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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - . - _ _ - _ _ - - - - - - - . ii I 2 TFJE DAILY BLEOMiHA , WEDNIJSDAY , OCTOBER 31 i88. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. a1E.A.T-PROBLM TA ICE ALL T1I1 t' ' ; Kidney & Liver J : MY4DIoINEs , Blood PURIFIERS , I 1HEUMLTIO : ttEIEDIEs , I Dyspepsia AflI ( IndigcaUou Cures. Ague Fever t , , Anti Bilious Specilic Brain & Nerve FORCE REV1VERS. Great Heath RESTORE RS I ; In BhDrt , tko xfl : the betqullUci ofi tI Uiao , nnl the be4 qtIiIItio4 of ftfl Lhu bo.t tnctLlcIici In the YO1t ftfl(1 3'OtI wilt fin1 ttvt ItOI iitrriitt he the 3e tcurfttIva qtinfltle ; end iower of Rtt coricentre t43I In them , Mid that they will cure when niiy or nil of theno , slnzyor oornbfnoI. fall. A thorough trl&I ilI give vlUe liroot thIs. TETT , rh In kflI chronlcd3pcp ( lIver coin. Ls p1tnt andln chronic 0 u . CLLII1AU coontilatlon in nether other obstliiat.e ilin. I 0 I 0 I' ltontrttorn Hioniacti 1flUirn l . beyond nil conipnrl. Ion Iho host rejici , I . . thntnbotakcti.A . a mcnn of rcntorlrii - . , thu itrrngti ) and vI - - . . tat encrg of l'crnonp -ci- - whoareninking no ; , . I . ilet the thbllltatlng efrectn of .aIiifiildti. . . or.tern thinthndard vcthh1e linigorant Ii ; conesncdiy un ° MACH eiticlIcd. Ior nab by &ll C b1t TEA ° ' flefti er ionera1ly. 4i 4 : i BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. An excellent nppctlztug tonic oft oxqtilaltellavor , OIIY UncdOVcr the t WhiltO WOrld , cures ppepIn I Ilrrha , Fuvcr m.d .Aguo , and nil . . ' k . dIeorittjiottL&o Digentivo Orgeun. \ ' : yc A ( CWdripa liiiiinrt a delicloul . ; : j. flsvortonglanot'ctiumnagrn.aud : z : tosil numniir drlnkn. 'rn it , liul , : j bciwaroocouttcrftit. Ak you , - i goccr or drugglet for the genutur article. rnanutnctnrcd Iy Pit. 4. 1 (1. II. iiiiuiILr tON $ . J , . V1PE1IMAI1H , Sole flen ' ic .uoth 3. V. lta.coi. : $ Th'V ) 2aTOIA I a i Ilrou4wa.v. N. , Health is Wealth ' I-- 11 I I - _ _ _ _ _ I Dr. IC. 0. Wcnt' Zfervo nd limb Treatment , I ir'I nod .poctfla for llyuuterln , Dizzinen,9Jonuu1 iiun , Tita , Nervous NouraJgi , ileadacho , korvou * I Prontratlon caulued bx the un of alcohol or tobacco I I Wakefuinens , Mental Denrenloa Softening of thi 1 Btatn , renulting In Inianty md 'eadIng ' to minery u decay anti death , Premature Old Ago , flarrennons Lou of power In either eel , Involuntary Loeeo I Sperui&torrlioea oauavd by over exertion , l I brain , Belf4bueo or over.irntulgonoe. Each I tame one month'i treatment. $1.00 a box , , r I boxei for 16.00. flont by mail prepsid on roocipt prtoe WE OUARANT1E SIX 110U8 To our. any cauie. With each order received by iii I ( or six home accompanied with LOO , wewiI1end tin chuor our written guarantee to refund the mone3 &ur the treatment doca not acct a cure. Ouamntoe j f .ued only by C. F. OOODlAN ni&o wI Druw tat Omaha N.h. DR. FELIXLEBRUI4"8 GG 4 PVEN'IIVE AND I OR EITHER SEX. I Tb ] . remedy being Injected directly to the mat the dIaoa.o , require. no change of diet or flau,00ue , I itiercurtal or pousenou. mo.IIcinea tobe tnl.en Intern. I ally. When uue an a preventive by either mox , It l I ImpoenIblo to contract any private iuscuo ; but In thn 1 .e af thouuo already unfortunately afflicted we I .ntee three boxo. to cure , or we will refunu th I $ nOnev. l'rloe b ' pont.ago peioi , p luox , op I Uurocoxeu for & WR1TTEN OUAEA2fTEE3 Nuout by aZI authorized sgeati. Dr.FehxLeBrun&Co I BOLE P1tOPIUL'TO 88. C. F. Qoodmmn Druggtnt , Solo Agent , for Omaha Nob. un.&o wly I CREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. I i , ' , . Cures PIIYIUUAL & DhIIIty I OavvAu. LOBS .OFMANLY vlao1tsiinnton. buna , etc. , when all other rome I ' . . dies taB. 4 cure Uwaranteed. et.&oa bottl , large oottle , tout . . . time. the qunntlty , . Dv op . prema to city &dre.a. Uohl lit I atlutcoggbtiu. ENOLHILI MEDI. I CAL LouiaMo. INWIlTUTic , roirfotori - , 78 OlIve Uteet , St. I "I have Itt Sir MUey Cooper's Vital floetoratuve I or year. . Every CUitoinr .peaa highly of It. S t nuhocItatIujlyendorao It &i a bloody ox true merit. ' 0. F. 00011MM , , DrugI.t. 1 in .1 r F.b.I IRSO * I MANHOOD RESTORED. I Avietim of early Imprudence causing nervou. dabli. I 17. premature decay eta. , hmvng trt.iz In vain etery I I Cuown r.wbkb temed7 tam ham dlicoerej .unpIm mean. et melt. I ddroig. 4. IL ItitEvEs. 43Cbathauo IL iw York. _ _ ij I 31 _ _ _ _ lETTER MD OHEAPERT SOAP ii QRM4L i 1Iouse-Oleaning Purpoo , i $ TWILLCLEAN ' 1 1MT , 1IAUDL , 01T4 CLYrIJB , ISATII TtrnS cuociuity , ITCIIE : UThNBU4 I iruZOW8 , Ia. IT WILL POLIH 'flNIiItAS3.COVLXIAND &TEZL WAP.E T O } " ALL . . - - - . , to ' - UNCLE SPUIUER'S RULE. lloiv the Trcnry 1as Roe Pocu- 1tioiis by Uornmeut Clerks. Their flCteCliIfl , nnII 1110 ItltVet511110y ot IIit Psinliulimmut. % % Ar(1eI. Wthlngton Letter to ChIcago h1aSty Newn , Oct. . CflIIIIliui , thu Lix trclLsIlrrr uf thu Uiiitcd St1otel ; , titlO Of the bust ollicurs who owur held the pnSitiOIl , 18 110W otigaged in the iuiarblu Iuilsinc'ns ilk New , EHglnnd. 1 saw hint 3Cittcrhay. lie iii niaknig a shorL visit liouc. In the cnurao of a coiu tI(1rt ( treasury inatturs lie inutdo a RtALttI.llg Htteilloflt , t.o tIut ofrect thuot of nit the titen who hinul stolen luloltey di. redly from the tiottutiry thu only iiiaii whir , han boon iuiirtinhieol wiunViiishow , , who gave up tim Irloiloy etoluti. Thu thiovetu who kept. tilil money were the lIlieS who c5cnpud. The Iiuutvitat rob- buries uccurred uiidor Sjuiiuiiur , when ho YM treasurer. lie watu tin , caay.going olti gu'iitluiiian , whc is rcspoIlnlLlo for thu introduction of female eloika into the goveritiuciut. lie UBtol to s1ciid , a good deal of hi'in tune visiting with feinal. , clerks , tolling tlioiit stories of a doubtful color , nun laughing uluroarinualy if the ) ' blushed or Iioetl ztiiy coitfitution. 1orly in his titus South , loIiiiqon vaut the interest. clerk and Fred A. Maddurn wa. one of thin diabiirsitu cJorks .Joiiitly they wuro uililo to steal Ilioney for a bug tinto. Joluison WM very iuniuddnt tuid recklosut in his spending of winot ho stole. Ouio nulullitor ho wont to S.LruItogoi anti WeiiL molloy so freuly iu to uveui creatu a noiintioui thuro. Giblillan , who was thou a conildontial clerk in the otiko , heard of the alfltiranol lie svont. to IriotluerSpuituier. Said Gihhihlaii : "Look out for Seth Juhin soil. " \VIIyV' said Spinner , gazing raptur- fously on a lady caller. "OIrI ho is opeinhing too much money. lie is thro wing aoay every uiouithi inure than hula year's iuiolory. : " Spiutior shook his henri impatiently nut ho said : "Oh , theru can bo tiotitiug wrong. I hate a AuspiCioUs noun. " Cillillan muttered , "And I hate fools , ' iuitd hasted iut. Thu next day ( ] ihfillan met Spinner. Said the latter : "Upon second Lhought I looked into Johnsoui'a c.iute. lie is nil right. You wuro utterly in error about him. " ' 'how did you fluid out all thui,4" , ' \Vhiy , Tuttle exatiutiruod hi. cane. " Gilflllitn said nothing. Tuttle was the Riiii1)lCRt..iuIiIldt1 and most inefliciont clerk iii the oflico. But hue thought ho would go to thu bottom of tIm matter while ho was about it. So ho s'uuit to t'uttlu , nun said : " 1 understand you huitvo been in. ventigating StithJohuison , and have found him nib rightb" "Yen , " anni Tuttle , "ho is all right. " "flow diii you fluid out ? " "Ohm , I asked Seth. " OthhilInu said iuthing uiiero. Two or three days ioftor ho caine into the trout. . urer's ollko amid fouiid tIme seals cii thiti safes , nrni ROOfl learned of Juhumisoum's arrest - rest , But 1mw lund ho been discovered ? Through no keounmess in the treinuircr's olhico. A broker's uuu'in huutd couioliicted speculation for .Johumsori until lie had gut. ten utway frouum him nearly all the lnniwy stolen , muiti thou had tOlurtetl huiuut to Geti. Spiiuiier. The dufalcation of .1 ohuusomi wan found to amount to 5350,000. 'l'lud , of Muidden , discovered mit the same tiuuio , was found to be $12,000. The brokers surrendered 810,000 for.Johuusum , but the bulk of the 862.000 wmt.adead loss to the government. Both were sciutemuced to the penitentiary for a year n . ly , utuuul to fpay the anmunt ( if their atcahimiguu Iii a very short tiuo the two thieves wore par. doned , and ruleuI8u'd from till obhigatlomi. Thou Couigroutuu iuidumniuiuied Spinuici- , timid the book. were balanced. Another bold thief was discovered during - ing Spinuier's tinto , the amount of whose thefts call never be known. Very little baa ever boon said about him , nut the amount or nature of hiiut crime has always been suppressed by the treasury people , with the natural tondenoy of all olliciutla to utmothor information of intoreat to the public. Mr. Gilfiblan , who is now oubuide the circle of official reatraint , give. a very intorestiiig sketch of this robbery , which inayfor all one knows , have reached lute time nulhions without leaving any toll-tale tracks upon the record. The thief iii this case was 0 , IL Coruiwahl , the chief of the redemption division. Ho was ii very iii. ucuuintiut man , particularly skillful in palmniuig and sleight.of.hmand tricks. Ho Was out the couumnuitteo charged with the ( leatruction of mouioy redeemed or order. od to be cancelled , The ummothod employ. o4 wins to first cut the bills Ill two lout gth. Wise. The packages of half iiotcs voro thrown into a furnace by the committee. Cornwall hail attracted somno notice by the fact of his living in a house the unero remit of which , 81,800 , was equal to lii. salary for the year , but there waut no evi. deuce that hewn. stcniin. He was fluinhly discovered through the sharp syca of a small boy. Pratta trims. urybureau maui , yet in the einployuiuuut of the government , wum a member of the coinuiittco chargeol with the de8truction of the rod omned currenc' , He had a lit. tie boy 'ahio WeUt with In. father one day to watch the coinuuijtteo burn the money. The little fellow was very much inter- cutted. , When he caine outand was going huuuiio ho said : iiVhiy did ouio of the men 1uiit the money in hi , jockot instead of the fire ? " The father was absouit.injnoled , and lie said ' tDon't talk noulsemiso , " . and stopped tIme boy's talk. But the child was persiuttont , and was not to be junt down. The next time iulouloy was to be burned ho again accoin. puilileti his father , and this time ho was mu ) vohemnuumemit In his assertions that the mail did put time lunacy in iii. pocket timuit I'mtt r'lortcd the mAtter to the treasur. or. Vhmuui Curnvah1'a arrest was untudo a very serious condition of thing. was re. vealod-imuchu immeo serious thiauu the authorities enroot to acknowledge. It ppoarcd that Cornwall , by Iii. dexterity Zn tin , art of palumuimm , was able to pocket a iiumber of the diviuled iackagi.s , Tiw.e ho afterward substituted for umuicut puiek. ages redeemed , in this way lie was able tA ) withdraw whole note. [ miii tim ni. deemed packages and substitute in theii julaco the cut packages lie loud stoluiu fromum the mouth of the furiiace. In this wily the recoin ! . wore nittdo good , and thoru was ho trace of the theft , Cornwahl'siouutu ) was searched , and , a large tnuumk wits found oveui ( till of cut uackages of uttleii ulotea to ho used in future substitutions , No whole iiote , were to be found. ( Jornwuulh was too adroit ( or flint. lie Lirotcuitled that lie had only been able to get out .i few iaclnages , But the trout. sury Imiuui no evidence eu this subject except copt Cornwall's worth , flu was hro'eucuut. ed for liii , theft of one package of ? lOfl note. . lie was convicted nod mtunt'sicvuh to z short term iii thai Pemuitelltiar.y. Very little was said abutthuo cao. Curmi wall was utmost imuuunt'diat.'ly hiardoneil through ioworful political jiuflhi.umcI ! . 'I'htt h'rot > f of Iii. hving ubtaiuivtl ii hugo utuumu was time fact flint ho went back to bile home Lu thu hiterlor of OhiO , Whore - - - . . - p lie purchased a hotel , and when last hoard ( rein was proutjioring In his new lousiness. Thu iioxt prominent thief was 0. 0 , Edwimiv. lie had charge of making up ummonoy pnckngos to be remitted to the hamuks. lie aWlo money from vnnmou tuackuiges , iumaluhig time stobeui amouuits up fruutu umouuoy , on hand tintil ho 1o'caimie hiuuuu1eututly liavolveol. lie uttnho 8tiOO , ituii ummiulu routoly for flight to Europe. lie wujmit. so far as to engage his passage. lie Icaino , cuuuiscious , utrmckemi at ha4 amid Welit to time the treasurer and coiifcsuted , flu was comivicted ( uf theft , uituuuteumcednmicl nlnmuust imuitnediuttely paruluimeot liucaumute of haul huoutith , Ho died a few years autor of C , uimntitnptiuui. 'l'wo hur.fesutioulal thieves walkeol in lip. On the heels ( if it party of tourists buiiig siuuiw time cuthm.riiulm , anti stole puickages amnotutItulug to 2OQJO. ( 'rue thieves were tie'er discovered. 'lime I.t.t great robbery uimler Spinner was thu theft of a 1unckumgo of $48,000 by it clerk of the mntine of liahleck. lie imad ouitutidu acuuumnph'uces , the rimuciplo one of which was Ottmmuaim a l'eiumuutylvamiiannluuuui. keeper. Ommly $111,000 of this umiomuy was over recovered. 'I'hiis wnut emily recover- i-il by attnchmiimg this uunouuit of imiuimioy do. 1uiuatted by Ottmnaui iii tin Alexauidria b immk. Unblock was convicted utuiti thou proimilsed a 1uardn for his evidence uignilmiut Ottunrnm. The case ran in a imiud. uhleol furmn for sevorat years. 1imuuuhIy , imp. out a written opismion givomi by Sjiociuul At. toummoy ( ] uoirgu Bliss , tlio govermmummomut set. tIed the ease for $ L,200 , rotaimiiumg that ahumotimit , and turniumg over time Iuihuonce of ( ho umlommoy to Ottummutim , the accoumiplico uuf the thief ammd his lawyciut , liiuiuii time ground that I lie deposit couki iiot bu idomi. titled as tiuum mnouut'y ' stobumi , timid that 'lucre wnu 1)0 ) eviduimce against Ottuiiamm. Mr. ( fllhilhuin says thai. wuot 0110 of the mimost hlagmuit travesties of justice ever kimuwn lucre. lb says further that the eriuiiiiiuil case agaiuist ( ittmnaui was mollo prosuted before thu civil case wait conu- 1uimiuiuttid. 'l'hmo settlemuiunt ef this cane will lie imiveatiguited by the next boise. Not hong uiftor this a clerk iii thu to- uluiui1ituiuii ( livisiuuul , by the umamimo of Grant , stole 81,000. LIe was convicted and liii- . iuadiately , ardoumeo1. lie wins soon after given amiothur goverminiouit IOsitiou , , atmd is now in time govurnmuient. urintimig oflico. oflico.Wytnaui succeeded Spinner. Under hilni Winslow , a Swede1 stole a package cumtuiiumimoc $12,000. lie gnve up thu mimuiney , uthl but &uOO , mmd wins railroaded to thu poluitulitiutry , whore he servedums a tmiuit.ter of course , his full turin of three years , iiot hiving any money of his own to employ lawyers. uw fohloosed. A nephew of hiutuinler hmiuii bu.olc a package of govornmneumt mon. cy. Iloiw mmmcli was never known , as Now inutdo up the amnouuit and suppressed the scandal , Gihtillan succeeded New. A clerk by the iiaiuu of Vilson ho discharged upomi suspicion of his uuiworthuincna. 'I'hiu clerk stole 81,000 the duty hue went out. Gil- titIan hind him arrested , and IIuBIICI uuist tars SC ) prouumptly that lie recovered the mmiiuuiey. Vhien hue lund done thus ho lut thu luau go , sutyiuig to tini Secretary of the Treimsury thiunt it was not wurthi while to try timid couivict time uiiami iuithe District Ouiiurts , nut he was protected by poweuful p hincuul iuifluoiiceuut , GmlIilhumn says lie was glad to leave the uthjce wheui ho did , emi accouuut of tue grade of mmuomi forced ulufuu hum by Shur. 1111111 whiumi lie was secretary. to juicutso the iuIutieiutuma. lie could not select the iuie ithtit ( iiiuum , and went out at last rather than carry SI ) notch respomisibility , with lii. hunids tied. AM congress always immakos up timunu ( lufuilcutti009 , and the district courts amid lOliticimLmiB insure imuuutumnty to thu thieve , , thu host of treasurer , fettered II , ho iuf jut inuiking his apoiuitzuents , is uno of great eim harnuissumuouL A bug tmnme bias elapsed witbuiut a robbery. l'mfucii ' lommger tiuiie can hardly elapse without further louts under thu oxistiug system. T. 0. CUAWFO1tIJ. . . . . - - - - - - - Tlu. Conlilot , itotwoen (1180550 and health , I. often brief and fatal. It Ii , 1)OttOr tO lie provided with cheap indsIinulo reniedics for such conurnouu dinur. br. as cough. , colbu &c. , than to run the rink if contructimug a tutu1 disoauuo through neglect. DR. V/M. hALL'S BALSAM hi anuro and uafo remedy for all diseanois of the lutugut anti uhost. If tikeu itt soutson It is certidu to cure , end may Blivo yeu frouiui tlnnt terrIble diutoaso comunumuptluun. It hun. been knowuu nuid unod for many ycars In America an4 It is no oxag. oruit1oui to nay timuit it in the bent ronuedy In hue world for Cougluu , &o. Ask for Dr. Vun. hall' . Bunisaun for the iuuug.and take no other. sold by all druggluttiut. EU1tOI'FA' . uTA I ESMIN. Time Gro'ut tt.i. . u.1 lime Old VorId blhuoit o1 Flrm.t. ( late e Men--The Citangi's of bcvcn Yviars. St. James Garette. Omily seven years ago it was porsible to assert that , iii spite of thu visible ouivard strides of duuiiocracy and time general no- Ceptutiuce of the principle that govorut'umoumt rightfully belongs to mumultitudea and ziot to muon Europe was still doiuiuiiatvd by great iumdividualitivu. There were about half a dozen stateutiumon , cuoch o whom by holding up a linger , could cause or pro veumt a desolating war. There wits , limit Of all , the mighty German chancellor , who twice , if not three timuuca , since 1870 had aconmed bent ouu crushing out time ro maimis ofFronehi and independence. There was Thuiers in Frauico , wnosu iidlu. eumce was about to ( lescdnd mreaouitly on ( Iauumbotta. There were in Emmgand ! Disraeli anti Gladstone , each of thmeumi on tIme point of simowihig that,1iko the Roman gemmeral , ho held peutco and. war in the fold of his toga. Gladstone hmuid but tlmun destroyed a church , lasacd ) a law without tbme nsunt of tIme lunisu of hot do , amid made tIme first bronchi in the suimictity of British property , but lmo was soomm to prove timat , by masking a few exciting speocluus , he could give a mmew deuttrnctivo life tu that volcano in the east which Bisuimarck had uVCrlOlced ) throuthi exclusively watching time sources of disturbance uunoimg limo old ouiemuies of lii. country in western Eu. . ( ) I)0. Whatever we mmiuty tbiiimk of time individual ummoum , timers can be imo question that thou both Gladstoime aimd Disraeli wt.nus aimiong this mmiost inmpressiyu figures iii Europe. Death and time iulvammco of ago have utmadu a clearance of these figures , Sinus are uIetd , Some have reached the tiumo of Imfo when the rest of their work may be , sti to sluouik , discoummttjd. Fraimee hiss 1(1st both bier Statesumun-onue iim the ripe. Imoss of yuan. , time other hardly arrived at immuidhi life. Eumglaumd lute boon dt'pnived of one of lion political cimiefatIme one who , whether lie loved peace or hot , bind time sagacity to uimderstimnd and the courage to unqmloy the only mesuums by which peace could be secured. Mr. ( lhaohtomuu ) Iuuu1ftiu1a , still netaimilvig mnammy of bus womid rful iwer , but mmianifestly Cuuuuuluelled to exert timem itt the biddimmg uuf othier. Pniiico Bisuimarckutlso , tujirvives ; but , we fear we must add , iii deplorable health. , Vhiuthor , imowuuver , bile vast iuuitlvu pimysical vigor will restore Imimut to tuliJi life or not , ho has ii 'idot1y at-j ruinged lila policy for time remainder of lii. days. And it is a policy of ueaco-peacc I on his own conditions ; and confided to the irresistible force of an armed umation. It resta on the nhhiutuice of the three uttteut in the center of Europe , coiufederat'd to. gothior against the two ponsihlo oliaturbers of hmtornatioumal In the oautt amid west of Europe , OtiC heaving with tim fever of suppressed social disorder , the other shaken by ever reuttless vanity - ty ; and by the limsatiablo cravimmg for no- Vongo. Wimenovor Prince Bismarck passes from the scene , iuerhmuthis whicim time bug life of the Gurmuimu Euiiluoror closes , all Eimrepe will lowe grave cause for alarm , For , Whoever may ho thicirsticcessors we kmmow at toll events thiuit they iuuumst be second. rate muimm. It is uumfortimtmuttelyomme of time disadvantages of great individuialitks that they necessarily olwarf those whmiu colume utfter thmeni , So tar as is kumuwum , there are no Statesuimeum of very cunniderable ; ; ewer anuutuig thu younger gommcratiiuii of Germans ; and though the Gcrmuuuum Euim- lueror us mit. a uumuimu of comuimmmuuiding Intel. bet , time quuiiit'ius which give hilum liii , pe culiar imsofulimuos wilt not ho supplied by time uitivatud amid amuiiuii'lu I'riiucu who is to , uuccccd him. As for Etigluimutl , it would Le foolish to conceal fruummi ourselves that ( limo of time Britunhi Statesmmmen wlunui we lowe mumeuitioned has 1)0011 succeeded , while tim oUter will aooii be succeeded , by utica not imoarly his equals. 'I'hiu first Lord of the treasury had omuly to vacate the chmumneellonuulmip 0 time exuhmequutur , amid the gross bluumer of the Suez cuiuial bargudum wuis instantly coumuui'mtted. No doubt time Mr. Uluoluttomie of assented to it ; btmt the l'tlr. ' Gladstone of toui years siumco woumid have forfeited iii. oimiy solid rope tatiot-imiut reluutmtiuuum f'r titmutmuce-if he hiumol ii ut detected its monstrosity. Aut to time itilioritcm tif Disraeli's functioimuu , all we need ally a-evemi if timuit umeoul ho said -tiirtt the PrOAPOCtS of the ( )1)1)oSitHml ile. servo careful comiutideruition frommi every frimmd of his coumitry and its conuutitutiouu. it is jut France , however , timuit time do. dine of stuttesuumaimshiij is nmoat coimutluicu OUS. .Anmommg all tue mmmcii in whm'uui the govorimmneuit is vested , there is hiarully uris Wilt ) hits time leuus 1iroteii3ium b time quill. ties which would natiim'ally fit hiiuii fur tile p'rticuhuir ofilcu wimichi hme boulds. 'L'hio fiuroigmi ofii'e , in particular has fuilien into extraordiuiary liamide. ita imicumnbtiit bias imemu tried before in diploiuuuitie amid huts proved moat aiuigularly umiequal to tbunmm , inoro isimecially imi time cardinal ioints of good t.uuitessuacit.y , uurud temper. 'I'imero is rnumuethiumg ludicrous in tlmo con. ception of a nuiumister vim oumly time other day was corniletcly foiled by time Chmiumeutu 1)lcliiflttofltiuiry , cuuumti.imditig on turin. of equality with the Gurman chancellor. Time imiinistor of war is eveim more grossly unequal to lii. post. The chief of a vast army still , it is universally suspected , in a uttate of disorguimmizatiuumi hardly less c'uum- photo thaum tiuutt which brounglit it to shanmo In 1870 , is wholly without experience in mmmihitary administration. Thu chief who should be amuirnutted with the best spirit of a service still governed by the traditions of uumilitary honor is time ori French ofhicur of any lOSitiOil who labors under ummoro than a suspicion of iiavimmur broken iii. parole. The minister win has most to guard against num outbreak of fmtctimis disuifituctioum atumomig tue force. sumborol hate to him owes his positituui to a 1urobabhy illegal act duuiiu for a party P1irISe. The finuumuco uimiuuister again chines a series of abortive experi. uuueimts with ut deticitof ten nmilhioiis. The declension of statesunammshiip is stutrtlimig. [ low is it to be arrested ? There is but one recent occurence which , by its to- minute mid indirect couuuuequiences , unity do France this service. Time death ot thu Coummt Chamnhord is far less iumuportant nut the cud of us quarrel between dymmutatics and timojr pert than because it rcnt.or&i to p bIle life 1a iarg part of time nation. 'rime so-called legiti- ummiats , most of them ommlv Jegitiummiats be. cause their fathers called themselves by that umame , comnprusirug a vary grtuat part of the wealth zunl private energy of France , have bewm divorced front inactical politics ever simlCti 1830. TIme returmi of time Eimghinh Jacobites to public life on time accession of George III. revolutionized English politics. Tim cimauigo was not altogether for good ; but ho state of French statesniauisimil ) is such that the immfnuuiomu of a new elciument into political life can hardly do evil. flurHlbrds Aclit Phosplualo. Beware or Imitations. Imitations and counterfeits lmavo again appeared. lie sure that time word "Ilona. FetiD's" is on the wrapper. None gonu. iule without it. ExteumC ot tine Ivoutmi Iii the South. New Orleans Times Democrat : Wo are not the only sufFerers front tub present droutli , ; orhmaps not eveum time worst vict. ira. . Up in Yickehurg the wholesale rate for water is already 40 cents a buirelful , amid rising , while iii time surround umg country it cannot be bought oven at these tigures , and scores of cattle are d3 iumg for lack or utonietluing to drink. Time preseumi Urouth is no little afluuur , but covers uicarly tim eumtire South. It bias beeum very bad iii Virginia , amid worse 1mm Texas. It stretched in a belt over tue cotton States from the Rio Grammde to time Jamneuut river , 1,000 miles hung by soummo 200 broad Arkansas and 'l'enneutsee escaped it ; so did Florida and the sea coast districbu of Carolina anti Georgia , but Louisiana and Texas caught it. . full force. A Wet spring was followed by a dry rutunmmner , and since .Jurme , except with occasional interruptions , time drought has prevailed over time greater portioui of timese two States , It was brokemm , however - over , in uimammy portions of time "Lueme Star State , " sonme week. ago , aumd lately rains sooth to imuivo fallen throughout the State , as they have also iii time rural irnrtions of Lotmiuuiaiiuu , but in Now Orleans time dry sioull still contiuitues a severe and as troublesome as ovor. Tiuero hunvo beenm oime or two apniumkbes , and these imavo imot even sutliecti to lay time dust. iltuclu distress muiti sickuiens nttributep. to olyfupeptuin and cimroumio diarrhoea is oc. cnaiouwd by hunmor in time stoiimcim. Ilooti's Sarsaparilla iii time romiwdy. VumuL too I'nr Arkmnsaw TrveIier , 'I'Imo editor of thi. Woifvilie Hawk hind just written : ' 'l'lmo folbowiumg froumi thu list oUumty Blade hibi time nail squarely oil time lmeuoi1" wimomm a geiitiemnauz emmtered aumtl rtmimummrkod : "Cami you tell me time extent of the no. cent raimmi" ' 11t's guuuerai , I ibtimik , " the editor ro Plied. " " ' 'I 1usd "Aim , said time gommtbummn , often hicard of titles in rkanisaw , but really didn't think yuuu wont an far , " 'limo editor hooked at time visitor long aumul scancimiumgly , 'tmWitat do you uneamul" ho mit buumgtim asked. 'tVimy , callimug the rain general , you know , " It is said that aui old siitttonn , lying in im.u alloy , has lmuuumauu hmainilastvrtol All pcruuon mmfluict'-tl with TyopeiI4la. Ihmrr. he u , ( juIl' , iiit all hduudd Of iudIestiouuii will tiuuul iwuwshjuntu , rriluif mind inure wire by u.imig 't'5.0 ' 'NI turn lug n.i'Time tody guiiulmo h mnanufuictumynd by Dr. J. 0 , Ii. t5legtZt I Sons. - - For time vast relief afforded by St. Jut. cobs Oil , Cutpthhi John .1. Dawutomi , Into of the UrKishi Annynowin New Onloanut La. , feels grateful toward the wonderful paii'curo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ While onojury attJallatin , Mo. , was acqul tting Fraumk , Jamnes , anol herat ? itox. Ice , in time same State , was fining liarnil. temm hail Sil fur selling on Sunday "one cigar of time value of 5 cent. . , amid onio glass of soda cater of time value of 5 cemmis , coumtrary to the peace and dignity of time State. " Ilutoo , ] 'rornnutit.y and i'asution , brings imumuumbericiut aihineumt.q , forouumust amouug thouum are Nervouioues , Nervous 1)eldt It ) ' , auiul uutuuuuitiuriul wcumknewut of ( buumoruttli. Urgamuut : Allen's l3rumiui FIuu1 siuccessutmhly uvvo cuimumius tluouto trotmiulas and rcstcreut thin uuumfforcr to hui fornuor viror. $1. - At. drurviuttut. A few daysagoaPhuiladolpimia pliysiciamm aigimeti imis uiammie to a puiper certmfymng tiunt a iumuimu was immsamme , amid on tim cor- tificuito thus huruhuutred time ummaui was scumt to ) time imisaumu asylumii at Norrmstown. It umow appears that time mmmii is saimr , and time Pimyaiciaii iumuiumtiouied excuses iminmimuelf omm the gruuuumd that ho signed it against iii. owmm juolgiumeimt to oblige mu older amid nmoro experienced doe or. "That ulmbtor skin of lueru. timami snow , 4tiud nuimootim tin muionuunental nlaluutatcr , " \Vuq all acquired by tuning l'ozzonl.'s Medicated counu1uxitui l'oader , The circus moan kumows how to adver- tine. A performmier , wbmosu specialty was allowing luimnself to be umrtul fromum ri cata- ptmlt , broke imis uieck imi time exercise at Shasta , timid since thou time ndvauice agemut of time uiimow bias giveit the item to thu uuowspiupcrs iii every town to be visited by tins circus. Time average mmian would gum 100 miles afoot to iwo a circus lerfor. lumen kihied. . A SPECIFID FOR S * 4.IIM ; Epilepsy , - EVER 1AILS. ' Spasms , Convul- ' atom , Palling I I $ SkkflcS , St. 1y l Dances _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofula , Kfngs I ) i'vil , Ugly Blood N E R V E , I I Diseases , Dypep. aja , Nervousness , IOINIIUIElR1O1 % ° : .2Vervon3 hleaku3s , Brain Worry , Jlco liii lousnesut , , Nervous l'rostrtmtlon , .Eiduueij TrouMoi and IrrrqutarUics. $1.50. t4uutnpln Tcstnonluui. . "Samaritan NervIne Ii , doing voiidCTP. " Dr. J. 0. MeLemoin , Alexander City , Ala. "I feel it my 4uty to recommend It. " Dr. 1) . F. Lnnghlin. Cmyde , KansaL "Itcurodwhero phyuilclanut falicd. ° licy. J. A. L'die , Denver , Pa. * - I morrespi1cnco freely unutworod. } r testimonial. ad circular. send atamp. The itt. S.A. flichmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo , Sutm iuV util binguinta. ( j7 THEPrnL0s0PIIY OF HEADACHE. 'ESTOIACIf TIlS BOWELS ANITIiE LIVER un itEsi'oNsintE rout nvi..mty PANG ThAT una rmuKuiC no. ItEuuULATuToNE Ni ) mlit. at 'NIZE ' 'fluE AC'ION ' OF fl5 ALLIED OR. i.4N4 WIT ! ! TARRANT'S SELTZER ' .ERIEN T. AND Y 'Li cumto illtau . .ul'm. . tiNi .Ltith 8oUuiCli. SOLD BY ALL IMIUGG1Sra. .a----- . r wo COMPOUND OP IPUIE COD LIVER L OIL AND LI1IE. ' * i -im-- 'r tiueCuitiimuit lve.-14pt S lisso who Iang"ish under the fuutal utovority of our cii- mate through any uuhruuouunry complaint. or serm thouto who are in ob'ciulod Conutumption by no rneauun despair. Timers in a utafo and surA ro..eoiy at luaud , and cnn easily tried. "IVjThO78 Coaupouund of "cd-Liver oil anti Lime , ' without poutesuting the very nausoatiuug ihsvuur of the Oil an heretofore imsed , is endoweol by the Phu.iutphuite of lAme with in healing pro. porty which renders thtiOU doubly eflicaciouuut. lietnarkahulo totimimouuiuuIe of it. efficacy cmii be simown , Sold by A. B. ViLmiouu , Chemist , Ilouttoim , amid all druggists. ST. LOUIS PAPER AREHOHE. Graham Paper Co. , 2i7 and 219 North blain St. , St. Louis. WIIOLESALIt DEALERS IN COOK , _ t WRITININO NEWt , f , t wmu.a't'io ENVELOI'E $ , CARD I3OAi1D AND PRINTERS' STOCK , aIrCush raid for Rag. and Page StcokScap Iror and Metal. . I'aper Stock Warohou. . , 122 to t027 North SlatS at- , opt2td.Bm. A T EN - Wa sum o. . , . .b. 0.u. no-.uuoa , . .ar. . . . . el eObr e.e.c. irs , rsi , , uoerrsd. In. 'rl'I' ' ' , ph7akauu , 4ri1,4. &r.d . , , ibiI U 'era , . . , miCe' . , tulte. iroNcIy , ci. t.c rscta'u ) isd ie.tly cnrd , .lIb.t , .Wn..b lnoduue. $ . Snd.r,4 byd.ctor. mIw , . iii ii. . ue. . . TI' Mdfr.i W.,055 Uy u TL. OU Pu. , eIteIt Nr.u. iutetlilIy , , Phy.Ic.I Ieeny , s , I. .i.mi . . . . , . . .us , ru 1 51 AiLI4T4IN 115 1.0 $ . K's. ci. , . . .urd of liii , titotiII , , , I , . I'll ir.4 per. . . , . , , . . . . . ( mel .inb.oi. ) cI1 I.iuty , pleisiat. pee.i , , , . . . . , . . , , . . , , , . , 1-ill. . t pn.kI&r . flee , . ' pp. . . . . . . . . . 4 ; -F. s' .0. . 5. . Nebraska Cornice -AND- Oruiiiiout ¶ ors ! MANUFACTuRERS OF GALVANIZED 'IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MIrALiQ ISKYLIGIIT , Iron Fencing ! Orestutige , IlaIuitraiitm , % 't'raniIaut , 018cc and Hank itautiugs , Window and CuuilarOuarde , mite. N. W. COR. Z'INTII ( AND JONES hiTs. WM. GAISEIt , Manager. DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf. Charles St. , SI , Louis , Mo. A RKOIJLAiI ( lIiAtUATE0t two medical college. I ut has been cuuravud longer In Iiu IreMrueuut 01 cIlnioNIa , NF.ttVOtlH , SKIN MIlD flL"OI ) Dlseae. tim , other physician In St. Louis , as city pnu.ore shom mud all ol.t roeliutuit , know , Corunuituttlon free and Inhltell. Whou it I. . . Inoouuvonieni to visit the city for treutuuent , uuuedlcintw can be cent by mall or eapres. otcrywhrro. Curabiocaco , guarnuteedwhnre ; doubt tixhit it is ( rauukiy atatod. Call or trIta. Nervous i'ructration , Debility , Mental and Physical Woakuu.nwiircurial auutl other aSutIo.n. of Throat ' lo.xiiuu1uiutttrceniktlIoudPotaouu tngSkir AmYuctI.u. . 014 sonic and Uioers. hmiupedi mont. b , marrRgu , * liueuuatleuu , i'hIe. 8.e' tel at cancofrorn overworked brain. SUROiCAI , lsEl recolvompodVEitcntI1'n. lisoacep , arising from m unprutenoo.ilacosnes , hiululgeuucea. MARRIAGEnzs.rry.whuumnayu nzs.rry.whuumnayu st. hy , caunes. . 'onm.queucvd LOU cuss. Mailed ( or iSo ; podalde or .tainii. sept Uutawiy .4 Real . Estate BARGAINS . -IN- City , Suburban and Farm Property. We ha ° vo a Fine Tract near Center of Oit'j Which is a Bargain. SPECIALS lii 11iOO-Lot In Kountto'ut Sd nddItin , good three room houno , barn. well , ito. Onethlrd cash , . balance 8 per ctnt. 112 SOO-Ono.luaIflot In Kountao'3d addition. good S room house , with mbod kitchen. Ono.half cash , balance to nult purchaser. ( La $2SQO-LotOOxiBS , itogers' utddltion , Dorcaut St. , near moth. Good 7 room house , stable , cistern , grape sums , etc. euoo cash , balance to cult pur. chaser at 8 Lr cent , 14 53,000-Three acres on 18th , one half tulle south of ilnacall' , 5 room house , stable , hue tree , , good sightly location. Oue.thirol cash , balance to suit. 115 t4,000-Twn acre. facing Cuming ard Hurt , fire block , west of ercighton College. Good S room house , stable , well , fruit and brubbcry , one. third ah , balance to suit. BEDFORD is SOURIL mu. 2.l5O-'u1l lot with 5 room house on 15th St. , betwt en Ctntr and torcas. Good ceulr , barn , coal houtse , cistern , ldewalks , shrubbery , et Great Bargain. 117 53,500-uicautlfum lot with 4 room houqe , good cellar , large closet , , etc. Slghtmy location. 118 tI,300-Lot 97xi32 , tslth 7 ruonu cottage onhihor. man averiuehetween Shennan and Clark streets. Good prouerty. too 82,3 0-Two beautiful mote In McCormick's addi. tinuu , on Fanuaiii street. 110 $3S4O-ltoese l'iao l'ark ftull lot , - : , avenue , new tao-story house , 7 rooms , good celhr and coal sheds. city water , trees and all Improvements. BargaIn. itm $ u,2ocauth-Lot 35e133 , n 11th St , In Kountze'ut 4th a ulition. Rouse 4 macgo roorn , lot besutl. fully ujunted turid is really worth much more. Reason for selmlrug , 015eV 111550 money. 122 $ l.250-l'atlu three beautiful ute lui Reese l'lace , i'ark aenue oil easy tenon. i24 $1BM-llalf lilt Oil Sauuuiiersuitreet. Good houuo 4 riomuu , 1:00(1 close's , pantry , stable. well , CR. tern , pouch front and rear l'ilu'o $1,300 , two. thlrdii cash This Is a bargain. Must be cclii by the 2th or wiii lie withdrawn frounsale. Improved l'roperty. 3,5OO-12 room house , cor. 111th and California atreots , 0 closets , cellar , city water , oulluouse , , etc. 52,700-6 room houco on N. 13th uttreot , closets , coliar , cistern , well. etc. Benroan A Souuta. QIl000-Oood clx room houute on Davenport , bet. lid and 24th , two story a mets , pauutr } , celiur , cistern , uU , ult an.t shrubbery , stable and outhouse , . 5 $ d 100-Full sizoiot'on McCandilch place , with two fraue cottages , one 5 room , one 3 room. For utah , or exchange. 16 $ L1OO-Good two utud a hail acre lot with five roomnoottage , brick cellar well frulitrios , etc. 17 One of the bent three ory brick busuuuees ho on Faruusm street. Terms Irvato. 3,2OO-New 7 room house on N. 18th street. All modern lmproomcult. . Good location. Cheap. S $3Sco-New two story house , Queen Ann style. All modern Improvements , city water , lot box boo. 2 Two full lots St. Mary' , avenue and 20th , with S houses. Will be tireS clan. husinee. property. Terms ens ) . 4 14,750-Lot 68x96 , witI. two house. . Cheap. 0 * 2,5(10-Two housws In Neison , addition , on Cen. her street. Outnouon , cistern , fruit trees , etc. Buslne. house and lot on Douglas street , bet. 14th and 15th. Terms easy. 4 New 8 room houseonChlcago. bet. 24th and 25th. All Improvements. 35 Two new house , , one six and orher 8 room. . First-clan. and modern Improvement. . Terms Easy 30 2,7OO.-Lot looxla2 , College Street , RedIck. subdIvision , new 5 room house. Well tmproed. ma * 2,500-Lot SoxitO , Couuvermt itreet , S rsonu cot tage , large basement suItable for rooms. barn etc. so 2Soo-8 " 4)W 110050 Thornell's widitmon barn , well , clnLtn , good lunprosements , * 500 cash , $1,800 on long time. 81,200-7 room hous on Davenport , bet. 10th and 17th. 15 Lot 175x500 on Sherman , iargo house , barn and other Improvenueuutuu. Lot without lnupros'e. nuents I. worth the money we ask tot ut. IT Two now houneut and two full size lots cii i'ark avenue. Uot anti cold wate , , stud a modern firt dana imnprovtnuenta. house , would csiut what we asic for nhuuluu. Extra good bargain. $8 2,0OO-i.ot 82x150 cdr. 17th arid Center , house 4 rooms , barn , water , trees , outhuliulluigs. 59 * 2,600-FIve room house , 1St , , bet. CalifornIa & Webster. Nice property. Term. easy. 50 IbSoO-Lot 0 , block S. Shinri , 2d addItion. One and a hail etory house. T' nun easy. s $3,000-Good 7 rooiuu house onhiherman. Modern Improvenuentus , , table , well , cistern. A bargain. 13 0OO-Fuii lot , one 8 room arid one 5 room house , new , S blocks from the opera io.uae. Very cheap. 32 11 ' ,500-Splendldiot on Dodte , near 111th. Oboe ,3 $5,000-FArgo house and .mabl cottage. Etee location 11,11 sIre lot Daventiort fleamOth. . is eiOoo-Lot 00x200 good 6 room house , modern oprovenueuuts. near busIness , on Siiiirruiaui it' . e. 02 1too-Two lots l20z140 , with house stable etc. Barker's sub. . himior , . OS ti,600-Lot and a half , good house , ltedkk's sulu- divislouu , ( corner. ) 95 Lotslth 7 room itounc , Chicago , hot. 13th and 01 1,500-Lot and 5 room house , llorbach' . addi. lIon , well , cistern , etc. EverythIng La good re- puor. too tPfO-Lot and 4room house , hatd , be : . 10th and bth Unimproved Property Pout SALIC BY 1IEDFORD&SOUE11. lute. 2 81,000-LOt OOxIOl , fndlana and Ulviutlora 8 $700eath-Twolotsfifxl3toarh , on lith. Cheap , mu 2 lots 68x132 each on toth. 11 $ bO ) each-i lots in Yates & heed's addition. 23 iOO-I2 full size lot. , liannoom i'lace , one block west of Park avenue. 8,5o each-Two lots oum I'ark avenue. Bargains. Uucinesi , lots un ledge , betoono luth and 12th. 81 S4OOLot ha 'hlnuus aihiltlouu. Oh Suwarul street. Ba $3,000-Full iot , lteed'mistadulltiou , on iSthanul Chucago. . ' 4 48 $5,000-SIx good lot. In Ransoomn Place. liar gain. . 54 3OOO-Lot 50t120 , on Farnamn , near 20th. To cho4p. rig FourncreslnWeetlmahp. Co 55O-Lot in Icaacs & flslleufn additIon. 61 l,6OO-Fituu liii , Reitiiuck'uu adihiticue. Park aye. 84 4OO-52 feet of block B , Sh1nm , , ailtiltion. Fin. view. 88 $2,200-Lot4dxOoin tOlls. Buhuoiss property worth twIce tue rrico asked. 94 $3,500-Full size graJol lot on Chicago , bet. tbtiu arid 14th. Os flOO-Good lot , high locatIon , utoutla 10th. moo ssooo-mdxla2 on 10th , bet. Ilarnoy and How. aid. boa 75o each-Two extra good lot In , .Ilanacom. additIon. Coodhlutiu location. Bargains in Farms & Lands 10 27 per acre-tOO acre improved farm , near Ores. ton , Iowa , 10 a. rout woodlauud , 45 acres corn. tB acres Timothy ncl Clover. IS 4UOO-4O acre , 3-4 ol a nub west of Ft. Omaba two houeut , two lartu. . grauuary , corn crib , te-o wells , . .UO hearIng fruIt tree , , 800 grape lnea vhll soil or exchange. 14 e7wo-oo acres , half mIle N. tv. iCkhorn , 140 acres In cultivatIon , ial.uuoo l.Mture. Four room house , stable. etc. Ternus easy. 51 5960-ICO acre. good land , 4 l. mules trmn ! lur. ilrugtun , Coat'e county , Kaneaut. Will otchango to Omaha lroiurty. 61 8,4OO-24o acrecadjoluubug city of Wilber , fiathu. county. All uunler fence and well Improved. Thin property lischonp at $ IU,000. 66 * 20 ier acre-tOO acres , 3 unmien from Weierloo , Douglas county. i'art In cultivatIon halanoo mneailow , all good land. Wii sell 'ur will arringu with mittle man for co.partncrshlp , or wIli con tract to f'ed 300 or 400 head of cattle. 70 to 82-mO 000 acre. lii Msrrlck county. Good tfl able land , anti will be .obj from $8 to $0 pev acre. 89 $7 per acre-WIll buy 100 acre. In Cedar Co. Os SiS. per acre-Sb acree ' 5 mile. from hamburg Iiwa. 97 $15. peracre-Improved near Logan Iowa. 104 Several hundre.l acreIn Cuming Co Neb. los SIx thousand acres iii Stanton Co. Nish. 107 IO luor aoro22iO at ree tlnituereil I miud In flay Co.SIo three , umuallfarni. ouutnls land , hauanoe good cottonwood timber , which will inure than pay far Investment. For sale or ezotuazuge Om&h& property. SPECIAL. 108 2,2O0-Lot 210x220 , cciv , 11th and l3eilvlew Hi. , south Omaha , hoar flascall' , I'ark , brIck hoise , fourroomnut , well , cIstern , stable , cellar. AU In good conulthn anduusarhy jew. OH 25 per acro-41ut1 acres In W&shfmiutt.uu county , 0 mIres south of Blair , iou hue of if. hit. ( . 15 & 0. railroad. Station at curlIer of this land Good stream running water. 10 I acrec In cultivation , 80 acres grass , ISO acre. timber-oak , hickory walnut and elma Small hou.o good fruit anti abundance of grapes. Ii , portly fenced. One of the belt farunc In the oouuut. if purchaser wishes , will cell homestead aiIjoIn'n good herd of cattle. CaiI and examine other luropeety not istod. BEDFORD & SOUER , . Si hi. 14th. hct. irmuam Snd pouelas KIRKWOODI : I Lots in this ntlUtion nrc selling rapidly , flflIl PrICeS will be again atlvamiet'd lB P. few days. Tlwse are without a doubt. time mOst drnriih1o lots ii Omaha , aiid will certainly double iii 1)11CC ) Iefortf sprihig , All who havej seeii them are well pleased timid pronounce thorn C11CAI ) . BEDFORD & SOUER , Real Estate Agency , 41Ls'r w - 14th Street , bet. Faniam and Douglas. _ _ - - - s1W ! -