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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
G [ 'HE L)11ILY BEE---CnUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22 , 1883. r if E DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. r Saturday Morning , Sept. 22. sUBSculpi on ItATK9 : 15y Cartier - - - - - - - 20 cent. per week )4 ) Aid - - - - - - - - $10.00 per Year oTFlos : C , 7 Fear1 Street , Near Droadway , MINOR MENTION. goo Joseph Itoitor'8 fall goods. Additional local on seventh page , Cheap IL'lilroad Tlekota at Buhno11's. A minetrol show next Monday night , The United Shtos Court opone Wsd rroteday , The Supreme Court futiishcd up ycalor day and adjourned. Louie Lord is booked to appear at 1)oltnny's on the 26th and 27th iii "The Linwood Case. " A number of Abe Lincoln Post , 0 , A , 1L ; start for the roumiion at Marysville , Mo. , on Monday. Time Y. r. C , A , held a Rung service at Hs rooms on Northn Main streut at 8 &clock this evening. A nnan giving his name na 0. Gleason was given a chnmico yesterday to sleep oil his drunk in the calaboose. Leave to wed was yesterday given to J. D. Alexander and Isabel U. Aluxmaim dor , both of Grove towndhip. There waa not enough of a crowd to warrant the giving of the proposed glove alntcst in Bloom 0.C Nixon a hail. Nay Tomphoton and company appear in matinee hero thiia afternoon , giving Iolantho , and this evening in Mas sotto , " ? lro corner of Limo vacant lot opposite the court house on Fifth avenue , is now , being adorned by a now and largo bill r boa. boa.In In the 2:20 : trot at Kansu City , Big 802p , who made such a sotssation bore , won in straight heats , Will Bonham soc cud. 11e4 time , 2:28 : } . There was an invcatigation of some of time meat marketa nuado yesterday by officials , there being reports that bad beef waa on the nlarkot. "There is " Circle no Dcath"-Spiritual , to morrow ( Sunday ) afternoon and oveu ing ( fin rooms Nos. 4 and 5 , Shugart 0.C Ilono a block ) , at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock. ; Alderman Koating has a sanlgdo of a Bow kind of oil burner to be used in the street lamps , in place of Limo pro8enton05. It is to be tested first , and sue how it works , , The Avoca Delta bas changed hands. J , C. Ada is .L Sur have guile to Dakota to make that their home , while the now propriutors are 1Vill J. Trotter and Fred rnoreaux. Iloraco Everett's family carriage lost a wheel on Pearl street yesterday , time axle raappi)1g off clone to thmu tub , amid with. out any apparmut cause save some latentl defect in the axle itself. Yesterday was a rough ono on time cliil dron in the Bloomer school building. The injunction issued b Jude heed provent8 the uie of anft coal in that building , and thno furnace won't burn hard coal. A dirt wagon was dragged alongBroad way at a liver , speed yesterday by a run. away team , I'hu ' wagon came to a stand still and a general tangle with one of Jake Rogers' busses , ; Landing in front of the I'aeifie. No serious damugo done. A nOW arrest was made yesterday in oonmoction with time aasaust made a long time ago on a cam namud Olsomi. Thu now vietinm was S : Sluuty , amid ho was hold in $250 btil to appear for ox11mina- Liuu before Justice Schurz on the 11th of October. Mr. Pierce , a second-hand dealer on Broadway , complains of Mrs. Alniy , who runs a like cstablishumuut text door , that rho has Loan doing some malicious nmis chief by suashing his door or somotlming of time sort. Justice Abbott is to adjust u the affair on the 211th. A telegram received yesterday stated that Limo engine and other umaehiuory for the electric light will be Bunt to this city immumdiatoly , cord there is every prus poet for rhu hbhtninb blmt to b1) setting this city in a blaze of glory inside of sixty days. Subscribers uro canning fer- wanl quite readily. The Young Muu's Christian association u to hold its Sunday afternoon nicutiog at4 p ; nn , to mmorrow , m Ihluain a Nixon 's hall , instead of time rooms of time associa- tion. Mr. Joplin and other tvorkora from Omaha are expected to be in at. toudanee , and time meeting trill be cue of special interest. Everybody welcome , Ties Bas , in describing the draft used by tie confidence emu ilm Ilcueiug a vie. tan of $100 , auid it was drawn in favor of the Ginger 11Iaitufacturing commpany , This was u little typogruphcul mistake , t It was time Singer lllunufacturing eanv pany , 'limo funny part is , that ' 1'le Globe , In stealing the article , stole error and au. All time members of Abe Lincoln Post C , A. lt , and tlmosu intending to go with the post to time reunion at Maryvillu , Mo. , are requested to call at E , J. Ab bout's olfco and sin the muster roll. . Time party will leave hero Monday oveu in' oer he Cannon hall. Time lst hums a meetin6 this cvcuin0 to ar- wmgcmonts. A mat named Ferguson was arroated by George Edgar for being drunk , rued on hie own slatenient that lie was Ito. zpublican Judge Ayleswortlm , though a 1)emocrut had still so much faith in thu average into rity of those of that politi cal bultef that ho tut phut go at Ida pronmise to solid back time caaslt fur his line on arriving at his hump in Fremont county , A. T. Butcher , limo white man arrested for stealing a necklace front 011(3 of rhu swarthy ltunates of Mohhie 1Vnhlcu a 11005,0 , gut freu'fronm time charge of lurcu ny but was fitted $10 for frequenting a lmousu of ill famno , ills fume , his attorney foe and the money spout on wimie aid women made quite a hole fn his pocket- book. A white man who frequent such 1 I Louse , ougtt ) , to suffer for it. r Sotto were cases have boon added t o the hat of tbo suits for damages brough t rest the Chicago & Rock eland rail say company , on account of the dylma .site explosion two years ago , Anton g mho late additions are : E. T , Stophoimso ' who claitns lV. A : Wood , w w clahmi s X150 , and A. Culver , claiming $100 , All rr ' tkaao auit8 are docketed for h6 eolnhr 6 tsnn of thu District Court. 9g the r03Ult of a iumi hbarhood guar . rot met Limo bottoms , Mrs , James Coylohna been arrested for assaulting maim mmned B , 1.1)omthoo , The latter was also nr rested for assaulting Mrs , Murphy. A number of other warrants anti counter. warrants were asked for , but Justice Sclutrz wisely concluded to dispose of these first , and see what there was to the row , bolero rumming 111) any inure costs with other cases. There is hardly a day without some numwny on the streets hero , and almost invariably limo reporter has to chronicle , "the leant was left standing for a umimito or two unlltolcd , " IL is about Limo that stops were taken to remind drivers dust nn imorso is safe loft standing and euhitclm od. A few words from thcourt , wind. ing tip with some financial statement of special uiterest to the careless mail before the bar would ImolI p memory out wonder. fully. The talophones have not yetbeen taken out of time city buildings , notwithstand ing the council's order to that drool , and probably will mot be , and at police hmcnd gttartars time iustrutnent is much needed , while h1 view of time uncertainty of the electric fro alarti , toloplmones are like. wise n good thing to hmavo at the cmigitu houses. The chief fault the council 1111(1 was because the ton cent additional charge for cumnutuicatioe with Omnnhn , eoumited up 50 frost , One of time neatest circulars over sent forth from any job rooms has just been produced at 'rmis I3RR ( ( lice hero , c.alliug time attention of the public to time time fact that time job rooms of the Council BluiT Bun milieu are capable of doitig , and nru doing the very best kind of work , and no better deco can be found argot fine coin- mereial mrintin g dune and at reasonable rates , } Vithl rmtlmimi r but now tnaterinl amid l now niaclminarye time latest and bust is guaranteed , harry Birkinbino , the engineer of the water works , was rotuumded of his birth. day snnivorsary by being nuado the ro ci tent of an elc ant old watch and chain , the gift of time ongrlo ca of time comic > lm Y .lib. Birkinbiuoyhas a )0- ) cullarl happy faculty of elm hgaining esteem of towith wtionl conis in close business contact , and this Imard some expression of it is only a practical 1roof of the aincertY of time freI t uumit verbal expressions of the wnte ) ' works outployoa concerning hint , A , N , Carpenter , of Onlosburg , Ill , , the Iandaenlo gardener who nmdo auch interesting exhbits both hero and in Onmalma , at time fairs , is at tbo Ogden , and will probably remain here and in this vicinity for several days yet , as there are a number of citizens who are ism ) rovin g the o , ortminit afforded b his visit hero , GP ut him to ) ru mare dens for buauif'itigthickown rounds , mho hue already Imru narcd rani for .1 , IV , S uira County Ilenmiett and A. W Street and Lucre are several others hero who are also interviewing him concerning eomitotnplated imimrovenmuuts. II o has 11181)801110 pnrties iii Limcol n and OnaluL who mire desirous of sueimlr'hinm , so that it. looks mum if ho was bomg pretty earnestly nought after , and those who are eoutemim plating any such inmprovunmemits cord do. sire plains and auggestiomis , slmuld lose i1" Limo in callimig upon him at thu Ogden. lair. CarLranter has added to natural gifts time results of ears of study amid ox peri elide in this hi o mid the culiar merit of hia llama 15 the wonderful coumbimiatiott of timeiracticul with the beautiful. his visit to Council Blulfe is ahead rosuliii , iii ml waking u1 p ui tide subject , amid it in to bu hood ( , tltut mimaimy marked improvu timeuts will oimauo iii this lino. A. Booth's select oysters rooived daily at W. 'I' . Braun's. I'EItSON.11S , Cot. .T. S. Tam , of Avoca , tVM at the Ladle yesterday , and war of course looking a little , after the Dumucratio futurnst of the caul- paigu. 1V , ii. 'l'uruer , of Lmdinnnpulls , was num0img yesturday'a arrivals at this 1'.melic. ( Charles Lang , of Deer Lotlgo , Montana , teaehotl the Pacific house yesterday. F : . lt , i'algo , thu acietttlet , loft last evening for New York , It , S , McAllister , ogmit of time Frie amid North Shore Ulspatclm , of width t. F. 1oiirer { Is the local agoot , ld 10 thin city. Isflss Annie lCeumochie , ofVnrsaw , ill. , was la thu city ' 1'hutxday , thu guust of lllr. amid Mrs , llhas. Itotlm. 8ho l4 on her way to rlmat City. Mr , amid Mrs , .1. ILL Iitatiaeru loft yesterday cn a visit tO hla old home lii Warren commty. L. F , itudalmrd , of Lhicnln , was iu time city yesterday. S , A. Ilelnmos , of hamburg , diuod at Limo Ogden yeetorday. 0. II , I'aull ' and F L. Andrhwa , of Chicago , wcro Ogdouitos yesterday , , J , 1' . IJullard , of Now York , roglstorod on time Ogdmm's big bunk yesterday. Judge Loadbuurraw arrived hero yesterday , ( leorgoY , W. W16nu , a wo11 kuowa bush. nose nman of Cedar laplnla : , was in time city yesterday , C , 1 $ . lYutnam and svla and Mrs. B , i3lllc Way , of Cedar Rapids , wlfo of Limo prupriotur of than Ogden , were hero yoeturday , Cul , H. A. Ilroadwoll , u ( Logan , Was in time city yestortlsy , A. J. Earllug , stgrerlntmmdont of the Iowa diylylorm of the Chicago , Mllwsukeo and St. Paul , and Aaslatuut Hupodntondent Ileard.loy were at the Ogden yesterday , For abru throat use Dr , Joirurius' ( Council lllulfs ) fufalliblo provumtmtivu a0d cure fur diphtleria , Dr. Julluriea eures every easu of tiyapupsia , NI t'IIOIISr MINIST191tH. 4 Touso Assigned to Iuty ha the Coun ell llhiilb 111rtriot tier taw Coming Year. The following are the nppuhntnm amts of time Mutliodimst ministers for time pulpits of time Oouucil Ihlull'd district for Line an' suing year , as made at the reeatt cunt- ferencu : "mY , S. Hooker , 1' , E. , Shum audouh ; Council Bluffs , llroulwny.1 ; , . . Am'Bmetruiigircuit ; / , Wilbur Fisk ; Astor , S , 1V. ] Illllilam ; ; Outm , Lr1iViukureluun ; College Sprmigs , ii , 1V. Atluir ; Dunlap , 0. L , Nyc ; Duumifson , I ) . Austin ; Dow Cityl II. If , lhnrton ; Eumursom , J , W , Lewis ; lesux , 0 , 1V , Brewer ; Fmmrmur City , 1V , L , lfowe ; 1 runtont , 11. It , Douglas ; Gluuwood , A , F.Orillith ; lulls. dale , J , B , Bartley ; hmnburg , 1' . J , Volnmer ; Ilaaetings , au p mhied b D. i'rultt ; i o gau , 0 , M. Ward'lLittle Sioux J , S , Morrow ; Missouri Vall0 0 , Smith ; Aissouri Valley circuit , toy be supplied ; Malvursm 1V. , . Edmnds' Macodouia F , Brown : Northboro , A , 0 , ltawle Norwich , 0 , II , Burleigh ; Itivurtou amid Fatugut , E , E'LyDer ; Sidnuy , A , 11. Rusk' Shonnandoati , A. Ps huh ; Wood , blue , lY. 0. (7mith ( , . PLUNDER OR BLUNDER. The Sapcrrl 1)rs ) edl'sc d 1o bicaslrc as Well as Pay for Pr111jug , Homo of time Ilills Ilnvo a Ycry Qiteor book , - A year or more ago Tax Ilan showed up 50010 strong and rather startling facts as to the way time city's honey was being thrown away in time publishing .of "ofilcial" proceedings of the city council. Time council wisely concluded to atop tlmis waste , and to pay for publishing only what the law conkidored necessary to publish , It now appears that time county priutlug bills tuigimt stand a little invest ; . gatioim also. The county board of super. Visors has LUt proceedings ofticinlly pub. lislmed fu throe papers , at least , Time Noim. panel , The Globe and Time Avoca Delta , To be sure nobody roads time proceedings , for deny seldom appear until days and oven weeks after time board has adjourned , and are thou put iii bin fractions , ruluming like a serial , only without a serial's regu parity , Nearly everybody lmns found out before time olltoial proceedings appear wheat the board has dome about nay , n uat- tor itt which they are individually Hitor- usted , amid lmunco nobody pnqR rimy e ieciutl nttmutiomi to theta. At time sanio tmmmu it costa time countY several hundred dolhirs a year. Thmo bi15 for publishing time Juno pros coedings were allowed at the last. meuting of tht Board. By soma straugo coimici denco the bills canto in for exactly $45 each , It is now claimed by a practical man who umeasured time umattor as it appeared imi Limo files of Time Nonpareil ammo Globe that there were but 92 EI 1 uames whore time bills call for 135 , mmakiu n diforence in favor of time county of about $15 on eaelm paper or about $45 on time thruo papers. If this is so there nmest be none grave mistake about the matter , Time Non paruil would trot overcharge the commty cu public printing , noithur would Time Globe. Time fact that all throe agree to time co t on the mnoumt of their bills oughmt to be proof that tlmey hind it measured by time county survey. or , or aumimo other ox port , for without sty consultation or comparing measure- umunta'thuy ' lead gtino on , each blundering away at lea own string , would have bemm a slight dilrorunce. There a/o three against one , amid Limo man who measures up only 02 squares must subside. Time reluctance slwwn by both the Nonpareil mud Globe , in taking limo city printing , or clmargimg uuy thing but cost 'trice ' for it , is amiotlmer indication that they would mint clmr o Limo comet am my rices. Now that ' 1'lto herald has dared to limsim unto such a thing , time supervisors should got seine export rued t0easuro up time ulattor 11s it nppcara , and if it fall almort imi Juno then follow it buck fora few mimeutimigs , Time Noupnroil once before lead one of its bills called into dispute - puto by time county beard , mmd its highm dignity was 5o ofended then that it has fellawed time unlucky protester from that day to this. It will take a bravo heartto dare to itmvcstigatu thu matter , but 1r- Imps Mr. Glaytoim , who is never bath. ward in such mnttera , or Mr. Phillips , whose honesty is also to be relied upotl , umiglmt look into time natter , amid their do- damn will certainly suttlo nil public doubt. Time Nonpuriel and Globe would doubtless huvu uo objections to the find- mugs of these two gentlemen , Public printing bills , like other bills , should be closely iuapoctcd , ' 1'husti which are hommeat will stand it-tlmso wimich are nut , need it. . - - - - - - Dr. West , , luuttst , 14 Pearl street. _ - - - 1 + OH1' JEIVELS. 1'wo Ogdmt 1Inuso ( iris Have Tlioh Trunks Broke Operr rani IN/led. / Yesterday two of the girls employed in time dining 1 oonm of the Ogden house dis covered their trunks , which stood in time Imollway tear tlmoir roonma , hind beets brokua open amid tlmeir jewelry taken therefrom , Iminry Itampegor , ore of thu girls , lost a gold watch and chain and other jewelry , together with $15 in moueyramd estimmmttes Imer loss at $100. Nellie Stilz , time other girl , had her jewelry - elry takefm else , amid estimates her loss at ytU. ; Suspiuitio full upotm a young tau uuumed Davy Dumimo , who had formerly huvu a diuiug room boy , mad who line since time change im the dining roam pulp beau mimployed in sonic other po8i- tiumi about time houso. Ile was arrested , but nomiu of time uroporty found upon himmm , ' 1'Ime police in working up time case gut sane idea that Albert Kirk , aitothar young follow who hind forumrly been in time emnploy of the house , w its concerned in the natter , amid was trying to got out of town , Kirk too , was arrested , but as yet tlmere is not very strong eviduce ob tminud against him , local Estate Transfers , Time following deeds were filed for record - cord iii time rocortlur's ollieo , September 20 , reported for time Ilium by P. J , Me. Mahon , real estate agemit : 0. , lt. I , iC P. It , It. Co , to 'rlmomas Petorsun , w , s o } 5 , 70 , 42-$880 , Bun'11iimin Boiler \Yilliamt Brown , s I - , n uv and a tv , j 13 , 70 , . -$8,400 Albert lloward to Mary J , IIowitrtl , part of Iota 9 , 10 and 11 , block 0,1Val. nut-$50 , C , 11 , Bosley to 0 , W , Bosley , lots 7 and 8 , block -0 , 1alnut-$500. I ,11. llnucock to llumiry 1 , llnncock , lots 1 , 2 and i1 , black 8 , llaimeoek-$100. 1L 11 Metcalf to llunjatmmin Dlarkmi , w 18 tv .tr 25 , 75 , 0.4-$150 , Saradm M , Bassett to B. Sihloway , part of Iota 118,150 mmd 152 , original plnt- $1,800 , 'l'otnl sales , $11,030 , SPECIAL . NOTICi' 8peclal adlertlscmonta , , welt a. Lost , ) 'uuedTo Loam. , 1'or Sato , To hoot , i'aula , moani. lily , etc will be Inserted In this adman at the low rate of TEN CEttTH i'Elt LINE for the first bsurllou and Fll'E CEN'Tll m'Clt LINE ( or each .uti.oqueiit hi. wemlun. Leave admertl + mnouts at our uaico , No. 7 I'oarl Street , near Ilruadway WANTS , \\f ANTuD-Every Iswy m Cuunca mlua. to take Tunh.a Nclhered by carrierak oily twenty ( 'ants a week , \\TANTE1)-A boy , with many , to dsirer Tim. ma FOR SALE AND BENT , OIt8ALE Ilouw sad lot , north west conn.T of Tenth and rlroadeay , Joint SY , llemau ACKINO 110USRFOR HALE ( R IIN'r-The ) Orsi + l'ack1nglwusecapacity louliogt Pr day , wlthallmodern ap,4tanouswell , ; located : for saleur leaeo. Ai.Jd y to l1NELL t DAY. CouacU B1uQs , Is , , Septo + eter 1 , Ib13 , ' t , ! Empkie Hardware Coe rw n'J WICOL f d L713 u ( + - 7 - , ' . Hardware ! i 100 mud 111 S , Main Strout COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. . .l.l , . 11tetc , 1f : rc t WItoLESALII IEALIsitS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Cre 9 Fruits oliollery Parties , Soclables cold Picnics supplied on ahurt notice , and goods delivered tc all parts of time city. Yiomina Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars. W , T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , .10.1 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS 1ought i acI ; Sold. Done Loaned , Abstracts Furnished T. MoMl1 , > 130N No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. MAYNE & PALMER f DEALERS IN L L LimeL MICiiIOAN PLASTER , IiAif AND SEWER PIPE , IIAIID AND SOFT COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. No , 539 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , ' ti5 l ; 144 I a 'A . . - ; r w T 'i W i , C r O W > O l . .rl - " ' WI ere an aiors. , 7 and 9 Main Street. 7DIRI7C TORYy C OU'NcxL 28. JOHN BENO & 01) ) GENERAL MERCIANDISK + , 18 Main street and 17 Pearl street. LY111A. A1r A V J .OHN , Grocery , 416 Maln C1et. hotel 217 and 210 halt , . U h . JF . WHITE , Garner Main and Fifth up atalre. OFFICE Itosldonoa , , 00D Willow a.eaue , JUSTICE OF TiE PEACE , AC URZ ] L , OAlce over American Express. LIVERY AND FEED , S S PVAGiVER , , Will contract tor funerals at rcasonahlo rates. 44 Fourth etrook J M SI' JOHit & CO.CA H BUYERS R9lolosalobutter egge , pout. , , , . , , try and fruit. Bhmptaue. Draft by return mail. 146 Droadway. D , A , BENEDICT , SIGN Office WRITER 337IIroadxay AND , Council DIuRelowa J AJOB ( KOOH , ' Stock Complete. Suite made at reasonable TAILOR' prices. No. 805 Main St. G F S jITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , . Comer 7th and Droadway. I'lana and spociacationsfurnished. DEALER FINE HARNESS. VG. SH1aRMAN I I bare the rarmoty brings patronage. 121 bfso street. JAMES FRANEY , Artlstla Stork and rcnsenablaTAILOR. . . 874 Draodxay. HuWE & SON , and household Supplies FURNITURE STOVES , SS Broadway. -4 LINDT & H ART ) James Ulock , A1'I01 I mctlc Tln state and federal courts. And bath house , 421 and 443 Droadway. L. Soveretgn.Prop. P. J. Mont. S AN ITAR UM t gomery , 57. D. Physician. EDWIN J ABBOTT JUSTICE T11EPEACE , , Notary Public and General Cons nynnccr. U6 Broadway. ItEVtRE HOUSE , Broadway oppDelta Ssll'xrra ' ] louse , , Reacted 81 > ILSO p1)r day I SULLIVAIN & FITZGERALDr DEALERS IN EIi'ocoio ! , IMMIGS R A TION Jac7NTFd. . DRAFtsON T11E BANK OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOIL SALE , 843 UROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE MAX - PROPRIETOR. MORN , , - - S113P 217 and fd1O 19. Main hBtroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , TILE LEADINO DEALER IN r , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs. SKELTONf HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES I OT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. . YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED ' ; A , 1\T. Special Sale or Thirty as -COMMENCING- ' l rt St f5 . To reduce our stock and make room for a large stock of ! FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS We offer at reducedpricos our stock of 1 ' ' IIIioelllllloous Boots . rn' $ PIIOTOGRAPH ANDoAUTO(1RAPII ALBUMS , Pocket Books Purses & Ladies' Arm Bags . . . ' r FANCY GOODS Steel Engravings and Other Pictul'es---Cabinet Photograph - graph Frames , Parlor Easels , E ire : reeI ] r4 r1' 1.e m , WALL POCKETS AND BRACKETS , j ! I DcP111s W x x1 ® w . .IR 7 Consisting ofull kind of Baskets-Clothes Baskets and Hampers. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OTIIER GOODS. till Pay You to Call' and Look at Our Bargains , H. Ea SEAMAN , I lOn tir ° adway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Model earn Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee good work , Please give ale a trial. IF YOU WANT , BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON sr 7 Corner Main timid First Avel me , Council Bluf 9. Tie has ' [ hem. Broadway Steam sun , 72dj , V I'.Ka'S ' ROAI tiiT E3vY. A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY , CURE OR NO PAY. t3IL011M Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named die. caa.orno , ny : Itheuuiatiem , Scrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh - tarrh , all Bloodand Skhi Diseases , Dy.pe1isa , Liver Complalnt , Kiduoy and Bladder Diseases , Gout , Neu. ralgia and Asthma. These ii , range arc the favorite resort of the tired and debilitated , aid are the Feeble Ladles' bunt friend , flood lintel , Livery and Bathing accommodations. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Correspondtne solicited. , tddrese Itev , lL M , T110M1ONlanagar. . Slloan , Gentry. Co. , Ho eve Works 17 NORTH MAINST COUNCIL nLUF'E. KLENPK & JUREY PROPRIETORS , All kind. of repairing. Furniture repaired and finished. Chairs rc caned and ro seatod. Alp kind. of U diolelerhig , Locks , mein and Electrio Inelnm repaired. S eking Tube4 put In old or new buildings , 1eyefitted aidStoros repaired. First clam aork guaranteed. Uh. vs a trial. 71104. ar7Icaa , u. me rcbxr , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council BIuO. - Ia. Establishea - - 1856 Dealers in Forgien and DomeeBo Exchangoand ilomo Securities. w. R.VAUGHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , heal estate and collection agency , a Old Fellow'g block , over uayine , Hank. janh17. MORGAN , KELLER , if CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of Wooden and Metalle Case. . Calls attended to at all hours. We defy canIwtltlon Im quality of good , or prim. Our Mr bncrgan has served a. undertaker for forty years anu thoroughly understand. his boil. newt i1'areromsii llruadxay , Um'II04S1utiNo lR all Its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and kunbrequhns Telegraphic sad mat Ada. GBed wlthuut dear , COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The following are the time of arriral anti departure f trains from thu local depot. . , 77m trains start from the Untonn 1'aci0a depot about ten minutes earlier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about ten minutes later , Trains on of lines and K. C , run on Chicago time , faster a half hour luau local. Wabash tmhme run on St. Loule time , twenty minutes fneter than local , U. P , and Lincoln train , run on Council Biuda time , CHICAGO , a0C. 181180 AND CACmPIC. Depart. Arrive , Atlantlo Ext. . .5:80 : p , m Pacifo Ext..O:4o : m ExandMail' 916ov en. Exand S1a11' .0:5 p. am. Doe Molnesao . ,715am ; Nee Moines ao0.r3 p , ma cacACO , .U.LIIONN AND QUINCr , Depart. Arrive , Chicago Ex' , , , 6:55pm. . : I Counail Awes ox,0.45 MW and Ex,9.45 m Mall and Er' . .7 00 p. m. CmIIcAeo and 8oaTuwureRs , Hxt..5:15 . . PacifioArrive . Atlantic : p. m , Pacifio a. m. Mail and Ex' , , ,0:20 , , ' : a m hail and Ex' 015 ; p , m Axone (9at.5:60 ) p. m , Accom ( Mon1:45 : p , m , tht .ANA aTT , lie , i1) , Aso caoscm.LOrr. . Depart. . . . . . . Mail and . . . . . : a. en. Ex roes , 6,35 , p , m Kxprese.5:25 : p , m. I Mali and Ex,645 , ; p , m Uamox r dime. Overland , ; , , OverlandExD400 , m , Uuculn Ex.11:30 : a. m. lknvcr Ex..8:00 w , rn. Denver Px..7:00 : r. m. L.cai 1x..6:30aam Local Es..7 " 5 a , in. " Ex . , .9:05 a , m. Emigrant..5:20 : p , m. " Ex..6:00 : a. m WA.ABiI , 8r , wets Aso rACIYmo , Dcpart. Arrive. Mau and Es , , , , ,9:45 : a , m Mall and Er , , .4:50 : p , m , Cannon Bali , . , ,4:60pm : , 1 Cannon BaU11:06ant : sloex cite ANu rACnc , De , art. For Sioux , ? : a , m , Pan Sioux . tor l Nrtllobrara Frie Fort Niobrara p.m Neb' , . . . , .7:55am. : . . , . , . , , ' : , . For Skl'eui..1:40pm. : From St. l'aul.sltoa.nn. cuicAOO , MLLwAUarx ANu ii , PAUL , IvesOmaha , ArahesatOmaha. Hall and Er. . . . 7:45 : a , m , I I'acltlcEx , . . . 0:45 : a , m , Atlautlo Ex. . , , 5,40 , p. m , I Mail and Er. . 1:15 p , m. All train , daily , tlllcAoo , wiLWAt'Ax5 AND 8T. PAUL. LawesCouncil mia5s , Arivea Council Bluffs. Ilan and Ex. . . . ' 9 0 a , , Mail and Ex.6:65 : p , m Atlantla EL..15:15 : p. m,1 Atlantlo Er..19:10 a. m WUaciL Uu'Pn ' As : , CUAIXA STRECT aAILwT , LeasoCouncil lllufs I.eavo Omaha. S c. ma. Os. um 10a , m,1. a. 8a , m , Os. m , lO a , m I1 In. l p. m , 2 ' . in , 9 p.In.4 a. in , 1 m. 2p. m. 8 p. tn. Stns t cars run halt hourly to the Union I'aeiio depot. ' On Suratay the cars begin their trip. at 8 o'clock a , in , , 0.d , run r , milady during the day at 0 ! b1. ! 5 , and ti n'reek , and rum t" cih'tine , ' R. Rice I VI. D , C N1IERS or other tumors removed withsutlbe 1 knife or dream ; of Lloo1. CRRONIC DISEASES 0 : klnd , , specIalty , titer ' thirty years practical experience , O/Sce / No. b l'earl street , Council Blues , dlrConsultatlai free. Mrs , 11 , J , 11111011 , M' B , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 923 Broadway , C0u46UBIRQr.