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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
j q TITL DAILY BNE'U1IIAIIA , WEDNESDA , UC7'OBitt 31 , 186. I 'THE OMAHA BEE. nb1Uhed ereg n'rning , ee * $ 8uedar 'rhe sl ) Monday mornl0g d.lly , SRMa IT MAIL ee Tear$10.ooThreelrontt , , rltMonlns. . , . . . . . 5.O I000 Month. . , . , . , . , 1.eJ TUR WILT RRt , re.LIAIIRD RPIIRT WItDNM AY. Tt0.Me'lYMTSAID. ORe Year , . . . . . , . , fil ou Throe u , $ 60 815Month4 . . , , . , .1.00 1 One Month 20 Amerman New. Company , Solo Agents , NewaleU er.In the Unlted 8tate + . coaar.ArONORrc2 A Communlatlon.relattnxtoNewb.ndElltarW re&ttere.hould he addre.ed to the EDITOR Or TIIR kta RL'11NMN LRTr.R.d Alt B.lnea + Letten and Itemlttance..hoW1 to addressed to T u IIRR 1 u LttttiN. ODMrANT. OMAHA. Droop , Check. Rnd I'mtmfce union to be tnAde p.y able to the odor of the company. IIE BEE BUBLiSIIING CO. PROPS , E. ROBBWATBG , Editor. "IIRPUfLWA i8 for eftico. hurrah for Wnkoley.-Omaha [ Ikprtblican. "Gtr while you'ro gittinq , " is Mr. Ijani's tmtntta. Fees of $8,000a are worth fighting for. Toe r o a u' ' , f Lo Republican 1 as f won futigoSava ; , scoro3 ur iiiond anti hun.hods of sotot iu Douglas county alone. Toe Republican wants to know why Mr. Rnsowator omitted from his evening edition of the 20th al editorial entitled "Infattnous. " Answer-Because it had np pearcd in the ovuning edition of the 27th. Next. f TuE eabl o announces t lto s poone t of the Prince of Bulgaria have boon t atolon. Bon Butler leas boon buey .ill alto fall in MAlsachu8ctta , and the South. i 1 ern Bourbone can't accuse him of know- fag anything about it. THn Indies , iii Ohio diatributod coffee and cakes on olcction day , many of the cakes being baked by aomin t , ary girls. This explains the Republican j defeat One half the Republican votora went home with the dyspepsia. t Wit don't want to say much about Mr. .t Daurnor , but it ho porsista in airing hie grievances and refore to the fact that ho wont to the Legislature as a reprosonta- I tire of the Ourmans , we may have a word to say na to how ho discharged his dutiea and how ho kept faith with John M. Thayer. OANaDATES of both parties are indignant - dignant over the brazen blackmail which i is being levied on them by the eonduo tor of the alleged official organ of this city. Mr. Corlisa has boon naked to i ( contribute $200 , but we presume $10 s I would have been accopted. Mr. Leavitt refused to "conic down , " and of course 1 ho ma being blackguardcd. How much It Mr. Ijuans paid , and whether ho will get lib ; money's worth , wo can't toll. Wrrir anything like a fair vote on rho 6t1t of November , we prodiot a majority of 10,000 and upwards for Jurigo R. os ° and the State tiukoL-P1aUtnwulh lfcr rtlil. rtlil.And And we will stake our ropuLttion that if there is fair weather , a fair veto and an honest count , Judgu Savage will be t elected by a larger majority tha n was t 1 given Sturdevant over Loran Clark , FitENCII investors still have abundant , faith in Dc Lossop's Panama canal pro joct. The total nuoaber of the now issue of bonds offered by the company was 600,000 anti subacriptiona'to the amount t of 640,0'0 , or 40,000 more than wore t p be obtained , have boon made. This free supply of money looks very much as i flue canal would be carried en to complo t tion. t Tax assessors had better be look tad f after. For instance , we are informed a n I Ii i good authority that Mr. Doll has totally omitted to assess from $50,000 to $100 , 000 in the First ward Lot 1 block 202 , 3 , 4 and 5 in block 203 , are not on tin asswTtnont rolL Thny were purohaseda I private sale by the Union Pacific railwa y company not as a right of way but fo , t speculative purposes. Two of them won f leased and are oo tupiod by mho Elevate company , and the other two are used a i private residences and pay rent. For marly those lots wore taxed. Ponoy an t &golko paid taxes on into , Eraing on an other and the others wore occupied b Johnson's wood yard. Tito U , P. pal Johnson $0,000 for the two lots upo whtchholuad paidtaxes for t otwo yen ra. , When Mr. Drill was asked why ho ha omitted to return those lots for taxatio ho said ho was acting under the advice + John C. Cowin , county attorney. B when Mr , Cowin faced him and p ro flounced him a liar ho skulked away. , And yet Mr. Doll and the railroad po o . i plo have fixed it up again and as yet the is no candidate against him Meanwhi . 1 sr the poor wnrkiugtnen who own lift ( hnusooa are forced to pay taxes while th } ' ( giant lnunnpoly with its millions of wealt . ' gone untaxed. A 1 ' WMEN Bret Ilarlo alluded tq the to I Y done ) ' of the Heathen Chinee for "wa I that are dark and tricks that are vain lie know what lie wan talking abu ti ' But it acorns that this peculiarity is u by any means confined to the alinon eyed laundrynfcn win find their way - the Ui1it + ul States. The Chinese G " , oranwnt has taken a hand and is playi the aamo oldganewith wonder fulahrew floss and success. It lass begun to ova ' .tho law agaiuat Chinese immigration 'furniehiugtraders' rertiiIcatea iadlscri , 0 j mutely to all esnigranta from the Col tial Empire eleeiroua of drumming up , the festive waahboard in this laud of t ' . free , It also furntahes studfnts' c " I r . tifiestee to boys , Under rho provisio of tle ) treaty whit ; Cliina , ' thuso do . snouts entitle the holders to land up our shores , and they are pouring In Ban Francisco at a lively rate r. . A ' x rug JUSTIOR4 Taut winter in response to a strong do. mand from our business men , the Legislature laturo passed a billy introduced by the Douglas county delegattou , which cut down by a half the number of Justices of the 1'eacn in cities of the first class. The necessity for this measure was cape. daily foil in Oniaha , whom the dirty work of the small bore justices was so notorious that both clients and attorneys were constantly bringing their complaints against thorn to thu newspapers. The bill decreasing the number of Jus ticoa passed the Legislature in the closing days of thesessiombutwaskilledthrough the refusal of Governor Dawes to nfix his signature to the moMliro. Failing to ho. old is afill in come a law , the system force , anti the ponplo of Omaha and Douglan county will ho called upon next Tuesday to elect a now batch of justices. Omaltn has now twelve justices of the ward , There is peace , or two in each not enough legitimate business to support half the number. Tim consequence is that bnaiucsa which is iat legitimate is hunted up to roll up the foes Dy which our justices nako their living. Several of thasu justice peddlers are notoriously iueouipotomt and dieliooost. Their opinion is always gtvoil against the side which is able to pay the costs. Coats are what these legal sltarlca arc after , old justice is a secondary cousid oration. The conacquenco is that litiga Lion is a ncourngud rather than discour aged , and those who are too poor to trans. for their cases are made the victims of their poverty , it is a shading scandal that in many"of our justice courts no to- 5pocta ml0 attorney can win his case against soma potttfogger , who "has the ear of the court , " and who throws all his cases into that particular judicial grist mill in return - turn for the judge's favor. The remedy for this phanoful condition of affiiira , in the opinion of the best lawyers , is to cut down the number of justice's courts. Thu positions - tions will thou ho worth enough to command - mand respectable and honest candidates. Men of ability will gladly compote for an ofio worth $2,000 a year , honestly administered , lion they will refuse to sock an office whore the scanty foes must be worked up by disreputable methods. This could be secured in the conning - ing election by nominating men who can be elected and who will agree to resign after qualifying. That would leave enough vacancies to make the business in the remaining courts a sufficient induce. mont for reputable anon to till the office. Thorn would be no necessity for the County Commiasionors to fill thesovaxan cios. Six justices would be enough to do all the business which comes before such courts in this city. AND 1T CAAfM To 1'ASS , And it came to pass in the days of political corruption that one Aninias , be hug Niygh ( ) unto distraction , made a Savage attack on n certain lawgiver , air came ttgrief by [ toes on of total deprav ity and uttorah.onco of a soul. And his father sent a dead.hoad telo grant unto hint , saying : "Yea , verily , my son , thou shalt hie thee to the city of thy nativity , which is in the County o. Dodge , and shall tend the horde of tbj airs , ant thou shall return to one IChn. . ball the watered stock thou boldest , fop the days of thy prodigality are at at and , " And the son answered by telephone saying ; " Father , prepare a feast of on of Chino own prizu Durhams , for I no I hungry and weary and will return to th . house of my father before my pass is cup coled. " S. TMnui has boon so much comment o the case of Lieutenant John F. Simpson of the Third Cavalry , acid his late cour - martial , that the facts in the matter do , servo ventilation , Lieutenant Simpsoi o was tried by a court.martial , found guilt ; t of conduct unbecoming an officer and , , ontlomsnandaontoncod to be dismissed r The charge was that ho had married i u woman who had been his mistress , Tim r sentence was disapproved and set mid e by the President , On Thursday a lotto written by Simpson was published , i d which ho declared that no one who know him would believe that ho bad contracte y such a marriage. Ho added that ho us d resigned from the array , It now appeal I ) that Simpson is in limo hospital at Whi ; . plc Barracks , Arizona , and that he is r1 d gardod as insane. It also appears that n hie marriage was a very acandalot d affair , which the authorities could m tit ntrurd to ignore. Tim woman was ono I tlmo most dotlradod and notorious roa dents of Arizona , and it could n truthfully be said that she was , or ow ro had boon , time mistress of this office le The two contracting patties went to ti to nmagiatrates ctloe [ ( roan the house of 11 fe fame of which the woman was propriotn h Perhaps the moat plausible oxplanatic of Simpson's very remarkable consul n appears in ( Ito statement that tie is pr bably insane , and it may be that 11 YI I mind war unsettled by the death of 11 t fmret wife , which occurred a very alto at time before the marriage that brougl d upon himn the condennatiot o f a mnilitni court. to ov- \V LIEN time question of city advertlsil ug was last up before the council , Mart dDemhan made an appeal for letting t1 le contract to a paper with an acknowledg by circulation , lie called the attention In. the council tc the fact that saver al yes e5 ago when the advertising wue given on the Reptl6llcos t e city was forced le issue land bille in under to reach biddt sron city contracts , Ho predicted if I ns council ignored title question of relatt cu circulation and standing , the as ; ay trouble would occur again , to 11Ir , Dunham know what 1) ) ° was tail leg about. The "official organ , " a called , circulates less than 2110 papers In a city of 10,000 , and the registrars have been forced to print and circulate hand' bills to voters in order to roach thorn , if the council had boon animated by a sense of duty instead of by spite work , such a state of affairs would not be pea- aibie. TI'e doctrine of henry George's book , "Tito Progress of Poverty , " that there is no rightful property in land , and that the products of labor form the only natural basis of property , is rapidly spreading among the lower classes of Europa , mRI in Austria is taking so sting a hold upon the peasantry that the government is contemplating measures to suppress its oirecta. As hl France , and in lessor do. grco in Canada , the peasantry of Austria are being reduced to poverty by the comi slant and excessive subdivision of their land brought a Tout by the laws of inhori tanco. Several of the provincial Dicta have petitioned the imperial govornmuut to repeal tlieso laws ; but the peasants themselves arc said to be going still farther - thor ; they are discontented , and have seized upon Hcnry Georges philosophy as their only remedy , and are beginning to demand that time gov emiimont shall not only prevent time inattor from getting worse but shall in- sttuto a now confiscation and redivision. The George theory is noticeably gaining ground in this country also. An organization - zation based on this belief anal calling itself the American Free Soil society was formed in New York in Juno , with Louis F Post , candidate for Attorney General of the State , as president , Charles Fred- crick Adams as secretary and Rev. It. Bobor Newton as treasurer. Now thorn are ten groups , or subordinate associa- tiolis in Now York city , eight in Brooklyn - lyn , fourin Chicago , and it is represented iii 23 States and Territories. It is diligently - gently spreading its doctrines by means of circulars , and will not only sock to influence - fluonco legislation in the various States , but will propose to the neat Congress a constitutional amendment forbidding either general or State governments to further alienate lands save with the res ervation of the current ground rent. A wxtn and heart-piercing cry has issued from one of time Russian prisons. The unfortunate man Notachacheff , who was condemned ton years ago for a poiti cal offense , was supposed , like most of tire victims of Russian oppression , to bo lopg since dead. But in a letter to the Czar , written in the blood of his veins , ho utters a terrible "complaint against the iimltutnan treatment to which ho and his fellow prisoners are subjected. Even the little light that once penetrated his dungeon is now denied him. In the prtsence of such a revelation it is not strange that tire Czar is constantly liamt ed with a dread of thu Nilmilieta. It is ' said that the story has created an min. nmemo sensation in St , Petersburg , I Thuro is no doubt at all that the piteous I notes .f this lirisoner will survive f mC many a Russian heart the trills of time late opera singer in the imperial capital. . Sonic of these days time Russian people will take it into their heads to overturn F their bastiles amid make a general jail do. I ] ivory of political prisoners. t As a matter of fact , time wholesale nbnndonnment of the Republican orgau- r ization by the colored voter's would incite 1 little difhrenco as to the fortunes of the party. As the lines are now drawn , in every State in which the colored popula- o Lion is large enough to 1)0 an appreciable element in its politics , if rightly handle d a the Democrats get every bunutit that o would accrue , if time colored vote was aol - idly Detnocrattc , without any thanks t ° that element. Lincoln Journal , This from the mnouthpieco of M. B 1 Reese and Boss Stout , fairly expresso s , the sentiment of the kind of Republican s L that arc now running Nebraska. Tine Y . want tire colored veto for Reese wh o 1 never shouldered a musket , and agains V n mail like Judge Savage who fought t o a free the slave. Still they insist the the loss of the colored rota woul d i make little difference to the party e HAsTINas , October 20. 0 Editor of 'Te Pee. C IVhat do you refer to when you an fa Judge Morris was in collusion wit whisky erookal Please answer throug ) v yourpaper. ALLIANCE. d We refer to the time when Morrie w a d dsmiisscd as United States gauger fo 8 collusion with McCoy , whom distilie ry I' was condemnnod for crookedness ryd 1 closed out by the United States author' i It ties , It was generally uulorstood hot 'sf ' that the United States grand jury in ' dieted Morrie , with other whisky crook s I ( but flimsily , on has personal appeal , Lb i' indictment was dropped. ) t 1Cr Tun Asters in Now York are soon t to cohebratu thin centennial of the arrival [ - the family in this country , ] sfany ii i r , toresting relics will be shown , Th , n original cleaver which John Jacob used i at his butcher shop on the flowery lass um p fortunately buoy lost , but the fang is probably don't regret it , is rt heat Estate Transfers , Fit The following deeds were filed f I ) ' record in time county clerk's office 0 tobor 110th , reported for Tits BEa b Aumoa' real estate agency : ig Louis Faist amid wife to Fred Kocho in w d , n h of w of lot 2 , blk 201 , $05 na Joaph Bar'or and wife to lleur id Ehrermpfort , w d , part of no of no t 5 of 84 , tp 1G , r 13 , $425 , Chas. C , Housal and wife to Natha are Merria , w 12 feet of lot 3 and 4 , hl to 847 , $12,000. to Moses K. Clark to Mu , Ellai Wi sot , ra w d , lot 7.b k 83 , $1. .Gee , Ktuuhel and wife to Jose1i ate bnlnvnttok , w d , iota 8 and 9 , block ye ICourltze a 3rd add , $1,165 , no Jeff W,1J dfordet al to Jas , F. N"la wd , loll , bloelt 2 , Kirkw.ok . add $3 00 , Ada P , Drake et al to Alex. ( i , Char out , w d , lot 13 , block 11 , Reed's ' 1 IC. add , , $800 f "HOQ HANCHE" Pistol Practice at a Place of Bad Repute. Details of the Tragedy in Ohorry County. Sheriff Kay Uses His "Sixes" and a Cowboy Bites the Dust. Iiact9 Which go to Show That tilt lUlliug 1Vit Done In Self. IcfCnaO , Among the latest sensations which have come to us from time frontier was that eoicuruing the tragedy which ec- eurrod at Valentino , Cherry county , on the 12th instant , in which a cow boy wes shot through the heart by time Sheriff , J shuuy ICey. Mr. Key was intownycsterdayandwaa met by n Boa reporter , who had a short talk with him and learned some addi- tiounl details , which go to show , as was claimed by the papurs up there , that the shooting was not only justifiable but an absolute necessity. SIIEIt1FF KRY is a fine-locking young fo low , about 27 years of ago , slender in build amid blonde ill eotupluxton , lie hate , nevertheless , nu nburdat , endowment of that valuable article known its "time nerve. " On the evening iii question Sheriff Key , aecom paniod by a friend miannod Sant Earnest , wont out to a notorious house situate d about 400 yards from the railroad trac k and known as lion RANOUe. The Sheriff said to the reporter that his only regret about time matter was that Ii , was found Iii such a placo. A party of 18 or 20 uron on cuw boys , from WyAmnmg , ii d come down on that day with 1,800 head of cattle - tle for ahipumemt on. Key and Earnest had boom. at hug ltanchubuta short titian when two of these cow-buys cane ii ; . They had bean drinking turd aotno words were passed between thrum , the officer and his friend. In order to s"ttlu it , 1oy asked the man up to the bar to drink and after that lie atU Earnest wort back into ono of time rooms with the girls and left the fellows standing at the counter , Wlmnn they came out again they wore gone Out the bartender told Key WHAT TIIEY SAiD , They had asked who ho ( Key ) was and what was his business , and wlmesi answered - swered ono of them said , "Key is a d eof a band I hind a good nation t tnko out my pistol and kill him , But never naiad , we will go out to camp amid we have two or three bud mnou out there , and we will come out with a crowd to- uiuht and fix him , 0- dhimn , " or words to this effect , Tim ATTACK. Soon after dark Key was in one of time rooms sad heard six or seven menride u ) n on thulr purees , swesring uua cut an mud declaring that they would ride into the house. lie heard time bar kr ° per be g than , not to come ins , and then went ou t to the frynt roes , to see what the ro w meant. As ho walled in 'betw ee n the bait and the stooo lit saw one elan with a aix ahn.stu r iii his baud amid another remarked , "Hurt is Key now , the d-s of a bw will just give it to anuu , mad thereupo the tiring began.lain lain nAvru : . Sheriff Key got out his pistol as quick ly as pOStblu and fired two shots. ' n 0 of the attacking party fell from his hors 0e and time rest rau around thohouse. The Y then charged on time door again and trio d to get in , shouting as they came u through time doors and wiudews. On bullet cut throttgh the sash and glance d off into time ( manta. But for this it woul have killed Key , as the piece of sash wa driven right against his abdomen. A TE1titIHLE FIOIIT then ensued , which could only be accu rawly do.cribed by one who was preset t. The SherifF attempted to escape by th back door , and as he did so was shat a with a Winchester rifle or a heavy calihr revolver , He hind no one to help hiui being unto seized by two of the invaders t but finally a reuchiug himself loose fro their grasp. After gettit g out throe ; 1 Chu back door lee chused away a mama wit was sheltered behind a 1rile f wood an mltdu a hasty intro t to the town , wliic was about a quarter of a mile away . [ Irro ho went to his room ancA woo to bed , w"aro ho remained uut next morrming and then gave himself ute to the autloriths. Of course when th 1m news was brought in the evening that m eow'boy had been shot the whole tow was e IN AN UI'ItOA1I , r Busiuoss houses were closed amid mom stood on tllo street corners oxpoctin d every moment to see a party of cowb , rush into town to avenge the death e their companion. This did net coin 0 however , turd when the crowd fullowe the coroner to the scone of the blood affray time victim was found lying ju , outsde the door , hits revolver beneath h ° rigimt arm amid his body co and lifeless , 'rite rotnsins we : taken into the houaennd thmeioquoatlmol l reauitiug in a verdict which accurdud wit o the facts , On Mommy Sheriff Key w of sunuuoued before Judge Tucker , eharg with uuumalaughter nil waivilr { exauui tioy was relcasodon $3,000 bail , p CONFLiUTINU TESTIMONY 1) a. was adduced before time coronora jn but frnny all accounts amid frnut the opt ' y inns of the press up that way thin sltnotil u .liars . to have been entire ! 'uetifabl It tyiw clahuled b ammo sou bor of ti assaultita r party that thin cow bn had arras ed t kill Key before or the left canal and hat I I. tried to Prevent their baying camp , al y thormupon three of theta juumpod on ht and bent over the head with a pistol , The sheriff says he never out shy r then until the ovoniu $ in quostiou , an that after drinking witlm them le sot v pnsod time ditliculty settled , lie tserib t rho whole trouble to au n OLD o11UDOS k held by Hany against hilly Carter , w was with ICe tin thin fatal creaming m thinhis totin I o , was known his friend , It claimed that Mann land followed Cart ah for a half a day out at Ft. H + dituson d , kill hint , and , ate unusual thing , himself was time one to fall n , thu final codlict. Haun lead hla her , partly inside the door and this rest we 1 trying to ride around luau. Ho w st known as a very , hard chum-actor , li killed his mum , or two of then , and also a woman of disreputabte character. Ho was about 3D years eaf ago , : TBE WITNE88F9 to the affair include the bartender and Carter's little brother Tommy , who will , it is said , bath swear that the shooting was begun by tire cowboys. The result of the trial is , of course , uncertain - certain , but the tinny friends of Sheriff Key , bofh in Olnnha amid at home , never expect him to be indicted , i' xclfed Thousands. All over the Inn.l are going Into ecstasy over Pr , iing'e New Discovery for Consumption. Their unhooked for recovery by thin timely use of tads great life Sotlug remedy , cansos them to go nearly wild in Its praiso. It is aranteetl to pnittvely care Severe Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Hay Fever , ( tronchltlslioarse- now , lass of Voice , or any adfectlorm of the a hrnat anti bones. why arc Tarrirr , LEAK & Co.'s 1xioves chic 605th Because tlltty are ansulsu CAuPoILNiA BUnK. 2&Aw A Wealiington preacher , who is sairg f nr divorce from his wife on the ground "f mhi.trentmrnt , says that site kuuckud him down whim a chair ( pounded him with a hicky cane , and alt htni with a heavy water pitcher , .reu..w..aI.a. THE GHEAI GEflMAti IaJirtt ' ' REMEDY I B u1uuiUJ [ , 9llJl11101LIdlh i I Itelle and COFOS I dill , I rl I If , r I I ' Notfral la , wn ; iI Sciatica , Lumbago , ' rit'I4ACi11R , " BEAiACIIET00TIIACIB ) , e "Ta" " It , SORT TSR04r. ri"smSdY QUINSYhw..0a NO fLAtNY , Soreness. Cuts , Brufsob , , Fnoyrm'iu't'hs , , ( 1tORNS. i'Ar.nS , A ud all other hndll } ache , i ail pains , I ' FIFTY CENTS A BOTTIC ' ' " , Sul Dwi.i , nle clloue iii it i vy t humuages. i , ' Inn" + The Charles A. Vogoler ( t I. ' 1L I.NV , , A. alnanatN 1 , , . , , I _ . _ _ . en. e.n , TO THE PUBLIC ! tnvosttgato for Yoursolvoo. Postmaster Gencral dreeham having pubUehed , willhdand mallcloue fatsehod in regard tithe cbat Aeterof The Louisiana State Lottery Company , th , fnllowingfacts aregiven to the pui.tia to prove hlI statement , that we are engaged In a fraudutant bus Ineaeto befalseanduntrue : Amount of prizee haul by The Louisiana State Lot. teq Company from January 1 , 1870 , topresentdate : Paid to Southern Express toNew Orleans , T , M Woseott , Manager . . . . . . , , . . . $1,866.80. Peid to Louieiana Natluual Bank. Joe. 11. Oglesby t'resldemt . . . 463,001 Paid to State Natinnsl Bank , S. II. Kennedy , I'resiilod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,10s Paid to New Orleans National Bank , A ItaldwIn I'resicent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,661 Paid to Uuioo National Iiank , S.Charlarnn Oashlor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64,154 Pahl to Citlz , n , ' hank , S. L. Carrier. , Tres dent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,00. Paid to Oernanta Natonal Bank , JulesCaesard , Iresident . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,00. , Pal. ; to lilbernia National Bank , Chao Palfrey. Cashier , . , , . . . . . . . 87,00. P51(1 to Canal Bank , Ed. Ooh } , Cashier. . . . 18W , Paid to Mutu.l Netnnal ( Bank. toe. Mitchel , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,20. Total paid as above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,253,851 Paldm sums of under + f,000 at the yariousoalcesof the Company throughout the tInited States. . . . . . . . . . 2,627,411 Total paid forali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,841UG , , Far the truth of the above facts we refer the public tithe ntticers of the above named corporations , an. . for our legality and etar.ding to the Mayeramd O61eer f the City of New Orleau , , tithe State autboritleei Louisiana , and also to the U. S. Olmclals of Louislana Wo claim to be legal , honest and correct In all ow tm"soetlo"s , as much so as any husinese In the anuu try. Our atnnuim Is conceded by eli who will Inves tlgate , aid ouretock ha. for years been s.ld at. u Board of nrukers , ant ownol by many of our bas , kunwn and respected citizens. M. A. DAUPHIN , President t.rCAPITAL PRIZE $76,000. Tickets Oil S 96 , Shares In Proportion. m 1 e 6oatsiana State Lottery Company "We do hereby certify thee tie supertllae tics m ranyewents , for alt the Monthly and Sernd Aanon Drawings of the Louisiana Safe LoUery Cornpan } P rddfoperron rnasae and control tae Drawtn , e 'hemseleea , amd feat the seine are conducted mib tonesrg , fairnera , and in geodfafth toward aU nap Hes and use authorize tae company Co use this ce , d 'iAeate ' , wfthrac.rimifea of our sulnaturea aUacaee a 'a itr adverduenenta " . 0u 0t COMMIMSr0RI.4 . Incorporated In 1868 for 26 years by the legielatur a or educational and charitable purposes-with a a , talbf $1000,000-to which a reserve fund of eve i 4.350,000 lisle since been added. 0 By an overwhelming popular rote Its franchb d ran made a part of the resent state oonatituiln do ted December 2d , A. I ) . 1870. im lphr only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed 6 thepeople of any state at it nerer Scales or Postpones. it Its grand single number drawings talc p uALSPLENDIDyopPOBTUNITY TO WIN A FO h e TUNE. 11th Grand Drawing , Class L , at New Oi a etas , TUESDAY , NOV. 13th , 1883-1625 MOO thl 'rawlog. It OAI'ITAL PRIZE , $76,000. 30,000 TICKETS .t FIVE DOLLARS EAOIL Uon. , in Fifths In Proportion. U.r DI 551514 n I CAPITAL PRIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 , ao 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 , aopC pC YM 2 PIIIZES OF 60o0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1r , , f 6 do 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 , o , 10 do loco , lo , I 20 do ( do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lo , oa 00 do 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 , y eat do 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80,0. at pep do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 oa 300 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 , 0 le arrPoxl4.noa raisEs. lti 9 Approxlmatlon pdzoa of $760. , . , , , , . , . , 6,71 9 do do seo. . . . , . . . . . . 4 , s 0 do do 260 , , . , , , , . . 2,21 - it 'Po7 Prizes , amounting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9206 , Appllatlun for rate , to club. should be made on as at the .18eu of the company In New Orleans. ed For . write clearly giving to a. aldress. MakoP. 0. Money Orden payable as uldrese lteglMtered Letters to NEW OIILKANB NATIONAL RANK Now Orleans , is I'o.tsl Notes and or tlnary' letters Icy Stall or K prow ( all sums of $6 and upward , by Erpress at o r3' expense ) to 'm H A. DAUPIIIN . or U. A. DAUPIIIN , New Orleans , La. I. tlo7 Seventh St , Washington , D l e. e.w A u , nd In 60UISIAN A ST ATE LOTTERY C of all B. Frank Moor e , p 127 La Salle Street Chicag es Manager of Chicago 0nnoe. To whoa apply Si Imforn.Uen and tlckcta. 1524 Monthly Drawing , hat Tuesday Nov. 13. at l J , Flrol Capital Prlaa. 976,000. Tickets $6. Bold le Fifth. at $1 each , See full schume above. e' wadaa.t t , tin m DUFRENE & MENDELSS9HN , re a ItOHITECT sd .cgarMOvxD To ouAHA NaT7oxaLBLD - s , Dry Goods ! 3 CO. , Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO STEELS ! JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers F m AND JOBBBR8 1N FLOURf SALT , SUGARI S CANNED Goer ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF , Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR REF/WOOD NAILS AND LAFLiN & RAND POWDER CO Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , i Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fitting , Steam Packin at wholesale turd ro 1 oil. HALLADAY WIND MILLS CHURH AND SCHOOL BELLS , Corner 10th F'arnam St , , Omaha Neb. J , A. WAKEFIELD , IW1IOLFSALE AND IIETAIL DEALER IN s e , f f ! 9 S AS 8 D 0 ORS BLINDS MOULDINGS LIME CEMENT , PLASTER &C' STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT OMPANY. . Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB C , F , GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN Yarslies OMAHA , NEBRASKA. MANUFACTUIIEB OF 1 1 IrouCornics1 Nindo CapsFiniaIs ; 4 . Skylight. Ac Thirteenth Street Neh MAX MEYER & CO. , 1 . IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS. AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A N f AMIObE I t D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN DS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. . WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES , SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. , ' r 1 1 r SPECIAL NOTICE TO Grower of Live Stock and Others. ' a o , . NE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO ° Our Ground Oil Cake It I. the host std ehealost , food for stock of any kind. One pound ie equal to three pounds of corn' 54 took fed with Ground On Cake In the Fall and Winter , instead of running down , will increase in weigh f h and be lu gad marketable condition in the spring. Dairymen , as wall as others , who . . use it can testify Its merits. . Try it and judge for yourselves. Price . $25.00 per too . ; no charge for atick. Address . Ii A V.OOUIAN 1.1NSKI'Is 'ILCOSII'ANY ( Stash. , .ElSt&b1ls ] 2:3d. : i11 1.sJS. r ' M ( k e ° THE LEADING 1 CarriageFactory I D sat ' ' ' 1409 and 1411 Dodge Street , OMAHA , - - - - . - NEBRASKA , II.AlLTc : sic K ] E G.AT On Long Time--Small Payments. Frioo& Aa llosuo J ills Donna eTlla