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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
' I - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - ' - - . - - - I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - . - - - - - - - . - r- . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - : - - - - - , - - . i- - THE DAILY i3EEOMATTA , SAT R1)AY , SEPTENBER 22 1SS. . 4 - - - ' ' a , ( ' * : ' . . , . . \ , : " ' 4' ' r . l r KiRK Wool This is a new Ut(1 beauiftfl nthlitioii to the city of Oiii1ia , sLuatcI ( in the itortli p w oi the ciL' , froitLiiig on Sherman as'eitiie a'd is Uit most desirable location , for rcsideiices , that has becit placed oii 1ie niar kot for yerrs. BEDFORD & SOUE [ . . . Kirkwood1 . This properLy is divided into regular size ciLy lots und acre lots whieh will be sold at rcasoiithle prices aud on easy terms. BEbFORD & SOUDR. KIRKWOODO Fronting 700 feet on Slierniuii Avenue. This property cannot fair to be desirable and wiJi 1n r81)iUy takeit up aiid iiiiproved. No lulls to climb , ItO ravines to ere , iii getting to KIIUCWOOD ndthtion. Re nieniber vlieii you buy a lot iii this oultlitioii. you will no luive to pay flu nnioimt equal to lirst price to grade your lot before btiilding. . . . Kirkwood. . Street cars vi1l ba run to this additioii at an early day. These lots ou1iIe iii value in 12 months. Call at our offic' ' aiul see plat and . make se1ection early. BEDFORD & SOUillt. KIRK WOOD. Elegant Building Sites and at half the price of any other lots in the city of equal distance and location , on thebest street in the city. BEDFORD & SOUER , 14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas. . Improved ] roperty. 0 . . C 3bOO-12 room house , cor. 13th and Cal100riita ' ' btreeta , 6 closete , cellar , city water , oUttIousc4 , . ob , . 7 2,7OO-O room botio on N. 13U street , doscti , \ cellay1 cistern , wefl1 etc. Bcoau & Sousmt. 12 2,5OO-Cood six room house on flaveilport , bet. 23I anti 4tIi , two .tory , C osct4 , pantry , ceflr cIstern , well , 1rut and shrubbery , tabIo and outIloUse8. 15 $3 100-Full .Izo lot on 3teCantllIh place , ltli two frazro cottages , one 6 room , on3 3 room. For ea1 or exchango. 16 $2,100-Good two an4 a half acre lot lth five roomouUage , brIck cellar , well , frulttrteH , etc. 17 0cc of the b.t thrco ory brick business houses on } 'arnanl street. Terms Irl'.ate. 18 3,2OO-New7 room ) iouo on N. I8Lh etrect. AU modern imrovezncnt. Good loctlan. Cbcap. 10 5SOO-New two story liouo. ( 'ioetI Ann style. All modc&i * hnproeLIIeIt , city water , lot luox 100. 2 Two full lois St. iary' ; avcnuo and 20th wIth 3 houses. IYIII be ftrbt.cla3d buslncs8 ProPertY. Term. ea8. 24 p4,750-Lot e96. will , two hones. Cheap. 30 $2fl0-Twohouses In Nehon's adilltlon , on Ccn Ler troct. ( .JuthowseH , cIstern , fruit trees , etc. 32 fluliic house anti lot oii floulas street , bet. l4tfl anti 15th. leriiis easy. at New 8 room liouqeonchlcago. bet. 2 Rh and 25th. AU lin1rowcntcnt , - 35 Two new houee , ( me six anti orlier 8 rooms. Flrst-clas and modern liupo enient. Terin lav. : 36 2,700-Lot 100x132 , Collcyo Street , 1hdlck sub4ls talon1 new 5 room hU.O.Vcll linprove0. $8 $2,500-Tot SOxlf0 , C.ivent btrcct , 01 roolil cut tage , laro basciacut 8OtatJlu for rooIn. barn etc. 39 2,30d- on1 liouco , Thornells aidItior , barn , vcll , clt. .11 , rOUt lnprooucut , 500 cash , el&MJ On lonc tOnic. lt00-7 rouifl house oii 1)ac3niIrt , hot. Ifith alit ! 17th. 45 Lot 175x500 on Sherman , large house , l.arn an I other uupruv nients. i.o , s Ithout lznpru O inenta l worth thu money we ask for it. 47 Two new lioudeil aiiil two full size lots on lark avenue. hot cml colt ! watur , a nd all modern lint class lmnproiiiiiciits. Itouae womil I cost what we ask for sholc. E'.tra eel 1argalri. 43 $2,60t-I ) ot 82x150 cor. 17th iiil Center , lmoue , ' 4 roonls , barn , water , trees , outbuildings. , _ ' --t C , 49 $2,000-VIse room house , 18t.m bet. CalifornIa & % Vebster. NIce property. l'crmi easy. &o p1.500-Lot 0 , block B. bhlnn's 3d addition. Onc and a half story liolisu.p1' . rms easy. b2 3,0O0-Uooil 7 room house oriSimormuan. Modern lmniro % emerits , stable , well , cistern. A bargaIn. b3 t8i0-Full lt , one 8 room and one 5 room house , new , 5 blocks from the opera li..o. Very cheap. 62 $1 uSplendld lot on Dolre , near 11th. Cheap C3 $ ,000-Larce lmouso iil small cottage. Ecel lent locatIon , full Iw lot , has cnjort , near 10111. $4,6XI-t.ot ( 00x200 geol OS room Ii usc , molermi mprovvmuiit. near liunesi , on fihrmuaii aye. d 7,0ti0-Two tulllots , wti ) two go 1' 'Ise , 25th and Chicago ( Will sell separately for cash. ) 02 lW0-Two lots1 126xl40 , % sIth Iiuu.o tabl etc. Barker' . sub. Ivlslon. 93 $1,6ii-Lotamul ahahfgoud house , ltes1Ick' sub. dhl.Ion , ( corner , ) 05 Lot with 7 room liouw , ChIcago , hut. 13th arid 14th. 01 1,500-Lot arid 5 room house. l1orbacJi' addI' ton ! , scll , cistern , etc. Elerthiln In good ro iir. :112 15-1ot and 4room house , hard , ber. 10th and 11th. Unimproved Property FOR SALE BYBEflFOI1DZ&S0UE11. o. 81,000-Lot OOxiQ7 , IndIana and Division. 8 $700 each-Two lots60xt3 each , on 11th. Cues. , . , and 2 lots Otlxl32 each on 10th. 11 60 cach-7 lobi Iii Yates & Reed's additIon , 23 7,200-12 huh sIze lots , 11ancom l'lacc , one block vest of [ 'ark avenue. 8sb0 each-Two hots on 1'.srk avenue. BargaIns. lOusiness lots on Dodge , Fctseeii 11th and 12th. 31 400-Lot In 'hmlnri's addItion. on Snard streer. 33 3,000-Fult hit , Itesxl'slst esiditlori , on 25th arid Chicago. 413 5,0O0-SOx good lots In Ilanscomn i'laco. liar galims. 54 3Q00Lot 50x120 , on Farnrsm , near,2Qth. Vcr chop. r.6 $225-Oood lot In Lowe's additIon. Cash. 50 Four sores InWest sunaha. 60 $550-Lot In Isaa s & Selden's addition. tu Two lots 14th arid Loavciiworth , ( buoincs lots ) 67 $325-Lot 1t , Allen's subdtviiion Sixilo. A bar. gain. as l75-hOt 4 , block I , Lowe'1st addition. Cooil location. 01 I,600-F1ns lot , Iteddick's addition , l'ark aye. 84 $400-52 feet of block 51 , Sh1nn's auditIon. Fine view. t0 $2oo-1At440Oun 10th. BusIness ptOPrtY worth twIce thi iirlc asked. 01 3t.O0-Fuh1 sire grisied lot on Chicago , ; bct. 13th arid 14th. Os S0O-Oood lot , high locathoim , south 10th. 100 6iXi0-33xl32 on 10th , bet. Ilarrisy and how. ajil. 103 VI0 each-Two extra good lot In 1tans.oui. addItIon. Cuodhhch location. Bargains in Farms & Lands No. 10 27 icr acrc.-1t10 acre Iniprovod fanu , imear Crc , . toil , Iowa , 10 acres wooslianiil , 45 acrud corn , 25 acrew 'l'I..othy . anil Clour. 13 4UOl-40 acrul 3.4 of a mullo west of FL Omaha two hioii'es , two hsarni , graIsar' , corn cr11 , , tsso ehisSO0 hearleg fruit 1ies , 300 grape vines % 'ihi aol or exehiatigo. 14 V,000-200 acru , half immilo N. W. Ilkhiorm , h4 aemesimi cultIvatIon , hialusco Ia4uro. Four room house , slahile , etc. 'J'crmis easy. 51 'J6-l0O ( ) acres good land , 4 1.2 miles from liur. llngton , CoUe county , lamnsas. Vlhi exchange fop Onuihia hrovert. 55 $ : l5,000 cash-Iflsu of this bct stockeil ranches In this State , 1400 acres of deeded hand. Call for PartICulars. 61 $ ,400-240 acre , adjoining city of WIlber , SalIne county , All under fciioo arid e1h Innjirov.d. This PrPrty loclwap at h0O00. 00 O > cr acre-400 acres , 3 miiiIe train Waterloo , 1)oughas ceniety. i'art Iii cultIvation balance nmcadow , all good land. VUl sell or Wili arringu sItii cattle luau for co.imartisershsII , or will ccii. tract to fed 300 or 400 heath of cattle. 70 to 82-10 000 acres In Merrlck county. Good ill. aisle iaiil , anti will lie sold froni O to 'J PC acre. lB 7 icr acre-Will buy 160 acres Iii Cedar Co. 0 $15. 2 mUos from Itaiubur 01 15. IerreIii1lirov0d near Logan lows , 10 $ Several hundred sere , In CoinIng ( Jo. Neb. 105 SIx thousand acre , In Stanton Cu. Nob. 107 $ l0' acre-2200 acres tinuboreil land In Ray Co.llo thrvusinalhfartns onitnl laud , baianoei Koosl cottonwood tImber , shmIchi wIll more thsn PaY far Investment. For sale or oxehiange thuaha IrOPrt ) ' , .tiJCalI arid uxaniihims other vroiwrtr not Istuil. BEDFORD & SOUER , 213 ii. 14th , bet. } 'arnam snd Douglas . J * : . 4' I > $ y . ' I ' _ , jtUllCUtOUS 1lF4S' . 'tIlF. 1N'1tItT.1NED AIIOUT l'tlhOATIVIS. { T 18 hANL1I ( ills ' ' ( ) SCOUlui1 Tlhh STOMACh , I1A$1' Thh1 lIi\lt.5 , 'Fsj I'lRThtATI : T11l NEll % ' ( iU fiVSfEmiVlTlI I't'ItIOi S UV.t'tJA 'I"i. NA'runh : hAS ( ll'EN ASAMI'l.E INTIIE r.lli4 slh.1ZhIt : Shill NO , I I I. ' 'I I AT I I I i : Ii I ths II5 S'l'h r.i 1:1) : OIl l1'l'Il1hO : S'SThl Nlh:1n4 : : P0)11 us l11s1'OIIATI N. , % Nl ) 1' ; 'rarrant'n Effer- ercont Seltzer Aporlont iClhN4 U HAS IM h'hiOSlD ON NA'l't'It1 IIV ( 'OMIII NINO ALI Till : 'A ITAIIIE 1(1h1EhiIEN'T. ( ii' ' 1111 : DI1MAN : l'OtI.'FAlN IN A POht1'AhiI. l'OitI. TIIhs(1h1EE. ( % Nh ) l'OTKNr mAl.hll A1.11I1ATIVI : : ( 'IIANOIM TIh CONDI1'loN 01' TIll : 111.5)01) AI ) l'IYIIIFIES .1d. TIIIvl.'lns : OFTIIE IIOLJY. SO1.D iii' Al.1 ! lillL'UOlsI'3. ' .I'iiii ittiti l1ove , Time tiles. 'l'ho swift houishurry by , And 91ce(1 tI. Oft tountykil ya's ; Nn' oassitis rijien , mends , tile- Aiut ) 'Ot Lovu stays- Thio nit ! , ( mlii L1ti o , ilko sweet at first , .At Iat like lstter lno ; I kimow imot if It blest rir urst , ' .uhiy II fo nuil inline. 'l'iimo ! ( lies , In vnlii our pr't'rs , our tears ; \VI ) ensnti.t tellilit lihiii is ) Iovm'n to tli Inc hoists th yesirit- 4iit1 vet 1.iise t..sys , 'I'hrongli ehiaimghiig tnk amid vnryliig dri'ammi \Vo hear tim iaiiti refi nshii , 4i5 OliC can 110151 0. iihiitiitlvo themnu iltimi through e.ach st.rsdii. Time flkmi. Ho stea's ' muir pnhtmng youth ; I In rsmb us of our carorco days ; lb takL'i ; flWii slur trust , utir' truth- Aiitl yet Love stays. U 'ritimni 'l'ziko l.ovn'Iinn l1ovo Is vain , \\'Iicni nil its beet joys din , \Vhieii osimly Ita ; re8rnts iumiiain , Let Love , too , fly ! -1hhnu V'Iiee1ci' in "I'ociuua of l'asslon. " - ' Extreiiuo TIreti Pecllng. A lady toils tus ' 'tine first liottle has dollo Ill ) ' daughter t great tha1 of good , her food does not distress her linus' , 1101' ( toes sine suituiir from that. extreme tireti feeling which she uliti before tukiiig 1100(1'S Sarsaparillll. " A second bottle ell'ceted a cure. No other 1)repntrnttitll ) COlIiatihlS 811011 13. conceiitratioiii tif vitaliaing , enriclung , irifyi11g anti ili'igor.ttiuig propcr1 m 1Jood'noSarsuparilli % . , IMI'lflL'IES. There nrc thco negro preachers In the Iloim. dersoni , iCy. , county jail , iino charged with adultery , one vhtAi burglary , iunnc emma with grand larceny. The \Vomnan's Christian 'J'ornperaiico Linioii Of EUSt S'LgiflitW figures out that there arc iii that 1)111CC ) over twelve thiousantl ) colslo who hover hour the gospel ioroachicd. ' ] hioy shiotihol hmuss tim hat lot iiuore miohmodoonary contributions at Burmnnil l'uoulrali itt once. 'l'lso oliy : of thio big accident at Ittmnter's l'oi ut one Nosy \ork pimlil ishiing hnoso an. nouncod a mow' book , calIco ! " 1j y Shinihi I Un to God ? " while another advertised a moat hittho volottime entitleol "Tako the Long Ishaiid Hail. road. " This is a great year for coincidones. Iii irnuino , the religious calling hi about evenly divided between two classes of religion. ists-thoi Uiiiyersal'osts , vhuo ) don't dnuiiuii any. body , and thin Baptists , who damon everybody except themselves. Mr. Spunrgeon , the London preacher , being asked w'Iiethner a man could be a Chiristhais nut ! belong to a brass band replied : 11y05 , think ho inighit ; but it would ho a very olithicult mnnut. ter for hale next door neighbor to bo a Cliris thu. " It Is itototi Wi a charming coIncidence that while one jury at ( ] ahiatium , Io. , vuii acoiooit. tiuig Frank , Jnmne.s , another in 1isEexico anomie conoinnouuwealtli , vns fining Ilamnhitoon hail $ for selling on Sunday "tine cigar of the value of five ceuuts , anti one glass of soda water of the value of live coats , contrary to tine voacu notil dignity of tine State. " AIx.ut a week ago ann itinerant mninhiter with more zeal than learmihmug preached to a cungro. gationi comnixised imrlnicipahly of nystor drodgers4 oil the easteril shore of Marylnomiol. During his Isaranigimo housed the exprosahumu : "If your right aria offend thee , lihumclcht out ; if your eye offtfld thee , emit it oil. " An old oystermnan vhso occupied a front seat , on hneaiiuug the above e1Iiresa'moii ( , ro'insrked in a stage whisper that was heard all over the church : "Io you tlninukwe'u'e got eyes like mu crab. " A man in Saco , 3te. recently luought a box of second.inaniol tlieohogkal books amiti two isoimi' tired nuanonscript aermnolis which hail belouigesi to a Baptist minister. Acoiriousms feature about thou serumiolts is that they have nuonunerouns stage directionis , of whfcii a few sauonhules are given : ' 'lehiver this passii.go In solounin tories ; " "scorn' foil simile after this word 'uiover' " ; "pause bug enough to commit twunty.fivo after this pass. age ; " ' 'Cluse Bible witho violent sinai after this l ° ° ° ; " "conitenilubatus ceiling lii nttltuuolo of adoration at this Psuinit ; " " .arcastic wave .sf hand ; " ' 'rnipid in" - "I'iio Jilumi Omit. " This is a connmoui remark whom rnumgbi anti rowdys insult public decency by their ion' seonunly 1u'ays. iysiousini k 'e liurrilmio bore. Fire it out with Joordock iJocd hitters. Von can do It. - UNJE1t41'lLE cARS. t Unloum l'flChfIt , Iii1coumiui Loses a IlIlil I ) . A serious mteebIeiif. occuricd Thursday at 1"rcimioiit , which resulteti in oslie of thu brakuntuit of thu ljuiou 1acihic , .J111110.'o l'ctei'soii , himtving one of Unia begs cut ohI l'tntcrsoui was /110 of the clew oii No. 1 , the evening passuliger trun west froiui ( Jinalnu. : .ts time tu'.uimi , mtavteol to 101111 out fromun Frciiuoint station lie nttehiipted to julIo ! ) III ! the platform beLs'eeui two chili' gralit cars , but by soinie lIniehiaj ) lost boito liciot muitol fell ioiutler the inoviiig tr.tin , tini wheels passiuug over mmii with time rcouIL noteol above. : iIi . 1'Ute1'4oii ill 11 ioiai't'ied 1111111 mind i'o' sides ill Oionilia. where lie iii wuhl luiowii. - _ _ lL VCV$0 ( III 1la'ovn. luIILor Boo. \Vo are tobul tiumut Tc11ny8011 has heuiu conimuanded by the Quoumi to write , as I'oet Laurcath , a junem coinniomorativo of time mite Tohiui Browui , and that. lie fimida it a distasteful nimol difficult task. 1 do iiot boon winy 1o should. ono of tine jun. jucra aroplakihig fomi of the mniattor 111111 volulmte ring disrespectful 'orses , I olhiii the following : 'l'inoutri ] but tin liunuuibbo servhumg macmm , Joinml ] iroiu'mu , 'fo tufter ages bonsil thy mmmc boa I landeul down , No warrior , auitluour , artist , : ot.u' thoui , or high renown. Shmiily''ict.oria's ) gulls , , trbo'ui uoriol true , Johuu lh-owmm , M , Ii. .S. , A SPECIFID FOR sIMMII1,1 p.- Ljillc1aay , EVER FAILS.Spa.ons , Conyui. ' sbus , .1"atititJ vvJ' OpIun Eat. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofulna , Kinds 1 u ' i : I Ei'iI , Ugly Blood I ' I. . U ( Iiisearus , IlL/slier. . ala , Nervoubuess , E rvousi i1'saLieM , IkalnS'orry , iJloorl Mores , lIhllousuns , , Coaliveieas , NervcilIml l'nauttrathon , JWaey 'J'flJthkS ! ti'ij irreqularilics. p'mi uiiIiu 'Fis ! ( IliopuhuuIll. "Samajjtan 1eru Inc Is ulohnug asousolerul. " lie. J , ( ) , MrJ.eumurmhuishexanuoheu CIty , Ala. 'ii ( tel It my duty to rccomnitsd It. " Ir. P. F , I.auughlhn Cl1de , Isonsas. 'lit cured where lihuyslcIaui fnuIed. 11ev. .1 , d ° . , Jdle , Heaver , l'a. - . . lurrcnupr'aio1emncu , freely nussycrid. G ) r testImonIal , amid clmcuiarg send stamp. thso t ) 8.A. Ilichmond Med. Co. , St. Joseph , Mo0 bmil.I by all IJruirbsts. ( U ) - - - - , LUTHERAN SYNOD. The QrovLh of the Church nuLl ilic Prsciit 0111100k , The Proont Mooting at Tokarnah , Burt Oounty. This synod was orgnuiizctlt1 ) 'ears ago , with four mohuabers. For the first lailno years its growth but four the joast two ycara it. has mcdl inahdiig rapid strides , Illitil to day it. has on its rolls .11 eler'mcul Inclaubers niul IU nind 'i8ittl'S liresehit at this ctiii'cittLoua. For line l'mi'st eight years thou synod citIng teethe the baliks of thin 1lissuitiri liver , 'l'ouoiay its iiiuiaiberni conie frola ( it'allot lslauh ! , ileti Cloud atiti North Pinttc , thins cc. telldilig its growth OO iuiihe wcstvarol witloju two years. . .ltndgiuig the future front thio pnumt , it w'ihl hot. ho bug until \ \ ' ( ) aunt Colormuho vill feel its touch , Cahifuarmairn hii'nur this SOuhild of its tVLihilptols , aunt S.ncu'aanento Iw its ( atlthuost vithn mu siut ehmnucat ou tlio smthls to w ( ho syntid of flout day will ely , ' ' \\'lnnt of tine might , ' ' WllClt tine nnsucr vlli ulmio , ' "I'hio vnt ors of the tlt'cii glisten wit Ii t hue light. ' ' 'l'biosti frouui thu utluci' sub st'o it rays nod are ci'yillg , ° Otuiiio over mutt hel1i 115. " ( . ) iIt' hearts aUl beat in symu. patiny for Olniuuia , lita II1IISMill ( shlili vihl slureniui 1(3 ( sInilmo , mini cl'O bong Chilunt vihl Inc tatmn' PoSessiol. 'rho presouit uiiutl iuleetiug opcmaed this , 'I'lnursdnuy , luorlung with devotional sct'vices for a iumulf hour , vhnel1 the luresi dent tapouaed the session by the liturgical service , the roadillg of tIne lBtlu psuhmua : 11101 prayer. Thu picaidenut rend lois i'e irt of the vast year's vork , which vns full of cuciuragenuount. . Tine elcctiuan of ohlicers resultct as follows : I'rcsidemit , CL 11 , SchuimierVitylW , Gerluany ; secn'c- buries , J. Dirlu ; , Febimig , Ellghahmd , 0 , lbubur , Clear Crook ; treasurer , C. F. Goodnumuan , Omaha. Thu report. of delegates - gates to tine general conventioun was full of good cheer. Tine report of the trustee fronis Catiiago college vmts a iuninghimig of joy anid sorrow. itolnarks oil tine i'cport gave it , m n brighter 11110 , ninti lur.iiuiiso of bcttcr tialiags inn the future. Tine avenue from whence will collie tine iaioortI's ) four tine Inighaty field vest of Nebraska The evonnilag session was the amminiver- sary of the foreign Inissinins. After prayer by Rev. ( irannuaillen' , He' . llnnbor was introduced , wino spoke of the grandctnr of the work mund tine olonty we tOve it ; , alati our noble lulissiolnarics labor. imi ill landia amid Africa. Tine clot hula- sionary Ihyhuaha , ' 'Fronnu Grcemnhlnhlui's icy ainoumitnimis , " va sung with spirit. fluvs. Sinrader , l'slosauner attiti Barmmitz followed with excellent addresses. Thu meeting was led by Rev.Vilinulm , and s'as full of interest to its close. "Wake , tine song of jubilee , " was suIng , nund belncdietioin pronioumnced by Rev. Wilhelnma. BUCKINGTHE BONDS. A Rostr8i11ill 0rr A11owo Aai11t Iho Ro-Issuo of Bolls Oma ( lie l'eltlon ( ot J. II. Uaitlwhma mamuil a Ititmnortly of' floe Conmnucil , .1. 11. lktldwiua , the house IlnoYtur , ntind otiner aignners uileti a 1)utition with the clerk of thu district court yesterday linorlillug , asking that an iuajhminctioan be allowed ingaimist ( ho pioposed r'isaue of tine lilto five iuer count unn'imhg boinds at six juer cciit , as voted by the city council itt its lumectimigVediiesdnny oven imig by a two-tloii'ds ballot. The bomiulni luau ] beemn takcn by tine Oiimaina National at a pl'emuaiumin , amid when the Non'Trk parties to slioiui Umey nimbi thoommi ( hillCO' . creel that thu prluousitioni moth bmnnitted tou tine peolaho inati heeii for six l)0' cemnt , tiney Schht. timie five per commits hack uinder miut obailnituin givcmi tlncuun that they wore unit legal. Tine iimjnimoctioin claimiis it ( bitt vuns the duty of tine coumicil to iniShlO these bOuntii itt a low rate auiot that five per cent was aunthiciout , as provemi , that thu owlnerso of tine boimds have openited witln unounbors of tint , council ; timmut tine pn'ohi'crcd opinion is a niubterfugo ; mad that tile city attorney's pimmioll is agaliost tine 1tnissnme. A teinjuorany renitrmiiinioig omdcr svas al- loweul by tine court. Tlica sulhmlnmnomouo is imiatle out nn.ailmst the i\Tayoi \ ainti ( ho sevcmn Cnuhlcilmmheln wino voted for tine re issonn. It is namnolo ro- turmiablu Octolaur 1st maid ( ) ctudjcr 2ihuti is the mnuswcr tiny. - Euulemprltao Als'iiys Tells. ' "i'ino Sionmc OiL3' Itoilto" for St. Pzuml hia'u growin iii favor so tinnit ainothier trainn iiis : Iccommoo a Imcces.9ity. Accordiiigly , l\hoamtiay , Sojutculihiur 23 , mninotiour tinily tImtili Lents'ca ( imumnoha at. . . . . . . . . . . til : hi a , in. t0 Cuotmiocil . . . . . . . . : ' ' ' ' Sioux City . . . . . . . . . 1:60 : " Arrives at St. Paul..i 1:30 : p. in. 'l'hua fraiin tO ) SIOOIIX City every tiny , ulmel to St. Paul ovary day except Stinolay , Euitjuoiro for tickets on tine "Sioux City Ittuuitu. " HOh)22flh&i.n5t _ _ ' ) HhlCmnli Oomnvclut hiii , O1AhzA , Nub. , Septehilber 20 , 1888 , At a umaeetiomg ( at thou Itepululicana jnhdi. cut ! oust rict cumtrnl , coioiiuoittee lould this day puraunnhnt to tiiu cmiii liciotoforo made , it stiB /C8JtV.1 , 'I'hmmnt t.hoo juidicimil COIl'Ol1. tioun of time ' .I'hoirol judicial district. ho hold ill time city of OhmnIdoni , on the I ith day of October , 188:1 : , at 2 p. iii , hit tine district court inouso. Thu dulcaten frolml thou sus'ormnl coun. ties Coihhorisnhg nimbi C011'CllLiOJn to be as follows : Burt , \VnshlilmgtAhl ; ) , 8 ; Doug. Ian ; , I 6 ; Sarpy , 4. It. is rccohmhllaehftled that no luroxics be noimmoitteti to the Coll'eIotioIi exCcft. simuho 105 1110 multI ii. ) ' jiersoioni ucaidumig un time Cfllhitieit frommi s'ioichn thou iroaxies are givuil. N. sJ. Bh'IINIIAM , Cinairiuuai , , E , W. SlihhhiAl. : ,'3' , F'ull SAl.l--'t'Ivo : , Pitaiu1o ta1cmn iloilers , ] O'iooI'Au . . , ' luOVCI. % ) itt ; I ) . Fnzl'A'rltIoin'H , 517-If 218 South I5tio St. - - - - - - - I ctI lmt ill t , 'i'i'ns umnli'M , 'J'Jio following tWcds were flied for icac- cord iii tine county dciii ' ofibco Sept euiiiicr 18 , rtnportrnl for 'i'llE il1 by Anuous' real estate ilgnnlicy : 1'eit V. Smith auth vjtu to Clara Il. hiatt , ' oh , lost. 8 , bik 19 , : F : . ' , Sjmiihhn' addItobourt Itobourt L. ( iarhicin to FreotV. . ( irny , w ml , lot U , facoii's fnmloi , ' 18OJ. ( ( leo.V. . Ioaiio mumd wifu to Jrmnry E , Jtedick , deed , juart lot i , bik 1JlOiuoioimmu , 820,000. Jell,1 , Edwnnrds nund wife to Jolnu K -s. _ . = , _ _ _ _ _ . . - - - - - - - Etwartis , q C ti0 lot 81 , ni 0 S W Sec 10 , 1i , 18 , 874.60 , , Sarain S. tc0ouuilne to Atugustuls amuol hlormuutun Koumhtzo , w ti , a w .j a t' , , 1f 18 , $10,000. ios , A. 'l'a3'hor aunt wife toVou. . F. ' ' ' ti lot i MoEiotcr'a add Sn'eosy , 'a' , 7 , , $5.00. Fred \V. ( Iray mIld wife to ( leorgo U. ' 1'ihoiniion , v' ci , lot tI ion .lncob'ni add , , $1800. loiainmnly niuti vife to lnae Levi , v ii. mmdl , of in of bat 1 , block 200 , $2C00. Calvin Ij. Ely anti wife to hmuaae Levi , v oh , lllhd , of ii of tot 1 , bhoack 200 , $2000. 'l'lmos. i\ttart \ homer to ( eo. I 1 . UobearL and Etlvmtntt Roach , w ii , In em j 0 , 10 , 11 , $2580. izrmn otii1aal flInt i'ife to Eiia P. Nor. hhhiula , v ii , a loot 11 , Onidwelt and 1111111- illout's multi , except tiue west 10 feet there. of , $450. S1'O1t1'I ( O'i'1S. MYSTIC l'thu1 lt.tCEi , ] ttTh1'ON , Se'ptemuihei' -Feaurtin aunti lust : day of Mystic i'ottk special trottioio.s tutcet 111g. Class 2 :88 : , l'i lot lu I'oahO iii stn'aiiot. inemots , ( ilmniouls secohhd , 'l'i'ihie third Piotogin lituy fourtlo ; t lIne 2 2:2111 : , 2:2tl. : ) Ciits 2 : I il , ioli I'm Inisuneol , .1 . 1 1. 'l'huOhhoIaS toouk two locals , George N two hcat. , oe II omto heat ; best tiuno.u 220.l. t'OVISoI1'ON It.oflM. : Co'io i'os , Septeuoniaer : 1.-\Ventinen' cool , tr.uck fast mUlti dusty , 'Ohio iouihe , Foco % 'Olh , 0mnn'son moecouiiol , Vmthlgtlarti thnird ; tilnue 1 : .I5. Iktrlnett stakes , for'nr.ohols , foals of 1881 , oinij utile , micveoi starters ; 1)b' . ihmtttUlli'Oll , Aadrmnmn secound , IltIcinnutilho thnirtl ; tiiuoe 1.tO.I. : 11 ho ltlnol a inutlf , ltroacxtdc woun ennoihy , l"osturntl secoalool , ( iliost. tluiii ; tune 1iiS.j : Mile nut ! an eighth , Freehicuti won , 'I'axgnnthuen'cr second , W'ihd lcmlhsas ilnird ; tilume 1:57k. : hurdle race , nailo'nuol a qunnirten' , hell. tutu ) ' Won liy teit lengulos , 1ilmg Dthtciihhnaln seconnd , Illotinerolno third ; tillotu 8:21 : . ICANHAS CITY RACES. KANSASOITV , Sopteinnber 21-Wcathoer drizzly , tn'nck lncitvy. Class 21t ) , St. Cloud wean , \Vihl Cody 2d , Big Soiaio 8O1 ; bust tinno , 2:27.1. : Omoe mile rtnmoing race , 2 in 8 , Startle mtlnd Valbetto mstirtett amid mu 11. dunol moat ; tilolo , 1 :1i : ( ; V'mtliette w oIl 2d meat inn 1:47 : , thirol hicmtt muuad rave in I :10 : , TilE Elil.1Slt ruftP. Lonuox , Soptonuaber 21.-This is tine secoiatl day of the l0olnuaclnostcr nuttomaon huheetinag. 'l'lno race for tine l'acidoek loon. dicn1i sweepstakes was won by Lord Ross. hnhoure'a ( formhhcu'ly Lorihlnurd's ) t'nvo.ycmnr. old Passaic , Ion'o1 howe's 1 ° 'n'elnoy accoimd , II. Vylier's Cautabruge ilairol. There were six starters. ilettiug at tue start wnna .1 to 1 ingnt'unst Passaic , (1 ( to .1 agaiinat Fromney , and 5 to 2 nigailuat Cnuinbago. Passaic won by a leungtii. i'AlhY EVAN'S TOUIO. Ciricumo , Septolnaber 21.-I'adtly lt3'muh , ux.cinntuapiomn ineavy weight pugilnat , will leave Cinicago' Siunday , for Luadvilho , Colorado , wincre nun oxinibitiomn will be givoma. ityfill will appear imt Deinver , Loadvihle , Pueblo , Oinoyeninc , Ogden. Salt Lake , Sacranuaento , Virginia City , Sam Fr.uncisco multi oIlier cities inn Califor. am. Upon mini arrival in S'amn Francisco , Inc coaotomoapluutcs a luatcin with Prof. ? olil. her , of Australia , who has sailed fein lUelbottriac , IticIlarti K. Fox inavimig Bemnt for Inim for a glove fight with Snihhivan , Upon his return froiau tine coast , Rynln will have a contest with Sullivan about the last. of DeceInsher. TJiS IhII.LIAIIDI rs , CimicAco , Septounibor 21. - .iacob Schafer , tine lillinlrdist , arrived here thus aftcriioomn. lie vas fintigued witin bin joul.noy atid u'emit direct to lila sister's inoIhie ( lit tine \Vcst Side , niad has not silica boom accessible , A diajuatcin wmtmi received this afteraaoomn ( coma Sbosson , sayiuog lie wouid lie hero this cvemoing , lUt ill ) to :1 : 1 o'clock hoe mmd not. mtppemucot , coiasequentiy inothoing imas beono uIjinu ih l'olnttioml to mm cinmthlOligu to Sciintfcr to play for thu balk hiIno3 cloinhinlujoilauoil ) . ImASI : iiML Sl'lifl'aFIli.ft ; : , Suptennber 21.-Spr'ohlg. fields 3 , Leaders 2. Nnw YUlilc , Septeioibcr 21.-New Yorkom 10 , Olniciagos 1. P1iu1Annr.l'AlIo , Septennlucr 21-Do. trolls 9 , Pinilatieljahnias :3. : Boso , Suptehmaber 21.Butraion 8 , BOflt.unhs 2. l'inoviiuiso'n : , Suptoloobur 21-l'rovi' deuce ( I , Oluvelaiiolmu 8. ; tleuu anti 1'Iihigs In a.Vasholmigloo. , Correaponsilconru of thu N. 1' . Joinruual of C.unmimnercc. . VA8ll INO1TON , Sept. I I -I in counvcrsatioio s'itit puihuiio imotumt of hnutln parties duning the mutt few s'ceks , yoomr corl'esponltluhot. fimidis in build prevmnleimt ammlonmg tilerin timid. tine follouviiig ioiibjcctn will be jiroimuimmutit un tine Pi'occcoiimigs of conign'cmon next wiinter : Questions relating to tile forfeit. , tnmt'o.a of railroatl ioimd : tn.uniiL.o , to thu cfitlliulishlhiaClOt , of a postal tulcgrmnpll nsystcmmm , mood' tou the uxteholuomn of tine bouiidot1 1ueiit'oI for dusuilicol sjuii'itn. 'I'Joe hmunol grmniot questiomn svill be lirtosiuut as'itln ioiucbo cmtriicstmemos , fm'ouiio the begin. iiimog of tioo , ousuiomm , I t , is fumhi of comompil. enotinmimo , inimd ILIS un foruiour congresses it will agnniln give rise to delay , itmol if there ho action itt. ml it will cosine after long coiitnovorsy. 1)i ) , tioiimg is iomurahiy curtain , theme will ho ins legiiolntiomn suliohIshy onli'cctilog Limo gm'eat Pineil'ie rnoilmonncJus 1or ilost.anco , OVUm tlooso who are iruhriiIg to limmnko a fight in favor of forfeiting all muds not earmied b' railromuln iii accon'- dance with tine strIct letter of the Imnw , dou hunt buliovo thiat thin Nortloermn l'ncillo griniits will be distulrbed , hut it is doubt. Id wiiutioer lilI ilolluelico will ho fotroahlg ullotigin t.o Provehit iegiosinntioii ( orfuitimmg tiooao loumiierouis gramnta which have beehl HIndu fromin tihnlo to time sumoce 1858 th states miiiol corporations for raiiroaol imur. 1oses , and to earn which tutu states 1111(1 coriuorintionoo have dnmoo iititniiig ! , 'J'hiu fonfeitiuig of tloesu gramnts iviil tiorow imoilhit , ion of acres of mInd OjiOli to thou market , 'J'lnero los good ruasomn to believu thud. tue 15,000,000 acres of lands in time grahit wiiiein tine Toxins I'aeiImo hints tmnhisfei'rtnd ( omn joapur ) to thu Suuthoeumi J'ioeitic vili lotive : . fail imhto time clnitchmeso of tiio.i innttur math , land. will ho di'cian'od foaufuitcd , 'l'hio I 10(1 inst mioois olhieinh : us , attorim cys am i it iogei its ( if thou Southocimi I 'aciilu Jonvu muon iioyiim siege to tb o I ii tenor oh u unrtm : oie hi t ( Ian' lou r 111(1 II I his , tmmotlemnvo h iiig IA , cn1i tuna tim urofrolmn in oitivjiionlo w' I i icin irouui lot ccii II h'hml thou I m' rigilt LI ) Ilota uubul 'i'uxitoo l5ttuihu } tjrabit ; but. thot'y homnvu ( hints far failed. iuiuoi as tile ) ' cain get ( iou on 001 igrcsio iou idhi mi mom tivu mietiono favorinlulu to their iioterests , tioeii' hao'st. ellmi'gitti4 will ion ohoiulut nlirecteol to oluft'ntihig he'gishatioin decinrihlg ( ho 11110(1 ( ( orfoitcch , ilapimig that. the inounsaet.iuin . iaf thion hlOnxt. ColgIW04 ) ) viiuilol strehigtlouin them' citso before thu ihitui'ior tlujuan. hilelot. ! "roin inforiminutlois olitaliocti by your corrusponoelcoot it Is annie to coincitnolo tinmit IImanst. of the 1)eionocuatje hcador jul tioc owxt ( ohigrusno will 01)1)080 thu onitablinolo. nmnunt of a Postal telegraph sy8tonmi ; but i ( tiuo sclnenao houiol reanoin a vote it vill receive rsohuao snhlulnort froaao Demiaocrnts iou haotit houses. 'l'llo ' laaa t mr'nhlg of'a bilh"ilI be coinomuitteol to floe llopnobllcnun leaders of thee iloluate , niuoi the iatrlinuaaeiutnry : ProloallilitY ii ; tinat tine subject will uoot. be coimsidoreot by tutu house nuntil after ( lie sommte ioionhl huM'O acted. Sonttor : itilmanOhaols , ( lie lCitnbliC8lt { 1 atlerof the senate , 11115 declared ihlhhmsoiif ihhieqihivocnh. hy un oja1oositioiio to thou vtrcioase of fthh ox'nstiiog telormuphi litiesi , ahlol he ii CIiolttiiy iooas'nfi'o III lila suhiluirt. of a govorluhloental scioclaue for cohistl'nhcthag 110W hues to ho thIther the eoiitroh ( if tile luoust-othlce tie. lanrtholohtt. ilomico it , is muimunost. iiaovntznlho , I bat. the nol'otitea oaf Eoiimuuiud'a lohonu and those favorluig tioc Imurchunso of existing lilies intl cult , each otiner's tlu'onts.Vhuulu ( lie luarty hues will onot lie closely tirwma , nt. humna nlrcaoly loconhi tleveloped that. ( lie bulk of tine Oopi5itloli to a postaltolegrapin unit ho funtuot in tine Domoiocn'atic r.nnks , nind tioat ifs o.'ioiof , snmport. will CohioC froln tile lleiauniohicnmas. 'L'ioe ' 1)OllOiCi. vioiike3'.taxteiai0am1 snnlojcct ' 'ml I CObb II i fl 50)1110 Sinmtlou itt thou looxt Scss'hOhi , I t vill ionaba ly take thou fourmin oaf tine 1,111 , prpmnreot by Suhintor Slnurioonum : , nuuol iiicln uas linsscd : iiy ( lie semootte last uvimoten' ha in suthuotitnuto for thou ionolcl'oouite uxtuinsion lull imased by ti.u luouso dou'ihag the iirnt. , seiosioht , of thu must. congress. lInt itlmnsiniuchn as hoc lin'1oouscol legialnutioun cosiuoeo 'ithuion tine conin4titootiihoal provisiomi i'tlitt 10mg t 0 l'tiOnhl tie ilteliSloto.'iO , I t. . llttlst oarig'nloate iii the hionoso , aitil ( lois fact ihh'OlvOni thou anobject. ion the greatest tnn certainty. 'i'lie tuouupur of the hnoxt inonose ill hobo iohattcr is ouao sof tiuouoo tiuings Cohio.'eI'mt'lOag 'hiicin iio ( alto cali eumt a1ucciohto vitin safety. l'ol'ntical comnaid. e1'atiohma are likely to limuvo 50)1110 iOn. hlniouieo lit tine 1111111 dOsltliitiola of tine subject , A iirouinilocmit Dtaomiocratic aumantor amd to your corremipoundeint a few clays age : ' 'I tii'omok tiont tine coinage of tue solver titular ( anogiot to be stoppeoi , but ( lots well titat be thonnu lnext. wimnteu' , Neither political jannrty iou renul ) ' or 'illi11 to 101111CC it nun issi100 especially at. m ( iliac iunmniediateiy preceding mt lresiolumnt.ial coihnipItigfl. " BEAUTY SOAP ! ' 00 keull tIne port's oolcmi , the oil giniuha mind toil , . ' . seth v , arid thnois fonrmo halo ama omit out for houooiurltkm lii thuom hiorshiiu mutlomi ii.l w lulelu enoose ) moniumhliia. timog hiOotchncM , tlhmtnls mommiiouiuior plo Imi lilemuuihmes , cmipothnull' sit Iobuuots : hi t'lesuiuie , is hilt t'uo cmiii hwsuomtlfy the siclnu , renuiouvo trial , freckles , aumihionru , isnol oIly immatter ; to keel the hiammohi , stilt , hiIo amid frre fromoi chospo , cmiii roiuighummess , l re coot ctimmtnghiius .khmu anal uio'iiliu ullecases , cmii 0. , pros lihu in , ClihuOiitu iImm hcno. tInier aisl , tolhct , bath need mmomri.ory iauaOIo , c , mololciut is It hi ilellelomus flnuvr oumnl Cutlcunrnu hi'aliiug lox ! . Minis , Use thai Cooticorrus 14.onp. I oiilorseol by OhuYsI. charms mmol chnemuiists as uol..ouotely ! 101cc ails ! hIghly mine. iliclmnmul , Sales hikil numol 182 1iXt10QO ) cake , NOW IS THE TIME r o cheaiosytlno hInes ! whiemm you mliii ! Its Inoinmrlthus . . hiouratloug thiroinihi Ohio .khui 0mm ii'.flgoorhmrg ) Ithoiteho. ci' , 'i'ortmurloug hhiommuars , Boll. amnd nores ; clesamnso It sohieni you , are l'erllm , , llosels Ciumlthlated , Urtuoe 111gb calorett auth Scanty , hoeconuNo htlslu , amitofianmeil nuid formmnemutlvo state. Clearmc It ishieoi Liungoior , lot iiIty , Siceplessoice. , aiuil a'rhued , 'oruo.uut I'cel. lug Icrvaohuns time .ysteiui , Clucomuw it when you lack your accustomneol ilgnu. Etch the liIml mire. the los cls , , nen tIme Urluos free frona seolliusenit , uciol health us Ill atihho tiy you. 'i'o uuceouuutihlslu tOils great uork mimic of thu orohmniury sareapnrllia.r , othner l.hiioot . i.omriflers rail iieMMihil3' taluS ! floe Cumtlcoora lteoivt.nt , Ohio New lilood I'omutnlcr , Ilurction aunt AI.crlcnt , The Heritage of Woe. tslltv : sluannie nail agony , ftemm lio'qtueisthiesl as I. a si ! o legacy to t'hihlolreui ii , , lsarcmmts Is uieglo'ctLMl Scrofoila , ' 1' , ) cleanse thom blood of thIs lieronlltary Imsulom , , auto ! thioie ieminove the muuo.t hroahlfia cauo of hinmiimaon uititlerhuig , tin clear the klnm of Dhatlgomrhmng lInt. uouorou , I tclilrog 'I'ortore , , iloimuiihlathuig Euuuhithoums cmiii hoimithninio , i4iorom eatmoonol by It , ts PurifY amid hit'iuulthIy thu stIrs , and restore , time haIr .o that oio tritec ( if , lhcaoo remuiclri , Comtlcnora Itcijolveint , the micw blood ! 'ourhtit'r , arid Cutlcura eumol Comthcurms Soap , ( lie great.r4kluo Cony , . ansi Iheautihiera , are hmifalllbro. 'liocy arc thin emily iconuille. that stititiecol when Pl'Ysi ' ciansenunsi all other menu. fall , Soul hiy all dromgolst. . l'rlee : Contleura , Mb ; ileoolveiut , $ n ; Simhi , 25c. l'Ol'rElt 1)11110 ANt ) ChEMICAL CO. , flOS'I'ON , sl'Semnl for "liuw to Cmmro Sklmu lIenuses , " Oc. . Sanford's ' Radical Cure c I. o Ohio tmnunmoeillato roliet msoiol anruomaoienir. couro of curry lirmum of ( atarriu , fromna mu slat. ho lieni ! Cold sr imntluuomiza to thu hiss of Smmuuil , 'raste cud hearing , Ciugh , Iiromu. chit It' muul . . . ' ' . ' , luucljilemnt Couusomoumj.tion. ( iimmu.loto 'l'rt'at. miiomit , us Itho lii iiiiier,8l , at all ohuugglsts. - Xi'XLi VAPOR 'COOK ' STOVE I Time l'lrneoir and only Vapor Cock Stove that hits tiiil 0 ho , test of ) ears amiio gina , entIre aunt Perfect atIsfact hun , Over 100,000 Now in Use NE\S' I'A'I'EN'l' 11 tILL OVEN. h'ateont remnuviahlu moumI hmottrchinmigcahilu , let OrIfleo reomolerinig , iorr lomrnicro. lniohoesrmnotItiIcn. Nosy ( lii , 'uhio Hioroucr uiio tuii , Nosy Stijios. Ness' Safety htostryole I'ur Sosmnmoonur nitu tIieu stoves are hmiiilsiitmowahslu. I'or teruims Lu uigeoots , lirlcu hl't nuit catalogumo , lIuillreu's 1101,11 VAI'Olt 04't'o'll CO. , _ . 2l'r&W. Clovihanil , ( I. VV8tD [ CorDic-Ytoiks1 ! IliON ANI ) SLATE ltOOFlNO. 0. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Douglas St. ' . Omnahia , Nolu. IIANUFAYFUItRIL OF Calvanizec Iron Cornices "Dornaer Winoiowiu , Fhnmais Tin , Iron smail Slats ILootOnog I31tc1st' Patent Stotafllo $ k3hlghit , i'atemit ashjustuil Itatchiet lIar arid Bracket Shelving. I inn tOte gemo.'rai agent for the ihioivo line oil gooh. . Iron } 'enmclmng , Cresthuigs , hiahoustrailcu , , Ycramnilatu , lain Bank ltahiinmgs , Wimidoow ImhlnI , , Collar ( iouarihs ; also general gent fnrl'eerson & 11011 oiiuteuif lnahilo hlilnil. Broom Corn ACHIERY ! A l'LJIAa LINR-C0N1415'flNa OF DOUBLE CYLINDER 6CR4PRS HORSE POWERS twca 1zitci. . The Best in the Market llauoufacturr4 by 0. D , COLTON & Co. , ( hlusbuug , II. tCS.nd fur VInt'uh.s amid l'rhou List. ] ! Rhoumatlsm , .tum. btzgoLamoflack , Spmlnsand .J3rulsos , Asthma , CatrrJi , Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat , Diphthorin , Bun , Frost Bites , Tooth , Ear tind Hoad. ache , uzici allpains tind aches. 'The ben Inoenna ! and ezlsmasl remedy In the wool , ! . tiery O.otoh. gusnmnoced. Sol.I by medicIne dealers everywhere. Direcuhoni In eIght t&nguagc. 1'thce otenmi and $ uco. FOSTER , MILDLJRN & CO. , Prop'r , IaUVPALO , 14. S. ' . , U. S. A. TO ¶ Eth PUBLICS I Investigate for Yourtiolvot. I'ottnuuaster.Ueot'rai , Oreshaitni havIng ; nnbllslirtl a ivhlilmil emit mumnilehono falachnonol 1mm regard to tOrn char. acterof Tine lsnnlslauoa State Lottery Comiapmumay , ths follous iuog facts are gIven to tIme Piot010 to lirove hl stat'emmneit , , thuat us o rule eungngcd In us frauslutomat but. . Iiuo'Oq , to lie fahic eon , ! onnteuuo : Alumonmnit of prIze. n.y ' ! 'ho I.ooilshana State t.ot , . - ( or ) ' Comnianiy froiiou .haumuar I , 1870 , to Ireoeiit date l'iuII to Southern , Ettiresi ( . .o , , New Orlcamms , T. \'cseott , Manusger . . . . . . . . . . 1,3O6,30O l'ithil to luoiiIuonu Niutlounual liauik. dii. . II. oge.hy ) ! , l'rehsloont . . . . . . . . . . 403,000 PaId to Lnonlsliumrs Stab NatIonal ilanik , S. II. ionioeilyl'reshilent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,100 I'aIoi to New Orlesutus uutiooial Ihanik , A hiahilwiou l'm-cslcemnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8S.50 I'aiol to linlouu , ' , 'athoumnsl nianik , 8. Chuarlarori t1lilcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64450 PaId to Cithacius' ilamnk , ij : . u Csurrheu'o , t'rvn , oent. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000 PaIl to flormuumuoula Nnt'ontul Uik , JoulosCa.artl l'rcshsleuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 PaId ti lhhi > crmmlc ktIouual lianuk , Chits. l'alfrey. Cashmlor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,000 l'ahil to ( ammal liauik , Eu , 'Ibby , CashIer. , . , 13,250 L'alil tolisitnosh Niuthiuomab liamik. Jo. . Mtt.chel , Casluler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,200 To.tal 0alil ft. itbovo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Palo ! in ! miium5 of umuuulcr $1,000 itt tha varIous matUres 1.1 . tIm Coomnlamly throughuomot thioUmilted Sthte . . . . . . . . . . 2,627,10 Total raid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , Far thin truth of Ohio' above tai'ts we refer the lomulhIC tothue timlicvri tif thio aii.vo.oinuuieol , comp'urntlouo , and for ooir legality atoil staouillmig to this Mayoranolonhlceri of 01 , , CIty of NuusOrluanms , tothub Ht.atomstmthuorttlc.of I.iuullarua , iuuooi also to Ohio U , 8 , Otfichal. oof Louhshaoa We claIm to , ho legal , hiooiest soul correct ( mm all our traui.ssrtloui , , a. lumuchu so n' nmiy hiomslooc.s In tine coon. try. thor stauntluog Isciummecileol by aim uslon will Invei. Ligate , need our stoek lint. . for years beemu soIl out i ur Hoard tif Drouken' , suit owumo'd liy mnammy of our best t.mious m , usia ! rusliectoal chthicnou. ii. A. DAUPhIN , l'reshohent. tlrCAl'ITAL PRIZE 515,000. TiciCots Ouly " , fibares in rroportton. L ! houisialla Ia1o Lottery Colliallv ' , IY ole hereby cerlffy tAat we superriise 1/os 05' rangements 1. ) , ' aU the .Ionth1i eliol Senm.4onuoi4 Draoi'joip , if ths LouiWaioa Staid Lottery Company , a.itol 'nperaon , , ua,00ge ansi controi Ohs Drawfnql thcooselves , amid that the saouue are cnnolucteol wiffi lioiesutyfarnsss. anoL ion gool/afth toward oil par , Ui's , amid usa authorize the coou anoy to uu IM * eer tl1eate , wthfac.suniles of eur sigrmtures aftachod , It ) Ota advertnserieol , , " COMMuaauozmtc. Imioorpornteo ! In 18018 for 25 years luy the lcgiaature ! for colucatlomoal cmiii charitable 1nUrIooouvItlo it cap. ltal of $1 000,000-to whIch a reeerro foind ef oyor 550,000 mmas sluice boemi added. By amu ovurwhmelninling ropular veto Its franchise wamu made is imart of Ohio lrcPeuit state oonstItutIo tm.dOlttetl 1)ecemnhior 2 , ! , A. B. 15711. l7ni' OfliL' ( OUl/ ever roteot on aunt endracd llj lhepeople uoiy.state , - . . It ; icrer Sca&'a or Postpones. Itiu grand SlligiO inunnber drawings take place inoiothly. A Sl'LENIaID OPPORTUNITY TO S1N A FOR. TUNE. 'l'cumth ( Jrisnitl irawhnmg , Class l ( , at Now Or. lolutis , 'rUESDAY , Oar. Dlii , 1ISi-10ls tontbly Prasshumg. CAnITAT1 l'1117.F. , 75oo0. 0001 TICICETS at FIVE DOLLARS EAch , .nraej tIoni , Iii F'hItlo In l'ropourtlomi , masT or m'moucuos. 1 CAPITAL ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iooo I ito ito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2 1'IIl'/.h'M OF 064moo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i2ooo 5 do 2(5)4) ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 20 ds 1,00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 100 do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 100 do 100) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 100 clii n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 Arrotuxoat , uiu'o i nnlzunio. 0 Approxiniationi hrlzes of 75O. . . . . . . . . . . 0,750 0 the do roe. S 0 do do 230. . . . . . . . . . . 2,255 l'rizoa , aumnounthung to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application , for nato. to climbs should be , inaJe only to the office uuf the Conimpammy 0mm New Orleamus' , For further lumforniatlouni surltu clearly glu Iom I I address. Makim l 0. Mommy Orders lial'abio and aoldrcsm. Iieglstinro.i l.etters to . ziv OIILEANS NATIONAL 1h.It Now Orleans , ' .a , Or lluiary letter. by Mall or lthnrcbn : to 11 A. IATI'irL7 ! , or it A. flIUIIIIN , New OuIc'unii , La. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ai7 iknummthi lit.Vashniigt'ino _ I ) . tL LOUISIMA { STATE LTTBRY .CU hj B. Frank . ioore , . 127 La Salle Sti'eet. C/iicaqo , ( Fonncrly 310 amid 212 Broadway N. Y , ) How Manager of Chicago 051cc. To wfusimmi apply foi lnformnatiomi anti ticket. . 101st Monthly Drnuwhmmg , Tuesday , Oct. 9. 0Flrat CapItal l'rizo , 75,000. TIcket , tb. $ s11 l 0th. at i each. tleo full scheme elsoshiere. d wed&aat.w.Sw DE1. IOXTE' 'Fink Eloctria Belt will Cure the t'.ijlow- iIog Diseases Witinout Medicihoo. l'almi , 1mm tIme Back , huts , hlcash or Liimuis. , ervoui ' IJsbIlt3' Lum.ibago , General laubllity , hIhie..uiiatlani , i'aroilysls , NeuralmIni , ScIatica , lnheasu of Otto IIi1ume Spliimsi i9leasiis , 'lorpll 1.tuur , ( lout , Soxoimul lxhiau. . t0000. Summilmial Emnissloits , Abthinnoti , hi art tIiscao , 1)ySlsiIoia , Cuinsthpatloim , lryalIas : , h i.tOgustlon . , hernia or ltompturo , lumI.otoiuey , Cnstarrhi , l'Iks , Epi. k'ay ' , lsuiuah , Ague. 513,000 Would Not Buy It. liii. Iiuisss-I iia5iu ois.kt yiiur lOcetu o iJelt tot 50mw thow , month It Its. thomie all Ihitut Agent elaluinemi for It. Army cii , , triimilrlutl with rhuouiioatisu or sciatIca , I uvoulsl say , liuu ) hhi'rimu's ' Eleetric flciOfor oils of time thirty dollars hwlts cured me of thu ahoy. dhieneso lii is idiort fume. Auiy uric wishnhnig to comufer no iOu nsic , cai , ilo so by wrIthing or cal lug at umiy atoro i42i iluonglas St. Onsiuhis Nob. WILI.lMl l1'iON5 I riieerfoull3' recoirnnmatmil lLormi' . Ehitoi Bolt a. an llb'ienit roiru fur rluumuolsium , i-as luig s oroi usia tot .liat imn.slady , ' 'roOl ) ' . 'u , SI. ( INIEtilILL. : For ealo by rotu 11ro , , ( 'ounhl I'lufTs , lowe. SlAIN OIFI l- , oslte l'osnq.tco , Fruizer Lila jiffr'ur Sale , tt (1 , Uixeloiiaui . Luring tt'su ' 1ii at ian , , $ tru'f ' tnzeh , . a C.JACOEi ' } 'ovunerly OIslo & Jibs UNDERTAKER. S - - . I