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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1889)
' * * * -\N ! 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; EglBSDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1880. It- - THE BOARD OF EDUCATION , ABstgnmont of Tonohorfl For the Ensuing Yonr. SCHOOLS OPEN NEXT THURSDAY. A UcBolutlnti Ailvoontlnjr tlio Ksit l > - llshinciir of n Trnlnlre Uopnrt- inciit to tlio Ululi School Other Business TrniiHnctoil. At the mooting of the board of education /ast night nil the members were present except Martin nnd Kolloy. Buportntondontof Building * Woolo.v slib- tnlttod nn Itoinlzodstntcmont of the linprovo- mantH contcmilntotl ] nt the Fnrnam street sc lool nt u cost of ? 3l.r ) > . ) . Itoforrotl to com- inlttco on buildltiRS. Cbnrlcs P. Uurkltt naked to bo nllowcnl to jnuko n statement In regard to u report mndc to the board by the superintendent , us nn net of Justleo In settling some Ill-founded rumors ns to his daughter's ' eligibility for ncliool teacher. The aupurlntetulcnt con- elders that Miss Uurkltt is not fully compe tent to Ull the imsltuui , nnJ rofuncd to rccotn- mead her , cinsciuently ) sbo was not elected. 'Jhe cxnnilnluc commllti'o. rendered their report of the lust oxaminatldii , and nl o ton- Ocred their rcslgnntlons. The report nnd resignations were accepted. There were about thirty cortlllcatcs granted to teachers in the urluiary , grummor und High school grades. The committee on heating nnd vcnt'lntlon ' wrro nuthorlzcd to nmUu some changes in the heating iippni'ntus of the Pnrlc school. 1'ho coinmllteo on teactcm recommouded thnt the following applicants bo elected as teachers ; Mnry Hogun , Harriet Dundlo , Corn Smith , Ada Tobltt , Anna U. Moore , K. F. McCllntouk. The report was adopted. The same committee also recommended the election of Miss Mattie L. Powell und Mrs. Kutle M. Kcnn to the positions of special teachers , and also recommended MUn Glad stone for the position of of tuu JncUson school. Adopted. A number of small bills , amounting to fU,100 , were reported by the committee on claims. The claim of the Nubrusku Tele phone company was referred back to the committee , and the balnnco of the report adopted. Dr. Suvillc offered a resolution to add to the high school course an additional depart ment , to be called ' 'Teachers' truicmg de partment , " which shall constitute u course equivalent to n year's course in u normal Rchoo ) . Uefcrrcd to the High school commit tee. tee.The board then proceeded to the election of teachers , to bu assigned us soon us needed with pay from date of assignment. The fol lowing were elected : Misses Hognn. Ueadlo , Moore , Stebbins , Smith nnd Tobltt. Several liieffectuafutteinpts were made to elect another teacher for the high school. Mrs. Sudborough and Miss Hay were nomi nated , but six ballots fulled to elect either. Mrs. Artio D , Webb and Miss llulda D. Isaacson were elected assistant principals at the Luke and Long schuols respectively. 'Iho board adjourned until next Monday. The following assignments of teachers for the coming school year huvo been prepared by the coiutniitco on teachers nnd'thoHUpcrmtcnd ent. The schools open- Thursday morning , at which time the teachers will repa'r tn the buildings hero designated und learn from tbo principals their particular Kra'lcs ' and classes. The superintendent will meet the urlncipuls for iinul instruction at his ofllco Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. High school Homer P. Lewis , principal ; ylouico Hcnshuw. assistant prln- ipal ; S. D. IBoala. U Q. Ulako , A. M. Bumnnn , Irwin Livlston , M.V. . Kichurdson , Stnein Crowley , S. n. Davis , Elizabeth P. Goodson , Dcclo Johnston , Belle H. Luwis , Mnry K. Quaclcenbuh , Villa II. Shipley , Susunuo Walker , Ucssia J. Snyder , Adele liobertson. Ambler school Jennlo C. Salmon , princi pal.Bancroft Bancroft school Emma R. Rico , princi pal ; Kate A. Walcott , Hnltio H. Hickey , El- in H. Davis , L. A. Coruiala , Alice H. Hedge , MayL. Hodgo. Cass school Grace H. Wilbur , principal ; Mnry E. Slmomls , assistant principal ; Ncl- jlo Ucunctt. Hattlo C Pratt , Mary I. Qillis , Hello Doycls , HnUla Duncan , Hattie E. Sim- ends , Lillie E. Wilbur , Mury A. Frazler. Castcllar school Mary U. Newton , princi pal ; Hortonso Smith , assistant principal ; Lucy J. Itoys , Lizzio Hanker , Margaret Gal- bratth , Emma E. Derkes , Jennie Owens , Amelia S. Craston , Hannah Uoedlo , Jennie E. Ituph , Mary Johnson. Centoc school Jennie Hcdlleld , principal ; Ida 1C. Wilson , assistant principal : Emma H. Hocucr , Mlnnio Weber , Minnie \ \ Mon- arity , Margaret Vincent , Myru Lalluo. Central school Franc M. Briggs , " princi pal ; MuryD. Balluntyno , Lucretia M. Spen cer , Alice L. Harper , Ida E. Mack , Clara Sclilelslnger. Central Park school Efllo Heed , princi pal ; Martha Evans , Mnry Mikan. Da'vcnport school Jcannetto McDonald. Dodge school Mary Fitch , principal ; Hut- tie Allen , May Edmonds , Prisullla A. Ward , Lilly Vun Wugner , Kettle Head. Duuont school Mary Hay , principal ; Dol- lie Church , Emma Nowcoinb , Hluiicho Vun Kuran , Lottie Burch , Laura J. Bradford. Eckurman sctiool Agnes Hutchison. Furuain school Anna P. Truland , princi pal j Clara U. Mason , usslstant principal ; Emma Whoatley , Lottlu Cassette , Kate L. Hudson , Ella M. B. White. Minnie K. Wil- BO u , Emma Watts , Nora O'Conn or , Mattie Hussy , Florence Littletlold. Forest school Mury E. Kent , principal ; Cera H. Smith , F.mmu Stiles , Harriet Heodlo. Fort Omaha school Ida H , Notson. Franklin school Margaret J. Latay , prin cipal ; Emily Dorn , Carrie. Kumpf , Curno H. Jolmston. Gibson school Borthu M. Fcstaer , princi pal.Hartnmn Hartnmn school Ellen M. White , princi pal ; Emma Carney , assistant principal ; Ada * Anri8troii ( , ' . Margaret C. Scott. Helen I. Nor ton , Ella Thornguto , Dora LIllU * , Ida Dysurt , Jcunu ) Hoberts , Annie Noon , Martha W. Chrlstluncy , Jeunlu Uoyd , Eoliu Nichols. Hickory school Fnnum Noylns , Laura C. Knapp , Kato J. Brown , UomeM. Hicks. Izard school Anna FOON , principal ; Cobolla Schaller. assistant principal ; Sudlo Hunker , /.elln Wilson , MIninu S. Dye , S. Amelia Sluittuck , Funnlo Foruiild , Stella M. Chauipllu , Camilla Elliott , Lizzio It Need- ham , Catherine Fees , Kate M. Miles , Cas sandra P. Sell ul I or , Eiiiinu Hugh. Jackson school Addiu Gladstone , princi pal.LnUu LnUu school Emma Whltmoro , principal : Artlo D. Webb , assistant principal ; Georgia Valentine , Ella ( Jarlyle , Cluribollo Schenck , Evungellno Slbley , Helen M. Nave , Etta Powers , Lizilo M , Efcoek , Margaret Me- Saughllu , Emily J. Uoblnson. Lizzio H. Wit- man , Neva Turner , Eiilth M , Goodspcud , Jennie James , Lldu Haiina. Lcttvoiiworth school Minnlo J. Wood , principal : Agnes McDonald , usslstant prin cipal s Mary It LUC.IH , Ida Johnston , Flora Leighton , Lucy E. Wood , Kato Hungerforu , Ollvo Hubbuni , Margaret H. Hetul. Long school Helen Wyckoff , principal ; llulda F. Isuuctton , assistant principal ; Alice K E. Hitt , Virginln Kennedy , Virginia H. Victor - tor , Mnry Hrolllur. Hattie S. Eddy , Jounlo L. Woodward , Jane Smith. Grace A. Mncouley. Mary E. Jordan , Ada C , Jones , Phoebe D , Parkins , Elizabeth Atkinson , Uurbaru Hostettcr , Clara. F. Cooper. Luthrop school Nora H , Loinon , princi pal : Llllis Crunnucr , Jennlo Phelps , Mason school Jounlo MoKoon , iirincipal ; Lily M , Hruner , assistant pnucliial ; Ida K , Greenloo , Mury Alter , Jonnlo L. Marble , Jennie Still , Edith Morton , Emma Godso , Etthor E. Ilcston , Florence Baker , Auiy HuRhcs , Kato Powers , Anna A , Hroadtleld. Omaha View school Sarah E. Thompson , principal ; Matilda Evans , assistant princl- ml ; Evelyn Hobbs , fanny UlaiTehnrd , Julia E. Hcuule , Nettle Hliott , Alice M. Avery , Anna IMicnU , Pacltlo school Margaret McCarthy , prin cipal : Mnry U , Gouduian , assistant urlnclual ; Clara E. Elder. Clara H. Duvall , M. Llzzo Huwltt , DuUy Wood , Margaret Goso , Emma Lonongan , Ida M , Goodman , Stella Gruvea , Jcssia Laioun , Mary Hocan. Purk school Lillian A , Llttlollold , princi pal : Emma D. Littlelild , assistant principul : Si. Eliidbuth Allen , Margaret O'Neill , Kato E. Crane , LUzIo C. Morrell , Dora Harney , Ida E. Aloxunder. Mury P. Crane , Julia Nownomb , Dora M , Couuni , Lytllu McCool. 1'uul Kcbool Currlo M. Hartley , principal ; Ida M. French , Kato Hutmukcr , Gruco .Lllllc. Pleasantfiohool Fannie Uutttorflold , prin cipal ; Martha Pnorolt. Saratoga school James Farrts , principal ; Mnry Starr , 1'onelopo Smith , Kato M. Wright. Sherman School Ada Tohltt. Vlnton School Lldn Shnllonboriror , prin cipal ; Nellie Ireland , KusoC. Fitch. . Walnut Hill School Hone Hamilton , prin cipal ; Louisa 1) , Mann , assistant principal ; Onlln A. Carter , Knthorlno Stillwoll , Agnes M. Dawson , Jcsslo Scott , Ella Klngibury , Nnnnlo U Lowis. Webster School Satllo P. Pittman , prln- clDfil ; Slislo B. Evelolb , nsilitnnt principal ; Mnttio C. Ellis , Virginia H. P.ittorson , Mnry B. Meyer , Margaret MoAvn , Clara B. Hut- mnUor , Alta I'.eiicoclt , Emily Wood , Margaret Hogan , Molllo G. Brown. West Omaha School Fiinnlo D. Hurlbut , principal ; Ncllio Hoot , Jessie MeHobcrtn. \Vest Sldo School .TamcR Alvlson , prln- pal. pal.Special Special Teacher * Music , Fnnnv Arnold , Lucia KoKors ; drawing , Katu M. Hall , TOMOUHCMV'S I'AHADK. One of the lllir. Invents i f McrotinntN' Work. The p.trndo will form on the streets named bqfwccn n nnd 10 o'clock n. in. , nnd will move from the corner of Eleventh nnd Hnr- ncy ul 10 o'clock sharp. mmDIVISION. . Form on Eleventh street south of Hnrnoy , Platoon of Police. The Marshal. Aides , Joseph Garnenu , .Ir. , C. F. Woller , Hobert Easson , .f. E , Klloy nud C. E. Hurmi'istcr. The Omaha Guurds' Band. Tlio Oinuha Guards , Captain A. H. ScturfT , commiuiJing. Unnd. W. L. Eastnibh , marshal. The Traveling Fraternity of Omaha and the State. Hand. The Hon. Mayor and City Council In carriages. The Flro Department. SECOND DIVISION. Form on Twelfth street south of Harney. Musical Union Hand. Dudley Smith , assistant marshal. Wholesale Grocery Trade. F. W. Mcogan , assistant marshal. Merchandise Brokers. Arthur C. Smith , assistant marshal. Wholesale Dry Goods Trade. Win. B. Hogan , tissiatunt marshal. Wholesale Boots and Shoos. George Mr. narrow , Assistant Marshal. Wholesale Hats , Caps uud Furnlahlngs. Baud. C. F. Wcllor , Assistant Marshal. Wholesale Drugs and Paints. Daniel Furroll , Jr. , Assistant Marshal. Wholesale Syrups. J , E. Haum , Assistant Marshal. Wholesale Hardware. L. J. Drake , Assistant Marshal. Wholesale Oils. Aaron Chudwlck , Assistant Marshal. Mills mul Milling. THIRD DIVISION. Form on Thirteenth street , south of Hnrnoy The Swedish Hand , . J. K. Letlmcr , Assistant Marshal. Hallways and Huilway Supplies. Henry Whiting und Martin Gunderson , As- "sUtnnt Marshals. ' .Manufactories. W. I. ICierstead , Assistant McrslmL Furniture. Band. R. J. Dinning , Assistant Marshal. Wholesale toufocUonery. C. H. Mack. Assistant Marshal. Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco. Julius Meyer , Assistant Marshal. * 1 Jewelry. J. Hurd Thompson. Assistant Marshal. Rubber Goods. Harness nnd Saddlery. Wholesale Soap. Compressed FOfllTH DIVISION' . Form on Fourtceuth'streot , south of Harney. The Union Puciflc Band. * * L. A. Garner , Assistant Marshal. The Express Companies. 1) . C. Dunbnr and A. L , , Hulbtead , Assistant Marshals. The Press and Publishers. J. S. Cameron. Assistant Marshal. Musical Instruments. Bami. J , W. Dunmire , Assistant Marshal. Games and Sporting Goods. George Turner , Assistant Marshal. Plumbers' Supplies and Plumbers. Electric Appliances. S. W. Croy , Assistant Marshal. Agricultural Implements. , FIFTH DIVIMON. Form on Fifteenth street , South of Harnoy. Sl ck Yards Band. - II. Boyd , Assistant Marshal. The Stock Yard und Packing Interests of South Oinutin. William U. Drumtnond Assistant Marshal. Carriages. Band. G. Zimmerman , Assistant Marshal. Brewerers , Distillers and Bottlers. J. W. Walker and David Cole , Assistant Marshals. The Commission Trade. William SegolKc , Assistant Marshal. Soda und Mineral Water Manufacturers. .T. E. Hiley , Assistant Marshal. Contractors In Stone. Brick and Wood Builders , H. Jowett , Assistant Marshal. The Lumber Trade. Jeff W. Bedford , Assistant Marshal. The Coal Trade. SIXTH DIVISION. Form on Sixteenth Street , South of Harney. Band. The Ancient Order of United Workmen. Band. Major Robert S. Wilcox , Ed Strieker , As sistant Marshals. The Retail Trade. Miscellaneous Including Everything Not In Wholesale or Manufacturing Trado. The route of parade will bo from Eleventh nnd Hnrnoy , west on Harney to Sixteenth , to Farnain , to Tenth , to Douglas , to Fifteenth , to Webster , to Sixteenth , to Harnoy nnd dis band. The marshal will bo at the corner of Thir teenth anil Harnoy at 9 o'clock , where all as- sistunt marshals uud aides will report to hint as soon thereafter us possible. T. S. Cl.iliKSON , Marshal. DUUM1UIOKS' WAV. Plenty of liiHtruo.ion For the Boys to no Govern ol Hy. All traveling men expecting to take part in the parauo on Drummers' day , are requested to meet at headquarters In the board of trade building , corner of Sixteenth and Farnnm streets , Weanesday morning , September 4 , at 8:30 sharp. All arrangements luivo been completed , the belts , badges und parasols arc all hero and will bo distributed at the lioiid- quarters bo fore forming in line for tlio parade. The compllmontary tickets to the fair Wednesday afternoon und the excursion to South Omaha Thursday morning , will also bo distributed at that tlmo , and as there will bo lots of work to do in u short tlmo that morning , wo urgu all to coma early , Mur- BhuU Tom Hurvoy und August Moyo r , with a delegation of twenty uniformed men , will meet the Beatrice boysaiuil Marshals C , W. Close and Jack Garrett , with another dele gation , will meet the Council Bluffs boys and escort them to headquarters , Tbo building for headquarters at the fair ground Is camuloted and u largo supply of refreshments secured. 'The executive com mittee have attached to all the principal hotel registers u cordial invitation to all traveling men who may bo In tbo city on that day , regardless of where they travel from , to Join In the parade. And a grand. good tiuio U assured to all who uro on hand- Drummers' day , September 1 , It Is requested by the committee that tboso who have ordered bats go to W , L. Parrotto & Co.'s , corner of Eleventh and Hurney streets , forthom , All the names uro luero and the hats waitlug to bo claimed , W. S. Holphroy , tbo refreshment commit tee , will bo urouud to-day with an extra big cart , gathering up such supplies in the refreshment and fruit Una as buvo been donated by the merchants. Beatrice will send a special train bearing eighty moil und a brass bund. Council Bluff * has ordered uniforms for cevcnty-iivo men. They couiu headed by their own band , und will bo met at the bridge by the reception committee. A special train for all who hold tickets fur nished them by tuu traveling , men will be run by th Union Pacific to the South Omaha stock yards nnd packing houses Thursday morning. Any vlsltlnir merchant desirous of seeing those attractions can no- euro n tlcknt by making liinlnolf known to the committee nt Board of Trnda hnll , Wednesday morning. The packing homo people Will serve u lunch to the excur sionists. The executive comnilttco will hold u moot ing at the Richardson Drug company store nt 10:50 : this morning. The following loiter will bo of Interest to nil dniinmcrs : OMAHA , Sept. 2. C. O. Lobcck , president TrnvolliiR Men's ussociutlon. Dear Sir : Will you please extend to the traveling men , Mho nro limiting such n success of Mer chants' week , a most cordial Invitation on my behalf to visit the Llnlngcr nrt collec tion , either us a body or individually. The gallery Is open fiom 8 a , m. to 8 p. tn. cncli day , southwest corner Eighteenth and Davcnuort street ; ontrnnco on Davenport street. Yours very respectfully. G. W. LlNI.NOUll. OFPIOEU NUWMAN F1NI3D. Hlfl A < * f9iut1t nn Crowd I AVI1I Cost Him Kiftrnn Days' Pny. U wnt n court of inqutcy that the lira nnd police commission held last night , with Offi cers Dubols , Nownian nnd Wulkor doing the dnnco on the carpet. Dubols was charged by ono C. J. Phillips with having on circus day overstepped his duty lit tlio ticket wagon by taking him ( Phllltpit ) by the neck and breathing blas phemous Imprecations In ills car. Dubols. Shields , Savaao nna Sigwart donio : ! the alle gation collectively and indlvidunllv , whllo the defense not being present , had no oppor tunity uf saying anything , nnd in this condi tion tlio case went , into executive session. Walker was charged by n young man named Sheridan with having arrested him ( Shortann ) on the charga of bolng u suspic ious character when the olllcor know bettor. The usual udlrmatlotis and denials took place , In which the police and citizens were equally divided with one exception , that Doing ono Enter- mute , a green grocer on Grace nnd Saundcrs , who didn't like Snerldan unyuny , und never naw him do anything in the shupo of manual labor. This matter was also referred to the dark lantern end of the meeting , The case of Nownian , who Is charged with assaulting Attorney Crowell , next received attention. As hi the first two cases , the offi cers stood by each ether tn the matter of testimony , nnd in that atiupo the case was taken in to the twilight session. Jnck Prince und E. S. Flngg wanted to transfer a Fort Omaha license to the Coli seum .duriiiir and after the Exposition , but the commissioners shut off all chances for heavy receipts by laying the matter over for s won days. Ofllcer McBride , who was charged with boating his way over the motor line contrary to the statutes , was sent back to duty for ono week. In the meantime the conductor who lost his situation will wonder If ho will bo needed nt the next , meeting , as no notice was glveii him. Cnief Gallignn was granted eight days' leave of absence to attend the meeting of Ore chiefs nt Kansas City next wcok. The com mission also decided to go n day or two them selves. Ofllcers Burke nnd D. Graves want to bo appointed sergeants , and Ofllcer.Foley wants to bo a mounted policeman. Their upploca- tions were fllcrt- Leave of nbsonco was granted Ofllcer King fortlftton days , while Frank Graves , of the Jiro department , was given a ten days' lay off. Sergeant Sigwurt reported that S. S. Folkor , a wholesale liquor dealer at 130 North Thirteenth street , was doing business without license , as were Joe Baum , at Eleventh nnd Pierce ; A. Frlck , 103 South Tenth , und G. Laivranco , on North Thir teenth. The entire matter was referred. When open session was resumed it was an nounced that Ofllcer Nmvman hud been lined fifteen days pay for conduct unbecoming an olllcer , wjiilo Olllcer Wulkor was mulcted ten days jray for the same offense. .Officer Dubols was exonerated. AMUSI2MKNTS. Manager Sackett had a great time yester day and last night at the Eden Musoc. It was his opening , and ho entertained about 4.000 people. Since last season the place has been thoroughly renovated , somewhat re modeled , and raado quite attractive. Among tbo now features is a stugu and auditorium in curio hall , anew drop curtain , and regular opera chairs in the theater Uuu'ti stairs. Tne walls everywhere are adorned with nice pictures , while in front ha ? been erected a gas Jetsign thatlnomsup immensely ut night. So far as talent goes , ho begins his Reason very well. This week his attractions on the theatre stage nro Leo , a very clever juggler ; the Putnam twin s'stors , sent ; nna dance artists ; Morton , Reno and Mack , mar velous French clowns ; the thrco Jones chil dren , with Billy Hogan and Harry Eaton , minstrel stars. The programme Is un inter esting and entortninlnir one. On the top floor are Australian 11 ni worker. Solomon nnd Whiting , musical mokes ; Billy Bennett , banjo soloist , nnd Ollic Leonard , a sorio comic vocalist , furnish the patrons good entertainment. The Musco starts out well and promises to have a line season. NUARLiX DKSTOYKD BY P1KR Baker , Mont. , Almo-it Totally Wiped Out. GIIHAT FALLS , Mont. , Sept. 2. News has just been received hero that Baker was almost totally destroyed by lire yester day. The llro started in the Minors' house three doors below the Zciglcr house und swept from there up the valley burning all the eastern portion of the camp. It is supposed that a man named Kills , his wife and four children lost their lives , Three mennro , also missing , Baker is the business center of the entire market district and Is about sixty-live miles southeast of Great Fulls. _ The Illinois Strike Settled. JOLIET , 111. , Sept. 2. The conference to day of the coal minors and operators re sulted in the settlement of the wage troubles throughout the northern Illinois coal fluids , und an early resumption of work , except in the mines of W. L. Scott , will probably occur. The operators wore all represented except Scotland gave ttiolr ultimatum , tlio terms being a reduction of 14 } cents a ton , no discount on company store orders , a re duction of 50 per cent on tool shnrponlng , except ut Stroator , and the sale of coal to the miners at cost , putting it on the cars. Tno miners , after a long consideration , de cided to accept this proposition. Tlio work men desired rent free during the strike and no victimizing on going to work. The oper ators declined to put those points In the agreement , but stated privately to the minors that the resu'it would bo as desired. i\ Now Dakota Ilontl. ST. PAUL , Sept 2. A special from Sioux Fulls , S , D. , says : It developed this even ing that a railroad to bo called the Slptix Falls & Denver Is to bo built from hero , tlio work being contracted to begin us goon as tlio right of way Is secured. The line will tnKo In Parker , whore It will fork , ono line running to Wheeler , ono to the Missouri river In Charles Ilx county and another going down the Jim river valley to Abeerdcen , thence tn some point In Campbell county , near tbo northern line of South Dakota. y Will Aid thu BOSTON , Sept. 3. The Journal will an nounce to-morrow morning that Gideon P. Brown , of the bankrupt wool firm of Hrown , fitcoso & Clark , U In Boston nnd will do what ho can to aid the assignees in straightening out the affairs of the llrm , A Girl Tramp. A girl trnmn , wonring mnlo nttlro , was urrcstoil in Cincinnati ono day this week on suspicion of being a crook. At the ijtatipii house gho told this story of her Hfo : " 1 cnino here from Indimi- npohs on u freight train ; rode nil the way on the bumpers. I've boon a tramp for two yours , working when T Imd to and bogging when it was possible. I never had a homo and never lived in a house. My father was n horse trader and peddler , and traveled all over the country in a v TOU with irty mother and myeolf. 1 suppose I was born in a wagon , na I never Knew what it was to live in a house.1 ItflU 1 JL1IL4 VU\II ( I t Alderman Ltio ayiow3 on the Olty HalliQfioatloii. A SUCCESSFU'DRESS PARADE. ' 1 > ( iT Anotlior Dlsolinr/jfp / ol * nn Utiiptv Uun Pottnwnttnhllo at i InBl o' Grass Pnlnue Council The Now City Hnll. "Of course wo nro going to have a now city hnll , " . said Alderman P. Lacy , president of-tho council , yesterday , "and It seems ns it the public generally ought to know it by this time. The f > | ta will bo decided upon nnd purchased before the last of December , and work on the new building commenced next year. No , It will not require nny 'Vote of the people to settle the mutler. Tor the council has full authority to act as they see lit , still It Is very probable thnt the quo. Men will bo submitted nt the fall oluctfon , In or der to BCO how thu citizens fool about It and what amount they nro in favor of appropri ating for the erection of a now hnll , ns the council would not wish to do anything con trary to the general wish of the tax payers. There is not the slightest doubt but that the city generally Is in favor of u new building , the only question being the cost. As far ns I am concerned , 1 should suy that not less than f 100.000 should bo expended on a city hnll , ns , for that sum , a building could be erected thnt would accommodate the city for years , while if It was less than that , it would not bo so very long until there would bo n deniund for something butter , and wo ought to build now for the future. " "How much would it bo possible for the city to npproprluto for this purpose , without exceeding the limit allowed by law for a city's Indebtedness ! " "Well , you can easily figure It. Our pres ent Indebtedness Is about $147,000 , us the courts hold that paving , grading , saworago nnd ether special assessment bonds that are paid by owners of propnrty abutting on the streets where the work Is done arc not prop erly n part of the city's indebtedness , and cannot be Included In the amount limited by law. Now , then , the assessed valuation of the city is $0,138,448 , and the law says that a city's indebtedness' cannot exceed n per cent of the assessed valuation. This would allow the city , under the present valuation , to have an Indebtedness of over $ , ' 100,000 , or over $150,000 moro than nt present. You sec , thnt Is about the amount for which the city could bo bonded for n new city hall , under the present valuation , but you must under stand that the present valua tion is not what it should be. Lust year our assessed valuation was about $4,700,0(10. ( This year it was raised nearly f 1,500,000 , and still It is far too low. It should be about $3.000,030 if it was properly assessed , which would allow us on indebted ness of $4 0,000 , but of course that does not cut any liguro with the amount for the pres ent time except to sbow that If the full amount was reached now , wo would still bo f lUO.OUO below the limit after a fair assess ment another year. "I don't say that I would advise bonding for u $150,000 city hnll. but I certainly would not have it a cent less than $100,000. " At this point MK"C. E. Boll , of the Hrm of Bell & BerlmghoU , * architects , Happened along , nnd ho was uakpd what amount would bo required to put IIP nelly hull suited to the needs of the city for years to came. "Why. " said ho.-'Hho citv could Bret a very Quo building for from $150,000 to $1150,000 , ono that would i be a crod't ' to the city twenty. 1 years hence , us it would bo perfectly fireproof , ana would con tain every modern convenience and improve ment. It costs between SO and 25 per cent to make a building absolutely 11 reproof , in- eluding iron beams , -tile flooring , etc. etc. What kind of a nuilaing would # 100.000 put up ! Well , a fair uUillng a very fair kind of a building , but the other would bo fur cheaper for the cityin the end. It xvould be very poor economy to put $100,000 into a building that would-not moot the require ments nfter a few years. ' ! "It will take somei time to get everything ready for work , after the site is secured , " continued the alderman , "as it is no small matter to got satisfactory plans , let con tracts , etc , but 1 am satisfied that work will be commenced next year. " "What is there in this report that there was a great oversight in letting thu contract for the now hose house on Lower Broadway , and that the bill of extras will amount to more than the original contract ) " "Thero is nothing in it whatever. The council understood perfectly wliabIt was doing , and no grand surprise has de veloped , as stated in certain papers. They state that the contractors have certain work to do for which no provision was made , and they pretend to bo afraid that un ex orbitant price will bo charged. They say no provision was made for the foundation , and predict that somebody will got rich by put ting in a few thousand brick. The single truth is thai , while the exact amount re quired for it was not stated. Contractor Wickham is required by the torins of his contract to put in all extra brick at $9 pnr thousand , acd 1 fail to see where there Is nny big steal in laying brick in u wall ut that price. As for that other matter about the lloor , it Is simply u difference In opinion us to what material should bo used , or whether or not there should bo a collar. That Is a matter that the council can easily settle. The hose house , will bo built without any trouble or need of outsiao Interference , and It will be safely out of the way in tune to give everybody full swing at the now city hall. Fair-mount Purk. The beautiful gem of Council Bluffs sot amid the romantic hills and shaded by ver dant bnughx of forest trees. The most de lightful place Imaginable for picnics , tennis parties and quite rambles. 'lake the electric motor cars bridge line which lands passengers In the very Heart of the park. Faro from Omaha to the park only 10 cents. The park Is owned nnd controlled by tbo city authorities and the best of good order Is enforced. Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work done in both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouerato. prices. E. H. Sheafo & Co. . rental agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs , C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway. Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning und repairing at K. Uurhorn. The Guard f * Urom Parnito , The dress parade glyon at the armory lust evening by the Omaha guards and the Dodge light guard was a successful affair , and was witnessed by ovot ; four hundred Invltod guests. The ofllcqra'of the parade were as follows : Cantaln S iurlT , of the Omaha guards , acting colonel ; Lieutenant Gregg , of the Sixteenth Infuntry , regular army , ad jutant ; Sergeant Major Hull , of tlio Omaha Guurds. Lieutenant AltchUon , commanding company A , Dodgo'J light guard : Lieutenant Dixoii , comuiandiQKPQmpaiiyH , Dodge Light guard ; Lloutonantilleod , commanding com pany C , Omaha gulrds ; Lieutenant Mulford , commanding compabV D , Omaha guarda. The drill was ve finely executed , com panies showlngup splendidly , and the parade w as dismissed only too soon to suit the de lighted spectators. An Interesting feature of the evening's en tertainment was the non-commissioned otll- corn' drill of the Ornaha guards , which re sulted In a victory for Sergeant Heed. The prize is a { 25 medal , offered by the ofllcers of the company , and must bo won three times to become the property of any ofllcer. It has now been won twice by Sergeant Head , and twice by Sergeant McAllister. The ] udge $ wore twQ onicern of the regular army , Lieutenant Gnxb' , n distinguished marksman , und Lieutenant Groto Hutcliin- son , of the Ninth cavalry , and statistical ofllcer at the range. During the latter part of the evening , tbo floor was given up totho dancers , and the sight wus a pretty ono , The Bluffs belles and the visiting soldier boys bad full swar , for the latter wi > ro too tuany brass buttons for the local beaux. All In all. It was a very enjovublo evening , and wliluli it is hoped will often bu repeated. The return parade will bo given at the armory of the Omaha Guurds in a short tlmo. Dal bey'o band and orchestra furnished the music for the occasion. The Guards nro to bo congratulated ion the very successful result. .7. G. Tipton , real estnto. 627 13'dwny. Go-to M. Keating for druirs/i03 Broadway. i E. Hi Sheafo ft Co. give' special attention to tlio collection of rents and care ut prop erty In the city nnd vicinity. Charges mod erate. Ofllco Broadway nnd Main streets , stairs. ' up _ _ _ _ - Pnttnwnttninlu nt tlie Front. Secretary Hovcly , of the board ol trailo , tins returned from Crcston , where ho tins boon In attendance at the blue grass palaoo for the purpose of properly setting forth to visitors the many advantages offered by Council Bluffs nnd Pct'nn-attamlo county. Ho reports thnt thu exhibit from this county is the center of attraction , and that it is highly complimented by all visitors for Iho high standard ot excellence of the specimens exhibited , as well ns for the pleasing manner In which they nro arranged , This exhibit is especially mentioned In Salt Lake nnd Ohio papers , which Is advertising the county abroad in an excellent manner. Mr. Zcvcly will attend the meeting of the board of trade this evening , and return to Creston tomorrow row morning , where ho will remain until the close of the exposition. * Dissolution Not I or- . The partnership heretofore existing be tween PHCO & Sclunld Is this day dissolved by mutual consent , John Schmid retiring. All accounts due by or to the linn will bo set tled by either of the old members , PACI : & SciiMin. The business will be continued nt the old tnnrkct , 783 Broadway , by J. H. Pace , xvho will boplensbd to serve his old customers and many now ones In the prompt nnd cour teous xvay ho has always done. Few men know how. to run a first-class meat market in a first-class manner , but Mr. Pace Is ono of the few. The Old Kinpty I'Utpl. A shooting affair occurred Sunday overling at the homo of Mr. Welch , on Fifth nvcnuo , near Tenth street , In which Mnggio Welch received a , bullet from n revolver in the lianas of a twolvo-yoar-old sister , named Lizzie. The little child claims she did not unow the xvcauon was loaded , She had been handling the revolver several days before , nnd yesterday , while Miss Maggie and a lady frienii were looking at a paper , Lizzio nsked what they were doing. They paid no atten tion to her. when she said : "Well , I'll just shoot you , " and going Into another room re turned with a revolver , which she fired. The ball tooK effect in the forehead , glancing to ono side , inflicting a scaln wound about three Inches In length. The shooting occasioned some excitement. The little crirl handling the weapon was very badly frightened nt what she had done , as f ho had no idea that tbo weapon would ho discharged , expecting that It was in the same condition as when she bud It before. The injury to the victim is very slight. Good business chance ; a $3,000 stock of gont's furnishing goods , hats , cups , boots and shoos , Is offered for sale-by Fox & Hughes of this city. Tlie business reaches $20,000 yearly and Is well established. Miss Mamie Flcinminor , who has just fin ished a thorough course of Instruction at the Chicago musical college , has returned homo , and her friends have arranged for her fo give a concert at Mueller's hall next Satur day evening. Council Proceed In ir * . % The city council mot last evening in regular monthly session. In thu abaciico of the mayor , President Lacy occupied" chair. Aldermen Weaver , Knopner uudVutcrman were present. The regular monthly bills , amounting to $17,857.94 , were presented and allowed. The Council Bluffs handle factory peti tioned for a remission of one-half of the taxes ' for the past year. On showing that the as sessment was double , ono being on the handle factory und the other on the axe-handle factory. Iteferred. Petitions were presented for additional fire hydrants on Bcnton street. The chief of the ( Ire department was granted live days' leave of absence to attend the meeting of llro chiefs at Kansas City. The clerk was instructed to advertise for all kinds of feed for lire deoartmout horses for the ensuing year. The city engineer was instru'ctad to ex amine all the bridges in the city and report repairs necessary. Property owners on Pierce street peti tioned for the exemption of the electric motor line from paving taxes on the paving between its tracks , provided thu com pany runs every train from Owilm around the loop and constructs tbo line and has it in operation by December 1 , and a failure to so run its trains to operate as a forfeiture of ex emption. Referred to streets and alleys committee nnd city attorney. The A. Brucgger Manufacturing company , of Chicago , made a proposition to furnish the city a chemical lire engine at a cost of $2,000 for adoublo lifty-gallon lank , and $2,200 for eighty-gallon tank. The Champion company , of Chicago , also made proposals ot same character. Referred to llro committee. A warrant of $2.3 was drawn In favor of Cnief Walters , of the tire department , to de fray his expenses whllo attending the na tional convention of chief engineers at Kan sas City. An ordinance was adopted fixing the grade on Fletcher avenue. The common carriers' ordinance was ad- vnnced'to its third reading nnd referred to judiciary committee. The vetoed grading ordinance was not taken nn owing to the ubsenco of Mayor llohror. The council adjourned until Wednesday night. It Is to bo regretted that Mrs. Crofts'will not bo present at the reception-to bo given at the church of which he Is pastor. Mrs , Crofts' mother Is In very 111 health and this prevents her from being hero on un occasion which otherwise she would enjoy most hcurtlly. § ick Headache TS a complaint from which many suffer i and few uro entirely free. Its is indigestion and a sluggish liver , the cure for which is readily found in the use of Aycr's Pills. " I have found that for sick headache , caused by u disordered condition of the Btonmch , Ayer's Pills nro the most reliable - liable remeily. " Samuel C. Uradbnrn , \Vortliitigton , Mass. "After tie ] nso of Ayor's Tills for many yt-niH , In my practice and family , J nm Instilled in Haying Hint they nru an excellent cathartic und liver medicine Biistuining all the clalmsinndo for them. " W. A. Westfall , M. D. , V. P. Anutln & N. W. Itallway Co. , Uurnet , Texas. ' 'Ayer's Pills ore the best medicine. known to mo for regulating the bowels , nnd for all diseases caused by a dls- ordered stomach and liver. I Buffered for over thico years fiotn headache , In digestion , nnd constipation. I had no nppctlto and was weak and nervous most of the time. Dy using three boxes of Ayur's Pills , and at the same tlmo diotlnc in yself , I was completely cured. " Philip Lock wood , Topelia , Kansas. "I was troubled for years with hull- cestlon. constipation , .and headache. A. few boxes of Ayer'H Tills , used in small dully Uoaes , restored mo to houlth. They ar prompt and effective. " > \ . if. Btrout , Meadvllle , 1'u. Ayer's Pills , BT ' Dr. J. C , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mase. Bold by ill Drugeltt * nd PcaUia In Ucdlclni. IIA8THU CHOICEST LOT ( ) " SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Ollt edged opportunltUj to Imtu ' SPECIAL NOTICES. OOtJNOIL BLUFFS. _ ' FORSAKE AND RENT. ' 'nrAli K8TATK Itouelit nal fulit nna 5F clninged. SpacliI attention Riven to exixm luatlon ot titles. W. 0. Ji\m s. No. 1(1 ( I'ourl st. IflOH BALK or oxdincpp New G-rooin honse 1 in ttooi locntlon. Will cxchnngo for ST. acres ot Improved liinrt In Western town. 01 \villFcll ntultnko ( inrttu VACAUI lota. Kerr A Uray , Council Hluil > , la. OH BIlCHANOK-tflO ncrcs In Atutnlion Co. , n miles from Co. eit , well Improved , Will exchange for Improved Council lllulls proparty. Kerr .it Orgy. Council HluiTs. FOIlBAIjK Aero property Irto.Ity , reasonable Kerr \-ClTay. Council Illuira , _ GIlliAT bur nlni tit Nebraska farms If you want ono. Wo hnvo n number on liatul tliftt will ho sold cheap. Kcrr.V Gray , ( 'ouncll IliiKTB. In. _ WM. SIHOKNTOl'K , Ilcnt KMato. Special attention given to examination ana cor roctlon of title to lands nnd lots lit city AMI ] county. No. tf. North -Main st. TjiOU SAijk or Itont ( inraoii Inml with houses , J byj. It. Ulce , lui Main oU. Council Illuffg. T > AillHTT Plata lots for sale by K J. Dixy. GO LOOK at the llnbbltt Place on Upper IlrondwAy , then see 1 < \ J. Day. HOUBIWforrcnUnnli parts of the cit } V , J. Day. T71OU SAIjK Two line now six-room liouioi on JPnclllc nvo. will bo 'old client ) for small payment down nncl bulanco to suit purchaser. Kerr * Gray , 605 First uvu. OK H15KT-5 unfurnished rooms , DOI Third nvouue , ° fjMV"Hnfansns farms to oxcliunire for city JL1 piopcrty. Johnston .V Vnn I'attunj Kvnrott bloclc. T Oll EXCHANGE A small uo\vipap r ontA * to exchange for lots. Johnston \ Van I'M- ten. Council lllulls , SRVEHAL. Nebraska farms to exchange , ft Council lIlulTs lots. Johnston it Vun V > St- ten. . HOUSES to exchange for rquttvln nousu and lot. Johns ton & Van I'ntten. SEVKUAliuli-e farms near the city for sale. Johnston fc Van 1'ntten , Everett bloclc , Council tlliilffl. LOT on avenue A , In lluers' sub. . MOO , if taken soon. Johnston & Van fiittan. HOUSK3 for mile. * IO > clown and J12.50 per month. Johnston & VKU Patten. LOT on High street. 1150 ; speak quick If yon want It. Jobnston te Van I'atten. FOH 8A1.E On * ot the best piylng cream eries In Iowa , malting nowover I.OJO pounds butter dally. Also a lurgo brlct butter , egir and poultry house , all complete * with large cold storage elevator , etc. , doing big business. 1'rlco ot this entire plant complete J'.i.lwt ) ; fuuocasn | , bai. In fi and ID years. Or would tuko good city property , or No. I lan'l tor the $4,01) ) paymnnt. lltislness done last year , iM7XK ) . will exceed that tnls vear , uml It Is the only plant In the county. Enquire ot Kerr & Gray , fiO. ' ) First nvt > . FOlt SAliK Acre lots In Orchard place. Tills property is located in the Klce nursery , soutnof the main part ot thn city. H { miles from courthouse , Geo. Metcalf , 1U Pearl Ht. FOH HUNT Houses In nil parts ot tlie city ! Kurr Js Gray. fU5 l-'lrat uvo. FOH HENT Eight new 'i-room cottages on Avenue H. Kartell's ndd. to city , Ilonts very reasonable. Call and let us show you them. Kerr & G ray. FOH ltiNT-7 : of the most boautltul cottages In Council Illuirs ; one-block from motor line ; new houses ; city water in the houses acd nil modern conveniences. See Kerr .V Gray. fjWH SALE 12) acre farm In Jasncr county , -L' Iowa. located near coal minus that are in operation. There Is n live toot vein of coal under the farm. Geo. Meti'alt , No. 10 l'earl st. FOH8ALEImproved and unimproved prop erty in every part of tne cltv. Kara oppor tunities for Investors who seek speculations ; splendid opportunities for those who desire homes. Geo. Metcalf , No. 10 Pearl st. BUSINESS locutions on Main and Broadway nt great bargains. Geo. Motcalf. No. 10 l'earl tc. FOR 8A r/E SO feet lake frontage located be tween C H. boat house and Mnnawa beach. Also n number of choice lots in Itogattii place. Qyo. Motcalf. No. 10 l'earl st. IF you want same genuine snaps In choice lots on bottoms call anil see Kerr & Orny. They have some lots that must be sold regardless of cost before Nov. 1. IV you have anything in the line of real estate or chattels you want to exchange or dispose of , you should cull on Kerr .t Gray. You can flnd them at their olHco , MH First ave. , Council Illuirs. "ElOKSALK On monthly payments , very neat -A ? now house near Harmony mission. Call lor i address Kerr & Glay , 601 First ave. , Council Jlluirs. MISCELLANEOUS. Or. feet on Malu street for sale cneap. Johnston * & Van I'attou. 'CMNKhomu on First ave. for sale. Johnston i Van Fatten , _ _ W2 A good horse and buggy. Kerr & Gray. rpAlir.ii : boarders wanted at 122 Itenton street. JL Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. I.V. . Cooper. Gt'KH CENT loans made on real estate , cash on hand. F. J. Day. nEACTIFIJl. homo on Oakland ave. at a bargain. F. J. Day. /"MxlBO on Oakland avo. , M.OOO. P. J. Day. Q9xTOO on I'nrk ave. , $3,000. F. J. Day. HOMES foraalo on monthly payments. F. J. _ _ Uay. acres gooil bottom land in Jowa to ex 200 change for vacant lots In Council Ulnirs. K. E. Mayue. Ul'J U road way. CPU ) down and 35 per month. 3 good lots to sell u > on these terms. High ground , full size uml title perfect. 1) ) . E. Mnyne , 61'J llroailway , will buy lot 0 , bile SI. Central ub. . If taken $275 once , on Aveuuu D. High ground , good title mid actually worth 1500. K. K. Mtyno , Oil ) Uroadway. I71OK EXCHANGE f ann In Iowa for Council X ! lllulls property. K. K , Alayiie , 01J Jlroad- way. "I TANTED Some more bargains to uoll. K. V > K. Mayno , Ull ! llroadway. osAIjlor Trade Full supply of hotel furniture , ulno lease lor 18 months on small hotel In Council llluirn. Apply to Odell Ilroa. ti Co. _ A lots , corners , great bargains. AVUNUU llennon .V Bhephurd , 9. Main Ht. I J OII8E and lot , Coehran add. , chnup , easy iU. payments , llentonfnoplienl , U. Main t. WK have more liroadivay property than any. body , llcnsoii & Hhejiiionl. II Main st. f OTonIth avenue. Van lirunt & lllc ' HUD. , J-J cheap , lleiuon iV ijhephord , U Malnst. OT on Illuir St. , Jlno rexlilenco lot cheap. Itcnsoii i Khopherd , ' .i Main at. r > KSTcorner on Hroadwny. opposite newer llionao' llonson A : Snuphunl , 11 Main Ht. 51XTH In Ilavllbs' lid. on motor line , f-'OO each , llenson ie bhepherdU .Main nt. rOTB on ( lion ave. , genuine btiitps , ilunbon Sc > Shepherd , U Main ht. HOUSES ana lotii ; tlOO cash. 'MU cash , fiUO caHli , balanvo easy , llonson A ; bhephoril , U Main st , fiAl7AM avemie property that will double right uwuy , F. J. Day. LOTH on Uroadway , Flrs6"a"venue "ttHd yWei- uues A uiul 11 , ch up. K. J. Day. AII.\VA V Tricycle Tor aule cheap. Kxue lent condition. Onn man can handle eat-ily. Will carry two ptrbous anil load , Addrcca ilo Council lllutla Competent girl torgeneralhouiie- WANTKD Mm. Gt-o. Champ , Klatdiar turraco. "TIOUND A taby'H ufuhan ; owner cc.H at IHA\'i : a snap for un Investor for to-day only. F. J. D y. The beet is generally the cheapest. If you would be u Brut class book-keeper , teacher , penman , or reporter and typewriterlnti reason ably khort time attend the WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE Bcnil for catalogue giving full particulars fieo , WP. PAULSON , wuncll iiluff * J . IXJITRHV OK TUB I't'UI.IC CHAIUTYi ESTAUUSIIRI ) JN 1&T7 , IIV Till ? MEXICAN NATIONAL OOVKIINMbNT. Ol'KIIATKI ) Unlor a Twenty Yoari" Coatrasi by t Uoxiaa IntornaUonal Iftprovomjnt GrancV Monthly Drawing- * held In the Moreinno 1'Avllllon in the Abimeda I'ntk , ( .Ityof Mexi co , nnd publicly conducted by Gorcrnmont Oltlrlals appointed for the initpono by tlio 4K-creturloa of the Interior and tbn Treasury. Ornnd Soml-Annunl Extraordinary DRAWING OF SEPTEMBER 15ft , 1889. CAPITAL. IMtlXC , $12OOOO. t > 0,00 < > TMctB ul $ St $ ( itOOOl ) 1'IUCM 01' T1CICUT8 , A.MKKICAK MONKVt Wholes , $ s : Ilntyos. Ms QimrterN , $ . ' Eighths. JI. Club rates , d. ' , tickets for Wl ) U. s. Currency. I.IHT ny IMIITIKS. 1 UAI'ITAl.l'IMZnOFJIxUXXMs . f 190,000 1 IJAl'I I'Ah I'lllXEOP < 0.i Kl8 ) . . . . . . 40.000 1 UAl'll'Aljl'td/.KOP I.U ) ls. . . . . . 20000 1 GIIAND 1MH7.EOF . 5,000 Is. . . . SOW 8 IMUXKSOP . 2,000 are . 4.000 fil'III/l'HOr. ! . . . , . frlMuri0KO ( X [ IMII/K80F . WWuro. . . . 1(1.003 ( lOll'HlX.KSOF. . . . . ) , ) are . JN ) IMUZK OI' . . . . . ; . KM are . ! , ( ! fiM PHlZKSOr . 40nro. . . . . AI'I'IIWXIMATIO.V rillKK < < . IM IM-lxos of i isi app. to f ail , ! * ) ) I'rlzo. . . , ! If.OOO 1MI I'rlKi s of lainpp. to 4iKii ( ( ) Prize . . . 15,000 ll < JPrliiof KUniip. to SoUirri7u. ) ) ) . . , NIIOO Tint Teunlnals of tf. ( ( decided by . UMooJl'rlzo. . . . Ill.rflO S804 Pilzi'M . Amouutlngto)57l ) ! . > 0 All prizes sold In the United States full paid lix % VAtVrJBl ) . u Ci.un HATK'i , or any further Inforin- ntlon desired , wrltolo lblylo the undersigned. clearly stating your residence , with pt tto , coun ty. street nnd number. Moro nipldrtturn mall delivery , will bj assuro.l by your enclosing ua envelope bearing your full aildrofs. I.VIPOR7ANT. Address U. llARSlnTI , , , , CITVIH-MBMOI , MKXICO. By ordinary letter , containing MMNKV Oiliir.n. lH > ueit by all Uxiircss Companion , New York Es- clintice , Urattor Postal Note. ' Hy terms of contrnct tlm UJinpany must deposit - posit the sum of all prize * Included in tlio sclicmH before selling a s ntflc ticket , and re ceive the following olllclnl permit ; I'EHTIFICA TW.licrrhn cci tt/utlmt Ilicx ) - ifon Itnnlt nj Mc.rlcn anil South Amertmlia nn Kiitclnl tlrivmlt tlit ncffxntiiii finulK In iiitiininttc the tMlimrut iifit.liirttn ilnni'ii liy the. Lattria lit , la llr eHcr clii Vulilirn. H.HUMI ( lUHXIl VKltA. Interrtnlnr. Further , the Company Is roimlred to dlurlb- ute llfly-slx per ctut of the vnliio of all the tkkots In prims a larger proportion tian Is given by imv other Lottery. Finally , the number of tickets Js limited to > K/i ) o i'uOJ ICSH llnin aio sold by other lotteries using the sainn schenios , ( Mnlu lliilMlnir.l tUK IINIVK1IM1TY Of NOTHi : I > A.HK. . ThoXf.tlicollcKliitoyenrwmonnnTumdny.bont. : ) . The -pact ma nml cleirant bulldlnus linn.nrlnij tlie im-t jronr , acconiniuiluted nioretnniilXllicsllcnt atuilcnla. I'.vcrr fncl Itjr la alTurUod for ncnu rhu tboruuith VmmloJueof C'liivultTllnllieiiintlrc , Imiv , Kclenrr , iinil A thorough commo-clnlcourso til nlsnn fnnlnroof Hie Institution , t-pecliil nilvnnlSKo nlll bo plucjd within tliorencb or tlioso do Irlnn to study I , AW. THE MINIM Department , for toys iuiinr ! thirteen/ Issopimtte. CntnlcwH'seltlni : full piirtlrulnrs wilt lie Kent frco on nnplirnil .11 tn Itov.T. K. U' lli. C-N. C' . , l'rc liln ( , > < ilr < - l > iiniiI' . O. , Iiirt. JACKSONVILLE rrriraratoryiinil rnllcRlate rourmi , literature.Imiiruii munlc.Art. K. K lli > Lunn.rilnrlpnl.4ickioi llllll northwestern mintary Twciity-throo mllca north of ( JlilciiLMj has . tJll corps ( it experienced liiflrii-tnr i tile conrtca ot atiidy. anil unsurpna eit fncllltlPK for Inttnictlon , , health , homo comlorta uml Chrimlan Intlueiice. ' , ' "rt forrivtaloKUOin Illvlilnml I'nrk. 111. Itrooko llnll , for Olrls and Ymuut I ? hortlduo ! Muillucudeniy , lor Jloy.s nml Vouav Men Switliin C , SliortliuEe. A , M , Media , Pennsylvania , near Plilladulphia. : ' ( . Iloiinllnitj School ( or Girls anil Vimtur I.H.IIm. . KorHliM . . . . " * " cataloBiie adrtrosO. TIIAVKK.MJ. I ) , Morgan l'urkIll.cjr"MlnllooiitilrcL't.Clilc fO. 111. NK\V VOHIC MILITAItT ACAEMV. COHN wall-ou-Hiulsou. Col. C. J. Wright , II. 8. . A. M. . tinpt. : II. F. Hyatt , Coiml tot Caduu , 93MkV ffi ffifer < cSNv % Q8 a. JL The largeit , imlu.t mid fluuit In the world , I'aiauncGr uccatiuuuOatluns uncicollcJ , Tlia olahniluiTl Tlio Klin-nl Heajn-1 Sop t. ) Bill ( JllvofHoiimUlilp III \VurM.loot. . lOtll Now York to Q.a gow via Lonicndorry FurnoHBla , . Ht-pt. Utn I ClrciiHHlu . . . .Bept , ith Dovonta . . Sept. aist | Ethiopia .Oct. nth. New Yirk to Azores , Ol'jraltar anl Italy. Utopia Supt. Hth | VlclotU Oct. UtU Pliluoii , Prccind'Clu * * lliul hU-vruiCA intiituil lwl--U trrni * . KXI'IIII. ! . ' ! ! 'IkkdM u-iluu-il. niu.iuiiullul.hi . t > ru. luin by tltlit-r iliu I'lctuicvii0 C'lyilu oiitl North of Jie. Ininl. or Illirr ilcrwy uad boulh of Ireland , or t < | ilei uid < JlinallAr Kic r lun > to I'arl * or Continental Tour * oil low. rut ti'iiui. Tiatciera1 Clix-ulni- I tlflu of Crrillt rud Drafli for nny Amount 01 lorn trui rent rftt < - . Aj'i'ly ' ' to tuiy i.f our Irmal fiift-nt * . or to HENDERSON BROTHERB , ChlCOBO , III. H. H. I CHiCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lied CrmiH Illiiliiiinil Hruilil. Tdflf'ty rtlUI'l * v"l fwr l . afttti > 4 .air. I.Hdlrt , n k l > rueul t frflkc l > ln- rid mrulilclxiiM , * l 4 . _ ( , l > mpi ) fur | , t'llculari and "Itcllcf tut r | j < llr . " ( MH'.I'J mull , l-attfi'ipir , Uilibnlcr CbciuU l t'u. . JIuJUou h.j. , 1'lilUJa , ! . JOSEPH CiLUmsT STEEL PENS COLD MRDAL PARIS EXPOSITION MS. HOB. 303-404-170-604. THE HOST PERFECT OF PBWft , uuiUU urinary trouoiea M\\r. \ \ rjnloki . . . . . . I lyauJ .ifflly cured byDOO'iHnu Cai * . Hovurul cacei cured in inven tlayi. Sold ner box , 11 itru < eUta , or by mall 'rout * M't'x Co. HWhltu N. V. full Jlre * luiia