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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1883)
_ -U.- - - - - -w. - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - _ - - - - - - - -7------ - - - - - - . 'rilE DAILY .EE-- OMAHA , SATURLAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , 1&3 ( - . _ _ . THE OMAHA BEE. PuUhc4 eyet3 morntngI ezcept un4&y. The Only . . Motty morning daiLy. ne Te&r 1fl.OOiThreeflnnth 3OO 8tzonczia &O3IOne Month . , 1.O ml WUILT VZl PUaUaIiaovaRy wztr..nAy. T1RIsroeTtA1D. On.'ar 2.OO Threetnnth , $ tiO 8ttMonths. 1.00 One Month . . Americut Newi Coinpn , Sole AgenlaNew.Jeal. U. In the United Stateq. A Comtnnaleatloni rcIatin to ewa and Editorial I attor shoul4 be tddreic4 to the ImoaorTita aawr.u LETIaaL AU Uwilarsa Letter. n4 fleiaitLneq , hoild be ddrt'ised I. . flu I1El VCItIfXfl ? COMPAaY , OIANA DftLta , Check. and ltoIflC tirlcni to be mdo pry sble to the order 01 the ompany. ThE BEE BUBbIllIU $ PROPS. E. nosivATtaEd1tor. IN It glove light at a Boston sporting xcsort , 4t Inrvftrd jtnilor completely used 1p a proressohIa1lIgiIa ; ft few iiights ago A few inoro remarks frcin Mr. Adams on time usoloastiess of a c1sicn1 edtmcatioii Are now in order. Tim No Tcraey Reptiblicans have , iomninatod for governor Judge 1)ixon , of the Supreme court , coo of time ab1et 131)oakcrs and mnost accomplished lawyer in t.lio state. As tlio l'oniinylvniiia rail. road goes , so goon New Jersey , in a pout. .icau sense. Tnn Now York Tiuzci sores notice emi time stalwirLs of time Empire state that the , half.brocd is riot yet oxtiuct , and that 'F ( maclimo ni thoda this year will be doaht 'with n they wore last , by the defeat of time htopubhican ticket. Thio Now York ? lYimc8 is oidontly swinging over to LImo Domnocratic Ilarty. A Pxrrsnuiio court hirts decided that railroad companies must insure stooping- . , -4-a. car passengers against theft. Thio judge q charged that ainco thmo company ofrors the facilities of slauping accommuodationa as an inducement to pay an extra tutu , it . binds itself to Protect its patroims vhulo they are asleep and for the time being / i helpless. V TIIERu is a gooil deal of complaint about the now postal notes , and thio , manner in which Lucy are printed , and pal'or on which they are Irintod are reatIy criticised. White we yield to F ) ° fl ° O our contemporaries in our love of Ljo ) mesthotic , postal miotos will continue _ 4A ) bQ ttvmilfully received at tiLls ofilco in paytU11t of flubcription5 to tito best newspaper in Nebras ! . Tiizs front the Philadelphia Rccord : "Paul Vandervoor't , lno chief clerk of the railway iai1 service at Omaha , lute boon removed from office for repeated and lone continued neglect of duty. Mr. Vandorvoort wte one of the soldiora of the into war who risked their lives by entering the army , but Im' certainly vastly iniprovod. their cQncliticn. finco tliowtirlimli-to use a bt of oxprsko slang-"workod. the o11 otdor ( racket for all it. was worth. " 1Ivimmg risoit to a powerful position in the Grand Army of the Republic , ovontuaUy becoming its , ho Look liberties wt ! his official duLy to Limo Governniomit , 'to suoi an otent a to demand his die. inissalbut ; ho is said to have boasted openly that Limo Department dare not remove - move himn , owing to his iiifluonco with I thmo Grand Army. Mr. Vandorvoort , it I believed , is now trimig to convince the ) old soldiers that Postmaster Cionoral ; . , Oroshiam must go. " G A rntmroitutv restraining order has boost granted by the District Court for this county against the issue of $100,000 in C cent. paving bonds , to rollacc those lately issued at f per cent , Legal I opinions in Omaha ditlor as to validity of , the now issue , and there is an imnpressioii , that LImo city may sulfursevoral thousands I of dollars loss in case the action of the i city council holds good. I For this reason it is proper that the court shtommld be called upoii to decide time ) (1UelitiOml at omico. If the first issue of bonds at 5 cent was itot authorized by law , as is iioiv claimed by those who liayo tirchiasotl theimt auth Paid the vmlr chase money into the city treammry , the ' sooner that fact is definitely decided time better. But if the replacing of tue bonds by those bearing a lmiglmor rate of interest iii uimnply a move to increase the refits of the bondholders at tIme expense of time city , the issuing of the new bonds should be fought to the bitter end , On its face the transaction looks as if it woitid bear a right investigatiomi. And . uchm an investigation is dwnandod by our taxpayers. _ _ _ _ _ : Tint American Bankers' association will meet next month at Louisville. One of tito eubjecte aminoumiced forEdiscussion Is the growth of State banking imistitutions and the increased magnitude of financial operations In the \Vest. Between 1881 and 1882 the nuimiber of national bamikm in the \Vest Increased 5.8 vor ccitt ; tlit . , Stito bamiks , private banks and trust coin panics , 9.6 per cent , and time savimigi bamiks 7.4 per cent. ' 1'liu immcrcaso in tlu number of private bamikorit amid trusi flla11ie3 in the W'nstovn States ami Territories was particularly large iii t1m two years between 1880 antI 1882 , each& cent of the whole numnbor , n agaiithtiJmf ( microzt'se of but 13 per confer for the entire United States. Amid w1mil the miumber of now Sttto banks mimi true coumpamiles alone , started in limo vhiol country iii these two years , waslnt 10 or 1 (1 ( 10r cent , the Imicreato iii the W'cs Mfll & 3 par cemit. 'L'hieso figurtejivo am irldu0f the onormuims expamisiomi f bank lug facilities outside of tlmoao catabliahict under time mtatonal 1itW which the duvul t' oiimout of this Vest has nutdo noceszary - and form the taiL for a most imnportaui discuszlozz. ! 1tR MILITAflY 2'KIJIJM I'JIRRS. The meeting of LImo society of Military Telegraphers , which lute just closed at Chicago , was a gratifying success. Time attendance was large and tim imesslOlle hiarmnomimoims , Lany of time CrpC lmatl imot met each other since the days whemi ttp. l'g ' the emiemnies hins ahtormmatcd svitii work on the battlefield and latiorimma cf'mistructioml ' (1111103 anihl all thmo ( lamigors of a great civil war. 'rime roummion called forth many interesting tomiiiesCoiicts amid much valuable immiorniatiomi , Not a few of the old members present bore ( , mi their faces and in their bodies striking cvi- miemicos of Limo hardships which they en- ( lured during the great conflict. The primicipal aini of the Clikago imicot- ing of time survivors of time Military 'I'elo. B1IiI corps was to take stops to secure simitablu recogmiitiomi by Congress of timqir IMt. services. Soldiers who ivemit through time war and wore disabled received omi' siomis. Thmo military telegraphers , vlta often enlured imarilsimipa as great as the vmilistcd mmiemt have hail no rocogmiltiomi itt time hiruids of the natiomm. 'l'h > no who were disabled or woimmidetl have hind to imhmhft for thomimselvcs amid time widows flfll orpimitmis of immummiboum killed ill nctioim have received no aid. Dar'mmig thi'o first six imionthms of tIme war the mmmiii. taty tchegraimermm ) built I , 117 immiles of line iii time various deIirtmmemitM amid operated 100 olllces. No branch of the army % i'M placed in positions of greater responsibility. Thmo issue of a battle often dOpomItC(1 impimi time fidelity of a single operator. Lying at night in swamps , iistomiing to the comuniunications which passed over the enemy's wires , conveying the imiessagos at the risk of their hives through a hostile coumitry , workimig their imistrimmnonts from the scene of battle or putting iii double and trobie hours of labor when occasion do. niandcd , keeping up commimnunication at nil risks between thio War Dopnrtniemit , the and tue different divisions of tim army , miroly time imiilitary tolegraphiere , evemi at tlmis into day , have some claims which ought not to be over. looked by a nation which has dealt so gonorotmsly with its soldiers. A comutimit. toe was appoimiteil. which will present the case to the next Congress. They will ask on behalf of the oid Corps only that they be placed on time same footing in ro. ganl to poilsions and cmmmoluinonts as time veteran soldiers of Lime Into war. The request is so mmiaiiifcstly just that it ought not to be disregarded. JJL 1JLDIzVG U ! ' TIlL' Suit UIWS. The rapid growth' ' ofOmnaha , the steady yjee in thti value of rcal v8t4o iiil the extension of the city limits , especially to. wards the north and west , makes the creation of suburban villages adjacent to tue city a certainty at no distant day. There will always be a large class of citizens doing business in a metropolis hike our own , to wimomu residence along a crowded street is distastvfql , LUIl who mvlli seel amiti vrotcr ltoii1e within easy distance from the city , whore time picas. urts aitl frcodomn of country life can be secured without a total isolation from time advantages of the towim. Time tendency of nil growimig cities is to create colonies of their citizoims adjacomit. to the city litmi- its , At first , vltoz hand is plomity , lots choal ) anl taxes low , the demnamid for suburban property is slight. limit the time commies soomier or later viieii time cottage amid tIme residence , standing - ing in time vomiter of a generous plot of ground , must give way tc brick blocks amid atomic fronts ; amid time immost eligible rcsidommce portions of time city where grimes phatsammil graveiled. walks and lighmt emi four sides of Limo house are undemmiabie adrmumtnges , yield to time iii- ovititliio and chaimge into time nmonotoimy of bricks and mortar.'iUt mulvancimmg rents muid commdemmscd quarters as the mumttmral outcomime of a city's growthm , commies time immovomumit to time sulmuhJs , whmicim gradually results in time creation ofsubtmrb. aim towns. This imas boemi time case iii all large cities , amid it will assuredly be time experience of our owmm. Timero are signs wimicht are already pointing in timat tHree- tinim. Two causes lmzm'o ( iliuratoil during tIme jmamt few yuar in ciiockiimg , if not emi tireiy'prcvomitimmg , tim 00)iimmg Of that lart of time county s'lmichm iimmimmethiatoly adjoins Ommmahnm. Time lirst is the lack of mmmmiplu facilities of tramisportatmomt botweomm time city amid time coummty , and time second is time wretchmnil commditiomi of time commmmty roads , If time receimtly orgammized Bolt Railroad is to be amny. timiimg more timamt a railroad om paper , its oporatiomi ought to atimmimmlat& thu bimildimig tip of immumdsommio smmbtmrb a t thus city.1h1ie mnacadamiz'mimg of tin primmcipal roads batting frommt Omnaimi would also immtve a tendency to draw i auburami l)0PUtatioIl. Time law passe by time last Legisiattmro immkos this isossi bhe , and witimin a few years our lain within a radius of five mimiioi fromim limo Proeommt city liimiit4 , will bogim to rca ; , its bummefite. Tvitt.r. timousamid imiembers of time 0 , A. it. vilt gather in Pittsburg the wool I after next. 'i'lme object of VmumdervoorL' letter is how apjmarommt. litmm. IIAziIt' $ cold wave of Friday wit . ) smut. 50 cohtl us was irethictcd. 'l'Imu signs srvicu imm thm'ms immetanco mouse to hmavi becim a sigmmah failure , Li Oust Paetl streets imro leCOmfljImj I , mnumltiy. tmm mmpiropr'matjomm limm time cIemim imig of vmvummwlmts : will bocomno mtvailitbi cmi July let. m 'I'imu Oimiahmii J&'pUbtlcUi Is su1Iriim . frvmmm ammotimur attack _ _ of 1olitical _ _ _ cimuler infammtumn , S _ Mit. KitmKwoon et.hil refuses tOsUijOV I time ItOjlUllieafl cammdidato for Suproma Judge in lova. Samuel J. lcirkwood accordiimg to knock-kneed sbdwartismn of time Union Pacific organ , simould immune- dmaloly be read out of time Itopublican PartY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OThER LA.WI.I J'IIAN OUI.S' . Time week abroad line bccim a disquiet. lug one in loiitical circles , The mmmove- mnotmta of Russian ormiisaaries iii time Balk- aiim ; have awakommed renewed suspicious , ammil ( horumany aummi Austria have together scimt a joint umoto to Itussia rcmimonstrathmg against the comitiiict of her agoimle as tend. hug to imrovk'e Imostilily to Amigtro.Jor. ( limit interests and to create rovolutin. , Itussin's rcmly disavows the alleged acts of time so-called Itumesiami agommts , amid , going fmmrtimer , accuses the ( hirmimami liress 0 infiammmiimg iumtcmimati.imnl vassiomms by Pimbhishmhmig false accusatiomma amid ciritmlat- ing instilLing criticismmms of time actinims of foreign Govermmmentmm. Time umote of I'd. ' do Giere line lroltlcel ) a soumsntiomi iii a crumammy and is comisidered as tantamnoumit to bchdly toiiimmg liismmnrck to mumiimd isle owim tmmiiimIeSEs by ioohummg Immure aiter time nmisleeis of time ( Jermnnmi orgasm editor and hose after limo actinium of time oflicem of time ( hverimmmmemit. Flumgiaumui too , seenme to have awakeimed to time fact timat time hitmigarinum trouble do- umotes that itumesisi line serious doidgums upon 'i'mmrkey , :511(1 is mictormuimmed to atm'emmgtiiemm her fromitier in preparatiomi for any event whicis unity occOr. Time recall of Lord Duflrin frommm Cummstammtiimoilo is UfllOFStOOd to be a sigmmilicnnt imimit to Itussia that hier plans are disxmvored. Lord Dufi'erimm is time mmmost capable di1houuint , in time Eumghieim service , uimmd imaa been selected to thwart Limo Ittuasiami intrigues in Bulgaria. Time Itlditioui of Itounmammism , Sorvia and Spain to Limo Austro-Ocrman alliance ummnkes that orgimimizatiomi liracticaily time , arbiter of European destinies. limit there are straws whicis point to time for- mnatiomi of an alliance between Russia , Denmark and Swedous imm opposition to tIme Austro.Gcrmnn league. The present visit of Lime Itusaiaim Czar imimd Czarina to the court at Copemmimagen doubtless baum such an objwt in view , and Mr. Glad. stouio's prcnco amid meeting wiLls the Czar is regarded at Berlin ms indicating time luossibility of Engiislm intluemice 1mm time same quarter. Title is imttrdly robablo , as all of England's iii- tercats in the East are directly opposed to any furthsorimig of Russia's plans or of antagommisun to tue Austro-Gornman league , whmichm will hold itussismn anibitioum in time direction of time Danube in chock. On Moumduiy a lumicim was givems at Copanhia. goum by Mr. Gladstone , on board his yacht to the royal ) mmrty , at whicim time Czar toumetod time Queen and Mr. Gladstone drsmmmhc to time healths of Denmark. If ally cimzUg0 hasoccurrod dmmring time week in the Fr"UCOCJlimleSe situation , it is difilcult to disCYor it from time con- llictiimg cablegrams reach us from Londoum and Paris. Thd 3m1)rCBslOfl is growing that diplomacy will inaliy sue- coed in patcimiumg up the ditflcultyv thought diplomacy is proverbially slow. Lucre urv rumnc'u QI tlmscii.toui iii the French Cabinet wisichi , it is tiioughmL , will rciult in the retiroimmont of Cimallcmmmol.Lacover , with whom , it is tatcd , time Marquis of Tsemmg is unwilling to treat ally loumger. Accordimmgly I'd. Ferry , with \Vaddimmgtoum has takeml time negotia- Lions in hmaitd ammd several maccLings of cumiferciuco iiotweeus thom amid time Chinese Amnbtmssador hmaro 1)een held. The latest reports are to tue ctict that Cimimma hits proposed to accept a French lotocthrate of Ammmmamn on colt- ditioum the Frcumcim vacate Tommqmmimm. l'mleamt. Limo tie French people are becouniumg imu- Patiemmt witim time immibecilo amid vacillating policy of the 1limmistry amid mm few mimoro days with no results immay precipitate is cabimmet crisis. Emmgiamid too is said to be becoming iummpationtovor time deity over the micotia- , tiomis for peace between Chimma and Fraimco. Eugiaud has a mmmore immmmnediatc immtcrost at stake titan any otimer Emiro- p" ° ' mmatinim. 'l'ho bulk of Chmimmese for- cigmi trade is witim Emuglaummi , amid English trade is r.mpidly immcrenaimmg iii time Emmipiro. Emmgiaumcl cmmnmmot afford t. ' Imavo time prejmm dices and passiims of 800,000.000 of pen- jmio excited to time fightimmg loimmt against all Europoaims I consequence of thu acts of eveim a friendly umntiomi. Aiid it is itt- Logetimur probable timat huotim Frsumcc and Chum vi1l be Immure timams williimg to no- cc1mt Emighisht mmmedintioim at mmmi early ( lay. Certaimmiy beLls of timomim would lose tumi times mmmoro tititit ther coimiti by may possi. biiity gain by var. IN either of timeimm is 1mm mm condition for actual hostilities. Lu Irubmud time caumpaign work of time ioatmo lit progmossimig witim great ontlmu- masmmm. 'l'imo mmumss mmmeotimmg at Csmrriuk.omm- Slmimiilium ) , last Smimmdny , wits attemmded by over 50,000 mepho. amid Mr. ' 1' . P.O'Comm- umur mmmmlu a stirring speeds 1mm favor of hommmo nile , wimicim was followed by mesa- Imutiommum declaring t lint. ' "t'iio icagmiti vil I mmuver cease Its olturts mmntil a native Irish l'ssrliaumeimt is established. " A London . dispatch notes timmit thieve can be iso smmmrem I test of time real progress timimt is hoimm I immado in time Irish popular imioveuuummt Luau is to bo found iii the opimmiomms which Emmg. I lmsimmmion mid English lsml.urs ) are vassiu I time ofl'orts amid 1)1 miss of Limo mmatiommimi S party. Where a tcmmduiicy to condeimmi S ovorythimig lmidim ( IXIStS as stroimgly as ii I does iii Emmglisim chmaraetor it musty bosafl ) . sasorteti that commdemmmnntory expres emolle regarding time political tmctioms 01 1 proimmimmemit Irislm Natiommaliats arc usotopem S to thu suspiciomm of imtrtistlity or mmmmmmierit 1 od praise. 'Fime Mammcimestcr Exmunimmei iay a rommmarkablu tribute to Mr. l'ur mmcli's statcanmnmmsimip and ability , It ii 0110 of time iosmdimmi vrovimmcial iaiera o . Engiammd , mmml it mmmeulommtaliy tlwtls with tIme mmow Pimaso of the Irish mmmovomiicimt ant loimmts out wiieroimm its immimorent pvo ii Ii rucogimizable. Its caimdi.l . admmmissioums ar Its instructive as they arc ommcountgimmg Psiruiell's cfl'orts jim the cmmlmmpaigmm are miilmg ruluctammt even fromim timu 'l'omI S joummistle , mmd time P.tll I'iIll Gazette pro 1 mmoumices Imimim b far time imblest amid amos clear headed Irisim leather vimo lists yet ap imenmetl impomi time sceimmi. 1mm commnt'etiom 'titit ltrmmei1's dcmmmmmimds for Imomimu iimb itimil a vmitl ; pamlismmnommt , it iii iimtcm'estimmg tm imisfo tnmt ) ? mIr. Gbuitoiiu ammmmoummccs In . imtemmtmmmmm of iitmocimmcimi ; aim Irisim muons U of mm swuopiImg mmsttmmme smt tim mmozt scum eloim of l'smrhimmmmioiit 1mm Euigimttnl time bocicly season is at it hmoigimt. mmmiii 151)hjtiCli ) l(1C55 ) little imitomest St 'l'imu Fromucim troubles itmo diacusej a somme Icuiglim in time jourimais immimi full de tsnlumof thu 'I'nmumative imicident Imavo beci - 1immbiieiid 1mm time mapor vImicim bcsmr on t nil time origmmial stntemmmuimts of Frommeim out U m.ige8 agaimist time IImmgliaim residoumte , Timi , arrival of O'Doumnuli , time slayer of Carey time infornmor , created a rippio of imitorest iii Londoum ( Ml Tuesday on account of time great l.rocmltioums taken to imraveumt his rcscmmo by time Feumlaums , wimo , It was io- lieved , had formned a plot for that vmmr 1)050 , O'Donnell lrotcsses to believe that lie will be acqmmittcd but time Crowmm line tumkomm smkps to prcvcmmt timme emid by time imnportntioum of i'olanti , wimt coumdtmcted time Dublin trials ammil svimo viii act as Crown Prosecutor in time case of O'lommohl. I'mIcIermmuutt ' , time Liverpool arrest , win ) Was oxammnmmcl timrce timilcs Wi a chistigo of conspiracy to inurticr puhimc ofhtcmals , line beets released , thu evidence imgammist lminm beimug ( ieommleI ( iwuflickumt. 'I'iio report timat'I'tumkuy also prouueum to joims Lime Austro-Germmmnum and Italian ailiaumco , if trmme , is imulicativu a madical cimammgo iii time imlic of time govcnmuuieutt of that , cotmmitry. Simico time hhritisim mmmi- liroglmo with tue Porte respecting Lgyt ) , there Imas been nimmiost extreune coidmfe8s iiet.wcen time .Smiitamm and Limo liritisim Amn bamsumadoranut ( Ymmbinct , mind a strommg bait- imug toward Itmumsia , If time mmltan lists of. feted to miiake a tliversiomm mmpomm time Frenchi in 'I'tmumis amid Algeria , it cams oimiy io , timroughm tite aid of time still powcrfmml Tmmrldsim fleet. At time saab timmie , such mm liversiomm Womihi ho a mimost dauigerous uiiti'cmncmit to Fxmumcc : , as it wotmid threat- cmi hmcr African imorte , partially umetmtraiize imer Mcditorrammcaim fleet , aimmi ho a tuermous ummwmaca to Limo seiiding of reiiiforcciimemmtum to imer armies in castermi Asia. It looks a little as if time United States of Coiunmbia amity ho 111)015 ) the eve of a revolution - lution growing ( lilt of time success of time presi.iential . canvass ofNummoz. Time Iighmt at ; Zicintiuirmi , near Bogota , wins not a serious timing in itself , and yet. npiarcuttly time revolutiommiste were defeated mimore by mniaminderatnamding their own pimmns tunis 1)3 ? time etremugtim of time goverimmnont. Outs- oral Martinez , wimo was sent to take cimargu of time garrison sit iquqtmira , timougim time Senate hiatt vetoed time imp- pmntmimemtt , seems to have thought that lie mvmts serviimg Isle friend Otalora by for- tifyiuig time place until lie couid gather a simmall army by time defection of the Bo- gotim garrison. But Otalora was afraid to take time responsibility of provoking opcmm war , and Martinez and a fe v of Imia men Were captured after nit all.nighmt figimt. it is timoughit doubtful ii' Martimsex is ever tried , timomigh lie was t sketi to Bogota for timat ostensible object ; seeimmiiugly too miany of tIme mnilitary and of time politi- ciani ; are anxious to pronioto strife to inmiko it ndvisitmble to vunisim Martimmoz's fault. Tim govcrnmmmcnt iii fact sceumis very slinky , timoughi it is comicontratimig vessels aim I troops Ofl time Magdnlena river , amid. is spreading its emissaries through time states wimorover outbreaks are feared. Sotmth America is going to work in ear- nest. to increase time production of qui. nine. President Bmmrrios has brought over agrent planter , Forsytim , from Coy- l'iii , to manage time emmterprise , who has already ridden over 1,000 miles to sehoct FOOd sites , and arranged for tlmo plant- immg of 5,000,000 clmiiicimona trccs It is immteumded to try Limo experiment both in South Amnerica and Mexico. An Englisim atititority states that tue culttmre of time cinehona line been so profitable to the British government in lmmdia that in time three years umimmco the trees wore first set out time original investmnent of $750,000 line beems repaid , but time trees have reached tIme value of $5,000,000. Hds Limo oxperimnomtt ovcrbcentried in Florida ? \Vo see no reason why it simould not sue- coed in thu daumip glades of time interior of th.V Rtqtc , as they possess the tWQ reqtmlsith of iui niinct tropical climate ammo a Imeavy rainfall , Time iron and coal production in France is on tlmo inereaso aimd is sliucim more ox- temmumive tlmau is comumoimly supposoti. The total yield of iron ore for 1881. was 3,08tJ.9 ton mmd of coal 10,766,000 thus. Trots ore Is worked in timirty-thircu departamomits , one-imalf of time wimoie ammiommnt beimmg furnished by the depart. memmt of Mcmmrtime.ot-Mosehle. Time pro. duction of iron amid coal fails , imowover , far short of time dommmnd , amid over 10- 200,000 tons of coal and 1,287,000 toims of iron were imported. Time coal mines in time soutimorn part of Frmumce are steadily - ily dccrcasimmg. in timoir output ammd so are time peat bogs , time hatter producimmg in 1872 about 325,000 , nsmd 1mm 1881 only 2:18,000 : toums. The peat is , however , still largely used , there being 1,073 re- cogmiizcd peat-beds in France , onmphoyimmg abomit 2,000 immmmidit. Siavory , or something as bad , exists iii British Bmirmimmmim. Coolics are imimported by a ' 'cooiio-uummiistrie. " From India time imumnamm raw material is furmmishmed to him. 4t. ltnumgoomi tlmoy are imired out , but , be- hug immmabie to PY the cost of their 1a5- sage iimto the immterior , they are hired out by thu day. As labor is dear in time Ira- mvaddy , timey can always cans a rupee a day , imenco time slavo-tlrivorum mimako mm tel. erably good lirotit out of Limeisvemitmmre , after pa3'immg for timeir amid kce1u. ' [ 'Ime fisto of time womimeum is imiumtcd at in tuinis lucre or less vague by time Raum. goomi imess. Time Prince 1immiorial's tommib in time mmltm coumitmy is , it appears , kc1ut iii good order , 'limero is abommt a ( jtmartur of aim micro of groummd immelosed by a vali , numtl witimimi mimmit ammotimer iumciostmro where Qucomm VicLomimm'um cross stammds. Time omig. jimiti wreaths placed aroumul tIme cross is still 'muttact thotmgim saudi faded. Time mmion tmnmcnt was placed by a Britisim otilcer lit charge of a jmiof imaummed Sabuz ? , timid Imis claim. who proimmisod to tnk care of it. Timoy imavo kept their promise veli. Time Coreami embassy to tIde coummtmy , whicim arrived iii San Framicisco on Sop- temmmbor 1 , commsiats of cloven vorsomms. . 'rho Minister Plemilpotomitiary numd time r Vice Mimmister are persoims of distimmction 1 imm Corea , ommo being time umephew of time - Quocum , nimil the other a 80mm of time I'rjmmmo r Minister. Time two secretaries of those . distimiguisimed perisoums actoime as a Chmimmese S tutU time otimor as a Japtumoso iimterpretcr. f This is time first timmme time Corcamis have I sommt cmi emmmbassy to aumy foroigmm cotmntry I Timey vill rommiumimi \Vasimimmgtoim three S or four uontiis , and tmm emmmpowcrcd t I commelmido mm treaty with timis country. Time . . msiummmd of Corea commtaiims a popimiatioum of 15,000,000 lbCOliO , irimo lmmtvo imerotofore , ' refusm'tl 1(5 hold immtorcotmrso witim time civ . ilized mmatiomms. 'l'iw dispatch of OmmilXts L sadors to time LJmmted States is it defimmit . jmrof of a cimangeti 1.0110) ' . wimicim usa pr I Izibly booms ttutormmiimed , tmpomm with r Li kmniwlodgu of time tmommufmcial results itt I tamned in .Jimpamm by the opummimm of tilt S i"iits of tinmt eommimtm' to foreign commi . . mmmorco. 1 t is jmbmbIa timmtt a large ti-ittit mimay be built tmp butwuemi time Pmtcitie stsmtcs anti Corea , which will insure to limo best m.'lmt of butim coummtmles. S . Devotmt I'dosluumms eomifidentiy pretlici t time cud of time world nit Noveimihmor 8 , time . chose of limo 1.toimmmummumiedaim . thirtecmmthi m century , 'I'raditiomt declares timr.t imi time t IreSent ) mmmoimthi , duriimg time Rammmadami - last , tIme suim shah rise iii time mvcst , time .1 day of immercy anti forgiweumeu elmall cease , , amid timat of judgmiment amid rotributicim bo- Cures Scrofula , EzyJpo1tZS , Pimples and Face Grubs , Blotches , Boils , Tumors , tot. ior , .Flumom , Salt Rhounm , Scald Head , Sores , Mercurial Diseases , Female Wouiness and Irregularities , Dirinoss , Loss of Appetite , Juzandico , Affections of Ow Liver. Inch- gostion. Biliousness , Dyspep. sits and General Debility. A coune of flurlocic nk.d flhtterq wIti iMIy the mo.t tk.kal , that It Ii the ( , eatet iIIo.1 tutier on earth Soil by tneIItne , Ieicy eoery..her. izteuIon In clove , , mancuages rsici , ion. FOSTER , MIIOURN&C0. , Prc's , Buff'o ' , N.Y. gill. l'hmims , a lirchmmuumatinmi huts beets is- stied from Mecca warning mmli true lue- licm'ors to imrcpare for time comniimg ( lay , wimicim hits heemm widely circulatcl , amid imas created a great immmprcssion. Thmere is iso mumistake , St. .Jacub Oil mmover fails as a paimm-baimislmer. Time Presldeumt's Stiti at Ncwpoit , "My rmamne Is Arthur , " said time lad , \ \ ( tim immodest but itimporiotmum zest- ' ' mistime I ArLisur , amiti amy dad Is back frommm iigimtimmg tim th'j west. " ' 0i , toil mu , yomuth , " the mnidcss cried , " \Viiat foonien i > crislmed iii tue fray , Aiiil in tim iiattlos seething title , 11tw Itmany Jimijuns .hid iso alnyl" "Ohm , hot us clasp year honored hand , " Exciailne(1 the mneisfolics , bowing low- "Aial mtss your sire with Custers , baud , Or following Crook in iloxtco" Anti tiseut tue young man tossed his imeid , Aitti mtmmswerett titemit insattent growls ; ' 5My datmmmtless father fougimt , " im saul , "Mosquito , on the Yeilowstomme. ' EIUCATIONAL NOTES. Vassar college is lucky. Mr. Joists ( Jay tmassar 15555 given the institution 23,000. Mr. Charles Dudley \Varner is busily pro- Sarimug a series of lectures oh iiteratnre , to be deilvored before tim sommior class of Priimceton college. Ami advertisement in a West Virginian pa. per call for "a No. I mule teaimer , strictbtcrn , severe , amid of god1 uusorals , to toads the St. Joorge school this winter. l'rofessor Z. 1. Taylor until recentiy time princiPal of the Central high School of ( Jieve. land , Ohio , line been eiccted priticipal of time Free Acadoimmy of Rochester , N. V. There were fifty candidates for time medical degrees of tiuo Coiiego of Physicians , of Dub. liii , recently , of wisomn two mmere girls. One of timeso a daughter of time late Dr. Kenealy , sur- jatsed all comnpetitorm. . Time site for the location of time new Methodist dist University in Chattanooga was purcba.scd for $300,000. Time main building , wimich will be erected first , vill cost no less timan $ tO 000 , amid will be ready for reception of students September , 1884. Coeducation of the races is stirring up Lxiwrenceburg lad. Some coiored 1)upils having been amnittcd to the public schjois , a imuniber of whites have tiureatemmed to witimdraw their children , and Mr. Terriil of Kentucky , whose tlaugimter is a teacher lit one of the scimonis , says that unless the colored children are excluded site will tender her resignation. A respectable cohered mann in Wiener , Ontario - tario has raised a' commotion anmouig time equally respectable white people of that servative town by insisting upon scathing his cimild to the white school instead of tue colored school. Time ( li81)Ute has bcemm referred to the Canadian Ministry of Education , aumi time father meanwhile tisrettons iogal action against Limo School Trmmstees to coampel theta to adnilt time cimlid , Time school estabhislmetl for time education of time tipper ciasses 1mm tIm South are umeitlier so numerosms nor of so high a character as ommo aught believe. 'I'iioy would be called very inferior - ferior in tile North , for all time unquostiommablo iady.llko character of time wives auiti daughters of Confederate generals amid colonels trim Leach thorn. Time South is getting to lie fear. fully mmiaterimIisttc : aud wealth.worshsl IPmImF , mmd has not been so iimdosoribabiy generous mis iti care of school ; even for time whites.-N.Y. Independent. It Is saiti that time results of time recent ex. amniumatiomi of woiiiezm students at Cambridge , Enghsinti , are satisfactory , five isaviimg ob- taitmed honors amid two tlcgrcss. Iii thmo math. omumaticni tripes , Miss l'orriuu , of Girton Col. hege , occuplei Limo 1)OsiLiOIsOf wrangler. Iii tlio imattiral acienco trilma , fsvo wotitomu students ob. taimmed degrees ; itt Limo immoral science tripos , three ; in Limo historical science tripe , four , amid in tile classical tripos , twelve mmomon sLum- dent obtnimmotl either degrees or honors. All thio TOIllt tVOflmCii had been promarcd at Girtoms or i'uewrmhiammi Ctiiieges. A SitU Song. Love once kissed time , Ummfoldeti his wiuigs anti lioul. hlatlm friezidehsht , missed lite ? Is ( stiLls in nil frientiship dead ? I f a spell cttmltl usuuinmoim 'Fiseso lilsaimtoitus timat conmo tmnsl go , Of umioms nud tvolmmen , Their tery eIvos to show , 1 mnigimt find ( alas , usmol ) By umcekiitg botim imighst amid tiny , lint I juass iieiii , they JItS mime , Amid each on it lonely svay. Soul art thou friendless , A hI)5Cl , sorrowful , weak ? J.ifo is hot endless , 1)eatlu is lint far to seek. 'nuns sailesteter , ittcim : mioimiont , if sail or kind , iown tis great river , It eteims , it closes beimiimd ; Far back thou scott 'rue mnommimtalum to1s faint azure ; Below , as thou ticost , 'rho ripple , time sisatlotv's erasure. "tVimv tl mt thou , weetiimg. Stretcim forUm timiimt urine its m'almm ? It breaks thy sloeplng ; Oh , tluoi , Into trance again. Jim droamui thou mnsyst go where ChsihI'am isinuttl is flowery griiSitel , leep skied-It is mmowimero Save imm time launt of time Past , Tjuime is tiyiiug , 'l'imeVurii too : forgot tisek moan , 'Vhs sad mmitmti sighing Iet mlmurumur , tImid alomme. -Froimi Fraser's Maglaine. : -r . . . . . . . , . , , .m TIlE OOEATGERMA I 111f1 mmmnn R E M E DY : itiflhI1llflulilluillhhi' - , C illinhli ' 1iiiitiirmj1 ! ii' ' ' ' , , t , , % , ' 'rs ' 1 iiirP it ii 1 a'LlLt'I'lsill. ! ; 1ti..ihuieut,1ilt N on ralgin , S . t. i k1iL4Ot4 . , . . . 'It ' ; Sciatica , Lunmbago , f m tcme.tcii 5 : , . . - . - pa.--sumr4 IIFADACILE , TCOTIIAC1Ill ; 4sUmid'4tnls1t ; 0R . m t9l , _ : Qmlicsvsm\ . . . . . . . ( 1LlUuULL ! ! I ) ' . ijtj ; 'uit S iS. Soleness , cm.ts. sruises. ii4t ! # 11111t lii ) it i-.m smti' ttliJhu.Jithas.erthi1I ! ! iiL'lI ? ) . , S4' % I.IS1 cjii liii ci l ci li.'r IsstIm aches f IuIU I ; itt % i8tlIt ' ( FIFTY CENTS It irniTi.i : . ! . ' 1mm 'I I , ) , $ 'titlIymimm truuegmmstiu1 L m.It'dfluiItJhhuImiflI ? ltiius. I liii ( halts ha 11 I i , . . .0 . IlL. ( .0. 1 _ vcr-JEI01 _ , j1j STE Dry Godds ! ; A1t'L C. DAVIS & CO. , Washington Avenue and Eifth Sti'eef , - - 81hlSM0' ' STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , Who1oaIe Groce I AND JOBUIULS I FLOUR , SALT , SIIU.RS1 OAIIRED fOOl D ALL QROOBRS' ' SPLI A FULL LIIE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigarz and Manufactured Tobacco. \ AGENTS FOR RENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO c , . F. GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist I AND DEALER IN Puts , Oils , Yarilisiles aild ¶ do ifiass OMAHA. NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. sv1 CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground ON CakeD , it I , the best a1id cheapest food for atock of any Und. Ono pound Is equal to three pounds of core Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake mn time rami and Winter , instead of running down , witi Incresso in weigh and . be In good marketable condition In tue .pring. Dairymen , a. well at others , who use It can tettif mt. . merits. , . Try It and judge for yourselves. . : irlcc $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sack , . Address . n4.onI.tne WOOflh1ANtT1NSEiD emi COMI'ANY. ( imahu . TIlE EAdrniratio n op TUE WORLD. Mrs. As : A.Allen's a WORLD'S [ Ia irRestorer Is PER FECTIONI Pubilo Donofactross. Mrs. S. A. AU.E' title , nd thousands arc this day rejoicing cycra floe head of hair produced by her unequaled preparatloim for rector- inc. bwigorating , end beautifying time hair. tier \Vorids l1lr Restorer quickly clcanscs time caip , removing Dandruff , and On-cots thc ( , cil ; time hair , i I gray , is changed to its natural color , gaing it the sae : its1ity and huz'4rio qtntty as in youth. ' -i COMPLIHEITARY. "My hair is now restored to its youthful color ; I have not a gray haim left. I am sat.- isficcl that the picparation is not a dye , but acts on the scrctions. My hair ccascs to fall , m'hicli is cci-- taiuly ; iu alvantagc to mc , ' . 'lio va in danger of becoming - coming bald. " This is the tcstiullony of all who ' ; sc Mis. S. A. ALLEN'S W7ORLD'S H1iit RESTORER. 'Orta Botf2o dtl it , " Thtictie cxrtmen ; if IIaUy ! who have had tIir gray hair rcstorcd to itt naturni cir , mud their bald mpot covered whii hcr , after uting one bottle of Mes. S. / . . jtLLutfs tVORt.0S hAIR Rlcmclca. It Is not a dye. . ' F _ _ ST. LOUIS PAPER \\'AREIIOUSB. \ \ ' Graham Paper Co. , 257 and 255 North Malt , St. , St. Louis. WIIOLEdALn DILEIS iN uinoic , 1 ( WILITINING , NEVsl , I , wimAmvisu ENVLLOi'S , CARD I3OAILI ) AND PRINTERS' STOCK , LirCash imad for hlags arid I'apu StockScxap Iroc aimmi % ietals. l'aper 8t0Ck Varehseusem , 122 to 1227 North Sixth titet. bismd3IIt. , . . : : : I Health is Wealth rav Dr. E. C. Vcst'e Nerve and Brain Treatment , guaranteed SImOCISO for hysteria , DizzinesiQonynj sloui , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Itcadacho , Nervout Prostration eausc,1 hr the UIO of alcohol or tobacco. SVakefulness , Mental Depression , Softening of the Brain , resulting in IaOillSty autti leading to misery. decay and death , Premature 01mm Age , Harroinmems Lost of moer in either sex , Irmvoiuntary Loose Spertnatorrhcsa caused by over exortlon . ! brain , .cl-abuo or over-Indulgence. Emselt taint otto month's treatment. $ LOO a hoc , i , price boxes tar t5.OO. Sent by mail projiald on rtsxip $ WE GUAmtANT1E SIX noxns To emma , any ceao. With each order received by us for six boxes accompanied with &oo , wowilisend the purchaser our written guarantee torefund the money if time treatment does not affect a cure. Guarantce uedoniyby 0. F. 0O0DMm tlm&.o Wi Tnmm' let Omaha Ncb. DR , FELIX LE BRUIt'S in 11 J 1'fliWETIVE AND CURE. 1 FOR 1iiTH SEX. 'Flu , remedy being injectei iItrccti to the scat , time dlease , requires no change of itiet or nauavu , mercurial or Poisonous itiomiiiiio to bu ta'eii litton , . ally , tvmmemi 150(1 55 5 PreventIve by either sex , it is iinitOsiiblo . to cntract any Private disease ; htmL In the case .4 timoio already unfortutmatciynmilletoil . Rittea three boxe , we goaT. to cure , or we trill rcfimuii tito thrcu money. boxet t'rlco for by 5. mali , restage paid , per box , or witirrEy GUAttJNTEm Isuod by all authorirod agent. . Dr.Feljx LeBrun &Co SOLE l'ltOpltinroI Net , Sole Agent , for Otnah Utu wiy $ i : Have Found It I W , . . the exclamation of a man when ho got a box of Eureka i'ilo Ointment , which Iii a lmimio anti sue. euro for Plies and all Skin Diseases. itt ' cent. > by cmii , postpaid. The American Diaprhwa Cure i ILas stood the test for twenty year. . Buro core lo. fu Never Fall , . Liarrhaoa , Dyseutary , aumd ( 'Solo.- Morbus. O3ll's ' Fcc all Aue Tolli & Coria1. . It I. Impossible to supply the rapid axle of the same. suits cuit % % 'AIIILANTED For Fever and Ague , and all Malarial S roubiet. rmner ; , gt.oo. w.J. WHITEHOUSF1 LABORATORY , 15111 ST. , OMAhA , NELl. For Sale by all Druggists V sent liv Esorcis on receipt of price. niteG ) n . h1P11flPD0fl A regular gnstluato in iJI.uI Utill JJLiilOuli1 tuedlelime. 0er aicteen eusaumietu mV antutie . ' St. oars' mrieticotwoim e Lou tANSA8 CITY , MO. Chicago. 4Ii : : Authiorlecil by the eLate to trim , _ I'I , ' Chronic , ? 'errous and in , ate discasee , ! cR Aethsima , Eiliep.y , hilteuutatbuit , l'ilee , t j ( 'lxiii Worlim , Unitary and Semin jfla. . - I , ' races , Seiiminai Vcai.zmaarmigit losses ) , : 'j Sexual flebllItyioss ( nItcuai .owerl , sic. Aires gusexotcati or booty rctutitltd. ( barge. law. Tltoueamils of eases cured. No injurious mcdl. , cinet furnished even to itieite at a distance. ( hen- .uitation tree and oumitld oUal-caii or scrito ago amid exrrteimc arc lmiirtaiiI. A 1300K for beta sexes- mmin4cated-and circular. of other things scat sealed icr we 3 cent status. k'1tSE MUSEuI SI UI ed cod.w .