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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1885)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , DECEMBER T5 , 1885. THE DAILY BEE CODHCIlT BLUFFS , MONDAY MOlTNIM. 1'HC ' 11 : lo. 12 rearl Street. 1 1 r l lij rnii-ici i ! nit ) part of the oiljat Intnt } eriit i > tr\uf J. 11.V TII.K. . : . , ainnact. MIIVT1OX. Kit i' hob 1 ha" a leleponc now. U < itor , the tailor , for winter goods D. . n t forpi-f the Incmen's ball in Ma- Mtne hall to morrow evening. 'I In ti-imioiarv boilr-r that heals the inn ( iniiitj jail burM Jcsteiday. John NicboNon has bought the racing IP-IXC 'Hcil lluck" who has a icconl of 1 H > HA laipe tlilliout is expected Ihis even ing at the citi/cns1 meeting in Masonic ball. ball.The left leg of C. A Larson , a Union 1'ucille switchman , has been fractured by * fall At fheoiiein IIOU P lie\l Filday even- iiiL'the Hloomer seliool t-hlldien arc to give nn entertainment. A dciMon in the ease of Dr. Cio = s is expected this term of the supreme court now in f-cs-ion at DCS Monies. 'J'hc shoilfl'V , of the difleient counties in Iowa are to hold a convention in Uur- Jiugton on the ii''d and ad inst. A A I'ai'ons , the St Paul harvester agent in tin- city , claims to have discov ered a new and sure euro foi hog cholera. Since the cold weather has set in work on Indian creek has progressed adniir- abb The diit being fro/en is taken out in chunks. The Mains on nearly all the railroads entering this city have been late on ur- living lor n number of ihtjs past on ac count of the weather. g ? Mrs W. W LoomisaudMis S. Chuke will entertain the mariied ladies pio- grosJivo euchre club at llie residence of W W Loomis on avenue to-morrow evening. ( ! i i-rgc Parker who works w 1th the Con solidated Tank Line company lias had his light leg flucturcd by a Wabsi-h train sinking a pipe and knocking it against 1'aiki i The arrangements of the Council Hlufi's paid tile depai tineul's masque ball to be held in Temple hall to-morrow evening , me iiliout completed and Ihe bovs arc. as snied of MICC.OM In the dNtrlct eouit voMerday the trial of the c.i-io Mary C. Walker vs. C. H 1. it P railway was commenced. Thu claim is fur damages can-nil by the explosion - plosion of dvjiamito a few yeatsago. Tinti am of hot-cs that Strayed from J P Oleson on .Seventeenth avenue , on Saturday night , were found jestirday near \\e-ton \ in a field by a man who knew the team , lie brought them home to the city. The special delivery syhtem docs not pavvnv well licit1. Lust month the tliun bu.vsvvho attend to the special de- li\ei > only made § 15 between them , o one of them lelt and now the work w > ll bo attended to by the remaining two. "Texas , " the colored man who baa been arresttd , as was stated in llie Ui'.r. yiMi'iday , for stabbing a man named Fiiiley , wa brought un yestciday. His case was postponed till to-moriow , and 1-iiiley , who vvas so frightened that he w -ilked all the way to Omaha , has been pent for to appear against "Te.xas. " An impoit-int meeting of citizens is called for to-morrow night in Ma'onic hall The object is to make arrange ments for meeting tlio committee expelled - polled from the east , and talk over the jiropoiod manufacturing boom Count il llluth sliouhi arouse itself. If there is not enough interest to have a lousing meeting , with plenty of talk , which costs nothing , theie purely can bo but little encouragement towaid getting invest ments 01 money. Trj John Templeton's "Hose" cigar. Ladles and gents get u ticket to the grand drawing on January 1 , with every iir > cents worth ot goods purchu-cd of Arthur LoflumU , Wii Hroadvvay. The choicest candies , Califoinia finiN , nuto , cigars , etc. , always on hand. C 1) . Jacquemin & Co. , Xo 137 Main ftrctl , take pleasure in Hnnouniing to the public that their stock of article.- . , or namental , stjlihh and utoful holida' gootks , is complete in each and eveiy du- ] ) artmout , and cordially invite everybody to vi.-il their store , inspect their goods and ( .omparo prices. No trouble whiU- cv or to show goods- 1'ernoiwl 1" L Cutler of Modale was in the tily yesterday. Kov 15. P. McMonomy has gene on a short \ isit to St , Louis. Siinsin Kiseman has returned from St. Louis where he has been purchasing holi day goods. Mr . John Stork , who has been con fined to her homo with diphtheria , js again able to be out. Judge K. K. Aylesworlh. who has been absi nt in New ork attending the funeral of his sister , has letmnetl home. Chillies D. Harmon went out on the road iostcrduy to preach to the good people the fact that his goods beat all competitois. J J Vandcrvcer lefl ycstei day morn ing for an extended trip weal in the in- Iciest of his house , Messrs Van ISrunt , Thompson & Co. Finloy Hurke , FOU of City Auditor liurko , who has been attending the su preme court In Dos Moincs , wan in this city yesterday , and lust evening left lor his homo In Orange City. A. W. Stanbro. of Hnlfalo , N , Y. . is in Ihoelli and luth been appointed city ro poilcrfor the H. O. Dun it Co. morciin- lilo ngeney here , of which his sou , O. S Stanlno , has lately become nianugor. Cttlafo ; r.uiges , ( iarlnnil sloves , Ha diant Homes and Hub heateio of the very latest patterns at bed rock juices , n't Cooper ifc McJeoV. ( No.11 Main Money W.tittvil. At7jiercont iiiti--cst on county and city bridge warrants .is collidcra ! " FCOU ril V. JU MoNii & C'AMi'WKU. , Ovrr First National bank. Council Bluffs Thr ( Inest fiiugcs , foot rcsbs nnd fancy ohonilk How ers for fane > work at Is. Slockert A ; Co.'s , No 8tW lirontlwny. Coirocl Abstracts of Title and Heal KB- late. Loansat McMahon & Co'.s , No. 4 Tcarl ill eel The olcctrio belt of Judd & Smith , uu Fourth ttrcct , Council Hltiffs , positively cuics ihcumatlsiii , neuralgia ; , , dyspepsia , piles , paralysis , indigc.stion , fits , cold feet , ntirvousnebs , hcauache , kidney and liver complaint ! ) , loss of vitality , lead jiolsouing , lack of nerve force and vigor , wasting VTeakncts of those di-canes of a peifonal iiaturtt in nude uml female. All kinds of interior draping * , cornice poles , shades , etc. , the very cheapest in the west at K. Stockert it Co's. I 'or Kale. A largo Hall's tlio pioof safe , suilablu for county purposi-h. ( jtoneweg tV , hulcsulu irrotcrb. Council JUuDs. j "THE ] IA lOR'S" UNERRING AIM Successfully 1'uuctnring a rdlo7-on ! feder ate Who Threatens to Sqnenl. A GANG OF CROOKS FALL OUT. Ion Illnotl ) HlKMilliiu Tin- Victim at tlio 1'oltil of Dcntli DC- mil * ol' tfic A train 'I iHooily Tia-'fMly of Yeilcnlay. The frn pily nl ibc I'mon Avenue hotel parly yesterday inoining was the theme of inucli talk yi stprday The outlines of HIP nllhir w-ns pivoti in yoMordny'- Bun , Ittt many additional < Io.iiN ( of inMcM , have slnee bc'Mi li-ariioil. MMII.\ visited tlio hotel yeslerduv , ! in < l yet to UIP c.isunl questioner there vvas lilllu now to be given. The trouble seems to h-ne been of a persona ! nature between the mem- rang of confidence ini'ii. This numb"ia sinnd is hpaded by tin * man who did the shooting , lie is Known as "The Major. " Hi' H about 40 juars of ago , of rather pleasing munnprs , has a smooth slinvi n lice : and is in thu habit of carrying a cane These fellows have been hanging about this part of the country for 'onio limo work ing Oinah-i , Lincoln , Siou\ City , and the various railroads. They me Known to thp police in i-.iph ol tlii'-u cities by sight at least , and il M-PIUS otrungc some cll'urt has not hem made to rid tin conn- trj of tlu-iii cie this. "Thp Major" has various aliasi - , among them heingJonos > , Williams and Kcnton. On Monday of lust week he aiTi-strd in Om.ihii on u charge of v.-igi.nicj and being a stispl- clousliaiiiLkr. ( . HP his niuno as Walter Bentuii .lusticc Frainev , who has been his attorney , went over to Omaha , and ' erured his dNehar u. It has been the-li.iliit ol tliis gang to vWt this city } , - a few da > s and then disappearing. Thu police , at least some of llie loree , KNOW < > NI. or i HUM m sifiHT. and had ica-ou to believe them to be crooked , but they were not pulled in , for they made fair promU'-s not to do any woik here. A spottino ; 111,111 , however , who is up in suc'i niattcin , told the Hu : mini vestciday : " 1 hej 've been working light along here I know it , and could jjivejon tins f.u-ts dead ( o ' 'ifjhts , if it w iisn'l tor gettinp : mjself into a serape. " "Wh.v haven't iln-.f bi-en run in then , and why haven't homo of the victims i oared * " "You're u fresh one. Why , don't von know that thousands ot dollars are lost here every month by jjaniblinfrMicl.ers ; beiu ; taken in and done up , and jet only once in a while there is any case vvliieli yets in the iaperTlieyalwaj ) sdo up siu-K- ers whom the } keep from roaring , or yi t them out of town before the. ) have a chance to roar. 1 telljon these lei lows have been catching lol.sof suckers right aiound here. " Mjl'UAMXC ON A KO111IK1IY. It teems I\lajor \ Williams , as he is perhaps the best known , was engaged in a bad scrape in bioux City a Mioit time ago. A cattle man with a big roll vvas the victim. He was filled upindnoLbeinK : able to get his money in any other way the gang concluded to taku it by force. \ \ bile in a drunki u condition he was be guiled by some pretext into going to a sei'huk-d iiarl ol the railway . \ards , and then "Tho Mujor" vvitli homo of his companions knocked him down and got the money. In the seullle Williams got his foot eanglit in a fiog and in his liasto to get away.jerked itout , and in this wav hint his foot. This ac counts lor the limp which liis been no ticeable of late in hi.s walk. The man , Hughes , v.ho vvas tlio victim of the tragedy yesterday morning , w us not in the paity who Knocked down and lob bed the ealtle man , but ho claimed he the one who "steered" the cattle man into thu trap &et for him. Ho vvas the one who po = tnj the major , and had it not been for his stai ting the .scheme , the plunder could have been -ccnrcil. Koi tin-so services ho claimed a pan of the proceeds of the lobbeiy. This was refused him , whineiinon hi ! threatened to give the whole thing away This led to the fatal shoolinp : The plan to either < JU1LT HIM Ol ! K1JJ , HIM aocnis to have been coolly premeditated The plan appear * , to liave been to e\eile Hughes into a qunircl and then Mioot him , the oh'inc--s > being in favor o/ gel tin ; oil'on the ground of self dcf < me "Tlio Major" vvah stopping at licclitelu's hotel bmidat evening , wlnln Hughes was slopping at tlio Union Avenno hotel "Tlio Major" .sent for a doctor to cln-ts hi.s vvouiuled foot , and this part ot the iifl'air hus bee. , kept M'iy ouiel , the cause of llio wound being of such a nature that he of course was anxious to kee ] ) oven the fact ot havingKieh a wound a M-cret. Ho vvasery : in.\ious that SOUK-surgeon mi ht bo 'iticurod who could diets the wound well , 'Tor , " lie said , " ] have got to bo in sliupo to do a big amount of walking to-night. " I'rpm this it nppear.s flint no had then in liis mind the intention of bhooting Hughes , and tlio piobability thai lie might hayo hard work to escape. With two of his companions ho went to the Union avenno hotel and theie hid : n stormy talk with Hughes. He cabled Hu.rhis . everything that ho could find in \oluininouti vocabulary of obscenity and iirolnnity. Ho bccmcd anxious for lliiKlieH to .stiilco him or to iennt the in- sulu , so us lo give him an excuse for shooting , but Hughes took creiything ( juielly and declared Unit ho did not want any tumble with him , JIafor'ill - iams and bib companions finally left the hotel and went about fotvn , drinKinir at various places. They wens in ( ho Fhii-- nittnong other plmts , and them took a hncK to go down Hioadw.iy. As they got in the hack Willianm vvr ) heaid to lemark that they would "do the d-d & n of a bh up nnyway. " They again visited the hotel where Hughes was nnd rcmnveJ the < | uancl , or trlul to. Then they went over to the Metropolitan house -ml < ? vii , across the Htreot. ( Jeorgo ( lerHpaeher , one of the brothers running thu Union Avenue hotel , saw them in their , and onoof them rcmaiKcd to him that limy were going over to Omaha on the dummy He. told them the dummy tinin was just readv ton n\ \ ill , and they hud to hurry Then they admitted lhat they wcrn not intending to o over thu river A Mioit llmo aft -r this they came uguiu Into tin- hotel olllco , and this tim ' " 1 he Al.ijor" Insisted that vshen tliey left the hotel before Hughes had followed them oulvrith the Intention of assaulting him. HOT WOKD3 , THUN EllOfS. Thin thno woiils lan hot and , the iiatty having been filling upilh uioio firowauir. Hughes vvasery iiuUit in coinp.irhon with the others , mid .said nothing back , but took thu epithets as they came , lie went into the vvachroom onre to avoid further aillieiillY , but an thu storm of iilniM ! did not lessen ho came out just as the Major WHS making some tin cat as to what he could do with him. To IhU Hughes inudo an ob-erue irply , and "The Major , " puljlng a icvolver , commenced shooting. Therti vras a lively K-atteriiig of ull in the room. Tin en nliots went fired in quick Miccchsion , The night clerk , JumenO'Ncill , hardly waited to Iho liixt one befoiti ho was bound ing up Ihe stairway calling for help It wan all over in less time than it Inke.s to t II t Crorgu ( ii-rspachergrabbeil"ThM Major. " but nas ipilt-KI ihn l utide , und received ouo ball in bin liiind. the little linger of which wan bndl. ) injured and the bone livitred , Ilii hes hul : ( alien to the lluor und wus blut-ding tm- . ribly As "The Major" and one of his . after the shooting the other finpaiiion trif d to get ( Hit tiiroujji the \Mislllnoin , but was grahbed by ti r pachcr , who thought to hold him until help could come , but lie had to let the fellow go , the threr making good their escape. Theic eeni'lilt'e ' dunlit but that the other two weie as knowing to the plot as "Tho Major himself \ \ hen thcv. en tered the hole ! for the last time , and "Thu Major'1 bejrnn abusing Hughes again , ( Jei-pncluT tried to induce one of "The Major' * " companions to get him to lop such talk , but the fellow replied , "Let the old nvin talk. You needn t worii about him. He will ti-kc care of biniM-lf. ' roe M\NV nonou * . The wounded man was placed on it col in the olilce , and lr Macrae called He loimd that Hughes h id been danger ously wounded in two phues Out * hall had cnti'ted his lung , and the other had stiuck him under the honlder blade , and lodged again-t the spinal column. He at once pronounced the wounds fatal , and thought it was needhss torture to probe for the balls. He was given what treat ment seemed necessary to make him comfortable , and thcie he lajvisitml by scores of curious lookei on , until yester day forenoon , when he was taken up- Ktaiid and placed in a private room. Soon after the shooting , when it , seemed that he must soon die. a prie-t was sent for. and as he entcreil the loom , the vvoumled man began at once his confession of sins , lumping them oil' with , "Holy Father , I've been guilty of everything in tlin catalogue extcpt minder. " Vcsteida.v moining lr ) liellinger ap pealed on the scene. It was claimed that some of the wounded man's friends called hint in. The poor man thus had the benefit , or the disadvantage , of hav ing two dill'ercnt , courses ot treatment given him at the same time. Dr. Hel- linger believed in a more heroic method than did Dr Maeiae. He was for cut ting out the bullets at once lie reasoned that the man could not live , if the bullets stajed theie , and he might as well try the espeiiment ttf gelling them out. Hu called over Dr ( JaTbraith , Dr Spaulding and Dr. duck-on , of Omaha , and , \ ester- day afternoon proceeded to probe for the balls , and try to cut them out. He cut about live inches in the breast , got bold of tue ball , and tried to pull it out , but the man was bleeding so terribly that the other doctors who had been against the Use of ( lie kuite , piolested atrainst his trying this method fuilher. They thought tin- man would bleed to death The at tempt was then abandom d. Dr. Itellmger dcclating , however , that he Mould te- siime Ihe attempt this morning , if the man was still living. Soon after these doctor0 had left the place Dr. Maci'ie came in to see how his patient was ( letting along lie was nnt- ui all\ indignant on learning that other nhvsieians had been probing for the ImlN The evident ml-undcistiindlngas to who e case it was did not appal ently increa-c the chances of living , il lie had anj chance , and last evening he vvas lying in a djing condition. woiiUb on 111 ; DUNO M\V. He vvas aroused enough to answer some questions. He still declared that his name vvas James Hughes and that he had two brothers , Frank and Joe , who lived in Cairo. They have been informed bv leleirraph. When asked by Marshal duatiella who shot him , lie said Major Jones. lie said he thought that was the man's name , and denied having known him befoie Sunday. He said he did not know either of the two other men , and did not seem inclined to betray any sccicts Coioner Connell claims to hare got n little more definite statement from him , to the effect that the quariel was about some partnership matters , and the divi sion ot spoils. . j. Hest coal and wood in the city at Clea- ! sonIVarl ( ! street. Clnislmas presents at Homer's. Substantial abstiacts of title and leal estate loans. J. W , , & K. L. Squire , 101 J'cail stieet. Children Cry Kor II. Yesterday a boy and girl appealed at the county clerk's office , and with the greatest nonchalance asked for a mar- ri.igt1 hccn-e. The appearance of the couple was such that it nearly took away i he bicnth of Clerk Shea. The boy claimed to have reached the age of 17 yeais , and the girl went him one better and said she was 18. They were dics ed in the plainest clothing , by no means tidy , and they looked as far oil'in dress as the'y did in age for candidates fcr matri mony. The boy gave his ago as Mowry and the girl said her name was Hoover anil she lived with her aunt. Her father iiiui mother were dead and she could not very well gel their consent She could get the consent of her aunt , though , The boy said his father was dead , but nis mother would give her consent They weio'cut away with a icquest to bring Ihe necessary permits and this vvas thought to end the matter , but brick llicj came , smiling and blooming , the boy ' liav'ing a note purporting to be signed by his mother , and the girl a like note sign ed bj her aunt. The eleik vvas hard heaited , and still could not , ee his wav clear to grant mariiago licenses to chil dren. Hu leftibcd thih time perempto rily , and the girl tocsed her head con temptuously , while the boy wanted to know why the clerk tlnia stood between them mid bliss. He was infoinied that tonic ichpoiibible and disintereBU.d parti must first come to the ofjicu and file the necessary proofs mid affidavits The Ind and lassie went away < iut at heart Su pervisor Hardin , who stood watching the young couple as they detuned , strength ened the position of llie clerk by ex plaining thai he knew the boy andthu family. He "aid that the mother was now u dependant en the county , and lhat three others of his relations wcie alike unfoitunate , and hit thought it veiy wise not to allow the crop to ii [ lU'easi' to any very great extent. Ho uu- di istiidd that the boy lind lalely secured , t lucrative position of $8 n mouth , and ibis enormous salary had doubtless turn cd liis head towaid matmuony. For everything in tlio uiocory line give tlio new firm of HintV Klceh , Hlj Idoiidway , a trial , J'\H\\thine , new and fix-all. Fancj gioceiie i u sjieclaltj. lie sum and ask your grocer for the bread made at Smith iV Locrico'n bakery , No 5-J Mam stieet. It is the very best in.tdu. Tn H and bo convinced. Tins Kvci > iii ' , ' Owcrrt , This evening the Mine. 1'ry eoueuiL company appear at thu opera house , and from prcsfi notices received it is more than likely that the hoii'o will be tiovuU'd. Manager Dohauc ) assures the public. Unit tint opera house this evening will bo well heated und all will be comfortable The Y M. O A. , untlri whoso aucpicea the concert is given , guarantee to refund ttio moue. > to anjone who , at the dom ; of thu eonct-rt , is dissatisfied , Thu following is what thu pr&ss hn.i to tay about thcnr ( iood luck and n pprrdy return IB thu ui ft of all who hcaid them..HoBtou ( . JollllKll , The variety made possible in the com pany's programme by the many abilities of its ineinbiirs has undoubtedly insured its mcci-ss. [ ItoHton Ht-rald They weie oneorcd to the echo. [ liar- risburg ( I'-O Patriot I lenity a musical banquet. [ Kemiebeo ( Me. ) Journiil. I1 is seldom our eltl/ens are io highly favored | Jancsvillu ( WiB ) Itcconler U Mieiusi unfair to pr i e onu toleution more thnn nnnthrr all vvero c rMI. Ny good [ Dailj lit ptn , ,1.1,1 , Dovir IN 11 'Ibis company can be hipldy I > IOM mended , bnt not toi > highly - ilimiiil 'IraveiMM'Mioh 1 Herald. livery nieinbi r of the company is an artist. [ Jamsvllle ( Wif ) Keconlcr. I'or haidw.ire nml lion o IniiiH get ; prices of Cooper iV : Mctii-p , No. 41 illllll Stll'l t , li . Judd Vj Smith's Kk-eli o-Mugnclle mole * . Only lifly cents. No ! JO I otirtli St. , Council Hiuffs Iowa. Agents ant-U Ail Uniiily l'i tenner Sim : . Thete arc in the county jail snmo very unruly | > ri om-rs , and Jailor Shout/ bus his patience sorely tiied.Vheli lie chance * to be nwny from the building lite wife is fit quentlyinsulted in the grossest manner bv some of the prteoneis , and they improve cvorj opnoitunit of imiK- ing life hard to bear for all connected with the jail. One surly ivgro. Henry Jones , went a little too far tlio other night. He refused | 0 enter his cell w ficn locking up lime camp Not content w ith being balky he b-gan abusing the jailor , and linullv the jailor threatened to shoot him if ho did not behave himself. Jones swoio at him worse than before and dared linn to shoot , calling him all sorts of obscene names. Shouts at last in des iteration fired his revolver to scare the fellow into submission , but as the ball went far fiom him he laughed and re- umed lite insulting remarks , timed him to hoot again , mid Mill refused to sub mit to the i tiles .Shout/ then shot again , this time bonding a bullet through his foot , inflicting a rather painful but not sol ions wound. J'he fellow did not stop on the order of his going but went Now older jjrev ails again in the jail , the pris oners finding out that Shout/ ill sl.oot Hav ing put in a complete new stock of clothing , lurnishitig oods , hats , caps , etc , Fox vV : Hughes , No DlfiMnin streit , itivitothc public to give them a trial. Their expenses arc small , and the can and do sell cheap. Meeting ol'tlio rnllicr" . The council last night spent one hour reading tip the back minutes. They not us far as October 1 , iss- , . 'J'lu council lUeusscd the adv isability of creating the olliee of boaid of public works. It vjas icterredloa committee. A resolution was adopted for the appointment of a committee of tinee aldermen and tlnce eiti/.ous to devise wa.vs and means for establishing a city hospital. The com mittee appointed wt ic Aldermen M Mis ter , Heniielt audCioi'-eanil Messr.- Henry Ki cman , Charles Heiitrie anil 'Ihomat Ollicer. The petition of business men , n king the city to iccog- ni/.o C. H. Anderson as chief of a merchants' police foiec was favorably received by the council and referred to the ma.vor. The claim of Mr. Dohaney tor damages to his opera liouso was compromised by granting him a free license to Dcceinbefl , 1887. The protest of home owners of corner lots against being a ? i.sscd for ) ) av mjr on both streets vvas reported adverselv by the city attoiney. 1 ho rejtoit vvas con- cuircd in by the council. An ordinance was passed exempting f lorn taxation for live voar.s all mannfae turin enterpri'-es which shall locate in this city and invest a capital ot not less than .f 10,000. 'J'he council thn ailjoiirned. For first class Mis.Muni wooil call on Gloafcon at his coal olliee , i-'G 1'earl street. Ijieciihps Granted. The county clerk yesloi day granted the following maiTiaue licenses Chris N'os , of iSlim ola , and Maggie K Ilnn-en , of Ncola. Thomas Lafay and Anna Allen , both of Council Hlulfs. ( ! . A Moflalt , of Xeola , and Maggie T , Hausun , of Xorwalk. William Moiey , of Winona. M inn. , and Annie AKtoit , of Madison , III. Frank Lor-m/er and Minnie Doiri = , both of C'onneil Itlulls. " "RUSELL&CO Mnuufacturoreof all fckcs of AUTOMATIC EHGIHES EsiCfiallj nesigncd for Jtunnlnj , JI1LLS , GUAIX KLKVATORS , AND K1.KCTU1C LKJIITS , Tubular nnd LocnniolJv Boilers. New Masbillun T InoshcrH. Carey and Woodbuvy Horse Powcrd. STATJONAUY , SKID , Portublu nnd Tniction Engines , SAW JI11.LS , ETC. Pactoiy Mns"illon , 0. Bnuuli Hoti'-o filO Pearl St. , Council UluiR. SEND FOB 1880 ANNUAL , JM. LEADING- Tai of ! HO , 7 and 9 MAIN STREET , Council Bluffs , Iowa ONLY HOTEL lu Counol lllufft Uttflnj Fire E3soa,5pe And nil minirrn liuimivtuitnl * , cull IK lit , Ure klurin Ixllfflu. . , ulliu CHEST ON JTOUSE ! Kot . U1D , Sn mnU'11 , Main Bticet , MAX JI ili.N , ] 'ioi > rlolor N. SCHTJBSS , Justice of the Peace. OOlco Ortr Amurlotui Kxpiei ! , Cunii'Wiy. WEHMAN & MEYER'S ' Corner Pearl Btre t ( xnd Fifth Avenue , council , ui.urrH. Illnk for rout fur tbt'MiUsal | > crformnur s Lull * , imrvii's , tie. rorrtIiiaent and a rilEt evt-i ) inomlric. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW OOXJNOIU In Slat unJ l-Vtloral CourU. Kuuiua 7 auJ I , ijuu urt UIIKK. JJcuo. SI EOTALNOT.iOES : , _ NOTlrn. Special ( ilrrrtlsoment * , fueh * I.OM , Vounil , To Toii. Tor fn\t \ > , To Kent , Want * Ik'.inlliiF , UP , to ill l > t inserted In this column nt tiu low mio of IT..X CIINTS pun LINK for th flrMlii 'it'oiifitvl I'lVK CENTO PKII LINK for < pli sul > p iiiPMt ln crtion. IAMVO ndrerttao- mints at our oSlcc , No.S \ ro.irl Street , near Hroail\Tuy. OH nr.XP-A mu-lj lurnl licd tiout room , .No . ' 1 MllOEtlCOI. II I\T- < v iilxly ItiinMioil ttont room , . * wlih or without to ml. I'no luifctreil. X ( tiC 11it MOIIUO. J7AHM roil P\lr.-Atn Iidivnlii ir oM 'onn 1 Iftirt-ifM , ( l < t milts douthwrst o [ Oinnliii fl ronm II < III PI < \ [ client vull mid ci lorn , l > iii-\ \ , OIIP fur i ( jilt hoivos , nno for V ) POrt . lii'i ) . 1"nl anil niuniu Iiuii4p > > , 11U nrit > 4 In tlinolln iXi Mi fort tiics. ( utti n wo < xll lacl , wulmit , n-li and liinplc ; in mil nnliniil , upi'los ' rhin'iv. ' i-'um ' jtnit : | 1111. 1 Mimll iriiltN. N'evtr inllliiR roi-k Malt i. 11. t' uiiitKH , 6W Uruiulnnt , Cuuiull llluffo , limn. \\TAN1K1) T.i liny nil Ilic ( IrM-pla'K.MV-nii'l i ' linnil lioii'plinM irnoU Hint nnoilViod to < fnV , Mirh no furniture , em pots , stovrs , cto I'cr-ons nut ImUnir RTHirri.t lli-.t-iln-n tronli nlllHivptlmoliv not npplylnir. All otlunvuM ii oi'lviprompt ntli > ntli > n unu "III li | inl < l the liliiliiM iiimkel piloc-s by A. .1. Moiulcl , Hi ! ] lrmi < lnuirnli ! > r In new mid strictly ni-t-t'las1' linnd tnrnltiiip , i-te , OP. ' : roil UlINT-At MuMiilion A. Cos. No. 4 1'tml street. roa IAI.K , rnit iusr : on I\CIIAMII : . HO. 13 1'nr MiliMrlPiitonpiy llbpinl H-riiii 'I IIP I mine II lllullH I'npui .Mlll.i-omplplv , with tlio lariru bourdluir huuso and thrcu notes of Kiouiul. Nn. yn A Imslnrsq piopi-rly In , Oipuikcp coiiiitj. Inwn. > ill 1 1 mlo lur ni-stwn lllllils.illmi. . iilimit * | , UW. No. , N A liciiutlCul linnic In tin- town of 11-ut- Inp : . Mill * lomity , lown , lei Ncliru&lin liuul Viilup , fc.lVK ) . No if \ peed | iu"liu-sq propnty nnil nl o i peed n' lilpntp piopi rtj In tlip town ot Clipimi Mcl.cmi count ) , 111 . low down lor i.iihnr will eu'liiuiM1 lei vu'ifin hmK No. 17'J ' \ pplriullil fiuui , * Pll Improved. 61(1 ( ai-iii In DUkiiiMin count ) , Iowa , joining tln > tf.wnof . Spliii I.uko. 1'rku , lor a.hoit tluio , ff > poi in i o. No. 1M to IWro four Inprovpd fauns In 1'lillllp count } , Knii'ii * , pncli wltli it ( iiiiall in- cninbi'inc'd. 'I lioeiiuiin1 ; will bo pvi'lwnifi'il lur iliilnniiubindwlld Innd In NVbriiskn. Nn. Ilii CHI m > it"n HoUioiinljNeb. . , pattly . nt 11if \ \ bai . .iln.Vunt8 to cicunnso No M A lluelv\o Ftorj brick rc'lilrttep , one ot the lirii IneatlDiis In ( cium-il IllulTs. will tr.idti lor rood iniiiicuiilipitd Kansas or Nelnii kn liind" Viilne. Slii.lKK ) . No. to and U Ate Uvo oilier licnnllfnl ltnim- in ( ( .iini-ll lllutTs , which piuli imjini-nis will buy nt n liMi'unln. J o. M A lipniitlfvil locution In lo vu ( 'in , Iowa , nil ! tALlmnvu lor v t-tttru luiids. Viilne , { Ci.lxW. Tinaliovo nro only n few or our tpiclnl lur- vnliH. | | > on'vprit iin > llii"K' lo tiiuliMii- hell , iiiMMint 1o si II uny estntp or tniu'mn < ll e , > vj | | ( > uu.'o luive teveral L-ood stoek" ol Koods lolrudofoi Unas. bW VN > V WAI hi U. Council llluirs , Iowa. UNION TICKET OFFICE J. L. Do BEYOISE , Agent. No. W)7 ) llrondirav. Council llluils. HOS. oincnn. w. . it. ri'sur. OFFICER & PTFSEY , K COUIICIL BLUFFS , IOWA. R. BICE , M. D. or other turn > ri mmovi'il wlchoul tiiuitniruurtii'ivviuiror blood. CHROHIC DISEASES < " WUIH , R sPCiaitr. , , Ovcrthlily JJ-UIH" jiruct rnl exiierleneu. OlUoo No. 11 1'cnil MI cot , t , ouu' U i northwestern Hotel , ( Tttcil .iiHl fin nlslu-il. Opp Iboadvvay Dummy Depot. Sf.50 pci day. SAMUEL TATJJ , I'lOi ) . L. H. BEIISIIAW. Mnuagor. 01 iE < VKioiiN I'owi i-f in nlplit-d iron ) liy 1ranf pr-i. iiro Toi ililvlai ? ull luiiils ot lUlit inoc-h nn Sj > c < ; .il iiltt'lillon t'Urn to < luiu'li oi Jim liloninr VN < > i un priming | iu'"H-j , meal choppcm Uc cream trtworpolisUliDf ! liitlii-n , sew Int , ' nni U.iii" , olc- . Tlio liet c-lic-npeM iiuiloi iiiinln. Fi-ml lor cli- In i so In Council Illulla by Ut'tl JollOIIKHI. J'luio & Pfliin.dt nn'/it market. I JiUitKO Mint. Mniki-1. L li-lzomini/IT'h / Mint Mniliet. hiuilli X Mi ycr . Km Iz \ Kli rli , c ofTeo uniuter. Kobert Mullli , f ( I < - < > irrtiiilcr. H 1 , WILLIAMS , Solllnir-Axent , IB Mnlni , CouiiuH Ulutl , Ill ] l-'uiiuui bt. U.nalia. SANTACLATJS SUPPLIES AT HOMER'S , No. 2U , Main Street , Couiu-il HlulTs. Chicago Lumber Co. Wliolrsiilo nuil relnll Lumber , Lntli , Eucli , DuorE and lllinds. Fulo RKtmtfi lorllio cclLlirnlfd ilniblcliruil Canei > iitntU < il VVhlto nit- , H , j' . 31 UXONM f i. , HOTEL , ISliiin St. , Council HlullH. Ni-arthu C. , 15. , t y. ; C. , .M. & St. I' . , ami ( ' . , Ii. I. Af. . iallv\ay di-jiotH. Stn-t-t car jiashtho dour. Kvcitliliig nuw and nit , L-lass , Oiit-iitd Uw. M. M.I'HII , MKItJiX ( : , V. T. 31 VIVE. A. 8 H i < CCo , Real Estate Exchange JI > . U31'u ul SUret , rouuu-ll lllilRs , low * . Ilcalcra In lowu , Kansas nnd Xtbmka LnnJi LOTS IN COUNCIL BLt'FI'S AND OMAHA A Sl'KClALTV. Itcal Kiitnto bought mid sold. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , \M11ACTUIIEII ANU UWI.l.ll IN HAIR GOOD. No. 337 Broadway , Council Blurts. SELIN0 OUT 1 to Go Out of the Business And slaall commence the sale of closing out from date of our entire stock of Dry Goods , fixtures , etc. , in part or parcel. i < Will find it to their interest to attend tliis sale. fil ii f 3 ' i TT a"V * TJ" Council Bluits , la. . ir nnr klml r-iH" ! or inoroU . nnd satlsCALtloa gitnrxnif" 1 lYamelu.u-Ob nio\- on Little Qiaat tnulis itio liest lu tlio vrotlJ. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eiglilii S PAID UP CAPITAL , $20000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100ODf , . STJCOBISSJOK-S TO J. KEAIET r.fid OF AND DKALHUS tM K \ Musical Merchandise of Every Description Toys and Fancy G-oods. We malco the celebrated Ilardutan l'Ian < n , nuu the NOVA ! Whlliioy or an ? , a spcolalt ) . , Kvery Instrument v\arniuteil , .Send foi eittalotnioi KLLKlt MUSIC CO. , Coimi-ilJM : If you buy any wliere except at Me teal Bros , They are selling' their Clothing at Cost , and guarantee prices on hats , caps' underwear , hosiery , neckwear , silk hand kerchiefs , trunks , bag-4 , etc , , etc METCALF BROS , 344 Broadway , Council Bluffs.