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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1889)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY SEPTEMBER , 3 , 1889. THE CITY. Revenue collodions yostdrtlny , $3- 1)80.02. ) Ono cnso of books f rom Sweden for Flodmnn nnd a cnso of wino from Pnrla for .1. N. H. Patrick i were received nt the custom lioufio ynstordny. lloronftor passengers on the cnblo line , whoso dcslro , will bo transferred from ono line to the other nt the corner of Twentieth und Dodge streets , on cnrs going in the sumo direction. ( "Asmnll llro occurcd by n irnsollno Btovo cftllod the flro department to the corner of Thirteenth and Pierce streets yesterday about 4 o'clock. The flro was oxMnguldhcd when the department nr- rlvcd. The commanding officer nt Fort Omntin will send the following military convicts to the military prison nt Fort Laavunworth under guard : Jnmu McLonna , Andrew McLuughlin , Jesse M. Ilelloy and Herman True. Minmo , wifn of Harry Druco , of the confectionery store at 109 South Six teenth street , died very suddenly at 1515 Dodge last night , in the thirty- fourth year of her ago. The funonil will take pl.ico from St , Ouriuibas church at 10 o'clock this morning , Rov. John "WillljuiiB ofllciatuig. A grand bull will bo given at Good rich hull , on Siiundors strcot , next Thursday night , by the hall association of Goodrich lodge , I. O. O. F. Musio will bo furnished by thu Patriarchs Militant band , which is a guarantee that it will bo flrst-olftss. A largo num ber of tickets have been sold and a Bploudld tlmo is anticipated. A valuablestoclc cow owned by Colonel M. W. Patrick , which was on exhibition nt the fair grounds , went mad Sunday and stamped nnd butted an omplovo at the stalls into a state of insensibility. The animal was captured and chained to a titako , but plunged nnd kicked until Bho suddenly broke her nock and died instun lly. _ IVrsotiol I'nrntrrnplis , J. C. White , of Lincoln , is ntthc Puxton. A. C. Hull , of Hastings , U at the Arcudo. C. A. Atkinson , of Lincoln , the Mur ? rny. rny.H. H. B' Tomson , of Lincoln , Is at the Mur- rny. rny.A. A. G. Johnson , of Cbadron , Is at the Paxton - ton , Mrs. 13. F. Martin has returned from the east. east.Mrs. Mrs. A. B. MuPliorson , ofork , Is at the Arcade. Hon. Gco. VV. E. Dorsoy , of Fremont , Is m the city. Gcorgo H. Thummol , of Grand Island , is at tbo Paxton. J. L. Stioroy , of Columbus , is stopping at thoMillnrd. U. J. ICIlp.itriuk , of Beatrice , ( s registered at the Paxton. C. U , DoVVolf nnd wife , of North Loup , are at the Arcade. Mrs. D. C. Bond ana sister , of Elm Crock , are ut the Puxton. Theodore Mayer nnd D. S. ) Mussclman , of Alinu , arc at the Murray. James Bell and wife , of David City , are registered at the Murray. John P. Baird , of the Cedar Rapids , Nob. , Republican , Is .in the city. Cuy .Dunn , cashier of tlio Loup county bank , is visiting Clarence J. West. J. M. Craig und J. C. Gilmoro. of Platts- mouth , are registered ut the Arcade. W. B. Cossua , J. B. Cessna and Roon B. Cessua , of Hastings , are at ttjo Millard. Hon. O. H. Van Wyck . .and wife loft lust evening lor their homo In Nebraska City. Mjss A. Fqllmor nnd Mrs. D. W. Mo nt- goincry , of Oak , are registered at the Mlllu rd. MrsrAlbin Frank , wife of the deputy clerk of the United States court , is seriously 111. 111.R. R. S. Mosgrovo nnd G. W. Sates , of David City , are among the late arrivals at the Ar cade. cade.G. n G. W. West , deputy county treasurer of Howard county , Is visiting his brother , J. B. West. A. A. Brlnkmnnn ana N. Pliilbrick , clgar- mnliern of Fremont , were in the city yester day and took part in the parade. Grant Chinn , deputy county clerk of How- erJ county , is visiting bis brotlier-in-law. Will Pryno , on North Eighteenth street. G. W. Ho.vnolds , Charles Craven , A. E. Ctiarlton nnu wife , P. W. Round and wife , nna A. M. Darling , of Arcadia , are registered at the Arcudo. Mrs. Dr. Hiunlin , wife of nn eminent Pros- b.vterinn clergyman , of Washington , D. C. , Is visiting her sister , Mrs. Dr. Gordon , 113S South Thlrty-flrat strcot. Tlio Rov. T. DoWlttTalmngo called at Tim BEK building yesterday , mainly for the pur L pose , ns hu said , of seeing wliut is reported to bo the ilncHt newspaper building in America. After passing through the edl- torlal rooms , the composing and stereotyping departments , ho ascended to the roof and was piutuse in his expressions of admira tion. Ho stated that the building far ex ceeded his expectations. * Harry Gallagher's Adventure. the sixteen-year-old of Post- Harry , - - son - tnnstor Gnllaghor , liuu an exciting adventure Sunday. Ho hud recently come into posses sion of u broncho and a road cart , and drove out to the fair grounds to see the sights. The stood became frightened and tnada a bco line for the fence , tippln'g the boy out backwards. Tbo horse and cart went through the fcnco three or four times , until the cart was left bohlnd , and the pony loft for parts unknown. It was recovered yesterday morning. Mr. C. P. R. Williams , of Grand Island , visited Tin ! Bun building with more than ordinary interest , because many yours ago , Avlion this paper was in its infancy , ho acted as foreman of the news-room , having been the second to 1111 the position. Slnco then Mr , Williams pub shed the Grand Island Times for nine yours and has onlciatod as postmaster of that thriving city. Illd-i and Washout. Tlio board of public works has adver tised for bids for grading the following streets ; Nineteenth , Twentieth and Twenty 11 rut , from Wlrt to Etmnctt ; Lnthrop , from Sherman avcnuo to Nineteenth street ; Hln- ney , from Sherman avenue to Twenty-first ; Mercer uveuuu , from Lowe avenue to Vistn street. Tlioro is a bad washout In the pavement nt the corner of Twenty-fourth strcot und St. Mary's avenue. Snmctliuic to lloineinbor. If you are going east remember the "Rock Island Route" run the sloopera nnd chair curs of their solid vostlbulo train to nnd from the Omaha depot , leaving Omaha ut8fu : p. in. , thus avoid ing the transfer at Council BlulTs. Three solid trains dally. All chair cars are free. Dining cars on all through trains. Our trains make close connec tion with all eastern limited trains con necting in union depot at Chicago , avoiding n transfer across the eity to parties onrouto to Now York , Boston nnd ether custom cities , "and every thing a little bettor than ether lines can offer. " S. S. SriiYCNS , Ticket oilico 1805 Farnain. Gon'lV. . A. ilnir 1'nro to DCH MolneH , For the Iowa stuto fair , commencing Aug , i9 ! and continuing until Sept. 7th , the "Rook Island Route" will sell ex cursion tickets to DCS Moincs and re turn fpr ono fair for tbo rouiut trip. Tickets good to return until Sept. Oth. S. S. STKVUNS , Gen. "West. Agt. Ticket otllco 1305 Furnuui St. < " Itulltimi ; i'orinm. Tlio larniu WJM Uml by ; Inspector Wultlnok yoitarl lyi . MoCro . onobtory frumo dwell. luff , T enty-ullitliuiul HirlUK | ( OX ) Jlnxxui Tullacr. oue-fctory frauiodwellliu ; , flutumlt FUce addition OuO Xwo porinlu CBr6 tlus .ll.WO HAVE NOT BEEN MOLESTED , Has Immunity Boon Afforded Gum- blorB By the Polios ? BIG GAMES RUNNING WIDE OPEN Tlio Hoe's Inrnrinnnt Sec s homo Very Queer Tilings Ilo Bucked the Tlccr and Cniuo Out n Winner. Do They Struul In With rhn Polio ? Whllo the recent investigation of Irrflgu- Inrltlos on the part of policemen was In pro gress , a great many matters were brought to the attention of Tin : UCD which , up to ttiis time , have not been alluded to. The nbuics which first attracted pubtlo tit- tontlon were the repealed arrests of ln\v- abiding citizens , and the utter Inulc of Judg ment displayed by n number'of members of the metropolitan police. Mutters were brought out that ulnccd the chief of police In n most unenviable light. In the llrst pluco TUB FACT LEAKED OUT , incidentally , thut trfo chief , although ho gets n salary of $3,003 per year , und his xvlfo ro- cclves $000 more , Is a very heavy borrower from all sorts of people , nnd consequently Is beholden to men who havu exerted an influ ence nvur him that cannot 'fall to bo perni cious. For Instance , ho has borrowed SiJOO from Garbtigoiimstor Goldsmith , and the latter has boasted openly that ho could get ANYTIlI.Va HE WANTED out of thirchlof to further his own interests. In this connection anuiovary singular reports buvo reached this oftlcu with regard to the garbage master's way of conducting business and the peculiar way in which notices from the police ofllco have been is sued bearing n sunup with un advertise ment for Goldsmith. These notices are issued to residents requiring the removal of garbage , and the advertisement impresses itself upon the recipients of the notice as a direction to them to employ Goldsmith and nobody also. A HEAVY CIIBD1TOH. Ex-Cantnln Duff Green is said to have been n heavy creditor of the chief of police , which might account for certain mutters not other wise explainable. These , of course , are com paratively trifling matters o.xceot la BO far us they show thatChief Seavoy had surrendered his owu freedom of action to certain parties who were willing to accommodate Uim with money. A FAKO HANK. numors had reached Tun HUE from vari ous sources to thu effect that an extensive gambling establishment was running wide open in this city by the connivance of the pollco. The report nad it that one Dumosoy , whoso son is a morabor of the police force , had been given n largo interest in this gam bling establishment bv first threatening It with the vengeance of the chief and then claiming to have It within his power to attord the ulaco immunity from uolico interference. "Whether this report DO true or not the fact is thut the concern has boon LEFT UNMOLESTED by the police us the sequel will show. Since this information reached THE BEB certain parties , whoso names wo'deetn best to suppress , were asked to investigate for us , nnd learn Jvhothor or not gambling was carried on in Omaha , tu represented , and to what extent the professionals were operat ing. The following reports , each frou ditlcrcnt persons , speak for themselves : III ! 11UCKK1I TUB TlOEIt. "On or about the 15th day of August I was told that gambling was going on openly in a room over the Diamond saloon. About 8 o'clock in the evening I went in thorn alone nnd walked back -to 'tho ' pool room. I desired - sired to see If it xvas a fact that gambling was going on , but not being an habitue of the house , I knew I could not get in alone. I watched ray chance , and a party of young men coming in , I followed them upstairs and passed in ns though I were ono of the party. A faro table on ono side of the room was surrounded by players , and n roulette table on the other side was crowded. I staid tnero about half an hour watching the players. I understand that the place is run ning every night , and it is no seorot to men about town. " IIK CAME OUT WINKEII. "Thursday , August 22 , I hapoencd Into the Diamond ualoon pool room , and , whllo stand ing Idly looking at the blackboards containing the base ball and horse race combinations , no ticed three or lour persona ascend throe or four steps on the west sld of the room , go through a door and bo lost to sight. Doing very curious to ascertain wnoro they went , and for what business , I asked ono of the loungers In the pool room what was trolng on beyond the mysterious door , nnd received the answer ; ' 'Why , that door leads to the furo bank ; you must bo u stranger ; if you want to play , there is no difllculty in doing so. All you will have to do is to walk up those stops , go through that door , keep right on till you arrive at another , behind which you will Hud a colored gontioman who Will admit you. " I replied that I was no stranger , but hud been under the imoresslon that faro banks had been entirely wiped out of Omaha. Having toyed a little with the tiger myself when a young man. I thoucht I would go up and play awhile. Following the instructions given me , although I was a stranpor to the sablu gentleman on guard , I hud no trouble whatever in getting in. Furo and roulolto were running in full blast , although the most play was centered about the furo layout , wnoro about twelve players were engaged in an endeavor to win the bank roll , although at the rate they wore butting their money It would take some time to do it , as I under stand the house has a pretty good sum bo hlnd It. As I walked up to the layout the dealer cast an inquiring look at uio as if to soy , 'Well , I would llko to BOO the color of your money , as wo do not admit lookers-on. I therefore threw down three dollars and re ceived six white chucks checks , llfty-cent be ing thu lowest In the house except rouletto. I played with varylncsuccess for a littloover an hour , nnd when I got up from the gumo I was J3.M ) ahead. Meanwhile the door con tinued to open nnd close , and tlioro was a continual coming and going. Men whom I never 8CO" before and men whom I was well acquainted with wore there. " HE SAW BOME QUCEH THINGS. "Tho other evening I dropped in nttho Diuinond , a place on Douglas street \vliero tlioro Is a great display of glass-covered walls and celling , and in which was mirrored u crowd of men ranged along a counter talk ing , drinking and sucking through straws , thu contents of glasses. Others were look ing at u blackboard with a lot of Jlguros on it. After refreshing ourselves wo followed a squad of men uu stairs. "A jounguinn piloted us through a door on a jlight of Blairs and then up to auothar door , in which was bored a hole through which an individual looked down on us. "Tho young man with mo said something to the owner of the eye which meanwhile- con tinued to slzo us up. Presently thu door opened and wo were permitted to pass up and in. "Here I began lookliiL' for the buck , tlcor and ether animals , wondering if they were loose. "There was a long room brllllantl/llghtod. There wcro'sovornl tublosut each of which But a dozen or more men Jlimling money which they would now and uguln trade to u fellow ( who * ut at the tables ) for u lot of chips. The man who took the cash seemed to have another duty on the table. In front of him was a metal box which I should Bay was the slzo of a playing card , as several o ! the cards of that description were neatly lilted into it , At the top of the box was an operaturc largo enough to Hhow all the spots on the top card thu cards being held up against the top by u spring In the bottom of thu box , "The follow , besides pulling the money drawer , would take u pull at the cards in this box , drawing thorn out at the side. Ho would draw ono card and then anotherwhen there would bo a Jingling and n changing of the chucks and money , which was plied up on certain cards , arranged face up on the table. Alter the changes bud boon made the monn.v man would pull out two Micro cards , und then open and shut the drawer under the table. "At another table a man was Bplnnlng BO mo sort of u wheel with n murblo in It. On a tublo were a lot of numbers printed in black uud red { there , too , wor "check * . " At ttils tnblo nfso n lot of men were crowded oround piling checks on the numbers. The money man was hero also oulv instead of pulling ciirdu ho gave the wllccl n Jerk which after a moment or two would slow up and the tnarblo would roll down Into certain kind of a groove would can 10 the man to say something thnt sounded llko "red on thirty. " Thjn the money man would tale : up the chock nnddlstributon few nnd take In inoro cash. "Whllo I wnswonderlncnow the thing was clone a young man npnroachod nnd offered to handle my money If t did not know how. 1 watched the different games a while und then loft the place. " WAS HOOMISO. Saturday night , August ill , wain busy ono at the Diamond , both In the pool nnd gam bling rooms. Throucrh the week only ono faro tnblo Inyoiu xvns used , but on Saturday another ono Is brought. Into requisition , ns manv of the patrons of the week dniw tliclr wcokjy salary on that day. 7nlugs had rather the appearance of old times on the night in question , Houlotto nnd stud poker wore also in full blust , and the tables were HUrroundod by n 'iiotloy grouu. nil bent on winning n few dollars , the clink of which could bo heard as they went Into the money drnw for that was where most of It went and but a little of It was dra\vn out. The colored sentinel on guuru nt the en trance was kept busy Inspecting , through the little hole in the door , parties who were willing and oven anxious to part with their hard earned wages , only to open it a mo ment later for the purpose of letting out. n hngpird-looking man who had Just gene Hut broke. AXOTHEH IAYOUT. The biggest came In the city is conducted by ono George Uaruentor , in room No. Globe hotel. It U a usher gumu , and U car ried on in open dolianco of the law , inasmuch as everybody scorns to itnow thnt it is running. It is principally patronized by men of wealth , ox city ofllcluls , politicians , merchants and professional men , with u penchant for the nastcboards. It is also ono of thu heaviest games that luis been carried on In this city since the halcyon dnys of ' 8i ! , ! 83 nnd ' 84 , when politi cal interference- a thine unfcarcd and unheard of. 'Iho ante at this game Is gener ally 52 call W , with the coiling for u limit , and Carpenter Is cappmir out n very handsome - some revenue from the "rako off , " which f requontly amounts to a couple of hundred "cases" a-niu'lit. A notably big "sitting" was that which took pluco in Carpenter's rooms on the night of August 20 , when a Hastings dry goods merchant dropped something like ft,5'ju. ) Atnonir those who "sat In" at the play were several prominent gentlemen of this uitv. The story of the- game Is about as follows : The Hastin&s man , who Is a brother of a banker of some small town weal of here , was Invltml into Carpenter's saloon for a quiet little sot-to nt draw. This was about 4 in the afternoon , and the game ran uloni ; until din ner time with varying success. When all participating were more or less oxhllerutcd with the wlno that had been served , and after indulging in a sumptuous incal brought uo to the room , they resumed play , ralsini ; the unto from "J call 3" to " 10 call S3. " By midnight the Hastings morchantlind dropped f5,000 in wish , but ho played on , the accommodating proprietor putting up a "marker" for him to the pxtont of S1.50J more , which ho dumped by morning. Ho guva his chock for the balance duo the house , who of course cashed the chips on the table , but requested that it bo held until Thursday morning , when he would return from Hast ings with the cash. This was done , nnd on Thursday the victim returned and settled the account. This instance Is only cited us nn evidence of the magnitude of the garno that is prosecuted hero. Tim 13nn has Information of heavy losses nttho Diamond during the past month , but it is not considered necessary to give par ticulars and names of losers. A FUEK TICKET. To tlio Nebraska Hfnto Knlr nt Lincoln THE OMAHA BEK will present n com plimentary ticket of admission to the Nebraska State Fair nt Lincoln to every person sending1 a .yearly subscription to either TimWjJKKLY BKE with $1.25.or Tin : SUNDAY BEE with $2.00. Orders must bo in by September Oth , so us to pivo time to mail the ticket , as the Fair opens on September Oth and closes September 13th. These prices are no advance on the regular price for the Weekly and Sunday editions , but the publishers of THE BEE desire to { five their readers a chance to see the exhi bition at Lincoln free of admission fee. Cash must accompany each order. Address your orders to THE BEE PUIIUSHINO Co. , _ Omaha , Neb. Wo have withdrawn our olflco at Omaha and Fremont , and Mr. B. B. Bryan , who has represented us hero , will continue in the same business in liisown name. Commending Mr. Bryan to our friends. JOHN M. SHAW & Co. September 2,18SU 1 have much pleasure in offering my services to my friends in Omaha and vicinity. Will carry on strictly broker age business in Krain , provisions , stocks arid oil at IU5 South Fourteenth street. The continuance of your patronage will oblige BENB. BRYAN. This powder never varies. A marvel of puri ty , htruticth nnd vholeuwneness , Moru eco nomical than the ordinary kinds , nnd cimnot be sold in competition with tlio multitudes ot lor or HliQrvwelght uliim or plunphnjo powders. Bold only In cans. Royal llatcluj ; render Com pany , UO Wc.ll Street. Mow York. AMIJHI < , 1KNTH. Tuesday nnil Wiidncsdiiy Sept. t ) uiiil1. . Special ilatlnauVc < lnes fluy Afternoon , W. S. CLEVELAND'S llnvurlv Mustodon Mlnatrelu. Ckrlstendon'a Chrmplon Conquurora I Led by thu Klut ; of MluHtruIi. WILLIS P. SWETHAK1 , Supported by olulit , eminent bluett fuco come- UlaiiH. Kumptiiou jiiii.'Ctuciilartjci.'nlcl1r3 : IMrt VENITUN NIGHTS. The original Orlentnl Patrol March , THEEGYPTU'I PHALANX. Aud the celebrated luhuiccrj , THE JAPS. Itegular prlcfg , "BOSTON PAVILLION THEATRE COiillPANY olllseuin BJoumls , commencing ilonoiy ovon- anil nil weeU.M v , m , SATllltlkAY - . GOOOIlICIl , LAW , 131 Dearborn 8U.ChlcuKOi advice tree : 21 yearn' experience ; business quietly uua egully ttauJttCtcd , AUCTION ! At Frank Ra llis ! Stable , Lincoln , Neb , ScptcitriMor ft , nt 1 p. in. , RY'S ' , DIKE No , 654 The strongest Uitodod Hamblotonlim Stallion living. In peed munition nnil nctlvons n four- yciir-old. At the sumo tlmo (0 ( mnrci , colts , drlvol s unit OraTMtorses. Mnro * by Ry's Dnlco. Saturn , Ftitadiml llenror. Compeer nnd Clay llloo.l. Boms oxtrn yomm sUlllons by lly'a DtiKo. Long tlmo nr hbcrnl discount. J. U. UON 1'UOStX Proprietor. 'K. M. WOODS. Auctloneo DRS , BETTS & BETTS . 1 U 1'AtivAM STPKET. OMAHA , Nxu. ( Upposlto I'axtpa Hotel , ) Office hours , 9 n. m , to 8 p. in. Sundays , 10 n. m. to I p. m. Bpi , lillsts la Chronic , Nervous Skin anil Illond niseiwt. fc y Consulti\tlon at oinco or by mail frco. Medicines si-nt by innll or espies ? , scurely Dackeil. free from observation , ( lunrnutees to rnrn milMcly. snfely nnd permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY gErT2SS ffi3V slons. Physical Di'cay. iirlslnii from lm11 cro Hon. Kxccssor Indulgence. piodncluirSlcirpleis ness. Despondency. I'linp'o * on tlio nice , aver sion to society , easily dlscournccd , lack of cnnll donee , dull , unlit forstudy or business , and llnds life n burden. Safely , pernini out- ! find pri vately o.uretl. Consult Iirs. IJctts & Belts , 14U3 l' ° nrnim : St. , Omnhi , Neb , Blood and Skin Disfei results , conipletclv eradicated without the tild of Mercury. Scrntuln. Kryslpe'nH. ' I'evtr Sores , Hlotches , ulcers , 1'ainsln the Head nnd Hones , Pyphtlltlc Sere 'J hront , Mouth und 'IOIIRIIICn - tunli , etc. . permanently cured where others nuvu fulled. ITililltur TfninCPtf nml ninddor Complaints , lUlUluYi UI llld ) IMInful. Ullllcult. too fre quent IturnltiRor fl'oody Urine , Urlno h'Kh col- nred or with milky Fodlinent on standing , Weak Back. Oonorrhiun , cjieet , Cystltl * . etc. , 1'roniDtly and Safely Cured , Charges Keasonv lilo. ST3TT11TT'R"FSI ( ! ? Guaranteed pcr- 9 A VJ. < U J.V VJCl i mnmjnt O.irc. ie- movul complete , without cutting , causMo or tllllntlon. Cures oOtcted at homo by patient without a momentsjpaln or iinnoynuco. To Yoiuiff Mcii aiid JilJe-Ajct [ | , wenknee ? , ilestroylng both mind and body , with nil Its dreaded Ills , permancntlvciired , TIP ? UPTTv ! Adress thoje wlin hnvo unpaired JJUOi DD110 themselves by'linproper indul gences i\nd t-olltaij' hiibllB. which ruin both body and mind , i.uflttlug them ior buslntss , tuay or mnrriagp. .MAitiiir.D ji.v. [ or these onterlnq : on that hap py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as ufbted. ODU SUCCESS. Is based upon facts. First Practical Expo rlcnce. Socoud Kvory c.isoIs especially studlcd- tlms starting aright. Thlid-Meilolnes are ore. paied In our labatoey exactly to suit each case thus affecting citrea-wJthoul Injury t Send U cents Dosttpe for celebrate 1 works on Chronic , Nervous anil Delicate Diseases. U'housnndB.curo.l. C3y A friendly letter or call may an-ro ypu future sutrerjtifc nnd slmnie , and add poldcii years to life. 'S ? No letters an swered unless accompanied by 4 cents. In E tarn DS. Address or call on 1 > R . BETTS & KKTTS , 140S Karnam Slrset , Umahn. lieb. 1HE6BTWHITEIPAP MADeitvAMEMtt- AUTUMN IS CLOSE UPON US Ami wo ure roaily for It. Our buyer lins been Inspecting tlio Kustorn MnrKutB fur tlio prv'tsljc weekH , jirepiirlna Jor tliu com- ItiK Bcusnn , We are nlreatlyrecolvlnKcarly Kail Novelties , and thu Summer ontia.svill ' [ noon bo removoil to tlu < Imck hlic-lvos. Our ; n w Block 1ms'been H-leclril under most luh-antnKoousclrciim'jtjiiros from the best 'oporoveil ' nnnufactiucB. Wo are coutlilmit 'or 1 nu oxcullonc of our Roods nnil hope by 'conitei-y ' and honorable dcnltns to coin- moud ourselves ; hoslrln to exam * 1 n o the Justly cel ebrated llnex of Hoots mill Shoea , inuiiufuclnr- eiluy t ! . tl. Hendei'Hon tV Co. , of Chicago 1'uc- tnrlcg nt CliUMKO. Ulxon , Ills. , and I'ond llu luc , > fl8. linuld wrlto SAM. N. WATSON , real- rtnnre , I'llSMONr. NEIl. Truvellng ttiont. llc4'uiirtora ' | for Itubbora. KG VEHICLES TryOnM ' 4r. fiat lUorttn Ktvof to woljlit put ou tbom. dunUd cqullr tll to rouch country or ( In * u drlo WUlciT u bait natUfaotlon. OUR EXHIBITION Of Fall goods is the grandest Omaha has ever seen. No words can give a description of our new stock. We invite the hundred thousand strangers who will be in Omaha , this week , to visit the largest clothing establishment of the west and look at our grand * display of Men's and Boy's Clothing , Hats , Shoes and Furnishing goods. Our display is one of the features of this weeks fair. Rely upon it you will see something exceptional in the way of as sortment and styles. No matter whether you wish to buy any thing or not. call and look around in our establishment. It will do you good. You will not be urged to buy. You will not even have to ask a saleman for the price of anything , as you can tell the prices yourself. Everything in our store is marked in plain figures and THESE FIGURES WILL BE A REVELATION TO YOU. We are sure you have never seen goods marked and sold that way. In prices we have no competition. If there is in our stock any one line of which we are especially proud , it is our line of suits for dress and business wear ; a mar velous assortment. Fall Overcoats , silk faced and silk lined , beautiful styles. Boy's and Ohildrens' department second floor is brimful .pf novelties. Shoes A now department also on second floor wo keep only honest and reliable makes of shoes. Hats and Furnishing Goods More than a half dozen stores together. OPEN TILL 9 P. Corner Fourteenth , and Douglas Streets , Omaha. TROWSERS SUiTS TO ORDIK 120 TO OVERCOATS TO OHIO Kit @ 1O TO 8 0. IT'S A GOOI > TIME FOR T1SITOZBS TO llnvc Winter SUITS nnd OVKRCOATS Made lo Order. ix 3 MAYS IF Required. Visitors Strangers We are glad who be among1 those to welcome you. A year ago this week WE were strangers seeking a wel come ; we found a generous people and warm greetings , true as steel and active traders ; we're right glad to reiterate the kindness. C onsider our store a bureau of information. Examine our goods ; you will not be impor tuned to buy. You may leave your meas ure with us ( free of charge ) and we will mail samples , p rices , fashion plates , to your home anytime. Open Evenings. 1409 Douglas Street. STBANO & CLARK STEAM HEATING Cfl , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. A. B. MEYER & CO. , SHIPPERS AND DEA.LERS IN COKE 103South 1Bth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Toiophono 149O. "YOST" WRITING MACHINE A Typiwrltor made to meat the inoilrrn wunt for , i nm-lilnu which prlnU directly front type , uiva no ribbon. nllgn ponnunoiitly ut point of printing , la I.lglit , Coinitact , Diirnlilu , und In u word , lit built nn Kcluntlllo prlnclpleH. tliDlnveDtliinof ( IV. I . N. Yost , thu builder of oothtlio HoiuliiL'ton uuil Callfrapli. MuchlMoHWltii Huiiilngtoii cr Cullurapli key board us desired. AliirirBStoclcofBeroml Imnil Typoxvrltors , of nil mulcoi. for balu , renter oxclmiiBB.Vo uru iilno suit s nKcnts for the MKHIUTT" Typu- \\Tlter.the Uncut low priced lUKclilno on thu uiurket. 1'rlcelll. . . . \ Vuwould be pleased to receive a call from you , whether you want to purcluuia or not. and wo will tfladly show you the " VOiU'1 anrt tli llnest and lttr < i t stoclc of Typewriter I'urul- turo , Buppllea , utc. . ever brou ht to this city , GEO.H. SMITH & CO. , 1605 Farnam St. , Omaha Dr. J. E , McGRE W i ONK OK TUB MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of .All Chronic , Nervous nnd Private Diseases. Pporrantorrhfrn , Imputcncy nnj Kulllnc MftnliooS nlinoliitclr L'uroJ. A ouru Kuiirantuvd In nil forma oz 1'ilviilo Dlnt'iisea , Strictures , ( licet , Ac. Uitnrrb. 'Jlirunt , I.unus , nnd Henri Dlnciiiii'S , ItLoinimtUid , t-plnnl nntl Funinla Uhoasca , lllooU and Skin lllioaigj triMili-il mifccsBfiilly Lmllen * nnil ( iciitfuniui B wultluK rooms aoparato nnrtcntlrolT prlvntc , Cuimulintion free. Scml for book * , "Tlio secret and I'rlvnto DlK'iisuB of Mini , " also " \Vonmn and llof Dsoii BOS , " Ida each ( tnm | ) . Treatment tijr corra * tpondcnco ; lenil ntnnip forrnply. OFFICE ! 10T11 AND UUUQtiAS ST11KETS , OMAHA , NKU. Health is Wealth ! DiuK.O. WHIT'S NMHVE AND DIIAIN * B.NT , guaranteed spocluo for Ilyatorln , Utzzt. aosi , Ounviihloas. lats , Nervous NcuralKl < Hoad.ictio , Nerrous Prostration cuuned by the' ' aso of alcohol or tobacco. WnkofulucHV , MontaJ Dopresilon , Softening of tlio Drain , resultlnRln Insanity nud leading to misery , decay and death. Ptomuturo Old Ai0 , Uarronness , Ixjss ot I'ovrta In either sex , Involuntary J.OBSOI and Bpermat * orhcuacauied by oror-exortlon of the liraln.solf. ' abuse or overindulgence. Each box contain * ene month's treatment. tl.OO a box , or six boxes for iri.uo.Bent by mall prnpnlil on rocolpt of price. WB QITARANTBH SIX BOXES To cure any iwsu. With each order received b no for six boxti. ttccoinpunled with fa.OO , vrovlQ ( end tlio purchaser our written guarantee to ro tund the money If too treatment does not eaeck cura. Quar t ea iisuod only by. QoodmaB rug Co. . Druggist * , BoU J euU , UlO Varaaoi itrcrt. Omaha a U. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING Epps's Cocoa BREAKFAST. LreiikUBUnboawllli u Uulleiit ly lluruifd huvvruul v wlikli limy uvu u many limtrf iloitnrn' ' lillli , lllR \ liy tlmju llcluuu uiu u ( inch nrtlrlen of diet that J'l coiKtltjlloiuimr tioxrndiinllr built up until utroiitfj t'liiiiMli to rv l l uvury tcndcney to ilUemo. Hun- ilrcnl of niilitlo iiml.nMui nru llontlnu nriniiiil 111 rumlr toatliitk whcruvir tln.TuU u wmk point. Wo mar i > c.i | > u innny n Jntnl ( .linft \ > y kceplim welt MrtiilHlnltli pure ulood mil u properly nuurUhea imniu. " civil Hcrvlco ( lutoiiu , .j Wini ) linply Hltli bullliiK wntor or mllx. Sold Oulr < In liulf iiojuil tint by ( iruct-r * luliulnd Iliui : fc 10 nnn9 fin Ilnma'oputhluOhcralata KMH.AND. A Perfect Face Powderi UiUMtT Ue H ruboir. Kliultr'i. > l K.iii.uiM ilil. . . ' . , ; . .liili > L | Oil K.rn.inbt.i n < > 1i .u UrinCo ,1,110' ' Kclir.UrX I.IIIlii TurUll't , > , ll * . On N.Utlii tar W.lMlr'rl > li > rr > ir < , ror'ciilr > < u.llcr nik/ _ nr TVIIlUuil ( inn , liiiiillurfili'i , ls , | i < l | , L' < tl..rur. i'.iiltrl Uctlc.l lu.tllutil > iulliirr , ro % i' > . cor. r.rincj on H. lulu 1W111 , U0i ( mllli UIIM. err. Pteli lc | On a llllil ( ' "onl'i , III ) Kui.u fa Co. , ci.r. lx > u l > ii all lur. l lli nd ruuluc ) On H.nci Irr1 ! ) Dr. H ! ll > 'i , 1,101 : ( liU . < > ' , fr. uv. | Oil Uiimwuilhi ll.rl. ' . l.lll I'.jWn < . o A . ndOoil.j'J-lMk'i.Ui.n4WfUw rtliAVMtlr.'a > nUd ! , < ! ll .rili c.jj ri.tor , eiii.uj fi.rcii Uoj I > .c i > iui .Hi Klu tt I W. J ,' . | Hokoit A Co. . B. Uu tVliolel. ! . , lllclKMiKii Drill la ! , HUk. . llrm. J. L m LATEST PEftFUWIE FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA rxk'irab