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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1883)
F- L b ' " . . 5 / 4' ' C $ Jj : I cii,34 i1Cittct.L&J _ : ' 2i : iL , THE . OMAHA DAILY BEE , ' \ - - - - - - : I - - .1 _ _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMA1A , NEI3. TUESDAY , MORNING , OOTOI3ER 3O - 1883. : NO. 115. WhatAbonU bom Edeetilo 0U1 the Juinb. o W.dlcla.s , Hci the column. of unque5ttonable MerIt. S At aword pr4nts ielth rib. 6&voefrom ierloui suerIng. pecIally eteemeLl for eircbe. ' Cue oonstcrntIon to quacks. Lmonees loaYe4 iIien Iti appll& Erneetly reeornmeiideto our reilen. Cheers the chIldren-curia the czop. Take It fr isthmi. Zemovo , rheumaU.mresdlly. lncomarablo In Its specialties. Certain aed complete cure fee fstinb. Th Origitisi intl oely. Tr7 it for Lumbogo. Tip1opfor toothache and fleadiclie. Ve e3nOOt Etc in our Judgment ; thousands tetity to thee truths. Unequillodby inythtn of Ita kInt In the Market. For Bruloos , burns and bites II I. . exceUont. Operates benoUclslly Or all wounds. Finds favor In every family. S Monu'Actured in honesty. nterprIe end DCCII study hive made It what it is. . Curc cold end coughs almoek Iarlably. Keep f. It In the houchold. -WJ" : Nournlgle noser stoodbcfore It. Easy to take-economicai-roliable. StPl0 as salt. olui eerywherc. FOSTER 11iLUUtN & CO. , Prop'S , llufblo , N. Y. : - WILBOR'S COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. To the CohlMIImptive.-Lct those who 'languish under the fatal sovorlty of our cli. inato thruiugh any IJulnoliftry COlflIlfllfltt or pen thorn vlto nro in decided Consunqttoii by no moans ( lespir. There is a sale and euro remedy at ; hanl , and ono oastly tried. 'tlVilbor's Compound of Cod.Lit'cr Oil eind Xinie , " without poisessilig the very nauseati n flavor of the Oil no heretofore used , is endowo by the Phosphate of Limo with a healing pro. perky which renders the Oil doubly oflicacions. Remarkable testimonials of its efficacy can ho liown. Sold by A. B. Wii.uoit , Chemist , Jlostoii , anti nil druggists. ; ! T1lEPILOSOPBY OF UEADACIIE. Till : STOMACII , TIlE BOWELS AND TlIl LIVER .RE RESPONSIBLE Felt EVEIY PANG ThAT RACKS TIIEIIEAD. I1EGULATII , TONE AND hhAR. MONlZ } ThIE AC'IION OF' TIIEE ALLIED Olt. 1ANS WIThI TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT.ANh ) YOU CUhtEThIRc'IPLAhr'c1 ' Ar 1Tl iuUiteiL SOLD BY ALL DItLfaohsTs. / I $305000 fora $2. f . Regular Monthly Drawing will takeplaoe n in the 3iesonlo lull. Masonic Temple fluild. U lug , in Loulerihie , Ky. C Thursday , Novemlier 29th , 1883. A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawings , ehartered by the loglalatureof Ky. , and twice declar. ed legal by the highest court ha the State. Bond given to henry Counts iii the sum of SiOO,000 for the \ prompt payment of all prizes sold. ' 4 A REVOLUTION IN SINGLE NUMBEft DRAWING $ gEvcrv ticket holder hisown supcri'Isor , can a11 C out the number on his ticket and see the correspond. log number on the tag placed in the wheel In hi. . ireuce. These drawthgs will occur on the last Thursduy of every month. Read the magnificent November Scheme. Prizo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 i'rlzo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 I'rizcs , ? 2,500 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 Prizes , 1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 20 l'rizes , 800 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 100 prizes , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oooo icc l'rlzos , 80 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 100 Prizes , 20 e'ch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 1000 I'rlzes , 10 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 9 I'rIzo , 800 each Approximation Prizes 2,700 0 PrIzes , 200 onch " " 1,800 l'rizcs oath " 'a a , 100 1,857 Prizes. C1IO,400 Whole Tickets , $2. Half Tickets , $1. 27 Tlciceto , $80. 05 Tlckoto. $100. Remit money or Bank Draft ii Letter , or send by xprcss. DON1 SEil ) BY JIEGISTEIIEI ) LRTFEL8 B 1'OST OFFICEOI1DEII , until furthernotlco. Or . era of 85 and uiwartl by express , can bo sent at our Iponas. Address ill orders to J , J. DOUGLAS , LouIsvilleEy. 3' em . NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY. Oa F. DAVIS & OO. ( SUOCESSOItS TO DAVIS k SNTDIIJLJ Genaral Doa1or In REAL ESTATE a- . p.- - U06 AIUAE ST . . OILtUA. flays lot sate 200,000 acres osrotuiiy aelooted lands ii Eastern Nebraska , at low price md on eaay terms. Improved firms lot sale In Douiae Dodge , Collax , Platte , Burt , Owning , Sarpy , Washington , M.rick , Baundere , md Butler Counties. Taxes paid In all parla of the Slate. Money loaned on improved tarts. . FubhIo Mwao In ooo. C.rrsspoedenoe ; , . .JOIIN CLARKE. . . . , Oldest Real Estate Agent. Jiotary Public and Practicai Con- - arke sella floiiae. and LOtSP Residence Lob and t , Busloess Lots all orer the city , and iii addltionj , . - -sides improvrd and , unimproved farms ewer thazi nv other avenI nut 16- ' \ , McCARTHY & BURKE , ' ; UNDERTAKERS ! 118 14TH STREET , BET. FAItNAM AND DOUGLAS a Horses Wintered. The undersigned ire prepared to winter horses with either ; Double Single or Box Stalls. ON IUIASONALE TEJIMS. IIIOIILAIrD i'i.c , . . . WEST OMAhA. Ip.1m V. C. SVFFURN& LION. L THE OLD WORLD. A Ware of Anti-Forcin Fc lln roatu1o a Dancrous El- tellt lil Chill. The GovorD1i1 Preparing th Fight thPronoh Even to the Last Ditoli , Icstritctivo FI0OIIH , itoformi anti Juole-Intcrnntlnnnl Labor Con. grosa-IriMli AflaIrR , Etc. GENEflAI , FOREIGN NEWS' rOlLnD 1'OLICII. DunrIN , October 29.-Thoro wa lii Public meeting of the National League anywlioro ill Ireland yesterday , the gov. eriiinuitt. forbidding them. Soiiiu disor. dots occurred at CasUo Lyon in coutity Cork Witch the police with fixed bayouota charged upoti the procession , breaking it UI ) completely and capturing the banners am ] musical iiistruiiionts.'hon the iniliLary and I)0ILCO witlidrow , however , the lncotihlg WIS hold , aliti titus the ob. ject of the leaguers was effected. I TILE TONQUIN TIIOULILU. LONDON , October 29.-Tho Chinese legation publishes in the newspapers copies of the entire correspondence with the French miitioter of foreign atfltirs UpoIl the Tonquin (1Ue8ti0i1. The cor- respondciico embraces 27 conununica- tiOllS. LONDON NOTJ < S. It ; is reported that Gladstone goes to Cannes. A gentleman was attacked yesterdey by a lunatic in the car of a suburban railway - way and beaten insensible. The only other OCCUpaI1L of tile compartment was a lady. Whoti the traiii arrived at the station shio gave the alarm and the lunatic - tic was secured. FRENCh ATROCITIES. I'AltIh' , October 2'-Mail advIces show that the French forces , in encounters in the ViCihlity of Ilainor , early in Seutelu- ber , met the Chinese regulars well armed and oflicered. After a conflict of three days , during which the French took same of the elienuca works , they withdrew , leaving Haipcona still in the hiatids of time enemy. Some troops of the King of Annarn wore with the enemy. A letter front Saigon states thatunhmnard of cruelties - ties wore committed near bore on tile 00- citasion of its capture by the French sat- lors PA1ITS , October 29.-Admiral Courbot has directed itt an official order that there should be no qRartcr given to muon , women - men or children in Animmun. Three hiuii- dred Annamitos fleeing to time Bay of Thuar wore all shot. A hundred and fifty more drifting in a junk without arms or oars were also massacred. The Figaro declares that Admiral Courbet , at the instance of Commissioner Harmand , allowed the perpetration f such acts in ozdor to terrorize the Annaniitcs. The Tcmnps declares that Admiral Courbet gave no such order , bu admits that twelve hundred of the enemy were slain at Thuar. NO 1'OLITICAL SIONIFICANCJI. MADRID , October 2l.-Tho Circles battalion , which guards time ministerial buildings , and which was disarmed amid disbanded was a volunteer organization of govorniiiemt oniployes which the Minister I I of War decided to dissolve. No 1)ohiti. cal imnportaiico is attached to tim action of the \Var Minister. I'IIEPAIIING FOR WAIl. PARIS , October 20.-The Gaulois says that iii view of the contingency of witr iOtWOefl France and China several French iron dads have been anchored to be put iii readiness to reinforce tim French squadron in Chimimeso waters. VAIINA , October 29.-The govermimuent of Greece protests against time action of the Turkish govornmmient in refusing to allow a Greecian Mami-of-War to land suppliea at Chosonie , for sufferers by the carthquakeat that imiaco. CIIrNA't ; HAY. LONn0N , October 29.-Thu Franco. Chinese correspondence furmilshmed by the Chimmeso legation adds little to that iii- ready published , exce1)t it offers arguments - ments iii favor of tim Chumiese position. It ; denies that Marquis of Tseimg over assured - sured Chalemol Lacour that China would not oppso France's entry iiito Tonquimi andsaysthat before July lastTricoutlmcn French enibassador to China , informed Li Hung Cliang that either time open or occult assistance of Anmiam by would involve a casus behli. ( JIIOLERA. ALRXANDILIA , October 29-Thioro were six : deaths from Cholera onb'unday. Time disease has appeared at Messa. ( IILINA ItUS1IING To WAR. HoNG KoNG , October 29.-The do. fences at Cantomi are being actively pushed forward , Large quantities of atone and amniuimition arc being convoyed - voyed to that city from this city by Ciii- neso gunboath An immediao attack on the Chinese ports is not gonerahiy e - cctcd. It. is thonmghit for some tinmo to come fighting will be confined to Tonquimi but it seems inevitable that hostilities will eventually extend ti China. Au. other French reverse in 'l'onquin will be fraught with serious rc8uhts to foreigners. Advices from the interior show that political - litical excitement is spreading. The authority of time imperial govornmnont is muck weakened in many districts. A wave of anti-foreign feeling is passing over the counmtry. O'DONNELL'S IF.FENSS. LoNDoN , October 29Mr. . Itussohl , at- ter a bug commsuhtation yesterday , with Sullivaim , coummscl for O'Donmnoll , formally took charge of the arrangements of O'Dommimehl'a dufonwo INTERNATIONAL L.I3OR CONFEIIENCIL PARIS , October 29.-At thin International - tional Labor Conference , Henry Brood- huser , member of the British Parliament was eiectol honorary president of tim conference , Addressing time mnoetimmg he said ime hoped the delegates would adopt practical resoltitiomus. lie poimiteti Xtll importance of worlhingmnohi of all imations being in constant connmnujiication with each other. other.1m0hIrI8lI 1m0hIrI8lI ( IIIAIN TIt.4Dh. LONDON , October 29-The Mark Lane Express , iii its weekly review of the gralil trade , says : "The weather gen- cr1111) ' is flimo and mild , and time lanid is in excellent condition for sowing. Prices are weaker for au qualities of wheat , cx- cept flume. Citoapor flour is dilhicult to sell , amid the market favors imyors. Or. dinary barley declined is ; grinding sorts , 8(1 to ( hi. Foreign wlmcnt is lower , espe- daily luidian and itani Russian , Iixoi1 American mmrnizo is scarce and h1 deuiror. European miaizo is dull. Three wimemit cargoes arrived , 2 wore sold,5witlidntwn , and ti remain , " BISTUI1IiANCIIS AT CLhtlNhtiIt . fllIflLtN , Octolmor 29.-The disturbancea at Oidomiburg , arising frommi the tmlipopu- inrity of the commanding officer , Ucmiorah Stoimmimmautim , who is said to have ilmsultcd time soldiers and PeoPie of Oldommburg , hmavo excited munch attention hero. Newspapers goihmrally deplore the mule. understanding , especially as tlmero miever existed in Oldcimburg aui' nnti.Prussian fooling. it is st.ited ( loneral Stointmmauiu has received four cliahlozmgcs. lie fought his socomul duel last Friday' mtuirl received a bullet iii Imis shoulder. Troops are cout- flumed in the barracks every imight , in readiiiess for any further disturbauco. DESTIIUCTIVE P1.001)5. ATIIENS , October 29-The rior Sa- lomubria , in Tlicssaly , Imas overilowod its batilis , causing widcs1)real tlovmtstttiou ; 100 iiotmses have been destroyed atiti soy. oral hii'cd lost. ltFomtMs IN RUSSIA. l'OSliN , October 29.-Thu ( lazetto an. flottuices a great private couicil at which all Covernors General of vrovinces will be Iresomlt. It will be hold at St. Peters. burg about the beginning of Deconmibor for time ltltP0SO of ciaborating time how constitutioimal measures. Cik1'ITALjNO I TEA ISSI'ECTION.5 WAShINGTON , Octolor 29.-To secure uniformity in time examination of teas itmi- ported into time United Ststos at parts on the northiermu , miortiieastermi amid north- westorit frontiers , the Secretary of time 'l'easury has directed that samples be forwarded by tito' collector of any port emi said frontiers east of Detroit to time col. lector of customs at Now York ; at Detroit - troit and ports west of thiero but cast of the Rocky Mountains to the collector of customs at Chicago and any such port further west to the collector of customs at San Francisco. On rtceipt of samples they will be examined by tim proper officers and time result of time exmummiumation reported to time collector of that port. COMl0IO1tE JNJ LIII' DAVIS , on duty with the ' highthouso board , will succeed Admiral Crosby las command of thin Asiatic station. A. B. Webb , of this city , has been suspended from practice as polisioui attorney for making false rep- resemitatiorms as to the rights of laimmmants under the pension laws. On November IS time interior Department will adopt tim 75th ineridnan as the local time of \Vaslmiuigioii .4FyAIIIS IN i'EltU. The Chuliati minister received a telegraph - graph dispatch from Lilna , dated to-day , announcing the surrender of Arquipa without battle and flight of the Mon- tories. iglosais was proclaimed presi. dent in that city. INDIAN SChOOLS. It ; l probable that Secretary Toiler will recommend the establishment of an Indian industrial trainfng schoolat SiLks , Alaska , amid common schools at other points in time Territory. Closed Out. CRICAGO , October 29.-The stationary and printing house of Culver , Page , Hoyne S. Co. , olie of the oldest in the city , closed its doors this morning , and jfl answer to reportorial imiquirics stated that the business had been closed out to 3 olin Morris. The immediate cause of the trouble seams to be the fact timat Culver , the moneyed man of time firm , had put his capital imit mines and in insurance coin- pamlies. It is asserted lie has just sold onme of hmih nmiiics to an English syndicate for $400,000 , and it is believed this transfer is for time purpose of tidimmg over the ( lifliculty till a sale can be realized on. Assets roughly estimated at $326,000 ; liabilities believed to reach $600,000. BETSY JtNl ) I AILIO OUT. A Totmeiuing .8eotlli.atloim of tVlll Carleton's Pathetic Pocumi. WiliCarleton's patimetiopoeni of "Betsy and I are Out" was realized one day last week at lIagistrato lCrickbaumim's ollice in Germantown , Pa. William Crook and his wife Jane Crook , two old People verging - ing on to threo-scoro-amid-tomm , vlio have been nmarried forty years amid reared cliii- dreim that are noy mnarried , apuhiod ; to the mnauistrato to draw papers for a separate maintenance between tiiomu. These old folks , who might soont celebrate their golden wedding , imad fallen out and agreed to live seporato. The magistrate could not for the life of him find out what they ware "out" about. They both go to one church , and neither takes any interest in politics. Their mothers-in. law have long since been laid in the chiurciiyar& Jt would seem no if there were ho themes upon which they could fall out , but they did fall out , anmd both hobbled up to thuo "Squire's" office , drew out their sjmectaclcs and began to direct the toruma of the iuiatr.mnomit. The scene was full of pathos , but be. fore time magistrate began to draw the docunment , } mo reminded the estranged couple of their loimg lives passed t.ogetimer , ut their union in hiappimmess amid corn- pammionusimip insorrow , and spoke tenderly of their children. lie counseled them to remumain together until ( led should call tiieni imenco. But "Betsy and I are out. " Both were stubborn and neither would yield. Time drawing of the papers , while full of pathos. had a number of comic features. Wil- hiatmi was to give her $50 fromn his slender - der horde. 51w timoughit that would do , for hmu would have her iriarried daughter. 'J'iiemm followed time divisjomi of their pros- cut estate , lie wanted tim stove and Jane was whllimmg that ho should have it , because lie must cook his muonis , SJie wanted time feather-bed upomi which they had reposed for nearly half a century , auiil lie gave it to her And so they went on through time whole list 4hf their liousukoupimig inipioinunts. 'iVheni each had signed time deed of soplir. atiami with a signature crimoked and limil. zied , they left to live their omiely lives. Asad caumo of aged rohly. t is hardly 1oisiblu , timat tbmis estraumgemont can con. tinue , 'Ihio magistrate hopes that in a few days both sides ivill tire of thou leihlelilmess and rush togotlie'r with tlmt ardor of youthful lovers , kiss , nrnko u amiti pass tiiobriuf reruiniammt of their liven together. : - - - - - ' _ _ _ _ ARISEINFIAM. Anzco Lory From M1u ! Collty , Texas. . Five llutmilreii Negroon Umitler Anus lbr Civil Illgitts. Si' . Lota , October 29-TIue Post.Die. latClt priIlt a siuccal from Austin , Tox. , stating that intemise oxcitoiumetut Prevailed all last night nuici to-day in CoIlseqilemuce ( if P. tulegrituum recois'ett by ( by. Irelituid ; that 500 negroes wore tinder arnie in the ttWfl of Oatizoo , ! ntilaui coumity , anti aum outbreak was iuiounontarily. expected nun mnskiimg for inuunediato help. In view of the fact that tiio l4o decision iii the civil rights bill is creating a very bad feeling nunolug time negroes in various ; ) arts of the State , and butbrcaks have been looked for , Governor Ireland imuitmmedrntehy issued a procianiatiomi ealliimg time mmuilitia to arias. Tvro cohmipanies wore iuitistercd hero at once Mid before mimidiiigiit. last mm'igiit. over 1,000 liuoui at Austin , Ilotustoim , ( ialvcston auui otlmur places res1moumded to the1 call hud were ready to mumnrch at a umuommucuit's umotico. Timeso troops are still wLtitnmg orders at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The precise nature of time trouble stGnuzoo caummot be ascertained but timerosoonus to ho no doubt that a disturbance 'of some kind is iii prorc38 atid ( lovormior Ireland ordered a special miiihitnry traiii tobo , got in readi. hess for imnimmediate uso. A MATULtFL ) VltECItEI { . It Timorotuglibreil Cyclmumo Strikes \Vattmriroo1 hit , Nuw OmtIIIANS , Octab'r 29.-A Times- Dmnocrat Waterproof spodini says : "A cyciomia lassotl over CaUthi ula andTemisas jrnrishes timis mmiormmimug. Tlie first ymca it strimch ivtm Jaummes Bowman's ' plauitatiim , oui time Teuisas river. Three hiotmacs wore blowmi down and four negroes wouimdt'd. The uiext place was D. D. Mi'ler's ' hint- land luiamitatioiu. Ommo hiousb was rooted fr mmi its fomnmidatiomi , ana carried about half a nub into the ivods. A negro church ivas turmiodarountL Timmi ' [ 'hoummas , colored , imad his arnu broken , and his wife , ammotlior wommumn and two ohiiidroni icuro hurt badly. 'I'Imo cycioimd then visited A. Stone's imocami farni , whore a barn and two houses were blown down. ¶ I'lto mmuxt place was II. Moses Co. Helena uiai - t1ttion. The roof of the overseer's house was carried away , oigli e.ibiums tieniol- 15110(1 , tlmico ImersoimB badly hurt , ammti sovehi or eight slightly. Itirs. Bowmumamt's house , iii Catahoula paisii , was bloivmi down. Sue escaped , but three ciimldroum himive not boon found. 'J.'hree Imousos emi w. 0. Young's place , three on % Vnteon's , aiid three on Pcrimentor placowore do- niiolelm ed. LITTLE PLIJL'St"AEEWEIiTi. Tue New General or the Arumiy Starts for Washilngtomu. CuItAuo , , Octobe'Gom'P. . , . R. Sheridan loft for Washington to-night for the purpose of assuming thto rank of General of time army of the United States as successor to Con. W. P. Slier- man , retired. Ho was accompanied by Col. Valkenor auid Cal. Gregory. who will continue as hits personal stafl in the position which they occupied hero while Gomu. Sheridan was iii command of time Dopartimment of the Missouri , Otimor members of imis unilit.ary staff renmmaimi iii Chicago. During the years of his residence - denco hero General Sheridan made very mumany ivtmrln friends , both as a soldier amid citizen , nimd uninny of tiunso accoinpa- miied him to time depot to bid him God. speed on his journey. Geum. Schofield , who succeeds Goum. Shiuridami jut communand of time Dcpartimment of tim ? Iissouri , is expected hero to-morrow. lie willbrimmg as his imersoimal stair Col. Wherry amid Lieut , Schofield , his brotimer. - Tcstlmu time CIulmitmNo Centifluates. SAN FnANcIsco , October 29.-Two Chinese cases , to test the validity of the Cliirmest , governumment certificates , cammie Up to-clay before Judge Iloirniami , iii time United States District Court. lie pronounced - nounced them oceedimmgly omhmbarrassing. Onme of tiicnm was a Cimiuiannan who onici ho was a cigar manufacttmrer Time .Tudgo said Congress mused time word"nmorcii&umt , " not "nmauufaeturer ; " that if every Clii. namnan who mmmdc a few cigtrs or peddled matches wu to be classified as a mer- chamit , the restriction would be Practically - ly a dead letter. The second case was young man 17 years of ago , with a certificate - cato which set forth that time bearer was going to San Franmcfsco to Inanarro a busi- 11085 interest of a mnorcanitfie firm. Wimetlier lie was a laborer or a merchant was difilcult to decide , no judgment. was deferre& Pox Uead. \VAsmnNciToN , October 29.-Secretary Cimandlor received a telegram aunouncimug the death of G. N. Fox , at Now York , this morning , Fox was Assistant Secro. tarr of time Navy under Secretary Welles and acted itt tiiat capacity until 1866 , when lie was semmt abroad in the Nunito. namah to convoy time congratulations of time American ieopiu to time Czar of Rue- sia on his oeape from doatim. Time Army Clmumgeu. thucAc4oOctoler 29-iomm. Sheridan leaves for Waumhinmgtomi title evening tq as- sunume comumaimd of the army. ( len , Sciio. field Is ex1moctad to arrive lucre to morrow to assume time duties of imisnew position. A Daily News Limicolu , lll.pronounmccs time story ( If time arrest of a maui at Ilamp- toni , Is. , for time nmurdor of V.ora Burmia , as a pure fabrication , - - Tue Glenilalo Accident. KANSAS CITY , October 20-At I :20 : a. m , the train 1111(1 imot arrived from thic scenic of the Glepdalo accident. Timc latest report is that. fourteen were hurt , but imozie dangerously. The cause was a broken rail. ill , lii Flames. SL'luNarJImLlu , Mo , October 29.-A firt timts Imiorning totally destroyed time build. immg of time Sringfleid wagon factory. Toss , including mnatoriai , ? 50,000 ; in. ' aurnnmco , 20,000. it employed OIIO hmwm. dred A Fat. Stock Show. ICANSAIO CITY , October 29-Extonelyc I jrejaratlolms are being made for time firef aimnuni tat stock elmow , oponrng bert L- Novemuber let. Entries lowe bonn umuado by titockummcii ( uf varitunus parts of time UlmitSU States ummmd ( room Cantula. t ii tim , 01)01111mg day timero itiil ho a gnmud parndt of over tie ( ) head ot cattle cmi oximibitioum mmme.ltmdimi 100 head of l'oilod Aumgums mmliii Galloway. A chilly public sale of timeso two varieties mviii be Jielil frommu time thti to time 8th. . 4. - lasmumcrnilIuig as a MILWAURIE : , October 29.-A Wnupimn special to 'fhmo Somitimiol says : 1. .1. I hid m , tuf Belvithere , ill. , who cnmmmo hero tecehttly i'ritii two chihiren in sonrch of lime runawmuy wife , found her lnasqtmor- nuding lui male attire ummder time name of I'rnmik , Dubois nuid was living with Gor' trimihe Fuller , hmaviimg been married to her early last sprhlug by 11ev. 11 , li. Morrisomi , at , the rosidouieo of thin brhlo's umiothor. The doe1mtioui hind notbeeim suspected but. imlali ) UmotuhmL Friimik Dtmlois lmuutl mmuumy cimaraetoristmcs of a woman , Under this minnie shio hihU solicited odd joins of Imaimit- hug and was mmiakimig stmthieioiit to support thezim both. - 8PeC11miiM ( If limo Sixi Cow , SAN Fn.tNmsco : , October 29.-Dr. Leoumard Spegmitjntr , who was comnmuiis- siomied by time Smnitimsommian imistitute to go to Ikmhriig , isintid to thud time skultoim of ( lie ' 'northern immumntic , or sea cow , " arrived in towim to.dnny mm the stimainer I Paul from time Arctic , with an excel- but. simec'immmemm. Shelter , tim seirnitist. , of iheimriimg's second ex1ui'tlitioii , wrecked in 1741 , was time liret to see amid descrile it living slecimmiemm. Dr. Speguinjar says his skuietomi is time saimmu as that of time atmi- mmmiii described by Sheller , aimd is , lie be- hioves the cmii ) ' umumu iii this country. lIe also line suveiitecii sictilla of time saute amminmal. Time iifsMlsdluIut CtmmiuiuIt too. ben I SLANt ) , October 2tJ-Soimators Logut , .lomms , 'mVmilker amid Sawyer , of thu special river iimmjrovoumtuumt conmimmittee : reaeimetl hock hlmmumd cii Sunday ovomiimmg aunt ivore mmiet by it reception coiummmittee amid invited to the harper house. Imustead of omnbarkiuug at once umi thu atonummboat liarmmarul the arty accepted , aunt this imicrulimmg held a brief session , takimmg time ovidomice of several citizens as to time amid-bar in hock Island. harbor. TimeyI I thou Look carriages to tim Itock Jslmmumd arsenal amid exammmimmod the work in progress - gross at tIm gnvurmmmmmemmt. water lmwer. At 1:30 : Imum. . time party left. lucre on tim U. S. stimainboat Ccii. Barmmnre. Aumorliem1mi'ui ltmttlrottul. Dms Morrm , Iowa , October 29.-The ivork of coumstrtmction has boon cemmi- mmmem'ced in Iowa of Lime LaCrosse , Iowa Southwestern railway , wlmicii is to cross through time ceimtor of Iowa amid go to Kaumens City. Time work of gradiumg has conmummommeed in Ileepor amid Burr Omik LOWmiBiii1)S \Vimmumnslieik cotmnty ammd the riglmt of way has boeim secured through the couuity. A charter for a bridge over time Mtesissipmi river at LaCrosse hints been secured. it. will imse thirougit Chance City , Boomia and Des Moinmee , 1mm this state , and the Canadian I'ncilio is said to be dackimmg it fimmancimtliy. Bishop lUordnn'N Trip. 01110Mb , October 29.-Tho newly ap- pointodllomimamm Catholic Archibishopil.ior. dan , accompanied by a large number of clergymen mmd laymen loft for hits now Post. of duty in Sami Francisco juts after- noomm. Time party occupied a special train over the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road. Tue laymimen accompanying time archbishop returimed to tue city after journoyilmg as far us Monidota , but sonmo mormmbors of the oseortiimg party , six imi nunmbor , will rolmiain with iiiiii to time end of his journey. An Eiumlezler ) Caimglmt. CnIcAuo , Ochiber 29.-Detectives today - day arrested W. H. McClemimmgimnm , agemmt of tIme Nortimorum Pacific Exlmrcss comnpammy , statioumod at Dawson , Dakota , for the cmmmbezzlemmmonmt. of $2,000. Ho belongs to a good faimmily \Voodstoclc , Cammada , amid wa'o out his way from \Vood- stock to Winmiipeg. J3oIler Hurst. MoBuLml , Ala. , October 211.-Sunday afternoon the steam tug Ed 0. exploded her boiler four ummihea soutim of Ft. Mor. gami , Itlobile Bay. Time boat summk immm- mediately withi Cant. Johumi Carimoy. 'I'Ime Mate amid time colored fureummuumm , cmi- gimmeor amid cook ivero picked up. Time latter died out the way to Fort Morgan. The forohhmmin is jaizmfmilly wouimdcd. Au 1scicinig Thief. Prrrsiiumto , October 20.-in time Su- proume court to-day ( Jimief Justice iorcer quashed time writs of error in time case of Cashier Ruthm , who defaulted witim over $100,000 froun Waehiimigton , ( Pa. ) savings batik. Unless time stay of proceedings is roimmoved wimicim 1mm said not. to be likely , Ruth will escape puimielinmont. TIme Tahoe Ijaumils. 5tH FuANCIHcO , October2o.-ltespect- hug Limo probable request of time forestry commiasiohi to have Congress give California - fornia niud Nevada tim lamid bordering Lake Talmoo to be preserved as a pleasure resort. , time Central Pdcil'mc railroad corn- paumy , wimo owni It , say they will exciiango it br other humid if Cozmgrese is willing to donate it to time public. - A Stage Struck Girl. ST. Louis , October 29-Col. Jas. 0 , Churchill yesterday received a hottem from imie ttaimglmter Mary , wimo mumysteni ously dismmpjmoared in Juin last. The letter tor was dated Inidiammapohis , timid sthtc uuime wart on time stage canmming Imor ow : hiving. ] N1IANAIOLIH , October 29.-Time asso Ciat.eI press report that Mr. Ccimumrcinii : father of Miss Mary Chmurclmuhh , time zuilse lug St. Louis girl , had received a hott.ei fronn her Poetlimarked lxmdiaumapolis , cauae a guimoral searcim to be mmmdc nn thus ettI this evening. She caimimot. be found. I Is believed she isrmot.iii limo city. l'oslal lfMVmflhlth. m WASIIINOTON , October 29-TIme tots. recoiptw Irma the 1)08th1 service for timi fiscal year oimded Juumo 30th , $15,508,602 expoimditures , $12,810,700. surplus , 2 , 091,9')2 ) A Ituuzo In Cottemm. C1IAmILIU3TON , S. 0. , October 29.-Fit . teen hundred bales of cotton bummed thmi Inoniming itt time South Carolina Itamlroam . . yards huero. All time cottoim was for Not York. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iimivntul Out. JACESONVLLP. , , October 29.-f I resolution 1msod time city council onjommm tug time Jesse James troupe from perform , tug iii the city to-morrow night. - - -S--- - BLOWN OUT OF SIGHT. . Trfiill Crcw Torn to brods Bcforc They KlloVhat \ \ 1111 Tlidlll , Torriflo Explosion of Dynamite at Brooks Station , Poun- sylvania. Time Couitmtisslomi 1)cstroyi rropcrty for tllrs Aroumiul. Plrrsmn7nu , Octubor 29-A terrible disaster occurrent micar Brotuke , on time itattiiumore iS , Ohiio railroad , yesterday mnorumluig almut 9 o'clock , resulting iii tie doatlm of five muiomm. The railroad emit- mum ) ' lan , been widouuimmg amid strongtiion- iimg time tunumel , amid soimmo ( hietalmco otmt. side a mmmngaziime hind been orectemi , iii ivhiichm i.its Btorei 1,200 POtlumtlM of dyuma. mite to be used for blasting. AL about the imour miained a freight. train had jtiet liassed timrough the tuimmiel , amid was side tm'aekod tO Rhltuis' time masseImger train , ororulue , to vase. Four of tiio crow walked ha ik to the vicimmity of Limo mumaa I Ilium , amid were cmmgngcd in coiivorsatmon witim time wateliuiman , whueui time puplo iivimmg in time vicimmity were startleti by a terrible coumcusnuiomm. houses for fifteeum tithes aroummd were shmakeim to time foummidatiotu , amid wimmdows a distamico ( if BUYeR unties wet-c simattereul. Horror Htnickeum , time jieopiernmm fi-oumi timeir houses , amid , umpomi imivestigatiomi , it was fmmmmd tiiedymmnummitu hind exploded with fearftil effect. Everytlmin iii time viciumity giio evidence of time terrific force of the uxplosioum. 'i'rcezm ivoro uprooted , immmgo rocks toni natmimdor and tolegrapit poles for half a iuiile prostnitted. Nothhmg no mna'miied of time mmungazimmo , whmilo time live mmmcii who were hronolmt. ) were limissihig. Portions of time botlius , legs , arias , hands amid heads have been picicod up a immuif mmiiio distamit , bit time ) ' were so badly this- figured as tim be tuumiecogumizutble. 'I'ilO tiRmilos of only three victinme nrc kumown. They were Engineer Ceo. itoy- imolde , Brakemimimut Tico mmdViutciimmman .1 Iimmmuummouul. Time catuo of Limo explosioim is oimaimroudetl in mmmymmtery , aimd as the live mmmcii ivlmui might. hmmuve timrouvim somime light emi time mmmdc mire dead , it. is quite iirob- able thmmmt. it will umovor be kimowim. Not far frommm the accidnuit. a tlli itas foumuid amid it is supposed uimmo of time victimume this- charged it , the eoumcuss'momm caumsimig time dymmaimmito IA ) eX1)lode. Thmo immqumoat of time coromier was hmehl amid a verdict of no- cidoumt.ah death reumdercd Great. excite- mmmomit imretumihs here amid hiuimdreuls have gone to thio scomme ofthme disaster. Coloraui ( ) Cnlimmo SALIIA ) , Col. , October 29.-Last ovemi- ing Ihieter Stimugloy , Limo city mirni-simnl , was fatally simot. while altemptihmg to an- rest. Framik flood , a cowboy , for coal stealing. Stitmgley covered hiiun with his revolver bat. Rued was too quick for hiiumi and shot imini three times amid thou us- lIsped. AtDurauigo , last evening , Abe Scht1or , of time lirnim of SchilFer & Co. , was neci- dentally killed by throwing a saokomi time floor , which contained , ammmong other ar- tides , ft revolver which was disohmargc& Aim Irmilimituit ( Jyclisne. INmIANAI'OLis , Octolmer 29.-A cyclone struck time ivoet. side of Columbus , hid. , between onmo amid two o'clock this mmuormming uzirooling Moommey iz Semis' tammuery , amid Gall' , Gent & Thomas' how four story immill. Itaiso knocked the cormmer olr of tue I. M. ic ; I. ( Idiot amid partially do- immoilsimed .Tohmn lii. Gynwi' saloon. 'l'otal daummago , $700. A roof froun time mill took dowmi two iiummdrod yards of Lob- graph wires. Nootmehmurt. TlmuuulmlaKy Kiehcus. Nnw Yonnu , Octohor 2i-'J'anmnmammy ) Hall has prcsuuited to time mnayuur the ease of Police Commmmmuisnioumor m1aLtlmows , who iii a public hmmtll said imiummself amid to otimer comumumissioumerlt would use their iniluoumco tosecuro the clectioim of Limo Irving Hall caimdidatc. A Femnuulo Slmnloic. Nmmuv YolmEOctober29.-Time Wommmanms' Simlrm-ao party hints issued ami address to Lime weuumahi of thme State to exert timenmi. solves to tumi-im every vote possible ng.t'unst Leslie \V , itmissehi's re.eluctioim au Attor- fey Ounmural. Ilium ofhieirml nets prove mmii to be time ummecrimpulous foe of your liberty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ An iumportant Clue. OnleAco , October 29.-/t. Lincoln ape. cml 553'S a man hints boon arrested at. ilitnipton , Iowa , who has comifcseed that. lie was hired to murder era Bumims. Time Pnleommer is expected to arrive at LihmCOlfl to-day. Fire at I'eorla l'zoni * , October 29.-Five woodomu buuildizigis used for business purposes , situated out Court street. , burned yceter- day nmorning. Lcise , $1l,000 ( ; imisuranco , I $10,000. . - Canada Fish. OrriwA , October 29.-By time fisheries cernnmiesion uiward Caimada hum 27 gold anti 17 silver medals. : TUTT -rS-S _ _ TORPID I3OWIELS , p DSOflDERED LIVER , and IVIALMUA. r Ilmese sources arise thrce.iburthe of limo IhlaOutcS Of time hunmnnm move. l'hieSu iymptnnslmu1mcnto timotrovi..onei' : r A1,1ctito , iloivetiS CV' ' t ache , ( uhincag often tiortiumi o hjoily ee ' -'Ui. 0 ( ecu , XrnItrtiit ? a8)mht1 , A 'i.Iun , iL. ed inilmo dimt .vLa..ess , Fhinlu s u1u : , .t. tue heart D.iajmgur , , the eyeS , tIliAy ccl. : oroul Jrf : . . , ( ( LNT1'ATIOX , mmd do. rnanl time umso erR nomneulytlunt nets illmuoll ; lImo J.Ivor. AaaLlvernionlteimmoTVTT' 1'IIdi.S have no equal. Their actionon the Kidneys mind Skin is also prompt ; ronioV tnll nil timilfluuttlca tlmrouglm these tlmreo "scar- euifcrs oC ( ho oyutoiu , " prcthiclng tmppO. kilo , sommuid ihtgcetton , regular tooisn oman skbmmtumchmtv1gorouslmod. 'FlIrT'S I ILPM cause no imammsca or griping nor interfere LI whim dolly work noid mire a lierfoct V1TlDO TO tV3ILAR ! milcerywIi.r'l tfllh.4I5liTiyt3t. , , ----4 - - - - ThTT'S HAI PYE. ' ( oluummugod in. GRAY llAma Oil SS'iHsmEiU . BtiiuiUy touUIMSSr JILACIC mylusluigIo imp. plictmtiori of thIs 1)Tmi. LIOl'I ' Dy Drugsta , or scat by express nit receipt of 81. Otlico , 44)Iurmlt Street , New i erIc. I-r,3 iAtiUAL OF USEFUL flCEII'18 [ JILL DYS PE Does utot get well of Itselfi It re.nIrrs carntaf , per. Plitent etientlon and a remedy that will riaskt Saturn to threw elf the cuuices And ionO tip the digartliw organs till tlwypeifoni their diitle willmntly , ilne. iiowortI , , ct Amherst. N , ii. , after trying nixj Inre emurs" wIthout Wattit. found that Ho o d's Sa4aparilla hittb ! utah en lit. hicaI em ! teetered her to health. Among the srineeexpeI.ece.l by the dopeptie , am , mmttq 1eforeorertrreat1sc.loesofnppettoirrrgn. larity of the towels , wind or gn .tml pain in the Ctornacji , head-bum , tour stomach. Ac. , canting menial depreojon , ucrroua IrritatiEty and sleepless. iot. , , hJ non em 'licourage1 is' of gootl ebeernad try Sarmpariibt. It JIM cored ) iundrets , Ii will mire you it mu give it a fair chaxce ) C I. iiontk Co. ( it'nmIita-1 was u'er'mulmt to try heed's Siri. l.eeti iroflhktt within. l-e'tloi , , an , , diiiity Ott sereini enre.whIeh ha , achy icflltiCm , herfrcui , imelure elm ha. t.ttcn Uir nm i.ttio , her uietuLi , comwwneed mc tin- rove. Siie5liflWt5tiIifl.t , lOnrtft heillo.aslhc , , ttth111 , Mmdli ! no.1 m'ermanenti linpror m , an , I'ipsrnt tecl. uloil ) .1 : ( so. l'rtco' I.meui Iorta.w. s ( tiy brivI' , , . TO THE PUBLIC I Invoatigato for 'Your8oIvoS. i'oetniestcr.leneral ( tirosham lii log piblihod , a willful and uillckti's tal.'hood In reiar.lo , the clir. incterof The ls.mmklaiu State Ittery ijonipany , tlt. Lhlowimig ficts are ghni * to the puiflo to pr , , Iii. sUithiiieit , that wo are eimgiged in a fraudulent bus. lncsq , to mfamso nltmiitnto , , : Amiiount , .f prize , , Paiti ly The Tnnislane Stats Lot- tcrv Company frtii , .lauttstr ) m , ItTP to iresent detoI i'af.t t , , Soithern toNew orleans , V. \i'metitt , Maitager . . . . . . . . . . .51i0d,30o i'l.l to Louisiana Natliuai Sank. Jot. Ii. OglcsIy , l'rteiIont . . . . . . . . . . . 403,000 Paul to State Nitlonal hank , S. 11. Keiinely , i'residunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iniuo l'alii to New ( 'rIcan , National Bank , .t lialtie It , I'resiCl3tlt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88tBO Putt to (711100 Nntioual , hank , S. Citarlarni , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,150 i'ahl to CItIzne hlatili , II. h Cerricro , ' . . . . . . , l'ald to Gorinania NatIonal flank , Jules CM'amIi , Prc.eliteiit. , . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 L'aiil to lhliornla National Hank , Cliii. l'alirey. Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 Pitli to l'anni hank , Ed. Toby , CashIer. . 33,150 l'all to Mutniti Netlonol Bank , Joa. iiitchol , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200 Total rt1 as iihtro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa3ttimi ruins of tunder $ moio at the vattou.iofliccs of thu Coulpamiy throughout the Uimlted States. . . . . . . . . . 2,07,41e Total paid for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , , Far the truth of the above facts we rotor the nblio totho olficen , et the ebove.iianol , , ccirpoi-atiots. and for our legelity arni tAi.iing to the Mayewatitiollictre oftle City .1 NawOriuats , , totlie Stateauthoritiesof Louisiana , aiid ala , to the U. S. Omctais of Louisiana. IVo cisim to be legal , honest and correct in ami our transactIons , as much so as any business In the onit , . try. Our etanIlug , ii. conceled by all who will inyttt- Ligate , a.l , ouret.ick has for years been soki at , sir hoard of lirokurs , cpu , 'wnei by many of our t.ii known ruid respected cithians. SI. A. DAUI'IIIN , President. nrCAPITAL PRIZE S75ooo. Tickets Only $5 , Shares lut Proponltoa. Louisiaua 1ate Lollery Colllallv ' 4 Wa do hereby cert/i that we siipervss the as- ratmjcments ( or all t8e ) IoitAly aiii ,2erni.Aniu4 Drawiiis nt the LouManm State LoUery Conipany add nj'ereom indoope and control She Vrawinga themselves , omZ that the Caine are coicheted Wit1. hotiCn4ifairness. mid n good/ath toward oil par. . Ifs , , arid we autorizd , tA company to else this eec- tf4rtits , , rfM /ac-stiiites of our ajnafure5 attaehcd , in s advert isemenfa" isemenfa"t COsamiaSiOmisis. Incorporated In iSOS for 25 years by the legislature or educatioiiai and charitable purposes-with a oap. Itci of l 000,000-to which a rcaeryo tend of ono I50,000 lie , , chico boon addcd. fly an overwhelming popular 'rote its tranchis. Wa , . mniulo a rart of tim present state constitution idoptod December 80 , t. U. 1870. The oiiy tofter ever toted cii and eiidoroed brj thspls of any stats. it , uet'sr Scales ci Postpone , . Its grand single miumbor drawings taka place mnonthily. A Sl'LIINDII ) ori'OItTIJNITY TO WIN A TOIl. TUNE. hilt Grand Irawhng , Class L , at New Or. calm , , TUESDAY , NOV. 11th , 1823-liIsI Monthly Drawing. Drawing.CAI'rrAL CAI'rrAL rnizn , p75,000. 00,000 TICKLI'S at FIVE DOI.LAitS EACH. Iran thons , In Fifths in l'rnportlon. List OF titters. , 1 OAi'ITAL ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 1 do dis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooa 2 1'htlZF1 OF $0000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000 5 , to 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 no do tOO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 iou ilo 201) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 oo do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 100 do Ito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 800 do 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 Ai'rmnoxumitalofl nisurts. 0 ApproximatIon Prizes of $780. . . . . . . . . . . 6,750 9 do do 500. . . . . . . . . . . 4,800 U do do 280. . . . . . . . . . . ; I'rlzcs , amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ApplicatIon for rates La ciube should be nude only attiio olSen of the coinhally In New Orleans. Iron further Ijiformnatiori tniW clearly giving lull address. Make I' 0. Money Orders payeble end address htegiaterod Iotters tp NEW OHLEAN8NATIONAT. IIANK Now Oricana , L. _ Postal Note'u mimud or Jinar litters by.ilsli or lOx. press ( all suiis of $0 and upwards by Expreas at our UXiCtise ) to 1 ! A. DAUI'IIIN or 58 , A. DAUI'IIIN , Now Orleans , i. . . 607 Seventh St. , Washington , Ii. C. A LOUISIAM ST TE LOTTERY CU B. Frank Moore. 127 La Salle Street. Chicago , Manager of ChIcago Otfles. To whorm apply 101 hnloruiaUon amid ticket. . 102d Monthly Drawing , Tuesday , Nov. 13. First Capita ! Prize , $76.000. Tickets $5. Bold Ylfths at ei each. See full scheme aboye wud&eat-w.Sw . JAMEMoVEY , Practical Horse Sheer , Makei a epeeiaitg of iloaditers andtenlsrfoo 0I. Shops , Dodge snmat beti 11th intl helms house DR. ERNEST H. HOFFMAUN , Physician & Surgeon OFFICE-ISTII AND JACIOSON LITS Boaldonoo lSIlm Street , over hlelutirod & Dornuin' . store. miser ,4cksoms street. Reference-A 20 rears' practlotl experience L R. RSDO. Oli'1Ill8llflll1OO ' AOII1 RE1'RIISENTLI : Phta.atx Aesuranoc Ca , oi t.ondon , Cash & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . Woetchister , N Y. . Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . , oooooe.oo 'IhoMercbsnts. of Newark , NJ. , Capital 1,276,000.00 ( llrard Flue l'hiUadclphia , Capital . . . , , i,200,000.06 Yhrcmezm'e iund , Capital , . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . OFPICII-Room ; 30. Omaha lhtiouJ Bank SuEd. . tug. Teisphoos No. 676 -