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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - , - - : - ' - - - ' ! - I 1111 p , 1 ! ' ' , I 4 ? j4H LJJkIlSMAHA ; DAILY . BEE. . ' ' . . , ' . , . i1i ? 1PMT1T Vi A i I 1 A N1Vft M fl 'fl ) A V t U 1NTNCT SI1TThiIflTh1. 2.1. 1RS. Nfl. t flYkC1)SLa Is : IIAD. : p i ii eIJcc/s on I/ic dis6osiIi n. he njni v1o can't ' comfortably 'gest ' s dinner is not a delightful ompaJion. ID jjj ( fcc/s on i/ic household. .t sctseopIc ( it variancewitit each 3tlier and makes them irregular 'RI Unreasonable. ilD iii i/s q/c/s o , & I/ic , bursc. A dyspeptic business inai can't manage his affiirsn prosperously as one vtli a healthy stomadli. ' I . . Brown's fron Bitters is GOOD. GOOD in i/s fccls on t/i d'J'ellc. It ives hint a SOUtId C.vCStflI , . I him to enjoy the fooi I , , he swallows. GOOD in I/s cifeets aiz Iicfavziy. ' It drives ( lyspepSia out , and with I' it the whole company oflittic de- Irions that make home unhappy. GOOD In i/s cffcc/s on iis zcss. \Vith a sound digestion a man can face and overcome worries and troubles which would wreck a dysLio I peptic. ; : ry BROWN'S moM I3ITTERS 4 - - - . I ! _ _ _ _ . " - . , I i - ' , a > - . , / / . , 4 . . , : , _ , f 4 4 t L I _ _ 1 - - I VAPOR 1COOK STOVE I I is ' : ' . TheP1oneer&ndcn1yVspo Cook 8tootha stood the teet of ycaru nU given entire and vcrfcl . * tlsfactlan. . Over 100,000 Now : j Use 3' NE\AHULL OVEN1 I Patent rcinovt1eand Interchangtablo Jet OrIfleo rendering our bUrnCr8 Indeaructibie. Ncw One OrIfleor r ' Burner on two New Stovee. 1ow Safety lteservoli r , For Summer ti these stovc ITO indlspenbie , , .r termi to agente ' price list and catalogue , Addres' 1W ! L Vttl'Olt STOVE CO. , CleVl , d 0. dietricte in trop'cai and rogioiI CELBIRATID isItcd by CIidCflhi1 p and indeel in all p localitlee where thc COIldItiOflH are un : toJ ; 3 , favoriblo thL fanow. to licalth 5 , Sb lnvlgorait arid . - : : c - alterative , ilostot. . ) : : tar's Stomach Bit. ( , .E1 r . . - ' . - ' : : tore , has beeti found - _ a potent eafeguard . ; eventofeobleconstl - It ; tutlon' ' , anti fraglic : framco , while as a ' cure for tndlgcstlon1 blliousriesa arid kin. 1 TOMACH dred conplalnta ii is without a rival. IITEBS For eats by at I Dnrgglsta and Deal era generally. - It run 'I . I , IA Anexcellent appetlztngtonlc ol . oxqiiIaiteftavornowuec1 over . . . . . . whole world , curea flyepepIa ' - llnrrhcaFeverar4Aguo ) andail E. ( lkorderiaoftbeYDIgiLIvo brgana . . - , ' -f A few ciropa Imnart a deilcions finis - . . - ' ; ; ; flavor to a glaa ochamragnc , and , ' I . - . . . . . . . : - . . toalI'umnrordrlnka. .FryItbul , - : hevaru ofcerufltcrIeita. Aek your unk z- grocer ordrngglatortbc enuinc . article , manufactured . 711 soiis . 0. Ii. 81iOE1tT & - . J. w. WUPPEHUANW , Soto henLSeri aUzi * RrrT rc.uor ; $ . c. lla..coi , Seri 61 Broadway ; N. Y. . for ave Found It I step the W&a the exclamation of a man when he gob a bor of of Eureka Pile Ointment , which Is a urn do and ann I ex-A cure for Filea * nd all 8km Diaoasee. } fty centa b r iaaU , poetpald. cove The American Diarrhwa the Cure 4 , vIio lie. atood the test for twenty years. 8ure cure foi Yor ill Never Fall , . Diarebaca , Dyaants.ry , and Chote . lire 1orbua. iii Pllcs Foyer an AIIe Tollic & Coria11 will It I. ! mpoIble to iiupply the rapid ealo of the eame. that itulut CUIIF : WARRANTED mitt Vol Fever ati.I Arnie , arid all Malarial troubba. witi I'IIICE , I.OO. the w.J. WHITEHOUSE I fact plac LAJUPRATRV ( , Irirll irr , , oMAhA , NED. agai Fai' Sale y all Druggists Bra of V aerli by Exi rep , en , rcuIit of prko , nr&e6 taitm - Don of NsterD CorniceNorks I last I p Elli Vii IRON AND SLATE ROOYINO. the ; SPEOHT , PROP , mys Elli nen 1111 Dougta St. Qmaha Nob. was V . eve I UANUFMYIIJRER OR' hea . Gavanizeai'on / Cornices T 11. Pormrr WrndowI , Finrali , 'lin , Iron and Slat C log flog , Epecht'a patent let&IiIo SklIgtit , I'ateii hea mated itatohet Bar and Bracket blieIiriF. I ar I is genrd agent for thu abuvu line of gooda. Ire , Ii mon enchig , ercatingi. fliJutrads , Verandas , Irun 1tan I his taliing , , Window Iflindi , Cellar OU&rL11 alia genars I gent for l'ceraon & 11112 I4tcnt Iualdo Jilind. Vil . I DAMP DULL DAY. Th Tc1crah nffcrin From a cvru Attack of EI- Radial Inr1ia , " Diso bediouce of Orders Oausos a F atal Collision of Trains on ! 1R Ohio andMississippi. Dist inguiBhed Prelates at the Roman Cathollo Oounoil of Now York , The Oomot of 1812 Trailing Through Space in its Race to the Earth , Lie utonant Grooloy Reported Dead a udHis Oompanions Suffering in the Far North , Ext raordinary Military Propara- t ions of Russia on the Aus- tro-German Border , Soir m Robberies , Siroottuga anti Other Habba1r * itecroatlunis-inter- Ct4tIlIg Spurting Icuiis. fist Iigtished itcilgitsian Assemblage , N uw YonK , September 23.-The ito. luau Catholic Ecksiastical Council of Ior Yod c a.3SelUb1Ct atSt. Patrick's Catliodntl , Fifth avenue , Oardiiial McCIos- key preaidcd. All the bisltps and arcitpend bish ops of the several dioceses of New Yor k anti Now Jersey were 1)rcsunt. A groa t concourse of people were iii attcii- danc e. The Cardinal wait assisted to his thro ne by Mr. Quinn mid Mgr. Preston , the clcriryst.andiiig at the ntonioitt. Thu Carder inal appeared very feeble. In rising its or ta king hi3 seat during the Celobaatios of t ho mass ho was always astisted. BishAt op McQuaid preached the sermon. At . the conclusion of the sermon Carl - dina l McCloskey. formally opened the coun cti and apointcd various oRients. Tim deliberations of the sessions of the coun cil will be carried on in Lath. Thu tn COflC IUBiOI1S will be strict'y ' private and $ will not be made jiublic before the report se nt to itoino aitd apprflvcd by the Pop o. Terrible CollIsou of TralnH. Sr . Louis , September 23.-Passengers who &rrived on the delayed Ohio & Miss- issip pi train this evening , report a serious acci dent near Seymour , 111 , at four o'clo ck this morning , by which two pot.miles Sons wore killed and quite a nuhiber wou nded. it appctrs : . that trains Nos. ' a ntI 5 loft Cincinnati last evening mm h our apart , with orders to rui slow of , near Seymour , in consequence of the trac k being in bad condition. No 3 was hitc hed on a Louisvillo. sleeper at North Ver non , when four miles west of Soy- inou rwhulo running about three miles an hou r ( as per orders ) it was ran into from the rear by No. 5 , which was running at high speed. The passenger coach which was in the rear of the seepcr was driven city near ly half way through and partly a ) uf the sleeper. The engineer of No. an d a little child belonging to Mrs. Tayl or vcro killed , and a dozen or morn ass engcrs wounded. Most of those iou nded were local pasficligers , amid wore St. take mi to their homes. Mrs. Taylor , mot her of the dead child , was badly in- of jure d ; Mr. and MiSs. Perdue , of Greon- in yule , Mo. , leg and aria broken ; James St. Swa nson , leg and rib broken ; Albert Itid go , head hurt. The porter of the slee per was seriously injured. Time nam o of the dead engineer is not known. is said traimi No. 5 left Seymour im- sion med iately behind No. 8 , and was ning at the rate of thirty of nimle s pc hour whoa it collided. valu 300 CItIMIN/ii ItECOItI ) . STATION AOENT UOBHlU. nigh Spec ial Dispatch to Tii BEE. A ultoliA , Neb , , September 22.-Mr. flam o'clo I t. Iyse , station agent hero , while ings hing some work in his oflico about .1 stabh o'clo ck this morning , was struck by some Thrc nown person or persons , rendered in- Gree iblo , and robbed of $400 , a gold othe h anti a ring. His condition is by ous. No clue to thu porpotriors , Itogo TILE STAR ILOU1' CASES. spre deat SS rASIIJNGTON Sopteniber 22.-Counsel . John A. Walsh took the usual w.aa zoo/ s to have ttismnissed the suit began by anid latter time silicu in somilo the courts S. th is district against Clmna. , J. Jirady , at s5istant ' . ' - I'osuimnater.Goneral , to to- chas r money said to have been loaned to sitio amount of about 828,000. Walsh , has instituted a similar suit in Now k city , says in a letter to his attorney , " 1 do not. believe I can got justice t he city \Vashingtazi , and I am not Ocea ing to try my action before is jury in all place. 'I'lmo United Sttcs have per- day ed imlo to be grossly libeled vIiilo a mess oil its behalf , without punishing town oflondors therofor , ) Iotwitllstandilmg 1 kopf ed in its posscssionrroofa , etc. , which were is calculated to create a prejudice $9,0 nst zoo in toy civil action against ( dy. I wiH examine Brady on the Jd tord O ctober next , as Kellogg having oh- cipal ed an eider to that euibet from .1 udgo cuis ahoe yesterday , I got service on 1oth amid t hela , " kumo tI A MYl'liltIOtJS MUJIDItR. ceiul ) 5111012' , Septoiilurr ; 23At midmmiglit or liight a young drug clerk , Coriiuliua , 75 , s , was csllcd up l' an unknown Iluill , confl cmi Ellis cano to the doorhaif dresscd , ziian put a bullet through his head. ' s died instantly. 'I'iio ulfliir is a great . i'l tery. hiart B ob' . J , lloyntomi , of Shiutomi , a vrilmli. IC ) ' , t Methodist minister of Michigall , of O foummtl dying OR time sidewalk Inst , thre ning. ITo expired in a few momumits. , froma rt disease. zetu IiIoiiVAV ItOiililliV , ente itoy , N. 'V. , Snptelnltr , 23-Iamnen sigw liIuson , at an early hour this , on his way home , was struck oIl thit S d front behind , His watch , chaiii , lard ey aiid _ diamonds wore taken , als I tnrri hut , shoes coat and vest. Edward L turn soii was ituesteti with the shines , jug Maso imas carried a quarter of a aftet being struck strnse1es , by the rob. hors. SAInT KlL1.EL' , I1B TLAND , Vt. , September 2:3.- : child I 1 miwuthna old , daughter of Therolt GtOtt Wifl , was eliot dead in bed with its moth er. Thin mother claims that an hour befor e a shot was fired at her through a wind ow , and that hater annie tnmie entered the r oem amid killcdtho baty. 8LOUt'INO NOTES. BASE mALI , , Nm \olnRSnptoln1ber 22.-Eighteen Vonm umi georgeously attitcil uttetopteti to day. a game of base traIl em the IIauhiat- titli \tlm1etic climbs gronimnhs to.dny. 'Vito cent est wits a intern bitriestitie , amid rc eiilte d ] lruuettes ti2 , Illomitles 22. Si' utot'iELu , Sejitemmiber 22.-Spring. ticitis 12 ( iraimd ltaiids , 8. 1g omtit , Su1mtumubcr 22.-Sagmaws f , , Peer ints 0. Bth 4FtPN , September -l3ostons 18 , Bimib dos 4. Pi nevi iuxn'u , , September -Provi deite ti 11 , Clovelunds 1. l'm IlL.tuEt.I'AIA , Septummmber 22.-Do- troits 0 , 1'Imiladulphiias U. Gatmw ealktt after eight , innings on account of darkthe liege. .N r .w Yomuc , SCltOlllbCr ) 22.-Nosy York s 3 , Chicagos f. Inn tI.LLIAIt1I ( lAMES. Cm lloAno , Septeniben. 23.-lu in inter view Jacob Schaofcr , chisumplirti ri thin i litlino line billiards , sail if ( iou. .e. Sloss ali woull ( 1mIIt ill ) a forfeit of $1,000 and make the game for $5,000 , , he ( Sch nofcr ) vouivI forfeit his game with Vign aux in Paris and rhay Sloason for tine c hmalulionshil ) cmnbieni. In reepsilse to t his , David Heirs deposited $1,00 0 and an acceptance nit behahf of Sloss on iii the hands of Yank Atlamna. The latter then hind alt interview with Scha efer , which resulted in an agreonlent Cli hi s part to cable \'igmmntnx anti if ho could hiavu the gaiiio postpomied lie would llaY Stossomi. Time forfeit of $1,000 on Sloss omi's buhnifwihl remain up three days , pendVi ing yigimittix ausvcr , \Vi hliuimt 3exton , , cushmion.caromu chain. 1)11)11 ) , this nioriiiug-puhihishied an oflir to git tm Siusson on opportunity to phay for his ( S exton's ) emubleun and $500 aside. in re jrly to this 'l'oiii Foley this after. 1101)11 ) du1wsitcd $250 with lle.nry Rhinos I fo rfeit amid acceptance on behalf of ill Shoss oim , twho left. for New York last itighit . Thin game will be played in Cliidocto cage itisidu ot thirty clays. Schaefer to- tilitin s here two or three days. IIANLAN ANI ) SULLiVAN. Bo sros , September 22.-.Johni L. Stil- \ hyatt and Edward Ilanhan have arranged r uin ii hiumidred yards foot race for $1,00 0 a side to be contested when Sultioii livami returns fronim his natiomial tour. EOLE'S vieroitv. SmI ' . ' BAY Em'.l'shlEAn , September 22.-One zijile , 'Vitcohie SVIll , Huron second , Tigami third ; time 1:45. : ha ndicap sweepstakes , olin mile and a qtmnr ter , Mediator won , Euclido second , Dr. Refe ree third ; time 2:10g. : Gr eat Long Island stiskea , all ages , four miles , Eolo won , Apollo scratched ; tune 7:43 : g. B andicap sweepstakes , three quarters a mb , Breeze vpii in straight heats. Au iunmn steeple chasqomi is full course , Char lemagne won , Disturbance second , Jill1 1cGo'ait third : titan 5:30. : TilE SvINNING CAME. Sr . Louis , Soptomnber 23.-Tine base ball game between the Athletic and St. Loui s clubs attracted Lime largest crowd tine ever assembled at such an event in this , over 16,000 beimmg present. It was oin recog nized as the game which was to thi dde the question as to whether St. Louis muigh t yet syiti thu chianipionshmii of the grou time Ame rican league. If to-day's gininu is a crite rion ( If the imicrita of thin two clubs , by . L otus will have to ackimowlodgo time simpc iiorit.y of thin Athletics. The score th e Athilotics is 2 imi first , 3 in fifth , 1 that si xth amid sevemith , 2 in eighth , blat 0 ; . Louis , 1 each in eighth ismid ninth , oxco total 2. witin Fatal FIic-Worjcs. P n'-rsaumno , Soptoiimbur 23.-An oxpho. flail of fire-works in an outbuildingof tim hous oxpti sition to.iiighnt resulted in the dentin that c ue boy and thin cremnation of three pete able horses , amid thin destructiomi of atismm feet of st.abling. The fire-works thou wore intended for a display to-morrow gical t , and were stored in a large frame Nicial build ing adjoining tine stables. At I ) ck an CXllOsiomi was hoard , and the oflici grou es shot UJ ) arid consuimied tine buildaiao and stables in a short tiiiio. In thin mate cs were imiamny valuable horses enforce toted for the races , which begin 'l'uesday. when o of theso-Pohkadot , Maud It. and. thneni n Horse-were burned , and time view rs rescued. In the stables ocimpiod P olkadot wan a jockey named 'I'hio. rs , of KaIalnaEoo. The flames ad so rapidly that ho was bunted to h before lie could escape. l'oikadot ing iwimod by W. J. Somali , of iCaharun. what / and valued at $2,500. Maud It. iostc , thin Green horse wore owned by .1 , morn D ustor , of Boston , Maud MRS valued north $ 3,000 , amid ( i'rcen Horse was } Iur- whic ed last week for Iurroach $ $2,000. Tim expowere n lose is $5,000 - , partially insured , of were S tine Fires. On IoAuo , September 23-The Imiter creat ed. n special froimi Marenmgo , Ill. , says dress em itiro idock of buildings burned toserve , Loss , $20,000 ; imsuraiice : , $4,000. , lmrta serve At I'eaton , III , , this mnorliilmg , the too hail , Coliin's grain elevator , lIeu. 's lintel amid three business houses 1ionnr bulle 1imrnmcd , Loss , $ : i5,000 ; iuismirniimco , the 00 , did JA L'EsroN , Scpteiumbcr 23.-Earhyos. 'cimai ay mnorimiuig a fire destroyed thin vrili. iirctl buisiuicas POrtirIi of Brovmmwood , counv istiumg of nine tmubstnumtial buildings bean twelve wooduim structures , Loss unt- the wim ; iumnuranco $28,000. Supposed in- iinry. The town has no svmttorworks fi re engine , Mrs. Mary Halo , aged b ucamno st excited by tine sight of the Pi agration that shin dropped ticad. new - - - - be th Jfoadkry itci iursiH fI ) Ohio , boon umLAiBI.I'JIIA , September 23.-ir. 1'Jme ' . hiOiOW nuimmouuujccs that .lutlgo Iload. cm.ea8 Democratic candidate for Governor 'J'ho hio sviio hints ieoun , c'artl , 1111(1ev ( hii care fr , e weeks past , imins entirely rCCtV0l0l minsie ii malarial attack , I fonndioy will rn to Ohio about.Vcdmmesdnny amid , ro. r the canvass svithi his uccustomneil Us - . I , , . - - - - Elea Itetumriuiuig Guests , ' 'lus f. PAUL , September 23.---Ilenry Vii. at. 'l amid it jnurtioxn of the ( hirinaum guests chalum wel hero at liOlZi on their ru. Fran from thno west. They left this even. Boti for Chicago , where timy arrive at balm 110011 tO.tmlOrrOW aimti leave in the ovomliuig for N ew York , 'l'he German guests will go to \Vnsiiitmgtomi fromni Chicago. A per. tion .f the ( lermimnun guests are now in the Yello WatIlilo l'avk , Tine inrcss partf is C1le CtCtt hero mmxl Saturday. TIlE itiTE WAIi. Cuts ttmmU Slashes In Ivery 1)Ircettimu , Cu meAno , Seirtotmiber 23.-'Vhio war mi mites lmct.wcemi Chicago amiti lui sviiie svihl take a broader range to- tItt1 (1W , aUdi tit \.ItiW Of time new jmimitsto be iui chtuded , it is bt'hies'etl that. a lltmmmmbor of ot her limes timitii time l'nimi liMitlie ( I ) Loui sville , Now Albany amid Chicago uiutist. 1) dtnssvii unto it , ammil it. is imilpossi- bin I t ) 5fl ) whmure tine ) ' ssihi st)1) . 'l'luo Lotui svilie , NessAlbamiy svmhl colmium memico in tine mmunmummg rtiimnmulg Sun thu A ir Lime a solid train , imncltmdmumg lmni. : lice and Pulhmiami cars , on a riclietitmiti mit Olin hour shorter thee titan tramiis are UOSV iuakimmg between Chicago mtitil that imiliunt , aunt tine farms syihl be but at. $ 1.00 , vumieh is a ciii. of four dollats mmd t ifty counts emi regular rate. unrealsurve tot t ralins sviii be run on timis rate nt.8:00 : mu the Im moruniuig , 5:00 : uvemming , ruimnmimtm via Ciiic'n nuatiI laminlitomi ammtl Dayton and svill also sell tickets to heading poiiits ma C011i Petit iomi with time Pan limuidle at time foicock lowin g rates : Cimiciumiati $4.50 , Column- Irum $11.10 , Dayton $4.80 , Springfield 5,0o , Urbana $5.20. Tine regular rate IA ) C imioiummmti is $8.85 , which immakes a cut ; o f $4.35 , iund the cut to oUmer poiliI8 naimmu d iii about time saline inPOrtiomn. Olhic ors * mf tine road say Limits far tinny imave been on thin defemisiva in time fight , immere ly mmmeeting the cuts by tine l'mnin hand le , but for the future tinoy 1rposo to nm nke nit aggressive warfare till tine troub le is cintlod. ANOT1ILIt SACRiFICE. lileti tcunani Grrtily Reported ioami bY miii Esqiminimnux. Lo NuoN , September 23.-Prof. Noranti deumsk joltl telegraphs tine foiowing from Scrab ster to the Associated l'ress agent at Lend on : " 1) uriimg ill ) ' excursion on the island of ice , D r. Natitorat , with tine stoamerSotia , ch arge of Captain Nilsson , anchored tin e 27th of .iuly in a buy ncnr Cage York , 72 tlegrocs 5 mimnutes mnorUi Time docto r was accoinipanied from Coil Haven by a n Esquimunaux imntorpreter naiined Ihums Cmristiamm ] , wino hind mid at Goti Have n a party of 15 Esquimaux from \\'als tonlnoini. Tinny stated timal timoy had b eon informed by other natives that the c ommnmamider of am Aimierican oxpedi- tioii , whose mama they pronounced ' 1Cm- leigh , ' and another member of a Iarty which i had arrived at a point north of Sinmit h Sound , svere acad , maid timt tine iest o f tine oxpetlitiomi had returned em siodg es to Littleton Islaud. Unforlu. liateh y. this imiformnimition was not given to . Natiiorst until lie roturimed to God Have n. I myself oxamlimod Chiristhimi , and. his account seems to ho reliable. Befo re starting northward tine Sofia met , July 10 , at God Hoven , the whaier Pro. tous , which intended to proceed to Litpresi tieto n Island , amid , if necessarynniid.un. impe ded by ice , to Lady Framih/tnmi Bay. Wiie n tine Sobun visited Similtim Soummd , that body was immcummiborcd by ice. " SI , anuiful Abuse of Old Soldiers. MI LWAUKEr , Septemmnbor 23.-Tine Semi- the tinsel publishes nun account of tine visit of tim b oard of inalmagors of the natiomial soldi ers' hionies to time Milwaukee branch Friday last , givimmg iii ( ictail tine Tine mnove immeiitmu of tine imispectors wimiio on ( nd , showing up tine supurliciahity of 1 n51)ectiou. This yiii be fohiowed by 11mg charg es to tine effect that tine imonum is ruin ii ring , comisistimig of tine provost sorinnvcmm geaint , quartermaster segeant , coiunnmissary serge amit amid engineer. It wiil be umhiown Gemioral Simarpe is perfectly itoilihess frommn lan'rniysis mid uuabho to see or hear pt with tine greatest dililcuity ; tinat cter ans are mover allowed to reacin mliii & comnliaimnth , hit fear timid. time excite- Satu macmit may kill inimmi ; that Provost Sergeant feet Is tyrannical , and inflicts guard. at e punisinmncnt for muimnor othimisca ; .1. tine surgeomn of tine hospital is iuiconi- nt and has nuvor performed an opor- vail 11mg oh an imnumate simico mis appoiuitmnelit , wimom gh mcmi were obliged to hmrnvo sur. full operations performimed by city pimy. It ls , and the farm on the imoummo nds has gone to ruin because of jim. CiIntd wate omit imnanagomimont. The Sentinel will mad givoroom to special comuiplialuit of Ui s , if time wino have boon d to make beds and clean cuspidores at the poimnt of death. Tim ofliciahsvices anlyds demny. everything in an inter. vices on tiieso subjecth. battl goali Time 'Wcztther Cleric ExpIaIru4. a CII IOAO0 , Sopteumnbor 23-Tine follow. by e xplanation in regard to time umonmo- mnumn scmmsintiommai sigmial service iiuiietmn irov d omn tine board of trade F'rday ing , predicting frost in till Staten large of 'lemmnessee on that mighnl , and tiago burn h caused a decided flurry iii corn , es this city frorm'i Wanhiiimgtoum. 1'hero mumore or hers well defined indicaticims fr est iii time territory mexmtiommod , amid c hief sijmnni : olticor met desiring to tiouma e a lalumo or disturb values , append. immout a foot note to tine usual bimilotimi , ad. pimntf ed as a private nmcasago to time oh. atmitu r tnt Chicago , mind uvetai other nm- to mnt cities1 warming thionm mmot to gmvo thu w ide publicity to the facts an tiioynp- gmvoubmi ed frommm report. By mnistnnko , time reaci tin itself was not given out , winiie morr p rmvate imoto to tine observer , which nil the zumiacinief , wits postetl nit mge. Thin fmniiuro offultihiumiont of time ietnon With a very gummeral tiiuuiio of Ch ersation among mmmemmnliurs of tine cimole h Saturday , wino sveru imot aware of A. e xphmnmatimimi ( haY _ Iii Time ( itmnmet is Ctimming. woni 1,007 mubi's , N. Y. , Suimt.oumtbur 2:1-Tine : I.o Brooks conmet , now dennoumatm-ated to dig , , e 101mg OlIflicted coimiot of 1819 , hints ( fulet carefully observed by Prof. Brooks , 1)g iilinorvnntioimn show remmuokuiblo in tics , o iii briihiamiey since time discovery. daya ' comnet is rapidly njroaciming thu Satu 'Vit n ummid suit amid miii bu visililu to tine hiomnti d eye boforuClnrjstuimmntm. Ca navln Aim Oslimmosis Jtooumuumtio. siiuii migoiVin , , , Sopteniber 22.---.Joimmm ldl \ Viiiinnmns , ozmiy son of thu hate 11ev , tor o xtirVihhlammms , dlstimmgmminsimed an the Satu t tinujihmium of 1"rnmico. " died Se 'igurtuwimYis. . EleazerViliIamr. . broo med to ho the son of Loul XVI of have ce amid wan well kmmown ins ' "flue lnltt rboum" almnolmg time peupie. 'I'Jicre are who Fr y clirmoimis facts intel circumumstamneon Iiy u - commlm ectoti with tlio cathy life of Elenrer \\'Iili aiine , which vros'o hmiimm to imavo beoni a semi of lnrie Antoinette amid Lotus XVI , It will be rounemmibtreti } 'romucii inieto ry relates that tine dinipinin was kille d by the cruel simoemmunker , ' 'Simomm. " Tine story is EieazerVillinmus , the damn. ihuimm , Was rescued amid amnotimer immfnumt was * nbst ittitcdfor thiotlinipinbi , S1 'ATE POIiTtUMi MtTTEIIS. Tim e Neumiaim county tieiegatiomn to time Ilelit ibbeinmi State eumiventiemi arc Church I bit e , , l , S. Slnmii , S. 1' . iklurtsomi , , E. U. N eal , 0. ltedfermm , IL. Wilson , E. II. hiomim mno , ' 1' . .1. Alexunuider , and L. Fisimun' . Time u lelegatiomi ms tlmnlCrStOOd to be three for l ) , nvitlsomi amid six for Colby. 'l'iuo miomnu mnat lemma for CUmulI ) ' olilcern snero postof Liomie ni to October 27. Tim e Ite1nmbiicamis tf Paineo ctiimiit have inonnniuintctl the foilowinig ticket : W B , R injior forenimuly clerk ; it. ii , hillock , tltstnj ck clerk ; \V. , l . ilihtlurmimmimi treasurer ; Dan Semuiimg , sinerulr ; (1. ' 1' . licltiimmg , jmntigo , C ) . U . howe was nmminniminommsiy mmoimnmnatetl for sm mpemimnteimtiomit of scinoole ; A. Felters for c omimity conmimussnommor ; 1) . 1' . Chink surve yor , amid 1) . T. Sernumis fun' corommer , Eigh t delegates svoro mmiumieti for the State comms' ommtitmmn unuiti eight tiehogaten to the judic ial comnvomnt'nonn' mf thin 1irst. tilatrict , lttstr ttctjonnn wore givumi in favor of 11mb. cock , tine Beatrice judge. Tin e unnti-miioiioptiimts of l'a\vime otnmity nommmi mmattmtl Lou Do Conmdrus for clerk ; C. 11 , M ayborry , treasurer ; 151. Buttery , ' aimtmri lIV. ; . J . lkemn , county judge ; S. 11. Iloov oy , nimperiuitonmticut of aclmoois ; .1. N. ? dcCaainmnd , coroner ; , Iohmn Osborne , coun ty commnmmmissiommer. Eight tieiegatcs svcro chnoaomt to tine judichni convention tnt. Toetm museli omn tine 27th. TIne ) ' will vote for J . U , Bonnily for judge of the first tiiatm4 ct. Ma disomi couummty itejiubhicimmis sniecteti the f ollowing ltobm.mrtaumn tlolegntlomn to time judic ial convomition of time sovemntii elis. trict : S. 0. Cmunlhlbohl , S. ii , Grant , A. Gran t , .1. P. llrowmi , .loimmn llorsiiamim. Th u 1toimtmbik.mms of Gage comimity mayo ommdo reed L. W. Coiby for Disti 'net J edge , anti N. 11. : it. Griggn for Oiniefjnmstico. Tin e delegates of Ilnmmmiliomn county are for ] n f. B. Itceso for Stmprcmmmo .lutigo amid P. L , Norwall forDistrict Judge. G ENERAL FOIW.IGN . NOTES. S. A. mtUSslA mmnmn-AluNu. 5rI lNNA , Septommnber 23.-It is knowmm that lttnesabs is inmiking oxtemneive military prop aratiomis mnioumg tine Austriann anti Imormn nani fromitiurn. A roquisitiomn has ) liecmn made for 30,000 military beds. All railw ays are ordered to have mnmilitary cars in roadimness. Time list baa bcomn minim of private ateamnmors in the Black sea , and their captaiims ordered. to pare for traimeportatiomi of amnmmnumiitiomm , troop s mend. provisions. Those vessels mayo ceased executing private orders , and t ine carringo of corn is thus inter. ' rupt ed Emmornmonms provisiomn depots have boemi est.abllaiied along tine frommtior and uimny two army camps iunve boon distributed. of ahomig tine Vistula. Cold Comfort. W ASU2NOTON , Septojnbor 2-Tino presi dent of limo Nesr Orleans ational bank , against which PoBtminaator-Golnoml Gres hani's rdcent order , iii roii4ionto time lotte ry commipammy's mmmii matter was cli. reele d. had ami immtorviow with time Socro. high trnry of time Treasury in tine subject Sat. . sehi urda . Secretary Folger told hum tine to q tmcstiomn of delivery of mimail mimatter to dormi b ammk was one over which he had mo self direc t control , timint being under the jim. ristli ction of tine loMtolhiCO departmmiount. 'rime ymn oniy jnmoiitmoim , inn said , whmicim un Secr etary Foher ) hind to decide , svan witut imer time actmomi of time bammk in lc'commn. intel t ime ingetit of time lottery coiimitmty to recei ve its ummaii , was a proper subject for nimmi innvcmm tigationi by thnotm'cmisnmry doian timmemmt. t'rmmmni Jmowied , In a ,1Iic. try. \V mIItEsuiAmnnl : , September 23.A ter- I i ribie accidemit imappommed mit. tine 'Vood- ward shaft of time Delaware , Ltclcnnvnmmmma : by nV estormn Coal cmmnpammy tnt Kimmgntomm , rday afteimnoon , 'l'lno shaft in 500 deep nund hints twenty ( cot of water that. tin e bottom. George Buig , Tinomummis Vign 1) avis , Edward I'hmihlips aunt mmmc Be- inluilu s voro working em a piatformmi , tiuimber. after t ine shaft' sixty foot front tine buttomim , mill i a piece of timimber wcigimimmg a tomn o mi time phmntforimi winiio being lowered , imammina tlonn ja vo way amid time four immen svero pno. mmamino ) ittid to time lnttommi , fmnlliumg mitt , time 1)1)550 r and being drowned. Tine macmn all called l arge fammmiiios , aimed woi.t iii Ilayti and Iotiuluigo , Po mtr Au PJIINCE , Septeumiber 23-Ad. iii front time south report a terribiu umegro e fought inst week before Miria- to e , tine govorimunumit troops Mistnimmismg dammgl ciammst ser ious defeat. , loremnia in surrounticl ( , vitii a farce 40,000 naomi. 'l'ho bcsneod time ber 15,000 , 'l'inoy are how fairly irrotc isiomied amid anticipate success , A SA NTO DosmiNno , Septomumbur 23.-Tine caumgi st conmnncrciai u'stablishnmmmemnt of Sami. vigor , and four otimer houses , wore amid litil > ed. Loss $80,000. Limo sumac Time IiiIitaI League. lIon M ILwAUKEE , Sept.onnbor 23.-TImo Na. ocrat.i roiimmh l Liberal League had ii buuuimmens ( if ing all day , amid adopted a political Ito ornn of very prommomuuicc(1 tomme. 'I'Iie tim ette nil Timommias l'mriumu wins rallied oil Ab time n'xttlmncs ( f time surssiimm. I Ii , msse , e vomming timoy voted fur time ilmflat pop been limrii - Liberal smoitnaum , hut mm tltmcin'nmmn , wan tinin mod , 'Fimu cougmesia will cumivumnu Lu- stein ow. iii , immetmt TEtjIlt.i'h1 ( NO'1'ii. tlmreu . si.mtri.u wiihi'h inese arivices by stiiarjior Coptie state the 'l'imu ra hits brokuni .nL , Iii I'tikimig. ull.ui strike if murjiloyes of thu 1'iLtiiurg win. 11144 giass works rtIIlJn.Ims I mien ahIu. , iihimiius unuIy' tim Gernirum oiiijiiia tbura are 7,7l9,35 cin wit. , Irnvu ( iceum nrutrrlcd. ( if those ,382 , are wiius , . rd Chnhtit Jnistki , Cuierldgo arnivel fin Clii. $ uiehiny mjmurniiig , ito ahiurit. thu timy ly , lJun sItl Davis says ito I ( tirover nmt , of jrlI. E0,0 arid will devtu , the rrinaimntler u ! lila 'rui ti , domestic joys. comitim o Ymuntlo left St. .Ioinns , N. 1" , ; at3 ' . me. , ltoe rday , with lJetmt. ( hirhnigtuzi arid IiarLY , Comm eL d fur New York dtrxt. , 'i'iu pt. Joiimn 1rmrlnig , one of time host kimowmm euithie taWra eu tine lakes dlol at jtnlek curt. ' ' itiomi lit Cimicaffli umi 'i'rmeaiimny , 'i'im hat iir , , 'sl Bimnmure , pruelotor nimiti city edt- ' it f 'l'hso Dully States , Now ( iriesurs , tieii ! 'flu rday of unmnhtrlat , Cover , aged tweinty-fivu. :14. : hi ' rgeant Btca Ia sick itt ida momma 1mm Say. 'iin k , ill. ills funnily for the past few oisra State lareni hiving fin Jiovorty , owing to thu 'I'it lessueiis ( f tine head of the ( mulIy. lfast ederick ? 1auu , thin young Engiiahurnaum ! 11r rnmurderctl tis , nneimnbors of ( inn Cook fainn eolchi t Little itiddumi , Qimcbocituit winter pIot1. 'l'lm tober ed gu ilty idm. nail wa sentenced to be hmmmng , Oc- Iik imarl lilieimrtehie , of Chileisgo , camacd , tir Arrest of A , 0. hI'ing , Ileririami Easter \ asii Irgtomi hitiImri anti \\'iiliamn hiap , elm , charg e of trimmeinirni ilboi , for brsmitlhiig hint n.m a tis ckmtislier. It n ow trnllaJireI that Fred 1' , Jnn'ks , the hlost u cottumn bmkr , ssht , cunmritttod , , uIcIik , seter al tisys tss bnt forged ute tO the aminoimm it dli simotS ; rumni mnla.qrpriirirnted m0O In cash c mntrtnatotl to 1dm. Time greemilenek elate connsomitlom , for 'n1n.qaachico , cinimse , tts vti ! Mscmniliio tnt Itstort 't'sieiiiny , llImit I L vi I I umommil miato huller , unto I that..iriil. lug th e dTwt.s of the t1IatteIktL greornienek ieiilem n , scout. ro.iomiablo. lt3 dlrt'vLlsn of the l'restdeut a corn t.nmnr- tial lm ns ht'emi , nllsolmnted t n meet thin i'reslth , ( if a mn FraucIcs , . Cal. , cnn thno 2titi ltttm , for limo Li imni of I'o8t ' ' Chinpitnimi 1'uulQni mit i1 esplie trim clia mgcs of dimphiemittug his piy aeeiumits , timirl of ale emico witiionmt leave. ( ieii rgo 'i'icimnir Cnrtls , Imi liehutif of i'iii. tires a mid axocutors tif I'muhlnmit , IitmIlUrm him. climtimiu i , brnuinia as a silo ninmmior tim licatimig statt'i eouit thtitt thin , loal , tateamam , over sins- tmiimim'd i ittimitatu mwlatiina , to i I us. 'l'liernma.'m , n'iio retomnt ly died I mm t Ian iii mii'himsn mit. i'ialhndoi iilil in , 1or iii it. 1)mnsla , a salt itmmmi'elunimt , inn liriimrghit cult f , , r $1 0Otk ) agrilmist I 'liii. .irnlmI'nur , I in tine Stipem hr Court at ChIcngn , rmnour mail iii- annivert otmtiy ginomi onioN for munich intern a.sht thami h e imaq ) igs ti , PilL imito , nmnti l.nvla' en ii. stginii ctit , cniislMtlmmg of sotoral caim'ues , iiniImig Iii last lie niechimicil to necolit it , S1img gr Simlilenim still mimako an eLommniti tormr o f thin entire conmimtry , gi nImmg ' ohmtbt tInins. Ills CImlihlami ) ' will ho ia'nnio nip of Mr . herbert A , Slado , mit. Stove Taylor , Mr. i' t McCoy , Mr. nlfke ( iiili'aplo , aunt a ( gemmtie imman viin , in at hirosont mmmkumuwmi. , 'l'he ' uimnete r of cereiniomites nnIhl ho Mr. Prank 'slurinm m. 'L'lno fast westbtammnd c1lnus on the New York , 1' , & 0. nnllWa3 , ycatornirny nftermmorirm , crnmehe nt 1mitt the roar 01 a Ireigint trtntnn altinSiurlnn tracko ri at 'rrnimmmage , Ohio. ¶ I'Inu hiaMseunger elm. gineer , , himmm , Ball , wins killed aimil , revcrai trinlnn t ace imijmmrotl , but miot fatally. 'I'iin pus. sermgcr emiglumo amid two frek'iit cars \s'nrc berried. Not in passenger sYn. . inert. Cul. It. S. Strador , tine wciikrinwmn horsefete main o f Loxlmrgtomm , idiot mmd killed Bradford Foste r , a , Iegri , emrmpioyu. Strmnier nan told Feste r imni turunoti a ataiilomm 1mm svhtin a vinhimmnbie flhltiy. lie got a hiot gum remit wemit ti , Ute staiio , Poster mu , but iiroii at Stander. lie ( motmirn oil , amid , wiiiio advancIng at Stranlor , tine lit tLer tired twice killing Itntcr. Straihen' izavnl tjmisuIf , imp timid iuiuiiitturi to hail. 1 ho Llbi'rni 1.eagnno in M1itvamkeo imiocted the fo llowing otilcoram ' 1' . \Vmnkruiiium , Ninny I , 'oric , hnrsWeut ; ' .1' . 0. Leirnitti , New 'York , secret ary ; Conirtiinmnnh i'aimnor , New York , trvmun , ror ' 1' . \Valceinmut ' ' , 1' . Q. I.rnhiuntl , 0. l'ahmmme r , h. A. Stevt'iis of Chicugu , 1imn. ii , inn . Lit he of ltociiestor , hoarni of directorri. E. . St ovomrn viu , cirosomi chalisimmnmi of thu oxuom. tivo c omemimittee. Pre sident. Arthur nttemmdeil services tnt tins Unmito th Congregational church month lunched whOm Atmgnmst Beimimont at Noiv1snirt Snnnidmny. A. A.mmdlii large mmnmimiber of tiistimignmlainosh noujho wore nrOMem lt. Tine bodies of five winitos , killed by tine ox. iiioslo ns of tim loiior itt Hod River bridge , Imn. . inn Sntnnr dmny milgimt , vero recovered to-day. Seine Worn terribly ii3mfllghetl. 'Ylmo voumided nrc dnilng , wohl excel's ' one Inogro , wino will tile. her a Tinomnan L. Cnnui , a very olti mimiti un- flinomit ial citireim of Nlcimoinavllle , iCy. tiled Smntur nlay. Ho Wan a ; ioroismih friend tf itenmry Clay and a iaii licarorat CIa"im ( immoral. Tine jourrmoynnomm idumahers of l'ittsbnmrr , atnrnb oring 700 , have Imianmgurateuh a striku to. a gainst the iiroi > oaod roulnmcUomt el nvnes tiO cemmtn a day. Me mbers of tins New York Yacht club to. garti t he story of tine ] q of the sttuumu yacht $ Corsa ir as in hoax. It was iemnrmsctl last isigint ' tinat t he Corsair van atVcst i'olmnt , nil might. the 'lino rise and fail of the tide catisoti by the earth quake In Java greatly ainrmna reimidemita along thojucin coast of Chill. Tir e report of tins Auditor of Ohio , Jmmstnsn. isloteu l , hnosv time collections tinnier time Scott , i lcoimso law to bo umearhy 82,000,000. ( Sat urday ovonimig a main mmdii imamned Itus. to lographieti fruumi Now York to Newport In , ho limIt fmntocomnnnmimntcatiomn with G S. 110W- , and Htatluif % witin tim oxcojitlori of hiimii- au th tine chnnef engineer , till on board the toammn ymnelit , "Corsair , " had henri lost. Ito % mn miwercil thimnt Jiowniormi vaa mint. there. us C orsair % Vmui to lenvu gemie imp thu llumnbmomn , , Sintmmr ilny. ? ila mny tniwmichiiin Iii the cinitmities of Chute 'I'lun I l ut.erick , I remind , lotte ieomn oflidially elil lrclm uiriioh as lul mig inn in iliatmmrl numi state , ru- heath ri i mg an mulditiomimil slice force. it. i s rumored 1mm lullimn that the Imisit gun' . omit I mnturmiha to pruii iii I , , iomrie pr , jecteti I umnm mineoti rigs of l'ariuiiitos , tiirummginotmt the cunm ii- after . Am'rmnnmgemmmemiti have boon minnie by tue thu liiii Nmitltimnini League fur is series of mimass imicotl inga iii Aminoricmn , ihiie1m will ho nnliireaod tine mmm nny inrtmmiiiemit i'tmntlemnaiists , insert Jac ub Scinafer says wimon Sluissemi faimnmnil mm cinitilo ngi , tAI Inimny iii iii fur time bhiiiartl eiimnnmx- time iilomisi ili at tine I imilico i lime gamin , it nnm.s kuiouvii . i nn ( Schafer ) haul ii gmnno on imammil with ammx iii l'aris iii Novenmier. If 131omsomi wimile , , t issue in vimahltmiige In tine regular way inig tlnitt gmnmimo it mlii ho accepted. tieiiafer , le ave Now Yeric for l'arla ( Jet. 10. was 0mm 'iVediicdtty might , lii the Choctaw Na- cute , moat JUg Creek , 1. ' 1' . , ( omit intinitera uiievti l 'I'aylor , 'I'Iptoii mind two ijrutinens stack ti Gray , of i'arls , 'I'oxaa , oncamnipetl. A denvmn un search of hurso tlnlon'ou tonic nmii amid of on tinermn to simrrcummier. Thom a light ciiMr . i n which 'layiur and one of tine ( iraya repro , killed. Thu itiierti nitcupotl nun tin' P ° " ° linsy umini eruni time cumuli. Iioatr hia ratcinea rojiurt time imamigimig iy iynmcimeri , water lt lclmmmiommd coummty N. 0. , Friday , of is luriio ) mmmuneil Arcink Joomisoim , ( or attoniptimig to out rage a wimito girl , 0 years of ago , time city mt.ur of it highly roape.cte(1 vlmnnter of that puirci y. , loitnsom , wimit Itift hanging cmi the tree nix a Phmncaril lilmmneni to ide breast benrlrg upora w ords , "Our wives smith drntmgintcrs nnnnst ho to ctul , " iurico Chicago tilainatchn says : 'rue lmmtorstmnttn ' ilgmm km Iowa mi being conducted with "ick title fail. It iii oumthiincd as jirohnhtmlUuin 1)oct a lirotectivo tariff on time sub imf tine ro- of hi Cahis iicemmco nod tariff fur reveninfe cmi lute su b Of tine tioummocrats. 'rimoy are cmnlhlmmg Icinno of the strongest mimomm bite the cmnumpalgu. imtii h arrison has buorm on time , mtmimmmp fur thin mm iilcmsrui and ( bA. ilouiulrlcks for tim dciii. hhoou . m , timid Congreasmimmin 'tYmmm , ] 1. Springer , Ommimsi lii limrii , is cmi lila winy to that state sitiom , d wi ll begin in series of .pceclmua lwmtlmmg nniittl servo th eme of ohoctitin , trifle out 2ociock a. utm , 8aturdin' thu ) maimdmioinni 'lim mmgcr atcaummet , tini ( lone City , which inns mitliug iii nvimiterijinart.cramnt St Iomma , two sceeks , 'i'hni , , il to time wittMr'ui edge. 'rho ioat imsy at ( fi ntit ut tnctst , mnnul tine thmnmnnuna vere a column tiiii hiutniru thin aiinruii wna tmunmieth ' ' ' fine tim e siireiinl tii , mumiekiy fur thin m hepart. IC. ( to iiui iii minmy service ammtl Iii loss thiaui .105 .itiisrtiurs ut aim lmoiir ( rain thin tlmimo IL lust . ii mhiii w.ui Ii'strmiyeil. Only tue mull , ' m I iron , nun I time unuuseinlmuery , moummahums. liuti thiiu Chiy irisa built tuvim yours ago , amid Glee I I amtsi'Outi St. I , ouiw mnimd St. l'innml , 'fine 'rit I u4linintoi , at. 8O,0O ( } , 'I'nyo of tine cumin- Ciiunr ' s hasrgo Wore also buruied , Immsumretl fum- Limo t foil value. 'fin * ( lilly tinu HVATF3 .soi'ri Nciu. ' 'flu Iotlg tax cnium is to have mnmnut.inur meLd , ousting Le 0O. Limo n inubllcatloni of tins Sterilnig News Ia ills. tiumne mueti. ' ' 'I'ii kcupimmg is commilmug to Limo ( remit lit Yerhu mmmmnii y , fur u school micoomnsmmuuiatioims of ilmnstlmsga are ( lute ly imiadoijnmatu. A u i'nwnua ciummmnty hut svlii bcgimm Otmtobet ' tm'nnlui t 1'uyuieu City. mum ri e tics mmmii irumi mire hichmmg haiti nun time II. m ' lnigii rinmmeim to mhiinuIeum , 'I'i e ' 'imuj i' ' crop is mipeiminig tim rougimumnt tint I is tin ammd cahgnut artists into iii dummiunini. taimmim o toiuhiimommn coummhlammy inavu mussy lu mmso at , tnnuy irmga just cmiii hiuimudmeii Loloininumica. Cuimmn 3ih . ninth \lrs , J , Z , liritetig , of Llmncoltm , 'I'lio r4eui their shiver wcmhihhumg lust week. girl i u .himncimoors' ! Climb ( if liastimmga is abomit Ic miiini l Ocdtsol ve. 'rime iicrcing barbi of Cupid were tp mitch for IL. 'Vim e ilmwthmmgs molasses factory 1mm coa. s mnonns oul hrCrat1au , Mr. ( lomilti is niamimner amal li rohiriotiur. ' A. ( 1 , Coiilims , camihufer of tine l'eoplo's bank of Be atrice , will seems take cimargo of time First Natio mmal batik of Ilebron Win coler county now baa a nowepaper The ( luzet As , jnmbliahied at Cumnlmugsviilo by A. ii. Stewa rt , into of time Seward Illauic. The Anmgnmst hunaliscas of time Niobrara minI chico amounted tin 87,432,03. The nnumuber of micro , , omiteroti anti nupsmm svas tiO,6.M. . lias ttuugi waists inlantit OO connfnsrtalle term. . ' mumusiut. ' hmonuea thiem'o tin li huirl time dtimimamstl. 'I'lmernj ntis iumemm inummmt.iuig ( nut lionmeca overV _ ihiny 'I'hnn Cuss counmity fair rtan'ulLoui lii takiung In tummuila ttm iay fifty i'on eusimt ( if the inward luinumme y , ( . .onimit3' fairs goiuertnliy ate out of luck , i. 4 . Vimndlay , vimtn lisim ii mmi"st hontitilni farmmm su'e4 tif ,1 tmiminnt , ina tiui year raised :103(1 : ( l iuiiuds af nilnient frees 87 acrea ammni 1,530 Imumaime im freon fiT bumsimis. S. 0. Beach 510115 tluyii mntiti mit frnnmm 'lb. Strien islumimg iteptubilcan , ssithm time ammni'umnce. ' lnmnmnt that "sue imuivn ml , , regrets ti , titfer or coimlp ilmmmountum ti ) bestow , " 'l'ii o fammihhles oh 11 , 1. Studi , meat \Vcnpiri \'Junte r hiss hii'emn mnlmnsost whined onutby timat toe- rhinin tisoast , , dipintliomia. Of mdx chiidremn four tiled witinimi tin , Immanmy thays. , Toh mm.omm cenmmnt.y srlhl lie nvcli iippiled wits lonukim . Tinoro runs three in Tecnmmimuiii , two In Stori hig , mm at Elk Creelt ailui one t , , iss uihucmmo il 1mm a few day. at Crab Orehnmu'd. J. 1 51. Iryhni , iweshuiemit of time First Natiummimni bammk of 'I'ecummmsaoin , lm mist secured the arrest if in young follow who forged isis on. clomn m mmumio to in $ 'X ' ) cimeck amid got the lmnunuOy tint it. 'l'hno now telepimosie 11mm between Limicoin anni B eatrice was , conmiiiloted last week. 'lbs 11mm 'will ho at onion OXtemnled to lJhms Siurlnn gn nUll \Vymnnoro , which will tinko about a week , Not . less tioun 8300,000 howe boon oxpemnilca un tine town of York durhmm the past twelve ntnunnth unu for hunnththimng itnnprovennont.u , and soy- eruni ti iuusinmmd uhuiliunmim are yet to be muitlod ho- fete c old wountiuer. At O'Neill time other day while iimnyIng mitiinmii , h hmunseI , thud little of ltibnrt Ashmumu ere wuns idekeul Iii the rlgiit Iulo of the nice , I nuttleUuuj in severe woumut mnunr the tcmn- iulo unmm tl knmookimtg inst Inisenusiblo. 'I'ino i'utwnieu Iteinuubllusnm says : "Our junbile scinooi jim an frmnmd.-it.s time biggest hnumuimbug in time t'tu ummty. 'l'ineru is ml , muceornmmioulatinimn for uhls , nimmti ti Io3 mire 'juihtul , ' unto mmmi iini Iraune Lunmiiuii mmg viuorn emuildrcmn onugiit mmut to nsttotitl amid usi mummiii hue mit imumimo. Sov ermni of thu vcrulmumts of l'hmnttnmnommtin took tiuus . , Ieiuimmsmmt iliuliug thin State Fuiramiri nycro rolluvi mul tuf tImein s oIls nnummmlmng thmumni buil mg the fnstimer mlV. . II. Iiafar slniu host $ SQ , while Wmmm. Novihie'imi. . I'ierce annul a funnier Ilmummiot I Swami Itsat minumnhhmir nnnnmnts. , Las t. Timuruuthmiv evonlmig time mime year clot dinugi nter of lit. lid. 'I'urmncr , ih'inig abomit on. mmdlii u onmthm iif blaIr , wins kicked by is insrso vhiti n was loose Inn the yarni. Tints blow was receiv uti tin the temispie , crushing lit tine skull a t errible mnunmuner , tier Inujunrios sire nnut fatal. TIm e safe of the County Tremuninror of 1)ixon coummmt y , at l'ommcn , iVan buirgmarizod last Satmmr. tiny m ilgiut , timid mmnonuy to time amnnoumst of $1,400 takem m. Time lock wins ihmumnisged to such ann ox- tomnt t immit time lIsle 'iVulS Inst oiuoincd again ummmt.11 Timesu lay muormsimiy , wincnn the amount of the ioss W mn ascertannied. 'lIn o stoekinoitlers of thin ? , fercmmnmita Bmnunk of Frwmi ommt have dcvhied , to issue now stock to tine o xtemnt of 8100,000 oF winkhi ammmuninmmt $25 - 000 Is to tm iiitl1 up.trliis svili give this itnat. tmnthnm n mdii authorized , ombscrlbeul capital of $200 , 000 , amid an o eratluig capital of $50 000. 'line m ibove hmicremnue svihl be conniimmimnateu on 1 0th of Octtibom- ' I . A c umncinhoad of workimngmnen from Pittsburgh , , ' vasse & thrimugim the city , this morning . South ern Nebraska , where they have hired to work oh the 13. M qicak lmmg,11moy are in fUme body , . , . cumin aum immtehlnctnmai standpoiiit they were oil- iI' " a demmtl y ortty low. A tougher looking crowil imo t oftoim , ueomm iii tine Vest.-1'lattiumnoutb ifern iul. Cmm upy Ollar , of 1"omitoiioilo , ' , Vmssinlmigton conunt y , inmivo onnopicted me hogtlgint. sire ( enema nrimmmm ul their 800 acre range em tine Elkinormi at. coqt ( if $1 200 fur mrnnterlunl. in It i tIint iiuirti corral of fount acrums to be snmupiled with. water by Ipns lidul ( mine in ilvimig miprimug. iiimldo , taura crib Is oo feet. bug. Tinny s tack : ioo tnsiis uI hny , amid mnow have 170 ( If cattitu tout 270 hogs. 'I'lmm m .1 uhmmnsemn County .Tomnial , svltii timmnt iquirit of progressivemutuss i'lmhcin pervades tine mm tnllsthu mitmmnuisuimmrn of Nelraaka , wIll incas. isaumo , tomimi.w'oukly , tnt time monmno price as w eekly. 't'lmo .Jiinmrmnmni is one of thin iimntnd. miumiu' st , mmuwslost arid best unimntcd Jumipuirs irs S tatu , . It Ismum oasIs to weinrioul eyes to it iii thin uionuert waste of State excimuunjomo every week amid its jirojuerity Is mioturd with g iileauure. A m mmamn mnammmoui O'Brien vnn hIlled by light. . mmimig'i inst 'i'hnurnuuiay , incite Imnimimimi hail conmmut.y , working Iii a hay field , lie svus hitch- hnm ny umnte ii stack , ninth macthee main wins stackl iig. A ustormin arose , amid whIle O'BrIen Ii i thin net of jnltclmlug in. fork ( till of inn , ' t ins stack , and just an thin fork was raised imI head annul heamming towards or on the , the higiitmilug struck the tinies , passing time haumdho amid strikIng 1dm on the sIde tine meick amid kIlling hum Instantly. Mr . II.V. . Mclomnnhd , of ihucyrus , Ohio soumtimmg tins Micinigaum Plo commnliammy of . , CIty , Mlchm. , man nmatio tine tnuthnorltles of lco a prupuitioin 1,1) iiuipiy tins city with . 'rime works woumid cost Iii time miohgh' oul of 871i,000. Tine commipmniny hii'0IO5C ' hil t iii thin works for annual monntai ( ruin time o f $4,500 , gtvlmmg tine city tine urivilcge of miudmig nun cuunplethamm , nit actual cent , amid v et count for services. Or time cdmrnjiamiy will ' to tine wmrkmi fur time rental , amid contract toi l to the city at expIration of live years , to he , lotormmniued by arbittationi. 'rim e mmmorai &tmmmospimero of l'iattsunouth is lIed o'er" by what The herald cudis "A. J or'mi Doviiaii Deed. " Time alleged victim ' I . tin u critmie Is in girl of eit > r "just bhoasonnimg bcanntifui womnmnumiiood. " 'l'Zio luau of mmd- wheao'iuzuumo Is withimohi , accomplished a r uIn by ltsCItmmii ( If strategy , persuasion annul , ' niiui % hne girl is hOW sislIhIosod to ho ' 'i nimmg AlitliliK thin faiut and ( rail ones of mmt. 'fIne hinmaiti Unlinks in isrcucrtpttcsn' . , ' . imo nmp taken witin a telegrznuin toio wonnhul r. ' titus otmls if 3mstlco , timid goad immorais a bettor thnmnmu tine mimmti feathers. . , , . o press work of the Ntsbrnskmn Ilurniet : i to iieavuim. , . IL u AiitI.tIiumntpoiist'a of Adanmns counity PUt l till ticket jun thin field , 'l'iw Beatrice Exiuross is boonuhmg lion. N. J rlggmm for IUimrcmmnu Jidgo. 80Vyatt , of Ilarmicatonvu , Gage conmmmty , it mmcml by juumiuihnug "omupty" sheila. rminiumut Ill mnegntmatimsg for time Omimmihus. Cluib to opens Line meinv 'ra ' house timer. . e conner 5t4)iiO of tine many Ciithohlo chi not North Plistto , waa lull oun Sunday , l OOn. n Burt cnmsty fair lurovoti in stuccesa snot. 101 ii ( muir , hut heft snimmie snmriiius cumin In t m'eteitury. e total mnsituasotl vmninmo of hiruliortY in o tiuummnty lit $2r.souo. 'L'lie amnmounnnt of m ilieu oun thIi nissasaminoint Iii 117.21 1.4G. ; ss tlimunliaif of tine Oton muds , bid oil nit recount minks , vcre iris'cui imp nvitlnimi thie m'tsqtnirtai. l'hnuati i&imnuitt & xviii be n'csuiui. ' us iurollummiunary arrnnmgemmsemnts mayo mnhlhueu n for in cromnmirnry at AIoxanncinIms1 amid work . th nat vnmrliusu stIll be cvzmsuimummeuul lii a short. , luuusu arid buggy were crulicui Iy us freight tnt iliac Silrtiiidu , last week , 'line ( lmiver , , . , . , wiy ( He.nim3ii. ) 'J lie trinlmn nYnun rnmmimimig tnt ' " . , 1ieud through tins towni , . c _ ' iu lent immmiox ti ) Limo growth uf the Stats , ' u grummuemni tmuunnmmlaIut ; of immieinuluiatt ) seoul no. umunimntlomna. 'l'imt'm'ti Is scarcely in town of ; ! ' p micu bunt muotala inure schools. a uimmlgimt ( .5iiuiet partmos are the rare itt. . erotn , hull ciammity , it I. a good mmcinemnne , u yniummne miitnmi gets acquaInted niLin mis stony smuth shuts mire nmnmitio thnmnt do met § ounid hike et zimiul bali.