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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
- - = : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - . - - - - : rr\ - - - - - - - - - - - : : . . i BEb'--SATURDAY SEPTEMBER - - 22 , iS& 7 - - - PETER C. MILLER , WhOLESALE ANI IlITAIb YalI-Pai lull YIRdow Shadc and PaInIn In all Its DraRches , FRESOOINa IN MODERN STYLE. "I1'rc. . cii.ti. xo-i t. - ] 1ti4TE. DEVOL&WRICHT. i : a rdcvare. 504 h'roadway and 10 and 12 Main Se , , Council B/tiffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDERS. R. S. COLE & CO. , IANUAc'rtJ1uI AN ! ) IflAL1tS IN AtL All the Most Iffiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods Aiiil Ornrnent.q. AIoooI Iron ' , Wood 1'ump Ttib1n nt1 nod Rnd Iron . . . . . . . . . . . PI'e . . . . . anti PIp . titurce for boil Pulnp8. OflIettI 1II . . ir Matn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reccho . . . . . . . pronqt . attention. BLUFFS , IOWA VL CAPLACHE cr F& C ) I E 2aw Store , Fr1i flood , , Low I'rieeB and l'ollto Attendanti. ' ; : , . First Door cast of Metropolitan Floto/ , } LOItflIAY. PEIt1'EOTIO' i . , k 1.iiF Heating and Baking A . Is on'y ' attaitied by using .CHARTER OA ( * ! Stoves and Ranges , IIRE AU1E OYEQ OUODS For sale by rw a OMAHA- "BURLINGTON } OUTE 'H . ( ChIcago , Burlington Quincy Railroad. ) - - - - , --i- : ? A- C . - _ .y .W 1 0 . . . L _ _ ; : : \ ' \ S _ . - . - . . d ; x . p I -I--- - - - - - COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. E1ean Day COScbeS , Parlor Can. , with floelln Solid Trains ot EIegnt Da Coaches and 1u1i big CbaIr ( Se3t tree ) , Smoking Cars. with fto man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to antI I volvtngChalrsPullman I'.ilacobleeplngcarsantt ( corn St Louis. la Hannibal , Qulncy , Ieokuk. , tha famous C. it. Q. Dining Cara run dailyto nod lti'rlington. Cedar Rapids and Albert Le to St from Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago Council . Paul t.nd XtItrineapoU . Parlor Cars with Roclinlngi r l31uff Chicago & Des Motne. Chicago. St. J0. . Chairs to and from St Louis and Peoria and to 8elh. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line to. and tram St Louis and Ottumwa. Only one -ti tween Chiciuro , Lincoln Denver Through cars change ot cars between St Louis and Des between IndianapolIs Council Stuffs via 1'eoria Moines. Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and Denver. All connections made in Union Depot.a. it ii Colorado. knowi as the greatTilItOUGlI CAR UN1. it is unlvers.iliyadmtttod to bo the Flnest Equipped RaIIrod in the World for all Classes of Travel. EPOrrER. 3d Vlce.Prea'tand Ocn'i Mauazcr PERCEVAL LOWELL. Oen Pass. Ag'L , Chicago. HS _ _ _ wIIcD3T' Boiler ailli Slieet Ii'on works ! OMAHA , . . . - . . NEBRASKA. Iluild all kIndt of Stoatn BoIlcr. Smoke Stacks. Urccchlng Lard , Water anti Oil Thnk , and do a genera plate.lron I1UClite39 , ItepairIn done In City anti Country. MI work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! . Socond.hand Boilere will be kept on hrtnd. lIavlii hal many yesreuxperlojicolu the trade in dllereit ( tart ' of the country , I am confltteii I i * give eatlefaction , having the bct ahop and tonic in the State. Shop cor. 19th antI llercoStrcctq. J. IV1. WILSON Propriotor. -A-r Anheuser"Busch 'r BREYVING ASSOCIATION I , - , ' CELEBRATED t , t . ' Keg and Bottled Beer T - * ; This Excellent Beer Bjoaks for itself. ' ? ! . : , \ $ . . StWj. Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD c : c-Llr ] 1te F. SCHLIEF , . Sole Agent for Omaha and tite West. Cor. 9th Btreet and Capitol Avenue. ' New rurHiture Store I 310 ahl(1 ( 3 I 2 North Sixteenth Street. CHAMBERLAIN & HOWE. Call and get Our Eastern Prices before purchasing elsewhere. VISITORS & PURCHASERS EQUALLY WELCOME - -r _ _ j _ _ _ COUNCiL4BLUFFS. _ ADIITIONAL 1100Ab NEWS. ( IItOUNI ) OUr TILE ( IIIIST. The Sulircino Cotut CotieItido Iti bnLtrs 1teie anti ztL.Jottis. The Supreme Court met yesterthty lfltrllitlg nuti after filing the ful lowing OpilliOns ndjottrncd for the terni , the judges leaving on the afternooii ZLICGP.VOIL Va Kcokttk Lumber Co. , Iflotioll for leave to alItdnd nllldayt over- ruled. Kibby vs Cold , IILOIIOIL to nilirtit over- ruled. 1ibby vs 1.ilttbal ) , IIUtiOIt to contiiiuo StISLLtIIICII. \\'iilIt \VitlilIIS , Inotioli to ( IISIIIIS3 overruled. lulfoitl .s Folsom , InotioIt to alliriii nUti for jtidgiiicnt suatnilleLl. ppollee to l)1eltI'O ) ) elltry ZUlu SllhuIIt to nppulhtut. Ctniiieil 1Uull & S LLLi5 ratlway vs. lleiitly ; IIIOtiOlI snbiiiittcd with the CtSt. CravIey vs. S..erinan , IILotiofl to dis IIIISS ) ) RlIStailICl. State W'illiiuiis , 1)ubuqnu District C. . tiLt , reversed ; liilliOlI ) h' AhtIIls. Wuisli , s. Orillitli , Montgomery Circuit Court , aliltined ; opinion by 1)ay. Joue vs. Strcitet , Dulitwaro District Court , rc'ersetl ; lit1l0II ) by Jiny. COICUISIL VS. Riggs , tppaItoso Circuit Court , LtilirzIto.t ; O1ilIi"lL by Day. State vs. 1cIHlcl ) , Floyd District Court , aflirineti ; OlIIIIOII by Scevers. Freenmu vs. hart , l3cnton District Court , reversed ; o1ntiion by Seovors. Sttto vs. Smith , Carroll District Court , reveised ; 01)i1IIOII by Scuvers. Ball vs. K. S-N. M. it. It. , Leo Dis- tn tt Court , affirmed ; opinion be See- vera. vera.Byington vs. Quincy , Clarke District Court , nilirined ; opinion by ltothrock. Cuininina VS. Iotitltuitii , A paitoose District Court , aflirined ; opinion by ltothrock. Richards vs. bit RaTe ; Clarke District - trict Court , reversed ; opilliolt by Beck. Patterson vs. Hill , D.wia Circuit Court , reversed ; opinion by Beck. S. B. TUttle VS. Independent School District of harlan , motion to disinias appeal overruled. COMME1UJIAI. COUNCIL 1I1.UIFS MARKS ? . Wheat-No. ainiig , 76c ; No. 3 , 03c ; re- jecteti , 50c : good demand. Corn-1)calers ar paying 31@32c ; rejected corn , Citicago , 4O@45c ; new inlxe.11 4c ( ) ; white corn , tOe ; the receipts of corn axs light. Oat-Ii good ( holland at 2Cc. Ifay-i OOQC 00 lr toli ; nec Per bale. ] tyo-40c ; light 901)1)13' . Corn Meal I. 25 per 100 pountha. \Vood-Good supply ; tdCOJi at yards , 5 OO © 6 00. 00.CoalDelivered , hard , 11 00 per ton ; .olt , 5 t,0 , hCC ton. Butter-Plenty and in fair demand at 25c ; creamery 3Cc. EggH-iendy aho at 15c per dozen. Lard-Fairbank'a , wholesaling at lic. I'oultry-l"irIn ; dealers are paying for chickens iflc ; live , 2 l0 icr dozen. Vegetablea--l'otatocs , 5Cc ; onions , 5Cc ; cab- bags. , 30@40c per dozen ; apples , 3 60J4 ( 00 per barrel. Flour-City flour , I G0@3 40. Brooma-2 00@3 00 per doz. LLVE STOCK. Cattle-3 00@3 50 ; calves , 5 007 50. hogs-Market for hog. quiet , as th , pack- log houses are clo.ed ; Lldpers are paying 4 00 @ 4 75. IOWA TEMS. The Sheldon Mqil wants to bet two to one that the corn croi gets there. The cornoratono of a Methodist church to cost $13,000 , was laid in Sioux City Wednesday. It cost the city of Des Moines $4,118.- 94 for its share of street paving around tile court house square. 'I'hte LoMare Jockey club offers purses aggregating $360 , besides a valuable cup , for its fall meeting , Octobcr15. . Ex-Senator Janies Harlan will act as 1)residcnt of Cornell college during the year's absence of I'residunt ICing iii Eu rope. rope.The The Des Moines National bank is hay- jug a new safe nianufactured at a cost of $15,000 , which will CWItaiIZ 1,000 deposit chanibera. In Davenport first class draft horses are worth from $200 to $800 each , and good carriage horses bring ( roixu $400 to $00 a span. Au artesian well hia't been bored at Perry to a depth of 1,008 foot , but the water won't flow. By puiiqing ) , 50 gal. lotus a iiiiiiutti CL11 be drawn from it. Oshcaloosa is putting UI ) 50U10 good buildings this year , mud s talking of a big hotel. it ii 0X1)CCtCl ) thu Jhu1cu viIi reach t loJtllation ) of 25,000 bolero many years. 'I1iiomas Evniitt 1IR. nmadu a deed giving forty acres ( If hiiiicl to the Veish Baptist church of Cia ) ' colility. The only coiisid- oration therefore being an agreement. oii tim vart of the church society to fezico and cultivate. At West Liberty it few nights since , Nellie McCarty , aged 5 , in jmlnying in her night dress about a lamp sitting on the iloou , caught her gtwn Oh fire , amid ill nIL iustaiit was envelojed in flaimies. She was so badly burnett that she died the following day. harrison , the boy Ireah1or , is the son. sation of the day mit Cedar Itapids , 'l'hio Gnaotto says of him : "his power and style bmuflles descriltiozm. Suilico it to say that at times it sceizied as though the Ieoplo would faint dead away , such a death-like paleness would appear on their facets. Ho mmmdc the cold chill ! . run over this writer. We saw the faces of old liliuisters turn pale , amid they would groan under the weight of thiouiut and emno- Lion. We have often lucard this young rnamt of God1 lUt miover was so awfully imimrussed wLthl time thought of his apos. tohicMrs. Mrs. .1. 0 , Barr , wife of an esteemed citizen of Ida Grove , recently died ummidur circuumistancea whuichu iuidicated titat an abortion had beems Perfrmned-iu1 fact , she adniitted It just before her death. In its account of the sad event , the Ida throve l'iojueer rather intimmiated that 1)r. ' 1' . A. Collett of tiunt imlacu , was nIL n ees sory to the act , ILILI1 the result was that ill its issue of tutu 14th , , 'J'ho I'icinuer had ( ) CCL51011 to PrilIt the following iteni : ' 'YCkltCrlRy afterumoon at .1 v. in. , as ye writer hiemeof was stumpimig out of the stairway umtriuiLee lending train our otlico out in time street , we vero struck over the hmcul : with it 1oalud cane by 'I' , A . Collett , 511(1 kIIOClCCd to time aidovalk , wimereupoim the villian jumped Upll us. Ve chiuched the 1)rlito by time whiskers and held hmiun , until I'.Ir , Copehuumd hulled him ott. " - - h1o strengthen and build uju the system a trial will convince you that Brown's Iron Bitters is time beat medicine made. . A SOOIETY ITEM , Anti tlio l'nlum it Catuimeul One 'uVouutnn. \Vrlttten for the Chicago Trlbuuuuci. "Did o ace the Cyclops Courier , Miss Abimnil ? ' quuerricd old Silmiomu Sluarp , in ( lulute a fever of exeitouumont , lie was ieutming over the little greeiu. iailtCl gait , CRtles3 and blue.shirted. J ust beyond , itt iss Abigail llyriue. tiatused in her task of tying up iueavy-iueaIed Atigust roses -a tall , mungtular ligurt' , clad fit mu browuu and s'iiito striped print and big yellow mnulltmllnet , Very bony , scaiut of anilles and hard of fraturo was Miss Abi1ail , , buut gentle auul generous as a cluilis TmuS thu hiem t tinder the ugly cal. ice gown , ' 'No ' ' she 'l luavn't , replied , seen it -what's the tiuwat" lie respomnted , itim a counter uluca. tioii. 'S Von remember ilogor Kearimey i" ' 't'o ho sure. lie vuuit to time city to start a big store. What of imiiuil" 4 L'hey be a.sayilmg ulosn at thmo coriuer just many viiumi lie hunt tt Ins atutro 1)11111 ) , stimeked , muid tiourliulmin , hue humus gone mumul beit butumied clean out ; every yaril of silk- stuuiF tumid ivory buittons. ' ' I I u l.ttuSuul breathless. ? tliss Aliigtil : clasped her thin lmituiui nuil ohuvatet her imalu uyolirovs 1mm ulisumumy -not at the pecuuliar Euighishm muumil curious rlmeturie of her uumtrratlr , ltlt. at the wtart. hug iiufornuitiouu : inmimarteul. ' ' 1111(1' . sakes ! " imhie ejaculated , ' 'You don't say so ! Summon mmod&lod vigornuisly. ' Yes , " luu alhIrmed with time aliparalut savage relislu ( , hmservmulle ill even 1hmkg. uuiatic IIftturQs when the unimufortumno of an- 0 her is the subject of thisetussiomi , ' 'Lost everything they sayl hadn't imo insum. rmuueo iuoittier. II'aint saved mu sluol o' threthi. Not as mituicit as a hook , eye , nor darniui' needle left ! " Miss Abigail ImrolmmPthY tied time strings of her aumiibt'uitiet ' afresh tumid let. dowmu hiem gown , which iiatl becit PiImd cauufully liii. ' 'I'll jtist run over tO Eu s. Evans' , ' alto declared , "mmmi borrow the Courier. She takes it. News don't taste good at sccouid.hiand , anyiiowl' ' ' And she wont. Leaning out of a picturesque , vinu wreathed wiuidow up at the rambling , white cotuntry house of which Iulia Abi. gall was mstreas looked pretty Dorothy stratton. " \Vhmere on earth is aunt going ? " alto asked herself bewilderingly as alto caught sight of the tall , hying figure. "Leavimig the rose. only halt tied p too ! " Hut just thou a straw sunbeam lit the stone on Dorothy's linger to dmzzohiumg Ilmune. She forgot all about Miss Abigail's hur- ned exit as alma turned it now titia way , 110W that , ending by kissing it in a burdt of rapture. ' 'You ( lear , little ring ! " she said. You see it was quito novel to her yet- her engagement and her ring. This was only August. In May she had nov.r dreamed of the existence of such a person as Mr. l'atul Carlisle. lie had come down to Blue-Berry liii ! in June , a popular and successful young sculpturoaceking rest , isolationand country - try qutiot. And the very tirat thing lie did-ito who could have chosen last season - son from a dozen brilliant society bells- was to fall head over ears in love with Dorothy Stratton. She captured lii. erratic artistic fancy , and site pleased his inmitinctivo sense of refiuiemnent. Site was so lithe and graceful , with such round , marvelous curves of throat and anus. And site held her small , head with such cluirmiuig dignity. And what could be more winsome than the face with its clear colorless skiut and liquid gray eyes , mmd curved black brows numd grave , sweet crimson umiouthi ? Just how Jumme and July itad passed neither of these happy , foolish young teolmlo could have lucidly oxpluined. And the precise ntammmmer in whuicli lie had 81)OkCfl at last , tim shy confession of answer , thus parting viihi regrets , hopes , love unumiterabie , wits still a muieru mystic , entrancing , eliciouus remnumiberance. But titers vts time ring , a ghittcrimmg , tangible reality. So what wonder Dorothy - thy turned it UI ) and ( lOWtt , and under 1111(1 Over amid kissed it lit slicer joy of heart ? Over at Mrs. Evans' Miss Abgail sat , her sunbonnet uuntiel and jmuslmed back on her imead , Imer spectacles perched oil her accomodatingly rigid nose , deep in timmi perusal of the Cyclops Courier. ' 'Too bad , eli ? " mituerried i1rs. Evans , briskly ' 'toppimug" goosebtumTicmt. ' 'Yes , " assented i'diss ' Abigail , all his years of saving-elm ! what's this ! ' ' "What's what ? " asked Mrs. Evans , startled at her gumest's tone. She was staring straight at the iieot uthue held , her eyes very troubled amid her ummouthi gtimniy set. ' 'Dear , ( tear , MISS Byrmies ! " exclaimed - ed Mrn. Evans , jut feeble alarm , ' 'do tell ! ' ' But hier vjsitjr ummadu mm reply , only rouisctl herself with mt cfihrt , tied her sunbomumict strings with mimi rmiergutie jerk , . ammd ummarcimed atmaighit mit of time house , Limo CychoJs Cmiumrier 1mm her hound , ISirs. Evtiiiit started after 1mev a mmmommmeumt. Thou chic taped her forehead significamitly , uuuuitturcd , it single worth , and wemit cciii. phacemithy out toppilmg her gooseberries. Dorothtyatiil sittimig dreammtily by thmo vine. wrcatimetl wiuidow , twistimmg time bright circlet round amid rotund on hmersiiumm browut huger , starteti tus Miss Abigail banged time gardemt gate behind her and hurried ump time path. A heavy tread 1)11 tIme stairs , the door was hung aside , amid sue stalked 'into the dainty cimaruubur , nil pink sihesis and ummowy dotted muslin , like a herald of war. "Dorothmyl" she said , irm quite nit awful voice. "Aunt ? " cried Dorothy , rishmmg. "I4ciok there ! Read ! " Site lucid up the paper autd waved Iter arumm with mu tragic gesture of cclii- imtauid. Doiotiiygianccml at time paragrmupit poiuit. ed out ammd read mis bidden. And tills is wlmat alto read : "Time social exodus hits buigumm. Aummommg the mmnimiea of time seekers leaving this ovemuimig Omi time atcamnsimilu Asia to suumumiur emu time Coimtiiunt : vt , notice thiotmo of Paumi A , Carlisle 101(1 svite. " Dorothy looked at the pa'mer ' biankly. 'l'liomu she hegam ) and ruin ! it ever again. ' 'VeIl1" uiucatiomied Miss Abigail aternhy. 'i'Imu girl stood uijm , whmite to the very hips amid tromumbhiuig a imule. ' ' l'hm elu's aommmn-nmistnko , ' ' umimu said. 3ljsi : A bigui gitO a distrustful smmort. "If thieve is , " almo iLSsUrtCl ( , ' 'we've ' uimutlo IL ! lie's a sumnip , my dear ! " Amid timemt wmuximmg umumpimmutic , ' 'A double-distill. ed seaumipi" ' I YOU ummuiamt't sptithc i ( , ' ' saiti lorothmy , mutulvimig tO swallow time great ehokimmg iuuiui ill her throat. ' 'It ill-SOlilU other -Mr. Carlisle , " 4 ' Yea , " iruocked Miss A bigail , scormiful. hy , "very likely ! Jo you suppose titore are two muon wiLls exactly the same namno -down to time zmmidtlle Immitial-whioso do- pat-Lure would b considered worth clmroit. - - - icling lit tlto Cyclops Coorior-do you ? " Butt Dorothy smrang to the door , and ran clowmt time stairs , stud ouit. luito the shadowy ohi orcitard like a thing itur. stieth. stieth.Auitl Auitl there siuo titung hucaseif dowim on time antoothi , short grass , dry-eyed , whlitd iiljiCl , half uumad witht tearing , increilu. lotus paiuu. Aiuul up lut time room alma hail just left hmsrd.featuired Miss Abigail sat down jut lorothiy's oyit Particulimur , berihiboneti rockerauud Ihimighug her bhue sprout over her moo cried like a baby for % 'cry sympathy. 'time day wore on , time way , invent , , nrmn Atugtust ( lit ) ' . Aini stil. Iorotluy lay crushed , auud fmdnt , and hucartaick tinder thme big muppli.tter. 'J'Iie Couuriur was tjatcd the iSth-titis was the 1''tlu. ' City p.uiers ) were mellow whuemu they reacited the littitu village. lie haul loomt , gene two days- lint tliut lie hmadut't gone ! Timejo wits somnu nijatake , she kept. toiliuu hietseif over mniuL over , tltough jut her mimnermiuost uistul site uhidmt't boiioe there VmUi. W'itimimu 1iss Abigail veuit arouinul the huouso with it vety aterit cotliitemiancu aunt very red eyes. "I 'ii imiako sonic strawloury imuul1biils for " ahmo tleciutiul ' 'She slipper , * gntvuiy. % as ahwitys ivou , fuul fi'tul of strmtvlurt' , pum tV.bahis , aunt uiuayltu t imm'y'I I couuufort iiem souuuel" Ihmt then ! tljss Abigail hunt itevun' beemu hi love lucustuif , nut ! it tithes luuno tiiaut atuurtrnrrv imtmilluahls to euro nolmte hueartuuehut's. The soft tirplis1t dust hay over tite faruui whtou& lorotlmy felt. a gouitiu touch cut itet' aluouulder. ' 'Comimo ut to sulpor , child , You'll catch youmr death o' cold. She rose up 1410 why. ' ' 1 nuuu not going tuito the house , " site mauid. I .htotuld suumothier. tIiss Alilgudi hteid forth the teuuipt'mug bait withuiuu , nuid shook her head ut sorrowful forebodingas uttcrhydisgregard. liii Dorothy walked away. iowit at. the gate site iatmsed-tito low , wide , greumi gate whiero she hiatt so often stood to tisteut for time ringimtg footstep colutilig up tIme couintry road. So mmftoui , btutmuow-itcveragaiii I lesp'mtc tue aimmful remmioiutbraitco sue fouund imer. self recalling every ( tear word , and look , auud tltougimt of the deaul mmuntiuuur days. SImo hiatt becit somnutlmiuig of a bookworm all her life , and now hashed to iter brain aIIm1 there lntrmted time rebellious , passionate - ate cry of Othello My heart I. ttmrmted to stone : I strike It 4'lumd I b lutuuL uiiy Imaini I hark ! it footstep ! sIte unuust o iii ; itow foolish site was growimug to umtiagino it inigltt ho-ida. Nearer-nearer still ! She coutid not Imiovu. She lenuied heavily agmdmmst thto green post pillar. A voice ! Wltuae voice ? 'Vito gate was lluumg wide , close arms were round iier------ . - - - - - - Darkl Oh , how tlark it was grow. ingFive Five minutes later Miss Abigail looked .111) 111 swift ninazeuuiunt as a tall young tigitre strode into time little parlor bearimig in ida anus a shomidr , pink.ciad burden. 'Yon ! " site cried. ' 'I titoughit you itad gone to Europe with yotur wife.Ve road it ; in tue Cyclops Couiriorr.uid- , " "And 0U believed it ? Good heavcmtal Was that why Dolly fainted at sight of mumo ? My father tutU mother sailed for the Continent. Our initials are the same. I told titeimt all about Dorothy before titoy left , and if sue will only conaoutt to a hiumrriod. nuarrimugo we will join thom jut Paris iti September. Oh , you're listening , you dear little siiineri What do youm say -yes ? That is right ! And you doubted lila ! Doily , Dolly ! uiroui't youi ashtaineti of yourself ? " ' 'Yes " said ' 'I " , Dolly , cia ! Ic. MC1'IIELmM. The Maui Who TalkH Much , We want to say a word to you who mnalco a living with your tommgmme. You certaimmly inuiNt have a clear , atromig voice to engage your ii. . tommera. Dr. T/tuuuma ictctric ( lit 1cm- sore tiurnat , 001(18 , smut iioarsoumoa Is unexcelled. Uao auth admnlro. \VIth tIme exceptIon of a few year. , 1nchu- : gascar' . VumlL'rH since 1828 lmmive been wuuiieui. A niece of time late pueeui hits m4uucceeIC,1 , her t' ) tIme tliruumo , utmakimig the fifth ipucun sluice that year , mmd time futmrtlm Imi atm umibrokemi him. Fmtrlmiaccoa uihstauicca are not proper food for Imfammta , , auiuh time immdisc'riuumluiato nec thereof teflds largely to augmmmeimttlte excns'ivu iurtal- , ) I ty amimong chmlldruum ulopri ved of a uimothmer's hurLing. ? mIeilIim' footh , wimilo extreniely nutritive , Is ( moe froumi mmumy Humch objectIon , mind 1m highly counnicuutled by iii I vlm , , have used It. All ioadlmmg ilnugglats imivo It for - - - Time iioiuo 1)11 hiI muutummetlay ( August 10) ) gave 100 betla auth 1)ethdIulg to time poor of I toumme , autul heuut at. uibut time Haumlo timume uumagnlficcmmt Proeiit. to time linda of lila umnphuuv , Cmnmimt Caurmillo l'eccl. Leo Xi II speumuI aboumt Si. a ulay op hilinitehf , bumt lie gives royally whemi hmo must give. IIorsfrmI's iclul I'llosplmato. Tonic for Ovcrworkod Mon. Dr. .1. \VmLSON , Phmilmtdehlmlmia , Pa. , aye : "I hmavu used it nut a tumicra1 tluIiC ) , ILII.l in particumhmmr imt time debility aunt ( lys- leii1t ) of overworhol mmueum , withi satiafiuc- tory results , " 'Jimo I umthmeraum I lumliterl nun , of I 'cuuuusylvo. umimi , % vlmichm iii. : emitereil Its cute ii mu umul re , I aimil thirteenth year suitai us twenty-six IIIIHSIOIIS , toim of tiieumm lum l'imiiumuheliimIa , mmii umiso ftour for. elgum uuiisImmarlcs 1mm 1 mitlia , Lee ! tics sonic mmii- tlvu jmestor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Houtrees of J'rmIlt , mire mimaumy sources of profit to those who are ImigcmmIus simm ! emitorrlsiumg. Juim'iocL' ! 1/food 11111cr , are a , iouurco of 1rlit lii every wily. They imuilul imp time Imealtim surely , speedily , nimil ellectucily , which La sayimug mi great deal. 'ri Is an old lady mmnuimad Brown ilvimug lit Jllntomm , Micim. , whoso lmalr Is turning frommm gray t. it ; . orlglmtal color , and sue Is miow cut. thug her tlmlrml sot of teeth. Fur several yeard she lisa had liar sucommd eyesight , numil sh cau see to tie flume work mu well mum any- body. Time limuest altorutivo amid mumti-bilious ifleliCiuiO ( OIt cartim , is Samaritan Nor. vine , $1.50 , "The doctors said my cimihd nzuat die with spasmmun , Sa7nurlan 'Tcrv1nc cured huiimi. " 'W'mtu. B. 'I'aumumur , Dayton , Ohio. At druggists. Iavlii ] homilxsun , SVIttipwmi , was uup lit time harum with a mojme. Several little girls entered , miumsi lie piayfumlly told theumm hue would Jimuimu' imluumseif if tlmoy wouild wait. J I e mimade a 1101)50 amid m1liIlhJeli I t over Iii Itojel. .J umat then iii. feet slipg.ol immud hue Wont timroumgh mu truuj door and Ciuukul I.e ticatim before imeIi coumid reachi lii mum. . . . - - - - - - - I JIi'st. CImuH4 IJIStI ruuiO , Insure with 'i'wws'clcc / mfe Oil , It Is tIme ChiOml test mtmml , best mumetimuitl of Iusumrnmmeii we lummow of. fly 11.4 1150 you mile sure to escape mulummy gmuvIoumd muclue4 uiuil iii im. 1 'miii do. amu limt4ul muuljlm , at al I d rug stores I us time furjn of bott1o at t'j4J comits antI tl eachm. 't'Ime I umlemuuuuieumt. , limumui1 of A thuens , ( ! a. , formmod , mu ' sltimmster's ci mmtm1' ' tvhumclm no uimumm Sore suml1crcl to mttUmummi i'isemm a lm.uclmehor's climb ua organ ' iii bnIf.uiUfUumsO , mu , it at last accounts they t'ure Imoiuiug ! , joint aesslomus , . . A happy k'amuly , i'uiiod Srotn tIme lJrCMt , , ( l4mCettI froni the bottle Stomach , % i1l sour auil utmilk will curdle ; llaby lmailcluijah all that night , iloisolmold huuuullmiv luca.lm 1mm awful trlgbt. Duimi. dtimy , 'twa. titus with VIctoria. Mght ums hideous withoumi ( iAS'fomulA ; Wlteu oollo lest ; tr ' . ' iluuiuber AU saul thcii rsers and slept like Ihiuuude , . Nntnrah ApwtItea , . I'rMo "hue lluuIk of Nature , " by tie. Felit I. . Oeil.l , lii u'omumiarsclcun. ommthl $ for October. Iii order to distimiguielt a poiaotu.stiuumtu. hant. frmsuui a imarinleas amid nutritive sub' ataimce , Nature lice titus fuiruiishmad tue three iumfnlliluIe tests : I. 'l'Iietirs1tastooforrypoisonm either iumsi1uid ( It rcimulis'ivo. 2 , 'l'iio persistent obtrulmuioui of time 1I1Ximuus suulstnuicu changes thuuit aversioui iittu it uupcc'illc crulviulg 8. 'l'lmo more i' hess Piensitrablo excite- uncut pnslticed by a gratification of that craving is always followed by a dorcmuaimig react itun. 'I'he first. drop of a whinlesomo bererago ( uumilk , cold water , cider fresit frouui tim press , etc. ) is ( Itmito as pluaasutt as the last ; ( ho iuidtuigeitco ut sumcii lloasuures , is uiot ( tihhowed ly repemutauice , nuuti never begets a siecille crmting. P.tumcakcs cud hmnuicy wtm lucy eu't vitlt great relish whiumnuver we ccii get thmmn , btut , if we can't , we wout't iulisS tiiuuut its iuuumg as we calm satisfy ouir iitumgor with bread nuuit bum tee , lii uiiidwlutter , wimcut itIlpleuo ntvnnco to six tidlmts mu laitel , , it uueculs lii ) hectures aunt uitidmiigltt Iuael o suml'stitumtu u1cu.umuldimmg fur it ! , hiu.pio. A 't'uurk inmty lureakfuuuut for tiuirty years out figs nimul roasted ehiestututtut , amid yet. bum tjuiittm as counforimiblo uutSu itserlutiul , wiucru t I me' trout I. Imitut to iuiilk aunt hreuiul. Not so time dta ui.driitkei' , hiimu ' 'thirst" catu mt hue asatumuged witht 'mtter or umujik , hij etushaved mippotite craves time wonted tipple-or else a stronger uutiuntthautt. . I'mittmrnl food has ito etbct. on thu p0150mm. hmtuuigur ; Nutuiro Imna muotitimig to do with muuiehi npot'utes , - _ _ A Cure or l'muottuuuonla. Mr. 1) . II. lluwnuttuy , of ( iwego. N. Y , sa'a timat luls duuuglmter wits tmukomm with a viuhomut colil which torumulmmatod In lmmicuummtoumhi , autd nil tiiti tist JiuysIeIuiuue gave tim case ump cud said , huu could mmut live but a few hmoumrs at imiost. Sue was iii tiuh eomuuiittouisvlueii mu friemul recounnmemiul ed llt.'M. . IIAI.l.'S IIALSAM FOiL TIlE I4UNS muiti advised Imur to try it. She ac- cimtu'ul it as a laut resort , uuumul vuo suirpriseul to tiumul tiuuut It lunmulumceit a uuuuuxked ciuuunge for the hotter , uuud Iu ) lwrsovoriuug lit Its ue a iuoruuimu. mmcumt cutru was etTectrnl , Mcii's ' 'enr , I a npmaro1 for gumitleuiueumi a inure staid auul couuaervativu fceiiumg is springing tutu , nuid , thought a rmtdiacl cimango will be ummade , trousers wilt not be so tight , coats hot so mug or so poiuttod at tito tails , anti lmmutterna for waistcoats utuid trotisui's hot so lrmtouulucetl. Time regular . , Eumglislt fuushmiomt of woariuig coat mtitd waistcoat of 0110 kind of goods aunt troscra of mm- other will lrcvutil to a large uxtomit. it is a sensible fashion , too , for a coat and vaimmtcoat vjl1 outlast two or three pair of trotiuuerim. Frock coats , guuueraly ! kumown as l'ritice Alberta , vi1l be oxtuuisively woi'mt aunt LILVUIC the htouiors with four- buttomt cutaways , sack coats iur.viimg gone euttiroly ottt of fashdoui , except for couit- try , seaside until clearly iitformmiutl occa. siouma. AS to thue ummatoriala to be worn , iumtpor. tatieits lowe uuot yet reacited us. Judg. iumg front time sauiupies , imowover , dark small citocka and over-checks , varyiuig shades of cork-screws , and limo , dark tweeds , with stitch , scarcely uliscornabie s1mots of white or red , will be iuiostiy sought after. Looking fartiter nitoad to tue wintgr , friezes will be the inoat.faaht iomiabiu material for overcoats , which will be cut as frock coats or double-breasted sacks. It isa fact.wortityof notice that timoonhy article of limit's dross in time faahiioitiuug of vhicit the wearer's taste lhn3s no p trt is tite hat. Time styles of hunts are dime alto- getiior to the taste aumd fancy of time muumtutufncturer , so that twenty-four hours before tite ituw style is disphayed in time imuttter'ut wiiudow no oute but tue ! 'liumisiiur' kmiows wimat 811111)0 it wili assumute. Accord. hug to 1lIr. Dumumiuul ) , therefore , it ii ; mm- ossiole hmow to give an idea of what cx- of cumrhimmg briuii or curve of time bull-crown vill muhmrii time imeaulmu of our giidei yotuth whemt they ( Irivo timeir dog- cuurta jim tue ptrk ; ut a few weeks. Slices vill follow time famuhuion of time cloth chotlics nun ! be less poimuted thumut imeretofore. 'I.'imey will be imiadu as plaiuu amid siuuuimie as imossible , with puuteumt-leathmur iuiud hid or black silk tippers , hmuced iii frouut , Collars vili still he hmighmor ' 'nil rumuuiderut , ' ' ttimtl time neckties will be quuiut silk chueckim tied. ut 0 muaihmr'mt kimot , with umo pin of muumy sort or tluacription. AItMY 0 TIlE POTOMAC. ON Iii ? cuuucgauuosusT. tlmuler time date of 5Ia3 14 , 1883 , Col. 1' 14. 'I1lilltt , of hover , N. 11. . scuds us ill , Ioiiowluig : " 'lmI1e mm thy in the armuuy of the lotomiuac 1mm tluo.wumnupe of time Ciulckalioutulny I contracted mu couumpllca'i ru of disease. tluuit cmiiuuulruatetl iii sIluuai troumblo , iaraiysls on one side , auuil severe linao of tiuc kldumeyu slid bto4dcr , anti great uuriiual , weakuucss. Iir a bug tlumms I woe uuuuder the treatuuuouut of tie IiemtiluysIciarue , numi trioul litany of tIme socahlel rouuuu.lle , limit reeoivsd no Imer. umuoucnt L cumeilt. YImeum I was lii time drug busiius lui hiostoum I hicaril famirahle accoummite or the elhlcoy of I I tuuu i's Iteimiotly for , limcuo'uee of the itiuiuue ii armil uuriui. or ) , to go rue , coil iua luu elcdti to give It. a trial , I jimrclmo.rtl ouiuu at Vlt'gatue ' drumg store , Iocr , N. if. , and tuaru reclsetl : great Immeult froun uusiuug It. 'lIme manure loll. Iii ismy hack arc reuuuouctl , iul I cmii able to skt'ii soul rmiiy auuul ultalrm ruet at rIght-which for ito hug a tliiue I ccciii hot do , at , , ! the scakuiess Iii time umriiiary mrputus ha luceul roiIu'd , arid I great. Iy regret that. I did muot tt'4 thu uiucrlts of liuuiuts IIciiuc4ly WuCum ) I 44A0 fist take , , suck , mis I aol tenufl. deut , It wuuhil , lutove , uaciI ins lrouum several vars of suulleriumg ; anul I aiim iuuoru strongly couithiu.nml of thu after Iuvarlng of hue uumost icuuuaukabio mire. flectI by lIiimt's Ihoumuedy in a ruse if hirIgluts iIseaic lucre hi our mmildst In Dover , ttcr the patiriut 1usd beau IroiuouuruceI hmcuruublo hij' celebrated rlmyIIelAna. " Sir , Tibboits I. a retIred druggist , formerly located lii Imot.ui , anti Is a timoroughily relmimbie itlzeim.-Cor , gd. U , U , POSTAL BEILVICE. Jr. mu. Whitney , auslstaut postnmaeter , rutnam , Coimo. , ante. Slay V. 1883 : "I hive used Hunt' Jimmie Iywithu the host results. I have suffered uui. ioU agocy for ciguuteeii immouuths wIth kidney arid lIver coulmIJItirhi ; lily sater was very lad , at thuuueo I ii , tualhy uaseu hiload , Thule was followed by goumeral rostatiomm. My iu.hruessrequirmiug moo to be on my test limos jt the thee ummmde iiiy case wSrsu. , I was a4uIsed ( A ) U5O IIutit'i liorsurily by a trinu1 v.110 1usd beoum cumnd by Ittuumd ccii trumly ssy that It uSe beiuo. fitted uume miioru thou all thu mnodIcirie I ha'o used. I consIder it tIme livat inedlelruo for kidney muid liver troumbmui , guil cheoetuhhy rocouumuruerud it to all , " A iT . . . .a.tuaa JaI Li a ii ii. . . . , en fsoi , , , nom.rImon , , , . , . . . , . , or oILr ciiei re Si C iotu.I , , low j.Iui , ' I , Ii , , . I Iislr.J , tel usbis is . , arti mum. . .iiiiii' . m r.u tm , r. is ri.Iualj 1.1 li5i' n.II ourd , w , 4.s I orn , ii I , 4 O' ld.I b .iwisr. ' .luiu , , , sal i i ur..i T * , ui .tj . s. , F .n , i TI. 024 pp. , , ti 0 st1t , , . . ri. , . 0,1 , iii , I'm .i , . .i i , to , , I. ii r. I 4 , ( 4f mitt. u s. " Kv , hvtt I. ' .r , .1 t O.t.lI.I $ is 0th , om .pr. . , , , . , , . . , , ris'm l.o , - ° i i ' Psgeai , bsd I lijil . I ' .2 ii witI , t , i .ij fr , , 4. . ( ) ' 1 I -i 0' $ 'ii , iii V $ t. Yr $ V. , - - - - . xh..L : " ' i14h.It.i-"l'iurIs of thu buuiicum hiahy euit.urgeii , uiuvehil w I auth wteeuugthuuuuetl , etc. , is autti humterustiuu wh vrtiocmieumt huiuj ruin It , iOu4 . In reply tO iumiliilrlua ne 4hh1 soy tint tIieri Ji lull avhiheicu , u&uuuubug , tiut this. 4)ii ) timu , , simutoury 11w mi.Ieriiar , lure uery imIhmly Iimioru.l. hiitirtaiJ ur.m'Iiu imuuiy get scairril circular. gluhiug mmli h'rtIcumb' " by usihiIresimhuig Elu , Mehical Cmi.,1 0. box biB , I3umfaio tJ V 'I'i ' ' ( I Sai. inli.Iy ANIIOl-I'osltleiy Itcatoced him trcimu iso to 10 1 iiay. by Mexican Yegetablu ( onfcctIoit t PrUCUiars address Saru iicteu MohIciul Cu. 1' . 0. Ito. , 2mm , su. Lou 22ui iw CRAY SPECIFIC MEDICINES , TRAWl MAflI Tnuuflar. * Kuo.TflAD MARE neil llsuucre. An cOre to ? T' ' ¶ 1' - and all 1)Iueauoa ) that follow aq a , ' . ' . sequence of Self. . .2 t ; asIresol BEFOR E TAflIflQsall.astunlei'ain VTER TAkIM , , m th flack , llmrmeqs of Vision , m'rrunatuuro 01.1 ge anti many oIlier ,11casee that lead to Insanity or ( lea. , Uintitlofl mind a l'reinatturo (1rae. iuew.eR of alvcrtLseunents , to refund money , whoa ilniggmstu from WluOtn time metliciru. Fu bouugiut do smut refund , uuut refer yotm to the muurmuMetuurers , and the requIrements are stuchu that they ac , , , eldeni , ( f ewr fluIhitMl with. lice , ttnwrhUs'ngusrantco 1. ut.j of oiue single package 4 Oray' . Siwe4uIc will cx.ehme. the most ekelIlcual of iii' 'iwl noeriti , . On aceonuit (1 $ clt1umtb.kkt11 , we hove amloptal the Yellow t'rapper ; U'o 01113' geuuumlne. tti'umIl ruutlcmuhar hum our pn.mnphtet , which we ii.- sire o send free by uumMi to eeTy (5,0. , , turTlms Sp. . ciSc Memliciumo is srI lO all IInkgs at i u'r leach. age,0 sIls1Ckflgem' for eor sill t. sent free by mall cmi the credit of the nmnney , by ieeu.u. T111 ( IItAY siEImICiNi'O , , uiumlaLi , N. V. ula , iv 0 (1.vIrnnn , iv uc' The tmsc of the term " I.huuo" lii coruuucctlon ' .aithu th. H I S 0 II corporate liftullO ni a great road , C0i14C3u1 sum hilea of tu't 511AM reiuuireui by thu ( eMotIng hub- Ii N E lIe a 81usd I.iimo , Quick Time II aflil the hiest of acconuunotla. im I tioume-nil of wlilctm are turn. tsiued by thus greatest rahiccy in America. CIIOAGOMLWAUXEE [ , [ And St. Paul. It owmue mu operatce over 4tOO miles of roedi Northerum ilihiunte , WlseouusIn , MIunuoota , loss and tahotum ; anti al to iiihum limmes , braumehmo. and renimos. thou. ieaeiu ahl the great utusuries , cOllier. of th. Northwest auut , Far Vet , It uuftturauly answers tb. dnuerlptloui uti Shott lAne , auut lieu't Itouto betwees Cimlago , i llwsukce , SL l'atut auuii ii lniucalsolta. Chiregoitlicuumkre , l.a Crosse auuil Wlimona. . Chicago , Milwaukee , Abortiecum auid Ehleumilati Chicago , Milwaukee , Rae aIro luitI Stillaster Chicago , Miloankec , Wntuuatu stud MerrIll. Chmicuago , Mhlwatukee , heaver lauu aimil Omhkosh. , Cmicago. ) M hhwaukee , Vuuukcshiua and Oconounawoo. . Chmicgo , H llu utuee , Madison and l'rairle thu Chime. Chukago , MIlwaukee , Ocimtomuuua amid airlbau1t. Chmieuu.o , lieloht , Jatucuilila slid Mineral t'oInt. . Chmkgo , Elgin , Itocktorit and Dubuque. Chiesgo , Cltumtouu , Rock Island and Cedar Rapid. . Chile-ago , Council ltlufts anti Ouniuhu. . Chmleagu , Siimtix City , Slum. Fill. anti Yanktoh , Chiucago , Miiwuaumket' , MItchell amid Chamberlain. itoek Ihauud , Iumhuiquie , St. Paul siumi Miuuuueajiolim. Dieteuipoet , Cv.lumiar , St. Paul mini Miimumeapolm& l'tulhmiin Shpers stud the FInest IIrmingcars Inimus woelit are ruin nuu ( ho inatum ihumee ofthuo CHI AC MILWAUKEE & . ST. PAUL RAI WA auth every uittcumtli'im Ie haul to ueiugers by reurts , Otis eumupioyoe of the coummi'iuiy. S. S. 3ttiItItI.t , A. % ' If. CAltI'EuTmcR , Oeii'l hiiammager. Ocn'l h's. . . Ageot. J. V. Cl.AlulC , tine ii. uuu.&rrouw , ( leim'l Huu'L AMi Uemm'l I'ama. Ag' $ . 5o9ear& I hmase known auitt watdmsmt tiio u'c of Swill' . 5p ciSc for over fifty yuarsantt have never known a fulkure to cure binoti l'ohom when prsperly tsk.L I used it Ofl my serysuits from 1SO to Itt6Z , , as did ala. a number of my uueighmbor. , and in every case that Casio wIthin my kuuowlcdge it effected a cure. In eli mny life I have never known a remedy that would .o fully aecumnphshu what it I. iecoufliiucntled to do. 11. L. IJtNNAtuU. 1'.rr' , Ga have knowum and used Swift' . Spoclec for more ' tItan twenty yeses. armd have seem , more wonderful ro- cult. fruuum Its uie than from any remedy in or out oI tluc i'Imarmnaeopuda. it I. a certain alit cafoammtldota to all corts of blood liaison. J , DICKSON 1h3&1TIIM. U. , Atlanta , tia. The Oroat Drug house or Chicago. We do not hesitate to say that for a year pa lrnvo saul uuuoro of Swift's Sjeclflo ( S. S. S. ) than L other Blood l'uuriflcrs couumbiuuetl , amid wIth west m' ' touuI.iuiuug results. One geumtlonuium who used hia a dozeum bttlc say. it luce done him umore good ( lisa treatuuuont which cost luiiuu $1,000. Auiothucr wluo lisa Used It furs Herofuloru. afloetloumre1)ort5 a rcnment curs from its use. use.VANSIIAACK , 5TVRNSON &CO. $1,000 REWARD. \VIhi ho l.aid to aumy Cimcmuulut who moth fliui on an. alyshi of mOO bottles H. S. 8. , ouuumartlclo of Mcrrnr , , Iodide l'ota.miuiim , or amiymmmumuorai muilataum cii. TlISSWulTHm'ECIi'hO CO. , lrawur ) ii , Atlanta , 0. . tffVrlto for ( hue little book , which will ho mailed free. trlco Sumuall size , $ u.OO per bottis. Large rime . ( lmobhirug , luubiu imuiiammtity ) , $1.75 ma bottle. Alldrug- 2 giatmi eii it. - NEBRASKA bO AIiB TRUST 00. HASTINGS , NSU. Capital , - , - $250.000. . F JAIl. H. mmKAiTwhTT , l'rcsideni A. li. cr.Alucm : , % ' 2 . i'rcahiiont. hi. ( I. Sviuisiauu'i leua.urer. 0. I . VEulS'Imt. Coahuler. nmIuEo'romts : aintuei Alexander , Oumualit OlIver , 1. . Uarkt ! , m : . o. SViiter , .1CC ii I'rail , Joe. H. Ileartwcil , D. 31. hIcihuihuirucy.J ' first Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furumielme , , a rerunanont home luistitia. tahucro school Bouuils anti . oilier legally issued Us. m cipal Secuurlthe. to Nebraska cuuri be tuegotlatod i.e iiitst , .voruuhjio tories. hioums nuadu oril miumuroved ' .u. . Ii. all well settled roumiuties of thu state through ormhlic ocal corrosuoutleuute cc rQt.c.E ! . . To'the ' Traveling Public ! -Thug- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I S -AT- k OO1LL , . . Is ruow uiuiiergoiuig thurorotigim repairs , both oithiii aaU ' j without , amid the Immtirmde it shall be Shl- 0th ) TO NONIt lum time State , muuit. to Oiuuahun. I , t F. . mL 1iLACiWgL1 , ( aug2l.2m t'rot ! : _ _ Nebraska Cornice OruameM ¶ orks ! ) IANUFAC'riIItEits OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' ' 3Dciix'mai- : FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIM , iRON AND SLATE ROOF/Nil , 1'ATEfl' M1AUO IhRYLIGIiT , IronFencing ! Crestirig. , liaiuustruuhcus , Verarmtlami , Ohilci and Haiik 1iaihiiugs , Vhiuduw amid Cellarfluarmu. , Ste. N.S' . Colt. NINTh ANI ) JONES HIS. S'M. ( lAISEIl , ihuomager. - ' i ? : : . _ 's i Iiii'iiiii iii. . melt , , ir.m. ' I .11 , , L iin'tn I. , 'o ' , imi } ¼ 4 . Mi.oiLY um 1 limo , iiiaukiuu. ' mu : ' ' . liii. , , , , , ii . m li' mouim ' yr. uvis DI/PRENE & MENDELSS9/IN ARCHITE JTh ) TO OMAlU NL'flON&t u *