. I. A P.. east... C. R, I. A P.. west.. Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western Total receipts .... The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. 2 1 ,46 16 34 1 8 .. .. . 75 26 27 3 5 7 a .. , 92 12 23 12 .8 7 8 .3 4 4 , 1 . 1 .231 82 86 19 SHEEP Receipt this morning were quit large, about elghty-rlve car being reported in th vards. This Is the largest run we have had this week and the total for th flrst three days of this week will prob- blv exceed the Israre run made the first hree day of the flrst week of this month. Thre week ago there arrived at the ard 238 car of sheep during the nrst hree day ahd the receipt for the last three day are 238 car of heep. Some t. the sheen trains arrived at th yarus In fair season thl morning, but a con siderable portion of them did not put In n appearance until lata in tne wruinwii. Th market this morning wa In a good healthy condition and was lainy active. Packers were again anxious for supplies nd anything In the way or desiraDie aiuera was fully steady with yesteruay s pm-cn. Th Miinnlu rf fM.Hra In IhQ vara Wita practically cleaned up yesterday before the market closed last nignt, so. ui the run this morning the market was In a good healthy condition. There was a lair demand for good choice feeders on the part of both local and country buyers, of whom there were quite a few present, my i"v he market remained just about steaay wmi yeaterday. uuolallons on tat snpep inn iaiui. to choice lambs. 37.O0iff7.4O: good to c inice yearling wethers. 35.S05n.00; good to cn.-iuc old wether, 35.0026.60; good to choice ewes, 84.f5.0O. . . Uuotattons on reeoer sneep ana inum. Good feeding lambs, I6.00fo6.60; giod imi Ing yearlings. 36.006.50; good feeding weth ers. 34.60fy4.75; feeder ewe. $4.004.40; breed- in ewes, 34 4014.75. Repreeentutlve sales: No. AV. 80 Wyoming feeder lambs s Omaha Packing Co 363 ewirt and company 742 Armour A Co 762 Cudahy Packing Co 745 t.uaany PKg. Co., country Vansant A Co 105 Carey A Benton 197 Lobman A Co 121 Mccreary & Clark W. I. Stephen Hill A KuntJtlnger Huston A Co L. F. Hum Wolf A Murnan .. J. B. Root 821 1.441 1,001 1,844 320 1.406 2,lo4 1,107 4.12 J. H. Bulla Z. N. Clark Haggerty ... Held over .. . 24 . 304 . 124 . 17 . 90 . 235 . 63 . 24 . 73 .1.233 14,241 23 60 71 119 s?a a 39 68 13.1 90 't" 63 11" SS 104 S3 H7 21 41 Corn. Oats, bu.. bu. ..So.ooO ..63.000 ki.ouo 44,000 Vlaibl tmpplr ( GralB. NEW YORK. Oot. 36. -Special cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradatreets' show the following changes in available supplies, as compared with pre vious account: Wheat United State and Canada, east of the Rockia, Increased 4.702.000 bu. Afloat for and In Europe. Increased 1O,0u0 bu. Total supply Increased 7 aoi.0o0 bu. Corn United State and Canada, east of the RcM-kiea. decreased 1.038. 0w bu. Oats United State and Canada, east of the Rocktea. Increased 3.753.0HO bu. The leading Increases reported thl week are l.lfaiom bu In Manitoba. 134.000 bu. at Kingston. 100.000 bu at th Chicago pri vate elevator. 100.01a) bu. at Port Huron, 81.000 bu. - at Nashville fa'.mO bu. at Og densburg. 74 000 bu. at Ht. Joaeoh, TO OOO bu. . Chnt-.nuoga, aO.uuv bu. aU MlUhell, 64,000 bu. (U OuiAlia. Western Union W. A L. E Wis. Central do pfd Northern Pacific Central Leather . do Dfd Sloss-Hhi-fflald 400 176 174 an low 1 inn 1500 l.i0 1.2u 3! .' 204 : 10' 7-"1 30 fi! a-: 45 104 72 Total sales for the day, 1,215, 4o0 share. 8KV 152 6S 87 80 97 60 144'i 1M HI 1 51". 2f-l 1W :i 9H 2- 95 30 73 3 104 67 23 60 71 J19 a.; 99 88 84 3f 5S 134 95 122 87 63 110 8 104 33 Jll4 174 93 17 30 81 '.' 45'i l'M Tl Sew York Mialag stocks. NEW YORK. Oct. 16. Closing quotation on mining (took wet a Adama con aa Alice ' Braec Brunawirk Coa ....... ti 1 uito'h Tunnel ... t Coo. Cal. ft V .18 Horn SHear l'l Iroa Sllar 37 Laadllla Coa t follows: Utile Chlal .. Ontarts Ophtr e.'-i nil Fotoal Savaga Sierra Nevada r'mall Hopaa .. Staadar ... 6 ...1 ... 1 ... It ... 41 ... M ... M ...171 Trraasry Slatesaent. WASHINGTON. Oct. ii.-Today s Stat, went vt tu utwjaiy Ulaucti iu tag gu- t Bank Clearings, OMAHA, Oct. 25. Bank clearings for today were 81.492,466.8 and for the, corre sponding date last year tl. 269,813.65. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. 25. WOOL An Improve, ment I found In the demand for wool In the Boston market. There has been a noticeable increase In th call from tha worsted manufacturer. The firm open ing of the foreign market has had a strengthening effect on trading here and ha confirmed tha belief that no lower prices will prevail for some time. Pulled wools are quiet, with territories moving freely. Foreign grades are light. Lead ing quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsyl vania XX and above. 36gSSc; X. 84g35c; No. 1. 40341c; No. 2. 404lc; fine unwashed. 28g29c; quarter blood unwashed. 3435c; three-eighths blood, 350'36c; half blood. 349 S5c: unwashed Delaine. 3ixBtlc; unmerchant able, 81'S.t2c: fine washed Delaine, 3ft9 89c. Michigan fine unwashed, JidJISc; quar ter blood unwashed. 83034c: three-eighths blood. 84336c; half blood. 33934c: unwashed Delaine. 2Me. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter blond, 368360. Territory, Idaho, line, 22ifr24c; heavy fine. 19j21c; fine medium. 23&24e; medium, 27 2e; low medium. 28!fr'?9 Wyoming fine, 12'i(23c; heavy fine, 19HJ20C: fine medium, 2S1t24o; medium. 27iff28c; low medium. 28 29c. T'tah and Nevada, fine. tVfxlic; heavy fine. 19tfi20c; flne medium. 23Hf24c; medium, j?(r-7e: low medium, 28'-c. Dakota, flne. 22(g23c: flne medium, 22ifj'23o: medium. 274 ic; low medium. 28029c., Montana, flne. choice, 26f27c; fine average, 24S'25c; flne medium choice, 2GrZ7c; average, 27528c; atanle. 28fi30c; medium choice, 2M30c. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25. WOOl-Steady ; me dium grndes, combing and clothing. Sic; light fine, 2327c; heavy fine, 194ji3c; tub washed. S-'Ho. 1 i Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 35. METALS The London tin market was omwhal irregu lar with spot closing at 148 12a 6d and future at 148. Locally the market wa dull and lower with spot quoted at (32 36 32.66. Copper wa lower th London, clos ing at 71 16s for spot and 70 6a for future. Locally the market wa quiet with lake quoted at $1 27&1 76; leetro lytic. H8.22Hii'l.t6: casting., tl6.ft191s.3714. Lead was unchanged at 1417 6d in tha London market. Locally the market la re ported Arm with spot supplies quoted at t5.2&6 4u. Spelter wa ateady at ti ibA.V) in the local market, but wa easier nbroad at 28 12 6d Iron waa lower In the English markets with standard foundry closing at 61a Id; Cleveland warrants at 52s fd. Lo cally the market Is firm: No. foundry, northern. Is quoted at 818 25gl8 5ui No. 3 foundry, northern. n7.7518.U0; No. 1 foun dry, southern. 818 2K18 50; No. 3 foundry southern. t17.7518 00. ST. LOTM8. Oct. 26 METALS Lend, firm at t5.1. Spelter. Arm at (8.103612. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 36-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling nplanda, 10.66c; mid dling gulf. 10 Sue; sale, lu hale. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 26 COTTON Steady: middling. l'c; sales. 27 bales; receipts, 700 bales- stock. 9 664 bales, shipments, none. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 24 COTTON -Steady; salts. I it) bale; ordinary. 7o; good ordinary, 8 11-lSn; low middling. 9 15-ltc: middling, 10 ft-lftc; good middling. 10 1S-16c: middling fair, llc; receipts, 7,703 bale; stock. IB, S3 bales. Dulatk tSrala Market. DUX.UTH. Oct. 86. WHEAT To arrlv. No. 1 northern, lc; No, I northern. &3t; on track. No. 1 northern. (6c; No. 2 north ern, ; December, alfc; Msy, tMo. OlTaV-TO (Mi-tig MaA (Ma UaO, U. Totals 6.696 6.7(17 19,669 CATTLE Receipt of cattle wee not very targe at tnia point this morning. though there were very slaeable runs ut other points. For the three day of Mie week the receipt are somewhat smaller than for the corresponding period of one ana two weeKS ago. , Beef cattle were not very plentiful thl morning, in ract ther was a decided scare lty of good fat steers. There were a few corn-feds, but not very many and none that were very cholc, the best here being goon enougn to nring packers evt dently had use for a few and they got down to business in the morning and picked up everytning aenirauie at goon steauy prices In some cases , perhaps paying a little stronger. The condition of the market on western range steers wa about the same. that Is, the supply of desirable killer waa very limited and the market In consequence runy steaay. There were not very many cows or heif ers in iKfit tnis morning, in ract the sun ply both yesterday and today wa light ai compared 10 tne total run or cattle, prices however, were pushed up so high last week that buyers yesterday Insisted upon taklnir orr sometning. Today with tne run still light they wer glad to pay steady prlc and tne market in a good many place looked atrong. A good many salesmen were quoting tne marKet as steady to strong. The trade wa reasonably active and the early arrivals changed hnnds In very good season. As has been the case all thl week the most of the cattle In today were feeder or looker. Unfortunately the demand from the country has not been so good for feed err as anticipated, with th result tha speculators have been unable to unloud their purchases made earlier In the week and tney were not rree Duyers euner yes. t.rl a v np tAriav Yeatprdav. Ilnitur tha In. fluence of the large supply, price dropped off alMiut 10c. This morning the trade was s-enerallv slow and still lower, except might be on something right good that some one Just happened to have a place for. Representative sale: BEEF SJTEBRS. At. fr. fi. at. Pr. 0 8 It 4 1151 4 M t IS II till I 10 4 28 10 1S6I i 10 4 U 10 1277 I 10 cow a. 1 M 14 10JI I 71 8 00 II 1001 I M t St t 1U I 10 i la 3 .....1141 I ii I 45 HEIFEIio. 14 S7 I M CALVES, ti no t m STULK.EK3 AND FEEDERS. I II I 00 WESTERNS. WYOMING. 13 steers... .1233 8 60 NEBRASKA. No. 8 II IS..... 49 1 .... 10 1 10.. 10.. .107 .1037 .1107 TM !T 70 IM IttOl 147 ( COWS... 12 feeders 21 heifers. 7 cows. 6 cows... 38 steers. . 106 feeders. 1187 17 feeders.. 816 81 842 6N0 845 903 1239 8 feeder., 10 feeder., 10 cow.... 46 feeder. 16 cows.... 8 cows.... 10 cowl IS cows MONTANA. 8 76 11 feeders. 3 00 3 26 t 40 I 40 1 76 ( 40 3 66 3 26 773 6.2 792 619 934 913 lm4 964 1088 30 feeders.. 1156 8 steers.. ..1101 ( 60 29 steers. ...1329 9 steers... .114 3 45 G. 8. Mitchell Wyo. 1( feeders.. 1166 3 65 2 feeders.. 1140 P. Mullen Wyo. 24 ter.... 119 3 60 c. m. Miner web. 3 00 3 00 2 10 3 40 2 46 1 90 2 25 2 80 8 t 3 90 S 23 21 feeder.. 10:9 8 85 33 feeder.. 6o3 3 15 33 feeder.. 668 3 15 Pcteron A 27 feeder.. 94) 3 15 1 feeder... IOCS J 35 17 cow... 16 cow... 2 cows... ( cows... 6 cows... i cow.., ( cow... 3 cow... McGould Neb. 6 cows 836 J. W. Man-Nb. 828 3 60 12 feeder.. 899 A. Slgman 8. D. . 987 . 90 .. 9o0 .llf .. (72 ,.lmi . 936 t 80 I 00 3 26 t 20 t 10 i 65 I 30 13 feeder.. 1061 17 feeder.. 8t4 3 feeder 1 bull.... 12 steer.. 16 calves. 13 cows. 876 1810 833 669 1198 A. W. Bristol Wyo. 86 steer.. ..1323 4 80 43 steer. ...1262 43 steers.... 1250 (75 steers. ...1323 Milldale Cattl Co. Neb. 1 eow 160 2 60 feeder.. 801 47 feeder.. 80I 160 1 feeder... 1060 HOGS Tne receipt of hog wer eraiely large thl morning and wre about enual to in average run tor 2 30 3 SO 3 60 3 40 t 20 2 30 t 80 too 3 76 t 75 1 75 1 00 2 80 mod a WetlneaHuv rhere wer also large run reported at Chicago and at Kansa City, with price 6!0l0c lower. These' report, with the run here, helped to lower the price at thl point. packer nav indicated all alon that they tnougnt mat price were loo hig to siore away uuiea nifaii anq nav on been buying what wa necessary for them to hav in order to supply the demand of their trade. Last week packer tried to force the maraet down, out owing to mod erately light receipt were unahln to do so successfully. This week, aided by the rather large receipts at all market points, they have done a little better. This morn ing trad opened slow and ther was not much activity on th market all day. The receipt wer a little late In getting In. but when they did get in there wa nof rmii h change. Good choice hogs went 10c lower, while tha common and rougii loads were vo harder to sell and went at prluag rang. ...rl ....101 ....ll 177 171 4T t7 Il ...14 ...III ....171 ...171 ...170 , IK4 SU J0 ....III lfi in. 4MI ro 110 M Vi tea HO M 40 I 160 1(0 IM M ISO 110 110 40 40 ao rr 4 to 4 M 4 r 4 M M I M 4 N , 4 M 4 as 4 5 4 4 17 4 17 I no ( m I on M I 00 I M I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 4 00 8 00 ( so I 00 6 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 00 00 t 00 Nu. 3... 71... II... 14 .. tl... to .. M .. II... It... 71... II... 74... 6... ... 11... It .. 71... tl... 7... It. . . II... 14... II.. At. Sh. ...141 iao ...1:1 40 ...MS 40 ...M no ...171 ...l'4 ...117 ...ISO ...141 ...M4 ..lit .. .14 ...141 ...IJ4 ...144 ...III ...r4 ...Sal .!"4 Pr. I no t 00 00 t 00 I on I 01 SO I 01 . . . I 01 10 10 M iii 0 40 lin t7 11 1. II... 4... 71... 104.. 77... 88... 40... 81... II... IM ...141 ...111 ...141 ...111 ...149 ...111 ...It ...111 ...til 40 too 110 40 '46 01 I Ot Mi, 6 01 01 I 02 0? I o;i I 01 I o 02 I M M I 01 I 1 4 0 I Ml I 05 I Ot I 07 I 07i t 07 I 01 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 11 close was steady at a net loss of 204iC5 points Sulrs were report ill of 123.' lms. Including November st tvV'n iV, IWcnihrr ut 6 500.16. "h-; Jiinuiirv at 6 71V; Match t IsMlS.taic; April at 7 .10; May at 7 7. !."; July at 7.2ch7.2.V; September at 7.:"ii7.4;.'. Spot, easy; No. 7 Klo, Invoice 8o. 123 I08 125 126 62 51 C3 60 76 70 . 80 . 4 43 61 66 1 35 87 100 103 65 110 74 65 Pr. 4 50 6 00 6 00 6 50 6 50 6 00 6 00 6 26 6 60 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 4 'S 4 10 5 10 6 95 6 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 62 4 86 6 00 6 25 ( 26 6 82 6 82 37 ( 60 ' 18 Wyoming ewes 198 Wyoming ewes s Wyoming wetners '3 Wvomltia- wethers 38(t Wyoming feeder lambs 361 Wyoming feeder lambs 121 Wyoming cun tamo 335 Wyoming lambs 325 Wyoming lambs in W yoming larrm 848 Wyoming lambs 61 South Dakota ewe leeuere... 12 Smith Dakota lamb culls... 305 South Dakota lamb feeders. 843 Wyoming lamb feeders 685 Wyoming lamb teeners 2 Nebraska ducks 15 Nebraska ewes 6 Wyoming cull ewes 210 Wyoming ewe 92 Nebraska ewes 12 Wyoming ewes 149 Nebraska yearlings 34 Wyoming lamb feeders 628 Wyoming sheep and year- lings 44 Wyoming sheep and year lines 101 288 Wyoming lambs M 1000 Wyoming lamo ieeaers 01 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ftrm to Slow Hogs Weak and Lower Sheep steady. CHICAGO, Oct. 25.-.CATTLE Receipts, 22,000 head; market tor best nrm; o'.ner low; steers, 3.8&J.4b; tocKers 11 na 1 rj-u-ers, (2.9043.75; cows and canners, tl.50g A90; bulls, t2.05(6.00; heifers, 6l.twiH.4u; calves. 83.7&jTi.o. HOGS Receipts, 23,000 neao: marsei wen and lower; shipping and selected, ao.ieji 6.30; mixed and heavy packing. 4.3o'a'5.20; light. (&.ucko.zo; Pig ana rpogna, ai.ouwu.w. tSHJit;! AMD lAMUiS neceipm. ov.irnj head; market steady; sheep, ti. 45(07.26; lambs, t3.75rcfi7.65. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2,187 head; good steers steady and choice firm; others, dull and unevenly lower; bulls and cows,' slow to 10c lower; native steers, W.15ai.25; western, t3.364jO.70; bulls, t2.604bi.25; cows, tl.4O4t3.60. Cables quoted live cattle slow; exports, 334 head cuttle and 3,100 quarters of beef; estimated tomorrow, 810 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 1,985 Head; marKet for natives, lower; greasers, steady; west erns, steady; veals, t4.6O4i9.00; few choice and selected, t9.25fy9.50; little calves, 33.50 O4.00; grassers, 62.7t4jS.12; westerns, 32. 7a 4i3.00; dressed calves, lower; city dressed veals, 84j;iac per id.; country aressoo, t'iy llc per lb.; dressed grassers and fed calves, 4"7c per lb. HOGS Receipts, 8,525 head; market, trine firm; state and Pennsylvania hogs, to.60 6.75. SHEEP AND LAMHH nereipis, s.tijj head; sheep, steady; lambs, 2543te lower; closed do II and weak; sneep, culls. t2.504)3.26; lambs, 36.008.00; few choice 101s eariy, oo.o; annuo, ibiiiuh, ei.w, turns, t5.0046.50. , Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY,. Oct. 25. CATTLE Re ceipt, 19,500 head, Including 600 southern; market, steady; choice export and dressed beef teers, t6.254r6.86; fair t good, MOOftf 6.15; western steers, t2.7&tl4.50; Blockers and feeders, t2.504t4.25; southern steers, 32.2441 4.60; southern cows, tl. 7682.75; native cows, tl. 75478.50; native heifers, 33.50fo4.75; bulls, t2.0u'3 OO; calves, t2.504j6.60. HOGS Receipts. 14.O0O head; market, 5$ 10c lower: top. 85.12: bulk of sales, to.02Wtf 6.10; heavy, (5.02(jf5.12; packer, t5.00ftf6.10; pig and light, M.evtso.iu. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 3,000 head; market, strong; lambs, top price. 87.66; native lambs, t5.7547.66; western lambs, t5.754V7.65; ewe and yearlings. 14.26 66.00; western yearlings. ta.O04i6.0O; western sheep, t4.604j6.40; stockers and feeders, $3.76 44.75. . St. Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 26. CATTLE Receipts. 6.000 head, including 2,000 Texans; market for natives, weak; for Texans, steady; native shipping and export steers. 4.1i(. 6.76; dressed beef and butcher steers. t2.50 H 60; steers under l.OuO lbs., t2.6o4t3.&0; stockers and feeders, t2.2643.26; cows and heifers, t'.ooj4.40; CHnners. tl.5o4l2.00; bulls. t2.1E4i3.00; calves, t3.004tC.75; Texans and Indian steers, 32.504)3.80; cows ajid heifers, 32.0043. 00. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head; market, 54f 10c lower; pigs and lights, H504(6.20; pack ers. t4.754fo.26; butchers and best heavy, (5.10476. 30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.0OO head; market, steady; native muttons, tl5.40; lambs, to&04j7.50; culls and bucks, t250f6.00; stockers, t2 90Ut.75; Texans, t3.00 tj4.00. it. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JO8EPII. Oct. 25. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,813 head; market, steady to liic lower; natives. t3 65455.90; cows and heifers. tl.fc04S4.6o; stockers and feeders, t2.7r.4jl. Go. HOGS Receipts, 6,181 head; market, 07J 10c lower; light, ti-0u4i.15; medium and Iimvv 16 00416.10 SHEEP AND LAMBS head: market, steai wethers, t5 65. Ions City Live Stock Market. 8IOUX CITY. Oct. 26.-(8peolal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts, 2.300 head; market weak; stockers lower; beeves. 34 00 tjr6.6n; cows, bulls and mixed, t-.2o4j3.00; Btockers and feeders, t2.7&&3.90; calves and yearlings. 12.603.40. HOGS Receipts, 4.600 head: market 10c lower, selling St H W3.10 bulk of sales. t4.954i5.00. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stork at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattl-. South Omaha 8 00 Sioux City Kansas City 19 500 St. Joseph 4.813 OMAHA HHOLEIALH MAftKHT. Condition of t rade aad Qnotatlona en Staple and Fancy Produce. ' FOGS-Candled stock, ISc. LIVE ltU I.TltY-llens. 7f10c; roosters, 8c: turkeys, lfcifiltie; ducks, 94(!c; spring chicken, 94il(c. BUTTER Parking Btock. 16c; -choice to fancy dairy, 18l.ic, creamery, 31021c; prints. 51c. SUGAR Slandsrd granulated. In bbls, 35.68 re;- cwt. ; cubes, to 40 per cwt ; cut loaf. t6.(S per cwt.; No. 8 extra C. ti 40 per cwt.: No. 10 extra C. t6.25 er cwt.: No. it yellow, 38.20 per !.; XX A A powdered. 8 20 per cwt. FRESH FISH-Trout. irflllo; halllbut. llo; buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed, 8c; white bass, dressed, 12c; snnhsn c; perch, scaled and dressed. Sc: pike, llo: catfish, 16c; red napper, loc; salmon, 11c;. nrapples, 12c; eels. Wc. bullheads, lie: black baa. 26c; whlteflsh, 104llc; frog legs, per dos., 80c; lobsters, green, 27c: boiled lobsters, Stv; lmd roe. 46c; bluertsh. 8c. HAY Price quoted bv Omaha.Wholssal Hay Dealers' at'torlntton: No. 1 upland, 17; medium.; coarse, t5.' BRAN Per ton, tlJ.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all sixes, to.004J6.50; Florida, all sixes, t3 75474.06. LEMONS Lemoniera. agtra fancy. 248 slxe, tv 00; 3u0 and 300 sixes, 36.00. DATES Per box of 80 l-!t. pkgs.. 32; Hallowe'en, in 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; wiilnut stuTed. 1-lb. pkgs , t2.00 per dos. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, loli 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-Crown. 12c; -crown, 12c. ' BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, tl 7 62.26; Jumbo. (ir'.O FRL1T9. TEARb Utah, Kicfer and Vicars, tlOO; De Ango, t2.i6- PLUMS Utah and Colorado, per 4-basket crate, tl.oO; Italian prunes, tl.16 APPLES Ben Davis and Whaesaps, In t-uu. l.biS.. '. if. i3 Co; In bu. baskets, tl Oot California Bcllflowers, tl. 6J; Coforado Jona than and Grimes' Gnldr-n. titwaJ.lO. OHAl'ES New York Concord jwi 8-lb. basket, 2Jc; Muscats, per 4-basket crate. $1.75; Tokavs, or 4-bisket crate, $1.75. UU1NCES ('allfornia, per bos, tl.7k CRANBERRIES Early Blaoaa, tn:ii per bbl.; Jerseys, 4W.50. VEGETABLES- ' POTATOES New. per ju. Sue. ' ONIONS Home-grown . ,llow, red and whit, per bu., Goc: Upanlsn, per "t;e, 11.40. WAX BEANS Per -j-bu. Wl.el. iojjijo; string bear.d. per -bu box. tJ3oo. BEANS Navy, pr bu., W.OIt. CUCUMBERS Per do.. 35c. TOMATOES Horn grown, -bu. baskets, 35oc. CABBAGE Homr-grown, ' In crates, per lb., lc HEETS New, per bu., 0o. CELERY KalntnMBoo, per dos., 26c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, pr J-bu, bbl., $2 50. . BEFJTr Ct'S. ( Wholesale prices tor uof cuts: Ribs No. 1, He; No. t. 8c; No. 3, oc. Loins No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 11c; No. 8, ic. Chucks No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 4c; No. 8, 3o. Rounds No. 1, 7c; No. 2. 6c; No. 8, 60. Plates No. 1, 3c; No. 2, 3c; No. 8, 2c. MISl.'ELLANEOUS. HONEY New. per lbs., $325.' CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wleconin llmberger, Wo; twins, lc, young Americas, 13c. NUTS Wa'.nuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard' shells, rer lb.. ISc; No. 2 soft shells, p-r lb.. 12c; No, 2 hard shells, per lb, 12c Pecans, large, per lb, 12o; small, per lb.. sOc. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; rousted, per lb., 8c. chill walnuts, per lb., 12ul3c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., loc. , Sliellbark, hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., tl.50. Chestnuts, 2oc per lb. Cocoanuts, 84.00 per saeg of 100. HIDES No. 1 green, 9c No. 2 green, 8c; No. 1 salted. lOUc; No. 2 salted, 9c; No. 1 veal calf. 11c; Nn. t veal calf. 9c: dry salted, 7til4c; sheep pelts, 26c4itl.00; bore bides, tl.C0fJ3.00. i , Sogar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-8UaAR Raw, nominal; fair refining. 2 15-16c; contrlf ugni, 96 test, 3 9-16c; tnolnnse Biigar, 2 ll-lik-; refined, quiet; No. 6. 4.10c; No. 7. 4.15c; No. 8. 3.95c; No. 9, 8.90c; No. H), 3.5c; No. 11, 8.75c; No. 12. 3.70ci No. ' 13, 3.60c; No. 14. 3.55c; confectioners' A. 4.65c; mould A. 6.05c; cut loaf, 6.40c; crushed. 6 40c; powdered, 4.80c; granulnted, 4.70c; cubes. 4.9."e. MOLASSES-Steady; nq pten kettle; good to choice, 25fo3oc. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 26.-8UGAR Quiet; open kettle centrifugal, 3(rr3 6-ltti-; centrifugal whites. 44i4o; yellow, 3 8-10' 3 13-16c; seconds, fttH-cr MOLASSES Open kettle, new, 30c; cen trifugal, new, ,27c. ... BYRUP New cane. 314320, Oil and Rosin. ' OIL CITY. Oct. 25.-011 Credit balance, (1.61; shipments. 60,903 bhls; average, 85.120 bbls: runs, 75 6.N5 bbls- average, t2,695 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 84,858 bbls- average, 63. 070 bbls. Runs, Lima, 67,571 bbls.; average, 46.S40 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oh., Oct. 25. OIL-Turpen-tlne. Arm, rt74t!7c. ROSIN Firm. Quote; A. B. C. 84.06: D. 84 16: E. $1 35: F. tl.70; !. '' H. t40; I. 84.S6; K. tS Oo; N, t5.30; W, G. 5.40; W, W, (3 50. . Milwaukee CJrnln Markett. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 25. WHEAT Higher: No. 1 northern. fc9c: No. 2 north ern. 84(7iS6c: Deefmber, 87487o asked. CORN Firm; May. 45c . RYE Firm: No. 1, 71c. BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 54V, sample, 37 tJ53o. . . Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28. R UTTER Easv; extra western creamery, 22fc. EGGS Western fresh. 25c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York, full1 cream, Mll2.c. - . .. Kundlnar Uovernmeiit Bond. WASHINGTON. Oct. 25.-Bonda to amount of tU.9K3,fiOO were refunded at treasury department today. making total to date under the secretary's last call 830.5S4.W0. . the the the HEAL K STATE TH ANSrRnS. St. iouis Chicago . Total , .a. 6.0KI ...22.0oO Horn Sheen 5.300 13,700 4.100 14. il 5 .131 7,li0 28.000 3.0iai 3.1 S l.fmO 30,000 Tho following transfers were Hied for record October 25: WARRANTY DEED. 1 C. C Parmele and wife to G. T. . 1L1 . . -1 . . .. It & b 19 w . ii 1 Yilcs H s ad ..... J. F. Morlarty to F. T. Ransom, It 8 and W 10 ft It 7, b 4, A. S. Pat rick's ad M. D. Totter and wife to L. Krone, s 50 ft sub It 6 In tux it 2 tn 8-15-18 Jiitrcs McGrell and wife to Joseph Sanzlert, 11 nw ne sw 9-10-13... . Ellen Dooley and husband to J. w. Kellv n 29 and w 26.68 acres of n sw 2K-16-12 A. E. Anderson to . E. Waifen, it 15. b 27, Benson...- Thomas O'Grady and wife to Fannin. Hc.garly, It 2, b 5, Kountxe 4th ad , Marv Ketterer and huwrmnd to same, w '31 ft It 2. b 5. same Union Slock Yiirds Co. to Tlieresle Kuvtin. It 9, b 13, First ad to Bo. Omalm MArv B. Wallace to Vlda V. Uager, It 24. b 7, Monmouth Pk. ......... r P. J. Hnze and wife to A. C. Fllnn, It :'2 and 23. 1) 4. Monmouth PU.... Waller Nltscho and wife to Percy Ambler and wife, ll 11,. b 132, S Omaha Ql'11 CLAIM DEEPS. -E. W. Pee' and wire to Milton Trust Co., It 20, b 1. B.iker Place . Ph'l. Potter p. rev., tu E. W, Pect ' It 20, b 1, Bilker place Total amount of transfers 813.143.91 10.00 1,000.01) 100.00 l.fti.GO 6,932.91 700.00 550.00 650.00 400.00 - 400.00 '1,100.00 2.9110.00 .1.00 tfTThe Grain Trust Exposed Tom Worrall'H sensational and truthful story of the opera tions of the Elevator combine in Nebraska is now ready for sale Price 50 cts. mail orders ac companied by cash will" be promptly filled by Tom Worrali, . - 331 Bimrd of Ti-atle BKlf, , Omulm, Neb. .69,213 63.931 60,703 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 25. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened at a de cline In response to Frenrh cables and continued liquidation. There was a fair demand from scattering sources, hut the market Increased the early lum and ruled particularly weak In the late trading hen lluutiUtion becaui wore guntral. Th EDWARDS-WOOD CO. (lO'Joron rated) Maln'Ottloei Vtttm and Hebcrt Street, T. PAIL. MINK, dealer In Stocks. Grain. Provision nlilg) Year Grain to la Bra. arli oniee. IIO-III Boarai of Trade Ulilg.. Omaha. Ka. Tkaae SAM 4. 2I2-LI4 Exchange B'dg.. South Omaha.' U 'Plioo 2M. asdpudnl 'Puna $