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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1883)
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The secretary of thu navy received a telegram from Corninandent Welch , at l'onsacola navy yard , dated the 1tIi , saying : No cases of fever among the uaval forces. have been abho to got Borne reliable itiforination of the ait- uatioti among citizens. Ton cases of fever are under treatment by physicians , two of whichi arc now , all but two being children. Two are reported with symptoms of the diaeae. ru wtvv DEPARTMENT fl ( J.tOUININO. Ths Secretary of thie Navy te'- ' egraphed Edgar S. Welles , of Hartford , son of Gideon \Vuhlos , Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy , condoling with him on the death ofMr. Faxon , who was chiiefchork of the uavydcpartincut during the rebellion. He was appoiiited assistant secretary in , ; J86O , on various occasions acted as See- ; rotary of the Navy. Secretary Chandler has ordered a number of heads of bureaus to attend the funeral. The department will be closed Friday afternoon , the day of burial , outof respect to the memory of Mr. Faxon. MAIIONE'S FOLITICAL ASSESSMENTS. The Civil ServicoCommissioners to-day received a letter from 1teprosoiittivcDo- zendorf , stating that one C. 0. Clark , Senator Mahioiie's pohitcal assessment agent , made an assessissent last week of 5 per cent on the salaries received by all employes of the Norfolk navy yard. Do- zendorf says this is the third assessment levied on the same employcs by thu samno man inside of a year. Lyman , chief cx- aminer , says if Clark is a goverinnont , omployc , the matter will be laid before the President. . CLEANING OUT TIlE AItCIIITICTS. The Critic says : There was a report at the Treasury department to-day that tP there would be a number of changes in , .the office of the supervising architect of . . the Treasury. The report mentions the name of chief clerk Jacobs and four or ( , five others who would have to walk the T plank. Among prominent Treasury ciii- cials there seems to be no doubt that a numnberof changes will be made at an early . day iu thearchitect's office. ' - Aiorusn ISOND CALL. r , t' The Critic says : "Another bond call n . may be made before the $15,000,000 call & just issued matures , which will be Do- 'W * dember 1st , next. The nearest estimate that can be made fixes the further amount of bonds to be redeemed during . the fiscal year at $45,000,000. This 't ' would make the total amount of debt retired - tired during that period about $110,000- 000 , as $45,000,000 have already been called in since July 30 , last. " [ AILItOADMATTE1tS. Tue 1crc1mnnts of CIscngo Comnbimsing as Solidly Lth 11)0 Itallromuls-Bag. . gage Smashers' Convention. run MERChANTS' POOL. CincAco , September 20.-TIme Mor- ' chants' Freight association , organized for Ii the purpose of protecting the interests of l shippers , 110W numbers 300 members. It is expected to increase the list to 500. TIlE EASTERN POOL. t The executive committee of passenger I agents of tIme east bound trunk lines met .1 It is stated that the resuitwas a l Irco and full discussion of time charges of rate cutting ly some of the lines and time restoration of complete harmony. IIAOOAOE tl At ts.dny's session of the National As. L sociation of Baggage Agents the method of loading baggage and time legal liability for injury to baggage under the laws of different states were discussed. It was decided not to chock parcels of loss than 20 pounds weight. Thu committee on the system of checking reported in favor of ordinary reversible checks , good either way between two points for use between points on the same line ; a joint roversi- I bbs chock for misc between points on ccii- necting lines , afll special checks with holder and paper tab for marking destination - nation , which , it is believed , will greatly . simplify end cheapen time checking sys. torn. vhs IlorroM DOLLAR. p. The geimoral passongcr agent ef the Pasi Handle route announced to-night that tomOrrOw - mOrrOw and until further notice his line will make a rate of $1 froimi Chicagq to . Louisville. NORT1IEStN 1AtIFXO FINANCES , Naw YonK , Septeimiber 0.-'I'ho an- nimal report of time Northorim l'acific coin- palsy for 1883 slmowstimo gross earnings to bo $7,855,450 uscroaso , $242,5&3 ; ox p011505 , $5,3 10 , 129 ; increase $1,704,089 ; net earnings , $2,618,529 , ; increase , iio1 , . 064. A IJONNYUItOOK WAR. Cnic.tao , SeptLnnber 20.-There ivas in time rate no change to-day pasoIiger war between Chicago and Louisville , Sidney B. .Joiics , Of the Louisville , Now 'F Albany nimil Chicago line , said to time As- ' 8ocited I'rcsa relorter , "wuaro like time Irishman at Donimyhirook fair-whenever a head shows Uj ) WO vill hit it. " T1IIERINO ) 7ILANKS. Nsw YolmE , September 20.-At a meeting of the stockimokiors of time North. ens Pacific railwu7 COIOILUIY ) a number of resolutions ivere passed and placed upon time records of time company , tendering earnest thanks to time board of directors for the faithful discimargo of time - - - . . _ _ 1 - - trust committed to them , muiti for time iiso ilmensitros adopted to provide means to complete the great undertaking , the construction of the Northern I'acjfic rail- way. The preshlent and vice lresklent of the company ivore also thanked for the zeal asid foresight they onl1)loyed. ISOSTON AN ! ) NEW VOI1K IXIAND. BOSTON , September 21.-The projectors - ors of the New ork d Boston inland Railroad scheme , now claimim that the flusirmn firimi of Linu t McCarthy lmsvo ( ,4n m.cted to build the road botweemi liJ3Ll. I , New York , aimil complete it , ' tm.ei : : roe Time amount of cap. it.i,1 i , . ' ( of Linn& IdcCartlmy is about y : ) , Um. , tJOO. Time road is ozm nearly a t.tmnighmt line. 1.LE EIUO.'l'lOXMj CONTENTION. l'ctiei'il Aki l"or time South , time B sir. Ieti o [ Their Song. Loviviat.x , Septemnbur -Twenty- - three St'us amid time Distet of Cohnnbia were repiosemited jim the ducatioimal ccii- ventioim to.thmiy. 'I'hmo coimvexmtion was called to order at 10 a in. by Chairnmii Beckimer. Congressmnan Willis , of Keis- tucky , moved time following preammible and rosolutiomi , which were referred to time committee on resolutions : \VIIEuEAS , Certain measures were pending before the last Congress of the United Suites which proposed an appropriation - priation be distributed amnomig the several States in aid of poular education ; \Vnmmn.s , Time miscasure provides that this distributi'n be imiade for a term of years upon time basis of illiteracy and afterward - terward upon tim bases of scimool lopula. tion ; and , \VUEIIEAS , Time measures referred to do not claimmi for the federal govorimimsent the right to control education in the states ; RCWtVCd , That this comiveistion mnost heartily approves time adoption of sonic mneasuro of immaterial legislaioii which shalL emmibody tIme principles sot forth in the forgoing. Discussion of the subject of federal aid to education was thou opened by Itev J. L. Curry , of Virgimmia , who spoke at great length. lIe urged that tIm great mass ofcitizens could imover be educated except by direct federal aid. Congressman Albert S. Willis , of time Louisville district , followed Dr. Curry in an excellent speech. Congressman .I'.Iommuy , of Mississippi , spoke on the ilecessitius of educational movement in the south. lIe was for time federal bill , onibodying time principles enumerated iii time resolution of Willis. Dr. Basil Mandy , president of the Louisville Baptist theological semniliary , delivered an address cii education. Mmissacliusott.s I'rohILitIoiList4. BosToN , September 20.-The prohibitory - tory state comivomitiomi mimet this morning , James H. Roberts temmmorary chairman. Roberts made a short address , saying Robinson was iii favor of time present license lair , mmd could not. represent the prohibitionists. The Republicans hind gone fronm prohibition to license , andtheir nomination yesterday was made by about 30 inca who are Republicans and. Demo- cs-at ; just as they happen tu feel. Conisimittees were appointed. Geo. M. Butterick , of Bar , was elected as per- maneut. . pesident. .LIe reviewed the cause of prohibition amid recounted time manner in which that party hind been deceived - ceived by the declarations of leading parties - ties , time republicans coming in for time larger portion of his animadversion. He predicted time ultimate success of prohibition - bition , which was time solo remedy for time evils which threaten time city. A letter was read from Rev. A A. 1iner , in which lie said there is a pros- 1mectof more 01)015 abaimdomimmmunt of tout- poranco profession on time part of our Republican friemmdsi tlmami ever before , and this ought to be followed by equally opemi abandonimment of that party by over' true patriot hi time tmie. Thio result will ho a consimuentary ou' the character of ! iassachmusotts voters. At time afternoon session , Burgess , of Forrester , immoved that the convention make no nomnimmation for Governor. Ho said time convention just held had noimii- nated a candidate entirely unexceptional , ( referring to Robinson ) timid around hmimim the Proimibitionists should rally. Thu motion , after a sharp debate , was lost. Charles Alma , of New , was then nominated for govermmor. Time ticket was colimlletCd as follows : Liouteimamut Governor , .Johmn Blackmer ; Secretary ot State , Solon F. JtootTreas- ; urer and Iteceiver , ' [ 'Imonmas J. Lumthrop ; Auditor , Jonatiman Buck ; Attorney Ccii- oral , Sanmuel Fimirtield. Resolutions ivero presented declaring for equal political rights for both sexes , civilsorvico reform , protection of American iimdutrics , sup. pressiomi of time liquor tratlic , and disfranchisement - chisemont of liquor dealers. The last seimtnnent was modified , time resolutions adopted , and time coimvemmtion adjourned. - - - - - AN IMI'OltTtNT EVENT. Opening nl Direct Telegraphic Imitci' . coumro 't'IiIi Brazil , Nnw YORK , September 20-An mm- portant ovcmmt in telegraphic circles will ho time forimmal opemmimmg to-mimorrow morning - ing of the Ccimtmnl timid South Arnericamm telegraph cOlma1iy'f3 lines to Brazil , comi- miection with time Uxmited States being mimade via Cal veston , Texas. Cheaper rates % vihi at ommee be innuurnted muid it is anticipated a lively bimsmnes will spring UI ) IutWCOfl time two great sections of time western liemmmisimliero. Various gemmtiommien in olilcial positions and puomnimiei'mtly idnmmtitkd with time busimmess interests of time country have expressed a desiu'o amid semitirnent over time wires uipoim this occasion and among othora the following will be forwarded : ' 'Froimi I'resitleiit Arthur to time Emulmeror of llrmizil ; Thu l'rosnleimt aimd govermmaent : of time United States saluLs time Emnpei'or tsimd people of llr.uzil through time imew chmaimuel of direct coimurnummication Iotwcemm tue two coumitmies thus day opoimed via ( Jalrcstomu amid Ymsi- Imsraiso , amid see iii these smiultiplied links of intercourse assur.tmico that iiajipy ro- iations between timemmi iviii continue and increase to time niatemiul benefit of both people and countries. " J'easting 111(1 SeribeH iii I'orf Jisimil. l'ORTLANi ) , Oregon , Soptomnbor 20.- TIme eastern jourimmilists acconmpanyimmg the Villard jamty who heft this oven- mni for limo east , were emutertaimmod prior to their ( lclarturo by time imo : _ prietors of 'l'imo Portland Oregonian , ut aim elegant dihmner. 'rimore wore lrusoilt representatives of 'I'lio Boston Jiorahi and Journal , Sprimmglieid itepubiioami , New York Tribune , Times , Sun , l'hiia- doiphuis l'rcss St. I.ouis Olobo.Domno- crat , Louisville Courler.louirmmal , liar. ler's Weekly , Chicago Tribune , Miii. sicapolis Suim , and btimos papers. Time imarty express surprise at time resources and scenery of thenow northwest , TboMxwotmicTemmmplc at Peoria , PEORIA , September 20.'lie [ miew Masoflic temple , just completed at a co..t of $100,000 , wits dedicated to.dny in an tiimostoimtatioims imlanner , mm eli'ort being iiiiude at display. A procession of iocat lodges ; maradotl time streets. 'l'hie deilica- tory services ivoro coimducted by Dr. A. 1. 1)ni'raim , iii Blornmmimmgton , grammd minister , nssistel by time ou'mler of grand otiicors. Tim ornticn was delivered by S. S. l'age , of this city. A REA1 GATHERING. Thirty Tl1olls11 Miles of RaiIi'o Rcprooiitod 'at a coLill in Sati Francisco , The Ovei'Inmnl Maimmmger Meet to 1'orimm an Ironclad l'ool. SA FitAscisco , Septenuber 20.-'I'lt : commfcreimce of mnamnigers of railrommda i. of time Missouri river opened at thePai hotel to-day. The following hues vore represented : Central amul Southern l'a. citic , Galveston , harrisburg & San An- toimio , Urnoim Pacific , Atcimisomm , Topeka Smuitta Fe , Northern Pacitic , Burlington & MissoUri , Texas Pacific , Doimver & Rio Grande , and time Atlantic & Pacitic. The vice 9residemit of tIme Chicago , Buriimigtomm tSj Quincy ivuss also lresemmt. Time total mileage roprcsemmted was 30,000 msiiies. Thmo mncetimig was called to order by Comm. ermil I'Jaimager ' 1owne , of time Central Pacific. 11. N : . lioxie , vice.presidont amid general manager of Coulds southwestern - western system , was elected cimairimman. As it was decided to hold meetings iii secret , a comnmmiitteo , composed of Vimming , of time Uimiomm l'aciiic ; Muir , of time North. 01'Ii Pacific , amid Goddard , of time Atchi. ison , Topeka & Santa Fe , wore appoiimted to fumnish mmewspapers such of time pro. ceedimigs as , iii their opinion , was of 1iublic immtercst. Time immimnodiato object - joct of the comifcrcmme , as stated by one of time general managers to a represomitativo of the Associated Press is , imot make any alteration in tIme iresemit fares or freight , but if possible to agree Upomi a pro rata distribution of time same between timeseveral roads lyinv between the Pacific amid Missouri River , so as to Prevent : the cutting of rates. Time adoption of this would Imuwe time ef- feet of breaking time contract system witim shippers imithmeito enforced by the Central and Southern Pacific. Time light , therefore , will be over tue . pro. lortLon to be assigned to eacim. 1'imo whole day was occupied by tIme managers in setting forth time capabilities and pos- sibiiitios of their respective roads , none venturing any claims as to wimat propor. tion of time gross pooled earnings timoy felt entitled to , Some are sanguimmo a basis of agreement will bo reached , others are doubtful. Prominent among time latter , re , tIme Northern Picifio re- presontativcs ; who it is believed will claim a larger share thantime _ Central l'mmcific will accede to. It is oneraiiy acknowledged time principal dmfiicmmlties will be betwecim these two roads. It is comilidontimmlly allIrmned timat Viiiard instructed structod his represeuitativo if such proo. sition as ho mmmcd could umot bo obtained to withdraw froni the meeting amid imnuiediate mteps w'ould be taken to comiatrumet an iiidepeimdemmt himmo to this city. TIme only inmportnmit feature the imroccedimmgs has deVeio1)ed is that aim uim- derstamidimig exists between the Union ammd Northern Pacific. if this under- staumdimmg K adhered to , it is safe to pre- diet time result of time confurcumce will be tiff. TEIEGItA19t NOTES. Time fire in time woods at Bar harbor , Mo. , is under control amid all danger is mmcmv past. l'residemit Arthur loft Now York for Newport - port yesterday muorumimig. lie will imot go to Vasiiimigtou for scum dayrm yet. Tax Collector P. J. Britton , of llahlcoummty , Ala. , is reported a defaulter for 817,000. Friends cmliii there Is no intentlomial wmong. Time defalcation is said to have existed several years. TIme simprenmo lodge of Odd Fellows , iii ses. loui at P1OViiOflcu , It. I. , refused to strike the word ' 'white" front time comistituitlon. lit in. ncaloIi's % Y1UI chiosemm for the next u.miuual ilicet. jog. Sommator Benj. H. Irarrison , of itidiana , amid Semimitor .Yamnos Wilson , of Fairfield , spolce to large anti entlmtmslastic nudieccs , 1mm .lar- shahltown , Iowa , yntcrdsy sfteniooa amid evening. 'I'ime of Junjits flrutua Ilootli mit Mauehestcr.Imy.tlmo.Sca yestcrilmmy afterumoomi iVmL'3 largely attended by relatives and imrfos. .lonal friomds. : ' [ 'lie immtermmiemmt was iii Roso. dale cemetery. Iii spite of time rainy wcat1m'r , the Moody Evangelical convommtion in Clmicw'a yesterday , imict witji no ilirnumnition jim attemmanmico. 'l'lio ulcers were CloSOt ( httht miiglmt at six o'clock on account of thocrowd. 'limo commvoutiuum closed last ovonlmmg. 'rime sovooth anmimmal congress of time Natlommal LIieral League convenes iii Milwaukee to.1my. leiegatos have already arrived from ICaumsiq : , Nebramdcn , Iowa , amid a fy Irma the east. ' 1' . \Vakenmamm , of Now York , l'rcsidemmt of time imsociutiti , , arrivol to.mlay. ScUm liartoim Premichi , , , f Nelvirt , whose gimlet l'reshloimt Artimur Is gave a gr.mimil ihlimmior lest evemmi mmg lim lmoimor Of tim I'residemmt. 'l'umun. day next time i'roItIeimt will assist Iii haytmmg the corner stone of the Iluimiside A\lenmomjal flaIl. 'flie smmienm1otl ixchiango bank of ? dontreal Is remlecmmmiimg its circiml.mtiomi with gold on iro. semmtatioii , ijimt has rtnhiieed time mummammit payn. ide to each Imemmon iimn.hial f. A. miegsicl , has lcomm immiulu oim time director4 to imavo ollicial iimi'i'stigititim of time lammik's affairs , which it i behiui'eil will lie acceded to , 14) I iimii ( ' ii Iy ' IS I ( t ovm , ' ' QUINCV , SOltemillJO" 20.-C ) . B.Vimrd and Charles .Johnmsomm wuru accidentally poimiomioil at Canip l'oitit to-day. 'J'imuy procured viiuit was supposed to lme a .iuart bottle of bitters at a drug store to drimmk as a beverage. irimmking freely of it , they both ( lroJJed ( lead III IL sitoit time. 'rime timimd mmmmmn who diamik with them was seized with spasmims , limit will recovem. 'J'imo jury returned a vinthict of accidental moimmoiiing. 'rimmi JiiIiimIu 'L'miti. ) Si'itINuI'imL.r : ) , Ill. . September 2O.--'rime roulmiomi of the Tenth Illinois cavalry took place iii this city this uvenilig. 'I'imoy omgammized as a imarirnimment society timid tihtictemt a full ' sot of ollicers with Col. Dudley Wickersimammm , of this city vrusi. dent. - - - - - - - - - THE OLD WORLD. ulio Ausiro-Gorman Alliance Slirrc Up as a Mdilacc to FrancB an Rossia. The Viceroy of Canton Plcaed With the Lofty Neutrality of the .Aiuorioau Oousul. i"r'iicii Iepsmles I'etttlon 11)1' il Cmiii of' I lie Cimamnhirs-Proteit lou Au- voenteui iii Emiglaimmi. = GflNEIttb I'OltflLON Nfl'H , PARIS , Septoimiber 20.-A Londuimm cor. respomitlent says : Time 'must ro.Curmuan alliamue is directed against ltumts'mn and France. In the ovoimt of a iitr btwcim Germany and Frnimco , Atmstrmmm us to momsin. tam armimed neutrahily ; 1mm time event of ii war between Austria and Russia , ( her. mmmrmiy is to do likewise. if the third lvor attiek ( hermuany or Austria , arimmed imetitrahity will be converted into active co.oporatiomu. AScOt' PROM illS FELLOWS. LONION ) , Septommmber 20.-Time Aumori- 'I Comisuil at Cammtomi ummaimitmiiiiod a ccii- citiatory attitude amid romnaimmed aloof front other foreign reprcmmemitntivcs. Time Viceroy appreciates this fact , hiss visited time Coimsul and assured him a prommipt ar- rangenient will be effected regardimig Ammiorican claims. It is rummmore(1'zsul. . dimmgtoim tiuimmks of resigmmimmg time post of Fremmchmarnbassador to Great Britain. Till : CONQUEST OF Thu i'ArAL STATES , Rosin , September 20.-An ommormucims crowd witimossed time corommionmes attemmd- ing the comnmmmoiumoratioui of time emmtry of tue ltahiuu : troops mimto Rome in 1875. 'I'iieimiummicipsiitius : placed a ii'rontim omm time tommmb of King Victor Ernaimuol iii time presence of aim inmummemmee commcourse. IJISMAIIOK'S stmcmii'ry MAW. Bimustcz.s , Se1tomber , 20.-A custoimis smimiomi betveoum Beigiunm atid Ilollnmmd it about to be affected. Bismmmarck emulorses time scheme whiek ampeara to be time hirat step towards absorbing Ilolhimnd amid Dcl- giulmi iii time Gorinmmn Zollvoreiim. PROTECTION IN ENOLAN1) . LONDON , Septenmer 20.-At time scasiomm of time British associmitiomi for time advamice- macmit of acieimce , time commditiomm of time Eu gush cottomm trade was discussed , time gemi- oral opimiiomt being that Eumgland has mmothiimg to fear from foreign commipotition. Iii au address to the associatiomi Sir \Vil- liammiVimeelhotmse ascribed time comnmner- cial depression of the country to oper atinum of free trade laws , amid advocated rotammu to a protective tarili vim FRENCh cIIAMHEiS. I'AnIs , Septoumbor 20.-A mimeoting of 200 ummonmbors of time Extreuumo Left to-day 1massed resolutions immaistimig U1)oui time uiccessity of convokimmg time Chambers iii order to ascertain tIme policy of time Coy- eminent in conimectiomi with time Tonquin question. A conmnmittoe wasappointod to wait upon Primmie Minister Ferry amid ro- uest htha to call the Chambers . into s . - sion. - . MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. LONDON , September 20.-Durimmg time bomnbardmnemmt of Tammmatave , Missionary Thomas' residence was looted amid lie threateumed with punislmmmmemmt by Freumchi officials because ito failed to remmmove debris caused by raumsackimig the imouse. It 1mm been decided to roimmiorco time police of St. Petersburg by a regimimemmt of immfammtry , time occasiomi bsiuig time funeral of Turgemmieff. Tlio Italian bark Fratelli Caggiumo , frommm Dunkirk for Duriemm , has becim in clliSiolm with mm atcamner , minnie miot givomi. Both vessels foumulereci , but time crows were saved. Ammtoimme Ferdiumnmid Josepii Plateau died iii Paris yesterday , aged 82. Time Montonigrimi Cabimmet line resigned. A miew Liberal Mimmistry will ho formed under N. Yammlco1l TILE FItEN.CI1 IN TONQUIN. iloso KONG , Septomnber 20.-Time French are iii difficulties through wammt of troops. Mammy Chmineso arc deserting to time Black Flags. Lan , their Chief , is very powerful. France mmuay immive to negotiate - gotiate with him. Foreigimera hiave beoum 50011 fmghmtizmg inside time Black Flags. Comm. Boult says lie was unable to hold his position after time last light. Time Fremmch are still buying stemimumers amid imorses. NOT ACCEI'TAIILE , PAmIIS , September 20.-It is reported timat tIme mmmemumoraumdummm of time Frommcim pro. posais uiion time 'I'oumquimi question , which Marquis 'I'zemig tolcgraiimcd yesterday to Pukium , imavo mmot proved accujitablo to time Cimimmeso govertimnuiuL Unveiling tlmo 'I'1lmm 2'toiiummmiciit. LouIsvILI.g , Sultoimibor 20.-Time immom- umnciit erected by time state of Komitueky to time mnonmory of ( hm'im. achm 'J'muybr , President of time United Status , WLS tiedi. cated to day attimo 'I'ayior hmoinestuami , live mmuiles ( rota Louisville. A imummibor of PrIumiiiommt citizens , immcludimmg soldiers of timu Mexican war , were preuemmt. Thu coi'Ouumomliemi ivOI'o very immmposiimg. Comm. \Vimm. Preiton , ii vutemami of time Mexicaim ivitu. , iim mm siimrt address imitroduccl ( Jun. 'flues. L , Critteimdcim , etmiogistol time coca- loom ) . At Limo coimclusiomm of time address time mmioumuimiuimt svimm uimvuilud. ' [ 'ito imiommu- imient 1mm marble , thirty ( cut imigim , sum- immoummtcd by a tatmiim of Comm. Taylor. 'L'Imo ljmitest F'vomim I lie I'sJc. I'flhl.AIiEIm iIIA , S'eptcimmber 2O.-'l'imo bark 'J'imyra , fromm , Ivimit , lirsugimt aimd forwarded time following cable mimussago froiim tue celebrated Swedish explorer , Nordoimakjold : Arrived at Juhiamualmaumb Juime l7tim. Stunted ( mcmii Ivigut .Juiy 23d. All well. ( Sigmmed ) NouulJENnKJoi.n , 'l'o Oscar 1)ieksomm , Gotimuimhmmm'g , Sweden. 8tmo's Ifomo VilJm all IIi' Bangs. BOSTIIN , Seiitemmmher 20.-lmm a cciii- iflhimiiCLtion _ to I Jarvard ( ) bsmmrvatom'y , Item' . ( ; . I'd , Searic , of Nest' York , calk ( l attemm- tioms to time fact thmat BroOks' coimmut is identical with tIme exjiccted commiut of 1 812. ( ionipmitatiomis mit I Jarvard coimli mmmm Searlu'mm imyiotimeais. - _ _ Tini Stiimmiittm'il Oil Iiumiies. NawIRiC ( , Soptoimiber 20.-"mVmhiiammm ltockfuhler , president ( if time Stammdard Oil commmpamay , buimmg to.lay iumturviuwed in respect to the mullegutiommim that the comim- vaim wts largely interested iii cattle grazmng in time west , iimmtdu aim ummmlmlmmmtio ( hlSa'tfOWtIl to time effect that neither time Standard Oil company mmor shy of its nfiulitmted interests , nor any pCSSOii comm. imected with time nmumrmgouument of time Commmnlmy , hare now lior never imore inn ! airy immtercst. . - _ _ - SL'OItTINU NOTES. IIIOYCLII TOUItNAMENv. 1'fltNflFlF.LD , Mns , Soptemnbor 20.- Teii timosmsammd IeOPiO attonuieti the bicycle tourumauuommt to-day. iii thmo climb triii time Itocimestor ( N. Y , ) climb won. Time one music RCrfltcim race was ivon by Corrin , 01 Boston , iii 25 4.5 beatimig time record. itobimusoms , time Eimgiishmmau , beat. time mo. cord of 2:52. : Fli'e mimhle amuiuteimr imauhlical ) race , ton coimtestammts , was is'omm by Charles 8 , Fisk , of Sprummgtieiul , iii 15:5t : ) . 'I'imn twomuty mile race for time imrofes. siommal cimnmimliflumsimip ) of time would amid hum-So of $ l000 , wm voit by lligimanm us 0110 hmotmr , six mnimmumtns amid two amid tImro. qumaiter secomuds , bontimig time record ommo ummimmtmte amid two mimiul timroo.quam'ter see- ends. 1mm time 21 mmmilo nimmatoume commtcst , Itoh- uumA.mmm ivoum in 1 imosmr , 28 mulimutes and 10 secomimis , beatiumg time record by 14 mmmiii. U143s 4 seconds. Corroy , of Boston , mmmdc a 10 utile Blhm against timmie , amid beat I3armnmmmm's record of ) 'estordlty 8i mmeeommdms ; timmie , 81 mmmiiitmtcs 8t ) socommds. Time cisc utIle comi- smslatioim s-ace vini woui by Adolph , of Ohio , us 3 mmmiimutes4 socomuls. COVINOTON RACES. CUVINoT0N , Ky. , September 20.- Track fast. 'I'imree-qtmartemn of a utile Force womm , Caraomm necomud , Lizzie L. third ; timmmo , 1:16. : For three ycar.olds timat imavo not won ft race clmmriimg time year , utile amid live fur. bugs , \Vooioy Doumgiaa'i womi , ileecimer Brook second , Ummilfollow third ; t hue , 2:58g. : Cimmoinnati hotel stakes for all ages , two aiim ! one.oigim ii mniius , Lida Stitti. hope swomiVmtslmbumrmi soeommd , Katie Creel third ; timmie , 8:25. : Mile ammd a furlong , W'aliammseo iron , Sovereign Put. seecmul , Cam'dimmal ! 'mtcClos. ' key third ; timmmu , 1:113. : Three-quarters of mm utile , Trcllowiiumg ivOim , Twiiiget second , Lord Edward timimd ; time , 1:19k. : Three-quarters of a mile , Boil Boy woim , Kinney second , Golden Vumiture third ; time , 1:1. : TillS miILLIARhISTS. ChicAno , Sopteumiber 20.-Sexton and Wallace , time billardimits , reacimed time city late last mmigiit froums the west. Scimitefor is expected hero to.mnorrow , amid mill three will timems go to New York , wimore Schaefer mvhll at once go into vrimctice for time fom'tli- conhiuig nmatch im'ith Vigmmaux. Sloasoum haLl gone to Miummiealmolis before Sexton arrived , so notlmimmg wits done imm regard to Sexton's proposal for a gimmile a ; cusimiomu carommis. Sextoms expresses a desire to mmmcet Slossomm at tius + game at any ilmume for $1,000. lSmmEIIu'IIEAD hAy RACES. SUIuErSIIEAD BAY , September 20.- Coney Island Jockey Club races : Milo , Dan K won , Stratsproy ecouid , Bucea. near third ; time 1:42. : Mile and a quarter , Pizarro won , Topsy socouud , Rica third ; tiumme 2:10.j : , \ Great Enstormi handicap for tire-year- oitls , three-quarters of a mile , Dutch Ith1er won , \Vatcr Lilly second , Leo : ; ; time 1:17. ' . . Mile and five furlongs , Apollo iron , Della , mecoumd , Comm. Moimroo third ; timime 2:111. : 2:111.Mile Mile and a sixteenth , Baby woim , Pike's Pride socommd , llartford third ; time 1:52A. : Steepiecimaso , simort coumrso , Olmaremmiagume won , Jiimm McGowan secomud , Dimmturbaiuce timird ; timmme 5:01. : JAY EYE KEI AND .IUI.IiN. Nmmw Youui , Su1mteimmer 20.-.Jay Eye See 811(1 St. Juhiemm will commteumd for a pur of $11,000 Smutmmmday , time 211th , emi time track of time Goimtleimmeim's Drivimmg associmitimni , 1Turrisauma. ? .1'14T10 PARUC JIACES. BOSTON , Septeumber 20.-Mystic Pmsrlc special mmmeotimmg. 'flie aummioumimcuimmcnt timid .Jay-Eyo.Seo would attempt to beat imis Providemmcu record of 2:10 : , brought to time park iiearly 5,000 l)001)le. ) Class 2:21) : ) , Modoc womm in straighmt heats , George A secoumd , Fidums timirui , Alleoiieimy Boy fourtlm ; time 2:22 : , 2:23j : , 2:21. : After time 2:21) : ) class Jay Eye See was givemm a wmirnmimmg imp mnmikimmg mm mmmilo iii 2:31 : aumd after two heat. races was brought out for his trial. As lie cammmo Iii ) lie umoddod forwmmrd. lie took time first quarter iim 83 , nmmd urged ommly by sword of mouth , minnie time second quarter iii 32 amid passed 'time ' immuif in 1:06. : 'l'imtm timrou.quartcrs mmmi passed iii 1:89. : 0mm tim iuommme stiutchi the horse was shigmmtly urged by time jockey aimd covered time mile in 21l ; , time best Limo ever mmmdc on Mystic I'mirk track. Clans 2:23Vimmship : woum in mmtmilmt imemmts , Gladiator secomid , Doumo timird , Frank fourth ; time , 2:21 : , 2:23 : , 2:21k. : lIAISE I5ALT , . Srmunrzmuau , Iii. , Septeimiber 20.-'I'imo ba5e bail association of this city mmmet to- mmigimt amid appointed ii comnmmm'itted to mmmake irratigenicrits for atreiigtimoiiimmg timim climb for iiext year by immemommsilmg Limo capital stock to ? hO,000 , amid engaging strouig players. Time PUr1)M0 is to mnake tue Sprimmgt'molml cimmb time ntromgcst liimaueiaily ; uimd otimorwhmw iii time ivest. iloimsoiiolder , fifaumiming , Seimneimick , Suhhivaui , Coigami amul Lothio , of thus year's mime , lmavo boon re- tmunul ( , antI time vimieos of l'utors , Jommes aimml llemmgel will ho filled by now macmm. QUINOY , Septomimlier 20.-Quimmeys 0 , Sagiimaws 7. Si'ItiNO VS 1ILL ) , Sejtcimiber 20.-Sprimm. fields 3 , 'l'.mledus 0 , Nuw Yoiia , Septomumber 20.-New Yorkms 7 , Ciuvoiamuls 5. l'EOiUA 20.-l'oorhis 5 , September . - , Bay Oitys 0. Femur VAYnI : , Supteimuber 20.-Ormummd Ihipids 9 , Fort Vmiyes 1. .VImo 0t1rmmi It ? SAN FiuNeiiwo , Smijmtoiuilior 21-It iii cumrrcmmtiy stated thmat Mummator J'.hihler Jams declared immmnit emimphuitieal I ) ' , timid umudem' imo circummmstammecs mviii lie miecu1t socouid imiace ( iii time l'romsidermtiul tikut , 'iIi's , 1'I mm'iim Amluuims hying. LoNe BRAtIII , SeltelrulOi' 20 , . Mrs. ldwii Adaimme , wifmm of time fammmoims trago. dian iii dying of paralysis. iimmers timid Opam'mulomn ill lInriimcriy. Sr. Louis , Septummibur 20.-A commfor- dice of coal o > ermmtors amimi delegates ( vomit various mnumer H bilges jim St , Cimuir county , Jll , , 'rims held at East St. Louis this imiorimimig. 'I'imu mimeeting wits imarniommious , tue operatinm coimmiemiting to jmay time price asked by time Imuinermi , viz : 2 cemmts pur imimsimel , to coinmnomco frommi date. 'I'hme umacisimme operators agreed not to under. sell ham ! working mnimiers. Time mtssocia- tiomi lucid ammothmor sess'momt this oVOlm'tflg , whmesm commmmmiissiommes frommi both operators ammd lmmimrnrs sill be appoimmtt'd , who have Power to arbitrate all future difForemuce witimout reumortiimg to strikes. . - - - A Soelmil Ss'nsmstlomm , SAN FRANoISC0 , September 20.-flea. Wimmfield Scott Kries , semi of time celebrated - brated Comm. Kries , hiss applied for a diorco froumi his info ems tue ground timat sue was already time wife of Jammies O'Ilmiemt Teily , of9rgimt'mmm , wimeim immt ummarriud her2 which fact ivms. timikmmomyit to hums at. time tmmmme. lrs. Ermes is aim ox- coudimigiy hmiuuulsomue mmml PRuumilmuitt 11111) ' in time somiuty iii timis city. 11cr mmmaidemi minute was ii loris ilastimigs. Shin immulig. mmautiy deities tIme charge amid says 1iies kmmow mill time circmimmmstiumces of imor no- quauuitammccsluip w'mtim lehIey , that ime ommIy ummusiried imer after hiaiimmg satist'med hmimimseif that shim imami mint imemm imrom'uimtusly mmmar sled , \\'iuumi ( lt'im. F1m'i im unit. saw his hireseist info hum becaimmo so emmamuorod of her timid he imoratumideml ide ( orator wife to cotiscuit. to boimmg divorced froims hmimmm , im'imieim aiw immtmuedmateiy agreed to do. All parties are i'ory pi'ommmimmeiit. Time trust tnkns 915Cc lit time superior cotmrt. A Fight. to tltnlemstim. : , Dmmvmt , Selmtoimiber 20.-A , Socorro ( N. M. ) special to The Tribuuuo says at cisc of the Big Four Cattle commiammy's rammoluos , hear here , Mommldmy.Jool F'dwlur , is iarge cattle dealer , mmmet a Imarty imamned lmrcst ammd ilill Childs , with s'vimqmmm ho iuisti pm'eriumus trouble. Forest. amid Cli jids opumued tire ems Fowler , irho ruttmrmmed time fire , killing Chihuls. Forest rini into tiue house OC3tmpied by Mr. McGee. 'I'imo list. toy mremmt to Cite door amid ordered Forest out of time house. Instead of go- imig , Forest fiiotl ammd killed McGee. Fowier timon set fire to time hotmse , m'athmer ( hums take tue ciuaumces of simootimig with Purest ; aumd rather tlmmsmm mmmeut Iwlor , F'orcst , while time imotise Ivims bumrmuimmg , put mu ball through im'ms osrim Imemid. Cimiluis , Forest amid McGee , all three , were Ltmried imi the saummo grave. hioivVmituu' at. illmiimesmpolls. MINN1mtroLls , Soptemmibor 20.-\Vator is hewer imu tins river timmi it has bucum for mmmany yeisr. Ail saw-mitalls on tIme putt- formmi and mmli tlmust ) nih by ivator cmi the east ido will be commmpolled to stem ) for hack of force. it l believed miothimig cams be done ummtil the ivister rises is's an mit- temumlmt , to denim the cimaummmol failed. % 'ree1cs ut Lime , tmmgmist Gale. Sr. J01158 , N. P. , Selteuumbor 20.- lumformmuatiumi commmos froumm liurims amid For- tmuimo bay timis unornimmg of two additional wrecks omm tiuo great banks , owing to the gale of August $ OLlm. Oiuo a banker , fly- ilmg an arrow , with mm crew of sevemi , amid time other time neimoomier Freedommi , with a crew of six mill told. lii buLls cases au imammds wore lost. A. VcU on llmmntlngtoum. CoNcoume , N. II. , Septeiuuber2O.-Gov. erimor Hale Jim decided not to sign time bill immcorjuoratimmg time Soutimorn l'aeitio colmmpany. Aimother Telegraph Company. Naw Yomsmc , Septomiubor 20.-Time certificate - tificate of imicorporatioms p ( time Immtermma- tionJ &Nuvthtom-n.-TologrRpit'ccm'ipaumy ; was filed to.diiy. Capitni , $5,000,000. THE LOIJP VALLEY. .1:110 latc Fair an Its Effdct ilpoil tile Lonhlialls , I'OhItIC'iuI 1'oIimt Rhit General Ness's. CouTcsimmftiCmmcO of 'l'mis BImL : Noumrii Loci' , VAIImr Cousvv , Sop- tomimber 10.-Nearly all of time reid- deumta ( if time town numd coummitry lmereaboumts who visited amid lmrticiimitted iii time re- uliiomm festivities at Ilastimigs , amid who at- tomuded thin State fair wimicim hits just closoil at 0mmauma have returned. Timomse who took in time fair report a sllommdid ( liSjliIy of everytiiimig imm time way of stock amid mmmacimimmery , amid return well satisfied with time tmi1 , amid time immforimmatiomm gained timerelmy. 'I'imoy have come back imumbuod with time iaudahio ammmbitiomm of eau'ryimmg off isoimmo of time 1)111(15 mimid irommmiummms next year timummmselvos , amid I immure imo doubt they will , for timey certalimly Jmave a soil tmi wom'lc cii mimmexculled ammywlioro. Ammotimur building project is mmb.tmt to be commeummiated by time erectioim of a two- story business block omm time corner imow occumpiuti by Steve Parks as a wagon and trading shop. The lower story is to be divided iOtA ) stores amid time upper to be used as a l)1i1)liC imail-a room time town iii very nmuchu iii imeod of. 'Fimo Imartius iii- vesting in this immmprovenmuumt , I believe are Omimaima mmmcmi. Arramigemzmummta are mmiv mnakiumg by wimicii it is thmougimt mm bridge will ho timrowmm across time Loup river a polumt twi imtiies muliovo time towum of Northm Lommp. Iii ii very simort tinmo this will he of great ijeimcf'mt to Limo village and will open up tote to its trade is large msectiomm of country Imometofore almmuost emmtirely siuit out. 'I'Ime bridge will be mm good omw timid inmilt to last. During time 1)t5L ircuk time local 1moidt- claims iiiis'o imeomi workimmg like beavers for their roimpuctmvc cammdidatcs , as time delis- gates to Limo coiuimty commvoimtiomm irero to ho ampomnted ( iii Siturthmiy : imighmt. 'I'l'e commvommtioim immeots 0mm next Iii umduiy , amid last miigiit irmus aim exciting one iii time lit- the burg , though cvurythuimmg 1)mmssed oil' lmarmumoimiously , Limo tlisappoiimt. 0(1 ouCH smm'milloms'iimg timeir mmmcd- icuime witimout time semublamuce of mm kick , 'I'Ime selectiomm of delegates svmis mu good tiiio amid cimibraces most of time head- imig bimsitmoss mueti hmero. It shadows forth time undoubted defeat of Babcock , tue vrusulmt enmity clerk , mind who is a caudi- date before time convention for rommommm'mmma. tioim. I Jo ivihl be scalped , umud nil because lie iveid back omm somne prommiises mimmide early iii time cammmmaigmm , A politiciuumu ahmouiml mimako mme Inomimises lie dooms imot iii. toimu1 Lu htecim , ltedloiu will ie time umomni- mmcc , 'l'he vresommt mmimerifl' will probthiiy iio remmomitimmumtel , amid tue treasurorsimill mviii ho itammied by Limo lowum of Ord , North loup ivili get tiitm coummty auperiimtoimulent of oulucatiomm , aiim ! thu coummty conmmmmis. siomiers will be givoim to thie county pro. cimmets. 'l'imus stmumds time state. It is jtuimt possible timattime Ammti.mEommop- oiists amid time ] ) ernoemnts will take tid. . vantage of tue aitumitioim amid put up a ticket mmmiii scoop iim time whole bakery. N.H. A SHOCKINOSIIAKE. PiEtsnr tirre to Its Fonniou an . Iho Fco1o Torrifloth The Sligo Mill Torn to Pragm'ni by an Exploded Boiler , . Three ? , lemm hued , i'uImi' i'atnlly lit. JumL'Cl itimui Eight Securely Ilimrt.- 01 Iium itcckIumits imsmul Fires. l'irrsisuuuu , Septeimiber -Botwecn 1 ammul 2 o'clock this afterimoon a shock ivas foiL tiirougimotmt time city wimicim shook umlaut ) ' lsuildiiigs tO their fosmmmtiaUoums aimnisimeul wimulunys amid termibly frighmteneJ resumlemits ( if tIme south side , ivimo rimsimed frommm timu'mr houses imito time str ot iii tor. r.r. Imimnmouliateiy after time almock an niarmmt of fire was strumek mmmd tmpomm imivci. tmgmmtiomm it. was fotmmmd timid. time large bull. era iii time liammgitmg depot of time Stigo iromi works hmitil exploded with fearful vielumuce , scattering flying fragmmmont. in every diroctitmmm , settimmg tire to time Lake Erie railroad shops mimmd mu mmtmnmbor ef dwehiimig imotmsea in time vicimmity. Time imows of time disaster spread hike iv1d fire amid soomm tiuousaimds of PeoPle wore on time way to time scone of deatruetioum. A fearful sight immet tlmoir gaze. Time boiler ulupartmumemtt , a brick atrtmcturo , was a commupiete wreck , as were also a mmummmborof passuimger amid freight cars ammd tue muas. ter mmmdcimaumic's shops of time Lake Erie railroad , while a row of dwell. immgs cmi time opposite side of the street ivore iii flammses. l'ilomt , woummen and cii'ml. A dremi ivere runmmimmg about wrimugimig timeir Immimmds mmmiii cumlimmg for friemids wimommi they sumpjmtised were omtimor killed or woummded. m 1mm time rumiuia of the flammgimmg ulupartmmmont , scattered aroummd , were dead amid dyimmg , soimie whim armmms amid. legs off , sonic disfigured - figured almumost bfyomul rccognitiomm , amid others suflusrimig fiommi hmdtimmfmll bunts amid scalds. By this timmme the imohice inn ! or- mired in force , amid time work of rusmnoving time killed mind imijured froimm tluo uiims was begaum. It ; wits foummd mit time timmmo of this expiosiomi timid 20 mmmomm ivore at. stork. Of these 1) ) are reported all rigimt , 8 were hilled , amid 8 were bamhly injured , four fmutahiy , iviiin 4 childu'oti of Charle. Douglas wimo lived across the way , wars also badly hurt. 'rime following is is list of the killed : J uihimsV. . m'th1tuu , to1i of head blown oft. Charles Douglas , sudo of head blown oflJohn John MeGavigaum , ucalded and sldci crusimed 1mm. Time imeighmbora did all they could to re- hove time aulfurora. The boiler wan up- rigid , six feet jim diameter amid was split into four fragmimuimta , time largest being blown 200 feet , iammdiimg in the mmuiddle of the Mommommgmmiieia river. It is not kmmown wimat caused tue expiosiomm. It was just after time dinuieiiiour amid steam hind been turmied on only a few mimimmutes when it exploded. Limo coroimor has enmpammelled a jury , and a thmnroimgim investigation will bs made. The Siigo iromi works are owned by Pimilhips , Mervic & Co. Tlmoir 1ossi , ostimnfttedat$10,000. Loss to thbEris _ . $300&r" ' " - ' - - Lewis house , one of time yletirns has aimmco diuI , mmdV. . W , Stewart amid Olmrist Miller are not expected to live thmrougim time night. , Jessu Douglas died at 10:30 : this ovumuing , immmmkiimg the fifth ( iclitim. Time J'iegiuu.s sviii Comic. 1IRIENA , Momit. , Scjtommmbor 20.-Semis- tor Vest mummd duiegmitu Miugiutimia luave at- rived at Fort l3ummtomm frommm Blackfoot Agomucy , wiuoio timt'y Imad a satisfactory cmmmncil , wutim time Piegaims. who agreed to cede time moverimmmmommt mm large tract of tine himid cmi time eastern side of their reserva- tioim. 'l'hio chmiufmm ask time goverimmmiont to give tiiusmmm cattle amid Strumming immmpiemmuonts nil thmoy are stars'immg sluice time buffalo die- cared. I. Simuhicim iczulm oim a 'I'rain. STEmut.lNo , Ill. , September 20.-B. II. Clmurcim , a hromlliiibmit citizen of Storhlmmg , ivims found dead last umighut in a ivater closet oii a I'uihmnaim car on the St. Louis mtmmd Rock Islam ! train. The romnaimma were bm'ougimt to Sterhimig thus mumorlmimmg. The wlmoie city iii exercised over his death , as Mr. Church was a wealthy inaumumac- ttmror ammd broker. Time Gi'cemmb&ielcers of I'Ialzmo. LawisroN , Mo. , Somtemnbgr 20.-A comiforcmmeo of Maine Gm'commbackers was imuld last nigimt. Itesolutiuume ivere adopted iimdursimmg tIme Chmicimg llmmtfrmmt of 188Q , imustructiumg time Stito coummmmmittee to call a State convemmtioim this first week in May , and dociarimig oiposition to fusion with eitimer party. Nathanlumi 'I'lmaynr's 'mviii , BOSTON , Septeummbor 20.-The will of Natimaumiel 'I'Imayer disposes of property valued at $16,000,000 , niost of which _ _ _ goes to relatives ammdfriends. Time Now York Tribummo aummmoummces a reduo- Ocim 1mm time scilimig lines of Time 'rribune from five ti , tlmree ccmmts a coly. It says , "rho to. mimictimmim i mmmado emu the theory timatour readers arc our jnmrtmmers , amid are entitled to a simare km omit good fortummu lii time reduced 9rice of - - - - A SURE SURERCiflP RCiflP I'or ' Fills COII1p1OX1OIIS. Positive rellof'anl IhtIlfilIflI- ty ft'oin COlHJlOXhOllfll blent- Isites inaylue loUIlttiIthflglLIL'S ! mltigiioiiti lItlilli. A tloileiiho iiiiil Iiiu'iiiless ni-tide. Sold by th'ugglsts ovorywliei'o. Jt Iiii1itti'l.q the fliOSt bill- lhauit itiiil life-like tlilts , 1111(1 ( the closest scrutiny czuiiiot ( letcet Ith use. All illisiglitly fllscolot'atlolts , Ft'uptloiis , : Rhiig Mltr11 1111(101' ( 1110 eyes , 5allowneSs , Ihuti ness , Roiili- hess , 1111(1 ( the hush ot'flttlguo 111111 xe1toiiioilt uro at ouc'h. ( lbftPUOl ( l ) " the 1iigiiolI lialiii. it in the 0110 Incomparable iosiiictIc. tfr " ' - - - - - -