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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1883)
I THE OMAHA DAILY BE. TIIIItTEENTII YEAR. UDZAIIA , NEB. TIU1t5Dt1YIOPNiTG , NOVEMBER 'l , 13&3. NO. 11"r. l THE OLD WORLD. The Lggressiye Polley of the Frcneh biiuistry Strongly Endel'Sed in the Chambers , Premier Ferry Explains and Dr feuds the War of Conquest in Tonquin , Two Steamers Collide iii the English - lish Channel and Both Go to the Bottom , i 'i I ' All England Badly Seared by tire Ito. teat Underground Puxplosons. ( I GENEBAfi FOREIGN NEWS , c THE F1tENCn rOLUY. PAItI8 , October 31.-In the Chamber f of Deputins , today , Clononceau , ltndi- cal , reauuled debate upon the interpolla- tiot of the Governinont'cTonquin policy. I He said the oppoumlts of thu Tonquin } , r u expedition renounced opposition threats' ' after the death of Captain Itovoiro. Ho clmrgod the government with publishing criticized cized the Governmmct for stating , July I last , that therronch force at Tonquin I was sufficient to meet the exigencies , when the contrary was now adnmittod. ho said at first the question was the es tablisluuett of a protectornto over Ton- quin , now it was the qu ° atiou of a pro tectorato over Auau , The French forces and fiuaccos at Iluo , ho mid , had beutl cmnutitted to operations without consulhltiou by the goveruncout with the Chambers , Prime Minister Ferry do- . dared ho would reply , Premier Ferry , in reply to ] lh Clemien roan , admitted that the rntorests of the . Cabinet wore a secondary matter , coin- pared with the interests of the country. T'lio government , he said , had not failed in their ongagomctts. They had carried the practice of moderation rood prudence to its farthoat limits. There existed no grounds of comparison between the Toii- uin and Tunisian questions. The ( Lay was not far distat when French , staesmen would cease to be violontl condemned for increasing their country's t donriniota on the Mediterranean. The Tonquin question was nut a personal r affair. Franco , as the second maritime I power of the world , had special duties to perform. It was the duty of the guvern- mont to prepare fresh ground for the activity of future generations. All vvarkin ; nations were marking out for thcrosolvos a part of the unexplored ro- vious of the world. Why should not Franco draw new to China , which con- thins 400,000,000 consunicra ? The Pro. mior said the military operations in Ton- quin lied been continued within the limiti indicated by the Government , , The capture of Hue had been brought 4 about by the death of Kin Tuduc. If waited the Govrnor ent had to summon the Chambers the propitious moment y would have been lost. The treaty of 1874 gave France the right of protector. - : rw . - atooverAnam ai lTonquu. The treaty ' ' " ' of Hue did not change the treaty oft , " ' 1814 , but defined the conditions of t } the protectorate. The Government had assumed the responsibility for dis patching reinforcements to Tonquin , because - cause ) Imo assembling of the Chambers i \ before the usual time would have boon . \ : s productive of much : difficulty in nego s s tattons with China. The Boureotreaty , 1 which hadnover been ratified by China , partook merely of the character of a I - rough draft submitted for the approval of Franco. No agrgenient had been reached regarding the delimitation of the . ' disputed territory , M. Boureo had shown more good will than clear sight. He did not believe China will declare war , nor have we any intention of doing so. We are desirous of formally establishing - lishing ourselves in the Red river delta by gaining possession of Soutai and Bac- s ninh , When that object is achieved nor body will be able to drive us out. This prudent policy will lead to thesottloment of the Tonquutaffair. Our African em- - for long years the subject of atant discussion , is to-day one of the gle rtes of Franco. The best means to avoid war is to show we have no fear. The order of the day , expressing con- 3 fidonco in the firmness and prudence of ' the Government , was adopted-339 to 60. h , . It is rumored that owing to the minis- lorial statements regarding Tonquin negotiations - . , , ' gotiations and the adoption of the vote a : of confidence in the government in the Chamber of Deputies , Marquis Tzng will ' leave Paris. f , TILE LONDON Exl'LOSION8. g ' \ ' LONDON , October 31.-The excitement over the explosions in the underground railway line last evening is very great. A largo number of police , under special in- apoctors , wore on duty all night at all the , e r various railway stations cud guard. ing the lino. A heavy force also watched the houses of parliament and other ; public buidings 't't 'ho uxplOsiolat Charing Cross occurred r' ' a distance of two hundred yards west of - the station. There was no train there at the time , The walls of the tunnel j wore battered but the rails ware not mis placod. The windows hit tire station wore blown out. The roof was not dan- F aged. The police duoy that any rocket or cartridge lies boon found near ' ' ' the scene of the explosion , No traces were discovered of the nature 'i1 of the explosives , it has been moor- j' . , tamed that the explosions could not have ' : been caused by coal gas , No clue to the persons causing the explosions were ob- . taainod , Major Majoudiu , of the Board of Trade , inow 11 a. In , ma ' an t , examination of the scene of the plo 51011 at Charing Cross Station , Trains are riming as usual. All the detectives of the Metropolitan police are searching for the perpetrators of the outrages. L p to three o'clock no explosive matter was found at the Praed street station. The inspector from the honcuollicoviewed , the scene of the explosion there and afterwards - terwards examined the damaged train , _ 4 ] fo oxltCSSOS limo opinion that too cartridges , made of the prat order of I ugdoaives , such as guncotton , were ' used , The guard states that while looking - ing out of the car window , lust after the train loft Praed street station , he saw some sparks nearly underneath the carriage and immediate ! afterwards heard the explosion. The explosive used at Clearin0 Cross station was a small - - - quantity of some material other t W d nancito. yAt the I'mod street station the force of the explosion was terrible. Although workmen have boon busily engaged all night removing debris , they have not yet finished their task , nor has the damage at that place been repaired. The tunnel there was not destroyed but a deep hole was excavated in the road bed , The brick work tvim blown out and the gas pipes and telegraph lines broken , the refreshment - ment saboon wrecked and the windows of other rooms of the station cracked. The explosion occurred immediately dor a passim ; train , 40 yards west of the station , All the persons injured wore in the last two cars. Twettq.eight persons wouuledworotaken teSt.Ma shosuhtal. Four of them are seriously hurt , but the passed through a favorabe night and are x pectod to recover , Others are able tote go to their hones during the night. Both occurred abet S o'clock in tllo evening , LONDON , October 30-Tho police warned railway ofiiciala three months ago of that the hadadvicos from America threatened explosions , old precautions ware taken t0 provide against thorn. Thu explosives uod last g wore powerful but in limitedl quantfty. Holes in the ground and brick works were made. T 11 a I N V ISTI O AT I o N. LoanoN , October 31.-The investigation - tion made by the aciontifie advisers to the Wnr Department , led to the conclusion - sion that nitro glycerine , in seine form , was the agent used in the underground railway onplosions. Later inquiries confirms - firms the early statement that a largo number of people were injured. In addition - dition to over 30 treated at the hosldtal , a largo number were attended by private surgeons. One of tire victims , a corporal of the hussars , says ho was talking with a friend on the train near Praed street , whoa there was suddenly a very bright hashu , inunediatel followed by a terrible re port. hu was struck by something and almost knocked insensbleVhien the train arrived at Edgewaro road , lie staggered across the platform and was picked up by a soldier. He renieucbera nothing more. This is only one of the many iiarativcs. TILE W01tK OF InELANI'H ENtMINB. The explosions caused inttunse excitement - mont hi Irish circles in London. The Irish almost unanimously think the outrages - rages were due to deliberately planned machinations of the enemies of the Na- tidal part } ' of Ireland , who intend to create anti-Irish feeling iii England. It will be next to imnossiblo , they think , to have a perfectly impartial jury to try O'Donnell now. It is also remarked - marked that the explosions occurred about the moment when Davitt was opmiughis address in St , Jamos' Hall. It is stated that the police are unaware of the presence in London of any of O'Donovan Roam 's dynamitera However - over , all Irish rendezvous are closely watchg d , Slight damage was done by Charing Cross explosion , owing to two large vent holes in the vicinity , which sensibly the shock. At Praed street ata- tiot passengers wore literally panic stricken when they found themselves writhing and struggling in utter dark- 11055 , many of then bruised and bleeding - ing and half dead with terror. The dam. ago to Praed street is , 600. ' 'Ro88A'oNTHE Exraosxosi. Now Yoj1K , October t.-O'Donovan . bass states the explosions of yesterday in the udorground railroad of Loudon were the work of the Fenian Brotherhood - hood , of whose movements ho is apprised. London would be in ashes , ho said , be- Toro long , unless England gave up Ire- land. Now development might be expected - pected at any moment , for it was now the purpose of the Brotherhood to reduce England to submission , STEAMEIIS SUNK. LONnoN , October 31.-A rumor is in circulation to the effect that the steamer Holy Head has sunk. The Holy head left Dublin last evening for IIoly Head , with a cargo of horses std pigs and sixty persons besides the crow ou board. Allen on board are reported lost. A dispatch from Dublin says : At 8:30 : p , in. the pilot of the cutter just arrived confirms the report of the sinkiizg of the steamer holy Head. Ile says the steamer capsized this afternoon in mid channel. There were sixty passenger Wit board , including a number of rattle deal- era and drover's. The steamer Holyheadcamo in collioion with the German ship Allambra , bound from Liverpool for Now York , when 2fi miles front Holyhead. Ruth vessels sank. Thirteen of the Alhanibra's crow and two of the Halyhoad's crew were drowned. The remainder were picked up and landed at Holyhead. Much relief - lief was felt in Dublin when the safety of the Holyhead s passengers was learned. The collision occurred at Il p , m , , Tuesday night , Thu holy Head's engines - gines were reversed when it was found a collision was inevitable. The Alhambra was cut down to the water's edge. The captain of the holy Head hind two boats lowered. There was not the slightest panio oil board. The boats saved twelve of the Allambra's crow. One mai dumb. orodovorthobows. Thou it waediscoverod the Holy Head was fast sinking and two mom boats were lowered and the passed gore and crow safely embarked , except time Quartermaster amid a boy who were to the forecastle. In a few minutes the Holy Head disappeared. Tim the niorningg the wind froslied and the boats kept after it with difficulty. At 8 o'clock a steam. orhove in sight and took all on board. The survivors were much distressed. The drowned from the Alhambra in- eluded the captain , mate and captain's dan htor , g7to express train from Liverpool to Londom , while running at the rate of 60 mike at hour , collided with an empty traimi. Two persons u'o o killed and ninny injured , STOLEN ( IANAiIAN b10\Ev , OrtAtVA , October 31.-Five thousand in $1 and $2 Dominion uotea were stolen Toni time govertouoit. Bank have boon notified not to accept them , 7'he nuln- bors of tim missing $1 are frau : 606,000 to 600,000 , and of the $9 from 146,000 to 110,000 and from 156,000 to 160,000 , yin : F1tANKrO1r Ex1'LOHnpN , FItANici'oiti Tiin.TITAIN , October 31. -While the debris caused by the oxplu- sign of the oflico of the chief of police was being removed , eight shells were dim. covered fulled with nitro glyceriuo , A rigid inquiry was instituted into th o cause of the oxplOsioli. Several persona suspected were arrested Iput were all die charged for want of criminal evidence , 111ain11art rero 11t the shape of glass shells of the size of pi con eggs. Frag- month of shells fount were Iwrfontted with small holes. Thu shells had bent charged with nitroglycerine. A FILIBUSTER SCt1U : , Mtlmm ) , October 31 , The National states letters from Havana report a till- buster expedition front time United States him larded near Santa Spiritus. TJta nmtLEANIsr CLAIMS , PEsru , October 81.-The l'estlter Lloyd publishes a report that the Orleans Princess seutudod Germany iii the nmttor of assort to their claims to the Freud : throne add that Bianmarek's reply otfcred no ha1)o that Germany would approve such : a courtd , EvmnNTtX scAlmu. 0LASO0W , October 3L-1'recntdimis have been taken hero agaimist explosions of railroads. All banks , public buildings and prisons are closed , and a watch of extra wards placed around the prisoners when exercising , I'Rol'11ETLlSH : ,10118 C.uuo , October 81.-Ilfcksl'nslraafter two battles , entered Elobeid , abandoned by the forces of the false pro ) slots , Mauy false pro diets have boat killed in the two lbattles end the forces broken up , A IChartooll dispatch says 25,000 to 30,000 Arabs attacked slicks Pacha's nrmry of 10,000 divided into two columns , hicks was enabled to use 0,000 Itunclug- ter rifles , lirup guns std Nordemufelt rocket batteries , 'm'ho Antbs had only lances. The hatter left 8,000 dead on time Hold. Hicks pursued the fugitives , Milbas attacked std defeated El Mahdi amid 2,000 cavalry with great loss , Hicks I'aehs has taken possession of Elobuid mid time Government treasury , The Egyptians lost uothinu , KILLED ON TILE CONGO , P.uus , October 31-The Gaulois pubs lislies a report thatDe 13r um , time French explorer , has been killed ii : a light ii : the Congo country , Africa. CLeS1NU vita visit snow , LONnoN , October 31.-There was an imulenso nttcudnnco today to witnes9 the coremoumy of closing the mte'natienal fisheries exhibition. Replying to at address - dress ail reports shoving the complete success of the exhibition , the Prince of \Valos stated that the Queen had fol- lcwed the success of the exhibition with great interest and hnd requested imiui t o express her lmopo that it would be a last ing benutit to the fishing populatioui o f time Kiugdon , lie said after all uxpcl- sea hind bent paid a substantial surplu a wotdd remain , which should be devoted 1 to improving the welfare of thfishier- : of time country and preemie : o f the interest of fisheries , cut order that calamities incident to the lisliermat' s life uti'Itt be alleviated , lb desired t o see hero an hygienic exhibition ut 1884 , ono of the progress of inventioi in 1886 , and he proposed holding hero a colonial exhibition m 1880 , AFFAIRS IN PERU , LIMt , VIA GALVES'r0N , October 31. - President Iglesias issued a proclamatiot 1 to the people of Arequipa , advisin g them to accept the actuation peacefully , as resistance would bu useless. It i a said President Iglesias is about to offs guarantees for the safety and rocognitio u of the high position of General Caceres. F.uLUItmts. LIVERPOOL , October 31,11:30 : a , m ; The suspension of Telloe , t ; Fentbn , cot ton brokers , is announced this niornin at 1 o'clock , henry Pierce , L Co , , an d Joseph Taylor , C Co. , cotton brokerag o firms , have suspended. AMMUNITION STOLEN. DUImLIN , October 31While a quan tiny of mnmunitiun was being conveyo a by a railway train under cacott to Torn plemoro , county Tipperary , a box a powder and cartridges were stoleli at t Limerick Junction. Time soldiers con lOSiug time escort were at lunch at tlt o time of the robbery. No clue t ° th oo thieves discovered , Telegraph Buildrugin the Northwest PORTLAND , Ogr. , October 31-Got - oral Superintendent Clowry , of time \Vea tern Uuiou company , said to a reporter : "Nino gangs of workmen are complotiui g the construction of lines of time Northern Pacific frunt St. Paul to Portland an d Puget Sound. An additional duple : : wire was constructed Erma B3sumarck to Portland for through business. Time : company now has two wires to Portland and 'Toccoa , and a second wire will be built to Seattle. Portland needs these facilities , " continued Col , Clowry ; "our intention is t ° place her on n first-clan , s business basis fur toiegraphic facilities , " Time 11'abastt Freshet , TEItutE HAUTS , October 31-Fullyono half of the corn crop of the first bottoms of the Wabash river is ruined by time late froshot. One farmer has : 100,000 bushels under water , George A. E , Itugglesaud Sarah Ruggles , sun and daughter of George C , ltug"les , were browned in time old Wabash m 1a Erie caunl last night , by driving elf a bridge moved outof plaeeby time flood. Time futthor and ucpthur escaped - caped , A Mining Cautp Destroyed , DKNVEu , October 31-The Itepubli cat's Garfield ( Col. ) aylbcial says : A lire broke cut at this placeearly this morning. Soon getting beyond control , it reached time store of Sperry Bros , , coctainim ( over 600 pounds of giant powder , which exploded , hurling time buildings and tint. her and fire in every direction , totally destroying time poatoflice , hotels and , in fact , time entire businesa portion of the town. Thu lemma is over $50,000 ; inaur ante , one-third. Numbers of pmpl ° were knocked down and bads stumtud. Only one person was fatally inured 'I'luu dmeo Garfield are iii a sa d di gla as time tire renders tint enl a ma brit imonulusa , but without food o r clothes far time winter , CuUtng Uown 1rpenscs , MINNISAPOrIH , October 81 , = The 'I'ri bum's ] 3rainard social says : This even ing 1(10 ( onployyes um the Nortlmorn I'rcif shops were discharged ou tole1ru1phi ° orders from Now Yorlt. Gmsignor Ompol mil Ohlcagu. CmoAno , October 81. - Nonainn ; Capcl delivered a lecture lucre last nigh on 'lieubliemmismn ) mutd the Cntlmoli Cluulch , ' Tbo Constkutiou Itequlrrd It , KECKUK , Ia. , October 81-George E Garrett , business mitnagur of 'J'imo Con stihntion , married Miss Julia E. Slum , u this city , this evening , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , The President DetdFmhlCd to Back the Postmaster Gencral in ills War on the Lotteries , The Transfer of the Command of the Army from "Old To- cum" to 11Littlo Phil" A Courtof Inquiry Ordorod'ontllo Failure of the Oroeloy B r liof Ex1lodition , a irupnrtant Changes ht time ltnliway Mail Service-Time Nntlon'a FI tanees-Indian Courtt CAPITAII NOTES , WAsumNavuiN , October 81.-Time cor- respondemco iucidont to the retirement of General Shernuut free native eom- uinud of the army is as follows : lhm Atgrumvrns ) Ansn UNurxn Srvrrl , \Vtrui SOToX , October 8 , 1883. To ] sou , Robert L , ldncoln , Secretary of y1'nr : Stmt-liy : the action of Congress , up. proved July 16 , 1881i , all army oflicers arc retired on reaehiug time ago of 0.4 years , If living Iwillattaimt lluatage time 8th of February , 1884 , but asthnt period of time year is not suited to tlid eh ages necessary on lily retirement , I Itadi'loug contemplated anticipating time evt lit by semi months to enable the 1'raidcn to nalce these changes at m more cotretiiemit ae4son of time year , mid also to e uablo my successor to be iii ofiice before the Mseuc- Kling of the next Congress. 1 tlmercfcro request the authority to turn over time command of time army to Lient. General Sheridan on tire 1st of November , 1883 , nod that I be ordered to my hgme , St. Louis , tinedo to await the date of , legal retirement , and , inasmuch ; as I will have for a long time munch corruspon deneo about time war office , 1 nlso'ask the favor to have with mime fora time nay two purseutl aids-de-camp. COh Jolui E , 'Tonrtelottu and John TuI. Bmucu , Col , M. Poe old J. C. Friball ha'a been assigned to approprimdu ditties in their own branches of the nmilitriry ser- vice. All shouhl retain their rank mm d pay as aids do camp tmitil Fabruar j Stm , 183.4 , By or before tire hit nfhtgvonl , her I can complete all oflicinl reports nui d I caul surrender time army to my auccesso r hi good shape std condition , t'oll' ' pro ri vided in all respects amid dislrcbutet i for time best itmtorests of the country. I ant grateful my physical and montu l strmmgtlt remains uuiumpaircd by years and mu tlunukful for the liberal provhaio ii made by Congress for my decliniu g years , which will eumable me to respond promptly to any call the President may make upon my military service , or judg nient as long as I live , l have time honor to be , your obedion servant , ( Signed ) , \1r. T. SUEiuIAN , r General. In reply to General Shormanm Seem tary Lincoln ackuowlcdged time i coipt o the Iettcr'and , after doebring curtat } th President has acceded to all htmloxpresba - wishes , closes by saying : 'Time Presidon directs time to express to you his earns ] mope that there may yet be give yo n ninny years of health amid happoteas m which to enjoy time gratitude of your 'fol ' low citizens , well earned by your most distinguished public services. It ail give mime pleasure to comply with you r uisimes respecting your aids do camp ham d the necessary orders will be duly issued. ' f slummllAN : AT viii : rjuosr. Lieutenant General Sheridan , accpmc parried by Colonel M , N. Sheridan , hi s nmilitary secretary , amid Lieutenant Col onel S. A , Gregory , aid-de-camp , arrive \Vashitigtou this nmo ning froul Chi cage , Lieutenant Culouul . J , Vor'olk nian , aid-du camip , arrived last oveumiug. General Sheridan and party visited tlm o war doparhneut about noon aid pai d their respects to Secrutuy Lincoln , ( loan oral Shorinau amid Adjutant Genera 1 Drunu , The transfer of time conunaud o f time army tram Geumernl Sherman to Lieu temaut Goteral Sheridan will be undo to- viii : uusri.Y 1x11DITION. : : Time War Department has issued a she cial order nppoiuting a court of inquiry to investigate the cause of time failure o the Greely relief expeditiac , and repor t whether the conduct of any afl'cer ' of time army in time promises calls for furtlmo r proceedings before a general court near tial , amid time reasons for thn comclusiomu a they cony ranch. Detail for the court Brigadier General L , V , Benet , chief o i ordnance ; Colorol It , B. Ayers , Seeomi d artillery ; LiuutemmantColouol 0. M , Pee , corps of omgineera. Moor henry Good felhsw , 'judge advocate U. S. A , will ac E as recorder. Time court will moot ii Washington o : time 8th of November. I t is understood that time Navy Department will not take any further action h1 th e case of Cenmmmdor Frank Wildea , con . mauding Limo Ymutic , for time part taker by him in Limo late oxlledition , unless it shall be deemed expedient as a result o the testimony whichm nma be devulo ra d in the rocediuga of time court of inquiry a m pointed by the Secretary of \ . ISecretn o1 ger has telg rml mimed Boll time now supervising architect , rod uestui g lcitn to take charge f the ofilce as soot us possible , THE NATION'S WALLLT. It is estimated at the Tronaury Depart Rent that the abatement of tlno puimli debt to niurrow will show a reduction fo time post mouth of nbout $10,600,000 Thu amount disbursed by the artmiy pee lion a gout durinb the Inst fiscal year i f 60 0011 601. Of this there was dis btirnod gat Wnslmington $ ( 1,440,010 , ; a Indiannpnlis , $5,151,895t , ; at Chicago fj6,850.77t ) , at Colurimbus , Ohio , $5,081 , 000 , Total auuoutmt of "arrears of pun : siuus ° diabnrsod by the ugeuta durin the year , 1,410,811. 'l'imo I'OatotHco Dopartmment has bootin formed that some porsou uikuuwn to th dopmrtnout has been porsoiutimig Jnspuc tun 1V. T , Homdorsm in Nontaua ac rt collecting ulemoy frouc poatmastena. u INDIAN COURTS 01 Rrc ° ttu , 'J'lo Secretary of time Ilmterinr has sus tamed thuConnuasiotorof Indian Althb in ii deehaiou to the effect that the do , partrnunt does not recoguizo Limo courts a indian'l'orritory mss courts of record witlm f in the uiuanimig ; , of suction . ,103 , revfso statutes , which requires that cortai agroeulonts made with the indimt9 adieu ho bxocutcd before n judge of a court of record. Time secretary holds that it urns not time inlemition of the law tuckers that a : ngremnent should ho oxccuted bofnru tijull8o Navinb auclt litimilcd kuowied go of limo laws amt treaties affecting the riglds of Iudinns amid such limited genera ] in- fornatiot as thu judges of Indian courts witltlmi the lmidiac country usually pos. sons , 1tAIL vAr MAIL oumunmem. The general smu erhntcudout of rho rail. way maul service mashed the following or , dot ; "All lines east of the Miasissip n river will scud mail for Ore otu Wmtslm- ht too Territory , Alaska nod British C luulbia via St.I'utl . , mind time Northern Pacific , Railway division aupcriuteudcnls will issue special inatntctions to lines west of the Mississippi river and ( unet of the stocky illoimmmtaims , so flint mail will n via time Uniet Pacific railway or Northern Pacific railway' , souctium : g time limo that makes the st Linde , Time lines iu Oregon mmd Washington Territory - ritory will send snail for points east of time Mississippi river via time Northern Pacific railway mud St , Paul , ' 17mo stt- perimtemident of Limo eighth division of time railway mail service will issue inatruo- tieus to divert at lilnckfoot .Tnnetiou mach for lines west of time llliasissiipt ; titer amid east of the ltoelcy 131ountnius that uvill mike butter time via the Utah Northern divdsiou of time Union Pacific railway , Till : LOrrnuty imUs1NESH. \\rASmlINOTnN , October 3L = 1'lmo Repub licet this moriliug nays it is stated by an authoritatk'o party that the Presidemtlies decided to sustain time action of Poatumas- tor General Groalmaul in Limo Now Orlonua Natiuual honk case. ' .Uho decision of Liao President is in answer to time petition of a large nummber of nmareluads , bmikmu and others of New Orleans , who protested against time recent decree of timel'ostuflico Department in the lottery' case , wimichdo- cidud that so snug as ilmo umutinumil back in gnestiotm acted as ngdmt for time lottery' cnlupnuy , just so lung shotdd its nmil ho regarded , mid t'catal as that of time lottery conmpany wimiclm it ropreaenlc . AN INDIAN 1mANK , A company of niuo persons , citizemisof Limo Clerokco Indmmt nation , lies been or- gamiaed for the purpose of esttblfahhug a national bark \rmitn,1. . T. , with a capital of $60,000 rim KulmomuNE ctsmL In the circuit court today the Jmowa occupied iii time cross oxanimntion o f Hallot Klbuurnu in his suit for dnnmgc m against ex Sergcant-et ArntsThonpsuu. Nothing was do uhped miml the proceed tngs wore uninteresting. heavy Business Fall u e. Cluc.too , October 31-Confussiona o judgment aggregating $ O1i,000 were an tared agnumst 0. L. ] laskini , home collar manufaoturer , today , amid his phtco talcum possession of by time aheritr , lie claims his downfall is duo to loaning his palc r without considerntfm us accommodatoi to time Into firm of Culver , Page , iioyn u , C Co , He is not sure of Limo amommt , bu t t believes it will range between $12,000 and $0,000. Assets $30,000 ; liabilitia s as much. A dealer in binder's loather , from whom Culver , Page , Boyne , C Co asked accommodation last month , says ] t o f then oxammined the books of the firm from which it appeared it assets went d o $300,000 , liabilities $50p,000 m t SAN FJtANeiseo , October 31.-Edward t Hyams , of time clothing firm of IIyam Bros. , New York mad San Francisco againat whom a judgumont fn ; $78,000 wm obtained by ilertnan Sbainsvald , wlr o afterward had hymens arrested at Elko 1 Nevada , on charges of perjury mud fo fraudulcmitly attempting to defeat hi s creditors , was released today , a eonmpro , muse laving boon effected amid time cos u dismissed. bbexicutm Mutters. Ctrv of Mixlco : , October 81.-Orden m hnvu been teiegraplmod Senor Carlo t Rivas , time Moxiaam govarnnmetmt's special agent in Londumi , to roceuumoncu ncgo tuitions with the British boudholdora fo r sottlenomt of time Muxieam debt , iii : instructions will ou ° blu him to ovorcotm u previous obstacles and arrive at a antis factory result. Time cashier who robbed norchautCub- Junta in this city , hits beet : arrested in Havana. Isis extradition lies boon dor ntanded. 'Thus is time first case aniaimg under time extradition treaty batweeJ 1 Mexico mud Spain. The Apaunu IlutdetH. IL PASO , Ton. , October 31.-Advice : from Duiiriiig say , , Tula , head chic [ of time Apaches , is not dead , mum reported , but is now raiding southerit Chihuahua , Joao Lepa9 , a Muxican , who inns n heal f brother with Chief Goronito , reports time t little Charliq McComnas wits recently killed by time Indiana. 'Those Indiums , wlm have boom hoverimmg around both m sides of the boundary line , having beer t dhsappointed iii receiving roinforceunont s from San Curies resorvatiom , have do w split up into small rnidiumg partiea , and a good ninny lmorsem Jove boon stolen Iron various places. Tenpo muioo % Vonmen. DETROIT , October 31.-Time Louth an nual session of the \Votnem's Clmriatiat Tonmperaicu Unioc began In this city t11i f mornnmg with a prayer Meeting , led b LIlia J , 1 honpaon , time first crusader ' Time work of orgamjzation wait proceodo witlm. Mitts Francis E. Willard , prosi , clout , rend time aununl exercise , Vnrlou finuuieial idans were detailed , and a gran d m national jubilee 0u Deccuber 26th : no conmoudetlr it beib the tenth nnniver sary , c Tlio Colored Mon Itesolvn r TANNAH CI'ry , October 31-Time cohort . citizma cut a nmeetiug tonight , duprecm t - iug tire IiuproMo Courts decision min th s civil rightsobill , resolved to ; ; ( ' only much caudidmtcs as am pledged to Icgialntien it : behalf of ugu ) civil rights for time nelru ; , 'l'imey also r ° ' solval t ) stare Limo "oval rigluta agitatio club" of Xmiumaaa City , reeomnmendin g similar action to their people ulsowhur throughout the country , D (101(1 ( lu Ohln. d OJNOINNATI , Oct ° bar 31 , . Annthe discovery of gold has bout : lnado in Ola 6noit county 0. ' 1'horo is muds axeit merit in time locality. a An 1 lItom9ul'ri ° , BUJILINOTIIN , In. , October 81-Cat f Vogl , city editor of Time Burlitigton (1 u zutte , amid Miss Nellie Aborcronmbio , a d accomplished lady of tlihs city , were timer n rled hero this Morning , TIDAL "IAVES " OF BLOOD , Field Day for Two Leggcd Beasts Uadcr Satauie Supcrgiston , A Largo Fraction of the Country Rushing P011111011 to the Devil , Nebraska Wall U1 in the Race With n Throe Cornered Tragedy at Dewitt , Murders , Ilbberlos , Trials and a Fatal Prize Fbght. OHIMtNAir ItEC01ti ) , A C11ICUS F1tla ) UPON. KINS1STON , Ark. , October 81-Last night , at Now Edinberg , during time after ahow concert of hunter's Great Couaoli- dated shows , soumo unknown parties from outside tired a volley of shots lute time mein exhihiting canvnss amid beat a musty retreat amid disappeared in time darknosa , escaping. Strange to say only one per- stil was Idled. 'l'ime seats wuro crowded amid the bullets passed through nil see- tiumia of the audicuco. Cholunn Deoil- lonburg , ono of thu circus performers , a cnntorhonist , was shot through time head , dying in time hug. Citizens cure doter. nursed tb ferret out. time arumssimis attl bring thous to justice. Am.tuiru n A CONSUL , 1iAMIITON , Ontario , October 31.-dir. IIazultou , Aicmerleiml Consul at timas place , was assaulted in Ida otlce last might by a young mmul natlmd Long. Time ease came before thu police court this uunu- fag , htmL wags adjourned. CANADIAN C1aM1 : . lliorrtm.t1. , October 31-Justice Lor- auger dismuissed nn a tecluieality the ease ngainat time collector of customs for conhsaitumg as innuorl the works of Vulbahro amd Payne. 'lime ' court did not miter upon time uerits of the ease. Stanford , au Anmuricau coutiduuco op. orator , plead guilty to forging a cheep en Limo plank of 'Toronto. Forged Aumericau bonds wee found with StauAlyd , lie tried to shout the officer who searched Lim. A P.IT.11. HLUGIiING M.tTCI4 C u uwura. , Idaho , October 81-A prize fight , for $1,000 a shut , between bicFmiddot , of Wiuni a and Diartlaul of St. Louis tech place to-day' maul ended f in the fou teonth round , Atmtrtlnnu ro ceiving punishmcont from which it is mo thought lie can recover. Ile wits carried from the ring hu mm iuseisibla condition i A NEmitASKA TIuA01DY. Dn\V1rr , Nub. , October 80.-An oh I grudge lies existed for some tinma between John Dolan , a saloon keeper at Beatrice mid Ed Shalt , a thumper of this place. Dolat : canto to this piece yesterday o n business , amid wont to tIm saloon , as i s his custom when visiting other towua , . Everything passed olr quietly unti l about 8 o'clock last ovmhng , wlrm 1t wit a , seen that there was trouble in time wind Bailey , the saloon keeper hero , got m olemnu , romiao from Slsk that no troubl u I should' arias on life account' but hi s ( Silk's ) friends got hint out and put up , Job for lufw to denim Dolan out. Sisk re s turned to time saloon and , without warn in struck Dolan a blow on time , head. No seamier demo than Doha m t : fired , bringing his aunt to time floor. Marshal Cnrmiclmuel rushed at Dolan tt p arrest him , when m ° too received a bat 1 front Dolan's gam , Time atot fired a t Suit took elr'oet ii : Ilia left lung , while Marshal Caruriehaul received n bullet mu : his mbdomcon. The pistol used wtta caliber self-cocker and lives s forty-four , - , s shots were fired in ell. The two Mo n wounded are now in a critical comiditiei , amid hopes of tltoir recovery seem to be very slim. Dolan was arrested by Slier ill- Lam and is now awaiting trial. Time above case is anetimor where wimhslt Y drives men crazy , mud omcmrngos then r to take the life of their fellowmen. Ou r puopio are greatly excited , timid min tw o of tlioul toll time same story. .t IIEFAULTINO r.Awvnn. -ItsAmmNO : , T'a. , October 31.-Jolnm. C ' I > - , lleiu ° , it proumimmrt lawyer , toy's torionsly disappeared. It is alleged that h ° rotnirmed $13,000 collected for th , n heirs of mitt estate. Ho is also charged with getting worthless chocks caahod. MYSTEIIIOUS IrOnnISteY , VlttnmNIA , Nov. , October 81.-Two maskud mint robbed time vault of time county tronaury of $8,000 last night , and then seized time treasurer , and lathed hie in time vault. Time affair is conaideru d mystorioua $1,000 of time amount was in silver too heavy to pack off. , t t'ooxnn r.tHnlStt CtucmT. f'mit0A,0 , October 31-Ellory II , Aim I druvta , cleric in the Northweate n Na tiolal batik , was arrested to-day of time chnrgo of embezzling $10,000. A DRAMATIC TRIAL AT NASJIYIGi.E. NAHIIYIIha , October 31.-Time trial o 1 Jauea 1' . ] iriloy , for time nmurder of Rob 5 art P. Bates , conmitted in the uremia of a Y circus emi October 22 , wimicll caused mmcl d a sensation at tore time , progressed rapid . ly to duty. biollio , Robert Bates fuulceo u beautiful , putito brunette , drew a pint s of time circus surroutidiuga nn the cour roomn floor , amid explabned time positions o time slayer and slain , She acted in i highly dramiatic traner time part playo by both gaticipauta in time tragedy Site said Briley came across time sett a mundruui yards to wlmoro Bates wit d statiding Imoldiut g a child in lila anus drew tumid abet hates in tit I ) week , that whom time wounded man Eel dowti with the child still clmmped Jm hi li arms , shot hint fu time cetor : of ti : lneast , Amiotimor witmessprovod timesau facts , mad buaidCS that the ncurdo'er sat a ( before the shat ) , " 'l'ako that , you a - g of m b-- ; you killed nmy brother to ° yours ego , " A panic vvas created by alt ahnotutj ; anotig the audience , Time d u fetim is nut crosa exmnining an wi t n osaea , limit rely ti Ion time oratorical 1)ov ) w- r ors of able wt sel engaged. r- Thus zouA uunNH atutMam , eLINCOLN , ills , , October 3l.-Coronc Boyden clamnma lie has secured importan ovidemco hit time way of a written state mmut fruit : Wendell , time trump , wlmou lm 1 vfaitod at llumuptm , Iowa. Ile decline to divulge its nature to time reporter s u but it is said he imps given others its suit stauco as follows : Wendell mmd a corn paniou aurprfsod Carpenter and Tor hums in a conprmnising situation ; that they subsequently demnnded $60 as the rice of their silenmeo ; that ho gave therm 30 with llro remark that lie would give $1,000 if he could find lor dead ull that whoa they declfuod to enter into time acimento lie turned the matter off as a joke. A DEViLiSll mutmUTin PlorAnalrulA , Octobor8l.-A tragedy resmilted front a game of croquet Sunday , thrco miles front \Voodbury , N , J. The players were two mom and two woman , Normans , ltudolph lfittos became angry because his wife heat hhn , mud ho kicked her with a heavy cowhide boot. She became - came tlmiconscious aid died soots alter. CAN'T MANO TOO SOON. G.t1.vEBTON , October 81.-Four years ago throu Mexican travelers , two women and cite mein , were anbnshed while nalodp 26 miles from Laredo and time eau mid ono wonan inatantly killed and time other woman loft for dead by time assailants - ants , rlm plundered time camp and .hoped across time Rio Grande , A ninth ago Cecilia Chcivares , arrested for horse deft , wits rewgn'zed ' b time survivor - vor as time murderer , To.da' lie was found guilty mini assessed with death. Aulommo lM ) ez was also convicted today of mum tier ut time first degree mud given Limo tuutontinry : for life. Lopez wmut a : of the 1 art } whom m ' 1880 murdered llenry Bishop , robbed his store , mud ravished his young wife mid a Muxicnm servant girl. Iestrmetlvu hires , NORFOLK , Va. , October 3L-The nc- oidoutal escape of oil at time old Domin- ioc creosoting works , Edward Andrewa , proprietor , alt Iliomioy Point , four miles cup the river from here , destroyed time buildings in a few minutes , a quantity of luubor amid 6,000 barrels creosoting oil. Time cause of time disaster was time loosening - ing of ; utckiug em : time pressure ptnnp , which het time oil escape and klmtckcdover m ] map. Li mm nuomeut everything wan in a blue. Imnlemso cinders a hundred - dred foot long and six feet iii diameter oxpludol mud disappemed , it is tlougimt in time river , one imndrdd feet awe front the works. Loss estimated at $100,000. llsurnnce unknown. No loss of life , SAVANNA ml , Ga , October 81.-Stubbs' warehouse burned at noon with : three thousand lades of cotton. It is reported. several { lorsout were buruod to death. Several dwollimgs wore also burned , SAVaNtmi , Ga. , October 31-A tire broke oat in Garret , Stubba , C Co.'s warehouse at 12:80 : this nftonroon. In time building woo stored 3,000 bales of cotton , all of which were destroyed. Time faro apread to the bnildilmgs of tim Jon- chum Farm utills , Indiana aunt' River streets , turd was chocked whet it reached Wuat Bread street mid Indiana street. t Thu electric light works and Tyran's foundry wore muong tire principal plncos burned. Rice mills , stores mid other property o : the north : side of River street were saved. Most of time houses d buried were wooden structures , oceu- i pied by pour people. It is impossible at this hotir to give au accurate account of time losses , but they are put .down at $1,000,000 , AUUUHTA , Ga. , October 31.-hr no- spouto to a dispatch from tune mayor of Savantalr , asking help to super as the conflagration , the mayor sent a steaut engine and two hose carriages in charge of duo chief of tlodotpartmont with tlurtp men. A special train 14 for Savannah . , . , am at U p. cut ; , r m . Political 1'olniors : ' ' Roemriisrtitt , Octolter 31.-Infiuential Germans , including representatives of time bruwing interests hero , have resolved to support time Democratic State ticket at the coming election with tlco exco - tie : of Isaac II , Maynard , their cnnelii- date for Secretary of tate. Maynard in all matters ) ortautiti g to excise iit is do- Blared hms opposed time passage of I atjust amid , equitable law rlatiuto time came aunt by leis actions has alieuoted from himself le support of all those who believe in the i glt of orsomal liberty guaranteed to the people under the cnstitution. - - - 1)IHHatislletl Sisters , CravtL.tNU , October 8t-lteforrimig to time aetmaulional story in this morniug'u Leader , that three nuns have decamped with $ U0,000 , Bishop Gilmour says : "Three sisters have left St. Joseph's ' lies. Iital end returned to their faluihcs , Tlmoy lave douo so after } 'errs of llissatisfae- tiot at time duties mid re's ) ousibilitoa the assured at their own request. The immure situ )1 severed connection will : the sisterhood. They are not exconununi- catad. 'J'kero ' s not one word of truth iii t.llu aasertioithmt when they left , timid took motley r anything else of value be- bug to time church or corporate society. " Gen , Sehtollold 'lakes Cuumurand. I Cmtweoo , October 30-Maj. Con. Jolmi M. Schofield , who auccoeua Con. Sherman in connnand of time division of time Missouu i , arrived from San Francisco thtia mnonmiug , accompanied by his family and two nmonbors of life personal stall ; - Col. William DI. Wherry and Lieut. d B. Seimofleld. Con. Schofield will pub- hall an order assmning formal comtnauL to-morrow , f - - - ' - Crow-Dog Strips , DlmAnw00D , D , T , , October 30.-Knit m CI Lanki , butter known as Crow-Dog , . aomtenced to death : inst January for tIme muruer of time celebrated Sioux chief , m Sjlottad Tail , watt granted permission to t visit town unmmttended yesterday ar.d f umda his escape , his case is now before m time United States Supreme Court o1 up- d peal , ss s , , p r,9 1 I'rolably no Corm or dl..rase is so generally dts a tributsd among our whoio popubUon as Scrotuls , U Almorteveryiudtthluultuulhahtentpoiaoncoare. Ing hla veiru.'ihe terrlbio naertnga , endure.l by e thoao anttcn.i will : scruruiotu sores cannot lis d under.Uod by othc" , nod lhu intenSIty of their gratmtudo wt ca they lend a reme iy that cure. it thew , ustoaidea , a well Iarsou. Yu refer by nor- I s tnlidon to ) lies 00 Sarah C , Whittier , of tl'amer , N. 1L , who was cured by warse are an oara6arapadlbt o(116croutasores the severity ot which confined her to tholionefor twoyeara. Slt moumu rrevlouu to taking ) Iootl'e r 6srsaNua4aa could not get about her room winr t outcmlchca , llcr friend aayat "J45 not tWaklt , pe.mible ( artier to lira tunny wont s sire was no- duced ton niece skemeton , lien curs is hardly tau e than a udrada. " Momu wonderful cure. tLan Cut , a trove been effected by this mnet iciaa Then h no , doubt tlmt In hood's Sarnmertlh wa have the moat reaurkatdamedichioltwt Nu ever been produced , and ii .Caro cute for Scrotums In it numerous loan , , ) 'rice $ : .s , Mt for $5AO. 1 repare5 only by a a , ) , ) coo ) .t CO. , Lowed , Myrna. Sold by Dnggata1