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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
. - . : : = - - : : ; zTa . I.- " 1 THE DAILY BEE--OMAUA _ WEDNESIAY , OOTOBER 31. , 1883. o _ - - J THE ROOT OF EVIL. - Th&t Which Pr8lzcs the Moral Sc gJ th Ut Commission , . An Elaborate Soheino Proposed I Wipe Out Polygamy and Par- patuato the Offices1 The Growth and Work the Bailway Division of the Postal Service. . A IeN i'tOIUCM At'Itltett .4elcct'd I Succecd 1IHlVat'1otuVniIt. . ltlgtOfl It ClUB. ; OArLL1AI , NO'J.S. , . 1IILL't tWCCISSOU. WAsuxnTo , October 3O.-Sccrota . " , Folger lately ltjqOilIted limier l3e11 , . . . Dcs Moines , nS ujerBillg nrc1iitec . . the treastiry , 1ct .1 , G. hilt , r.iglled. Bolt was tlio itrdtitect of thu cqHt builditigs of Springticld , ill. , and 1) Moiucs , Iowa. 'lila tJAU COMMISSION. The Board of Utah CoImlliBioIIoraBu IiI IttC(1 a aecoiid aiiiittnt report to ti ecrutry of thu Interior to.dLy. Aft iiiakiug l Btatern&olt of fortiiur hgi.hUh I of O.nlgrcs3 rulatwo b ) biiaiuy or 10) ' , they ay the dtitic of tIICCoInflhIBI ( 81)1)0rLiIt ( July to Iiii.tter of regiBtriltli and olectLoIl 1171(1 eligibility to ollic while plllIislulIeIIL for thu vrialo of 1)0lY ) amy is left as under the Iorm.r law tliq courts of jutstic. . Under the aul . polygamy ; vt thu COIlllIliS9kIt had gc . BUCCCB at tim general clecUoll Augu.t , 1833 , in oxciuditig potyg miBta from thu polla , and as f 85 advised , very few ilauyillegalvoteshi . been cast in Utah BIIIC. ) thu coniuiii . took chrgo of tim rgitration mud olu - ' tiOfl3 in August , 1882. Thu euforc , I. . : mont of the prccut l&w again 12,000 polygaluiMt. who have boon e . . , . cludod fr.m thu poUB bIIOWN the act h . * , . boon fully and succcefuIly execute , : - " . ' it is thought that dlicrixninition butwo thee MorniouM who jIUCtICU polygati ' . . . and thee wio do Ilot , while hot like ; to hao much cifoct. upon elderly au . : , who have ii.heady a pluz-.ulity of . . . and Beveral wivee niut hvu ; great weigi L the young itioti of thu Turritor . . : many of whomare ambitious and u1irin p : : ' arni would not like voluiitari . embrace political oBtracism. The vu . . existence of a lsw di.franchhfiig poIyj miat3 must tend to destroy their intl Iq - . once , whenever tlIi8 i undcratoud , it to be a lierliIi1eI1t di8criinination. , " will be necessary to the preservation the political intlncnco of ihe 'Peo1il . P.urty , " as Mrlnons style tluetnst4vea , Q , have a large body of their mombera w j-1 . . . are not pIPlygonhtets , and this will in tii tsiid to weaken thu r.tctieo of polygaui . for every Murnuon who takes a seco wife JOSOB three votes for his party , I own and those of his two WiVes , 'o n . Buffragu beingestablislied by law in Uu . Concerning thu plurality of wivei , t . . report says a dIctlilie , and pactico , , odious througliour. Cliristeiidoiii shou 1 have been uptueld so iuuny years agail ' , the laws of Collgrcs and setitinicuts .ft . the civilized world 18 one of the waxy , of the 19th century , and caxi be scarc : appreciattd even by those familiar wi the world'a histr.ry. In relation to . - . diulicultiea of Gi.vcrnnxent control . . . 5U1)lreSi.fl of religious fanaticism . report sass no Goverixinent can pun - the s iolation of law under the guise , rolgious freedom , and wixilo Congni may not legislate as to mere matters opinion , yet it ; Huaxy dcxuutucu and puni . 115 crimes tliee actUi1S which are N violation of social duties or subversive good ordir. The right of Congress suppress thiB great evil is uiudoubtd. . is equally plain the digiiiy and ge , name of this great goverixuient ante , . the nations of the earth deniand ax . Congressional action as alixill effectun elixixinato this national disgrace. ' 1 comfihissiorl reflow the recommeuidatic contained in the report of Xoveinber 1882 , notably one regarding the one . . mont of a marriage laa by Congress , daring all future marriages in the tci . . tory null and void unless contracted ii evidenced iii a manlier provided by ti act. If the next Legislature shall ( si adopt measures in conformity to the p visions of tile act of 1882 . the suppression of polyainy , tim coiiuii sioners uvill be , reptred to rtxcoinnuu ; and Congress certainly will iiot delay . 1 adoption of the Inobt atrixigetit uixuasu . , . ' compatible with the linututi.iiix ; . of constitutioui , that may bo cujisido . necessary for auprcsxciou of this gi . \ \ - . evil. Th9'reporv refers to various i . : : ' nicipal elections , and says the moat , pornt e1ecticiu was that of August - . 1883. The total nuixibor of votes natal . this contest was 21tJiJG , against 27 , : at the last November elu tion. The pi . cipal falling oil waa on the part .sf . gontilesor "liberal party. " In , NevI ¶ : ' " , " . . ben , 1882 , the total votes of the Morax S - ' ' party vita 23,039 , liberal 4,884. , August , 1888 , the vote of , Mormon party was 20,508 , liberal 1,4 from which it appearti large nuint , - . . V. . of Liberals refrained from voting , a I .4 much to bo regretted , for tim reason , . . believed , that by proper vID.rta . iuuid gi managcnicnt one or inure JI1)iI.1'xlOnfil ' might have beezu elected to thu Logi tivo Assembly , who would iaavc an opi tunity of putting the inupn'Lty ( in root : In conclusion the OohllilaHsi000rsxxacy : ; recently BtIIIIU suxits wore institutot . 1' the Third District Court of Utah oy : / - 1ornion , ugaitiat nittinbers of this cc , mission , cotuplaiiiiug that they had Ii ' unjustly deprived u the right to regi . and vote. 'rheso are understood to test cases. It ; ix designed to c test the cdnatitutioiiality of the Edinu act , as uvell as the legal construct which we put. upon its l1rvisions. suits are still undecided and ixru lilcol , be appealed to the Suprrnnu Court of UniteU St.xtea. It hLa ; beeti assorted I polygamous iuxarniasgcas have iucreu , since the passage of the Edmund. - Ozt thu contrary we have tim opinion many 1Iiartiiiuiis and ixoui.l1orin.ns I r they have COnhIlaratively decreased si tim paiaage of said act. After dillu : inquiry we belIuu thu latter conclui Is correct , but the Utah legislature bavo an opportuicity of 7 . - the country on tiliPi partici subject by lassing such l1lxlic iiiiurr : . , laws as that which we base suggeatu Congress. liy this and such other Ie lation a we laxuve indicated tiwy will I . thu Oovenistnent aasUr.xncu of their In ty and patriolisin and avert a contest cannot but result in their diacoinliti We consider it PrIr to c'.minuiid . ; ) zeal of the Governor of Utah in his forLd to uuuforu the The report i SIgUt(1 by 'l'.c. Rxiu k A. S. . , ( i. L GodIroy , A. . . Carlton , J , 11. rittigruw. TIt ) P.AILWAY 1'OSTAIJ uxEavIca. Superintendent Tixonupsoxi , of tile ra way .iniiit service , anixtuitteci his nuinu report. The nunibor of railway postolti hues 10 I838 w.cs 093 , an iixcreaau of l over 1882 ; xiximbor of 1111105 of ruto f which railroads were ; , aid , 109,827 , u ilInrAao of 454 over 1882 ; utixitber niiie . 'f rautroaci traveled by clerk , 811 18O.4JO , nIL increase of 10.480,99 lllltnInxr ( f ) ieCCs cii ixucill tixattor liau.dle , 3,08L,8i,280 ; , IIII increase of 1.t2l,9 ) over tb year. The Rupezil tetideii ziks xxii lllClCtSO or $ Jl8,000 the npiiruprhttixxn for r.tilcay post clurkb HtItI 50flOO increase for 1)1,51 , cars. I I e x ( ellIlIlUliIls that the l'oaxt xnn ten Ociteral ho authorized to pic' ti WIdUxY or guxardinti of iiiitic'r oltililteit nixilxay liatal clerks lilld , in thu servi a stun equal to ( xlii ) yeaxr'x saliry of iun 111111 lieltI xxt tlio tills ) Of ( bath aiitl grant. ix leave of itbarnico with i'y eloika injured uI rxulr.axd ncciduiits titil recovery , not tuxcecuing one ) 'l cur. concluatun the report saya : All ti Northern Paciflc inliroad ici now cox plutud snub clinoge amy be inatle in ti syatull ) of forwarding Pioiliu Coast intuit ltE UENEItAL TIIANSFr.n. There will ho no ceremony zuttuiulii thu trat afur of the cotullIatlal of the turn froiii Geiteun ! Sliouinnit to Lietiteiia Oein'raxl Sheridan. Saturday Inotilill l'wo short onions will ho issued , one 1 Geiiurat Sherlilall upon rulinqcxhchui conniutad , and nixo by Guijerail Situriti : 111)1111 aatliiiiitg CllllIltUIld. Goiioratl Slit Illali Will ixot leave at. ulico for St. L'.u ' . bat will renixtili hero p obably auvux days loOking after llrivattu ixituttura. TIlS I'ATENT OFk'lClI. lion. E. M. Marble , Commissioner Patoitta , TlIt hike formimati lt'aivo of I ciftico , and lila atlceastir , Uon lIen l3utt worth , itsaumimes charge f the ollico on t first of thu month. how 0001) 0) ' lion. Joluti C. New , after an extend interview with Prexcident Arthur , has cunideod his dutenuimixuation to rvsi aud will Lcmtuuifl tim pusitioxi of Assista ucrutary of time Treasury. TiIc UMAi. ESrATS rooi. A jury was obtained this afternoon the ruit. of Ilalhett Kilbuunimu us. Jun. 'I'txoiupsnn , cx of t [ louse of ltupreszraxtiv.s , and Tott ulenoL the case for the plaiutitf. ( Joyltu followed Tt.tten for tite dofeui aiid 1ilbournu was thou called to t staxiti. He gave tin auouunt of his arr atid inpriaoiiintant and said his real tat buiiiss , which was l1rsporl1us , was su ntaxttialhy ruined by his contmuetnent , I credit was destroyed , uxiad he wac fore to sell xxt a sacnitice. Vitiics5 said 1 books , which 1usd been deintuided by t ii ivestigattioii comixtimittee , uviaro in cool "I don't object , " lie observed , "to iii milan , wotnan or child , w1tc has uxily iutt cast iii timeimi , looking at themn. " T cross.exaixmimiauti.n . of uvitlixiss was po potted until to morrow. 'rilE tADLNET MSETINO to day was attended by all mnenibors c ce1.t . Secretary Frehiimghmi.yseu. . It is xl derat.od evei1 ilulp ( rtJtult questin peiiciwg in diiYerent dcpartmneuixs wx tinahly disposed of. Ommu of the nmtt considered uyas t1it advisability . , f ordc ing ciiUrts ( If ili(1lliry ( to iutcstigatu t comdict of O'iimmiiatider ' Villes , amid Lc tenant ( tirliiton in the recent 0 reel rehirf xicudlmomt It is bulkvtad tixo i quest of these two ffl ens for an nives gation will ho coiii1ilied with. TilE CIIINESU IN 3LAVAII. In the disatdi to the State Depa maclit , itulhiti tI. Doggett , U. S. Mitilal resident at [ lonolulu , reports a ineeti ( If thu tltuwaiian CihixiuL on thtit dat Time resolution of April 9th , 1883 , p testing zugaimiaL further iutuligr.Ltiulx Chinese itmalim laborers in Ilitwail island was rescinded , and a reatilimti adopted iiisteatd , authorizing ialmnigraxti thither of such laborers tinder cert.uitm stnicticois at a raxto n.t . , to execed 600 ally three flllflthiB' The reason of change is uxdcrutood to be owing to m great imilial er of Chinese laborers w annuihly rI turn to China at the expi tiun of their comitnucts. Ifomno 111110 Ii. Canama. Toiuosio , October 30A special ca to TIm Globe BtuB Tue Cnnteiup'crary ' I view for November contains tutu auticlu time ? clarquis of Lorne , late ( ovcrt General Of thu Doimmimuion , eiititlud 'C adiati Home Rule. " It was written comphiamice with a request to furim notes tsugestivo of atepi that tixiglit taken to give to lionie rule Irelatid or provide ixiforniation lwar the future of Australia. The Nniq of Lorite dieusua the chief featurta tixit federal govcrmmnient of CaLIII indicates tim individual rights moser to the dilFuremit lIrvilIces , and dwells iaecialiy on the danger which ntuxmt lxi should one iiiemmmber of tIme confudurat become striatig enough to oppose the of the central g.iverntnoimt. Tlm.Marqnis declaresthat , should provincial feeling duveloj > stronger ti the fuel rig of loyalty to the g nural g erninoiit. the Ajmniricain civil war nitty . repeated in Ctiatdat. , 'VIie equality stremigth among the various muenibers I the coifvdunattiin would bo the I . .iuaranteu mugixitiat this. Thu cc.iiclux . I drawn is that thu exlerielIce of Ammmori I States shiowit that while purely local xi I toni maybe left to the control of mciii semnbhies , it is alL.inmportxxiut that I should be orgitixizud in a atremigth as to he 151)10 to firtui a m leading to a conflict with the rest of a country. _ _ A. 1P1II lucil Coi.splrney. LOUISVILLII , Otober 30.-Mnj. S. Crumii'iatigh. ' Collector of Inturputil itt Imue of the Second district of JC1.t ec I hits l > eti cix trial f.r lix this U. 8 , et I . for ilmrue dix a , charged uvitli usimug his tic'ial exiculciocs fIle lrivcto ) Cot fl B. I deuce. To.tltty lie uy.ts fctumol hut gu by tim jury. 'Eixo immlictiiiummta giuw I f e11tts tif curtain lflt1104 1(1 Ix . . Cnn nibaughi ci isinissed in order thixit t I ought secure his jIaeu. A hixriu nub I of soiled ihitkitl linen hmts : hi en I Iaye4 iii time trial. 'l'bo cum'r.mnt. opin I is that thenm hits been it coimapir I against Cruombatigix. Moat of lila b respc'nclemmca reati in the case related I his e1rrts to secmlra the positinim of . rotary of thu Navy nail created mit r ainu'euietxt , when 1)Iihhishte(1 , 'fhini I acquitted of thut , charge by it jury , On 3 imaugh has to imiulergo tile orciexil of b investigation by the Lmxteriiaxl Rove : 1 department. TImis has been hiaxd , hut 1 rUlHrt and decision of Cciicixjiissh Fvana is withheld , awaiting lie resul r im tIaa trial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Gooti cmlit toe us N..w lintel. . OmucAuo , October 80.-Mr. Stone , S The Tr.suxcnipt staiitlstiiti fhh.mwiiig . : I . nix , October 30Txe ( Natinnisi ill t built at a cost of 25O,00i ) and 1uils . at a cost. of $75,081) ) , was forumahly (11)0 with a grand batnqiict and bath this - ning Oommgrmssiinn s'lectVorthh.x . unadu the acl.iros'c caf wcmlecimo , with Ix , responded tO by ( 'oh. Itivcrs , cf New . 1atia , one 1)1 thi.t Iee * , 'rIta louise been leased to Rivera McGrath I term of ii ; ers , at an average annut rental of $3,000. It is hivxntlsoxnoly Lu nisbed thiroughouL Day Brothers Cc ( If this city furnished tim carpets and iii Imolatcaitig. Three Mcix 8ttrnicacl. PITTSUUIU1 , October 30.-At Keifor Stiofol's taiitier' , in thxo . lftrt I Ailei'hiany , this morning , two nuen sacr flood their lives in nu nnsiccossftil a teIUIit to save their fellow workituxu , Thi fitmit hiatt been digtiug a well to ho use as a 'Mt , and this morning Obrist Dieksxi xu.mis Uiiil)1113'Cl to go ( IOWII atiti measure tl the1th , tf thin water , whimi lie wau iVe : comb by foul air , Fenlinruni Schrodc atid Cliarley Schultz , who worn woridmi hear hiliuu Ixeord his cries and tlcaceiidec niitl uvuro in turn stlhl'oCAtL'd , COIBYUPTHE STUMP. Thu Bcatricg Brir Mmils ai Gthiie 111 lhc T va S1t6 StcaI1 But Remains Silent as a Tom on His Moral Dolin quinoics. Special 1)lsprutdx to Tiui Ilaix. Auiiuixs , Nub. , October 30.-L , % Colby addressed a ainiull nized nudioxi hero to.iiighit in his own behalf. lb ci itotiixci'tl the custom which provoui judi hut caiididates from hiking tue attitit xiid said the beat inaxu was lie who snug time chico , Confessing time Beatrice tot' situ steal , 1w satiti his titistalco as biting off moro than lie could chew ; thu if lie had thken twenty Iota ixisteixci two huiidred iso u ouhihavo taken the ha g igo. Notdaringtoattemnptanoxplanatit of the serious charges against his pt sonal and iuioral character , ho closed wi it xeiiural tluiiuiioiiutuiit of all who 01)1)0 him. Thu iiteutiug will make Brow iilaxiy votes. CoIby' Mfll 8OWM at Work. Spedal Distimtchi to Tutu Bgs. 13nowzvxr.La , Nub. , Octobsr 80-TI Aubtxrn dispatch of ioiulay , the 29t tI ) 'rime Republican , concerning limo po 1)10's conveiitiiii Stid Mr. Broady , w fdse in every respect. Such inud.slin jug at llroady is increasing his xnxxjori daily , mmd phinly show Colby's deapern condition. Colby's dispatchers dare a givIl tlseir names. A. R. DAvIDSoN , C. F. STnwAiu ; I Gao. B. Moona. ( .3RIMINAIA tttCORD. SWiNILINO flitOKEitat INDICTlU. ChIcAno , October 30.-Thu Fedem Grand .hxry' to.dxuy returned iiidi'atineii aittitit Frcxik ( L Loriiig and JIIIIL Flex iniiig , Wilt ) SF0 8l.l)11050d [ to have bec I laO priiiciptls of the .inmn of Fluxxixning Mertuitin , which gaixied such noteric wlieit it cullaioed 0111) year ago. The i diet Ilicilts allege that the tirxn pret4iid tI I III , II brokeiaugu business on the Chic g x Board of Tratdebut were really appr I1(1tt1i16' to their own use the nwuuy jersm11s cojitributing to a tictitious fiti cilled by tlioiii ' 'illuttlal cn.opurati tumid. Lsning and \Villiam W. Miller liiu also been indicted for carryixig on ix sill 'ilat' busiixess ; amid Chancy Buuinc iiiid Win. Jf ROltZIflitml rgainst win IIle charges are pieforred. rENSIo : LWyitix A1UtESTaD. BosToN , October 30.-C. A. bit lawyer , uvits arrested on a charge of v latitig the pension laws. Ho liES giv $5,000 baxi. CAiti'ENTBIt'S DUOGY ANALYZaD. Cnicxao , October 20.-The chem engaged by tim coroner of Logan coon to auxuhize tIm stains .n the butgy , wi Sill hues owned by Orriix A. Carpout nt Lincoln , 11(1W under arrest in thu Z lhuriis murder ease , completed thu clue ical and unechaiuicu.1 tests this oveiii and reports that he thuds no traces olood. The Ilatt'.uiat Car Cutnpzsny. ChICAGo , October 30-Thu Incorpo tinit of the Chicatgo Hansom Car caoinpa was aflhiOUiioeL one week ago , niud. I tatoixient is ixow mfliU.l0 th.ut. tifty of I vehxiohas , patterned very closely af those in uu in [ jOfldflhi , wilt be 1)laced the streets cf tixis city by the first of J tinny amid fifty additional one shot tufter. Stock iii time couxipany has bc tixkun by railway tflhihtla , and local ca titlists snuto that the Lcuidou , system , imeirly as posiiblo , will be followed. , which the CIlflptullY owns vehicles , lion lIO , ittid bikes outiro charge of the ou aimul the cabmuen thin comnpahly a run I 1Y the day. Tixu charges will be I edits a mile or 75 centat an hour. Tixultiltect ( hr au , , Peitce. SIxtuNarLEw , Ill. , October 30.-H : Cyrus \V. Vatmiderun , of Chiathain , I : county , while attending a publio halo this city , suddenly full froixi a fence a which ixu was sitting and died instant lPresixmlmaI)1y fruits organic disease of heart. lie was an old citizen of I couiity and a man of wealth , and I ! held a jiutimbor of public positions chutlitig that cIf StaIn Senator , to wL I ho was elected. 1)c'chis.s I lie NOlilIIfttlli1 , BUYFALO , N. Y. , October 30-Tit : thy J. Mmxlioiier , tiio present city cot troiher , anti n'nomuinntod by both . I'.l''riiixmg ' and Scovillo divisions , huts . chimed time ncuamiixtuticin. lie is roior aM saying ho had covered uji time duhicii 5,000 and COuld not remiixxin on ! ticket. His frieuids cixdmn ho Is labor uxider texmlpmrary abernatloim of time xixu superiimduccd by severe illness souxieti ago. JInx resigmiatirum _ will _ hat accepted /4J ; hum. ' Itijig. Oimicaoo , October 30.-A TUclumi P ajiocial says , nmx itilleramit imtIIli ( von . sold mx ring with Zcra , liurims' ilaimme I graved ( Ill it , last Friday , together ut . Bomb other relics , Tint inhmahitanti I this Philco are greatly mystified as to I I the 101111 caine by it. mind it is not m . kxmns xi where ho is. Tubs may give I ti ) time tistiilmhishiiittuit of the theory I Zonit Burns was imnmnclereI ( for what 3 u ibles she had about her at tlao I r time crime was coimnnfttcd. f _ _ OilS I aw.'y nit I ho Mt age. .JACK.SVILLS , OmLober80.-1'he Jc .Jamxmee cunmpamxy tugxlurul M I Lyons a fee. It beimig rofued , they I . culuti their ollxpugumncimxt h.rct , mit Aui , and Streator , III. A ( lalnagu suit I threatened a'.aitxtfPii , city. . i I Iysu $ 1' .IltIeImsxu , It SrItINCIVitD , Ill. , Oet..hiur 30.- 1 Homi. Ja sh Uunu , who is wcw xitmisnl , . years iif age amol a lmid.inio cimarmuite 5 Ihlimmois lLelIIlbhican Ilohitics. lies dxtmi Is ously ill at lila residence in tIui city. THE OLD WORLD. The Frdlleh 1inistiy ( Bccie to llnn Rthforcemcnts an Mnuutolls ! ofYr \ to Tonill. Fourteen ThousauI Ohiuamc Oross the Frontier , Anxious for the Pray. A 511000551011 of Dostuotivo E : plosions in the Underground Railroads of London , Two TraluB LtacLly reuked antI 1)n ens ( If L'ex'atixm3 lixJuu'd-Thn I'uxilnmai Ux'etiItetL .Vlt It tIme Job. GINFItATa loIti'IIN NEWH. pititsexu 1'luuI'AILATIONH. PAInS , October 80.-it is stated tim thu 1irexmehm gut'utitlimoilt , iii view tmf ti warlike attitude of tiluima , will aak ti Clmninbex' UtillUticat Icr a miituchm lang credit. for time .ixlOiusus of thu uximetlitic to [ 'uiiqtiiil tltatit was onigitixilly liittiiitle Ett.iu tihiould Chum omIt ) ' rutilitilk elm .i tiufunsive , larger reinforcomneuts of moo uvmll be rt tjmiit otl at 'I'umiquimu. 'l'huu go urilimmuilt ( toes mint uxiltitit defeat ut tl Chiimmbur nit its 'l'oimquum policy. 'I'liu 1igxro 1)UbliSIteS tullorts that ti Cilvurnue of tIme Ohiimsu 'v1m1co tcf Ym N.iii , with 14,000 tnmojcs , Juts rceeiv orders to enter roitt1tiixi amid occupy C.r haiuig , 140 imillea mmurtlu of lliumoi , ti Fruimclm kmuiuhtjiiairtvia. lxx tIm Chamber of Deputies to.di Grommet , ( Extremitu Left ) , intenpolated ti tiou'itrmmliteiit oil 1(41 ( policy in 'i'utmqui ituitl requested an uxplmuiiutiomm of this jeetci sutiglmt to be obtained mutxd ii Immuans of con.400tilmg tli..i expedxtioxi tliiit country. ( Ironut 1lOtlittd out wli were the xxipareiit. cumatnaidictiuns extatit Ill tlmu iimfuxniaitioit iurmuittli.d by the ( ho erimilluuut and Unit. by Claim. N. Chu.mlkinul Lscour re1diod tim China had imovor reeogxmmzed the flour ti'eitty and ito uxiderstaixdxug butwe Fraiicu amid Chmna laud beumi eIlact thiereuxi. it was ovidtmmit Ldmixma sommglit. oxiel the French ( rout 'L'uaquiii. TI iilmimiese at length decided to fomumulato PrnhmsLIl 'mm ' demumaimdxiig time nocogilitxoxm their suzerainty and thu uvac mattoil itlaces occupied by thu Freiielm , bimt d hot. attummulit tO diacuta the right cwmterr ( In Fraxico by lien treaties with Aiim They simply igit'rcd these rights ai declared ruimquimm to be tli.uir proper amid dumimaxidud that the Freimclm aluuu retire , proniisxlig to conoedu to Fraixcu IxIIltiOil sxxxmmhxr to tlmaut which ohio in . .ccupies lit cortaiit portions of Olmimi France sent is rolily , statmuig what a considered the IloSsItliC baus of aim agmu mimejit. Time Labilmut , ho said. still cu sidmared tlxt Biuu cc treaty inadaisib ] but time coxuxtixunumn of time micuttal zo bttwecim I'oiiquui mmd Chum would cuemi a ultuatiou iuiu'cmmctageous to Fniuieu. suixi tiI , Cliimmax emimmiuudd a time state of timings wimielx existed juiur time year 1t78. Friiimoo duchatmed a must Plos000tO tiramly amid rapid tIn , work tulxeady far advanced. Evei l1itl fur tliemituilves. Purhma1is time ta uvill coimme vhmumi China will be happy timid us still icidy to exanminu attain immeuta uiii1itmhl with Ftano&s iiituxt timid honor. Framucu mmuven departed frt thu jiatim of tirnmmeas , amid. mxxitkr.itit Time force of cimeummistatices retidered I rojreseiit.attvu uf mill Euiopu iii thu en M Otmaulleiel Lxcur concluded b clarmg that cicaumbur hued to exjintmss cm tideimee , hot Iii die ( io'OrUliiClIt , but. iii stif , for , ix Ided he , the iaoiiey of time c. immet 1ma bueii uimdozaed by the legistatu After M. C1muilummcl Lacour'a addre M. Purnium spoke. Ho reimroacixud I ( Iovenmcmiiemut fur ; 'ot Ixtivimig fulfilled maid characterized time 'l'ommqi aifluir as a macre adventure. Fruimchxmm he ixaid , wore nut afraid of war w Chum , but the Im000ssity therufor mn first be simowim. lie thought it better polietmatu China by trade thuuimu by arm Twemuty timousatud macmm were required Tonquimm , and it would be irxmprudummt sljam.t , 110 maimy Fruxmelmmxmexm in time vres situation of aIl'mmra lxx Eurolo. Tatititi Flu ExPLOalON. LoNDoN , October 31.-At 8 o'ch last evening a terrible explosion occur xmear Proud street umidurgroummd station time Motroiiohitaxi railway. On the Ii alarm a strong cordon of police w aummmmmmommed to Ireaurvo oideu and Ic time way clear amid convoy the wouma LICOhJ1C to liUslitals , Passengers ott train at. time sceuio of tIme explosion there was suddenly mm loud report Ilk caummoim , timoim sudden darkimuss , gas lighmts froixm front to rear the train beiimg IUt out. G broken and splinters of wood flow tub time cars , cutting and woummdiiig in : Above time din was ito the shrieks of injured amid panic.stnic I 1)001,10. All this .ccurred in a morn axmd for a while corifuaioxm reigned promo. Time trait , , wlmich was crowd contained princiPally country visitors turning from time tishuzie oxhxibiti I Alter luavimmg tin' atatioxm tIme trallm ti I olud steadily ahieatd , almlmough the con sloim axnasimed nemirly mmli time limamps 1mm t'nmxud street station with citised dcumiiag jionimmaimunt wimy. SVlmon the tratixi re ud thu next ataiion , Edgugr.tve , the I OfflIrt. Wits mxiado to ratxmo time wound . Souiu wore ci ondfuily buncied but mm : . wui.o Imrostr.Ite with fright. All doct I surgeons aimd dispuiiiaaxies 1mm thom mmci . bonimood were called into roqmnsiuim. first immmiresssni was that 1111 OXlJlOeii ) gascaused thu diccusterbut later immqimi I tumid to show timat it was iiimxl Time two rear carriages weme dante must 'l'imey are Inure .cKUletAims. Aimol I 1110(11) ( ' 18 that time eXtliliQll 18 Cat by fiami gas accuimiuhatiog in the txmn 'i'hmu gumierul opinion of railway ollicixul I thmxtt time disaster was caused by annie . plosive nmatenial wimicim hind bocim llaxc . time rwmrniost cuumnimutu. About forty i stIlls wore ixmuntd , soamu dangerously. Almost. with this ii another explosicin ocuurred in time un grouimd ramiway bet.vtun Olmaning C . \Vtistmimiiiater Stutloim. At ( Jima Cross time giusa of the station colhap Tue effuct were similar to II ( If thu Primed street exploixiorm , 3 though buIlt of these oxplos are Thattera ( If time greatest mystery , I are geiiurmmhly tlmoiighit to have beemi femmisim eriglim. Time hiick of both r p31)51mm. , as described by olhicitila , . very siimilar , to tlw expiomixi at time I Ft govcrnmiient boanil oflicra March last B wimich ir O.milugiiur was lixililicated. ill slatted timid fcsur imiachities amulet rockets utoru fimumid ixm a tuiimmul i t'ncted s'reet station , AItlmL 0 1111 carnjaus were shmattoretl by II eXhIimsiItI itear I'raed street , xultin 'I ' ittiut 4 ( ) jrnus Were aimuitted ti . hospitaI , imiiiuy more were injured wore auntdireetly to their imomne. , - - - - - - - - Thin Times sya : Siuuco the dissatmu : tivonta at the local govornxnont board Ii litanch last , mmthmlng hurts occurred so cal culatoti to excite Public alarm as time cx P105'mOtis ( ui last imiglit. It s evident tin necurreuico was ant. nit ncckieumt. Tin cxllosivos were of thmo most poonfui ima turn. Smmspciout ! i .iuuts in otto direettom emily , It. is hopeti time authors wil speetlihy ho brotigimt. to justice. ur.Avy rAll.Uium IN T1IM COTTON Tit.tIIii Liviutroot , October 80-A large failure uro 'mmu time cottoim trade 'ma reported. 1.iiu biiith3s mIre extemisivo , Mcuumy cottol brokers tutu involved. OIlmen failtmrea ar regal dud iuuov'mtitble. Icathitigs in future omm time cnttt)1l exehumumigo are at a stalmi still ion ! tic , hitislimmias humus leeuu trctxisactt.'i 511100 tIm fixiltiro tvaxs niuunutmcexl. Livumu oox. , Oetober 80.-The cottoi house Mi5Iuullcl ) ma tlmat of amlnrria Itati ger. It wits foi imiidly nuuuinuimeed to tim imrosklemmt of tltci Liverpool cottomm tussoci atlim timtut it wits tumble to imuret , demiiaumd unit , tmrei nimd hiatti stitteiitlott l1tYtmieuml : Linlihities , , 800,000. 'l'lmo failure cause mimnelm tuxeituimietit. LoN October 80.-A Liverpool mlii Patelm 543.5 1mrnis ltiuuigor'a failure wit IIrtluiY bring dowum a citizen ( It liter lAverpool fitlitS. 'l'tmis is iInItm.tIly oxag gtnxttetl it tt. said New ' , rk will LI ntI'o.ted to time extt'mmt of 100,000 utter iiig. 1mm time inmiauutiummo cuttout bimsimies ms entirely Btmsuemillel. Id ureliaxits atmu brokers are awaitimlg , Ieveiniimielmta. l'xtoxeTIoN IN Eit1LANL ) . LoNDON , Otutobur 80.-At time comifer once tmf the fair trade loauo time ilmilmosi tiuut Of a umoderato imumort iliny on for eiglm wlmunt iii cIrcler to tIncixmrago tim trade of thu British colonies , was advo iaitcd. TIlE orruNam TO ALYONSO , fA1)ttil ) , ( ) ctotier 80-The ealinct. , ha agreed nit is llillolmulmtio imotu wimicit wil ummtl time ellutrovers ) ' nrisiimg frcmiu tue uim favorable r000iltion of Kimig Alfoumso ii time streets of [ 'uris , Ob1t51AN AII ) 'ftU881AX b'AItLIAtIIINT , liIcmu.IN , October 30.-Time l'ruaniati Dmet muiecta tIme 20t1m of Nnvcimimber , itum the honimmium l'cmrliaxmmmeimt. time 15lm of Jaii tmitry. 'rho fouimtlatiomi stone of time nut l'ixniiammmummt. buildimmg tymit be laid Jatmuitr , 18th. ANOTIIixE ExPitITION. Butusamutuc , October 80.-A now oxpc dition of v'ighit 1mursem , mumd iimclnxlimm ' three olilcura ( if thu Swetl'mshm army leave Liverpool Novtmmtber 15th for thu Lpjmv Coimgo country. tit IIENIIY JAMES III'IAKI , LoNtionOctobor8O.-Sir flenryJamnes Attonimey Gimmieral , addressed it ixurgo Liii oral denmomistration at Dumummiries last. eve ning. lie deimiexi timtut Umtru , hiatt b.uoi nuiy extravagatit uxpoumditure xmimIcr tim Liberal adimmimmistration of time govern imiuiut , lie autid whmile the list of Cummsui VatiVo ittltiuiimistritt'ioim had silent aim avet migu of eighmty.four iimiliion lt1tit15 yutrh : their predecessors iii otilcu , liberals , lix ( lilly averaged auvoumty-four nm'tlhi.mima year. Thu mimecting Plthsel mu vote of cmi I'mdoimco iii time guvenmimmmetmt. A. resoitmtio Ivits passed urging time imi'mim'msterut to domi early iii time utossiolm of Pimnhiuxuimemut wit time frammcimisu ( lutittiull. aoMm Moiti : ITDAMITmI. FIxANEF0ILT or TIlE M.&un , October 81 -.A clutumtity of dyimaunito wxx't mimixliciuusl t'XlIlOltil in time oth'meo of time cimiuf of P lien Inst eveumilig. Time bmiilthiimg wa bimtlly dixxnnged , but mint umiumy oii'moia weru ill it at titu timmio. Noun wuro im jurud. UNITE ! ) YOu. I'1ACS. The Nortim ( lenmimaim Gazette detuica Ii existence of aggressive alliance and d chitres tim Louyers himxve only ummitmad to xi cure peace. BIuIILIK , October 80.-The Emperor gret.Uy shocked at time disorders ut Oltie : berg , CutUeCl , its alleged , by time umxmpop lamnity ( If coxumimaxidors. Timoroughm imiqu rica lmiiv becim ordered. INTEILNATIONAL LAUO1t CONFIiltINCS. PAImIS , Otatohor 30.-la thin imutenmi ticamat labor coimferoziec a great diversi : of opmioim lIrovitila axnoimg thu delegate Fimu aUlIjoot of intornxtiunal legisuxttit was rosumimed , but time discuasioxm di.geimu muted imito generxtlities. i'hme Froxmclt dcl gates agaimm urged atnte iumtorvmantioum fi workimmgniemm. bury liroumdumerttt , imoini any president of time confercumcc , deinaim ed cIxuiPiCtO liberty ( If action and an lIresejuIm of coercive coalitions. be a gued that complete harmony existed Emmgland betwcexi the workiimg atimd d1o classes. liti advocated legisi tiomi wily for time lmrotectioii wounemi aimd cimildreu , and repuliat violence. liroadhurat. added timat t Ermgiisii cabixiut. miiiimisters sujimimrttid , t : trxmdus tuumiouis iiTi ( aild lie emily itmgrittt I Limxit Fniuumcu was not aimnilitnly sitimixte In time evening aim Exmgl'msimminxmi naum Iiatnimutt addressed time mumectimig. 1 dwelt oil time bummofit of trades minion. I expected imo iiimuxuxdmtu resxmit from t. prosommt conference but lie timougimt I WOUld lO a future basis of interimatini : I trades UimiIli. 'JIbe govermixmiuumt ho ani I sought win' while tue wurkixig veI wished peace , uhmion amid mrogrc55. I speoclm uvatg heartily aplimU(1Od ( ' [ 'ho d I ogmutes made speoclmes advocating a pi grcsriivo I ) .licy. All HOitils 1(1 II. ' Slaiiglitcreil. OtTAwA , October $0-Anotimtmr case . scab havimig appeared in time mIhlC'p ( Moimtreal for almijiutient tIn , dejartimueumt . agriculture hate ordered thi zmm immu . tered. 'I'lmiut imlali will be followed imm touch cases its it Is necessary to JtovOmul Osniuda from being scheduled by Bug land , Tiun CimIv'm' C.hItti. CnmvAnn , October 80TIme sttufionnr niumi pniiitiitg hmtiao or Culver , I'ixgu lloymto & Co. , opemiel to.dny in chmarg of .iiimim ? clorris , as uttuccoumsor , Thu. 1)im'uixiillg nwni'.i niul nccxupmn I by tint tint urns transferred to tiny for $ J0)00 , ( ) t 'loltim ii. Stmthxvortli , , ( If time Matitchiti sets iiaiur itmamumfactory , to whmomit It. ii tmmmdorstootl time tirimu is liitiolmted. 'Titt ( lattice m4mory. AusTiN , Tex , ( lctcmlier 30.-Nothiwitlm st au (1 I uig rnpt'ntt'd I iiitti ri' , tmntiii I I t. Inn timer mis receIved rc.giixmlimig tint uliniutiuil . I (100 luegnes iim M ihaxut mm ummty. I'cster ii ty'stlisi'itc1m froimu a jfltiCo of time imoxot at. flltiiZCO , which impelled ( lou'oniior I re latixi to telegraph mxii vcitiiutcer imillitix cImuimpaumies ill tutu State tm 10)1(1 ) ( tiitlufl selves lit rentittiess , is iniw btmhioveti to hi tutu result of fear of tint wujti'at ) , occa M'iOult'l h' 5(1100 ( uuicotingutnf cimloreci ; wnimh called to clisctmut' . thin reciiimt civil ilgimi tlocisioit of thin Stmpreiuie Court. ijbOk ( ) mm I ( II I. ( ilIlV.'nt ( her. MNTItnAL , October 80.-Vonuier an uiouumccut time firutt ciii't ' suiiqm for time 8th 4th aimml ( lilt ( If NnVeixtler. TAKING TUMBLES. oris of rios cicnts Enacic JIOlltthy Aflerlloon , Amt Overt urxlCt I Imiek , , a 'I'emttmm in Clsteriu aummil an Iloamtoe ( .3niishi. Accidents were nutnarous Moxudn afternoon , of various descriptioimu One occtmrred to a imuck returimiimg from ( lie ftiimor.ul of lilt. Ncudimziiim at PrIlapec ilill celunitory. It coumlaimmeti itleasru Fred 1lthmwick , J. M. Netthmger , an Misses Ingersoll , Aditins and Dulati Time driver , iii attuammptummg tI ) turim a cci imer too shmartlly , j'dted thu corrhmge imimil was Pitcimeti imiatni flIreniost from hi ae Time hmirsee iumitxmedixtely started cmi a wild dmumn.m down time bill. Mr. LJ..Lhm wick uiiatmmiigtitl to open thu minor of tim immuk antI tyaxa Ilitchuci out. but grsm.xpe time rufus jnst as tlmt' veimiclu was ovt'm burned , pitching out [ r. Nottimmger mutt timrciwimmg al time Occumaxmts imm mu heap 0 : 'limo ' side of time limick. It was totally de tuolixthmint sumd everybody jim it receive CilmttmsUmmta immoro or less etxnious , but i would inive ilti'im worse Imad not th imorses beuxm Imelti. A 1101,0 iLYIitit. A boy iiitiiic.l . Ltdex' juimipeti into grocer's wagoim the anion afternoon mmcii the corner of Thirtuuumtlm timid Dodge , am , flIt Boimmu uumkimiwim reaxnm drove liver t 0 vacuimt lot on tim cormuer where was it , cltl cistern covered witlm boards. TI horse tvulmt thrommgit imitim the ematmirim umui dragged time wagoim anti boy cit If' ; ) I hmimn. 'I1hutx boy was baxity hurt about ti haul1 , 'l'hmo iii ( tIC wmts e tnicitttl fm hi iii U lijIiUtmtil I. , rcuhictiuiummt by dm11110 WI Cmmimu : till , who dug ix treimihm amid tutu lx time aimimiuixi out. AN mLx.vAron : ACCIIuIcr. About 4 o'clock in the , iftcrxmo.'n ct.timxhuiy ax.imtu ho utoimof It. S. Vium Tiumiziui , Clmuyeuiumu. tvita cIiiyuiig iii tIme bmgtzix ronimm iii time baucomxieutt II the IStillam xl Ii tel , lie nih ilittI time baggtgo .itevntor imunmiment , wiiicim ma hiciow aumtl attached tIme passenger cab , uuid winoi time elevat' ' Kuiltltomhy ( xit.atmtetl to mtscentl Ito muttmmiptl tl jUimlI ( lOt. [ Ill % vux MIlL quick elm.Iti [ ' huwuver , mmml wan catuimt between ii coilliug amid the floor of tuuo ear , b m.cmeammiud aim llUiCltiY iflid loudly tlmmxt ti eluvxutilr boy , wit Im coiiimiieiidtiblti ( If muiuitl , iustxtumtiy jmellud the cord ip toiimutl ) limo asetilit. If it hmimd goumo : iuieim hmigimer time poor lad Wilt ) was cinigi below WIUIi ( inivo imuttim killed. As was , lie is aeriommsly injured about the a doumuon. AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES The 1)rillhnlt ) , fasciiintlii ° " tiiits ofCoinplexlon 11r w1i1ci Indies sti'ivo are cizielly tirti- lichil , aiul t1I 'who s'il1 take the troulJlo may secure theiti. ¶ flzcso roscato , bowitchiiit Jiut' follow the use of11naii's Mignolla : Iialni-a delicAte , JiarnIless and always reliable tii'ticlo. oId by all druggists. The 1lagIlolIa lialiii Coil- ceal cycry blemish , removes Sallowiiess , Tan , Itednoss Eruptloiis , all ovidonecs oI . excitement and every linpor- J'cctloii. its ofFecth arc Immediate anti so iintui'al that no human r being can detcet Its ULPUC1 r tlOfl. i _ _ WELL STOCKED TO START. Allother Mniimilh Ra11roa flrallizin Cailforilla an Oo1erao , The Great Expeoations of the Managers Mapped Out With the Route , 'rime ICings ( II' ( tin flycmnintiti Vainly Hruggllmug 'ithm u Qimefit Ion or louizlmioxi. ltitIIaltOt ) tITrELtS. P.LECTION 01' IMI1ECTOItS. INDxAt Ai'tLiIl , Octollur 80Time stock- imidmicu xi' xmmtautmmmg ( If time Ciiicimmmuxti , In. ( iitllitlIiIiLfi , St. 1IUis .S Chicimgo r.milivimy , tIm this city , ulueted ( icuigmi Iluati. Icy , ( bongo \Vmhkuhiirc , S.tummuel Broad- myoll , lit. B. Itigiuhlic , 13. F. Ex'nums1 Laa Aumxiuiscti , 0 , 't % ' . IVest , George 1lisn. 0. I , . lltmimtimigtnii , r it Catmlu. Timoimiuui A. chmm nis , 'I'ImtIixlitS 11. Siiaiiu ituil Jauilell S. Paty , directors. 'l'luu oumiy chmatmgo iii Fmty lit jilimee ot lovorcaumx. Mr. imigahls was m'j.tilucteml pmcsithuimt. . run eALxromxN1A m'oot. Ciuc.tcum. ictober 30.---'I'lmu joint circu- hair by time Ctiloriiix ( 1,0(11 Iiiiv , which , it. appears , wimut mint heretofore IllibhisImed , icuolmuti this iixy by mmmii to.damy. It is ttittd time 2Otlm inst. , tumid uttlilmessed to mxgoutts of cIxmuxectiilg liimcs mmd to Patties tmildiiig Citimlunimmit iIustmmes eoxmtract.s. It 5113's , ii t'ICtt' ol tint eiimmliiiituit ( If time ctIlllmmmisP.itimut ( If thm Trunk blues associa- t'moim timmmt time Ntttmummimt Diapaxt ii fieigimt. hue is cuttIng thu CahiI..mniax matte , time Oihifirmiiix , 1)0(11 ro.ttts xviii imumcatfterehuairgo thxi iiiu ItIC4i rates bctwuemm Mississippi amid blmummouri river pilimits on Catlifurimia iItiBiiiIiBS , amiti tlmiit time Northern l'ucific imii commctumrutl 1mm this action. ANOTIIEIt MALIM0TIt ItOAD. SA1c FIxANCISCO , Octotler 80.-Articles of mmmcomimorittmlIlI of time Uiimted uittus Con- Intl nimmiromi , 7 10U0tJ0O viiilmtaI. with tini hmcad of time buiuimmes utlicea in tlm'ia city , imaive beumm flied mit Duimver , Coi , 'l'lmma ' n.Ii1t4 will be , said Chief Eu- gimmeer Cotomxut Lymixuu Bridges , to au as- sociateti nopreaeimtatmvt' , time utmost. itillIIi tumimt Ovemmt. to the imwiiciu ( 'f S.xn Fm itumemaco MiiCU time Cciitimti Pscit'io illIttlitti. AHiIiig the pro1umtura arc \Y. Walker , iireamtteumt of time t. Louis t tlmmmm'mhxut ; 1timim StimulI , l iaideimt of tlmo Ut..ilt Cummtiitl ; Riclmaud King , ot the Na- Oulmui ) Batik of UummImmIenmc1 Now Y.rk , J. i. Btimxvuridgu , ox hotunucor of liii- 11(1110 .hiiimim 0. Short , tIresmttuimt of Aimmeri- can Finaxmee comxmp y1 Now Y.rk ; Alu di l'ilciisur , St. Lotus ; B. Ibintlaxil , iiaae CI.IlICr , Deimvem it. 11. lsD.mimuld , liresi- tiutit of l'acitic batik , mtii Fnmimmcuaco , mind. other ) buxiumu.s umiun. itumil 'Littutm5t5 of this city amid the cast. The coumpaumy is a cosii.itt1iitloii . ot tim , imt Fiutmotitco amid. ( ) ummn Shore , Omilifom iiia Utaimimimi , nmmci Duimver , hut. Sprmimgs . I'attiutic Couitimt- mimes. 'I'tmu noitd wmll bo cuf thu xitaxiichtrd. g.mugu mmd ruim fiummm Saumi Faiticumico to Iummver via Santa Crtcz , cmusicuig time .intlmemn l'txciuie mnjtr.ixd mxt. 1tummturmi , tiimuimgii mIme big tmLx S nuid time Yam.emmmite lIver time Sieria tcvicdmem at the head wixtein ( if tue Situ Juztt1uimu river I. , Crys- tILl Smrimigxi , Nevada. Fmnimi tlitimu a bxmmmidi limmo a it ! he built amiuthi to mx jummo- minim ut itim time Atlitmitici ( c 1maciImo in Anizommit. Cnimtiimumimg mviii Ci S .niimgxi thin mmmiii line w mit go to Imomi SIIIilmgxi. Utimli. fromix uximum cm a mccx , cumd. brmumeim of iifty mmilemm will be built to l1il- lord , time sotmtliermm tcmmimmnma of the Ummth Cummtrai , uimahuuig eonmmccxiuims with time Uiuioim P.xcmtme. Fmoimi Miifumd it. ruims in aim easterly dixectitimm via lull's Yxtiley nmmtt ! bmnisoim to Dexiver. 'l'imo niaid ma already ltIcaud ? 800 miles emit fromn Saimm Fnaimcico and 200 uvest fn.cmmi Luuvur , utmid trill wlmun c.Imllpieted. bo time euiUnteat mead over time emisiust. gradus betwoemu time two cities. Should. lie difileulty be eumeoummturtad imm obtaining aim umitrmtlico It ) Sium 1 nimuiciscu , tIme road. will lirovu U forimmidablo comuputitur to the Commtral i'tcific. At time of oil- cons , held timis afturmionim , W. W. Walker. of time St. LOUIS & Ilmmummmhial ioad , was elected 1resideiit ; Jelill Sharp , Suit Lake , amid B ' 1' . Vuila , Deumvur , vice presidetith. Construmitioum will cumimmimenco inmmnedutxtuly. LIIVZtIINO TUE ixI'OZLS. ChIcAGo , October 80.-TIm general pmiaateimger agents uf the. Cuhifonmiimx lines umid timuirumtxiterim coumuiectiumma were 1mm sea- 1101mm imumu till day , on tue quleistinim of pro- Ilortimiui of timruugim rates froimi tue Muss- mbaillJi river to $ mmu Frammcixicu , to be al- htwed tiaclm , nuiti time territory fmuiiimmg I. guti. muuatuhy withmimi the bimsuziemma i amuge of each. Like time tirovillus rmieetimmg at Kimimsas City and Suit Fratmeisci ) it was without ro- smut , nod ito adjoxmrmmmmmummt wmma taken untml fll mumdciy. , ' [ 'lie gemmerutt iiuum.mgurs amid geimoriti freight aguxmta of time miammmu roads imuld mtmeutimidcito'niormoW. _ hiabi , . lint iictl , CuIuAao , October 30.-TIme tlmreo- story amid bazcuumczmt buildmmmg , conimur .of Oldi , and LiSallu atiutmma. barmaid , to- imight. Time basunmemit mmd first fl.ior vaa ( lCctilied uta a livery mmtmtble , time .eetIuu& floor used as a brooumm factory , anti the third us a furniture factory. Emmtiru loss , . $30,000 ; immauriumee , $20,000. Nimmuty ImlIrutep iim time livery stable were saved. .mmu ltd _ _ _ _ lm. . , . . rat From Photo-mlcrocoopic view of I From Photo-microscopic view of ire tl. the Diseased Hair. AOPECI.-Diseascd hair the Honithy HnIr. . .7 rum , 'Flslsmllst'acliriiic.I llyavcuctnbiu pirtlt ; / ) ' ot tunguld vrotv ( ii atid is gciier.iIi y ilivide ' / hit , , u.ut oral'vairintirs. . Soiiictliiiei tim liali ' e 'lie , ; .4 CiIHL5 iIIt In spst. ; uit at itirr tIc iii. , tils ' ( , f case ectciiiIi over tic vis.k , ol thu siiiip , unit ic , , not uuifrciitueuiily ( lie u.k . fIIs oil the cue. i ,7 Ir.iws , vIiiskcira and oilier urn tiogia .I ( the ' ' . /1 ' . CL. , bout' , SiiiiiI , ints I lie ui ri tlm ( t'tliti 10 ' / ' ' / ( cc1 ' ticcinIr ( or a iiiiig tluiL I.cfiirc the iiturc of i' i ( tic tIli.t'as , iii kiciwii ; I.tit . , snuner or liter , It ' ' ' ' men I , iiir.i to .Ietri thu iiailty aflti Cilixu ( lie laailr f ' iCh I : ' ' fail I ait raiphiiy , nuiil In luimny C I pr.tiuc. / ' ' , , the . . f/ : . , ) lug iOIInt'bH III II fctv vcck. Aiioi .rc. ; . mc , Icliniiii ' ' , , iu.iiltory bIiiIimOhi.I . tvIII tii.iIly . , aim . / I IS 4 imciIig iii S'OiI ' the 1131r Iieco'iia - ox. u , , bri.Iiy .ii.I birth iiuitl tills out riliIiy. to ' ' ' 2 t1 : ' . i I..uiiU tarIeti it cnuiis nut In claut.r , i..trlic's , , : ' 1 L ii u ; ' iraving ( lie .calp . hare , nut If the ' mr..pIte is 9 .f , em. . slut .I.trovciI ill 6)11Cc , vxtcuicI ocr the whole , , . , , , . uf xi. I ? I. ; ( I. A i.y . I by this tilicaise can .d / . " 1' , , .eiiI ii it cV Ii III 1 ( or c'maiiinmUuii , , icd wc ' mir , . . til I uvimi eitl , a pr.rJpII.i't frcrtn beuscit in con I. , Len ' iii'ctlui , with ItKN1tu's I lAmit GicouvEa. lics /i / t' c milJ'ii Iiiir ( ; rmiv.r i'i ' a ei'rtalsi pcciflc fr . , , iSM ) - 1).iiitln , fl I'tl I ii ig I lair , Itriting 'if , ra.i , , atiti izmg h.rcon.ttiitIyrciivtI % ijxin. No I.Iy shnuli ( ill tI I.L , i the ( rvI'r nit her .trvbxlng iubit , and emit ii mit plme of soy oilier dressing. A fc tO , IliCatIUIiI niay vliI teilrvu tini t ca.cut IiciiIi. . , u1 tin , l.cjIci ; % hietJ viitlrtIy b.ii.t , or tl.ocm only i1.irtIaiIy so. 050 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'In BENTO'S HAIR CROWER - - - - At. : : 0111 , Wilt grow Hairon Raid Heiids I Will grow Wilskars and Mustac1 lie ) prevent the Hair Turning Cray I Will stop the Hair cx ( if Will cure Dandruffnnd Itching Scalp I is perfectly . 0 are . ' . . . . - ' C.aowan C , . P.r.cir.At.ut ycur iio c ( ilirlWliI4 CO. G.i/sie. . -l.ttt 1'ii u commnc.l..lng sour ili ( iIpNii-'H 111w ) Clil ; mILwros , , , , I lIMB w. .liI l. ti in t.p t idY anm m..4 ii'ic , litIs in . .ny , nn y tc..luc lami . .nm , l.Ii . , , ni ( .a. ic m ( uiy in. . ( , I aJ I , L'y m. , . . . ( . . t I ( , oi.1 Ii mighuw. iI. triliti. i" " 11.4 ( , eai ji Ii..aIp. AtIct &it'ii . , i. iIn4Ule , i , tir tugr..w ,1 , my ) ca.I , u I m..t .nc4 . f" ia . , . . idti.tat wIlmi , . . , .aI ogae , anl . . Jn 11 use ) .M ! liMit t. IC tb Or ii , t.,4iiei , I WM ICCaU1Y Iwi..e4 at i'mI I. Ifl (1lIuuI .Iy . , ng ( hnc . 4 ? , . i..l to lIIrqu1ri.r. .t a. mncm. iun. flow a , a irat at liOr C ycr taJ , . youII. ii j. , t.t . 1 I silky Y.uti ii.iy. JIKQ ii. CumtPtmAU , t'itni , ii. , 7.o. IZI1 , iSj. ( a i , . . . , iO . n.miii..n that C. a. . 14. on Wii.J .out.tIL , itie.1-m - I-i. mbocIcrour , nuim , , ,4/rit. . , , n. I - ( hAms (11V.l'S ) CO. , ( 'te.datl , 0. -Tic , . .e c ( ) ou liI ( M,1. A. V. tiaiman , Stilik Old. , SII . . , " 'C ' It . tai r : ; IIrNTJK . . . . . , b.c $ I a.y i.41t Irwn ( . .tbn.t. A , a,1 it I. ' , iI'nI , ii i..i .1. . . . .riii l.l'4.l . I it . Ii .taric.i oa,4 ( . 13 'a V ti. - idi ; tiei't anI ticc ixa 4idn1. Ym.wc. ( . y 14 , . , mm. A. CkUiiSm.lY. , out im.ixt , eai& of ba tar icvum an ad P' thit , . Xoxmblcltrellttft$3.oo ; TnIpIc ' If I'rIcc , t4It'gle I4trcnutl , 81.00 Irep'1i . Ligt not gil fl , we trill , uatl It timoliaulil ( ill reculi.t U ! 1,1.1cc , IitcIm lmi.'ruIug , ieautli'g mmtiuut the giim 0. ' .4 bui tim. Address EENTON HAIR CROWER CO. LranarcI Ieve 0 i .oo 1"1-L p r . ci ici a P104 . - -