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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1889)
THE OMAHA BAILY BEE : TJPSDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No'hdVQrtlaornonts will be taken for those columns after I2:3O 0. m. Terms-Cosh In advance. * Advertlecmcnta and ? r thut hcsdlO cents p t tin * for the nrst Insertion. 7 cents for each sub sequent Insertion , anil Hooper line per month. Mo advertisements taken to leas thnn 25 cent * for drat insertion. Seven word * will bo counted tothellnq : tliey mustrun .conBeenUvely nnd must to pnm In ADVANCE. All advertise ments tntifit ha bunded lu before 12 ; ; > o o'clock p. m. , and tinder no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In th < se columnsand bav- Ing their annrcrs addressed tn care otTun HBD Tvlllplensp ask for a check toennblo thorn to get tliclr letfits. , s none will be delivered ozeopt on presentation of check. All answers M ad vertisements Rhtuld be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * In tlir-so columns are pub lished In both moraine nnd evening editions of THE llr.R , the circulation of which aggregates tnore thnn IC.OOOTinpers daily , additives the ad vertisers the bcncnt , not only of tl > city rirru- Intlon of TUB Itr.E , lint also at Council Illnffn. Mncoln nnd other cities and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES ? Advertl Ing for those columns rill be taken on the abova conditions , nt the folio-wing buat- nes houses , who nro authorised agents for TUB HKR special noticennd will quote the same rates a can bo had at the m lu olllco. " " Btrcet. f \ If ASK k TDDY. Stationer * and Printers. 113 v-'BontU ' 10th Street. S II. FA 11NBWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2118 Cum- .tnlng Street. WJ. liroiirs , rimrmaclst , 024 North 16th Street. GKO. W. FAKH , Pharmacist. 1600 St. Mary1 * Avenue. rTUOHEB'PHAKMACr,220i ) Farnam Street , SITUATIONS WANTED. ) lady stenographer desires a situation about Oct. 1st , llemlngton opera tor , references from past and vrolnt employers ers- Address N.M.Avcry , 140 Main ut. . North Adams , Mass * 7UU b * _ ( _ \X7ANTKD-nr a young lady , position as Y > amanuensis ; exptriencnd , is thoroughly competent and la conlldent of. irlvlng satlstac- ttoni is rapid , neat and accurate ; best of references. Jlox 7S7 , Snenandoah. Iowa. ' . * C.tS-7 _ " \JVrANTED-Sltuatlon as bartender ; fnoo T T years oxpencnco In Now York } first-class reference. Address W. 1C U. . Occidental hot L corner Tenth and Howard streets _ C76-.1 . * ( first-class ) wants SHOKTHANDamamlenbls _ . 400 31t _ ion In small private fam W ily by a respectable inlddlo-agcd woman. Address or call at 317 N. 10th st. * Ml' _ _ , Situation bv n llrst-class book keeper und accountant , with the best of Omaha and C. II , references. Address H. H. , care Ogden House. Council UlulTs. la. 380 2 * ' WANTED MALE HELP. ANTED Colored man for private family ; exforlc need book-Keeper , carpi nter , 20 la borers } U men to build wire fence $1.Wiper day , YIO farm hands ; 0 teamsters : COOK tin ; dish- Vasheri" . waiters. $7 ; plenty ot work for good /nun. JN/rpMJregn.aiJ'/ / H. 16th. . . CU9 fc _ PANTED Jlen of energy and pleasing ad- . . 'dre < can socuto remunerative employ ment 1 > T applying at room 420 , N. Y. Life build- ' * 'l5-6 ? ng .Onia'aw . " 17 ANTED A young man for clothing store. YT Must speak German and understand the business. II. Goodman. Tuluange , Nob. 710-4 * & ) atouco , a good tinner nnd cornlco WANT& Address. Kearney Cornice Works , Kearney , Kob. 705 f > * ANTfcUr-Two carriers for evening routes on Dairy-Hoe. Apply to Theo Williams. city circulation. Hoe oiftce. ti)5 ! TIA/"ANT1)U ) A good olllco man to go east ; Vl'rmmt invest 8 > iMO : mustbeu good uuslness matt. * Address the Geo. S. CHne Publishing Hoiue. 315 to 351 Wabasli live. . ClUcugo , Ills. , T ANTED W weekly representative , male . . or female , in every community. Goods staple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no peddling. Salary paid promptly , and expences advanced. Full particulars unu valuable sam ple raso free. Wo mean Jusr what wo say ; ad dress ut once. Standard Silvern are Co./ Boston , Bin-Jit Mtiss-J I .ANTED A good broad end cake baker. W Home bakery , cn North 18th at. ti7U-2 ; oungmon for the wrapping counter TWO Clothing company. 077-2 TTlTANTl'D Young Gorman butcher. Cor. YY 7th and Eeavenworth. 687 31 * "VX7ANTED An experienced tailor and cutter T Y * would like to have a situation In Omaha or vicinity. Address 'Tailor , " care of Nelson , Cliosmnn A , Cd. , bt > . Loula. Mp. 687-Jlt Concrete mixers nnd shovellers. WANTED ) per day. Twenty-second street and Callfo.nla. J. U. Smith & Co.K AN'i MD OUlco men to Introduce the l.igb > W nlng Shirt Ironor. Salary $10 toJW ) per month and expenses. No canvassing. Address , with stamp , Ilrown , Kuasoncr&Co. , Englewood , WANTED At onco. man to attend to outside nlspluyof clothing ; man with some ox- peri&uco in clotning business preferred ; good reference required. Two Orphans , Ifith and Douglas. 605-.ll - - and wife in n private fain- WANTKD--iIan , ' ; faun , $ ; 1 at J > ; 2d cook , $3" > ; dHliArasticrs , kitchen men. farm bunds , etc. Mrs. Ilrtign. 3l4'S. . luth. 607 31t " \VAN TED Salesmen everywhere for our ad YV jnstvblo all metal door plates. ( Can sell and deliver ut once. ) Mnilo of nickel , gold 01 solid brouzi > , new goods just out , protlts largi and sales rapid ; no houno canvassing. Wrlti forjfartlcuiars ; N. Y. Dodr Plato Co. . Nowajrk N. f ,311 31f t " 4S/ANTED Kirst class pants maker at unco TT Address A. llergsrand , Fairmont. Neb , i 059 Ot " \XrANTEO-A good competent boot anil VY , xhou maker married man preferred nr.i refuienfe required. Address A. Hothwell Kast I3tat , ProuionyNeb. 6& 'J PltACTIOAL bookkeeper , who has ha ( many yearn experience and who can Kvt | the very bast references , desires a situation _ " 1X7 ANTEU-Ooys to learn a gooa trade Thi VV E. M. HuUe Co. , 13th and Nicholas Bts. C09 Jt W ANTED Men for Washlncton territory AlbrlgUfa Labor Aconoy , 11JO farntm s 618 " \VANTED-Flve traveling men In Inmbc > buslm-ns to sell our cedar posts , poles , etc , on commission. Write for particulars. J.9 , car Lord Sc 'J homas Chicago , 111. 605-lr WANTKD-rSQ laborers , enquire Van Tour Sc I.umlst i-xposinoii building , Capitol ay ( and iftttTsp. 15 J , 1 03 B. Utli at. dresser at The . and Howard ts. Mtt WANTED Traveling Hitlesman to sell 1 Omaha and Western cities and town * I NobnuLu r u. full line ot gloves and mittens nonlijectlnu tosnll In connection wltu otbo gooils ; will pay good commission. Addres N , Hlocum , OsKalooaa Tanning i Glove Work : OiHalooaa , In. . 689St. GOOD reliable canvasaorn.steady employiiifln witliTbo Blnger iirg. Co. , 1MB Douglas HI KS ti 13 WANTED-Salesmanto carry full line Col fornla Gl.ives on commission for till territory , lleferences required. Kavmom Squire i Co , Bau. Francisco. CaU 2IB-81 * rr-IUKDEKSlhOdays ; "I avoragelO orders 1 I IS culls. " Thesa extracts from agents' lei tarn ; agents wanted in Nebraska. Address wit : taiiip. ( X B. Osborne , lloatrlce , Neb. Ull a 17' WANTED Aueuts Mnglo cigar llghtei every Hinoktir uuvs , ll hw In wind or rail lasts u lifetime. Bample Inu , two forc , dozei tl , by mall. Stamps taken , Austin it Ca Providence K. L 5is3 ) ; WANTEPFEMALE HELP. pastry cook , Vtti 4 laui drosaon , t 'ito 20 ; u dUhwosberB ; hen waiter ; yegataolo woman : 1) dlnlug room glrli Klrls for the country , 1 for Nebraska City. 2 I family. * ' ! 3 girls for olllcurs' families ; cool for private boarding houseal 50 gins ( or uoneri lioutawork. M r . llrega , 81 i\j \ B 15th. U'JJ 3J V\rANTii-Oood ; girl for genural houaowoi V > at No. iifortbiBiUt 6 WANT ? ! ) -An experienced cook , wno is itood laimdre * * ; ' ( Jormau or Irlah pr forred. ' Apply at liS4 IlaNouport at. fci lMlJ "VirANTED A good girl for gonaral hriusi YT vnrk. Bn'4ulru 415 Jonen. 4oa 3U TV'AN'rJib-airl forifeneral housework , ail TV CUrltatt , 4ii ) al WAMTKIX-Gcbil gill to do second work an take car of child U veam old , ? 4 < w b Mary's ate. 61I -A. L-lrl for \\T ANTED Competent Rirl in smill tamilyj YY call mornings , nus&thst. _ fiu9 ASTANTKU KarpilTen ert girl for general TT housework. Mrs. I * O. Jones , 718 No. Slit. 4 < vU ANTRD-ABltl In. family of threcT 2115 California Ht. 073 St _ _ WANTED Waist and skirt finishers and girl apprentice. Mrs. K. C. Scolleld. 1618 Douglan. 670 0 jJlTANTEb-illrl to do general house\York nt YY ai28Clilragost. _ 4H _ WANTED-Smali nurse girl at ffV' > Georgia avo. _ tiOO 3 Immediately , mlddo ngert woman for general housework tu small family. Inquire nrur 8 o'clock 8JO 4 S. 18th. K6M WANTKD fl extra dinlne room girls at Arcade hotel , 121S Douglas at. , to begin Monrray morning , Sept. 'i Wages one dollar per djiyfor'thoj\eck. _ ] _ _ Wl-lt _ WANTRDi-Ooo < l girl for general work. Ap ply nt enc at ull North lull st. _ 6'XJ .III ' \77AN7EO [ Firnt class girl for general house- T T woolc , must bo Rood cook and laundress , good placn and liberal wages. H 02 llee. COT OT WANTED fompcteST girl foVoillcoPs torn" lly of S , 518 ; look nnd 2d Kin. W ) ana 10 j settled girl to nuroo anfl second Uirl. need wages ; n girls for the country ; 0 dining-room glrlfl ; houneKeepor for widower with 2 clill- dron : CO girls for general work. MM. Urcga , 314 ! { B. IStli , _ " \XTANTKb . .JlonaokoepsrnV widower YV with throe children , at O'Noftl , Nell. Cath- olte lady preferred.Inuulro at Arcade hotel after Jlondoy. fcopt 2. _ 010 3J i-IIlL wanted At the Star laundry , 27th and CLcavenw oith- IgMJ rANTEU-'A good cook , 85 per week Frank. K. Mo ores , BI7 S. I8th.J _ 427 6T \TfANTKD-Lady ajccnts for ournewMcln- VY tosh waterproof Kaglau. Very stjllsh ; cloth oiitsidoi uolhlng Ilka them In stoics. Agents ha\o big trade. Prices on "Daisy" hosu supporters greatly reduoua. Wo gtvo agents the greatest chance ever olTnrod to make money this fall on our full Una of fftHt soiling goods. Addrofls with stamp. E. II. Campbell. 444. Han- dolpli street. Chicago. _ _ yio-lt _ WANTED Girl for general housework In family ol three , German preferred ; apply to 2020 Capitol avo. 3VJ ' W ANTED A girl for general housework , 5SJ N. SOth st. cor California. 173 WWANTKD WANTKD German girl to do cooking and washing , best of wages "paid , luaulroj. L. Urandols , ; 24 S lath at. 233 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. attorney graduate of Ann Arbor university , upeaklng llolienliau and Genrian uni1 w ll aiqualnted In this city , wants to enter into partnership or some other ar rangement with an established law firm. Ad dress H liliBeo _ Office. _ 0t-3 * \TfANTED-3'0,000 yards of dirt , west of ii Crelchton college , at 5 cents. Hoggs & Hill , Itoal.Estate , 1404 rarnani. , 600-8 WANTED-TO RENT. VI7ANTKI ) To rent an 8 or n-room Uoviso in IT ponthwcst-part of cltyof Omaha : all mod ern iniprovemvuts ; lugli | liouso desired. Ad dress J. U. Iliancli aid , So. Omaha , Neb.4C94 4C94 * BOARDING. OX/ENS Hotel , corner of nth and Harney streets , J2.0U per day. No dark rooms. Table first-class. Try I ? . 041-311 DRESSMAKING. KE8SMA1C1NG In families , 027 So. 17th. ava. D 010 sSt to do dressmaking In faml UPS solicited. Miss Sturdy , 61U S &th St. KU 8l4t FOR RENT-HOUSES. OCT. 1st , tctfrdorirhousorall conveniences ; perfect order ; centrally located. 712 N. 10th. now house for rent : moderate ELEGANT HlcKs , New York Lifa building. Q.'J2 _ F OK KENT -West half 2.141 Davenport st. small family , $14. luijulro 2618 Capitol avo. TjHMl HKNT 7-room house , $13 per month. JJ L. Green , JIQblfith. _ QUO TTALrof new double cottage , five rooms.clos- J-t cts , pantry , tellar.hard und soft waterlawn all around. Nice homo for good tenant. Kent iow. Cor. ifth ) and Jackson _ 079 2t- T71OK KENT T\vo nine room brick houses on J- Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also nine room frame hnusaon same street , with all conveniences ; price $ 16 to J40 per month. D V bholes. 210 First National Bank. _ KM H IOUSE ( for rent , 1023 Dodge. _ 621 Foil KENT 7-room Hat , Ji'i per mo. nbovt The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire The Fair. 233 TT10H KENT A detached 0-room house , all JP modern conveniences , Enq' 2\J9 Capitol ave. tjlOH KENT Flno largo residence , hard wood Jt ! llnish. allconveiileULes , low rent to private family ; 21IS N 19th bt. J4 _ TTlon KENT TlioBroom Hat occupied by Dr , JL1 Gllmoro , 2d tloor. No , 1813 Howard st. In. quire of Geo. Hlgglns , toil Howard ! > t. _ 525 TjUjr"lUNT > A 3"-roonrh5use In rear oFloti JJ Inquire IJITCass st. _ 4JJ Jilt TOT JtENT 1-room house , 610 Williams st. JD Hi7J-il : FOIl RENT Elegant 11 room brick , DouglaE St. . J. B. Evans , 3J3 N. Y. Lite. 413SI ) "IJ OK KENT House of B rooms , on 21th anc ! JL : Cumings : price , 410 ; or 1 rooms $ iu. in quire. KM outh Ibth at. _ U'Jia. . T/lO It KENT Two nlcoly furnished room ! JL ? with or With out board. 001 No. 17th. 61)83 ) : FOR KENT-Flno brick storp rooms on 8 13tt St. . No. Mis 1117 , 1W. etc. One t'-room cot tage , 1210on .Mason &t. . In good order. Imiulri or John llomlln. 1)17 ) 8 13th gt. _ 311 ill TTlOK KENT-ImmedlatBly , a well furnlshei ! JI ( I room cottaga , on cable and horse car , within ono block of high school : nlco lawn ; city water cistern , etc. Call nt2il5 Dodge st. W.7-7J FOlt KENT Two nice cottages corner JEtl and Hurt. $ iq per month. A. 0. Wnkeloy room 6)7 N. Y. Lira milldlng. . Cjj ITIOK KI.NT A pretty 7-room house , con- JJ venleutly located. Jvi > per iponth. Hath am gns ; 22:11 : California st. Inquire Netlicrtou Hull 1112 rarnanifit. MO o FOU KENT -J ; 7-room homo. Callfornlt st , ncar2l'rd , bath , city water , gas , etc. In gulre Klngwalt Llros. . Hurker blk. tUO 0 FOK HUNT rurnlrtljod house ; ninu looms bath , gatf , new furnace. Location unsur passed in Omaha. , Within one block ot Inul school. Parties are le iing the city for tin winter. Possession at once if desired. Can bi had for from n to U months. Address 1161 , can Ilee olllco. . KJii-3 * $10 , u-room modern brick house North 10th st ( fie , ulegnnt britk house , jo rooms , ull cou enlencos , ( W ) South 20th st , } 40 , o-room modern house. Park avenue , al conveniences , ' t-i , a 3-room cottage , 2ffM Davenpoit street. Inquire Notherton Hall , 111 * Farnam st. 6W2 TRTOK RENT Flat D 5iJ 8. ICth st , has all con JJ vonlenccs and one of the best 7-ioom llatt litho the city. For terms call on Her & Co. . Ill Harney st 603 FOK HENT 7-roomed house , city water.batli large cellar , etc , 2 < U Franklin t. APP ! roomtiOy. Merchants Nat'l bank building 610 4t 17OII UENT-ft cottagosr Omaha View , to r X1 liable parties , tl : pur month , lioggs & Illl roul ostatB. H08 Farnam. MX-M ) FOK KENT Plnu Han d 13-ioom houses wit ull inodorn Improvements. Cass street , b twi > en2lthand 2iih low rates , H. 1 FOK HUNT 7-room , 2-Htory house , barn 10 4 hones it desired. For terms for the VN inte cull on or addresa C , 1' . HarrUou , Merchanti Nat'l Hank. Ibrt I OH KENT Two newf.roomhouses ( nobase JL' mem ) , every convunlvuc e , less thau mil from P. O , reached by three lines of street can Will rent \erylow to suitable tenant ou yr lease. Anply , ia\ \ South IMtn Ht. or Dan 1 Wheelfr. Jr. , Dpugloa and 1 ith . TIOU6E3 for rent-Wilkinson , 1417 Farmm d T OK KENT 4-rouin cottage near Fort Oini i n ; JP ha , S per month. Self for * 1,100. D. - \ Bholes. S10 Flrgt National bane 83.5 TJ10K KENT 7-rooin house , 28tU and OaplU JJ nve. Inquire , isil Dodgu. Ml SlXnew houhts , 6 to 8 rnoma each , price ver low. Call upon or address , Neb. Mortcuu Loan Co. , room 610 1'mou bl'K. l.M POU KENT Itealdtnce , 2100 Douglas t. , no1 I'ouse. all modern Improvements ; not basement bouse. Enquire ot Jlorltz l yei Lor. Ifith and tarnaui. tui i- TlOU KENT ID-room hoina , steam heat , a i - - lmi > rev iubnt.s , cheap rviit. G. E. Thompsoi room -II , 8he ly block , Ijth and Hovranloil oil _ _ d FOK K'lNT Six now fi-rootu cotfupcR. ravl ouorbeforo S-tplembor 1 , 3itll and llu Howunl ttreeta , lieulthy location , Farnat turn Hfiit. each * IJ per mouth , tultablu ( < i mail tidy families. Joun U. F. Lehmaau , ( t B , 17th tt , Ut FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED , TiTOK nBNT Nicely furnished rooms , nil JL' tnod rn conveniences , 322 N. 16th st , "tilOH KENT A well furnlsiied front room , JD pleasantly situated , suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. 2214 Popnloton Ave. "filOK KENT RIcftnut Biilto oC rooms with JL1 first-class table board , in now house , 1K ! Chicago. )3-8t ) filUKNlSHKD rooms with all modern convc- J-1 nlenccs , for gentlemen only , 17un Dodge tt , . 620 Foil KENT Elegant furnished room forsln- pla tontlem n only , TC4 d IVth St. , cor. Loav- cn worth. 627 7 .6bl > room with , bath. " 610 S E6tn st. K3 TTIOK HENT Two furnished rooms on St. JMary's avenue , to gentlemen only ; six mtn xites'walk of tm lncss center. Koferenro re- qucred. Inquire at store. 210 and 212 9 1Mb st , ST. CLAIK Kliropenn hotel , cor. 13th and Dodge ; special rate oy week or mont n. 630 TTIUKNISIIED rooms , with board , 1020 Doug- JD Ia9. , BT4-0 * 171011 UliKT ntrnlshed rooms > vith or with. JL , ' out bonrd ; tf < l Derutur. C03-2t Vi its. H. A. Cnurchili Ea5 taken iin3 all newly furnished No. 411 N. inth st. , where first class accommodations may bo foilnd. OTiO 71 UHNT Two furnished front rooms. Foil Private family , 117So. Sothst , between 1'nr- nain nnd ncdge. COO 3 TJMJHN1SI1KD rooms. 1513 Donglas. n WO nicely furnished front rooms at 710 So. JL nth at. Cll T71OK UUNT A nlcoly furnished largo front JL' room with alcovu , All moderncotnoiilcncoa. Close to cable nnd horaecais. aoiJCaasst , 6IG-4 FOK KENT Onn nlo furnished room for 115 , with or without board , lull Douglas. f. 1031-3 * T710R WENT Largo furnished roomOZ3 North JO loth st. ( UO TTlTJil HKNT Furnished rooms ; lao room JU for light housekeeping. 003 N KHi st. * ' 023-2t TWO nlco furnished , front rooms and t small rooms. COIN. 17th st , 600-41 "VTIUU rooms , goad board , irai and bath. i > to ? o.H ) n week , motor passes door. 1JS1 N. 17th at. . , firi 5t T7\OR \ KENT Omco room opposite the post JL1 olllce , 103. 17J i < BKAUTIFOIi house , nlcoly furnished room , and nrst-class board. 407 N 19th. 45V4t OK KENT Furnished rooms , with , board ; 1722 Dodge st. 401 T710KKENT 2 nicely furnished , rooms , 2103 J1'nrnam ' street. 4113 "OOOMSanil board for 3 gentlemen"whore J-Xthoy can bo at home. 523 S ttith avo. avo.418lt Tj r'EGANTLY furnished rooms at 4ffl N. 19th , J-Ul'aul block ; all modern iuiDrovomcnts. 3W2 * "DOOM with or without board. 1812 Dodgo. JLX 'M DDSIHABLErooms cheap , on car line. 131U N. Ibth ht. D8J-S17 -i-N gle room. All modern conveniences , private family. 2214 Furnam st , 02 > FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. FOH KENT Two convenient rooms , unfur nished , for light housekeeping , boa > ! . 20th. Oil 2j KENT Unfurnished back parlor witn carpet , for ono or two gentlemen , 2007 Cass at. 014-It riWO large unturnishod front rooms for rent , JLtQiiS. IBtli at. 064 2t " 171011 ItENT 4 rooms , unfurnished , suitable JD for hoinokoBplng. wltli all modern improve ments. 1702 Webster stiPrlco 8 0. M > t _ KEN'l Unfurnished rooms sultaole tot FOU liousekeepliig. In suites of J to 4 ; convenient location. Butt's llentlng Agency , 1500 Farnarn. FOR RENT-STORES AND rPO KENT Desirable warehouse room on JL track. Apply to C.AV. Keith , 714 Pacillcst. 6J1 Tmoil KENT The 4 story brick building w 1th JU or without power , formerly occupied oy The Her Publishing Co. , Old Farnum st. Mho uulld- inghas a tire-proof cemented busemeut , com plete steaid-heatlm" llxtures , water on all the lloora. gas , etc. Apply at the odlce of The Ileo. V15 JOK HENT Small building between Dodge F nnd Capitol Avenue ou 17tn st. Suitable for a shop. J-1 per month. Iloggs & Hill , Keal Kstute , 140j Faraani. 50J-B FOK KENT Stores and living rooms on Cum- ing st. Alsohousoou Casast. Harris , room 411.1st Nat. Hank. 231 TT1OK KENT A large warehouse on Jones st JJ bet 13th nnd 14th , three stories and base ment , 41 by 100 feet , well lighted and \orr strongly built , suitable for heuy machlneiy for miiuufacturing purposes , will louse foi live or more years at reasonable rent. Jnqulio of Henry A. Homun , 413 S. lath St. 233 6t TjlOK KENT Store room. cor. 2.5th nnd N sts. , J- South Omaha , llest location In city for gents'furnishing or dry good-store. Inquire of J. J. Maliouny. roomftOH Paxton blk. 472-s3 "nrTll KENT The corner room under the Ne- JL' brnska National bank will soon bo for runt , the Equitable 'irust Co. romo-\lng t larger quarters. The space is abont double that occupied by the C. II. Ss Q. ticket otllce. The lloor Is tiled nnd the room ran be made deslrablo for K. K. ticket or brolcot's ) olllce. For particulars apply at bant , 633 MISCELLANEOUS. QTKINGEK & Penny for sales and trados.real Oostato ngcnts and building loans , Douglas block , 8 o cor. Kith and Dodgo. t > 87 7 TVTEW Globe hotel , 1HS-1J10-1312 Douglas St. ; i > iBi.OO pel day. 70J 4i i T1MIE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F.Gollim- Jbeck. . Apply at Ileo ollice. tl > 0 I LC'IIE liOTEL 1308. 1J10 , 1312 Douglas st. 703-3 $ A SBIiKOPpilvato school for small boys and -CXirirl8 will bo opened beptomber IB.'ltW , by Mra. F.H. Edgar , For particulars address 614 NtSd st. 007 U' meals at the now Globe hotel , 1303 , FINEST ) , Douglas st. 761 4J PUIVATE nalohousehold fuinlturo. 2021 Call- fornla. 4b9 31 1 ATll'.S ) visiting the city during the fair can J-JhavtUnolritressea made . .while they wait. Perfect tit guaranteed. All workjnontly exe cuted. Mm. E. U. Scholleld , 1J18 Douglas st. OIU3 CHAS. L. Todd does collecting. 44 Darker blk - . 448J7J SELECT school for children , under the A Eclectic system oa taught by Prof. Kich- arda. W , I ) , a , will bo opjnod Bent. 2 , 1HVJ. Home comforts can be had la building. For further particulars address Mrs. W. . 1112 Cap- It oUve. 34JO rpKY diuner at now Globe hotel , \X , )3in. ) iu i \ 1 Douglas . 4 j by covering your stsam miH-s with fossil meal non-roaductlng cov ering , the most oillclent aud cheapest ot all coverings. D , 0. McUwau , western agent , 1011 Howard at. : MlB.i.l LoTlE HOTEL 1339,1310 , U13 Douglas at. 703-Ot OEbSPOOl.8. cliterntf , privy \aults , etc. , cleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply and cleanly - ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless bunltary Co. , 14UO Farnam street. Tel. 2US.sfi sfi LOST. L OST--A J rsey cow about S years old , a dark ( yellow color , liorns grown close together nl the points ; a reward will be paid for her ruturc to 2UI Cats , or addresa H 01 , Ileo olllca. ( M 3J T OSTNearljIth and Miamr ts.7ToTd bami J-J ring ; initial "M. C. " on outside. Kowart for its return to thin olllce. 70iMt LOST A pocketbook containing a sum ni money on 4thst , , near Mlnml , Mnder wii : be liberally rewarded by returning name to 1811 Lake street. (81 ( 4t _ r T , OST On or near Farnam St. , 3 uotn books. a J-JInitials 8. G. 0. Please return to W. David- eon at Falconer'a. Uil It v i OST Larg > . youngcioso-liatrod St llernard J-J ' dog yellow with white breast und feet. K turn to 11JO Georgia av < \ , or UQ1 Douglu.1 und gel reward. 6.18 WANTED-TO BUY. \\rANTED Secoud-handed natetT blcjclo T > Adarcts. It ui. lloe. _ cs at WANTED to liuy A pleca of ucrenropoitj uuar Omaha or Council Illuffa tliat wli grow m value. AdiUtajftlth description f.m price It at Ueo oaic , WANTED Furniturfi. xarpots , stores and household good * ol iWslmls. Omaha Auo tlon & atoraga Co , 1H1 a'aMnam. ' 613 ANTED-A lot notlft of California , cast of V > ooth. cash customer .Gco. J. Paul , 10 Farnam. ' B'\ 474 STORM be. TORAGEatlowratesrsilUM Karnam street , Oniahn Auction and Storage Co. 634 QTOKAGEand forwarding. We collect and do- Oliver goods of all description , merchandise , furniture and baggage at , cheapest rates for storage for any lerigtH < tof time. Vans and nagons to bo had nt ahortolt notice , with rure- fulmen for moving. Packing nnd shipping from our own warehoiiMlndone on moucrato charge. Mei-clmndlse ( paded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. O01C0217S. llth St. TolephonolH. Howcll&Co. 635 milACKAGEstorogent lowest rates. W. M. J-llushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 630 "CLAIRVOYANT. K. NANN1R V. WnrrenT lairvoyant , medl- cal nnd business medium. Female diseases n specialty. 118 N. lilt n st , . rooms 2 nnd U. 537 A DAME Wellington , world-renowned as- trologlst , test modnim and destiny reader , just from Kuro ] > e. Tells your life from the cradloto the grave , reunites the separated , rauses speedy manlaco v 1th the ono you loVe , locates disease and treats with massage ana electric baths. All In trouble should not fall to consult this glftedsoeress. Parlor 0. upstairs. 417 S. llth ; otllce hours from 10 a. m. to 10 f. m. 4S1 Jt MKS. Eccles , the famous fortutio teller and clairvoyant ; business , love , martlago and changes. 007 S 13th st , next door to Darker hotel 317-3 ? T71OHTUNE TellerMrs. . Lcnormun can be JJ consulted on all affalra of Ufa , Satisfac tion guaranteed. No. 3 ION. 16th at. U21-S.8 * M ATERNITY HOSPITALS. GOOD homos tor ladles during confinement , terms roasonable,8 ) S.V.tlu Dr. Jlrs.Kuntzo CU s33J MKS. M. Ohlenschlagcrmltt-wlfory homo tor ladle ; . Good accommodations and attend ance. Low prices. 2507 North,24th St. , Omaha. 652 SO' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING QTANDAHI1 Shorthand School. Paxton blk. . Osiiccos3or ( to Valentine's ) the largest exclu sive shorthand scnool In the west. Teachers are verbatim reporters. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction of machine taught-by factory expert. Circulars. 639 HITTLESEY'S Shorthand School , Uarscer block. Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer in shorthand tree. 478-s3t FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS / \NE sate , two horses , phaeton , largo Ice vychest , suitable for grocery store , ono harness , Rome old wagons. Neb. Mortgage Loan Co. , room 619 Paxton block. 6WJ FOK SALE A good phaeton und harness , only $75. Inquire ot W. M. Yntes , Nob. Notional bank. (188 ( QIIEIU' for calo. Ten thousand good western Ofeeders. Address J. A. Odbert , 1602 E street , Uucoln , Neb. 704 lit QTUINGEII & Penny for salts and trades , real CJe tate agents and building loans , Douglas block , s o cor. lUth aud Dodge. 047 7 FOH SALE Master safe , outsldo measure ment 04xJSx2 . good'.pondltion. Enquire ' -otham cigar store , s. o. cor. ICth and Dodge sts. 33W1 FOK HALE or trade' tor bupgy , light half platform spring waganlM7Nltnst. ! ) . EjtiJ 620-S.W * FOK SALE Work team , wagon and harness , single horse , ImrncS and carriage. 2 wagons , 2sets.hcavy harness , or will exchange for brick. J. J. Wilkinson. 1417 Farnam. Hud te- < J 100 buys mare/hnrnesfvopen buggy. Enquire 9)1819 Sherman ave. . after oo clock. 44i POK SALiE Cheap 4 iirge and small show cases , one small safer'also flue norse and buggy. Branch tc Co. , UU Howard street. P OK SALE A i-hoK power Porter engine In goad condition. wtlKVt 6.100 pounds , cyl inder llxlt ) . For particulars apply to 'lae lieo . - , - , 70b TjMNEST carriage toarh' ' state , dark browns. JL ? tull IB hands , welghtull.ino. Inquire W. U. MlllardS. K. cor Ifltn ondUouglos , Omaha. It * M " JJU X 769 812 ABSTRACTS 'OF TITLE. 1Y/TIDLAND / Ouaranteo & Tmst Co. . N. Y. Lifa -LU-bldg.completo. n ba tracts furnished and titles to real estate examinedperfected a guaranteed. twill MONEY TO LOAN STItlNGEK tc Penny for -mles and tradesreal estate agents and building loans , Douglas block , s e cor. 16th and Dodge , 687 7 TVfONEY loaned on furniture , horses , Jo i elry , -ITLetc Special rates to parties in north and west part ot city. J. B. limluger , 1417 Farnam. C82 O 1 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase ttecurltlss. perfect titles , accept loans nt their western olllce. George W.P , Coates. room 7 , Board of Trade. 640 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no dolav. J. W. Squire , 1218 Tarn ira St. , First National bank building. 641 riKSTmortgiipe loans nt low rates and no delay. D. V. Sholos. 210 First National bank. 542 MONEY to loan on any security for short time , at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Iortgage Investment Company , room 400.Paxton block. 543 BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First National bank , 543 MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 S. llth St. . oppostto Mlllard hotel. 652 T OANS made on real estate and mortgages JUbobght. Louis S Keed iSCo..K.iJ.Uo : di'ratlo 645 Tl/TONEY / to loan on furniture , horseswagons , jSL eta . or on uny approved security. J. W. Kobblns , 141US Farnam street. Paxton hotel. 640 WANTED First class inside loans. Lowest rates. Call ana see us. * Mutual Invest ment Co.K1 Darker blk. , 16ln and Farnam. 651 MONEY loaned for 30. CO or 00 dnys on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; confidential. J.J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam , 647 T > ESIDENCHIoans--Btf to 7 per cent ; no ad- J-lditloiial charges for commlH-'lons or attor neys' fees. W. il. Melklo , First Nut bank blag , 649 SEE Sholos. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before making your loam , i C12 to loan at H per cent. Llnahan & Ma Phoney , room Wit Paxton block. 6I'J ' MONEY to loan on r.ra ) estate security at lowest rates , netoVe'iiegotlnting loans sec Wallace , It , 310 , Hrowu IttJl ? . . IQth & Douglas. - KO M ONEY to loan. O. P. Davis Co. , real estaw and loan agents , 16QA'iatnam st. 644 MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules , houshold goods , pliinb1 ! organ * , diumondu , lowest ratoa. The llruthrfthnUed IOPII olllca lu thutlty. Makes loans fr m-thirty to three him droil and sixty-live days , which can bo paid Ir part or whole , at uny tiiilo , thus lowering th * principal and Interest. ) iChll und see us wnoi 5 on . want . money. . * - Wo can . , ' assist you . . . promptly and to your Advantage . . - , 'without . removal ( o | property or publicity. Money nlwa , f oa Jmnd No delay in making loaim , , 0. P.I Keod It Co , 31' ) B. 1 Hh st. , over llnnwm & Bom 653 _ " - , - - M > 1 MONEY to loau on furniture , horses , wagons or securities of aurCklnd ; commercial aiu mortgages notus boiigUlatifuir rates ; all busl- ne a transacted coiiU < uitjiil. Collaterlal Loot Co , room 321 , llamgo bnl lng. ) C64 O YOU want moneVtf If so don't borrow before getting inyrnHis. which are the low estoii any HUH ) irom tl to $10,000. I make loins on hoiishold goods , pianos , or gans. horde8muleswagoiiBwar houat ) receipt * houses , loasos.etc. . in any umouut at the lowea possible rates , without publicity or removal o : property. Loans can bo made for one to six mouths am you can pay part at any time , reducing boil principalnml interest. If you owe a balanci on your furniture or horses , or have a loan 01 them , 1 will take It up and carry it for you ai long as you des'rp. If you need money you will ( ImUtto your ad rautugo to Hee mo before borrowing. II. K. Hasten , room 4 , Wlthneii Dulldlng , IStl nod Harney , &H EVSTONB Mortgage Co.-Ix > ans of tie t < fl.LXMl ; get our rated before borrowing am save money ; loan on horaea. turnlture , or an ; approved security , without publicity ; note bought ; for new loan , renewal of old , and low est lutescoll UMW.Bheeley blk.l&th & Howanlut M : - - negotiated at low rates w ltd out delay , and pure-hue good commercli paper nd uiortKaga'tioteii. rC A. Bionian. cot iJta and 1'urnuui , (57 , .fort. . Loan Co. will macs you K loan on household Roods , horse * , vragons , land contracts. flnajawalry. or securities ot any kind , wltnoiit publicity , nt reasonable rates. Doom 7 , Howler block. South Omaha , llooms SIS-SKI Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. MONEY to loan nt low rates and no delay. Capital and surpltu JI.SOO.OOO. Lombard Investment Co. , 309 8 13th st , CQ3 M ONEY to Loan Chattels , collateral real estate. KC01 , Merclianta'Nnt'lbnnKbnildttln. ail sJU T3BFOKR making chattel or collateral loans , JJIt will pay you to see Tha Western Invest ment Co. , room 4U Doe blag. 1-f-J " " wanted on glltedne. first mort'g ; security. WantM.500 , $ -.50U. H.O-W. tl3,0oo. Address II , 60 , Hoe onico. No agents need answer. 672-lt IV/TONEY / to loan Wo make liberal advances Ail-on all kinds ot furniture , piunos , organs , horses and wagons , without lomoval.ituout publicity , and at lower rates than can bn had elsow hero in the city. Payments can bo madn ftt any time , which reduce both principal nml interest. Long and short tlmo given und lib eral extensions mado. All btistneM strictly confidential , lieforo you borrow or runew your loan call and got our rates. Hawkeyu Invest , mont Co. . room W , 3d lloor , Douglas blocks.w. corner 10th and Dodge streets , SQJ-s-21 MONEY lannod on chattel securities and jew elry. Mootn 411. Sheely block , Omaha Ne braska. P. H. Jerome , 437 s2j 6 Per Cent money K , 303 , N. r. Life Ins. bldg l GBJ3 ? MONEY" to loan on city or farm property. Oeo. J. Paul. 100.11'arnam st. 103 BUSINESS CHANCES. QM.WlluyR the best paying cash business In PSoutb Omaha. I'rollts over oxpenies In past tftoiyears , IJ.UOO. ln\ostlgato this. .1.1' . rivers room 3So. Umaha National , So. Omaha. U'IO-7 STIUNGEIt & Penny for sales and t ratio s.renl estate agents and building loans , Douglas blocK , s o cor. 16th nnd llodgo. 03T 7 fjlOli SAL1' Ortrado , large stock ranch la S ! western Iowa w oil lmpro\od and all under fouco ; with or without'stock. noJUno oftlco. ese 81 FOH BALK Two-chair barber shop , good lo cation , uddrosa Crawford , Neb. , for terms A. O. Totro. 365,11 WANTBU-Pannec with. J1.000. will double this In nlxmonthj ; nice business ; investl- gate thin. H 47. llofr. 603 31 * IT1OU SALE Oroeerv store at Tlorenoo , pell- JJ ing from tfO to 1100 per day : will take a few good teams as part payment ; look this up. Cowau & Hall , Florence. 445 at A nAROAlNI $1,001 drug stock for cash ; -Cx\\lll sell any amount from $300 up. Address IS. K. Cnppg. Ciilbertson , Neb. _ 4a3J TT10H KENT One barn ; 11 stalls ; large yard : J- clean and convonlout ; ouqutro or Frost & Harris. Izard at. bet. S2d end 23d ats. 1)81- ) A HE you looKlng for an opportunity to en- -Ci-Kapo In the mercantile ! business ! ' It so couio and see us. W. It. KtVM. U. , Koomli Chamber ot Commerce. Tel. 1140. (115 ( | 7\Olt aALE A nice clean stock of stoves anct Jtinware on onu of the best streets in the olty. A-bargaln , C. 8. Qrliistoad , room "I , Douglas block. _ 01414 T710K SALE Fruit , confectionery and cigar JD store in good location ; Hull cheap. CO1) ) N loth. 699 St FOll SALE Cheap , cigar , confectionery and fruit stand , with gook living rooms In rear ; cheap rent , good location. Address ( leo. II. Moore. Nebraska , Furniture Co. , WW N 10th. OU3 J TTIOU SAI.T2 In good railroad town , stock of J- drugs worth about fc uoi , gouil sales , only drug business In town. Address W.S. White. M. fi. , 1'almyrn , Otoe Co , Neb. 023-2 * WANTED A partner with $3,000 to t iOOU to take a half Interest in a well established grain and seed business. Address JJox It , jreeuwood. Neb. 183 FOIl S A LE Cheap Harbor shop and 4 ch aln ; good location ; paying business. JJ. II. Flem- ng , Crete , Nob. liOt i7 * TTIOtt BALi : Klovator at Oakdale. Uoocl loca- Jtlou for grain , llvo stock , lumber and coal. I'or particulars write A. Truesdell , Fremont , Neb. 44sl7t \\T ANTED A partner ma brewery dome a W good buslneis In. n prosperous Nebraska town. Knqulroat room 14 , Chamber ot Com merce. Tel. 1440. , S75 FOR EXCHANGE. TJ11VE hundred und sixty acres good farm J ? land In Central Nebraska , to trade for im proved city property. Geo. N , Hicks , New York Llfellulldlng. -33 < "VT1CE FAKM 100 acres in Knoxcounty. Nob. . -Ll to trade for house and , lot. Geo. N. Hicks , NewYort LifeBuilding. . Ot3 3 STItlNGEU & Penny for sales and trades.real estate agents and building loans , Douglas , block , s o cor. 16th and Dodge. 087 7 T710U EXCHANGE An elegant tract of land -E containing 1M acres in Antelope county , Neb . with ordinary improvements. A quarter section In Hand county , Dakota , party Improved. Klghty acres near Council lilutls , la. House and lot on South mth st. Large amount of Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil stock. Will exchange for good or the erection of some houses. Oeo. Sroperty . 1st National bank building. 37C EXCIIANGB T o hundred aero farm FOR In Butler county. NOD. ; one hundred acres in cultivation ; small house , outbuildings , etc. , price * . "i.OtM ) . Can trade for Imuroved city prop' irty. Geo. N. Hicks , Now York Llfo llulldlng. mo EXCHANGE for mortgaged notes or foi X sale on easy payments : One bay horse , ono platform spring wagon , one bet brass mounted harness , two new car rlagcs , and one groceryman's delivery outllt Win Colfax , room 1J , Huard Trade building. B77 T ANDlnlJox nutteCo. , Nob. , to trudo fet J-Juulncumberoil Omaha property or hard ware. Address Iloz 6) , Alliance. Nob. 0(11 ( 41 / 100 D clear lots to trade for improved prop V3T erty with some incumbrauce. 0. 8. Grin stead , room 21 Douglas blk. 017 14 rpO E.COIIANGE For nice clean stock 01 J-merchandize or hardware ; must bo gooc stock , a choice farm of lit ) acres , 80 actes in cul tlviiuon , 4U pasture , good opiing water , good 7- jo'oin house , all other necessary out-bulUliiigs Is second bottom land poll good , title perfect lying In Jefferson Co. , Nob. , ' - ! - ' . mlks fron btoolo City. Call on or address W. It. Gordon &Co.Stoule City , Neb. 614 TTIOKEXCnANQK For stock of clean ntif. JD well-selected stock of merchandise or hard ware , It ) acres of beautltul land , all fenced auO noor fulling water , free and uulncumberod ; perfect title , laying adjoining the addition o : I'lurlmry Heights. Fulrmtry Is county seat ol Jell.ThOH Co. Neb. This land will all bo lali out In town lots In'.n short tlmo. Call on or ad dicss W. U. Gordon & Co. , Stcole City , Neb. filJ TO nxCHANGlGoneral stock mdso ; wan' land and money , liox 70,1'ranktort , Ind. 4783 ? WAN'lED Property in Columbus , O. , foi Omaha property. O.F.IUrrlson.Merclianta National bank. ' . 4U3 TTIinHTV acres near Jlixrysvlllo , Kansas , Mar Jilt shall county , for vacant lot in Omaha , 0 V. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. UHO * | 71OR EXCHANdtf-ClearlottnSo. Omaha tc JL1 tinde for residence lot in Omaha ; assumi difference. 0. F , Harrison , Merchants * Nat Hunt 2TO rpo EXCHANOE-For good real estate. tKjO'j JBtock of good cigars in lots of ten thoiiBimc und upwarda , J. 1' . Firestone , llourbon , 1ml , fB > X \\T ANTED To trade for a stock of groceries IT cash and lots on O. & 0. II. motor Hue Lots will bd put In at their cash value , W. II 11. & M. B. , lloom It Chamber of Commerce Tel. 1110. DID W HAT have you to olfer in exchange tor m ; KJ.OUO equity in my double house 01 Lutnroii st , near lOtn , or for my fi.OK ) equity li luy ilouule house on Spenoer at near 'd , or fo my * i,0tw equity in my double house on Wlrt st east of 21th , all with modern liprovonientu : , al encumbrances 6 yean at 7 per cent. No farm will INI considered. W. T. Seaman , east sld Kith ht , north ot Nicholas at. Omaha's largos variety of wagons and carriages. 791 "FOR'SAL'S"-R 2 Au EfAfi SKlNOUIfSfPenuYfor Balea end Trades"r5 estate agent * and imllcjlng loans , Dougla block , a o ( , or. lUtli nnd Dodgo. W7 7 * rPO IIUJLOEKB who can enterlnto satlsfa ( JL tory bonds wo can sell lots oa those turmu.5 cush , and balance on Hocond mortgage. W < have A1 nropartv for gala on thesu termi Stringer & Penny , Douglas block , city. Ml CALL and sea the bargains I offer In ucr property. Goo. N. HlckB , New Vork Lit bulldliUf. 083 2 T > AKGAIN'S ' in live , ten , and twenty acr * - > tracts close to city ; no better Inveatmer now on iha market. Gee , N , HUks , Now Yor Litobulldtug. Utua Tl' you want to Invest five hundred or flv J-thou nna dollars where It will yield J ou f roi two to live hundred per rent In three years ca and see the bargains I olfor In aero tract around the city. Geu. N. Hicks , New York UI lluUdlug. KM A CIlRrrogortr , well located , offer the finest -.opportunity foi ? nn investment now on tu raarkot. Call and see tha burtmlnslotlor. GBO , N. Hicks. New Yorfc Llf building. fKkl BAUQAIN8 In nvo , ten. twenty and "forty aero tracts Just outside city limits , Can and fee them. Oeo. N4 Hick * , NOT Vork Life llulldlng. tWt-3 _ _ niO MANUFACTimnitS-I vlll give ample -ground , with splendid trackage facilities. on the Fremont , Klkhorn 4 Missouri Valley rat road , or on tt.o Missouri PaclllPiilelt Line ) ' railway In WrMlaxtn , Jui" , outside the city limits. In West Omaha , c .fonlonllysltuatod as ragnnls acc < > j > H to thebURlneitarentitrof Omahn and South Omahn , to parties for the location of any ot the following Industries : Purnlture I'actory , Hutton Eactory , Slioo I'nctory , Lard llcllnory , fctarch .V Glucose W'ks , Soap Works , Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory , Plow Works. llroom Factory , Harvester Works , Woolen Mill , Nhll Works. Oatmeal Mill. Knitting Mills , liox Manutactorr , S h. Door jind Illma Wlro Worl.ii. Manufactory , Machine Shons , Plourand fpod Mill. Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn in just outside the city limits , nud Industries planted there will burnpo heavy city taxes. If you are thinking ot locating in Omaha It w ill pay you to Investlgato this. Gee N. Hlcfes , New York Lifo building , Omaha. 79fl ONE of the two honsa and lot irargalns T have been altering on Georgia ave , north of LoaveuwortlUs now sold nnd occupied , because of my > cry low price. The south house of the two still remains a bargain opsn to somebody. I Irst comes. Drat served. To bo appreciated It iivods to boexamlncilontornallv. Iposltholy Mlllnotront it , though several tlm soffered" 8W per mouth. Price , on very easy terms.J 1,0 W. W. T. Seaman , east side 1'lth St. , north ot Nich olas st.Omitha'a largest variety of wagons and carriages. KM 'niOll SALE On long tlmo and easy payments , JL1 handaomo , hew.well-built huuses ot H. it and 10 rooni.1. All ccnvcMiloiicos.Rood neighborhood ; pa\cd streets , utroi-t are , nnd within walking distance ot P.O. Nathan ahiltou , 10111 arnum. 51.0 "I710K SALE Easy terms , Kountza place. JL ? Two liomes , each H rooms , each $ I.XX ( ) . Two homes , each It rooms , each $ . "i.OOO. Two homes , each 16 rooniH. each 27,600. All with modern conveniences. All large value at the prlco. All within n square ot the motor Una. Don't lose thcso opportunities. For sale by the owner , W. T. Seaman. East side 10th st. , north of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car riages , 559 " 171011 SALE or exchange Summer garden JL property , consisting of thirteen beautiful lots , nt arly opposite Knior's hotel and Schut- ren pan. in West Omaha. Tills property is cov ered with a splendid grove of shade trees , only ono block from Holt Line station , nnd will make a splondld summer garden. Now eloctrlo car line to Seymour park will pass directly in front ot this property. Will sell on easy terms or trade for good improved cltv property. Goo. N. Hicks. New Yore Life Hullding. 833 2 FOK BALE Lots in Stewart p'aco. will fur nish money for building house , and pay ments monthly. Here Is a cnaucSto secure a home. Harris , room 411,1st Nut. Dank. bill OEVBNTY-PIVK choice lots Justontsido city Olltnlts , worth K > 00 each ; price ut entire tract , $ .17,6(0 ( ; Incumbrnncoonly Jil.001 ; owner's equity 8H.MO. Lots In Dundeu Place , just north 01 this propurty , are selling for * liiX ( ) to 81,3)i. Can trade this property for llrst-cluss stock ranch To Exchange Fifteen nlco lots in Cottngo Place on HeltLlne Ky. . just the pi nro for a nlco homo ; magnlflcent view , healthy location , only twenty minutes' ride from buslnnss ceftter ; all clear mid free of Incuinbrances. Oau trade for good house and lot. For Trade Ono or the finest pieces of resi dence property In Council IUutrsologani house , centrally located , etc. ; \ \ ill exchange for good stock ranch and some cash ; it w 111 pay you to Investigate this. Gco. N. Hicks , Now York Life lluildlng. 681 7 ITIOK SALE 53.73 acres , sec. 5. tp. 1 ? . r. 0 w. JJ Hamilton , county Nob. House , stable , SCO acres fenced , Uwng water. Price sJ.lKfl. F , If. Atkins , owner , rillroad Bldg. Denver. CoL 612 BUY a homo in the center of the city , on monthly payments. 1.W1I1 sell you a lot In Aldlno square , build a house of any kind , worth from $ I,20J upwards , nnd you can pay for It monthly , quarterlj-or yearly. Aldlno square is on Grace street between 22a and 23d streets , it has nil the advantages such as paved streets soweraeo , water , gas. and Is a first class local- itv. Call at 1U)1 Farnam street and see plans of buildings and get llguros. D. j . O'Donauoe , C.UJ FOK bargains In acre property , gilt edged business and residence propertv , call ami see Gco. N. Hicks , Now York Life llnildlng. ONE farm of 410 acres in Papo county , Iowa. One farm OI120 acres in Adams county. In. One farm of KM acres In Lock county. Neb. Ono farm ot 1UJ acres in Giand Forks , Dak. Also Llnderman hotel furniture , Clarmdn , la. All of the above aoscrlbed property must bo closed out in sixty ilajs. regardless ot prlco. Call or address F. M. Park. Clurluda , Iowa. 619 8 iO _ "f HAVE some first-class rental property for J-salo cheap within ono mlle ot postotllco , on paved streets and motor line. Tlioa. F. Hall , 6ll Paxton block. _ 638 best Investment in Omana to-day is well THE located aero property. Call aud see the choice barfalus I canoffer. . Geo. N. Hicks , Now YorK Life Dulldlng. C83-2 and investigate bomo of the v hargalns wo hae to offer. WB are contin ually listing now properties and "It you dou't Bee what von w ant ask for It. " 1'or sale or exchange ono of the flnest res taurants in Omaha at a bargain. Wo have several flno hotel properties to trade for land or other good values. An elevator property with largo dwelling house , atn bargain. Klovator complete. with homo power , scales , olllco furnished , uto. A flno opening for n practical grain dealer. Houses and lots in all parts of Omaha for sals nnd exchange. For exchange , for Omaha prop erty , 1,0(10 ( acres of school lease , In'ono of tno be4t counties in the state. A flno residence property In Omaha View for sale at a bargain. From J75.KX ( ) to $100,000 worth of first-class with btock and machinery necessary to carry on the place. Old age and falling health ot the owner Is reason for selling. A line Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soil , for exchange for Omuha property. 23) acre : ) of line land In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omana property. For sale or exchange for western lands , city property , merrhandlsoorllvo stock , ullno hotel property In Iowa town of 6,000 inhabitants. Leading hotel ot the place and doing a tine business. Furnishes meals foe twp passenger trains dally. A snap for the risht man. Wolmvounsurpasso. facilities for disposing oC property , having some 603 ngeuts scattsrcd over four or live tates. List your property with us if you wish a quick turn. W. 11. E. & M. B. , Room 14 , Chamber ot Commercn. telephone - phone 1440. M _ TnOK SALE , real estate Tlio motor cars are J.1 now running to Walnut Hill , which makuj that addition u very desirable location , 1 have two brick houses of llvo rooms each that < an bo bought at figures and terms to unit. George J , Bternsdorlf. 1st Nat , bank building. 441 T71OK BALErlSO choice lots , Omaha Viow. JJ Special prices and terms to people wanting them for homes , lioggs Ac Hill , Heal Estate HOd Farnaui. ' _ 600-8 "CIOK SALE Choice 'farms near good mar- JJ kets , cheap and tirma cosy , or will take good trade. Lovris le Co , , Storllni ; , ( "old. _ FOK 8 A Lit Ou easy terms , n w iVruom cot tage , cor. lot , near street car Hue. AdUrHRi II 22 HOB olllce. _ 41B 2fa IJNOK BALIS Good , clean J10.C01 Investment ; JJ write and ask me about it. O.I' . Harrison. Merchants' Nat'l bank , 407 rplIE motor will go to the fltato mute Institute JL this fttll , consequently whouver buya any of this property wilt double his monuy right away. ( iacrescloao to Institute tlHKJ ( per acre , LotH in Orchard Hill two each. Walnut Hill flUO each. Highland I'arkJIWeacll. Cloi eidalo J-VW each. Duker Place $1W oacli. * huun'lers \ Illniobaugh'M $ &V > each , fctrlnger .V Penny , room 20 , Douglas block , cor. and IJodgu. _ 33)31 ) " BALE Splendid lf > 0 aero farm Kearney co , at a grout sacrifice , only $1,101 down. 1 U acreH cuUfvalud. llogga it Hill , real ostuto , 14 < 1'arnam 414 0 _ HANSCOM place lot for salt ) very cheap for cash , lot 15 block 7. WxIGU. Adurcsd F , P.O. box 3-q. JI77 _ f/iOK SALE , real estate Driggs Place , 1 have JJ lu this duHlrable addition u number of choice lots for sale at low llgnres and ternm to suit your convenience. If you are looking for a tine residence location , let me drlvu jou out and show jou thenu beautiful lots which I olfcr for oa'.e. 'Ihey belong to wm reslduiitH und must be Hold , Dou't delay but cull at once on George J , BtornsdorlT , lit Nat. bank building , Telephone 401. _ 4U "VI ICE 6-room cottage , near lil 'h school ; lot .11 IX X1J2 , WAJO ; thU is a bargain , U. F liar- rtuou , Merchants Nut. bank. ill T\7B sold 2:1 : low la twoek _ iOrcharrt Hliir HlghlaQd Park , 8aunder AHlm baugir add. aud Walnut Hill. In fact , property on the motor extension lints lu looking up , and uow in rte buy , Wn huve Htill the 6 acres fortf.000 close to the Deaf uud Dumb luutituto. 'Ibis Is dirt cheap for caHh. When w e lay wo have Home property for ealc i ut rock-bottom prices wo mean it , 1 Don't forgot that we have uomoA 1 cleat i I farm property to exchange for encumbered o I city lots. I btriugor & VennDougla * btock Cb7 T OK 8AI.K 2 houses on tot QT ) ( > M ont cor. nth mid Vmton , t4.0 < M. Inqulrt > itnln,1 . _ Aj-VlOl BlRj TT10K SAI.E-On'thbmotor line in WaTCutffiil JL.1 s 8-room houses -with full lots , 60x150 ; prlco JI.IO ) ; small payment down , balanrn. asr. llou o lo rent , inquire ot K. 0 , Merrill , xtth and Howard sts. _ _ 4 r " M _ _ > TTHIK 8At.R-Ix > t 3 , block H , Sh ridau" | > lace. J-1 tKO , U li Mayne , 019 Iirosdwaj. Council Kliilln. ,08 _ T710K SALE , real pstate Throe cnolco lots la" JL1 Itodlck Park addition. faoliiESMh ave Only il.0.0 each. A line class ot residences surround this property , and In lass than two years they Will double In value , Uoorgo J. Sfnrnsdortf , 1st Nat. ban * building. 4U lIEAPenoTrgti'at aalFtho mrtnay. ' 1. Six desirable residences la II nnscom place , the prettiest part ot the town. 1'rlcoi trom t\000 to tUUOX ( Don't buy till you sea thorn. 2. splendid home , nun grounds , largo no\r brvrn. House with all modern 1m pro \win nLs 10 rooms , lot ot closets , overythiug in flue con dition nnd nearly now ; only f block from Park a\e. , Htreot and motor cars. Price , Jin.OX ) . Any onu deslilnu to buy a really handsome nnd convenient home should look at this. .1 . Very sightly cornnrs. 3 lull lots , in Orchard Hill , $2,100. lor a few days ouly. Heal Estate loans ami II ro insurance. Wi H. Alexander , 15 and HI , Continental lll'd'p , 'IjlOK SAl.lI-ivwO. iiiO ) cash , Dal. In. 1/5 3 , J-1 4 and A yours , will buy a bouitltul house and lot on Wonlworth avenue , nu r Georgia. 1/ot ( iO feel front. ( Irnst , ( lowers and trou % barn , sheds , cistern , cltv watar. sewer connec tions , etc. , oic. ; n minutes rldd trom P.O. . after Sdpto.uuer loth. This is a bargain. Caller or luldruss Nethorton Hall , 11U tartutm Bt. _ _ _ 600 3 fTHW SALE-Lot 3. blk.t , SherldaTTplacB. tOM JJ E. E. Mnyno , Ull ) Ihuadway , Council lIlulTs. M7-3 _ _ _ FOK SALE-lllg tlargaln. ' n lots , 2 > 1th and Dodge strouts. Hoggs & IIHL Itoal Estate , . . . . . . 1403 Karnam. rn u . 6W-3 T7U > K SALE P.dUO acres limit lu Nebraska ; JD 60x140 toot lot H nth St.atn sacrificing prlco. Inqulra 11128 Mtli. Gco. H. Pot01.1011 10sl t | 7Kll SALE Choice farms near peed markets. JL' cheap and terms easy , or will take guod trade. Lewis & Co. , Sterling , Colo. r > BOj Ut A CUE property for sale Five acres , cloio to lleltLlnoll'y , . . , .82,000 Thlrtvacro trnct. Just outsldellmlts 2IUO ( Ten acre tract , close to Holt Line station. 4.00J Ten acres , with house , barn , , splendid urove. . i , . . , . , , . 7.ROJ Plvo acres , splendid garden spot 2,250 Forty acres , nice fruit aud vegetable gar den . . . . . . . 10.000 Splendid luvestinont.20 acres close to > Holt station , will make 100 nlco lots that will sell tor JfiO each 10,003 Goo. N , Hicks , Now York LI to llulldlntr.6S3S 6S3-S fflOR BALE Nlco 0-romn cottnuomi Ilnrdctte , JJ near 27th street , splendid view , nicely llu- i Ished ; Just the place for a beautiful homo ; a bariralit If Bold at onco. Elegant now residence to bo completed Sep tember 1. on Popploton a > . . Hanscom placo. splondldlv and Eolidlv built , double doors throughout : first-class ccllar.furnaco , bath.'hot nnd cold water , electric bells , gpeaklng tulifs , etc. : healthy locution splendid neighborhood , will mnkou beautiful home. If sold within the next ten days : will quote special priceCeo. . N. HicKs , Now York Life building. 6K ) 2 FOK 8At7l 3j. 41 or M feet of lot U. btocc 7 at $ I6C per foot. ' 1 hla Is w Ithln u quarter ot a blocs ot the nnw P , o. site , and will be worth t l.uoo Insltlo of a year. Tha o > 5 lot H. block101 , cor. Douglas and 10th sts , 44 foot on Douulas and Ml on lOthr price. $25,000. 810,100 cash , balance In flvooqual aunual pajiuentR. The se > { nw U sec n. t If. r n o. Douglas' Co. , prlco tU.OiH * I.OJJ cash , balance easy. Lot 7. blk J-V ) . South Omaha , pi Ice Sl.20) . terms easy.V. . K.E.&M E.loom 14 , Chamber ot Commerce ) telephone 14fi. 73T. THE best money's worth of house anil lot now for sale In Omnnu Is that which I am now completing near 2ltli st , on paved Wirtst. , m Kount7 place. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlorc. dining room , kitchen , 2 bath , rooms , 3 .watur closets , largo laundiy. stationery wash tubs furnafn and coal room and collar , electric bells "nnd speaking tube , 12 closctb. Price only (7.601 rtu terras to suit. Llkewlso a ilnpllcatn ndjolnlni * nt same price. W. T. Seaman , east pld rlflth .st. north of Nicholas st Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. 69 FOK SALE 0-roornTiiouse. barn and lot Huns com Place , at a bargain , HarrU , KbomMll 1st Nut. Hank. MI TT10K"s7fLE Two ot tno nest located nrftCKaga JL'lots , ou thy northwest corner fcf < 5tsf und Izard streets , size IJOxHJ foot. Foe prlcn nnd terms Inqulra of the owner , Edward Spallor- berg. 1012 North 21 at Htriies Sfj si- ) ' SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS' . TjlIItST National safety deposit vaults , juntos J ? to rent K tu lii u year. .M7 8. I3tli. mBl4 O NTAH A " TTOTELST ' i i . * - ' _ GLOHE HOTEL 13Jsi 1310 , UU Douglas st. i i 7UJJ * , GLOBE HOIEL-Ncwlyfurnislied antt lljtcd up throughout ; centrally located ; 8J per day. 1.10J-1JIO UU Douglas tt. 6114 nTUKRAY IIOIKL Nowosr , latest and only iTJ-thst-chns hotel In Omvha ; Si to $4 per day. 11. Silloway , proprietor. i5l)5 ) LOBE HOTEL l01310 ! , 1312 Douglas ft , 7u.m INDSOK HOTEL-Cornorot luth ( ind , laiTc- son btiuots , 3 blocKs from T/nfon UertOt. Best J2 a day house In the city. ' , ' 6W ' LO1JE HOTEL IJtS' 13'lO. 1312 Donglas st. 70 > jf. Notice nfilio Sltiiiif ! ol'tlio OiiyCoim- ell as n. Hoard or Kciunllz u.iiin. , . mo the owners of lots and hinds abutting on JL or adjacent to the Htroots , allnja. or avenues , or Kitnated In whole or In part within. any of the districts herulnaf ter named. You and uach oC you nro heraby no tilled that the City Council will alt aa a llotid ( if rqdallzu- tlnn at the olllco of the city clerk of tald oltr In Doiiglns lounty court liouao on Monday , the 9th day of September , 18-0. from u o'clock a. m , to 5 o'clock p. m. , for the purr-ono of equalling the proposed levy of spi-cial taxes and assessments , I undrorrectlngur.y errors therein and of hear ing nil complalutH that the ow item of property so to bo taxed and assess , ' < ! may make. Said special tuxes and abSf xsments ooliuluyled uu- cordlng to law to cover tao cot aud expenses of pwlng , curbing , buwer cun > tructluu Jiml atn ot opuilng , and tlu > one-liulf cost of grading as hereinafter stated : < I'AVIM ) . OAlley In Alley Paving Distria No. 48. Alley In Allt y Paving Ulstrlct No. 411. Nicholas atioet from Twnth utruet to Twelfth street , in PaUug District No. in. ) . Ioa\en oitli street trom Twelfth street to Thirteenth street , in Paving Dlstiltt No. I'll. Pierce street from I'outth Uroet to ntth street. In Paving District No. HU. 1'ourth htreet from Plercu Htreet to allnv north of Pierce street , in Pavlnp District No. mi , Flfteouth Btroet fiom Howard etrcobto Jack son Btrolt. in Paing District Nit. 202. Nineteenth street from Davonpcrt street to Dodge street lit Paving District No. Ml. CUUIIISd. Eleventh street from WllllamsuticotioMpson n street , in Paving District No , H" . i Nicholas hfopt fioin'J unth Htreot to Twpllth struct , In Paving District No 1(15. ( 1'iurcB utreot fiom I'ourtli street to Fifth street. In Paving District No. 19 ! . I'oiirth street from alloy uoith of Pierce street to Pierce street , in Pavlog Uistiict No. 19.J. 19.J.Leavenworth street from Twelfth street to Thirteenth slriiot , in Paving District , No. 179. 1 Iftucnth street from Howard ureetto : Jack son strunt , In Paving District No. . Nineteenth Htreot from Dortgo Htreot to Duvea < portsueet , lu Paving DistrUt No. 2UJ. Sl'.WUIt ( O.SSTIIUCT1OW , In Sewrr District No NJ. In Sewer District No. W ) . , . Sixth street from Hickory htreot to COO feet south of Credit 1'anclcr iiddltlnn. Twenty-iilnlli street ( rum Leavenworth Street to Hickory Htreet , I'd Crolghton avenue from Bllth arcnuo to 32ndaM < nue. 'rwenty-nintn avmtio from Hickory street to Ed Crilghton uveniiu , Alloy suuth ot block A. Heed's 1st Addition. Twenty-sixth avenuu from Doujlau street to Dodge btictt , BTIIIKT : 01 KNINO. Spruce stntt from a pcilut 10 ftict cast of west line of Heed's IHi Audition to the wtutllneot 2Ut ntruet extended , Vou und < a-h of > ou are notlfleii to nppear beforusiild lluatd nt I'liuiill/utlon , at the tlmo and place abovu purlllud. to mitku nuy coin- plaint or objmtlon you may doHlra toncurnlnir Hald propostd lyvy and UHaoimuont of opetlul taxex. .1 II. ridUrmiiK. City Cleric. Omaha , August .lint , IHhit. B.'dBt Nutlco lo OrnilnrHi < EO proposals will be rocclred at the of- SRAi tko of the undurHigned until 1 o'tlack p , in. Saturday KeplvmborUh , 1SHU , for brimrlng the lot , WixllJfout , on the N , W. corner or.inll nud Dodgutttreets , Omaha , to grudo. llluu cntwrlulnud only for Jho lump Job ; con tractor tii dlHpuso ot the earth. Ml'NDKLSSOll * . I'/hllKII &LAWIIII' . Arc-hitectb , UUO i'axtou Illuok. Oiiiuha. aliWtiiiio Notlui * . Matter of application of 31. T. Mn s & Co. , fo permit to veil liquor as DrimulBts. Nolle o U licroby glvun that M. T. Mots & Co , did iiiioii the Mh duy of Auguat A. I ) . IHSJ , inn their aopllcation to the Hoard of Flro nnd Polliu CommUMonorM of Omuha , for per mil to uull Malt. Spirituous and Vlnouu Ltquom us DriiKglhtH , for medicinal , mechanical and chomiuul purposes only , ut No. 1U 1 Howard Street , 4th Wurd , Omuha. Nebravlca , from tha 1st day of January 1H3J to the lut Ouy ot January 1KW ) . If there be no objection , rumonalranre or pretest - test llled ultjiln two wtMjk from Aui-upt Illbt A. D. 188V , tl 6 said permit will be grunted. 31-U II. T. Mods & Co. , i