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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
I i _ - : :1 DALY BEE. . OIVIAHA. saturday Morning , Sept 22. Weather Intllcntlonq. ] ? or the upper Mitaissippi atid Misou. ri a1ky8,1oc1 rftlflst followed by cleftrilig weather , rinb RllifLIng to north am1 west. On ! Io' higher 1aroni. otox , antI in the aouLhorn portkn station- M7 Or slightilse of temperature. ' LOCAL BREV1TIL. -Fail and LU ; melnnchnly days are evilent. 7 ftt hftfll. -Tim U. P. bo bit1IU expect to go to C ktrnbiis this nfternoon nniI wrctto with the dub thoro. -A monster car , contsdnlng the pecla PCefltry of Shook ami CoIIIer' "Sights of Lon. aon" inbi.itton . vent \S'est yoterIay. ---A .ipocial meeting of the Third \Vard Be' luibilean club rI1I be heM Saturdtty evenIng , Sept. 22 , tthc Cty1totc1 , a.rnor . Tenth and Ifarney , at 8 OCIOCJC fihIar ) . -The call wave announced a. on Its way 1 to t.b. ) . iar of the country arrived .n time and . wAj3 all It wa repre.ontod. The wind was too . kigh , however , for froRt , and a rain ettUng In during the loranoon rnodrated the temnpemn. litre e.In1(1crabIy. -Our muIc1oving pooiIo will lie lICMeI to learn that the Bmnnma Abbott grand opera conm 1)afl } have been Becurod and will appear at the opera hou8o Thursday , FrItIay and Saturday ( ofnoxt week. Cal Wagner' . . TnfnAtrehm have the Iiard evening. ( -A very Iloal4ant aurprico .arty Wa giromi Thuraday evening to MISs Carrie Parkeromi St. . iry' avenue , by her numerona frionda. All preient. had a mnost enjoyable Limo , and mb' parted nlxmmt midnight fooling aatfuied that It . WM one of time mna.t. notable oventa of the i.oa' i.oa'supplies Jon. -Dr. Novilbo will becturoboforoStatoode to. 10 , I. 0. 0. F. , Monday evening , Scptem. bez flth. Subject. , 'mLnhIrtan of Popular. ed izing the Rnowbodgo of the Caucm of Dl- and cumo. " Allomannon Lodge No. 8 , Omaha tite Lodge No. 2i no.1 . Beacon Lodge No. 20 , nrc invited to be iireonL Alno all .mojomirzilng Odd F'ellowa In time city arc Invited. far -Time bilim of M'lbo Bbmoa amid W'ngners tvihl Minatrelmm are P0tCl ldo by libo around lies towmi , anti vie wIth each ether In attractIng at- has tention. ThoJo of the great French aetre.mK by arc immonster sketehem. In black and white , her the iummmio thrown on a rocky isbo mum a background , was wirmounted with catbes. The mninnt.rel bill 50011 l3 Ingcnbouly funny , a railroad train mmmanu atirod outof inctauiorphoed dOXkIOM. . -The pretty voll known ceac of ItoddiN Va. bore Thrall I being heard before lion , II. B. B. to Komiimedy a. ; referee. 'I'Iio spit is brought by iii the lca1 ropro.ontattvoim of } dwnrml ItoddiM , first . , ngatnat bbs partner George 'rhrall , for an accounting of lmartncnmhit. inatterim. Gruff and Mont.grnnory anti , Tudgo Savage rep. be rrommt the pbaIntiIT' and lion. Goo. W. loano s.try the defnudant. The caMe 1mm aet for bearing on in the October docket. it - TIi tilcml floor of the Omonha National be bnuk i being torn up by 1)ibboy ) & Co. , of of Chieimgo , who vcro d18atinuicd with It. cml as aiil they would not allow It to remain. They will rojmlaco the Indlaimpolls tiling with Im. ported English tlbc.m. Tim vork nl.pamtrod . the gOod enough to the ordinary obiorver mu ! wamm verlag perfectly msatlafnctory to the bank , but tbmimm creek firm mtpoarmm to be very iarticulnr. --Thu telcgrmmpli fire alarm ayatemn Ia to be wan rebuilt. by Chief Jng1imocr Butler , and eIgbi teen muilca of now wire mlii to rn1)ily the now got boxem , .movcnty.fivo . in munubor , which viII be viation for vlncl in four cIrcuits , connecting with time emit ! imow "relmeater" to be placed in Nim. 3 engIne umuileum hotis . When the now engImmo. mmii hoHo carts for. * re placed In North ami South Omaha time curve lire uiutcction of the city vll ( be very coil. . ' unite pbot.e. to . -Mr. Ed. 1earou , late of the fmnit of Foaron k Cole , comnitseion merchants , has jmlrclIaoml as it. the wholesale aimmi retail cigar anti tobacco umiuch biu.Imesa , of .Tr. Toft , who will hereafter give Wliiiov his attention to his real ezitate interests. 1)pr. limit , , iigtkofivoyearsMr. 'l'ofthas boon in buidmiosi souL inOmnahaho has astalilished a trade in thp city tiio and throughout. the W'est that has contimtby live grown and whIch vilI uniboubtodly Increase luecamne uniter the mnanagemnomit of Mr. Foaron , wiLe thoroughly timiderstanils his bimsinwem anti Ia &lomiti well known tAm all dealers iii this part of time ilL a . Iont1elt. . , who has boon with socting SIr , 't'mift. for the four years , imtllt lrost1os ) curve bolmimmib tIm counter , where ho silI continue to legitima aupply the Welds of all coimmers in Iiiii umsmial of obliging maimer. : -0 Stitiday niternoon at three o'clock at. with Turner hall , a mass meeting will in , held of do the Gemmnnu citizemum litterestod in the lIruPer cole. delay br.ttiou of the bi.cemitonnial of the lauding of liiually Gerimmw. , : In AnicrIca. 1881. The -Mike ( 'tilligan was sent UI ) yosterilay for cut-oh twenty days for gottimig on a tear amiti abualmig or ELm woman. Mik&a charti case. place -There are 4,300 , citiltlren In tiLe i.ubllo . a half acheuls of Omaha. and a fluuklen'H AInICL Salvo. to The greatest medical wonder of the world. oiuo.hmal Vurrautod to apeedily cure Burns , Outs , Ui. aim cart. Salt Itheume , Fever i5ores , Cancers 1'ibom claiiuued ( ihtilatna % ( , Corn. Totter , , Chapped .auda . , that and all skin C'I.tunN ( , guaranteed to cimro in itent every Instance , ur money roiumidcd. 2. coats yr lxix. this - . pay utt : POWJY4tU l. . us , iii . feet - muoctiomu ZcqutItIonm fmn ' 1 lila . ii.p half , No Longer to 1o Mmttlo. sub-lot a Force Time following is published for the in. or&ziation and guidance of all concerned , 'l'imo by order of Jirigadior Ueiioral Howard , cult It is isuod the era by war depaitment at tbuttt W4siIington , front the adjutazt goiter . be mem sVii office : 8,000 Aim tinder the now postal. regulations 000 ya on .uic . after time list of Ocbber next , tin : I ' trmtCutr titus rate Of domestic ostago on lIrat clas I 0110 mati nutttor will ho two coats each Intl ( halt ounce , imthtoadof three cents , cc Itoreto . 2,700 tue lore ; I am instructed by the Adjutan I aitut cen 55 Commend to inforimi you that roquisitloni a for three-ccitt stamps should not be ntacI brid4i ju the future. ostummia Any threo.cent stamnp on hand afto r moved the 1st rrozimo , can be used with one . ti.9 . co cent atunps for postage on double rati 3 titus letters , or in combination with stamps p f ecinu itImur denominations for large packages . omiougi B , N. BENJAMIN , slides. AuLstaut Adjutant Ounor1 . - energe Well 5tH Ever. lii fzie " Loft1o uoward writsa ( rein Buffalo , N. Y. m "My yamtem became greatly debbItattx ! I titan a through arduous professional duties. SufIere I beomm frcau muaea , sick headache , and biliousness ? 'l'ietl ilunLock JJkod flitters with the weal , countr $1ithI eUv. Am wU ts of the - - - NEARING THE END. Qia fihic llai1o 1Jllcrtakill 1ic11y' Co1etoth The Famous Florence Out-off to t bo Oponad at Once. Brief Hi8tory of the Work and L Why it waa Necessary. The Ai lvantageM IA ) be JeiIved 1"roni it by tue Coiupnmiy. Omie of tim inost'important and diflicull 1)i0CC5 o f railroad work ever undertaken in this State , that kaowi. a. . , the Florence cut.otI , which was begun twomiiy.oight mouths ago , is at last approachIng cotim. pletion , and if tlto bridges can be gottomi doito wi ll be ready ( or bimalituss by the of next month. Iii fa ct time iriiicipal , hart of the work , viz : cu tting througim the two imnmnemise hills wh ich lie emi either able of 1'lliCa creek is practicalbycomnpbeted , as omit. will be cut t o grdo by Lo.nightt amid the oilier in a ve ry few days imiore , 1053 tItan two vecks. AN 01.1) rzmnn. For t he past two years a great ded bins . been sai d and written about tIm "Flor' ace cu t.oIi' , " btit it. ima ganerally beomi tC.mfl he arsay , amimi probably iiot 100 her- 5(1110 111 this city knuwtlmuoxtomit amid itn Itortalic o ( if the work , tlmtfor over two years hi M hCOfl in proreas within toii imifbos o f the metropolis of the State. Sonic of our mnerclinnt.s nitty guess at. it vaguely front tli. trade tt lou. thrown into th eir hands , for nil the thula and supplies for the camp were 1)urclmnsed ) in Omaha , amid there has been not a littit ; money thus brought into their coffers. There h ave also from time to time appear. adv ertisements for men and tennis , occ asionally a brief announcement of till pro rosa of the work , aroport of somnu [ " accident tip thiorc end so on. Once the till aimmali po x broke out at a feral hiouso not from thohino and then the Florence cut-air ftfka got a nenefiL Accidents lmap pen iii Limo best regulated faimmi. , and despite all obstacles this work boon lrosocIltod ) inch by inch , foot foot amid yard by yard , until at last blin d can sea how enormous the job it ; time cmiii of which is just now to be by the managers. tue w1I /t'r rum' v.oituxcp. uirr'orv I And i tmay ho well to explain right wh at time cut olfis , to do which in- telligont ly will require a brief reference of the p eat history of the line of which it to for m a part. When the road was , bu ilt , many ycare ago , Douglas be county was asked to vote $120,000 in work bumida to flil ( the company. lii order to long able to do this lawfully it was neces- which to have just SG macny miles of road of the v arious townships through which the vai. t o iiztes. Now by adhering as , nearly a s possible t. an cii' 11mm it would luipo ssiblo to et thu rcquisito length track on the given amount of soil anti it wan ready "No ZItAOK , NO iiONS , " IStim comn pany luaU to do a little macmuon- why t o get around the dulliculty. Ac- lmiumg cordingl y mifter reaching a point. on Mill sets , it few imilles svest of Florence , the Oinalumu & Nurtluwestorn railroad , as it. Mr. the u called , took a aerpoiutimie course through Union township , by which they is in ti me desired nuimiber of miles , and whic h thuy got their heath. . This do. tluuy formuus a compluto horse slice bond skill macd o the road just five atid a half ' thu Io mifer than there was ay mircessity 'Flio Om i this olovomi anti a ball nub , a lmi , t im grade is 116 to l2ti foot. to the yet cud it huts always boom. imuipassiblo trouble haul atrain _ of city size over banks this FUJI 'OAMEI.-1IAOE , " ms c alitni , aevomu cars being nbout as a big i ts nile engine could nuanagu. thu or there was a hiomuvy mit on time an euiiuo lied , and still lien , to be up to ttlliotuii : an a Iwiluer. lim flooded After tint money hati becim secured cuuui it is road lied p.utscd into the hands of it uvilt rail road coilujumumy , the ' 'Ctuuuel.hack' ' libootl an o. e-mmoro to thou. nut ! it was daidlitat . tucd t . . remove it. This could lie ' uvill ' by cutting through ( Ito hills actoss 'i'liey luau mior tluwiuteuIy direction . and jitter. iuuuumus. the hum at the 1)muiut ) whom the w an finished amid tim geituiulo cud te course rosuiuuod. Uim tim 10th Decem ber , 1880 , the now company TIuo sloNiul ) 'fliP. OONTitMmr i itc1uolI Vincent , of Oiuawn , lit. , to w ork , and after somno unavoidable t im first imbovolfiuhi of dirt was Time . t hrown out the 27th day of May , iumuunodi a dvantages to 1w gutitued by the shiomie , which iiiuaius enitimug oft tint hump beemi ben d , are very groat. lit time first of W. , i t. shortens the lute five tuition and cmiii , rouluoiiu the csrvo front eleven Ji mmIE to si mullen. It ; also eitIitnli ItEIIUCES TIlE flulAint nmoitg sixty .tivu foot to the umuile , or utearly over f , and it nuakun it possible to haul to be aver age traimi with other roads. It is Yosoimui by the ofilcoru. of thto conupamuy th oy will save 50i ) ver mutuntim in time lava inagmuium of fuel imbue by time completion of anti cu t-oft At this rate tue vorbc would thmour for itself in a few years. The cut-oil e xact figures , six miles and two lii length , tumid iii divided inhu two presoiml s ill about time uuuiddlo , tim muortli of uiumts w imiclu is easy grade work , being : nrt. by time couttrutetor to Franklin anuomig , and bug mtgcl comuiploted. ivlmicii echoed. A IIFYItYULT .1011. echoes souL ] . Jun11 is 4)110 of the uiiost tutu. of time pie ces of road eVUl liuiht , in this vost. Ilmimu cou ntry , its vih1 be soon ( remit tim fimet 1iotl wh ile time average amount of earth to hmuiimg ovoti per utile emi vcstcrmt rtnuils. is iiiemutit y ards , on this hue there were 570 , . , hiumiudre rds tube removed on time six ui ilca , time ly 100,000 yards juotmuuilo , anti of uiuaimuuuu 12 0,000 yards voro to ho moved uupomi tul le of the work. Upon the south mit e two great cuts , ommo of which iii oil the f eet lii longtii itumul P5 fitet doe1. . iii dittions ter ; thmo oIlier 1 , fl0 feet iii 1aug11. . ing the .4 foot deep in tim center. 'l'twro som't , a lso thu tumual nmiiouiut of tilliium' , rcqimisi ig , etc. , to be done. Time above I fiommi ton of thu amount of earth to bc Short , have beau greatly iutercasud by 1itut cmi ntinual Caviuig lim of the bauuks amid falls u s bound to comutinue for , enii Ic I the cat anti. until tlu road butt us vidL I about t to ho out of zeacim of tiuca to put . Time cut-oil an it stands to-day : uiuoro a wouttiorful oxainido of what tic work and intl ccii accottululialt All o t , it hooks inure like one of Pt. li UOUNTMN riuehr CANYONS use of ny hole dug iii viny that. Imna ovei I. theta s eoul before lit this part of tiui , ijtaratmt y , the cumoiuious Lciitlm and dcptl I ( Jol11s , cubs strLklflg the visitors , tt wel 1 thu a br - _ _ L. n.q Limi t breadth at the top , which is over ( me lm umuired . feet. From the switch lauding c ii. to time now route , which ma ho. cated o n the manIa trccknbouta mile from the ou tii iid of the bIg omit , the 1111 ma cowhid e mud tim bridges all in. The imnmnoil imo amount of surplus oai-tii ro' qimired to ho removed lies boomu timrosvn nut at various poimita hero as ivoll an on the no rth aide of the cut amid iii several liustatuc es broad Platfr1fls have been formed froimu cigimly to one hundred foot while , whIch vihI some duty be of great COmIVOfl ICiiCO to time cotnjutiy iii emmnimifuig them t o put imu switchmen for extra cars or I , otoc t clip .1 buildings. ruts near cur . in the one viuIch wmhl be first f'mnislued up , amid w hen Tumu Bun reporter visited it yesterd ay it hacked bitt little of being ready for limo laying of track uimd the running in of comustrimo. ( ion trains , Thu great troubht lucre , as well as iii tim cut north of this , li es becit tue water wiuheim flows froimi uuiuuuino rablu springs in the hills , nuuti lies 0 be c oiidutcd out through ditches on on e ither aide the rend bed , I it , ine im umuuantiuiue vvorking iii miuud up to t lair k nees. 'l'hioit again time coustmnit C tviuug in mf , hue big lulls wimicim rise ui ccc m sub , near y ureiidici1ar fromii th e road-bed , huts delayed the irouk , Lii't ' imee ti it couiataiti source of danger. Leav iiig this 1ohit , , the vhuitor cm-asud thu III ! tinougim a culvert , in which flow. . ' I'muca , , c roci : , mtlnmug WluUSO mneanileriumga it it is imoo mu lmrluoactl to rumi A I1RASCI ! ROAfl Ii dowuu to hooky l'oint , cmi the river , about four mmdlos away. .vhiero tiucro ii , a fine gr.tvt 1 batik ( r emit wimicit caum be sccurcd ballast , for Lim o track. Boyommd thin culvert is Norton cut , the first piece of work doiut mimi the 11mw , mud tiucut comes it biidgo which i vas origimmably 200 feet long amid is Very hi gh. 'l'lmu fill was extended out it fotv fee t to time miortii , amid the structure beliug a weak omuo , the timbers vere crushed by the pressure , so that the bridge i n mmciv a A TOLtL WiIECi , uud w ill have to be omutirchy reiumatter built. A short ulistance furthior on the br idge gang is tt work on nmtothe ' 5.0 liridge. which will be J8t foot long , the ill h ue south 011(1 ( behiug 29.4 feet doej. . of "chewi ng this track across another lwmg and a short bridge , time second cut is arrived at , wiiicim is shorter amid siiimllowei ' Luau tu e first , but is eqtimiiiy touim I. , \ handle. Hero the water has been simply lug. inrmul ( to got ainiug with , muid time dirt 1. . hiamudied witim umummnuro forks juusload ot Mrs. shovels. \Vork is progreesinglimiely lieu-c mutdthe haitI foot ofdirt. necessary to bring \v. to gra de will soon be out. The draw. back he ro lies been , as in the oIlier cut , cavi ng in of the banks , fromut which thai great uu masses of earth fail like an eve- wore Iaiiciuo , at frequent and unexpected occa- time siomis. Ahmuuost every mimi brimugs out umie iii thiuso aminoyances , cud one caving iii which t ook place Saturday brought down 1,000 ca r loittle of dirt , nil of wlumch miuust as rem oved iii addition to the regular uiimd t o be douto. A fill 2,760 fooL bride b riimgs time 11mw to a bridge Miss ( lividcs tlit , south cud Avery the cut-ofT fromuu the Force contract , and sotit it mud of tInt bridge being just Timoy 17,500 feet front the loimlt : ut which the of switch loaves the imiiit line above Florouuc e. Should hue weather not prove Mr. tumfevor able every inch of hue hue ivill be suit , fo r time ecuistruction traimis by the Hofer. of October cud there is uio reason sible uas seiiger Li-ni us should not be ruinceremon th rough it before tito wintorfairly at in. Imeld Tim work which was begun by l'arl . J. P. Vincoiit lies this season becut Hills. smipetiut tended by , Jolun C. i1urplmy , who omun o f time but .1 railroad uiiomi iii the Time comimmtry , and Juan Puisimemi timimiga for all Mrs we re worth , and to whose emiergynuid Louis immi ist be credited tim commipleUon ol fortnigh hjiuti itt this rmriya Poriodof the year. Oummalmum .omm . structimi. of time emit-off lies boon iii mt mnbirtekiimg , munmi it. will be years abroad befo re it is got jim shape 5i thumut ito a svill be encountered front caving cud , b ut its suited at the beginning of uror arti cle , time Florence cut-oil is now Mr. practica lly cii tue eve of comuiplotion , amid residenc tim ing it is for time coinpaiuy and for lToaglaim pub lic generally. ber It LHeHsilIg to itil l'mtanlclntl. tioti. the se timiuni whom. . our Nnusmaicrut ere iIr. i vi0u jiatont umietiicimmo atlvertiscmuiontn , uhmirly grat ifyIng U kmuow what to Imrcmmro that uiier corL utliuhy cure you. If you utie Bilious , layed mim t of mider , Liver Iuiautiro , urgencraiiy ut eti , there is miotiting In tlt world that cure you so quickly as 1lectrIc Bitters. Locke are a blessing to all mmiankiiid , nii.1 . cint be which for o imly fifty cents mu b9tt.Io of 0. F. ( loud. uiuommtlis . - - - totcd : - - - - - - - - S1LOSI1ONI IAlii.S. literary reputatl mumemmiben ( r anil CmumtracL to B.u . 1rutmio mi Mrs. l'i > puliti' 1IemitmL by an Omuimu- bk , liii Syndicate. Cowin Mis. i ) urchumo of it large tract of land anti I ) . ately surrounding the groat. Sue. Mr. Li the of Snake river , Idaho , lies Mrs. co iuipletod by a syumdicate consisting ' \r0 . A . Clark , of Butte City , Moiit..iuia , the 0. 11. Dewey and Juhmim Croiglmtoum , occumrrut omie of sta , of Omaha. Thuo falls arc occurred the futiest in thuo world , behig blo tw o liusuired feet high , mid are salt1 The uut ere grandly picturesque titan tlmo was umoatly to , amid aurroimiuled witim tue most cake coiut acmwry. Time Ialisedos of ted. for miuatuouu ruse lrucipitoiisiy a tiunus. 'l'iie fee t above time falls cmi uitlmer side , ever they OOuImtUIATED ( FACII house imig time mippearcuuco of colomunades tAdriem ouum'y. Tue mumost wonderful sights cites , lii bu soon iiu tIme iinumueduttto It decide tiuemmt mmii mmmuummomise imatumrmui vicinity cave in , Li drami thu sutimul of thu lmumutan voice is uumast. . four tiuuucs muitl time ruvorberatliug mitt of a cormiot solo lireducu tIm effect evenimig playimmg of a fumhi linus bmiiid. Ahmbott timig a'mil us ug iii time uieiglubor- etuiuiuutui ) is excellent iii ' 't1n , ugo nutti suuuttI : giunlu abumidimiut mumd the halt beimit' so ci in , " iil that they itm.o slmiiuglmterctl by ia , ) wit ds iii hue u-fluids with PLt by lulatincu hmu limums. l'lie syimdivmttu wilt huilti it othm imotel , lint Jf EXCUIUIION aru.tMnfts you rlvcm , ammd Prvit1o othoraccomumuuto. will nex for tomumists , with a view to tuck. ir itmitcimaso a Phucu of itoitular u-u- fo r wimicit itcortaimuly 11118308508 every te. 'l'huis jark is twemuty Live iumiles Ettouma Shmoslmoiuo station cmi the Oregon ituut Lutmu , and. a hue of stages will 1w muid u-nit from time station to the ' ' b y time symutlicato. Pu-aiim time top of 'I'Jmu ion's wall to tue bed of the river is Ploted f ive imundred feet so it is lir0P0sed ty.oiglmt iii flit elevator to mccli a j'olmmt and time Llioy ccii view the falls. Excited iliiusauil. jocted ver tIme land era guttug Into ecstasy over opcmted ng's Now 1)isuovery ( or Comuaumuij.tioiu. . souigors t ummioukuti for recovery by the Umuiely Pi0t this great life Haulug rummiody , cauiaes t o go nearly iuild iii Its iiratso. It is route t uoU to o4tIvu1y cure Severe Coughs , expecte Astlamma , JisyPsyor , Bromueldtislluarss. I Ais8 tif Voice , or iuiy eIlevUomi of Naviga unt and Luzns , WICtIQ Olin CARUBASKET. A Sa cn Tnrii in the \ca1hr \ Brings out \Vinler \ Cth1hn. ! A Ol noinnati Maiden Carried Aw ay to theWilds of Omaha , Annua l Tea ( liveti to the Loeko Climb i iy ? 'lr. and Mrs. Connell. "Thi n must be time equinoctial , " is the general salutation on time streets nowa days , a s crsonn pass cccii oIlier with their o vercoats oil anti their liamuds 1mm their p ockets. It is tue first cimill timat seems most severe ; the stormuus of wild whiter are not felt half so keenly as tiucse c iuiily , raimmy days. Ott Thursday afternu out a porteuutmomma bmmlhctimm was ox. lOscd a t the i'ostollice , and mit peolIo , as they remul that a cold wave was coin- ing , hu rried hmomno to pull out thick gnr- umucitis a imd start. time first tire iii time coal stove or time grate. 'limo t ailor shops amid the drommsmuinkers' siiois a re full of custoimmors now , dri'cn jim by ti me turn iii time weather. upIT dy w nmutc their whiter suits made up right a way , so tint cutter , and the fitter , umtl the sewer canuiot un tiueir work quick emmuglm . " 1 ant poitily' utearly frozcui , " ititl a poor little dear to the man whuo holds t he earti basket , "and i'umm tlrcssel Ut just the queerest way. Wluy , if you ) wily k muew-l'vo got on ovurybody's clothes nuost thud I could borrow , and still l'x uu uuut. warm. I'1it ' camm't fluid a I mlressmnm tkor to couuie , they're all so buny , & nid I d o iuutto so to nunko nnytimiumg my- self , ami d then Inc always says I hook like V , frigh t imu anytimimug that hasn't beomi 'Jr . macdc b y a regular sewing girl. Ohu , you . boys tir e to ho envied , Yin sure , iii the . , iumatter of clothes , at leant. " lii th e Cincinnati Conumorcial-Onzetto cn timid time following , headed "A % raliiut ' hills M eidemi Carried Away to time Wilds nil Oma ha : " "Au uncommomuly pretty cburch wed- ding w as celelurated last evening at 6 o'clock , at tiuc Church of time Advemut , whit I.Valmmut hills. 11ev. Peter Tinsloy olilciatdciii . T he contracting itarties were Miss Alice ih ctrds1oy Cay , only ( laugiuto : of . J aumues 1' . Cay , amid Mr Watson howard Wymuman , of Ommialma , son of Mr. Slanti . H. Wyuuauu , secretary of the iEtna ln8umrami ce comumpaluy , of this city. Time or ticcorati oiis"wore iii excellent taste , and ' uiorv ice most impressive. Thmo bride a e ltarmimiug owmm of witito satin , cour t train plammi , time petticoat veiled ; ani sit lace. 11cr omumauuuents were earjowc is , brooch amid bracelets of die- inomuds , t o wlmieii special immtercstattaciicd , unless tbmuy were time gift of tim gooomn , Mr. Wymiuaui senior. Time w as ntteiutiod by four maids H annah Bradford , Miss Olhic V S , Miss Berilma Lane , of Norwood , I'ulis s Emnumut Iloaglaimd , of Omumnima. I S wo re very simmulhuu but dainty toilets or. white silk mull , amid carried imnmnonso I ) bouquet s of rosebuds. Time ushers were : Har ry Kiimmioy , Mr. Chmapuuman Jul111. 1 Mr . Frank ( loodlume , Mr. Charles itarys . Mr. Harry Gay filled the respon. po sition of best umiuu. : After the ' 1 ceremon y a small but elegant recoptioum , .Ize , Itoillall which about sixty guests assisted , scuts I at Mrs. Gay's rcsidemmce , corner of 778.24 : a nd MeMillaut streets , Walnut . The list of immvjtes imucluded only V I relatives , iuitimuiate friends and neighbors. iiOtIIIO. gift s wereumot displayed. Mr. and , Wy man loft. last ovcmiing for St. \ a nd Demivor. They will spend a St. t en route to thioir future home , XTAN'i'i , whore Mr. Wyman is established S 1' ' , busi ness. Among the guests from or cjitiiini ccii wore Mrs. Hoagliund , of Omnaluut , 3iiO. i. sister of time groom , amid her daughters , , Mr. Wyummamm , United States Trees- ' S of Wnsiuiimgton , D. C. ' board. . . W . H. Wyman lies long made his 734.25 e vitii timo.fanmily of Mr. Oero 1 % d imi Ommiabia , in whoso large mmmi. 1 busim mess he hits an imuulortnmmt posi- I ] 1fliIceilCrs . nu id Mrs. W. .T Couiwell hmavo reg- Nut , . gi ven to tIme Locke club a niidsum. , tea larty , butt this acasout it ras do- V immi til last Timuraday uveuiiumg , when occur rctl at their residence. The S S cl ub begimma its regular ummcotiimgs , . 'uldress c ontimiuc duriuug time next six , iii about two weelus. it is tie'"FF : to time discussiomm of mmuiscellmtiuuous , subjects , amiti Juan a very high ' ' ' V i oim. 'I'hto guests at the tea , all hey , of the club , wore : Itir. and S. B. Locke , Mr. and Mrs Simker. S Mr. amid Mrs. 1urtz , Mr. anti Mrs. bureau , Mr. and Mrs. Barlow , Mr. and Sip mircs , Judge cud Mrs. Lake , Mr. , yArE Mrs . 1-I. ( L Blair , ru- . amid Mrs. H. i'iko Este brook , Mr. cud Mrs. Fred. Nyu , mmd Mr. . . . it. F. Oayh.rtl , Judge amid t\7AN1i Iv es , amid Mr. .J. B. Wilbur. 4ui h ave already spokemi at iemmgtlm of , V \7ANTl U. . v iuuiua.Ainbroso wetiduiug , which and Icelet. l last Monday ovouuimmg. It was 4pANrn ti me prettiest of the mmuany tlmmmthitvo I' iii this city intely and rommiarka- for the display of well citoseut gifts. iIItqul , lu nch spread 1mm tIm dimming room , serv ed during the wimolo evemuiumgand 7 120 wrapped packages of wedding ; Pre Pared in advance , wore distribtm- W T his last was a capital idea. 7212u1 r ain soemuma ti have no effect what.TANm oil thuo mnudiunees at the opera house at the iVug. are quite as osor. Last uvomuilug time filled to see Mile. lliueui 1mm , . uiuo ] 4ocouviotmr. " Time luomformmu. is s 1iokuit of elsewhere. Site tuatle \ \TNT d imnpiessiomm. /tt time Cimucimimumu- _ ! 52tf iati. matie fotival s'w wits one of time IITANTI iuuu portauut figures mud reetuiveti 1 'I or. flat tering utotices. Site npmears this .oft , IluxIlI 1mm ' 'citool for Scamuini " Euiumuuiu as weareht hot ai commicui uoxt iuoek , witlm a good is liii .tar.p y , Tluursdny ovemiiutg alto sings i : . . No rtima , " Friday evommiimg ' 'lloiuemmumnum tyitrcii S atumday cvemuimmg , ' 'Lu Soiminmimitbu- h ' ' 11 'l'zovatozo ' " at Lime Smutumilny . \\MNT'k of yo ur Ciotlmimug louao vihl nut toll - wh o Limrrrr , LuAK ' Co. mire , we -t 1 74 % fou t week. st8.imt&e'w iico omiko. yANj lTIsIS : ON ' .L'iIF it.tir. 1 0tP ( rmlIlIisJI : COhI lomu o1 time Omegoim Short Islito J rh i the Utah Ntmrtiitmut ltsumtls. this Itigs Oiitc. or ixbiI Ore'goim Short Line is ' .L4 take mien' comaiioUtoi t o Caltiwell , Idnlmo , a poimmt Liven- ilOtli iless.i by . umuibes distammt ( remit Boise City , dr.erTF uteareat point on time lute pu-s. to timiut city. A station will be riAmtmS there oh the 2hitim lust , for pan. _ 1 oluic iaIur anti freiglmt. TIme grade is comeat Twelfth Pallill thirty miles further ivont out t1ii o lieu-nt river canon , whore it is TAST d the 0. S. L , and Oregon ilivor larst. S S gage A tlomu conmpauiy's lute wilt foru a It withiu it few mouth. CaldwoU I : , A % t. is situa ted iii the nuidsLf a fine agricul. turd v ailoy , amiti promises to be nit jot norlant ponul. l'umo place is uiniummI iii hiomior ( if cx-Suuntor , Caidweil , of Kammsas , lmresido mut of the ldho jind Oregon laud ilnlwov cmmieitt comupamt3r , which owims time towum si te. tjtnim amid Northern hams now run thmroti"h m to Garrison , eleven mullen boyomud Deer I oclgo , where thu Utah aimtl North. era a.i d time Northern l'acit'mc form a jtmuuctio n , so that passengers can go to helena , liasmtuia ) cud nU points in ifuui. lauia by rail direct Tiuro ughm transfer trains between Omits- lie and Council IliulTs will be put out its 501)11 CLI tIuo track which is laid with steel rails , i s surfncct , Probably some tune mmcxl we ok. Time rate of fare will romumaimi the saumm o as to tlmo traumsier , twcnty.fivo cents. 'flue general superimutomidents of time tluuioui l'acific , who are nicetimig in this city , iv ihl make no change iii the time card wh ich will affect lie arrival or tie. varture of timrougimtrnimts. 1'EltSOA1j. ICE. J. Groovy nail In-Itie lucre returned from their wes tcrmm weibdumig tmiii and gene to lmonse. bieeiiumg mum Souitim Nimucteouithi street. 'dr. ' Geovy Is tIme stemuograplier lmt thoneral Pnsscmm. ger Mors e's , , iiico IT U 1AxI o.i4i pLL T OiP ) flOWILS , 1)ESO RDIR1D LFtIER , and MALARIA. From t hese sourcea arise ijticc.1oUrttmS of io ince nses of the huunn ' ' . Those jmTfl SjImLl1catOt1iOIr , ' .X2as of &ppctit e , itotsels cc' tithe , ( ti limicci outer ott1ni of hotly P OiI j ooil , i.pIt iti ; , A. . . , . I . _ oil .OIZflO ClU tV',3 : . I . . t't the itciuil i. , .a.o the c..i&iii3coI. rctI Vr L _ . COVST1P4TlOX , ititti douse - urnnd tim use ofa rmncdytiutt ntis direct ] the li ver. An aTdvermomitctiie 'fUTT' u'ILL.5 l mniro rue equaL Their acticu ott the itihtuys nmuttSkin1e also proniptremoving ; niiu u1tlos through timeso tmrCO ) " sca'v- cugera o t tito 5yiiem , " producing appo. tttonoumu il digestion , reguiurstoois , ii. cicar ektnmmd avtgorousbody TUTT't4 PiLr.S cause no nausea or gulping nor Inturfere daii i worlc nn.l . mo aperfect ANT OOT TO M/LARUtr eve w1ir,2lc. OIIIN'.44 M'Irry ' u3t.N.Y. TI ffiglivrAN1 GnAT HAiti Oft WuuisitEns changoti in- t o a Utosar Br.Acit by a slmigio lip. plicittlon of limis Itit. Soul by Druggists , 2O Sent b y oxpioss on receipt of S I. Offic u , 44 Murray 8trect , Netv York. 01 T'il'i I 1AiiI5i UFUSEFIJLRFflFPTS ! PREE. SPE CIAL NOTICES. t zSpecIa 1s will PositIvely not be nsertod F pa tti iii advance. ILELP WAtiTEU. 7ANFi L-UooIi ) and Danish stcay girt at F. - i'etcr , oi.s fl.ikeri , .i6 South lOtii stnvt , 774-541 7ANTI I-1'wogoot1 , ) to conk , ssa'h , iinl Iron , a iii , One to ml. , s.CI.II,1 , , orO. .tppiy . . 1 vi 20th ChIli 1'alitounla strects. ( loo.i vnges I.ihi ' ' COIIIpLte flt hei1 , . 7O.22' troi U TAZ'T1 D-A goisl girl at corner 2-it ) . atiii tIaioii street , tao Anti oiie.iait } tioki sutli of It. 4 aeI Iue. 772tt 7ANI n itood aelnan clerk. 3liust tic thor. 1' fl nit otighl t oinpetcnt , ioiit , 40 etr oil , of gocil lien t fair io ohiig , atiit of lIeaatit mnalllicm" . tieii a CflU hear of a got.tI sltuati.ii as cnsiiier , by t out ttdrcssiiic 4. Ii. City. - - OIL 1TAN"1F. i-Ten lndustriotms iiieii ran citri $ tO to . 4O. weak. Apply A. A. iruxet Ureen Trea on 704 2t \TArrn n-A viii for'iioucaork , no objucti.n ( to I woul an uti ) clithi , atSirs. FratikOtO southulth 765.22t oi I bet ' ' I'-AceIIts In ciory Couintvln the state of XelIr askIi , to canvass tor , tai.ilari . works , ox. , l1 IiIiCCIfleflts ghei * to Itsoagotita. Adtiross on II IC at the Creiglitori lictiso Omnaiit Nob. Ige. . Site rt state areuL 702.261 oiL ATASTn D-At tile Catificid house , to tablebo3rtl. stre ets era nia l can furrii.i. : mu bartierq aith rooms and quli t3 W. ii , McCOY , i'roirletur. 101 , sslii The TANTf D-At tOSS. 2fitlm St. ta a small private out f.iiii y , a girt tolo , , ecoitd soek. O)4.2L Ot1iii itnnIEmtW.tNTnD-A mulidia aed lady quli ro art uretcr retI , one child woniii be ilo objection , fr , adIres , i. . C. 13. I.ock box4P ) , David City I ] - - loco ttou. yANrm u-A goOd girl at the lIIIInet house. . OO. 22t F TANTu n-A gooitwoinan cool , USed to hotri errant I restau rant , t7 1er week to one collupetelIt. u cit ' ° l tei.taurant . leo milIi'e. tl.2i " 1' ' ( ji i-A xoniau to utasuu end ire , , at tiio nimiie t lioiuo. , 40322' 0th 7ANTI t-lIiimo4lateiy ) , ts sotn'.tresses , at Can. F on uichta therali factory. Steady cork. i107 liar. street , : utt ittur. 6ltt1 out TANTi , ' ) -Oooi girt. for good fnnlifcs. Best 1iown , egt s. Apply tiiineiimatei3 at eIflji)3IIiCIt ( ti' ' & tT N lath ht. No. otlic fee. out .1ev ) - : , altIl , to sell our nursery btc(1L tlfleiIiaiLIi faLlilties ; luI.rai ln,1uenent. , PoIiIit y Nireriei , , Lotiislna , Ste. 745.24 'out ' l-Twu gtrb. siio immierstanit gelers. cot. iiotise woic. Cki icages aiim be i'nld. ciIAs.FLECt ( , tai1o house. 4 I-An e'vriciced , gIrl to general house. ivork I , . siiiaum faziiliy , corner Park iViido aicouc bit . otrect , , .onthumaha. . . 77-2t FlUe B- ' ti-u1r11. . at the Sicion hotel 10th btreet. loll FOIW rANTn m-corIItemit girl to cook aiim ! wash. t aide . No. . ets. rs 2.2oloumglasstreet. 74022 - glils for dressmaking at mt orth 15th street. 743 22 ] i--A miiiu cook at the Iiirurice cLmt-otT cud Ilumu lru of J. C. ) Itir1iiiy. at the toras. ; IOR aittt FIS-hitY ialiomcr at iioreneo Cut.oST. . .i f2.OO icr day. Inquire of J. I ) . Muriiiy , 11 lout 723.2i' Dodge ANTh u-A ) gIrl , N. IV , cor. 111th antI I.ugl.ui lout .trec t. 75 .2i S 7 co-ti ELI5lx gtod coat niakcrm. ilest of irlcS , . FiLtZ4i J. it.tiUE , 14 LOILA _ . _ . _ _ _ oil . - - - - 57.20 ' . : u-1.aey agents for the " ( fueru i'rstect- A iiow mmmtlur , garment for hitlics , 1115110 of IOILIM lu rulilor. Simru IroteCtiol , to tile tmnder. but n neeusary tobo iOni. itetalis toe .ts ) 1L uiits cal. . atow IL I.argo Promit& Address ; i'crooi . "Indies' UtilIllergarloult uunufacturung i. 54 sm e4 Msv.treet. (1ieiu-O ( , , I.i. 705SIn 758-If m.-uuem at zu : uou $ lieriiuuiaienhmo. qui s 2s4 tt 5Uts.J. SI , tXUtiiMAN. ti , IIITUATIONcVANTED. . In oi-t l.titl , EliltutmaflrsuclassfeiIrniock , 100,1 ' a irtsatc lamally. caul at 11105 Cass , itreet , C i tr.Ie . lit oriiuoi clutriii. TDO.21l tiIl iot as. NT 1u-uiv : tu gIrls , ( sbtcrs ! ) sitILItlOIlli lii (1110 ' 89-28 lly as mirt 151111 51(01111 girl. Addrc.i N. Ii. . 700.Sm t 14 ou Ii-uo.luloliby a otmng 111am , . four 'ear. ' Ire es U , oiiu llCflrs hi 1101k did ilatiroad oflk'u. Ooxt , , ek. ! Iidls.l. : : t.i9Iji ! , cmty..Ji..L : ! _ } anon. lilOtUlit boouiteepcr itouid be glint of a set bU Ol5 to I.vci or nO ) ' cleiltal tICk tO dti ci cm. . . 'oil ai iy tinie nfttr 4JO i'l. ' Address J. ii. C. tloui. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ veisul lea . el on : irc1Juu ( 1F.N In city or couiiiTi ' .LmIcy. * 1100 , light and pleasant work t theIr own to $5 day eastlj and mmtmictly made ; work 4 toil $ m oalil no CaIIvasstlqf no stalnis mor i-eply. , Also tes Belmablo Man t. Co. ihUiela. us. , ird _ at . . 478.1.iioi IF emI mt I tiio t-it p0 stotilec NTImts ; u'apuiulomi. limo firit ldit-tt ari.enters . to do Inside. bard wood uInlshIiiu- . day from C to 8 it iii. , , outIm vaat-oracr OS ' ( lit HA sl id F.m-earn Street. . Onlalu , , or address mu bri one . of uli. A. iV. Ci.AIih. Mka. i Idreas 775.25 Et-Apatnu - ; - - ; ; : -'OIL I ilA Iii the fell ) aad jnum an I m.rcsertng bti,1. AphtI ) ddress F , P. Otaoom , , 1'e.tu ' bu , 754.211 Csts-tf , 'OhIlQ B oarders caumbesocoinmnodatod at lf31bsge ! I Eat-h U8-t' cli ke. - - - - - - , p -n---- . _ _ _ - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - - ' i&tr , 1\9 9 , for Infants and Children. Castorin prom otes 1) igestlon mnt gives our Children miycbooks , nnd overcommieg FIitttmLvuiy , , What cmmres their ftvora , niau-es them sleep Uomistipa tion , Sour Stoniaciu , Diarrluva , anti 'II' Castorma. Fev crishmneug. It insures health and babies fret antI cry by tunis , mat their , kills , cures oomle tlialr worms na tural sleep , without imuorpitlilo. hUt C15510TL5. What quickly cures Conatlpatlon , - . Stonuol , . , , .4 - hour COil. * Indigestion Ctt-lit I Is so well rimhipte'dtoChildren that jlmmt Catorts. . rec ommncoxi it as ' ' , kno wn to mc. " sti'w'mjor sit. A. Ascmisn to any 1n'1Itlomu , I. P. , FflCOWCII then to Morpimino BrrUps , 8Portland Ave. , flrixiklyn , . Y. Castor Oil and ParegorIc , COil hail Cnstorlai 1TAUR LINIMNT-ait itbitoiiitc cure for Rhouma- tist u , Sin-almis , ihirmis , Gmtlls , .c. The most Powcrful 811(1 10fl0 . tra tliig l'atlu-rellevlng luuI ilcumhluig Rcmuietly lciio % to iuinu. c-- _ _ _ 1 I T HE BESTTHREA iron SEWG MAOHINS SI XmCORB SPOOL COTTON 4 u-I' IS ENTII1BI4Y The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXIEItTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOIL hAND AND MAChINE SEWING. Full s asortunont constantly emi Hand anti for sale by HENRY FUHRMAN. Premont. Nub. TANTE D-Aii ucrsons that use the isoed , to c-s Oil Sa ' nluel iuaswltz ( Tue apeculator In slnoie ) 1 and } arIam. 733.5 AN1 E1)-To buy , a ornali printing .utfit I aomc lliotown ineastern Nebrwdca. Van tiOWmI , balatiec in ? symnenta. Addreas IIENIIY i'mritn , t7-2t Corley , Shelby Co. , Iowa. TANTF D-3OOO bushela of freak plclsed , rlme to mate co. at ilarri , & Fisher' . . 327tf ' Fo lt RI3NT--Uousos anti Lots. on ItE NT-lIomse. Inquire N. R. cor. 17th and Leavei . worth street. JOII L. IIli.L. O.22l OR fIIE NT-Storo buildIng 13th straet , hetweemi Jonca a nd Leaven worth. 7iI-20 011 uic Nr-Ncauly furniahed cottage of oceco rooms wIth mnodermi inproseinent. . No. 2418 cIiIort street.Il in excellent condition. ic-ti C } nhiuscoI.L. 'It itE Ni-iso miiciy furnIshed rootis , , ver oleasan tly located , 2117 itebster street. ollebloc street cur. ss ole uu : N-c-.t . - .icasaiutrooos _ 1712 CaliforuI 3t. , 72S-2i 1 lIi NT-A 110W houe , well , cistern nitti cellar. i1aui1t on near Irene street , near red car hue. 816. Inquire ( In iC51nisS. ) 719-251 BE NT-Nicely furnished i-eon , , , 19th trcet , bet. tie dga 0,1,1 , ( ispltoi a eons , erot sIde. 7'20.2V IIE NT-ltotie ( .1 emgmt room-i , near oil titihi. . 720-ti L'AULSS.N&-CO. , XtOO i'amnan. itF. NT-Two new cottaem 5 rooms , lull lot , cistern , 112. each. B. L. T114)MA4. ) 009-92 lL Iii- ST-Itoiiso wIth 8 room-s 2 storIes aHli brIck baeinent pleasant suirroiindIng , No. 20 iark as cetic. Inquire L. .3. Loinhligon PoillIotan seen l' ark suit : atmierliie atrect. 858.24' OuLmLEN T-Nlcoiy furnlshe.i roomslortliu slntcr. InquIr e at east .ldo 18th St. lictwecn DILilaq & . - - _ _ _ 70tf - hu NT-tue COiflmHOdiOUS 12 room house with stable , etc. , eu N. % V. corner 20th and Otirnilig , 110 W QOCLIIIICO by Charles P. .tianderson. hit- 1iIIi ) iretnisem until t ) ctoher 1st , a icui _ ho glveui. Auction sale of iiuuso hold goods Iraday , Sept. 27th. 672tf IIE NT-Four rooms , pleai.antiy situated , near street c nrscuiurch , &c. Tennis 19 per iitontti In. of P. SV. ltoc , lUng street , between Charic , and ! . 870.22 AND ) BELY and ncatly i-'urniued Itooso. iii stilt or single , hot and cold baths. Doolrahie . 1720 Capttoi Avenue. 813-21 ti1I1IB N1-Threo now stcrescor. tutu and .i7i streets Enquire ti ! MN. ' 1' . lcuiicty , , S. E. cor. nitil . laCklIOII , ti85tf IsI NT-A mimceuy furIilbiletI room i318 , ) aekon streeL 542.211 mti : N'r-sniaum Cottnue , 82 $ t4. 231 , mietrtcav. CiIVLt , li , lii 1or it.onth. T. J. Fitz&norrii ; 6i ! stre et. hti NT-Too floors anti basement. Elevator to OILOCII CII. 1207 I'arnanm treet. 270.1mio , BE NT-A new brick .ttru 88 feet tice1 , on ' 1 street , betcei. 15th antI ifth streets. at ittidtiiian dry goods atoro. ita NT-iVeli ltnmiished at 1018 'it oh. st reet. _ BtltE NT-1'urii isheti room. Inquire at umospos music aiiii art , torI ) , 1)ohgo street. 390-ti lti T-liricli tOrC. inquire at drug store , . 1 0th antI Douglas steed. 8iO tf it1ti t-'rwo itoort , and bascunent. Elevator attacii tu.l. itO ? F'itriiam street. 270-ti hi ItE NT-Furmtlshed and unlurntohed rooms. io ctttlon. I'ECK , Opp. I. 0. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ltI NT-ittshi1eaeea , anti atoro buildings. lIED. & EQUER , Itesi Estate Agency. Ollico 1 4th atrect , between Fisrmiam and Itougias 7924 Fog SALU. , . . L D odge. 781-22 SA E,1-Tbirty quarter acre lot , . .1. Evans 14 l ) odgo. 785-22 SA Li-Citoico half acre lots. J. Evai , 14 & E . 750-22 SA i.n-SpIentlulI cook stoic , nearly flex , 220 ALIS iltii street , second toor , ney ct. . IJAILTINu anyo certai $ h.u-Tw , story tietmO , 7 rootila , wtst front , rsvis Ie ri evuuuclty utater , etc. Creami. t3,8041. I tIlIttVlt& , E-Shx rite ) ) , house on 18th St. 2.00. ? r ts..uiu Itotno hILlY , 101) feet ruUm i'tirk ase. n 1101150 2ltii St. south ofcrclglttoui Cohlce , iis : , 15(6I'arilan. ? t i.1-'ilOiiCaUtltUI acre lots u.carcotieuiy . ha crctl Heart. lltrgalsm f2,300. a cres hnllrIIvcd. near thuaha , to trade for 'li utltcr t-lainm lii Wheeler coumity to trade fr rtY _ , corner , 3 liouset , rents for 150 , iIiii and ch uaI 5I , ( ii. SIiIti'ER &luiI.L iF.-ile.lrablo house at a bargain. house roce n. , corner lot 63xi40 , c-everett wIth shd 11cc-he 101111 atreet cars. 5iit bu solti tILls l.o mmu.uiiry & 3artiii ! , S. Vs i-or. 'tt" anti .ai mI - SA LI.-ltaru 6 shells , itlt water. Ocd km. SItilt be od before October 1st , Long ground. iticiutre 1st Ainea heal Estate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ALI-Onu good road horse situ hrnuas. g oed iot tsrt vhc511. Inquire ci 51. 1 , ' C ooper's , 11th street , 73811 I.l1-Tbrts of thi best resldeiiee alto. lii - , 2 wIth itouses , 2 tim 7 itstnutes stalk 01 , Opposite 1ustoultoa , LE-Restaurant aiti stovk of gocerius lii tms k-at county seat toxit. ti. tastert , No. A umuitber , cue chance fee a ama of . i' . J.T. " Lice oltice. 555-271 energy. l.E-Ti.w vrtblu i.mmer , . 1010-se i'ower. &t IIA ui-r2m ATnuc , TlI 418 South 55th Street. stren , I.E-Tao Lotdeslrablsiocatimi and cheap. will Lb. v , v275 , uu good - term. . lutpthru at lids &tiI(9 Lag 1 I CE FOIl SALE-too tons or less , B. B Beemer , 8t h and Howard. u-Oe.22 F Oi l SALII-l'naeton , cnap br cash. Party wanta to icaotowii. ' 4-48 rId street. bet. Itnriiey and St. M ary's avenue. lee asALn-coa-very desirable cottage , S rooms , lo t 5'XIOd ' feet , south Zront , easy teruis. ear. gain. $2tIO. ? 'O -Cottago five , room , barn , half acre ground , south front , Hurt .treet , 12,1w. 317 -Four choice lots , Ilanac-om Place , cccli $700. 203 -Pjleuidltt residence , 9 rooms , east front , 29th street . flarnhxi. 2i8 -Cottago 7 roomns , barn , large lot , iienr coo- line. Easy term. . 337 -1Mt , Shlnn' , addition , south. front , 3l5. 328 ' -Corner lot , Shimis adthitlomi , $720. Lots lii Boyd' s addItion , each , $100. 002. 21 SillflVlBt it I I SsLE-A 1toue arid lot ata incrofice. J. I. M atide , 217 N. 10th St. 02341 o n LE..tE-Four choice tat. I on 20th St. , long ti nte , 217 N , 15th ' 5. J. L Slarbie. 625-tI T10i iXLE-26i4 Farnani street 77 feet frontage , 1' 1 25 depth , flvo roomed lIOUSOcI.000. 0tI.inot al t SALE-Cood business diane-es I at 217 N. 18th str eet. J. I. . MAi1ILE. 530- tI . - ' F 5tAlI-At alia-gal : , , a smaii tlosfrr , llahniaumo ai til Cos fire iroo ! saf . Inquire at this olrtce. X F Oi L SALE-A clean stock hiartiware. Bargain. I- : a.sI ternts. . 'tddres 31. .1. iyurk , Stilford , Nob. Oh- hid I ci t BALE-Fine . farm close to the city. i ueic , Opposite P. 0. t C A TIL11 FOR SALE- - 3 00 yeasiing helfers. 20 t ) two 3car old hclfcra. 40 0 iiixed ccl' . es , October deiimery. 20 0 head yearling steers , October delIvery. - 70 3 licail smOoth too and three lear old steers. Lo s-a stohc. STILtNOE 11)10'S ) S , , - . Cattle Contractors , hIde , Wool and Tstiow dealora , Siou x Citylowa. 303-Im -oi t SALE-A heat cia , , second hand . 1 top buggy. C all at 1319 Ilareiey street. 3g7f T0I t SALE-itoslitonco amid busIness J . all parts 01 Omaha , and Farm Lands iii property all parts in of the State. BEDFOItL ) S0UEI1 793- tI 213 8. llthSt. bet. Farnam and Dougias' , . T7iOI L SALE O EXCIIANOF.-FuII lot and ' three i : d wehiliigs corner of 11th and l'aclllc str-eta. NIna l ots in south Omaha. Also 100 acres of land ztoar S antori , Nebraska , and building cml st.t of : clothi No. ng 304 Tenth street. Will exchange for Nebra ska fartit lands. Further particulars If. ' ' at Ceo. i'c teroa's Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street. F Oi L SALE-Ole rewapapers mu large and small i patttlttes it this duct , . ti I1SCELLANEOUa. - - "TO hL5 FO SAI'.h-CtJinl4tllIg of 1- rtiits ttiid l'aiiey Notions. Aio cotifectioiiery Cxcii for Ihe- , tairo itt. Goitti cellar anti cehl. Buiitihig 20e82 , stIles. Doing a good hiusiren. ( LOse ot sale , waat one get of iliflCS. Aiidnss 7U8 ( t. i. cOItIW , Oakland , NeIL. 'sr ( t1i 1..tutulimiis : wrip-u : , . levee , fifty ) jti , 1,111cM below Vlcl.liurg , MIss Tue workS. COutlili CIlVOtlLIittl kIt all sprIng. iVsguq 12.00. 8 . i. J. hcei.n - etly , centi-actor. . , for liitorniatioi to Lgcnt 74 . 2t II. IlANtVmJt.Ett , Citialits. Lay : _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ JO USl-A to look fcoxitahIiiIg - & seine paers ] railroad ticket. Owiurrean lame Same at this tillit- i , 737. 22 pro Jug ProueLtY aol Ilayltig charges. ori utyEis OIL ST0LEN-'rwo bay iliUhe , o w. iv. " liranded light sitoui,1u. , 11000 reward trect ha il . if returned to C. . 1. iS'illiuns , , lij8 N. 10th viii . 725.22f FE MRS. MlSllt , 1.411050 miialden name . I. . E vans s Ill call was , colt at liii , oiflc , be will hear , of oiict ttiitg of great lHterest to tier. 728.211 pl ) t Surseys , maps or Idalu , of real estate In ou t of tue Cil5 apply to or 7. tf Agency , Opposite i. 0. F1 AVII OLLOKItS-For baggage r lager , to aiiy of tue , ospreys or cor city , at 213 5. 13th St. Telcp hone No. 1492 . , A. F , KELLNEIL 22t .liid _ . , .v.- C DWARD KUEHL 5l0l STEht OF i'ALMYSTIBIY , AND T , 498 Tenth CONDITION. street , between Faman , . , will , ivitit the aid of guardian spirits anti If Sr. , obtab In noaglaacooftb 'past and ' t'r'iet , aol n cndltIona Iv tb. future. Pam , , iaid . Sen. tnvd r. P..s . i1rsr'toe.I OYA I' : AK1$6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. ' nemer maclee , A zttenel gth suu.l v htlesoineittts ; . Store economical of PolIty. olhitary kInds , and cannot i.u.old lncoiaIistilIeis taa t iso uiiitltud ( of low t.t , .itoil weIght. ahiost , itlLia osder. SOIl oily hi cali. . Itoel Bak- as4sj Cv. , Ws.Ll St.rctl Naw vtt. , -