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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1885)
T 7 EE. FIFTEENTH YEAK , OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 14 , 1883. NUMBER 149. SHE COULDN'T ' GIVE IT AWAY , Dloiso Bctnsy Win tlo Military Movement to thu Mormon Country. RETENTION OF FORT ROBINSON. Tlio Mormon Question A. "Western Count Miiati on iho HllvciQues - tlon Mm tor. ? In Washington l c poi-tod for tlic Bee. A Very SonMlile HitRliniul. WAMIISIIIDNDie. . u.-.sp | clal to the UKK. ] An ur.ny oni-cr obsiT\c < In ale al newsptpirt' ; > daj thu iniivcinunt of the troops from Toil Omaha , Ix liinins ; with Ihu ihlpinenior the IlKht battery , l-'ltth artillery , west December 5 , was thu most secretl } hept Dl anjlhlii > r that Inus tnuv plred there for Ivvi nlj yeaiH. Uoii. HrueU , adjutant K > ' cral' look Iheurder In iivisoii to the foil , four nnlesdlstant Irom the. uriny hend < inarters , Instead of tele rapliliu- or bpndini ; II by MI orduily. Thi'irdohtlnation was unknown to the officers and men when they boarded Hit- special on which they went wust. Tliev were Informed toco lo I'ort Sleekwlieic fiuthrroidi'r.s would be nlveii tlieiu. Tim ln'ise\eilii | { repditurs wer 1 lolled and every one was In Icnoiaiice. Oneol thu repoiters' iiioto Inquisitive than the rest , bnally Intel- Mewed thu Wllo ot one. of the clalf oflUrrs boaiilingat the I'a. toil holel In hopr of get- tiiiirthe destination of Ihn tioopibnt was tin- btii'ccssfiil.'buliiK answeied. " > fy hnshaiid has not told nitanj Ihini ; al all , pieMiiniiii , ' , no iloul-t , If I didn't know that I could not KKcanj bceiel.s away. " The ieneial ; prc- Htmptinn was that the ll ht battery would w to 1'oit Douglas , and that .some tumble with the . Mm luons at halt l.uko City was appre hended. unui ) wont : nv TIII : N-itiitAstt.s. : IUOA- i ION. rii'dlt hinriny ( Miclu.s Is u'lven to Senator Jil'indeison and Kepiefenlative Dorscy lor M-iirini ; Hie leiciuion nt Knit Kobin.soti as a nulltai ) jiost. They went over Iho iiound ; and saw the n e sity ol ki i-jilni ; up the tort ithiiKe. n--er- tv it military jii-sl bouleiins on , vatioii of Slnux Indians , titter which Mr. Doinry rnimt loVashin ton anil lurelxula jiinmlsn In , in Ceil. Mnildali tint the post shnntd not Im abandoned , bill Hint It would , as MIUII as possible , be en larked. In his anneal - neal ivpnil ( icii. llowaid n-eoinmciided Iho al'.uuhntnicnt of tins PONI , v. hi-h leeom- nu iidat.i'ii , howe\er , liu IIIEV Divinr.n 'iiti : A v.anv.nt wa.i to-day is-.ii ' .I by ono A. T. Ilisi > i euuiiinc ! l./i.i A. Caiman , late ills- I in sing c''eik oi the a. r uliinat depr.ilmeiH. Mid I. if. Mi/now / , ol tlie Sunday i. ii/ tie ol II is eit ) , ith con : . | > , lacy to denaud the I Mnl..s Kov-'iiniieiit out ot MM ) lor i - hue. Misol.ts loruie.i ) an empln.NO df lln' iS'iinliiy ( in/cite , and wa- . known as M : . X. One uav. during tin. col < brali d con- tin0etit tuiid ln\\-ti > ; aion : ol the tieasurv tli pail.nenl. it Is eh.tKcd that Moimw bii- ( i icd lilssci'h appointm"iil to a < 'leikslnp In tl.e arriciilliiial d"iiariment ; that he per- li.jmi'd no Mrvicci. but ( aiinan , as eh'u-f oloik , iipoiied him uon-.iantlj on duly , and tlie thicii nun diMiled Ihu halaiy. A M usath n ol tu irfiiltudo is pumii-cd , iiiit lliiialons to open up nianj simi ar In- slaiici ul e.insiiiaev ] am ! nltue brnl.or.ijfi1. I III' . A.OIIMOS < il l.sllll.V , A desneiate elloit is lieiiu undo bv the in l.pnm'-tsol I lal aid ihe uni\cits to the luliiolMonnoniMii in cleate sympalb. . in ( i > nyli.s-ion.iie lele.-- . Tins H itu ill.1 mnpostj oi tliv.artliiK ilie intLiition ol ineinlieis ot tn pas. , an antl-i.oljiramUt law \\lni-li will UUn out evcij ve.staxo of the crime. 01 poljvftmy. The iidiiinnds law has pioveii Mlice lul 1 i a > > iv laii m-asmeand theut nrenlew we.ikiu"--es in it wiiieli ilisn. | p i- -tl hhail be rcniedii d. A del.'rmtnalion is ciucr- tainid on Ihe p.ut of all lepublican sen.itor.s mid 101 rcntatiu's , and a tcwdeniociailc , tote to ainiiiil the l.du u Is law Hint evi n tim sninllL-st of the n-.lie& i.innut iol tlnoiigh Ilie net. net.Tho tactics employed by thu Mormons nf Utah to defeat luiihcr legislation on iho nib- Jcj-t of poIjKmny is noihiiiK more nor less than a Kcncial lobby movement. They ate addreMiinn lolleis to all the statesmen hcie they can ruich , and aie pouiiii loith jilteous tales ol woe and deniis inn on aceount of the o.xeenlion ol the picseiit laws. As lbu juess ilispat < 'hi n have totaled during the ] week , tlie.\ claim that Iho ledeial ollleeis < o f.u be.MUid the oiiilnies of Ihe law and o\or- iiach Us bpiiit lo piosecnte ihe .Mormons. They claim that the ) are willing to obey the law as It leiates to jioljm'amv , but that Moi- inonlsni l.slheir leiinioun laiih.ind that they IIUM ) as lunch Inheit nt il .lit to possess It as followers ot oilier ieliiou.s ! bellels have to cllii to their icli ioli. Anti-iiolv miiislrt , howe\or , wnlo hero that the Mutinous aie banded together as the ) weie vears aio when they committed acts ot desperation , and that they all wink at tlie covering no ot polypi- innns piactlces , mid assist each other In main taining plmal wnes btatcsiiien who have u\pit/s--od ojilnions upon Ihe disturbances in Utah fay that tljey liuor suillcient additional legislation to put an end lo all such seeniM of soi lal dtatu'&a as aio beln.j enacted HILT.I at UilMlmc. iim wi-.nT WANTS TIII : Rii.vnn noi.t.Aii. It i.s altogether imptobab e , as uiltlcin lied In these dispa'che.s ' seveial limes. Huit tlie do- hlroof the luesidenlaiid his iiiblnet to .sus pend the coinage ot the Hilvi r doliar will pie- vail. Mince ilr. Cle\ehind' messann has been fully di e-tcd them I.s coiisiilcniblo Ircodom ol exmessioii npun this one point in It. fhi'io bus been uioiu inditteienee. shown In explesslon upon silver eoina o llnin an\- HilliK else ciuineited w nil Iho mchMiKO. Tlie nclion ot HieXew Vntk financial oicani/.i- thins In endorsing the piesldi nt s senliment on the suhjccl seems lo have brought lliu inembci's oi the lovvci liou-e ot consies very eloselv loni lliei In opposition to it , A west- i.'in ileiiiociiitle nieiiiiier icluiilnt ; la thl.-t point today said : "Tin * men ! lact that \Vall btrcet wants the coluaue ul thiisllvei doll if Htipcndcil oiiu'ht to bi < sulllcient toc.dl fmth HipatnoliMii ) of fioulliern nnd Westein slulcsiuon , The east ban no sympathy lor us , anil it Is enoiuh to luotiM' MIHJHC.IOII that New Vork should cmiii ; so readily nnd as loielblv In suppoit ot iho vrcNhiont In the piopositlon to suspend sil ver coinage. 1 think Hieio are twenty or thirl ) vouts moie. for lliu eontinnancu of Iho Mhrr coinage than theio weit ) befoiotho inualdcnt'H inessauo was received , liii'ry ( la ) dllver Is uttihliu new converts. It'thls BroiTth of sentniient In Us laxer contlniie.s ul thi ) in esc ill rate , nnd uolc Is not rccclu'd It until HUM spiintf , sliver will receive n \io-thlids majmity ut least , and may bo a thict'-toin tlm majoilty. I do not Hiinl ; that the iiroposlllon to sii peml coinage can uo tliiongli thu senate either. This Is olio biib- eevt w hlch eomes lo Hut pc-opln so closely that iiirnibfiti ot both patties will net with the inivatc&t of fieedoin , and will overlook what ever of politics theie may l > d In It. I be lieve thm the silver dollar will rontlnno to IKS coined , nnd that silver ooitlncates In ilciioiulnatioiiH of tl , JfJ mid 4 > will IH > is- Micd. It mil ) bo thu coin will tecelvo mom vclnht so us to make It worth n dol'ai at bill lion rates. Of course , It we continue the coinage us al prc-scnt and authmiru Hut Issn- nni'u ot nlUer ceitiiieate.N etloit.s will IK ) inndeby Wall stnvtto depiielatu the nllver dollar and pliuxi [ t in dlslavor mid drive It tiom clu'ukitloii ; hut 1 volco the sentiment ot n inajoiity n ! the hiiUMi when 1 say I am willing to let HID Kovoininent pit itself ntrultibt the money niaiket nf Now York and tiy n bull nnd Uar movennmt a while " OI'I'OXITION | , l INCIi\si ! : ; OK TIIK .VAVV , No ono Neoniri to believe that siiL-ijiv-iloii pf the ) ot war anil ( ion. blioritlan thut the ui my shall bo enlarged will ha\uuny NM'iuht upon oonmt'ss. TJieruis moie OIHH | | s'lthni Uiwivids an cnlnr ciiient tif Hut ex- jx-nscsol tliuitrni ) thmi almo-t anythluiccK' within the L'ovcinmenl. Only the statesmen vrho euuie from'tioiis where Iheiv aio Indiau doubles and bunlor dl.stuibanee.s teem to have liny npi-i-clition | | ; nf the iiiniy , A inorfinetit to ie < | iu\ the aimy In ninnlH-r nnd tocuilall H.s ONH'SCwould | | | probably lia\e uiojvsliow for success. The bM nf In wuriuru uu\v M.-CIUJ to lo lo- tlm navy. To the plpf'iresruio ' nnd ro- iniintlc e ) and the untutored nnd unso- phl"tlcated mind of the avenine statesman larno ntnl line Hctt of men-of-war and an Inimrnsi.1 phidanx of sailors eni1 to he nliout th.'iiroHjr | Ihini : , whether they ha\tlanyUilng to do or not I'KVSKINS FOP. MHMf AX Vr.TKIJAXI. < ! rneial Miown of Indlatri will Introduce ft the earliest po'siblp dav a bill covering the siicKi'siinns ol Hie lepublican caucus. It is fitibstniitlally as follows : 1 It Brants n IM'I | | OII lo nil soldiers and Kailoisut Uio Mexican war wno served four- trend iis in M-'xIeo , or on iti fmntl'T. or en i-niite to Mi-ilpo.iir participated li a battle , provided such soldier oi sailor Is CO yeirs old , or Is di'ifiidont on bis dally labor fir the con- tribalioiin of liiends for a ll\ltiK , or who , without his fault , has a disability which , had Itbisjii Inenired in the sen Ice. would liavo IHVII pi'iision iblu. 1'ersoin under thu disa bilities imposed by the loiirteeiiili amend- nient arc cv huhil troni the hcncnts of thu act. The rate of penilon ntnler this f-ectlon is lixnl at 3"1 p r month. 2 It pensions all honorably dKcharaed soldiers and .sailots of the United States army wlw-crNod In Hie war of the rebellion three tnonths , wlio are or ntav become disabled , not Hie losiill of their own gross earel-s- ss or bad conduct orie.ous bahits , and who are dependent upon theii ditliv labor forMipport. The pt'tislon under thin tlon to be rated ne- coiduiu' to the decree of disability , but in no ease toexeeod ' JI ner inonlh. : i-lt Increases tlie jietision of wldov/s and minor elilliiieu fiom H to W per month. t Htci\es the widow and minor children of a deceased pensioner an oi initial pension In their own liuhl wltlmut nrool thai the pensioner's lealh was thu result of disease In- euired in the sen lee. 5 It continues iho iwnsloiH granted minor childien without limit as lo aie when Mich minors me of niisiniud mind or piisi- tally helpless. n In Ilie case of dependent parents it pro- vldisthal U shallhesulllcientpioof of depen dency to show that Niich patent I.s without other means of support than his or her man ual labor. 10 Whore It appears that an applicant was ic ularly enlisted and miMcied it shall be piosiimcd piima facia that ho was sound at enlistment. 11 Kepeats the limitation ot Iho arrearage act. act.Tlds is In ninny respects Ihe same as lhal passed by the spiwti' at the last session , and known as the Mexican war pension bill with .senate amendments. A KIOIIP UN i in : LAND COMMISSION-MI. When the apptoprialion bill contaiiiint- provision tor Hie support ot the Interior de partment , with its general land olllco , lien-ion luneaii , etc. . comes tip in the lintisp , it is piedieted that a veiy slilT tiu'bt will be minlo a < raln < < t the policy of ( icnetal Sparks , tlie hind commissionei. A Hood of lomoiistiances in oeiy possib'e shape have bcon leceued by meinU'fs ' of both pailies in eoiifrress fiom the people of the prairie sate ( > a 'idnst the endorsement ot various otders issued bj the head of the land ollice. An a\ahi < iehe ol dls.iipio\al | seems to I o pouring in. The warfare which will ha w.u'ed upon this ollieo. by not only tin1 mi nority , but many majority members of the house , will be in Hie lorm ol cutting elf the appropriation to carry out the policies he has promulgated. Then there will be olloits imuloto insert in-littcthins to the land com- misMoncr in thoaiipropnati'in ' bill , iieloie tlie tumble is over il i.s ImlU veil thu new or der of things will be repudiated. sr.M'.v's SI-MIAT civil , .snuvicn. The nist oppoiunity ( the cominu week Kepic-cnt.itlv , ' t-oney of Ohio will intio- diicc his I.Ill . icpca'iiiL' ' the civil MM vice law. In an interlew to-ni lit Senev was asked in reirard to the b II , and slid : ' 'It will beery shoit. It don't take many words to r.Miial tne law. It would not b > half a do/en lines In lenjrtli. It w ill simply say : He ilenaeled. Thai an act entitled an net , olc. , b. : and the same is lu-rcbv icpealed. " "Tben this is not a compromise bill. " "In no on c. It is an ab olnte iciical. T do not believe in the law in any ot its lea- tines. I am cotnim-ed it is iiiiec.nsti- tnlioiinl. It ceitainly takes away Die power that by the constitution is vested in the piosMcnt. Thepresidonl has Ihe li lit to appoint any one to oflieo h may see lit. but here Is an aliened law which slops In and says ho can't appoint any one except one ot lour pcr.-ons. 1 am .satisfied not 0110- loinlh ol the members of coimress could pas.s the oulinary examinatiotib that aie held here. roincAST : OP THI : KUTIMIK. WASIIIXIIIONDoc.II. [ Associated Press ] Four bundled and seventy bills and nine joint rc'oliitions have been introduced in the s"ii.tte , but only two eommlttee.s have \et hi-ld their lust meeting ; and no inoasines h.iM1 hi en rcpoiled back to the senate and no calendar has then-line been made. Beyond the piobablo discussion and possible passa u ol the siiciession bill to bo te- poitcd on M inda ) , and the adoption ot Mr. r'lyo's resolution umboihlnir Ihe code ol joint rules , no programme tor legislative business dining the week can be Indicated. Four bundled and nlty-six nominations have been sent to the senate , and many of them will piubably be teporied al the m t ex- eentivo session. A eonsideiable poition of ot the latter half of the week is iikelv to ho spent with elosed doors. Although the committee on rules of the hoiiso has com pleted its labor of tormiilatnn ; a new code of rules I'or the uovornmont of the hou e , and will submit Its report to-morrow , it Is not thought piobable thai iho discussion will then bo beijun. It is i'\jM > that the debate will bo postponed until Tuesday m order that Hut members will have an opiioiunity ( to see the proposed revision In pi Int. There Is a desire on the part oi many memni'rs to have n call of states on Monday for Hie Intioductlon of bills for re I ere nee to tboappiopiiato com mittee and when appointed , and In di-fereneo to this desire it was Inform illy iv'ieod by the members ot theeommltleoon inieson yester day to make no opposition to ciich call. Theio aio , however , members of the hoti-.ii who o\piess an intention lo oppose tlie intiodurtinii ol bills until Iho lu > irc shall have nnally deter mined by vote on the Morrs ! > in code , Ihe in- iNdietlon ot vaiious coiumitU'os , and wno hold that II would bit useless to iniind.ito the speakers t iblit with a Hood of hills , till some iiioper outlet is piovided lor them. As the hoiso , Is not ko\ernud at present by any deanilu sysU'iu of inlo- . , those nnmibeis con tend Hud It will iciniliu unanimous eon-en t to eider a call , and assert Hint this cannot bo obtained. Discussions of the rules will ronsunio the leinallldi r of the ' .viol ; , mid tin * roll- test u\cr the scheme to disinhut > HID la bor ol the aiipiopibition committees to beshaip and inteiestin . Thoio is talk of an adjournment lei the holiday leeois before the end ot Ihe week , but no delimit ) plans have been anan it'll , and It Is piobablo that adjoiiinment will not bo .eaclied until the week ( ollowlllr. ) Tnu hKNA'ious COXMI > JU : un : ritorosnu riiAXfjr.s IMVIM : . ThOFi'natoisaio watchiiiKdevelopmentsln Hut tioiistt with remird to the ptoposed change ot inlos wilh miteli Intoiost , andpMieially le- Kaiil Hie ( imposition to distiitmte the appro- pi latlou bills amont ; the seveial coiiinutlces ot the house us an o.xtromely nnwlso bteji and will likely lead lo gieat e\truvaLaiicu ; , Tlio meiiibeihof thu senate commlueo on rules , all of whom aie oxxrlenccd | ! paili.unentail- ans. and scvoiiil of whom had their training in the house of representatives , .110 uiuini- moiis In this opinion. Tlm rcMjlutinn em bodying tlm pioposed code ot joint rules will piobahly tie leportod to the senate on Mon day and will be ( usecd without much delay and "cut to HIM houso. They cmlKidy three chief pioM.sltionn. | ) which , it adopted u > the house , would , In the opinion of the senate eoimnltleo and senators L-enoially , iclluvo Uio house ot thu mosl ol Its diiiienlties. The nist Is the leiiulremont that thu speak- erV tablu shall Im oleaiod e\ery day by teler- liiK all measures nnd communications on It to the proper committees , and thus gotlln , ? them Into thu channels of legislation at thu catllcst iiiomeiit. The second prohibits "lidoit- " upon m'lieral appropiiatlun hillx , and the thud iiujnlios thai dm Inn the last ten days of iwh s. > .v.ion piolotencu shall be given In eaeh In uo to meastire.s which havoalioady passed theothei hoiiho. roiniliemenu me aln'.idy lollowod by thu M'liale. AN OI'IMON ON I'UXSIONS. Second Comptroller Mnynard has u'ivcn nn opinion that penslonvih who live In thu United Stales cannot Klvttother | tcrsinis a power of attorney lo receive1' and receipt for JK'nslon moiioy.'aiid that HK'cnts aie ieciilni | | in draw choi-kj * payable to each iioiisloiior and lorwmd them dlrtvtly tooaoh pensioner. In I'jv-o iH'iialunt'rs llvo In foiei n t-ountries hu says they aio required to oxeonte voiieherH In pie.M'iieoot a in.ixlslratv. but the chcvk may IK * drawn pax able lo the | > oiisinncr on thenider nf an allotney , who cut ) then re- CL'ive uud receipt ( ur tue BY FORCE OF CIRCUMSTANCES , The Qncition of Irish legislation Ptiramonnt In English Politics. GLADSTONE'S ADVANCED VIEWS. I'arncll , ftrrveqlirtt liy His Hlcctoi-nl Victories , 1'eaooCiilly AualtliiK > ltti Turn of Incuts Gcncrnl News rrotu Hcyontl I lie Sen. 'Uio nrillohl'olltlrnl Situation. I.ONDO.V , Dee. 13. ISixvial lo the Uii : : . ] It is ubtortalm.d the liberals will be In a inlnoiily of from two to four. Many rumors are current respecting Hie probable cowi'uf evenls. 'J ho only tiling certain is that Lord Salisbury will uot resign belote the meellng ot parliament. There will be a cabinel coun cil un Monday. Se\eral ministers ( .liongly urged Immediate icslmtatloii , but If Salis bury nnd Lord Kandelph Churchill aiioe ; to stay In Ihe rest must abide by their decision" . The liberals are v Idol ) divided as to Hie jiol- Icy the party ought to pursue. It is much re marked that Hie conleionces neld at llewar- den this week ha\u Included no ladical. Lord ( iranUllo , Lord Spencer and l.oul Ko'eborry base been summoned to ndvi-c with ( Hailstone , Lord ( Jraiivlllo pi owed ! in ; thenee lo Chatsworth to compare nines wild l.oid llailiiiL'lon. Neltheir Chamberlain nor Sir Charier Dilko weie invited. The Until istladstoni ) hlniseit is now the most advanced nt tne liberals on the Jrisli ipaeMion. Dining tlie caoinet discussion ast Mav liladstone supnorlod Chanibeiluitrs Irish niopo'-als , national counoil included , which i'ainell was then lead ) to accept as a tinal setllement , but which a majonl ) of the cabinet Mited down. When the lesuil ot tbo piosont election became known ( ilndstotio seems to I in vo losolved at once to come to terms with I'nrnell and accept a scheme ( or home inle. eellatnly ombodyiin ; Kiiaranlees for the intevMiiyol tlie ompiie and ino.i.ihlv saving Hut piopcii ) riKhls ot the Irish land lord. His colleagues heard with dismay their leader was prepared to enter Into an al liance with Tamed , puhliily toaivepllns support lo turn mil the tmy government by Ins help , and then to suiunil to parliament what hotel ins a coiistilnilon lor lie. and. They lemoiistiatcd Mr mglv , and reminded him ho had loiinil it iuiiossiblo | hist summer lo induce the linoial parly to H ist.ini a miieli moil ! mudciate scheme. The oxprcs-od be lief I.s that a smiiMider lo 1'arnell now would dmdc the lihcia.s in the now house , shook the eountrv , and piobabiy fail , the tosult bein ; the dissonilion ot pailiamont , a Iresh del lion and a laiuo ma.ioiil ) against Hie new ooalnion. ( ilad-tone has yielded to these lopie enlation : , and the prospect has boon shohed lor tlie present. Iladieal leaders , I believe , concur with the inodeiatos in le atdini ; the M > heino as pie- matuie and duuuious. and show no dls | > o- sition to side wilh lilaiUtnlio. beilain nor Sir ( buries JtilUo w ish to icsuine otliee at the beginning ot the session nor to supm-ii a ministry in whuli the modciatcs wilfbe sine lo lo iiln the uscoiidcncv. liolh pielor an indepeiidiiit position. Tliev oll'er the wannest suppoit lo the pio'ent uovi rn- ment In Its attempc to d al witli the local government question , which miy easily bo made lo include Iho lilsb iinostuui. This is understood tosi nit > that the ladical Icadcis have Intended to sit bdOiV the tiii'way , to lenouiicu allegiance to Hie libtr.iif , and to jiose as paliiols lather than as paitisans. I'arnell in the nieaniime is putting out fceleis to disiover how n.n h luuiie tulohe can succeed In extoilini ; iiom Hit ) niosont ) > ailiamont. Justin McC'aithy says lieland will be ooiitont with legislative novverscipiiv- alent to those of an Auieiiean state. O'Con nor urges thai Canada is Iho tine precedent to lollow and Insist.-i that it is the minimum I'arnell w ill accept. I'.nnell is loported to bo content to wait for the tnin of events. aw me ot the danger that the moderates of both parlies may combine against him if the Irish question DO prebicd or obsUuciion bo be iin. There are animated dlseiiftsions on the re sults of the election in the newspapers and elsewheii * . Many liberals Insisl iheiewasa .substantial victory tor them. Sir William llarcoint puts this view more iin'ciiunislv than anybody oli-o , maintaining Hioio Is no toiy reaction and a genii no liberal maloiltv L'loaterthan evei'ln KiiKkinil , Scotland and Wales. .Imliuloits liberals , like the Sncctator lore.xample , generally rebuke him lor ever slating ills case. Tint ireiieiiil tooling of the liberals is that the country di ellned to express a decided pteleienco for either paity. 'Ihe libfials liave in lact nanowly escaped hope- les- . disaster and it I.s not yet eoiiain that the p.uly will hold toirether during tlm com- Iin ; se.ssion. The Times announces prob. b'v by anthori- tv , tli.u Ihe oa" TII dimeiill ) lias virtually In en settled aid that tliethice empires will nbindon the tkiiiat d for restoration of the status iiioantu | In o..s ern Koumclla , This , it accutate , is a conspicuous triumph for Salisbtny , who alone Iiom the bcgiiinini ; has stood out for iivotrnltion ot the Ilnluuiian union and allowed the conteieiiiO at Con stantinople to collapse rather t an tccedc. lie has Inclined ' 'very reproach tor linking a general war and nnally eaiiies his point , sccutes IMJICO , eains the gratitude ot linlgaiia and the respect of Kuropo. ( Jen.I'ri'iidcgast's mililary succi B 'esln 15ur- malitlo not save him tiom slmip entielsin lor his mistakes In adn.i . iistratlon. Thu ICnu'IInh iiress Is inclined to mot -st against letnrning J'liobaw's vvo bt nilnisiors as agcnls of the Dntislig vcinmcnt. Lord Unll'erin's nuival Is anxiously expected. The Soudan news Is threatening. Jtein- forci in 'ills have been ordoiod. Ti n > o icgl- nients have It-It Knglaml. 'l'h - cio k rs jiri- ! dlct anoihcr cosily expedition lo lose-no the end.ingoied posts. NKW VOIIK , Dee. 12. ( Special to the Hii : : , ] The Sun1 ! ) London eablo savs : Xow that ( he elections am ever and pailiainenlary ties crlptlvu lists about completed , thu tones have dlscovoied new grievances. It i.s based upon the humble oiU-in mid piehlun calliuirs otmohtof Iho I'ainellltes olecled to sit in the no.xt hon o. The toiles feel that evil davs bine fallen upon thu land. Tliev doplmo the fact Halt Hint .vise system of payment ot mouthers which lias NO loutr kept the poor men out ot parliament has been broken down. Ofcouise. the loiies i-.iy , they could expect nothing bettor Irom the Iiish In Ameiiea , butol thcso Americans who pio- moled or iialioiii/.ed the Innd they speak In terms both of sorrow and anwr. Tlio tlnlmulan ntillonlty. Sr. I'Kniitsninio , Doc. IS. Kussla lias ninde overtures to 1'rlnco Alexander , ottering o as-iifit to a jK-isonal nnlon of Hulgarla anil Koumella , on condition that thu policy of Bulgaria bo HUboidlnated lo Kusshui policy , Ktisblan agents arc actively Intilgttlng at Delgindo to dethrone Milan in favor of Kara- liii.oiiAii : : , Deo. in , A telegram from the front states that a long nnd bloody engage ment took place theio yesterday between the Seivlans and Bulgarians. The town ot Vt-llkl-lsoor was wrested Iiom the ( Mis-i-sslon of two battalions heioinin < to the nrst divi sion ot the Bulgarian aimy , who attacked the Servians. Upon uniting themselves ouiiunn- boied the BnlgaiiaiiK niiidii i.l ns that they wished to Mil lender. The .Servians , who weio mostly elderly men , belongiin ; to HID Mvond lesorve , shouted In reply : "Vou liavo alioailv deluded our children ( ineaiiliiL' Hit : joiiths o ! ' the lirst losenttj In that inslilon , but yon will not decoiyo us. " Theioiipon they charged thu Biilgaiians with Hit ) bayo net. .scattering them In ever ) direction. Tno Bulgarians Icit ininy dead and wounded nn the neld. The Servians claim a brilliant vie- tnrv. Much enthusiasm Is manifested in Belgrade over the hiiccofis of the Servians. Alt'Diiso'H Uciilciii. ( ) MADIIIII , Deo. W. Tlio fnuet-al Bcrvlces over the remain * of the late Kin , ' Alfonso ttxk place yesterday at the chinch of St. Fiiinels. The great edlllce was crowded with tllsilinrulshed peopli1. All the sovereign heads of KuroiH ) were represented and mem ber ! ! of thu diplomatlo corps weie piosont. Thi ) civil and military pageant was an Im- pnslngspectjiolti and was vvitnessixl by an Imnieiisu tlnoug. 8llKK3tAX ASSA1M3D. Tlie New York SUII'M ICrTorts to Scouro Ills Defeat n > r Ue-elcctloti. Nnw VOIIK. Ucc. 12.Sjirelal [ tothellf-K , ] The Sun Is r n\lmu to see Senator Slier man fnil of re-election , and this morning It devotes considerable spu-e to an Attack on him by J. W. Schuckers. The attnrlt is con- lineil to what tlic Sun calls John Sherman's uddon abandonment In isos of lil lirsl bill for funding Hi" national debt. Mr. Sdinck- crs jnys Sherman aband ined Ihe bill when an unsigned pamphlet was laid on Ihe desk of the senator , on January 10 , 1SK That ivunphtet , bo wys wys wrilten by Joseph 1'aticisoii , then president nf the Westoin National bank of Philadelphia. In the pain- uhlet It was chariT'il thai the bill piovitlod bv an nndcihand wav lor Hie itiyment of bonds woilli1KW.OOJ ( in gild. I'or convening J-50iW,000 United Stales bonds fiom one Im m Into another , chuel.ers s.ivs : "It Hu > b II ha 1 bocdiiu' a law , and had b'-on ' eirried out accord ng to it- intent , and the bonus of S-I'Varui inold had been converted into gn cnhnclii at the pievailltit ; ineminin above. ! U pel cent , tno prouis ot tbo favored biokeis mid money dealers , with othet poisons Intel- ested in the bill , would have been as follows : "Kirst-I'ronl.s on the conversion of bonds In the United Statis. Ml.iMj.noa > ei end Pronto on the eonveisloiis In Lit- rojie. Sls'JlFbl. : ! ' Third The piciniiiiii on gold , about 3t- ! UVUKX ) : total. sriiiNit. : " Ho adds that on the Appearance of the pamphlet. Shot man had the bill loeoiiimillcd to Ins nuance committee ami then picpaicd a new inonMiie. Ni.wOIIK , Dec. 1' ) . [ Special to the IH.K.J Iteleiiing to Iho Sun's attack on him. Shei- man said to a U'tuld Was-lilnulon 001 respondent pendent : "An ) one who knew the facts In the ease could see light through this com munication. The provisions ol iho tiinding bhl weiOMibstantiall } Ilio provisions nt evt-ry bill ol a similai mitiiiu passed toryears. I'ay- inont not to t'M'oeil 1 percent tor plielng bonds was iiulliorued by the act ol Kobuiaiy ± * i , iMi. , ami continued in elfeit down to Hie passage of this hill , when that clan-c was stilcken out and the placing of the hoiuls given over li < the sivietaiv of Ihe treasury. In intiodiiehii ; that clanI , siuiily | loinlio- duced what had appi'ari'i ; in every bill ol a similar nature. In thit lundimr bill , how ever , which did not piss lot two oi thiee yeais , this clause was stiicken out. By ( his nil ! we saved the government eventually j-"iooO.X ( ) ) ) . Tbeslatement is iieolloction ol 11 : ine.s and tacts strange to people and Intended to mislead. " TK1TX IS t' Tlio Stltu.tfol Makes SlimviiiK of a ( iooil Si/.oil lloll. N"ivv : VOIIK , Dee. 13. [ Special to the B : t : . ] J. K. Kmmiilt , Ihe actor , who has re peatedly disgraced himself and disappointed audiences by drnnkenniss , visited ( hoiiilts of the Moro.intilo Saft ! Deposit company at Xo. 13 ; B load way yesterday , with Ills wife , ami in the pusenoo of sevoial witnesses handed tier httoen SliKK ( , ( ) per cunt United States bonds maturing in ll'J" ' . ICmmetl said that repoils that he had lett or would leave bis laiiulv in destitute ciicnmstaiices Weiu vvltho'il the.sli.'idi-sttruth. A'miil a vvvok a-o he deeded In his \uhi his property in Allianv , l.nov.n as 'Tnt/'s Villa,1' valued at .IM.III ) ) , and lulcr bo hnd given her . - > o.oOii. Alter tiaiis.iotin this little business aifair Mr. and Mrs. lanmett stalled for liichmond to nil an oniircimii' , theie. l umctt ap- le.uedlo have untitelv lecovered Iiom his ivic'nt diunken deb.iurbos. lie said jester- day : "Whenever 1 taut ) a notion 1 go on a spice. 11 Miinotlmo.suwJlii uiu thousanils of dollais , but 1 ean ail'onLthe loss. " Sure SljcnH of I'rosperlly. riiii.Ain.riiiA , Dec. I'J Thegeneial man ager of the American Iron nnd Steel Associ atlon makes Iho follow int : liiijioitatit stalo- nu'iit : "A icratifyini ; indication of Impinvc- ment of business of this country Is found In the lad that steel lail eoiiiianie.s. ) which it will beieim-mdcrod made a cmnpael to limit the out put to what tlien seemed likely to the full wants of the rallroids tor ISsi ) , b.ive al- ic.idv , beloie. the beginning of the voar , nearly sold the vvho'e e-dlmated total. They have now Ineieased the stinulated output by iiJ. ' , OOi ( tons , mailing the nresent limit lor 'M one million ions. A number ot niann- lactmors have sold up or beyond the allot ment tor the out te year before action was taken , being unwilling fiat any appearance of iinioadiness or tnabi itv to meet any legit- iinate demand should evlst. Theru Is , thoiu- loie , not tlii ) least roas ni to tear that any bn.verot' rails who oan satisfy railinakors of his ability to piv for Ids pnrena-os will be unable to supply his wants at prices un allotted by lestrietion. " A Short Sofiiion of the ITouso. \VA-3iiiNuro.v , DJ. ' . 1. . The sui-aker laid hetoio the house a large number of executive communications , including the anniril ro poll of the attoiney general , secretary of the tieasury , and comptroller ot the curruiiey , and Ihey were laid on the table for thu present. Mr. Itead , of Mnine , offered a resolution for piintmg the compilation of the revisions of the riih3 of the hou-.c In the Tliirly-si\th and I'oily-sixtli coiuiossos , slating tbev would lie nndoriJIsi-iissinn iiiion ( lie | iiopo-oil cliango In the rules. Thii reso.iuion was adopted. Mr. Buck , of Conneetlcut , piesented a HS- oluilon ot the Connecticut legislature asking that a suitable hrv b.-pa-i-d lor the ascer tain uont and cnuntliuoi the oleJtoral volu Laid on Ihe table. Atl-U : > thu house adjourned until Mon day. Ttio OMalioin.i Country. LAWiiKNfi : , Kas. , Dee. 1. . In answer to an Inquiry , Captain Couch , the Oklahoma boomer , who has just letinned trom the Indi" an toriilory , said tlm cattlemen an ) not all driven elf the Cheyenne anil Arap.ihoe reser vations by any means. There are thousands ol cat I lo In the Oklahoma country , and i-ena totii aie bo.sleilig ) the depaitmcnl to ul.ow the cattlemen ( o remain with their herds , ow- liif lo the mid inconveniences in mov ing at this season ot Hie. year. Thecaltlemen In obedience to the pic-.idcnt ° H proehumiiion mid older , obood to Ills oMont the ) le- moved from the reseiva-iitn their cattle and and -hipped them to Hut 'u.uiu't. Their young cattle and cows still remain there. A Political Decision. Coi.trjinub , Ohio , Dot. ' . 14 The wiprcmo couit this niornlugaiiniiuiicMl Us decision on the Hamilton county uontesied elccilon cases , reversing tlm ditclulon of the circuit court of that countyand , , Ki\lnu' the eertlii- oates ol election lo thu democratic candidate for senators and rcprt- i ntutives. No decision was anno'ineed ' in tbo mandamus piix-ecd Ings brought by Hits governor and Mviotary of stale to compel Cleik Dallon to make it - tninsot the eliH'tion in Hamilton county lo Uut secretary of state. Tlio ProHiiloiuial HUIOSHOII | Jllll , M'ASiitNiiro.v , Dec. 1Tliu MMiato coin- mltteo on privileges mid elu-Hons held u second meeting thin molding , and instructed Chairman Heir to icnori on Monday thn 1'io.shlential sncce.-slon bill. A number of verbal clmnt'cs have been madu In thi'hill , but In all Important features this ineaMiiis similar to that which passed the last con- gloss , known as the Hoar bill , It witlniob- ahh IMS taken up ear v In Hut week , and wi.l L-ivo rise to onus d-'rvble disoiission , and will likely bj passed during thu vvotsk. The Coke1 IliiNlncBH , PriTsiiuitu , Doc p. . Ten JH.T cent addi tional ot thu stulcitn | coke ovens In thu Connesvlllu roirioii b is been llicd up. making 1 ) INTivnt of iho tnu niMih.'i mnv in bhist , against 5J cents a lew months -a0'o. Itiillion In Hank. Niw : VIIKK , Dr. r.1. Tlm bink rcvmnti has Ineioa-ed i. . : ; ! .IV ) . Tint baiiKsno-v hold rjj.ivio"U : in I'itvri uf liv'-il ro.pmo- uienta. Till1 ll'PT ir /\\T tit Iff OTIll l T THliLEK \ \ ONMULL SI REEL The Rude Shook Micted on the Mnrkot by Vnuderbilt's Death. THE POLICEMAN'S CLU 3 BROKEN The Only TIiln That Stood Goillil anil Al soliio ( Coiitful Gone Ldvoly Times 1'reilloleil. Ilcvlew of the Stootc Mni-ket. Ni\v : VnttK , Dec , ] . < . [ .Spuohiltu thu llii : % ] In features Hie trade situation shows Ittilo change friini the pioeedlng week. There Is some slight iinre.iso In oomuicrciil move ments In the leading distributiiu center" , and with few exceptions lotail demand shows a -pli it. This Is in line witu e\pivtailons of an iiicivaslng business In the renewals of stocks by retailers alter tint lit.of ! the vear. It Is accordingly to Hut pinluil th.Uu.uMru centers are looking forwaul wilh an In. eieased leelliijofeoniidenee. Gild weather and the holidays have sti iiulated the eastern dry goods tradu to a slight u\leit : and I'M tone ot tliu nuiriiut Is laiily linn. Money Is gelling ba.-k . to lliu same overstocked - stocked eoildltiotl that prevailed so lone. Interior points show indications ot a ikvldi d divrouso In thdemaiid tor funds , and this tendency , aided ny a di-croasu in siecul ] tlivo activity and otu-r causes , IIICHMSOI | tne tivailaido lunds In the Now \ou ; banks. Loans aie IMS ) and : i per LOIII has been aumit the utmost limit lei money on too MOCK ex change this week. The stool ; niuket has had a rude shock. I'lii ! b'u' bulls had gotten it inio a nil e snape and weio preiai | 111,4 to let It Slew in its own juice , allow ing a irood sluut inleie t to lorm piepai.itoiy to anoilior iipwanl boom alter Januai ) 1 , when Vandeimlt's --nddeu de.iiti llpH't oven tbi ni { and made new comb. na , lees and calculations neccs ar ) all alou the line. It there was any danger ol n panie , or even a bad break , the lead- el. s ol the market , as In dutv bound , stopped It at tno ur-l elf , and people soon pcueivvd Yandoiodt's di cease was nut likely to pioduce any immediai.ttimli.e. . Il is , however , dawning upon Wall stuvt , lhat in its liidliect ellecl it is likely to lead tea a gioat many eiianges. The blirgest SIIKIO individual in the in. irki t lias Ijoon taken out. oi It , and vvmlo it iheioby ma.miios tin- im portance oi a number ot opciauiis ol eompii- atiM-ly lessor m.U'ililude , sueli as Annoiir , Wmte , KoekalollerVieisholler \ , Neweomo , and other.s , its great slgnmcanco is tnu a p nees ihi'Mcjitei in the bands nl .lay ( mind. who is now nn iiiisi.onably .siipiemo ever me maiUot Mlt'siinieIt was always felt tnai ' wnile Vandeibilt lived lie only 'opeiated in one diiivlion , and that -,3ii,0).Joii ( ) minlii at any moment liave been tlnown into luo balance on Hie "bull" side , tloiiid , on the oilier hand , il s lliu maruots alw.ijs , and is as likely to tie on the "neai ' side as me "bull. " Viiu Icibllt's millions wote as a cum constantly lie-id over Inui by policemen , and no doubt olten ehecktd ; his activity ; but now the eluli is liioki'ii and the policemen aio t.iiton Irom tneir beat. In the bands ol bis liens the IMIVVIT ol Vandorliilt's money can never be the same as when It was one mass sui-iic. to thocontiol ol one man , and me on y tning which stood hcfwicn ( iouul and absolute conuol is one , nnle s as is very un- liKeiy , a stanlecoiiimnalioll ol all the oluer Icaileis til tint in.iiliCL would he lormed against him. AH il i he alioady seems to lu gr iving Wall street a labto of his ( iiiaiiiy. r rlciw , partlculaily ot tno ( lould wnnliwest- e.rns. aie going down like lead , nnd many people Hunk tiould is doiin ; it. Al.ogetnor. it looks like lively limes In Wad stieet , and a good deal ot ebaiuln ab'iut betoiu an eipii- libiiiim isestnblishcd. Tne mot phitisablu theory Is that the ad vance eiigineenii , ' on the strength ot the trunk line sottlomi-nt was started without Gould's conciironeo or knowledge. Aecoid- Ing to the theoiy that ( ionld had given up hopes of a settlement -inionc the iiuni ; line- , , us his own ell'orts In that dliectlon were a ' .illuie , and hail sold out a largo block ol hN dltlerent lioldings , cccting | to buy them back lower and poekot the dlfferenoc. The N'andoibllts , Koberll'teiiojiont , and Moigan , however , iiNcd the nuUtiT up among tbi-m- selves nnd an advance was slatted , wlilen ( ionld siiieohascomb.itied and is nnvvKolng to undo as rapidly as possible until he recov ers Ins holdings. Whether the above Is the ti lie theory or not , ItMuvv niler is uolng to givu Wall .sheet a good deal to ponder on. AVisdoin of VnndorhiH'H Will. Nivv : Yonic , Je& ) ii. : [ Special lo the Br.i : . | In an Inleivlew in the Tiihune Cbniiney M. Depcw says : "The will of Vanderbilt - derbilt is in my judgement a very wise and \eryjustilistributionol His estate. The lact that all the family are satisiied and gnitefiij demniiKtriites his knowledge of his children an. I the wisdom ol his miinllicent disposition and division of his estate to accomplish one purpo-o that was always mastering with him to have his family harmonious and hound together by stionger ties. Coi- noliiis and W. K. are , so tar as moio piopeit ) isconceineil , piohabl ) better oijuippod than Hi the death ot tnucommo- doie in continue the succe-slul administia- tion ot the gical 5) items , and hold Its eonliol. They aio both conservative , experienced and able. There soonm to be a ilispo-Itlon in Wall street and Into London e\pu-ss surprise and disappo ntinent that the stocks oi the mads In ihe \ andoiblll system weio not Hod up in li lists so thai the ) could not be disposed ot by one of the iiuiilly. I'leeisely the same smpiisit was expressed at the time ol the commodore's death. The lesiilt doinonstialod the old gentleman's wisdom and sagacity. William 11. discovered , alter a tliiuoiiili dial to iniiirii ' su > cos-dully tliiigieiitrulway pionoiHos winch ar > ! so Intimately connected wild the public and aio semi-public In their chmactor. that it was much wiser not to own them. When hu dlwoveied this he > old thu gloat hulk of his Central stock , but It became ono ol the most widely distributed in our American cecmlilcM. " Itiunoreil Union of AVenltli. Niw : VOIIK , Dee. M. ( .Special to the HIK : , ] A lather staitling rumor \MisclicnIated last evening to lliu ellecl thai a paitnership waste to be ton n oil by W. 1C. Yundoihllt with Washington K. Connor and ( ieoigu Could. The lacts in the matter mo haul to get and loliuhlo foundation lor HID icpoit bus not yet been traced. Nalnially the statement Is. moio or less geneiully discredited. Thoiu uiu a number of ciicnmstances , lio\Yover , which an ; pointed to us lending an air of probability to tliu nssoitloiis that the subject contains statements of a dcx-ldc.dly substan tial character ; It Is thu unexpected which happens , unit William K. Vandeibilt's vvoak- for a certain theatilcal show ol Inde pendence' Irom family contiol Is well known. A move ol this I.Ind ut the picM-nt ciitical jiinctnio IscMictly to captiviilo William K. , who is a sjtccnlato ; ' in m Hut crown ot his bond to the soloof lu > lout. Wlu-tliei1 the wily Connor and > lay ( iould's fchewd scion havoroall ) caplured the Vandeihilt inlant- Unlhlols Hiitiine.sHon iiHii ] ) which may de pend clfects ol Hiouist ma-Miltnde In Wall sliect. Tlio oiitcomoin being watched with keen anxiety. Theio is a positive statement being circulated , but voiy likely finm bear .souicoH , that Ihu ininvvilf commcniubiisincd.s Hie urstoi' the ) ear. Itlnl'N funeral. WiNMi'KO , Dec. 1'i. The funeral of Uio took pla-o this morning at St. Bonltacu ohuich. Thu funeral cortege Jolt his mother's boii-u on Ited river , about two miles Iiom bore , at U o'clock , aeoo.npanied by a large nnmlH-r of lolatlvcs and halfbntid symjii- Hikers. Arriving "t St. Uonhiieo , reiinem | mass was ox'lolir.ited bv l-'alh-r Duogas , us- slstod by Aichhishop I' lohe , who iH-eiipled Hut tlnoiio. Alter mass lliu l-o ly icmailli'd In the cathedral. II is \pevtfd U will l > e burk-d ibis alteiuouu. A 11 HAN K AT KlfS COI.MiCTIO.V. Tlio 1'hnnlrr ol1 n Pcinnto Shop Iillter and Her 1)1.try ) , BOSTOV , MiK" . . Deo. 1J. ( SiKVIal to the Hii.J : : Cnlef Wnilo's office In tinCommon - \\tMllti building , was illicit Fiidayitli n ptimiio asMiitiiiciit of stolen property taken fruui n tiiU'f. A tloteollvo jcstord.iy lnouiht from tlip I'veictt two wauon loads of goods taken fiom n room recently occupied by Juno I * . Wohlon.n nnt"ilous New Yorkshot-Iifter. | Shu also seived H tenn lor shop-llltlm : In lso. ; This woman vvus cuiii'lit steallm ? In bliopard it Noiwoll's stoiu un XovcinbvrU , and was sent lo the lma < e of correction for sK months. She came to Boston last spring mill liuaicdlatcly Illicit n IIMIII at the ( 'li.uli's- town , l.utcrshe moved to the llvorolt. HIT anost was unknown to the p.-oplo where she lodged , and a few daysapi they weio obllced to move and not liearini ; fioni their tenant turned the properly of her ro.nn . over to the sl.ito police. It was a ri'iiurkabli1 assortment of goods in nil tlu follow-In. : HUM. Jewelry , liicludiiu a doAMi diamonds ; luhy , atiicthst and other ilnns ; iroltl chain * ) , lockets , pins M't with precious stones ; pursehrliiding one rontainiui ; * " > > , tunillior wlni ? 'ii. nnoilu'r wltha-ii ; i.iro t'oins ; a rotion u wllhS.'it ; n with * -0 ; hunts and shoos , loitv or iitt > pairs ot nil dt'sciiiitions ; ipianlity of cut ijlas-i and chinaw > nd ornaiiionis , ( hit In an Immense vu , v : diugnlsls' goods , liiini a blr bundle ot Ihmien and a lot ot perfumery to u line collection of surgeons' knives : diy iromK Ineuidin. ? a law and raluablc collection ol | | ; , vel vets , satins , ilitMs goodIn entlro | iicci-s as taken Hum the oountoi ; mi immense vailety of l > iitm ! ( < : a i.'rcal ipianiliv ol haidwaic. In cluding hab'hcis , clotheslines , nitv or mnio tin plates , abmil JOidimi-ki'ts , tin-pans taliey goods , and kiiiekiui Us in iniunti ! varieiy , 1 mm tea-scopes to Noah's arks. The collet'- lion compri-i'K thousands nl arlleles , asmall hull ; In evciv llm-iil li tile , ami the whole roughly vahud at &i.U.ji . In addition to those aidh - - . \veietoundh.iiik ) books , shares ol railroad Mucksa'ld ' inner sinoties ol eoiisuli'i.ilile value , In her name1. Hut the gioati'it c'liiosity ' ol all was a woman s d.uiy wiiitiiion -lips loin dii ly fiom a poi-Hcal calendar , nnd giving a < pieor hi-t mot her expoi ionciM since October , IsSI. Much ol' II Is mint lor publication. The entries invaria bly boitin with a statement ot thu wealher and the lime slm got up. and then ovei.v ox- peiicnoeol the dav Is ichtleil in Ilio minutest detail. Kveivthmg she stole Is set down with Iho name ol llu % p ace wheic she not it. HIM dcscilplKIIIS ol how she dodged dotco- tiv's me linilhng. Slie frequently boastof - having beaten bet ear l.tie or her dinner , and tells once how her own pocket picked. Mm was u IHMII e.iti-i- Neailv every ( I iv is a mcmiM.uidiini : "Warim d my IHMIIS nil Mis. MJ.S'l sto\l . ' Sc.ttteii'il Itlloil ll lllU il.uiy me iininlclli iole UM. iciices to ttivln iio son lo "li\.i. " It ilieliuh1 d.urj c mid liu piililished it wuu i | iiiaKu Uu : biggest M.'li ttioil Hoatoner had. GOX14 TO MtS KKST. lion. 1 $ . < JritKr : in Dies at His St. IlOtliH llolllC. ST. l.oi'ts , Dec. 1.1. Hon. II. ( Iinl/ l mwn died at hi > K'iiiilctK'O ' in Kiikwooil. , \ sulinrb of this city , this niornin of pneumonia , complicated witii hcait di > ease , a ed.Jl ! Mi. Uiown was a piomaicnt ii.uru ; in thu politic * of ( his ftato for a iiimibur of jfai > , and alto caitied a national lepnt.ition. Ho made Uic inst enianciialion | spiecli CMT do- liveiod In tlic Missonii li'ibl.ituie. and In cunnection with I'rank II. ll\ir ! : bfcamu an active ptoniotoroV that cause. Ho entered the union service til Iho onlltiv.ilr of the war , rind after tlioclocof that con lust jut nrd .is Known at that time ; \h the liberal movement in this ot.itelili'1 ! ivsultcd in lii.s electimi as ir"'i nor ol the. Mate and iv-cnlianelii-eiiKMit uf it'bels. SntiseqniMillv Hi ) v\.is ilc-'teil " lot tliiili-il States senate "and hcjvul one irim. and Liter was nominated lor vice picsi- il'-iit of the I'niled St itcs on tin * ( Jiecluy tieKi t. Ho iniikcd hUh as n man of ability , \\a. iihiiosoiihicnl in his temlci ness , and was ic..iiilcil as a pnifonnil think-r. Itioxvn had been ailiii only .iboul a wnelc. On I'Yiday last liu camn in tMs city to lie plCMMitat the side of ( liehi. linii > , iV Keokuk ntilwav. with wlilch Uvally connecteil , and it is supposed he incii toukadditional cold , which icstiltcd in a MO- lent and rapid attack of piicumonu. He Kitidnallv t > unk Irom midni bi last ni hl till T o'clocf ; this moiiilii , when lie iinctly | passed away , .suiioiindcil by .ill the mcmbcih ot hislaiuilv and .itteiiilin pbysici.ins. Tlio ' time ot the fnnei.ft ha- nut jet'boon lixed. CAUS1XO -O.Vri3ST. . Tim Pi'uhlliKliininis uf Allniita FIiul 'J'hcic Victory Ije ally i iuc lioiu'il. ATLANTA , ( ta.i Dec. l.i.YicnUv in the United Stutesconit , .ir nuu-oi bi iinin thiu'ontust o\oi'thu Into ptnliihiliuu elccuon In this county. Thu o.i- > \\.ts In Hie hh.ipu . of a bill tor an injunction tn loslrun fie o'di- nary ol Uu'oontily tiom d 'iariiu : ! thu ic nlt ol theeleciiun. .1 tcMiiporaiy icstiainhu or der having b'.cn granted t o \ \ > 'ck ; uu. TheiMMiWill oicui > \ ' two il.ns. A Hint II. Cos , repie-i'iitiiitf tint li'iuor ilualcr-- . oiicni.-d thi. case , lleaixucd thouncoiitHlulion.dily of the lull in it alln\\- > the .talent ( icm i.i made wine , and piohilnts Urn sale of wine imidc in othei tite.s ; wai nncunsUtii- inulor lliu ( icouia coii i.Lutiiin. . in that it a.'Jowrf ' olectious in - wcl"omities , and docs not nlhiw elcct'ons In "diy couulics , thus not oiieratin aliue lhi n'nout mo hl.itc ; and thai the piocci din M uiiilcr liiobnl wen ; Illegal. Aliid.iMts weie intio- ilili < .rd in Mii'jmit of these lads alleged ate the leilllj in the metlKiiN ol Ilie eleotiuil. Tliu iuniimint : will buiuMimcd .Monday. HONOJtl.NC ; IIKXDUIC'ICS. Movc-i to ICrni.'L u Monument ment in HIM .Memory. N Ucc. inAt u nicuthiK ot reprusenlati\i ! citi/cns held heio yei-tcrduy an as.sociation to be known as the Hendilcks Moninueiit iisMK'lalion w.i.'i nixani/.ed , thu olijeet of which Is explained lo ! ! > title. A riiimnitlL'Uoi o\ci . "inOieiti/.eiis lepicm ntllij ; i.scjy ( ounty and town In the ntate , was ap pointed. and the woiii ol cin\assin4 lor Milt- \\ill 1 6 iinmediati'ly be iin. Tlio c.isli siib-ciipthiiis at todav'.s mic.tin ! a ; - guvatcd about -rl.iKXJ. Tlie committal ! Having In ilia'.X'o tint inon- mm nt Hind issued an appeal to-da > . invithii : Hut "coopciatlon of every lover ol iiei-iiual and olllelal iirobit > , of every aciUiuntanie. | admiler anil Inend ol the ilUMilous dead. Contributions may bo MMU to 1'iancis M. C'hiiiclniian , lii.iMiier , at Hidiiuiajujlin , and leceipti thereat will Im promptly aeknowl- lulled throiiKh the Indianapolis nt-w > > iMpcia as well ) mail. Han < | iieuMl .11 llu : Hub. lioiro.N , Dec. i : > . .M thu I'ailier hoiiRnlast nl 'ht il coinpliinentao b.iivjuet w.ts tcndcicd bj the Mrxaaolinsi'tta ! lorm cuili to Hit' Hon. li. Kiton ; , L'nlt.d .States ci\il tuivict : eomiiiih.sloner. About l.W quests weio In at- teiiilam e. 'I he hpecolien wi in inadn l > \ Iviii.n mid ,1 . K. l.oweil , ilie l.mcr waimly thu administration ot rmvnns On a ilannt. Ni\v : Oii : IANS : Decl l . A parti' or cx cui > iiiiisis ) from lowaanlved hejctiiis ni'iin. In . It iiiflnd.'H a niimb ol piominent Kcnlli'inen.aiiioiu whom nio ( invfinor hli r- inaa nnd T. ! - > . I'urvlii. past Krand master and 'rand Mccreiarj 01 the .MiiMinie order In tne United ht.ili's , wiio will lay Iho coiner t'tmi'Mif tlie jinil incut me nociai aich to im ejivlul in llu1 si.ej ; ; ulioiuil to lOAa on the expos In lrlainrH , Or.tiAi : li.-.i'iD.i , Iowa , Deo. t : ) . Kirn Sat urday alk'ii.jun destroyed Urn millinery btmll of ( i. U' . llowull .t Co. l.osh fWWI ) . Devendnrf tV Mann , dealers In dry minds. 341,00) ) . itoto weie m h liiMlicd , Tno d l-i.vOJ ; iiioiued. JPI Iowa Justly Frond of thn ProGcicnoy of Her Pedagogues. HER PUDLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The nr | > ul > llrntit ) of lc Molnc1) ) Or * Krtul/.itti ; Prrniaitrnt I'ollttcnt Clubs The ( Jovornor'rt KtintjMt * \VltIi Autlitof To Tills They Point With VrMe. Dts : Moixtts , Iowa , OOP. IS. [ Special to the llui.-.J The peoploof IOVTR lm ; J ln\d \ lust ii'.isnn for prldii In Hie erecllenen of their VnWir school system. It Wdidd bo hard lo tlnd a eltuon ol the state who IMI'I ptepaml to tell n ilrnnjjer Hint low.'i'n juMeentdgoot Illiti'i-itcy I1 * the lowest of ntiy Htato In the union. That Is one of the tli lutes Hint an Iowa man nexer linnet" , althonili ; hi ? may fall to lemember the slu of the irpubllonii nmjoillic.s siiK'o Hui tciiiloiy IMTHUIC it flute , or may Nlumblr a littlu In the unortnons > ! cltl of the coin erop. The eenstu report for 1W1 pl.xoe.1 the nnmher of pet < ons OUT ten jears ot ago who can neither tend or wiitostdj low ft than heietolore , and lenv w Iowa atll * In Hie lead in this ic.sjiect of nil thoslMor states. The leportof the plate suporlntendont of t'rni.ic' iNfli nrcTio.v Iw jujl been in ule public and II nfTordi r-Vj'e wiy Interesthi ) ; leading whloli explains In u tneasui Hui leason of JOWK'H piido In tier public school sy.stein. That iltsthinl.'Kctl ! ; educator of Massachtisett.s , Horace Mann- called to Jo\\a \ to orianl/v' . 'f lalhei period Hie organlnttlon 01' the tteu school Hjtdem of the Blntc- A bill piopoM'd by him wa.s adopted h > the IcKtslatnre in isvs , and but'ninu Iho basis of thopieM'iit I'M'cllenl M'lntol sybtcin. There la a peimaiicnl tiniil tor the tMippuil ot the schools obtained in Iho lollowini ; manner : (1. ( ) I'tuin * > per cent ot the nut piopcedsof public lands within HID slate. ( ' ! . ) 'J'liejno. cents ot the wiles ol uiilH10 ) , ( nciu-s Kmiituil iho Mate by the goiu'inl ) jo\einiiientln is-ij. ( ! ) . ( ' 1'he pioceeds ol c.schealcd estatcn.I.J ( Thu piofeeds ot sali-h ot the sKteenth n'ltion In each tow nsliin or ol lands toleited in lion theieof. Tills fund in lv\'l amounled to niuiu than frloooK ( ) . J\siile t'd.s ' there Is a temporaiy Imiil deilvi tl annually lioiu n number ot MIIIICCS ol reventii ) which c.ilita KiU'cly to the entire aiuount. In Isl0tho total exiiendlluies lor school puipo'i's weio bat lli.i. ) . In IN1 * ! the total amonn ! was * , . * Jl.str' , with a balance ol o\-r tu'.UOf'JO" . In Isls Hieie WOIM l./o scnool IIDIM-I in the htate , and they weio niosi y | or ; hoi.-i'H \\h ( MI aM'ra t ; \ un ot I . "i. Tin so .no now about K > , uiO uhuol IICUM'.S with an en.ire.duation of about 5 11 , 000,0,10. , ' 1 Im slate siipeilntehdcnt has picpuied a mai ; ol tlie blale b > eoiinnw ] , Mli a dot wiide euri .schonl house stands. Jt ninUesneiy inteieslin si htand ISHIICI liloil luo a vt rj ajiii ivated iviso ol iho meas'is. ' TIIIMC aie neau.5 . I.IMI children In tiiepiiblio s.-niioi.s and iK > , nyi ) teacheis ) . Tlio a\ei.ijo ; ; lOiupeiisation lor hid > ( eaehurs ImM incioaM'il il'iiin ' the last biaiinfiim tio.n ' - ' ? . Hi 10 3-U ) | iur monih , and lor male. teiuhur.s truin'S > ' .VJO toS > 7.t < ) . The state siiperlntendenl recoin- meiiil.s that thu h : lslaiinu provido.lor. fiuo text hooUs in Iho niilnii : sehOOi.s , Icttlflf Cilc1l disirh I uiinihli to il8 pupils tiei ! ol e.harKU tlie liuolcH that aie lo he n-cd , jiibtaslt now1 luniihhes t.'iem inups , globes and other uppa- latus necih'il. It is ipule piobabli ! that the le islaluie will take MIIIIC action on this .sub- ji tt this winter , and Ihcro i.s a htiont ! tooling in lauii nf adojitin the .sni > eiinU'iidcnt'ij iciominendatioii. TIII : nrri'ni.irANH. of this city me picjianiiK ti.i LliMiL'ani7.nton ) ! ol permancnl pnlunal ell b'l lo increasu I bo inU-iL-st ol iciiiihlicans and to sticiiKthun their oi aiii/aiiun. The design isl/i lia\o the clubs ol a M'ini sm inl ar.l,01111 political clmr- aetei. tiin'i ' sol moms ma to be tented and liniiished in an elegant and attnu'tlvo man ner , which uill be open to nutiubeid nt nil liuie" . Attak'd inlenaln ) iiiblie miiutin .s of the club will he held , with deliate.s and , > peL'hus on iKilitical lojiies of cm runt Inter est. A leading loom wilh political jtapaiH and other political lileiatini ) will he oni ) of its te.iluies. A iiception loom \\licrenieui- heih can uiiet distinguished lepiibllcans nho man be tempoiaiily in the oily , will also bu ouo ol the atiianHinis. Tin 10 will probably be one cential or .iii at.on tor the/ entire city , lib iinluhlnai IM ndie in I'Jast mid \\'i"-t \ DCS Molnes. UN Ilie thi r di\ ides tbo ciu into paith that aie ' oclMlly and eiinniir- 1 1 ally , In many respects wholh , IndciK'iidctit 01 eai bulbil. 'I le it publicans ol tile west side lia\e nij.anl7ed tlicirclnh , with .Major Miciinaii. a prominent man of Iliecitj. and biotbei to den. W. T. Kbeiniuii and heualiu .Icilm Hhelinau , as pie.sidcnt. U is exjie-'ti d that these clubs w III piovo a per manent Hoineo ol Micii'tli | to icjiuhlleans , and become ot ImniciiMi neiUee In ca trying on Ihee llu ti\c woik ol campaigns , i'or the lirst limu in nevcial jcars IJit , .Moiins has has liiul r.oot ) si.riciiis'c the spcnnd wcjk In li"eml ) > ir. ! The flno dii\c.s ot the citv ate beiiiK nionopoli/od by the last sti i.p"is , and ( neijbody seems lo tie enjoying "The llcaiitlml. " It ! ) oi jirri.i iif.Moiiii : > in political cacle.s that ( in\i rnor Sl'onnnn. ' inti nils Minn to put a limil twist on the Audi tor Blown mailer , by dcclarinr Hie oflluii of auditor \.icant , and Ihcn appolnUni ; ilr. Cntlcll , tiie pie-ent audiloi pie loin , who bun been seivint , ' sloi-o liiown was 10- moved last Match. It ho does it will 'jliilo seiiously compllc.ito mattci.s , foiMiiixernor J.airatino , who will bo inauiaiiatcd within a mouth , would then have tin ; ease on IIIN hands In a shaito than now. II Shiiuian Klionld lr < tuo Iho eominlsslon to I mlell and dichno Itiown out lor ha\ 1 111 , ' > alied In ule In.- , bond , it would ho I'tt'ltx haul 10 pu"cnt Caltell lioiu l | ) | the otliie it he cbosilo do so. It IH lepiiiieil that ( HIM iimr.Sh-i limn sayi. that Itiown will nc. . 'i n 1) tell lo the andltur'H otce. ) | TheiO lsnlhcl > tinieahi-ad lor mmclwdy. , - -ir- - Weullier 1'or To-Dny. Mi sofjn V M.I.I.Fair weather , winds Kineiallyhittiiu Miulheily , slowly ilblng tenipeiatnie , lower baiomeler. Rheumatism XVo lntiM If llu 10 h. or can ho , a remcily for rhcuiiutluni ; but thousands who hare gulIiTcd In pains have lice n prcatly hen- ciitvil by Howl's Sirsjpnrlll.i. Jf > ou have Jailed to Iliul relit f , try tlih tre.U rcuii'dy. ' "I was nflll'-trtl v\IMi rheuinntlMii tvicnty > cnii ; . Previous tu I fiimiil no relief , hut Wen vvoisp , and at oiui t'mo ' was iihnost lieljv Icfis. Hiiiiil's KariapirllU did mo moio jjnoil than ; ill Hia other incilldin I ctcr had. " JI. T. ItAix-OM , Kidrloy Vlllacp , Mass. " I lud ilicinnatlsiii thrcii jcnr.-i. and jot ; no relief till 1 look Hood's H-imjinrilli , Jt Jia-i dnno prtat thhiu.s for me. I icci > : miicnil It ti > i , liUacfurd.Mc. ; IIiiDtl fi irn-ii.irllla | h fhar.iilt-rUfil by thriti i fflili nlllea : HI , Hm cotnltlii'itit.n of M-nu-illal - HKtiils ; I'd , Ilio ] , n > imrtlvin 3J , lllh jinuM uf M-cuih.g Ibo it llvo nicilh-ltial ijiiallllcs. 'i he n sull I . a mi dlchin of IIIIUKIKI ! ttreiijlh , cffectinf ; cinis I llheilo iiiiknnwn. Kciut fur ti < iik roiit.duln ; : ndiliunil ! | : cvldi'iico , "Ilontj'i H-irsiiailll.i t ii-cs up my pyaieii. , : i . . , i tv ; i' ithe.i.nil M'cnis to inUo inn i v . " .f. r. Tiiiyiil'SiiX , Ui-RhUTl.f . IKcuo , I.-\.ill , ll-ij. "II'ii'd'8 ' fl-riitnrlI-i ! l -.ts i II otliPiH. uui | I'vviiriiisi.fmi 1 1 1 1 ' " I l ; > ia.iMjpro.v , ijt lUuk Mictt , Kv\i Vu.l ; C./ . HeM by all ilrurrM.-i. SI i sl fur 91. Madl 0-ilyhyO. J. HIH'I ) 6 CO. , l/ ' * ll , Mans. IO6 Dosou Ono DoMar.