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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1889)
THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNESfQ , SEPTEMBER 2 , 1889. NUMBER 75. M'DERMOm HEANDER1NCS. The Famous "Rod Jim's" Graphic Qccltal of Hla Travels. WANDERING OVER THE WORLD. 110 Marries n Frcnuh COUIUOSB ntul Secures Wealth niul a Title J > c- nlcs That Ho Was a BrltlHli Spy. "llccl Jim's * ' lUmblliiKi. ( Cnji/H0'it ISfO l > u Jamr * flonbm Dennett.1 LONDON , Sept. 1. [ Now York Herald Coble Special to TUB BnB.1. Hod Jim McDcrmolt , who mmlo Ills homo In Brooklyn - lyn for miiny yearswho has been denounced IIB an Informer by Irishman nil over the world , whoso death In various shape's 1ms been announced nearly a dozen time. ! , nnd for Information of whose whereabouts Henry Labouchcro offered fiO during tin sluing of the Pnriioll commission , left London to-day on un early morning train. Ho had been In London n week. Ho took no pains to seclude 111 in self , and last night Informed the Herald correspondent that lie was afraid of no one , and that the heaviest weapon ho carried was a latch key. This ho carried in his trousers' pocket attached to a silver chain , after the English fashion. McDermott never looked more prosperous nor more contented than last night while ho sat at one of the small t iblos with which the smoking room of one of Lon don's principal hotels is lavishly furnished. Ha was ono of a party of six. Five of thcso were Americans. The sixth might have been a unlive of Scotland or the north of Iri'land , but ho hud very little brogue. Excepting his upper lip , his face was smoothly shaved. lie were a Email sandy moustache ; his hair , also sandy , was cut reasonably close and was plentiful. His face was fresh colored rather than florid. His attlro stnaclicd of the world of sport. It was of Scotch goods , n rather biggish cticck , and was fashionably mmlo. In his scarf ho wore a largo cameo pin unit on his head a brown derby. His ago would bo guessed nt from forty to forty-five. His movement * ] weru quick , and las air youthful rather than uilddlc-ugcd , though his manner was per. fectly composed. This afternoon McDermott was perfectly at homo , though ho had known only one of the party for more than thirty minutes and only to ono was ho known us Jim McDertnott , for his single acquaintance , nNowXorkcr , had introduced him to the others of the party under nn assumed uamo. Tills , it should bo said , was done without McDerinott's connivance , and Hod Jim informed mo afterwards that it would not hnvo bothered him at all had ho been introduced us MoDarmott , as ho thought many had forrotton him , while nrnuy moro believed him dead. The subject of travels wus introduced by ono of the party , and it soon bocauio evident that Mo- Dcruiott had seen moro countries and more life than the rest of the party combined , at least his conversation made such a conclu sion reasonable. Ho had been in America , over a good bit of it , ho knew Now York nnd Brooklyn as well ns ho ever know pray ers , though ho nt this time did not enter into details. Ho had been over England , Scot land nnd Ireland. Ho had traveled the con tinent from end to ondj Australia has been his stamping grounds ; much of Ceylon was familiar to him. In the course of nn .hour the party broke up and loft McDermott nnd the Herald cor respondent together. Then ho told some thing that will Interest many Herald readers. Ho may nt ono timolmvo been in fear of assas sination ; but l.o is so no longer. lie snaps his lingers nt those who threaten him. He de nies most vehemently that ho was ever in the pay of Scotland Yard , and while on this topic said : "Why , I don't know where it is , except t , tnat it is in London. I have been hounded I us a British spy when I never was ono. When I was supposed to be getting money from ho British government 1 was broke , sometimes without u pound to my name , was driven from pillar to pobt. a man with out n country , but In spite of all I have to-day all tlio money Ivnnt. . I have none to throw away , tmt plentj for comfort and a little for luxury. Since [ loft America nnd was arrested on this sldo and thrown in the Wai con jail at Liverpool , the same jail Mrs. MaybrlcK was In , I have talked to several Americans , but when they went homo and said they had talked with Jim i MoDermott they were not bollovcd. I met dairies McLean , the millionaire of Brooklyn - lyn , some tlmo ago in Scotland. I was there with my yacht. Ho "knew mo and talked I with me. They would not bollovo him in New York. I met Peter Mitchell , of New York , who is nowajudgo , rlpbt in this place , the Criterion ( wo had left the hotel ) , and tulked to him for an hour. Soon after ho got homo thcro appeared a three column interview torview In the Brooklyn Union with him I must say that ho treated mo fairly , hut I don't think the interview was believed. I liavo boon killed so often that people won't ' believe I am olive. They had mo dead a t Toulon of cholera. Thcro was cholera at Toulon at the tlmo and a cordon was drawn around the uity , but 1 got nwuy before fore the conlon was completed. I was las killed by n man named Flanagan. Ho wu > Interviewed In London. Ho said : 'I met MeOoruiott In France. Wo mat face to fuco. Ho know mo and I know htm , The moment our eyes met ho turned and ran. 1 followed. Ho took to the country. I fol lowed. ' 'And what followed ) ' askei the interviewer. 'Don't nslc mo , Bald Flanagan , throwing up his hands as much as to say ho would navor boar of McDermott aeatn , but you can't expect - pect me to tell how I disposed of him. Now , 1 was within reaching distance of Flanagan when ho told his story , Wo saw each other , but ho took no notice of mo , for ho did not know mo , So many lies huvo been told about mo and ' some of , them Imvo been so ingeniously con structed that I was often puzzled by them myself , I was hi Berlin once , and from n Lotol went to live at a iiulot plucu until I was told by the police I had been long enough in the plucu unless I had a passport. I could claim citizenship nowhere. The United States should huvo protected me , but did not. I was without a country. At the tlmo I fait rather uosperute , and I said to mjaolf , by G d , I'll ' co to the only free couuz try on earth , and I went to Kngluml , Ibero a man U safe , nuil my sympathies to-day are English , They suy I betrayed the secrets of Irish so- cletics nnd am accountable for the imprison ment of Mr. Gallagher and others. I say they ho. I Imvo not belonged to an Irish society since IbtiS. I was a Feulan , but that wus the only Irish society I over belonged to. 1 belonged to none of their societies In America , and the only secret organization I belong to to-dny U the Masonic. How could I ateal uud neil the secrets of societies or organizations to which I never belonged II ! 1 was arrested in 1SW upon landing lu Eng from America. I was in Jail for six weeks. All my papers were token from mo , but they were all returned to mo. It was after I was liberated that I began my wan derings. Talk of romance , no romance cnn compare with the story of my llfo. When I was aboard the ship , from which I landed only to bo arrested , I mot my good fortune in the form of a woman , Why she took on interest In mo I can not say , out she fid , My arrest did not lessen the interest. I am married to that woman now , out before that event occurred I suffered many hardships' traveled ever many countries , salted thous ands of miles nnd had countless curious ad ventures in' my wanderings. I have picked up several languages. J\fy Wife is French , n countess , and I speak her native language. I speak Danish nnd Swedish und can make myself understood in several other languages. There wns a time when I was not worth n kroner. Now I own u chateau and estate m France. You can drive conches through the main halls of the chateau. The estate Is small , only fourteen hectares , or fifty-six ncrcs , but the tenantry on it numbers 200. Owing to the ravages of phylloxera it hns only paid enough for some years' to keep the tenantry. There hns been no profit In it. It used tn pay r > ,000 francs taxes to tbo government on it , but oxving to its recent un productiveness the taxes were lowered to 200 francs. It Is the same in many parts ot Franco. In marrying the countess I ob tained the title of count. Everything she owned is mine , for in Franco , you know , everything Is in the name of the husband. There is no tenant on the estate who cnn marry without getting my consent. They could Inoue ouo sense , but such hns bean the cus tom for centuries , nnd none of them would think of getting mnrrled before obtaining the consent of monslcure lo count. I own u yacht , n forty tonnor , nnd J want to sell her. The yacht costs mo 1ISOO a year und she cost mo nbout 2,800. I believe I would sell her now for whut she costs for ono year's keeping. I own a house in Stockholm helm , and ono of my particular friends there is tbo American minister , Thomas , who was relieved by Cleveland , but has been put back again by Harrison. Thomas knew all nbout mo and introduced mo to his friends , nnd among his friends are some of the best people in the place , and n beautiful place it is , too. There is another property that I have , and you wouldn't guess where it is. It is in Clmtlmn street , Colomba , the capital of Cylon. Chatham street seems n curious name for a street in Ceylon , but that's the name. This property , house nnd grounds , was loft to me by un uncle I never heard of till he died. Ho died intes tate. Ho had a son , but this son was eaten by wild beasts , it Is supposed , for ho went into a forest and. never cauio out of it. It cost mo a good deal for legal expenses to pVovo my title , but I did so , nnd the property pays mo 80 per cent clear on what it cost. Since I have got this property I have great affection for wild beasts , and if I only know the particular species that ate my lamented relative I would get ono and have it stuffed. I can now look bnck with com placency on the times when I hardly knew where to turn for money. I will tell you of one of them. I was in Copenhagen. It was nt the tlmo I was kept moving. It took some money to keep moving. I was living at the best hotel. Atihis hotel I met an Englishman to whom I took u great lilting. 1 was sitting at u table ouo evening , sipping u glass of wine , when I noticed n line lookIng - Ing felfow sitting nt u table near by. I know who ho was , though ho was traveling in Ineopr. Ho fell into conversation. He of course supposed I did not know him. After n while ho hinted that ho would like to see a bit of town life. It was agree able to mo , I said , and wo started. I know Copenhagen nnd when wo got through my companion know it. When wo started out ho said to mo : 'Wo do not know each other and you will oblige mo if you will call mo Jack.1 I said , 'All right , and you can cull mo Jim. ' Wo struck to the bargain until wo were nbout to part , when I said , 'good bye , vour highness. ' Ho looked much surprised and said : 'You know me. ' I said 'yes , you are tbo duke of Bragana , ' who is , you know , the heir apparent - parent to the crown of Portugal. Ho said1 'I wish you would come to breakfast with mo. ' I said , 'I could not refuse. ' Ivcnt and wns royally entertained. Ho wus stopping at the palace , out of which ho had slyly walucd in order to sco a bit oi tbo town. As I was about to take leave I invited him to breakfast. It was bold , out I wanted him , and I wanted my English friend to dlno.with him. The duke caino to tbo hotel tbo following morning with his attendants and ho sat down to a moro royal breakfast than ho bad given mo. I felt bound to give him n bettor one. My English friend sat with us. Now , when I gnvo the breakfast 3 had just enough money to pay the hotel bill without counting the cost of tbo breakfast. I wns thinking how 1 would manage it. My English friend asked me If anything was the matter , I told him my funds wore short. Ho only knew mo as a stranger ho had met at tbo hotel , ami with whom bo had had a good time. Ho sat down aud drew a check payable to mo for JESOO , saying : 'Pay mo when you are in funds. There was a lot tery drawing in a few days. I was inter ested , but not largely. I won exactly JEWJO and paid my English friend half the dAit on the spot. The other half I bavo slnco paid. Ho Is n man whom I love ubovo all others , and when I say good bye to the world ho will iret every penny of my property. . ' have no children. While I was a Copenhagen I taught school and umong the pupils was ono of the Danish princesses You will BCO that I huvo como in contae with all classes of society , My troubles are now all behind me. Moro than once I hav determined not to open my mouth In reply to any statementstimdoabou'.iiio. fomoofthej have been terribly aggravating , us they huvi been void of truth. With the exception o the interview with McLean and Mitchell all the Interviews with mo have been manu fuciurcd. i have allowed myself to bekille in enough ways to satisfy a dozen man. have been denounced as a dynamiter when never was ono ; I have been denounced us m informer when I never was one ; I huvo been described us u monstrosity , physically ns wel us mentuy.v. You see what I am physically I am fifty-four years old and Imvo yet to sci a stranger Who could como within ten year 'of my ago. I tuUo peed euro of myself uui in tbo last couple of hours huvo drunk mor spirits than In the rest of the last si : months. As I said , some of tin lies told about mo were t > i skillfully put together that I hui to read tuem twlco to satisfy myself thu they were lies. To give you an example Just before I wus compelled to leave Berlin dropped into the register office and la spirit of deviltry , when nobody was about wrote lu the register in u lurgo hand 'James McDcrmutt.1 Some tlmo afterward when I was in Australia , I foun copied in a paper there nn Interview wit mo printed in an American paper. The In tcrvicwcr said that ho mot mo in Berlin. His description of mo was incorrect , but bo had evidently heard of me , for much of his story consisted of bits of old stones , but the only word of truth In the Interview was the fact that ho saw my name on the reg ister. I have told myself it was not worth whllo faying anything about my enemies. They would always have the last word. I mean people on the other aide of the water. Now take O'Donovan KoBsa , for instance. I see that n man named Cnssldy has brought suit ngulnst him , nnd that Kossa denied ho had over received a check from mo for the defense fund. Ho was shown the face of the check drawn by mo and made payable to him. Ho sald.'Lootc at the back of It , ' and on the back of it was bis own endorsement. Then ho claimed that the check was given to him personally by mo. Now , do I look like a man who would give Kossa $501 I gave him that money for the defense fund , and when bo says I did not ho lies. Ho says ho never wrote mo a line in his llfo and that I haven't a scrap of paper In my possession to show that ho did. Ho , has written to mo moro than once , but his letters I haven't considered worth keeping. In knockingnbout the % vorld us I Imvo been compelled to , a man gen erally gets rid of surplus luggage , and t have destroyed a great many letters , but I have something of Ilossa's written by him tome mo when 1 was leaving America , and BO Kossu will find out some day. I also hnvo a word In writing from James Stephens. When It became a matter of general belief that I was In the pay of the British govern ment I received u number of letters from men offering to sell Information. Some of thcso woio simply baits , but some were bona fide. I did not answer one of them , but turned them over at once to the proper authorities. What use they made of them I do net know , but unless I am much mistaken thcso letters are nt the bot- tcm of the enmity entertained Dy ono set of English politicians towards another , both of whom were friends until lately. I don't , know that I shall over visit the states. There is no reason why I should. I am comfortable in Europe. It la certainly not fear that keeps mo away. I fear none of thorn and you BOO the way I go about , with out any moro precaution than you take your self.1' McDermott asked hoxv a number of Now York and Brooklyn newspaper writers were prospering. For many of them ho said a good word. Ho also asked how McGroarty , who keeps a ulaco where strong liquors are sold , next door to tbo Brooklyn Academy of Music , was getting along in the world , and mentioned tbo fact that ho was accustomed to make McGroarty's "a sort of headquarters. " Ho spoke of the time ho first corned a revolver , nnd said it wus after ho hud been shot in the cheek. For Kossa he expressed only con tempt. Unlike the average Irishman , bo is for the government , and displayed a pretty intimate knowledge of British politics. In talking of Labouchcro's offer of 50 for information of his whereabouts , McDermott said bo did not want and would not take tbo money , but ho would liico somebody to got it out of Labuy , as ho called him. Ho was in London , ho said , when the offer was made , and did not try in any win- to conceal himself. Ho oven asked a friend , n Frenchman , if ho did not want to make 50 , at the same tlmo showing him the printed offer. The friend refused on the ground that -'it might harm the count. " Perhaps the intormution that thcro is moro than ono Irishman in the states who writes to McDerinatt and keeps him uostcd will not be uninteresting. XHE L.ONDOA . STK1KB. Two Thousand Moro Out Resolve to Continue tlin Fight. LONDON , Sept. 1. Two thousand coal heavers and burgo men employed by Parker & Lambert hava joined the strikers. A council of strikers last evening , af.or a long discussion on the situation , decided to con tinue the strlKo. A meeting of the strikers was held in Hyde park this after noon. Mr. Burns , the socialist agitator , and other labor leaders made speeches. Resolu tions declaring the men would continue the strike until choir demands were conceded were unanimously adopted. The enormous crowd dispersed in an orderly manner. Canon LIdden , of St. Pauls , hrs subscribed to the relief fund. In u sermon nt York to-day Canon Fleming expressed sympathy with the strikers. Meetings to express sympathy with the strikers rro being held throughout the coun- A Warning Note. CntOAOO , Sept. I. The Chicago Trades' as sembly to-day adopted resolutions declaring that the wonderful rapidity with which the great strko in London has spread from the dock laborers to other occupations in no wlso connected therewith , and the active Interest , sympathy and co-operation of tbo great masses of the people In that city , together with the tendered active help of the workers in the industrial centers of Great Britain , Europe , America nnd Australia , murks the existence in tbo minds and hearts of workers of one common nnd vital Interest that makes practical aud very probable a multitudinous uprising of such great masses of angry workers ns will seriously endanger the ex isting social and Industrial institutions , nnd emphasizes the Immediate necessity for ttu employing class to concede such reforms as will icniovo the possibility of a revolution thut threatens such terrible results to llfo and property. An Aeroiiiiut's Peril , LONDON , Sept. 1 An exciting scene was witnessed nt the exhibition by Mrs. Beuu mont , the aeronaut , at North Shields ycster day. In descending from her balloon with a parachute tbu woman got caught by a light ning conductor , from which she hung BUS pended oy ono arm fur above the ground There was a great crowd of spectators urn the excitement wns Intense. Ladders were brought us quickly us possible und by their uid the during aeronaut made a safe descent 3 STJUCKKN OH IK P. John Grass Says Thut Ho * Will Sui-aly BISHAIICK , N. D , , Sept. 1. ( Special Tele gram to Tim Him. ] The report that John Grass , the brilliant chief of tbo Sioux who led the Indians at Standing Hock to sign tlio treaty for the opening of the reservation , bus been poisoned uy Sitting Bull lucks con Urination , The cause of his prostration is claimed by tbo Indians nnd himself to bo sunstroke , und although ho himself says that ho can not recover , thcro are hopes that he will. An effort will bo made to remove him from his humble hut to the agency , when ho will bu given the host of medical treat incut. The Indians are very mneli grievcc ever his illness , und a gloom has been ca over nearly every tribe on the reservation Since the opening of the reservation Grass hns been looked upon with iiffuotlonuta < \ I- miration by-his people , und his death wouli bu u severe blow to them. The latest re | > or from thu stricken chief Is thut he la resllni well , but he lit very weak and helpless. Will Surrender. PAKIS , Sept , 1. The Nineteenth Century announces that Boulanger bus decided to submit to arrest the week proceeding the elections , lu order to avoid su.zuro before his arrival iu Paris , , UNDER CROOK'S ' EjlGLE EYE , fi IV Forces of the Department of the Platte Pass In Rovlow. THE FIRST SINQE 5THE WAR. Precision Pint Its the Mmucuvron or the HecHlnrs , Showing Most Cnrcful Trninlnc Unynlry and Artillery Involutions. A Memorable Military Event ; CAMP GEOIIOB CIIOOK , ( via Fort Robinson , tfob. ) August 30. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] The first grand review of the rogulararmy In .ho field which has boon hold since the re- jolllon , took place to-day In the valley of the Whlto Ulvor under the eyes of Major Gener al George Crook , the Inspector general of the army , and n host of distinguished veterans. The splendid spectacle o'f this afternoon baa uid no parallel for twenty-four years In tills country. ' This , in itself , is sufficient to dis tinguish it. But in the brilliancy of Its ex ecution nnd tbo charm of its surroundings It ias never boon matched In the United States. The war witnessed larger reviews of tired and tattered veterans. The great gathering in Washington ntthodibpernulof the nation's armies In 1803 can , of course , brook no com- rarlson as to numbers , A dozen states ovcry year collect larger bodies of militia for gubernatorial inspection. J3nt none of those mentioned , or all together combined , pos sessed the features of special and peculiar significance which ' distinguished to day's pageant. An eighth of the army of the United States gathered on u Held of peace , all arms of , the scrvlco repre sented , every organization from company and troop to brigade nnd division , every rank iircscnt from second lieutenant to major gen eral , line field nnd staff , and on Instorlcground once wet with the blood of pioneer , savage ma soldier , passed In martial measure before the distinguished warrior who scarcely ton years ago led a victorious column of Indian ampalgnors up this littlb valley of the north west. General Crook and his party arrived by special early in tbo morning , paid a hurried visit to the camp , and arranged that the command of General Brooke should bo re viewed at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Orders to this effect were at oncd promulgated by tbo department commander. At i o'clock ' Colonel 'Vroorn nnd Majir Richards selected the fluid for review and issued orders for the formation of line with the First brigade on the riCht and the cav alry on tbo left , extending along Soldier crook from the west end of' the upper garri son to the cast boundary of the cavalry . ' camp. i The afternoon was a blessed relief from the excessive beat of the past week. The sky was dull and threatening. Great masses of clouds rolled up Soldier creek and bluck streake of vapor surrounded the vulloy. Drops of rain in flurries began falling , stopped as if disgusted , started again and ceased , only to repeat the original pro ' ' " gramme. Shortly boforolmlf-past-3 the trumpet calls lu the various camps prefigured tbo coming grand review. Linp after line of regiments took up the notes. They echoed from the artillery and cavalry camps on the right , rolled in brassy tones through the First and Second brigades and were ro-echood from the trumpets of the Twenty-first infantry on the loft. Simultaneously there was a move ment from the tents of the department head quarters. General Brooke , Major Vroora , Major Bacho and Lieutenants \Vaidcn , Ho wo uud Truitt buckled on spurs uud swords and prepared lo mount their charters , which a group of orderlies were holding to the south of thu camp. A moment later an ambulance dashed up to General Brooke's tent , and General Crook , General Brcckenridgo nnd Colonel Corbiu alighted and were greeted by the de partment commander. The major general and his party were attired in full dress uni form. Colored acarfa crossed brawny breasts. Gold epaulettes graced blue blouscd slioulders , and corded aguil- ottcs depended from gilded but tons. There was an interchange of saluta tions , hardly concluded before the notes of the "assembly" raug out in seven camps on the Hold below , aad fifty-eight companies dressed into line , the Infantry by Brigades , the cavalry by battalions the battery nil by Itself. Five bunds struck up a stirring tune and fifteen mounted trumpeters on the loft blow the rattling strains of a bugle march. It is a pretty sight from.headquarters tent where I sit. Tbo rain has ceased dropping and the sun Is struggling to breakthrough the clouds , throwing deep shadowsupou the valley bo low. low.Masses Masses of horsemen are slowly moving eastwards on the right. Long hues of blue , tipped with steel gray , flanked by regimental bands , ore changing1 positions to the loft. The movement in progress means tbo inver sion of the entire line and its evolution on Itself and backward an eighth of a mile , the Firstbrlgade , now westward , being placed on the extreme easterly portionthe Eighth and Twenty-firBt regiments chauging positions with each other. A low rumble of'wheels , a mass of horses and eight dark grouus piloted by a scarlet guidon murks the advance of thu artillery into position. To their rear , platoons of horses and riders cross and rocross the line of vision. Guldpns flutter and tbo light glistens on polhmcd sabres. It Is the Ninth cavalry forming into battalions preparatory to forming line of musses , A-moment later General Brooke nnd stuff huvo mounted and galloped down the slope toward * , the forming Hue. Let us follow. Un the plain m the roar of tbo long line ol quarters of the permanent camn the brigades uro rapidly swinging'Into position. Midvvuy between the line of the camps of tbo Seventh and Second Infantry'uutt sixty yards to the rear , stand two moqntud colored troopers molionlcBsly marking with fiuttcrinir guldens dons tbo reviewing point. Down the line to the right a group of 'mounted o Ulcers show thu position of General Brooke and staff. On thu knoll buck of tbo reviewing position are four ambulances surrounded by ladies announcing the presence of fair visitors Mrs. General Brooke , bar sister Miss Steam * , Mrs. Major Worth , Mrs. Captai Wells , Mrs , Lieutenant Chynowcth , form tbo coi.tral group. Throe other bevies of ladies from the garrison Ihi'nk It right and loft and scan A'ith eager curiosity the milo long line of will to gloved solilicry'whlch stretches on the edge of the slopabelow , against the uaclc ground of tbo glowering hills und hlutfs across which the shadows uro chasing oacl : other. ' There is a pause. An aide gallops'tiwiftly northwards. At tin wave of Ueneral DrooKc'n bund , a pulf o umoko , a sharp report breaks from tbo loft center of the line , und Soldier buttes echo the thunderous epuads of u major general's salute of thirteen guns , from Mujor Itiiuio's buttery. General Crook mid staff are approaching. Across the ridge tluiy ride , chupeuus epaulets , elguillctCB 'und sashes mingling their colors , followed by mounted orderlies nnd take up their position in front of the guidons wliich fuco the center of thu ex tended line of troops , tbo largest assembled together in rcviovsince tbu great march down Pennsylvania avenue in ) & ( ' ? . As they uro saluted by uud Biilule in turn Genern Brooke and ttnff , Mujor Vroom , Major B.iclje , Lieutenants Warden , Tuylor , Duy , Trult and Kowe , the great review begins. It is a magnificent spectacle , the most splendid in military surroundings which the country bos witnessed lu twenty-six year * , is this pageant which ia now being unuctei in this valley of northwestern Nebraska General Crook has soon nothing like It for years. General HrcckenrlKgo admits its nov- ilty , General Brooke slnco the days when ho succeeded General Shrridan in the command of the army of 'tho Shouandoah has looked upon no such scone. Silhouetted against the encircling bluffs of , bo valley of the Whlto river , rich In Indian tradition and martial story , stand like stat ues 2BOO men in line n milo and n quarter long , arms at parndo rest , whlto gloved hands rigidly grasping rifle nnd car- llncguns nud caissons and riders and troops iilcut and motionless. The clouds change. The deep shadows of the background lengthen und shorten , but there is no sign of llfo in that living line with Its mathematical spaces for regiments nnd brigades which faces the brilliantly attired group of officers silent between the fluttering Mn s. There la another Hurry of rain drops which sprinkle the scarfs and chapeaus and nunt blouses with their glistening shoulder straps. nnd clonmlng epaulettes. Tbo groups of oltl- ccrs , division nnd departmental , mingle for n moment , then wheel to the loft nnd gallop rapidly down the line to begin the review by brlirados. The sun peeps from the clouds to look on the scon ? . Who can bliutio him tor bis curiosity. U Is now 4W. : ! Tlio great body of troops , in formation of brigades , with the brigade commanders and their staffs forming clearly defined groups in their front , stand at at tention , Two ( louris cs of trumpets ring faintly from thu extreme right as General Crook , General Brooke , their staffs nnd attendant oroorlics rein up before Colonel nel Merrlum and his stuff , salute thu com manding oltlccr of the First brigade , wheel nnd trot rapidly down thu line of glisten ! ng arms which uro presented lu thmr honor. The Seventh Infantry band strikes up "Hail to tbo Chief. " and swords drop gracefully Into "saluto" as the reviewing general pasos to tbo Eighth infantry nguln to bo greeted with a major general's flourish of trumpets , a crush of martial music and the Klcum of polished steel. Down tlio long line to the Second brigade , Colonel Mlzuer command ing , in the absence of General Whcaton , past the serried fronts of thu Seventeenth and Second infantry regiments , amidst blnro of trumpets , the sharp commands of regi mental commanders and the rattle of nlles thrown forward with tlio precision of clock work , tbo brilliant group of officers ride. On uarain past the Third brigade under Colonel Blunt with the Sixteenth and Twenty-Ural regiments , every eye to the front , rigid , mo tionless , trumpets saluting and successive bands breaking Into martial melody , the horses und their riders advance. Tbo shrill trumpet of Major Klnzio's battery shriokn out Its note of honor , which scarcely dies out before twelve bronzed trumpeters , ou gray horses , in beautiful unison , welcome the re viewing general to the Ninth cavalry. How is it possible for horses to stand so ab solutely quiet ? How can men bo drilled to sit so firmly aud Hash GOO sabres into "pro- snnt" with a single gleam of steel. It Is the cruck colored regiment of the army not afraid to dispute the palm with any white reirimcnt of troopers , which holds the loft and completes the line of the review. A quarter to five. The reviewing party wheels again to the left und passes in rapid gallop along the rear of the line whoso front they hnvo been inspecting. Once again , reg iment by regiment , the trumpets flourish , the bands break out into stirring marches and the full military honors duo to the high est rank are paid by officers and men. They are buck ognln on the front of the First brigade t.nd hero the reviewing group apparently breaks up. The grand march past Is about lo begin. A cloud of dust rolls up the great parade ground as Generals Crook und Brcekcnridgo , Colonel Corbiu and their orderlies dash along tbo line and ruin into place around the reviewing station guidon. Seel The troops are changing like pieces of an intricate mechanism into com pany front. That bluc-coatod line in an in stant has become n scries of masse ) of men , arms at "corry"f aced at right angles to their former position , company distances as true as if measured with tape line , regimental und brigade spaces beautifully marked , colors fluttering gayly at regular intervals , all waiting for the word of command which is to pass them in motion of march befoio that gray-bearded , gold opauletted commander who sits his horse in the center of the valley awaiting their approach. They are in motion now. A crush of music far to the eastward turns all eyes In that di rection. Gouerul Brooke and staff head the review. The general never looked more sol dierly as he gracefully leads his staff past the reviewing point and drops his sword in responsive salute to the reviewing general. A nuick wheel of horses , and General Brooke joins General Crook by theI'utteriiiwguidon ' , his stuff placing themselves in the rear to view the marching brigades. It is scarcely domJ before the First brigade passes In re view. At its head rides Colonel Mcrriam with his stuff. There is a flourish of trum pets , a dropping of swords , a raising of clmpeaus. Colonel Merriam joins the re viewing grouu unil the Seventh infantry , under command of Lieutenant Colonel A. S. Burt , marches past in company , front arms at u curry , six companies strong , the bund wheeling to the sldo of the parsing regiment aad playing a stirring march as it moves by. And now comes the Eighth infantry , Major Kellogg commanding in Colonel Kuutz' enforced absence. They march like the veterans they are , with their gray-haired captains several of whom commanded regiments during the rebellion now loading bare skeleton squads of clean , soldierly , well drilled men. Glance across the field before tbo next brigade arrives. Throe hundred yards dis tant the artillery and cavalry are slowly marching eastward in their position at the roar of the procession. The effect is that of a miignlflcent countermarch , the columns crossing ouch other's line of march , with the bluffs of tbo White rivet as a background. But tbo Second brigudo is approaching. In front rides Colonel Henry M. Munor , of the Seventeenth infantry , who is brigudo commander in the absence of General Wheaton , on sick ropjrt. Once moro trumpets flourish , officers salute and Its band deploys in front of tbo reviewing officers anil plays a brilliant march as tbo Seventeenth infantry , led byMajorCasoy , passes between it und General Crook and his party. It is a fine command , and marches like a veteran organization , with almost perfect alignment and the distance of its ten companies us neatly spaced as If staked out by an engineer officer. And now comes the Second Infantry , so familiar to Omuhu readers of Tun BIB ; , led by Major Edmoud Butler. The line band breaks out with u crash of harmony as thu six companies , in company front , march past presenting the line appearance of well drilled and disciplined veterans , lines clean cut and well dressed to the right , logs swinging in soldierly stride as If moved from u single point , eyes front nnd rifles in perfect align ment. 'i ho groun of officers around the reviewing guidons Is growing larger and larger as each brigade commander and bis stall joins tbo distinguished party which cluster In the rear of Generals Crook and Bropko. The Third and last brigade of Infantry Is now coming up. That grUzlcd and straight figure riding in advance la Colonel M. M. Blunt , of the Sixteenth infantry , ono of tbo most rigid dlscipliiiirians tn tha urmv , and the commander of one of the best drilled ol uatallonn , regiments and brigades. Amid fanfare of trumpets and tbo bluro of bunds the Sixteenth , led by Mujor Parka , marches past , succeeded by Colonel Morrow's regiment , the Twenty- first , under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Poland. Like thu Second und Eighth regiments , the TwentyTllr&tis well known in Nnbruaku , especially at Sidney , its Jicad- quarters. It sustains iu leputation once uguin , as It always docs , marching steadily , evenly , In perfect form und ullgninent. "How rumarJcuuly well tbo infantry inarches over this gruund , " remarks tbq ln- bpector general of tbo urmy to General Crook , who answers with un approving nod. . A sluglo trumpet now flourishes u salutiv There U u rumble of wheels , atrcad of hoofs , and Buttery D , of the Fifth artillery , rides past uuder coimnund of Major Kin/Io. The scarlet guidons drop into saluto. The two platoons cf guns and caissons rumble past with gunnorH Bitting on the bluck boxes , their anus folded , their backs us straight ui raimods , the alignment of guns and caisson * , two front , us close to perfection as dully dril nnd un earnest und ambitious dril muster can make them. The succeeding interval IB short but as ouo t'laucca eastward the plain seems alive with approaching nassos of horsemen. A moment later the Ninth cavalry is before us , Major Knmllott and stuff riding ahead. Tlio Inspector gen- iral watches them closely. Well ho may. f thoru is a bettor drilled regiment of c.vv- ilry In the army ho hns never neon It. Twelve trumpeters mounted on groy horses > rcak out mto thu major general's salute , thcu Wheel to the loft nnd blow the march ns the regiment In column of tionps ormod in throe battalions under Cantnlns 'lukor , Loud and Ol unload passes by. A ivlro drawn across the tails of that Irst troop of horaus , as their riders , with a clash and ( lush of steel , Riiluto General Crook and party , would bo precisely nt right angles to the reviewing point. What ex traordinary alignment of troops md what marvelous preservation of distances between the moving horsemen. Slowly they march past , thoau nlno troop ? of colored cnlvarymon with officers saluting und non drawing and currying aabros with scarcely n movement of their bo lies. As each troon passes by , the crimson and whlto guidons drop Into saluto. So , too , does the regimental standard ; nnd Its trusty guard of 'our non-commissioned officers proudly lets t fall und flutter for a moment only , In the august presence of the major general re viewing , A last blast of trumpets , n lust stump of loofs and the revlnw Is over. Generals Jrook and Brockeurldgo turn to General Drooko and thu brigade and commanders com- illmcnt them IIDOII the entire success of the evolutions , then turn their horses' bonds to thu department hcmlqiiarters.towunls which ambulances and riders uro nlroady directing , heir way. It ismow a quarter after ilvu o'clocK. The review hns occupied something ever an hour. Within u few moments General Brooke's tent Is filled with a bright party of visiting iidlcs , In anticipation of the reception to bu lven by General Crook to tbo officers of the various command ! ) . Brilliuntunlformsmovo unong pretty gowns , and tunned und bronzed cavaliers clint gaily with poach-blos otn complexioncd maidens General Crook , with General Breckonridco nnd Colnncl Corbln , xs guosva of General Brooke , Bhuko hands cordially with the hundred and odd onicorn who ride up by regiments , eaeh headed by .heir colonel or commanding officer , to pay ; heir respects to the distinguished visitors. There are many well-earned compliments wld. Neither General GI-OOU nor the In- ipcctor general of the army is at all chary of iralso or hesitates to express his genuine surprise nt the mugniUccntuppcnranco of the command. General Brooke looks ns pleased is is proper and soldierly undur the circum stances , but ho Is nnturnlly proud ot what his command bus been nblo to show themselves capable of. The iwo weeks' hard work ut battalion nnd bri- ; ado drill has crushed up rusty tacticians , ; iven confidence to bright ones and turned a ommnnd , brought together for the lirst tlmo in its existence us individual units , Into a great machine working with the precision of some mighty automaton. As the guests depart , a lovely rainbow breaks through the clouds on the east and banes over the vulloy. The sky begins to clear. Putchos of blue peek through from behind the bluffs. The sun comes out nnd shines brightly on the camp below , on tent and parudo ground , on ieadquartors and company street , on the groups of dispersing men a few moments ago ; n inarching masses. Kvon the sun could not long withhold its approval from the most brilliant display in the past quarter century of army history. W. E. ASNIS. STATI3 NKWS. A rinttsmoiitli Chinaman Robbort. PrAiT8MOUTir , Nob. , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bcu.J A man named Hay- wood aud two unknown men entered the laundry of Quong Lee to-day and extended n very cordial invitation for him to attend the church of the Sunctified nnd Love at Bothle- bam , just ucross the river from this point. After agicat deal of persuasion the Celes tial consented to go. When the party landed their skiff on the Iowa shore , Hay- wood asked Quoug for some money to buy whisuy with before they proceeded to the church , and the demand was granted. All the men suddenly disappeared after gottintr tbo money and loft the poor Chinaman wan dering through the willows hunting the church. In u short tlmo the two unknown men returned on horseback. Ouo of them dismounted and handed the Chinaman a bottle tle of whisky , whie.h ho took , and while in the net of drinking the man attempted to rob him , but , being quito drunk , tbo China man easily knocked him to the ground. The man called on his pal lor assistance , nnd they succeeded in knocking "John" and down relieving him of § 30. Ho climbed the deep fill at the B. & M. bridge nnd told his story to Bridge Watchman Dlxon , who telephoned the Pacifio Junction authorities to arrest tha men. Tampering With OiUtlo Brandt ) . HAIUIISON , Nob. , Sept. 1. [ Special to TUB Bnn.j For some tune past it has boon known to stockmen and others hereabouts that the brand of one of the ranches near Oolrichs , Dak. , was being tampered with by some parties , and during the recent general round-up the outfit representing the " T" ranch , near Oelrichs , found cattle whereon the brand "T" had been added to in 'two different ways. Ono manner of changing tha brand on the animals was to prefix to the proper brand , the latter character crossing the bar of the original brund ant ] ranking it road PAT. The brund PAT Is on record iu this ( Sioux ) country , owned by John Connor. Ho has acknowledged tins tampering with T cattle , und the coinj puny have taken all BO branded. Another form was to place a vertical bar across the horizontal one , and ulso place a horizontal bar ucross the lower end of the T. The T company arc fathering such cattle as give evidence of having the brand BO modified. i'nwnoo HaptiHtH Onlnbrnte. PAWNEE CITY , Nob. , Sept , 1 [ Special Telegram ogram to Tin : Una. ] The Baptist denomi nation. of this city celebrated their twentieth anniversary to-day. Uov. Hughes , of Chicago cage , Is the present pastor , and since spring- bus increased the membership about or.o hundred. Appropriate exorcises were hcli to-day , the Bennon being on "What Baptist ; Believe. " Tno church was u.icUed am crowds turned away. The present pastor bus freed thu church from debt nnd now they hnvo n very nicu building and uro prosperous nud buppy , Salliio County i'rolilbi. WILIIUII , Nob. , Sept. 1. [ Special to THE BEU. ] Thu prohibitionists of this county yesterday nominated the following ticket : Clerk , N. E. Jlolmun , Tobias ; trensuror Allen McLanel''riendcounnibbioncr ! ; , Noble Crete ; sheriff , N. II , Johnson , Brush Crcuk coroner , S. L. Hull , Tobias ; superintendent Mrs , Merriek , Dorchester ; judge , Guy Ah bolt , Crete ; recorder , H. M. Hull , DoWitt surveyor , MuSaggart , Pleasant Hill. Will Not Olmsrvo 1ml ) IP Day. NKHIIAMU CITY , Nob. , Sept. 1. [ Spocia to Tim BcB.J Labor Day will not bo observed in this city , us the celebration com mittee has not met with un.v great finanelu encouragement by the citizens , Mr. Kan sou ) , thu creator of the duy In Nebraska like the prophet of old , scorns to bo wituou honor a * . Ills own homo , Culliollo Chin oil Dedicated 15 1 , A in , Neb. , Sept. 1. [ Special Telcgrnm to THE Bui : . ] 1 ho now Cathollo churcli erected hero was dedicated to-day. Father E Smith , the pilcftt in charge , was iibsistot by u Jesuit father in the ceremonies. The bells were blessed ut SiOa. : ! m. and mass was celebrated aftorwnrd. Tlio service was very largely attended by people of all denomiuu tlohs. The church cost 4,000. , IHwliop DlcM From His In.fnrloH. AU.U.NCI : , Neb. , Sept. 1. ( Special Tele grum lo Tun BEE J Fred Bishop , the man who was shot by Sam Ditto yesterday after' noon , died from the effects of the wound n1 0:15 : this evening. Ditto Is under arrest. An inquest will bu held over the remains to morrow inorulug , ' AN AGREEMENT REACHED. Wantinmlcor , Croon nnil Mnckoj ? Huvo n Sohomo. THAT'S ALL THE PUBLIC KNOWS. * ( No DctnllH Obtainable Ycl A llrlof Biography nt iliu Now Inter- Ktato Conunoroo Com missioner. WASTIINOTON Uuniuu , TnnOtunt UHK , ) 6UI nBHTItSTllUKT , > WASHINGTON. D. C. , Sept. 1. ) It now transpires that the object of the ncetlnc1 hotwecn Wanamakur and Green , Saturday , wus to continue in private dis cussion what has been carried on through , ho newspapers for the past two months re garding the prluo to bo paid for the traiis- nlsslon of telegraphic messages , It may bo said that Mr. Wunamakcr is not so fierce In irivnte ns bu Is in print and that lie does not ntcnd to treat unjustly ovou so wicked n monopoly as the Western Union company. Dr. Green and ho found n basis upon which hey can agree us to rate ? , and it was also iccoptcd by Mr. Macltoy ou behalf of the ? ostal company. The question of uniting .ho telegraph und the mail sorvleo and using- .he letter carriers to collect and deliver mes sages wus only touched upon during the oan- 'ercnce , but It is n pot plan of Mr. Waua- uakcr's and ho will doubtless make so ma such recommendation in his report. Tin : iiuxvv noND OFKKUINOS. Attempts are being made by certain self- styled financial writer * with bearish tenden cies to show thut the recent heavy offerings of bonds for redemption are proof of a ser ous state of affairs In tlio money martteu That this idea is o orrcct Is not believed for a nomcnt by the treasury olllcials , or is Ib born out by the faets. The total purchase of : 's and 4 } 's during the past ten days have tggrcgated about $22,000,000. 'Tho offerings have boon remarkably steady , " said Acting Secretary Bachellor to your correspondent last evening , "and there s not thu faintest indication that they ro- .ultcd . from u panicky feeling in the money centers. On the contrary they cunio from excellent houses , und simply indicate that , tlio holders of bonds have made up their minds that the government docs not intend to advance the price which will bo paid. "It is worthy of note , " ho continued , "that while last yoir at this time the nctual sur plus in the treasury was about $ tl)7,0 ) < )0COO ) , it is no'w reduced to below $10,000,000 , and this in spite of the fact that the price paid is. 1 per cent below tlio figures prevailing a year ago. I consider the financial sltuatfoa healthy und encouraging. " It is expected that tbo offerings will con tinue quite heavy during the present week. JUllOr. VCAZIil'B llLMvUtKAIlLi : UBCOUD. Judge Wheeloek G. Veazoy , of Rutland , . Vt. , who bun been appointed an intcr-stato commerce commissioner , is a native of Now Hampshire. Ho graduated from Dartmouth , college in 1850 , uud studied law in St renter- Marston'a ofbcc. Just before tbo outbreak of the war ho removed to Vermont. Ho wus. a captain in the Third Vermont regiment und. was successively promoted to bo major nnd lieutenant coloncL Later ho wus made colonel ot the Sixteenth Vermont. At the battle of Gettysburg ho especially' dis tinguished himself and led a charge that broke Wileox's brigade completely. After the close of the war Judge Vcazey resumed the practice of his profession in Kutlnnd , and for the lust ten years has been a member of the supreme court of the state. The log- Isluture leets the judges biennially. Judge * Veuzey bus for live terms received a unani mous election , which is believed to- bo the only case of the kind. in the history of the . country. Vermont does pretty well in this appoint ment. Thut state already has a cabinet offi cer , and the position of inter-cominorco com missioner is next to thut in honor und emolu ments. This appointment disposes of the chances of Judge Graft for ft position on the board , but it is still the belief among the in terior department people that ho will bo given the commissioncrhhlp of the general land office. WANT Till ! TOIIACCO TAX IlEI'nAI.KD. KeproBontntlvc-olect Evans , of Tennessee1 , . and General Go ft , ox-congressman und re cently candidate for governor of West Vir ginia , hold a consultation here yesterday with the representatives of the Tobacco- Growers' association with reference to a , raid on the next house of representatives for the repeal ot the tax on that pioduct. They concluded to cccuro pledges from all the can didates for speaker of the house that if tncy are elected tnoy will appoint a committee on ways nnd means who will report u repeal bill favorably. The candldutos who refuse to muko this pledge will bo boycotted by the tobacco men. WHY MINISTHIl IIANNA CASH ! HOME. A privnta latter dated Buenos Ayrcs , July 20 , und received at Washington yesterday , , states that "In the last ten tinys our minis ter , Mr. Huunu , of Crawfordsvillc , Ind.v sailed for home not because he was recalled. but on account of his falling health. He had a very serious attack of apoplexy or soften ing of the brain or something of that sort , from the effects of which ho has entirely gone to pieces. For a while ho was not nblo to articulate so as to bo understood and like wise lost tils memory. Ho rallied somewhat afterwards but was not able to attend to business , nnd by the advice of his doctor hastened home , not waiting for the appoint ment of his successor , \\'a all hope that the sea voyage will do him good and give him a longer lease of llfo. " 7HE AHMY UnSBUTIONfl' 1'IIOIII.KM. Sccrotary Proctor has been conblderlng- vcry seriously of lute the subject of the fre quent desertions In thu army , and has been casting about for a plan to cheek them , Tnliclng about the matter to-night , he said thut the subject would rccolvo some atten tion In his annual repot t. Ho has discussed It with Major General Schollold und Adju tant General iCelton , but what conclusion. bus been reached , if any , ho wus not prepared - pared to btutu at this tune. The secretary * said that tlio majority of the deser tions occurred In the first year ot service , duo doubtless to the fact thai a great many men enlisted la haste and i ojiontod at leisure , uud after tha first novelty of soldiering hud worn off ana the men lound that tlio.v were pledged to five years' itcrvico they ran away. The sug gestion has been made that If thu term of enlistment was reduced to thrco years tlio percentage of desertions would not bo BO great. While the secretary is not prepared. to staid that thut would do away witli the evil , ho Is rniihldering the suggestion lu con nection with a great many otlionj that have. been made to him. Ho says that thu stories which Imvo bean printed of into In connec tion with the bud and insufficient food given to the men uro untrue , us the privates ara well fed. Ho does not bullevo thai the rank and file tire badly treated by tha oIllcorH. but thinks there may bo nome truth , In the charges of brutality brought against the non-commissioned officers , utid us the latter are thrown In euch close communica tion with the men It In a difficult matter to control , From n remark made by the p/icrotury it Is evident that ho believes the men have too much non-military duty to perform , which has always been a source of much dissatis faction to the men. Secretary Proctor would bo very glad to have the entire sub ject InvcbtlL'uted by a committee of congress , which will very probably bo dono. It Is announced that Mr , Ashburner has been appointed an cxpeit'to collect statistics about the consumption uud production of coal for the next census. It would scam from , tbo iiiino ef I no gentleman that it is the luoul upproprluto selection that Superintmidant. . Porter has yet uiaUu.