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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1885)
TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY DECEMBER 15 , 1833. THE 1ASA&E ASUUI \\OI\K \ \ , A Report Piled With the Board of Public Lands and Buildings , ARCHITECT ELLIS' STATEMENT. Tlio City Ilonil Question Again ' 1 IIP Journal' * I < "titllt > Kfl'orlfl to Tor- l Ify lln Position A New to Hpiui the rinttc. lmn i rni. rtp.r.'s LINCOLN nuup.vtVJ When tlio HKK 111:111 : called : it the ufflco nt llm board of public Itintls utul build ings yesterday morning , Chief Clerk C ir- tcr WIIH busy copying on the records u "report" just received from P. M Kllis the architect in charge of the building of the now asylum for the inline tit Nor folk. Thu report is in the form of n lot * tor to lh board , utul iiccompanyinK alii- duvits trotn utitlcinuii who in-peeled tin1 work ntlhu usjluin for Mr. KlliH. In his letter Mr. Kills sa.\ licit in compliance with the recpicst of thu board ho went teNet Not folk to Investigate thu clturges whieh havu been made ngititmt Contractor King , and the manner In which ho in doing Ui" work. Kills looked over the building utid found everything in good aluipe , but "ordered the work coveted and protected Irotti the winter , " mid wy8 If thi-ri-is "sinj thing found in jured in tin : spring tl will bo removed and renewed with proper ni'itorlals and labor. " ' 1'wo of the gentlemen who looked over tinwoik with Mr. Kllis , Mc-s ra It.unbolt and Uiirland , slain thai thoi think it is all right , but do nut iiro- fe.s-t to bii eompotent judgoH. Tlitee others , Mihi ! rs. Spreohcr , Dart ami IjoieeUo , pronounce the materials and work lit'Ht class in every respect. The most amnsing pail of the icnorl is ( ho ellorl.s ot Kdvriud NVolfce and .lohn .Jor dan to o limit their former alliduv Its cm the ground that they had been drinking with Mr. Marks , and didn't know what they were signing and swearing to. 'I'he ' following is tlm report. \ \ Inch is publinhcd at thu request of 1' . M Klliw. LINCOLN. Nov. Mi To tlm Memorable ( 'oiinniKsiou und Hoatd ot I * ililic Lands Hint Hulhllnns ( ionllemen lliivlm ; iciclved a copy ol an article published in tlio Omaha li i In relation to tlio materials beiiin used and labor pcrloriaed in theconslriietioli of the Inline m.j lam belli. ; built at Noi loll ; by Mi. decline II. Kim ? , ot whieh I was at eh t- teet andaiii mipciintcmlcnt foi the state , In coiimliatieo with jourlequext 1 Inuiirdlatelv pifKTcded to Noitolk and seemed ( lie ser- \ ices of tlue.0 ol the most cxpoiii-ncccl bilild- eis In thu town , \vhoaru inon til lesjKt'luhll- ltami iutoiirity , to mo to the iisvlmn iroundrtlortl0 | purpose ( if maMm ; an examination Into the nllceccl Impcircc- IIOIIF. us staled In the liir. : . Hcl'oro Maitlnn 1 also Heeurocl the pteseneo nt Representative ( ' 1-1. White , of Cieinhton , Neli. , and Senator DiTlund , ot Noitolk. The btiildeis who no- companion mo were .1. T. D.ut , u man ol IweiitHiveyeaiH experience. I-i-auk Spiech- er , a mason contractor ol eighteen jears experience , and lleraian ( jerccuo a contiaetor lor m.iuy yean , 'llieir statements , which accompany this report , and nlho the Htatoments which have been Hvvorn to by the pnitles who made tlio stiitomontH as piibliHhod in the liit : : . show eonebwlvelv thai the cliamcs of fi.iuil ate lithe and malicious.S'e \ made an exam- Illation ol the materials ami work In the walls and found thai the matciliils ot all Kinds liavo been used and the work jwi- 101 m < [ In , i proper and workmanlike man ner. I have 01 delfd the work coven d and mok-cted troiu ( hew mtei. and in thoHpiiiitf. It it is toimil thattho host ban injured any portion ol the work it will lx > leiaoved and M now eel with pioper mateilals and labor. " \owis tnily , K. M. Ilt.i.ts. Aichiteot and .Superintendent. 111:1 OI.T. U'e , the mu'Pi signed at the request ot Mr. l < \ Jl. Ellin , lurliilect In cluirL'o ol the state Insane asylum at Norfolk , Neb. , nccompa- nied bv Jlr. Kliiir , the poiitntrlor , Mi. K. h. White , ot rreiKhton , Neb. , and Mr A. .1. Umlaut ] , of Noitolk , went to the place wheio said asilum bulldmi : is now In nmi > o ol con- stiiictlon , on the 2 Hi dtof \ N'ovemlier. tvr , ami we do roi oit that ui found the condition ol the woiK done and iiiaieiiiilson the ioimd theioii'i lollowH : That m mi evtinlniiu ? the eoiicietc under the loundation It apiM-.ired to hu In good ( uiiidiUoii and had o\er > aipt. | > ur- atii'e of iiiMtrtilasj work , with no evidence of any loam , but IU component p.uts were evidently of proper and and ( 'ood materials ; also , that the .stone and biti'K woik wan In ( jooil condition and would couipaio favorably with other woiK , ami that Imllierwo have ie.ul the atlldavlts as piil- llHbed In the Omaha lir.r , we bcllcvu them false. 18. K. Si-nr.riiii : : , .I.T. I\nr , HIIUMAN ( inui'.CKi : . [ This is followeil by Individual aniilavlta fn.iu each of tbo thrcMi hl nerH of the ali'ive. ( lei'Iariiis that theIrivo ic-ail and sub-.erlbed to the loieoiiiK { ; atul believe it to bo tiuo.J [ A..1. Durlanil and N. A. HalnboltaNoMiIr seiibelotho haino neneial staleiuent , with the iiM-eilhiK | elaii.-e , bowcsvei.'tbal they tin not iiretenil to Jtiilgm ot that Und lit WOlk.J State of NetntiMui , jilaillson rniiuty : 1 , l.ihMiul U'olteo. buiiiK duly sworn , upon fi.illi ht.itithat the allulavlt puhlisheil In the Omiihn UiiUofNoveiubi'i ' , ami signed and HVVOIII to bv me , was nut lead by mo helcue hiXuhiKaudhweailiv- thai said allldavlt was le.ul by Mr. M.ulss to me , and that the List pait iheieof , vvhleh le.uNns lollops , was not n.ill lo me. I tiuolo the wouls : 'width I enii-iiler nomoiout lei use than so mtiHi nslies much r vvhleh , beinir l.ii ely uiK-wl with i lay , and M > uictlmiv > vvlth black ilnt. " The winds limited vveio not used bv nut. but on the contrary 1 sLito now Hint L novursiiw liny elay or loam used , and thnt all Iho work , so lur as Keen In nu > , wns dona with nooil miileiiiiU. I tiulhei shite that the : ibo\n almlavil was wiitten b ) Sir. Mail.s that Jlr. .M.uls oiroieil lo treat me and i.ihl ho would heal all t < M > euse. ol the ullldat It ; thnt the alUdav It n- fened lo was alread ) iuoUHil | when I sljjnL'il It. und that I did mil Know that the same contained thn winds limited by mo In Ibis nlliil.iMt ; and fiulher , I Mate 1 consider the -UH ; ! taken fiom the ineavatlou jrooil Kind und | iiiiH'r ) lur use when mixed with liverKiud , us iiiloiie In | iieuiilu | u'liiiitliu : nml nun tar lor UM ; In buiUlliv thu Intauo nsvliuu ul NoifulU. HnvvAitn \Vor.FhK. . \Vltinvw : I ) . MATIIKVVXO.V. Hbnei ; | iu inv ( iieseneo ami svvoiu to IK - foio int. alter" iiiM'ttlni ; the woiih , "with liver hand , " In the la -i-nleiu-i' t otihliiill- davit , unit after the nlmve was bv the said KdwantK.Vollee \ , Hils'iTlli cbiv ot Ni > - vuuiboi , Ibtx ) . Aui.Usi .Sviii.tu : , [ ai AI .J .Vnt.iiy 1'ubllc. [ John .lordon .IMI ! tullou.s with nil allld.ivit ill \\hii-ll bo n-cltis Unit he "cannot lend willing 01 | iiInt , " and thnl the iiilliluvlt | ml > - Ilibcd iu the Hi.n \uvemlifr 'JUih wiu not in nei'ordiiiu-o with hU stalrmtnt. ( hat .Mi , M.ul.M ti\e him -oveial diiulis of wlilskiiv anil dni'tnrivl iiu Hi' iMpoi to atiil hliutdt , or ouls to that effect. ] THU Cin I1ISI ) > M ACIAJN. In itn unxiely to fort if j its posiiion on thu citv bond e.i'-o. Ilie .lonrnnl bus f iileil to innUe publie the fuel that Iho men who to piiii'luiMi the "i..uuo in ro- boniU tleelined to take them Miloly on the toiinil that Iho prot ecdin s under vrlilvh th > v were isiiied were not iu uompliunee with the sattite | < . It a ho fniU to xtiitii that the citv authorities , ImvinK fallwl in their Hrl ellorl nt llo.UliiK lhcs buiuU , U'ldei ' tuoK to do the business u HTII d Hum. tind had a M'cond eleellon to nutlioru" the refunding , und thnt In ihe.sii M-fttnil iironeeilin - . vvero found Hiicb errors and irte ularitles as. In Ihe opinion of able lawyers , invalidated tlio hninli. 'Ibo .lournal. to * crceu the blunitei'H of Iu fririnU , mill for pidilieal aniU , eoueeaU Iheie fuels , and tales as cniiius for the lailure to nx otiatu the now s i'iiriiien re.iNotiA whieb do not Jf itiniMti'ly IMIIon ( ho ni.iiter. Il is nppiircnl liial the b'ililer ' would have taknn lln | MHII | , mvn al the hnv ralo of 6) ) per fi'iil inli'ii'si itlni ln'ae.-'l rate ut Whieh l.ltieuln bonds have ever been ) , if Ihej had bemi tvpr.luriy nud legally 5-wicd. The HKK lin s no oora lon to defend the board of eonnty eomtnts- sloncrs in the notion taken by them con- cerniiiB the Midland Iwiids. It only wishes the real facts laid before the pt-o- ploof Lincoln , nnd Hint the Journals tnotivcR inuy l > e nnderstood Tin , truth h that Iho authorities under took to refund ut n lower rate ( ban hud been eu li'innrv If they acted In iood faith tbi-v must liavv regarded the eit.v's eredit as betti-r tlnn it had been In the past. If they tnoroh meant to make the rofundmjjc n failure by tillering bonds at a lower Interest than in llieir judg ment thev could Im mid at , they have abused and violated the trim reprised in them. It seems thej would have been able , however , to have. old Ihn bonds provided Ihey had complied with the l w in their ijroeoedlugs. Now , instead of assuming thn responsibility , nu ellbrt U being made to eharge it upon other men and causes A M.VV IIUIIIDI : C'OMt'AS-V. Artieles of ineoi poration 01 the Kim Creek Biiilge company have been tiled with the HL' of .state. The incor- por.ituM HID Justin H. Wait , Hubert K. rotter. John I' . Arndt , Nathan O. Cal kins , David M Comb. Thorn it O Spen cer , Kdvviud M lD\d $ , II. I ) Uoocroft , .loliuTvleramnV. C Keefe. all of I5uf- fulo eotinty The object of the organi/a- lion is to build ami operate u loll bridge acro-n the 1'lattc river from a point cut the north bank between si-uiion.s I und f , township 8. range in , ISuh'alo couaty , to u point on the south bank between sec tion HI ami 17 , sun ! town and range , in l'hc lps county ' 1 he capital is phieetl at au.iHJO , in blMI whares of iJ-.Ti each , itml operations will uo conimoneed when 10 ner cent of that sum is subscribe d. The life cif the corporation is placc'd at twcnt. ) live . \ears. CITV nitini's. The jury in the tlauiairi' ease of Herd- man vs the-Nebraska Mock Yards com pany , fulled lo ugree and were tlii- charged. Ilerdman elaimed that the ciompaiiy by damming Oak crook luid injured - jured his properl.v. and Hut jury was ap pointed to determine whether the claim was true , anil if so , ( lie amount ot dam age. They visited the scene .Saturday of last week , and an unkind rumor says the main tliiuir they expooteil wa-s one of l.andloid Hall's good dinners. There is a gnashing of teeth among the meinbi M of tile .lournal stall' because or- clei.s have been issued by Manager llatli- away to the cll'cct thnl lhej must drop nil outside correspondence , and devote their time exclusively to his paper The bn ihtivu been raking in considerable pin money bv iirnishing news to.journ als in other cities , and are dejected al tlu prospcel of losing the "phut" takes. The loolH found in Iho possession of a street Arab Friday by Marshal Heck , have been iilentilied by a slock dialer named Lipsey as his pinpcrty District com t meets to-day. The first ease1 on the docket is thai of lilabd vd. Itrow n The Hoe Keepers association will hold its annual HOSMOU in Lincoln January 10 , Hand 15. W. O. Hell , the Chicago Times man , is the happy possessor of a new daughter. I'reshleiit Him ought of the State V arm ors' Alliance , delivered the Iirsl ot : i.series of addresses on agricultural topics at the Oak Precinct school house last night. The .semi annual mectin r of the bo-ird of legents of Iho blatc university vvill be held to dav Irving Montgomery , who in n lit of ab straction recently walked oil' with a hoi's" belonging to Thomas II. ( iibnon , was hold bj Judge 1'arker jcslerduy in $ . iO ! ) bonds. Friday evening last Thomas ( ilennotl of W.ivoily , indulged In the recreation of beating his wife A neighbor complain ed of him , and Thomas , now languishes in jail awaiting examination. John Mallalicn , manager of the stale reform school ut Kearney , ib in Lincoln to attend the meeting of the board of regents. fiTATB AltKlVAJ.S. Win. , Sevvard ; Cr. E. Walda , niyv.cs ; H. F. , Kii.vmond ; II. Sneider and wife , Oaceola ; 'J. F. Hritt , \ork , E. (5 ( LIIVV.SOII , Omaha , H. F. I'owtlrey , Coliiinbua ; J. M. ( irilh'th , Wahoo ; F. H. Wilson , Antihunt ; ( ieorgo 11. Hastings , J 11 Hirney and ilauirhlcr , Crete ; T. F McDonald. John K. Man chester , Omaha ; T H. Wilson , Ashlaml , Johd II. Sahlor , Omaha ; M. K. lanvis , Ilasling.s , J. K. Lancaster , L. K. Tccmn- seli , ( ii'orgu H. Priehelt , Omaha , II. Mus- -ehnan , ruirmount , Dr. ivnapp , York T L. jS'orval , Seward ; 1' . J. Kichols , Onuiluv. Wlion 3aby ! WM nkV , ir Rarft lier Cantor ! * , When also fria & Chllil , f he crifd fur ( 'aetnria , Wlien ulie liocame . * < ! ! < % nho cluug to C'aslnrli , Wheu the Lid Clillilrcu , sUe ( ; ' them Cajtorio , Useful and fanev Uliristinas articles for -.ilo at the ( Jhilu\ Hospital and Home , 1710 Dod o Htreut. Dr. O S Wootl has moved his family to his residiuico 'Illl Davenport St. Tel ephone No. 'U' . ) . Olllcu remains at 15th und Capitol ave. Telephone "JU. Stop your' cough. ( Jo lo Omaha Veterinary lulirmarv , 1 llu and lll'i liar- uey htreet , Dr. H. L. Uamacciotti , O.V.S- Hogorti1 knives , jwJ.OO dolor 10 days nt KlJHUUl & KltlL'KbON. Kvory ] ) erfion will bo able to wear Kl- gulter's line clothing. A special reduc tion until Deciunbor 'jrnh , luui Furnam htruul , corner Tenth. Thn H'nul ItVlth. The I. O. H H. g.ivo tlmir lirst outer- tiitnmiint Siiudav evening to n large audience al Metropolitan hall. The following was thn programme 1. Uveituio-l ) , Ilinv DtiliKhtliil . Calllll .Miisieal Union Uuueina. 'J. lle.idim , ' . .My Letter MIS > Cliuu Schlcs-diifjci. , ' ! . Solo All , Wiieiieo Comes This Loiio'ina . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. 1'roeh Miss L , Muses. 4. Deelamatlou . \-leei | lit the SwIU'h U II. llaei. 5. Piano Solo The Tiimt . . .Schubi-rt ilulli-r Maiiin C.ilin , 0. Dcclamat onA Day at N'ii\-rl\ ; . Anon .Max llojilieinier. 7. Declamation . I'be llllnd King L. Hambeixer. The solo bv Miss L. Moses vviw c'pec lally line ami met with a Imarty rei'ogui turn on the part ol her hoan'is. S IOST PERFECT MADE I r snnl In h M M > Vuimi'i I * , l.iaii't'r Vium PRICE 8AKJ.VC POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ST. LOUI3. SURE SIGNS OF PROSPERITY ImpioTomonts that Indicate RII Enterprising Coinaianity. BEATRICE CERTAINLY THRIVING Not Con to tit wltti x I'tontiriil Supply o Gits , Site 31a8t HartAVatcr Works HvcntM in that Moving I5tiri mid Oilier Htnte Iniprovciiicnts in Itnsy llcntrlco. HtriitCK ; , Neb , Dee. It. t ixxilid to the BIK.J : Improvc'iicnts nio the order of th day In Hoatrlce , the l.itwt bclm ; Iho watt- work iUMllon. | The cllj council Trid.ij cveiilUKdecldetlon a sjstem ot direct pres sure. with about six miles of mains witli ton to siMeuii-iiicli pipes , and to envoi tlmjirln clpal sln-ets. A jiroixultloli to vote bonds 1 bolm ; prepared , ami w 111 beotiil on In . few weeks. The p oposltlon will c.nry , na on citizens fully lealizc our nted of proto < tioi trom lire , as wellas ( hey do the conveniences of a water works .sjntem. The council h.ui Insiieetcil the water wotKs of Oin.iha , Lln coin and ipdto a nmuUTof Nebraska am Kansas townr , v\ith the view of Kcttlii ! , points as to Hie moil iloslralilo systi'in to pu in brie , and they leet s.ulsaed that tne > know what they \\aut. woii.s are In full operation , am' ' ate ImiiHldm ; MTV s.itlsfwioi : > liuht. A majoidv ol our bi me-s-t and olllces ami sn in * resident e are supplied , and tin company is coiiMunib l.ivlm ; pipe tor new c itsionifii. The cit > Is putting in a iiumbei ot htiiei liirliH. A ralhoad iiieetltic was he'd hero to-day If advocate the building or tin ; Kansas City \V\amlntte \ , iV Noithein , a biauel of the l.eavenwnitli , Noi them A Soul hern Amom ; the dolc.nitu.-t piesmt wcie KOI Fiejer , county cloik ol Cln > count. v , .1. AI .tones , ul Cl.ij Ccnttr , Itaiikei ( ieor.v Mtntli of liencvn , and l.ditor WilKIn , ot the -iim : PI.IUU. They baj the people ol Clay and I'ld ionic idiiutlos aie ciitluibia tii : toi the The meeting adjoin ned to in 'el at Clay ten ter on the istb. 'I'lie coiiunilte from heie to LO an : .IiuUe raiKei.hibn K1IH , \ : . M. Hill wnticn Cole , 1) . M. Cook. C. ti. Dorscj am A. I. . Ctieeti. lU'iitilce Is aRitatlm ; a number of railiom lines v\ith the hope ol heeuiiiii ; a tew at least liy next lad. A poitlou nl the enginceiiiii ; depaitiuent of ( he lm ! I ; Island ruad were bete .vestcrduy looking over the countrj' ! tint weie muni as to their plans bhoitlj alter om pu-sont city council took then i-cats , the > voted a ot ci" < | U a jcar to the mavnr and slOiieaeli to .the aldeimeu. thcie li.iviiuliLvn no to the major aiiti coiim-il pievloas to that lltiu ! . Alderman A. V. ! > . .Niundeis has opposed the ordinance Horn the lost , claiiiiinu' it was unconsti tutional , and luuhc.i , that the im.niLus ol the citj weie in .siic-h whapo that they mulil not to use the money tor salatic- , ; that they should be public spirited enough to do ( lie wink ol the city latls. The bu.ud , however , voted themselves a salary , and a shoit tune luouilovvctl their own claims-six month's lia.v tor each one. Most ot ( lie eouiicilinen los't no time in trettini : their warrants ca-hed , but liclote Ins honor the major picseiitid his r-.K ) warrant , Mi. Saundeis enjomcil the tieasuuH tiout pavim ; the same. At pieseut the m uler HUiud.s in status < iuo , and Mr. . .Sauudeis savs he will sc e the matter thioii n to the end. 'Mr. tiaiiudeis h.i es his action on the constitution , Which was that the tecs 01 eimiluim'Ut.sot any pahlic ollirer slull not be chaiiK' ' d during lus term 01 ollli o. The ta\-a\niit ] public , ol couisc , cndoise Sat u- dets action , ami think itclnvky on the ] < art ol the hoard to insist on taiving Mica a bike out ol tlic tiiml' ol tht > city. \Voi \ k Is di.y-'iu on the new S2J.OOO Meth- oilist ciiuich. Thu huildm commitU'c can not Keep tunds cnoiub on hand to enable them to process veii lively with the work. It looks as thoiuh the } had bargained lur mine than than tlie\ ran pay. J < at m , lit some sneaking piece of Imm.uii- tv tluew two .stoiiivs throu.n tlie plato I.vs5 limit ot ilie TiMt Natitmal bank building , caiHiiirja damage ol ahuut.iOO. . Serious TJOSHCS liy I'rnlrlo I lres. LINCOLNNeb. . , Dec. 14. bpccial to the llii.J : : A Kontlcinan who auiveil to-night fiom I.oijau county , reports the damage by the recent piahio lire In section at upward wardof t-i'i.Ofll ) . Among the beavic. 1 loscis SUM A. 1 * . T.ubox , who was cle. nil out en- titelv , loshiK twelve holies , all buddinns , laim machiueij. uialn and bay : Cash < t InddiiiKs lost l.V ) tons ol hay ; Stewait it Co. lost J. > hoi scs anil OJ tons ot hav ; C. .S. Wells. IK ) tons ol ! ia.v , Hank Lilly , . ' ( lions ol haj ; K. J. ( inhhlins , : t horses ; ( leorge Diehl , f > 0 tons ot hay. Ifo an KIiiKt,1 ! ? Hln in Illnlr. HI..VIK. Neb. , Dec. U. [ Special to the Hr.n.j The M. K. church was idled to ovci- tluwhiK last ovculn to Hen lletan lie will talk to-nif-'ht on physical cultuie. Personal .1. U. Hunter , of West Point , is a I'aUnn guest. W. S. Spencer , of O'Neill , 13 stopping at the l'a\ton. John S. Wolf , of Cedar Rapids , Neb. , is at the l > a\ton. K. K. Leonard , of Davjd City , registered at the Millard evening. tJeorge K. Cneney and wife , of ( Jroigh- ton , are guests at tlio I'.ixton. E Sparks , of Valeiitine , arrived in the city last evening and is al Iho l'.i.\ton. A II. Canby , advance agent of the Caileton opera coin p.iny , is at the Mil- l.irtl. Ollieet Diek IturdUh ha- , returned from an extended visit w tli relatives iu Iowa , and goes on liis b < ' .it to-day. K. V. Warren , W. I' . N. Houser. N. B. Loeseli , J. 1' Johnson , and . .lohiiriUon \ \ : , of Nebraska City , arc at the I'axtou , J. J. lilairand 1) . C. Hlalr , of Now .Jersey , pioneer railroaders of Oiiuiia , arc iu the city , stopping al tliu M illard. II. K ( , Uulb'-rthon ; O. J-'olsom , Tort Kobiiison ; 1) . 11gley , Kpringliehl ; J. U. ( jatldij. , City , Id.vho , uro at the Canllold. MrJohn V. Furoy , has been visiting for a few davs at tlio resi dence of Jno. 1) . Creighton , No , 11)18 ) Cass htreet , and loaves tins ovoii- ing for Chicago. O. It. beldou , on old resident of Omaha , luus entered the ( inn of J. A. Sludleo tV ; Co , Valentine , Nebraska , In Iho law ami real c.statobmmicHn , the linn naiiio now bollix hi'lilon , bhed'eo tV Co. The olheo lor the winter will be iu Val- ontinu. but when spring opens the linn wiii go houeo to Tort 1-ctturman , W. ' ! ' . , anil in that vicinity estahli < > li themselves oernmneiitly and deal e\tonsively in lands and mining as well an coal landa. This is an uule ami strong linn , and 0110 in which the people will have eonlldencu. [ f v > i 'i uy luiubor auywhero without getting iio.tgland a pnee you will lose money. Dr. Hamilton \\arron , Kclectio PhysJ. cliiti and hurguon , 70J N. lllth btreet , near Webster. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Silver Creek and Indian Territory uro two of the host Suit Co a Id in tuu market , t'ur , ale only by Jurr W. L'llCj llihbt ( iront clearing sale of fine clothing ; eoiiHiiunces Doeember itli at Kli'iitter'ti ni.iinmoutli olothing house , 101) ) I faruum et , corner Tenth. A tjpocial Inducement will bo given at Klgutter'a inamuiouth clothing house un til December tfilli , Use HIP Pitched Cedar Fire Kludlcrs , Hold by till grocers. New Music Iloxeg to-day at way-dovvn [ > rlcct > at KIUIUL.M & An f nillstiaiit'rrrAtoIliK S.itosmin. To the IMUor. All jvv me through i our coltinuiii n few words 111 reply to the 'Joll.v Prumnior" nrticlo In the Kopuhli cnn of Sunday. I hrnnounco the article n slander on a bmlj of tno t lesprctaMe men and the writer a simpleton. Instead ofbeiujj a hotel t-tork. as ho claims I strongly < u peet him to bo a fn'ih man on the road In the lirstplaee. the title of "drummer" is not ut all applicable to IH. We are no ffiore drummers than are the mo t respect ilil > inenMnnts of your city who drum or solid' ' trade through luN in the columns of tlm press 'I no title is oti'on ivo to the more respectable niembei.s of our Iwvly. Wo are simply snli'-iinen , traveling front point to point iu the int 'Sts of euir employers The vvriti-r of Hie article , pcaks of two of our boilv "just entering the bar room , where they vvill probably join two more eon- geiiial Hplrtts , " and he yoos on to sav that in less than half an hour all the commercial travelers in town will join hands at a game of poker , etc. , etc. There is a fctiong probability that at that vorv moment three fourths of the salesmen in the city won- out humping around for orders. Storms do not deli r the cnorgf'lio men. Hut I pro test rig mist this MVO. ping remark of the iumil"cd in a lively tight , soldieri * again. t llepubljean writer. In liis vvliolt ) ai tielo tliete is not u single qualiiieatioo. Wo are all a lot of jolly , drink ing , smoking , thieves. No other meaning can bo drawn from the at tide. There are a goodly number * of tis. who never play a card and novt-r take a drink. In fact the diinkor.s and caul players , I um haptiv to stale , juo the c\- ' cen'tton rather than the tulo. There iuiilit be a tillle of truth in Iho artirlo if written ten or tiflccii years ago when limes were Mush and fewer men on the roid. Competition then being light , sales weie largo and more casilv made. Hut tilings are chunked since then The man who does not keep a cool head and attend strictly to bnsmi < .ss cannot mm siicci't 1 a * a traveler. True , there are a great inanv of the class the aiticle u-fers to On a Sunda > in a rooui or two in any of our large hotel- ! can be heard Ihu click of the poker checks. Hut per cent of the "drummer" gnesU of tlia hotel do the occupants of those rooms represent ? I venture to siy ; not live pet cent , and who anil what arc they ? rui the old staircrs , as the Republican won It imply , but the fresh , voung men. first 01 second trip men whom we see to-daj am to morrow are no more. True , some of these joung men do for a while bridge over financial difficulties from one tri | to another , hut it takes them Imi a shot time to cut their wisdom teeth , when if they do not elrmgc their habits , then nlaeos arc soon filled by other and betlet men. Firms cannot and will not st.uut an o\ces ivo expense account. The old stager , as described by the Republican , is a m. . th The oilier mem hers ol our body are , with few excep tions , men ol rare ability , popular because - cause of their strict attention to business and fair dealing. This clrss of men arc not a bore to Iho merchants. On the contrary , they are always glndly welcomed , for from them the merchant can and docs receive valuable inlormation concerning his par- tii nlar lino. They a > v getierall.v men of families , are valuable to their employers , are well paid , and most ol them .save a little of each year'3 silary besides keep ing their tanulic * well prov ided for The careful observer vv.ll find that the "wild hurrah boys" sort aio getting nuile scarce. Their places are being tilled by men of mature \i'ar and of settled hab its , who reali/.e tin : f ict that , they are not out on a frolic. ' 1 his class of men have nothing in common with the other class. In their leisure hours they are to be found , not at the poker table , but in tin ) otiiel of their rooms , perhaps wriiinir to tlio dear ones at home , or eiigiiged in some other proper fluty. Many" , not for- get'ul of their cari.traitiing. \ . and iniiitl- lul of their duties a father.s of families , /bid / then1 w.iv to church on Sundav. "ilollv1" says the scribe Why .should wo ' not be jolly ? Is it .1 crime ? 'We .f ( ' and hoar much that the btav-at-hoinu does not see ami hear. We frequently give our fi iends the I'ouelit of our experiences to amuse and ideasthem. . Again do I denounce Iho article in Sunday's Republican as a lie on the com- traveller. PIl l S I'll'iHS ! PII.J2S A sine cure fet liinid. I'leedlnij , Itching nud Uleemted 1'iles has been iliscoveicd by Di. U'llliams , ( an Indian lemody ) , called lr Williams' Indian IMc Ointment. A .sm iu box lisus cured the vvoisi chronic- cases ot i , ere : o jvar.s st tndiiu. No one need tailTer five imniilc.s ailcr aiplyiii [ this wondcrlui sooili In , ' midiciiie. LoimiH and Insiiuiii 'litdi < more harm than CIMM ) . Williams' Indian IMe Uiulmt-iit l > i Iho tuiiuns , all.ijs tite intense ilcldm , ' , ( jurtiitdai ly at inirht. nfu-r iiettim : wanu iu b-d ) , a > tas a poiilllw * , nivi-s iiislnnticlinf , und is nn-pired only for filc-s , Itchin ' of pnvdo piris and tor iiolhuiKuNc. SKIN IHbO.V".Mn ( UUIU < ; i > . Dr. Krwier's .Ma.'ii Ointmaiu cures as by m.Uic , I'liiiiiles , lilai'k Heads or driiH , Hlotchcs and Ki upturns on the face , leaving the sKin clearaml bdiitiful. Also cities Itcli , Salt lllu-uin , Sine .Mpplc-t , tioie Lips , ami Old Obstinate Ulc.-n. Soltl by diiijfgisUi , or mailed on iccelpt of COcentH. Ket.ulei ] bv Kiihn A Co , , and Sdiroeter & Hccht. At V7helc.- > ale tC. . F. Goodman. Itioitie.i. E. A. fcCluro , wliose house on Georgia avcinut was blown down iu the terriiic storm of a week ago , is having it rebuilt at the contractor's expense. Marriage 1 censes were issued yesterday - day to Jacob Peterson and Miss Tina Petefscn and to Ludwig KulmlU and Mrs. Christina liellliimil , alt ot Umaha. A number of ho s have been arrested in the last diiy or so for coasting on Dodgit btreet hill After a scsvi-ru repri mand and a promise not to repeat the olloiisu , they have hi en discharged. ( ion. Howard h is been invited by Uev. M. 1'elton , of the Noi Hi Omaha ( 'ongre- Rational oliureh , to deliver his lecture , "Life and Character of ( icn. ( irant , " iu that church on Tues lay evening m xt. Tlioro was a pleasant progre-nivu tichru tuilv Saturdav uiglit al the rest- lenco ot Mr ami Mrs. K J. Davis , 701 I'lereo street , Mr Newell and Mis < ' 'arrio .Mason eat ri-'d oil' Iho honors ot Hie evening. Thin is the lirst 0110 of a scries ot jrames , M > thu othura will bo watched with interiMt. The annual meetbin ; of the St. Mary'u tvoiiuo ( 'oiigrt-gntional Hooicly will Im told in tlm church parlors to-morrow Wednesday ) cvaning at 8 ! ! D o'clock , ifter the prayer meeting. Ollieors tor ho ensuing jour will be idei-ted. All at- cndant.s upon n-gelur &crviietJ have a voio and are inviied , Mr. Jno N. We-tbuicJ , of the firm of Wiirj cV Westbefg , severed his connoc- ion with that lirtu yi sterday. Ho has not Iceitlod as yet iu Wh it business ho will mxt onibarK , bul'he ' is too well plo.-xscd vilh Um ilia to le voitho city In what ever business Im may engage Iho Itr.u und a hotel friendo vv'ill wish him uo- coas. Nervous Delillltntecl Men , i-iou nro nllovviHl nftv irlnl fur thirty c7m/j iltheiisfl of Dr. JJ > e' Celebrated Voltaic ich will ) Klectrlp 111011400 Appliances or the bpeeily relief aiuJpermuiuut euro of Nervous Di'blllt ) , Io < ,4 of Vitility and Man- mod , and nil Kiudroil trcmblts. Also for nun v other diseases. CoinpIetH restoration to iralth , viiror and man hood. No risk i.s in- lined . Kins rated p.uupldiit with full Infiu- nation , termetc. . . mudfd tieo D > a Voltale UoJl Co. , ilarslmll. Micij. ) L.VU-IniliUcitve'emborl4.1S | ) iatT : . " > 0 u. ui. , Min. Jeiiueit 1. . lilalr , wltuof U' . .S. Dlalraml ninthui of Mis. K. 1 * . riluna. I'mieral fn-ivleo n | r ldt-nce of K. I'ue.Mlav iifteriioini ul : JW ; ' will Ui tuLeu curt , A VARIETY OF LOCAL NEWS , Qatliered from Varioita Sources or Nuineroua Oily Happenings , THE BOARD OF TRADE MEETING. UmmpoUant Miislni'ss Triinsnutnl Imst K enliif ) Clirlsinins IVoouiilo utul r t < : | ; l'ostnie A. O. U. W. IMiinsOther Nolos. Itonicl of Trnile , Tlioro wns about twenty-llvo momlieri of the board of liade jire'sent last even' itiR ul thn rooms of the botird , it being the regular nioulhly meeting. President Max Meyer occupied thnohnirnnd ealled the lucetiiif ; to order , and the reading of the ininiiU's of the last meeting was ap proved. A report of tlio special rmnrnUtco n ] ) > pointed at tlio last tneellug to prepare an onUiinnue in reforeneo to the erection of buildiiifis and making it neecijarv to have tieriuits und n building inspector , was culled for , butowitiii l tliu absence of tlieehairin-iti of the eouiiuitlee , I'ol- onel ( ! . S. Chase , ono of the members , i'epliod that theeoiumUtee was not ready to report. Further time was gi anted to uetjii the nmtter. The secretary then read a communica tion fuun the Mi ouri liver iniproM.-- iiu-nt ( ( iiiiiiiis.-ioii , a.sking tlio liu.ilil to scud delegate * to the mci-lin < ; of thnl or truni/.nlioii , whieh is to In ; licl-1 al Kansas City , the 'JHli ot this month. The com munication also uip'd the iniportiinue ol tliu woik c'oiileinplatud , and the ad vantages to be gained b } all residents of the Mi.s-oiin valley. CoI.C h. Ch.isuho attended the St I'uiil convention , stated how the Mis souri river tonnnis ion eame lo be torined. Major MeKen/.ie , I nited Stales engineer , had said that the MK.souij fixer could be nuule a nax-ig.ilile stream with eoinimr.ithely .slight e\pen-e , and the object of tin ; City meeting was to biing about tlio de.sircd impioM1- iiient.s. Cul t hate then nioxed that the prtsidciit appoint ten numbers of the uoard to attend the meeting as delegates. Tin- motion prevailed , and the inoaidcnt xvill aiinounco Iho delegates in a foxv daxs. ' 1 he secretary of the national ImnKuipt law contention of coiiiim rcial bodies urged , eonimunieation . , the board to designate one member of congress lo act as a mctiiK'i ol a commit Ice of coiigie s- men on a national bankrupt la\v. On motion. Congressman Dorei was1 suh-et- cd a.s thu representative of the boatd of trade. A communioation from the commis sioner of spci ial duya of iho North , Cen tral and South American exposition at New Orleans announced that .January IS had been set apart a a special daj for Aiueiican boards of trade , and invited the Omaha board to send n delegation. The president was authorized to appoint a delegation lo allcud. I'res'.dent Meyer announced that it , had bei-n intended to open thu bids lor the building ; ycslot day , but the board of di rectors bad been ticked ! o grant more time in eider to allou additional bids to be put in by builders who had boon tin- able as 1,01 to make an cstim-itc. The opening ot the bids \\a.s thetoloro poat- ] ) > > ned until next Saturday afternoon. borne discu Mon then lollowed oil the plans for the ne\\ iuiildinglucli bnally diillcd down into reminisccnci-H of the formation of the boaid of trndo by some ol the old members. 'I'iien the talk re verted to the bmldi'g and a long discus sion lollowed on luiuls and re\eniies I'residuit Meyer aiiiiouncod that elec tion of oliicers of ih bo-ird would occur on the Iirsl Monday in January , the 1th pioThu meeting then adjourned. How Cli.-istmas tJilts Curt t c Sent to Friends in FOI-CIKII Climes. In the lo-sl lew days thuiu has buuu n gicMt Inert use id the poaiollic.- the aniount of foreUu mail- , , caused liy the largo number of holiday present * buing sent to relative.- , and liieuds ill l.mope. Altliouili ; wlialevcr is mnilcd al Ibis time vvill not te.ich its dustlnii' tion in Kliropo bj Christinas d.iy , still the null v , ill continue until tlio hulnl.ijs are p i-.sed. Iu view of thib fact , a few words of ndvlre to loroiriiei-s on this subject oii-tlit - to jirovo acccptaJile. In tlm nrsi iiLico , it vxill have thuiii niiiaeioiii dis p imminent t lo hum Cnii-ftiii is iflfte . .unit be hi'ilt to 1C roiM ) liv IIKI I. 'Uio only inurthaiidiso that can lie to ii-iii is hiniplelorw.iid 'd Iw a niercbaiiL li.l till ) pill ) of ulle < 'tlin ; .sales , Ull I tlicst ; must nol c'oiiMsl ol jevveiiyor valiuulcs , or of nny diiliaiile foods , and niiLst nut t-xeeod ei iti"oiuii"s m xvvl bt. The oul > w y a jui'senl of mi'rch.iudis- lie --cntto Ktnopo liy mail s oj M.tiiuit up so us to prevent mspeeli' n and by itajin , ; on it the letU'i jmstii.'ecK iivecentH p.'i liulf o n-e. . Thin is a violtlion ot the toritun postal n'Kul.itioos , bulls ieueiallj ; fl e ossiul. Anotliur valua ble pl < 'co of intiiimatioii In thl.s cou- ncctii n relate * to the jiosta e on , nud other nioi eoimermm ; Christmas oaidn an I Iciteis. 'I'ne posing ) on ( 'hrlMiims duds to Kuropo , if tliuenvlon ] > in unsealed , ihoulv Ict'iuior iwooiliiied. vvhilothii post age on Iiit4'rs ! to KiiMjpJ Is rxx'iiloa half ounce. Hut it the cauls aio seaiccl. or put line an cnvoI'Mij with a letter , the wboli1 pncli.uo must Ii3 paid tor at li-uer nitiM , In volving in most cisus c'ousldorablo waste of money. I'liioiMli IKIIOMUCC of thesn lai-tH minyiiii | people Uilo.v uvvay a. ' much us a ciullnl at : ; time CUT ) ttay at Iho poilollico now , ami will do Ittill mom during the fom- iii two weeks. It will eomloit iiuiiv to Un , w also ihat while notliim ; of tlm ii.itmo of a eorresnondenee can be put Into an en velope vvitfi a card , or on it , without Htihjcct- \ng \ it to letter postage , home liitiiudu Is R- | lowed iu ifsjiert to luief wiitten In-iriplmns. 'I'lu ? iniiiio or thn party lei whom thocaid is Intended , and such vvoidi as "The eompll- incntsof So , md- > . " 01 "Merry ( 'lnUtnu > , " or "liuil blc you , " 1110 not objected to , Ancient Order Unitoil U'orlfmen. Tint grand lectuier ol this jurisdiction , ] ' . 1' . KillIs Htopplng tit the Motiopol , where he was met last evening 1 > . \ repre-eatativcs from Union I'aeilic led e No. 1 ? mid Omaha lodge I\'o. Hi. A Hireling was helti in Iho parlor of thu Metropolitan und n genonil discussion was bad in regard to the establishing ol a grand lodge in Nebni''M ' ami toilmise means to increase the * membership cit Iho eider hero und throughout tinstate. . The establishment of a legion ol M'leol ' knighl.s w.w al o disMis < 4 > 'd. It is o\- pecled that l-'athnr I'liehuron ' , the loun- tier ot Iho A. O UV. . , and tjraud Com- m.tndnr Keeil , of tliu supreme legion ot > .seleet kuigliU , will visit Omaha in Janu ary , vvnen I hero will bo a public iviup tiou buhl in their honor. Mr. Kills leaved to-tliir for Lincoln , wliurt ! ho vvill institute a loilgit of thu A. O U \ \ ' . From there ho go a to Oal- ; lain to inntjtuto another lodgo. It in ex. ) > LCted that another loilgn will be iiuti- tutoil in Om.ihu koou , inakini ; the Uditl lodiio hero The order is flourishing throughout the whole country , with u totul mouibeiahip of Army ( icnorul Ilouard nuut l.ut night that he tad juot received H luttor from Lluutun- int Hush , of the Seventh artillery , in which that ollkuir deuhtidd that ull'uirj tit Salt hake worn trauijuil uover , in l.iel , note peaceful and quint ( ieueral lloxy- inl Is of the opinion th it all duugt r i * > ; i.-.t , uud yuiUud.i } uaUnd the lioiuu de miluieiil in itllotrtho ftillccr * now under to bo iu readiuoaj 'o sjo toSuit Lake , to take thnlr leave of nbsenec , such of them as re socntitlod. The rruteiseo A"gonnnt h.n Iho following kindly wo'-ds In . nx of tliide - lurlinentof the I'lalte eandidate for thu junior major getier.'iley. ' ( Jen Pope's ro. I'reuient ' t.ikiplace next March , when. one of the Urigadior generals will lie pro inntcd to lill the otllee of junior major general. Tlio names of Howard , Miles and Terry are mentioned in this con nection. ( ten. Howard Is the < n mot * brigadier general. MIK ! should bv vi M receive the appointment Hut the fi lends of Miles , tnd I'cirv aieaitivelv furthering the claims of the e tw > oil c-ts in luah ( jtiarters. > o that the onleome isdoiibt fill. Whoever receives Iho appointment , will , of course , be ( ; ( -n Pope's successor al the1 I'rcsidio ( Jen. Howard has mauj xv arm friends in San Francisco , who would welcome his coming. " Cltl/ens vs. Soldier" . Two drunken soldiers and a braeo of inlo\iealc-i1 c'lti..eiis met about 10 o'clock InM night In front of the lllkhoin Valley house at Kleu-nth and Dodge streets , and indulged in a lively light , soldiers against iMtisMMis. All the men Vvere gc-lling in some lively blows and two or three knockdowns had occurred , n hen Cap tain Cormiek nud Oliicers Demosc and Donovan arrived at the si-cue of the dis turbance. While trying to slop Un tight and arrest the participants , one of the soldier.s .siu'ceedi'il in making liis es cape. The three others wore placed under arrest mid proved to be .lolm ( "n minings ami .1. F . ( iilfcathcr , cit /.CIH , and Itill Miiith. soldier. On the way to jail the prisoners made frantic olVoits to escape fiom the onieers ( lilfenlher , who was in elmrire of Ollicer Donovan , was the ' .mrdot man to handle , und to prevent Ins escape Donovan was obliged . to use Ins biliv liecdy. ( idteather was I linull.v subdued , and tlie llin-o men were locked up at police headipiarters ( til- tealher's head was eul ejmie badly from the pounding be received , and Dr I.eis- euring xvus summoned and diessod the wounds. Tin WiMlilin i I a t evening Mr. and Mr . L. Hobin- soii , c'elobraled the ten'h anniversary of their marriage at their residence , .WOT Dodge btreet , quite a number of their Iriendb being piesont , and congratula tions sill around worn in order. Music and dancing vvero kept up tin 111 II o'clock , after which Mr ami Mrs. Rob inson led the piomenade march to sup per , which was .served in line stjle. Toasts were drank lo their health , lo which tlic host responded. After .supper dancing was continued until the wee sm.i' hours. The happy couple were the recipients of quite a number of hand- onie preM'Uls , the majority being line designs of tin ware Among those pres ent vvero Mr. and Mrs. Mandelberg , Mr. and Mrs. liuorge lleyn , Mr. and Mrs Mendelssohn , Mr. and Mr.s. SJomati. Mr. and Mrs Netiman , Mr. and Mis Ilass , Mr. and Mrs. KatMr , and Mrn. Jacob- MIII , Mr and Mrs. Calm , Miss Minnie Hothschild , Miss Annie Kolli-ehiM , Mr.J. Frei'dman , Dctioit , Mich. ; Mr. S. liloom , Mr. Morris Kobinson , Miss Cora liundit , Detroit , Midi. , and .several others. Tliosi : "i'es"sa'ul Joseph ( iarnenti , Jr , while conversing with several gentlemen at the board of trade meeting last niglil , "our gas bill was way up lor hint month. When the bill was presented to me , 1 made a kick , i told the in in f had not used a bit more gas than the month be fore. and jet I lie November bill was nearly double trial of the preceding month , llu didn't have much lona.y , but bo came back again ami put m a new meter , and said he gue-ssed the old one was at fault. I'll nuver pav that bill , and 1 guess alter the big kick that has been in.ido tlio company will not try lo force payment They will have to cut it down to the h.imo amount as tlio month bolore and be .salislied. " A number of other gentlemen piesent complained of exhoibitnnt gas bills for the past month , and expressed the hope that the publicity which ban been given ' the matter will I'oron the gas company to rein l.v matters and lurnish the patrons with the proper article and the correct amount A Kin Inlay 1'arty. A very plu.isaul gatlioimgof Doting people occurred ono ct eiiiny last week at the residence of Mr. and Mrs fJeorao Amidon , Seventh and I'aeilic streets , the party bcing given in honor of thi ! fifteenth birthday ol their daughter. Miss JCIIMIO. There won ; about blty prenont , and a vorv enjoyable lime vvm spent , in addi tion to manj good wi.slmMNs Jennie vv.u the reeinient of numerous handsome presents. Among them were a handsome jilttsh and silk dress , earrings , nnok- lace and breastpin Inun her .sciiool- mates , an elegant .silver jewul C.IHC , looks , etc. It w is an occasion long to be remembered bv the j'ouiig 1-idy and her many young friends who vvero pre-cnt. Jleneueil ltd Oliai'ter. The charier ot Ihu Omaha Nutionnl bank which wus ; given totlmt institution by the government , expired at 'J o'clock ycnt rday. Itut the rouovval grautud by the treasury dopattmetit under the act of IHdv uuthori/.ing an oxtonnion of nationul bank charter , reached a uro tins morning. The new chiuter extend- * the liiu ot the hunk to this 1 1th daj of De cember iwr > . if this charter had boon delayed a few hun ix iu mi. } way , the batik would have been without a commission to do Imsi ness and would have bmm compelled to c-loso ill doors and wail for HID arrival ot the nnpuil.uit ducunuuil. The Itulldliiir ' 'tm < l t'onocrt. The First Methodul Episcoj > al elnircli vvill this evening give a concert at their Himetuary , on Davenport slieet The concert i.s to bo given to raisu money lur the building fund , xk itli winch a in iro- jOscd ) to elect a new ; .iM ( ) c'liureh. Anionj' the musical numbur-i aiiiioiim-i > i | I- > amiiloquimllo , "Un-c/eot the Nighl , " by Mchiu. NorihrupViIIin.s , bmilliand Cralle. Itolieiuian / Voslerday altoruoon K. V its elei k , Hied papers in the county elerk'.s ollicc , giving iioiico of i he i tienrpor.ition of the lioliitniiiin ruriicr H society of Onialm At a meeting held on tlm uvening of Do- C'oiuln'r J'J the follow ing oliicers x\c-rc I'locted a > Irii-itcjes of the new eor | ori- lion J'uiul ; DworaK. , ) osi-ili ] Diiubn r and Charles I.tiloThe ! Hoi-inty .si , in.- , out vvith a membersldp of twunty-neven. lili Hnc-e. A Union 1'u.ciliu > w ileli-ivmlor named Austin Joycu , iuj ured liis knee while throw log a switch as the overland pis- enjfur wjs ruuuiiigintothu clepul Sunday i-vi'iilng He w is t ikeii tn IhH hum. ! al Silh and I'ii-rc. ' stivU , whoru an emi - illation rovoalod. tliat li. . . kini ) cap ha 1 been brolu-u oil' . Thu injuiy is s > orioiu foe Taxunynra. City tu\e > lor llm year Hv'i urn dehn ipmiit on January I , ! * > . ( Jouuty t-t\e.- . on renl mt.itu are delinquent May 1 , ISHIJ , County U\t"i are delin quent on . 1. It can Iu seun trout tlu > that t.i\payor > um-d not worry | nbout the count v real Citato Ia\c4 at j lua l until toWHi'tl the clo > o of April. i TUTP& 25 YEARS The Greatest Mcdlrnl Trlntnph of the Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.niinnt nrprlltf , JlnunliriollTo , I'uln In the lirnit , uliti n dull nrnnntlnn In Dm if- bnclt pnrt. 1'nln n-'r tlic ulioulitrr. blndr , I'lillncts ndrr t < atlns < vrltli nilln- Incllnntlnn to rxcillon of Imilr ormlutl , Itrltnhllllrnrtrniiirr , l.otr uplrlcx , rrllh n rcrllticorhnTlnc tirclrrtnl nonip ilntr Wr-nrlnrm , DlT7ltir . I'lullri IIILnt the 1'rnri. Dolt licrnrollin crm , llrnttncha i.vrr the rlilit cyr. Hr tlo nr * ( irllU lit fill ilirnni. , lllclilr colored I'rluc , nuj CONSTIPATION. TOTT'S ' I'lljl.SnropstiffHIlynilnptoil to anrh ca < tone l"io ptrccls micli n . 1 lie ? t tin rntc tlio A | M > c ltr , nJ c u c lUj ndr in ' 1'nlio nil I'lrnli. thtu I hi' nrntrm M tiniirlitint.mtil l < rlholrrniilo Arllnu an I lip IHRcttl cOrcntKittruiiInr.Ntnolrnro j m.Quv.l , I rl-n S.V.I I 71m r v M.\.V. ! TOIT'S ' EXTRACT 3ARSAPARILLA lti > n-nalcv * tlif Ivxly. mil ' ln llhy tloVi. Bl'pn mi'iw i'i ' wiuk ivpoli-M llmin < lui { sy , toiu 'ltli piutlil'xxl - und ! tunes t if tiprrvnu .vsU'iii. Invltcorativi tlm linun , ni' 1 Inii'iH * n\o \ yiror ot PI. S > M drill r > uis m. SW it uiicc KISTCO tin errHVi hMv ot n GHICAGO.RDDYISLANDS PACIFIC RfllLWAV Hi rM" > n of In rcnirnl , n nml rlof r > rclnilnn In nil prln l | nl llntM | . i l nml XS t at lilltliil nihl It i\ Illllllll | H'II1I lOIHtltlllO Olll IIHl-t III | | < IHIII | Illllt r < nlltiPiitnl lli' in Hint " 11,111 m tliroilitli linntimr- I Kl l ti n Ul h Im lt < mid rm ll'lntrn ' I , ntl It-mil < l li < .twi > r.i rllliM of Oin Alliinll < n l 1'iirini C < in l | . | c li nl o 'lir I T Milt , nml lt . ( t.iuli. lo ntH liom lurlnla ' V1. , , " ' " 'V " ' " ' " ' "ll"- ' nml niricpHiudln | H. lull Ui-l N ,111m , Ht iltul S , uOin ml. The Croat Rock Island Route - i nii-i lii-iniH niul cln. 1111 ulpn-.r.l c' - . of u < I'.KMIMIKI r I , | iilititlit. | , re line um llm ivii < binu > d Kti Imliii : t Inili . The r-'amous Albert Route li Clio illiMl Kiiil \orltn line l l rrn Clilrmo ntirt Hlnni-npnlliiitiiiint l-.iul uli. n. ianiiiTili > ii nrhiinil * Intnli.nli i.ntfin nil | , , , ini < < in tin Tfrrll. . Hc mul l-r.i.liiif , . ' - in" OIPI tilln.lllr l'.l | > | Trnliu n-fl um in tlm uniKiiiu ; | > urn .niniiior rn- nrf i < l < < inir < , | iiK lopiilltio mil hntiilnir ind tl.liln.t ut . mii.lf o [ I a mill MlnneiMitil II IN IIMI Ilii- HUM } ' t ti. Iho il li wlicut . luij | instirl ) UlllxKl Inlrrlui llKkuU Null nnr.Hi r Dim < T I.W * . l n - n. | Run. knli.v IIK li.rn < ' | i-ii"l liiinin i Im Inn ill. Inillnn- muliiitnil I.ilHtilic unit I , , nn-ll llhiir . KaliUtr. . Uiiini'ip.illiinnilM l-nill Mill tnli i nmllnln point * l.iirirull , . ! inrnrmnllntt po MntiH i ml I .ililm , nlit iinilili .1 .ill u. , Hinll | nliiclialTlcli-t | li , ! " ' " , ' . " ' t"M fcl' nml Ciuiailii or lj a- R. R CADLC , E. ST. JOHN , l'te 't \ ( JLII'I l'r'r. n , n 1 T kt A ! .ig't CIIICA.OO. y WJLDOR'S COMPOUND OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL AND LIME. v . > , N - _ . > ? , Wlr.nn'iV Tot ) T.fvrti On. * Nt > f.'vr.Thi proitt | iii'i.n | | | < v of thin Kitf nntl onieno cum tinpi. I mi ' - n'dni1 ' ulti III liihlo In 1 i Inli liislii M-'iitli. Iitliiieiit ) ( if ( ouwlM < r > iK ii'-tlnnu- li-i'nrli tns 'Vioipnu1 u'lu-li , pnro ru' lis Ini- in-rs nml nil m iHiiiiipt''n-n ' " l < > ' "t It In H o wninrl > r If iit-i' | ' . I mi cm ntelcyt I'm ' i ailr ipto sol > li . ' .i o n In n i n n { en s ul h itnl uli'ilM'lll ' uri nl1 coiiiplnliiiBiir' o oliut IMI < iirtlnoiit V'tniili fl > i il imlv liy A II. M'lllior. chi'inl-t. Ho lo-i Sold hj nil ill 3HBBCH ANTS' NorllnKHlcor er r.iriiu niiui ! t Ih Pnirl y Capital , $200,000 Surplus Fund 00,000 I'llAN'K MI'ltl'IIV. PICK.-lout. V ( "i 1'ii'sl tint. ItHN H. VVDiil ) , I.flHiill 1) ) IAKK , Ciisli Hi- AN t 'in ilor Accounts snl L'11 ml inn ! prompt ittcmtkm lvou o .ill II.M.II j. niiiristul oiticurn. ) 'n > H I'll u lior cent on Tlmo rtinxlts. ) | f OH LA OUR PRODUCTIONS ntPI'CS IWT TM PClECTION OF SnOt-l.HK.IHG. IN THtM Cvcnf OO.ICCTION rouN IN MCAIy-MOC CHOI U 1C nCMOVCD. THE coccc&s AT once ATTAIN to uv on n r.ooua WHcnr.vcn intHooucco ICOWINO TO THE rACTTHATTHEY ARC r.iour-riTTinc. CLCOHKT IN RTVLC AND woriKMAiiaHir , AND IN "met. THE Morismi 01 iinrAKitic-m * ne VOIUI.D : Ttv API. coMtanTAULC rnoM THE vcn/ l mST. WC fCC / 15 I3IZC3 I IflMV-IDTHHl mu a aiiApcu or ToLa Aim HCCLI. ii , t\iiiimH Hit tioltt , J. Ki T. COUSINS , i 'I & MA1QTJC. , ( MIITCS-Ori. IO . ) . (1 , .IrtLMl.l. ) 1 ] N i ) E U TA K U It S , AM ) Kvl HALM KltS. tlio olil ruin 1 liui J-iiriiuni nt. IJrtlris by , ' ! ! Ml , | . ) Ulti l < IU.IIll./ I lit nu.Nu , ' 'ii. Man and Beast. Mustang I.iniment is older most men , and used more and mine : vcry year.