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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1885)
HE OMAHA DAILY IV J > FIFTEENTH YEAH , OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 10 , 1883 , NUMB.E11 151. I ITS JEFFERSOXIAN SIMPLICITY The Pnrty ot Promised Economy Start" Oat Extravagantly. INCREASING THE ESTIMATES. ognti'n Tomali.ixvk HcniJy for UHC Itandall Gaining ( > ronnd In ( In ; ItnlcH ContCHlWnslilnmon Ncvvt if Wrniorn Inipnrt. HampleH of Domocratli ! tCuonoiny. U'AtiiixiiinsDcr. l5.-SH-i'inl | | Telegram ] Tin1 book of estlmatea for the past lical > car , with appropriations for the cniient year , Is out , and In the light of the charges made which figured so conspicuously during the presidential campaign , show tome aston- Hdug fads. They show a piobablc deficiency of S'i'l.Uoo.OOO Inievenites lor the past sear , and nn mcreavcd e.vpendituie of JjT.tKM.WJ . ovir Ihe apptopiiatioii for the cnirent jcar. Instead of ( Hiding the drpaitments "honey- o mb \vithcoiiniilion"liiiarlyriveiyolllf < lat stalfi tint more money Is "absolutely Indis pensable In older lo piovide mote cfliclcnt scnlce. " ' In othci vsoidsllnjdeiiartmen'sas ' oi"ani/ed in the past me lust as elliclcnt as can be expected from the amount of money plaeul at the disposal ol I hell head" , 'taking the estimates up in Iheli otdcl it will bu lound Ibnt the president , who mnde a gteat show ol economy In stopping ncwspapcis and sdimg hof-cs and cmria es , asjis for pre < l clv tbo'amo amount for sttcli pmposes as did I'K's-ldent Ailhiu , and HH W.IH appio- pnated for the cm rent j ear. Nolwillisiand- iiif nil the talk about extravagance In the care and maintemince of the execiillve mansion m the past , an Incieaseof ST.CUO In ( hi apinopilatlon foi that put pose ! < asked lo ) llwill take . < -oOi ) Instead ol fc4W J to caie foi the executive f.'icenhouse , whllo ftitini Is wanted totepairand iciiiinisli the exfi-iillve mansion , as the Ininltine In some of Ihe bedrooms i.s oftlcially declared to be "si abbj1 and not up to the icqulicmciitt evrn ol Jcllersoiiian simplicity. I he sccictaiy f state wants an increase of V' ' ' K ) to cany on his ollice pioper. Atiaid to 11 ust the public pin ! s with Important BCfM'ls , S-cielsuj llajaid asks lor nn appro- in i itlon lor the tstahllshment of a piintlng onii'o f'u Hie execution ol all piloting ot a natnie in the depaitment of state. 'I IK s.niip stale of alTalis cxlsls In every de- pa' ' in-etst The toial inciease in the estimate foi It-s- over the entile sum , including de- lie eiici sapjiropilatcd lor the last iiscil jear of the leimblican adminlstiatlon , is .S7" > , OVJ- 70Hut for Ihe liscalyeai ending June 'M , is < ° > , then ! was an appiopriation of about ) for livers and harbors , which is 0.000,000 moie than the estimate for the next Mai. Deducting the appioprhttlon foi the ni\s depaitment for the six months of the hist liscal i ear , which i.s Included In the ap- l onunions | for the cuiient > ear , and the ai tt'iil ' Inciease asked lor next yiar over the applications for the curient jcai is 557,03)- Ona. i IIHAN ox TIII : WAII r.viir. < , i n In'an is I'lepaiing ' a sjieech oil the ( . HIM < il'Hie president in Ids icmovals of ro- imblUaiis liom ollice , and will , it is said , do- User it shuiiij aid.- , the holidays. Ho has secured thu names of all ex-union soldiers \vlio liaui been tinned out of olllce , and all evconledeiates who have been appointed by the administiatlon. Theie aio documents , It Is Mild , to show that the men who have lost iheli places were honest and competent. I.o an liiids most gratilying icsulb liom his investigation In tiio postolllce depaitment , xviicre theie have been many icmovals lor pun'ly political pmposc" . iiir. iiousi : AND us xr.w u'T-r. " , \llattentionls tinned to-day towaid Ihe house and Its new i tiles. Theie seems to bo a strong disposition lo iccognl/e the light as between the Moruson and liandall wings of the demoeiatle paily. It is easy ( o see , as Iho new rule.s aie discussed publicly and pri vately , that sentiment is not nearly - > o stiong In their laver as It was a few daj.s ago. jMonlson and his followei.s now only claim 100 demoeials for their measmo and conccdo to their oppo nents si ; dcmociatlc votes. If this is ( he case it looks \cry much as though ll'indall would have a majoiily of the dcmociats with him before the discussion ends , for cvoiy day's consideration of the .subject .seems to sticnyth- en Iho feeling against Monison'.s plan. Talks vtltli senators show they tno almost unanlmi-iiis In the opinion that Ihu adoption ot tlieMoiiIson plan will bo a mistake. In dications aie that If a vote weie taken In the houo to-day the niles would be adopted , but It the chance In sentiment which set In two claj s ago continues , with a vole at Ihe eixl of the week , It will bo deieated. The Ilennc- plu canal people have decided to join Itandall In his light against Moirison's mle. WANT TIIK ( iit.\\r rcnrinri : > . To- < lay a petition was Intiodncid in the Ecnato by Senator Wilson ol low a for HeLano and 110 other citizens of Shel don , Iowa , piaylng for Iho passage of an act tor Iho absolute loi- fellmo of certain ( lands wlthlnthe limits of the grant to the tilonx City & SI. I'attl iall- way company. Tlio land Is located In norlhwesteia Iowa , andtald lo be known as the iineained Sioux City .t SI. I'aul railway Biani , compilhlng Ki.lW acicA gieater portion of It lies in O'llrien county. The lands were some yeais since declaied by Commissioner McFailand and Kccreiaiy Tellci to iK'loiig lo the public domain and open to sctttvmont. The pclitioncis set foilh that cltl/uns from neatly every county In Iowa , and also from othci states , settled Upon thesu lands , belle ; Ing tlm statements of Hit-be othclals , ami there lemaincd for years , lirveMlns all their means in liupiovlitg their homes , They want the iriimt torfeitcd by coiife'ress po that there may be no question about U In Iho future. PATBNrS 10 WKbn.IlN I.VVKNTOUS. I'atcntaweioto day issued to the following Inventors : William W. limber , I'uthven , Iowa , dust pioteelor fortlnebhlng machines. TalbottC. Dexter , De.s Moines , Iowa , ( t\vo ) paper folding machine and sheet sw itching dev Ice for paper fuldlnij machine. William 0. Kills , Maishalltown , Iowa , antl-ficezinu , non-explodiiii ; cut-oil for bath boilers. Chailcs C , Cillman , IMdoia , Iowa , ( two ) liiu pioof safe and vault and liio proof vault. AmosL. Ciinncll , f'ampbcll , Iowa , poit- nblo platform dump ami elevator , John I ) , and ( i. W. Ilibbs , Kalilicld , Xc- braika , blocking exhibitor. Joteph U. .Monlson , l-'orl Madison , Iowa , cultivator , William M. 1'ost , a dsnor of two-thirds lo \ > . U. Hrmlley , Cedar Haplds , Iowa , ballnj , ' presu i. A 00011 wont ) ron on : ji'.vinit. Senator Mandcison came out liimly on the side of at least a decent degieu ot ohserv- nni'O of prohibition In the capitol. During the debate In the senate this aiternoon on thu pioposcd amendment prohibiting the pics- ence of Intoxicants In that building , Mr , Mamlorson was In favor of evc'ullug liquors Irom Uiu commltteo rooms and icstanrant , uud obligating tbosenatorH In Inlnllment of tlie requirements to the fullest e.xio-it. JHs remarkh on Ihe tubji'ct wcio forcible , and al- traded attention from the vv-ll 1llol Raller- les. Mr , Mauderson has the r p itatlon of be- ingtlHMnostco'irai.'eousmcnin thi'sonatc. He Is never lic ilnling in c\i-es-lng | decided views upon eiibjfct' , and he expresses them EO clearly and tersely that tint they have a weight upon all who them. If all Ihe natorsvcrc like Mr. Manderson the coin- mlttro rooms of tne cacitolwould very fpdckly cea e lobe drinking places and the men whopmtlelpatc In the pioceedlngs on th" llooi ot the senate would be ober men. Mtirr.uAnov.s : MATUII . The poslofllce site at Drcwer , Keyn 1'aha eoiinlj , has been tcinovcd two miles to the southeast. The star mail ionic fioin Stotlc to 1'ur- ilmn. Nebiaskn , IIBS been otdcrcd extended three miles to IMIHi. The po'tolUee at ( Jovltiton , Iowa , Is lo bo le-establlshed. Iteiiresenlatlve Wcavei . = e- cnied an order for It to-day. Charles H. ltobn ! on , of Knimlllc , Iowa , has been lecognlzed to jiracilce bi-loio the In tel ioi depaitment. Senator MandcHon Inliodnced a bill to-day to Ini'ie.vo the pension of Kdvvaid Hill of N'ebiaska. Also a bill foi tin1oluntaiy 1C- tirement of lieutenants In Ihe line of the aimy alter I wo years service on one-half pay and i nioluinenu ot the rank held at the date of Senator Allison of Iowa piesentt'd ' bills to pension David Peterson , lus-cli ! S.ulth and Maiv Heion oflowa. Also to Ineicasu the pension ot Chailotte I ) . Cioker. Mis1. ( clla H. Ashley ol Nebraska , a clerk In the patent ollice , has been piumolcd liom SliOJtoSlOOOa > ear. C. C. Woolwoilh of Omaha Is at the ICbbitt. Ldwaid Andiews of lo\va , an assistant geologist at s , 4U per annum In the geological survei , has ic-slgncd. Thu Intitie station of Light Hnttery D l-'lIth aitlllcry , Major Jacob H. Itawles , will beat Poll D. A. liiissell , Chejcmie , Wyo. , aftci Ihe extra ( loops aie vvitlultawn liom Salt Lake City and I-'oit DouglasUtnh , in- Plead ol ictiirnlng to Kurt Omaha. Senator Allison of Iowa , to-day pic = cntcd In Ihe setiatea long memoiial In pilntcd loim Horn the baiol the tiillii judicial distiictof Dakota , piaylng lor two additional iudgi's of theUnitid Stales couit lei that tenitoiy , and aievision ol the judicial districls theie. The memoiial xvas leletred to the pioper committee and will be made a mailer ol In- leiest by a number of noithwestein senatoisi TIII : inoi'iii.i.soMn INDIAN ijrusiioN. It Is piobable that bcfoie the expiration of this term ot the l-'oilj ninth congicss s-on.o action will be taken xvhlch will material ! } alfect the Hiatus of the vaiions Indian tilbe < throughout the countiy , esjieerally those In the most densely settled slates. Several bills havealieadybccii introduced looking to a di vision of the leseivatlons into t'aim , and their distiibution among the Indians in sev erally. Congiessman Sessions , of the Xevv Vorkdlslilct , has taken the lust step towaid lidding Nc'vv ' Voik ot what Is now an abso lute nuisance' . Thcieaie in Ihe counties ot Kilo and Cat taiaugnsf.0,000 acies ot land in two icscivations. This land tuiiiishes sup- poi t for : ) ,000 Indians , and not moie than one tenth ot it Is cultivated. The Indians le- celvc a small annuity from the govon.mcnt aiislng out of moneys invested for them , xvhlch vvas under the tieatj ol 1SK Many ol them aie shlltless and lazy , and owing to the fact that the ttlbal iclations aie still hent up , ( hose who mo disposed to make homes toi themselves are unable to do so with any de- gico of success. Mr. Sessions' bill passed congrcs-s scveial ycais ngo , but foi some lea- son it nevci became a law. H has a bcttei chance this time , and if enacted will piovoa gicat beneht to the people ot western N'ew Yoikas well as to the Indians' , as It will make the latter a inoio Independent set ol men and will icsiill In opening up to agii- cultino many thousands of acies of thu most suable farm land in New Yoik state. rouMin : KioL'itis : A.VH THKIU stfcissoits. : Kvcrj body notices the absence of some of Iho prominent ligurctiwhich were familiar in the Koity-elghth congress , and some cuiiosity Is cxpicssed to see the men who succeed Ihoso who weie most conspicuous upon the iluor a year ago. Hoi rot Mlc.hiiui : ; is succeeded by Tim Taisney , a jonng liish-Ameiican , who has p iiiod hiin clt up fiom a stoker on a tug boat t ) his piesent position. Tarsiioy'h Inends asscit that he Is a vciy biilhant man. It hu Is , hu has woi.doiliil povtcis ol conceal ment. H ibinson , the long-mailed mcnaco to thu liiillsh governmeut , has ictiied from aclivo politics , to he succeeded by a hand some and elegant gentleman ot powellul phjslipieand gieat capacity for enjoyment , who beats the nameol Mahoney with moiu giacu than any ot his anccstois ever woio it. Mahoney xvill piobahlyglve the Hiitlsli lion a lest and will undoubtedly devote his ener gies cntiicly to Iho leijUiiemcnts oL Lliooklyn and the needs of his constituents. 1'lncity , whosu dynamite utleiaiicos led to his deleat , gives jilace lo the pusident of the Chicago common council , 1'iank Lawlcr , who , It is said , will Intiodncu a gicat deal ot originality Into the dehbciations ol cungicss. l''iank ' Is a fcood lellovv , but as ho began life as a boy in a buck yard bet'oiu hu onteied his teens and climbed thu ladder of fame until he bcvame the pioud owner of a mm shop , it is natural that ho has not had ( line to polish oil ills education , which came lo a summaiy termination ' mination when It i cully should have bet'ii be ginning. Lawlei has a lamlly to whom he is denoted , and if allowed to do so , xvill un doubtedly run congress to suit cvcijbjily. Wellcr ol Iowa , whoso ( iiiiteau-liku tacc and rasping voice were seen and heaid upon all occasions , has iclircd to thu inner icccsscs of a veiy minute law practice In noithcrn Iowa. His sign adorns the co\irt house wall.s , but his face Is seldom seen bctoiu the bar. Wellcr Is succeeded by Mi. Chailus E. Fuller , who has n blight and Intelligent face and many attilbutes which his predecessor so sadly lacked. Fuller was a t-leik In the In terior department twenty yea is ago , and sp.'iit his spa 10 houis then In listening lo the debates In cungiuss dining that exciting tlmu In our History know as thu iccoiijtiuctloii pcilod , Sunset Cox is succeeded bj "Tlm" Camp bell , an cncigetlu lilshman , who delights In an c.xpausivu shirt bosom and a white neck- lie. Hu has a null favor ot thu bioguo and nppaieiuly not atjuaiterol Iho Inlcillgencu of tmr minister to Tnrkev. Till ! CA'l CUNl'Milll'M ' CAfUlll' lllvf. Civil Service Commisslunci Kdveilon was slaudlnglnthu lobby ot Wlllaid's hotel ex plaining to a paily ol'congte. mcnthu woik- Ingsot the civil hei vice commission. Conjjicss- man ot thu Itochester ( Xevv Yoik ) dls- tilct was amoiis ihe paity. 'Hie commission er bjioku In glow ins teimsot Iho thorough- ncsaut thecommUslon and e.xplaincd that absolute accuracy In answciing questions was not icuimed so long au tlie applicant showed that hu had an Intelligent knowledge of the .subject In which hu vvas bolng ex amined. For Instance , ho said that In an swer to the question , "What aio thu pilnclplo sotticcsot' levemio'1 the answer expelled would le , "customs , Inteuial icvcntiu , and salu of public lands ; " but If thu candidate should lejily , "spirits , tobaieo , and sugar , " hu would bu eu'ditcd with uuavtcilujflhn question ccurectlv. Congii'ssman , the fattest nnd ap- paicntly thu julliest umii In the house , who , by the way , uc < vcds the gentleman xvho was remarkable for hli lallness and linine < ? . said : "Mr. Commissioner , that lemlnds me of an old pne \ \ hich the boj s used to pet off in Albany. The problem was n sticker for ever } body , and I should like to know If you can answer It. It is very .linplu and Is thU : If four catsklll four rats In fottrmlnntes how many cats will It take to kill oue Hundred rats In one hundred minutes1 The president of the cix 11 service commis sion fcratched his head for a few moments and then walked elf to consult Ids colleagues. It Is expected that his answer will bo ttans- milled to comrress. . A eOFT Sl'OTtX HOI XIAX'S lir.AMT. H will be remembered that some comment aroioacarot two ago over the appointment of a little fellow mined Wllllo llowaul to bo a pace in Ihe house. Thu poor little boy , although quite- well along In years I"ot much nioiethan tlnce feet high and is badly crippled. He somehow or other elicited the s-ympathj of "Objector" Holtuan , who In this Instance did not oppose the fatal objecl ion when the bo.v applied foi a place. Mr. llolman placed him in fionl of Ihe appropriation com mittee room door and kept him theio in "pile of the protests of thosu who did not like to see the little fellow siilfeiing. He is not here tills session and il Is said lhal the little chap will never bu ablu to uxain take his phuc among the employes of the house , Aftei seem Ing his place a jear ago the boy jmichased a pail of goals and a little wau'on and seemed a gieat deal of keen enjoyment from Ihe exercise ot dtiving thu pair ftom place to plaie. Dining his sickness this slimmer some scoiimliel stole his goats , and the boy is destitute and dying. It Is said that Mr. Holiiian , who has sott coincis in his heatt In spite of outward appearances , Is quietly vvoiklng among the mcmbois who know the lad to eccuie for him a small puiso which shall make his last hours at Icist coin- comfortable. NATIONAL f.UAIim' O mil ItlVO. WASIIINOIO.V. Dec. 15. ( Associated Pi ess. j The tourtli annual convention ol the National tiiiaul association ol the United Suites met this alteinoon. The association consists of live delegates liom the militia of each state. Klghteen weie represented at the mcutl'ig. Piesident ( jeo. W. Wlngate , of New ork. called the meeting to oiaei , and In his oiiening addiuss stated the objects of the association had been tbwaitcdln par lij objecllons that it was the intention todepiive the states of their authoflty over the militln. Then , on the other hand , that it was tlio desiie to miil.e monej outot the trcasiir.v of the general goveinment. lor state organisa tion without permitting proper .stipci vision bv the war depanmunt. lint the pieatest obstacle thej had to encounter was apathy among thu people to the militia , and in con- mess in rcgaul to the entiio iiuestion which the association had at heart. He thought now that the situation was moie lav m able , and Hint the bills before c ngicss would re ceive lavmable consideration ( Jen. Tavlor xvas elected iccoidinj , ' sccie- tary in place of ( Jen. Alexander , of Des Moines , Iowa , who was unable to attend. Col. Chasu K. liiidgt ) ol New York was elected coiiesponding secietaiy. i-iosi'ic ! iivi : I'osrMAsTrns. The president sent the lollowing nomina tions for poslmast < nsto Iho senate to-day : Horatio X. Cronklte , Clinton. Wis. John D. bluvcns , Caithage , III. AmbiosuM. Miller , Lincoln. III. TIII : r.xi.i. svcAMom's : HIM. . The bill intioluccd today by Scnalor Vooihees to reliind Into mil levcnue taxi's in ceilaln cases , nuthoil/es the seciutary ot the llcasiny to lelund to peisons tin imo eutilied sin li amounts aslull b shown to the satis- lactiou ol the commissioner of internal i > 'v- onuo to h. v,1 lo"ii paid pi lor to July 1 , isij'j. as inteiual n venue taxeon siiilits distilled prior to Jtil.v ,0 , INls , in excess ot the tax paid on the quantity actually withdrawn. BOYCOTTING Tllli IKIKII. A IScniarknblo Movement Started by Sorehead Politicians in England. XHW YOUK , Dec. 15. [ Special to the HII : : . ] The Sun's London cable says : A move ment was begun Monday afternoon which involves piobably thu mod astounding scheme of political revenge and piesiimptlon In thu history ol this geneiation. The move ment giew out ol'a meeting at the National Liberal club of those liberal memlx-is-elect vvlioitiiiiajniltles had been i educed by the astliiR of the Iiish vote tor the toiics and ot thoau liberal candidates who ha d been do fiialed by Ihe same tactics. It was a very soiehcad assemblage , and gieat against the Iiish was displaced In all the speeches. Many speakers sai < l that their own Iiish workmen , on the laimsand estates and In mines anil 1'aetoiies , whom they had provided with sustenance In tionbUms times , agitated and voted against Iheir masteia and biead piovlders at the bidding ofstrangeis. The result ot the meeting was the adoption bv unanimous vote of a resolution pledging each gentleman not to emplo.v Iristi labor in the Inline , and to giadually but as speedily as posslhtodlscbargp all IiNi woi'cmen ' now employed by them. 'Ihc speakeis as uicd Iho meeting that the whole machlneiy of the iJirmlnzham caucus would he cmpfojcd to make Iho so-called boycotting ell eel Ive. They Raid that the Iliitish liberal wuiknien who had always been friendly towaid their colleagues wire now embitleied against them. Tho-o workmen could thetulore bj idled on toco opeiatu with their employeis Mgainst the Iiish , and would oven carrv the measure luither by boycotting all Irish tradesmen and publicans. AfTnli'H HI JMoxleo. ST. I.oris , Dec. 15. A sjiccial from M'on- leiy , Mexico , to the ( Jlobi'-Demociat says : Kvei > thing was quiet In lids clt.v yesterday to all otitwaid apiearances | , but there Is an iindrrcuiient ot publlu dhploasmo which b ides no good to the nulitaiy government , that may bieak out any minute. Thu cool tieatment extended to Manuel llodilnucz at the hands ot Militaiy ( io\cinor Oenernl Itejes , causes dis allilactlon and bltteiness among llm whole independent patty. All onllet.sor the city aie closely xvatchcd bv mililaiy spies , as not only bcimivcda but his otllccis aio not on parole. Another dlspatcn from New Laredo says the absence ot Maj. ( Jregory , a .stiong and active Uoiuales ( mrtlsan , from the election , was greatly wondeied at and commented on. It tinned out to-day that hu was nut In the soldieis' gnaid house all clay by the order of federal commanders , and this morning was onlricdto tlio Clt.v of Mexico. Thuunceie- monlotis manner in which the piesent ad- minlstiatlou moves troublc.somu pi'isonagcs tioni the position In which they may use ne- gatue inihience' , Is eoiisldciably commented rtoiHlnu tlio Illack PAHI * . Dec. is , Cencral Do Comcey , com mander of Ihu Fiench lotces In Toniiulii , telegraphed the wai ollico today that Gen eral Do Xugilcr had eleaied theMaihkinoun tains , noitli of llal Dnon ; ' , , of Illack F.'ags- and pirates , capt ui Ing a ntnnher of foi lined caveius. and a hngu quantity of aims and ammunition. Duo caveiu wat desperately ikiendcd , and lull } 100 pli ales weie killed 1ml onit rould be taken. A number of JiuiUs weio Mink between the Jtaidds and Bamboo canals. Thu cuantiy has been pacincd , Hloody How lU.'tvvcnn School HoyH , Cu.vro.N , 111. , Dec. 15- Lewis 0. ( lash and Dick Hue , two ten-year old school boys , got Into an altercation yestculay noon , after dis missal of school. 3 Voung ( Jiifh pulled a knife n oui his pocket and Inilicted several wounds on Kites head , When Ihu alfiay ended Ituo was helpless and had to be taken a cairi-ige. SenatorH fi > r South Dakota. Sr. PAUL , Due. 15. Huron special to thu Pinueer-Piuss : The so-called legislature elected Judges Mo < idy and Kdgeiton United States senators tor thu woiild-bu ttato of South Dakota today. I'so the IMtcheil Cedar Tire Kiudlcrs- Sold by all jjrocurs. WRANGLING OVER THE RULES The Time of Bath Branches of Congress Oc cupied in that Pastime. THE SENATE CAFE DISSECTED. Sam Randall FlulUs tlio Forces on the Proposed Clianjjo tit ( he Appropriation * ) Distribution. Senate. Dee , IX The chair laid be fore the senate a letter from the seetelary of war , \vilh the report of tin1 clik'f of unll- iiatien. showing tests of Iron and stcul dm- lti the last llval year ; n1o a letter 1'ioiu the secretary tiansmlttlng. In compliance with tliiMecont icsoliition of the senate , the re port of ( "apt. Blxbee , United States engineer , on the sea coast foitlilcatlons nt Kurope. Mr. Kdmutids , trom the eoininltteeon ju diciary , teported favorably the blllto letlove ticn. Alexander Law-ton nt ( Jeer la , of politi cal disabilities Ho a < kcd Immediate eon- sldctallon of theuill. The bill was lead three times and passed. Mr. Kdniuiuls introduced a bill granting a pension to Mrs. .In I la ( irant , and another bill quilting her flanking privileges. Mr. Kdnuinds said the bills are picelsely In the Inini adopted In similar cases heretofore. The bill was then leadthree tlmesaiid passed. ( .Solng to tlie , the sciulo teen up the Hoar bill to provide lor the presidential succession. .Mr. Hoar addressed the bcna'.e ' on It. On the conclusion of Mr. Hoar's icmaiks on the piesiilentlal saecessiou hill , the senate took up the bill to iuriea u to Si.OOJ my ol the United States dls > tilct judges. Alter some debate It was laid ovei till to- iiioriow. Mr. Krje then called up 1)111 ) 2-Jt , urovldliuc for joint rules for tlie senate and house ol icpresentaitves , HIII ! accorded with con- siduralinn the joint resolution intioduccd by St n tjr Jack son today , which pmposed : in amendment to the constitution 01 the United tales movidliiK that the president anil vice president .shall hereafter ho elected for the teim ot sK jeaf" , and that thej Mia 1 he Ineligible to le-election. and that the vice pieident shall bu luelUll 1 ; to theolllceof mcsldcnt alter he shall have tilled thu same in the case of a vaea'iej therein. Itefeirinc lo inlets providing that no in- toxleiititiK ll'iuors be sold In the capilol , Mr. Krjehaid a inajoilt.v ot the committee he- lh'\ed the subject to bo one that hhotild lie left to each 1 o i-e separately , Tne committee had theieloie iccommciulul thai the iiile be htiickcn out. Mr. Infills thought that if it were Intended lo legislate on piohlhltion , thu .senaie , the house and the jiiesldont would all be called nion ) to do their Miaiis. While he base his prhate opinion as to the pio- pticty or impiopiiet } ot tlio u-cut alcoho le llipior.s in the capitol , hu thoiijjht that the mailer was one ot legislation rather than action by the senate in its Individual capacity. Mr. Kiddlebergcr moved to stiike out ( he woids "for sale , " ; -o that the rule would ex clude liquois whether tor fiale or not. On this he called lor the yeas and noes , but the call was not sustained , nobody i ism , ; to KV- end it hut Hiildleber cr himsell. He de- mandcd the call asain , ba > liiK the real queo- tlou involved was whether whisky should be peimittt d In the committee loom- . . Me ' , r , . IMmiiiiatiJ ! Yaiuos.vii.k\lihls call of Mr. lllddlehei'c.i' ; > , but the yeab and noes weie not oideied. ' , On thecomuiitleo's pioposHlon ) o stiike out the nile , the yea ? and uousweiu de manded and lesuLcd yeas 'ij , najs 15) ) . Mr. Kiddlebeieei tifwln rose and insisted that if theie WHS lo hi } piohibltinn in the capitol it should hcifinvvith the committee looms , and a scnutoi hlionld bu liable lo line and impiihonmcnt lei keeping whisky in his committee loom. Mr. Cockiell olfeiod an amendment to the effect that any senator or mumbei ot violating the nile .should he liable to c\pul- sl in. It looked \erysinall. h said , tor thu senatois to be passiu ; lilies for the purpose ol Inllietlnit on coimilitteu eleil > .s tor conniving at the nsu ot whisky in the capitol when It was notoilous t'hat dis tinguished senalois who vou > d to kt-ep this rule , kept lnto.\ lulling Ihjuois in their com mittee rooms. Mr. Infills saiil that by Insisting on keeping In inlo li ! the senate was 'stiainim ; at a gnatamlswallovviiiKa camel. " [ Laiitfhtei.J lit ) sent to thu desk a copy ot a a bill of laic ot the senate cale , at which he supposed the cnatnis look lunch. Mr. Cocltrell "In a teacup instead ol a glass. " Mr. Ingalls had seen it staled that the krei > - er of this cat'o was tlie only man in the coun try who could conduct a rcstauiant on a btiictiv tempeiance oasis. ill. Vest iinUiicd | vvnetherlhe senator ha I heaid liom wiiat-tale tuu senate icsiauiaiit keejier had eoiuo. > fr. Ingalls had been infoimcd he came from Maine. [ Laughter. ] The clerk at Mi , myalls iccpiest , read aloud the wino list , tvUh the prices ot the dilfeient biands , much to the amusement ol the senatoih. I nder the head ; of "Madeii.i wines" he found "Hlackbmn's Iteseive , " the reading ol which was greeted with shouts ot langhtei , and one was heaid to sa > .sottorvocc , " < ! oed lor Joe. " When another biand was anniiiinct'd as "bottled c.xjness.y tin the United Hlate-,1 senate cale , ' ' the laugh ter was lunuvved , and on the co leinslon ot the leading , Mi. iiuiler expiessLMl his Mir- luisethatthecleik had not lound "cold tea" on the list. Mr. Cocki ell's amendment was disagreed to yeas -J0 , noesiK On motion ot Mr. KdmnniN tlu < clause pro viding lor the dismissal ol clerks who should "connlvo" at the uvof liquors was sincKen out in older to mauo luu rule haiimini/e with tliest ns of the senate on Mr. Coc.tielt'b amendment , The inlo was then adopted by \ivavoce vote. On motion of Mi. Mandeisim the mles were laid over until lo-mmjuw s execmivo se aion. . \djouincd. _ House. WASHINGTON , Jcc , 15. Mr. Monlson of Illinois olleied a coiicuiient lesuluiion tor a holiday recess fiom TiiL-sday , December , nnlll TiH'iday , January 5. Laid ov er lor one day undei the niles. Mr. MuriNon then called up thoicpoitof the committee on rules , which was piu-ented jcsteidaj , and projm , . > il that the new code ha read at lungth. At MonUon'.s suggestion the reading ot the icport itsttlf was dibpenscd with and u gencial dtiiialo was opened by him with a shot I explanation of the pio- poscd revision , Thuro was nothing new , ho bald , In his piopositlon , Ho meiely gionjied Hiich ni the pioposlllons as had been subinlited to the IIOIIMJ I'loin time to tlmu UN vveio Mievtd to bu es&entlal toaspccd > oiKanUatloii of thu house , to a pioper dlstilbittlon of Its m > ik , and to mon ; conseivatlve and iroiionlcal legislation. After toiiclnni ; bilclly upon one 01 two minor changes piopnscd , | m arn'iicd in t > ui'H ' ] > it of thu ilistiibuthin dl il.e. labor of the tippio- jirlations comiiiitiee , Mr. Itamhtli then hpoKcat lencth In icply to Mi. Moiiihon , ami in In halt oi the minor ity icpoit. He said hu had nut inlenlcdtii on the subject to dav , but omeiuv \ - had lu'L-ii r\pu.s .ed by tlie gentleman tioia Illinois ( .Moiii oii ) which he was unwilling to pass our without notice. 'iiu : gi nileman liom illliKis had teen nt to allude to his views as e\iii | > t. > cd in the ndnoilty icpoit. > n that icpoit theiowas no ) a woid which re- ileetfd on a human bt inir. Hu had n\M w ith dellbeiatmn that tlu < icndcnc ) ot a division of thu work 01 tint lummitteu on avpiopiiu- tlonsa to iiuieiisu the imlillc f\poiiiliiiin-i nt the government , and lie beliived that lu < was In po'M'sMHii nt nets whiiii v , culdM'b Mimllate what hit had .said. He Install' cil the liver ami hathor bill , and IUCMMIH-.I a table tu bhiivv ihat while tnat hill hail In en in pov-es- hlon of ihe aiprujiriatlonscommiitee | Iheavci- ar'o annual appioiiilation lor InUunal im provement had been fcT.'i'.V.OiKi. mid that bince ( ho hill had been uui.idcd lo the com me ice and rhii mid h.ulx/r ctnn luitteea the c.ver. t ] annual iiupn - jirlatlon had jumped to S13M)1.000. ) 1'hls statement ho tlnniit'it ' would bear him out in the nssi'ition tliat the beparation of the appropriation bills w < uld largely increase theeNpendituro. Kandall ent to thp clerk's desk and had lead an extract Iroin the annual message of 1'.evident Arthur to the 1'ortj- .seventh coiu'iess , recoiiimending that no npproprlatlon be made for internal Impiove- incuts , ami informin : rongiess that a sulll- elent amount remained Iroin the appropria tions of the previous jear to cairy on all neee s.rv wornsand lniuovemeiits. ; Yet , in faccol this message , and In lace ot the lur- th. rfact that no estimates had boon snn- mitted. the l-'oity-seventh eongiess had de nt , n led c.-tinntc < and had acinally passed a luu Involving an expenditure of neatly 5 < ! > . ( .M ) . )0.llh ) tl.Is Mate of facts he > vas ( pnteeontentto leave to the lieu o and the rountr.v the iiietloii whether there had not been a ten n icv to IIICIC.I < MI oxpoiulituies under the pian of distrilmting the appropria tion bilN. Mi. O'N'ell of 1'eninjlvanl.v Inquired v\hi'ther his eolleagim had any evidence to show that ( 'resident Attliur's \Ie\\s In this particular had ever been sustained by the people. In his ipnion I'lesldent Aulim's votool the rlvei mid li.ubor bill was the most injudicious and most uncalled for ncl ol his administration , w hich had otherwise ucen a good one. | Laughter. ) Mr , Handail leplled that whether the people ple had siHiained Aulmr's views or tun , he enuld point out insaiices where the people had deieated e.iii.lidates tor re-eaMion as congicss , men who hail voted tor the exces sive liver and hariior Mils. Ml. O Neil ileclaied tluit It was not o as far as Philadelphia was eniiceined. His in- publican eodeamies , who had ahvavs voted lorpmpur IIMT and harboi atiopiiaUony ) , had been re-elected to the hou > e. Mr. Ifandail suggested tnat he had alwavs voted against the river and haibor bill ami he had been letinned. Mr. Ham uond ol < ! corgla aigued against dlstiioulm theappiopimtion lulls , and Inci dentally declaied Uiat ev < r > att < nipt made by tuedemociattc iiaity to ie\isetuo l.uill had been lollowcd b a demoiiatielctoiyatlhe poiis.Mi. . Mouison , " he exclanneil , "was ehaiiman in the wa > s and nu-ans com nlttee when Tllden was elected pH'ident ' and chali- iii.ui ol the wa.vsand means committee wiicn L'ltvoland was e eclcd incident. ' ' ILangh- ter and aiplatt | > e. | The demo- cinlie ) > arty Had just come Into asc < mlancj and was on dial , and ho was atiaid to try th.sexpeilmcnt alter the dem- oe n ie jiaitj had been posing lor veais as th < i.m. ; > oi iciiiim , asthepaii ) olccon < jm > . ' ' " 1oin , ; is good , " biiggested a lepubilcall member. " \e > , " icphed Mr. Hammond , "I said posing , and tnu couutiy has been looking at our postuie. and leaining to admiie ns. until it has driven > ou out ol power. " | Laughter and app.ausc. I Mi. lilbMin oi \ Vest1rginia favored dis tribution ot the appiopimtion lulls and asseited histoiv had snown that nearly eveiy 8 andal ol model n times had been lound in iiie belly ol an appiopiiation bill. Hedui not believe in this pieiohsion of honesty some gentlemen set up. He had jet lo dis- covei Uiat tne gentleman liom I'ennsv Ivania ( Ktindii i ; and the gentleman tium Imltana ( Heimaiu had ever objected toappiopimtiuus lur their own stalts. Mr. Kaitdad " 1'ne gentleman Is mistaken as laras I am concerned. " Mr. lllbson "it 1 am , the gentleman's ob jections nave been so slignt and so nntie- iiuent that the.v h ive not maile him as piomi- nent as his otliei actions. ( 'ontliiuinj. Mr. ( ilhson said that herc- memueied thai the gentleman liom I'ennsyl- \aniacameinonthel.istoi the last session ot conxirv. and passid thioiinh the hoU'O , under a that not ts do.o would ( aiisc an e\tta session , an appiopiiation bill which contained an appiopiimlon lor a pub- lie building in 1\nu\\iviiiii : ; or Indiana. Mr. Itandall thought the gentleman's mem ory was detective. lie had iesi < ted eve j ad dition to the appiopiiation tor public build ings on that * undi > civil bill , and his vote In ihccommllUi ! has been consistent with his public acts. As well as hejumumbcied tncic was no tippiopuatlon in that bill fora public building in I'onusy vaula. 4 Mi. ( ilb-oii contended that the appropria tion co.nmittce had no bu Liess to hold back appioiiriation bdis and to stille the voice ol the mcmheis ot the house. Wliilethecountiy had been demanding ; a genoial banUinptcy lull ; while the mcicantllo intere-ts ot the wcbt had been demanding cheap tianslt , ncilhlni : could be done beuin-o thu appropria tion committee had chosen to thuisi iisclt upon the luiiisu and jnevent the other ineni- beis fioai doimr a thing. Why was it that the gentleman liom IVniisylvnnia. and the gentleman Indiana w'eie the only men who could bu tilisted with the ap- 1 iMpiiation bills' ' Did their avoids io\v that luey weu ; moie pntrmtic than other membeis ol the hoiisuVVtien these liniiieiiso l.u d grants wore given to the lallwavs , when Ihievlng appiopiiations vveie made , whcie was thlsgualcommllti c In jjioteit the Inlci- estsot the countrv' ' Thewi genilimanuM that the'object , d , Wh > vveii n it iheu oh- jectiolis as poteni then as now. ' 'J'hey were " potent in vv lostiiji li' i-tl.ilioii tor lice"llans - Jioitatlon , but lhej h id had no jiuwei when contionted with lanioad steals. Mr. Itandall " 1 neui voiid ; ' dollar noran acieol land lei : intailioad. . ' ' Mr. dibson "I did not.isl , how the Kcntlc- man voted , it \\cllLiiu\\u while he had chaige ot thc'-e matters he has contiollcd leg islation. " Mr. Jandall-"Xot { In the least ; but : i am glad to ny that the ( lemofiald votnl almo-,1 un.uiiiiioublj as 1 did. " Mr , ( ilbson "Ills notaquesflon of how the gentleman voted or he did not. " Mi.lCandallthought ! it was. " Mr. ( ilbson "It Is because the gentleman thiustn himself in hciuand malies lumse.t altalme In the diM'iissuin that he Is dis cussed , | Laughter. | We wan ! lo amend the rules lor the public good , not to help or hint die gentleman linm l'enii.s\l\iuiia. Theru Is not a member ot this hutisu but kn iwslhat mllllimsof money and thou sands ol acies ol publjc lanils haw been giv en to pi Ivate corpoialions to enable them to lay a taon tlio ti.ulle ot the countiy.Vhoro one dolhu has been expi'iided in tree naviga tion the volte ot the iiulmad Is heaid , not only in tlio pre > - > hut in these halls , and eveij attempt to secuieliee navigation Is at tacked , and the enmmltlee making the at tack Is chaiged by .Innuendo with st-als. 1 challenge ( lie appiopuition unumiltee to eomp.ue tlieli hills with Hie livei a id harbor bill-i and M.'O which have the most job-tin them. " Mr. ( iibson then went on to aigue In sui- pmtol the dlstiibntion plan , and eiitici/ed ilieappropilatioiiscoiininitee s uiloits In con- gies , and chaiged them with ncglci ting to build a navy and eiect loithieutlons lor the piotectioii oflhogieat cities ol the couutiy. lie would vote to destiny , as tai as possible , thc.aiijiti.iM ami tyrannical power ol Ihcap- iiiojiriaiiiMisioiinnittce. Air. Kandall thought that In vl w of the ic- marlvsol the gentleman liomca \ N'lrginla as to land giant.s and Hiili nile- , , | | WM- , proper tor him to sav tiuitMiici ) lln. htiiiau had b < en under contiol iheitthad not been an acin of land era dolliir of nubs'dy apjuo- iirialed , As to his tin listing himself foiward lieie , isvi'iv member on in to Know thai ho had done mst the leveise. He did not deal ill per,011.1.Hies in thu IIIIIIM' , uml it iiiijbo , ! ) wanted in deal with him ( letaonidly he ou ht not to do It heie. Mr. Camxm of Illinois in ide n ' tiong areu- incut In opiiositmn to Ihitdistiilniiion of ( ho apptopi jaiion bills. "Tin1 tun ; icmctly , " ho said , "lor ilnu'vil which had ( 'inun uj ) in deUylng the iciuithig | of apiuoiuiallon hills wastiiletiho i'immllteo on ajipropiiatlons make all apiuopilatlons , and lo take liom II the powt'i < > l I'lulnailiig hi-lalloii. " Kiom a meio | emp < 'a.v piutl-an htandpolnt ho would piclei mat the inles hliould bo amende/ ) piop cd , he < ause he believed that it would had to Inciva.scd expendUm * " . He did not beKt ve tlmt thedilteii nt commit tees would be dishonest , but ho believed that each commiiuo would protect 1th specialty , and that cxpcndltm-'B .vould tun away beyond what anvbody expected. While it might boa iiailv advantage to have the.-i * rules ndoiitrsl. hu did not think the 10- publh HIIS could allold to ] , cii > the other MIJ ! adoptthem. II the tides wi ie amended they would stand tor a centmy in the lavoi of thu putv that had the junver In the hoin-e , and worl > permanent damn.o to the couniry. Mr. Iteedol .M line , sjioke In favor oi Iho liroiiost-d ii'vision. Mr. Morrison then gave noli , e he would endeavor to elo-c ihu geneial debate lo in ninw alleiaooii. Adjonincd. _ Tlio I'resident nl'Su i/ei laud. Uni.Nh , Dee. ! ' . - M. At'oll ' IJemlei , at pieseiit vice-iicsidint ) ui vvit/i-ilaiul , lias t u I'lectid pifbtdenUor III.1 * Jtai JJH' Hu i TUB IMiL'NDHU OAl'TUHIOIJ. A Slentlor Cltio Itroovct a. Trunk I-'iill of .Jewelry. Niw : YOUK. Dee. 16The S",000 worth of plunder taken fiom K , V. Marks' jewelry < lore , Chicago , when sacked by bmglars on the night of neeamlx > r 7 , has boon lecovered here under jwullar clnMimstaiices. 1 ho Chicago cage police learned the goods had been shipped to New York and notltled Ihe an- thontles here the goods vveiv sent in a trunk , and all the ( nlonnatlon that could be given w s that the tiitnk was tied about with rope. Detectives weie put to work and loca.ed a trunk answering the dc cilp- llon at the West snore depot. As it was not called for the police opened It and found all the stolen pioperly. Some of II had broken up and melted. The deseiiption of the piopertv got fiom Chicago tallied with that found In the liunU. It was then .sei/.ed and lemoved to police hcadipmitois vvheie It now Is. ADVOCATKS OP SlliVnil. A His l < iut ol' 1'ronilinMits Promised tit Now York 'I'o-tilulit. Nr.W YoitK , Dec. 15. The chahman of the committee of atraiigements for the "liver meeting lo be held In this city to-moriovv night Ins received telegrams fiom Hon. Thomas Kw Ing and Hon. A. J. Varner , of Ohio , promislu t to be picsenl. He is nlso in receipt ol letters of approval liom fifty senators and congiessmen. Senator I'lniub of Kansas wiltes that be will be glad lo leaui that Mow York has spoken .sensibly and earnestly upon this question ot pioiuiind Inteiest to all the people ple ol the United State's , and that she has not as hetetoloie contented herself with echoing Knglish opinion , ( ieneial John C. Kii'inniit wiiles that he Is In tavorol u con tinued u = c ot sllvci In out ciniency. DUA1) . A L'l'OiMiticMtt I lsm'o In Soutliern I'ol- ItlCH I'llKHTH AVVHJ * . ATLANTA , ( in.Dec. . ! & . [ fjpecial to the Uir. ] Cicneral Toombs' condition lemains e.xeeo Ingly ciilical. His physician last night telegiaphed that tlio uid Is neat , as the gene ral is nnablo to take noiiilshment ot any kind. \V'AsniNf \ ION , ( ! a. , Dec. \ \ Oen. Kobeit Toombs died heio this evv-nlng at n o'clock. The luneial will take place Thursday. ( Sen. Tonmbs had been unconscious tot several days , and sinioiinded uj Ids lamlly and friends , hu quietly and painlessly passed away. _ ComciKioii iuj , Dec. 15. The national eon \ention ol coal opctators and miners , called for the pmposcof arbltiatlng the ditlicnltlcs between employe and cmnlnjcr and to es tablish n national scale ol wages , together with mineis' cost ol supplies , which shall KOVCIII the opeiatorand men in oveiy mine in the United Slates , opened hcie at 10'M : this morning. Kilty delegates were piesontfiom Ohio , rennsylvanla , Indiana , lllinoi . Mlssouii , Tennessee. , Yitglnia anil West Yirginia , Addiesses weie made bv W. P. llcnd and David I'attcison , both advocat ing aibitratlnn. Itend iccommendcd a gen eral advance of 'i" > pei cent In the wages of mineis and adddcd that opeiatois could then get better prices lorcoal. B , Gcit7 IJrovvii'H I'tincfnl. Si. Louis , Dec. 1 ) . The funeial of ( he late e\-iovernor ( 1) ) . ( JiatIJrown tool : place this nioining horn his lesldcnco at Kirkwood. Immediate fi tends and iclathes to the num ber of about SjOvveieln attendame. There was no public denionsttation , the family of the deceased pictciilng a simple funeral. The pall bc.ueis weie Messrs. , L L. Donl- pban , J. I'1. Uient , W. Klnir , C. Hiancli , L. V. Jones , D. H. , D. M. fiis-on ( and R. Claik. The remains were Inleiied in Oak Hill cemetery , where the deceased had e\- a desire to be buried. I''nriininj W.\siiixfiio.v , Dee. 15. [ ( Special lo the HIJK.J On Monday next , undercall of states , ( ieneial Veil , ot New \oik , will intioduco a bill placing the name ol Mrs. Julia Dent ( iiant , widow ol UljssesK. Giant , deceased , on the pension loll , to pay hei a iieiision du- img her natnial Ille al the rate of Sr > , OUO jicr annum trom and altei tlm'-I'd ' day ol July , Kssr > . Alieady th names of Mis. Tyler , Mis. I'uleami Mis. ( iaiheld , vvlrhivvs ot e\ dents , aie on the pension mil. each icccivlng 5.OUOajcai. _ Catto ' In ' . ! I'lagisc I'ciiiiNylviiiiin. LANCASTI : ! ! , 1'a. , Jec. I'leuro-imeu- - inonia has developed among a huge held ol cattle nearest Willow. In this county. bevuial animals have alicady died. Di. liiiilge , btato veteimaiiaii. visited } es- leidaj and oulcied lour killed and the lesi inaiantincd , Tli Cnnailiiiii OIIAWA , Out. , Dec. 15. A icpoit is eiir- icnt hcio that the Canadian I'acilic Hallway company uiglng the liiltish government lo buy huge oiiantiiics of Canadian I'.uilic i all- way stuck in older to setinu eontiol ol the tiaiis-Atlantic lento to the sea. nieotion . , Dec. ! . " . Thu silpicmi1 coinl this moiniiig , on ajijilication ol tlutatloincy Kcncial , gianlcd a peiemptoiy will of man damus to compel Cleik i'allon , ol Hamilton county , to make a i el inn ot election ab stract to special messenger appointed by com t to sei\e. wilt this evening. The Kll-o Keooi'd. Wn.M fii'o.N , Del. , Die. 15. The jMliiiR- ton cotton mills binned to-day. Loss e.stl- mated at & 75OOU to ? IMM ( , Knlly iiiMited. Tfiat llallvvny CoiiiiiilHilon. U'XctU TrUiiinc. That railway coiiiinisiion business Is no new IliiiiK. A rualinuay btates Jiuvo tried it and vvc lnivoliL > un uniiblo lo liarn ; thatg any peed has nsullcil from lln-ir cH'orts. Jt is u nice job for ( lie uonimls. siua and doehii't bother the railvva inun- Djiulies an > ; in tact , vvr'ro it not for an occasional report and the regularity with which their calaries arts drawn , people would Jor et Unit limy weru in c\iHteiieo. Mr. Malthevvn falla into a previous error wlion he thinks that we Imvo coiidciiincil them before iv ins : them it trial. Their Jato expedition up tliKvulli-v was enough for its , even if we knew nothing of such a thing as a railway commission befoio then. Hut nu h IH not the. ease. Wis consin tried it to IHT.-OIIOW ami i-o dil ( Iowa nml a lar u iiiiinbor nl ollior .states The ri'Mtll hurt been iibout the same I'vorywhcro. A railroad vvonltl rather fi hla roiiimi'-ion any time than the mo4 eorrupl le re. It id a ooj deal I'lieaiief. ' 1 Ilivc inn me < . ; , ier to buy than u humli'oil. 'J his proposition of h.u in a railroad coniiui'-sioii was bruii hl Ijcion1 tlio puo- plu at tiio oleetion a year a o and wn : i/roiaptly onulleil out. The I liltuno op- inn nieaMiro then .uitl Inter on , when : t ruptibliei'.n Ic lslnturu | > ru > i > i- < l tlm bill cl'iuitinj ; it ever Iho v ole ol thu peo- iilii. \Vo\vurowillinji to ho loiivertod i > y the ( uminihsioii , huwover , ami waited lor their icport. Jivvas-a * we fearetl it wotihl bi3-iiiu'jiuileti ' | > , weak uii'l of no ( oiiseqiiuiiuu. 'i heir iictiidis indicated thai they VVCIM not on an Jmestigalin , lour Mill t'li'ir ' n-purl in no way b'liis ' their lu-lioiH. Tim ) ) ' .oilo | of Nebraska , oral Icn-i the north pait of it , have no expectation of Iji'ii. released fiom the Jipre---io'i of nKJiiopuliej by this com- Dr. llamillon U urren , hcleetic Thys- , ! eian and .Surgeon , iui N. liith btruet , near Weller. . Day and ui nt call. ) > ivlij'tiy | iitUinlfJ to , RILLED BY SCALDING STEAS Frightful Prtssougcr Troiu Oollision 011 Georgia FATAL TELESCOPING CARNIVAL Kloeii Corpses Ciiitliefcil IVom tlio Mass of Dobrls anil Injure * . ! } con- ortlieConclies-Dctalls of tlie Aec-Ulent. C3A on ttip Curve. ATLANTA , Dec , 1A tilghtful and fatal collision occuned this moiulng shortly after nildnlglil on the Ceorgla I'acltio lallway , about llftccn miles Irom Atlanta , tu which eleven lives weie loM and Ihice persons welt. so badly Injured 1'iat ' It Is Ihou jhl tleath will icsult. Theilieumstancesof the vvicck nro ns fol * lows : TheKast I'eiitiessoeaml tieorgla l'.i cilic loads u M- the -.amu tuck limn Atlanta tu Au.slell , wheio thej dh elite , one going \vcst and theothet noitli. 'Ihe.v , however , Icavn tliccitv fiom dilTeivnt depots and meet just attheclt > limits , and liom theto they botti ii o Iho same tiac'i to Auslell. Just one mile east ol An-Mell , towatds Mi > lanla , is \valei tank used by the ( SeotRlii I'aelnc. The night pas > uitger tiain of thei ( ieorgta I'acinc leaves hem at to o'clock ami the least Tennessee train leaves at 10:4\ : Last night , howevei. the tJeoigia I'aollio tialn had been 'oiiiinv hat late , and when II' stopped at the v\atcr tank was oil the KflFt Tennessee's lime. The ICast Tennessee ; pas senger tiain came tlvitig mound HID c.uivi ) neat the water tank , and vvithotil a moment's wanting wi nt rn vsiitso IMO iitr ni'Att of the ( icorgla I'acliie train. Knglneei O\vcu and the llieman of the Kast ' 1'ennessee tiaiu saw the tieoigla I'aciie tiain , but too late to avoid the collision. The inemaii jnmpeil liom the engine , but the engineer remalmsl at his post icveislng the engine and apply ing the air biaUcs. He was unable , ln\vever ) , to moil the collision. The engine toie Its way Into the icai conch , and ( lie tear eoaelj telescoped the one lu Hunt ol It , which WBH foiced Into the one ahead ol that again. The tear coach was lillcd with pasM-iieei ? , many ot whom weie so pinned ilowu by the wicek that they weto iinabll ) to stii. and escaping steam soon caused the death ot live or six. The e.iies ot Ihclnlnica lent the air. All was daihness , ; md the statements ol those who hastened to the scene aie to the ellect that WOltlts CANNOT DESClliar lheiwfulm"-s [ ol the situation. AS suon as possible the east Tennessee Ir.iin . xvas backed trom the wiccU , and the \vo.k of lemovliitf the dead and wounded commenced. I'loiii Austell a message vvas sent lo Atlanta , an- inising the ohicialsol the accident anil ask ing lor help. Al ! : ' > . \ . ni. a lialn lelt hern healing uhjslHaiis and se\cial ot the rail road omcials. Theolliceisof the load Immediately set ta woik to have the tiack cleaicd , and'at : : ! ( ) this moining this h.ul been completed. Abouf , < : KOa. m. a tiatn IcltAiistdlo lor Atlanta with thedead and Ininied , aiiivin hclu ill. bOX : Tlie Killed weio placed on bleiH In an undeitaUlng e.stabiisiimcnl and hnndieils ot people have eiowded its dooisall day. The lollowing is a connrr n. D i isi OK TIII : Kii.i.i't ) : Hernaul I'ej ton , attoi ney lei the ( JeoiMl.'i I'.K ihc , loimeilv oKJhailottsvllIe , Va. , bul iccently ol lliimlnglmm , Ala. Nat Iui n Stanley , of Annlston , Ala. 1C. Y. lluve "I I1'1st point ( ! , i. J. W. I'icive , oi Texas , and Hide baby. ' The inlaiil ol Jake and Maty Bunks , whij died in ils mothers aims , ' 1'wo llllle childicn , one n babv bclonpIiiK to .Ah. Blight. Jal.e llanKs , ol Kaiibntn , Ca. ! Maiv Banus , thewileol JakiS Uaill { . Mr. Ihln'hl , ol Kalilmin , ( ! a. rin : I.N.II KKD Ai : , John Hivatit of Olloid , Ala. A. 11. ( 'ooUe ol I-'iinlimn , On. W. .1. Imnoilol .l.ul.snii. ( ia. Came JJiiyht , wilu ot U. Hiight ol Kali- bum. JX. : . KlINonol lilveisldc , Ala. .1. H Link ol Salem. Ma. C. W. Helton , bound lor LI 1'aso , Tex. Mis. June ICIUa lliown , going to Clcvelatul county , Ala. A coloied man named Jack Ilogei.s. Mis. Hii.Iit ) died this alteinoon and Helton isiajmll ) sinking ; also i < Mis , Hiown. 'i HI : m. VMK roa i in : AC TIDCN r cannot yit be placed , and an Invosligalioii will be nece.ssjiiv toselllo it. The . TOK- nessce condiictoi s.ij s he was on his time and following the sehcdulo , iuil hisdJicctloiis in lull. The ( icoi"ii I'acillc condnclor says that he had nu ollii Knovvleilgd of the nlglii passenuer liain of the I'ist J'enncssi.0 and lan out as he had ahva\ d'Hie. The coionei's im.uesi Iris been colngoji all dav. In Ihe examination li. J { < M.SIU- geon ol the deouia I'anlic , said thai wliOJi heal lived on thdsceiii' the engine had ( elej- lopeil the sleepiiu i oai h , passing thiuuifli thu ontlie lenglh ol the 1,11 , within n IHW iVctof the end , and water and sto mi fiom Ilia bollcc gus ed Ihiomrb and Hooded tbo whole halit. Aci-ordiiiK lo his examination not ix single one ol the dead died ( loin external inluiit.'p. but all met death liom belli , , ' bcalclcd and tioni the inhalation ot steam. UvKly ) ji'aitlil < : ril Ti Niw : Vonu , Dec. 1. . Tlio tyno bull I UK content biitwcen Jon McCann ot Iho Ilcialil and W. C. Haines of tlm Wotld , fora $1,0 < K > ) > uisc and the championship of tbo state , wan won hi McCann , who In four hours wl ,'.Ji ' ; ems ot bolid minion without paia graphs Haines set ( J , ; ii. ( JetH Tlior < A"lll. ( Hosio.v , Dee. 35.- The balloting lo-day fur mayor ol the city losiiltcd In the re-elcclion ol Hugh O'Uilen , democial , over. ) . M. ClatJi , leimbllcan , by a majoiit > ol 7.W in a total vole of HT , ' . ? . ( Vllricn's mnjoiity Is Iho largest ever given to u ma > oially candidate In Boston. * Ciiu lit Slioi'l on iliiil i Oswin.o , N' . II , , Dec. 15. The | HII' < jf James Mi I'aiihy , a heavy dealer In dry goods and cidiN-iv , wa . eloied to-day on jmlx- tneutK aiin.iinllii/ to " 7,000. Assctb will piobtibly a ieqalu < * 1 Jl.CKX ) . Weal her Cor To-day. Missoi ni V M i ' . % - I'.ilr weather ea-1 south winds , mi isioiiutly vailable ; waimei in < iiitlein ) poilioiis ; sllghl ill titniier | linn * 10 iioithein poition. Rheumatism \7i ) doiiljl if Hi. re Is , or cm he , a gprclflis Rincily for IH ) nm : li'm j lint thousands who have siif [ , . | , . | | us | , ing | m,0 IH'CII mcaiiy heir- i tiled liy JioiHi HII s.iparllla. II > ou ) ia\o lallrdliiniulicllfMr ) Hilt uicat icmcdy , ' I as iilliidul viith i h-imiathm twenty > cais. 1'icvioii- ja a I foimil no relief , but Krcvv VXUMI , ami .it on time was almost htlv | less. Jli J't. ! ii > .parilla Uid mo moru K > oil tliai itll ll. o oilier nicilliijj I ever ] ud. ' ' IL T. HAI. < ixi , hliiilcy Villail.iss. . " 1 had iliciiiiiils | > ii thrt'o > cars , and j-ol np ullef till 1 look Jl.jml's S.irHaparllla. U hus doiio great tl'iiiK I r me. I iccommciid H ti 4i.vvialiiiiiAMtIHUdtfonlJJc : , Homls Rampaillla U tharaelcrU-il } > y tluro pifiill.uili.'s : 1st , tlio romMtullon oi H'liH'illal , ijoiitsj ; 2i | , tlm proportion ! ! ! il , thfi jiroreis of bcciirhii ; the artiyc j-r tTTnat quallili . The i osult h a utrVllclue of mmsua ) " I ti iiiiii. ; ctfc.'iiiig rurca iilihoito milown. . Howl In : I IUN mm .Inhigaililltloiial c > . < ' 'lice , . "Iliiuil s tiirsni anil ! | ( , n.4 , ip my , ir , . puilln-s my Mb . . ) . fliificiiainyaj'M'llfi | > . nml fciciiiin mill , I , , . . , voi. " J. K Tnuii'sow > Itcjilsli'l ul Hi . Ua , Lu i ll. Hl.its. * "II MS | i MI irlll.i hoa4 | ill ntlii IH ami isnoiliiiun-iirl.i . , ( ' , . " I. IlAuti.xui-ow | , 1 0 ilanl. bu. tl , li Iu4lt Cay. Hood's Sarsaparilla tiolil liy 11 ilniiTlst . $1 j si * for . Ua4l > only lj U. I. Iliiui ) A Co. , Liiw ii , Mas ? . , 100 PoPes Ono Dollar