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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - , - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ -w--- , - - - - - - - . - - . . . - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE DAILYBEE--UMdi , WEDNESDAY , OCTOIR 3L , 1883. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 L . The Nebraska National Bank. CPOMA1TA.D. . , Ma Up C'apttal . . urp1ns Fund , MayljJR83 71 OW LIPCTS : , i ; . JoiiNso ; , rr&tt , of Steele , Johni ? Di - " , T0t17.A1.IN , V. 1'3ldent , of Uoton. w. V. MORSE , ot W Y )1DILSJ ) & Co. Jon CO1.TANS , Ci It. & J S CoUtne. M. WOOLWOItTfl , Counctlor & Attorney at YAW B. RECU , ot flyron I1tt ti Co. v. YATICiqhlirfo , nu.ny yerCashtroItb. lint Natton nk of Oin&tti. ThIN Uftnk opened for tnitiieAprtI 27 18S2 TItF DIttC'101t8 A4D i3TOCK1IOtflEItS &n g the teadtng hutneiit , mon of Oxn&h ; , nd tt ; hUIfleMli tn conducted wtth capect&1 reftrence to thi boat trii1 tncroaMiig tntc.reteofItemercntUe patrons COLLECTIONS recehe prompt &ttentlon UO thrtic Ioieiit ohtftlnbto hero or clwhete. 1NTEIVST&Uowci on time dcpottn upon fvot. ibm tenn and iion , aecountn ot banks &iid hMiko , . FOIIKION FXL.IIANGU : , Uoornmnt flornis nd County Miii City 8peuritIi'i hrniwht &nI 'mlii. Council B1uff Loan and. rrut Cornany. FIr3t Mortjigu hon coUa'ed Comrnerclni Falier anl itl ( inoit teourIttti iiiit lii. 3 l'catl trcet , nuit OO Fri.t avenue , Councfl flttifY. I : FINA1CE AUD COMMERCE. . FINANCIAL. NEW YORK. Octotor 80. . Mono-Ty at 2j3 per cent , c1o.hig ot 3 @ 3 tier cant. 1'rjuo 'ajer-C7 vor cent. 1xchango 13I11-Stcader ! at 4.81 ; demand , b 4.81. ' 1 toroiiimeiitStrong. . ) . . StockiOpened Ntrong and higher The feattiro wa Oregon Transconthioutal , . wlilch soul p 1 coit t , flV. TIio ha. prooinont n tim general market was loss lin. portant , ranging hem to per cent , the lot. tot Mlsso1Lr l'ucific. As coinparod with last I . night's closing , prices are off to 2 tIer cent. . CoUros. au ; 100.1 4'a Coupons . 114 , 48 12 Padilo 6's of ' 95 130 . STOCKS tND BONDS. ; American Exjircas . 89 . . . . BurL , Cedar ) & Northern $0 Central I'.ichic 6l . . , Chicago & Alton 132 , d do do ffI 14 ( y' ' $ . Clii. , Burl. &Quincy 124k ' ; Erlo . , do piti 71 , . Fort Wayne & Chhao 130 Hannibal & St. , Iiejih . . . . . . . . . . . . do do do uld. . . . . . . . . . . Ilitnots Contra ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13i ) . hid. , Bloom. & Wostorn. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . Kansas & Texis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1 Lake Shore & Michigan So . . . . . . . . . . . Nicidgan Coiitral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Itnnoaus1ts k St. Louts. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 do do do Pfd. . . . . . . . 42 I ! ! t8SOUX1 Pactfio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 do do pfd. . . . . . . . G4A . Northwestern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 , . do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ThU ? .ii , . , Now York Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . , . (10 do pfd fUO , . Peoria , Decatur & Bvansville 15 Bock Isaud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 do (10 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 116k St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 107 St. Paul & Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do do 1)fd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Union I'acific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87. . Wabash , St. L. & Pacilic. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 32 Western Union Telegraph. . . . . . . . . . . 78k / f/uked. GRAIN AND P110 VISIONS. CHIcAGO. CIuo400 , October 3O.-Flour-Mnrket quiet and unchanged : common to choice sprIng wheat , 3@5c ; Minnesota , 34kc bakers , 4@5c , patents 6@7c ; winter wheat flour Southern and 11issourl , 4@5c , Michigan , 4@5c. Wheat-In fair demand , unsettled , and . Irregular ; opened firm and higher and closed N a shade lower ; 92c for October ; 92c ! for No. vemb r ; 95@95c for December ; 901c for Jan- . - tiary : 1 03C1 031 for May : No. 2 spring , 02 c ® 931c ; No. 3 sprIng , 81c ; No. 2 red winter , X)1 ) 00. . Corn-Easier , but in good demand ; 46@ 40c for caali and October ; 4G47c for iNo. t veinbor ; 4&4Cgc for December ; 4G@)4G.c ) for the year ; 401@40k for January ; 48gQ118c for May. Oath-Easier : 27c for cash , October and Novotni or ; 28.28c for December ; 27 27c ( for the year ; 28.28c for January ; 31cc for May. Rye- Opened firm and c1sod easy at SOc. liarioiHeavy roccipLs have depressed the ' market ; 00c. Flax ccd-Firm at 1 37. Timothy-Good , common and ordinary ilull and easy ; fair to g.od , 1 20@1 29 ; prime , I 30 ; high grzulo to very choice , 1 33I 35. l'ork Active nod firm ; demand chiefly for Siloclilal ion 10 30@10 10 for cash and Novein. bar ; I0571O 40 for December ; 10 251gb 27 for the year ; 10 12i10 15 for Jauuary ; 10 1 10 17 for February. Lard-In improved demand , but unsettled ; . opened strong and higher and closed stonily ; . 7 207 25 for cash and October ; 7 17@7 20 for November ; 7 2051j7 221 for December ; 7 17@7 20 for the year ; 7 0@7 32ff for Jan. nary ; 7 37@7 40 for February. Bulk Moats-Steady ; shoulders , 4 715 ; short ribs , 6 75 ; short clear , 4 75 , Butter-Quiet anl unchangol ; fair to fancy creamery , 21@29c ; good to fancy dairy , 14. % Eggs-In fair demand at 21@24c. Whisky-Steady and unchauged at 1 16. CiiLLBoAnn-Wjjent-In good demand ; tie. clir.ed c for November and December ; ad. vancod c for May , C.rn-In fair demand ; advanced c. Oat-In good demand ; advanced La for December , the year and May. 'Pork-In good demand ; derlinod 2.c for October ; advanced 2c for November , 7o lower for Ieceinber and February. . - Lard-In good demand ; So higher for Octo. , - ' 4 t-M bar ; 2o , higher for November , January and V February. . Grain in Store , October 29-Wheat , 7,698 , . 000 bus. ; corn , 1,018,000 , bus , ; oats , 249 000 bus. ; rye , 935,000 bus ; barley , 103,000 Lion. Total of all kind4 , 10,002,000 bus. ; saute time last year 4,970,000 1iu. On Cafi-Salen of regular wheat , 1,100,000 I be ; corn , 475,000 bu ; oats , 215,000 liii ; pork , 5,500 barrels : lard , 4 250 tIerco. Cheese--Market dull 011(1 weak ; choice full cream cheddars 11@11c ; choice full cream itats 12c ; gooli Inrt skim cheddars and flats1 lic ; Ilar(1 skims , 2@lc. Uids-Unc1ianged ; green salt cured light , 8c ; green salt heavy , 8c ; green salt damaged , lie ; green salt calf , lie ; dry salt , lie , dry calf , 150. 150.TallowUnchanged ; No. 1 , 7c ; No 2 , 43c ; cake , tic. I'NORIA PaOflUCE , I l'EOIIIA , October 30.-Corn-FIrmer ; high I miXO(1 , 47fi47e ; No. 2 mIod , 4C4@47c. Oats-Inactive ; iNo. 2 whIte 3O@3Oc. ; Whisky-Firm ; $1 15 , Br. BOCIB i'nonucx. ST. LOIJISOctober 38-\Vheat-Lower ; No. 2 red , 81 00 for cash ; $1 00 blil for October ; 81 001 for l'ioreinbor ; 1 022 for December ; No. ' - a red , 0SI@05c , Corn-higher and slow ; 431@13o for cash 43 bid for tkthber ; 431@43c for November ; / 41ofor the year. oats- Slow ; Otiga for cash ; 26c for Novem. . her anti December. I llyehigher at 5Oc. Barley-SOc. , Butter-Unchanged ; dairy , 18@J2-lc ; crem . cry1 25c29c. . Lgiot-19c. Flax Seed-i 33. hay-Firm ; irairio , 0 0OlO 00. Timothy-il 0O16 03. Corn Meal-9 40. CoosiNo BOA1W-Whet-Lower ; 1 00@ 1 00 bid for November ; 1. 02L1 ir. for Ije comber ; 1 001 biLl for the year ; 1 0I for Jan. uary , Corn-Irregulsr ; 43ko fur November ; 4lc 1i11 for December ; 41@41c for the year ; 4lc for Jantary. Oats-Quiet ; 2flc for December ; 2Go for the year. HILWAUKIIII. M1t.WAWCRP. , October 80.-\Vbeat-Market qulet 93c fo' November ; 9.ic for December ; tl0o for January. Corntonitially unrhangoil ; o. 2 , 47c. Oitt-1)ulI ; No. 2 , 27c. llyo-Strnnger ; NO , 2 , 55e. Barley-Firmer ; No. 2 , GOe@1 00. CINCINNAtI. CINCINNATI , October 80.-Wheat-Market. firm ; I 0tTh1 ( 08 for rash. Corn-1)uIl 8101 weaker n 49c. oats-Firmer at SOc. lIve-Quiet 811(1 ste.ulv at 5cc. Whlky-Deiuaiul active at. 1 ia TOLCto. ) Toueno , October 80.-Wheat-Dull 'and lower ; n. 2 rod winter , 1 02.6M 06. Corn-Dull ; llirh mixed , 52e ; .o. 2 , cash and October , tile. Oats-Dull and nominal ; No. 2 cash atid , oveInber , 29c. NW OTILUANS. NIW OiiucANs , Octoler 80.-Corn-Mixed dull and lower itt file ; white and yellow , scarce and firm at OSo. Oatn-iIiot ; irinie , STc ; choice , 3.S80c. Corn Meal Scarce and tirni at 2 1O@2 75. ; tieree. S 00 ; keg , 8 62. Vbisky-S toady anti unchanged. NNW 101111. Nsw YoRK , October 50.-\Vhoat-Nn. 2 @c higher ; options olienoil lower ; ativauceil ( al'c. Later : weaker 111111 declined @lc , clO1IIg stonily ; unizradoil rod , 07c@1 0U ; , o. .1 red. Olic ; No. 3 rod , steamer , t)2c ) ; No. 3 red 1 01 ; No. 2 roil , 1 lO@i 14. cOni-dash 1101(1 firm : options declined 4@gc , clositig steady with slight. recovery ; iliizratIed , ri3@S7c ; No. 2 , 7@t,7.c. Oatn-@Xo lower ; mixed wesniru , 3 © 27c ; white , T@42c. Lard-higher ; steam , 8 05. Butter-Quiet atni firm for choice ; 10@28c. Eggs-Vestorn frtisll , t1ulot and steady. l'urk-Quiot and firzu ; noW mess , 11 50cjl 11 75. LIVICIU'OOL. rtv11ErooL , October 30.-TheadstutTn- Flrnwr. Witeat-Wintor , 8s 6d@Oe ; spring , 8SSS Corn-Sn 2Ad. KANSAS orrt. KANSAS CIII. Octoner 30.-Wheat-Better ; No. 2 reit fall , 83'c bit ! for cash ; 835S4c for Novinber ; 85@jSc fuir lkcoinher. Corn-Stontly ; 87c for cash ; 3le bid for November : : t ic 14kett for the year. Oats-Slow ; 23 bid for cash. } I.tLTIMOIIL BAr.TntoiiE , October 30.-Wheat-Western higher ; No. 2 winter red , cash and October , 1 03@1 O5. Curu-\S ostern , quiet and lower ; mixed , cash and October , 53@531c. Oatn-Fairly active. Ityo-Stesdy. iiiitter-Firiii and unchanged. Egg'-Activo mid firm at 25tjI26c. \ \ hisky-Quiet and steady at 1 18@1 181. LiVE STOCK. CIII'AGO. OIncAco , October 80.-Tho 1)riivers' Jour. nal reports this afternoon as follows : hogs-Se higher ; packing , 4 OO@4 40 ; aeking nod shipping , 4 405 00 ; light , 4 50 © 1 90 ; skips , 8 003 90. Cattle-Quiet , except for best ; exporth , 6 30 @ 6 7h ; good to choice shipping , 5 50tti 20 ; COillIflOil to niediiiin , 4 005xJ5 40 ; inferior to fair cows , 2 1O@3 00 : ioeditnit to good. S 2i5@ 3 75 ; stockers , S O0@3 SO ; feedori' 8 'J0t5J4 80 ; mugs cattle stonily ; 202 Montanas , avorag. ill11 1,140 lbs. 4 50 ; 260 Wyoiniiign , averagilig 1,150 l1s , 4 10 ; 40 Texans , averaging 080 ibs , 3 75 ; 200 grass Texans , aver.tgliig 93911o , 4 00 ; (35 half breeds , averaging 1,000 ILa , 4.10. Sheep-Slow and steady ; inferior to fair , 2 50@1 00 ler cwL ; medium to good , 3 50 @ 4 00 ; choice to extra. 1 OO@4 50 ; lambs , P ° ' head , 1 0O@3 50 ; Texas sheep , 2 25@3 50. SI , . LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , October 30.-Cattle-Supply and demand light ; little done ; no good ship. Plu'g grades here ; Texans quiet , at 3 5O 4 25 ; Indians , 3 50@4 50 ; native butchering stuff , 8 0O@1 25. Sheep-Utiod grades wanted ; common very dull ; fair to good muttons , 2 75 ; prime , 3 80 ® 4 00 ; Tezatis , 2 5Oc3 00. KANSAS CITY Livil STOCK. KANSAS Cxvi , October 30.-The Daily mdi. cater reports : Cattle-Steady ; natives , 4 35 ; stockers , .1 OO@4 25 ; Texans , 3 OO@3 60 ; Colorado half.breeds S 50@4 10. Hogs-Firmer at 430@4 40. Sheep-Nominally unchanged. - . TRAFFIC. FLOUR ANI ) onAIN. CHICAGo , October 30.-Receipts and ship. meats of flour and grain for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Receipts , Ship'tn. Flour , bbln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 14.000 Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 95,000 78,000 Crzi , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 202,000 183,000 , Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 147,000 63,000 Rye , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,000 42,000 Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 110,000 76,000 Nrnv YoRK , October 8O.-Itocalpts and &hipmentsof flour and graiti for the past 24 bout have been as follows : ROCO1ItS Ship't.s. \Vheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 75,000 12,000 ( iorzi , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 116,000 76,000 Oat. bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 50,000 1C.'l'3At CITY , October 80.-Receipts and shitiments of grain for the past 24 hours have been an follows : Receipts. ShIp'ts. Wheat , busholn. . . . . . . . . . 111,000 29,000 Corn bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2,000 LIVH STOCK. CaICAGo , October 30.-Receipts and 51111) . inenta of live stock for the past 24 hours have boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25thJu . . . . Cattlo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,600 . , Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,200 . . . . JCANSAS CITY , October 30.-Receipts and shipmentS of live stock for the last 24 hours hiavo boon as follows ; Receipts. Shiip'tit. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . asuo Hogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,300 S hoop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . D , JADUIS , October 30.-Receipts and ship. mints of hive stock for the Iast 24 hours have bsen na follows : I Jieceipte , Bh1P't. Cattle , . . . . . . . I.j4aj Sbsep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 1,400 DRY GOODS. NEw Yomc , October 30.-1)ry goo.s are in moderate request for miscellaneous selections of some staples 05 well a of speFialties , but trade has been light in first hands , Tim fea. ture of the market bins been the auction sale of F. Mayer & Co.'s stock of woolens by order of the assignee , which equaled 20,000 PIeces of 6.4 c'ooJois antI further offerings of S 000 hiiecen of 6.4@ of l'omery & Fluininer's. 'flie lirices roaliiod were generally low , and on the assignee's stock , in Solno IOStaIICON , simply ru. ihicnlou. OMttJIJ % . MA1tICES. Wholesale l'rlcos , Ovric ov TuB OuAlrA BEE. Tuesday Evening , October 30. The following prices are charged retaitor by Jobbers , wholesalers and cointuisslon 10cr- chants , with thto exception of grain , which in quoted at the lir1Ce furnished by the elevators and other local buyers ; GralH. Wirn&r-Cwsh No. 2 , 75c ; No. 3 , etc , ] IAULSY-Canh No. 2 , 48c. ] ty-Cas1& No. S : iJc. COhN-No. 2 , : ise. OATS-No , 2 , 25c. Tilvo StOflhl. PAl' STEcas-Qulet at 3 f'0@425. FAT Cows-S vOq,3 3,5. ] Loas-4 0O4 as. Siixse-FIun at 3 0O3 50. O.Viai-Far ! qinility 4 ( 'O J5 O0good ; butok' Flour antI MiilstnffR. \Vtrr.n WII11Ar-Iiost quality , lstont at S 40@3 rio. SxcoNn QUALITT-3 0Ot3 O. 8I'IIINVIIEAI'ltoit quality , lUtAflt , tit 350@360. bF.CONI ) QUALITT-2 303 ti. BRAN -550 Ior cwt. CliorrEn I'ErD-l'or 1.00 lbs. S.'c ( oii MEAL-i 0Oj1 10 vr cwt SclNCNINO-6O@700 her CW 'liVOfli. Merino unwashed , light 1411OIC.c ; heavy , lS1t.t ; ifletlilIlli tttiWa.4110t1 , light , 1(20c ; wa.nlieil , clailco , 82c ; fair , SOe ; tith , auth wivihcd , 22c ; hurry , bI.iek aini cutLet ! wool , toss. Gr000rt4 Lust. OANNKn (1001)5-Oysters ( ( Struidarti ) , per cnst , S 7O3 tO ) : strawboirles , 2 11' , P case , 2 10 ; raspliorrie.n , 2 II , , POt COSO , 2 80 ; Bartlett Pears , hr , 2 40 ; whortleberrics , ; r e.tso , ) 74i ; egg iihm ; , 2 lii per ease , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 lb , Per CASt ! , 2 od ; ito choice , i lii , er , 4 50 ; vlno npilos , 2 lii , 11cr CO , 4 ' "ltrr.-Stsn1 , inch and larger , 1Oc , inth , 1Oc ; inch , l1c. CANIL11i-Ikxes , 40 his , lOs , ISe ; tis , Iric ; boxes 40 ibs , 16 oz. , Git , ir. MATcHEs-Per ciublie , 35c ; mund , cases , 1 55 ; square cases , I 70. StnAlui-l'owdcred , lOc ; cut loaf , lOc ; granulated , tlii ; confectioners' A , Do ; Stanil. arti extra C , tile ; extra C , Sc ; niodiuni yol. low , Tic ; dark yellow , 7.c. CoF11ta-Ordiuztry grades , l0@11)c ) ; faIr 12 ( l2c ; goml , 1l@lSc ; lirilno , l25j1121c ; choice l1@14c ; ; fancygreen niiti vehhiw , l4@lSc ; oid govorilinent .1 nra , 200J26c ; 1.overing's roasted , l4c ; Arbucklo's roasted , 1ic ; ? ulcI.aughilln's xxxx roasted , lTle : imitation Java , 16 ® l8c. Ilici-Loiiisiana : prmo to choIce , 7c ; fair 6c l'atIIla ' . ; , 61'c. 1"isii-No I mackerel , half bris. , 8 00 ; No. I mackerel , .cits , 1 15 ; family macherd , half brls. , 6 00 ; funilv : innekerel , kits , USc : No. I vhiit. tisli , half brla. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kIts I 05. Svnup-Sttuidartl Con. : , 15o , bids ; taiidartI tb , .1 gallon kegs 1 8i ; Standard do , 4 golloii kegs , 1 60. fiOI.t-Iii lii Palcr , 3 30 tier case ; keg per Ib , 21c. l'lCItr,115-i'ltedIUfl , in barrels , 7 00 ; do lii half barrels , 4 t3 ( ) . small , iii barrels , S 01) ) ; thi III half barrel , , 4 75 ; gherkins. in barrels , 9 00 ; do in half larrols , l ) ( ) . ' ' ( . , good , 41 'S5c ; choice 60 (6175c ; good Iinporiil , 40@.lSc ; choice , 6O@Cic ; \'nulg I I ysoi , giani , S6OitOc ; choice , f'c@l ; 00 ; .1 iipai liattirat loaf , SSc ; .Tnioui , chudci3 , 6O)7tic ) ; oloiIg , good , 35@iOc ; Ootong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , $5t5J40c ; choice , 85l45c. \ hiooii 1alhs , 1 85 ; three hoop jialis 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; i'iu- fleer wr.sbboitrts , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00 ; \Vehlbiickotii , 3 85. Soi's-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 .15 ; Kirlc's natiiiot , 3 60 ; Kirk's staittlarti , 3 75 ; 1irk's white ltussirtn , S 25 ; Kirk's outoco , 2 lii ; Kirk's l'rairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) hoc ; lUrk's iii.'tgiiohia , 1107. POTtHILl'ennnylvanla caiti , 4 case , in case , 3 :35 : ; Babbts ! , ball , 2 doz. incase , 1 9OAiichior ; balh , 2 tioz. in case , 1 50. OtN1n-Frotichi niixod , in 30 lb. palm , The ; American inixoil. in 30 lb pails , 1 c ; Brilliant iiiixed ilk so lb pLihs : , ; Nolby : uixeil , in 30 It ) , 13c ; Colulietition iiiixetl , itt 30 ii ) iiails. 121c ; Excelsior stick , 30 lb littils , 13c ; ( lQlille roll tied , 80 lb pails , lSc ; Crystal mixed , 30 11) ltihs , Itic ; Old [ 'june , nuixoil , 80 lb pails , lIe ; T p ' ' 'l , mixed , 30 lb atils , ISo ; Flirt , mixed , 80 Ii ) lMihi4 , DIe ; Flirt , btck , 30 lb pails , 11c ; 'ri1 'POP , stick , 80 lb pails , 12c. VI NEGAII-NOW ork apple 1ic ( ; Ohio zip' 1)10 , The. SALT-Dray loads , lOr bid , 180 ; Ashton , hi zicks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 15s , S 30. Sr.tncit-I'earl , 4c ; Silver Glen , Oc ; Corn Starch , Oc ; Escolsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , tie. .SI'ICES-l'el'Icr , 17c ; ahislilCo , The ; cloves 25c ; cassia , iSo. LIE-Anicrican 3 40 ; GreenwIch , 3 40 ; Western , 9 75 ; i'forth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye 4 65 ; Juwehl lye , 2 75 General PrO(1UCO. liLTrdn - Fancy creamery , 2t1@81c ; cold storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20 @ 24c : best country , 'mliii packed , 1U20c ; best country , roll , 20@22c ; inferior grades i0@14c. No change in prices , but denuid for country buttons falling off owing to larger receipts and the hloor quality received. Eoos-teceipts fair , but ricos atill itold up. All eggs have brought 2Cc. C1tExsE-NowYork State full cream , 14c ; S htooii lots , i3e ; full cream chiodders , new 18c ; full crozunchiedders old , Pc ; full cream , . iii hoop , 14c ; Young Americas , ; cream , cry skims tie ; fine Swiss choose , lOc ; Edam. each , $1 25. PoTAToES-Market firm owing to light receipts this week. Consignments ci ! strict. ly choice , large sized , straight votatoos are soiling from 31 to 3Cc ; mixed cars 30 to 32c and light doinand ; 1ieachblows , 40e. SWENT PoTAToES-ChoIce yellow , 2@3c. ONI0NS-lteceipts larger ; choice large red \\retliarshieitl selling itt SOc. CABBAGE-Market for choice stock $5 OOfOJ 1 ; 00 per hundred. Demand good. lletNs-lIantt picked navies , 82 73 00 ; hand piclel imieclitmmns $2 00j2 25. Ito. ceipt.s fair : demmmnnil . Gtig-Frairio chickens , er cloz. . 82 O@ 3 00 ; quail , 32 50 ; thticks , 1 SO@2 50 ; geese , 2 O0@2 SO. Fimiatli OYSTICRH-SOlCCti , flOe ; illedlIlIns , SOc. Cici.iiv-15c. : I'OUI.TIIY-LtvO chiclcnn , per tloz , 2 ro@ 8 00 ; dressed chzickozia , her lb. , 12@J8c ; turkeys , full dresetl. pcrlb. , lie. Lmos-Extra fancy bar lemons , S8 00 ; fancy ? .lessliia lozitozze , per box , $7 25 ; 5 box htit , u1essizmzi loiuoiis , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do. , so 715. These are strickly choice Mosnina 191001.1. O1tNas-1ouisianas : P0C bbl , 59 09 : do. , box. 5 00 ] IANANAS-ChioiCO , iior bunch , $8 OO@l 00. OIIaN1moRIz11t-Fazzey ( apc Cml , high color , $14 00 ; bell aiid biiglcs$12 ; 50bollautd ; cherry , :711 : 00. Special vrices tin large lots. Am'i'i.s-Choico : outing , itiguhar packing , $3 5OJ4 00 ; ChlOico cooking , regular iacking , $3 005ij3 50 ; extra choice , $3 50@4 00. Strictly fancy auiiheii vchl hacked tue In good demand. Market advancing. PxAcIIes-Clmoice rilivhiigan per basket , SOc @ 1 00. lteceipts fair ; demand for choice stock good. DATEm-1hlack Arabian , ver lb. , 861J9c ; ( luarter crates , lOc. Fias-25 lb. kegs , liar lEa , i2e ; 10 lb. box , layer , per lb. , ] Rc. CocotNum-xtra finoper 100 , 8 00. CALIFoRNIA Puiis-1n good demand ; 2 25@2 50 er box. OALIouN1A Iiaiirurr PEAns-In rood do. mantl at 84 OO@4 SO jer box. California 1)uchess Iluorro , Clargean , etc. liear , ver box , $3 O0@3 50. Cmiixii-imro sweet cider , 10 gal keg , $1 SO ; M. & 1' . clarified , 16 gal keg , 3. , 00 ; M. & 1' . clarified , 32 gal keg , 8 00. PICK Fzrr , fltiI'N , ETC.-l'igs feet , 15 lb kits , $1 15' lig 40 lb qr hilil , $2 25 pigs feet , 80 lb half Ilzl , $1 00 ; tripe , 15 lb Icits , $1 15 ; tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , $2 2 ! ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl , $4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , 82 50 ; pigs tongues , 40 lb qr bbl th 00. Lambs' tonp'uen , 15 Ii , kits , $2 6.i ; 40 lb qr bbl , 16 25. MINcE My.A'r-181b buckets ( buckets 25c ) JOe ; 371b buckcb ( bucket 40c ) , lOc. ; IGOIb kegs , lOc ; half barrels , lOc. Amtojz7imJxLLy-2.Ib * utonojars ; i2 in cane , iier tloz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per clox , $1 115 ; schzooziur , Pr tioron , 83 10 ; tin cans , 4 dt > x. in case , $1 40 ; 2.11 ; tin cans , 2 tiox in case , 1t210. ] 3L'LK .lE1.L1EH-CIlrrunt , 30-lb wood pails , per lb , Elc ; strawberry , wood pails liar hi , 8c ; raspberry , : io.hi wood paths vet Ib , 8c ; blackberry wood hails iar Iti , 8c ; crahi apple , 80.11 , w'ootl iiauls her it ) , 8c. At't'l.Il BtrrrBlt-35-lb wooden - pails , vr lb , 88 00 ; wooden pails , 6 in case , her case , 3 SO. I'P.A6U JiUTT11II-25.lhi wooilen izaihs per Ib , $11 00 ; 5-lb wouiluu jails , 6 liz case , her case , ti 25. i'iw.tstivim-In : ( 2O.lh wooden palhiu-It.sp. ) berry , $15 i0 ; strawberry , riuhtice , $14 00 ; peach , 814 OOchorry ; , 14 00 ; tomatoes , $14 00 ; iulum , 11I 00 ; assorted , S.llj womlen buckets , U III ease , tier cage , 81 75 ; zuisortetj , 2-lb liii cans , 2 1i07. in case , er cane , ttS 25. NEIIII.tsgA Cooti fruition , 21.hhm canes , her him , ] Sc. Cot-Cuniberianii blacksmith 10 00 : Mor. ris run Blossbmg , 12 \Vliitoiiruast. ; . lump , 4 50 ; Whitelireast II1It , 4 1.0 ; Iowa lump , 4 50 ; Iowa nut , 4 so Rock Siring , 7 00 ; Anthira cite. 10 7M111 00 ; Canon City , 7' 00 , per tan hAY-Bided , H O0@IU 00 liar ton ; in bulk , 6 O0SJG 50 hier toim. Dry Goods , BIIOwN Corross-Atlantio A 8o ; Apple ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; hoot FF fle , Buckeye JjJi , 4-1 , Tc ; Cabot VI , 7Jc ; Chitte. Immigo A tile : GreatFailsE Sic ; llooslerf4c ; : hitnmest'hithi , Sc ; IIIIIIM 110511 A , Sc ; Indian SL'uulard A set Inthismi Oreliasti , ii. w. , 7c ; l.awroiirti iJ , ( hc ; Mystl liker , 7c ; l'equot A , 8'c ; Utica 0 , tic ; \Vadmusctt 11 , 7c ; do A 8o titi , l'2o. FIN IIIIOWN CorroNs-AIlonlnlo 4.-I 7c , Alligator 3.4 , St , Argyle 4-4. 7.c : Atfantlc l 1 , Ole ; Badget Lith : l.4 , 6c ; C 4.4 , ( ; 'c ; liocknyc S .1.4 , flAc : Iiiiliiii trchartl ) A.1t fI. $ , SIc ; lzieeIlla ( I 811 , tic ; l.ohiigh B .1. I , 0c ; l'eiiit'rell , N : ; o , Ye ; ilo (1 82 , TIc ; (1 , ) It 31 , , 7c ; ut , F 8) ) . 8c ; l'oeziasot 0 4.1 , 7'c ; \\'nuiiitht 4-4 , ISo. liIr..CIIf I ) Cfl'ON5A11iIO5Cflgl1n , Ta 4-I tIIc ; hllackstomio AA Imperial 8m'c ; tb di lilozclioil 4.4 Pc ; Cabot 1.4 , 8c ; 1 ilItility .1.11 Plc ; Fnit o thin I .twmm , Pjc ; ito caitihiric I. I , 121 : ( \Vater 'l'wist , I0c ; Great 1'.ihls Q , 9 I 11(1151) 1 loath shrunk 4. 1 , tOo ; 1 omimlalo , lIe ( : 0 cillnbric $7 , 12o ; Nosy York Mills , lSct l'equut A , hoc ; l'ell'OrOl , N ti 'I wIlls , l2c ; Poczihonta.s 4.4 , 9c : l'ocassct 5. I , 1 $ ; Utica , lie : \'anisuttzs 0 X X l2o lt'CKS ( Colored ) --4U\iany \ B brown , Sc : do C , unit , I Ic ; ito XX trIjies amid iiIakl , 12 l'2c ; sit ) XXk brnvmm situ tiral , , strihles amid hilolils , 12 l.2c ; Arhlngtomi fancy , tOe ; Brunnu kic bourn , 8 l-2a ; Chariot fauicy , 12 l-2c ; da o. trzi heavy , 21k ; FaIl River brown , ntrzi heavy , ii 1.2c ; Intlimuni A brown , iSo ; Nepousot A brovn , ISo , TICKINas-Amnoskeag A C A 82 , Itic ; tIe XX blue 82 18 1.2c ; Arruwauna , 9 14k ; ( lore. mimont Ill ' 15 I.2c ; Comiestoga , o'itra , 17 I.2c ; liiiiitiit4iii 'I ) , ii 11c ! ; Iiaviston A 80 , ISo ; \'Im Iiehtilll3 4.4 , 2Cc ; Oumqio , wiIor extra .I.t , t. I'itrl River 82 , 16 1-Ic ; I utnamu XX blue strilie , 12c Shetucket 5 , 10 1-2c ; do 88 , 12c ; YC0II15HR Ihimo 29 , tb. l)11NIMa-AmnokeIg : , blue mmii brown,16 1-2c ; Andover Dl ) blue , II , 1-2o ; Arliugtoii X lilin Scotch , 18 1-2c ; Concord 0011 , hum aittl brown , 12 142c ; do A/tA , tin tb , 13 1.2 ; do XX 14) ilim ( ii ) , 14 I.2c ; hiayimmakor's lilimo amiti hBOWII 9 1-2c ; Mystic ltlverl)1)strlpo , IO1.2c ; Pozarl Iliver , blue Illiti trowu , 1Cc ; Uncanvillo , blue aimil briuvim , 14 I.2c. OA'Inincs-llarmmnrd , rc ; EtldvstoIie lining , 21 Imichi doubI face , 81etornor ; ) t. glazed , Sic ; 'itiitiIuiittami glove fitilsli , SC Newport tln.,5c. tIt glazed , 5c , ; l'sjtmimt ito , lie ; Lockvooii kiul fluzish , Cc , Comtsicr .1 KANS-Amnor ) ' , Antlrciscuuggin tuatteon , $ c : Claroutlon 6c : Conestogga sat. teolis , 74e ; Ilallowoll , tic ; ibuiblIl Oreluirul , 7c ; Narragumsott : , initurovcd , 8c ; l'clporlhl sat. tech , IP1CI ltockpuurt , ( ki. PIIINTiI-Alhens , 63' American , 8c ; Arnldo , ( ' , lc ; Borwklc , .l1e ; c0cho , o ; ciniest.iiga , fic ; Danldrk , Go ; Iuuimcll , C@7c ; Biltlystiune , Oe ; ( i huimeoster , Ole : I I uarIfltuIly , ! ic ; Knickerluockiur , Ole ; Merrimnac I ) , 7c ; Mystic , 6c ; Surnguen , tb ; Southitridge , Ce ; tin Ginghianis , 7c ; SEnd. born , 5o ; Oriental , $ c. ( _ i INOIIAIIS-AIlluuskCiu.g. 9c ; Aigylo , Sc ; 4tlnutIc , tie ; Cumubcrhuimui , 7jc ! ; Il ighhutd , 7c ; Kentlwnrth , tIle ; Plunkitt , tlc : Sussex. Sc. CovceNAmua-Abborvillo , l3c ; Agate , 2Cc ; iiItCrictII : , lie ; Artisian , 20c ; Cain , I ) : iiiul 'I' , ISle ; Clarion 1) anti T , 17c ; 1)cean Ci' . stripes I ) 10111 T , 1Cc' Royutttuiie , 18c ; Naut tuckot , 19c Nomijunroif , lUe ; Ocean 1) aiziul 'i' , ISic ; llOyLkf , hOle ; Susnox , 12c ; 'l'loga , tVicItii. : sett suzirtimig checks , l2e ; do li uiuldn 12lcs York , idaiii Nanhdn , l2c ; do checls , strilues iitl fancy , ; do 8 OZ , 2Cc. SII11KTINOII-AllIlroscoggin 10.11 27c ; do 9-I , 2ic : do 3 4 , 82e : Coithiciit1 C 12. lie ; Fruit o ? thin Loom 10.l ; 27c ; New Yoric III liii 93. SOc ; do 78 , SUe ; tk , 58 , 22c ; l'outbroko 10. ! , 25c ; 1'cujuot 10. l , 2Sc : do 74 , lOc : dii III , 1Cc ; I'eppeaehl 06 , 29c ; do 67 , 21c ; d 7 , ISo ; Utica lid , 8Cc ; do 58 , 221c ; tb .18 , lTc. Points , Otis and Varnishes. Oiro-1I0 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 ° Imendliglit , POr gallon , Itic ; 175 ° heallighit , 11cr gallon , 20c ; 150 ° vater white , IPo ; 1111 scoil , raw , ; Pr gailou,55c ; hiiiuicietl , boiled , iuer gallon , SSoIartl , whiter cutr'ti , icr gallon , bOo : No. 1 , 7OcNH. ; 2 , 60ccaator ; , . . . 'N , ver giti Ion , 1 40 ; o. 8 , 1 20 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c ; sperm WB. , iicr gallon , 1 60 ; fish , W , B. , parglhon , 65c ncat.sfootoxtra , ncr gnlhum , title ; No. 1 , 75c ; Iniuricating , zero , per gallon , 31k ; atuninor , hOc ; gohtlen machine , No. 1 , 11cr gitl. lou , 85c ; No. , 25c ; signal , ier gallium , SOc ; turpontinu , her gallon , bOo ; naptba , 74 ° , ver gallon , iso. PAINTS IN Oia-Whito load , Omaha P. P. Cc ; white loath , St. Louts l ° " ° tijc ; Marseilles green 1 to S lb cans , 2 c ; French zinc , green seal , l2c ; French ZinC. red seal. lie ; French zinc , in varnish azist , 21k : Fzench zinc. in oil aunt , lSc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 1l cans , bc ; raw and burnt Sienna , bc ; vatuiyko broum 13c ; refined latnpblack , 12c ; coach black , anti ivory black , 1Cc ; drop black , 1Cc ; l'russiau blue , SOc ; ultrmnorino blue , lSc ; chrome green 14. iii. & D. 1Cc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , ICe ; Paris greens l8c ; Inihian red , ISo ; Venetian rod. 9c ; Tuscimid , 220 ; Amen. can Verinilhion , I. & F. , iSo ; chrome yellow L. M. , 0. & I ) . 0. , ISo ; yellow oehro , tic ; golden ochiro , 1Cc , patent dryer , Sc ; graining colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , clii- ' taut and wuhi , lSc. Dry Paints. White leati , Sc ; French zinc , bc ; Pnri whiting , 2e ; whiting gihtiors , lc : whiting COlfl'l lie ; lamphiack , ( Iorznantowmi , lie ; Iampblack , ortliuzu7 , 11k ; l'russiaui blue , SSc ; ultramarine , iSo ; vandyke , browim , Sc ; umber , burnt , -Ic ; timber , raw , 4c ; ionna , burnt , 4c ; sieniia , raw , 4c ; l'aris green , genuine , 25c ; l'ads green , comnion 2Cc ; chrome F ° ° " N.Y. , 20c ; chrome green , iL , 12c ; verznlhhion , Bog. , We ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian rod , Ilk ; rose piitk , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cokusoss 2fr ; Vonetinu red , American , Ujc ; rod bail , 7ic ; chiroom yellow , genuine , 20c ; chiruono yol. bow , K. , 1'2cochro : , rochelle 8cnchro ; , French , ' 2c ; oclre , Americaim , 2cVintcr's ; mineral , 2e ; lehigh brown , 21c ; Spauish browii , 2c ; 1 rinco'ui mineral , $ c. VAltNlsIua-larrehs , ver gallon : Furni. turo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. I , $1 ; coach , extra , .91 40' coach , No. I , $1 20 ; Damar , extra , ; l 71i.Jnpati ; , 70casplutitum1 ; extra , Stie ; shiciliw , t3 so ; hard oil liiiit'h , 1 50. Iicntlicr. LI .ioho , SSo IA ) .12c ; hicmnlock solo2So to She ; ( mclii Ii hip , 8O ti ) 1 00 ; rilImner GSo to 80c ; nem u , calf , SOc to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23o to ' 2Cc ; oak upper 2.ic ; alligator , 4 Oil to S SO ; calf kid , : l2c8s : dreisen kid , 2 50 t.2 75 ; oak ktp , 8O to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kiiu , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus sets , 5 50 to 7 110 ; limmings , C 00 to 10 50 ; ton. lungs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , Soc to Sue ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , SSc ; silnon , 2 50 to 3 00 , IlAnNicos-No. 1 star oak , 42e ; No 2 do , 31k ; No. 1 OhIo oak ' Stic ; No. 2 do , SSc ; No. 1. Milwaukee 37c : N'o. 2 tIe 3-ic. Ilitles. Dull and weak ; groan butchers , Cc ; green salted , 7&7e ! ; dry flint , 19@lSc ; dry salt , 1OOl1lc ; damaged hides , two.thtirtis iui4co. TAttow-Oc. Situp. : ' PKLm-25cQ1 00. Lumn rer. WIIOLEMALF. We quote lumber lath anti sliIngloson oars at Omaha at the fol'owing ' prices : Joisr AN ! ) SCANTLING-iC It. and under 2200 ; b8 It , 23 50. 'l'ZMIIICIIS-lO foot and under , 22 00. Tietrem AN ! ) Joist-IS ft. , 23 50 ; 20 ft. , 23 50 ; 22 It , 20 tiO ; 2-1 It , 26 50. FicicINa-No , 1 , 4 anti 6 In. , 2-4 00 ; No. 2 2200. 131111E11110-No. 1 (2t1 ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LIIIN-l'er barrel , 1 25bulk ; busheP flSc ; COtneilt , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster bbl , 2 50 ; haIr lor bu. SOc ; 'ruTotl felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw boiud , 350 , Ifeavy Ilardwaro Islst , Iron , rates , 2 60 ; J)10W stool special cant , 7c crucible , Sc ; special or Gernan , Cc cant tOol do , lti20 ; wagon spoken , set , 2 2r43 00 ; hubs P sot , 1 25 ; felboes snared dry , 1 40 ; tonguon , oaehi , 7Of8So ; bos one ) , , 75c ; witmaro OlIbs lr ll , 7fuIc ) ; washers , or hhi , 8418c ; rIvets , iier Ib , lie ; coil chair. ; 'er 1) ) , , 6@12c ; mnahloahile , So iron wedges , Cc ; erowhmars Cc ; harrow teeth Ic ; siring tech , 78c ; Burtfeu'alorsolioes , 5 25 Burden's muleshoes ' ( I 25 , ] tamimir.u Wint-J'n car lots , So 'r ' 100 , , 10 to 60 , 8 20. Sitot-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; , dental powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; t1. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blastIng , kegs , a as ; fuse , 100 feet , SOc. JiSAI-lbar , 1 ( iS. Liquors. Awonor-iSS i'rcf , 2 25 Ier wino gallon extra California spirits , 188 luroof , 1 25 Pr liroof gallon ; triple retinoil spirits , 187 t'roof , 1 23 11cr liroof gallon ; ro.tllstlbletl whiskies 1 001i so hue blended , 1 5O(2 50 lCon tucky bourbons , 2 OOT 00 ; Kentu&y and l'ensmsylvania ryan , 2 004a7 00. 1 , Nmlos.-Jmiiorted , 6 OO16OO ; domostIo . I 0111m4-lmportetl , 4 SO6 00 ; domestI , I 41) ) @ 8 00. itUitS-ItfiluottOd , 4 ser oo Eluglalid , 2 0.t ) I (10 ( ; iluinuesllc , I TIO3 50. I'CACIIiNt ) AI'I'I.Il htnaNnT-t 7534 00. CllAlI'AoNIus-IIuIluorted l' ° case , 28 OOGj 31 00 ; AllIodOzOl , luor case , 12 0O16 00. Tohaccos. l't.rn TOIiACCO .Chimna , 51k' Thillini , , tune ; lliurscihocu , .18c Star , title ; llnultiy , 4tuc ; tier. Iiel's , ISo : ltlutek , 385111Cc. I"INK ( JLJTlklIIIIflhfl'Oc83Cc : gussl , 4t,51i ( .Oc ; line { I .c.sf , 7c ; l'ronuiumn , Ck'b ; liaimiontl Crovn , tSc ; Sweet ; kteomi , ITo. SMO11LNO-.0. S. , 2Cc ; Sltmuilcevy , OSo ; Iur. hiatt , , 8 or. . , t'tk ; lurhamu , , .1 ox. , t'2c' I ) umrhiun , 2 t)7. . , t.t'c ; Seal of Nm tll Carolina , 8 ox , , tIc ; ieiil tif North Caruilina , 1 ii e. 4iki ; Seal if North Carotitun , 2 ox. , Ic ; t ) . i , lurhnut , .1 I ) ? . , 28c ; 0. K. lurhmamr ) , 2 07. , SOb ; Uncle Neti , 4's , 21c ; 'I'oum mmii Jerry , 28C. _ l- - 1)ENVELt 5ltItltFT. CVIIEnMEAriu AN ! ) lAIIu-hiItnms 1li3ltic : lrakfat IlibxiiI , lSSllhc ; lililukoif ttlc , t ) ( u111tb ,4tlcs , 8lttb ( ; lard , Ii ( iIm1uN Pituit .Nul'utIuc1-l : otetocs , SOi ) TSo litir 100 initIluls ; IttLos , sweet , 1101 100 is'umnuk , 2 2't2 75 ; 10110115 , 104) ) l utmutla , 1 ttiL' 00 ; touiatoes , Per punuI , 2@8c ; turnhl her II ) , lot Coluurinho catutungo , 110W , 1 , , er Its ) , b5c(11t ( 00 : live chulckonui , , dul , l'l'r duuz , 1 : ' I O0i25turairlo $ ; chickens cr , , ( ) CIJ3 Mi ; ( 'gbn , treh , tier ItiW , 285j.8lc ; Lnttr , , fur quuh. ity creamm'ry , Fuimest tier lii , 5O' CreltlliUI3' , guuiuil , l' ° ' Il' , 28ui'S ( Ic Kaumsn.s ititl Nobruiukii dairy , tier II , , 23'u12 to : cooking , SjGlCc ; chits , , , , fimI I creatu , lur llu , lC@ I 'c ; n4qult's P ° blul , eanterti , 81 75ct' , 00 ; grapes , ver Il , . tu4c ; : Cthiftirntt purs , , lr tart , 8 25 ( jt3 th ; huhtIlibs , 2(1 ( Il , Luix , 2 tXSJ2 ) 50 ; SIes. sills leuituuus , ti'c tat , per tsu , 07 tOq8 ) 00 ; Cob. nub vlIO5t. tier lOt ) IL , , $1 81)51)1 ) 88 ; flour , Cob. , iraihui , l' ° ' 100 II , , 82 00@.2 25 ; lhimii , luittolut , 82 005i8 ( N ) ; thtuur , Ranas , her 100 lb. $2 Ttju ) ) 8 00 : flour , ( rihau : , , pat lot ) It , , $2 OOSJ2 till ; tl'uuv , rye , juer 100 lb. 2 ti2 TO ; ttour , buck vhinat , luttr 1luI , , I I tit)5J ) ( I 2 50 ; corli Ilmolil , per 111(1 ( lbs. L t'u.lSJl 8,9 ; COIl ) , per 11k ) tti. $1 2u5rj 1 80 ; corn 011,11) , a'r 11k ) bus , l kdl ) 88 ; lueu oat-i , jir 100 ttu l 85c11l 41 , ; oats , NctiraMka , ii ii sod , icr 1 00 II , , $1 : 40 ; tizits , Iol iraika , vIiito , tutmr lot ) IbM , $1 8.'Sijl 45 ; tunIs , Ctlorilu , or 101) ) liii , $1 25al 85 ; L'utIt'.V , lcr 100 Ibs , l MSijl ) 75 : lmuel , ebtoju , per lix ) Itin , $1 SSMJ 1 tO ; hurami , ; > er t'iII , SiT ( X)511) ) ) 00 ; Itity , ltuuis , Lel. tuimu $1 9 0OI IC ( Xl ; buiticil second ltVoii , , .lO 0Ol2 00 ; bitetl : tmuhinul , $11 0051317 (10 ; clutter , iwr ( cmi , 2 ( ) 00 ; straw , per toit , $8 00 tI ( Xl. RailwayTimci Table , LOCAL TIIAINS-IIIUIO11 hIVISlON U. 1' . 11 IL , MAIN I INN. LLVK. Ii III VS. t'atflo 1xprvo.i2On : I ) m AlIautlzi KIUCWn7A : an tVuiiterii l-s"ii , bItl : p oh % Vestt'iu 11si'rcs , Iot : , , n 0. llsnd I'a'us . . . .4Sop : in Ii , lIsiiul t'zin , IIUO us in Ltocola Hz..t2rU : ' m 1.tut'ulu . . . . . . 2:55 : o to HUMMY TIitINN-llItI1)OH thVISION. 'uatia , : 71o , 5:00 : , ooo , bco0 , 11:00 : a : ii , . , I :1 : 0 1 ( ' 0 , : i tt , 4 tiC , tt(1 : ( , (1:00 : , lflI II i. in. Oi Sutu. tIa3-uu : 7in : , nt : ii , 1 1.O : , ii. in ; 2:00 : , lut ' , GnLu : u III ; u. I , , . Artli u , at Ira star e1.ot 21) ) iiilititn' , IstetI Urea , ! ' iiny ,1c1t't , L'tuuntIl I lluitTi , 30 iuIuiutuuu latcr. leao Cuu , II liltitti , Pro daity , Ieluot , 8:00 : , 9Otl , ii :011 : , 1 I :0 : a. ii , . ; i :111 : , 2 : I' . 8:1 : 0 1:15) : , 11:11th : , 0:35 : , Ie:4O : , . ui ( lii be uiUuu ii : ia : ) . 10:00 : ii. iii. ; I :10 , 3:11 5uiui : , 0:83 : , 10 : 10 u. lii. rrb o 'l'r.iiter , tit'pot , ho 111111. Ole , tttcr. l.tai a t'cuicIt lUuuffs Tin , ifer depot : S2' : , fl25 ; , 10:2 : ! , ii05 a. iii. : h:2. : . 25 : ! , St' : , 4Ut' , 5 : ' 5 , 0:25 : , tOLL , 10:51 : , p. in. 'Lri ti u Omaha W iuIuiiitc Iatcr. l.OAVII UMAiIA. I.5LVK ( AJUOtII. IuI.tlFYs , t'aM No. 2. . .7:55 : a in l'ais. No. 0 , . . 7:95 : an , , , No. 10..5:45 : u in " No. 15. . .11:10 : a iii 'I No. 4 , , , , 8:5O'Iu in " No 5. , .zi : it , , No. 8..8rOam : " No , 1. . . 75 P I' Nw.0..t5aii' C. , M. & . St. I' . It. 11.-U. 1' . DV.I'OT , Stall & Ex.'O a Iii I'nelflo Nx..9:45am 'itlatitloEx..3:50 ' : i' in Molt & Y.x . . . . . .7 .10 ii , VABASI ! , ST. LOUIS & I'MlIFIU-t' . I ! . IEt'OT. ) ) miiati . . . . . . . . .7:50 s in Omaha..11:20 : a in I , 8:50 : u in " . . . . . . . . . tcO : p in C. , II & Q It. 11.-U. P. DEI'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in Napresa..0:45 : a ni . . . . . . . . : p in ' . . . . . . . . . . : 1' tim C. , It. I. I' . It. 11.-U. P IMOPOT. Express..7:10 a in . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . : P in Express..7:10Pm 0. N. W. It. 11.-U. P. DE1'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a m Ilxiireos..9:45 : is in Exprcrs..SLO : I' ' . . . . . . . . . . : B. C. & P. It. 11.-U. I' . 1)I3L'OT. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : a in . . . . . . . . . . . . ii in EXpresS..6:00 : p in ' . . . . . . . . . . . : p in MIBSOUIII PACIFIC-U. P. DEPOT ExprcM . . .7:00 s in Express..0:45 : P in ( I. , Br. PAUL , 1 , ! , t 0. 11. 11.-DEPOT N , 1T1I ST No.2' . . . . . . . . . 7SOainINo. : 1' . . . . . . . . . . 5:50pm : No.4' . . , HOOIIUINO.8'.h1:45nm : IIOUX CFIT & I'ACIFIC-DEI'OT N. 15th Street. t.eavo Oniaha for Valentine via St. I'aul Line to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : txrivo troin Yalentlno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5ziO : p oh 11. & lIt. IN NEIJILASKA. ) onvor Express. . .8:15 : a in Atlantic. . . . . . tUlop in Pacific Expruaa'.6:8b : p in. DcmorErprcss'O:4O : a in K. 0. , r JOE 0. Ii. it. 1-D. & M. DE1'OT , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : um in Exiuresa..0:00 : a in . ; ureso..7:20 : I ) oh Mail..50 P in ' 8un4ys excepted. Opontng anti Closing of Malls. aou rn. eras. cz.oss. c.ln. 1u.m. 5.1i. p.m. a &N.W.C.,1t.I.&I'C.U. 5 : (4. , St. l'auii cc Sioux CIty.11OO : DOO : 5:40 : 3:15 : 0. , 31.&S.l'.tb C. & 1' . In Iowa 11:00 : 1040 \Valaiuh Eaprtss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12H : ) 3:15 : Wauiaslu local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:0' : ) 1040 11. 0. , St. Joe & ( .1. Ii. . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 0:1)0 : ) 5:10 : 0:50 : MIssouri I'aclflo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 : 11:4' : ' ) IL , SL I' . H. & t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 7:23 : Union i'acUlo , osorlauiii . . . . . . 8:00 : 11:95 : tliiIo : I'aOflc , lboiit or Ex . . . 4 :00 : 7:30 0. & Itepliblitaui % 'aIuy. ! . . . . . I :10 : 11:35 : II. & 31. flXluruu1 . . . . . . . . 7:00 : 7:40 : 13. & 3 ! . for l'Iattuoziiuiith , S. lieiiti , AIilanil ala ! t.iicoln.1 , I :00 1040 Othice opci : Sunilays from 12:00 In. to 1:00 : p. in. ii. K. ( JOIJTANT I's4niaat' t'7 OOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878 e k.7 Boakst BAKER'S [ Cocos , 'C.4rJ/ : ' % Virraiicil ) sllnoltteIy pur' C ( force , ( icuui wIdth tli ( 'xceis o. I 1' OIl lion bt'ui rtniovcil. It Ijizo t11rei , I tluiiei f/is sreigt/i ( of Cocoa inixtd tI ii liii Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , I : LI I zuiiI Ii , lIit'rtforo Sir nioro ccc uiimrizl. I I Ca ! . It I. dellcloii. , imourishing , lu .itrtiigtlmeuulng , c.aiIy dlgtuuti'd , 1c iidrnlrubly uuinpled for invalids as ' L vcll as ( or ersoiis Iii health. - field by ( irocers oerayImere. L BAKER & O Bordhestcr5 Mass. flD IIP1JflPDOfl)1 A regular grailuste In ult , UIi1iiJ1i1ttUih ) meiilclne , Om'or sixteen 000rndOOS Wa-iniiottobt. years' irctIoo-twnhVo in ! UINHA1I OITY , MO. ChIcago. 1 AuthorIzed by the state to tres - . . _ J , u. Chronic , NervouS md I'rivato dlianos , . , Astluna , EpIlepsy , htheuinatln , l'iIee , , IeJ Alio Worm , tJrluisry sud Skin Dli 4.1Ieases , Henminol Weakiueisnlght ( tosses 5Jii'8exualDobuIitylossntscxuahpower ( g0 Curisi guirsiitced or money reftinthaL Charg.i , ow. Thousande of mse cured. No injurious niedi rIfles fuintihed oven to patiexitI at a dlet.snce. Con iuhtation free and conthhtntlxl-cxll or wrlto igs and experience are important. A HOOK for both sexes- Utuatratud-and circular. of other things stint sealed ( cc wo S cent stamps. YREK MUIIEUSI MUIIEUSImId mId rwj.w REBRK LOAN AND RUT IIAIITINOS , } IEIJ. Capital , - - $250,000. JAIl. 11. hIEA1tTWEf.T , h'rcsldent. A. L. CiAttKS , Vice.h'restdcnt. N. ( I. WNIiS'fEItfrrtaszlrer , ( I. 1' . WEUNh'EIL Cealiter , DIIIKOTOIIS : amuol Alexander , O.wah,1 Oilier t. I. Clarke , j' : . U , SVelustur , 'iso. U , l'ratt , Jaa. 13. lIt'arlwttI , p. McIOhILunuy.I ! irst Mortgage Loans a pooia1tv Tiuti Compuumy furiulaios ) a 1armnent home tnetitu. in ; whore school iioii , and uthiur ieghIy lsuih Slu cIpatStuoiirltlu to Nohiraska cxii be negotIated 'in most syirab ho turns , Loan. mnailo on unproved IL , in Mt sell settled countic of the stile through Onsltite 'am-it earre'iuonieiit. , , v _ A POSITIVE box h'o , I will cnrti any cane in four da-s or lass. No , 2 will cure the iuoet obstInate case tie ijiattarof how Ionc ; standhuig. A/Ian's Soluble Medicated Bouqies No nauseous ttooi of cuitiol s , copahiis , or oil of san. dah wood , that are ceitolu ( ii I1runucu depehwla by dostrohig : ( lie ouethng.ol the stomach , . h'rlcs $1 60. Sold by all drUj'glts. or inallod on receipt of turtea For further vrtlcuIarssead for circular. , 1O. Pox 1,5113. -JI'-- - - - - - - CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture ! Have just received a large quantity of new AND AM OFFiRING THEM AT VERY LOW PRICES PASSENGIR ELEVATOfl CHASI SHIVERICK , To I1IU P1oo. 1200 , 1208 nitil 1210 Fornamn St. OMAHA , NEll. WM SrDii i3 , 1-'s _ - I/ MtNUPACTUIIIII OP OF [ ITI11TrLV 'Iht8r.cLA8s Cai'riae , BiigiosRoa , aou AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. isis anti 1320 hiarnoy Street and 4CC 8. 13th Street , OTvTA.EIA. . NEB . , . . ti tratcul ( 'ats'vgu , fuir'l'h.I foe utu.ii , , ouuiII"-itIin . . . -.inrrsu1 . f ,5 , , of . Pro- ' : ax ' vr' , ircm , .i 'c.u JirI ! J'iGs'luortao4ii. tint : I , , ' , . . , 0 iitZUZblO J'O'fli. .1"ci' .Iir&ilLy , of 10Cr , l'rorii-estlii 0.7' J'to.S .Potrcra dt isi1dtcpelsa- _ _ . _ _ . _ _ : : _ . _ _ i Sic. PV.J.L.Towt Alter a. thorough trini of' the IRON TONIC , I take tonsnru fxnductriI1l : : ccyn- ' in otaUnir that I have boon ) I eonctticr It ircatv benefited by ito imiosi cccollcnt rcrnociy i'o : line , 11ntotorn and ub too dIUtatcd vitc.l forces. lb Speareru will find it of the irrooteat vaiuo wliorou Toniofri necen eary , I recommend it an a rollablo remedial agent , poaaesning un doubters nutritive anti rcntorativt , . isiiti1ie , X1i , propertios. , ( A2 , 11112. rnlP.ZD ! fl D : . XA.BTER MEDICIN1 CO. , 13 1 ? . IL&I1T 1T. , CT. LOUIS. "BURLINGTON ROUTE ( ChIogo , Burlington Qulnoy RaIIrod. ) ; , , , : $ _ _ . . * ? e i I M 0 .5. ' _ _ 14 _ 'wPP 4 4iit&irE % & COINC EAST ANDWEST. COINCNORTH AND SOUTH. Ehi'gnnt Iay Coachea , Parlor Cars , with Itnehin Solki Trains of Elegant flay Coaches and Pull In ' Chairs ( seats tree ) , Smoking Cars. vltli Ito. man I'nJnco SleepIng Cars arm run daily to and votlvingchzalrs l'ullmnn l'alacoleeptngcarsanti from St Lotus , via Iiitnnlbzih ' QuincKcokuk. tIofauuousC. , iIdQ.1)lnuuug6ars rundallytoand Iit'rlhngton.Cedar Ilaptdsanli 'Al era a to St. from Chicago & Kniisas City , CiOcago .t Council Paul nd Minneapolis ; l'arlorCarowith Itecllntr tilulle , Chicago & lIes Moines. Chicago , St. J0. Chairs to and from St Louis and ' , stIi. ) Atchison . Toehca. Only through line bo and from St Louis and l'corlaandf,1 twcen ChIcago , Ltnco n , Dcivcr. : Thirou ii cars change of cars hietween St. Louis au between IndIanapolis . ' Council IJiufYil viaI'corla Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Deu'v' All connecLlon maul , , in Union liupnte. It lx Colorado. known as the great'l'IlItOtTOhI CAll LNIS. It tim unlvcrsallyadmitlad t be the Finnut Equtppod Railroad In the World foraliCitsisos olTrnvOt. 1r. .1. vorrERotlv1currea'taiidaen'I Manaxor. L'EltCIIV&l. 7.OWEf.L thin. Pons.Ag't. ChicJI5S A. . ] E-I J'YANUFAYfUltElt ( 011' 1NE lluioi : Cinuos iM Sru ! 'Oll JJytlteiiomitcry Is constantly Illicit with a selectletoctc. Bcst Worknainshlp guaranteed. Office and Facto'y S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Omal a Granite Ironware : ! 31OILINa. DA1ING , PRESEIt.V G , , gr\ , R LIGHT ItANDSOM3. I W1IOLOMB , DUISA.BLB. ! The Best Wai'e Made for hue Kitc1ien MANUFACTURED WILY BY TIlE S11 , LOUIS STAMPING COMPANY , ST1 LOUIS , For a1 liv' i11 tovo , llrdaniT iollsofllni11th Bor , : E _ DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Cornp'y FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOP SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &e. : i. a L QE'1.x':13.1.m : : troc't. miu. 0. N. LEIOII'ON , IL T , CLARKE , LEIGHTON & CLARKE , ( BUCCESSOIUI TO 1KNNAIII ( ) 111108. & CO. ) Wholesale Druggists 1 - p. ' . . , I. -DEALERS IN- Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class. OMAIIA , a - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. . I I . - - - - -